Full moon. Moon phases. The effect of the full moon on man and nature. Influence of the moon Influence of the big moon

One of the main reasons for our suffering is that we now do not use the knowledge of the ancient sages of all peoples and religions about the influence of the planets on us. Even in Christianity, it used to be allowed to use this knowledge for hundreds of years. But, more for political reasons, this knowledge was periodically banned. In general, this makes some sense: after all, if an astrologer does not work on himself, on getting rid of selfishness, envy, greed, if his main goal is not to bring a person closer to Divine love, then he becomes a demon using knowledge of subtle matter but serving their ego and mind and their clients.

Now many scientific research confirm what the sages said in the past, including the influence of the moon on us. In this article, we would like in simple words to provide knowledge for an in-depth understanding of the influence of this most important planet for us. It is not only about planting seeds on a certain lunar day in order to get a good harvest, or that a certain lunar day is good for cutting hair, although this is also a very important and practical knowledge.

We analyze the influence of the Moon from the position of three basic energies: ignorance, passion and goodness (tamas, rajas and sattva). If you see that the Moon affects you mainly in ignorance and passion, this means that soon illness and suffering may appear in your life and the life of your children. If the majority of planetary influences are in goodness, then, on the contrary, health, happiness and success will be natural components of your life.

The law of fate in this world is manifested through the influence of the planets on us. Raising this influence to a higher level through changing our actions and thoughts, we change our destiny for the better.

General information about the moon. Classic description

Jyotish (translated from Sanskrit - “light”, as Vedic astrology is called in India) is also called lunar astrology, since she considers the position of the Moon in the zodiac sign and nakshatra (lunar station) to be the most important indicators in a person’s horoscope.

If you ask someone in India, "What is your zodiac sign?" - then you, as a rule, will be called the sign in which the Moon was at the time of the birth of a person. In the West, a similar answer implies the position of the Sun.

The main name of the Moon in Sanskrit is Chandra. The sun represents the masculine Divine principle, and the Moon represents the feminine. Together they symbolize the great primordial duality: male and female energies, activity and passivity, day and night, mind and feelings. The sun governs fire and the moon governs water. If the Sun is the ego, then the Moon is the mind. However, the Sanskrit term "manas", which translates as "mind", actually has a broader meaning. Manas also includes emotions, it should be understood as a psycho-emotional sphere in general, a combination of the ability to feel and consciousness reflecting on objects.

By its position in the horoscope, one can judge how vulnerable a person is, sensitive, suspicious and touchy.

A strong Moon speaks of emotional sensitivity, receptivity, a caring attitude towards others, a tendency to support other people. The moon represents the feminine maternal energy. She is responsible for childhood, childbearing, inner happiness, intuition, comfort, well-being, inner peace, water, fluids - in the body and on Earth.

The moon governs memory, common sense.

The Moon is a female planet and she is responsible for emotions, so women are more emotional. The influence of the Moon becomes harmonious when we live consciously, track our emotions and feelings. When a person is not aware of his emotions, he destroys the moon.

The moon is a representative of the feminine Divine principle. People who perceive the spiritual influence of the Moon are benevolent, philanthropic and possess truly angelic patience. It is easy to communicate with them, they never criticize anyone and they know how to see the good side in everything.

As far as human health is concerned, the Moon is responsible for the quality of blood, chest, stomach, lymph, lungs, left eye for men and right eye for women, intestines, menstrual cycle, uterus, nervous system, esophagus, tonsils, saliva.

Influence Moons in ignorance characterized by the following character traits and behavior patterns: frequent tantrums, deep depressions, great fears, very poor memory, great suspiciousness, inability to control one's emotions or, conversely, their complete suppression. Great internal dissatisfaction with life. Inability and unwillingness to take care of loved ones. Hatred of mother and children, unwillingness to have children. abortion. A person with the Moon in ignorance, as a rule, drinks little water, often replaces it with alcohol, beer, coffee in large quantities and cannot stand milk, often actively promotes the harm of dairy products. It is acceptable for him to have sex with his mother or with his children, abuse of children. Man is actively engaged in the destruction of the ecology of mother earth.

Moon in Passion: very restless mind, sentimentality, strong and ever-changing emotions, great attachment to one's children and indifference to strangers. Consumer attitude towards one's mother or/and high dependence on her. The feeling of happiness is very fickle, and it depends on the emotional perception of external circumstances. The basic emotion on the basis of which a person builds his life is fear.

moon in goodness: friendliness towards all living beings, desire and ability to take care of others, a great sense of inner happiness, not dependent on external circumstances, complete calmness, great gratitude for everything that a person comes into contact with, respect, service and love for the mother, regardless of its level of development. Love for dairy products. Complete control over your emotions, conscious emotions, even if they are very strong. Kind and responsible attitude to conception, childbearing and raising children. Unusually strong intuition. Active participation in the environmental protection of mother earth.

The negative influence of the Moon in ignorance and passion on human health

Diseases that are caused by a weak or damaged Moon: diseases of the uterus, problems with menstruation, fever, general weakness, jaundice, asthma, colic, lung diseases, breast problems in women, a greater predisposition to coughs and colds, tuberculosis, pleurisy, especially in childhood .

The main symptoms of a weak Moon: emotional instability, scarcity of emotions, fear of close relationships, lack of friendliness, increased sense of danger, anxiety, frequent depression, poor memory. Such a person often feels unsatisfied, can hardly endure the stress and tension associated with communication. He is prone to despondency, pessimism, neuroses and mental disorders. There is confusion in his thoughts, he is gloomy and constantly worried.

Physical signs of a weak Moon (except for the diseases described above): anemia, lack of fluid in the tissues or, conversely, its stagnation, dry skin, constipation, weakened lungs. It is difficult for such a person to endure dry and hot weather.

Women, in addition to menstrual disorders, may suffer from infertility.

How to increase the favorable influence of the moon

Luck, intuition, inner happiness and calmness and a good memory, as well as other positive effects described above, will not interfere with anyone.

Our bodies are about 70% water, and any adverse influence of the Moon immediately becomes the cause of various problems and diseases, since it is she who is responsible for water. For example, a lunar month is about 29 days long. The female menstrual cycle lasts almost the same amount, and the unfavorable influence of the moon can make it fail.

Although, in fairness, it is worth noting that really serious problems in this area can be created, rather, by the simultaneous defeat of Venus and especially Mars. Once I had a consultation with a woman who had a afflicted Moon and a very strong Mars in her chart. And she confirmed my conclusion: yes, indeed, she has not had her period for several years.

But the biggest problems the Moon can create in the mental sphere. As mentioned above, the Sun gives strength of mind, and the Moon gives peace and pleasure. All Eastern religions and schools of philosophy emphasize that if the mind is not calm, it is impossible to achieve either enlightenment (liberation) in the spiritual realm, or success and happiness in material life.

One of the main goals of Buddhism is simply to achieve peace of mind. Numerous gurus representing various branches of Vedic and Buddhist philosophy fully agree with the statement contained in the Bhagavad Gita: “For one whose mind is unbridled, self-realization is hard work. But the one who rules over his mind will surely succeed.

It is difficult to imagine a healthy person with a restless mind. Even modern people have long noticed: "All diseases are from the nerves"; “People who don’t know how to deal with anxiety die young,” etc. And the most important thing that every person strives for is to be happy. But the feeling of happiness is internal state, it practically does not depend on external circumstances. Can a person who gets depressed for any reason be happy?

The moon symbolizes the mind, consciousness in general (manas) and our ability to perceive sensations in many different senses of the word. The main task of the Moon is peace and receptivity of the mind. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to bow inwardly before the Higher Will, that is, to gain true humility, and it comes only with the realization: whatever is done, everything is for the better; everything material is temporary; nothing is accidental, and even a blade of grass does not stir without the will of God; true happiness within, etc.

Lunar energy is enhanced in an atmosphere of devotion and loving care. It is desirable that a person feels motherly care in childhood and finds support in the circle of family and friends, then he will naturally want to take care of other people and selflessly help them.

Spiritual worship contributes to the strengthening of lunar energy, especially if it is addressed directly to the Divine Mother. For example, in Eastern religions it is Lakshmi, Parvati, Guanyin, Tara, Isis, in Christianity it is the Virgin Mary.

But for each person, his own mother is a direct embodiment of the female energy of God. Therefore, nothing destroys lunar energy as much as disrespectful attitude towards the mother in thoughts, words and actions. The Vedas say that in addition to the biological mother, a person is the mother of a nurse, a stepmother, the mother of a husband, the wife of a spiritual teacher, a woman who treats him like a mother, Earth and a cow.

The earth in this life becomes for us a nurse and a refuge, because our bodies are created from earth elements. Therefore, creating environmental problems- cutting down forests, polluting the earth with chemicals, not giving it a rest after the agricultural seasons, etc., we (modern civilization) extremely weaken the beneficial influence of the Moon on all mankind and, consequently, destroy our mental health, and the Earth begins to become more and more hostile to us to treat. Every year more and more children are born with various mental disabilities, all more people suffer from stress and depression. Memory becomes weaker. Fewer women are able to give birth, and men are able to conceive a healthy child. The cow, according to the laws of karma, is considered our mother because we drink her milk. Therefore, disrespectful attitude towards cows and their killing is considered one of the most serious sins. The cow is one of the incarnations of the moon. If you can not refuse meat completely, try not to touch at least the meat of a cow and a pig.

Lunar energy is strengthened and improved: meditation, development of optimism, control over one's speech (one should speak thoughtfully and as little as possible), attentive attention to one's actions and words, so as not to disturb others, water procedures (a cool, invigorating shower in the morning and a warm, relaxing - in the evening, after work), staying by the sea, lakes, rivers (everyone can notice that if you just look at the sea for 15 minutes, then the mind calms down).

Among herbs, calming and tonic plants are considered favorable for the Moon: marshmallow, slippery elm, comfrey root, bush, asparagus racemose and rhemania.

Aromatic oils from white flowers (jasmine, lotus, lily, gardenia), as well as sandalwood oil, carry the favorable calming energy of the moon. It is advisable to lubricate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart and the “third eye” with them.

Indian astrologers recommend to propitiate the Moon:

Feed the cows dough on Mondays;

Giving rice to the poor;

Feed the crows boiled rice with sugar;

The most important thing is to serve your mother.

It is also very useful to repeat for ten minutes a day: “I wish everyone love and peace!” Thus, we will become conductors of lunar energy. Mantras for the Moon: Om namo bhagavate Vasudevaya, Om Chandraya namah.

Moon day is Monday.

The energy of the Moon is cold, wet, soft, phlegmatic.

The nature of the moon is auspicious, generous.

Direction - northwest (in the house this is the best place for a bathroom, shower room, guest room and children's room).

Stones - pearls, moonstone, all white opaque stones.

Colors - white, pale, silver.

The sign is Cancer.

The moon, like a sponge, absorbs the energy of the planets around it.

The smaller the Moon, the weaker it is. On the waning moon, and especially on the new moon, you do not need to start any business, physical and psychological stress is contraindicated. This is the time for completion.

The full moon in the Vedic tradition is a favorable time, sharpening intuition, abilities, although emotionality grows.

11th day of the lunar cycle - Ekadashi best time for post. It is very desirable not to eat legumes on this day, but it is even better to fast completely. Meat food on this day is much more harmful than usual.

It is advisable to purchase the Vedic lunar calendar and live in accordance with it: life immediately becomes easier, more harmonious and successful. All civilizations of the past lived according to the lunar calendar.

For example, if you cut your hair on the growing Moon, then the hair grows quickly, and if the Moon is in Leo, then they grow very lush. If on the waning (especially when the Moon is in Capricorn), then they will grow much more slowly and less frequently.

There are days when the probability that the operation will be successful grows tenfold.

The Moon together with the Sun are responsible for the 6th Chakra (Ajna), which is located in the region of the “third eye”.

The number of the moon is 2. All those born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th of any month have a soul number of 2 and are under the influence of the moon. Two usually brings a touch of emotionality, and with the favorable influence of the Moon, it gives peace and prosperity.

case from practice

Regarding the Moon, I am often referred to as an Eastern psychologist. As I already wrote, the main “lunar” problem is a lot of internal emotional tension (although outwardly a person may look calm).

For example, one day a girl came to me with the Moon, the mistress of the house parental family and money, was in the fall, in the house of diseases and enemies, and there was a bad combination with the mother's house. After a cursory analysis of the map, I told her: “You have had a bad relationship with your mother since childhood, she did not take care of you. There are also problems with money, the fear of becoming a mother, the inability to create close personal relationships, the fear of such relationships and great emotional stress.

She confirmed what I said: her mother abandoned her at the age of two or three, left her to her grandparents (who raised her very well). She hardly saw her mother, she appeared when she was 16 years old. I said that she had a great resentment towards her mother, and this resentment must be overcome, this is her karmic task. The girl started working on it. Then she had a fear of being left without money - this is a kind of greed, we also worked on it, and as a result she completed good courses and got a very promising job. She also had several lunar illnesses.

She enrolled in our course and studied with us at the Center for two years, and quite successfully. But in the group, she stood out for her strong emotional stress. In her example, we saw how the weak Moon manifests itself. She worked hard and successfully on herself.

Due to the disharmonious influence of the moon, she did not want to have children at all, even hated them. Thanks to serious work on herself, she was able to forgive her mother, began to take care of her, serve her, and as a result, they established a very good, warm emotional contact; in addition, her financial affairs improved, and she found herself a life partner. When I last time I saw her at a seminar, I found out that she had a wonderful son, that she was happy, and her problems with the Moon were 80% worked out. Financial problems, health problems, and, most importantly, her fears are gone.

Rami Blekt, PhD


The cycles of the Moon are directly connected with the natural world, but most of all with the seas and oceans. The moon governs the ebb and flow of the tides, and since these phenomena (at least at that time) were considered the sources of all life on Earth, this fact really had a very great importance and the influence of the moon on man was considered undeniable.

Lunar rhythms: how the moon affects nature

The rhythms of the moon and the tides were thought to influence life in the ocean.

Mollusks and other aquatic inhabitants not only reproduced according to the cycles of ebb and flow, but also changed their shells and scales according to these same cycles.

The tide at the full moon had its own certain magical properties.

Oysters opened their own shells, it was easier to catch fish, and shrimps - since they usually come to the surface and feed at this time - were great amount.

Even this would have been enough to enchant ancient civilizations, but the Moon undoubtedly influenced other animals too - animals that had nothing to do with the sea at all.

Predators and their prey were more active during the full moon, as were birds and rodents.

Their behavior changed: they became more aggressive, more physically active, and began courtship rituals.

Gradually, other connections of the Moon with the animal world and the influence of the Moon on man became clear. The hunters found that the killed game bled more when the full moon shone in the sky.

While this knowledge may seem unimportant to us today, it was incredibly valuable to ancient pastoralists.

Why? Because it was very important to quickly slaughter the animal in order not only to cause him less suffering, but also to get a product. good quality.

Therefore, it was really useful for pastoralists to know the best time to slaughter their cattle.

However, something even more important was connected with this information. Knowing the periods when the animals bled most profusely, it was possible to calculate the periods when the bleeding was weak.

This was very important for the health and safety of the herd, as it was necessary to achieve minimal blood loss during procedures such as dehorning and castration; otherwise, the operated animals became weak, sickly, and even died.

And since these animals were used as food and labor, their health was very important.

But that is not all! The peasants soon discovered not only the influence of the moon on man, but also the fact that the moon also affects crops.

It turned out that each plant should be planted during a certain phase of the moon, then the harvest will be richer and the plants healthier.

For example, bulbous plants and root crops produced a bountiful harvest if planted between the full and waning moons.

On the other hand, plants propagating by seeds developed better if they were planted between the new moon and the waxing moon.

Leguminous and berry plants gave a greater yield if they were planted in the period from the growing to the full moon.

But the main discovery came when people realized that no plant would grow well if it was planted during the "waning" period - from the waning moon to the new moon.

And thus, already in antiquity, the peasants realized that this was an excellent time for weeding, pest control and other work that they had not done before.

The influence of the moon on the human body

Everything that for many centuries has been surrounded by secrets and prejudices, begins to seem magical. This is exactly what happened to Luna.

The influence of the Moon on a person is undeniable, but how mystical is it, and how much is connected with the usual laws of physics?

Have people always believed that she has magical powers? And more to the point: does she really have it? Is her power more than just an illusion of the mind?

Although it is very difficult to give exact answers, I think that we should ask the ancient people, and then we will probably get positive answers to all three questions.

And while there have been tremendous changes in education and technology since then, I also believe that modern magicians would give an affirmative answer.

Why? Because anyone who has ever interacted with the Moon in any way simply cannot deny its power in magical rituals.

Be that as it may, I also believe that over time, we magicians have given the moon such a power that our predecessors did not even dream of. How?

We made her drunk with praise, satiated her with worship, and gave her our devotion. We gave her our deepest feelings, called to her in times of need and asked her light for mercy.

We gave her our energy and therefore breathed life into her, filled her with magic and gave her such power that no other planet has. solar system.

That is why it so often seems to us that the Moon has its own life and even, as some say, its own consciousness.

You will raise your eyebrows in surprise, but think about the fact that you do not need to be negative about this at all.

Giving our energy to the Moon and strengthening its power, we have created a kind of magical creature. She became a friend to us, to whom we can make promises and tell the most main secret.

And since by its nature the Moon tends to influence our emotional makeup, it has also become a powerful ally in helping us to deal with the ancient magical art.

However, like everything else in our world, the coin also has a downside. Since we have filled the moon with energy, we should respect its power and use it wisely.

This means that you should think carefully before you start calling on her magical powers. We need to understand what exactly we want, and be absolutely sure that our actions will not harm anyone.

Among other things, it is necessary to control its power and show this power the way. Otherwise, the end result of our magical actions can be anything, but not what we wanted.

After all, magic can take on a life of its own, and we don't want that at all!

Moon and human emotions

My father loved the night sky. We often sat on the front porch, just me and dad, and he would show me the different constellations and tell me their story.

He also liked the moon, and it was from him that I first learned about its cycles and its power.

Of course, I didn't realize at the time that the moon had real magic. After all, my father was not a practicing magician, he served as a policeman and in his spare time was engaged in gardening and cattle breeding.

Thus, my first lessons in "lunar magic" were related to its influence on us in real life. I learned about when to plant plants, when to thin out thickets, and when to weed.

My father explained to me at what time it is better to operate on animals, in particular, to remove the horns. He even taught me what lunar phases best suited for hunting and fishing.

But the most important thing I learned from him is his understanding of the laws of life and justice. His motto was something like this: even the most balanced person in the world can lose his head on a full moon.

The reason for this change in behavior is that the Moon not only controls the flow of blood in our bodies and on our planet; it controls our emotions and therefore they reach their peak during the full moon.

You do not believe? Well, neither did I until my father showed me a study of crimes committed, covering the early 70s.

Although I don't have exact numbers at hand now (it was over 30 years ago), I can say that the bottom line was this: Approximately 70% of people with mental illnesses experience flare-ups during a full moon, and approximately half of them As a result, it ends up in psychiatric clinics and psychological centers.

If we take any place on the globe, it turns out that approximately 80% of crimes are also committed at this time and most of them are caused by the grossest and basest human feelings - jealousy, anger, depression and fear.

Of course, there is also positive side. Since the influence of the moon is stronger than the human mind, many people fall in love during this period. And there is certainly a lot of good in this!

Does the moon affect our psyche

It is clear that the Moon influences our emotions. However, there is another area on which it has an equally great influence, and this, of course, is psychic energy.

I did not realize how true this was until one of my friends, a woman with very powerful psychic abilities, had an accident early one morning under a full moon.

She came to me all in tears, she urgently needed consolation. She said that she had always been a little weird and had already learned to deal with it, but now something completely unusual is happening.

She can't control anything. Life became a constant flash of kaleidoscopic images, fragments of some sounds and fragmented information that she did not understand.

She could not stop it, and even at least somehow slow it down. It got to the point where she couldn't think of a single thought to the end.

My friend couldn't take it anymore and came to me for help.

At first I could not understand the reason for what was happening. I advised her to take off her silver jewelry, but it did not help.

We tried to do exercises for attention and concentration - this also did not work.

I taught her meditation techniques, relaxation techniques, and everything I could think of, but to no avail. She just couldn't concentrate even when she held the hematite in her hands.

I was stunned. In all the years of working with magic, I have not had a case where I could not solve some problem. I knew that every problem, no matter how serious, had a solution.

You just need to look at it from all sides and not miss a single detail. With this attitude, I began to look for a way out of this situation.

Of course, it soon became quite clear what the problem was and how to solve it.

The emotions of the woman I was trying to deal with had little to do with the real problem. In fact, they were just a by-product of the problem.

This woman was not just a sensitive person, she had extraordinarily strong psychic energy centers that collected information in much the same way as a magnet attracts nails.

And although she learned to keep it all in herself, the scattered information kept coming and coming, appearing unexpectedly, frightening her, increasing in number and size until she felt extreme stress.

It is difficult to say why this had not happened to her before, but I understood the following: the amount of data entering the psychic centers at a certain speed increases in direct proportion to the phase of the moon.

When the moon begins to wane, so does the flow of information. The centers of psychic energy seem to close their doors and refuse to assimilate everything except the most important messages.

The flow of information begins to flow slowly, and then the data transfer stops altogether.

During this period, all information is, as it were, “stored in a warehouse” and is waiting for the moment when we can extract, process and sort it. This usually happens when the moon is debilitated.

This is not to say that we cannot access psychic information at all before the moon shows its dark side; this would be an absolute lie.

Messages that are actually important for our or someone else's life are sure to reach people. But the fact is that the psyche is not able to process everything at the same time.

There must be some time to regroup and recover - a period of relaxation, if you will. And this happens precisely with a flawed moon.

For most of us, this is not a problem. In fact, we most often do not notice this process at all.

But this does not apply to everyone, and for a few people like my friend, all this can be a huge problem.

The inability to group information and recover gives rise to insomnia, illness, and severe depression. And besides this, it is often very difficult for such people to separate reality from fantasy.

And it's impossible to live like that - especially for a practicing magician.

So what are we to do? Is there any way to stop the overwhelming amount of information from provoking us to make rash decisions? More to the point: can we completely get rid of stress?

Yes, sure. And it's not as difficult as you might think.

Of course, it is best to find a way out of an unpleasant situation before it gets out of control; and since psychic information overload is no exception, you may want to perform the following ritual before the moon begins to rise again.

In this way, you can solve the problem before it even appears.

But what if it's already too late? What if the situation is no longer controllable? What then?! Most importantly, don't worry. In any case, perform the ritual.

Even if you are unable to fully concentrate or relax, the ritual will help to get rid of excess psychic energy, so that you can hold out until the debilitating moon period.

When it appears, just perform the ritual again, and then you will forever get rid of the problems associated with mental overload.

The Moon in Aries endows the born person with a quick-tempered and impulsive nature. Such a person likes to do everything quickly. Here the Moon is in a male active sign, the person acts energetically, it is easy to piss him off, anger him, unless this position is smoothed out by the Sun in a calmer sign, for example, in Pisces, Virgo, Taurus.
The Moon in Taurus - in exaltation, endows a person with the qualities of a master (or mistress) of the house. Such people do everything around the house slowly, but with high quality. They are good cooks. Working in the kitchen gives them real pleasure. In general, the Moon in earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) always instills concern for business, but the most caring Moon (in material terms) is in Taurus.
Moon in Gemini - the element of communication, information. A person with the Moon in Gemini will not have a material economy in order. For him, the main thing is to communicate; conversation is quite capable of replacing dinner. Which, unfortunately, does not always suit households ... A person with the Moon in Gemini can calmly survive the mess in his house, but a lack of communication can ruin his life.
The Moon in Cancer is the strongest, it gives a person deep sympathy. He will worry about all household and economic affairs. For him, relations with his mother are extremely important, but if they do not add up, then he will be very worried.
The Moon in Leo is an indicator of a proud and demonstrative nature. Leo should be proud of his family, he will brag about his wife or mother.
The Moon in Virgo endows a person with practicality, punctuality, methodicalness. Such a person keeps everything in its place. He loves order, although order for him is when every thing lies in its place, and only he himself will guess what kind of “own place” it is. But even if a mess has formed in the house of the moon Maiden, there will still be no dirt in it.
The Moon in Libra means that communication in the family and the situation in the house greatly affect the emotional life. If the house is ugly, for some reason it has not been renovated, this can bring a person to despair. In the household, the lunar Libra is not particularly active.
The Moon in Scorpio is in its fall. Under its influence, an imperious nature is formed, a person considers himself a king and a full-fledged master of the house, is able to be ruthless to his household. Can be cruel and enjoy it. Strives for control over family life. The house of the lunar Scorpio is clean and tidy, life is debugged, but thanks to the fact that all the household members walk along the line.
The Moon in Sagittarius and the household are two things that are incompatible. So said Agatha Christie, herself a lunar Sagittarius: "When I wash the dishes, thoughts of murder come to me." A person with the Moon in Sagittarius will not bother with the household for a long time. But in his house there is always a good mood and a healthy spirit. It is unlikely that he will be dirty, just what he calls a creative mess is not clear to everyone.
The Moon in Capricorn is strong, and Capricorn is the sign of Saturn, a symbol of determination. A person with the Moon in Capricorn is economic, knows how to do absolutely everything around the house. But he treats households in a consumer way. As well as they to him.
The Moon in Aquarius gives a person a home full of friends. Sometimes such a house is called a passage yard. It is never empty. But lunar Aquarius is not endowed with housekeeping, homework does not give him joy and often just does not work. It is difficult to establish a life and come to an agreement in the affairs of the economy, if one of the household members is lunar Aquarius, and the other is lunar Taurus. But if both are Aquarius, then there will be complete harmony in the house.
The Moon in Pisces is very strong. With the Moon in Pisces, the characteristic qualities of this sign - pity and sacrifice - are manifested at the family level. A person forgives a lot, even to his own detriment, he is ready to sacrifice himself, he easily shares something, he is never greedy. Such a person leads the household well and is always ready to help another with the housework.

There is no person on Earth who has never peered into the expanses of the sky in search of the moon. The phenomenon of such unusual beauty makes you admire the sky for hours. This spectacle draws people from all over the world. Even obvious materialists peer into the luminary in order to see something unusual, mysterious and mystical. The moon is able to influence human behavior, which was proven several millennia ago. But what is its influence and what happens to the human body when the moon comes into full force?

The moon is a type of celestial object. She, concurrently, is a satellite of our planet. Earth, or rather its emitted gravitational force, affects the satellite. In retaliation, the Moon regularly ebbs and flows, affecting living organisms as well as vegetation.

Type of influenceDescription
moon dayThis is the name of the time interval, which is between the two ascents of the moon. The cycle lasts 29-30 days, but not calendar days. There is a difference between them, since there are 24 hours and 47 minutes in the lunar day (approximately).
Day of the weekOn any given day, the Earth is influenced by a particular planet. In addition, there is an impact on the person and his performance of everyday tasks.
Zodiac circleThroughout the month, the luminary is constantly moving, gradually moving from one zodiac sign to another. Everyone has their own degree of influence and strength. This affects people's behavior, their mood, the rate of hair growth and overall well-being.
lunar phaseThere are four such elements: the waning and growing moon, the full moon and the new moon. In each phase, there is an increase and decrease in energy. This affects the indicator of people's activity, hair growth, healing of damaged skin areas. In addition, there is an impact on productivity and overall well-being.

In the lunar calendar scheduled for 2020, there are a number of unfavorable and favorable days. Each period will be full of tips and advice regarding Everyday life person. According to the calendar, you can draw up business schedules, plan a trip to the dentist or stylist, sign up for a manicure.

Proper use of the lunar calendar will help you avoid everyday troubles. For example, it would not be superfluous to schedule a haircut on the most auspicious day or to agree to an operation that is sure to be successful.

How the phases of the lunar cycle affect a person

These days, the number of accidents increases significantly. Also noted drastic changes moods, outbursts of anger and irritability. Such changes are accompanied by the emergence of quarrels and disagreements. Also, forgetfulness and absent-mindedness are often manifested. Among other things, it becomes more difficult to control emotions, which leads to depression. Mentally ill this period is accompanied by outbreaks of aggression, so they become dangerous to others. Malaise is observed in weather-sensitive. Symptoms may be as follows:

  • arrhythmia;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • nausea;
  • restless sleep;
  • excessive sleepiness;
  • fatigue;
  • general malaise;
  • headaches and migraines.

Often a person suffers from migraines, which may not go away for several days. On such days, you will need to prescribe special drugs or take folk remedies. Ideally, it would be preferable to spend these days in bed. Sleepwalking begins to manifest itself during the big moon. The number of suicides also increases during this time.

Small children also feel unwell. Babies sleep restlessly, often cry for no reason or refuse food. On such days, putting your child to bed at night becomes an impossible task.

It has long been believed that a baby who was born on a supermoon would be endowed with special qualities and abilities. Such children have a more developed memory, and their reaction is higher than usual, which allows them to make the right and quick decision in an unusual situation. In development, they will be ahead of their peers. Among these kids, indigo and geeks are often found.

Supermoon Notes:

  1. If you sleep in the rays of moonlight, nightmares will come.
  2. It is not recommended to start important projects on such days.
  3. Walking in the evenings should not be.
  4. All conservation will be lost.
  5. To achieve success at work, you need to sleep in all red.
  6. If a girl washes the floors three times during the night, she will successfully marry.
  7. They don't lend. This is fraught with strife.

On the supermoon, many are engaged in magical rites and rituals. Thus, people call for love and wealth, get rid of diseases. The days when the eclipse and the supermoon occur at the same time are distinguished by special energy. Many of the processes that are observed only during the supermoon are still a mystery to scientists.

Lunar calendar for 2020

MonthMoon eclipseWaxing CrescentSecond quarterWaning moonfourth quarterNew moonFull moon
January10.01.2020 01.01-01.09.2020 and 26.01-31.01.202003.01.2020 11.01-24.01.2020 17.01.2020 25.01.2020 10.01.2020
February- 01.02-08.02.2020 and 24.02-29.02.202002.02.2020 10.02-22.02.2020 16.02.2020 23.02.2020 09.02.2020
March- 01.03-08.03.2020 and 25.03-31.03.202002.03.2020 10.03-23.03.2020 16.03.2020 24.03.2020 09.03.2020
April- 01.04-07.04.2020 and 24.04-30.04.202004/01/2020 and 04/30/202009.04-22.04.2020 15.04.2020 23.04.2020 08.04.2020
May- 01.05-06.05.2020 and 23.05-31.05.202030.05.2020 08.05-21.05.2020 14.05.2020 22.05.2020 07.05.2020
June06/05/2020 and 06/21/202001.06-04.06.2020 and 22.06-30.06.202028.06.2020 06.06-20.06.2020 13.06.2020 21.06.2020 05.06.2020
July05.07.2020 01.07-04.07.2020 and 21.07-31.07.202027.07.2020 06.07-19.07.2020 13.07.2020 20.07.2020 05.07.2020
August- 01.08-02.08.2020 and 20.08-31.08.202025.08.2020 04.08-18.08.2020 11.08.2020 19.08.2020 03.08.2020
September- 09/01/2020 and 09/03-16/09/202024.09.2020 03.09-16.09.2020 10.09.2020 17.09.2020 02.09.2020
October- 01.10.2020 and 17.10-31.10.202023.10.2020 03.10-15.10.2020 10.10.2020 16.10.2020 02.10.2020 and 31.10.2020
November30.11.2020 16.11-29.11.2020 22.11.2020 01.11-14.11.2020 08.11.2020 15.11.2020 30.11.2020
December14.12.2020 15.12-29.12.2020 22.12.2020 01.12-13.12.2020 and 31.12.202008.12.2020 14.12.2020 30.12.2020


Also referred to as the Supermoon. A similar astronomical phenomenon can be observed in the period when the luminary is at perigee (the closest point elliptical orbit to Earth). The approximate distance is 356.4 thousand km - 370 thousand km from our planet. On such days, the disc is viewed better, shines brighter and looks larger. A similar phenomenon is possible due to the fact that the luminary becomes in line with the Earth and the Sun. This only happens on new moons and full moons. In the first case, the satellite will not be visible. It follows from this that the moon can only be observed on a full moon, which coincides with a supermoon.

The phenomenon is observed once every 400-450 days or after 413 Earth days. During the supermoon, it is possible to examine the surface of the planet in more detail. To do this, you need the simplest instruments, and sometimes ordinary binoculars are enough. Every year, the Moon moves away from the Earth by 40 mm.

When to expect a supermoon in 2020

In the expected year, there will be four supermoons during the full moon phase and two during the new moon. It will be possible to observe the phenomenon on the territory of our country only if the sky is cloudless.

Each region will have its own time, so just before the specified date, you should clarify the start period. At such moments, the satellite acquires a characteristic reddish hue, which makes the action mystical and incredibly memorable. However, in ancient times, the red moon was considered a harbinger of trouble. This is due to the mass activity of witches who drew the energy of the luminary for their rituals.

On a supermoon, the fate of people is decided.

What six eclipses will the coming year give us

01/10/2020 - Lunar eclipse

The satellite will be covered only by the penumbra of our planet. Moscow time, the eclipse will begin at 20:07 and will last until 00:12. The best view will open at 22:10. The phenomenon will be clearly visible both in Asia and Africa, and in Europe.

The mineral is zircon. It is part of a chain called Saros, like other eclipses that our planet will see for another one and a half thousand years.

06/05/2020 - Lunar eclipse

The satellite will also be covered only by the penumbra from the Earth. Moscow time, the sacrament will begin at 20:45 and will last until 00:04. The best picture can be fixed at 22:24. The most beautiful view will open from Madagascar, however, the eclipse can also be observed:

  • in Antarctica;
  • in the Indian Ocean;
  • in Africa;
  • in the Atlantic;
  • In South America;
  • in Europe;
  • in Southeast America;
  • in Australia;
  • in Asia.

In Kamchatka, the phenomenon will not be visible. The eclipse stone is lunar.

06/21/2020 - Annular Solar Eclipse

The start of the action is scheduled for 06:45. The maximum phase will last until 09:40. Full eclipse will be visible at 07:47, the end of the phenomenon will be at 11:32. The annular eclipse will end at 12:34.

It falls under a variety of equatorial phenomena, since the best view of it will open from the equator.

Also a good view will be on the territory:

  • Australia;
  • Pacific Ocean;
  • Of Eastern Europe;
  • Africa;
  • Indian Ocean;
  • Russia, but only in the southern latitudes;
  • Southern Europe;
  • Asia.

The eclipse stone is a sapphire.

07/05/2020 - Lunar eclipse

It will be covered only by the penumbra of our planet. The action starts at 06:07 Moscow time and will last until 08:52. The peak will be at 07:29. The best view of the event will open:

  • in Antarctica;
  • in the Pacific;
  • in Southern Europe;
  • In South America;
  • in Africa;
  • in the Indian Ocean;
  • in Western Europe;
  • in the Atlantic;
  • in North America.

The eclipse stone is coral.

11/30/2020 - Lunar eclipse

The satellite will be covered only by the penumbra of the planet. The event will start at 10:32 Moscow time and will last until 14:53. The peak will be at 12:42. It will be clearly visible:

  • in the Pacific;
  • in Asia;
  • in Russia (except Kaliningrad);
  • in South and North America;
  • in Australia.

The event stone is a sapphire.

12/14/2020 - Total total solar eclipse

The eclipse will be total, during this period the Moon will completely hide the Earth. The start will be at 16:33 Moscow time. The maximum phase will come at 19:13. The total eclipse will be at 17:54 and will end at 17:55. The total end of the eclipse is predicted at 20:54. The action itself will come to "no" at 21:53. Europe will hardly be able to observe such a sacrament. To see the phenomenon, you will have to visit:

  • in Antarctica;
  • in the Pacific;
  • in Argentina;
  • in the Indian Ocean;
  • in Chile.

The event stone is a sapphire.

Blood Eclipse

On the night of January 20-21, 2019, the inhabitants of the planet observed a phenomenon called a bloody eclipse. Also referred to as the wolf moon, which instills fear in believers. It has long been believed that such an event is a harbinger of the imminent death of people and the outbreak of war. The satellite was located at the nearest point of its orbit with respect to the Earth. Europe and North America observed not just a wolf, but just a huge moon. The exciting process lasted a little over three hours, but the eclipse itself was visible for only an hour. The rest of the time, penumbra and particles of the eclipse were visible, which were impossible to see without special equipment.

In 2020, unfortunately, it will not be possible to see such an action. Only penumbral shading will be noticeable, which will remain hidden for ordinary person. A bloody eclipse should be expected only on May 26, 2021. However, even in this case it is impossible to guarantee that the conditions will be appropriate and the disc will be red. Volcanic eruptions and massive fires should be listed as prerequisites. When they appear upper layer atmosphere will be significantly polluted, which will increase the chances of seeing a scarlet disk.

What events will happen in 2020


Mankind will be able to observe the Aquarids meteor shower in early May. The peak of activity falls on 06.05 - 07.05.2020. At the peak of activity, speed is noted celestial bodies at 65 km/h. You can enjoy the view in the Southern Hemisphere. Other areas will also see the fall, however, less brightly.


The flow will differ in intensity and will take place in the region of 07.12 - 18.12.2020. It is recommended to enjoy the spectacle on 12/13/2020 - at the peak of activity. On this day, the number of falling bodies will increase to a hundred per hour. It will be visible from anywhere in the world. A particularly beautiful performance awaits residents of the Northern Hemisphere.


It is this phenomenon that is considered a harbinger of many mystical events. Everyone should see this, at least once in a lifetime. In 2020, reasons to think cherished desire there will be a lot. The first one is expected from 01/01/2020 to 01/06/2020. The best view will open on 03.01, but only if the sky is cloudless. The number of bodies falling within an hour will reach 200 units. Patience is advised, as large bodies are not expected to fall. It will take time to see a "shooting" star.


It is characterized by the presence of bright and incredibly frequent flashes in the sky. It will last approximately eight days (11/15 - 11/22/2020). The frequency of the fall of celestial bodies fluctuates around 10, which will not allow observing the event without special equipment. Only residents of the Northern Hemisphere will have a chance to see outbreaks.


The sacrament will last ten days (04/16 - 04/25/2020). This type of stellar rain belongs to the category of the most ancient, as it is mentioned in chronicles dating back to BC. The point of highest activity is observed on 04/22/2020. The intensity of the movable flow will be 20 celestial bodies per hour.


The arrival of the event is expected in October 2020. The meteor shower is considered incredibly beautiful. You can watch the action from 10/16 to 10/27/2020. The peak of activity falls on 10/22/2020. On this day, the number of bodies burning in the atmosphere will be 25 units per hour.


It belongs to the category of the most famous and popular events that have delighted the inhabitants of the Earth for many centuries. The event is scheduled for 10.08 - 20.08.2020. The maximum activity will appear on 08/12/2020. At the same time, the number of celestial bodies falling per hour will increase to 100 units.

The last recorded Perseid meteor shower occurred in 1992.


The event is scheduled for 07.09 - 19.11.2020 inclusive. It is a generalized name for two streams of meteorites connected together (southern and northern). Due to the connection, starfall occurs. The peak of activity falls on 11/06/2020, when the number of falling celestial bodies per hour reaches 7. However, it will be possible to see flashes due to the fact that meteorites are quite large.


In 2020, the last chance to make a cherished wish at the time of the fall of the star will appear on December 17. The starfall will last for a week. The number of falling bodies is only 10, and their size will not allow observing the sacrament without special equipment.


In astrology, the Moon plays a key role. The satellite has a tremendous impact on all living things that exist on Earth. Man, like plants, feels certain phases of its activity. At the moment when the luminary is gaining full strength, sometimes inexplicable natural phenomena occur. The most common include earthquakes, tornadoes and tsunamis. The existing lunar signs are produced not annually, but every month. Conventionally, they are divided into several stages, each of which has a different effect on emotional state person. For example, there are a number of days when it is better not to cut your hair. There are also days when you should focus solely on solving complex problems.

The correct interpretation of the position of the satellite will allow you to predict the secret desires of a person. It will even be possible to act in someone's interests, endearing people to oneself. The sun has always been responsible for actions, while the moon for feelings and emotions. The current moon sign will tell you how a person will react to a particular message or action. Emotions are difficult to control, so where there is stress, the Moon will win.

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