What other worlds are. Parallel worlds exist! Mirror and candles


Scientists suggest that black holes can be transitions to parallel worlds. This theory is called the theory of wormholes or wormholes. Physicists of the world agree with it. However, this is so far from the average person. There are suggestions that the doors to other worlds exist on Earth. So, on ours there are many so-called anomalous zones. These are places where people disappear especially often, where eyewitnesses regularly observe the appearance of UFOs or unseen, strange ones. There are hundreds of such zones around the world. Most likely, there are so-called spatial windows.
These are, for example, Mountain of the Dead in Sverdlovskaya, Windy Yenikov in the Czech Republic, Long Pass and Road to Nowhere in the USA, Black Bamboo Valley in China, Devil's Glade in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Ghost Valley in Demirdzhi (Crimea), Devil's Trap in Italy, Ghost Island Maine in the UK, Thurguilla Valley in France, etc.
If you have enough courage and an adventurous temperament, you can try to go to one of these zones and try your luck. But is it worth it? After all, the consequences are unpredictable.

Perhaps it is better not to go anywhere, but to learn to penetrate into parallel worlds, developing your perception. Have you ever wondered why all children love fairy tales so much? The fact is that they still remember those worlds that they saw before birth. Having been born into our world, at first they cannot get used to living in such a limited range. That is why children see mermaids, brownies and other entities that are in parallel worlds next to ours.
Parallel worlds are felt not only by children, but also by storytellers, as well as sensitive people who think differently. If you take fairy tales as seriously as scientific literature, you can gradually find a way to achieve the necessary vibration and open the door to a parallel world. After all, the author who wrote the fairy tale filled it with the energy of the world that he described. He emitted vibrations in the rhythm of this world. With these vibrations, the communication channel or wormhole is kept open.

So, in order to penetrate into parallel worlds, one must believe in success. In addition, you need to overcome the thirst for profit and the desire to do Evil. All parallel worlds have a mirror axis, so they are similar. To return to our world, you need to restore the old vibrations.
To make the vibrations more subtle and get into a parallel world, you need to increase the desire to get there. When concentrating on the dream, time will gradually begin to flow more slowly, this can be understood by the increasing sound of the clock ticking. Then an insight will come that will illuminate the brain like a bright flash. After that, two parallel worlds will go through the person, which will exchange information.

The belief that man is not alone in the universe pushes thousands of scientists to research. Is the existence of parallel worlds real? Evidence based on mathematical and physical laws and history confirm the existence of other dimensions.

Mentions in ancient texts

How to decipher the very concept of a parallel dimension? It first appeared in fiction, not scientific literature. This is a kind of alternative reality that exists simultaneously with the earthly one, but has certain differences. Its size can be very different - from the planet to a small city.

In writing, the theme of other worlds and universes can be found in the writings of ancient Greek and Roman explorers and scientists. The Italian believed in the existence of habitable worlds.

And Aristotle believed that in addition to people and animals, there are invisible entities nearby that have an etheric body. Magical properties were attributed to phenomena that mankind could not explain from a scientific point of view. An example is belief in an afterlife - there is not a single nation that does not believe in life after death. The Byzantine theologian Damaskinus in 705 mentioned angels capable of transmitting thoughts without words. Is there evidence of parallel worlds in the scientific world?

The quantum physics

This branch of science is actively developing, and today it more mysteries than answers. It was isolated only in 1900 thanks to the experiments of Max Planck. He discovered deviations in radiation that were contrary to generally accepted physical laws. So, photons in various conditions are able to change shape.

Later on, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle showed that by observing a quantum substance, it is impossible to influence its behavior. Therefore, parameters such as speed and location cannot be accurately determined. The theory was confirmed by scientists from the institute in Copenhagen.

By observing a quantum object, Thomas Bohr established that particles exist in all possible states at once. This phenomenon is named based on these data, in the middle of the last century, an assumption was made about the existence of alternative universes.

Everett's Many Worlds

The young physicist Hugh Everett was a PhD student at Princeton University. In 1954, he put forward an assumption and provided information about the existence of parallel worlds. Evidence and theory based on the laws of quantum physics have informed mankind that there are many worlds in the Galaxy that are similar to our Universe.

His scientific studies indicated that the universes are identical and interconnected, but at the same time deviated from each other. This suggested that in other galaxies the development of living organisms could occur in a similar way or radically different. So, there could be the same historical wars or there could be no people at all. Microorganisms that failed to adapt to earthly conditions could evolve in another world.

The idea looked incredible, like a fantastic story by HG Wells and his ilk. But is it so unrealistic? Similar is the "string theory" of the Japanese Michayo Kaku - the Universe looks like a bubble and can interact with others like it, there is a gravitational field between them. But with such a contact, a “Big Bang” will result, as a result of which our Galaxy was formed.

Einstein's works

Albert Einstein throughout his life was looking for one universal answer to all questions - "the theory of everything". The first model of the Universe, an infinite number of them, was laid by a scientist in 1917 and became the first scientific proof of parallel worlds. The scientist saw a system constantly moving in time and space relative to the earthly universe.

Astronomers and theoretical physicists such as Alexander Friedman and Arthur Eddington refined and used these data. They came to the conclusion that the number of Universes is infinite, and each of them has a different degree of curvature of the space-time continuum, which makes it possible for these worlds to intersect at many points an infinite number of times.

Versions of scientists

There is an idea about the existence of the "fifth dimension", and as soon as it is discovered, humanity will have the opportunity to travel between parallel worlds. Facts and evidence are provided by scientist Vladimir Arshinov. He believes that there can be a huge number of versions of other realities. A simple example is through the looking glass, where the truth becomes a lie.

Professor Christopher Monro experimentally confirmed the possibility of the simultaneous existence of two realities at the atomic level. The laws of physics do not deny the possibility of the flow of one world into another without violating the law of conservation of energy. But this requires such an amount of energy, which is not in the entire galaxy.

Another version of cosmologists is black holes, in which entrances to other realities are hidden. Professors Vladimir Surdin and Dmitry Galtsov support the hypothesis of the transition between worlds through such "wormholes".

Australian parapsychologist Jean Grimbriar believes that among the many anomalous zones in the world, there are forty tunnels leading to other worlds, of which seven are in America, and four are in Australia.

Contemporary confirmations

Researchers from University College London in 2017 received the first physical evidence of the possible existence of parallel worlds. British scientists have discovered the points of contact of our universe with others that are not visible to the eye. This is the first practical evidence of scientists of the existence of parallel worlds, according to the "string theory".

The discovery occurred during the study of the distribution in space of relic microwave radiation, which was preserved after the "Big Bang". It is he who is considered the starting point for the formation of our universe. The radiation was not uniform and contained zones with different temperatures. Professor Stephen Feeney called them "cosmic holes formed as a result of the contact of ours and parallel worlds".

Dream as a kind of other reality

One of the options for proving a parallel world with which a person can contact is a dream. The speed of processing and transmitting information during a night's rest is several times higher than during wakefulness. In a few hours you can survive months and years of life. But incomprehensible images may appear in front of the mind that cannot be explained.

It has been established that the Universe consists of many atoms with a large internal energy potential. They are invisible to humans, but the fact of their existence is confirmed. Microparticles are in constant motion, their vibrations have different frequencies, directions and speeds.

If we assume that a person would be able to move at the speed of sound, then it would be possible to travel around the Earth in a few seconds. At the same time, it would be possible to consider the surrounding objects, such as islands, seas and continents. And for an outsider's eye, such a movement would remain imperceptible.

Similarly, another world may exist nearby, moving at a higher speed. Therefore, it is not possible to see and fix it, the subconscious has such an ability. So, sometimes there is a "déjà vu" effect, when an event or object that appears in reality for the first time turns out to be familiar. Although there may be no real confirmation of this fact. Maybe it happened at the intersection of worlds? This is a simple explanation of many mysterious things that modern science is unable to characterize.

Mysterious Cases

Is there evidence of parallel worlds among the population? Mysterious disappearances of people are not considered by science. According to statistics, about 30% of the disappearances of people remain unexplained. Places of mass disappearances is a limestone cave in California Park. And in Russia, such a zone is located in the mine of the XVIII century near Gelendzhik.

One such case occurred in 1964 with a lawyer from California. Thomas Mehan was last seen by a paramedic from a hospital in Herberville. He came in complaining of terrible pain, and while the nurse checked the insurance policy, he disappeared. In fact, he left work and did not get home. His car was found in a damaged state, and next to it were traces of a person. However, after a few meters they disappeared. The body of the lawyer was found at a distance of 30 km from the accident site, and the cause of death was determined by pathologists as drowning. At the same time, the moment of death coincided with his appearance in the hospital.

Another inexplicable incident was recorded in 1988 in Tokyo. A car hit a man who appeared out of nowhere. Antique clothes confused the police, and when they found the victim's passport, it turned out to be issued 100 years ago. According to the business card of the deceased in a car accident, the latter was an artist of the imperial theater, and the street indicated in it had not existed for 70 years. After an investigation, an elderly woman recognized the deceased as her father, who disappeared in her childhood. Isn't this proof of parallel worlds, their existence? In confirmation, she provided a photograph of 1902, which depicted a dead man with a girl.

Incidents in the Russian Federation

Similar cases occur in Russia. So, in 1995, the former controller of the plant met a strange passenger during a flight. The young girl was looking for a pension certificate in her bag and claimed that she was 75 years old. When the lady, in confusion, ran away from the transport to the nearest police department, the controller followed her, but did not find the young person in the room.

How to perceive such phenomena? Is it possible to consider them the contact of two dimensions? Is this proof? And what if several people find themselves in the same situation at the same time?

A parallel world is a reality that exists simultaneously with ours, but independently of it. This autonomous reality has various sizes: from small geographical areas to entire Universes.

In parallel worlds, events take place in their own way, they can differ from our world, both in individual details, and radically, in almost everything. At some time, the boundaries that separate us become almost transparent, and ... uninvited guests turn up in our world (or we become guests).

There are many cases when parallel worlds intersect.

For example, a strange case of the disappearance of a person is known. It happened in the Vladimir region. The young bride was preparing for the wedding, there were a lot of pleasant chores. And so, when all the preparations were over, and there was very little time left before the wedding, she, full of her girlish worries and experiences, went to rest in her bedroom, where her wedding dress was prepared.

Once again, looking at her impeccable dress and veil, she lay down to take a nap with slight joy.

And then, through a dream, the bride heard some incomprehensible rustle, from which she immediately woke up. To her surprise, she saw a strange man standing in front of her bed, who reminded her of a dwarf from children's fairy tales. He had a greenish face, strongly sunken cheeks, which converged on the chin like a wedge, his eyes were closed for some reason. In shock, she herself closed her eyes, but a little coming to her senses, she decided to see if she had dreamed about it before the wedding.

Opening her eyes, she almost fainted, this stranger at the same moment also opened his almond-shaped huge eyes, the bright green light of which literally lit up the bride's bedroom. She lost consciousness and did not remember anything else.

Her mother wanted to come into her room to help prepare for the wedding, but the door was closed from the inside and her daughter did not respond. After waiting for some more time, and already sensing something was wrong, the parents broke the door lock and saw that the room was empty. The bride disappeared without a trace.

Instead of the planned wedding, they had to call the police, who also could not explain this mysterious disappearance. They checked all the windows and doors, and concluded that they did not open, and no extraneous fingerprints were found on them.
The wedding was upset, the groom was in a panic from the incomprehensible disappearance of the bride. The worst thoughts entered his head. They called all acquaintances, girlfriends and friends, but they could not help in any way to investigate this mysterious case.

Two days later, heartbroken parents sat early in the morning in the kitchen and went through various options for the disappearance of people that they had heard about from friends and from the media. Suddenly, it seemed to them that someone was walking in the apartment. The front door was locked with all the locks, there was no one else at home except them. After exchanging glances, they went to inspect the apartment. When the daughter's bedroom was opened, the mother fainted, the father was dumbfounded by the picture he saw. Their daughter sat on the bed and stretched sweetly, trying to finally wake up. Seeing her parents in such a state, she rushed to their aid.

After everyone came to their senses, they sat embracing their daughter for a long time, as if they were afraid that she might disappear again and slowly rejoiced at her return. She told them about a strange dwarf who visited her on the night before the wedding, but did not remember anything else. When she woke up, she thought it was just a dream. It could not have crossed her mind that she had been absent for such a long time. This incident spread throughout the Vladimir and adjacent regions. Researchers involved in paranormal phenomena came to the bride's house, but no traces of anomalies were found in the apartment.

They explained this amazing case with a multitude of parallel worlds that exist in space, and in rare cases sometimes come into contact with each other.

October 25, 1974 - Robert Wyoming went hunting. Having wandered in vain all day through the forest, he, in the end, at about four o'clock in the evening, literally ran nose to nose with a huge buffalo. The mighty bull stood at a distance of some 30 meters from the hunter. Throwing up his gun and taking aim, Wyoming fired ... Everything that happened next was like a dream. The bullet, as if in slow motion filming, slowly flew about 15 meters and gently fell to the ground, into the fallen autumn leaves. The hunter was shocked. But as soon as he regained consciousness, he again experienced a shock. Nearby, he saw something that looked like... a spaceship! There were amazing creatures near the ship. They approached him, and one of the creatures asked the hunter how he felt ... Wyoming woke up only in the hospital, where he was taken by a forest guard patrol. True, from that moment on ... 4 days have passed.

An RAF fighter pilot says: “This incident happened in June 1942. Our squadron was based in Derna, on the Libyan coast, we were patrolling the Levant Sea ...

This afternoon, my partner Finney Clark's engine went haywire, the technicians couldn't fix it right away and sent me on a free search alone. Not a cloud in the sky, the sun was shining brightly. And then I saw something that I had to wipe the glasses of my goggles: to my left, half a mile from me, I saw a sailing ship, small, elegant, completely different from the rude native ships. It had a large square sail, and oars frothed the water on the sides! I had never seen anything like it, and in order to examine the ship, I approached it without descending. On deck were several shaggy and bearded men in long white robes. They looked in my direction and shook their raised fists. On the prow of the ship, on either side of the stem, were painted two huge human eyes.

The engine suddenly stopped, and I put the Hurricane in gliding, hoping to make it to shore. But then the engine started up again. I banked, gained altitude, and was again over the strange vessel. Now the oars were motionless, and there were more people on deck - everyone was looking at me. I decided to make them raise the flag. He turned around, caught the ship in the crosshairs of the sight, turned a little to the side and pressed the trigger of the machine gun. Smoky trails stretched forward, bullets churning up a swath of water at the ship's course. No response other than hand waving...

The pilot decided to attack the ship, whose crew was clearly hostile. But, this time, the weapon failed, and the mysterious ship suddenly disappeared. A week later, his partner F. Clarke died. He managed to inform the base that he was attacking an enemy sailing ship. After that, the connection was cut off.

Did F. Clark die? The ship marked a physical hole from our world into this parallel world. Trying to get closer to the ship, the plane could slip into this hole and stay. The hole closed, radio communication was cut off ...

Three guys went into the forest, but, passing through a dry log, one of them fell through and, as it seemed to him, rolled down. Rising, he saw that he was not in a forest, but in an endless wheat field, moreover, the wheat was as tall as him, and in the field itself a huge tree stood alone.

Understanding nothing, the boy began to rush back and forth until he realized that something incredible had happened. Not understanding what to do, he lay down on the ground and wept, but then a very tall man called out to him. The giant pointed out to the boy a barely visible path through the wheat. He walked along it and again found himself in the forest, only in a completely different place. The hero of this story, after many years, told his story to the members of the Perm Commission on anomalous phenomena.

Another evidence of the possibility of penetration into our world of beings from other dimensions was found in the African jungle. This time they turned out to be huge monkeys that are not like any of the species of higher primates living on our planet. They have the body of a gorilla, the head of a chimpanzee, the length of the foot is at least 40 cm, and the height reaches 2 meters. They sleep standing up, and only during the day, and eat food that is completely uncharacteristic of monkeys.

In addition, like wolves, the mysterious monkeys like to howl at the moon. Biologists believe that these creatures cannot be the result of a mutation of some terrestrial primates. Only an analysis of their DNA can definitively establish this.

But so far, scientists have not been able to get a single representative of the giant apes. They are so aggressive that they attack even large predators. Therefore, local hunters refuse to track down the "lion killers", as they called these giants.

One of the most mysterious places on earth is the so-called Black Mountain, which is located 26 km from the Australian town of Cooktown (Queensland). It got its name because it consists of a jumble of black granite rocks. The local natives call it the Mountain of Death. They try not to approach her, because they believe that the demons living in her womb devour people.

The first officially recorded case of a mysterious disappearance of a person occurred in 1877, when one of the locals, in search of his oxen, entered the labyrinth of huge rocks. Nobody saw him or the cattle again. And in 1907, Constable Ryan disappeared there, who was chasing a fugitive. Mysterious disappearances occurred in subsequent years, and they continue in our time. The mountain "absorbed" several gold miners and shepherds, a policeman and an aboriginal tracker who tried to uncover its secret.
All these disappearances were carefully investigated by the local police, but they did not come to anything ...

1978 - Brigitte X was admitted to one of the psychiatric clinics in Switzerland for examination. For some reason, she stubbornly argued that her husband had died, although he was alive and well and even was the father of her unborn child. According to Brigitte, her husband recently died in a car accident. But somehow, having come home from the service, she nevertheless saw him at home. Walter X. is perplexed: after all, his wife considers him a ghost! He had actually been in a car accident not long before, but received only minor injuries. Brigitte, contrary to evidence, claimed that she perfectly remembers how she was informed of the death of Walter, and described his funeral in great detail.

Both Martin and Brigitte underwent a comprehensive psychiatric examination, which showed that they had no abnormalities. The only suspicious fact was their strange, inconsistent stories about the events that supposedly happened to them ... These people obviously visited another dimension.

Bamboo Gorge. 1950 - about a hundred Kuomintang soldiers disappeared without a trace in the gorge, who wanted to find salvation there from the advancing communist detachments.

In the same year, the private plane of an American banker disappeared, having crashed in the area.

1962 - A similar fate befell five Chinese geologists and one of two explorers. Another guide, who survived and returned to the “mainland”, recalled: “Suddenly, everything around was plunged into a thick fog, and a terrible noise was heard. I lost consciousness, and when I woke up, my companions were gone, there was no one around. It was".

Subway incident. 1999, May 14 - at about 21.00 the train left the underground tunnel between the stations "Izmailovsky Park" and "Pervomaiskaya" (at this point the path is partially ground with access to the edge of the Izmailovsky forest), when suddenly darkness fell outside the windows. Before the passengers had time to be frightened, the darkness dissipated and the sun shone again. The forest outside the windows was the same, but now, for some reason, along the edge and in the depths of the forest, people in soldier's overcoats were running across, and around were heard explosions and the crackle of shots from machine guns and rifles. Between the forest and the train, singly and in groups, cavalrymen with sabers rode - in general, the situation was very reminiscent of a battle during the Civil War. But it wasn't filming: the agony of the dying looked genuine, just as the explosions and blood were genuine.

The haze dissipated as suddenly as it appeared - the train stopped, opened the doors, after which the announcer announced: “Be careful, the doors are closing. The next station - "Pervomaiskaya" - and the subway again dived into the tunnel. Everything was in order at Pervomayskaya - as it should be in our time.

One of the founders of Rome - Romulus disappeared without a trace during the review of his troops - in an instant a gust of wind swept through - and Romulus seemed to have disappeared into the air. Then they found a simple explanation - the gods wanted to take him to themselves!

The Greek Cleomedes, in the past - a wrestler, the winner of the Olympics, sought refuge from assassins in the temple of Artemis and climbed into a large chest. The pursuers opened the lid and saw Cleomedes disappear, like a puff of smoke blown by the wind ...

In the French city of Arles, on Trinity Day 1579, the believing daughter of a tradesman Pierrette Darili carried a figurine of St. Clara in a church procession. Suddenly, in front of the eyes of the clergy and many believers, the girl began to become transparent and disappeared along with the figurine. Where she was seen at the last moment, only a muslin veil remained, torn from her hair by an unexpected gust of wind, eyewitnesses said. no one ever saw her again.

1807, November - English diplomat Benjamin Bathurst, as his servants and servants of the hotel assured, “as if he fell through the ground” when he got into the carriage. It happened in the German town of Perleberg, not far from Hamburg. Together with the unfortunate attaché, a folder with documents disappeared, as well as a sable coat, which he was going to wrap himself up on the road. Money and other valuables loaded into the carriage earlier remained in place. The search lasted 25 years without any results.

“The French adventurer Diderici, who ended up in the Vislousty fortress in Danzig, while the prisoners were walking in the yard, began to disappear in front of the confused prisoners and guards. And finally “dissolved in the air, only his shackles fell to the ground with a clang” ...

While scientists are developing the theory of a parallel multi-world, such cases sometimes occur in different parts of our planet and modern science cannot give a concrete explanation for them yet ...

The topic of traveling to parallel worlds is one of the most popular in science fiction, but do you know what "Parallel World" is? Once upon a time there was a definition: "A parallel world is a world that differs from Objective Reality by At least One Event". But what if the worlds are almost the same, because there are worlds - twins ...

Then it is necessary to add to this definition that "this is a world that is Physically Distant from Objective Reality in Time and Space At least by One Unit of Measurement".
More than 80 years have passed since the birth of the American physicist Hugh Everett III, who more than 50 years ago announced to the world that he had real evidence of the existence of a parallel world. Such a statement was received with great restraint. Some scientists eloquently twisted their fingers at their temples, others made attempts to convince him that he was mistaken, and still others simply shook hands and thanked him for the appearance of an excellent "Excuses" for his wife (when the question of where a person was late can be answered - got into a parallel world and got lost.
These, of course, are all jokes, but some scientists really sincerely admired Everett's scientific discovery. It was their support that was the reason that the young American scientist decided to consult with Niels Bohr about his discovery. However, shortly before this, two FBI representatives paid him a visit, who strongly recommended that he contact the Pentagon. And there were reasons for that. In the event that the rumors about the existence of parallel worlds turn out to be true, this will provide tremendous opportunities for deterring the Soviet military force ....
Everett nevertheless went to Niels Bor, taking his wife with him as a support group. Bohr asked him to try to speak out in 10 minutes, but very soon lost interest in what the young scientist was saying, and then completely said that his ideas were untenable.
However, people believed in the fact that there is some kind of entrance to parallel worlds in ancient times, but there was no scientific evidence for this. This is also believed by English scientists who, as evidence, cite the case of mysterious disappearances in Kent in the "House of Laughter". In 1998, four visitors did not come out. The police were involved in the search for the children, but no trace of the children could be found. Three years later, history repeated itself. This time two more children disappeared, and then another. Remarkably, all the children knew Rug's friend well, and the disappearances took place on the last Thursdays of the month.
Russian scientists also believe that parallel worlds exist. So, for example, Doctor of Philosophy Vladimir Arshinov claims that we are not talking about 2-3 models of the existence of worlds, but there may be 267 units.
You ask: how to get there? Finding the entrance to another world is not very easy. But perhaps this is for the best, since the cases when a person who got there successfully returned back are much less cases with absolute disappearance.
Recently, the theme of parallel worlds has become especially relevant and fashionable. It is often resorted to in cases where it is impossible to explain the nature of a particular physical phenomenon.
In the archives of each country there is a large amount of information about mysterious disappearances, which, as a rule, remain outside the scope of science. And there is a reason for this - it is almost impossible to comprehend the causes of mysterious events, and it will not work to defend a Ph.D. to the idea that the theory of the existence of parallel worlds has every right to exist.
The main position of the theory is the assertion that the existence of several parallel worlds is possible in the universe, and humanity can communicate with most of them. The simplest case of communication is sleep. The subconscious of a person during sleep draws the necessary information, and the speed of its transmission is much higher than the same speed in the real world: in a few hours of sleep a person can “live” not only months, but also years of his life, and in one minute of sleep a person can the whole movie.
But in a dream, people can see not only those objects that surround them in real everyday life. Sometimes a person also dreams of some incomprehensible, strange, indefinite images that are not similar to any of the objects that actually exist. Where do they come from?
The vast universe consists of small atoms that have great internal energy, while remaining invisible to humans. Nevertheless, no one denies the fact of their existence, since man himself consists of atoms. Atoms are in constant motion, while their vibrations have different frequencies, speeds and directions of movement. Due to this, humanity can exist.
Let's think about what would happen if a person could move at the speed of radio waves. Then, in order to go around the entire globe and again be in the same place, it would take some fractions of a second. At the same time, there would be enough time to consider the flickering islands, continents and oceans. And outside observers would not even notice anything, since the human eye cannot fix such high-speed movement.
Now imagine that the same world exists nearby, but the speed of its movement is several orders of magnitude higher than ours. Then, of course, we would not be able to fix it, but our subconscious mind always does it. Therefore, there is a feeling that the person you see for the first time in your life is familiar to you, or you have already been in one place or another, although you know for sure that you are not. But no matter how hard you try to remember, you will not succeed, because it happened somewhere at the intersection of the worlds. This is how the contact of worlds with different speeds is carried out, and it is then that mysterious cases occur that still have no real explanation.
In order not to be unfounded, we will give several examples of such contacts.
In 1901, two school teachers e. jourden and a. moberly, decided to go on an Easter tour of Paris. Before that, they had never been to France, so they were amazed by the magnificence of the architecture of Paris. When they were on a tour of the Palace of Versailles, one mysterious incident happened to them. After a detailed inspection of the castle itself, the women went to the small trianon, which was located on the territory of the palace. But since they didn’t have a plan, it’s understandable that they got lost. Soon they met two men dressed in 18th century costumes. Mistaking them for servants, the teachers asked for directions. The men looked at them strangely, and without saying a word, pointed in an indefinite direction. Soon the women met a young woman with a child in an old-fashioned dress, but again did not attach any importance to this. And only when they met another group that spoke an unfamiliar French dialect, the teachers began to understand that something strange was happening. However, these people still showed them the way. When they approached the small trianon, they were amazed to meet a lady there, apparently an aristocrat, who was painting a landscape in an album. The lady, seeing the women, was horrified. And only then the teachers finally realized that in some incomprehensible way they got into the past. Literally in a moment, the picture changed, and a group of quite modern tourists appeared in the place of the lady.
The women agreed not to tell anyone about what had happened, but in 1911, when both began to teach at Oxford College, they decided to write about their unusual journey. At that time, they studied the history of Versailles in detail and came to the conclusion that they were in 1789, and the lady they saw was none other than Marie Antoinette herself.
There were many skeptics who questioned the veracity of the story. But they soon changed their minds, as a plan made by the royal architect was soon found, in which all the details described by the women were displayed.
The incident described is perhaps one of the most famous, when scenes from the past suddenly appear before the eyes of a person living in the modern world, but such cases also occurred later. In 1926 in London, two women walked off the road and found themselves on the territory of a large estate. When they were informed that there had been no buildings in that place for a long time, the women returned to that place again, but, naturally, they found nothing but a road and ditches.
There were also cases when a person disappeared without a trace. So, for example, in February 1964, a lawyer from California, Thomas Mehan, after another working day, got into his car and drove home. But no one saw him at home. Before he disappeared, he was seen by a nurse at a hospital in Gerberville. According to her, a young man came to them, who introduced himself as a mechanic and who complained of terrible pain. When the nurse turned away for a moment to check the insurance policy number, the man disappeared. Around the same time, the police discovered the lawyer's car, which had been in an accident, near which traces of a person were found. However, after a few meters they broke off, as if the person had simply vanished into thin air. The mehan's body was found 30 kilometers from the crash site. But, as it turned out, he did not die at all from the wounds received during the accident, but drowned, and drowned at the very time when he was seen in the hospital ....
A mysterious case also occurred in 1988, when an unknown man was hit by a car on the streets of Tokyo, who seemed to have fallen from the sky. The policemen were quite surprised by the man's attire, which was obviously ancient, but they were even more amazed when they saw his passport. It was issued 100 years ago. In one of the pockets they also found business cards indicating the profession - this man was an artist of the Tokyo Imperial Theater. But this street has not existed for more than 70 years. The police conducted a survey of all residents with the same last name. One old woman said that her father disappeared under mysterious circumstances, and showed a photograph in which a man who fell under a car was holding a little girl in his arms. The date on the photo was 1902.
Cases of mysterious disappearances have been observed more recently. So, a few years ago, on a train that was traveling to acapulco, in a compartment where there were only a woman with a child and a young surgeon, a strange man in a long camisole suddenly appeared. He had a wig on his head, and in his hands was a pen and a large purse. When the surgeon ran for the conductor, the strange man disappeared. According to the left objects, scientists determined that they belong to the 18th century. And in the archives, we managed to find records that Bishop de Balenciaga (namely, this name was introduced by a strange man) said that, returning home at night, he saw the "Devil's Iron Crew" in front of him, and then completely ended up inside it. Then, in some incomprehensible way, the bishop again found himself on one of the streets of Mexico City. After such stories, he was mistaken for a madman.
What to do with such phenomena? Can they be considered true, or is it better to classify them as hallucinations? But how then to explain that the same phenomenon is seen by several people at once? Modern science cannot provide answers to these questions. Ezomir.

Parallel Worlds

The idea of ​​a parallel world

Fiction, in fact, did not invent the idea of ​​"another world", but borrowed it from mythology. Paradise, Hell, Olympus, Valhalla described in the myths are classic examples of "alternative universes" that differ from the real world we are used to. Placing the action in an alternative world (compared to the description of the future or past of our world) makes it possible to do without the efforts associated with achieving credibility (scientific substantiation of the picture of the future or a picture of the past corresponding to historical sources), while providing almost unlimited possibilities in building the “scene” necessary for the author. ” for the described action.

The logic of the system of parallel worlds

In a large number of fantastic works, no explanation of the nature of parallel worlds is given, their existence and properties are simply postulated. However, in many cases an attempt is made to somehow logically explain the existence of parallel worlds and the possibility of moving people and objects between them. The following describes the main logical concepts proposed by the authors of science fiction.

Other spatial dimensions

It is assumed that the real Universe does not actually have three spatial dimensions, but more. After such an assumption, a natural (and mathematically correct) generalization of the concept of “parallelism” is made: if parallel lines can exist in two-dimensional space (on a plane), and parallel lines and planes can exist in three-dimensional space, then it is natural that in four-dimensional (and more spatial dimensions) space, there can exist parallel (that is, not intersecting with each other, but existing, possibly very close) three-dimensional spaces. Further, it suffices to assume that, for some reason, we cannot directly perceive these “additional” spatial dimensions, and a logically rather coherent picture of the plurality of worlds will turn out.

- ... Just different dimensions. You must have heard about the theory of parallel spaces.
- Well, Gleb... this is a naive theory. An old plot hook for children's fantasy stories. And then - this is just a theory, nothing more ...
- And actually, why naive? Judge for yourself: if there can be parallel lines and parallel planes, why can't there be parallel three-dimensional spaces?
Yar shook his head.
- The devil knows... I explained it to myself somehow differently.
- I also tried to explain in different ways. But all the same, a childish picture gets stuck in my head: you understand, spaces are like transparent cubes tightly pressed against each other ... And so our mannequin friends, with their explosions and experiments, shifted something, violated this crystal lattice. The cubes moved, broke through each other, cracks went along them ... It was into one such crack that the novice journalist Gleb Vyatkin was brought here along the rail track ...
Vladislav Krapivin. "The Dovecote in the Yellow Clearing", Book 3, "The Boy and the Lizard"

In some cases, the world is understood not only as a spatial component, but also as time, which is understood as the fourth dimension. In this case, parallel coexistence of four-dimensional worlds is possible, in each of which time flows in its own way.

Movement between worlds in a multidimensional system can be explained either by the creation of a fundamentally new technique that makes it possible to move along “additional” coordinate axes, or simply by the fact that different worlds intersect or touch in certain places (just as lines on a plane or surfaces in three-dimensional space). By traveling along these additional axes, which are not naturally felt, the traveler can reach worlds that are unattainable and invisible. In one of the first works in the genre of modern science fiction - "The Time Machine" by G. Wells, - time in this sense was used as an additional "dimension". The hero, taking a model of a four-dimensional world from classical physics and interpreting time as a spatial dimension, found a way to move in time.

There are many examples where the author creates an additional spatial dimension in which the characters can travel to get to parallel universes. Douglas Adams, in his latest book in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series, uses the idea of ​​an additional axis in addition to the traditional four dimensions of space and time. However, judging by the novel, in reality these are not parallel universes at all, but only a model of spanning the extent of space, time, and probability. Robert E. Heinlein, in The Number of the Beast, allowed for a six-dimensional universe. In addition to the three spatial dimensions, he used the concept of symmetry to add two new time dimensions, so that two sets of three were obtained. Like the situations with the fourth dimension in H. G. Wells' Time Machine, a time traveler can overcome these additional dimensions with the appropriate equipment.

Although technically incorrect, the concept of "another dimension" has become synonymous with the concept of "parallel world". Its use has become commonplace in films, television, and comics, and much less so in the prose of modern science fiction, even when spatial dimensions are not actually involved.

Parallel worlds as a realization of the multivariance of events

Sometimes the formation of "other worlds" is postulated in situations where a certain event can have more than one possible outcome. The extreme expression of this approach is the picture of the multiverse, in which there is an almost infinite number of worlds that differ from each other in that in them a certain event (at least one) had different outcomes. When such an assumption is accepted, it turns out that any possibility in some of the worlds will certainly be realized, and our world differs from others only in that one specific set of possibilities has been realized in it.

In other cases, the appearance of parallel worlds is announced as the result of the actions of time travelers: when someone who has moved in a time machine into the past influences an event, changing its outcome, a new universe appears, and further events follow a different path. At the same time, the fate of the traveler may be different: in some cases it is assumed that upon returning back he will find himself in his own time (that is, he will not feel the change in history), in others - the traveler who has changed events will return to the future of the new world he created, disappearing from his native reality.

Some authors admit the possibility of subsequent "docking" of parallel realities: it is assumed that some time after the impact that changed the course of events, the results of this impact can be leveled - the created parallel world will be equivalent to the original one and merge with it. The parallel reality turns out to be a kind of "detour" on the road; separated once, it exists independently for some time, but then returns to its basis. In this case, an interesting consequence arises: it turns out that the past, which we consider unambiguous and unchanged, can be as multivariate as the future; there may be several versions of the past of the same world, while it is impossible to say which of the options is correct and which is false.

Don't do nonsense. If you remember your childhood, then you had it, and everything else is useless philosophy. And if one fine day instead of one childhood you remember two or three, so much the better. Wealth that goes into your own hands is not renounced.
Max Fry. "Chronicles of Echo 2. Lord of Mormora"


"Crystal Universe" by Vladislav Krapivin

In Russian science fiction, the most harmonious picture of the universe, consisting of many parallel worlds, was built by Vladislav Krapivin in his cycle “In the depths of the Great Crystal”. According to the ideas of this cycle, the Universe is a kind of multidimensional crystal, in which each face is a separate world, but the fourth dimension (as well as dimensions of higher orders) is not time, but the multivariance of development. The worlds neighboring on the Great Crystal, as a result, can be strikingly different in appearance, but essentially the same type - they turn out to be approximately at the same level of economic and social development, the problems and accomplishments in them are approximately the same.

Hyperspace and parallel worlds

The idea of ​​hyperspace, widely used in science fiction, is nothing more than a variant of the idea of ​​a parallel world. As used in science fiction, the term "hyperspace" refers to a parallel universe that is used as a means of traveling faster than the speed of light for interstellar travel. The rationale for the existence of this form of hyperspace varies from job to job, but there are two common elements:

  1. at least some (if not all) of the objects on the hyperspace world map correspond to objects in our universe, thus providing "entry" and "exit" points for travelers.
  2. the time to travel between two points in hyperspace is less than the time to travel between similar objects in our universe. This is either due to the difference in the speed of light, or because of the different speeds of the passage of time, or because similar objects in hyperspace are closer to each other.

Sometimes the concept of "hyperspace" is used as a designation for a multidimensional world with additional spatial dimensions. In this model, our three-dimensional universe is represented as "dented" into some higher spatial dimension, and by moving into this dimension, the ship can cover a huge distance in ordinary space. Since this concept offers a "new dimension", it no longer fully corresponds to the idea of ​​a parallel world.


In the plot sense, the idea of ​​a parallel world can be used in different ways.


  • Philadelphia Experiment, United States, 2 episodes - about the destroyer Eldridge.
  • Deja Vu, USA, - a policeman tries to change the past and save the woman he loves, gets into the past and dies himself.
  • The One with Jet Li
  • Gliders, USA, 5 seasons, series 1995-1999, - Quinn Malory, physics graduate student discovers the "Holy Grail of Physics" - a journey to parallel dimensions of the same Earth.
  • The Enchanter is a fantasy series produced by Australia and Poland, as well as its sequel The Enchanter: Land of the Great Dragon.
  • Silent Hill is a 2006 film based on the famous Japanese video game Silent Hill.

see also

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