Questionnaires on ecology for students. Sociological survey on ecology

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FROMsociological study of the ecological state of the environment


Work plan:

1. Rationale for relevance

2. Problem situation

3. The state of scientific development

4. Research objectives

5. Research objectives

6. Subject of study

7. Object of study

8. Key concepts

9. Interpretation of the concept

10. Operationalization by concepts

10.1 Documentary analysis

10.2 Surveillance

10.4 Experiment

11. Structural and factor operationalization by concepts

12. Hypothesis

13. Questionnaire


1. Justification up to dateness

The environmental situation is one of the most exciting issues. It is also acute in our country, especially in industrially developed centers, although it concerns all regions without exception, including purely agricultural ones. At the heart of the imbalance in the relationship between man and nature, man and environment there are serious miscalculations of both scientific and political, but practical nature. And although much has been done for rational use natural resources, for planting greenery in cities and workers' settlements, creating nature reserves and national parks, in general, attention to environmental protection was short-sighted, and often irresponsible (ID Laptev).

Air, water, soil turned out to be so polluted that some scientists and politicians began to argue that the damage to human health and habitat is already irreparable. Thus, over 100 cities in the territory former USSR declared environmentally unfriendly. Many industrial areas also exceeded all permissible environmental pollution standards.

As for the air, on the one hand, a significant number of enterprises are still not provided with the necessary means of controlling its purity. For example, in 1987, only stationary sources of pollution emitted 64.5 million tons of substances harmful to public health and the environment into the country's atmospheric air, including thermal power plants - 16.5 million tons, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy plants - - 17.1 million tons. A serious source of air pollution continues to be vehicles, which account for up to 60--70% of all toxic substances.

On the other hand, at the gas treatment facilities of enterprises, so far, mainly solids. Gaseous and liquid harmful substances are not completely neutralized. Some enterprises allow emergency salvo emissions of harmful substances. Due to the imperfection of industrial ventilation, more than 5 million people at work do not always breathe clean air. Almost half of all occupational diseases are associated with this factor.

2. Problem situation

As a result, sociological surveys began to record people's concern that it is difficult to maintain the biological existence of a person, since, as many believe, he already "has nothing to breathe": 56% consider ecological improvement an urgent task (1990).

An environmental problem of a large scale is the protection of the water basin. Frequent complications are explained, first of all, by its predatory and unreasonable use, which was especially evident in the case of by the Aral Sea, as well as in the construction of hydroelectric power plants. Poisoning of reservoirs with pesticides is noted during the processing of agricultural areas and forests, etc.

To increase productivity, according to scientists, and the 70s. 300 million tons of mineral fertilizers and 4 million tons of pesticides were dispersed annually in the world. Already visible Negative consequences their use: the quality of food has deteriorated; the productivity of plankton, on which all forms of life in the World Ocean depend, is reduced by 50–90% even at low concentrations of DDT, which enters rivers, lakes and seas through water flows and air flows.

And when this led to the fact that the situation with fresh water(moreover, in previously prosperous regions in this regard, such as, for example, the Donbass), public consciousness began to wake up, raising the public to fight for the protection of first the tributaries of the Dnieper (the Desna program), then the Volga, the Caspian Sea, and the Aral Sea.

As for the soil, it has lost in many regions of the country a large number of humus, resulting in its depletion. In cities and near them, the soil is affected to a considerable depth by waste. In recreation areas, it often does not withstand stress.

In public opinion, the assessment of the role and importance of the soil, perhaps for the first time, occurred when discussing the problems of the North, the tundra and forest tundra, where economic activity inflicted such wounds on nature that under these conditions they can be healed only after decades. The position regarding waste heaps, dumps from mines, industrial and industrial waste has changed dramatically. household life person.

Special attention should be paid to the problems of animal conservation and flora. According to the latest data, every day one species of living organisms dies out in our country. According to the World Wild Animals Fund, by the year 2000 gorillas, rhinos, Bengal tigers, orangutans may disappear from the world. The rate of extinction of living organisms is steadily increasing. The total number of species that may become extinct by the 21st century. estimated at 1 million (out of today's 10 million).

If we talk about the flora), then, according to the magazine "South", every year 11.5 million hectares of forest disappear from the face of the Earth, for every 10 trees cut down, there is only one planted. At the current level of deforestation, between 10 and 20% of animals and birds will disappear by the end of the century.

All these negative processes are exacerbated by the consumer attitude to nature, its gifts, its beauty. Unfortunately, in most cases, conflicts with nature are not to blame for technology, not for production itself, but for the inability, inability and often unwillingness (and the force of various reasons) to organize human activity in the best possible way.

For sociology, K. Marx's idea that nature is the human body is of fundamental importance. A person should use his body wisely. “... At every step, facts remind us that we by no means rule over nature, as a conqueror rules over a foreign people, we do not rule over it like someone who is outside nature - that we, on the contrary, our we belong to it with flesh, blood and brain and are inside it, that all our dominion over it consists in the fact that we, unlike all other beings, are able to cognize its laws and apply them correctly.

It is man who ultimately is the determining factor in establishing a rational relationship with nature. Therefore, along with technological, organizational, economic problems Much depends on ecological consciousness, people's behavior. It is difficult to imagine their functioning without such a necessary and very important quality as a heightened sense of citizenship in relations with nature (E. V. Girusov).

In the era of scientific and technological revolution, the role of ecological consciousness and human behavior becomes so significant that they acquire planetary features. Environmental problems are no longer limited to state-territorial boundaries. The lesson of Chernobyl has a distinct civic connotation, since we are talking about people not only of one society and one generation. Therefore, the formation of ecological thinking, the arming of a person with appropriate knowledge is the business of a wide range of public and government organizations, the matter of all sciences about nature and society, including sociology.

It is also very important to change the existing contradiction between the use of the surrounding, mainly natural, environment and the attitude of people to the nature of its use.

First, it is obvious and indisputable that the neighborhood with wildlife, with representatives of the animal world makes a person's life richer, richer. And so urban planners should adopt one of the principles of modern ecology, according to which the mosaic landscape is the most stable and productive, that is, the alternation of transformed and natural areas.

Secondly, the creation of nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries keeps the vegetation and animal world, protects the life of rare or endangered representatives of fauna and flora.

Thirdly, a huge and ever-increasing role is played by nature restoration and nature-enrichment work: landscaping, horticulture, and the creation of reservoirs. But planting a tree is, as you know, half the battle. The main thing is to grow it. Unfortunately, it is not necessary to put an equal sign between the number of planted and "adult" plants. A significant part of the trees and shrubs die in their "infancy", and grass-sown areas do not always turn into fluffy lawns. And this situation is often explained not only by the shortcomings of agricultural technology, care, but also by the careless and sometimes callous attitude of the inhabitants.

Finally, a number of problems are associated with the development of environmental control. Much has already been done in this direction. In a number of cities, systems have been created to control the state of the water and air basins, the proper use of the human environment (green spaces, etc.), waste disposal, etc. To a certain extent, the established norms for the concentration of harmful substances and gases are a measure of control in water and air.

Taking care of the environment is expensive and does not give an immediate effect. From a utilitarian point of view, the costs of nature protection and its reclamation may turn out to be unprofitable. But society must go for them, since the life, health, and working capacity of people are the greatest value of a society that is guided by broader social criteria, concern for creating a healthy living environment not only for modern, but also future generations.

Thus, the contradiction between ecological consciousness and behavior and the real state of the environment is quite resolvable, because modern environmental policy is based on the ideas of citizenship in the interaction of man, society and nature. This is manifested both in solving major national problems and in the implementation of local measures to protect the environment (O.N. Yanitsky).

3. The state of scientific development

Until recently, ecological consciousness was characterized by the following features. Firstly, it was consumer, based on a deep conviction about the inexhaustibility of the gifts of the Earth. Only in the 80s. the majority of the population began to realize the irreplaceability of natural wealth or the limited nature of their resources. The public was convinced of the depletion of oil reserves. For all the enormous size of our lands, especially arable lands, they also turned out to be not limitless. Thus, as a result of intensive industrial construction, urban growth and other reasons, the amount of land per 1 inhabitant has seriously decreased and currently stands at 0.8 hectares. Secondly, for a long time people have unjustifiably placed hopes that nature itself will cope with negative impacts. For many hundreds of years, human consciousness only recorded the spontaneously emerging processes of interaction between society and nature, because its negative aspects were insignificant and many of them manifested themselves after a long period. For example, predatory land use in Central Asia led to the spread of deserts, to the disappearance of oases, to the shallowing of rivers and other water sources.

Even in the recent past, we were proud of the smoke of factory chimneys rising over the steppe or the city outskirts. These pipes were a symbol of success, power in the development of industry, everything National economy. However, in modern conditions human impact on the environment has exceeded the possibilities that nature has for the natural protection of the water and air basins, land, forests, steppes, etc.

Thirdly, the public consciousness was struck by complacency. And it may not seem strange, but in the conditions of our country, where a person seems to have been granted the right to use in full what the state is rich in, he does not have a limiter in the form of large sanctions for violations of private property rights. That is why the conscious beginning, the constant appeal to the mind and feelings of a person will have to be supplemented with a mechanism of coercive influence on anti-environmental behavior.

At the same time, in the struggle for the preservation of the environment, ecological consciousness has matured, become more united, learned to defend its positions and mobilize public opinion. In particular, the experience of advocating for Baikal helped to a large extent in the fight against the project of diverting the northern rivers, against diverting the waters of the Pechora to the Volga, and against the thoughtless spending of billions of dollars by the former Ministry of Water Resources. All this had a serious impact on the formation of ecological culture (V. A. Kobylyansky).

New shifts in public consciousness were manifested in the rapid development of dacha and horticultural cooperatives. The revived thirst for communion with primordial nature, with clean air and water, the opportunity to apply efforts to preserve and increase the wealth of the earth are increasingly determining the behavior of people. Currently, many people talk about the call of nature, which is felt and experienced by almost every person. This is quite natural. IN modern world the need to communicate with nature finds its expression in various forms, for example, in the mass development of tourism. However, being an objective requirement of the time, it should not upset the balance between the desires of people and the possibilities of nature.

In other words, ecological consciousness is a contradictory phenomenon in which both positive and negative processes are closely intertwined. There is still much indifference, complacency, misunderstanding of the real danger of a possible ecological disaster. That is why it is so important to use vital energy people for the future environmental well-being of current and future generations.

4. Research objectives

In the second half of the XX century. the whole world began to gradually realize the perniciousness of ecological ignorance, created by man in the name of the pursuit of ever-expanding consumption, the development of industrial and agricultural production. The low level of ecological culture manifested itself in almost all aspects: in ecological education (in fragmentary knowledge about nature, about its relationship with society, about changing the environment in the process of production activities, about the interaction of the system "society - nature - man"), in environmental education (disrespect for nature, lack of personal responsibility for its fate, poor understanding of its beauty and humanistic essence) and environmental behavior (orientation not to harmonize human relations with nature, not to actively promote the conservation and increase of its wealth, but to to take more from her, regardless of her resources and capabilities). The tragedy of many environmental issues highlighted one strategic idea: ecological culture human cannot be formed randomly, it needs purposeful development that encourages people to take active steps to protect the environment.

Therefore, the purpose of this study is the need to study the existing attitude of people, in particular, residents of the Moscow region, to the ecological environment that directly surrounds them, around their own house, copse, on the street, in the park, in the yard, etc.

In modern conditions, the state of the natural environment is a criterion of the cultural level not only of the state as a whole, but of each citizen in particular. The history of mankind knows many examples when, using nature, they created barren spaces hostile to people. But it is also possible to help nature to reveal its vital forces more fully, to protect it, to increase its wealth. And at the center of these tasks lies the knowledge, experience of people, their affection, love for nature.

The main difficulties are related to the contradictions that arise between the ongoing economic policy and the conditions necessary for the formation of an ecological culture. But they can be overcome. Activities to eliminate possible negative environmental consequences in production are manifested in different ways: in the creation of waste-free technology, in the construction of treatment facilities, and in the constant search for means of protection from the harmful side effects of industrial and agricultural production, in the mobilization of public opinion against ill-conceived environmental decisions. But in general, the environmental responsibility of specialists and managers is extremely poorly developed. Academician I.V. Petryasov-Sokolov back in 1968, analyzing the increasing volume of smoke and gas emissions, suggested that water and air pollution is the result of actions associated either with technical flaws, or with ignorance and irresponsible design, or with technological licentiousness.

At present, at a turning point in the history of the Earth, when the spontaneous evolution of nature gives way to its conscious, purposeful regulation, real opportunities are opening up for managing the biosphere in the interests of man. But the prerequisite for this is scientific approach to productive activity and social relations. Mankind can get rid of environmental pollution", only getting rid of, so to speak, "social pollution".

5. Tasksresearch

Unfortunately, as the data of sociological studies show, many people lack knowledge of ecology. To this day, the attitude towards nature is preserved as something eternal, imperishable and free. This is especially evident in the contradiction between the need for respect for nature and the real, practical behavior of people. They still view their relationship with the outside world only as a "taker" and "giver" relationship. Such inertia of ideas and beliefs goes back centuries.

At present, there is an objective need to deepen knowledge environmental problems, to achieve an understanding of the essence of ongoing in the nature of change. This is the main task of this ecological research.

So, already in the 70s. the depletion of the ozone layer, the increase in the amount of particulate matter in the air, the continued concentration of carbon dioxide etc. All this, taken together, entails unfavorable climate change, has serious implications for agricultural production. Increasingly, we are learning about "acid rain", resulting from the movement of sulfates and nitrates, formed after the combustion of the fuel used.

Pollution of the seas and oceans leads to the death of seabirds and animals, to the disruption of ecological ties in many areas of the World Ocean, especially in inland seas.

Drainage of swamps and irrigation of new lands also does not pass without a trace: the involvement of new lands in circulation, on the one hand, leads to a violation of the ecological balance that has developed for centuries, on the other hand, these areas are often excluded from total number fertile lands. The human habitat is under threat.

This knowledge, this information needs to be brought to the consciousness of every person so that, illuminated by social experience, they help him get rid of negative stereotypes and stereotypes of behavior.

Respect for nature is made up of little things, of everyday communication with it. It is necessary that a person remembers from childhood that one cannot uproot a lily of the valley, tear all the flowers in a row, exposing the meadows and surroundings. It is necessary to teach him to see in nature not only the habitat, but also its beauty, fragility and often irreparability.

6. Subject of study

The subject of the study is the attitude of people to the ecological situation of their environment. First of all, the subject of the study was reflected in the high interest of people in solving environmental problems. It is possible to name various forms of the "green movement", amateur organizations advocating the observance of ecological culture, against the violation of sanitary rules by enterprises, against the inactivity of local authorities and the disregard for the natural environment and the human habitat on the part of various ministries and departments. It was in this situation that the inconsistency, weakness and inefficiency of the previously created public organizations(for example, the Society for the Conservation of Nature).

The main strategic direction of environmental work is the introduction of low-waste and, where possible, waste-free technological processes that reduce or completely eliminate environmental pollution, ensure deep integrated processing of primary raw materials and industrial waste dumps, and obtain additional products. Unfortunately, due to incomplete processing of raw materials, a large amount of valuable substances end up in dumps. The possibilities of recycling useful components from industrial waste are not everywhere used. But this rather speaks of the level of environmental consciousness of designers, technologists, and production managers.

There are other forms of participation of people in the protection of the natural environment. It is sometimes difficult to single them out from the sphere of labor or daily human activity, because they often act as a moment of this activity. One thing is indisputable: public consciousness (40%, 1990) supports the "green initiative".

However, it cannot be limited to just this. After all, many environmental processes proceed regardless of a particular person, public organizations, efforts of environmental education and upbringing.

Relations between society and nature have become seriously aggravated, threatening its ecological well-being, health, and its future. This is especially true for regions with a high level of industrial production and industrial agriculture.

7. Object of study

The object of this environmental research in sociology are people, residents of the area in which the study is conducted. This includes all categories and ages: from grandmothers to schoolchildren, from directors of enterprises to teachers and simple salespeople in street tents, from a railway worker to a chemist and even a pilot looking at all our problems through the thickness of the clouds. Let's say a few words about these very representatives of the object of study.

The analysis shows that huge contribution the family contributes to the implementation of environmental education and upbringing, in which the attitude of a person to the nature around him begins to form. Whether the baby will grow into a creator or a consumer depends largely on the parents. Moreover, however paradoxical it may seem at first glance, a child in a rural area has a better attitude towards nature than his peers in the city. The age-old habit is working to be careful about everything that remains for you tomorrow, in a year. next generation. Some researchers (V. L. Glazychev) note that due to the introduction of machine technology in agricultural production, the ecological consciousness of the villagers, having lost the old ethics of land use, has not acquired a new one, as a result of which it has an extremely low level culture.

Unfortunately, a lot of reproaches in this regard can be addressed to the school, to everyone educational institutions. And the point, as the data show (I. D. Laptev, A. A. Yablokov, A. L. Yanshin), is not so much in a special subject devoted to ecology, but in the fact that, behind any of his actions, the future citizen is aware of the responsibility for his attitude towards nature.

The ecological aspect is of particular importance in professional training. The specialist must know what he can do for successful interaction between man and nature, how to become a prudent and thrifty owner in relation to the environment. However, the ecological consciousness of specialists is very often primitive or simply carefree when they carry out production activities.

One cannot but be disturbed by the fact that the overwhelming majority of people still do not find in their souls the proper response to the calls to protect the surrounding nature, explaining the role of the animal and plant world in the ecological balance. The idea has not yet reached the consciousness of every person that nature does not always have the strength to repair the damage, even inadvertently inflicted on it. This is especially true for the population major cities. With an intense impact, nature is no longer able to restore and revive the lost. That is why an ecological culture can be finally formed only when a person consciously realizes in his life the objective needs of ecological development. The criterion for the effectiveness of environmental consciousness should be considered not only knowledge and acquired qualities in environmental protection, but also active environmental behavior aimed at saving and increasing the natural wealth of the country.

8. Key concepts

Sociology and its basic concepts

Sociology is the science of the laws of development of society and its individual groups at different levels of dialectics (dialectics of the general, particular and singular). The knowledge of these laws comes through the study social relations on micro- (relationships of people) and macro-levels (relationships in large communities). To put it more precisely, sociology studies the human being placed in these macrosystems.

Usually, society is divided into three main areas: economic (production and the role of man in production), socio-political (class, national, ethical relations) and spiritual (culture, ideology). Sociology is a science that studies society as a system, where the main issue, the key point is the relationship between man and society.

There are families of sociologies, depending on the specific chosen sphere of society: the sociology of labor, education, politics, families, etc.

The object of sociological research is a group of people united on some basis or the whole society as a whole.

The subject of sociological research - laws, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of a group of people, society - in general, the object of research.

The methodology for sociology is philosophy. Sociology is most closely associated with social psychology. Method of sociology - a way of collecting, storing and processing the facts of reality, allowing to realize the goals and objectives of sociological research.

Sociological research includes five interrelated stages: preparation of the study, collection of primary sociological information, preparation of the collected information for processing and its processing, analysis of the processed information, preparation of a report on the results of the study with conclusions and recommendations.

Depending on the goals, theoretical (systemic), middle-level and specific (empirical) studies are distinguished. According to the degree of coverage of the general population, i.e. of the entire set of research objects, there are continuous, monographic and selective research.

Technique - a set of special techniques when using a particular method.

Methodology - totality techniques and their sequence (research algorithm).

Social fact - reasonable knowledge of individual fragments of reality. A statistical fact is a typical summary characteristic based on a special group observation.

9. Interpretation of the concept

As mentioned above, the survey covered 8 respondents living in Kuzminki. Let's see how their opinions are distributed.

To the first question "Do you like the microdistrict in which you live, from the point of view of the environment?" 50% of the respondents answered "More likely than not", 25% - "More likely than not", and another 25% - "No, I don't like it". From our humble point of view, dissatisfaction with the state of the environment is primarily caused by severe air pollution, as clearly evidenced by the results of 3 questions: "Is the air in your microdistrict clean enough, in your opinion?", To which 50% of the respondents answered "Very polluted" , 37.5% - "Slightly polluted" and 12.5% ​​found it difficult to answer.

In addition, the problem of outdoor recreation is quite acute. 37.5% of those who answered the question "Is there a place in your microdistrict where you can have a good time (a boulevard, a park, a forest, a reservoir, etc.)" believe that there is, but it is too far to get there. For the same number, there is no such problem, 12.5% ​​of respondents cannot have a rest in nature at all, and another 12.5% ​​found it difficult to answer.

25% of the polled residents of Kuzminki are not satisfied with the amount of green spaces; 37.5% believe that there could be more plantations; 25% are completely satisfied with the number of trees and shrubs and 12.5% ​​of respondents are not very satisfied with the state of flora in the area.

37.5% of those who took part in the survey found it difficult to answer the question about the purity of water in the nearest reservoir, 25% believe that the water is rather polluted, 12.5% ​​of respondents believe that the water is dirty, the same number are completely sure that the water is clean and that it is rather clean than dirty.

The absolute majority (62.5%) believe that the environmental situation in Kuzminki has deteriorated slightly over the past 5 years, 25% believe that nothing has changed, and 12.5% ​​found it difficult to answer.

According to 62.5% of respondents, the main culprit of the unfavorable environmental situation is a local enterprise (thermal power plant, small car plant). 12.5% ​​of respondents believe that the main source of pollution is the local highway (MKAD, Ryazansky Prospekt), 12.5% ​​believe that precipitation and wind from other areas of Moscow bring pollution. The remaining 12.5% ​​found it difficult to answer.

Half of the residents of Kuzminki polled by us think that the environmental situation will worsen in the next 5 years, 12.5% ​​believe that the environmental situation will not change, 12.5% ​​believe that the current problems will only worsen, and 25% of respondents found it difficult to answer.

In the course of the survey, we asked the respondents to mark on the scale the point corresponding, in their opinion, to the state of the environment. 50% of respondents rated this condition as 3, 37.5% - as 2, and 12.5% ​​- as one (1 - very poor condition, 5 - ideal).

All our respondents, as it turned out, have been living in Kuzminki for at least 5 years: 25% - from 5 to 19 years, 62.5% - from 20 to 39 years, 12.5% ​​- 40 or more.

50% of respondents believe that there is an unconditional connection between their health and the state of the environment, 37.5% admit such a possibility and 12.5% ​​found it difficult to answer.

The most detrimental environmental situation affects the health of children: 57.1% suffer from chronic diseases, parents of 14.3% of children are not sure whether their children are chronically ill, and only 28.6% of children are practically healthy, according to their parents.

37.5% of the adult population of Kuzminok are chronically ill, 12.5% ​​are not sure that they are completely healthy, and only half of the respondents consider themselves practically healthy.

Changed for the worse and the frequency of diseases. If 5 years ago 14.2% and 28.6% of the children surveyed did not get sick at all or got sick once a year, respectively, then in 1994 28.6% of children got sick 2 times, 42.8% 3 times and 28.6% of children got sick more than 3 times a year.

The same trend can be traced in the state of health of adults: if 5 years ago 50% of the inhabitants were ill 2 times a year, 25% 3 times a year, 25% - more than 3 times, then in 1994 37.5% of the respondents were ill 2 times, 37.5 % - 3 times and 25% - more than 3 times.

Thus, the ecological situation that has developed in Kuzminki has the most unfavorable effect on the health of the inhabitants of this area. It seems to us that this is why 37.5% of our respondents would accept the offer to move to a less prestigious, but cleaner area unconditionally, 37.5% would agree to move if the other conditions suited them, and only 25% of the respondents would refuse. 50% of the residents who took part in the survey believe that it is possible to change the current environmental situation for the better in a reasonable and feasible way. More specifically, our respondents suggested:

move industrial enterprises out of the city limits, reduce the movement of motor vehicles along Volgogradsky Prospekt and strengthen control over the state of exhaust gases, impose the strictest supervision of industrial emissions, and tighten sanctions against violators.

37.5% believe that there is no way to improve the environmental situation and 12.5% ​​found it difficult to answer.

As the most preferable measure to prevent exceeding the maximum allowable emission standards, 40% of the respondents named forcing the offender to reduce emissions, 40% - closing the offending enterprise, and 20% preferred other measures (For example, suspension of production during the construction of more efficient treatment facilities.

We asked our respondents to imagine themselves as an employee of an industrial enterprise that systematically harms the environment. How would they react to the removal of the enterprise outside the city? 50% rated this decision as correct, 37.5% do not consider it a solution to the problem: the enterprise will pollute the environment elsewhere, and 12.5% ​​found it difficult to answer.

As can be seen, the fine is not, according to the residents of Kuzminki, an effective measure to prevent an ecological crisis. 62.5% of respondents think so. 25% consider the fine to be more or less effective and 12.5% ​​found it difficult to answer.

Thus, residents of Kuzminki see a lack of more decisive and drastic measures to prevent an ecological crisis.

This leads to the conclusion that environmental problems for the residents of Kuzminki are much more significant than economic ones.

It would probably be more effective to use another economic lever in the fight against violators: the exemption of enterprises with an environmentally friendly production cycle from part of the taxes. 50% of respondents found this solution very effective, 37.5% - effective, and only 12.5% ​​found it difficult to answer.

Another solution is also possible: increasing the tax rate on wages and directing this money to solve environmental problems. But this proposal was completely refuted by 62.5% of the respondents. Another 37.5% found it difficult to answer.

Apparently, it was not the unwillingness to contribute to the solution of environmental problems by their own means, but the modesty of the incomes of the vast majority of the population that influenced not the decision of our respondents.

50% of respondents believe that the current legislation corresponds to the current state of the environment, but needs to be improved, 37.5% believe that the legislation is absolutely not conducive to solving environmental problems, and 12.5% ​​found it difficult to answer.

Probably, if the law had fixed a norm, according to which an enterprise whose emissions systematically exceed the maximum allowable standards should be closed or temporarily suspended, then 87.5% of our respondents would rejoice, while 12.5% ​​found it difficult to answer.

According to the residents of Kuzminki we interviewed, nearby enterprises are not particularly punctual in complying with maximum allowable emission standards. On a scale where 0 corresponded to the opinion that the enterprise did not comply with emission standards, and 5 corresponded to their compliance, 62.5% marked 1, and 12.5% ​​of respondents answered 0, 2, 3, respectively.

These "passports" turned out to be the following:

37.5% of the respondents are young people aged 21 to 30,

12.5% ​​- people from 31 to 40 years old

12.5% ​​- from 41 to 50 years old

25% - from 51 to 60 years old

12.5% ​​- over 61 years old.

Half of the residents of Kuzminki we interviewed have higher education, 37.5% - incomplete higher, 12.5% ​​- secondary technical.

The social structure of the respondents is as follows:

37.5% - employees

25% - intelligentsia

25% - students

12.5% ​​- pensioners

10 Operationalization by concepts

In sociological research, the following methods of collecting primary sociological information are most often used:

1) analysis of documentary materials;

2) observation;

4) experiment.

10.1 Analysis of documentarymaterials

Any empirical sociological research must begin with an analysis of the documents available on the problem under study. Documents in sociology are understood as specially created objects intended for the transmission and storage of information.

According to the form in which information is recorded, documents are divided into written texts (printed, typewritten, handwritten), iconographic (film, video, photo documents, paintings, etc.) and phonetic (tape recordings, records, disks, etc. .).

Depending on the status, documents are classified into official (coming from various authorities, institutions) and unofficial (personal cards, questionnaires, statements, etc.).

There are also classifications of documents according to the source of information (primary, secondary) and according to the degree of personalization (personal and impersonal).

There are two ways to analyze documents: qualitative (mental operations to interpret the information contained in documents, to identify their essence) and quantitative (formalized) methods (translating text information into quantitative indicators).

10.2 Observation

In sociology, observation is understood as the direct purposeful perception and registration of social processes. The use of this method allows one to gain knowledge about events, facts, about the so-called open behavior with the help of the sociologist's direct impressions of them.

Depending on the position of the sociologist in relation to the group under study, included and non-included observation are distinguished. Observation can also be open when the group is aware of the study and incognito when it is unknown.

The peculiarity of the method of observation lies in the fact that there is always a danger of getting a biased, distorted information about the process under study, since the very fact of observation can change the behavior of the observed. In addition, with the help of observation it is impossible to obtain information about assessments, judgments, opinions.

It is expedient to use the observation method at the stage of compiling the program, when it is necessary to obtain preliminary data about the object, clarify the problem, and formulate a hypothesis.

10.3 Survey

One of the most common in sociological research is the survey method. The question involves getting answers to the questions asked by the sociologist. The peculiarity of this method is that the source of information is a verbal message, the judgment of the respondent. The survey allows you to get information about the opinions and assessments of the respondent of certain stolons of reality, about the motives of his behavior.

There are four types of survey: questionnaire (written correspondence survey), interview (oral conversation, face-to-face survey), sociometric survey, expert survey (obtaining answers from persons competent in the problem under study).

The advantage of a questionnaire survey is the possibility of obtaining with its help a significant amount of empirical information in a short time and at minimal cost.

The questionnaire is a set of questions ordered by content and form. The reliability and validity of the information obtained as a result of the survey is largely determined by the construction and editing of questions. This places high demands on their formulation.

Interviewing is advisable to use when compiling a research program. A conversation with the head of departments and public organizations helps the sociologist to master the specifics of the group under study. The direction of the conversation is given by the problem being studied by the sociologist, as well as the objectives of the study.

Depending on the degree of rigidity of the scheme, according to which the interview is conducted with the respondent, two types of interviews are distinguished: standardized and non-standardized.

A specific type of survey is a sociometric survey. The term "sociometry" in translation means the measurement of the degree of friendly relations. The main difference between sociometry and other types of survey is the ability to use it to identify mutual feelings of sympathy and dislike between members of the primary team and on this basis to obtain a quantitative assessment interpersonal relationships in him.

10.4 Experiment

An experiment in a sociological study is a way to obtain information about a change in the behavior of the object under study under the influence of controlled factors. It is, in essence, an intervening observation. In this case, two sets of factors are compared. The factor that is modifiable and controlled by the sociologist is called the independent variable.

The factor whose change is being studied is called the dependent variable.

A feature of this method is the active influence of the sociologist on the situation under study and the measurement of changes in behavior occurring under the influence of this influence.

Distinguish natural (field) experiment and laboratory.

Measurements based on scales.

A number of social properties (age, wages, etc.) have quantitative certainty. However, most social phenomena and processes do not have such quantitative certainty. These include behavioral acts (conscientiousness, enthusiasm, etc.), as well as the judgments and opinions of employees. Moreover, it is important for a sociologist not only to determine their presence or absence, but the intensity of their appearance. To solve such a problem, when conducting research, the sociologist is forced to create a special procedure for attributing quantitative certainty to the studied qualitative features. This procedure is called measurement.

The measuring tool is the scale. With the help of pre-designed scales, all, even the most complex, social phenomena can be measured. The scale is a system of characteristics of the studied property, which acts as a standard. In order to develop a scale, a continuum is established - the length of the studied social property, i.e. determine its extreme states - the beginning and end, maximum and minimum. When found extreme points and the definition of the continuum, the scale is graduating, i.e. its fractionality is set using divisions. The continuum is broken into pieces.

There are 4 types of scales:

1) nominal;

2) ordinal;

3) interval.

Nominal scale.

The nominal scale (unordered scale, scale of names) is a scale consisting of a list of characteristics of an object or phenomenon. A typical example of a nominal scale is the division of the players of a sports team by numbers.

When it is constructed, the relation of equality or inequality of objects according to the considered attribute is established. This scale measures objective characteristics (gender, occupation, marital status etc.).

Although there is an order of enumeration in the nominal scale, this is an unordered scale, since this order will be different for different characteristics.

Based on the nominal scale, it is possible to determine the distribution frequency, mode, measure and degree of interdependence, contingency coefficients (Pearson's coefficients, concordance, Chuprov)

Ordinal scale.

The ordinal scale (ordinary, ranking), in fact, is an ordered nominal scale that establishes equality between objects according to selected characteristics and order relations.

General view of the ordinal scale:

the most positive response

positive response

neutral response

Negative answer

maximum negative answer

Ordinal scales are used in the study of attitudes of the respondent. With their help, the intensity of assessments of properties, judgments, and events is measured.

When processing the data obtained using the order scale, rank correlations are calculated: according to Spearman and Kendall.

Interval scale.

The interval scale is formed on the basis of the rank scale by assigning points to its divisions. Numbers are assigned to each position on the ranking scale. For example, a five-point scale is most often assigned points from 1 to 5 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) or from -1 to 1.

Unlike the previous scale, the interval scale allows not only to streamline the appearance of the studied social property or object, but also to calculate the difference (interval) between these manifestations.

One-dimensional and two-dimensional distributions.

The analysis of one-dimensional distributions allows us to obtain such important characteristics necessary for the correct and correct formation of conclusions and recommendations as the mean, mode, median, standard deviation, variance, coefficient of variation.

The arithmetic mean can be abstract, i.e. does not match any of the options. For example, the average number of people in a family can be fractional.

For an ordered series, the median is the variant in the center of the series, so that the number of population units with a feature value greater than and less than the median is the same. If there are a lot of population units (> 30, > 50), then the median is a variant with serial number n/2. If there are few units and n is odd, then the median is calculated by the formula (n+1)/2. If n is even, then the median is considered as the average of two numbers: n/2 and (n/2)+1.

Mode is the most frequently occurring quantity in the population.

The variance is the square of the standard deviation, which characterizes the degree of dispersion of the values ​​of the random variable.

There are also other indicators (coefficient of qualitative variation, etc.).

The main purpose of the formation of two-dimensional distributions is to compare the corresponding one-dimensional distributions. It is usually carried out in particulars, so that both rows and columns add up to 100%.

11 . Structural and factorialOperationalizationconcepts

The questionnaire was developed in such a way that it is possible to distinguish logical sections in it by directions. We tried to state the questions in the most acceptable, simple, friendly and understandable form, so that the respondent does not have a single question, moreover, so that he leaves a pleasant impression and a sense of his own importance after completing the questionnaire.

In the preamble, we described the plight of ecology both in the world and in Moscow in particular. Our main goal in this part of the questionnaire was an attempt to interest and, to some extent, to concern the respondent with the current state of the environmental situation. We tried to inspire the respondent with a sense of dignity, indispensability (if not him, then who?).

And, of course, they tried to inspire confidence, which should have largely determined the veracity of the answers.

The first three questions act as a "funnel" of the questionnaire, where we are unobtrusively interested in the attitude of the respondent to his place of residence in general.

The following five questions, in our opinion, should mark the first strokes of the ecological situation in Kuzminki.

Questions 11 to 14 (inclusive) examine the health status of respondents and their children, with drivers being responsible for their children.

Questions 15, 16, 17 were designed to consider possible ways to improve the environmental situation in the region from the point of view of the inhabitants of the region themselves.

It seemed to us that questions 18 and 19 are very important, where we conduct some kind of control questions and find out whether the respondent is really concerned about environmental problems or is he just in a bad mood and ready to bite the first comer.

And finally, questions 20 - 25 examine the respondent's attitude to the current legislation (in terms of environmental regulation) and the current penalties for violators of maximum permissible emission standards.

"Pasportichki", in the face of questions 26, 27, 28 finds out the age, education and social status of the respondent.

Univariate distributions

One of the main questions of our questionnaire is question number 7: "What, in your opinion, is the main culprit of the unfavorable environmental situation in your microdistrict?"

This index characterizes the degree of uniformity in the distribution of responses.

As an example, consider the following question from the questionnaire: "Who would you vote for in local (regional) elections: a candidate from the Green Party who has a serious program to improve the environmental situation in your microdistrict (region) or a candidate who has an equally serious program economic improvement?"

19.1 Would give to the Green Party candidate

19.2 Would give to a candidate with a good economics program

19.3 Wouldn't give to anyone

19.4 Difficult to answer

The first answer was chosen by 4 respondents, the second - 1, the third - 3, the fourth - none.

Bivariate distributions

Residents of Kuzminki believe that there is a practical way to improve the environmental situation. Some respondents suggest moving industrial enterprises out of the city, strengthening control over the condition of car engines, and tightening sanctions against violators of the ecological balance. Therefore, it is quite possible to expect that in the next local or regional elections, under favorable circumstances, a candidate from the Green Party will win in Kuzminki !!!

12. Hypothesis

The purpose of our survey was to study the environmental picture that has developed to date in Kuzminki, to study the health status of residents, attitudes to the current legislation and to identify possible ways out of this situation.

Most residents are dissatisfied with the purity of air and water, the state of green spaces. The main reason for the deterioration of the environmental situation is the proximity of industrial enterprises that do not care about cleaning up the emissions they produce. This attitude towards the environment leads to an increase in the number of chronic diseases, especially among children.

Thus, for the inhabitants of Kuzminki, environmental problems come to the fore, obscuring even the economic troubles of the country. That is why the majority of residents would vote for a candidate from the "green" party, who has a serious environmental program. This expresses dissatisfaction with the solution of environmental pollution problems at this stage.

Residents believe that it is necessary to move industrial enterprises out of the city, tougher sanctions against violators of environmental laws. It is also necessary to improve the legislation both in this direction and in the direction of reducing taxes from enterprises that clearly fulfill all the requirements of emission standards.

Society never stands still. Seeing the same state of society is as difficult as stepping into the same river twice. Even in the last century, no one imagined what successes humanity would achieve in terms of economic, scientific and technical development, how deeply democracy would take root in the world, how high the slogan "man is the highest value of the country" would rise. And it is in these contexts that the study of public opinion, the study of society's views on a particular problem, its assessments, has acquired the most important significance. Now it is unthinkable not a single production, not a single commercial enterprise without an accurate study of possible demand and needs. It became difficult to rely only on intuition and empirical views "by eye". "Vox populi - vox dei" - a phrase said in ancient times and received such relevance after millennia!

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Everyone has the right to a favorable environment, reliable information about its condition and compensation for damage caused to his health or property by an environmental offense.

Art. 42 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

2013 is the year of ecological culture
and environmental protection in the CIS countries

Members of the Council of CIS Heads of Government approved the Plan of the main events of the Year, which consists of four sections: organizational and legal measures, holding joint organizational and practical events, holding information events and a control mechanism.
Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Ukraine and the CIS Executive Committee submitted their proposals to the document. Among them is the adoption of the concept of cooperation in the field of the use of renewable energy sources, the development of proposals on the environmental policy of the Commonwealth countries in the field of the use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes.
It is proposed to include the holding of the VI Nevsky International Environmental Congress and the XI International Forum on Industrial Safety in St. Petersburg, the youth scientific conference "Environmental Problems and the Identification of Risk Groups among the Population" in Yerevan, the International Scientific Conference "Sakharov Readings 2013: Environmental Problems" in the Plan XXI century” and the International Student Olympiad of the Commonwealth Member States “Environmental Safety” in Minsk, the Ecocultural Festival within the framework of the CIS “Youth on the Great Silk Road” and the International Forum on the Conservation of the Snow Leopard in Bishkek, the V International Scientific Conference “Ecological Features of Biodiversity” in the city of Khujand in Tajikistan, the International Environmental Forum "Environment for Ukraine", as well as a number of other events dedicated to the Year.
Interstate cooperation of the CIS countries in the field of providing environmental safety is carried out on the basis of the Agreement on cooperation in the field of ecology and environmental protection, which was adopted in 1992.

Today, the ecological situation in the world can be described as close to critical. Among the global environmental problems are the following:

Thousands of species of plants and animals have been destroyed and continue to be destroyed;
- the forest cover has been largely destroyed;
- the available stock of minerals is rapidly declining;
- the world ocean is not only depleted as a result of the destruction of living organisms, but also ceases to be a regulator of natural processes;
- the atmosphere in many places is polluted to the maximum permissible extent, and fresh air becomes a deficit
- the ozone layer, which protects against destructive cosmic radiation for all living things, is partially broken;
- surface pollution and disfigurement of natural landscapes: on Earth it is impossible to detect a single square meter surface, wherever there are artificially created elements.

The perniciousness of man's consumer attitude to nature has become quite obvious only as an object of obtaining certain wealth and benefits. For humanity, it becomes vital to change the very philosophy of attitude towards nature.
The problems of ecology, ecological education, ecological culture are becoming especially topical today.
Back in the middle of the 20th century, the term "ecology" was known only to a few specialists, but today it is difficult to find another concept and its derivatives that would be so often used in the widest scientific (and non-scientific) circles.
The relationship of mankind with the environment on a planetary scale is considered by global ecology - a complex scientific discipline, which studies the main patterns of development of the biosphere as a whole, as well as its possible changes under the influence of human activities.
With the adoption of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Environmental Protection", prerequisites appeared for the formation of the legal framework for the system of environmental education of the population. An important role in the implementation of environmental education belongs to the mass library, in whose activities environmental education of the population is one of the priority areas.
Chapter XIII. Fundamentals of the formation of ecological culture
Article 74. Environmental education
1. In order to form an ecological culture in society, foster a caring attitude towards nature, rational use of natural resources, environmental education is carried out through the dissemination of environmental knowledge about environmental safety, information about the state of the environment and the use of natural resources.
2. Environmental education, including informing the population about legislation in the field of environmental protection and legislation in the field of environmental safety, is carried out by bodies state power of the Russian Federation, public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, bodies local government, public associations, the media, and educational institutions, cultural institutions, museums, libraries, environmental institutions, sports and tourism organizations, other legal entities.

Materials to help organize and conduct work

List of the most polluted cities in Russia:

Norilsk. During the year, 1.959 million tons of harmful substances are emitted into the atmosphere here. Only 0.5% of this amount is emissions from cars, and the rest is factories, the lion's share of which is made up of enterprises of the Norilsk Nickel group of companies.

For example, the content of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere of the city exceeds the maximum allowable rate by about 30 times, nitrogen dioxide by 24 times, and formaldehyde by almost 100 times. But thanks to environmental safety measures, compared to 2011, pollution was reduced by 1.4%.

2. Moscow. In contrast to Norilsk, cars produce the bulk of emissions here – they account for 92.8%. Cars produce the most pollution while stuck in traffic jams.

It is estimated that for an hour of standing in traffic jams, one car emits more than 30 kg of mixtures of various gases into the air: nitrogen dioxide, formaldehyde, sulfur dioxide, etc.

3. St. Petersburg. Here the situation is similar to the capital - too many cars and the wrong organization traffic lead to the fact that 92.8% of the total amount of emissions - and this is 488.2 thousand tons, falls precisely on automobile exhaust gases.

4. Cherepovets. More than half of the 364.5 thousand tons of pollution comes from industrial enterprises, especially the large metallurgical plant Severstal.

5. Asbestos. In this city, located in the Sverdlovsk region, 98.6% of pollution is produced by asbestos mining and asbestos processing industries. The total amount of emissions is 330.4 thousand tons.

6. Lipets. The total amount of emissions is 322.9 thousand tons, 91.3% of which are stationary sources. The main "producer" of pollution in the city is the Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works.

7. Novokuznetsk. The total amount of annual emissions is 321,000 tons, of which 90.8% are energy and industrial facilities.

8. Omsk. In Omsk, 291.6 thousand tons of harmful substances enter the atmosphere per year, and 71.7% of these emissions are produced by enterprises and stationary sources.

9. Angarsk. Of the 278.6 thousand tons of emissions, 95.4% are from stationary sources and facilities.

10. Magnitogorsk. The value of the annual emission of harmful substances here is 255.7 thousand tons. 89.9% of emissions are produced by the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works and other stationary sources.

11. Krasnoyarsk. Despite the developed industry, only 62.6% of emissions in the city come from stationary objects - the rest is cars. The annual amount of emissions into the atmosphere is 233.8 thousand tons.

12. Chelyabinsk. In Chelyabinsk, the situation is similar - out of 233.4 thousand tons, industrial facilities account for only 62.8%.

13. Ufa. The amount of emissions per year is 205.5 thousand tons, the share of stationary sources is 65.4%

14. Yekaterinburg. 203.5 thousand tons. Stationary sources produce only 16.1% of harmful substances, the rest is car exhaust gases.

15. Vorkuta. City enterprises and cars produce 197.3 thousand tons of harmful substances per year, of which only 2.1% is accounted for by transport.

16. Nizhny Tagil. The amount of emissions per year is 149 thousand tons. 85.2% of emissions are produced by metallurgical and other industrial enterprises.

17. Samara. During the year, 137.6 thousand tons of toxic substances enter the atmosphere in the city. The majority of pollution - 73.8% - falls on transport.

18. In Bratsk, the annual amount of emissions is 134.9 thousand tons. 88.8% of pollution is produced by industrial enterprises.

19. Nizhny Novgorod. Due to the large vehicle fleet, 76.3% of all emissions of harmful substances, the total amount of which is 134.4 thousand tons, are accounted for by cars.

20. Volgograd. 134.1 thousand tons, 53.5% - cars.

21. Novocherkassk. 130.8 thousand tons of harmful substances per year. 94.2% of emissions are produced by industrial facilities.

22. Novosibirsk. Information on Novosibirsk is controversial and does not hold up well to criticism. According to official data, the city produces 128.5 thousand tons of harmful substances per year, of which 90.7% is produced by industrial enterprises. This means that the share of cars in the third largest city in Russia accounts for only 12,000 tons of harmful substances. At the same time, even in Khabarovsk, which has a population 2.5 times smaller, more than 50 thousand tons of toxic substances are emitted by cars annually, not to mention Moscow and St. Petersburg, where this figure exceeds 900 thousand tons.

23. Orsk. 123,000 tons, of which 86.9% is produced by enterprises.

24. Irkutsk. 62.% of the total emissions into the atmosphere (107.8 thousand tons) is produced by industrial facilities.

25. Surgut. 104.9 thousand tons, of which 65.1% is produced by oil and gas industry enterprises.

26. Perm. 65% of all emissions in the city come from motor vehicles. The total amount of harmful substances released into the atmosphere is 100.4 thousand tons.

27. Kazan. As in any major city, the main pollution of the atmosphere comes from exhaust gases. Of the 98 thousand tons, they account for 70.1%.

28. Khabarovsk. Of the 96.6 thousand tons in the city, industrial facilities account for 47.4%, the rest is car exhaust gases.

29. Barnaul. The total mass of harmful substances is 95.4 thousand tons, of which 54.4% are produced by industrial facilities.

30. Voronezh. Dense urban traffic and a large number of cars lead to the fact that out of 93.5 thousand tons of toxic substances, exhaust gases account for 88.8%

31. Tula. 91.4 thousand tons, of which 66.5% - industrial production.

32. Rostov-on-Don. This metropolis annually produces 89.4 thousand tons of toxic substances, of which 87% are exhaust gases.

33. Kemerovo. Almost half of all harmful emissions - 54.6% of 85.1 thousand tons in the city are produced by coal mining, chemical and cement industries.

34. Yaroslavl. Industrial facilities produce 52.1% of 84.4. thousand tons of annual emissions into the atmosphere.

35. Ryazan. In Ryazan, 80.9 thousand tons of toxic substances enter the atmosphere per year. 62.4% of emissions are waste from industrial and stationary facilities.

36. Saratov. 80.3 thousand tons. 74.8% of all emissions are vehicle exhaust gases

37. Stary Oskol. In this city, 80 thousand tons of harmful substances are emitted into the air every year. 82.9% of them are waste from the metallurgical and mining industries.

38. Serov. The enterprises of the metallurgical industry produce 92.4% of pollution per year, the total amount of which is 79.4 thousand tons.

39. Tyumen. 70.1% of the total amount of atmospheric pollution, which is 78.6 thousand characters, is produced by car exhaust gases.

40. Tolyatti. The annual amount of pollution is 71.3 thousand tons, of which 57.1% is accounted for by exhaust gases.

41. Tomsk. Approximately half of all emissions in the city - 52.1% - are produced by enterprises. The mass of toxic substances emitted into the atmosphere per year - 70.8%

42. Krasnodar. In this metropolis, 70.5 thousand tons of harmful substances are annually emitted into the atmosphere. 84.5% of this value is exhaust gases.

43. Sterlitamak. Enterprises of the chemical and petrochemical industries, as well as transport, annually emit 68.9 thousand tons of harmful substances into the air. Industrial facilities account for 83.3%.

44. Krasnoturinsk. Of the 68.8 thousand tons of annual emissions of toxic waste into the atmosphere, the Bogoslovsky aluminum plant, gold mining enterprises and thermal power plants account for 92.7% of all pollution.

45. Novorossiysk. 67.8 thousand tons of emissions per year. The main sources of pollution are cement industry enterprises (75.8%) and cars.

46. ​​Volzhsky. Despite all the efforts of the authorities, the ecological situation in the city is tense. During the year, 66.8 thousand tons of toxic substances are emitted into the atmosphere, of which 75.2% are hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen and sulfur dioxide produced by chemical enterprises.

47. Chita. Cars and energy enterprises of the city emit 65.4 thousand tons of toxic emissions into the air in approximately equal proportions per year.

48. Vladivostok. Annual release - 59.9 thousand tons. 59.8% of this amount falls on motor vehicles, the rest - on thermal power plants.

49. Severodvinsk. The main sources of pollution in the city are coal-fired power plants, which produce up to 85.3% of toxic emissions into the atmosphere. The total mass of emissions is 59.3 thousand tons

50. Orenburg. Of the 58.5 thousand tons of emissions in the city, 88.4% is accounted for by road transport.

51. Blagoveshchensk. 77.3% of the 58.3 thousand tons of harmful substances emitted into the atmosphere are produced by the power plant and gold mining facilities.

52. Kirov. 56.6 thousand tons per year are emitted into the atmosphere in the capital of the Kirov region. 53% of them are used car exhaust gases, the rest is waste from energy and petrochemical industries.

53. Achinsk. The total amount of emissions per year is 55.7 thousand tons. Of these, the Achinsk Alumina Refinery and other enterprises produce at least 80.1% of all hazardous waste.

54. Ulan-Ude. During the year, 53.9 thousand tons of harmful substances were emitted into the atmosphere in the city. Energy enterprises and stationary facilities account for 49.2%, the rest is cars.

55. Kaliningrad. 53.9 thousand tons. Exhaust gases account for 78.3%

56. Ulyanovsk. 53.1 thousand tons. Cars produce 69.1% of all air pollution.

57. Noyabrsk. Of the 52.1 thousand tons of atmospheric emissions, 79.9% are waste from the oil and gas industry.

58. Nizhnevartovsk. 51.2 thousand tons of harmful substances per year. 60.5% - exhaust gases of vehicles

59. Biysk. The city emits 48.9 thousand tons of toxic waste into the atmosphere. Enterprises and stationary sources account for 71.6%.

60. Arkhangelsk. 47.5 thousand tons, 60% of all waste is enterprises.

In the library-branch No. 2, a survey was conducted during the year " Clean breath planets”, in order to study the attitude of readers to environmental problems and improve the efficiency of work in this direction. This questionnaire covered all groups of readers, 110 people took part in it, of which women - 62%, men 38%.

Age: 15 to 24 - 26% Education: higher education - 14%
25 to 30 - 19% av.- spec. - 58%
from 31 to 45 - 23% average - 28%
from 46 to 60 - 21%
over 60 - 11%

1. Do you think the topic of the environment is relevant and appropriate?
Yes - 76% No - 24%

2. What environmental problems of the Earth are you most concerned about?
- global warming - 16%
- ozone holes in the atmosphere - 12%
- natural disasters - 46%
- other - 26% (human-caused fires, water pollution, smoke from stoves in the private sector ...)

3. From what sources do you draw information about the life of the Republic, the city in the field of environmental protection?
Newspapers - 8%, TV - 42%, Internet - 19%, friends, neighbors - 10%, other - 21%

5. What assistance can libraries provide in environmental education of the population?
- holding events (promotions, lessons) - 32%
- design of visual materials (exhibitions, booklets, memos) - 13%
- to cover the literature on this subject - 19%
- other - 36%

6. Is it relevant, in your opinion, to attract young people to participate in mass subbotniks, Sundays, etc.?
- relevant - 47%; not always - 16%; doubt - 13%; no - 24%

7. How do you feel about the development of tourism in Khakassia?
- positive - 73%; negative - 16%; no way - 11%

8. What measures would you suggest to preserve the nature of the republic as a whole and the city?
- administrative fines - 15%
- involvement in public works - 12%
- own positive example - 27%
- careful control of the authorities - 20%
- other - 26%

Conclusions: An analysis of the questionnaires showed that library users understand and realize that the size and resources of our planet are limited, that increasing environmental pollution harms the health of the current generation and may make life impossible for future generations. These problems can be solved only by joint efforts, but, first of all, we must start with ourselves. The future of mankind depends on what the environment will become and how people will adapt to it.
The survey showed that environmental issues are of concern to a significant number of respondents, that this topic is relevant and important for every person. The library has been working in the environmental direction for more than a year and clearly understands its role in the environmental education of the population. At events dedicated to environmental issues, the library tries to pay special attention to the issues of interaction between society and the natural environment. The simplicity of the presentation of the facts, the proposed literature on this topic, many interesting examples greatly facilitate the dialogue with readers.

Comprehensive Questionnaire

to identify the state of ecological culture of students.

I. Motivational component:

  1. What motivates you to engage in environmental activities?
The requirements of the teachers

love for nature

desire to be helpful

consciousness of personal involvement in the cause of nature protection;

The requirements of the parents

the example of other people;

interest in environmental issues;

Difficult to answer

· special opinion_______________________________________________________________

  1. Are you convinced that the activity of each particular person contributes to the solution of environmental problems?
· Yes

Not entirely convinced

  1. Do you consider it your duty to engage in environmental activities (nature protection)?
Yes, I think

· rather yes than no;

· More likely no than yes;

No, I don't think so.

  1. Are you interested in the problems of interaction between man and nature? What is it expressed in?
I constantly read books, articles in newspapers and magazines, watch programs on environmental topics;

· sometimes I read individual articles in periodicals;

I am not interested in these problems;

· made a report at the lesson (circle meeting) on ​​environmental topics;

I am engaged in a natural history circle;

I conduct research in nature;

I find it difficult to answer.

    What is preventing you from doing environmental work?
I do not show interest in the problems of interaction between man and nature;

there is not enough time for everything, including environmental activities;

ecological activity is very difficult;

High workload with other work

· the realization that I can hardly change the ecological situation alone;

I do not have the skills and abilities of environmental activities;

Difficult to answer

  1. What usually determines your behavior in nature?
never thought about it;

respect for plants and animals;

the desire to obtain any benefit, benefit for oneself;

awareness of duty for the preservation of all living things;

The desire to relax, relax, get positive emotions;

desire to enjoy the beauty of nature;

Difficult to answer

· special opinion_______________________________________________________________

II. Axiological component:

  1. What value does nature have for human society?

  1. What value does nature have for you personally?

  1. What is the universal value of nature?
in that it is the main condition of human life

in the fact that it is the criterion of beauty in life;

in that it gives man food and clothing;

in that it is a source of inspiration in human activity;

in that it allows a person to know the world around him;

Difficult to answer

· special opinion_________________________________________________________________

  1. Are there useful and harmful plants and animals in nature?

  1. What is the moral value of nature?

  1. What is the cognitive value of nature?

  1. What is the aesthetic value of nature
III. Gnostic component:

1. What is ecology?

the science of the interaction between man and nature;

system of knowledge about ecosystems;

the science of the reproduction of life and the factors of this reproduction;

information about environmental issues;

2. What emotions and feelings does the negative attitude of people towards nature cause in you?

3. Can you always refrain from picking flowers, breaking a tree branch unnecessarily?

· always;

· sometimes;

· very rarely;

· never.

  1. Could you stop your friend from harming nature? How?

  1. Do you feel the need to engage in environmental activities?

  1. Assess your level of environmental culture
· tall;

Medium high


· short;

Difficult to evaluate.


Diagnosis of teachers.

How environmentally friendly is your behavior personally?

If you decide to engage in environmental education, think about how personally your behavior is "environmentally friendly"? at home, during outdoor recreation? Try to sincerely (for yourself) answer the following questions and analyze your answers. Give points from 0 to 3.

1. Do you often communicate with nature, and do you need such communication?

2. Can you name the sources of environmental hazards located near your MOU, your home?

3. How these environmental hazards can affect your health and your children's.

  1. How do experts assess the ecological situation in your area?

  2. Do you treat all animals equally, or do you dislike some? Why? Analyze the reasons for your negative attitude towards certain animals. Perhaps there were times when you said to a child who picked up a worm or a frog: “Now throw this disgusting thing away and wash your hands!”
6. Do you save electricity, water, heat, paper? Can you explain the need for their economical use.

b) no;

c) find it difficult to answer.

6. Do fairy tales reflect the interaction of man and nature (which ones)?

b) no;

c) find it difficult to answer.

7. Is the interaction of man and nature revealed in modern folk holidays? What?

b) no;

c) find it difficult to answer.

8. Do you think that folk riddles contribute to the formation of ecological culture?

b) no;

c) find it difficult to answer.

9. Do you think there is mutual assistance between man and nature in Russian folk tale"Swan geese"?

b) no;

c) find it difficult to answer.

10. Do you agree that the inheritance of folk knowledge contributes to the development of ecological culture?

b) no;

c) find it difficult to answer.

11. Do you agree that thanks to the knowledge of proverbs, sayings, fairy tales, riddles, tales, legends and holidays, a person's attitude to nature improves?

b) no;

c) find it difficult to answer.

12. How often do you hear such proverbs as:

"The earth is a source of abundance";

"Native land and in a handful is sweet";

"April with water, and May with grass"

b) no;

c) find it difficult to answer.

13. Are you interested in non-native signs?

b) no;

c) find it difficult to answer.

14. Do you listen to folk wisdom?

b) no;

c) find it difficult to answer.

15. Do you use riddles, proverbs, sayings, signs when communicating with each other?

b) no;

c) find it difficult to answer.




"Nature and Me"

(attitude towards nature).

1. Nature around you: what is the main thing in it? (name up to 10 words, nouns)

2. You are in nature (describe your attitude to nature, what do you feel when you are in nature?)

3. Your portrait against the backdrop of nature. Describe it.

4. What are you like in relation to nature, its problems?

5. How would you like to see your relationship with nature in 10 years?

6. Would you like your future profession to be connected with nature?

7. What is the place of nature in your life?


Personality test.

(Try to evaluate your attitude to nature according to the answers to the proposed questions. This attitude largely depends on how much you are aware of it).

Operating procedure. Read the question in the table "My attitude to nature", choose one of the three answers and write down the corresponding score in a separate sheet. Add up the scores at the end of the work.

Calculate how many points you have scored. Compare your result with the scores below and read the tips.

My relationship with nature

No. p / p


Answers and points





Do you think about your relationship with nature?





Do you divide natural objects into attractive (“beautiful”) and unattractive (“ugly”)?





Do you always take care of nature?





Do you think they deserve attention? surrounding nature and what happens in it?





Do you value diversity in nature?





Does nature influence your mood?





Is this interest manifested in your actions?





Does everything in nature interest you?





Do you always pay attention to the nature around you?





Can you explain what attracts you to certain objects of nature or natural phenomena?





Do you intervene in a situation when you see that someone is causing damage to nature with their actions?





Do you like to read descriptions of nature in books?





Does the environment influence your thoughts?





Does nature influence your behavior?





How often do you relax among nature (including in city squares, parks, etc.)?





Have you voluntarily or unwittingly harmed nature in some way?





Are there any activities you enjoy doing in nature?





Do you often show indifference to nature?





Have you started to take part in nature conservation in grades I-V?





Or at an older age?





Do you like to look at landscapes or images of animals and plants in paintings (photos)?





Are you familiar with music related to nature?





Have you had to compose poems about nature, draw nature, work with natural material?





Are you always conscientious about doing any environmental work?





Have the lessons and others influenced your attitude to nature? training sessions? If yes, please indicate which subjects




Less than 20points. It is a pity, but, apparently, neither the impressions of communication with nature, nor acquaintance with nature through art (music, literature, painting), nor the knowledge gained about the world around you has touched your heart so far. You are selfish in relation to nature, not aware of your connection with it. You need to overcome the feeling of isolation and alienation from the natural world around you. It will be useful for you to get acquainted with the history of man inextricably linked with the history of nature, its influence on the life of society. Also, try to follow the tips below.

21 to 29points. Your attitude to nature is little conscious and not very active. Pay more attention to nature. Try to find in it attractive sides for you, think about the phenomena occurring in nature, their causes and consequences. Get acquainted with works of art depicting nature. Pay attention to how it affects the people around you. If you do this regularly, your relationship to nature, and thus to the people around you, will become more meaningful and active.

From 30 to 39 points. The attitude to nature is realized by you deeply and correctly. However, you understand that some of the answers you have chosen say that not all is well in this regard. Try to be more attentive to the nature and behavior of the people around you. Be active in protecting the environment. Be more interested in works of art: read, listen to music, get acquainted with landscape painting and graphics, the works of animal artists. This will help make your relationship with nature deeper and more effective.

Over 40 points. Your attitude to nature is not sufficiently comprehended. Your emotionality often makes it difficult to critically examine your thoughts, feelings, actions. Analyze them more often, be sincere and self-critical in relation to yourself and your actions.
REMEMBER: if you want to improve your attitude to nature - and this is necessary for your life, self-education, in order to bring more benefit to people and live more interestingly - begin to carry out the proposed program of actions to help education and self-education by means of nature. Work on the program will help to fulfill this desire.


Projective test.

(the nature of the actions of students in a given situation, directly related to nature).

The task: finish the sentence you started.

1. If I choose a profession related to natural phenomena, for example, _______________________________________ then _________________

2. Having met a poacher in the forest, I

3. I am among people who love nature, because

4. If I were an artist and ended up on a river or by the sea

5. I would like to visit an environmental camp for schoolchildren, because (to)

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