Wise for the rapid improvement of the financial situation. Max Tal30 new wise for good luck, achieving goals, gaining the right qualities at the right time


The power of the hand. The power to change destiny

I want to start this book with gratitude - to the higher powers, to fate, and to my Indian teachers, who handed over into my hands a huge heritage, the art of ancient forgotten mudras, capable of turning over the established habitual life, and filling it with new meaning, and opening up new gigantic prospects.

In my youth, I did not expect that fate would present me with such a gift. And I still never get tired of being surprised by this. And so gratitude became my constant state. I live in gratitude for the gifts I have received. And now I am grateful to you, reading these lines, for your interest. And for the fact that, perhaps, further along these pages we will move together.

I have received in my hands the art of mudras - the yoga of the fingers, and since I cannot personally transfer it to you from my hands to yours, I do this through a book. Everything you learn from here is tantamount to personal initiation. If you want, I will give you this initiation. The distance we are from each other doesn't matter. The art of wisdom is based on energy interactions. And for them there is no distance.

The human hand - what could be more beautiful? What could be more powerful? We do everything in life with our own hands. We build our own life with our own hands. But how little most people know about the true possibilities of hands!

With our beautiful hands - just by folding our fingers in a certain way - we can change ourselves and the world around us, we can improve our health and improve our destiny, we can achieve what we want and attract everything that we need for happiness.

Once I did not believe in it, and I could not even imagine that I would believe it. My destiny took a rather sharp turn so that I was finally open to receiving the knowledge to which I was intended. I lost everything I had when our family business collapsed. And who knows on what day of my life I would have ended my days if it were not for a chance meeting with a man who strongly advised me to go to India. I would not have heeded this advice if it were not for the despair that then possessed me. Despair and hopelessness forced me to act - and fate fulfilled its plan: it brought me to India. From there, I returned with a wealth of knowledge that allowed me to return what I had lost in a short time and rebuild my life, achieving those successes that I could not dream of.

My main task is to convey to you the secret knowledge

Now I am fulfilling my main task - to pass on the knowledge I have received. My path brought me to India, not so that I, having arranged my life, would keep everything I learned to myself. My path took me to India so that everything I learned there became public property. This is the meaning of my life and my mission, if you like.

In the first two books, I outlined what was important to me at a certain stage of my life. This is the art of money wisdom and wisdom associated with the art of relationships, management, influence and power. But the knowledge I have does not end there. In India (especially on my second visit there, when I already knew that I was going to write books) I not only practiced, but also took notes. There are a lot of these records, and not all of them have been analyzed by me even to this day. As I go through these notes, I continue to learn, marveling at how much knowledge was planted in me during my not-so-long sojourns in India. And again and again I find in them an inexhaustible storehouse of information.

And as I mastered some of the notes, I realized that a new book was ripe, because from the knowledge I had deciphered, a new topic clearly emerged, which is important not only for me - and this is the topic of achieving goals, any, in all spheres of life. There are many mudras that can help us in a variety of situations. For example, when something goes wrong for no apparent reason, luck slips away, or annoying little things do not allow you to achieve what you want. This happens to everyone. You need to urgently do important work - but an unnecessary phone call distracted you, or just laziness and apathy attacked. A meeting awaits, on which fate depends - but you overslept or are tightly stuck in a traffic jam. You are finally recovering from a serious and long illness, and there is very little left to hold out until the end of the course of procedures or a strict diet, but you suddenly break down, eat something wrong, violate the regimen prescribed by the doctor - and now the relapse of the disease is ready, and everything needs to be started at first.

But these and similar troubles can be avoided! Mudra, performed at the right time and in the right place, gives an energy boost, an impulse that helps to “slip through” a difficult place and even dissolve obstacles. It seemed wrong and unfair to me that people still don't know about it. You don't have to face the problems that stand before you like a wall - you need to remember that everything in the world is energy, and we can change energy by catching it with our fingertips. Do this, believe in yourself, and the walls will crumble, and a smooth road to your goal will open before you.

Personal Dedication: Transferring Mastery from Hand to Hand

Now for the dedication I promised. You can get it right now.

Close the book and place both hands on the cover. The energy that you will feel, I give you directly from my hands. Let your hands receive this energy for a few minutes. Then place both palms on your chest and say, “I am initiated into the art of wisdom. I take possession of the energy that can transform reality. From now on, I carry power at my fingertips, transforming everything I touch.”

You have received an initiation. Now you can change the world at will. Do it of your own free will - otherwise you will not succeed. Force ceases to work, being directed to evil or selfish goals. But it works without restrictions, if the goals are good, capable of bringing good to our world.

From this book you will learn the true essence of the ancient wise

The mudras that you will learn about from this book, as I said, are very ancient. Naturally, you can find similar configurations in other sources, because knowledge has been spread in a variety of ways for a long time. But the similarity with other mudras is purely external. My Indian teachers revealed to me the true ancient meaning of these configurations, which was subsequently distorted more than once, sometimes beyond recognition.

The main mistake of modern sources is in a very superficial, and sometimes primitive interpretation of mudras and their meanings. They are mainly used to improve health. But this is a very narrowed and essentially wrong view! Mudras are gestures that can change the world, and I will not get tired of repeating it.

I hope my new book will help you get closer to the true understanding of the mudras and the use of their true possibilities - and these possibilities, without exaggeration, I will say, are endless.

Part 1.
The essence of art is wise. Conditions and rules for their implementation

Mudras: the art of energy management. Who controls the energy controls the world!

Mudras are an art with very ancient roots. Sources point to its ancient Indian origin, where, according to legend, mudras were brought from a highly developed ancient civilization, known as Arctida, or Hyperborea.

Representatives of this ancient civilization knew much more about the true nature of the world than we do. They not only saw and felt the energy, which is the basis of the universe, but also knew how to control it perfectly. Mudras are one of the tools of such management.

The energy that forms the basis of the world is never immobile. It forms streams, or threads, penetrating literally everything, including the human body. Although it would be more correct to say that these threads do not penetrate the body, but make up the body. You and I are streams of energy, and nothing more. Dense matter is also nothing but a clot of energy. The material particles that make up everything we see, atoms and even smaller particles, are by nature both particles and waves of energy. This has now been experimentally proven by science. Therefore, a person is also both a body and energy at the same time.

What modern science is only approaching, and with great apprehension, for the ancient Indians, and even more so for the Hyperboreans, was well-known, studied knowledge, successfully applied in practice.

Hands are the best tool for managing energy, and therefore the world. Because on our palms and fingertips there are millions of entry and exit points of energy threads that connect us with the whole world and even with the entire Universe.

With the help of gestures, finger movements, we can control these energy flows.

Mudras are special combinations of fingers, hand gestures, with the help of which various combinations of energy threads are created that connect us with the outside world.

Mudras allow us to change the material world, to control it at will, with little or no physical effort.

Strength in this case is not needed, since we work with more subtle tools - our will, intention and very delicate movements. Thus, we act on energy, and not on the material component of the world. And thanks to our impact on energy, the material component itself changes as a result.

With a flick of our fingers, we can create abundance in our lives, attract money, and end poverty forever. We can create everything we need for ourselves, without having to work hard for it. We can gain true wealth - of course, it will not fall on you from heaven, but the art of wisdom will help you create circumstances in your life in which wealth will come in the most natural way for you. We can build the relationships we need with people. We can protect ourselves from all unwanted influences. We can gain strength and power, fulfill our wildest desires and achieve the highest goals. At the same time, we do not have to fight, break through the walls with our heads and make a lot of efforts. Everything we want is carried out in the most comfortable form for us.

Creating energy configurations with finger movements

Everything that happens to us in life first appears in the form of an energy configuration of space. And only then this energy "scheme" or "project" is embodied in the form of real events.

By changing the “project” in time, we change the course of events in our life in the right direction. This is done with the help of fingers, with the right movements of which we can create special combinations of energy threads and change the energy configuration of the space around us.

Most people do not even think about the huge role played by gestures, movements, hand position. It happens that a person literally attracts trouble with his own hands. This is due to chaotic, disordered movements, from gestures that disrupt the harmonious flow of energy.

But it is enough to master a few precise gestures with great power of influencing reality, and how life will change. It will be streamlined, even the most insoluble problems will be solved, and well-being will come into your life. The normal course of life is a smooth, pleasant, even course, without shocks and obstacles. This is such a course of life when at the right moment exactly what we need for well-being and prosperity comes to us - the right circumstances, the right things, the right people. This is the course of life in which we realize our potentials in everything, and therefore are satisfied and happy.

The art of wisdom helps to make our life just like that.

But first you need to understand some of the rules that you need to follow so that the art of wisdom brings you exactly what you want from life.

Lucy/ 02/07/2018 Please reset the book from whom it was downloaded for free, my address is: [email protected] Thank you very much in advance!

Ivan/ 25.04.2017 Please throw off the book who managed to download for free [email protected] All positive and inexhaustible energy

Nicky/ 01/31/2017 For those who write that it did not work - do not rush things. This doesn't happen all at once. Some work faster, some slower. Be attentive to what is happening, maybe you yourself do not notice what needs to be noticed. I have been practicing mudras for several years. In the first two years, nothing worked either, or even if there were any changes in life, they were so insignificant that it was almost impossible to notice them. Now I know for sure that everything works, when immediately, when six months later, in general, in different ways. To keep track of changes, you need to keep records of when and what mudra you perform, write down what has changed in your life. If you don't, you may not notice what happened. Because everything enters life so smoothly and naturally that it is difficult to attribute it to a mudra made, for example, six months ago, if you don’t specifically track it. Before performing the mudra, perform tuning exercises (for calming and concentration). And read the instructions in the book carefully. Because it often happens that in order to get a result from one mudra, before it, you must first perform another mudra in order for the one that is needed to work. Practice, be patient, everything will work out.

ale/ 28.01.2017 SORRY NOT WORKING

Ludmila/ 01/07/2017 It didn't work for me either.

Olya/ 3.09.2016 Gattal, in order for everything to work, you need to keep a good attitude. I recommend using the daily meditation or attunement exercises before doing the mudras presented in this book. This greatly speeds up the action of the wise. While I was negatively tuned in to life, it didn’t work for me either. Then I realized that the power of thought is the same energy, and changed my negative attitude to a positive one with the help of daily meditation. And everything began to work, and some of them right from the first day of application.

gattal/ 08/12/2016 Not working. I did everything according to the book. Why is there no feedback that this does not work. Followed strictly according to the instructions. Did one mudra for one week. Week rest. Came back months later. I want to believe. But no. I even bought the book in 2014.

Gulzhan/ 07/21/2016 It's a pity the book is not in the public domain, you can read it, but you can't download it. A very useful book. After the first mudra for money, I found coins. Then, without question, they issued an advance. I do the second mudra. Now there is a week break. Nevertheless, having sold an old laptop, she again received money. Now the situation is difficult, even with the apartment kicked out. I made a mudra for housing, immediately remembered a friend with a good apartment and spent the night with her. Wise men work. On Sunday, I will start the weekly exercises that were on a break.

Olya/ 07/16/2016 An excellent book, an excellent author, and thanks to this site that before the change in legislation, this book was available to everyone in electronic form. Downloaded at the time. I have been practicing mudras for a couple of years. Some work quickly, some take a long time, but the fact that they all work is unambiguous. It's just that some favorable circumstances come into life, a little with a delay and so naturally that it is difficult to notice with the naked eye that this action is wise. I have now purchased the same book in paper form, because in fact it has no price.

Nick/ 02/27/2016 I found the book 4 years ago, but I started making mudras only a year ago, for the first 3 months nothing seemed to change, but then ... I moved to a department where you just can’t get there, without a bribe) the financial condition has noticeably changed there is a car, I can travel twice a year. this is the mudra of income stabilization, I will try another one for wealth

Evil/ 9.12.2015 For --- Victoria
There is no information about the author, in any case, I did not find it, judging by the comments, the wise help, I tried, I did not succeed
For --- plane tree
Google, I just searched specifically, you can still find and download for free

Denis/ 6.12.2015 let's throw off

plane tree/ 4.12.2015 I downloaded Max Tal's book for free. This book was magala to me, I flashed it into my phone and it all disappeared.

Victoria/ 27.08.2015 What kind of author is Max Tal? Does anyone know anything about him? Please post a link.

Valentina/ 07/26/2015 Starting from December 2014, I have been doing Mudra, opening
constant access to a source of abundance.

I have a piecework wage, so this wise one is just right for me. The work has really become more, even sometimes I don’t have time to do everything.

To date, we have managed to accumulate 700,000 rubles. I don’t know about you, Muscovites, but for a Petersburger, a good stash :) :)

Who is Max Tal? I really really want to know about him, this secret knowledge, will he have new books?

Sergey/ 17.02.2015 For Andrey. On the first point. I try to rationally approach the effect of the practice of mudras. Therefore, if the sister does not believe in their action, then it is pointless to look for some kind of mudra that can change the life of your loved one. At the heart of ingenious finger plexuses is the effect of self-hypnosis. On the second question. Here you should refer to Tal's book "30 new wise for good luck, achieving goals ...". The necessary mudras are presented there. Including for setting yourself up for admission to the desired university, passing exams, and so on and so forth.

Andrei/ 02/13/2015 I have a question for those who make mudras, 1) Is it possible to do mudras for my sister, since she does not believe in mudras, and I would like her to finally find her love and not be so lonely, I feel sorry for her ((
2) Farewell to school soon, what mudra to do in order to enroll in the desired specialty at some prestigious university, for example, at Moscow State University, help with advice pliiz

Arthur/ 5.02.2015 Works surprisingly. Although at first he was skeptical. Especially financial ones.

Max Tal

36 wise for money and influence

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.


The art of wise - special gestures, or positions of the fingers that can change reality - has long been a mystery in the East with seven seals. This art was passed from teacher to student, and according to legend, it was even believed that the one who reveals the secret to outsiders may die. And, of course, for a European over the past centuries it was unthinkable even to think to get at least a grain of this secret knowledge, to touch it at least with the edge of his mind.

I do not know why it so happened that it was I who became the European to whom knowledge was not only revealed, but who was honored to carry it further, introducing to the secrets of the East Europe so far from it before. Whether the times have changed so much or some other reasons were found for the secret knowledge to become apparent - but one way or another, the forces that control my fate led me straight to this secret. And we probably do not always need to know how and why our fate develops this way and not otherwise. We cannot comprehend this with the human mind, and it remains only to follow our destiny, for it is from the Almighty, and the Almighty knows better what is good for us and what is bad, and which way we should go for the best service to Him.

My Indian teacher blessed me to pass this knowledge on to you. And if this book is in your hands, then this knowledge is intended for you. In surprising, inscrutable ways, sometimes something comes to us that becomes the most important thing for us in life. Truth comes in amazing ways, and fate itself.

Knowledge didn't come easily to me. Before it became available to me, I lost everything I had and almost lost my life itself. Later I realized that this was the kind of test I needed then. If I didn’t cross this line, it’s unlikely that my brain, which was rather lazy and clumsy at that time, could be mobilized to master new knowledge, and even such an unusual one for a sober-minded and self-confident European.

I will try to tell as briefly as possible about my adventures, which, perhaps, could become the basis of a novel, or even more than one. But my task is not to entertain you, but to provide information that will help you correctly perceive the knowledge presented in the book: treat it with due respect and seriousness.

Words about my chosenness. Surprise and shock!

Many years ago, I was an ordinary student with very ordinary abilities. My life path seemed to be predetermined: having received an economic education, I was going to go into business, following in the footsteps of my father.

But one day a friend introduced me to his yoga teacher. And I suddenly became so interested in this occupation that I began to study, and quite seriously. Although my progress was modest, which I was aware of.

One day a stranger came to class and for some reason I wanted to like him. There was something special about him, a power. And I started trying my best. But, apparently, due to excessive effort, he could not perform even the simplest asanas.

When this man came up to me after class, I hung my head in my shoulders, expecting a devastatingly low grade. But instead, words that surprised me were spoken. I even doubted: did I misheard? “You have the mark of being chosen,” that is what this man told me. "And your hour will come."

It didn't take long for me to grasp the meaning of what was said. And when I got there, I was really shocked. I? Elected? What does it mean? And most importantly, what should I do next?

But there were no answers. It remains to be seen that they may still appear.

I later found out that this person was my yoga teacher's teacher. I remembered this meeting for a long time, but time passed, and nothing either in myself or in the world around me told me what my chosenness consisted of. And I began to pray that God would show me this.

When we seek answers to our questions, those answers come in one form or another. The answer to my question about what my chosenness consists of came to me in such a strange form that I didn’t even understand right away that this was the answer.

Mudras for a quick improvement in financial situation

Wise for gaining inner strength, for getting out of stagnation and crisis

Who needs mudra

This mudra is necessary for you if you find yourself in a deep financial crisis from which you see no way out.

It is for those who cannot cope with poverty, whose incomes are steadily falling, despite all efforts.

This mudra is for those who feel that they lack the strength to cope with circumstances.

It will help when there is a desire to do something and achieve success - but there is a feeling that there are only closed doors around and all your attempts to change something end in nothing.

It is also for those who are overcome by laziness, it is difficult to force themselves to act, although one must act.

This mudra is for those who want to act, but for some reason cannot. But not for those who are inactive because they do not want to act!

Mudra will help you get out of a streak of failures or out of a vicious circle where troubles, problems and troubles haunt.

In order for your actions to finally begin to bring the proper result, so that the financial crisis, poverty and failure are left behind, you first need to acquire special strength for this. So far, your desires, aspirations and actions simply lack energy, so you are failing after failure. This energy will not be given to you by anyone and nothing from the outside - it can and must be created within yourself.

This is the mudra of the Beginning - because it creates the main thing: the potential for success.

This mudra gives the main conditions for success - fortitude, charisma, it will sharpen your intellect and intuition and, of course, attract the energy of abundance.

Think about how ready you are for this. Because, having discovered the source of power within yourself, you will immediately have to find a use for this power - to act, otherwise an excess of energy can lead to undesirable consequences, up to a nervous breakdown and illness. That is why this mudra is one of the most difficult.

How mudra works

This mudra cleanses the inner source of your power.

Everything superfluous that interferes with you simply falls off like the petals of a withered flower. Doubts, disbelief in yourself go away, negative emotions recede that interfere with your success experiences. You blossom, and all the best that is in you is revealed. You become resistant to external influences, including the opinions of other people about you. It ceases to be a limiting factor. Now you can fully rely on yourself, trust yourself, your strengths, knowledge, intuition. Nobody will knock you out of your way.

Opening your inner source of strength, the mudra simultaneously starts the process of restructuring the circumstances around you. Be attentive even to trifles! The coincidences you need will begin to arise, happy coincidences that may seem random to you.

But remember that after you have completed this mudra, there will be no more accidents. Life will start giving you chances. Don't miss them.

Also, be attentive to your dreams - they can give clues and guide you on the right path, warning against erroneous steps.

Notice other signs, signs, clues that will begin to appear on your way. Usually they draw attention to themselves - it can be a conversation overheard by chance, or a newspaper headline that says something important, as if to you personally, or other things like that. Think, analyze, trust your intuition to read such signs correctly.

Pay particular attention to those special moments in your life that require you to act. You will definitely feel when such a moment comes. Your awakened power will simply not let you stay idle. And you yourself will feel that passivity is inappropriate, you need to do something. Moreover, the circumstances themselves will clearly tell you what exactly you need to do. You can't go wrong.

Act, even if you are not quite sure of the correctness of the action! In fact, now you will only get good chances, and in the end everything will work out in the best way.

How to apply

This mudra is very strong, so it is enough to apply it for only 3 days, 1 time per day, preferably in the morning (but not immediately after waking up, but when you have already woken up, got up and are ready for action), for 3-5 minutes .

Mudra Description

1. Place your hands in front of your chest with palms facing each other, side edge down, fingers pointing forward.

2. Bring the bases of the palms close to each other and tightly connect them.

3. Bend inside the palms of the little fingers, ring and middle fingers. Now each of these fingers is in contact with the same finger of the other hand with the middle phalanges.

4. Put your thumbs together so that their sides fit snugly together, and lift vertically upwards, at an angle of 90 degrees to the palm.

5. Connect the straight index fingers with pads and pull forward, away from you.

6. Close your eyes, breathe slowly, measuredly.

7. Focus on the area of ​​the solar plexus and imagine that a powerful source of your internal energy is being formed there.

8. Form in your mind the intention to create a powerful inner support, an energy core, and be imbued with a feeling of growing inner strength in order to get out of stagnation or crisis.

Mudra for a "breakthrough" in the material sphere

Who needs this mudra

This mudra will help those people in whose life there has never been financial success, who are used to barely making ends meet.

Poverty is not the norm. And you are just as worthy of success in the material sphere as any other person. You are poor not because you are worse than others, but simply because you have some kind of energy distortion, perhaps inherited.

Start your practice with this mudra. It is she who will help correct the unfavorable energy structure that programs you for poverty.

If this situation is not corrected with the help of this mudra, then neither the mudra of wealth, nor the mudra of abundance, nor the mudra that attracts money, nor all the others will help you.

If you have any specific goals - for example, you want to take out a loan or pay off debts - first practice this mudra anyway, and only after mastering it, move on to the mudras that correspond to your goals. Otherwise, they either do not work at all or work poorly.

Please note: mudra helps in case of total monetary bad luck. If in your life there is a place for both successes and failures, if periods of lack of money are replaced by periods of prosperity - you do not need this mudra, in this case other mudras will help, for example, to attract money, to succeed in business, etc. - looking according to your circumstances.

And only if there is no prosperity in your life now, there was not before and is not foreseen in the future - this is wise for you. It can change your life, and then completely different prospects will open in the future.

How mudra works

Mudra creates such a powerful energy flow that completely transforms the unfavorable energy configuration that previously set you up for poverty. Energy distortions are straightened out, energy flows are organized, leading money energies directly into your life, and not bypassing you, as it was before.

Since our internal psychological state is determined by the state of energy, as a result of performing the mudra, you will feel stronger and more confident, you will gain the feeling that you are worthy of success, prosperity, wealth. Gradually there will be more and more complete deliverance from the psychology of poverty.

Mudra, which attracts money energies into your life, at the same time organizes a kind of energy “cup”, where the energies of money can accumulate and multiply. Thanks to this, your life will gradually become a full bowl, and you will no longer have to suffer from a lack of money.

Mudra will also set you up in a special way for favorable changes in your life, creating a new track for these changes. Now you can boldly take on even those cases in which you previously failed. The black streak is over, it's time for a white streak in your life.

How to apply

Mudra should be practiced for a week, in the morning immediately after waking up, for 3-5 minutes.

This mudra is an excellent precursor to other money mudras that you can practice after mastering it. It creates the basis for your well-being, and further, relying on this base, you can already achieve more specific goals.

Therefore, after a week of practice, take a break for a week, and then start practicing mudra aimed at a more specific, relevant goal for you (attracting money, getting a loan, traveling, education, etc.).

Mudra Description

1. Vertically place your palms in front of your chest parallel to each other at a distance of 5-7 centimeters. Fingers slightly apart and pointing up.

2. Close the bases of the palms. The areas where the wrist ends and the palm begins are firmly pressed against each other. Above this area, the palms are directed upwards, like a flower bud that has just opened.

3. Without closing the palms, close the pads of the little fingers and thumbs. These fingers themselves remain straight.

4. Now round the middle fingers and rest their pads against each other.

5. The index and ring fingers are open, they are straight and point vertically upwards. Thus, your palms are likened to a bowl or basket, framed on both sides by closed straight little fingers and thumbs, and closed in the center by rounded and closed middle fingers.

6. Close your eyes. Breathe vigorously, but freely and measuredly.

7. Focus on the coccyx area. Imagine that you are firmly connected to the earth.

8. Imagine that your palms are a bowl that you can fill with whatever you want, and control its contents at your will.

9. Stay in this position for a few minutes.

Mudra that opens constant access to the source of abundance

Who needs mudra

Mudra is necessary primarily for people with a fickle source of income. Those who often find themselves without work are interrupted by odd jobs. Or he works at a permanent job, but with an unstable income. Also for those whose business brings either income or continuous losses, and this situation cannot be leveled. That is, to all people whose usual situation in life is described by the saying "sometimes thick, sometimes empty."

This mudra will help those who think that money either loves them or does not love them. When the rise necessarily precedes the fall. When you are afraid of your successes, because you know that troubles will surely follow them. It’s as if after success some kind of damper suddenly closes, through which the energy of well-being passed, and this flow stops, and you find yourself in a void.

All this means that you have a distortion of energy. The flow through which the monetary energy flows is unstable and periodically chokes, as if it is blocked by a dam. It is necessary to remove these congestions, create conditions for an even and abundant flow of money energy, and the life situation will improve.

How mudra works

Mudra creates a pole of attraction in your life for a constant and stable flow of energy of money and material wealth to you. This does not mean that all the blessings of the world will fall on you like from a cornucopia, threatening to shower you and all the space around you with riches. Benefits will come in doses - exactly to the extent that it does not create excesses and discomfort for you and at the same time allows you to live with dignity, in abundance.

An even flow of energy of material wealth will be stable and constant, it will not be interrupted and choked, it will always and everywhere be absolutely reliable.

In the outside world, this will be expressed in the fact that new sources of income will begin to open up for you, and the old sources will either level out and stabilize, or go away as unnecessary. You can get a profitable job, or start your own business, or move to a well-paid position.

In addition, unexpected sources of money will open at the right time, so you will always be sure that if you need money, they will come, sometimes from where you do not expect.

This mudra will help you find peace and financial independence. You will be absolutely confident in the future, you will not have to save and save "for a rainy day." Money will come from a source of abundance as needed.

You will become more confident, stronger and calmer, and every day your ability to attract a flow of abundance will increase.

How to apply

Mudra should be performed 2 times a day, in the morning immediately after waking up and in the evening immediately before bedtime, for 2-3 minutes, during the week. Then take a break for a week and perform again during the week in the same way.

Mudra Description

1. Place your hands in front of you, palms up, fingers pointing forward.

2. Connect your palms, folding them into a cup, as if you want to get water. The lateral surfaces of the little fingers and the edges of the palms on the side of the little fingers fit snugly against each other.

3. Connect the pads of the thumb, index and middle fingers on each hand, as if in a pinch.

4. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply and freely.

5. Focus on the bridge of your nose. Imagine that at the point between the eyebrows there is a source of bright golden glow.

6. Form the intention to connect to a constant and inexhaustible source of abundance.

7. Stay in this position for a few minutes.

Mudra, which allows you to urgently receive money

Who needs mudra

This mudra is necessary when money is urgently needed for some emergency purposes - treatment, repair of an apartment or car, purchase of broken household appliances, an unexpected but necessary trip, etc.

This is a kind of cash ambulance. When there is no money at all, or they are, but not in the right amount, while unforeseen circumstances require urgent expenses.

Mudra allows you to find the source of the required amount of money very quickly.

It can be used not only in emergency, critical situations, but also when, for example, you liked a thing in the store that you have been looking for for a long time, but right now there is no money to buy it. Having completed the mudra, you will find money, and you will not have to postpone purchases until better times.

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Max Tal

36 wise for money and influence

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