NLP basic concepts and techniques. Simple and effective NLP techniques and exercises. What is NLP

What is NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)? This is a rather broadly interpreted way of influencing people, including behavior modeling, thought programming and mind control. And NLP is a specific branch of psychology. In general, a lot can be said about this, but now it is worth focusing on the most interesting aspects of this topic.

History and background of the method

Before going into detail about what NLP is, it is worth turning to history. The direction itself was developed in the 60-70s by American scientists - linguist John Grinder and psychologist Richard Bandler.

Experts clearly explain the principle of neurolinguistic programming. Scientists say that this method embodies the main idea of ​​Alfred Korzybski, an American researcher and founder of general semantics. It sounds like this: all our models of the world and cognitive maps (images of a familiar spatial environment) are representations distorted due to the peculiarities of neurological functioning, as well as due to the limitations that are associated with it.

Scientists assure that after the information enters the receptors of the five senses, it undergoes linguistic and neurological transformations. Moreover, before a person (more precisely, his brain, consciousness) himself gets access to it. This says only one thing - none of us ever experience objective reality. In any case, it is modified by neurology and language.

The basis of the method

Without studying it directly, it is rather difficult to understand what NLP is. The method itself implies, first of all, the study of the structure of subjective experience. That is, what only one or another specific person experienced.

Neuro-Linguistic Programmers are primarily interested in how people process reality and construct it. Scholars acknowledge that perhaps the notorious objective reality(the world that exists independently of man and his consciousness) exists. But it is not given to anyone to know what it is, except through perception and consistently formed beliefs about it.

All NLP books say that subjective experience has its own structure and organization. That is, for each person, his beliefs, ideas and perceptions are collected according to the relationship between them. They are structured and organized. And this manifests itself both at the micro and at the macro level.

Scientists argue that all behavioral acts and communication (both verbal and non-verbal) reflect how a person internally structures the concepts and beliefs inherent in him. And an experienced observer is able to work with these processes.

There is definitely some truth in this. The subjective nature of human experiences will never allow us to embrace the objective world. Humans do not have access to absolute knowledge of reality. All they have is a set of beliefs about her that is built up over the course of their lives.

Method principles

Having studied them at least briefly, you can roughly understand what NLP is. And one of the principles sounds like this - whatever a person does, he is driven by a positive intention, which is often not even realized. That is, the behavior demonstrated by him at one time or another is the best available or the most correct. Proponents of NLP believe that finding new alternatives can be beneficial, as they help change behavior that other people do not want.

Even in this topic there is such a thing as rapport. It denotes a qualitative connection established between two people. It is characterized by ease of communication, mutual trust, unhindered flow of speech. In the field of psychology and psychiatry, special attention is paid to rapport between doctors and patients. Since their presence affects the outcome of psychotherapy. Therefore, NLP specialists focus on what exactly constitutes rapport, as well as what factors allow it to be achieved and maintained in the future.

The third principle is: “There is no defeat. There is only feedback." In NLP, communication is never seen in terms of failure and success. Only in terms of efficiency. If the results turn out to be ineffective, then this is a reason for researchers not to be disappointed, but to seek feedback. It will determine the success of the actions performed. This principle, by the way, is borrowed from the information theory of the English psychiatrist William Ross Ashby.

Fourth principle: “Having a choice is better than not having a choice.” Here is what is important to learn for beginners - NLP is about recognizing "stagnation" and identifying new options for action in any situation. Proponents of the method say that an individual who is characterized not by strength, but by flexibility in the spectrum of reactions manifested, can more effectively influence something.

Fifth principle: "The meaning of communication is the response received." As mentioned at the beginning, NLP is manipulation of people in a sense. So, the main thing in communication is not the intention behind the message being sent, but the reaction caused by it in the opponent. If you begin to be guided by this principle, you can become more effective in communication. Indeed, by the visual reaction of the opponent, one can trace how this or that information reaches him.

Mind and body interact

This is one of the rules of NLP. And it's hard to argue with its truth. When a person dances to his favorite music, his mood improves. If he takes a sleeping pill, his brain shuts down. When a person is pushed in the back during rush hour in the subway, his central nervous system immediately reacts with irritation to this.

In all cases, what happens to the body affects the mind. The principle also works in the opposite direction. A person is preparing to speak to the masses - his heartbeat quickens. He is complimented - his cheeks turn pink, a smile appears. They report bad news - there is a pressure drop, tears.

What's with NLP? In deciphering the abbreviation, there is the term "programming", which in this context means laying a certain function into the mind. So, in this case, a person must realize the power of his thoughts over the body. Lay it in your mind, program yourself for this principle. And then he will understand how great his possibilities are.

Of course, many are skeptical about this principle. But proponents of NLP believe that people living in accordance with it can give orders to their bodies. Force yourself to lose weight or recover without pills, improve your mood.

Skepticism dispelled the placebo effect. There was an experiment: the researchers gathered sick people and, dividing them into two groups, began to treat. One was given medication. Others - "pacifiers", placebo pills. But they didn't know about it. Doctors wanted to find out what affects people - chemical substances or their belief in the treatment they receive. According to the results of the experiment, it turned out that the “pacifiers” acted on a par with medicines, and in some cases even turned out to be more effective than them.

Inner resources are limitless

This is the next rule of NLP. Each person has fantastic resources, but practically does not use them to the full extent. Why? Due to natural laziness.

Why read and educate yourself when you can get your smartphone and quickly google what interests you? Why try to master the skill of controlling your body, pressure and temperature, when there are aspirins, antipyretics?

NLP is a field of knowledge and methods in which great attention is paid to the hidden potential. One of the main tasks is to find in the depths of the soul the necessary resources to achieve certain goals, find talents, and quickly master skills and knowledge. In general, everything that can make life easier.

And here is the NLP rule for every day: you need to train yourself to pay special attention to people whose abilities you admire. This is the easiest way to discover and develop your hidden talents. After all, a person notices in others those qualities that are characteristic of himself! He just doesn't realize it sometimes. Supporters of NLP are sure: if a person noted someone's talent or ability, rejoiced for its owner, it means that he has the same inclinations. He just didn't let them manifest before.

But this also applies to disadvantages. Does a person accuse someone of envy, meanness, anger, meanness? But are they not peculiar to him, too? Probably yes. Particularly annoying are those qualities that people subconsciously do not accept in themselves.

Who to be in this world is an individual decision

Probably everyone has heard phrases like: "Everything depends on ourselves" or "You are the master of your life." That's just, as it usually happens, few people think about such words, realize their meaning. And in NLP, one of the key rules sounds exactly like this: "Who a person will be - a winner or a loser - depends only on him."

Everyone is the creator of their universe. Ruler of your own Destiny. The one who can "order" himself wealth or poverty, health or illness, good luck or failure. Sometimes "orders" are made unconsciously.

Some will smile skeptically, others will find hundreds of rebuttals and arguments against this statement, the rest will think. But we must remember that we are talking about NLP - a technique for manipulating people and one's own consciousness. Sometimes, some people begin to arrange their lives so recklessly and even aggressively that the phrase “I can!” becomes their daily motto. And they achieve truly amazing results.

Because these people believe in their own strengths and in themselves, take responsibility for their Destiny upon themselves (realizing that they do not create it, and not karma, bosses, higher powers, government or circumstances), and are also engaged in revealing their inner potential. They do a lot of work on themselves every day. NLP should not be viewed as a pseudo-scientific technique. These are motivations, attitudes, the study of one's consciousness, a constant process of self-improvement. This is where strength is needed.

Technique #1: Anchor Creation

Many people are addicted to NLP and the manipulation of their own consciousness. Mostly because they don't want to be...happy. People come to Neuro Linguistic Programming with the hope that they will be able to "tune" themselves to good life. And it's possible.

The vast majority of us have had/have moments when we are absolutely happy. The pinnacle of bliss, so to speak. Life goes like clockwork, everything works out, there are no barriers, desires come true. Too bad it's not always like that. But what prevents you from remembering this state and constantly returning to it mentally?

This is one of the key techniques of NLP. It is necessary to remember your blissful state, called “resource”, to imagine the range of feelings experienced at that moment. When they become as bright as possible, you need to put an "anchor". It can be anything - a snap of the fingers, a slight pull on the earlobe, a gentle squeezing of the shoulder with the palm of your hand. In general, the main thing is that it be a gesture that is available for implementation in any situation.

The exercise must be repeated. Remember your feelings and blissfully time and put the chosen “anchor” at the peak. Here the goal is simple - to form a kind of conditioned reflex. When it can be achieved, then a person with the help of his anchor will experience the whole gamut of those emotions and feelings. And this skill really improves psychological condition under dreary, sad, unfavorable life circumstances.

By the way, the "anchor" can be replaced by an object. The reflex will be additionally developed on the basis of associations. But then you will need to carry it with you constantly.

Tactic #2: Influencing Others

Many people want to master manipulation with the help of Neuro Linguistic Programming. There are many NLP techniques that help influence others. But all of them are based on the specifics of speech, construction of sentences, appeal, attitude towards a person. So, here are just some of the NLP techniques that help influence people:

  • Method of three consents. It is based on the inertia of the psyche. The principle is this: before voicing an important question to which you need to get a firm “yes” from the interlocutor, you need to ask him three minor, light ones that absolutely imply a positive answer. Having agreed several times, he will continue to do it inertially.
  • Illusion of choice. A clever NLP manipulation technique. On the one hand, a person offers a choice. On the other hand, it encourages the respondent to do what he needs. For example: “Will you buy the whole set or part of it?”.
  • Trap words. They tenaciously "catch" the consciousness of almost every person in the network. For example: "Do you feel confident after our classes?". And it doesn't matter that the person didn't notice it. His consciousness had already fallen into a trap, and he began to think, began to look for confirmation of the question.
  • The affirmation of positive reality, taken for granted. For example: “Well, you are a smart person, you will agree with this.” And the opponent is no longer interested in arguing, since by doing so he will cast doubt on the fact that he is smart.
  • Questions-teams. Something that few people reread. For example, not "Make the music quieter", but "Does it make it difficult for you to muffle the sound a little?". The first option sounds more honest, but looks like an order. When voicing the second, an illusion is created that the person takes into account the opinion of the opponent, since he asks him in a polite manner, and does not force him. This cannot be denied.
  • Turnover "than ... so ...". A bunch of what the manipulator himself needs. For example: “The longer you drive this car, the more you realize that you want to own it.”

And these are just some of the NLP techniques that have an impact on a person. But they can all be resisted by a person who understands this topic and knows that manipulators are everywhere. It is enough to ask yourself the question: “Do I really need this?”. Consciousness will immediately react by bringing arguments.

Sphere of advertising

It contains many examples of NLP. Good commercials, slogans, billboards evoke such a reaction from the consumer: I see à I want à I buy. They can be based on values ​​- what represents holiness for the target audience. Images of elderly parents, grandparents, family, lovers, home comforts… it all weighs on the consumer's sensuality.

Submodalities are also one of the foundations of NLP advertising techniques. The emphasis is on kinesthetic, auditory and visual perception. Everyone knows these videos. Well-chosen angles, the effect of moving away and approaching, the dynamic development of the plot, the music that excites the mind ... everything is used so that the consumer feels like a part of advertising. Such a context easily awakens the appetite, calls to action, makes you feel like the owner of the advertised thing in reality.

Another effective technique is truism. What is taken from authoritative sources can be said. Something that won't inspire distrust. For example: “Approved by the worldwide association…”, “Doctors recommend…”, “Made in Germany”, etc.

SMART goal setting

This method is also directly related to NLP. The abbreviation SMART reflects the criteria that a person's goal must meet to achieve. So this is:

  • S - specific (specifics).
  • M - measurable (measurability).
  • A - attainable (reachability).
  • R - relevant (significance).
  • T - time-bounded (correlation with specific terms).

A person, writing a goal according to SMART, programs himself in the most direct way. Here is an example of what a thoughtful attitude might look like: “What do I want? Own business, open your own institution. What is needed for this? Earn start-up capital, draw up a plan, perhaps take a loan for development. What are my options for this? Ambition, promising work and early success means that you can set a goal above the limit of possibilities. Why do I need my own business? This is an old dream, and wishes must come true, plus, I will work for myself and have the prospect of developing the sphere in the future. How much time do I have to prepare? 2 years".

This is just one example. In any case, meeting the goal with these criteria will increase the likelihood of its implementation. In simple terms, in order to change something in life, you must have a clear idea of ​​​​what you want specifically.

By the way, it will not be superfluous to read some books on NLP. In particular, those that were written by the founders of the method. Recommended reading is their work entitled "The Structure of Magic" in two volumes (1975 and 1976). You can also read the book "Changes in the Family", written jointly with the American psychologist Virginia Satir.

Also worthwhile is the NLP Practitioner. Written by Bob Bodenhamer and Michael Hall. This book is of interest to both beginners in the field of NLP, and people with skills in this area who want to improve them.

One of the popular destinations in practical psychology is Neuro Linguistic Programming or NLP (not to be confused with Neuro Linguistics). And despite the fact that the academic community does not recognize NLP technology, some studies confirm the effectiveness of this technique. And many people turn with their psychological problems to specialists practicing neurolinguistic programming. In this article, we will tell you what NLP is, where the techniques and techniques of direction are used, and also reveal the essence of some neurolinguistic techniques.

Direction history

The founders of NLP J. Grinder and R. Bandler in the 60s of the last century gathered around themselves a group of scientists, psychotherapists and students. For about 10 years, the team has been conducting seminars, developing skills, developed by them methods. It is this period that is considered the beginning of the development of NLP therapy. Over half a century, Neuro Linguistic Programming has rapidly evolved into a popular system of tricks and techniques that are used in various areas of psychology, business, relationships and self-development. But the academic community does not recognize the direction of NLP in psychotherapy, considering it parascientific. Psychotechnics of NLP are often compared with manipulation, so many are wary of them. And some NLP techniques are considered unethical by the most zealous critics. A lot of works have been written on the theory and practice of the direction. One of the most popular books on Neuro Linguistic Programming is NLP Secret Techniques by Danny Reid.

What is the essence of the concept?

Let's try to figure out what NLP is and how it works? What is the key concept of direction based on?

The essence of NLP is that reality is always subjective, determined by the beliefs and world map of a particular person. This means that the transformation of beliefs, perceptions and behavior change can change reality.

The foundations of NLP are based on behavioral modeling successful people, in particular, the gestalt therapist F. Perls, the hypnotherapist M. Erickson and the master of family therapy V. Satir. Neuro-Linguistic Programming is driven by a set of relationships between speech patterns, experiences, body and eye movements. One of the key tasks of NLP is the destruction of destructive patterns, patterns of behavior and thinking. This is what all NLP methods and psychotechniques are mainly aimed at. Another important area of ​​NLP is motivation, the study and correction of human stimuli and motivations for action.

Most evidence-based experiments show that NLP techniques in psychotherapy are not effective and contain factual errors, although it should be mentioned that some studies have shown a number of positive results. The use of NLP technologies in psychotherapy raises doubts among many scientists, primarily due to the lack of efficacy reliably confirmed by experiments. Critics also point to the pseudo-scientific nature of the concept, classifying NLPers as fraudsters, and NLP techniques used in psychology as discredited practices.

Theoretical base

To learn the basics of neuro-linguistic programming, you need to understand the specific terminology. One of the important concepts is the theory NLP anchors. Anchors in NLP are consciously or unconsciously established fairly strong conditioned reflex relationships. The human brain is able to anchor emotions, memories, events. Anchoring in NLP is used primarily to replace persistent negative experiences with positive ones. The anchor system can include gestures, sounds, smells, touches, etc. In NLP, conscious anchoring occurs according to certain principles. The term rapport in NLP refers to the quality of the relationship between two people in a communication system. If the communication is trusting, easy, without tension, then the rapport is good. This is especially important when establishing contact between the therapist and the patient in the process of psychotherapy. All NLP models consist of three stages of human behavior to influence the interlocutor in the process of communication: joining, fixing, leading. For example, the meta-model of language was developed based on observations of the work of well-known psychotherapists. Its study allows you to identify stereotypes of a person from his speech style.

NLP Metaprograms are those based on individual features thinking basic filters of perception. These include: a way of classifying the world, time, persuasion factors, motivation. Often, professional NLPers occupy personnel positions in large corporations, as they are able to select personnel based on an assessment of the metaprogram portrait. Submodalities do not refer to the content of information, but to the way it is presented. If modalities are channels for obtaining information (visual, kinesthetic, auditory), then submodalities are sensory differences in its presentation. For each person they are individual. By changing submodalities, we can control perception, attention, evaluation, we are able to control the state. Predicates are words related to a particular representational system that a person uses to describe. The visual, for example, when describing events will say: beautiful, seen, bright. And the use of the kinesthetic representational system is evidenced by the predicates: feel, cold, soft.

NLP principles and rules

The basic principles of NLP, according to Robert Dilts, are as follows: "the map is not the territory" and "life and mind are systemic processes." The basic presuppositions of NLP are formulated in such a way that they reflect the fundamental principles of NLP. Presuppositions can be represented as certain aphorisms of beliefs. To become more effective in life, you need to learn the following rules of NLP:

  • Any behavior is communication. This means that a person is always in the flow of receiving and transmitting information. This involves gestures, facial expressions and any other actions. You should be more attentive to what you do, how you behave, because at this time others read the information.
  • People are guided not by the world, but by its own model. In fact, each person has his own cards of “honesty”, “love”, “friendship”, etc. Realizing that the interlocutor’s phrases only reflect his picture of the world, it becomes easier to communicate with people
  • People always choose the best available options. For example, if a person was once able to achieve what he wanted with the help of blackmail, he will continue to resort to such a scenario if he does not see a better opportunity. Knowing this rule allows you to avoid superficial judgments about others.
  • In communication, it is not your intentions that are important, but the interlocutor's reaction to you. If you want to get something out of a person, spend more time not on your arguments, but on his reaction to them. If you notice that the interlocutor is bored, change the tactics of communication.
  • Behind every action is a positive intention. Even a bad habit of smoking reflects the intention to calm down, relieve stress. If you deal with the internal motives of actions, you can find other ways to get what you want.

The concept of logical levels

The author of the logical level model is R. Dilts. All processes and elements of subjective experience can be arranged according to levels that influence each other. Changes at higher levels lead to inevitable changes at lower levels. It doesn't always happen the other way around. Consider the logical levels of NLP from lowest to highest:

  • The environment is a static level that describes the human environment, the circle of his communication, interests, everyday experience. Answers the questions: “What?”, “Who?”, “Where?” and others.
  • Behavior is the level of human interaction with the environment, changes and movement. Main question: "What is he doing?".
  • Abilities are individual personality traits based on experience. This is a strategic level, the main question of which is: “How?”.
  • Beliefs and values ​​- This is a deep structured level that is responsible for the internal motivation of a person. The main question of the level: “Why?”. This, in fact, is the core of the personality, which is formed by about 10 years and changes very difficult. However, changes at the level of beliefs strongly affect all lower levels.
  • Identity - we can say that this is a level of personality that describes who a person feels himself to be in a global sense. The main question is: Who am I?
  • Mission (transmission) - a spiritual level that goes beyond the vision of one's personality, something elusive, the highest meaning and purpose of a person.

Areas of application of neurolinguistic programming

NLP techniques are used not only in medicine, practical psychology and psychotherapy, they can also be useful in everyday life. For example, in the book "Secret Techniques of NLP" various methods of influencing the consciousness and subconsciousness of a person are described. A number of NLP techniques help in communicating with others to achieve the desired results. Ericksonian hypnosis, based on non-verbal methods of joining an interlocutor, is used by psychiatrists to treat severe neurosis, communicate with clinical introverts, and help a person overcome a catatonic stupor. If there is no rapport - an empathic connection - you will not enter into resonance with the interlocutor. And all your speeches directed to him will bounce off like peas from a wall. This is the main idea behind Erickson's hypnosis. By the NLP method of self-programming, new “programs” are uploaded into the brain through a meditative state or self-hypnosis. NLPers believe that self-hypnosis is a great power with which you can qualitatively influence thinking, behavior and emotions. Some techniques based on self-hypnosis allow you to lose weight, fight smoking and other addictions. Therefore, special popularity in recent times win NLP courses for weight loss. Quite often in various trainings personal growth use NLP psychotechniques to increase self-confidence. Several NLP techniques can also be used in parenting, such as metaphors. Playing out NLP metaphors with a child is a great way to deal with fears. With the help of simple NLP exercises, you can learn to easily cope with even the most difficult life problems and experiences. NLP skills help in communicating with others not only to better understand the true intentions of a person, but also to convey your thoughts so that you are understood.

How to establish contact in communication?

The first thing to do at the beginning of NLP therapy is to adjust to the client by establishing his leading representational system.

Correct adjustment to the interlocutor allows you to arouse unconscious trust in yourself. It is irrational and is formed literally in the first minutes of communication. It is based on a refined mechanism for recognizing “us” and “them” for thousands of years.

With the help of adjustment, a kind of synchronization occurs between the two interlocutors. People who are friends and are in a trusting relationship, from the outside look similar in gestures, facial expressions, intonations. Based on this, adjusting to the posture, gait, rhythm and timbre of the voice, gestures and facial expressions of the interlocutor allows you to inspire confidence in him at an unconscious level. Neuro-Linguistic Programming divides tuning into the following types:

  • Full - implies adjustment in all parameters (voice, respiratory rhythm, gestures, posture).
  • Partial, when you adjust only according to certain parameters, for example, posture and voice.
  • Cross - is considered the most appropriate. You mirror the gesture itself, but in a different form. In this way, you can adjust to the whole group, for example, during a presentation. You adjust to the voice of one person, copy the gestures of another, repeat the pose of a third.
  • Straight or mirror. Accurate reflection of gestures and body movements of the interlocutor. He leans forward - you do the same, he gestures with his left hand - you repeat.

Some techniques and methods of NLP

What is it? How do NLP psychotechniques work? All of them have specific tasks. You can learn useful techniques in everyday life or professional secret NLP techniques in specialized schools and training centers. You can do this yourself with the help of Internet resources and literature. Let's look at some basic NLP techniques. One of the most popular and effective methods NLP - visualization. It is used both to solve problematic issues and to achieve the desired result. The SMART technique is also designed to teach correct staging goals. Calibration in NLP helps you learn to recognize the mood and feelings of another person. The swing technique is one of the universal techniques that can be used to get rid of bad habits. In Psychology and psychiatry, this technique is used to combat obsessions. The NLP alphabet technique is designed to introduce a person into a state of high degree productivity.

Reframing is a procedure for reconfiguring thinking, creating new perception mechanisms, mental patterns, behavioral patterns. Reframing affects how you think and perceive the world, like a new frame for an old shabby picture, allowing you to look at a work of art in a new way. Fairy tales, parables, and anecdotes are good examples of reframing. NLPers characterize reframing as a way of changing the value and context of a particular event from the position that "there is a positive in everything." NLP promotions, which are otherwise called language tricks, are some kind of speech patterns for changing beliefs and also refer to reframing.

What will your eyes tell NLPer? A person uses oculomotor reactions unconsciously. From them you can determine not only what he thinks, but also his main representative system. For example, if after a request to recall certain events, the interlocutor's gaze involuntarily goes up, then he is more likely a visual. Such a look means that a person is trying to visualize events, to remember a picture. The kinesthetic gaze will be directed down or down and to the right when recalling. Thus, a person tries to remember the sensations from the experience. The auditory in this situation will look to the left. Looking down to the left indicates an internal dialogue, that the interlocutor is carefully trying to choose words. In psychology, attention is often paid to the movements of the patient's eyes. If his gaze is directed to the right or to the right up, this may indicate that he is trying to come up with an answer, that is, to lie.

The interaction of speech mechanisms and the human psyche is one of those areas that is being developed by NLP - a section of psychotherapy called " neurolinguistic programming ". As a type of suggestive influence (through suggestion), NLP focuses entirely on verbal formulations that contribute to changing human behavior. How this is implemented, let's try to figure it out.

NLP Basics

Neuro-linguistic programming as a technology of influence seeks to establish a connection between the individual and his own subconscious. Possessing rich hidden resources of the psyche, each person should be able to use them.

Access to invisible resources is carried out by extracting them from the subconscious and delivering them to the conscious part of the psyche. There is also a reverse mechanism: stereotypes of perception of the surrounding world (ideological attitudes, information) are laid in the sphere of the unconscious, contributing topositive changes in human behavior for the psyche.

Higher nervous activity a person, including the psyche, works on the basis of the process of assimilation of information, which, based on the NLP approach, is divided into a number of subsystems:

  • perception of data (localized through representative systems);
  • data processing (localized in the mind);
  • data storage (localized in the subconscious).

Adherents and followers of the NLP approach also emphasize certain principles contributing to the effectiveness of a person as a person:

  1. Consistency(rapport): must exist both with itself and with the outside world. It is more constructive not to try to change something / someone, but to recognize the fact of the existence of this or that phenomenon “as is”.
  2. Clarity of views(result): concerns the effectiveness of something (situation, process, achievements) - it must be clear, understood unambiguously and be objective (represented in the mind).
  3. Openness and attentiveness(sensitivity): refers to the process of achieving a result - only focus and attention to one's feelings, which should be open, will show if there is movement towards the goal.
  4. Plasticity in approaches(flexibility): associated with the ability to successfully change one's actions until the desired is achieved.

Representational systems

The main techniques used by NLP to influence a person are based on knowledge about the characteristics of the sensory channels of information perception by an individual.

Three main categories (modalities) representative systems display the leading channel of external information, to which a person first of all pays attention:

  • on the visual (visuals) - visual sensations are central in perception;
  • on the auditory (audials) - auditory sensations are central in the course of perception;
  • on kinesthetic (kinesthetics) - tactile sensations are central during perception.

Any person has all the described modalities of perception, but one is usually used to the maximum - this is the main modality (representative system).

The main (preferred) channel of perception of information is formed in the individual in the course of his development.

Usually, this formation is influenced by a whole range of factors:

  • from natural, natural (features and properties of objects of the outside world),
  • to socio-cultural (social, intellectual, cultural environment in which the formation of the individual as a person takes place).

"Secrets" of the abbreviations H-, L-, P-

From a methodological point of view neuro» N- represents the conditionality of all processes (associated with behavior, a variety of actions of an individual) by a set of neurological mechanisms that occur in the brain and throughout the human body.

« Linguistic» L- emphasizes the importance of verbal functions: through language, we manage to organize, streamline our actions and thoughts, and also interact with people around us.

« Programming» P- indicates the existence of certain programs and methods of action that help a person to streamline (organize) his psyche (himself) in order to achieve the desired result.

aim NLP is about how to build and organize your experience, what influences it and how you can manage it. Mastering the updated experience looks like a process of getting a new education for a person – retraining of the brain.

Techniques and methods of influence

Methods of influencing a person through NLP aims to use the potential hidden opportunities a person through the formation of those programs and methods of action that allow to achieve the proper result. It's about both about self-influence, and about the impact on the psyche of another individual (patient, communication partner, etc.).

Of the most well-known techniques, NLP practitioners mention the following:

NLP has also developed techniques manipulation people aimed solely at changing the behavior of the surrounding people to the desired:

  • Technics " demand more": you need to focus on the result, much more than the person needs - such "inadequacy" will force the opponent to refuse the petitioner, but then you can demand and achieve the fulfillment of already realistic goals (there will be a desire to avoid the negative from refusing to fulfill the request);
  • Technics flattery: widely known and used by many, positive words and praise (even unfounded), you can achieve an unconditional and uncritical attitude towards yourself - although it is important here not to "go too far" (not to use outright lies);
  • Technics paraphrasing: the thought of the interlocutor seems to be retelling, but a different meaning is put into the words, necessary for the manipulating individual (this is how psychological pressure is carried out).

NLP, as an approach that contributes to the ordering of one's personality (psyche), does not say what is “right / wrong”, but rather orients the individual towards “environmental friendliness” as a character trait - what is most inherent in him and does not violate the harmony of the person himself. Also, it helps to avoid what is "unenvironmentally friendly".


Good afternoon, dear readers of my blog. Today I would like to talk about the problem of success, which, for sure, is of interest to everyone. Success, as a rule, leads to a long and hard road, the need to make a lot of effort and a small amount of luck. However, there are enough simple methods, with which you can significantly reduce your path towards your goals. Let's look at the basic NLP techniques that allow you to succeed in personal life and building a professional career.

These methods are of great help both in personal life and in the professional sphere and belong to the psychological direction, which is called Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Previously, we have already considered: "".

How to become successful with NLP in your personal life

Personal life is perhaps one of those areas in which it is especially difficult to succeed, because there is nothing more difficult than building a strong deep relationship with another person. Therefore, it is here that it is reasonable to use the most effective methods.

On the other hand, it is personal life, love and family, which is an area in which, if manipulation makes sense, it is only in order to destroy communication barriers and achieve mutual understanding.

NLP methods are an effective powerful technology that can make a person do something that he may not want to do. In close relationships, there is always a temptation to put pressure on a partner and, as they say, "pull the blanket over yourself." Is it possible to achieve success in personal life in this way? May be. But only imaginary and not for long.

Honesty and respect will lead you to success in family affairs and love much faster than repression and manipulation.

Therefore, using NLP in romantic or friendly relationships should be done carefully and wisely. If you are looking to arouse love and attraction for yourself from a partner or partner, NLP offers a lot of ways that are very effective.

Let's take a look at some of the simplest and most effective seduction techniques that work almost flawlessly.

Adjustment technique

It is used at the stage of dating at the very beginning of the relationship. The bottom line is to gain maximum trust in the object of your attention, remove barriers and awaken positive emotions and a romantic look at you. Adjustment can take place in a variety of directions:

  • by physical posture, when you harmoniously reflect the posture of the interlocutor, leading a casual conversation
  • according to speech characteristics, if you adjust to the pace and volume of speech, it stylistic features, strive to speak the language of the object
  • on the perception of the general reality, for this it is enough to condemn something around you and come to a common opinion
  • in the sphere of values ​​and beliefs, when in a conversation you emphasize the commonality of habits, opinions, ideas.

The deeper the adjustment is made, the thinner the barriers become and the easier it is to break through to the emotions of the chosen object.

Near-Far Technique

If a relationship is established, it is necessary to strengthen and deepen them, and the “closer-further” technique works great here. Applying it, you need to alternate periods of warmth and attention to the partner with dismissive and cold behavior. If you follow a few simple rules, you will be able to achieve maximum success:

  • all actions during the period of alienation must be justified by external circumstances: “I really like you, but I’m busy with business,” “I couldn’t get through because my phone broke.”
  • the "before" period should begin immediately after highest point enjoyment of interacting with each other.
  • the “closer” period should change the “further” period only after the partner has taken active measures to achieve favor.
  • the period “further” is most effective if it comes unexpectedly and without explanation, so that the partner, as it were, “cooks” in his own doubts, and ends with explanations that do not compromise your love.

This technique works great not only during the "candy-bouquet" relationship, but also after the wedding. A great way to maintain vivid emotions during decades of living together. You can read more about this technique.

NLP techniques for successful sales

Another important area of ​​application of NLP methods is sales, service offering, negotiation. These techniques allow you to succeed in business and career building.

In our highly competitive world, success in product promotion is especially difficult, but also especially profitable. Success in business is guaranteed if you can:

  1. turn the prospect's eyes in the right direction
  2. help find why he really came to the store or your company
  3. explain to him that the goods you offer are exactly what he needs

It is in the field of developing methods of NLP-influence in sales that the largest number research and there is the largest number of simple and effective techniques. All of them can be divided into several main groups, according to their functions:

  • methods to read the client
  • methods of adjustment to the client
  • methods of conducting, that is, the direction of the client's behavior

Of course, it will not work to consider all of them in our article; you can learn in detail about the basics of the most effective of them, for example, in the book "Guide to the NLP Practitioner Course" by Andrey Pligin and Alexander Gerasimov.

And in order to make sure that they really work, you can try to put into practice one of the most simple and therefore reliable techniques: the method of three yes.

The Three Yes Technique

In sales, I use it in order to overcome the negative mood of the client, his prejudice towards something and make him look at the item from a different side, beneficial for the seller.

So, if you meet an intractable, pre-negative client, ask him just a few questions, to which he will inevitably answer “yes”. These can be neutral questions like "Did you come with your car?" or "Is it raining outside?" if that's the case, of course.

The subject of conversation can also be axioms from your business area, common myths and ideas shared by everyone, for example: “Do you agree that household appliances should be bought so that they serve for a long time and without fail?” etc.

After you manage to get a “yes” answer more than three times, you can ask the SAME question to which it is important to get a positive answer from the interlocutor. And he is more likely to answer "Yes." Even people who are resistant to manipulation and perfectly able to resist it cannot resist this technique.

Of course, you may not expect a positive response from a negative interlocutor, but the very desire to answer “yes” will already allow his mind to turn off the pre-planned path and look at the matter from a different side, which was previously hidden from him behind a wall of prejudice. And that's exactly what you were trying to achieve!

The seeds of doubt that can be planted in the mind of the client in this way will create a very small gap in his previously impeccable belief in his innocence. After that, acting competently and professionally, using other effective NLP techniques, you will be able to expand it, increase it so much that the interlocutor will begin to listen to your words, reflect on your arguments, which in the end will allow you to convince the person to change his mind, and later make a decision that suits you.

When you managed to plant a seed of doubt in the mind of the client, it is worth working with his beliefs further.

Right Question Technique

Many sellers believe that the client should be presented as best as possible more information to influence the purchase. NLP techniques they suggest, on the contrary, to ask questions that will allow them to overcome the barriers of perception and communication, and to accept the seller's proposals as their own. Similar NLP methods are based on the techniques of Ericksonian hypnosis.

Gently offering statements or questions that the buyer must agree with or answer “yes” to, step by step, the seller leads him to the decision that the product or service being offered is exactly what it is worth spending money on. .

It is the question-answer form of communication, in which each next question assumes a positive answer, that allows you to set the client to the solution necessary for the seller.

Phrase repetition technique

The right questions, the seller's sincere interest in the customer's needs, and the creative approach to finding ways to meet them are important components of the success of NLP methods in sales.

This is where the “repeating phrase” technique often practiced in NLP will help. It consists in the fact that by repeating the end of the client’s phrase at the beginning of your own, you can create the illusion that your thoughts are his own. Then the person and the decision that is beneficial to you is easier to take for your own.

Reformulation Technique

To influence a change in the buyer's opinion in your favor and stimulate a decision that is beneficial to you, use the reformulation technique. Its essence is that you formulate the thought expressed by the client in your own way, starting your statement with the words: "If I understood you correctly ...".

The trick is that the same idea, expressed in a slightly different way, can direct the client's gaze in the direction you need, but at the same time he will still consider it his own. In real life it looks like this:

Customer: "I don't like this kettle, it's made of too thin plastic"

Seller: "I understand you want to buy a kettle with a body that will last a long time?"

Buyer: "Yes"

Seller: “Pay attention to these models. They have a metal case, in our house such a kettle has been working fine for 4 years. I can suggest this teapot. Its case is plastic, but the manufacturer gives a guarantee of 3 years, during which it changes the product for free.

Technique "Demand more"

An important stage of successful sales is the completion of the transaction. To effectively lead the buyer to making a decision and paying for the purchase, there are a lot of NLP techniques. One of the most effective is the “Demand More” method, which leads a person who is already ready to buy to think that it is worth doing it right now.

The technique is based on the fact that our perception of events and phenomena is relative.

With his constant growth in the country of Lilliputians, Gulliver seemed like a giant, and in the country of giants - a midget.

Therefore, using the contrast effect, you must first present unacceptable terms of the transaction: too high a price, for example, and then report that now you can make a purchase at 20% cheaper. For this purpose, you can offer a discount, promotion or special model.


The effectiveness and simplicity of NLP methods amaze and inspire many to apply them in ordinary life and it is easy to get what you want, however, there are many pitfalls in the application of NLP.

Finally, I will say: There are many different techniques and methods for achieving success. On this blog, I collect the best extracts and basics of all adequate systems for self-development. Which will be quite enough to move forward and achieve impressive results in your life. Subscribe to blog updates so as not to miss new publications of articles.

All the best, dear readers. If you find this information useful, for convenience, you can add it to your social networks. networks. The buttons are at the bottom.

Many are familiar with such an abbreviation as NLP. What it is, not everyone knows. After reading this article, you will get acquainted with this area of ​​psychology, which has received great popularity today. Neuro-Linguistic Programming - that's how NLP stands for.

What it is? Briefly, this question can be answered as follows: this is a field of psychology that studies the structure of subjective human experience, and also develops a language for describing it, reveals ways to model and mechanisms of this experience in order to improve it and transfer the identified models to other people. At first NLP was called "metaknowledge". In other words, it is the science of the structure of our experience and knowledge.

Name details

The first part in the name "NLP" ("neuro") reflects what should be understood as "brain languages" to describe the human experience. These are neurological processes responsible for the processing, storage and transmission of information. NLP makes it possible to understand how inner perception works. The second part - "linguistic" - indicates importance, which has a language in describing the features of behavior and mechanisms of thinking, as well as in organizing various communication processes. The final part - "programming" - emphasizes that behavioral and mental processes are systematic: translated from Greek, "program" means "a sequence of steps that are aimed at achieving a particular result."

Therefore, the name as a whole reflects the fact that NLP refers to subjective human experience and to people's lives as systemic processes that have their own structure. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to study them, as well as to identify the most successful experience, which we usually call talent, intuition, natural giftedness, etc.

Holistic Approach in NLP Theory

What is this area of ​​psychology, you now know. We note its main features. One can consider NLP as a scientific field of knowledge, and even as an art, since it can be represented at the level practical technologies and tools, as well as at the level of spirituality. It is based on a holistic approach to the study of human experience, based on the concept of the unity of spirit, body and mind.

NLP authors and the research they relied on

NLP was born out of the interdisciplinary interaction of various researchers who studied the work of such great psychotherapists as Virginia Satir, Fritz Perls, Milton Erickson. Its founders are professional linguist John Grinder and psychologist and mathematician Richard Bandler. In addition, NLP co-authors include Judith DeLozier, Leslie Cameron, Robert Dilts, David Gordon. Today, this area is actively developing and supplemented by new developments. The circle of its co-authors is constantly growing.

NLP as an integrative independent field of knowledge has grown from the models of practical psychology, while absorbing all the best from a practical point of view. It was at first very eclectic, but over time it acquired a powerful methodology based largely on G. Bateson's epistemology, works on communication theory, and the ecology of the mind. In addition, B. Russell's theory of logical types was used, which became the prototype of logical levels in NLP. What it is, you will learn by referring to books on NLP.

At the first stage of its development, it began with the modeling of Fritz Perls. This man is the founder of Gestalt Therapy. The modeling was carried out taking into account all the most important principles and approaches of Gestalt psychology. That is why the way NLP looks at thought and behavioral patterns has a lot to do with the Gestalt method. The second "model" that was used is specific linguistic patterns that create trance states of varying depth. They were used in the work of a well-known hyptotherapist. based on the works achieved a doctorate in linguistics. Therefore, it becomes clear why linguistics should also be attributed to the scientific roots of NLP. Its authors proceeded from the idea that linguistic structures and speech reflect subjective experience, its internal processes.

The scientific foundations of NLP, among other things, include the development of behavioral psychology. Its founder is A.P. Pavlov, Russian academician. Especially important are discoveries in the field of conditioned reflex activity. The authors of NLP focused their attention not on the mechanism of reflexes, but on the difference between unconditioned and conditional, on the study of triggers (external stimuli) that trigger a specific reflex. This topic is called "anchoring" in NLP.

NLP - a way to manipulate?

NLP has become very famous today. You can learn some technologies and techniques quite quickly and almost immediately feel the practical benefits. Unfortunately, in the media, sometimes individuals say that NLP is a way of manipulation. However, in reality, this is just a set of techniques and description techniques, something like an alphabet that helps to transfer knowledge. NLP, like any other tool, can be used for good or bad. Manipulators have been perfecting their skills for centuries, long before NLP techniques arose. Therefore, it is wrong to link these phenomena.

What can be learned by mastering these techniques?

First of all, you will learn to better understand others, their needs and needs, and you will be able to clearly convey your thoughts to the interlocutor. A person is often not able to clearly and clearly express what he would like to say. You will learn how to ask the right questions, which will help the other person clarify their thoughts, structure ideas, and save a lot of time and effort.

Note that NLP is a purely practical thing. He should be trained, practicing skills and immediately applying them in business. Learning by practice and from books is like comparing a person who can speak fluent foreign language, with one that can only translate with a dictionary.

Why do people attend NLP trainings?

In addition to developing practical skills, you will get acquainted with many interesting people. By doing the exercises together, you can not only communicate in a relaxed atmosphere, but also make friends, see yourself from the outside, and also note in others your own mistakes or moments that you have already managed to cope with. NLP training is usually quite fun. A significant part of the time is given not to lectures, but to practicing the knowledge and skills that are being studied.

Except cognitive tasks, in the process of training, others are also solved - to spend time usefully and interestingly, to understand oneself, in relationships with other people, to set goals for the future, to solve complex problems facing the participants of the training. Together, this can be defined by the term "personal growth".

Duration and specifics of trainings

Usually NLP training is inexpensive. However, it has its own specifics - if you seriously study it in order to subsequently be able to freely apply its elements, you need to devote quite a long time to the process of developing skills. So minimum time certification course is 21 days. Classes are usually held once a month on weekends and last for 8 months.

Practical benefits

NLP programming can help you in many areas of your life. For example, when starting a conversation, people often do not realize what they want to get as a result of it. Many problems can be easily avoided if you always remember the purpose of communication. This will prevent you from making hurtful mistakes. What other NLP rules can be noted for every day? Before starting a conversation, think about why you need it, what is your goal, whether the interlocutor understands your position, what arguments he may have. People sometimes get so carried away with the process of arguing that they can forget about everything, including possible consequences. The ability to control emotions and stop in time is another useful skill that NLP programming provides.

Application of the "anchoring" technique

To manage your emotional state, you can use a technique called "anchoring". With its help, you can prepare in advance for a difficult and unpleasant conversation, while maintaining a positive state of mind. You will also learn how to change your automatic reactions to things that irritate you using NLP. quite simple, but it is better to master anchoring in training or in life, and not theoretically. In a written presentation, what would be easy to demonstrate may cause misunderstanding and doubt.

Anchoring is the creation of a connection between a certain event and what is associated with it. The ship is held motionless by means of an anchor. In the same way, it causes a corresponding connection - the physical or emotional state of a person changes, or we recall some past situation by association. This NLP rule works well.

Unconscious anchors, for example, can be "happy" clothes, the smell of your favorite perfume, photos, etc. To create an anchor for a calm and positive state, you can, for example, use a photo of a place where you were once happy. You can also use special words or gestures that can be repeated mentally in difficult times. These are, for example, the words: "I am calm." It is important that they do not contain negation, as well as double meanings. All these and many other techniques you will work out in the NLP training. This practice has already helped many people from all over the world.

NLP today

By developing and integrating the most effective technologies and models, NLP today has gained wide application in learning, communication, creativity, art, business, therapy and organizational consulting, that is, wherever the resources of human behavior and thinking are most effectively involved. NLP today is primarily a methodology that allows us to successfully serve various areas of human progress.

Currently, NLP has become widespread in most countries. The best of it is used by many in practice, so there was a need for training. In the USA, for example, there are about 100 organizations associated with it, in Germany - about 70 large institutes and centers involved in development and research based on it in various fields. This direction of psychology came to Russia recently and is not yet part of formal education. However, NLP training is carried out as a special course in practical psychology in many institutes and universities. NLP today is available to a greater extent in our country in educational centers, as well as firms that use it (NLP consulting).

NLP: books

Of course, one of the most popular books is "From Frogs to Princes" (R. Bandler, D. Grinder). It is recommended to everyone, especially good at the initial stages of learning. Another useful book is "Communication Mastery" (A. Lyubimov). Everything is explained in an accessible and understandable way: sorting gate, tuning, meta-message and other NLP terms. This book will be enough to teach the basics of this area. You may also find other work useful. In the book of Gorin S.A. "Have you tried hypnosis?" you will find excellent descriptions of Ericksonian hypnosis and trance induction techniques. The book "NLP for happy love" is also very popular today. Its author is Eva Berger. "NLP for happy love" is useful for those who want to find a soul mate and live happily ever after.

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