Is it possible in principle to create a time machine? Question to the scientist: Is it possible to create a time machine? Building a time machine is good or bad

There is probably no other topic in the world as exciting as time travel. For centuries, humanity has not only been interested in its meaning, etc., but also dreamed of a time machine. As a result, many famous science fiction writers have created incredibly interesting novels and stories about time travel, which have become real bestsellers.

But will we ever be able to create a time machine and travel to the future or the past? Is this possible in principle, or is it all the fruit of our imagination and the dreams of scientists and science fiction writers? Believe it or not, today we already know how to build a time machine. So now it's a matter of time - when we still create a real time machine and go to the distant future.

In September 2015, cosmonaut Gennady Padalka returned to Earth from his last, sixth spaceflight. On this day, he broke the world record for the time spent by a man outside the earth's atmosphere. This astronaut has been in space for a total of 879 days. That's 2.5 years in orbit! During this time spent orbiting the Earth at great speed, cosmonaut Gennady Padalka became a real time traveler, once again testing Einstein's theory of general relativity in action.

When Padalka returned to Earth for the last time, he was essentially in the future. True, he was only 1/44 of a second in the future. That was how much faster time went for him for all 879 days spent in the orbit of the Earth, compared to the time for all of us who have been on Earth all this time. That is, in the literal sense, cosmonaut Gennady Padalka, during all his flights, traveled in time ... into the future.

As a result, our Russian cosmonaut turned out to be a fraction of a second younger than all those who have remained on Earth all this time. As you can see, such time travel turned out to be very simple and did not involve the use of charged plutonium in the DeLorean car that became famous after the release of the Back to the Future trilogy.

The secret of Gennady's journey through time is the high speed in the Earth's orbit, where time flows faster. In fact, if our cosmonaut had the opportunity to move in space for all 879 days at the speed of light, after landing on Earth, he would literally be in the future, since many years would have passed on Earth during this period.

That is, according to Einstein's theory of relativity, the higher your speed of movement, the slower time flows for you. Accordingly, if you move at near-light speed, not only time will slow down for you, but also all physical processes in the body. And when you return to Earth, you will find that in your absence, time on Earth has gone much forward, and your peers have aged noticeably.

As a result, since the discovery of Einstein, who determined that time in our Universe is relative (that is, time flows differently for each of us), humanity, in fact, has learned the main “ingredient” of traveling to the future. It's about about speed. So if you want to literally travel to the future today, all that's left to do is figure out how to accelerate to near-light speed.

How can you travel back in time scientifically?

Until the 20th century, it was believed that time is unchanging and that for each of us it flows the same way, that is, that it is absolutely in the entire universe. Accordingly, it was believed that time travel was impossible. In the 1680s, Isaac Newton began to think about the nature of time, establishing that time flows independently of external forces and your location. As a result, for many years the scientific community took as a basis all Newton's teachings about the motion of bodies and the flow of time.

But after two centuries scientific world expected a revolution in knowledge.

In 1905, the young scientist Albert Einstein developed the special theory of relativity, using his theory of general relativity as the basis. Einstein defined many new concepts related to time.

He established that time in the universe is elastic and depends on speed, slowing down or speeding up, depending on how fast an object or person is moving.

In 1971, an experiment was conducted that confirmed that time for us on Earth flows more slowly than for those who move above it at a faster speed. Moreover, the higher above the Earth we move at a greater speed, the faster time flows for us.

During this experiment, scientists sent four instruments with atomic clocks (cesium atomic clocks) into flight. This clock flew around the Earth. Next, the readings of the clock were compared with the same clock that was on Earth at that moment. As a result of the experiment, Einstein's theory was confirmed that time for objects or people flying at a speed above the Earth flows faster. So, as a result of comparing the clock readings, it turned out that the clock that flew around the Earth went nanoseconds ahead in comparison with the clock that was on the Earth during the experiment.

By the way, there is one interesting technology in your smartphones that also confirms Einstein's theory.



We are talking about the satellite navigator (GPS, or GLONASS system) built into our phones, which, with the help of satellites orbiting the Earth, receives a signal about the location of our smartphone on the ground.

Indeed, due to the fact that satellites in orbit move at high speed and are far from the Earth, it turns out that time moves faster for them than for our smartphone located on Earth. As a result, it is periodically necessary to synchronize the time of navigation equipment on Earth and in the electronics used on satellites. Otherwise, the satellites would incorrectly determine our location.

By the way, in addition to the fact that time is relative for each of us, Einstein calculated the exact speed of light, which is 300,000,000 meters per second. Einstein also established that this is the speed limit in the universe. That is, according to Einstein's theory, nothing in the world can move faster speed Sveta.

The last idea of ​​the great scientist and thinker was that gravity also slows down time. Einstein found that time runs faster where gravity is weaker. For example, on Earth, on the Sun and Jupiter, time passes more slowly than in open space, since these planets have a large force of gravity (gravity), which affects the course of time. Accordingly, the course of time, as you can see, is affected not only by the speed of the object in space, but also by the force of gravity.

For example, time at the top of Everest flows faster than time at its foot. If you take an atomic clock, one of which is placed at the top of the mountain, while the other is left lying at the foot, then exactly in a day the clock at the top will go nanoseconds ahead. That is, in fact, the clock on Mount Everest will travel into the future. True, for a very short time. This is possible due to the fact that the force of gravity at the top of the mountain will be weaker than at the foot.

Time machine of the subatomic world - Already a reality

But why was a Russian cosmonaut only 1/44 of a second in the future? The thing is that he moved in the orbit of the Earth for 879 days at a speed of 27,000 km / h. As you can see, compared to the speed of light at which time stops, the speed in Earth orbit is negligible to literally send an astronaut hundreds of years into the future. In fact, the astronaut made a jump into the future for a negligible amount of time.

Now let's see what happens if we create a spacecraft that can fly faster than the geostationary objects that orbit the Earth today. No, as you can see, we do not mean a commercial airliner capable of flying at a speed of 1000 km/h, or a rocket flying towards the ISS at a speed of 40,000 km/h. Let's think about an object that could accelerate to almost the speed of light, which is almost 300,000 km per second.

Do you think this is impossible in our nature? It turns out not. Of course, it is still very, very early to talk about some kind of large object that can be accelerated to near-light speed. But we have learned how to accelerate subatomic particles to the speed of light, literally sending them into the distant future. We are talking about the most high-tech project of scientists from many countries in the history of mankind - the Large Hadron Collider, which can accelerate subatomic particles almost to the speed of light.

Believe it or not, this particle accelerator is capable of accelerating protons up to 99.999999% of the speed of light. At this speed, relative time moves about 6,900 times slower than their stationary observers.

"Large Hadron Collider... REGULARLY SENDS


So, yes, we have learned how to send atoms into the future. And scientists have been doing this for last decade quite successfully. But sending a person into the future is another matter.

But the most interesting thing is that given the fact that scientists have learned to regularly move particles at the speed of light, it is conceptually possible to send a person to travel into the future. The fact is that a person's journey into the future is really possible and is not prohibited by any law of physics.

In fact, in order, for example, to send a person to the year 3018, today it is enough to put him in a spaceship and accelerate the shuttle to 99.995 percent of the speed of light.

Let's assume that such a ship is created. So imagine you are boarding a similar supership that is going to a planet 500 light-years away (for example, the newly discovered Earth-like planet Kepler 186f, which is 500 light-years away). For those who do not know or do not remember, we recall that 500 light years is the distance that light will overcome in 500 years of its journey. Knowing the speed of light, you can calculate what an incredible distance at which the Kepler space telescope was able to detect a planet that resembles Earth in characteristics.

So, now let's imagine that you got into a spaceship that flies to the planet Kepler 186f. Then your ship accelerates to the speed of light and flies for 500 years, moving at almost the speed of light. Having approached the planet, your ship turns around and flies back to Earth for another 500 years at the same circumluminal speed.

As a result, the entire journey will take you 1000 years. When the ship returns to Earth, it will already be 3018.

But wait, how can you survive in this spaceship for 1000 years? After all, people can't live that long, can they?

This is where Einstein's theory of relativity comes in. The thing is that when you move 500 years (by earthly standards) towards a distant relative of the Earth at the speed of light, time will flow more slowly for you than for all the inhabitants of the planet.

So, when moving at near-light speed, your clock on the ship and all your processes in the body will slow down. For example, your clock on a spaceship will tick at 1/100th the speed of a clock on Earth. That is, having covered a distance of 500 light years and the same amount back, you will grow old only by 10 years, while on Earth 1000 years will pass during your journey.

But this is just a theory and our fantasies. Yes, as you can see, time travel is theoretically possible. It is real. Unfortunately, there is always a huge gap between theory and reality. After all, today we cannot build a spaceship that could accelerate almost to the speed of light. So how do we overcome the challenges of building a time machine?

Will humanity soon be able to build a ship capable of moving at the speed of light?

As you can see, in order to travel to the future, we need a spacecraft that can accelerate to near-light speed. Indeed, it is very difficult to do so. After all, there are huge engineering obstacles. Firstly, today mankind is still far from being able to build such a spacecraft capable of moving at the speed of light.

The fact is that today the fastest spacecraft ever created by mankind is solar probe "Parker", which will soon be launched into space. This space probe will be able to accelerate to a maximum speed of 450,000 miles per hour (724,204.8 km / h). Yes, it will be the fastest human-made object throughout its history. But compared to the speed of light, this speed is negligible. For example, at this speed, you could get from Philadelphia to Washington in just 1 second. But during this time, the light will cover the same distance 8 times.

Now imagine how much energy it takes to accelerate a spaceship to the speed of light. What then is the best fuel to use to generate incredible energy that could accelerate the ship to near-light speed?

Some scientists and astrophysicists suggest using spaceship highly efficient anti-matter fuel (anti-matter fuel). By the way, many scientists of the world believe that such fuel could indeed be potentially invaluable in interstellar travel.

But beyond fuel, there is an even bigger problem for interstellar travel. It is about the safety of people who will travel at the speed of light. After all, such a spacecraft will have to carry a sufficient number of supplies for the crew members who went on an interstellar journey (food, water, medicines, etc.). But in order to provide a long journey in space, the ship must be large enough. As a result, the larger the ship, the more energy it will need to accelerate to the speed of light.

Including when accelerating to the speed of light, it must be taken into account that the acceleration must be smooth, because otherwise the people on the spacecraft will receive too much overload during acceleration, which is life-threatening.

But then, to accelerate the ship to near-light speed, it will take too much time. Indeed, in fact, the ship can be slowly accelerated, adding a little speed so that the overload experienced by the ship's crew for a long time does not exceed 1g (usually, being on Earth, we experience this overload).

Thus, in order to accelerate to the speed of light, it may take too long a period, which will significantly increase the travel time. And this ultimately minimizes the possible travel time to the future.

For example, using our example of a 500 light-year journey with smooth acceleration, resulting in no more than 1 g of g-force, our flight time on a spaceship will take not 10 years, but already 24 years. But nevertheless, when traveling at near-light speed for a distance of 500 light years and back, you can still get to 3018.

Unfortunately, to create such an incredible space vehicle with similar specifications, humanity will still need a lot of time, resources and, of course, a lot, a lot of money. But the same can be said about other large-scale ambitious projects that seemed impossible just a few decades ago. We mean a project to detect gravitational waves and large collider Hadera. Today, these projects are already a reality and surprise no one.

So who knows what awaits us in the coming decades. After all, it is quite possible that the next scientific megaproject will be the creation of a time machine (a spacecraft capable of accelerating to the speed of light).

Is it possible to travel back to the past?

But in the time machine we have described, which may someday become a reality, travel to the future takes place in real time. That is, if you sit in a spaceship today and accelerate to the speed of light, the time of your clock and the clock of people on Earth will go in reality. The only difference will be that your clock will slow down while traveling.

As a result, the spaceship representing the time machine, in fact, throws you into the future in real time, but not in reverse. That is, on such a spaceship you will not be able to travel to the past. But is it even theoretically possible to time travel to the past?

Some scientists believe (not all, for example, Hawking proved that it is impossible to travel into the past), that travel to the past is also possible. But for this you need to find a place where you can bypass the laws of physics.

The most interesting thing is that such places in the universe can be.

For example, purely theoretically, travel to the past is possible through a wormhole (wormhole norm in space-time), through which one can get into the past.

The problem is different - to find in space a similar place where there is a wormhole connecting the fault in space-time. Unfortunately, in most cases, such burrows disappear within nanoseconds after their appearance.

Meanwhile, according to Einstein's theory of relativity, such wormholes are real. The fact is that such wormholes can form as tunnels crossing through curved space-time. Theoretically, through such holes, you can send a beam of light to a certain point in space. Accordingly, theoretically, a beam of light can be sent into the past.

Fiction? Not at all. Look at the sky at night and you will see the light of thousands of stars that has reached your eyes only today, despite the fact that many stars ceased to exist billions of years ago. The thing is that these stars are at a great distance from us, and also, given that our Universe is constantly expanding, it turns out that the light of many stars came to us from the past.

Thus, as you can see, theoretically sending someone into the future is much more real than into the past. Therefore, in the future, most likely, scientists will first of all be ready to send someone to the future, and not to the past. Unfortunately, this will not happen in the near future. After all, for this humanity will still need to come up with a superfuel capable of accelerating the ship to near-light speed.

Nevertheless, as you can see, the journey into the future is real and possible. But this requires huge funding. According to many scientists, if today many states united and financed a project to create a spacecraft capable of moving at the speed of light, then in 20 years such a ship would become a reality.

In the meantime, in order to enjoy the effect of a time machine, we can only review famous films about time travel, as well as re-read various popular science fiction books.

Moreover, many films really show what it can look like. space trip in time. For example, watch the old original movie "Planet of the Apes" where the astronauts thought they were on another planet similar to Earth, which is controlled by monkeys instead of people.

But in fact, the astronauts arrived on the same planet Earth in the future, where, for some reason, monkeys seized power on the planet. In fact, in this film, the astronauts arrived in the future of planet Earth, as their journey through space was carried out at the speed of light. This movie accurately portrays Einstein's special theory of relativity and shows how a person can travel to the future.

In which we ask our scientists to answer rather simple, at first glance, but controversial questions from readers. For you, we have selected the most interesting answers from PostNauka experts.

The question of the possibility of creating a time machine is a question of the universal applicability of the principle of causality and the closely related second law of thermodynamics. Speaking plain language, the principle of causality tells us that always and everywhere, in any frame of reference and for all phenomena, the effect cannot precede the cause. First, thunder rumbles, and then a peasant is baptized. The second law of thermodynamics, again deliberately simplifying, states that closed systems always change in the direction of increasing disorder (entropy). For example, sugar dissolves in water over time because the syrup has more entropy than the sugar and water that make it up separately. In order to separate sugar and water again, you need to expend energy (for example, heat the solution).

It is clear that the possibility of time travel would violate both of these laws: a man jumping a few seconds into the past could cross himself before a flash of lightning, and sending sugar syrup into the past, we would see how unmixed water and sugar arise from it on their own.

Interestingly, no other physical laws establish the difference between the past and the future. Most of the equations do not change their form at all when the direction of the flow of time changes, the rest remain unchanged with a simultaneous change in the direction of the time axis and the signs of a few more physical quantities (the simplest example of this kind - systems with magnetism, in which it is necessary to simultaneously change the sign of the time axis and the direction of the magnetic field).

Thus, the principle of causality and the second law of thermodynamics in the modern picture of knowledge are isolated statements - if it suddenly turns out that they are not fulfilled, the rest of scientific knowledge will remain unchanged. One can draw an analogy with the fifth axiom of Euclid: based on the postulate of non-intersection of parallel lines, the theory correctly describes the geometry on the plane, but the cancellation of this axiom does not lead to a catastrophe - a non-Euclidean geometry is obtained that describes, for example, the properties of figures on the surface of a sphere.

The difference between physics and mathematics, however, is that mathematics is interested in any theory, while physics is only interested in describing our real world, which exists in a single copy. And in this real world the principle of causality, apparently, is not violated. Of course, one can always think that we do not notice these violations, but the probability of such a state of affairs is extremely small - like all fundamental laws, the principle of causality manifests itself in the most different aspects observable reality, and it would be difficult to ignore its violation.

One more thing needs to be said. Scientists are no less fond of catchy names than newspapermen, and in Lately it has become fashionable to borrow terms from science fiction for new discoveries in order to draw the attention of the community to them. One of clear examples- the term " quantum teleportation”, corresponding to an absolutely real and very beautiful quantum information technology, which, however, has nothing to do with teleports from books and computer games. It may well turn out that in the future we will hear about some kind of “quantum time machine”. But time travel will not be possible from this, unfortunately.

Difficult but possible
Paul Davies

The famous novel "The Time Machine", written by HG Wells in 1895, inspired many science fiction writers. Is time travel really possible? Will it be possible to create an apparatus that could send a person into the past or into the future?

For many years, time travel did not fit into the framework of serious science. Nevertheless, this topic has become something of a side activity for theoretical physicists. Reflections on time travel lead to rather amusing and at the same time very thoughtful conclusions. For example, the essence of a unified theory of physics, based on an understanding of the relationship between cause and effect, will have to be seriously reconsidered if free time travel is even possible in principle.

Einstein's theory of relativity gives us the most complete concept of time. Before its emergence, time was considered universal and absolute, the same for every observer, regardless of his physical condition. In his special theory In relativity, Einstein suggested that the value of the time interval measured between two events depends on how the observer moves. In other words, two observers moving differently will notice different lengths of intervals between the same two events.

This phenomenon is often referred to as the "twin paradox". Imagine that Sally and Sam are twins. Sally boards the spacecraft and travels at high speed to the nearest star, then turns around and flies back to Earth, where Sam is waiting for her. Let Sally have a flight duration of, say, one year. When she returns, she will find that 10 years have passed during her absence from Earth, and her neck for 9 years. It turns out that Sally's brother Sam is old and Sam is no longer the same age, although they were born on the same day.

This example illustrates one of the options for time travel: as a result of her flight, Sally moved 9 years into the future of the Earth.

Time Shift

Time dilation occurs whenever one observer moves relative to another. IN Everyday life we do not notice time distortions, since they appear only at near-light speeds. Even the speed of aircraft is so slow that the time dilation over a typical air travel is only a few nanoseconds. Needless to say, the scale is far from Wellsian. However, atomic clocks are accurate enough to register this time shift and prove that time is stretched as it moves. So, a journey into the future, even in a very near future, is a confirmed fact.

Three difficult stages of creating a tunnel time machine

1 First you need to find or create a stargate - a tunnel connecting two points in space. Perhaps such tunnels have existed since the time of the Big Bang. Otherwise, one will have to deal with natural subatomic space-time tunnels that can appear and disappear everywhere, or with artificial ones - created with the help of elementary particle accelerators. The microtunnels will need to be expanded to a manageable size, probably using energy fields similar to those that caused space to expand immediately after the Big Bang.

2 Then it is necessary to ensure the stability of the tunnel. The introduction of negative energy into it, obtained by quantum methods using the so-called Casimir effect, will allow signals and material objects to pass through the star gate painlessly. The negative energy will prevent the tunnel from shrinking into a point of infinite (or nearly infinite) density and becoming a black hole.

3 You can now use a spaceship to tow one of the tunnel entrances to the surface neutron star, which has incredible density and a powerful gravitational field that will slow down the passage of time. At the same time, at the other end of the tunnel, time will fly faster, and the entrances of the star gates will be separated not only in space, but also in time.

To see truly noticeable distortions of time, we have to look beyond everyday experience. In large accelerators, elementary particles can be accelerated to speeds close to the speed of light. Some of the particles, such as muons, have a "built-in clock" because they have a certain half-life. Observations show that, according to Einstein's theory, muons moving at high speed in the accelerator decay more slowly. For a stationary observer, particles of cosmic rays also experience noticeable temporal distortions. The speed of movement of these particles is so close to the speed of light that from their "point of view" they cross the galaxy in a matter of minutes, although in the earth's frame of reference it takes tens of thousands of years. If time dilation did not occur, such particles would never reach the Earth.

Speed ​​is one way to travel to the future. Another way is gravity. In general relativity, Einstein showed that gravity slows down time. The clock on the roof runs a little faster than the clock in the basement, which is closer to the center of the Earth and therefore more affected by its gravitational field. Similarly, clocks in space run faster than on Earth. The observed deviations are very small, but they were recorded by high-precision clocks. These time distortions were taken into account when creating the Global Positioning System (GPS), otherwise sailors, taxi drivers and cruise missiles would constantly go astray.

The gravity of neutron stars is so strong that time on their surface slows down by about 30% compared to time on Earth. Events taking place on Earth and observed from one of these stars will look like a speeded up video. Black holes represent the ultimate version of time distortion: on their surface, time is motionless for an external observer. This means that for a short time, which the observer spends on falling to the surface of a black hole, a whole eternity will pass in the rest of the Universe. Therefore, for an outside observer, the region inside the black hole is beyond the end of time. If an astronaut could approach a black hole a short distance, and then return alive and unharmed - no doubt a fantastic and, moreover, reckless project - he could be in the distant future.

Head is spinning

So far, we have been talking about moving into the future. What about travel to the past? Everything is much more complicated here. In 1948, Kurt Gaedel found a solution to Einstein's equations gravitational field describing the rotating universe. By traveling through the space of such a universe, an astronaut can reach his past. This is due to the effect of the gravitational field on electromagnetic waves. In such a Universe, light (and, accordingly, the causal relationship between objects) will be involved in rotary motion, which will allow material objects to describe trajectories that are closed not only in space, but also in time. With a shrug, Gödel's solution was set aside as a mathematical paradox - after all, there is no evidence that our entire universe is spinning. Nevertheless, Gödel's result showed that the theory of relativity does not rule out moving backwards in time. Moreover, Einstein himself was puzzled by this fact.

The biggest challenge in building a tunnel time machine
is the construction of a space-time tunnel

Other scenarios for traveling back in time were also devised. So, in 1974, Frank J. Tipler of Tulane University calculated that a massive, infinitely long cylinder rotating around its axis at near-light speed and spinning light around itself into a ring could allow astronauts to get into their past. In 1991, J. Richard Gott of Princeton University predicted that cosmic filaments—structures that cosmologists believe formed early after the Big Bang—could produce a similar effect. And the most plausible time machine scenario appeared in the mid-80s. last century. It is based on the concept of a space-time tunnel.

In science fiction, spacetime tunnels are often referred to as stargates; they represent the shortest path between two points far apart in space. Entering a hypothetical space-time tunnel, you can exit it at the other end of the galaxy in a few moments. Stargate really fit in general theory relativity, according to which gravity distorts not only time, but also space. This theory allows us to draw an analogy with a bypass road and a tunnel connecting two points in space. Mathematicians call such a space multiply connected. Just as a tunnel through a mountain range is usually shorter than a bypass road, so a space-time tunnel can be shorter than a path in ordinary space.

A fantastic space-time tunnel is featured in Carl Sagan's 1985 novel Contact. the laws of modern physics. The starting point of their research was the assumption that the space-time tunnel should be similar to a black hole, being a body with a monstrous gravitational force. However, unlike a black hole, which offers to irrevocably go nowhere, a stargate must have not only an entrance, but also an exit.

in a loop

For a space-time tunnel to be traversable, it must contain, in Thorne's words, exotic matter. It must be something that creates an anti-gravitational field and thus prevents the transformation of a massive system into a black hole under the influence of its own giant mass. The source of anti-gravity, or gravitational repulsion, can be negative energy. As you know, negative energy states inherent in some quantum systems. This suggests that the existence of Thorne's exotic matter does not contradict the laws of physics. However, it is not yet known whether enough anti-gravity material can be created to stabilize the tunnel (see Lawrence H. Ford and Thomas A. Roman, "Negative Energy, Time-Space Tunnels, and warp drive" (Negative Energy, Wormholes and Warp Drive) in the January 2000 issue of Scientific American).

Source of paradoxes

The notorious maternal paradox occurs when people or material objects get into their past and change it. A simple example: a billiard ball hits a tunnel time machine. Flying out of it in the past, he collides with himself and prevents his entry into the tunnel.

The answer to the paradox is simple: the behavior of a billiard ball should not contradict logic or the laws of physics. The ball cannot fly out of the tunnel in such a way as to prevent itself from getting into it. But he can get through the stargate in an infinite number of other ways.

Thorne and his colleagues soon realized that if a stable space-time tunnel was created, it could be used as a time machine: after passing through such a tunnel, it would be possible to be not only at another point in the Universe, but also at another point in time - in the past or in the future.

To make the tunnel suitable for time travel, one of its entrances must be towed close enough to the surface of the neutron star. The gravity of the star will slow down time near this tunnel entrance, so the time difference between the two entrances will accumulate. If we then place both entrances at the appropriate location in space, the time difference between them remains fixed.

Assume that this difference is 10 years. Passing through such a tunnel in one direction, the astronaut will be transported 10 years into the future. Another astronaut, passing through the tunnel in the opposite direction, will move 10 years into the past. Returning at high speed to the place of his departure through ordinary space, the second cosmonaut will be able to be at home even before the start of his journey. In other words, a spatial loop can become a loop in time. The only limitation is that the astronaut cannot return to the period of time that preceded the creation of the space-time tunnel.

The biggest challenge in building a tunnel time machine is building a space-time tunnel. Perhaps our space has been riddled with such tunnels since the time of the Big Bang. In this case, a highly developed civilization could take advantage of one of them. Space-time tunnels can also occur on a microscopic scale and have dimensions on the order of atomic nucleus. In principle, such a tunnel can be stabilized by an energy pulse and then somehow stretched to an acceptable size.


Assume that engineering difficulties are surmountable. Then the creation of a time machine opens a Pandora's box containing a lot of causal paradoxes. Imagine a traveler who travels back in time and kills his mother, who at that moment was still a little girl. Nonsense, isn't it? If the girl dies, then she cannot become the mother of our traveler. But if he was never born, how did he get into the past and kill his mother?

Paradoxes of this kind arise whenever the traveler tries to make obviously impossible changes in his past. However, this does not prevent someone from being a part of their past. Let us suppose that, having gone into the past, a traveler saves a young lady from murder, and that she then becomes his mother. The causal loop in this case is self-consistent and does not look paradoxical. Thus, causal consistency may place limits on what a time traveler can do, while not precluding time travel per se.

While not strictly paradoxical, time travel certainly remains a mystery. Imagine that a traveler travels one year into the future and discovers a new mathematical theorem in the latest issue of Scientific American. Having memorized its proof, he returns to the past and tells a certain student about it, who then publishes an article about this theorem in the mentioned journal. Of course, this is the same article that our traveler read. The question arises: where did the information about the theorem come from? Not from a traveler, because he just read an article about the theorem. But not from a student who heard about the theorem from a traveler. It turns out that the information appeared out of nowhere and for no reason.

The unnatural consequences of time travel have led some science fiction writers to abandon the idea altogether. Stephen W. Hawking of the University of Cambridge put forward the "chronology protection hypothesis" which forbids the existence of causal loops. Since the theory of relativity is known to allow for travel into the past, there must be some factor preventing such travel to protect chronology. What could be such a factor? Perhaps quantum processes will come to the rescue. The existence of a time machine would allow particles to travel to their own past. Calculations have shown that the resulting chain reaction will generate a divergent energy wave that will destroy the tunnel.

The defense of chronology is still a hypothesis, so time travel cannot yet be considered impossible. Probably, the final solution of this problem will be possible in the case of a successful generalization of quantum mechanics and the theory of gravitation using string theory and its complements (the so-called M-theory). It is possible that the next generation of particle accelerators will be able to create subatomic space-time tunnels, the stability of which will be enough for the nearest particles to make rapid time loops. It will be just an echo of Wells' vision of a time machine, which, however, will forever change our picture of physical reality.

Back in 1895, HG Wells' science fiction novel The Time Machine was published. The idea appealed to everyone, regardless of the level of education and social status. Dreamers were happy to move into the future and become observers the latest achievements techniques or went back in time trying to influence the course of events. Some not only dreamed, but also attempted to recreate such a machine. What is there! Rumor has it that the same Einstein's Theory of Relativity arose on the wave of general hysteria around the time machine.

How long before time travel?

A century has passed since then, and interest in intertemporal movement has not waned. The concept of a time machine has entered the lexicon of science fiction writers as an indisputably existing apparatus of the future. In newspapers, no, no, yes, attractive headlines appear: time? Photo exclusive!" And this means that people (some in the garage, some at the table in scientific laboratory) are still struggling to create a real prototype. Their zeal is fueled by the fact that almost all the equipment of the future, invented by H. G. Wells, already exists: space rockets, stealth scouts, laser and others. So maybe not too far away?

Time machine physics

The very idea of ​​such a travel device can hardly be called fantastic. Any object follows a temporary path - it appears, grows old, wears out, disappears. On the other hand, this process is not fully controlled by anyone. Yes, technological progress has reached the point that a person can extend his life. But turning back time is a matter of another level. Therefore, the time machine (how to make it) is not just a task of moving forward in the oncoming flow of minutes and hours, but a reversible manned movement.

The next question is: moving where?

The earth moves around the sun. Its coordinates in space are constantly changing. In addition, the Earth rotates around its own axis, which means that any object on its surface, rushing into the future or past, may end up at that time, but in the wrong place. In outer space, for example. It turns out that it is necessary not only to figure out how to make a time machine, the instructions for which are not known, to create a certain device that will count minutes backwards or in an accelerated mode, but also take into account spatial coordinates, which may be unpredictable. This means that the definition of a time machine can be supplemented with confidence: it is a device for reversible manned movement in a time-dependent spatial coordinate system.

Einstein experiment

It turns out that the exact definition of a time machine can easily be deduced by anyone modern man. With creation, things are not so rosy. Although it cannot be denied that mankind has achieved some success along this path. For example, the same Einstein was able to design a system that could hide an entire aircraft carrier not only from the screens of tracking equipment, but also make it disappear from the field of view of observers and spectators for as long as 5 minutes. However, the crew members found it difficult to tell where they were all this time, and whether they were somewhere at all. The experiment can hardly be called successful. The entire team soon died from an unknown disease. On the other hand, Einstein proved that man can control time. It remains only to understand: is a real time machine possible, how to make it?

Modern view of time

Einstein's theory of relativity shows that time and space have a certain surface that is not visible to the human eye. This surface is extremely heterogeneous in composition and shape, has depressions and convex formations, wrinkles and cracks. A well-known example of a time trough is a black hole.

Scientists have been working on their study for more than half a century. And they came to the conclusion that they are present not only in outer space, but also in the smallest particles of everything that surrounds us - atoms. These wormholes appear to be intertemporal tunnels that connect two points, reducing not only the distance between them millions of times, but also slowing down time in proportion to the distance. They are not stable. They disappear and then appear. And what is the reason for these disappearances - remains a mystery.

The famous thinker is sure that someday our technological potential will reach such a level that we will be able not only to use these intertemporal tunnels, expanding them to the size of a person, but also to synthesize our own tunnels.

Hawking, on the other hand, argues that the next goal of scientists who have conquered distances will be a step into the past in the truest sense of the word. Humanity will learn to use wormholes for time travel.

Games with time

Time is the master of everything. And now the subject of his desires is a time machine. How to create it? The task of a person is to move the cup of power in his direction. And if in reality this issue is still unresolved, then in the virtual world everyone can manage time. For example, the real-time simulation of building your own universe Minecraft (this simulator involves moving the player through the universe in real time, which becomes a problem during the game and the gradual growth of the world) allows each player to get their own time machine. What is not in our world, what is in the Minecraft project? How to make a time machine? Use mods that are in the public domain. In general, if our scientists had some secret access channels to data about space, we would also have a time machine.

Metaphysical time travel

While scientists and gamers are inventing tools for their own meditation master, they are going the other way: traveling metaphysically.

Each body in our world leaves behind a trace, woven from the energy of its life and vibration - the reaction of space to its movement. Experienced yogis are able to tune in to this trail, arguing that the path they have chosen makes it possible to travel to the past and back. By the power of thought. Are they telling the truth? The answer is ambiguous. Shamans, clairvoyants, and people who are fond of magic talk about metaphysical time travel. They also claim that reality is a kind of time machine. How to make it work? It is enough to achieve harmony with oneself, to learn to renounce outside world, meditate and practice daily - and everything will work out: anyone can follow the path of time back and forth.

But what about the future? Is it possible to get a golden key to the cherished door with the help of meditation? Realistically, but what kind of future will the observer fall into? After all, this is an extremely changeable space, which is influenced by many events. Every minute, every second is functionally dependent on thousands of variables. If you predict the conditions, make a certain decision - you can learn about its further development. This method is used by clairvoyants and shamans. They seem to choose the right corridor out of a thousand and follow it, predicting the future.

Time for experiment

Every person at least once thought about how to make a real time machine in order to meet with himself from the past. Look at yourself and maybe give a couple of tips. In this regard, the so-called "time capsules" have gained wide popularity, in which a group of people or someone alone compose a message for themselves in the future. The message may contain a video or things that cause some emotions in the sender - in general, some information from the past that will be interesting to receive.

After a while, they open and, as it were, establish contact with themselves from the past. People on both sides of time are united by expectation and thoughts. A local time continuum is being created - a real time machine in action. How to do - the question is no longer worth it.

Just the other day, after reading the article Time Travel and Programming, I got the idea of experimental studies, which would provide practical answers to questions about time travel. But before moving on to experiments, it is required to develop a theoretical justification for the possibility of overcoming the time between the past and the future. What did I actually do during last days. The study is based on Einstein's theory of relativity and relativistic effects, while also touching on quantum mechanics and superstring theory along the way. I think I managed to get positive answers to the questions posed, to consider in detail the hidden dimensions and along the way to get an explanation of some phenomena, for example, the nature of wave-particle duality. And also consider practical ways to transfer information between the present and the future. If you are also concerned about these questions, then welcome under cat.

Usually I do not do theoretical physics, and in reality I lead a rather monotonous life dealing with software, hardware, and answering the same type of questions from users. Therefore, if there are inaccuracies and errors, I hope for a constructive discussion in the comments. But I couldn't get past this thread. Every now and then new ideas appeared in my head, which eventually formed into a single theory. Somehow I'm not eager to go myself into the past or the future in which no one expects me. But I guess it will be possible in the future. I am more interested in solving applied problems related to the creation of information channels for the transfer of information between the past and the future. And also concerned about the possibility of changing the past and the future.

Traveling into the past is associated with a large number of difficulties that greatly limit the possibility of such a journey. At this stage in the development of science and technology, I think it is premature to take on the implementation of such ideas. But before we can figure out if we can change the past, we need to decide if we can change the present and the future. After all, the essence of any changes in the past comes down to changing subsequent events relative to a given point in time to which we want to return. If we take as a given point this moment time, then the need to move into the past disappears, as well as a large number of difficulties associated with such a movement. It remains only to find out the chain of events that should happen in the future, and try to break this chain in order to get an alternative development of the future. In fact, we don't even need to know the full chain of events. It is necessary to reliably find out whether or not one specific event will come true in the future (which will be the object of research). If it comes true, it means that the chain of events led to this event coming true. Then we have the opportunity to influence the course of the experiment and make sure that this event does not come true. Whether we can do this is not yet clear. And the point is not whether we can do this (the experimental setup should allow doing this), but whether an alternative development of reality is possible.

First of all, the question arises - how can you reliably know what has not happened yet? After all, all our knowledge about the future always comes down to forecasts, and forecasts are not suitable for such experiments. The data obtained during the experiment must irrefutably prove what should happen in the future, as about an event that has already occurred. But in fact, there is a way to obtain such reliable data. If we properly consider Einstein's theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, then we can find a particle that can link the past and the future into one time line and transmit to us necessary information. The photon acts as such a particle.

The essence of the experiment comes down to the famous delayed-choice two-slit experiment, which was proposed in 1980 by physicist John Wheeler. There are many options for implementing such an experiment, one of which was given. As an example, consider the delayed choice experiment proposed by Scully and Druhl:

In the path of the photon source - the laser - they put a beam splitter, which is a translucent mirror. Typically, such a mirror reflects half of the light falling on it, and the other half passes through. But photons, being in a state of quantum uncertainty, hitting the beam splitter will choose both directions simultaneously.

After passing through the beam splitter, the photons enter the downconverters. A downconverter is a device that receives one photon as an input and produces two photons as an output, each with half the energy ("down-conversion") of the original. One of the two photons (the so-called signal photon) is directed along the original path. Another photon produced by the downconverter (called an idler photon) is sent in a completely different direction.

Using fully reflective mirrors on the sides, the two beams are brought back together and directed towards the detector screen. Considering light as a wave, as in Maxwell's description, an interference pattern can be seen on the screen.

In the experiment, it is possible to determine which path to the screen the signal photon chose by observing which of the down-converters the idler partner emitted. Since it is possible to obtain information about the choice of the path of the signal photon (even though it is completely indirect, since we do not interact with any signal photon) - observing the idler photon causes the interference pattern to be prevented.

So. And here the experiments with two slits

The fact is that idler photons emitted by down converters can travel much greater distance than their signal partner photons. But no matter how far the idler photons travel, the picture on the screen will always match whether the idler photons are fixed or not.

Let us assume that the distance of the idler photon to the observer is many times greater than the distance of the signal photon to the screen. It turns out that the picture on the screen will display in advance the fact whether the idle partner photon will be observed or not. Even if the decision to observe an idle photon is made by a generator of random events.

The distance that an idle photon can travel has no effect on the result that is displayed on the screen. If we drive such a photon into a trap and, for example, force it to repeatedly spin around the ring, then this experiment can be stretched for an arbitrarily long time. Regardless of the duration of the experiment, we will have a reliably established fact of what should happen in the future. For example, if the decision about whether we will "catch" an idle photon depends on tossing a coin, then at the beginning of the experiment we will know "how the coin will fall." When a picture appears on the screen, it will be a fait accompli even before the coin toss.

An interesting feature emerges that seems to reverse the causal relationship. We may ask - how can an effect (which happened in the past) form a cause (which must happen in the future)? And if the cause has not yet occurred, how can we observe the effect? To understand this, let's try to delve into Einstein's special theory of relativity and figure out what is really happening. But in this case, we have to consider the photon as a particle, so as not to confuse quantum uncertainty with the theory of relativity.

Why is the photon

This is exactly the particle that is ideal for this experiment. Of course, other particles, such as electrons and even atoms, also have quantum uncertainty. But it is the photon that has the limiting speed of movement in space and for it does not exist the very concept of time, so it can seamlessly cross the time dimension, linking the past to the future.

Picture of time

To represent time, it is necessary to consider space-time as a continuous block stretched in time. The slices that form the block are moments of present time for the observer. Each slice represents space at one point in time from its point of view. This moment includes all points in space and all events in the universe that appear to the observer as occurring simultaneously. Combining these slices of the present, placing one after the other in the order in which the observer experiences these time layers, we get a region of space-time.

But depending on the speed of movement, slices of the present will divide space-time at different angles. The greater the speed of movement relative to other objects, the greater the angle of cut. This means that the present time of a moving object does not coincide with the present time of other objects relative to which it is moving.

In the direction of movement, the cut of the present time of the object is shifted into the future relative to stationary objects. In the opposite direction of movement, the slice of the present time of the object is shifted into the past relative to stationary objects. This is because the light flying towards the moving object reaches it earlier than the light catching up with the moving object from the opposite side. Max Speed movement in space provides the maximum angle of displacement of the current moment in time. For the speed of light, this angle is 45°.

Time slowdown

As I already wrote, for a particle of light (photon) does not exist concept of time. Let's try to consider the reason for this phenomenon. According to Einstein's special theory of relativity, as the speed of an object increases, time slows down. This is due to the fact that as the speed of a moving object increases, the light needs to cover an increasing distance per unit of time. For example, when a car is moving, the light of its headlights needs to cover a greater distance per unit of time than if the car was parked. But the speed of light is the limiting value and cannot increase. Therefore, adding the speed of light with the speed of the car does not lead to an increase in the speed of light, but leads to a slowdown in time, according to the formula:

where r - duration of time, v - relative speed object movement.
For clarity, consider another example. Take two mirrors and place them opposite one above the other. Assume that a beam of light will be repeatedly reflected between these two mirrors. The movement of the beam of light will occur along the vertical axis, with each reflection measuring the time like a metronome. Now let's start moving our mirrors along the horizontal axis. As the speed of movement increases, the trajectory of the movement of light will tilt diagonally, describing a zigzag movement.

The greater the speed of movement along the horizontal, the more the trajectory of the beam will be inclined. When the speed of light is reached, the considered trajectory of motion will be straightened into one line, as if we had stretched a spring. That is, the light will no longer be reflected between the two mirrors and will move parallel to the horizontal axis. This means that our "metronome" will no longer measure the passage of time.

Therefore, for light there is no measurement of time. The photon has neither past nor future. For him there is only the current moment in which it exists.

Space compression

Now let's try to figure out what happens to space at the speed of light, in which photons reside.

For example, let's take an object 1 meter long and accelerate it to about the speed of light. As the speed of the object increases, we will observe a relativistic reduction in the length of the moving object, according to the formula:

where l is the length, and v is the relative speed of the object.

By "we will observe" I mean a motionless observer from the side. Although from the point of view of a moving object, stationary observers will also be reduced in length, because observers will move at the same speed in the opposite direction relative to the object itself. Note that the length of an object is a measurable quantity, and space is a reference point for measuring this quantity. We also know that the length of an object has a fixed value of 1 meter and cannot change relative to the space in which it is measured. This means that the observed relativistic length contraction indicates that space is shrinking.

What happens if an object is gradually accelerated to the speed of light? In fact, no matter can be accelerated to the speed of light. It is possible to get as close as possible to this speed, but it is not possible to reach the speed of light. Therefore, from the point of view of the observer, the length of a moving object will decrease indefinitely until it reaches the minimum possible length. And from the point of view of a moving object, all relatively stationary objects in space will shrink indefinitely until they are reduced to the minimum possible length. According to Einstein's special theory of relativity, we also know one interesting feature- regardless of the speed of the object itself, the speed of light always remains the same limit value. This means that for a particle of light, our entire space is compressed to the size of the photon itself. Moreover, all objects are compressed, regardless of whether they move in space or remain motionless.

Here you can see that the formula for relativistic length contraction unambiguously makes it clear to us that at the speed of light, all space will be compressed to zero size. I wrote that the space will be compressed by the size of the photon itself. I believe both conclusions are correct. From point of view standard model photon is a gauge boson that acts as a carrier fundamental interactions nature, for the description of which gauge invariance is required. From the point of view of M-theory, which today claims to be the Unified Theory of Everything, it is believed that a photon is a vibration of a one-dimensional string with free ends, which has no dimension in space and can contain folded dimensions. I honestly don't know by what calculations superstring theorists came to such conclusions. But the fact that our calculations lead us to the same results I think says that we are looking into right direction. Calculations of superstring theory have been rechecked for decades.

So. What have we come to:

  1. From the point of view of the observer, the entire space of the photon is folded up to the size of the photon itself at each point of the trajectory of motion.
  2. From the point of view of a photon, the trajectory of movement in space is reduced to the size of the photon itself at each point in the space of the photon.

Let's take a look at the conclusions that follow from what we've learned:

  1. The current time line of the photon intersects the line of our time at an angle of 45°, as a result of which our measurement of time for the photon is a non-local spatial measurement. This means that if we could move in the space of a photon, then we would move from the past to the future or from the future to the past, but this story would be made up of different points in our space.
  2. The space of the observer and the space of the photon do not directly interact, they are connected by the motion of the photon. In the absence of movement, there are no angular divergences in the line of current time, and both spaces merge into one.
  3. A photon exists in a one-dimensional spatial dimension, as a result of which the movement of a photon is observed only in the space-time dimension of the observer.
  4. In the one-dimensional space of a photon, there is no movement, as a result of which the photon fills its space from the initial to the final point, at the intersection with our space giving the initial and final coordinates of the photon. This definition says that in its space a photon looks like an elongated string.
  5. Each point of the photon space contains a projection of the photon itself in time and space. This means that the photon exists at each point of this string, representing different projections of the photon in time and space.
  6. At each point in the space of a photon, the full trajectory of its movement in our space is compressed.
  7. At each point in the observer's space (where a photon can reside), the full history and trajectory of the photon itself is compressed. This conclusion follows from the first and fifth points.

Photon space

Let's try to figure out what the space of a photon is. I admit, it is difficult to imagine what the space of a photon is. The mind clings to the familiar and tries to draw an analogy with our world. And this leads to erroneous conclusions. To imagine another dimension, you need to discard the usual ideas and start thinking differently.

So. Imagine a magnifying glass that gathers in focus the whole picture of our space. Let's say that we have taken a long ribbon and placed the focus of the magnifying glass on this ribbon. It is one point in photon space. Now let's move the magnifier a little parallel to our tape. The focus point will also move along the ribbon. This is another point in the photon space. But how are these two points different? At each point there is a panorama of the entire space, but the projection is made from another point in our space. In addition, while we were moving the magnifying glass, some time had passed. It turns out that the space of a photon is somewhat similar to a film film taken from a moving car. But there are some differences. The space of a photon has only length and no width, so only one dimension of our space is fixed there - from the initial to the final trajectory of the photon. Since the projection of our space is recorded at each point, there is an observer at each of them! Yes, yes, because at each point, simultaneous events are recorded from the point of view of the photon itself. And since the initial and final trajectories of a photon are located in the same time line, these are simultaneous events for a photon that affect it at different points in its space. This is the main difference from the film analogy. At each point in the space of a photon, the same picture is obtained from different points of view, and reflecting different points in time.

What happens when a photon moves? The wave runs along the entire chain of the photon space when it intersects with our space. The wave attenuates when it collides with an obstacle and transfers its energy to it. Perhaps the intersection of the space of a photon with our space creates an angular momentum of an elementary particle, also called the spin of the particle.

Now let's see what a photon looks like in our world. From the point of view of the observer, the space of the photon is folded into the dimensions of the photon itself. In fact, this most folded space is the photon itself, vaguely resembling a string. A string built from symmetrical projections of itself from different points in space and time. Accordingly, the photon contains all the information about itself. At any point in our space, he "knows" the whole path, and all the events of the past and future, concerning the photon itself. I believe that a photon can certainly predict its future, you just need to set up the right experiment.


1. There are still a lot of questions, the answers to which are difficult to obtain without experimentation. Despite the fact that similar experiments with two slits have been carried out many times, and with various modifications, it is very difficult to find information about this on the Internet. Even if you manage to find something, there are no intelligible explanations of the essence of what is happening and analysis of the results of the experiment. Most of the descriptions do not contain any conclusions and come down to the fact that “there is such a paradox and no one can explain it” or “if it seems to you that you understood something, then you did not understand anything”, etc. Meanwhile, I think that this is a promising area of ​​research.

2. What information can be transferred from the future to the present? Obviously, we can convey two possible values ​​when we are or are not observing idlers. Accordingly, in the current time we will observe wave interference or accumulation of particles from two bands. Having two possible values, you can use binary encoding of information and transmit any information from the future. To do this, it will be necessary to automate this process properly, using a large number quantum memory cells. In this case, we will be able to receive texts, photos, audio and video of everything that awaits us in the future. It will also be possible to receive advanced developments in the field of software products and it is even possible to teleport a person if they send instructions in advance on how to build a teleport.

3. It can be seen that the reliability of the obtained information refers only to the photons themselves. Knowingly false information may be sent from the future, leading us astray. For example, if a coin was tossed and tails fell, but we sent the information that heads fell, then we ourselves are misleading. It can only be reliably stated that the information sent and received do not contradict each other. But if we decide to deceive ourselves, then I think in time we will be able to find out why we decided to do this.
In addition, we cannot determine exactly from what time the information was received. For example, if we want to know what will happen in 10 years, then there is no guarantee that we sent the answer much earlier. Those. it is possible to falsify the time of sending data. I think to solve this problem, cryptography with public and private keys can help. This will require an independent server that encrypts and decrypts data, and stores pairs of public-private keys generated for each day. The server can encrypt and decrypt our data upon request. But until we have access to the keys, we will not be able to falsify the time of sending and receiving data.

4. It would not be entirely correct to consider the results of experiments only from the point of view of a relatively theory. At least due to the fact that SRT has a strong predetermination of the future. It is not pleasant to think that everything is predetermined by fate, I want to believe that each of us has a choice. And if there is a choice, then there must be alternative branches of reality. But what happens if we decide to act differently, contrary to what is displayed on the screen? Will a new loop arise, where we also decide to act differently, and this will lead to the emergence of an infinite number of new loops with opposite decisions? But if there are an infinite number of loops, then we should initially see a mixture of interferences and two fringes on the screen. This means that we could not initially decide on the opposite choice, which again leads us to a paradox ... I tend to think that if there are alternative realities, then only one of the two possible options will be displayed on the screen, no matter what we do such a choice or not. If we make a different choice, we will create a new branch, where initially the screen will show another option out of two possible ones. The ability to make a different choice would mean the existence of an alternate reality.

5. There is a possibility that once the experimental facility is turned on, the future will be predetermined. There is such a paradox that the installation itself predetermines the future. Will we be able to break this ring of predestination, because everyone has freedom of choice? Or will our “freedom of choice” be subject to cunning algorithms of predestination, and all our attempts to change something will eventually add up to a chain of events that will lead us to this predestination? For example, if we know the number of the winning lottery, then we have a chance to find this ticket and get a win. But if we also know the name of the winner, then we can no longer change anything. Maybe even someone else was supposed to win the lottery, but we determined the name of the winner and created a chain of events that led to the predicted person winning this lottery. It is difficult to answer these questions without conducting experimental experiments. But if this is the case, then the only way to avoid being predetermined is to not use this attitude and not look into the future.

Writing down these conclusions, I am reminded of the events of the film "Hour of Reckoning". It is striking how accurately the details of the film match our calculations and conclusions. After all, we did not strive to get just such results, but simply wanted to figure out what was happening and followed the formulas of Einstein's theory of relativity. And yet, if there is such a level of coincidence, then it seems that we are not alone in our calculations. Perhaps similar conclusions were already made decades ago ...

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