Making a list of references according to the guest. Rules for drawing up a list of references and bibliographic references V. Description of normative-technical and technical documents

GOST design of the list of references, literature according to GOST, used literature
Examples of designing a list of references according to GOST, designing a list of references according to GOST
list of references according to the guest

Sample list of references
(list of references is required; implementation in accordance with GOST):
References according to GOST, design:

Abolmasov, N.N. Strategy and tactics for the prevention of periodontal diseases / N.N. Abolmasov // Dentistry. - 2003. - No. 4. - P.34-39.

Bezrukova, I.V. Classification of aggressive forms of inflammatory periodontal diseases / I.V. Bezrukov, A.I. Grudyanov // Dentistry. - 2002. - No. 5. - P.45 -47.

The importance of microcirculation control in millimeter wave therapy of acute destructive pancreatitis / B.S. Briskin, O.E. Efanov, V.N. Bukatko, A.N. Nikitin // Vopr. balneology physiotherapy and treatment. physical culture. - 2002. - No. 5. - P.13-16.

Immunological disorders in the pathogenesis of chronic generalized periodontitis / A.I. Volozhin, G.V. Poryadin, A.N. Kazimirsky and others // Stomatology. - 2005. - No. 3. - P.4 -7.

Kashchenko, P.V. Application of laser Doppler flowmetry in implantology / P.V. Kashchenko // Application of laser Doppler flowmetry in medical practice: mater. third all-Russian symp. - M., 2000. - S.131-133.

Kozlov, V.I. Laser blood flow analyzer LAKK-01 / V.I. Kozlov, V.V. Sidorov // Application of laser Doppler fluometry in medical practice: mater. second all-Russian symp. - M., 1998. - P.5 - 8.

Analysis of dental morbidity in adolescents under 18 years old / A.M. Khamadeeva, G.K. Burda, I.E. Gerasimova, S.S. Stepanova // VIII International Conference of Maxillofacial Surgeons and Dentists: mater. conf. - SPb., 2003. - P.170.

Influence of heparins on indicators of microcirculation and blood rheology in patients with acute coronary syndrome / V.S. Zadionchenko, E.V. Gorbacheva, N.V. Danilova et al. // Application of laser Doppler flowmetry in medical practice: mater. IV All-Russian symp. - Pushchino, 2002. - S.69 - 71.

Admakin, V.V. Conditions for the use of composites / V.V. Admakin. - Krasnoyarsk: Publishing House of MGPU, 2003. - 128 p.

Loginova, N.K. Pathophysiology of the periodontium / N.K. Loginova, A.I. Volozhin. - M., 1995. - 108 p.

Laser Doppler flowmetry in dentistry: Method. recommendations / E.K. Krechina, V.I. Kozlov, O.A. Terman, V.V. Sidorov. - M., 1997. - 12 p.

The method of laser Doppler flowmetry in cardiology: A guide for doctors / V.I. Makolkin, V.V. Branko, E.A. Bogdanova et al. - M., 1999. - 48 p.

Armitage, G.C. Development of classification system for periodontal diseases and conditions / G.C. Armitage // Ann. periodontal. - 1999. - No. 1. - P. 1-6.

Up to 4 authors
Eggert, F.M. Performance of a commercial immunoassay for detection and differentiation of periodontal marker bacteria: analysis of immunochemical performance with clinical samples / F.M. Eggert, M.H. McLeod, G. Flowerdew // J. Periodontol. - 2001. - Vol. 72, no. 9. - P. 1201 - 1209.

4 authors
Erste Beweise einer intressanten Beziehung. Parodontitus und Gafässerkrankungen / N.Mastragelopulos, V.I.Haraszthy, J.J.Zambon, G.G.Zafiropoulos // New in dentistry. - 2002. - No. 8 (108) (special issue). - P.4-5.

More than 4 authors
The effect of short-term tooth intrusion on human pulpal blood flow measured by laser Doppler flowmetry / M.Ikawa, M.Fujiwara, H. Horiuchi et al. // Arch. Oral Biol. - 2001. - Vol.46, No. 9. - P.781-788

Making a list of references according to the guest

From January 1, 2009, a new GOST R 7.0.5 - 2008 "Bibliographic reference", developed by the Federal State Institution "Russian Book Chamber" of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications, is put into effect. This standard “establishes general requirements and rules for compiling a bibliographic reference: main types, structure, composition, arrangement of documents. This standard applies to bibliographic references used in published and unpublished documents in any medium. The standard is intended for authors, editors, publishers" *1 .

According to the “General Provisions” of the “Bibliographic Reference” (clause 4.6.), “Bibliographic references are distinguished according to the location in the document: intra-text references placed in the text of the document; interlinear, taken out of the text down the page of the document (in a footnote); beyond the text, taken out of the text of the document or part of it (in a callout) " *2 .

Off-text references are placed after the main text, and when numbering off-text bibliographic references, continuous numbering is used for the entire text of the document *3 . The text refers to an off-text link.

Reference to an off-text link is enclosed in square brackets *4 . The reference may contain the ordinal number of the off-text reference in the list of off-text references, the name of the author (authors), the title of the document, the year of publication, the designation and number of the volume, and the indication of pages. The information in the referral is separated by a comma.

References are made uniformly throughout the document: or through an indication serial number an off-text link, or by indicating the name of the author (authors) or the title of the work. The reference is made as follows: or [Karasik, 2002, p. 231], in the presence of several authors - [Karasik, Dmitrieva, 2005, p. 6-8].

If the author of the book is not specified (for example, the book is written by a group of authors, and only the editor is specified), then the title of the book is indicated in the reference. If the name is too long, then it can be shortened to the first two words, for example, [Interpretation characteristics ..., 1999, p. 56] *5 .

If the link contains information about several links beyond the text, then the groups of information are separated by a semicolon: , or [Shakhovsky, 2008; Sheigal, 2007], [Leotovich, 2007, p. 37; Slyshkin, 2004, p. 35-38].

With a sequential arrangement of references to the same post-text link, the second reference is replaced by the words "Ibid" or "Ibid." (from "Ibidem") (for sources in languages ​​with Latin script). If the source is preserved, but the page is changed, then the page number is added to the word "Ibid": [Ibid. S. 24], *6 .

If the text is cited not from the original source, but from another document, then the words “Cit. by:", for example, [Cit. according to: 132, p. 14] or [Cit. Quoted from: Olyanich, 2004, p. 39-40]. If not a quote is given, but a mention of someone's views, thoughts, ideas, but still not relying on the source, then the words "Provided by:", for example, [Provided by: 108] or [Provided by : Krasavsky, 2001]. If pages are needed, they can also be specified: [Reproduced from: 108, p. 27] or [Quoted from: Krasavsky, 2001, p. 111].

Formatting text links
(examples and explanations)

1. Abeleva I.Yu. It's about speech. Human communication system. — M.: Logos, 2004. — 304 p. *8

2. Alefirenko N.F. Controversial problems of semantics: monograph. - Volgograd: Change, 1999. - 274 p. *9

3. Bell R.T. Sociolinguistics. Goals, methods, problems / per. from English. — M.: International relationships, 1980. - 318 p. *10

4. Azhezh K. A speaking man: the contribution of linguistics to the humanities / transl. from fr. - ed. 2nd, stereotypical. — M.: Editorial URSS, 2006. — 304 p. *11

5. Andreeva G.M. Social Psychology: textbook for higher educational institutions. - 5th ed., Rev. and additional — M.: Aspect Press, 2006. — 363 p.

6. Borbotko V.G. Principles of discourse formation: From psycholinguistics to linguosynergetics. - ed. 2nd, stereotypical. - M .: KomKniga, 2007. - 288 p.

7. Belyanin V.P. Psycholinguistics: textbook. - 3rd ed., Rev. - M .: Flint: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, 2005. - 232 p. *12

8. Myers D.J. Social psychology: intensive. well. — 3rd international ed. - St. Petersburg: Prime-Eurosign: Neva; M.: OLMa-Press, 2000. - 510 p. *13

9. Berger P., Lukman T. Social construction of reality: a treatise on the sociology of knowledge. — M.: Mosk. philosophy Fund, 1995. - 322 p.

10. Fundamentals of communication theory: textbook / M.A. Vasilik, M.S. Vershinin, V.A. Pavlov [and others] / ed. prof. M.A. Vasilika. — M.: Gardariki, 2006. — 615 p. *14

11. Antonova N.A. Strategies and tactics of pedagogical discourse // Problems of speech communication: interuniversity. Sat. scientific tr. / ed. M.A. Kormilitsyna, O.B. Sirotinina. - Saratov: Sarat Publishing House. un-ta, 2007. - Issue. 7. - S. 230-236. *15

12. Bart R. Linguistics of the text // New in foreign linguistics. - M .: Progress, 1978. - Issue. VIII: Linguistics of the text. - S. 442-449.

13. Sirotinina O.B. Structural and functional changes in the modern Russian literary language: the problem of the relationship between the language and its real functioning // Russian literature in the context of modern integration processes: materials of the international. scientific conf. - Volgograd: VolGU Publishing House, 2007. - T. 1. - S. 14-19. *16

14. Braslavsky P.I., Danilov S.Yu. Internet as a means of inculturation and acculturation // Mutual understanding in the dialogue of cultures: conditions for success: monograph: in 2 hours / ed. ed. L.I. Grishaeva, M.K. Popova. - Voronezh: Voronezh State. un-t, 2004. - Part 1. - S. 215-228.

15. Voiskunsky A.E. Metaphors of the Internet // Questions of Philosophy. - 2001. - No. 11. - S. 64-79. *17

16. Asmus N.G. Linguistic features of the virtual communicative space: Ph.D. dis. … cand. philol. Sciences. - Chelyabinsk: Chelyabinsk state. un-t, 2005. - 23 p. *18

17. Shkolovaya M.S. Linguistic and semiotic aspects of identity construction in electronic communication: dis. … cand. philol. Sciences. - Tver, 2005. - 174 p. *19

The sign prescribed for separating the areas of the bibliographic description, dot and dash, can be replaced by a dot. In this case, the text links look like this *20 :

1. McLuhan M. The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Formation of a Printer / Per. AND ABOUT. Tyurina. M.: Academic Project: Mir Fund, 2005. 496 p.

2. Makarov M.L. Genres in electronic communication: quo vadis? // Genres of speech: Sat. scientific articles. Saratov: Publishing House of the State University Center "College", 2005. Issue. 4: Genre and concept. pp. 336-351.

3. Markelova T.V. Semantics and pragmatics of means of expressing evaluation in Russian // Philological Sciences. 1995. No. 3. S. 67-79.

When compiling links to electronic resources, some features should be taken into account.

“The notes provide information necessary to search for and characterize the technical specifications of the electronic resource. The information is given in the following sequence: system requirements, information about the restriction of availability, the date the document or part of it was updated, the email address, the date the document was accessed" *21 .

The email address and date of reference to the document are always given. Date of reference to the document - the date when the person making the link opened this document and this document was available.

System requirements are given when special software is needed to access the document, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader, Power Point, etc. *22

Access restriction information is given if access to the document is possible, for example, from a specific location (local network, organization for which access is open), only for registered users, etc. In this case, the description indicates: “Access from ...”, “Access for registered users”, etc. If access is free, then nothing is indicated in the information.

The date of updating the document or part of it is indicated if it is fixed on the site (see paragraph 8). If the update date cannot be set, then nothing is indicated.

1. Bakhtin M.M. The work of François Rabelais and folk culture medieval and renaissance. - 2nd ed. - M .: Artist. lit., 1990. - 543 p. [Electronic resource]. URL: (accessed 05.10.2008).

2. Borges H.L. Horrible dream// Letters of God: a collection. — M.: Respublika, 1992. — 510 p. [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of access: 20.05.2008).

3. Belous N.A. Pragmatic Implementation of Communication Strategies in Conflict Discourse // The World of Linguistics and Communication: Electronic Science Magazine. - 2006. - No. 4 [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of access: 12/15/2007).

4. Orekhov S.I. Hypertext way of organizing virtual reality // Bulletin of the Omsk State Pedagogical University: electronic scientific journal. — 2006 [Electronic resource]. System. Requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. — URL: (date of access: 01/10/2007).

5. Novikova S.S. Sociology: history, fundamentals, institutionalization in Russia. - M .: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute; Voronezh: Publishing House of NPO "MODEK", 2000. - 464 p. [Electronic resource]. System. requirements: RAR archiver. — URL: (date of access: 05/17/2007).

6. Panasyuk A.Yu. Image: definition of the central concept in imageology // Academy of Imageology. - 2004. - March 26 [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of access: 04/17/2008). *23

7. Parpalk R. Communication on the Internet // Personal site of Roman Parpalak. - 2006. - December 10 [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of access: 26.07.2006).

8. Shared Resources in linguistics and philology: site of Igor Garshin. — 2002 [Electronic resource]. Date of update: 05.10.2008. — URL: (date of access: 05.10.2008).

*1 . Bibliographic link. General requirements and compilation rules: official publication. Moscow: Standartinform, 2008. URL: (accessed 05.10.2008). C. 4.
*2 . There. S. 5.
*3 . It is also possible to have continuous numbering of extra-text references for individual chapters, sections, etc.
*4 . Parentheses enclose only in-text links; for references to out-of-text links, according to GOST R 7.0.5 - 2008, they are not used.
*5 . The ellipsis that replaces part of the name in the reference is in this case a prescribed character, not a punctuation mark, so a space is placed before and after it.
*6 . A dot is placed after “Ibid”, the page is indicated by a capital “S.”, and not a lowercase one, as in the main reference.
*7 . Bibliographic link. General requirements and rules for compilation: official publication. Moscow: Standartinform, 2008. URL: (accessed 05.10.2008). S. 6.
*8 . Unlike GOST R 7.1-2003, there is no space between the author's initials, just as there is no comma after the author's surname before the initials. Not separated by a space and a colon after the place of publication.
*9 . Type of document (textbook, tutorial, atlas, monograph, collection of works, etc.) is placed after the title, separated by a colon. There is no space before the colon.
*10 . If the document is a translation, then this is indicated after the type of document (or directly after the title, if the type is not reflected), separated by a slash. Before the slash and after (no matter where in the description it stands, no matter what it separates) there are spaces.
*11 . Information about the edition (what kind of account it is, stereotypical, corrected, supplemented, etc.), if any, is given after the information about the translation, separated from them by a dot and a dash. If the publication is not translated, then information about the edition goes immediately after the type of document (as in paragraph 5) or the title, if the type is not registered (as in paragraph 6).
*12 . The place of publication (the city where the document was published) is followed by the publisher, separated from the place of publication by a colon. If there are two publishers, then a colon is placed first after the place of publication, and then after the first publisher.
*13 . If there are two or more places of publication, then after listing the publishers of the first place of publication, a semicolon is put, and then the second place of publication follows with the publisher, etc.
*14 . If there are two or three authors, then all of them are indicated at the beginning of the description (as in paragraph 9), if there are more than three authors, then the description begins with the title, and the first three authors are listed after the slash. If it is indicated under whose editorship the document is also reflected after another slash.
*15 . If there is an indication of an issue, volume, part, etc., then they follow the year of publication. See also paragraphs 12, 13 and 14.
*16 . If the link does not indicate the total number of pages of the document, but only those on which it is located in a larger document, then a dash (not a hyphen) is placed between the pages, and there are no spaces.
*17 . When describing an article from a journal, the year is first indicated, and then the journal number.
*18 . The description of the dissertation abstract is no different from the description of other sources, as it was according to GOST R 7.1-2003. There is a space before and after the ellipsis.
*19 . There is no publisher in the description of the dissertation because it is a manuscript. It can also be omitted when describing abstracts.
*20 . It should be noted that all links must be formatted in the same way: either with a dash and a dot, or only with a dot.
*21 . Bibliographic link. General requirements and rules for compilation: official publication. Moscow: Standartinform, 2008. URL: (accessed 05.10.2008). S. 15.
*22 . See examples 4 and 5.
*23 . Electronic publications often have a date included in the description. First comes the year, then the day and then the month.

Bibliographic list- an integral part of the bibliographic apparatus, which contains a bibliographic description of the sources used and is placed at the end of the scientific work.

  • list of used literature;
  • list of used sources and literature;
  • bibliographic list;
  • bibliography

List Structure

Alphabetical arrangement

Descriptions of books and articles are given in alphabetical order of authors and titles (if the author is not indicated); Works by the same author are listed in alphabetical order of titles.

Chronological order

Allows you to present the material in the chronology of events (in historical works) or by year of publication of works, when it is necessary to show the history of a science or issue. Within each year, entries are listed in alphabetical order.

Systematic arrangement

Documents are grouped by separate topics, issues in their logical subordination. Within a topic, the arrangement is alphabetical or chronological.

Arrangement of material by chapters of works

Literature of a general nature is indicated at the beginning of the list, and then literature related to individual chapters. Within a chapter - in alphabetical or chronological order.

Regardless of the chosen method of grouping, as a rule, put at the beginning of the list official documents(laws, regulations, decrees, etc.), which are arranged by legal force. Location within documents of equal legal force - by date of adoption, in reverse chronology:

1. International regulations

2. Constitution

3. Federal constitutional laws

4. Decisions of the Constitutional Court

6. Federal laws

8. Decrees of the President

9. Acts of the Government

a) rulings

b) orders

10. Acts of the Supreme and Higher Arbitration Courts

11. Normative acts of ministries and departments

a) rulings

b) orders

c) instructions

d) letters

12. Regional regulations (in the same order as Russian ones)

14. SNiPs, SPs, ENIRs, TUs, etc.

Following the indicated documents is the rest of the literature: books, articles in alphabetical order and electronic editions.

Bibliographic description

Elements of a bibliographic description presented in a fixed sequence. and are separated from each other by conventional dividing marks. Before and after conventional characters, a space of one printed character is placed. The exceptions are (.) and (,). In this case, spaces are used only after them.

Book description scheme:

header (Full name of the author).title proper: information related to the title (Sb. Art., textbook, reference book, etc.)/ information about responsibility (authors, compilers, editors, etc.).– Information about the reissue (2nd ed., revised and supplemented). - Place of publication (city): Publisher, year of publication. -Volume (number of pages).

Examples of bibliographic description

I. Description of books

1. Books by one, two or three authors described under the name of the first author:

Chaldayeva , L. A. Economics of the enterprise: a textbook for bachelors / L. A. Chaldaeva. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Yurait, 2013.- 411 p.

Nekhaev, G. A. Metal constructions in examples and tasks: textbook. allowance / G. A. Nekhaev, I. A. Zakharova .- M .: Association Publishing House construction universities, 2010.- 144 p.

Akimov, A.P. Work of the wheels: monograph / A.P. Akimov, V.I. Medvedev, V.V. Chegulov.- Cheboksary: ​​CPI (f) MGOU, 2011.- 168 p.

Information-measuring equipment and electronics: textbook / G. G. Rannev [and others]; ed. G. G. Ranneva.- 3rd ed., stereotype.- M.: Academy, 2009.- 512 p.

Analysis and diagnostics of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise: textbook / ed. V. Ya. Pozdnyakova.- M.: Infra-M, 2010.- 617 p.

II. Description of the article from the journal

When describing articles from journals, the author of the article, its title are indicated, then, followed by two slashes, indicate the name of the journal in which it was published, year, number, pages on which the article is placed.

Ledeneva, G. L. On the issue of evolution in architectural creativity / G. L. Ledeneva // Industrial and civil construction. - 2009. - No. 3. - P. 31–33.

Shitov, V. N. An integrated approach to the analysis of the competitiveness of an enterprise [Text] / V. N. Shitov, O. F. Tsymbalist // Economic analysis: theory and practice. - 2014. - No. 13. - P. 59–63.

Zatsepin, P. M. Complex safety of consumers of operational characteristics of buildings / P. M. Zatsepin, N. N. Teodorovich, A. I. Mokhov // Industrial and civil construction. – 2009.- No. 3.- P. 42.

Experience in the application of special technologies for the production of works on the installation of enclosing structures of pits / S. S. Zuev [and others] // Industrial and civil construction. - 2009. - No. 3. - P. 49-50 .

III. Description of the article from books and collections

Karatuev, A. G. Objectives of financial management / A. G. Karatuev // Financial management: educational and reference manual / A. G. Karatuev.- M., 2001.- P. 207–451.

Bezuglov, A. A. President of the Russian Federation / A. A. Bezuglov // Bezuglov A. A. Constitutional Law of Russia: a textbook for law schools ( full course): in 3 volumes / A. A. Bezuglov, S. A. Soldatov.- M., 2001.- T. 1.- P. 137–370.

Grigoriev V. V. Bidding: development of documentation: methods of conducting / V. V. Grigoriev // Grigoriev V. V. Management of municipal real estate: educational and practical guide/ V. A. Grigoriev, M. A. Baturin, L. I. Misharin.- M., 2001.- P. 399–404.

Marketing program in the automotive industry (JSC AvtoVAZ) // Russian marketing on the threshold of the third millennium: the practice of the largest companies / A. A. Braverman [et al.]; ed. A. A. Braverman.- M., 2001.- Ch. 4.- S. 195–272: tab.

v article from the collection of scientific papers:

Danilova, N. E. Modeling of processes in a servo drive with a direct current actuator with independent excitation / N. E. Danilova, S. N. Nissenbaum // Innovations in educational process: Sat. tr. scientific-practical. Conf.- Cheboksary: ​​CPI (f) MGOU, 2013.- Issue. 11. - S. 158–160.

IV. Description of official publications

The Constitution of the Russian Federation: adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993. - M .: Eksmo, 2013. - 63 p.

Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Official text: the text of the Code is given as of September 23, 2013 - M.: Omega-L, 2013. - 193 p.

On holding the Year of Youth in the Russian Federation: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2008 No. 1383 // Bulletin of Education of Russia. - 2008. - No. 20 (October). - S. 13–14.

V. Description of normative-technical and technical documents

GOST R 517721–2001. The equipment is radio-electronic household. Input and output parameters and connection types. Technical requirements. - Input. 2002-01-01.- M.: Publishing house of standards, 2001.- 27 p.

The equipment is radio-electronic household. Input and output parameters and connection types. Technical requirements: GOST R 517721–2001. -Enter. 2002-01-01.- M.: Publishing house of standards, 2001.- 27 p.

Pat. 2187888 Russian Federation, MPK7 N 04 V 1/38, N 04 J 13/00. Transceiver / Chugaeva V.I.; applicant and patent holder Voronezh. scientific research in-t communication. - No. 2000131736/09; dec. 12/18/00; publ. 20.08.02, Bull. No. 23 (II part). - 3 p.

VI. Description of electronic resources

v disk

Dal, V. I. Explanatory dictionary of the living great language of Vladimir Dal [Electronic resource] / V. I. Dal; prepared on the 2nd oven. ed. 1880–1882 – Electron. Dan. - M.: AST, 1998. - 1 electron. opt. disc (CD-ROM).

v electronic journal

Krasnov, I. S. Methodological aspects of a healthy lifestyle of Russians [Electronic resource] / I. S. Krasnov // Physical Culture: scientific method. magazine - 2013. - No. 2. - Access mode: – (Date of treatment: 05.02.2014).

v website

Protection of personal data of users and library staff [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: - Screen title. – (Date of treatment: 04/14/2014).

Steel building structures. General technical requirements [Electronic resource]: GOST 23118–2012. - Input. 2013-07-01.- Access mode: Code-client system.

On approval of a sample form for notification of the processing of personal data [Electronic resource]: order Federal Service on supervision in the field of communications and mass communications dated July 17, 2008 No. 08 (as amended on February 18, 2009 No. 42). – Access mode: System Garant

Bibliographic references

Bibliographic link- a set of bibliographic information about another document cited, considered or mentioned in the text of the document. A bibliographic link is a part of the document's reference apparatus and serves as a source of bibliographic information about documents - the objects of the link.

According to the location in the document, bibliographic references are distinguished:

  • intratext, placed in the text of the document;
  • interlinear, taken out of the text down the page of the document (in a footnote);
  • beyond the text, taken out of the text of the document or part of it (into a callout).
  • GOST 7.1–2.2003
  • GOST
  • GOST

Intratext links . An intra-text bibliographic reference contains information about the reference object that is not included in the text of the document. Intratext links are enclosed in parentheses. For example: (Economics of machine-building production / Zaitsev V. A. [et al.]. - M .: MGIU Publishing House, 2007). After using a link, quote, etc., only the imprint and page number are indicated in parentheses. For example: The culture of Western Europe in the era of the Early and Classical Middle Ages is discussed in detail in the book “Culturology. History of World Culture” ed. A. N. Markova (M., 1998).

Subscript links located at the end of each page. In this case, signs in the form of an asterisk or a number are used to link to the text. For example: In text: The monuments that have come down to us are most often represented chronicles*

Footnote: ____________

* Culturology. History of world culture. M., 1998.° C. 199. or

* Culturology. History of world culture.- M., 1998.- S. 199.

Duplicate information . If the information in the repeated bibliographic records coincides, then in the 2nd and last records they are replaced by the words “The same”, “Ibid”.

Beyond text links are drawn up as a list of bibliographic records placed after the text of the document or its component part. The connection of the bibliographic list with the text can be carried out by the numbers of entries in the list. Such numbers in the text of the work are enclosed in square brackets, the pages where the citation is located are indicated separated by commas. The numbers in them indicate which number should be searched for in the bibliographic list. desired document. For example:

  • GOST 7.1–2.2003"Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description: General requirements and rules for compilation.
  • GOST 7.0.12-2011 Bibliographic record. Abbreviation of words in Russian. General requirements and rules
  • GOST 7.82-2001 Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description electronic resources. General requirements and rules for compilation.
  • GOST R 7.05-2008 Bibliographic link. General requirements and drafting rules


Abchuk V. A. Pocket business tutorial. SPb., 1994. 92 p.

Avksentiev A. V., Avksentiev V. A. Brief ethno-sociological dictionary-reference book. Stavropol, 1994. 99 p.

Aglitsky I. S. How to succeed in Russian market programs. M., 1993. 113 p.

Adamov D. Mesoecnomics. Treatise on economic theory for inquisitive students. M., 1998. 160 p.

Ambartsumov A. A., Sterlikov F. F. 1000 terms of market economy: Ref. textbook allowance. M., 1993. 299 p.

Baskakov M.E. Equal opportunities and gender stereotypes in the labor market. M., 1998. 64 p.

Baskakova M. A. Explanatory legal dictionary of a businessman. M., 1994. 560 p.

Bachinsky GA Socioecology: theoretical and applied aspects. Kyiv, 1991. 15 p.

Towernin G. I. Economic dimension: political and economic. prob. total theories. M., 1991. 47 p.

Belopolsky N. G. Fundamentals of industrial and economic environment. M., 1990. 188 p.

Belopolsky NG Management of production and economic activities in public systems. M., 1991. 44 p.

Bernard I., Colli J.-C. Explanatory Economic and Financial Dictionary: In 2 vols. M., 1994. Vol. 1-2. 784 p.

Business Dictionary. Makhachkala, 1992. 62 p.

Bichik S.V., Domorotskaya A.S. Dictionary of economic terms. Minsk, 1998. 237 p.

Bokan Yu. I. Vitasophia = Vitasophia. M., 1991. 204 p.

Big economic dictionary. M., 1994. 528 p.

Big encyclopedic dictionary. 2nd ed. revised and additional M.-SPb. 1998. 1456 p.

Bragina D.G. and others. Political science: Proc. Benefit. Yakutsk, 1993. 99 p.

Introduction to Business: The Science of Business in 200 hours. Circle of professions Amer. business. In the lexicon of a business person: Method. allowance. M.; Minsk., 1990. 111 p.

Introduction to franchising. SPb., 1992. 42 p.

Venture firms: Experience abroad. countries: Ref. overview. Minsk, 1990. 20 p.

Vershinin O. E. A computer for a manager. M., 1990. 238 p.

Veselov Yu. V. Economic sociology: the history of ideas. SPb., 1995. 163 p.

Gadzhinsky A. M. Fundamentals of logistics: Proc. Benefit. M., 1995. 121 p.

Galimova E.Ya. Information Monitoring: Textbook. Krasnodar., 1999. 172 p.

Geevsky I. A., Sutensky N. K. American mosaic. M., 1991. 444 p.

Gladkikh V. Ordinary total control. SPb., 1999. 56 p.

Glukhov V.V. Management: Textbook. SPb., 1999. 700 p.

Golubovich A.D. Trust: Dover. banking and financial services companies to clients. M. 1994. 86 p.

Gordin V.E., Khaikin M.M. Economics of the public and non-profit sector: Proc. allowance. SPb., 1988. 127 p.

State regulation in the strategy of sustainable development of the Russian economy / Comp. and scientific ed. A.I. Muravyov, S.A. Dyatlov. St. Petersburg, 1996. 152

Dovgan VV Franchising: a way to business expansion: Prakt. allowance for entrepreneurs. Tolyatti, 1994. 229 p.

Dyatlov S.A. Theory of human capital: Proc. allowance. SPb., 1996. 141 p.

Zhafyarov A. Zh., Morgunova L.K., Silkina N.V. Types of securities. Their appeal and placement: Proc. allowance. Novosibirsk, 1994. 126 p.

Zhiznin S.Z., Kupnov V.I. How to become a businessman: Amer. an experience. Minsk, 1990. 64 p.

Zakharchenko NN Economic measurements: theory and methods. SPb., 1993. 157 p.

Zorin A. N. Fundamentals of ethnography: Proc. Benefit. Kazan, 1994. 112 p.

Ilyin VV Theory of knowledge. Epistemology. M., 1994. 134 p.

How to ask for money for culture: Ref. book. C. L. Stolper, C. B. Hopkins "Successful Fundraising for Cultural Institutions". SPb., 1995. 86 p.

Kan I. Yu. Improving the legal regime of centralized funds of agro-industrial complexes of formations (agro-combines, agro-industrial associations). Tashkent, 1990. 17 p.

Kovalev V.V. Collection of tasks for financial analysis: Proc. allowance for universities in the specialty "Finance and Credit". M., 1997. 125 p.

Kovalenko A. I. A short dictionary-reference book on the theory of state and law. M., 1994. 95 p.

Kovalenko E. G. English-Russian dictionary banking terminology: More than 21,000 terms. M., 1994. 462 p.

Kogan B.I. Engineering ecology. Encyclopedic dictionary-reference book. Novosibirsk, 1995. 102 p.

Kolesnikov V.I., Rozhkov Yu.V., Mikhailova E.V. Financial and credit mechanism in the city's self-financing system. M., 1990. 95 p.

Kolesnikov M. A. Scientific foresight as a process of extrapolation: Proc. allowance. Novosibirsk, 1993. 83 p.

Conceptual foundations of the economic and legal mechanism of the activities of the association "Roslegprom" in market relations. M., 1992. 39 p.

Korepanova N. A. Drawing up a foreign trade contract. M., 1993. 44 p.

Kosolapov N. A. Political and psychological analysis of socio-territorial systems: Fundamentals of theory and methodology. (on the note of Russia): A manual for university students. M., 1994. 239 p.

Brief political dictionary. Kyiv, 1992. 104 p.

Brief political dictionary. Nizhny Novgorod, 1993. 91 p.

Brief dictionary of modern concepts and terms. 2nd ed. / N.P. Bunimovich. M., 1995. 509 p.

Brief dictionary of market economy terms. Petrozavodsk, 1991. 63 p.

Brief Dictionary of Economic Terms / R. G. Manilovsky et al. M., 1994. 159 p.

Brief reference dictionary / G.I. Budylkin et al. M., 1991. 94 p.

Brief glossary of market economy terms. 2nd ed., revised. and additional M., 1991. 79 p.

Brief economic dictionary: 1200 terms and concepts. Ufa, 1993. 199 p.

Kruglov A. S. Dictionary: In 2 vols. M., 1994. v. 1 (A-I). 298 p.

Krutik A.B., Gorenburgov M.D. Small business and business communication: Proc. allowance. SPb., 1998. 295 p.

Kunovsky Yu. B. Efficiency of scientific and technical systems: mathematical model, calculation method. Lvov, 1989. 10 p.

Laptev VV Introduction to business law. M., 1994. 30 p.

Lozovsky L.Sh., Raizenberg B.A., Ratnovsky A.A. Universal Business Dictionary. M., 1997. 640 p.

Lvov Yu. A. Fundamentals of economics and business organization. SPb., 1992. 382 p.

Luther A. A., Luther Ya. A. Information technologies in business: Proc. allowance. M., 1992. 82 p.

McConnell Campbell R., Brew Stanley L. Economics: Principles, Problems, and. In 2 vol. M., 1992. T. 1-2. 399 p. T. 2. 400 p.

Maklakov VV Parliaments of the countries of the European Union. M., 1994. 135 p.

Maksimov V.I. etc. Dictionary of perestroika. SPb., 1992. 256 p.

Marketing. Explanatory terminological dictionary-reference book. M., 1991. 224 p.

The material base of the sphere of culture. To the first festival of visual anthropology from Russia: Nauchno-inf. Sat. Issue 2. M., 1998. 100 p.

International program Eurograd. Issue. VII. The device of communal self-government in Germany. SPb., 1991. 52 p.

Mindell A. Leader as a master of martial arts: Vved. in the psychology of democracy. At 2 h. M., 1993. 72 p.

Muzdybaev K. Economic deprivation, strategy of its overcoming and search for social support. SPb., 1997. 42 p.

German-Russian financial and credit dictionary: Ok. 12000 terms. 3rd ed. M., 1994. 234 p.

Nemchinov V. M. Mixed economy: problems of development management. M., 1994. 230 p.

Nizhegorodtsev R. M. Economics of information production. Vladikavkaz, 1995. 207 p.

Ovchinnikov G. P. Microeconomics. SPb., 1992. 126 p.

Oikhman E.G., Popov E.V. Business reengineering. Reengineering of organizations and information technologies. M., 1997. 336 p.

Organization of the activities of capitalist firms: Jurid. forms, fin. reporting. M., 1990. 21 p.

Fundamentals of foreign economic knowledge: Dictionary-reference book / S.I. Dolgov et al. M., 1990. 432 p.

Fundamentals of controlling research: Proc. allowance. M., 1994. 26 p.

Fundamentals of systems engineering: Proc. allowance for universities. Tomsk., 1992. 312 p.

Ostrenkov LG All about privatization. Owner change. Tver, 1992. 98 p.

Pankrukhin A.P. Theory and practice of marketing. M., 1993. 157 p.

Pakhomov V.N., Golova I.M., Maslyankin V.A. Methodological bases of sanitation of depressive territories. Ekaterinburg., 1998. 40 p.

Pashkus Yu. V., Misko O. N. Introduction to business. L., 1991. 299 p.

Political science in logical schemes and tables. / V. Varyvin. M., 1995. 159 p.

Political science in terms and concepts. Stavropol., 1994. 44 p.

Political science in terms and concepts: Dictionary-reference book / Comp. A. P. Andreev et al. Krasnodar, 1993. 96 p.

Political Science: Encyclopedia. dictionary. / Yu. I. Averyanov et al. M., 1993. 43 p.

Ponomarev V.T. Business slang for "new Russians". Donetsk, 1996. 365 p.

Popova IP Marginality and features of its manifestation in modern Russian society. M., 1994. 24 p.

Manual for the International Entrepreneur / Prepar. O. S. Bogdanov, Yu. M. Zhuravlev et al. Krasnodar, 1990. 155 p.

Legal Dictionary of the Entrepreneur. M., 1993. 206 p.

Applied Economics: Textbook for students Art. classes. / Under the editorship of D. Yu. Tushnov M., 1993. 224 p.

Prykin B.V. The latest theoretical economics. Hypereconomics (concepts of philosophy and natural science in economics): Textbook. M., 1998. 445 p.

Royzenberg B. A. Fundamentals of housekeepers and entrepreneurship: Proc. allowance. In 2 books. M., 1993. 183 p.

Russian-English-German business dictionary / Comp. N. I. Kuznetsova et al. M., 1992. 96 p.

Ryzhkov N. I. Brief Dictionary of the Market Economy. Perm, 1991.46 p.

Market. Entrepreneurship. Commerce: Explanatory dictionary-reference book: 600 concepts and terms in Russian. and English. Yaz. M., 1992. 190s.

Sahakyan, SV Ethnic mythological consciousness as a phenomenon of culture. M., 1995. 18 p.

Saaty T. L., Kearns K. Analytical planning: Org. systems: Per from English. / Edited by I. A. Ushakov. M., 1991. 223 p.

Sannikov A.G. Valuation of brands and trademarks: from theory to practice (Method. and practical recommendations for estimating the value of trademarks). M., 2997. 127 p.

Serebryannikov V., Khlopiev A. Social security of Russia. M., 1996. 352 p.

Network Marketing in Questions and Answers / Ed. Maslovsky E.Yu. 1996. 64 p.

The system of knowledge about the population / Edited by D. I. Valentey. M., 1991. 255 p.

The Librarian's Dictionary of Management and Marketing. M., 1995. 77 p.

Dictionary of a businessman: All about the market economy. Alma-Ata, 1991. 83 p.

Land Management and Marketing Dictionary / Comp.: V.A.Sindeev. M., 1994. 110 p.

Dictionary of Sociology / Comp.: E. B. Melnikova, M. McBride et al. Nizhny Novgorod, 1995. 168 p.

Dictionary of market economy terms. M., 1994. 335 p.

Dictionary-reference book for lawyers. Economists, sociologists, merchants, trade workers and everyone who wants to study the law of Russia: Textbook / Ed. L.K. Ermolaeva et al. Ivanovo-Talka, 1996. 112 p.

Slyakhdinov, G. Business Actors. M., 1996. 112 p.

Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov. Ed. 4th. M., 1989. 1632 p.

Joint ventures of the USSR: a Handbook. M., 1990. 302 p.

Sokolov D.V., Zakharchenko N.N. System analysis of economic situations: Proc. allowance. L., 1987. 80 p.

Socialist property of the form of implementation / A. D. Smirnov, A. M. Kogan et al. M., 1989. 267 p.

social stratification. M., 1992. 199 p.

Businessman's Handbook: Krat. economy dictionary. Syktyvkar, 1994. 86 p.

Directory of the most important economic terms used in the market system / Prepared. G. N. Egorova et al. M., 1990. 35 p.

Businessman's companion: Krat. economy dictionary. Syktyvkar, 1994. 67 p.

Countries of the World: Directory / Under the general. ed. I.S. Ivanova. M., 1999. 512 p.

Strategic planning at the enterprise: Proc. allowance. M., 1993. 74 p.

Tambovtsev VL The fifth market: economic problems of information production. M., 1993. 127 p.

Theoretical economics (political economy): Proc. allowance / Edited by Euravleva G.P. and Milchakova N.N. M., 486 p.

Tikhomirov M. Yu. Legal Encyclopedia. Ed. 3rd add. and reworked. M., 1995. 365 p.

Todaro Michael P. Economic development. M., 1997. 668 p.

Explanatory dictionary of business and marketing. M., 1992. 63 p.

Explanatory dictionary of market economy. Ed. 2nd. M., 1993. 301 p.

Explanatory dictionary of financial and banking terms. SPb., 1995. 160 p.

Explanatory Dictionary of Management / Comp. S. N. Petrova et al. M., 1994. 252 p.

Explanatory legal dictionary of a businessman. M., 1994. 560 p.

Usoskin V. M. Bank plastic cards. M., 1995. 144 p.

Financial and credit dictionary.: In 3 volumes. Ed. 2nd stereotype. / Ch. ed. V. F. Garbuzov. M., 1994. 512 p.

Financial and Economic Dictionary / Edited by M. G. Nazarov. M., 1995. 221 p.

Tsarev O. P. Entropy. Technology. Economy. SPb., 1993. 28 p.

Tsetsarkina S.I. The theory of risk and methods of its assessment: Proc. allowance. Krasnoyarsk, 1997. 112 p.

Chirkin VE Elements of Comparative State Studies. M., 1994. 151 p.

"What is what in world politics". Dictionary reference. M., 1987. 480 p.

Sharykina A.L. Controlling system in the management of the enterprise. Voronezh, 1994. 17 p.

Shastitko A.E. External effects and transaction costs. M., 1997. 47 p.

The Swedish model of reformist socialism: Ref. collection. / Rev. ed. Yu. A. Borko. M., 1976. 228 p.

Shepel V. M. Handbook of a businessman and management: Managed. humanities. M., 1992. 237 p.

Shitov VN Consulting engineering. M., 1992. 28 p.

Schrider Heiko. Economic anthropology. SPb., 1999. 192 p.

Shumov Yu A., Kedrovskaya L. G. Business plan: Proc. allowance. M., 1993. 56 p.

Economics and Business: Theory and Practice of Entrepreneurship. M., 1993. 464 p.

Economic Synergetics and the Innovation Process: Abstracts of the Interuniversity National-Practical. conf. Naberezhnye Chelny, 1998. 106 p.

Economic Encyclopedia / Ch. ed. L.I. Abalkin. M., 1999. 1055 p.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Entrepreneur. SPb., 1992. 382 p.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Personnel Service Worker / Ed. ed. V.M. Anisimova. M., 1999. 328 p.

Market Encyclopedia: Multivolume. five languages. reference dictionary. Terms, equivalents, definitions: 2330 terms in Russian. lang. and 10,000 equivalents in 4 languages: English, Italian, German, French. M., 1994. 650 p.

Entrepreneur should know this: Dictionary-reference book. Saratov, 1992. 238 p.

Legal Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ch. ed. A. Ya. Sukharev. M., 1984. 415 p.

Terminological dictionary librarian on socio-economic topics. - St. Petersburg: Russian National Library. 2011 .


See what "List of References" is in other dictionaries:

    bibliography- bibliography, sources, list of sources, literature Dictionary of Russian synonyms. reference list n., number of synonyms: 4 bibliography (10) ... Synonym dictionary

    Bibliography- 1. Avilova N.S. Words of international origin in the Russian literary language of modern times (verbs with a borrowed stem). M.: Nauka, 1967. 2. Alekseev M.P. Dictionaries of foreign languages ​​in the Russian alphabet of the 17th century. - L .: Science ... Historical and etymological dictionary of Latin borrowings

    Bibliography- ◘ Atayeva E.A. Linguistic nature and stylistic functions of oxymoron: Abstract of the thesis. dis. ... cand. philol. Sciences. M., 1975. ◘ Akhmanova O.S. Dictionary linguistic terms. M., 1969. ◘ Vvedenskaya L.A. Stylistic figures based on ... ... Dictionary of oxymorons of the Russian language

    References for the course "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture"- The official textbook for the course Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture (OPC) is a textbook prepared by Protodeacon Andrey Kuraev. The Orthodox St. Tikhon Humanitarian University has prepared a methodological manual for teachers. Kuraev A ... Wikipedia

    Bibliography on systems theory- List significant books and articles on general theory systems. Contents 1 In Russian 1.1 Books 1.2 Articles ... Wikipedia

    References on Neuro Linguistic Programming- This article is proposed for deletion. An explanation of the reasons and the corresponding discussion can be found on the Wikipedia page: To be deleted / October 2, 2012. Until the discussion process is completed, the article can be ... Wikipedia

Below is a revised list of references, which is a recommendation. "Beginner level" literature is necessary for mastering a minimum of knowledge in various fields of science and culture. The literature of the "Advanced" and "Expert" levels will help a deeper understanding of the works of S. E. Kurginyan and will provide a basis for more professional work in the areas of the club. Download the library You can also download the collected works of S. E. Kurginyan.

First level


  1. Asmus V. F. Antique Philosophy.
  2. Descartes R. The beginning of philosophy.
  3. Brief essay on the history of philosophy. Edited by M. T. Iovchuk, T. I. Oizerman, I. Ya. Shchipanov.
  4. Russell B. History of Western Philosophy.
  5. Philosophical Dictionary.


  1. Kosidovsky Z. Biblical legends.
  2. Kosidovsky Z. When the sun was a god
  3. Kosidovsky Z. Tales of the Evangelists.
  4. Russell B. Has religion made a useful contribution to civilization?
  5. Russell B. Why I'm not a Christian.
  6. Russell B. Is there a God?

Theory of history

  1. Blok M. Apology of history.
  2. Toynbee A.J. Comprehension of history
  3. The World History

  4. Gasparov M.L. Entertaining Greece.
  5. Knabe G.S. Ancient Rome- history and everyday life
  6. Fedorova E.V. Imperial Rome in person.

Russian history

  1. Skrynnikov R.G. Russian history of the IX-XVII centuries.
  2. Tarle E.V. Napoleon's invasion of Russia
  3. Utkin A.I. The Second World War.
  4. Yakovlev N.N. 1914


  1. Gladilin A.T. Gospel of Robespierre.
  2. Tarle E.V. Napoleon.


  1. Berne. E.L. Games People Play.
  2. Berne. E.L. People who play games.
  3. Granovskaya R. M. Psychology in examples.
  4. Granovskaya R. M. Elements of practical psychology
  5. Fromm E. To have or to be.


  1. Durkheim E. Sociology. Its subject, method and purpose.
  2. Zinoviev A.A. Communism as a reality. The crisis of communism.
  3. Kuhn T. Logic and methodology of science. The structure of scientific revolutions.
  4. Marx K. Engels F. Manifesto of the Communist Party.
  5. Smith A. A Study on the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
  6. Frankfort G. and others. On the threshold of philosophy. Spiritual quest of ancient man

Politics and political science

  1. Duverzhe M. Political parties.
  2. Perkins D. Confessions of an economic killer.
  3. Canetti E. Mass and power.
  4. Zinoviev A.A. Catastrophe.

Cultural Studies and Anthropology

  1. Levy-Bruhl L. Primitive thinking.
  2. Porshnev B.F. Social psychology and history.
  3. Tylor E.B. Primitive culture.
  4. De Graf J., Vann D., Naylor T.H. Consumerism. A disease that threatens the world.

Advanced level


  1. Aristotle. Metaphysics
  2. Hobbes T. Leviathan, or Matter, Form and Power of the Church and Civil State
  3. Campanella T. City of the Sun
  4. More T. Utopia
  5. Nietzsche F. Antichrist
  6. Nietzsche F. Beyond Good and Evil.
  7. Nietzsche F. Thus Spoke Zarathustra
  8. Owen R. The New Moral World Book
  9. Plato. State
  10. Plato. Critias.
  11. Plato. Protagoras.
  12. Proudhon P.J. What is property?
  13. Rotterdam E. Praise of stupidity.
  14. Rousseau J. J. On the Social Contract, or the Principles of Political Law
  15. Rousseau Zh. Zh. Reasoning about the origin and foundations of inequality between people.
  16. Fedorov N. Philosophy of the common cause
  17. Spengler O. The Decline of Europe
  18. Engels F. Anti-Dühring.


  1. Avesta.
  2. Old Testament
  3. Ancient India. Three great stories.
  4. Confucius. Lunyu
  5. Koran.
  6. Lao Tzu. Dao Te Ching.
  7. New Testament.
  8. Torah.
  9. Armstrong K. History of God.
  10. Vasiliev L.S. History of Religions of the East.
  11. Lenin V. I. Socialism and Religion.
  12. Torchinov E.A. Introduction to Buddhology: a course of lectures.
  13. Torchinov E.A. Religions of the World: Experience of the Beyond: Psychotechnics and Transpersonal States.

Theory of history

  1. Wallerstein I. After liberalism
  2. Kapitsa S.P. growth paradoxes. Laws of human development.
  3. Collingwood R.D. Story idea.
  4. Toynbee A.J. Civilization before the court of history
  5. Engels F. The origin of the family, private property and the state.

The World History

  1. Blok M. Feudal society.
  2. Bongard-Levin G. M. Ancient Indian civilization.
  3. Breasted D., Turaev B. History of Ancient Egypt.
  4. Gray J. G. History of ancient China.
  5. Kovalev S.I. History of Rome.
  6. Laszlo E. Age of bifurcation.
  7. Sergeev V.S. History of Ancient Greece
  8. Churchill W. World War II.

Russian history

  1. Vernadsky G.V. Russian history.
  2. Karamzin N.M. History of Russian Goverment.
  3. Porshnev B.F. The Thirty Years' War and the entry into it of Sweden and the Muscovite state
  4. Rybakov B.A. Paganism of the ancient Slavs
  5. Tarle E.V. Crimean War.
  6. Tarle E.V. North War and the Swedish invasion of Russia.
  7. Utkin A.I. World Cold War.
  8. Utkin A.I. World War I.
  9. Utkin A.I. Russo-Japanese War. At the beginning of all troubles.


  1. Burlatsky F.M. Mao Zedong.
  2. Levandovsky A.P. Danton.
  3. Levandovsky A.P. Cavalier Saint-Just.
  4. Loginov V.T. Unknown Lenin.
  5. Manfred A.Z. Three portraits of the era of the French Revolution.
  6. Molchanov N.N. General de Gaulle.
  7. Skrynnikov R.G. Boris Godunov
  8. Skrynnikov R.G. Ivan the Terrible.
  9. Skrynnikov R.G. Three False Dmitrys.
  10. Utkin A.I. Theodore Roosevelt.
  11. Utkin A.I. Winston Churchill.
  12. Utchenko S.L. Julius Caesar.


  1. Adorno T. Study of the Authoritarian Personality.
  2. Aronson E. Social animal.
  3. Vygotsky L.S. Psychology of art.
  4. Lebon G. Psychology of peoples and masses
  5. Lorenz K. Aggression (So-called evil).
  6. Luria A.R. Language and consciousness.
  7. Moskovichi S. Age of crowds.
  8. Piaget J. Psychology of intelligence.
  9. Frankl V. Man in search of meaning.
  10. Fromm E. Escape from freedom.


  1. Weber M. Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
  2. Veblen T. Theory of an idle class.
  3. Dunham B. Man vs. Myths
  4. Deborah G. The Society of the Spectacle.
  5. Djilas M. An imperfect society.
  6. Zinoviev A.A. West.
  7. Sombart W. Bourgeois: Studies in History spiritual development modern economic man
  8. Kara-Murza S.G. Mind manipulation

Politics and political science

  1. Gramsci A. Prison notebooks (selected)
  2. Danilevsky N. Ya. Russia and Europe
  3. Lenin V.I. Imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism.
  4. Lenin V.I. Party organization and party literature
  5. Lenin V.I. Development of capitalism in Russia
  6. Lenin V.I. What to do?
  7. Lenin V.I. What are "friends of the people" and how do they fight against the Social Democrats?
  8. Lenin V.I. One step forward, two steps back
  9. Lee Kuan Yew. Singapore's story: from the "third world" to the "first".
  10. Locke D. Two treatises on government.
  11. Machiavelli N. Sovereign.
  12. Marx K. The eighteenth brumaire of Louis Bonaparte
  13. Richelieu A.-J. Political testament. Principles of government

Cultural Studies and Anthropology

  1. Gurevich A.Ya. Individual and society in the medieval West
  2. Kara-Murza S.G. Soviet civilization.
  3. Levi-Strauss K. Structural Anthropology.
  4. Ossovskaya M. Knight and bourgeois. Studies in the history of morality.
  5. Propp V.Ya. The historical roots of a fairy tale
  6. Semenov Yu.I. On the theory of primitiveness.
  7. Semenov Yu.I. Socio-economic structures.
  8. Teilhard de Chardin P. The phenomenon of man
  9. Tillich P. Courage to be

Expert level


  1. Aristotle. Politics
  2. Bugera V. The essence of man.
  3. Hegel G. V. F. Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences.
  4. Descartes R. Reflections on the first philosophy, in which the existence of God and the difference between the human soul and body are proved.
  5. Descartes R. Reasoning about the method to correctly direct your mind and find the truth in the sciences
  6. Zotov A. F., Melville Yu. K. Western philosophy XX century. - M., 1994.
  7. Ilyenkov E. V. Dialectics of abstract and concrete
  8. Kant I. Fundamentals of metaphysics of morality.
  9. Locke D. Experience about human understanding.
  10. Marx K., Engels F. German ideology.
  11. Ortega y Gasset H. Revolt of the masses.
  12. Spinoza B. Political treatise.
  13. Philosophical encyclopedia in 5 volumes (publishing house " Soviet Encyclopedia", 1960-1970).
  14. Foucault M., Nietzsche, Freud, Marx.
  15. Hume D. Treatise on human nature.


  1. Ambelain R. Jesus, or the Deadly Secret of the Templars.
  2. Dawkins R. God as an illusion.
  3. Girard R. Scapegoat.
  4. Girard R. Violence and the sacred.
  5. Muller A. History of Islam
  6. Freud Z. Moses and monotheism.
  7. Eliade M. History of faith and religious ideas. Volume 1: From the Stone Age to the Eleusinian Mysteries.
  8. Eliade M. History of faith and religious ideas. Volume 2. From Gautama Buddha to the Triumph of Christianity.
  9. Eliade M. History of faith and religious ideas. Volume 3. From Mohammed to the Reformation.

Theory of history

  1. Wallerstein I. Historical capitalism.
  2. Hegel G. V. F. Philosophy of history.
  3. Gumilyov LN Ethnogenesis and biosphere of the Earth.
  4. Mises L. Theory and history.
  5. Jaspers K. The meaning and purpose of history

The World History

  1. Braudel F. Time of the world.
  2. Braudel F. Exchange games.
  3. Brodel F. Structures of everyday life
  4. Herodotus History
  5. Droyzen I. History of Hellenism
  6. Xenophon Anabasis
  7. Le Goff J. Civilization of the Medieval West.
  8. Livy T. History from the founding of the city
  9. Musset L. Barbarian invasions of Europe. German onslaught
  10. Musset L. Barbarian invasions of Western Europe. Second wave
  11. Osokin N. History of the Albigensians and their time
  12. Polybius General History
  13. Porshnev B.F. Popular uprisings in France before the Fronde (1623 - 1648).
  14. Porshnev B.F. France, the English Revolution and European Politics in mid-seventeenth century.
  15. Suetonius Life of the Twelve Caesars
  16. Tacitus P. History
  17. Caesar G.Yu. Notes on the Gallic War.
  18. Flavius ​​I. Jewish War
  19. Hobsbawm E. Age of Revolution 1789-1848. Volume 1
  20. Hobsbawm E. The Age of Extremes: The Short Twentieth Century (1914-1991).
  21. Hobsbawm E. Age of Empire 1875-1914. Volume 3
  22. Hobsbawm E. Age of Capital 1848-1875. Volume 2

Russian history

  1. Beskrovny L. Northern War 1700-1721.
  2. Dyukov A.R. "Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact" in questions and answers
  3. Dyukov A.R. What did the Soviet people fight for?
  4. Zhytorchuk Yu. So who is to blame for the tragedy of 1941?
  5. Isaev A. Ten myths of World War II
  6. Isaev A.V., Drabkin A.V. June 22. Black day of the calendar.
  7. Lyskov D.Yu. Stalinist repressions. Great lie of the XX century.
  8. Lyskov D.Yu. Three revolutions.
  9. Narochnitskaya N., Falin V. Score of the Second World War. Who started the war and when?
  10. Skrynnikov R.G. 1612.
  11. Skrynnikov R.G. Time of Troubles. Kingdom collapse.


  1. Skrynnikov R.G. Ivan III
  2. Skrynnikov R.G. Mikhail Romanov.
  3. Porshnev B.F. Mellier.
  4. Tarle E.V. Talleyrand.
  5. Utchenko S.L. Cicero and his time.
  6. Fromm E. Adolf Hitler.
  7. Cherkasov P.P. Cardinal Richelieu.


  1. Bandura A. Theory of social learning.
  2. Vygotsky L.S. Luria A.R. Etudes on the History of Behavior: Monkey. Primitive. Child.
  3. Zimbardo F., Leippe M. Social impact.
  4. Luria A.R. Cultural differences and intellectual activity.
  5. Freud Z. Lectures on introduction to psychoanalysis.
  6. Freud Z. Beyond the pleasure principle.
  7. Fromm E. Anatomy of human destructiveness.
  8. Cialdini R. Psychology of influence.
  9. Erikson E. G. Childhood and society.


  1. Berger P., Lukman T. Social Construction of Reality
  2. Blanchot M. Indescribable community.
  3. Baudrillard J. Symbolic exchange and death.
  4. Bourdieu P. Sociology of politics.
  5. Cooley C.H. Human nature and social order.
  6. Mannheim K. Ideology and Utopia.
  7. Marx K. Capital.
  8. Polanyi K. The Great Transformation.

Politics and political science

  1. Bakunin M.A. Statehood and anarchy
  2. Bakunin M. A. Revolutionary catechism
  3. Blondel J. Political Leadership: A Path to a Comprehensive Analysis.
  4. Weber M. Politics as a vocation and as a profession
  5. Calhoun K. Nationalism.
  6. Larin Yu. Private capital in the USSR.
  7. Robin K. Fear. History of the political idea.
  8. Furr G. Anti-Stalin meanness.
  9. Hevesy M. A. Crowd, masses, politics. Historical and philosophical essay.
  10. Hobsbawm E. Nations and nationalism after 1780
  11. Chomsky N. Profit on people
  12. Hopkirk P. Big game against Russia.

Cultural Studies and Anthropology

  1. Berg M. Literaturocracy. The problem of appropriation and redistribution of power.
  2. Golosovker Ya.E. Myth logic
  3. Graves R. White Goddess
  4. Dolnik V.R. The naughty child of the biosphere.
  5. Losev A.F. The symbol problem and realistic art
  6. Porshnev B.F. About the beginning of human history.
  7. Tahoe-Godi A.A. Greek mythology
  8. Turner W. Symbol and ritual
  9. Fraser J.D. golden branch
  10. Foucault M. Archeology of knowledge.
  11. Huizinga J. Homo ludens
  12. Eliade M. Aspects of myth.


The division into beginner and advanced levels is very approximate, mainly due to the volume, the subjective "complexity" of the style and the fame of the work. The selection of works was carried out according to the principle of significance for understanding modern politics and the role of a person in power. First level.

  1. Gogol N.V. Auditor.
  2. Griboyedov A.S. Woe from the mind.
  3. Lermontov M.Yu. Thought.
  4. Nekrasov N.A. Thought.
  5. Nekrasov N.A. Who in Russia live well.
  6. Ostrovsky A.N. Enough simplicity for every sage.
  7. Pushkin A.S. Boris Godunov.
  8. Saltykov-Shchedrin M.E. History of one city.
  9. Simonov K.M. Russian question.
  10. Soviet poets who fell on the Great Patriotic War. (The new library of the poet. Large series)
  11. Tolstoy A.K. History of the Russian state from Gostomysl to Timashev.
  12. Tolstoy L.N. Sevastopol stories.
  13. Warren R.P. All the king's men.
  14. Sheckley R. Ticket to the planet Tranai.
  15. Shakespeare W. Hamlet
  16. Shakespeare W. King Lear.
  17. Shakespeare W. Macbeth

Advanced level.

  1. Akhmatova A.A. Requiem
  2. Akhmatova A.A. I had a voice. He called comfortingly.
  3. Akhmatova A.A. Courage
  4. Baklanov G.Ya. July 41st.
  5. Baklanov G.Ya. Forever - nineteen.
  6. Blok A.A. Twelve
  7. Blok A.A. People and intelligentsia
  8. Blok A.A. Scythians
  9. Beaumarchais P.-O.K. Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro.
  10. Brecht B. Fear and Despair in the Third Empire
  11. Vasiliev B.L. Didn't appear on the list.
  12. Hesse G. Bead Game.
  13. Goethe I. Faust
  14. Gogol N.V. Dead Souls
  15. Homer. Iliad
  16. Homer. Odyssey
  17. Goncharov I.A. Oblomov.
  18. Gorky M. Life of Klim Samgin.
  19. Gorky M. Mother.
  20. Gorky M. At the bottom.
  21. Gudzenko S.P. my generation
  22. Gudzenko S.P. Before the attack
  23. Dante A. Divine Comedy.
  24. Dickens C. Pickwick Club.
  25. Dostoevsky F.M. Demons.
  26. Dostoevsky F.M. Brothers Karamazov.
  27. Efremov I.A. Andromeda's nebula
  28. Efremov I.A. Hour of the Ox
  29. Iskander F.A. Constellation Kozlotur.
  30. Canetti E. Blinding.
  31. Kipling D.R. white burden
  32. Kipling D.R. Will
  33. Kipling D.R. Kim
  34. Koltsov M.E. spanish diary
  35. Lagerkvist P. Barabbas.
  36. Lem S. Futurological Congress.
  37. Leskov N.S. The Enchanted Wanderer
  38. London D. Iron Heel
  39. Maiorov N. We are not given to quietly rot in the grave.
  40. Mann T. Joseph and his brothers
  41. Marquez G. Autumn of the Patriarch.
  42. Marquez G. One Hundred Years of Solitude.
  43. Mayakovsky V.V. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.
  44. Milton J. Paradise Lost
  45. Moliere J.-B. Tradesman in the nobility
  46. Moliere J.-B. Tartuffe
  47. Ostrovsky A.N. Crazy money.
  48. Ostrovsky A.N. Wolves and sheep.
  49. Ostrovsky A.N. Plum.
  50. Ostrovsky N.A. As the Steel Was Tempered
  51. Rabelais F. Gargantua and Pantagruel.
  52. Saltykov-Shchedrin M.E. Lord Golovlev.
  53. Saltykov-Shchedrin M.E. Modern idyll.
  54. Swift J. Gulliver's Travels (full version).
  55. Senkevich G. Kamo are coming.
  56. Cervantes M. Don Quixote
  57. Simashko M.D. Mazdak.
  58. Simonov K.M. Living and dead.
  59. Simonov K.M. Do you remember, Alyosha, the roads of the Smolensk region
  60. Steinbeck J. The Grapes of Wrath.
  61. Tvardovsky A.T. The day the war ended
  62. Tvardovsky A.T. Vasily Terkin
  63. Tvardovsky A.T. I was killed near Rzhev
  64. Twain M. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
  65. Tolstoy A.K. Death of Ivan the Terrible
  66. Tolstoy A.K. Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich
  67. Tolstoy A.N. Peter the First
  68. Tolstoy A.N. The Road to Calvary
  69. Tolstoy L.N. War and Peace.
  70. Wilder T. King Saint Louis Bridge.
  71. Faulkner W. Defiler of Ashes.
  72. Faulkner W. Noise and rage.
  73. Hemingway E. For whom the bell tolls.
  74. Cicero M.T. Speeches.
  75. Shakespeare W. Anthony and Cleopatra
  76. Shakespeare W. All Henrys (IV,V,VI)
  77. Shakespeare W. King Richard III
  78. Shakespeare W. Richard II
  79. Sholokhov M.A. They fought for their country.
  80. Sholokhov M.A. Upturned virgin soil
  81. Sholokhov M.A. The fate of man
  82. Sholokhov M.A. Quiet Don

Literature for children and youth

(from 0 to 18 years old. For children - allocated bold; for teenagers - emphatically; for high school students - not allocated)

  1. Abramov F.A. "Brothers and sisters".
  2. Aksakov S.T. "The Scarlet Flower".
  3. Aldanov M. "Belvedere Torso"(a story about the artists of the Renaissance).
  4. Alekseev S.P. "The Unthinkable Happens"(novels and short stories about Russian history).
  5. Amundsen R. "South Pole".
  6. Andersen H.-K. Fairy tales (" The Snow Queen". "Wild Swans". "Thumbelina". "Swineherd". "Flint". Nightingale, etc.)
  7. Apollinaire G. Poems.
  8. Aragon L. Poems.
  9. Arseniev V.K. The novel "Dersu Uzala".
  10. Akhmatova A.A. Poems ("Courage", etc.) Poems ( "By the Sea" and etc.)
  11. Bagritsky E.G. Poems ("TBC". "Cigarette box").
  12. Bazhov P.P. Collection of tales "Malachite box" and etc.
  13. "The Ballads of Robin Hood"(English medieval literature).
  14. Barto A.L. Poems for children.
  15. Belyaev A.R. "Star of KEC" "Underwater farmers" and others.
  16. Berestov V.D. Poems for children.
  17. Becher J. Poems ( "The Man Who Was Silent" and etc.)
  18. Burns R. Poems (" John Barleycorn". "Walking to the gate ...". "Table" and etc.)
  19. Bianchi V.V. Stories ("Arishka the Coward", etc.) Tales ("Owl", etc.) "Forest Newspaper".
  20. Beecher Stowe G. "Uncle Tom's Cabin".
  21. Blok A.A. Poems (“Oh, spring without end and without edge.” “Factory.” “All this was, was, was,” etc.) Poems (“On the Kulikovo field.” “Rose and Cross”."Retribution", etc.)
  22. Bogomolov V.M. "Ivan". "Moment of Truth".
  23. Bondarev Yu.V. The story "Battalions ask for fire", etc.
  24. Bradbury R. "451 Fahrenheit". "All Saints' Eve".
  25. Brecht. B. Plays ("Caucasian chalk circle." " good person from Sichuan. "The Rifles of Teresa Carrar", etc.)
  26. Brushtein A.Ya. "The road goes into the distance".
  27. Bulgakov M.A. The play "Days of the Turbins". "Master and Margarita".
  28. Bussenard L. "Captain Rip-Head". "Diamond Thieves".
  29. Valek M. Poems for children ("Gimp", etc.)
  30. Vega L. de. Plays ("Dog in the Manger", etc.)
  31. Vern J. Novels ("Children of Captain Grant"."20,000 Leagues Under the Sea". "Mysterious Island". " Captain at fifteen" and etc.)
  32. Voynich E. "Gadfly".
  33. Volkov A.M. Tales ("The Wizard of the Emerald City", etc.)
  34. Vonnegut K. Novels ("Cat's Cradle." "Slaughterhouse Five, or the Children's Crusade." "Mother Darkness").
  35. Voronkova L.F. "Son of Zeus" "In the depths of time" (historical novels about Alexander the Great)
  36. Vashi Kuonnesina (Gray Owl). "Sajo and her beavers".
  37. Gaidar A.P. Tale ( "Chuk and Gek". "Timur and his team". "Commandant of the Snow Fort". "Oath of Timur" etc.) Stories ( "A military secret". "Hot Stone" etc.) "The Tale of Malchish-Kibalchish".
  38. Ganzelka I., Zikmund M. "Africa of Dreams and Reality".
  39. Garin-Mikhailovsky N.G. "Childhood Themes".
  40. Garshin V.M. Fairy tales ("Traveling Frog", etc.)
  41. Gauf W. Fairy tales (" Little Muck" and etc.)
  42. Heine G. Poems.
  43. Goethe I. Ballads ("Forest King", etc.)
  44. Gogol N.V. "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka". Taras Bulba.
  45. Golding W. Novels ("Lord of the Flies." "The Heirs." "The Spire"). Parable "Grabber Martin".
  46. Golosovker Ya.E. "Tales of the Titans".
  47. Gorky A.M. Tales ("Childhood", etc.) stories ( "Morning". "Sparrow". "The case with Yevseyka". "Samovar". "About Ivanushka the Fool.") Poems ( "Song of the Falcon".) Novel "Mother". Drama at the bottom.
  48. Hoffman E.T.A. Tales ("The Nutcracker, or the Mouse King", etc.)"The Worldly Views of Cat Moore". "Little Tsakhes", etc.
  49. Gribachev N.M. "And this is us!"
  50. Griboyedov A.S. "Woe from Wit".
  51. Grigorovich D.V. "Gutta Percha Boy".
  52. Grimm J. and V. Fairy tales.
  53. Gumilyov N.S. Poems ( "Turkey". "Old conquistador"."Word". "The Lost Tram". "The Sixth Sense", etc.)
  54. Gusev V.I. "The Legend of the Blue Hussar"(historical novel about the Decembrist M.S. Lunin).
  55. Hugo V. Novels ("Les Misérables" - including an excerpt "Gavroche". "Ninety-Third Year". "Notre Dame Cathedral").
  56. Dahl V. Fairy tales (“The Picky Woman”, “The Snow Maiden Girl”, etc.)
  57. Darrell J. "Talking Bundle". "Catch Me a Colobus", etc.
  58. GiovagnoliR. "Spartacus".
  59. Defoe D. "Robinson Crusoe".
  60. Dickens C. Novels ( "David Copperfield". "Dombey and Son" and etc.)
  61. Dodge M. "Silver Skates"
  62. Dostoevsky F.M. Novels ("Crime and Punishment", "The Brothers Karamazov", etc.)
  63. Dragunsky V.Yu. "Deniska's stories".
  64. Dumas A. "Three Musketeers". "Twenty years later".
  65. Ezersky M.V. "Gracchi".
  66. Zhitkov B.S. "How I caught the little men." Sea stories. Stories about animals.
  67. Zhukovsky V.A. "The Tale of Tsar Berendey". The Tale of Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf. Poems. Translations.
  68. Euripides. Tragedy.
  69. Ershov P.P. "The Little Humpbacked Horse".
  70. Yesenin S.A. Poems ( "Bird cherry". "The golden grove dissuaded ...", etc.).
  71. Efremov I.A. "On the edge of the ecumene".
  72. Zabolotsky N.A. Poems ( "Ugly girl" and etc.)
  73. Zakhoder B.V. Poems. Translations. Fairy tales.
  74. Zoshchenko M.M. Stories (from the cycle "Lelya and Minka", etc.)
  75. Ibsen G. Plays ("Brandt", "Peer Gynt", etc.)
  76. Irish epic (cycle about Cuchulainn, etc.)
  77. Iskander F. Cycle of stories "Childhood of Chick".
  78. Icelandic sagas.
  79. Kaverin V.A. "Two captains".
  80. Camus A. "Outsider".
  81. Kassil L.A. "Konduit and Shvambrania".
  82. Kataev V.P. "Flower-seven-flower". "The lonely sail turns white." "Son of the Regiment"
  83. Kern L. Poems for children ("Poems about four legs", etc.)
  84. Kipling R. "The jungle book". Fairy tales (“Where did the armadillos come from.” “How the crab played with the sea.” “Elephant baby.” “How the first letter was written.” “How the alphabet was invented,” etc.) Poems for children (“The camel’s hump.” “The cat is wonderful sings by the fire". "I have six servants". "If in the glass of the cabin"). Cycle of stories "Three Soldiers". Poems ("Ballad of East and West." "Commandment"."Mary Gloucester").
  85. Koval Yu.I. "Nedopesok". "The lightest boat in the world" and etc.
  86. Cornell P. "Sid".
  87. Korolenko D.U. "Children of the Underground". "Blind Musician"
  88. Korchak Ya. « King Matt the First".
  89. Krylov I.A. Fables.
  90. Cruz D. "Tim Tyler or the Sold Laughter".
  91. Bonfire Sh. de. "The Legend of Ulenspiegel".
  92. Kun N.A. « Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece».
  93. Cooper F. Novels ("St. John's Wort", etc.)
  94. Kuprin A.I. Stories ( "White Poodle"."Elephant"."Olesya", etc.)
  95. Lagerlof S. "Niels' Journey with the Wild Geese".
  96. Lagin L.I. "Old Man Hottabych".
  97. Larry I. « Extraordinary Adventures of Karik and Vali».
  98. Levshin V. "Three days in Karlikania", etc.
  99. Lem S. "Solaris".
  100. Lermontov M.Yu. Poems ( "Cossack lullaby". "A golden cloud spent the night". "Airship" etc.) Poems ( "Mtsyri". "Daemon" and etc.)
  101. Leskov N.S. Novels and stories "Lefty" and etc.)
  102. Leslie R. "Bears and Me".
  103. Lee H. "To Kill a Mockingbird".
  104. Lindgen A. "Pippi Longstocking". "We are on the island of Saltkroka."
  105. Lindsay J. "Runaways".
  106. Lomonosov M.V. Poems ( “The day hides its face…” and etc.)
  107. Longfellow G. "Song of Hiawatha".
  108. London J. "Northern stories" ("Love for life." "The end of the fairy tale", etc.) "Tales of the southern seas." Short stories (The Mexican, etc.) Novels (Smoke Bellew. White Fang. Martin Eden."Iron Grip", etc.).
  109. Lorca F.G. Poems ( "Guitar"."Romance of the Spanish Gendarmerie", etc.)
  110. Lewis K. "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe"(part of The Chronicles of Narnia).
  111. Makarenko A.S. "Pedagogical Poem". "Flags over the tower".
  112. Little T. "Without family".
  113. Mamin-Sibiryak D.N. Tales and stories ( Cycle "Alyonushka's Tales". "GreyNeck". "The Tale of the Glorious Tsar Pea and His Beautiful Daughters Princess Kutafya and Princess Goroshinka"."Winter hut on Studenaya". "Acceptant". "Emelya the hunter". "The rich man and Eremka". "Spit").
  114. Mandelstam O.E. Poems ( "Invitation to the Moon". Lamarck, etc.)
  115. Mann G. « The Young Years of King Henry IV.
  116. Mann T. "Joseph and his brothers."
  117. Marshak S.Ya. Poems for children. English folk songs. Plays ( "Cat house".Teremok. "Twelve months").
  118. Mayakovsky V.V. Poems for children (“What is good and what is bad”, etc.) Poems ( "Could you?" "Nate!" "Listen." "The passport"."Sergey Yesenin", etc.) The play "Mystery-buff". Poems ("A cloud in pants." "Out loud", etc.)
  119. Merime P. "Chronicle of the times of King Charles IX". Novels.
  120. Milne A. Poems for children ("Naughty mother", etc.)
  121. Mikhalkov S.V. Poems for children.
  122. mythspeoples of the world.
  123. Myths of ancient Greece.
  124. Moliere J.-B. Plays ("Tartuffe" and others)
  125. Nansen F. "Fram in the Polar Sea".
  126. Nekrasov N.A. Stories ( "Grandfather Mazai and hares." "Peasant Children" etc.) Poems ( "Poet and Citizen" etc.) Poems ( "Russian women". "Railway").
  127. Nilin P.F. "Cruelty". "Trial period" (about the work of the criminal investigation).
  128. Nobile U. "My Five Years with Soviet Airships".
  129. Nosov N.N. Stories ("Mishkina porridge", etc.) "The adventures of Dunno and his friends." "Vitya Maleev at school and at home."
  130. Obruchev V.A. "Plutonium". Sannikov Land.
  131. Odoevsky V.F. Moroz Ivanovich."Town in a snuffbox".
  132. Olesha Yu.K. « Three fat men.
  133. Olgin O. “Miracles to choose from. Fun chemistry for kids.
  134. Ostrovsky A.N. Plays ( "Thunderstorm" and etc.)
  135. Ostrovsky N.A. "As the Steel Was Tempered".
  136. Panteleev L. Tales ( "Two Frogs" and etc.) Republic of Shkid.
  137. Pasternak B.L. Poems ( "Snowing" and etc.; including, from the novel Doctor Zhivago» - "Fairy tale" and others.) Poems ( « LieutenantSchmidt").
  138. Paustovsky K.G. Fairy tales ( "Disheveled Sparrow" etc.) Stories ( "Steel ring" and etc.)
  139. Perro Sh. Fairy tales.
  140. "Songs of the South Slavs".
  141. "Song of Gilgamesh" (Sumerian epic).
  142. "The Tale of Igor's Campaign".
  143. "The Song of Roland"(French medieval poem).
  144. "Song of My Sid"(Spanish medieval poem).
  145. Platonov A.P. Tale ("Secret Man". "Jan").
  146. Plutarch. Comparative biographies.
  147. Pogorelsky A. "The Black Hen, or the Underground Dwellers".
  148. Polevoy B.N. "A Tale of a Real Man"
  149. Prever J. Poems ("Family", etc.)
  150. Prishvin M.M. Stories (“Fox bread”, “Golden meadow”, “Birch bark tube”, etc.) Fairy tale “Pantry of the sun”.
  151. Pushkin A.S. Fairy tales ("The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish". "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"."The Tale of the Golden Cockerel". The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs. "The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda") . Poems ( "Ruslan and Ludmila"). Little tragedy. Poems ( "Song of the prophetic Oleg" and etc). "Tales of Belkin". Novels ( "The Captain's Daughter", "Eugene Onegin" etc.) Tragedies ("Boris Godunov").
  152. Radishchev A.N. "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow".
  153. Rasmussen K. "Great luge way".
  154. Rasputin V.G. stories ( "French lessons"). Tales ("Farewell to Matera", etc.)
  155. Reed M. Novels ("In the wilds South Africa" and etc.)
  156. Rodari J. "The Adventures of Cipollino". "Gelsomino in the Land of Liars. Poems for children (“What do crafts smell like?” “What color are crafts?”)
  157. Russiansfolk tales.
  158. Russian folk epics.
  159. Rustaveli Sh. "The Knight in the Panther's Skin".
  160. Ryleev K.F. Poems ( "Will I be at the fateful time" and etc.)
  161. Rytkheu Yu.S. "Ivangu".
  162. Saltykov-Shchedrin M.E. Fairy tales ( "The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals" etc.) Tale ("History of one city").
  163. Sartre J.-P. "Nausea". "Wall".
  164. Sat-ok. "Land of Salty Rocks". "Mysterious Footprints"
  165. Svirsky A.I. "Ryzhik".
  166. SwiftJ. "Gulliver's Travels".
  167. Sellinger W. The Catcher in the Rye novel. Tales ("Above the rafters, carpenters", etc.) Stories.
  168. Saint Exupery A. "Little Prince"."Military pilot", etc.
  169. Cervantes M. de. "Don Quixote".
  170. "The Legend of the Mamaev Battle".
  171. Fairy talespeoples of the world.
  172. Scott W. Novels ("Ivanhoe" and others).
  173. Slutsky B.A. Poems ("Trees and us", etc.)
  174. Sophocles. Tragedy.
  175. Stanyukovich K.M. Stories ( "Maxim". "Nanny", etc.)
  176. "Elder Edda"(Scandinavian epic).
  177. Suteev V.G. Fairy tales.
  178. Tvardovsky A.T. Poems ( "The Day the War Ended" etc.) Poems ( Vasily Terkin."Terkin in the other world").
  179. Twain M. "Adventures of Tom Sawyer". "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn". "Prince and the Pauper"."A Yankee in King Arthur's Court".
  180. Tokmakova I. Poems for children ("Sleepy Elephant", etc.)
  181. Tolstoy A.K. Historical novel "Prince Silver".
  182. Tolstoy A.N. The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio. "Magpie Tales". "Mermaid Tales"."Childhood of Nikita".
  183. Tolstoy L.N. Fairy tales.« Childhood". "Prisoner of the Caucasus". Novels (“War and Peace”, “Resurrection”, etc.) Stories (“After the Ball”).
  184. Travers P. "Mary Poppins".
  185. Tudorovskaya E.A. "The Trojan War and Its Heroes". "Odyssey" ( prose retelling).
  186. Tuwim Yu. Poems for children ("Cripple Words", etc.)
  187. Turgenev I.S. Stories ( "Bezhin Meadow". "Singers". "Mu Mu" etc.) Poems in prose ( "Sparrow" etc.) "Fathers and Sons".
  188. Tynyanov Yu.N. "Kukhlya"(historical novel about V.K. Küchelbecker).
  189. Tynyanov Yu.N. "Death of Vazir-Mukhtar"(historical novel about A.S. Griboyedov).
  190. Tyutchev F.I. Poems ("Happy is he who visited this world ...", etc.)
  191. Wilde O. Fairy tales (“The Happy Prince.” “The Nightingale and the Rose.” “The Fisherman and His Soul.” “The Star Boy.”"The Canterville Ghost")
  192. Ushinsky K.D. Fairy tales (“Two plows.” “Hunter of fairy tales.” “Not well tailored, but tightly sewn.” “The Fox and the goat.” “The rogue cat.”)
  193. Fadeev A.A. "Young guard".
  194. Feuchtwanger L. Historical novels ("Jewish War" "Spanish Ballad" "Jew Suess" and etc.)
  195. Fet A.A. Poems.
  196. Faulkner W. Novels ("The Defiler of Dust", etc.) Stories.
  197. Fonvizin D.I. "Undergrowth".
  198. Frans A. "The Gods Thirst".
  199. Frisch M. Novels ("Homo Faber" and others) The story "Man appears in the Holocene epoch".
  200. Kharms D.I. Poems for children.
  201. Hemingway E. Novels ("The Sun Also Rises", etc.)
  202. Tsvetaeva M.I. Poems.
  203. Chaplina V.V. Stories ("Thrown", etc.)
  204. Charushin E.I. Stories.
  205. Black S. Poems for children ("ABC", etc.)
  206. Chekhov A.P. Stories ( "Chestnut". "Vanka". "Boys". "Children". "White-fronted". "Volodya". "Fugitive".“I want to sleep”, etc.) Plays (“The Seagull”, etc.)
  207. Chernyshevsky N.G. "What to do?"
  208. Chukovsky K.I. Poetic tales ("Telephone", "Aibolit", "Moydodyr", etc.).Puzzles.
  209. Sharov A. "The Adventures of Ezhenka and Other Drawn Men."
  210. Schwartz E.L. Fairy tales ("The Tale of Lost Time, etc.)
  211. Shakespeare W. Tragedies (Hamlet, King Lear, Antony and Cleopatra, etc.) Comedies (Twelfth Night, The Merchant of Venice, etc.)
  212. Schiller W. Ballads ("Ivikov Cranes", etc.). Plays (Don Carlos, etc.)
  213. Sholokhov M.A. stories ( "Nakhalenok" and etc.). Novels ("Quiet Flows the Don").
  214. Scottish folk songs ("Little Willie Winky", etc.)
  215. Show B. Plays ("Pygmalion". "Apple Cart", etc.)
  216. Shukshin V.M. Stories ("Countrymen", etc.) Tales ("Kalina Krasnaya", etc.) Fairy tale "Until the third roosters".
  217. Ekholm E. « Tutta Karlsson the First and Only, Ludwig the Fourteenth and others ".
  218. Eluard P. Poems ("Notification", etc.)
  219. Ervilly E. d’. "The Adventures of a Prehistoric Boy".
  220. Aeschylus. Tragedy.


Determine the type of document you are citing. You can make a link to the site as a whole, a separate web page, an on-line book or part of it, an online magazine or from it, etc. The composition of the description depends on the type of document.

Always link to the original. For example, when quoting an article from an American online magazine, provide information about it in the language only. Take information to describe the document only from the document itself. Carefully study the main page of the site and the web section in which the publication is posted. If any description element was not found, skip it.

Remember the basic information that you need to specify when making a link to an Internet source:

1. Author of the publication. In the description, indicate the surname and initials without decoding, for example: "Ivanov I.I." Please note that the author must be the creator of the text you quote, and not the website. This element is followed by a period in the description.

2. The title of the document. Here you need to specify the name of a specific publication or web page. For example: "10 Ways to Get Rich" or "City Responds".

3. Document type. Use the standard wording "electronic resource". This element is enclosed in square brackets: [Electronic resource].

4. Information about responsibility. This lists the authors of the publication, if there are more than three, or the organization in which the electronic document was created. Most often used when describing books. This description element is preceded by a slash. For example: "/ I.I. Ivanov, V.V. Petrov, S.S. Sidorov, I.K. Kirillov and others." or "/ Scientific Research Institute of Ophthalmology".

5. Information about the main document. Used when compiling descriptions of parts of books or articles from magazines. The element is preceded by two slashes. For example: "// Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences".

6. Place and date of publication. For books, this element will look like this: "M., 2011". In the description of electronic articles indicate the year and number of the journal: “2011. No. 3".

7. Notes. Indicate information important for understanding the specific characteristics of an Internet document: system requirements for viewing the page (for example, the need for a graphic editor), access restriction to the resource (for example, after paid registration), etc.

8. Email address and date of access to the document. Specify the abbreviation URL, replacing the Russian phrase "Access Mode". Next, provide the full http address of the site or individual page. In parentheses, write the date when you visited this Internet resource, for example: "(Date of access: 12/25/2011)". It is advisable to always indicate a specific number, because. electronic documents often change their "registration" or disappear altogether.

Explore the following examples of the most common links to online documents. Write a description of the document you cite based on one of them.

Moscow State University them. M.V. Lomonosov: [Electronic resource]. M., 1997-2012. URL: (Accessed: 02/18/2012).

Information for applicants: [Electronic resource] // Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. M., 1997-2012. URL: (Accessed: 02/18/2012).

Secretary-referent. 2011. No. 7: [Electronic resource]. URL: (Accessed: 02/18/2012).

Kameneva E.M. Document registration forms: // Assistant secretary. 2011. No. 7. URL: (Accessed: 02/18/2012).

Stepanov V. Internet in professional information activities: [Electronic resource]. 2002-2006. URL: (Accessed: 02/18/2012).

Stepanov V. Internet electronic documents: description and citation: [Electronic resource] // Stepanov V. Internet in professional information activity. 2002-2006. URL: (Accessed: 02/18/2012).

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  • GOST R 7.0.5-2008 “Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules for drawing up "
  • how to make an electronic document

Any treatise contains links to previously published sources of information on this topic. Each such source should have its own bibliographic description - output information, including the indication of the authors, the name of the book, article or journal, publisher, year of issue. The bibliography, which is attached to the scientific work, contains a list of bibliographic descriptions of the sources used.


The bibliography can be compiled according to different principles. Sources can be listed in chronological, alphabetical order, taking into account status or in the order in which a given bibliographical article appears in the text of a scientific work. Most often, the principle or indication of sources in alphabetical order.

If the reference to normative acts is included in the list, first indicate the full name of the document and the date of its adoption, and the name of the body that adopted it. Be sure to indicate the source in which this normative act was published.

In the case when the bibliographic source has one author, then at the beginning indicate his surname and initials, the title of the monograph or article without quotes, separated by commas. After that put a dot and a dash. If the work is a monograph, then indicate the place and year of publication, put a colon and indicate the name of the publication and the number of pages in this book.

If this is a collective work, first indicate the surname and initials of the author who is the first in the list, then the title of the monograph, and after the "/" sign, list the remaining authors. If there are more than five of them, then after the first surname it is allowed to write "and others." In the event that an editor is indicated, then after listing the authors, write the phrase “Under the editorship.” and include the name of the editor. Then put a period and a dash and list the rest of the data.

When an article is indicated as a source, put the sign "//" before the dot and dash and write the name of the journal where it was published, and after the dot and dash - the year of publication, volume, page number.

In the event that you refer to the published materials of a scientific conference, then put a colon after the author's name and the title of the article, indicate the name of this collection of articles and the conference, the city where it took place, publisher, year and page numbers on which this article was published.

In any scientific work, whether it is an essay, term paper, diploma work or dissertation, the design plays the same important role as the content. It often happens that the design of the list of references and references takes not just a few hours, but several days. Links to different types sources are formatted differently.


The first type of source is a textbook or scientific work written by one to three authors.
It is drawn up like this: and the initials of the author, work (with a capital one), the city in which the book was published, dots and colons, the name of the publishing house, year of publication, dot, number of pages, dot.
Example: Propp V.Ya. Morphology of "magic". M.: Labyrinth, 1998. 256 p.

If the book consists of one volume, but it has more than three authors, then the title of the book is indicated at the beginning, and then one of the authors with the note [and others]. If you wish, you can list all the authors, this will not be counted as an error.
Example: Occupational health of NPP operational personnel: methods of maintenance and recovery / V.I. Evdokimov, G.N. Roddutin, V.L. Marishchuk, B.N. Ushakov, I.B. Ushakov. M.; Voronezh: Origins, 2004. 250 p.

newspapers are drawn up according to the same principle as a book (the number of authors also plays a role). The only difference is that the title of the article and the title of the edition are separated by two slashes, and you still need to indicate the number of the edition.
Example: Latynina Yu. L. Budget for militants // Novaya Gazeta. 2011. No. 85. pp. 9-10.

If you are using a multi-volume edition, then you need to indicate in the link which volume you used.
Example: Solovyov V.S. Beauty in nature: Op. in 2 vols. M: Progress, 1998. Vol.1. 355s.

Most of the information today has to be taken from the Internet, electronic sources of information are designed in a special way. First, the author and title of the publication are indicated, then the title and type of the electronic resource. After that, a link to the page with the text is given and the date of access to it is indicated.
Example: Example: Yu. L. Latynina Budget for militants // Novaya Gazeta [website]. URL: of access: 04.08.2011).


  • how to arrange sources

Making an electronic list of references often causes a number of difficulties. Different educational institutions may have their own requirements, often outdated. To be sure that your design is correct, use state standard: GOST R 7.0.5-2008.


Open Microsoft Word and create a new document. Set the following parameters: font - Times New Roman, size - 14, spacing - 1.5. These settings are standard.

Set the required field values. To do this, double-click on the ruler located on the left side of the program window. In the "Fields" tab, enter the required values.

Start compiling a bibliography. On the toolbar, click on the Numbered List button. Thus, each next element of the electronic list will automatically receive its own number. Click on the list marker (one) and use the sliders on the top ruler above the document to set the first line indent, indent and left indent values.

To list a book, first indicate the author's surname and initials (if there are several authors, then the surname and initials of the first of them). Then write the full title of the book followed by a forward slash (/). After it, indicate all the authors of the book, but no more than three. If there are more authors, then put "and others." Separate with a semicolon, indicate under whose editorship the book was published (if such information is available). Next, put a dash, write the city (Moscow, St. Petersburg and some others are abbreviated) and indicate the publisher through a colon. Next, put a dot, a dash and indicate the number of pages of the publication. Again, enter the ISBN of the publication through a dash.

To be included in the list of an electronic resource, first indicate the author of the material, then its title, and then write "Electronic resource" in the list. If the author is unknown, start with the title. Then, through two slashes (//), indicate the name of the source from which the material was taken. If it's a website, write "website" in square brackets. After that, write the URL, put a colon and paste the link to the material. In the usual parentheses, write "Date of treatment" and indicate it with a comma.


  • GOST R 7.0.5-2008

A bibliography is often called a bibliographic list of references used in writing a term paper or a thesis, a dissertation, a scientific or historiographic publication, etc. The list usually includes all types of documents: books, brochures, newspapers, magazines, audio and video recordings, archival materials, Internet publications and eBooks. In order for the list of references to become a full-fledged bibliographic list, it must be ordered in accordance with certain rules.


Start creating a bibliographic list at the same time as writing the text. To do this, start a separate notebook where you will enter information about all the books you have viewed, or create a special file. However, it is most convenient to use cards from a dense uniform size, for example, 125x75mm. Collecting them in a box, you will receive a file cabinet. It is easy to work with it, adding new cards, removing unnecessary ones and swapping the remaining ones.

Make a description of the literature in accordance with the current GOST 7.1-2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and ". Use the cards in the library catalogs as an example. The staff of the bibliographic departments will help you describe in difficult cases. In addition, most educational institutions issue guidelines for compiling bibliographic descriptions of various documents.

Mark cards with special signs and provide comments. This is necessary in order to quickly remember whether you used the book or it turned out to be useless. For example, if you find an important quote, you can write it down on a card with the page numbers on which this text is placed.

Organize your accumulated cards. Most often, when compiling bibliographic lists, the following methods of grouping descriptions are used: alphabetical, chronological, thematic, in the order of mention in the text, by type of publication.

An alphabetical bibliographic list is the simplest and most common way of systematization. In it, all descriptions are arranged in a strict alphabet of authors and titles. Editions in foreign languages ​​are placed at the end of the list also in alphabetical order. Such a list is most often used with a small number of documents.

In the chronological list, bibliographic descriptions of documents are arranged by year of publication, within each year - alphabetically by authors and titles.

In the case when the work is used a large number of literature from various areas knowledge, it is advisable to make a thematic list. Sections of such a list are titled according to sections of the main text. Separately list sources related to the work as a whole.

The list, compiled in the order in which sources are mentioned in the text, reflects the order in which certain documents were cited. It is important to remember that a document cited more than once is only mentioned once in the list.

In student and research papers, a bibliographic list of literature by type of publication is often used. It sequentially lists: official documents, GOST and regulatory documentation, instructions, dictionaries and reference books, scientific and educational publications, popular literature, articles in the press.

Title the bibliographic list, for example, "List of used literature" or "Literature", etc. Number it. Use solid numbering in all sections of the list, unless otherwise requested by the instructor or editor. Begin each description in the list with a red line. Place the bibliography at the end of the article. IN theses the list is placed after the conclusion, but before the appendices.

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  • GOST 7.1-2003. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and drafting rules

When working on a document, article or list of references, you encounter such a problem as a link to electronic resources. An electronic resource is any information posted on the Internet and used by you in your work. How to create a link to an electronic resource?

You will need

  • - administrator rights.


If you are working in text editor Microsoft Word, you can put a link to an electronic resource on a specific word. To do this, on the taskbar, select the "Insert" option. Then highlight the word that you will associate with the electronic resource. Click on the "Hyperlink" command on the toolbar. You will see a window for entering the email address of the resource you are referring to. In the list on the left, select the link type by pointing to a web page. Your word will now be linked to the address you enter below.

The current folder where the document is placed is placed in the center of the window. Under it is a line for entering an email address. Enter in this line the full email address of the resource, the link to which will be visible in your document. Click OK. Link installed.

There are other options for linking. There is an option called "Links" on the taskbar. It is designed to create footnotes, references, bibliography, etc. To create a link, click on the appropriate button, that is, "Insert Link". In the list that opens, select the "Add new source" command. You can add various links to resources, style them differently, that is, set a specific color, font, size, and much more.

An autofill form window will open in front of you. Enter all required information and click Ok. The link was created in accordance with the requirements of GOST. It is also worth noting that a link to any Internet resource can be issued using standard methods. Copy the link in the browser and in a text editor, just right-click and select "Paste". The link will immediately appear in the place where the cursor was.

Currently, in addition to books and articles, the list of references is supplemented by internet sources. Their enumeration begins after the description of the articles in alphabetical order. The design rules are regulated by GOST 7.82-2001 “System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description of electronic resources. General requirements and drafting rules”.

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