Three powerful explosions in the sun threaten the earth. A powerful flare again occurred on the sun Solar flares on the sun September

On September 7, a series of flares occurred on the Sun, the Laboratory of X-ray Solar Astronomy of the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences reported.

The photo shows the ejection of solar plasma from the X9.3 flare (frontal view from the Earth). The photograph was taken by the LASCO C3 instrument on the SOHO satellite.

During the solar flare X9.3 recorded the day before, a large ejection of solar matter occurred, and it is directed towards the Earth. This is evidenced by the data received from space solar coronagraphs - unique instruments that observe the outer layers of the solar atmosphere and plasma flows in them. The speed of the ejection is currently being specified, but based on the usual values ​​\u200b\u200bfor such events - at least 1000 km per second - tomorrow evening plasma clouds ejected from the atmosphere of the Sun by the colossal force of the explosion will come to our planet. The characteristic size of such clouds when they reach the Earth's orbit is up to 100 million kilometers or more. This means that in addition to the impact on the Earth's magnetic field, our planet will be immersed for 1-2 days in a hot substance that was part of the Sun's atmosphere just yesterday.

The mass ejection from the X9.3 flare reached Earth on September 8th. A cloud of plasma from the Sun came to the orbit of our planet about 12 hours ahead of schedule. This means that its speed exceeded the expected by 1.5 times, and the impact on the Earth was made with more power than planned.

There is a level 4 magnetic storm on the Earth on a 5-point scale. The strength of the event is about 10 times greater than predicted. In Canada, now on the night side of the Earth, there are strong auroras at high and middle latitudes. The storm is planetary.

Class X 1.3 flare occurred on September 7 in the evening and its source was active region No. 2673, which had previously ejected three class X flares and many class M flares.

On September 8, M1.2 flares, M1.3, M3.9 flares and many other flares of different power were recorded from this group of sunspots. The most powerful M7.8 was accompanied by a coronal mass ejection towards the Earth. 20 minutes later, an outbreak of class M8.1 occurred.

A bright flash, which was recorded on September 6, 2017 on the nearest line from the Earth, will most strongly affect life on our planet for at least another five days. The fact that The most powerful explosion on the Sun in 12 years, will be a real test of strength for all people.

Powerful explosion on the Sun 2017

An unusual natural phenomenon on the day Star has already caused an increase in the X-ray background over the entire surface of the Earth. In the coming days, people will encounter interference in GPS navigation, radio communications, and will also see a real aurora over the territory of the Moscow region.

The last time an outbreak of such power was recorded in September 2005, it was assigned the highest score of solar activity X9.3. On a color scale, this corresponds to the maximum, black level of solar activity. There is, made by one futurologist

This is provided that usually geomagnetic radiations vary within green, yellow, red and violet colors.

Solar flare consequences

Scientists warn that the highest level of geomagnetic disturbance will affect the operation of the equipment of aircraft and space objects, as well as lead to x-ray exposure of passengers.

After a powerful solar flare has occurred, a real geomagnetic storm awaits the inhabitants of the Earth. A super-powerful flash has made its own adjustments to, so weather-dependent people need to quickly take precautions.

The consequences of explosions on the Sun are fraught with emotional instability, sudden accidents at work, major accidents, as well as deterioration in well-being. In the period from 6 to 15 September, direct sunlight should be avoided on the skin. It is better not to carry out planned operations at this time, and also refuse to go to a beauty salon. Be prepared for the fact that people will react more sharply than usual to your words. Consciously protect yourself from communicating with inadequate personalities and spend more time outdoors.

What's Happening to the Sun in 2017

Astrologers say that such powerful solar flares as in September 2017 are directly related to the total solar eclipse on August 21, 2017.

In the year of the Fire Rooster, the daytime star experiences one magnetic storm after another, which affects the life of the entire Earth.

Such fluctuations in solar activity have already brought the inhabitants of the United States the devastating hurricane Harvey, but in Europe it suddenly snowed in the first days of September. In Russia, solar flares will lead to massive outages in mobile communications, problems with electricity, as well as an increase in the number of heart attacks, strokes and mental disorders in people. Among the positive aspects: a great opportunity to see the aurora in the night sky on September 7-9, not only in regions such as the Irkutsk region, Tyumen, Kirov, but also in the city of Moscow and the Moscow region.

From 4 to 10 September 2017 a series of sufficiently powerful solar flares with which the media immediately began to scare the townsfolk. What is a solar flare? What was special about the September 2017 solar flares? What threatens a solar flare to people on Earth? Let's try to figure it out. So, about complex matters in simple words.

Our star, the Sun, is a ball of gas in which hydrogen is converted into helium as a result of a thermonuclear fusion reaction, releasing huge amounts of energy in the process. The temperature in the center of this ball reaches 14 million degrees (in Kelvin, as well as in Celsius), and on the surface only 6 thousand.
This whole mixture is heterogeneous, and convective currents carry thermal energy from the depth to the surface. Sometimes the Sun's complex magnetic field begins to overwhelm convective motion in some places. An underheated region appears there, which from the Earth looks darker than the surrounding regions.
This phenomenon is called sunspots. Sunspots are especially active during the period of solar activity, which occurs near our star about once every 11 Earth years. Sunspots appear less frequently during solar minimum.

A solar flare is an explosion in the Sun's atmosphere. It usually occurs at the points of interaction between sunspots with opposite magnetic polarity.

The energy released by one such explosion is comparable to the amount of energy that humanity on Earth would consume for a million years. Photons from the flash reach our planet in 8.5 minutes, then powerful streams of charged particles and clouds of plasma ejected from the Sun come in two or three days. Our Earth is saved from catastrophic consequences by its magnetic field. All that threatens us is magnetic storms, interference in radio communications, the operation of mobile phones and navigators, etc., some deterioration in the health of weather-dependent people. But in the polar regions, and sometimes in the middle latitudes, one can observe the most beautiful phenomenon - the northern lights.

Some solar flares of September 2017(maximum time, Moscow time):

M5.5 - 4 Sep 2017 23:33X1.3 - 7 Sep 2017 17:36M8.1 - 8 Sep 2017 10:49

Depending on the intensity of X-ray emission, a flare is assigned a certain score, consisting of a Latin letter and numbers. The most powerful ones are marked with the letter X. It became possible to reliably measure the power of flares only with the beginning of the space age, because X-rays do not reach the Earth's surface.

Flashes Sep 6, 2017: X2.2 at 12:10 andX9.3 at 15:02 - sincethe most powerful in the current series:

Since the beginning of the measurements, the most powerful flare was registered on November 4, 2003 and had a score of X28. Most likely, there have been no less, and maybe even more powerful solar flares. The outbreak of September 1, 1859 was not measured, but it caused the failure of all telegraph systems and the northern lights even in the Caribbean. On May 23, 1967, a solar flare knocked out American anti-missile warning systems in the polar regions, which nearly led to the outbreak of a nuclear war.

The solar flares of September 2017 were not very powerful and did not have a significant impact on the Earth. The most powerful of them had a score of X9.3, which makes it only 14th in the statistics for the measurement period. The peculiarity of the September solar events is only that they occurred in the year of the "calm sun". The current solar cycle began in December 2008, and now we are moving towards a solar minimum, when flares should have been rare and not intense.

All photos taken by the Solar Dynamics Orbital Observatory (NASA)
Nafary Animation

Flashes of solar activity, or magnetic storms, as they are commonly called, differ in their intensity, and as a result, the impact on the well-being of the inhabitants of the earth. Over the past few days, there have already been three strong outbreaks of solar activity. The first of them was recorded on September 7th.

Depending on the individual physiological characteristics of each human organism, people endure magnetic storms in different ways. Someone is sensitive to the slightest changes in solar activity, and someone will not even notice. The “schedule” of magnetic storms for the current month will help weather-sensitive people prepare for atmospheric changes.

Solar flares in September 2017: the period of magnetic storms of the same strength was last observed 12 years ago

The last increase in solar activity is coming to an end, the activity of the Sun has decreased to the level of class C, which is considered weak. This information was provided by scientists from the Laboratory of Solar X-Ray Astronomy of the Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences.

As one of the representatives of the laboratory explained, in the last few days there has been a 4/5 magnetic storm on the planet. The storm, in its strength, exceeded the forecasts of experts by 10 times. The ongoing phenomenon has a planetary character, which occurs due to the interaction of two large groups of sunspots on which a certain amount of energy has accumulated, which is released in the form of a flash.

Solar flares in September 2017: forecast for the occurrence of magnetic storms for September

One of the most "heavy" magnetic storms humanity has already experienced on September 9th. Presumably we should expect the following forecast of solar activity:

September 12 - quiet magnetosphere;
September 13-14 - weak magnetic storms;
September 15 - magnetic storm of medium strength;
September 16 - weak magnetic storm;
September 17 - magnetic excitation, which indicates the stabilization of the magnetosphere;
18-26 - a stable calm situation in the magnetic sphere is expected;
September 27-30 - a series of weak magnetic storms.

Solar flares in September 2017: how to survive magnetic storms

Flashes of solar activity affect both the functioning of the body systems and the psychological state of a person. On such days, chronic diseases often worsen, you can feel pain in the joints, nervous breakdowns and migraines occur.

Good sleep, avoidance of conflict and stressful situations, drug prevention in the presence of chronic diseases will be the prevention of poor health on days of increased sun activity.

The most meteorologically sensitive people are considered to be patients with cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the nervous system and with the syndrome of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Such patients during the period of magnetic storms should carefully monitor changes in their state of health and in which case, without delay, consult a doctor.

There were 11 class M flares on the Sun these days! For the entire previous year, there were about the same number of them! What caused such an unprecedented activity of the Sun?
As we know, the Sun has 11 year activity cycles. It showed the last peak of activity in 2012-2014, when solar flares of different power occurred daily. Now the Sun is at the minimum of the 11-year cycle, and many weeks can pass without flares at all.

Audio release of the broadcast

However, our Sun is a very unpredictable star! Starting from July, quite large groups of sunspots began to form on it for the solar minimum. It is the groups of spots that give out flares into outer space. These groups produce a large number of C-class flashes and few M-class flashes. At the beginning of September, two groups formed at once, which were already issued in a day 11 M-class flashes and perhaps this is not the limit.

The radiation detached from the Sun flies towards the Earth, although this does not happen every time. When it reaches our magnetosphere, a bright aurora effect will occur. Best of all, it will look the Murmansk region. The spectacle will be available to northerners soon. Given the ejection velocity, the flow will reach our planet in 3-4 days, after which a geomagnetic storm will begin that can cause auroras up to the 50th parallel! This will happen around September 9-10.

In general, the intensity of flares is divided into 3 classes - C, M and X. X-flares are extremely rare and are characteristic of peaks in solar activity in a maximum of an 11-year cycle. M-outbursts are very rare and occur several times a year at the minimum of an 11-year cycle. What caused such a numerous flow of M-flares during these first days of September?

Science cannot answer this question. Science does not know the causes of spots and outbreaks, it has not learned how to predict them. Our project "The Sun Will Help Us" goes beyond science and seeks answers to the solar mysteries in the history, mythology and culture of all peoples. There was a time when the Sun was worshiped by all the inhabitants of the Earth in one form or another. He was considered a living, intelligent being and even a superintelligent deity. Maybe that's why science can't fit into the head of God with their primitive concepts and find the answer to the question - why does the Sun send its flashes at a certain point in time?

What can we do while waiting for the high energy flux of these solar flares on Earth? It must be consciously accepted and used with maximum benefit.. We know that solar energy is primarily spiritual, and only then material and physical. The energy of the Sun is absolute harmony, law, purity, truth, happiness and love. Everything that is opposite to this energy burns in its burning rays. Therefore, people need to consciously give up lies, self-interest, ignorance, sadness and unbelief in their lives. Otherwise, we will have the consequences that are so scary in the news - headaches, pressure drops, insomnia and heart palpitations.

The sun does not leave its children, it helps them, despite the fact that the children have turned away from it for millennia. It is time to return to the Sun and it will definitely help us!

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