Consciousness is the highest stage in the development of the psyche. Psychological vzlyad (PsyVision) - quizzes, educational materials, catalog of psychologists. Mental states of a person

Topic 1.1. Introduction to psychology.

Basic concepts Keywords: reflection, psyche, mental reflection, consciousness, unconscious.

Questions to study:

1. Characteristics of human consciousness.

Scientists of the materialistic direction explain the emergence of the psyche by the long development of matter. All matter, starting from inanimate, inorganic, and ending with the highest and most complex matter - the human brain, has the universal quality of the material world - the quality reflections, those. ability to respond to influences. The forms of reflection depend on the forms of existence of matter: reflection is manifested in the ability to respond to external influences in accordance with their nature and the form of existence of matter.

1. Characteristics of human consciousness.

The main difference between the human psyche and the psyche of animals lies in the conscious purposefulness and arbitrariness of mental processes due to vigorous activity, social interaction and the formative influence of cultural factors.

At the level of a specifically human being, the psyche acquires a qualitatively new structure conditioned by socio-historical laws. Its essential characteristic is consciousness- the leading level of regulation of activity, and the form of higher manifestations of mental activity is personality.

Consciousness is interpreted in domestic psychology as the highest level of a person's mental reflection of reality in the form of generalized images and concepts, mediated by the socio-historical activity of people. The forms of existence of consciousness are thinking and speech. The understanding of consciousness as social in nature (“co-knowledge” as joint “knowledge”) has been consolidated. Along with social conditioning, consciousness is characterized by activity (focus on a specific object), varying degrees of clarity, motivational-value character and the ability to reflect - self-observation and reflection of one's own contents. Great value for the formation of human consciousness has the mastery of the language, the system of signs, symbols and meanings.

Biological (upright walking, anatomical development, herd life) and historical (manufacturing and preservation of tools, relationships during collective activity) prerequisites for the emergence and development of human consciousness:

The human psyche was prepared by the whole course of the evolution of matter, however, speaking of biological prerequisites for the emergence of consciousness we must not forget that a person is a product of social relations. biological premise social relations there was a herd that allowed all individuals to best protect themselves from enemies, providing mutual assistance to each other. The factor influencing the transformation of an ape into a man, a herd into society, was labor activity, i.e. such an activity that is performed by people in the joint production and use of tools.

instinctive communication human ancestors within the herd was gradually replaced communication based on "production" activities. Changing relations between members of the community - joint activities, mutual exchange of products of activity - contributed to the transformation of the herd into a society. In this way, cause of humanization animal-like human ancestors was the emergence of labor and the formation of human society.

Since the activity of one person is included in the activity of the whole society, it is aimed at satisfying not only personal, but also social needs. Therefore, there is a need for a critical attitude of a person to his activity. Human activity becomes conscious. At a high level of tool-making, the whole activity of tool-making is divided into a number of links, each of which can be carried out by different members of society. Separation of operations further pushes the ultimate goal - getting food. Only a person with abstract thinking can realize this regularity. This means that a high level of production of tools, developing with public organization labor is the most important condition in the formation of conscious activity.

Under the influence of labor, new functions of the hand were fixed: it develops not only as a grasping tool, but also as an organ of cognition of objective reality, a specialized organ of active touch. The specialization of the hand as a labor organ contributed to the development of bipedalism.

Especially big influence The functioning of the hand had an impact on the development of the brain. The hand, as a developing specialized organ, should also have a representation in the brain. This caused not only an increase in the mass of the brain, but also the complication of its structure.

Thus, labor was the reason for the development of human society, the formation of human needs, the development of human consciousness, not only reflecting, but also transforming the world. All these phenomena in human evolution led to a radical change in the form of communication between people. The need to pass on the experience of previous generations, to teach labor actions to fellow tribesmen, to distribute individual actions between them created a need for communication. The language of instincts could not satisfy this need. Thus, there was a need to develop higher form communication is human language.

For the stage of consciousness characteristic:

Reflection as a way for a person to know himself, his activities and behavior;

Reflection as self-control and self-education;

Reflection as a way of knowing others;

Reflection as a way of knowing social life and social relations.

The structure of consciousness a person is made up of the following characteristics:

His first characteristic already given in its name: co-knowledge, i.e. body of knowledge about the world around us. Thus, the structure of consciousness includes the most important cognitive processes, with the help of which a person constantly enriches his knowledge.

The second characteristic of consciousness- fixed in it distinct distinction between subject and object, those. what belongs to the "I" of a person and his "not-I". Man, for the first time in the history of the organic world, having separated himself from it and opposing himself to it, retains this opposition and difference in his consciousness. The separation of "I" from "not-I" - the path that every person goes through in childhood, is carried out in the process of forming a person's self-consciousness.

The third characteristic of consciousness is the provision of goal-setting human activity. Starting any activity, a person sets certain goals for himself. At the same time, her motives are added up and weighed, strong-willed decisions are made, the progress of the actions is taken into account and the necessary adjustments are made to it, etc.

Finally, the fourth characteristic of consciousness is the presence of emotional evaluations in interpersonal relationships. And here, as in many other cases, pathology helps to better understand the essence of normal consciousness. In some mental illnesses, a violation of consciousness is characterized by a disorder precisely in the sphere of feelings and relationships: the patient hates his mother, whom he previously loved passionately, speaks with malice about loved ones, etc.

lowest level psyche forms the unconscious. The unconscious is a set of mental processes, acts and states caused by influences, the influence of which a person is not aware of. Being mental (since the concept of the psyche is wider than the concept of "consciousness", "conscious"), the unconscious is a form of reflection of reality, in which the completeness of orientation in time and place of action is lost, speech regulation of behavior is violated. In the unconscious, unlike consciousness, purposeful control over the actions performed is impossible, and it is also impossible to evaluate their results. The area of ​​the unconscious includes mental phenomena that occur in a dream (dreams); responses that are caused by imperceptible, but really acting stimuli ("subsensory" or "subceptive" reactions); movements that were conscious in the past, but due to repetition have become automated and therefore become unconscious; some impulses to activity in which there is no consciousness of the goal, etc. Some pathological phenomena that arise in the psyche of a sick person also belong to the unconscious phenomena: delirium, hallucinations, etc.

concept "mentality" is used to highlight special phenomena in the sphere of consciousness, which in a particular social environment characterize its differences from other communities. If "subtract" from public consciousness what constitutes the universal human principle, in the "remainder" we will find the mentality of this society. So, mentality is a set of views, opinions, stereotypes, forms and ways of behavior accepted and generally approved by society, which distinguishes it from other human communities. In the mind of its individual member, the mentality of society is represented to a degree that depends on its active or passive position in public life. Being, along with science, art, mythology, religion, one of the forms of social consciousness, the mentality is not fixed in materialized products, but, so to speak, dissolved in the atmosphere of society, has a supraconscious character.

Questions to control:

  1. Tell us about the prerequisites and conditions for the emergence and development of human consciousness. Give the psychological characteristics of human consciousness.
  2. Expand the essence of the concepts of "unconscious" and "mentality".


1. Introduction to psychology / Ed. ed. prof. A.V. Petrovsky. - Moscow: Publishing Center "Academy", 1996.

2. Krysko V.G. Psychology and Pedagogy in Diagrams and Tables. - Mn: Harvest, 1999.

3. Filatov F.R. General psychology. Series "Highest score". Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2003.

Consciousness is the highest form of a generalized reflection of the objective stable properties and patterns of the surrounding world, characteristic of a person, the formation of an internal model of the external world in a person, as a result of which knowledge and transformation of the surrounding reality is achieved.

The function of consciousness consists in the formation of the goals of activity, in the preliminary mental construction of actions and the prediction of their results, which ensures a reasonable regulation of human behavior and activity. Human consciousness has a certain attitude towards environment, to other people.

The following properties of consciousness are distinguished: building relationships, cognition and experience. This directly implies the inclusion of thinking and emotions in the processes of consciousness. Indeed, the main function of thinking is to identify objective relationships between the phenomena of the external world, and the main function of emotion is the formation of a person's subjective attitude to objects, phenomena, people. These forms and types of relations are synthesized in the structures of consciousness, and they determine both the organization of behavior and the deep processes of self-esteem and self-consciousness. Really existing in a single stream of consciousness, an image and a thought can, being colored by emotions, become an experience.

Consciousness develops in a person only in social contacts. In phylogenesis, human consciousness has developed and becomes possible only under conditions of active influence on nature, under conditions of labor activity. Consciousness is possible only under the conditions of the existence of language, speech, which arises simultaneously with consciousness in the process of labor.

And the primary act of consciousness is the act of identification with the symbols of culture, organizing human consciousness, making a person a person. The isolation of the meaning, symbol and identification with it is followed by the implementation, the active activity of the child in reproducing patterns of human behavior, speech, thinking, consciousness, the active activity of the child in reflecting the world around him and regulating his behavior.

There are two layers of consciousness (V.P. Zinchenko).

I. Existential consciousness (consciousness for being), which includes: 1) biodynamic properties of movements, experience of actions; 2) sensual images.

II. Reflective consciousness (consciousness for consciousness), including: 1) meaning; 2) meaning.

Meaning is the content of social consciousness, assimilated by man. These can be operational meanings, subject, verbal meanings, worldly and scientific implications- concepts.

Sense - subjective understanding and attitude to the situation, information. Misunderstanding is associated with difficulties in understanding meanings. The processes of mutual transformation of meanings and meanings (comprehension of meanings and meaning of meanings) act as a means of dialogue and mutual understanding.

On the existential layer of consciousness, very complex tasks are solved, since for effective behavior in a given situation, it is necessary to actualize the image that is needed at the moment and the necessary motor program, i.e. the mode of action must fit into the image of the world. The world of ideas, concepts, everyday and scientific knowledge correlates with meaning (of reflective consciousness).

The world of industrial, subject-practical activity correlates with the biodynamic fabric of movement and action (the existential layer of consciousness). The world of representations, imaginations, cultural symbols and signs correlates with the sensual fabric (existential consciousness). Consciousness is born and is present in all these worlds. The epicenter of consciousness is the consciousness of one's own "I".

Consciousness: 1) is born in being, 2) reflects being, 3) creates being.

Functions of consciousness:

1. reflective,

2. generative (creative-creative),

3. regulatory and evaluation,

4. reflexive function - the main function, characterizes the essence of consciousness.

The object of reflection can be:

1. reflection of the world,

2. thinking about it,

3. ways a person regulates his behavior,

4. the processes of reflection themselves,

5. your personal consciousness.

The existential layer contains the origins and beginnings of the reflective layer, since the meanings and meanings are born in the existential layer. The meaning expressed in the word contains: 1) image; 2) operational and subject value; 3) meaningful and objective action. Words, language do not exist only as language, they objectify forms of thinking that we master through the use of language.

consciousness as the highest stage of development of the psyche

Consciousness is the highest form of a generalized reflection of the objective stable properties and patterns of the surrounding world, characteristic of a person, the formation of an internal model of the external world in a person, as a result of which knowledge and transformation of the surrounding reality is achieved.

The function of consciousness consists in the formation of the goals of activity, in the preliminary mental construction of actions and the prediction of their results, which ensures a reasonable regulation of human behavior and activity. Human consciousness includes a certain attitude towards the environment, towards other people.

The following properties of consciousness are distinguished: building relationships, cognition and experience. This directly implies the inclusion of thinking and emotions in the processes of consciousness. Indeed, the main function of thinking is to identify objective relationships between the phenomena of the external world, and the main function of emotion is the formation of a subjective attitude of a person to objects, phenomena, people. These forms and types of relations are synthesized in the structures of consciousness, and they determine both the organization of behavior and the deep processes of self-esteem and self-consciousness. Really existing in a single stream of consciousness, an image and a thought can, being colored by emotions, become an experience.

Consciousness develops in a person only in social contacts. In phylogenesis, human consciousness has developed and becomes possible only under conditions of active influence on nature, in conditions of labor activity. Consciousness is possible only under the conditions of the existence of language, speech, which arises simultaneously with consciousness in the process of labor.

And the primary act of consciousness is the act of identification with the symbols of culture, organizing human consciousness, making a person a person. The isolation of the meaning, symbol and identification with it is followed by the implementation, the active activity of the child in reproducing patterns of human behavior, speech, thinking, consciousness, the active activity of the child in reflecting the world around him and regulating his behavior.

There are two layers of consciousness (V.P. Zinchenko).

I. Existential consciousness (consciousness for being), which includes: 1) biodynamic properties of movements, experience of actions; 2) sensual images.

II. Reflective consciousness (consciousness for consciousness), including: 1) meaning; 2) meaning.

Meaning is the content of social consciousness, assimilated by a person. These can be operational meanings, objective, verbal meanings, worldly and scientific meanings - concepts.

Meaning is a subjective understanding and attitude to the situation, information. Misunderstanding is associated with difficulties in understanding meanings. The processes of mutual transformation of meanings and meanings (comprehension of meanings and meaning of meanings) act as a means of dialogue and mutual understanding.

On the existential layer of consciousness, very complex tasks are solved, since for effective behavior in a given situation, it is necessary to actualize the image that is needed at the moment and the necessary motor program, i.e. the mode of action must fit into the image of the world. The world of ideas, concepts, worldly and scientific knowledge correlates with the meaning (of reflective consciousness).

The world of industrial, subject-practical activity correlates with the biodynamic fabric of movement and action (the existential layer of consciousness). The world of representations, imaginations, cultural symbols and signs correlates with the sensual fabric (existential consciousness). Consciousness is born and is present in all these worlds. The epicenter of consciousness is the consciousness of one's own "I".

Consciousness: 1) is born in being, 2) reflects being, 3) creates being.

Functions of consciousness:

1. reflective,

2. generative (creative-creative),

3. regulatory and evaluation,

4. reflexive function - the main function, characterizes the essence of consciousness.

The object of reflection can be:

1. reflection of the world,

2. thinking about it,

3. ways a person regulates his behavior,

4. the processes of reflection themselves,

5. your personal consciousness.

The existential layer contains the origins and beginnings of the reflective layer, since the meanings and meanings are born in the existential layer. The meaning expressed in the word contains: 1) image, 2) operational and objective meaning, 3) meaningful and objective action. Words, language do not exist only as language, they objectify forms of thinking that we master through the use of language.

The human psyche is a qualitatively higher level than the psyche of animals. Homo sapiens- a reasonable person. Human consciousness and mind developed in the process of labor activity, which, due to the need for joint actions to obtain food, was carried out with a sharp change in the living conditions of primitive man. And although the specific biological and morphological features of a person have been stable for 40 millennia, the development of the human psyche occurs in the process of vigorous activity. Labor activity for a person has a productive character, since labor, carrying out the production process, is imprinted in the product, i.e. there is a process of embodiment, objectification in the products of people's activity of their spiritual forces and abilities. Thus, the material, spiritual culture of mankind is an objective form of embodiment of the achievements of the mental development of mankind.

Labor is a process that connects man with nature, the process of man's influence on nature. Work activity is characterized by:

1) the use and manufacture of labor tools, their preservation for later use;

2) the productive nature and purposefulness of labor processes;

3) the subordination of labor to the idea of ​​the product of labor - the labor goal, which, like a law, determines the nature and method of labor actions;

4) the social nature of labor, its implementation in the conditions of joint activity;

5) labor is aimed at transforming the external world. The manufacture, use and preservation of labor tools, the division of labor contributed to the development of abstract thinking, speech, language, and the development of socio-historical relations between people.

In the process of the historical development of society, a person changes the ways and methods of his behavior, transforms natural inclinations and functions into higher mental functions - specifically human, socially historically conditioned forms of memory, thinking, perception (logical memory, abstract logical thinking), mediated by the use of auxiliary means, speech signs created in the process of historical development. The unity of higher mental functions forms the consciousness of man.

Table 3 The main forms and relationship of manifestations of the human psyche

At the same time, it is necessary to understand that the actions of a person, his activity differ significantly from the actions, behavior of animals.

Table 4 The most important features of animal and human activity


Instinctive-biological activity

Guided by visual impressions, act within the framework of a visual situation

Typical hereditary-fixed behavior programs (instincts)

Can create aids, tools, but do not save them, do not use them constantly

Adapt to the environment

Activity is guided by the cognitive need and the need for communication.

Abstracts, penetrates into the connections and relationships of things, establishes causal dependencies

Transfer and consolidation of experience through social means of communication (language and other systems)

Production and preservation of labor tools, their transfer to subsequent generations

Transforms external world to your needs

Activity - this is an active interaction of a person with the environment, in which he achieves a consciously set goal that arose as a result of the appearance of a certain need, motive.

The structure of human activity


Motives - that, Actions - that, Goals - that,

what motivates what it aims at what it aims at

to activities to achieve activities

Motives and goals may not coincide. Why a person acts in a certain way is often not the same as what he acts for. When we are dealing with activity in which there is no conscious goal, then there is no activity in the human sense of the word, but impulsive behavior takes place, which is directly controlled by needs and emotions.

An act-action, performing which a person realizes its significance for other people, i.e. its social meaning. The action has a structure similar to the activity: the goal is the motive, the method is the result. There are actions: sensory (actions on the perception of an object); motor (motor actions); strong-willed; mental; mnemic (actions of memory); external objective (actions are aimed at changing the state or properties of objects of the external world) and mental (actions performed in the internal plane of consciousness). The following action components are distinguished (Table 5):

Table 5 Action Components

The main types of activities that ensure the existence of a person and the formation of him as a person are communication, play, learning and work. The most important achievement of man, which allowed him to use universal human experience, both past and present, is verbal communication. Speech is language in action. Language is a system of signs that includes words with their meanings and syntax - a set of rules by which sentences are built. Main functions of speech:

1) a means of existence, transmission and assimilation of the socio-historical experience of mankind;

2) a means of communication (communication);

3) intellectual activity (perception, memory, thinking, imagination). Speech is an form of existence of thought.


Communication Thinking

Communication Expression Designation Generalization

All mental processes with the help of speech become arbitrarily controlled. By means of a word, an object, action, state, i.e. a person has an idea of ​​an object or phenomenon associated with a word. The function of generalization is related to the fact that the word denotes not only a single given object, but a whole group of similar objects and is always the bearer of their essential features, i.e. each word already generalizes, and this allows thinking to be realized. Communication consists in the transfer of certain information, thoughts, feelings to each other and thereby influencing each other. Expression consists in conveying an emotional attitude to the content of speech and to the interlocutor.

Considered in this context, consciousness is the highest form of a generalized reflection of the objective stable properties and patterns of the surrounding world, inherent in a person, the formation of an internal model of the external world in a person, as a result of which knowledge and transformation of the surrounding reality is achieved.

The second function of consciousness is to form the goals of activity, in the preliminary mental construction of actions and the prediction of their results, which ensures reasonable regulation of human behavior and activity. Human consciousness includes a certain attitude towards the environment, towards other people.

There are the following properties of consciousness: a) relationship building, b) cognition and c) experience. The main function of thinking is to identify objective relationships between the phenomena of the external world, and the main function of emotion is the formation of a person's subjective attitude to objects, phenomena, people. Forms and types of relations are synthesized in the structure of consciousness, and they determine both the organization of behavior and the deep processes of self-assessment of self-consciousness. Really existing in a single stream of consciousness, an image and a thought can, being colored by emotions, become an experience. Awareness of experience is the establishment of its objective relation to the causes that cause it, to the objects to which it is directed, to the actions by which it can be realized (S.L. Rubinshtein).

Functions consciousness: 1) reflective, 2) generative (creative-creative), 3) regulatory-evaluative, 4) reflexive function - the main function (characterizes the essence of consciousness). TO functions of consciousness include cognition (a generalized reflection of the world), experience, attitude towards the world and people, reflection, regulation of behavior and activity, thinking (image and thought), emotions and feelings, will.

Human consciousness developed in phylogenesis and became possible under conditions of active influence on nature, in the conditions of labor activity and social contacts. Consciousness 1) is born in being, 2) reflects being, 3) creates being. The epicenter of consciousness is an consciousness of one's own "I".

There are two layers of consciousness (Fig. 1): 1. existential consciousness(consciousness for being), which includes a) the biodynamic properties of movements, b) the experience of actions; c) sensual images; and 2. reflective consciousness(consciousness for consciousness), including a) meaning; b) meaning. The object of reflection can be: 1) the reflection of the world, 2) and thinking about it, 3) the ways a person regulates his behavior, 4) the processes of reflection themselves, and 5) his personal consciousness.

Meaning means the content of social consciousness assimilated by a person. These can be operational meanings, objective, verbal meanings, worldly and scientific meanings - concepts.

Meaning is an objective understanding and attitude to the situation, information. Misunderstanding is associated with difficulties in understanding meanings.

The processes of mutual transformation of meanings and meanings (comprehension of meanings and designation of meanings) act as a means of dialogue and mutual understanding.

On the existential layer of consciousness, very complex tasks are solved, because for effective behavior, it is necessary to actualize the image that is needed at the moment and the necessary motor program, i.e. the mode of action must fit into the image of the world.

The world of industrial, subject-practical activity correlates with the biodynamic fabric of movement and action (the existential layer of consciousness). The world of representations, imaginations, cultural symbols and signs correlates with the sensual fabric (existential consciousness). The world of ideas, concepts, worldly and scientific knowledge correlates with the meaning (of reflective consciousness). The world of human values, experiences, emotions correlates with the meaning (of reflective consciousness). Consciousness is born and is present in all these worlds.

Biodynamics - World of production -

technical experience in military practice

actions, which activities

Existential movements


Sensual world pre-

ny appeals,

ps cultural

Self-awareness of symbols

world of ideas,

The value of scientific

Reflective knowledge


The meaning of the world is experienced

ny, emotions

Rice. one. Structure of consciousness

The existential layer contains the origins and beginnings of the reflective layer, since the meanings and meanings are born in the existential layer. The meaning expressed in the word contains: 1) image, 2) operational and objective meaning, 3) meaningful and objective action. The word, the language does not exist only as a language; forms of thinking are objectified in it, which we master through the use of language.

Language and the forms of thought objectified in it are, in a certain way, rationalized forms of consciousness that acquire apparent independence, but in reality are only the tip of the iceberg. Reflected, rational structures of consciousness are based on a different content, source and energy of the formation of these rationalities. Rational structures are, firstly, only a particular realization of the basic oppositions of consciousness; secondly, there are often conflicting structures in consciousness. And the resolution of such conflicts, is the release of energy and consciousness for the next cycle of development is possible only through acres of awareness on oneself.

The function of the organization of consciousness (its task and meaning) is to release the mental energy of consciousness, to expand the horizons of consciousness and, most importantly, to create optimal and necessary conditions for a new cycle of development.

Since consciousness, considered from the outside, is objectively a certain sign structure and the structure of objectified thinking, it can be investigated and described objectively. At the same time, the external structure indicates the presence of an internal structure of consciousness, so a transition to understanding the internal contents of consciousness is possible.

From the foregoing, the following conclusions can be drawn in the context of the idea of ​​continuous development:

1. It is necessary to have a dual (from the outside and from the inside) description of the genesis of the development of knowledge, activity

2. In the course of development design, it is necessary to combine these two points of view. The basis for designing development can be either a given form of consciousness, or properties of activity, abilities for activity, etc., that are set from the outside.

3. The development of knowledge, activities can be described independently both from the outside and from the inside (from the outside it will be a description of the activity, its deployment during the introduction of problem situations, reflexive exits, etc.; from the inside - this will be the genesis of forms of consciousness, their transformation, transformation into each other).

The crown of the development of consciousness is the formation of self-consciousness, which allows a person not only to reflect the external world, but, having distinguished himself in this world, to know his own inner world experience it and treat yourself in a certain way. The measure for a person in his attitude towards himself is, first of all, other people. Each new social contact changes a person's idea of ​​himself, makes him more multifaceted. Conscious behavior is not so much a manifestation of what a person really is, but the result of a person's ideas about himself, formed on the basis of communication with others around him.

In the zone of clear consciousness, a small part of those simultaneously coming from the external and internal environment body signals. Signals that have fallen into the zone of clear consciousness are used by a person to consciously control their behavior. The rest of the signals are also used by the body to regulate certain processes, but on a subconscious level. Many observations of psychologists have shown that at the moment those objects fall into the zone of clear consciousness that create obstacles to the continuation of the previous regime of regulation.

Difficulties that arise attract attention and they are thus realized. Awareness of the circumstances that impede the regulation or solution of the problem contributes to finding a new mode of regulation or a new way of solving, but as soon as they are found, control is again transferred to the subconscious, and consciousness is freed to resolve newly emerging difficulties. This continuous transfer of control provides a person with the opportunity to solve new problems, based on the harmonious interaction of consciousness and subconsciousness. Consciousness is attracted to this object only for a short period of time and ensures the development of hypotheses at critical moments of lack of information. No wonder the famous psychiatrist A. Claparede wittily remarked that we are aware of our thoughts to the extent of our inability to adapt. Typical, often occurring in a normal situation, tasks are solved by a person subconsciously, realizing automatisms.

Automatisms of the subconscious unload consciousness from routine operations (walking, running, professional skills, etc.) for new tasks that at the moment can only be solved on a conscious level.

Functions consciousness: (Compile tables 3.6)

1) reflective, 2) generative (creative-creative), 3) regulatory-evaluative, 4) reflective function - the main function that characterizes the essence of consciousness.

(Table 3.7) The object of reflection can be: 1) the reflection of the world, 2) and thinking about it, 3) the ways a person regulates his behavior, 4) the processes of reflection themselves, and 5) his personal consciousness.

The existential layer contains the origins and beginnings of the reflective layer, since the meanings and meanings are born in the existential layer.

The meaning expressed in the word contains (Table 3.8): 1) image, 2) operational and objective meaning, 3) meaningful and objective action.

Words and language do not exist only as a language in itself, it objectified forms of thinking that we master through the use of language.


The crown of the development of consciousness is the formation self-awareness which allows a person not only to reflect the external world, but, having singled out himself in this world, to know his inner world, experience it and relate to himself in a certain way. The measure for a person in his attitude towards himself is, first of all, other people. Each new social contact affects not a person's idea of ​​himself, makes him more multifaceted.

Structure of CONSCIOUSNESS. (Table 3.10)

Conscious behavior is not so much a manifestation of what a person really is, but the result of a person's ideas about himself, formed on the basis of communication with others around him.

self-awareness- a conscious attitude of a person to his needs and abilities, inclinations and motives of behavior, experiences and thoughts. Self-awareness is also expressed in the emotional and semantic assessment of one's personal capabilities, which serves as the basis for expedient actions and deeds.

Questions on the topic for exercises and self-control.

(The teacher will ask you these questions.)

1. Define the essence of mental, physiological and physical reflection. Pay attention to the ratio of the psyche, consciousness and self-consciousness in a person.

2. List and give brief description basic views on the psyche and its role. (Four stages)

3. The main forms of manifestation of the psyche. The development of the psyche and consciousness: what is it and how is it manifested? Analyze the relationship of various mental processes, states and personality traits. Choose examples that illustrate these relationships.

4. Specify the difference between sensory, perceptual and intellectual processes in human mental activity.

5. Explain the concepts: consciousness, self-consciousness, meaning, meaning, mental form, existential and reflective consciousness.

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