Using the research method as a means of activating the cognitive activity of students in biology lessons. Application of the research method of teaching in biology lessons Educational research activities in biology lessons

Sections: Biology

Educational and research activities -
is an activity whose main purpose
which is educational
result, it is aimed at learning
students, their development
research type of thinking.

N.P. Kharitonov

One of the ways of creative perception modern sciences is considered a systematic teaching and research work. Competently conduct research can not only a person engaged in science professionally, but also someone who is still in school.

Modern stage The development of society takes place in conditions of hypercompetition. At the same time, the following are taken as the most significant factors of competitiveness: the availability of qualified, creatively thinking personnel; ability to organize their creative activity; willingness to accept an innovative idea and create conditions for its implementation.

However, in modern Russian school most of the knowledge is presented in a ready-made form and does not require additional search efforts, and the main difficulty for students is the independent search for information, the acquisition of knowledge. Therefore, one of the most important conditions for improving the efficiency educational process is the organization of educational research activities and the development of its main component - research skills that not only help schoolchildren to better cope with the requirements of the program, but also develop their logical thinking, create an internal motive learning activities generally.

It is necessary to form research skills not only in the classroom, but also in extracurricular activities, which allows students who are interested in the subject, not to be limited by the framework curriculum. The use in extracurricular work of tasks related to the conduct of observations and experiments develops research inclinations in schoolchildren.

The research problem is related to overcoming the contradiction between the need to activate cognitive activity, the development of the student's research inclinations, his cognitive interest to the study of biology and the predominance of anatomical and morphological material in the content school course biology.

Sukhomlinsky also noted: “This terrible danger is idleness at the desk, idleness for months, years. It corrupts morally, cripples a person and ... nothing can compensate for what is missed in the most important area where a person should be a worker - in the sphere of thought.

The variety of objects and processes studied in biology lessons provides great opportunities for research activities, during which students learn to express their thoughts, work individually, in a group and in a team, construct direct and feedback. The organization of research activities allows the teacher to provide independent working out of the missed educational material- for example, to conduct independent research on a given topic in the form of observation and record the results, as well as to motivate a successful student with a puzzle task - for example, to conduct research on the basis of a media laboratory using a computer and protect the results of the research. Elements of research activity in biology lessons can be introduced already in the 6th and even in the 5th grade. In order to intensify research activity among younger students and form motivation, it is advisable to familiarize them with the research work of high school students. This system of gradual involvement of students in research activities contributes to the development of their interest in knowledge in the field of biology, as well as the identification of talented and gifted students.

During research work each student has the opportunity to realize himself, apply his knowledge and experience, demonstrate his competence, and feel success.

In the course of work on academic research it is possible and expedient to develop the following research skills: understanding the essence of the problem and formulating a problematic issue, formulating and substantiating a hypothesis, defining research objectives, selecting and analyzing literature data, conducting an experiment or observation, recording and processing results, formulating conclusions, drawing up a report on the implementation of the study. As well as the development of such communication skills as organizing intra-group cooperation, joint development of methods of action, public presentation of work.

Involving students in research, it is necessary, first of all, to be based on their interests. Everything that is studied should become personally significant for the student, increase his interest and level of knowledge. However, the proposed topics and research methods recommended for the student should not exceed his psychological and physiological capabilities. Research activity should cause a desire to work, and not repel with its complexity and incomprehensibility.

The structure of research activities is defined as follows:

Search activity -> analysis -> assessment -> forecasting the development of the situation -> actions -> search activity.

Based on this, the following types of research can be used when organizing the research activities of middle-level students.

Types of research activities in the lesson:

1. The use of research methods of study (the teacher offers a problematic task, students are looking for a solution without the help of a teacher)

This method involves the most independent activity of students in obtaining and assimilating knowledge and skills. At the same time, the method is based on a clear goal - ensure the assimilation of the experience of creative activity.

In my lessons, I use the research method in solving creative biological problems.
For successful solution biological problems, elements of the theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ) were used.
TRIZ has a large number of techniques and methods to help create a solution and "extract" the solution from the subconscious.
In my work, I used such techniques as:

There are very tasty chocolate sweets - “bottles with syrup”. In their manufacture, they encounter a contradiction:
– The sweet jelly-like syrup needs to be hot so that it can be easily poured into a chocolate bottle, but then the chocolate melts.
- If the syrup is cold, then the chocolate does not melt, but it is very difficult to pour it. What to do?

They do the opposite: the syrup is not heated, but frozen in the form of a bottle, and the chocolate is made liquid and the bottle is dipped into it.

2. Reception "Turn harm into favor."

This is a difficult, but at the same time wise technique. He requires to know the system well, to know what is bad in it, to try to turn harm into good.
For example,

  • At present, the number of working industrial enterprises and agricultural enterprises has sharply decreased. This is bad. So what's so good about it?

Answer: The ecological situation in many regions has become noticeably better.

  • Charles Darwin was sick a lot as a child. This is bad. So what's so good about it?

Answer: This tempered his will and he gave humanity a new scientific concept of life on Earth.

  • Jacques Yves Cousteau spoke about such a case. In a place where fish spawn, a fishing boat sank. This is bad. So what's so good about it? The vessel began to interfere with fishing in this area, as there was a danger of losing very expensive nylon nets

2. Express study

According to this type, the research activity of students in the fifth grade is built. During the excursions, individual tasks are given for conducting empirical research, which birds live in the city, which ornamental plants are used to green the streets of the city.

3. Theoretical rapid research focused on work on the study and generalization of facts, materials contained in various sources. The topics of such research should allow studying a variety of objects in their real environment, in action, provide a lot of material and allow you to see a lot of topics for your own research, building various hypotheses.

Students in grades 5-6 successfully cope with this form of research. So, when studying the topic “Adaptation of animals and plants to conditions environment“Based on the materials of the textbook, the guys get acquainted with how cacti, camel thorn are adapted to living in arid conditions, how they are adapted to living in ground-air and aquatic environments penguins and pinnipeds.

Possible research topics: “Adaptation of steppe plants to arid habitat conditions”, “Peculiarities of insectivorous plants”, “Plant adaptations for pollination”, “Insect adaptations for collecting pollen and nectar”. Based on the results of the research, the authors make brief reports, necessarily containing conclusions.

In grades 7-9 theoretical studies are issued in the form of an abstract containing a much larger amount of information on the chosen area of ​​research. In the process of searching for information for writing an essay, the student acquires the skills of working with catalogs in the library, classifying and systematizing material, getting acquainted with the basics of designing text documents, learning to highlight the main thing, analyze data and draw conclusions. Working on an essay helps to understand the topic deeper, to assimilate it, develops the skills of organization and purposefulness necessary when studying any subject.

4. Conducting a training experiment

This includes all laboratory and practical work in biology from 6th grade to 11th grade. Performing laboratory work, the student receives subjectively new knowledge.

When performing these works, students acquire the skills of observing, fixing and correctly formatting the results of observations, analyzing the data obtained, and drawing conclusions.

In the 6th grade during the laboratory work I organize a small study using a digital microscope.

For example, the study of the structure of the mold fungus mukor. A problematic issue in the study of a mold fungus may be to find a difference and identify its cause between the considered temporary micropreparations of a mold fungus that develops on a substrate in the initial period of development and during maturation of spores. Students perform work at their workplaces using a light microscope. The teacher demonstrates micropreparations using a digital microscope.
A learning experiment is one of the productive teaching methods.

5. Research competitions

They are also effective in the classroom. For example, a competition for the best cheat sheet. Students in grades 10-11 are given this opportunity. I prepare the text in advance. This text can be a textbook section: “The Theory of the Origin of Life on Earth”, “Origin of Species”, “Fundamentals of Cytology”, etc. When compiling a cheat sheet, the attention of students becomes selective, students try to choose the text that is the main, fundamental of the whole topic. Separate plots of the cheat sheet are united by logical connections. This method teaches students to rationally use scientific literature.

6. Non-traditional lessons(lesson-presentation "Ancient reptiles", lesson - discussion "Origin of man")

Students prepare for the discussion on their own. On the topic of discussion, they explore not only educational literature, but also additional, in order to show its significance in the issue under discussion. When preparing messages, students often look for "tricky" questions to participate in the discussion.

7. Research projects

Research projects can be considered the highest level research activities of students. Having mastered the method of theoretical express research, acquiring the skills of practical experimental work, students quite successfully cope with the experimental part of the projects, carried out according to specially selected methods. However, in order to fulfill educational project one lesson is not enough.

Hometasks may also be exploratory in nature:

1. Description of plants and animals according to the plan

Exercise: Describe the wild rose according to the following plan.

1. Plant life form
2. Life span of a plant.
3. Flowering or non-flowering.
4. Higher or lower.
5. Has a vegetative underground organ (what?)
6. The organ of sexual reproduction enclosed in the fetus.
7. Axial vegetative organ bearing leaves and buds.
8. Generative organ in which the seed develops.

2. Observation of living objects(over the behavior of fish in an aquarium, the behavior of a hamster in a cage, the reaction of indoor plants to the time of day, etc.)

3. Watching your body(respiratory rate after exercise, the body's reaction to the time of day, etc.)

4. Experiments with plants and domestic animals(production conditioned reflexes).

For example: Development of a conditioned reflex in fish.

During the experiment, students use an instruction card.

instruction card

Subject: « Nervous system fish"
Target: To study the features of the formation of conditioned reflexes in fish "
Equipment: aquarium with fish, bead on a string, fish food.
Working process:
1. Go to the aquarium with fish and carefully lower the bead suspended on a thread into it. Watch the behavior of the fish.
2. Repeat these steps several times.
3. Feed the fish while lowering the bead into the water.
4. Repeat these steps for 3-4 days.
5. Dip the bead into the aquarium without giving food. Observe the behavior of the fish in the aquarium.
6. Make a conclusion based on the results of this experience.

5. Creative tasks- poems, essays "Traveling with a drop of water through a green plant", "Traveling with an oxygen molecule through the body", "Journey through the cell", crossword puzzles, quizzes, presentations.

Summer assignments:

1. Compile a herbarium (various families of angiosperms, types of compound leaves in plants, types of leaf venation in plants, etc.)
2. Drawing up collections (collection of butterflies, collection of shells of gastropods or bivalve mollusks, etc.)

Types of research activities outside of school hours:

1. Preparation and participation in Olympiads in biology, ecology.
2. Participation in competitions, environmental events and promotions "Our home is the Earth", "Bird of the Year" and others.
3. Participation in educational expeditions (excursions along the ecological path, hiking in the native land)
4. Conducting circles "Young friend of nature", "Young researchers of the nature of the native land", "School environmental monitoring", elective courses "Your opportunities, man."
5. Writing creative works.
6. Writing essays, for example, "Snowdrop Mushrooms."
7. Performing mini-research, for example, “My favorite tree”, My favorite animal”.
8. Creation of booklets.
9. Create presentations
10. Creation of models (flowering plant, shoot)
11. Creation of a book by a young biologist, for example - grade 8 (“Human evolution”, “Analyzers. Organ of hearing”, etc.).
12. Album design: (“I study natural history” - grade 5; “I study biology” - grade 6).

The effectiveness of research activities of schoolchildren.

The child is an active being in itself. He needs to feel, touch, know everything. Learning means exploring the world.

Tell me and I will forget
Show me and I will remember
Let me do it myself
And I will learn.

(Ancient Chinese wisdom)

Application of the research method of teaching in biology lessons

Educational and research activities -
is an activity whose main purpose
which is educational
result, it is aimed at learning
students, their development
research type of thinking.

N.P. Kharitonov

One of the ways of creative perception of modern sciences is systematic teaching and research work. Competently conduct research can not only a person engaged in science professionally, but also someone who is still in school.

The current stage of development of society takes place in conditions of hypercompetition. At the same time, the following are taken as the most significant factors of competitiveness: the availability of qualified, creatively thinking personnel; ability to organize their creative activity; willingness to accept an innovative idea and create conditions for its implementation.

However, in the modern Russian school, most of the knowledge is presented in a ready-made form and does not require additional search efforts, and the main difficulty for students is the independent search for information, the acquisition of knowledge. Therefore, one of the most important conditions for increasing the effectiveness of the educational process is the organization of educational research activities and the development of its main component - research skills, which not only help schoolchildren to better cope with the requirements of the program, but also develop their logical thinking, create an internal motive for educational activities in general.

It is necessary to form research skills not only in the classroom, but also in extracurricular activities, which allow students who are interested in the subject not to be limited to the curriculum. The use in extracurricular work of tasks related to the conduct of observations and experiments develops research inclinations in schoolchildren.

The research problem is related to overcoming the contradiction between the need to activate cognitive activity, develop the research inclinations of the student, his cognitive interest in the study of biology and the predominance of anatomical and morphological material in the content of the school biology course.

Sukhomlinsky also noted: “This terrible danger is idleness at the desk, idleness for months, years. It corrupts morally, cripples a person and ... nothing can compensate for what is missed in the most important area where a person should be a worker - in the sphere of thought.

The variety of objects and processes studied in biology lessons provides great opportunities for research activities, during which students learn to express their thoughts, work individually, in a group and in a team, construct direct and feedback. The organization of research activities allows the teacher to provide independent working out of the missed educational material - for example, to conduct an independent research on a given topic in the form of observation and record the results, as well as to motivate a successful student with a puzzling task - for example, to conduct a study based on a media laboratory using a computer and protect research results. Elements of research activity in biology lessons can be introduced already in the 6th and even in the 5th grade. In order to intensify research activity among younger students and form motivation, it is advisable to familiarize them with the research work of high school students. This system of gradual involvement of students in research activities contributes to the development of their interest in knowledge in the field of biology, as well as the identification of talented and gifted students.

During the research work, each student has the opportunity to realize himself, apply his knowledge and experience, demonstrate his competence, and feel success.

In the course of work on educational research, it is possible and appropriate to develop the following research skills: understanding the essence of the problem and formulating a problematic issue, formulating and substantiating a hypothesis, defining research objectives, selecting and analyzing literature data, conducting an experiment or observation, recording and processing results, formulating conclusions, preparation of a report on the implementation of the study. As well as the development of such communication skills as organizing intra-group cooperation, joint development of methods of action, public presentation of work.

Involving students in research, it is necessary, first of all, to be based on their interests. Everything that is studied should become personally significant for the student, increase his interest and level of knowledge. However, the proposed topics and research methods recommended for the student should not exceed his psychological and physiological capabilities. Research activity should cause a desire to work, and not repel with its complexity and incomprehensibility.

The structure of research activities is defined as follows:

Search activity -> analysis -> assessment -> forecasting the development of the situation -> actions -> search activity.

Based on this, the following types of research can be used when organizing the research activities of middle-level students.

Types of research activities in the lesson:

1. The use of research methods of study (the teacher offers a problematic task, students are looking for a solution without the help of a teacher)

This method involves the most independent activity of students in obtaining and assimilating knowledge and skills. At the same time, the method is based on a clear goal -ensure the assimilation of the experience of creative activity.

In my lessons, I use the research method in solving creative biological problems.
Elements of the theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ) were used to successfully solve biological problems.
TRIZ has a large number of tricks and methods that help create a solution and "extract" the solution from the subconscious.
In my work, I used such techniques as:

1. Reception "On the contrary"

There are very tasty chocolate sweets - “bottles with syrup”. In their manufacture, they encounter a contradiction:– The sweet jelly-like syrup needs to be hot so that it can be easily poured into a chocolate bottle, but then the chocolate melts. - If the syrup is cold, then the chocolate does not melt, but it is very difficult to pour it. What to do?

They do the opposite: the syrup is not heated, but frozen in the form of a bottle, and the chocolate is made liquid and the bottle is dipped into it.

2. Reception "Turn harm into favor."

This is a difficult, but at the same time wise technique. He requires to know the system well, to know what is bad in it, to try to turn harm into good.
For example,

    At present, the number of operating industrial enterprises has sharply decreased and agriculture. This is bad. So what's so good about it?

Answer: The ecological situation in many regions has become noticeably better.

    Charles Darwin was sick a lot as a child. This is bad. So what's so good about it?

Answer: This tempered his will and he gave humanity a new scientific concept of life on Earth.

    Jacques Yves Cousteau spoke about such a case. In a place where fish spawn, a fishing boat sank. This is bad. So what's so good about it? The vessel began to interfere with fishing in this area, as there was a danger of losing very expensive nylon nets

2. Express study

According to this type, the research activity of students in the fifth grade is built. During the excursions, individual tasks are given for conducting empirical research, which birds live in the city, which ornamental plants are used to green the streets of the city.

3. Theoretical rapid research focused on work on the study and generalization of facts, materials contained in various sources. The topics of such research should allow studying a variety of objects in their real environment, in action, provide a lot of material and allow you to see a lot of topics for your own research, building various hypotheses.

Students in grades 5-6 successfully cope with this form of research. So, when studying the topic “Adaptation of animals and plants to environmental conditions”, the children, based on the materials of the textbook, get acquainted with how cacti, camel thorn are adapted to living in arid conditions, how penguins and pinniped mammals are adapted to living in terrestrial-air and aquatic environments .

Possible research topics : “Adaptation of steppe plants to arid habitat conditions”, “Peculiarities of insectivorous plants”, “Plant adaptations for pollination”, “Insect adaptations for collecting pollen and nectar”. Based on the research results, the authors brief messages, necessarily containing conclusions.

In grades 7-9, theoretical studies are drawn up in the form of an abstract containing a much larger amount of information in the chosen area of ​​research. In the process of searching for information for writing an essay, the student acquires the skills of working with catalogs in the library, classifying and systematizing material, getting acquainted with the basics of designing text documents, learning to highlight the main thing, analyze data and draw conclusions. Working on an essay helps to understand the topic deeper, to assimilate it, develops the skills of organization and purposefulness necessary when studying any subject.

4. Conducting a training experiment

This includes all laboratory and practical work in biology, from the 6th grade to the 11th grade. Performing laboratory work, the student receives subjectively new knowledge.

When performing these works, students acquire the skills of observing, fixing and correctly formatting the results of observations, analyzing the data obtained, and drawing conclusions.

In the 6th grade, when conducting laboratory work, I organize a small study using a digital microscope.

For example, the study of the structure of the mold fungus mukor. A problematic issue in the study of a mold fungus may be to find a difference and identify its cause between the considered temporary micropreparations of a mold fungus that develops on a substrate in the initial period of development and during maturation of spores. Students perform work at their workplaces using a light microscope. The teacher demonstrates micropreparations using a digital microscope.
A learning experiment is one of the productive teaching methods.

5. Research competitions

They are also effective in the classroom. For example, a competition for the best cheat sheet. Students in grades 10-11 are given this opportunity. I prepare the text in advance. This text can be a textbook section: “The Theory of the Origin of Life on Earth”, “Origin of Species”, “Fundamentals of Cytology”, etc. When compiling a cheat sheet, the attention of students becomes selective, students try to choose the text that is the main, fundamental of the whole topic. Separate plots of the cheat sheet are united by logical connections. This method teaches students to rationally use scientific literature.

6. Non-traditional lessons (lesson-presentation "Ancient reptiles", lesson - discussion "Origin of man")

Students prepare for the discussion on their own. On the topic of discussion, they explore not only educational literature, but also additional ones, in order to show their significance in the issue under discussion. When preparing messages, students often look for "tricky" questions to participate in the discussion.

7. Research projects

Research projects can be considered the highest level of research activity of students. Having mastered the method of theoretical express research, acquiring the skills of practical experimental work, students quite successfully cope with the experimental part of the projects, carried out according to specially selected methods. However, one lesson is not enough to complete the educational project.

Hometasks may also be exploratory in nature:

1. Description of plants and animals according to the plan

Exercise : Describe the wild rose according to the following plan.

1. Plant life form
2. Life span of a plant.
3. Flowering or non-flowering.
4. Higher or lower.
5. Has a vegetative underground organ (what?)
6. The organ of sexual reproduction enclosed in the fetus.
7. Axial vegetative organ bearing leaves and buds.
8. Generative organ in which the seed develops.

2. Observation of living objects (over the behavior of fish in an aquarium, the behavior of a hamster in a cage, the reaction of indoor plants to the time of day, etc.)

3. Watching your body (respiratory rate after exercise, the body's reaction to the time of day, etc.)

4. Experiments with plants and domestic animals (development of conditioned reflexes).

For example: Development of a conditioned reflex in fish.

During the experiment, students use an instruction card.

instruction card

Subject: "Nervous system of fish"
Target: To study the features of the formation of conditioned reflexes in fish "
Equipment: aquarium with fish, bead on a string, fish food.
Working process:
1. Go to the aquarium with fish and carefully lower the bead suspended on a thread into it. Watch the behavior of the fish.
2. Repeat these steps several times.
3. Feed the fish while lowering the bead into the water.
4. Repeat these steps for 3-4 days.
5. Dip the bead into the aquarium without giving food. Observe the behavior of the fish in the aquarium.
6. Make a conclusion based on the results of this experience.

5. Creative tasks - poems, essays "Traveling with a drop of water through a green plant", "Traveling with an oxygen molecule through the body", "Journey through the cell", crossword puzzles, quizzes, presentations.

Summer assignments:

1. Compile a herbarium (various families of angiosperms, types of compound leaves in plants, types of leaf venation in plants, etc.)
2. Drawing up collections (collection of butterflies, collection of shells of gastropods or bivalve mollusks, etc.)

Types of research activities outside of school hours:

1. Preparation and participation in Olympiads in biology, ecology.
2. Participation in competitions, environmental events and promotions "Our home is the Earth", "Bird of the Year" and others.
3. Participation in educational expeditions (excursions along the ecological path, hiking in the native land)
4. Conducting circles "Young friend of nature", "Young researchers of the nature of the native land", "School environmental monitoring", elective courses"Your options, man."
5. Writing creative works.
6. Writing essays, for example, "Snowdrop Mushrooms."
7. Performing mini-research, for example, “My favorite tree”, My favorite animal”.
8. Creation of booklets.
9. Create presentations
10. Creation of models (flowering plant, shoot)
11. Creation of a book by a young biologist, for example - grade 8 (“Human evolution”, “Analyzers. Organ of hearing”, etc.).
12. Album design: (“I study natural history” - grade 5; “I study biology” - grade 6).

The effectiveness of research activities of schoolchildren.

student -

1. Knows how to competently, concisely express his thoughts.

2. Able to show tolerance in discussing the problem.

3. Has the skills to present his work.

observation of students during discussions on various topics

Student performance in public events: conferences, competitions, etc.

communication skills assessment test.

The child is an active being in itself. He needs to feel, touch, know everything. Learning means exploring the world.

Tell me and I will forget
Show me and I will remember
Let me do it myself
And I will learn.

(Ancient Chinese wisdom)

An effective tool that allows the development of cognitive and research competence is creative activity. It is possible to develop the creative activity of students in the classroom, using various methods and techniques and in extracurricular activities.

1. Method "Working with educational literature". We teach you to navigate well in educational literature: use the table of contents, index of terms, font selections, questions, pictures, study and present the main content, find answers to questions and write an abstract.

2. Method "Observation" - purposeful cognitive activity of students, based on the sensory perception of the object or process being studied. Observation determines the direction of mental activity of schoolchildren.

Observations are carried out both in the biology room and in natural conditions (excursions into nature). During the excursion, the educational process takes place outside the classroom, the predominant role in learning is played by observations and independent work of students on an instructive card.

3. The training method "Comparison" is more often used to establish similarities and differences. (Example: Signs of reptile birds; fats and carbohydrates; DNA and RNA.)

4. Method "Description of a biological object" - compiling an oral or written story about an object based on sensory perception (Reminder for students "Research, observations and descriptions of objects of the plant world").

5. When studying living objects, schoolchildren are required to be able to analyze, i.e. mentally highlight the parts of the object, their subordination. We begin the formation of this skill with an external material action - the dismemberment of an object. Performing laboratory work on the study of the organs of a flowering plant, the structure of seeds, fruits, etc., students first consider natural objects as a whole, divide them into parts, and then draw up a diagram. The diagram reflects only the most essential features of the object under study and their subordination.

An example of a research lesson on the topic "Sheet. External structure sheet. Leaf Shape", Grade 6. In this lesson, students do not independently solve the problem posed to them, but do it together with the teacher. The "Learning Together" technique helps the teacher show the basic research techniques.

6. Biological science is basically experimental. The experiment requires more hard work schoolchildren than observation. It includes setting up experiments with living objects, observing biological phenomena and processes.

7. The method "Solving research problems", depending on the amount of experimental material contained, the degree of inclusion of the mathematical apparatus for data processing, can be divided into practical tasks, research tasks and scientific tasks.

The first two types of tasks are most often solved during the lesson - laboratory, lesson - workshop and are its integral part ( laboratory experience) or its basis (laboratory, practical work).

The tasks of the workshop serve to illustrate a phenomenon. In this case, one parameter is changed and the associated change is investigated.

For example, the topic "Movement of the cytoplasm" is announced.

Teacher: What questions do you have?

Students: What is cytoplasm? What is the importance of cytoplasmic movement? How can we see the movement of the cytoplasm? If the cytoplasm is moving, is it possible to measure its speed? It is known that the speed can vary and depend on various factors. Is it possible to change the speed of movement of the cytoplasm?

Teacher: What is our goal? What equipment and materials will we prepare? What experiment can we perform to detect the movement of the cytoplasm? What hypotheses will we formulate? Let's guess what the result will be.

Research learning objectives at the elementary level are solved in the performance of laboratory work. As a rule, before starting work, students receive a special instruction in their hands, which plays the role of an oriented basis for their actions. Such instructional cards consist of successive instructions for action that the student must complete and usually contain questions for students that give the work a problematic character and research orientation. revealing their similarities and differences" for students with different levels of development of research skills. Scientific problems are usually solved in the course of extracurricular research activities. The analysis of such problems requires a broad outlook, scientific intuition. During the implementation of the method of solving research problems, students' skills are formed in the selection of research methods and their practical mastery.

The problematic method is the most diverse in its forms and possibilities of use. In one case or another, it is primarily aimed at developing the ability of students to isolate the problem, put forward a hypothesis, propose methods for solving the problem, generalize the results obtained and formulate conclusions.

The highest level of problematic when I deliberately create problem situation and organize search activity students in self-training educational problems and their solution. For example, when studying the topic "Fruits. Types of fruits" (Grade 6), students are offered a set of a wide variety of botanical objects (potato tuber, onion, head of cabbage, bean bean, pepper, carrot, wheat grain, pea seed, sunflower seed, tomato, apple) . Task: What concept unites all these objects. Using botanical knowledge of these objects, divide them into groups, explain why you did it the way you did. What plant organ did we not meet in this academic year? What are the characteristics of this plant organ? What definition of the word "fruit" can we give. in order to give a definition, you need to know what components the fetus consists of. What needs to be done? What conclusion can we draw from this work? This problem is solved through a complex of theoretical and practical (experimental) means. (Lesson "Photosynthesis" grade 6), where each laboratory gets acquainted with experience, compares the initial data and results, draws conclusions while solving the problem posed in the lesson.)

The lowest level of problematicity is based on the maximum function of the teacher, who himself poses the problem and solves it, showing students the logic of the movement of thought in a search situation. For example, work on the table "Anatomical Evidence of Evolution", grade 11, in which we see the skeletons of a gorilla and a man. Problematic question: "How do human and gorilla skeletons differ from each other? What are these differences connected with?".

The problematic method can be used at one of the stages of the lesson: motivational, basic (learning new material); or form the basis of the whole lesson. Based on the system of forms of organization of teaching biology based on active teaching methods, I widely use academic forms in teaching practice (problem lecture, seminar, test); innovative ( research lesson, seminar "round table", "brainstorming").

Here are some of the techniques that I use in my lessons.

Reception "Brainstorm" -This good way inclusion in the work of all members of the group, which allows you to listen to the opinion of everyone, quickly generate a lot of ideas. Everyone in the group has the opportunity to express their opinion, which of course increases self-esteem. The group has the rules of work "Do not evaluate! Do not criticize! Do not take information out of the group! Here and today!" A topic is set, a question is formed, time is given for discussion and everyone expresses their opinion in a circle. The teacher "plunges" the students into the problem. During the work, the teacher writes down everything that the students offer. Every idea, every fact is important and should be recorded. It is necessary to write down ideas without numbering - as they come in, in a short form, without corrections and comments or interpretations. Brainstorming can be individual, pair or group. The basic rules for brainstorming are followed. For example: What will happen if all bacteria disappear on Earth?

Reception "Association".

At the very beginning of the lesson, students are asked to write down all the associations that they have with the word "Selection".

Stage 1: Students write down all the associations they have on a piece of paper or in a notebook.

Stage 2: Combine these associations in a pair.

Stage 3: Unite the associations in the group.

Stage 4: Working in a group, make up the story "What do we know about selection" using all the associations of the group.

Stage 5: Working in a group, perform the task: Imagine that you are breeders. What new variety of tomato would you like to receive? What qualities should he have and why?

Stage 6: Group work continues. Question: "How will you get a new variety of tomato? What methods will you use?"

Stage 7: Task: "You need to breed a tomato variety suitable for machine harvesting. Think about what qualities it should have and why?"

Reception "Clusters".

A cluster is a way of graphical organization of material that makes it possible to visualize those thought processes that occur when immersed in a particular topic (after listening to a teacher's story, reading an educational text, in preparation for writing an essay, etc.). The cluster is a reflection of a non-linear form of thinking. Sometimes this method is called "visual brainstorming".

There is a selection of semantic units of the text and graphic design in a certain order in the form of a bunch.

You can use this technique at all stages of the lesson: at the stage of challenge, comprehension, reflection, or as a strategy for the lesson as a whole.

It is a pedagogical strategy that helps students think freely and openly about a topic. This technique is used to stimulate thought activity before a topic is defined, or as a means of summarizing, stimulating new associations, or graphic image new performances. This written activity serves as a learning tool writing, gives access to one's own knowledge, understanding or ideas about a particular topic.

We give an example of using a cluster as a strategy for the lesson "Blood, its structure and functions."

Thus, we see that other methods of research technology organically fit into the problematic method.

In the course of getting acquainted with the structure of protein molecules and their diversity in the 9th grade biology course in workbook to Kamensky's textbook, students are invited to complete the following task: "Given four groups of amino acids. Use these amino acids to compose all possible variants of protein molecules consisting of four amino acid units" ...

Write the amino acid sequences of all the tripepetides that can be built from two different amino acids A and B. Based on what you have done, write a formula to determine the number of different tripepetides that can be built from two different amino acids

a) 2 to the power of 3 = 8; 2 to the power of n, where n is the number of amino acid residues in the molecule

b) 2 to the power of 100 = 1.27 x 10 to the power of 30

c) 20 to the power of 100 = 1.27 x 10 to the power of 130. This is much more than the number of atoms in the universe!

Thus, there are practically endless possibilities for the diversity of proteins.

Function of the teacher: to coordinate this process, to analyze the results.

In some cases, the model method may include laboratory work as a means of proving or refuting a theoretical assumption.

The model teaching method allows one to form such research skills as putting forward a hypothesis, analyzing the received materials, generalizing and formulating one's own conclusions.

POPS - formula - method, used when discussing debatable problems, when performing exercises in which you need to take a certain position. This is a simple form of work in the classroom, when you need to develop arguments, allowing you to formulate and present your opinion in a clear and concise manner. This method is most effectively used in the lessons of learning new material. The scheme of work is as follows.

P - position (what is the point of view) - I believe that ...

O - justification (arguments in support of the position) - ... because ...

P - example (facts illustrating the argument) - ... for example ...

C - consequence (conclusion, call to take a position) - ... therefore ...

For example, when studying the topic "Methods of modern selection. Genetic engineering", students are invited to independently consider the material on the topic of GMOs. The most convenient here is the group form of work. According to the scheme discussed above, the groups offer arguments in the form of a POPP formula, which allows them to formulate and present their opinion in a clear, concise form, substantiating and proving their point of view.

For example: I (We) believe that genetically modified foods are dangerous; because the genetic material of the living organisms from which these products are derived has been altered; It's not for nothing that they write "Do not contain GMOs" on the products; Therefore, you should not use such products.

This method contributes to the formation of such skills as the ability to structure the material; formulation of conclusions and conclusions; explanation, proof and defense of one's own ideas; manifestation of creativity in a problem situation.

Reception "Insert".

Students need to read the text and make certain notes in it in accordance with their knowledge and understanding. I supplement the work with the task of compiling questions that expand knowledge (there are no direct answers to these questions in the text and require additional information), as well as questions of a problematic nature. I run competitions for best question 2nd and 3rd category.

Not everything can be done and done in class. But part of the research search can be transferred to optional courses, circles, individual and group extracurricular activities.

The final stage "Development of skills and abilities of research activities".

The purpose of research activities carried out outside school hours: developing students' research skills, gaining experience in working with sources, expanding the horizons of schoolchildren, forming their research preferences and choosing the area of ​​​​scientific interests; expansion of experimental skills.

The most important condition for improving the efficiency of the educational process is the organization of educational research activities and the development of its main component - research skills, which not only help schoolchildren to better cope with the requirements of the program, but also develop their logical thinking, create an internal motive for learning activities in general.



Pisarenko Nadezhda Ivanovna,

biology teacher

MBOU secondary school №23

with. newly wound

Stavropol region

Organization of research activities of students in biology lessons and after school hours (guidelines)

In the project of the federal state educational standard general education the second generation, there are high requirements for the meta-subject results of mastering the biology program by school graduates. Graduates must master the components of research and project activities, including the ability to see the problem, raise questions, put forward hypotheses, explain, prove, defend their ideas.

Every teacher wants his students to study well, to study with interest and desire at school. Parents of students are also interested in this. But sometimes both teachers and parents have to state with regret: "does not want to study", "could do well, but there is no desire." In these cases, we meet with the fact that the student has not formed the need for knowledge, there is no interest in learning.
What is the essence of the need for knowledge? How does it arise? How is it developing? What pedagogical means can be used to form students' motivation to acquire knowledge?

In my teaching practice, I give an important place to research work - work related to the solution of a creative, research problem with an unknown result in advance. Educational research is aimed at acquiring by students the skill of research activities, mastering the research type of thinking, and forming an active position in the learning process.

What specific tasks do I set when teaching students project and research activities? There are several of them, but the leading ones will be the following:

  • to form and develop the creative abilities of the student;
  • develop skills and abilities in posing problems and finding ways to solve them;
  • create a motivating factor in learning and self-education;
  • lay the foundation for a sense of individual responsibility for one's actions, decisions made and actions;
  • develop the student's communication skills, etc.

Competently conduct research can not only a person engaged in science professionally, but also someone who is still in school. Therefore, one of the most important conditions for increasing the effectiveness of the educational process is the organization of educational research activities and the development of its main component - research skills, which not only help schoolchildren to better cope with the requirements of the program, but also develop their logical thinking, create an internal motive for educational activities in general.

The research problem is related to overcoming the contradiction between the need to activate cognitive activity, develop the research inclinations of the student, his cognitive interest in the study of biology and the predominance of anatomical and morphological material in the content of the school biology course.

Sukhomlinsky also noted: “This terrible danger is idleness at a desk, idleness for months, years. It corrupts morally, cripples a person and ... nothing can compensate for what is missed in the most important area where a person should be a worker - in the sphere of thought.

The variety of objects and processes studied in biology lessons provides great opportunities for research activities, during which students learn to express their thoughts, work individually, in a group and in a team, construct direct and feedback. The organization of research activities allows the teacher to provide independent working out of the missed educational material - for example, to conduct an independent research on a given topic in the form of observation and record the results, as well as to motivate a successful student with a puzzling task - for example, to conduct research on the basis of a media lab using a computer and protect the results research.

Elements of research activity at biology lessons I apply already in the 6th and even in the 5th grades.

In the course "Natural Science" in the lessons on the topics: "Animal cells", "Diversity of living things", "Habitats", "Methods of studying wildlife", etc., children with great interest examine unicellular and multicellular organisms under a microscope. They study, observe, compare, investigate.

Conducting an educational experiment

This includes all laboratory and practical work in biology, from the 6th grade to the 11th grade. Performing laboratory work, the student receives subjectively new knowledge.

When performing these works, students acquire the skills of observing, fixing and correctly formatting the results of observations, analyzing the data obtained, and drawing conclusions.

In the 6th grade, when conducting laboratory work, I organize a small study using a digital microscope.

For example, the study of the structure of the mold fungus mukor. A problematic issue in the study of a mold fungus may be to find a difference and identify its cause between the considered temporary micropreparations of a mold fungus that develops on a substrate in the initial period of development and during maturation of spores. Students perform work at their workplaces using a light microscope. I demonstrate micropreparations using a digital microscope.
A learning experiment is one of the productive teaching methods.

I pay much attention to practical work in the section " General biology”, which can be used in ecology when studying “separate” topics. Time of practical work - during the year. The purpose of the similar works- improving the skills and abilities of students in the organization of search and research activities. Tasks of practical work have an ecological focus and are performed individually or in groups. They create conditions for the personal interest of the student in the final result of his activity and in the very process of achieving it.

Non-traditional lessons(lesson-presentation, lesson-discussion)

Students prepare for the discussion on their own. On the topic of discussion, they explore not only educational literature, but also additional ones, in order to show their significance in the issue under discussion. When preparing messages, students often look for "tricky" questions to participate in the discussion.

Research projects

I consider research projects to be the highest level of students' research activity. Having mastered the method of theoretical express research, acquiring the skills of practical experimental work, students successfully cope with the experimental part of the projects, carried out according to specially selected methods. However, one lesson is not enough to complete the educational project.

Hometasksmay also be exploratory in nature:

1. Description of plants and animals according to the plan

2. Observation of living objects (the behavior of fish in an aquarium, the behavior of a hamster in a cage, the reaction of indoor plants to the time of day, etc.)

3. Observation of your body (respiratory rate after exercise, the body's reaction to the time of day, etc.)

4. Experiments with plants and domestic animals (development of conditioned reflexes).

5. Creative tasks - poems, essays "Journey with a drop of water through a green plant", "Journey through the body with an oxygen molecule", "Journey through the cell", crossword puzzles, quizzes, presentations.

Summer assignments:

1. Compile a herbarium (various families of angiosperms, types of compound leaves in plants, types of leaf venation in plants, etc.)
2. Drawing up collections (collection of butterflies, collection of shells of gastropods or bivalve mollusks, etc.)

In order to intensify research activities among younger students and form motivation, I introduce them to the research work of high school students. This system of gradual involvement of students in research activities contributes to the development of their interest in knowledge in the field of biology, as well as the identification of talented and gifted students.

The formation of research skills occurs not only during school hours, but also outside of class.

Types of research activities outside of school hours:

1. Preparation and participation in Olympiads in biology, ecology.
2. Participation in competitions, environmental events and promotions.

3. Participation in educational expeditions (excursions along the ecological path, hiking in the native land). Competition of photo reports about environmental, socially beneficial activities "Eco-Oko".
4. Carrying out circles, elective courses.

5. Writing creative works.
6. Performing mini-research.
7. Creation of booklets.
8. Create presentations
9. Creation of models.
10. Design of albums.

For several years I have been the head of the scientific ecological association of students "Researchers of Nature". The NEOU program "Researchers of Nature" is designed to develop intellectual and creative abilities, independent thinking, and familiarize students with scientific research, preparation for subject Olympiads, for final exams.

The program is distinguished by integrity, the main idea is to identify patterns of development and diversity of life on Earth, the relationship of these processes and their role in human culture. The content of the program reflects the state of science and its relationship with the solution of modern problems.

Members of the scientific society conduct raids and actions of environmental significance, take part in the improvement of the territory of the school and the village, landscaping, and participate in the action to clean up the Kuma River.

Research assignments fascinate children. The research activity is carried out in three stages: exploration games for children in grades 5-6; research projects for the middle link grades 7-8; research work grades 9-11. Receiving their own experimental material, students conduct an analysis and draw conclusions about the nature of the material being studied. For example, in the work “Bird Feeding in Winter”, the children count the number of birds in the area of ​​the school site, observe their behavior and draw conclusions about the nature of their diet, diversity. The work “Save Springs” allows you to learn a lot of interesting things about the properties of water, touch the history of your native land.

The experience of research activity is a necessary component of preparing schoolchildren for solving various educational, later life tasks, including the choice of a future profession.

The result of research activities is the participation of students in competitions, scientific and practical conferences municipal and regional levels: "Green Planet", "Yunnat", "Podrost", "Young Environmental Researchers".

In the course of work on educational research, the following research skills are developed: understanding the essence of the problem and formulating a problematic issue, formulating and substantiating a hypothesis, defining research objectives, selecting and analyzing literature data, conducting an experiment or observation, recording and processing results, formulating conclusions, preparing a report on the implementation of the study, as well as the development of such communication skills as the organization of intra-group cooperation, the joint development of methods of action, the public presentation of the work.

Involving students in research, I take into account their interests. Everything that is studied should become personally significant for the student, increase his interest and level of knowledge. However, the proposed topics and research methods recommended for the student should not exceed his psychological and physiological capabilities. Research activity should cause a desire to work, and not repel with its complexity and incomprehensibility.

So, for example, theoretical express research is focused on the study and generalization of facts, materials contained in various sources. The topics of such studies allow us to study a variety of objects in their real environment, in action, provide a lot of material and allow us to see a lot of topics for our own research, building various hypotheses.

Students in grades 5-6 successfully cope with this form of research. So, when studying the topic “Plant adaptation to environmental conditions”, the children, using the materials of the textbook, get acquainted with how cacti and camel thorn are adapted to living in arid conditions. Possible research topics: “Adaptation of steppe plants to arid habitat conditions”, “Adaptation of plants for pollination”, “Adaptation of insects for collecting pollen and nectar”. Based on the results of the research, the guys make short reports, necessarily containing conclusions.

In grades 7-9, theoretical studies are drawn up in the form of an abstract containing a much larger amount of information in the chosen area of ​​research. In the process of searching for information for writing an essay, the student acquires the skills of working with catalogs in the library, classifying and systematizing material, getting acquainted with the basics of designing text documents, learning to highlight the main thing, analyze data and draw conclusions. Working on an essay helps to understand the topic deeper, to assimilate it, develops the skills of organization and purposefulness necessary when studying any subject. I practice special laboratory work on instructive cards. Students develop independent observation skills, research and practical skills, both in the classroom and in the environment.

The development of new information and communication technologies requires a different approach to teaching school subjects. An increasing flow of information is better absorbed by students if it is presented in an accessible, visual form. These requirements are met by working with presentations.

I use ready-made presentations in biology as a visual and brief guide when studying new material, consolidating knowledge, correcting knowledge. The most effective is the work in cooperation "student - teacher of biology - teacher of computer science". This creates conditions for the implementation creativity students to develop interest in the subject. The student himself, creating a presentation, rethinks the information received and passes it on to classmates.

This improves the quality of knowledge of the student himself.

The presentation of the material in the form of presentations takes a little lesson time, while the effectiveness of training is not lost. This is most valuable when reviewing material and preparing for exams.

Working in collaboration with students, I create methodical piggy bank presentations, which can be used when studying new topics, when repeating, with individual correction of knowledge.

The acquired skills of working with scientific literature, Internet resources contribute not only to educational activities and the choice of a profession, but also enrich the life experience of a teenager.

We cooperate:together we set goals and objectives, correct observations, select facts that are significant in this work, formulate a hypothesis, draw up a plan for conducting observations. Students work with a huge amount of information on the topic (select, analyze and apply in their work).

The student, having completed the project and defended it, learns:

  • plan work;
  • present the results of their work in writing and orally;
  • defend and defend their point of view;
  • be responsible for the results of work;
  • arrange work, etc.

Constantly mastering the skills and abilities of rational educational work, training yourself on questions and tasks, observations and experiments with natural b projects, students independently acquire knowledge, supplementing and deepening.

Thus, the project and research activities of students, like no other educational activity, will help teachers to form in the student the qualities he needs for further studies, for professional and social adaptation moreover, regardless of the choice of future profession.

One of the achievements of modern civilization is the creation of the World Information Network, without which it is now impossible to imagine the activities of a teacher and the organization of research work with students. One of the ways to use modern means learning is to create a Web site. The creation of the site is aimed at defining the message that we want to convey to the audience. I believe that the creation of a website is a process of acquiring the face and image of a teacher. To this end, I designed and posted on the network a personal website of the teacher. I wanted to make it stylish, comfortable, informative and visited. On my pages I have tried to place information that, I hope, will be useful not only for biology teachers, but also for students and their respected parents.

It makes sense to entrust the independent search for information primarily to high school students. In the lessons in middle-level classes, the use of materials obtained from the Internet is more of an educational and entertaining nature, allows you to further interest students and expand their horizons.

The introduction of research organization technology in combination with information technology in the study of biology allows you to:

1. Intensify all levels of the educational process;

2. Rationally organize the cognitive activity of students;

3. Build an open education system that provides each student with their own learning path;

4. Study phenomena and processes within complex biological systems based on the use of computer graphics and computer modeling;

5. Represent various biological processes in a convenient time scale for studying.

It becomes possible to use to a greater extent some of the universal features of the child's personality - natural interest and curiosity in everything, the need for communication and play, and most importantly, it helps to lay the foundation for human development - the desire and ability to learn throughout life.


  1. Project and research activities of students contribute to a better assimilation of educational material
  2. There is an increase in interest in the subject when using different teaching methods.
  3. Project and research activities contribute to the development of skills independent work students, creative approach to problem solving.
  4. The skills of working with various sources of additional information are being developed.
  5. Working according to his own action plan, the student changes the types of work (practical work alternates with theoretical work), which is important to reduce fatigue and implement a health-saving approach to learning.

Educational research becomes real not when we suddenly want to conduct it, but when we are able to prepare both ourselves and our students for this level of work.

The upbringing of a student-researcher opens up wide opportunities for the development of an active creative personality capable of conducting an independent search, making their own discoveries.

During the organization of research work with students, I was convinced of the effectiveness of this innovation. This is manifested in the increased interest of students in the subject being studied, in the increase in the number of participants and winners of school and municipal Olympiads, competitions, many of which enter universities in the faculties of the natural sciences.

Educational and research activities -
is an activity whose main purpose
which is educational
result, it is aimed at learning
students, their development
research type of thinking.

N.P. Kharitonov

One of the ways of creative perception of modern sciences is systematic teaching and research work. Competently conduct research can not only a person engaged in science professionally, but also someone who is still in school.

The current stage of development of society takes place in conditions of hypercompetition. At the same time, the following are taken as the most significant factors of competitiveness: the availability of qualified, creatively thinking personnel; ability to organize their creative activity; willingness to accept an innovative idea and create conditions for its implementation.

However, in the modern Russian school, most of the knowledge is presented in a ready-made form and does not require additional search efforts, and the main difficulty for students is the independent search for information, the acquisition of knowledge. Therefore, one of the most important conditions for increasing the effectiveness of the educational process is the organization of educational research activities and the development of its main component - research skills, which not only help schoolchildren to better cope with the requirements of the program, but also develop their logical thinking, create an internal motive for educational activities in general.

It is necessary to form research skills not only in the classroom, but also in extracurricular activities, which allow students who are interested in the subject not to be limited to the curriculum. The use in extracurricular work of tasks related to the conduct of observations and experiments develops research inclinations in schoolchildren.

The research problem is related to overcoming the contradiction between the need to activate cognitive activity, develop the research inclinations of the student, his cognitive interest in the study of biology and the predominance of anatomical and morphological material in the content of the school biology course.

Sukhomlinsky also noted: “This terrible danger is idleness at the desk, idleness for months, years. It corrupts morally, cripples a person and ... nothing can compensate for what is missed in the most important area where a person should be a worker - in the sphere of thought.

The variety of objects and processes studied in biology lessons provides great opportunities for research activities, during which students learn to express their thoughts, work individually, in a group and in a team, construct direct and feedback. The organization of research activities allows the teacher to provide independent working out of the missed educational material - for example, to conduct an independent research on a given topic in the form of observation and record the results, as well as to motivate a successful student with a puzzling task - for example, to conduct a study based on a media laboratory using a computer and protect research results. Elements of research activity in biology lessons can be introduced already in the 6th and even in the 5th grade. In order to intensify research activity among younger students and form motivation, it is advisable to familiarize them with the research work of high school students. This system of gradual involvement of students in research activities contributes to the development of their interest in knowledge in the field of biology, as well as the identification of talented and gifted students.

During the research work, each student has the opportunity to realize himself, apply his knowledge and experience, demonstrate his competence, and feel success.

In the course of work on educational research, it is possible and appropriate to develop the following research skills: understanding the essence of the problem and formulating a problematic issue, formulating and substantiating a hypothesis, defining research objectives, selecting and analyzing literature data, conducting an experiment or observation, recording and processing results, formulating conclusions, preparation of a report on the implementation of the study. As well as the development of such communication skills as organizing intra-group cooperation, joint development of methods of action, public presentation of work.

Involving students in research, it is necessary, first of all, to be based on their interests. Everything that is studied should become personally significant for the student, increase his interest and level of knowledge. However, the proposed topics and research methods recommended for the student should not exceed his psychological and physiological capabilities. Research activity should cause a desire to work, and not repel with its complexity and incomprehensibility.

The structure of research activities is defined as follows:

Search activity -> analysis -> assessment -> forecasting the development of the situation -> actions -> search activity.

Based on this, the following types of research can be used when organizing the research activities of middle-level students.

Types of research activities in the lesson:

1. The use of research methods of study (the teacher offers a problematic task, students are looking for a solution without the help of a teacher)

This method involves the most independent activity of students in obtaining and assimilating knowledge and skills. At the same time, the method is based on a clear goal -ensure the assimilation of the experience of creative activity.

In my lessons, I use the research method in solving creative biological problems.
Elements of the theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ) were used to successfully solve biological problems.
TRIZ has a large number of tricks and methods that help create a solution and "extract" the solution from the subconscious.
In my work, I used such techniques as:

1. Reception "On the contrary"

There are very tasty chocolate sweets - “bottles with syrup”. In their manufacture, they encounter a contradiction:– The sweet jelly-like syrup needs to be hot so that it can be easily poured into a chocolate bottle, but then the chocolate melts. - If the syrup is cold, then the chocolate does not melt, but it is very difficult to pour it. What to do?

They do the opposite: the syrup is not heated, but frozen in the form of a bottle, and the chocolate is made liquid and the bottle is dipped into it.

2. Reception "Turn harm into favor."

This is a difficult, but at the same time wise technique. He requires to know the system well, to know what is bad in it, to try to turn harm into good.
For example,

    At present, the number of working industrial enterprises and agricultural enterprises has sharply decreased. This is bad. So what's so good about it?

Answer: The ecological situation in many regions has become noticeably better.

    Charles Darwin was sick a lot as a child. This is bad. So what's so good about it?

Answer: This tempered his will and he gave humanity a new scientific concept of life on Earth.

    Jacques Yves Cousteau spoke about such a case. In a place where fish spawn, a fishing boat sank. This is bad. So what's so good about it? The vessel began to interfere with fishing in this area, as there was a danger of losing very expensive nylon nets

2. Express study

According to this type, the research activity of students in the fifth grade is built. During the excursions, individual tasks are given for conducting empirical research, which birds live in the city, which ornamental plants are used to green the streets of the city.

3. Theoretical rapid research focused on work on the study and generalization of facts, materials contained in various sources. The topics of such research should allow studying a variety of objects in their real environment, in action, provide a lot of material and allow you to see a lot of topics for your own research, building various hypotheses.

Students in grades 5-6 successfully cope with this form of research. So, when studying the topic “Adaptation of animals and plants to environmental conditions”, the children, based on the materials of the textbook, get acquainted with how cacti, camel thorn are adapted to living in arid conditions, how penguins and pinniped mammals are adapted to living in terrestrial-air and aquatic environments .

Possible research topics : “Adaptation of steppe plants to arid habitat conditions”, “Peculiarities of insectivorous plants”, “Plant adaptations for pollination”, “Insect adaptations for collecting pollen and nectar”. Based on the results of the research, the authors make brief reports, necessarily containing conclusions.

In grades 7-9, theoretical studies are drawn up in the form of an abstract containing a much larger amount of information in the chosen area of ​​research. In the process of searching for information for writing an essay, the student acquires the skills of working with catalogs in the library, classifying and systematizing material, getting acquainted with the basics of designing text documents, learning to highlight the main thing, analyze data and draw conclusions. Working on an essay helps to understand the topic deeper, to assimilate it, develops the skills of organization and purposefulness necessary when studying any subject.

4. Conducting a training experiment

This includes all laboratory and practical work in biology, from the 6th grade to the 11th grade. Performing laboratory work, the student receives subjectively new knowledge.

When performing these works, students acquire the skills of observing, fixing and correctly formatting the results of observations, analyzing the data obtained, and drawing conclusions.

In the 6th grade, when conducting laboratory work, I organize a small study using a digital microscope.

For example, the study of the structure of the mold fungus mukor. A problematic issue in the study of a mold fungus may be to find a difference and identify its cause between the considered temporary micropreparations of a mold fungus that develops on a substrate in the initial period of development and during maturation of spores. Students perform work at their workplaces using a light microscope. The teacher demonstrates micropreparations using a digital microscope.
A learning experiment is one of the productive teaching methods.

5. Research competitions

They are also effective in the classroom. For example, a competition for the best cheat sheet. Students in grades 10-11 are given this opportunity. I prepare the text in advance. This text can be a textbook section: “The Theory of the Origin of Life on Earth”, “Origin of Species”, “Fundamentals of Cytology”, etc. When compiling a cheat sheet, the attention of students becomes selective, students try to choose the text that is the main, fundamental of the whole topic. Separate plots of the cheat sheet are united by logical connections. This method teaches students to rationally use scientific literature.

6. Non-traditional lessons (lesson-presentation "Ancient reptiles", lesson - discussion "Origin of man")

Students prepare for the discussion on their own. On the topic of discussion, they explore not only educational literature, but also additional ones, in order to show their significance in the issue under discussion. When preparing messages, students often look for "tricky" questions to participate in the discussion.

7. Research projects

Research projects can be considered the highest level of research activity of students. Having mastered the method of theoretical express research, acquiring the skills of practical experimental work, students quite successfully cope with the experimental part of the projects, carried out according to specially selected methods. However, one lesson is not enough to complete the educational project.

Hometasks may also be exploratory in nature:

1. Description of plants and animals according to the plan

Exercise : Describe the wild rose according to the following plan.

1. Plant life form
2. Life span of a plant.
3. Flowering or non-flowering.
4. Higher or lower.
5. Has a vegetative underground organ (what?)
6. The organ of sexual reproduction enclosed in the fetus.
7. Axial vegetative organ bearing leaves and buds.
8. Generative organ in which the seed develops.

2. Observation of living objects (over the behavior of fish in an aquarium, the behavior of a hamster in a cage, the reaction of indoor plants to the time of day, etc.)

3. Watching your body (respiratory rate after exercise, the body's reaction to the time of day, etc.)

4. Experiments with plants and domestic animals (development of conditioned reflexes).

For example: Development of a conditioned reflex in fish.

During the experiment, students use an instruction card.

instruction card

Subject: "Nervous system of fish"
Target: To study the features of the formation of conditioned reflexes in fish "
Equipment: aquarium with fish, bead on a string, fish food.
Working process:
1. Go to the aquarium with fish and carefully lower the bead suspended on a thread into it. Watch the behavior of the fish.
2. Repeat these steps several times.
3. Feed the fish while lowering the bead into the water.
4. Repeat these steps for 3-4 days.
5. Dip the bead into the aquarium without giving food. Observe the behavior of the fish in the aquarium.
6. Make a conclusion based on the results of this experience.

5. Creative tasks - poems, essays "Traveling with a drop of water through a green plant", "Traveling with an oxygen molecule through the body", "Journey through the cell", crossword puzzles, quizzes, presentations.

Summer assignments:

1. Compile a herbarium (various families of angiosperms, types of compound leaves in plants, types of leaf venation in plants, etc.)
2. Drawing up collections (collection of butterflies, collection of shells of gastropods or bivalve mollusks, etc.)

Types of research activities outside of school hours:

1. Preparation and participation in Olympiads in biology, ecology.
2. Participation in competitions, environmental events and promotions "Our home is the Earth", "Bird of the Year" and others.
3. Participation in educational expeditions (excursions along the ecological path, hiking in the native land)
4. Conducting circles "Young friend of nature", "Young researchers of the nature of the native land", "School environmental monitoring", elective courses "Your opportunities, man."
5. Writing creative works.
6. Writing essays, for example, "Snowdrop Mushrooms."
7. Performing mini-research, for example, “My favorite tree”, My favorite animal”.
8. Creation of booklets.
9. Create presentations
10. Creation of models (flowering plant, shoot)
11. Creation of a book by a young biologist, for example - grade 8 (“Human evolution”, “Analyzers. Organ of hearing”, etc.).
12. Album design: (“I study natural history” - grade 5; “I study biology” - grade 6).

The effectiveness of research activities of schoolchildren.



Tracking method

Development of communication skills

student -

1. Knows how to competently, concisely express his thoughts.

2. Able to show tolerance in discussing the problem.

3. Has the skills to present his work.

observation of students during discussions on various topics

Performance of students in public events: conferences, competitions, etc.

communication skills assessment test.

The child is an active being in itself. He needs to feel, touch, know everything. Learning means exploring the world.

Tell me and I will forget
Show me and I will remember
Let me do it myself
And I will learn.

(Ancient Chinese wisdom)

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