Brief passive participles are written with one letter n. Russian language lesson "one letter "n" in suffixes of short passive participles". Erroneous use of the suffix NN in participles

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H / HH in participles and verbal adjectives

Spelling Н or НН in passive participles is one of those rules that regularly make mistakes in dictations, essays and tests.

First of all, remember the rule: In the suffixes of full passive participles, two letters H are written, for example, CUT TREES. In the suffixes of short passive participles, one letter H is written, for example, TREES HAVE BEEN CUT.

But since full passive participles are sometimes very similar to adjectives, to avoid mistakes, it is useful to remember four conditions under which two letters H are written:

1) the sacrament has a prefix (except NOT-), for example, DRIED MUSHROOMS;

2) the participle was formed from the verb of the perfect form, for example, SOLVED PROBLEM - from the verb DECIDE (what to do? - perfect form);

3) the participle has dependent words, for example, DRIED (where?) MUSHROOMS IN THE OVEN;

4) The participle is formed from the verb using the suffixes -OVA- or -EVA-, for example, EXCITED PERSON.

If a word does not have any of these features, then it is spelled with one N.

In addition, there are several words with two letters H, the spelling of which must be learned in the same way as we memorize the words-exceptions: UNSEEN, UNHEARD, UNEXPECTED, UNGUESSED, UNINTENDED, WANTED, PRECIOUS, SACRED, SMOOTH.

(1) How many N should be written in the participle from the phrase LAUNCHING GARDEN? First of all, you need to see if the sacrament has a prefix. In our case, there is a prefix, which means that this word must be written with two N: NEGLECTED GARDEN.

(2) How many N should be written in the participle from the phrase BROKEN LOOK? First of all, we look to see if the sacrament has a prefix. In our example, the participle does not have a prefix, therefore, the next step is to determine the type of verb from which this participle was formed. BROCHE_NY was formed from the verb TO THROW (what to do?) This verb is perfective, which means that in the participle you need to write two letters H: LOOKING OUT.

(3) How many N should be written in the participle from the phrase OVEN Roast FISH? The participle in this phrase has dependent words: HEAT (where?) IN THE OVEN. Therefore, in the sacrament it is necessary to write two letters H: FISH ROASTED IN THE OVEN.

(4) How many H should be written in the participle from the phrase ASPHALTED HIGHWAY? Since this participle has the suffix -OVA-, two letters H must be written in it: ASPHALTED HIGHWAY.

(5) How many N should be written in the word WEAVING from the phrase WEAVING BASKET? Since it has no prefix, no dependent words, no suffixes -OVA- or -EVA-, and also because it was formed from the verb of the imperfect form WEAVING (what to do?), You need to write one letter H: WITTED BASKET.

“How can I not love him? - she said to herself, delving into his fright and at the same time delighted look.

Levin immediately thought of this, but, in spite of this, he decided that Sviazhsky's views of him were only his baseless assumption...
(Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)

Well, the guest is uninvited,
Perhaps the father will come in!
I ask you to serve the young lady in love _n oh!

Scarlet ribbons were woven into her
In two blond braids,
Flowers, outfits brought
Unseen _n oh beauty.

Who wants to welcome us, if you please;
The door is open for the stars and the unseen...
(A. S. Griboyedov, "Woe from Wit")

Parsley, you are always with a new thing,
With a torn elbow.
(A. S. Griboyedov, "Woe from Wit")

... There were requests from a hostile ministry for information about the measures that have been applied in the last decade ...
(Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)

And that consumptive, relative to you, enemy of books,
In the academic committee that settled ...
(A. S. Griboyedov, "Woe from Wit")

And then she thinks -
God knows why
That the starry sky is sand
Sprinkle _n leaf,
Constantly day and night on the road
Surprisingly sweet cart...
(N. A. Nekrasov, "Russian Women")

Levin always came to Moscow excited, hurried, a little embarrassed, and irritated by this embarrassment, and for the most part with a completely new, unexpected outlook on things.
(Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)

No, in this felled forest
I won't be lured
Where there were oaks to heaven
And now the stumps are sticking out!
(Nekrasov, "Russian Women")

He drove to the fortress ballet on many wagons
From mothers, fathers rejected _n th children?!
(A. S. Griboyedov, "Woe from Wit")

Stepan Arkadyevitch had already gone downstairs, undressed, washed himself again, put on a frilled nightgown and lay down ... (Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)

You will come to Nerchinsk if you
The road won't kill you.
Hardly four miles an hour
Zakova is coming.
(N. A. Nekrasov, "Russian Women")

With a face mutilated with passion, pale and with a trembling lower jaw, Vronsky hit her in the stomach with his heel and again began pulling on the reins...
(Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)

Darya Alexandrovna's eyes widened at this elegant, unseen carriage...
(Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)

Finally married his daughter
I took it - shish, in the service - nothing.
(A. S. Griboyedov, "Woe from Wit")

She remembered how she had almost told the confession that her husband's young subordinate had made to her in Petersburg...
(Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)

Towards dinner they arrived: an old cousin of Alexei Alexandrovich ... ... and one young man, recommended to Alexei Alexandrovich for the service.
(Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)

To the pen from the cards? and to the cards from the pen?
And the _nd hour of the ebb and flow?
(A. S. Griboyedov, "Woe from Wit")

I'm running, I won't look back, I'll go looking around the world,
Where insulted _n omu there is a corner for feeling.
(A. S. Griboyedov, "Woe from Wit")

Stepan Arkadyevitch ... in this playful courtship ... and accidentally went so far that he no longer knew how to get back ...
(Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)

What is the politest name for such people?
Tenderer? - he is a man of the world,
Notorious _n th swindler, rogue:
Anton Antonych Zagoretsky.
(A. S. Griboyedov, "Woe from Wit")

For the fact that he softened the anger of _n th guest,
I wanted to compliment.
(A. S. Griboyedov, "Woe from Wit")

You sit for an hour
Do not oppress _n th, peppy mind
Works meanwhile.
(N. A. Nekrasov, "Russian Women")

Н and НН in adjectives and participles

  • Features of spelling Н and НН in adjectives and participles
  • Н and НН in adjectives formed from nouns
  • Н and НН in participles and verbal adjectives
  • Topic quiz
  • Features of spelling Н and НН in adjectives and participles

    In Russian, the spelling of Н and НН in adjectives and participles depends on the method of formation of a particular adjective and its grammatical features.

    Examples of Н and НН in verbal adjectives and participles: forged product, painted portrait, cleaned room, problem solved.

    Н and НН in adjectives formed from nouns

    In adjectives formed from nouns HH written in cases:

  • If the adjective is formed with suffixes -onn- (-enn-). (ceremonial, morning, cranberry). Exceptionsoily, windy(but windless, windy).
  • If the adjective is formed with the suffix -n- from a noun with stem on -n(concrete, valuable, nominal).
  • One letter H it is written:

  • If the adjective is formed with suffixes -in-, -an- (yan-)(platinum, linen, leather). Exceptions - pewter, glass, wood.
  • In short adjectives, spelling H and HH similar to spelling in full adjectives (young - young, green - green, long - long).

    Н and НН in participles and verbal adjectives

    Writing H and HH in suffixes of adjectives and participles, depends on the verbs from which they are formed, as well as the presence or absence of prefixes in the word.

    HH is spelled:

  • In verbal adjectives and full participles formed from perfective verbs (collected, trimmed, purchased). Exceptionsbaptized mother, wounded soldier,smart child,named sister(but surnamed) and etc.
  • In passive past participles, which are formed from imperfective verbs and have dependent words (a novel read repeatedly, a knitted scarf, a recently mowed field).
  • In adjectives and participles formed from verbs with prefixes other than not-(frightened, overwhelmed, stripped). Exceptionsunkempt, uninvited, unclean and etc.
  • In participles and adjectives in -ovanny (-evanny)(varnished, rhymed, uprooted).
  • H is spelled:

    • If a verbal adjective is formed from an imperfective verb without a prefix using suffixes -en-, -n- and has no dependent words (ice cream, melted, wicker). Exceptionsdone, desired, active and etc.
    • In some participles formed from imperfective verbs (heard, written, seen, drawn, seen).
    • In short participles, one is always written H (territory cleared, house completed, hay mowed).

      Rules for writing the letter n in participles

      Spelling -Н- and -НН- in participles

      It is written -N-:

      In short passive participles

      Letter (what?) written

      Pictures (what?) hung out

      It is written -НН-:

      In full passive participles formed from perfective verbs

      purchased notebook

      (from perfective verb buy)

      In full passive past participles

      abandoned a rock

      In a sacrament that has dependent words with it (i.e. in participle turnover)

      dyed(with what?) oil paint door;

      boiled(where?) Potatoes in a pot

      With prefix (except non-)

      In participles on -ovanny (-evanny)

      marinated in vinegar
      pecked bird

      In participles expressing a temporary state

      He, wounded waiting for help

      1) With all the many cases when NN is written in the full passive participle, they are all united by one circumstance: in all cases these are past participles. Therefore, it turns out that the past tense is a sufficient condition for writing NN in full participles. Moreover, we can say this: full passive participles are always written with two H. If there is one letter H in the word, then this is not a participle, but a verbal adjective (for example, baked potato, fused cheese).

      2) Do not forget that participles can turn into adjectives - and in this case one letter H is written in the word. Therefore, it is important not to confuse participles and adjectives.

      called brother - called brother
      (participle transition named into an adjective named);

      planted father - planted in the yard
      (participle transition planted into an adjective planted).

      Spelling n and nn in participles

      1. In the full forms of the passive participles of the past tense, formed from the perfect form (both prefixed and non-prefixed), it is written nn, for example: bought, corrected, named, paired, cut, solved, dried, abandoned, captive, given, forced, punished, worked out, built in, etc.

      Exceptions: with one n verbal adjectives (formed from the perfect form) are written that have completely lost touch with participles, which are part of stable combinations, for example: finished man, forgiven Sunday, named brother, planted father.

      Note 1. The above passive participles can also be used as an adjective, but this does not affect their spelling, for example: a seasoned person (with restraint), this case (this particular one), an interested conversation (of interest), an exhausted old man (very tired).

      2. In verbal adjectives formed from non-prefixed imperfective verbs, one is written n, for example: straightened, dried, fried, boiled, soaked, boiled, ironed, forged, mowed, sheared, washed, broken, cobbled, wicker, laden, melted, frozen, and also wounded (although it is formed from the two-species verb to hurt). With one n the adjective clever is written.

      Exceptions: With two n verbal adjectives are written, formed from non-prefixed imperfective verbs: seen, seen, done, desired, heard, read, unexpected, unexpected.

      Note 1. The above verbal adjectives, in the presence of dependent words, go into the category of participles and are written with two n, for example: cobbled streets, wagons loaded with timber, a fighter wounded in the leg, a boy cut by a hairdresser.

      Note 2. With two n verbal adjectives are written, formed from unprefixed imperfective verbs with suffixes -ovan (-yovan), for example: spoiled, risky, uprooted, lined. In verbal adjectives forged, chewed combinations ov (s) are part of the root, not the suffix.

      3. The presence of a particle does not affect the spelling of passive participles and verbal adjectives not-, for example: unresolved problems, disinterested persons, uncharted territory; untrodden paths, unpainted wall, uninvited guest, unmowed meadow.

      4. Distinguishing between passive participles and adjectives formed from them (thereby clarifying the issue of writing nn–n) is sometimes produced not on a formal basis, but on a semantic one. For example, in the sentence Being wounded, the soldier remained in the ranks, the word wounded is a participle and is written with two n, despite the absence of a prefix and explanatory words with it: it retains the verbal meaning.

      Note 1. In the combinations ironed-over-ironed trousers, patched-patched fur coat, worn-worn suit, washed-washed linen, read-re-read book, darned-darned stockings, etc., both words, for the sake of uniformity, should be written with one n. In addition, the second part of complex formations, despite the fact that it is formed from perfective verbs, obeys the word as a whole, which has the meaning of an adjective.

      Note 2. The spelling of verbal adjectives also does not change in compound words, for example: one-colored, whole-cut, homespun, gold-forged, little-used, little-worn, little-worn, little-salted, finely crushed, freshly slaked, fresh-frozen, etc. (compare with similar adjectives in which the second part of the compound word formed from the prefixed verb: smooth-colored, lightly trodden, fresh-frozen, etc.).

      5. In nouns formed from passive participles and verbal adjectives, two n or one n according to the generating basis, for example:

      1) dowry, pupil, tributary, chosen one, priest, protege, drowned man;

    2) dumplings, smoked meats, ice cream, martyr, worker, student.

    6. In adverbs formed from verbal adjectives, so many n, how many adjectives are in full forms, for example: to smile artificially, to appear unexpectedly, to explain confusedly.

    7. In short forms of passive participles, unlike full participles, one is always written n, in short forms of verbal adjectives, so many are written n how many in full forms. Wed:

    The democratic public is agitated (participle: agitated) by reports of inter-ethnic clashes. – The performance of the actor was heartfelt and excited (adjective: full of excitement).

    Many of them were brought near to the court and exalted (participle: they were exalted). – Their ideals and aspirations were lofty (adjective: noble and deep).

    Their children are brought up (participle: they were brought up) in the spirit of advanced ideas. – The manners of this girl indicate that she is tactful and well-mannered (adjective: able to behave well).

    Sometimes simple questions are artificially confused (participle: they were confused). – The plots of these works are complex and intricate (adjective: difficult to understand).

    You are always lucky, you seem to be spoiled (participle: you have been spoiled) by fate. - With improper upbringing, children are usually capricious and spoiled (adjective: spoiled by pampering, capricious, pampered).

    These conclusions are substantiated (participle: they were substantiated) by the very logic of the study. – The demands made on us are arbitrary and unreasonable (adjective: unconvincing).

    The scope of work was limited (participle: they were limited) by the allocated funds. – Its capabilities are limited (adjective: small).

    The doctors were preoccupied (participle: they were preoccupied) with the condition of the patient. – The storm was getting stronger and the faces of the sailors were serious and preoccupied (adjective: restless).

    The court did not see corpus delicti in this case, and the accused were acquitted (participle: they were acquitted). – Extraordinary measures under these conditions were necessary and fully justified (adjective: having an explanation).

    All options for further play by the chess player are thoroughly thought out (participle: he thought them out). – The answers of the examiners were meaningful and thoughtful (adjective: reasonable, justified).

    Note 1. Some verbal adjectives in compound words are written in full form with two n, and in short - with one n, for example: generally recognized superiority - superiority is generally recognized, fresh frozen berries - fresh frozen berries.

    Note 2. In some verbal adjectives, double spelling is allowed in a short form, depending on the meaning and construction: in the presence of dependent words, one is written n, in the absence - two n, for example: Sister intends to leave soon. - His insolence is intentional. We are devoted to the Motherland. - Old friends are always loyal. Our athletes are sure of victory. - The movements of the gymnasts are light and confident. She is not interested in the success of this endeavor. - Faces of listeners are interested.

    H and HH in participles

    Passive past participles are formed using suffixes
    -nn-/-enn-, therefore, when writing, they are often confused with verbal adjectives, making characteristic mistakes. For the correct use of n and nn in participles, you must remember:

  • two letters n are written in suffixes of the full passive participles of the past tense.
  • One n in participles, it is written only in cases where the participle is used in a short form.
  • Table Spelling Features n and nn in participles

    Topic quiz

    Did not like? - Write in the comments what is missing.

    1. 1 Ramzan Ramzan 6,296
    2. 2. Elizabeth Ancherbak 5,056
    3. 3. Iren Guseva 4,925
    4. 4. Anastasia Gudyaeva 3,482
    5. 5.admin 3,392
    6. 6. Alexandra Lyukhanchikova 3,122
    7. 7. Muhammad Amonov 3,084
    8. 8. Guzel Minnullina 2.374
    9. 9. Artyom Chekurov 2,016
    10. 10. Alena Koshkarovskaya 1,886
    11. The most active participants of the week:

    12. 1. Victoria Neumann - a bookstore gift card for 500 rubles.
    13. 2. Bulat Sadykov - a bookstore gift card for 500 rubles.
    14. 3. Daria Volkova - a bookstore gift card for 500 rubles.
    15. Three lucky people who passed at least 1 test:

    16. 1. Natalia Starostina - a bookstore gift card for 500 rubles.
    17. 2. Nikolai Z - a bookstore gift card for 500 rubles.
    18. 3. Mikhail Voronin - a bookstore gift card for 500 rubles.
    19. The cards are electronic (code), they will be sent in the coming days by Vkontakte message or e-mail.

      if participles are formed from prefixed verbs: subtracted the manuscript, pasted the picture, painted the fence, walked the path, watched the film;

      if the sacraments have a dependent word with them: a recently mowed meadow, a painted picture three years ago, a roof painted by a house painter, a cobbled road;

      if participles are formed from non-prefixed verbs of the perfect form: abandoned (throw), yes (give), executed (execute), bought (buy), deprived (deprive), captivated (captivate) .

      if adjectives are formed from imperfective verbs (without prefixes, not containing suffixes -ovann-, -ёvann-): white house (to whiten is an imperfect verb), rabid dog, boiled potatoes, crow steel , red-hot bayonet, dried berry;

      if adjectives do not have a dependent word with them: painted floor (but: oil-painted floor), loaded barge (but: sand-laden barge).

      Note. The distinction between passive participles and verbal adjectives in some cases is carried out not only by the presence or absence of prefixes and dependent words, but also by meaning. For example, in the phrases that ‘captive oven and melted fat, the signs denoted by the words that ‘captive and melted’ are of different properties: in the first case, the verbal meaning is preserved (there is a time limit), i.e. the definition is expressed by the participle; in the second case, a constant sign is named (cf. also: baked milk, melted butter), that is, the definition is expressed by an adjective. A semantic difference is also observed in such sentences: Being wounded, the commander still gave orders (the word being introduces a temporary meaning into the form wounded, thereby reinforcing its verbality). - Soldiers appeared at the edge, carrying out killed and wounded comrades (the sign is indicated by an adjective).

      In short passive participles, in contrast to full participles, it is written H, in short verbal adjectives, as well as in denominatives, it is written NN:

      with a short participle, there is (or is thought of) a noun in the form of the instrumental case with the meaning of the agent; cf .: The territory near the new house is not yet landscaped on a (communion). - The territory near the new house was small, uncomfortable nn a (adjective); Sons were always lucky, and they were spoiled by fate (communion). - The sons were capricious and spoiled nn s (adjective); The article has been read for taping (communion). - The girl was musical and well-read nn a (adjective); The population was excited about the message on the radio. — The sea is agitated today;

      short passive participles are used in constructions with a dependent infinitive: The student intends to answer the question; with dependent addition: Athletes were sure of victory; (but: The throws of the basketball players were accurate and sure - without addition).

      Note 1. Some verbal adjectives in a short form are written with n (if they are formed from prefixed verbs, which makes them closer to participles): Her eyes were tearful (cf .: crying eyes); His coat was worn out (a worn coat).

      Note 2. In nouns and adverbs formed from participles and verbal adjectives, as many n are written as they were in the generating basis: educated th), put nnik (set th) (on the formation of the word “protege”, see “Suffixes of adjectives formed from verbs”, pr. 1), varenik (boiled), smoked osti (smoked th ), martyr (tormented), ice cream (from the adjective ice cream - to freeze); organized to enter (organized), confused to answer (confusing), surprised to look (surprised).

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      LITERATURE textbook: spelling

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      H / HH in participles and verbal adjectives

      Spelling Н or НН in passive participles is one of those rules that regularly make mistakes in dictations, essays and tests.

      First of all, remember the rule: In the suffixes of full passive participles, two letters H are written, for example, CUT TREES. In the suffixes of short passive participles, one letter H is written, for example, TREES HAVE BEEN CUT.

      But since full passive participles are sometimes very similar to adjectives, to avoid mistakes, it is useful to remember four conditions under which two letters H are written:

      1) the sacrament has a prefix (except NOT-), for example, DRIED MUSHROOMS;

      2) the participle was formed from the verb of the perfect form, for example, SOLVED PROBLEM - from the verb DECIDE (what to do? - perfect form);

      3) the participle has dependent words, for example, DRIED (where?) MUSHROOMS IN THE OVEN;

      4) The participle is formed from the verb using the suffixes -OVA- or -EVA-, for example, EXCITED PERSON.

      If a word does not have any of these features, then it is spelled with one N.

      In addition, there are several words with two letters H, the spelling of which must be learned in the same way as we memorize the words-exceptions: UNSEEN, UNHEARD, UNEXPECTED, UNGUESSED, UNINTENDED, WANTED, PRECIOUS, SACRED, SMOOTH.

      (1) How many N should be written in the participle from the phrase LAUNCHING GARDEN? First of all, you need to see if the sacrament has a prefix. In our case, there is a prefix, which means that this word must be written with two N: NEGLECTED GARDEN.

      (2) How many N should be written in the participle from the phrase BROKEN LOOK? First of all, we look to see if the sacrament has a prefix. In our example, the participle does not have a prefix, therefore, the next step is to determine the type of verb from which this participle was formed. BROCHE_NY was formed from the verb TO THROW (what to do?) This verb is perfective, which means that in the participle you need to write two letters H: LOOKING OUT.

      (3) How many N should be written in the participle from the phrase OVEN Roast FISH? The participle in this phrase has dependent words: HEAT (where?) IN THE OVEN. Therefore, in the sacrament it is necessary to write two letters H: FISH ROASTED IN THE OVEN.

      (4) How many H should be written in the participle from the phrase ASPHALTED HIGHWAY? Since this participle has the suffix -OVA-, two letters H must be written in it: ASPHALTED HIGHWAY.

      (5) How many N should be written in the word WEAVING from the phrase WEAVING BASKET? Since it has no prefix, no dependent words, no suffixes -OVA- or -EVA-, and also because it was formed from the verb of the imperfect form WEAVING (what to do?), You need to write one letter H: WITTED BASKET.

      “How can I not love him? - she said to herself, delving into his fright and at the same time delighted look.

      Levin immediately thought of this, but, in spite of this, he decided that Sviazhsky's views of him were only his baseless assumption...
      (Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)

      Well, the guest is uninvited,
      Perhaps the father will come in!
      I ask you to serve the young lady in love _n oh!

      Scarlet ribbons were woven into her
      In two blond braids,
      Flowers, outfits brought
      Unseen _n oh beauty.

      Who wants to welcome us, if you please;
      The door is open for the stars and the unseen...
      (A. S. Griboyedov, "Woe from Wit")

      Parsley, you are always with a new thing,
      With a torn elbow.
      (A. S. Griboyedov, "Woe from Wit")

      ... There were requests from a hostile ministry for information about the measures that have been applied in the last decade ...
      (Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)

      And that consumptive, relative to you, enemy of books,
      In the academic committee that settled ...
      (A. S. Griboyedov, "Woe from Wit")

      And then she thinks -
      God knows why
      That the starry sky is sand
      Sprinkle _n leaf,
      Constantly day and night on the road
      Surprisingly sweet cart...
      (N. A. Nekrasov, "Russian Women")

      Levin always came to Moscow excited, hurried, a little embarrassed, and irritated by this embarrassment, and for the most part with a completely new, unexpected outlook on things.
      (Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)

      No, in this felled forest
      I won't be lured
      Where there were oaks to heaven
      And now the stumps are sticking out!
      (Nekrasov, "Russian Women")

      He drove to the fortress ballet on many wagons
      From mothers, fathers rejected _n th children?!
      (A. S. Griboyedov, "Woe from Wit")

      Stepan Arkadyevitch had already gone downstairs, undressed, washed himself again, put on a frilled nightgown and lay down ... (Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)

      You will come to Nerchinsk if you
      The road won't kill you.
      Hardly four miles an hour
      Zakova is coming.
      (N. A. Nekrasov, "Russian Women")

      With a face mutilated with passion, pale and with a trembling lower jaw, Vronsky hit her in the stomach with his heel and again began pulling on the reins...
      (Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)

      Darya Alexandrovna's eyes widened at this elegant, unseen carriage...
      (Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)

      Finally married his daughter
      I took it - shish, in the service - nothing.
      (A. S. Griboyedov, "Woe from Wit")

      She remembered how she had almost told the confession that her husband's young subordinate had made to her in Petersburg...
      (Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)

      Towards dinner they arrived: an old cousin of Alexei Alexandrovich ... ... and one young man, recommended to Alexei Alexandrovich for the service.
      (Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)

      To the pen from the cards? and to the cards from the pen?
      And the _nd hour of the ebb and flow?
      (A. S. Griboyedov, "Woe from Wit")

      I'm running, I won't look back, I'll go looking around the world,
      Where insulted _n omu there is a corner for feeling.
      (A. S. Griboyedov, "Woe from Wit")

      Stepan Arkadyevitch ... in this playful courtship ... and accidentally went so far that he no longer knew how to get back ...
      (Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)

      What is the politest name for such people?
      Tenderer? - he is a man of the world,
      Notorious _n th swindler, rogue:
      Anton Antonych Zagoretsky.
      (A. S. Griboyedov, "Woe from Wit")

      For the fact that he softened the anger of _n th guest,
      I wanted to compliment.
      (A. S. Griboyedov, "Woe from Wit")

      You sit for an hour
      Do not oppress _n th, peppy mind
      Works meanwhile.
      (N. A. Nekrasov, "Russian Women")

      Н and НН in short adjectives

      How not to make a mistake in writing -n- and -nn- in short adjectives? You just need to be guided by a simple rule, which is described in this article. In addition, erroneous variants of the use of -nn- in participles are given here.

      1. Spelling Н and НН in short adjectives
      2. Spelling Н and НН in short participles
      3. Erroneous use of the suffix NN in participles
      4. Topic quiz

      Spelling Н and НН in short adjectives

      In short adjectives, as many N are written as in full adjectives from which they were formed. This rule applies to both denominative (derived from nouns) and verbal adjectives.

      ExamplesНН and Н in short verbal adjectives: fried mushrooms, distracted boy, reserved character.

      Spelling Н and НН in short participles

      In short participles, one is always used H, no matter how much H was in the full participle or the verb from which they were formed. As a rule, short participles are used with explanatory words.

      Erroneous use of the suffix NN in participles

      A fairly common mistake is to write the suffix HH in short adjectives and participles, the forms of which coincide. It is important to distinguish the meaning of such words by using them correctly. H or HH. Compare:

      • Participles (can be replaced by a verb) - read the book n but for the record (the book was read for the record), people are excited n with the news (people were excited by the news);
      • Verbal adjective (can be seen as an adjective) - girl read nn aya (smart, educated girl), the sea is excited nn o (restless sea).
      • Spelling -Н- and -НН- in suffixes of various parts of speech

        A13. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which one N is written?

        Skillfully executed (1) cova (2) beams (3) lattices of St. Petersburg - one of the decorations of the city.

        1) 1,2 2) 2 3) 2, 3 4) 1, 3

        A bit of theory

        Despite the fact that the codifier talks about one and two letters H in the suffixes of various parts, in the control measuring materials we will also deal with words in which the spelling of two H is due to the fact that the first of the letters is part of the root (base), and the second is the suffix -Н- or part of the suffix starting with N.


        1) Adjectives with suffixes -an-, -yan-, -in- written with one -n-: clay, silver, chicken. Exceptions: glass, tin, wood.

        2) Adjectives with suffixes -onn-, -enn- written with two -n-: aviation related. Exception: windy, oily.

        3) In adjectives formed from the base on -n with a suffix -n-, written two -n-: pictorial (karti n-a + n th).

        Participles and adjectives formed from verbs:

        two letters -n- are written in suffixes of full participles and adjectives formed from verbs:

        1) if they have a prefix: sun plow n th, from the brew n th(but: smart boy, named brother);

        2) if they have dependent words: var nn aya on milk ;

        3) if the word has suffixes -ova-, -eva-, -irova-: marinated, asphalted;

        4) if the word is formed from a non-prefixed perfective verb (except wounded): deprived;

        In short participles, one is written -n-, and in adjectives - two (except for the masculine singular form). It is necessary to distinguish between full and short forms of passive past participles with suffixes -enn- and -nn- and adjectives formed from verbs. Compare:

        educated, participle from the verb "educate"; short form: brought up, brought up, brought up, brought up, brought up and educated, adjective; short form: educated, educated, educated, educated.

        How to distinguish? It is possible in meaning, but it is easier to try to substitute the word ‘ more’: Masha was raised by her grandmother and Masha is educated, polite and smart. As you can see, in the first case, the substitution of the proposed word is inappropriate, and in the second, it is quite real. In addition, passive participles require the presence (at least on a subconscious level) of an indication of who performed the action indicated in the participle.

        Writing one or two letters -n- in complex adjectives obeys the general rule: plain dyed (paint, imperfect species); plain dyed (paint, perfect view).

        adverbs, formed from adjectives with two -n-, also written with two -n-: went organized.

        In nouns, formed from adjectives, participles and verbal adjectives, so many -n-, how many of them were in the production basis: pupil ( from ‘ educated), martyr ( from ‘ tormented) .

        Two - n- are written in all words formed from the bases on -n, with a suffix starting with -n: foamy (pe n-a + n-th), hexagon (six + face n b + n ik).

        Spelling H-HH in adjective suffixes. Rules and examples

        So, first you need to determine from which part of speech the adjective is formed, since it can be a denominative adjective, i.e., formed on behalf of a noun, and verbal - formed from a verb.

        Rule I. H-HH in adjective suffixes formed from nouns

        1. One letter n is written:

      • an, yang, in:skin - leather en th, clay - clay yang oh, nightingale - nightingale in th; exception: in words trees yann th, tin yann oh, glass yann th two letters n are written;
      • in primitive adjectives, or native adjectives: scarlet n oh, go n th, green n oh, beautiful n oh, swi n oh si n oy, straight n oh, blush n oh, yu n th. In given adjectives letters n included in the root.
      • 2. Two letters n are written:

      • in adjectives formed from nouns with a base on n and me with a suffix n: seed - seed n oh lemon lemon n th.

      In adjective seed n oh two suffixes - en and n so there are two letters in the word n. In the word lemon n th one letter n will refer to the root, and the second n- to the suffix, so two letters will also be written in it n.

      Note: adjective nameless formed from a noun name, combined only with the word finger (bezim yann th finger); with other words, for example, station, height, hero, etc., the adjective nameless is used (bezim yonn th height);

    20. in adjectives formed from nouns using suffixes onn-enn: celebration - celebrations enn th, lecture - lectures he N th; exception: in the word wind en th write one letter n, but two letters will be written in prefixed formations n: without wind enn th, about wind enn th, about wind enn th, etc.
    21. Rule II. Н-НН in adjective suffixes formed from verbs

      One letter n is written:

    22. in adjective suffixes formed from imperfective verbs: smoke - kopch en th sausage, sluggish - sluggish en th fish; exception: in words affairs nn oh, wish nn oh, gem nn oh, slow enn oh, invisible nn oh, ugly nn oh, awesome n oh, bad luck nn oh, unheard nn ouch, nechaya nn oh, holy enn th, chwa nn oh, check nn th spelled two n, despite the fact that these words are formed from imperfective verbs, as well as in words landing en th(father or mother) name n th(brother or sister), smart en th.
    23. The verb asks a question: smoke(what to do?) - an imperfective verb, so the formed verbal adjective will be written with one n - kopch en ah sausage.

      Two letters n is written:

    24. in adjective suffixes formed from perfective verbs: say - say nn oh word, buy - purchase enn th tickets; exception: in the word run en th write one letter n, in prefixed formations - two: from run enn th, on run enn th.
    25. From the verb, the question is asked: to say (what to do?) - a perfective verb, so the formed verbal adjective will be written with two n - skaz nn oh word;

    26. in suffixes ovan-evn full and short forms of adjectives formed from verbs: excite - excite nn th actress, actress excited nn a, organize - organize nn students, students of the organization nn s ; exception: in words chewing n oh, cool n oh, cova n th write one letter n, So ova-eva are part of the root, and are not part of the suffixes ovan-evn, but two letters will be written in prefixed formations n: about
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    30. The Russian language is so diverse that most people get the impression that it is impossible to master the material, but this is not so.

      It is necessary to remember a number of rules, one of which is "Spelling "n" and "nn" in participles." It will help any schoolchild, student and person, wise by experience, in the correct design of the text and the implementation of exercises.

      Spelling "N" and "NN" in participles

      When to write one "N"

      If there is no prefix at the beginning of the word, then a single letter is written. Options: mightier n th streets, heat n th potato. The participle is reborn into an adjective.

      If a word consists of two verbal units and is overloaded with symbols, a single version is also written. Option: smoother n th-pereglazhe n th tie. Such a word also has the meaning of an adjective, its best quality.

      It turns out that the semantic meaning of a word also depends on its spelling, as well as belonging to the type.

      Two "NN" in participles

      In the suffixes of participles of the passive form, a double "n" is placed.

      This happens when a prefix is ​​placed in a word:

      • pen rule nn th book;
      • cut slice;
      • behind paved roads;
      • pen fried potatoes;
      • pen similar nn th road;
      • teacher unprecedently clone.

      Double "H" is written in participles without prefixes in the forms of the perfect form. Options: captivity nn oh, brooch nn oh, decide nn th. And also in those participles that are formed from the type of the imperfect. Options: chita nn oh, hear nn th.

      "H" and "HH" in verbal adjectives

      When to spell "N"

      Verb-based adjectives are not like participles - they do not use the usual adjective. Thus, words created on the basis of a verb and not containing a prefix are adjectives. Examples: chewing n th sheet, kova n th nail, smarter n oh boy, it seems n th way, your n oh cabbage.

      Prefix NOT does not change the words, a single letter is written. Writing options: nezva n oh cat, it doesn't look like n th ravine.

      One letter is written in compound adjectives that have two roots and two meanings. Examples: one-piece n th(cut entirely) Zlatakova n th(forged from gold).

      There are expressions with different meanings. For example, name n th friend. It is an adjective (verbal) and has the meaning not of a native, but of being a brother in case of some circumstances.

      But there is another option - name nn yy in honor of someone. It turns out that the person was given a name in honor of grandparents. Such a word will be a participle, and will be written with two letters .

      Cases of writing "NN"

      "Being a nn otherwise, the officer remained in the division. Such a sentence replaces the following phrase: "Soldier hurt, but he did not leave his combat territory.

      In this case, the opposite happens, there is a degeneration into communion.

      Double H is written in the cases of using "OVANNY" and "YOVANNY" - those that are not included in the root. Options: honored title, uprooted path.


      Exceptional options to remember : form nn oh, business nn oh, wish nn oh, gem nn oh, slow nn oh, invisible nn oh, ugly nn oops, dumbass nn oh (eye), nezhda nn oh, unheard nn ouch, nechaya nn oh, okay nn oh, holy nn oh, count nn wow, wow nn oh, check nn th.

      Spelling "Н" and "НН" in adjectives formed from nouns

      One letter is placed in the suffix part of the word " AN", « YAN" and " IN". Options: rye, resin, pigeon.

      In combinations " ENN" and " HE N" double letters are used. Options: stone, window. In this case, the single letter "H" falls on the root, and the other on the suffix.

      But there are exceptional options: glass yann th, tin yann th, trees yann oh, the wind en th. They should be remembered.

      How to choose what to write "n" or "nn" in adjectives and participles

      We looked at the different uses and spellings of "N" inside participles and adjectives. Based on the analyzed material, the following conclusion can be drawn.

      All participles are written with double letters "H". All adjective words, originally created from a verb, use one "N", except for exception words that must be remembered.

      Adjectives that originate from nouns are written with two letters "H", if one letter is placed in the root part and the other in the suffix. With one letter H" if it is directly in the suffix part.

      Do not forget about the special words that you need to remember. And finally, a few examples of the application of the rule.


      Always double HH

      verbal adjective Adjective
      There is an attachment:

      pen rule nn th book

      Attachment not used:

      mightier n th roads

      Suffixes "AN", "YAN", "IN":

      rye, clay, nightingale

      There is a prefix "NOT" and another prefix:

      restless nn th officer

      The prefix "NOT" - put a single letter:

      nezva n th guest

      In combinations of letters " ENN" and " HE N":

      stone, window

      There is no prefix before the word, but it is perfect or imperfective:

      captivity nn oh, brooch nn oh, decide nn oh, read nn oh, hear nn th

      The word has two roots:

      one-piece n th

      The word takes the place of the verb:

      Being a wound nn th, the officer remained in the division.

      In the cases of using "OVANNY" and "YOVANNY":

      honorary title,

      uprooted path

      The word includes two words similar in meaning:

      smoother n th-pereglazhe n th tie

      Exceptional options:

      seen, done, desired, cutesy, slow, unseen, unforeseen, awake (eye), unexpected, unheard, unintentional, cursed, sacred, counted, conceited, minted.

      Exceptions with two and one "H":

      glass yann th, tin yann th, trees yann oh, the wind en th

      LESSON 117

      Subject: One and two letters n in passive suffixes past participles and adjectives formed from verbs

      Lesson type: a lesson in discovering new knowledge.

      Goals as activities of students.


      M/n: extract, process and transform information from one type to another (scheme, keywords, algorithm),

      analyze, compare, reason, draw conclusions.


      4LR: recognize a new spelling, analyze the choicen andnn in the suffixes of the passive past participles and

      verbal adjectives, write one or two lettersn based on the algorithm, verbally and graphically explain the choice


      Lesson stages

      During the classes

      Formation of UUD and assessment technology, spiritual and moral education

      I. Organizational moment.

      Greetings. Check readiness for the lesson. Identification of absentees.

      II. Checking homework.

      Students exchange homemade assignments. Several people perform tasks at the blackboard (it is desirable that the tasks are of different types), the rest are on pieces of paper.

      Pupils at the blackboard make self-assessment in dialogue with the teacher.

      The teacher collects the worksheets with completed tasks for checking.


      III. Language workout.

      The teacher dictates word combinations:

      equestrianism, sandbar, hurricane wind, straw man, silver medal, pocket watch, majestic mountains, young hero, rosy cheeks, deserted distance, old buildings, frivolous girl, art gallery, glass pipe.

      What spelling is in all combinations?

      What parts of speech are adjectives formed from?

      Graphically indicate the conditions for choosing spellings.

      Read the words in groups: 1) with the suffix -n -; 2) with suffix -en -(- yang -); 3) with suffix -enn -. How many lettersn in the words of each group?

      What words did not fit into any of the groups? (young, ruddy .) Why? (n - part of the root, not formed from nouns).

      Cognitive UUD

      1. Own different types of listening (introductory, selective).

      2. Analyze, compare, generalize, draw conclusions, build reasoning.

      IV. Statement of the problem of the lesson.

      Students conduct an observation on the material of the textbook: § 76, heading "Defining the problem of the lesson."

      A contradiction is revealed in the spelling of suffixes of the highlighted words:

      with one and two lettersn , formulate the problem: in what cases

      write one lettern , and in which two lettersn in participle suffixes?

      Regulatory UUD

      1. Make guesses based on observations.

      2. Formulate the topic and purpose of the lesson.

      V. Discovery of new knowledge.

      1 . Leading dialogue is used.

      a) Students write out N.A. Taffy words in groups and

      conduct their analysis under the guidance of a teacher (based on textbook questions).

      1st slide .

      Two features that affect spelling are revealed: the type of verbs,

      from which participles and verbal adjectives are formed, and

      structure of words (presence or absence of a prefix).

      After the preliminary conclusions of the students about writing one and

      two lettersn on the slide, by clicking the mouse, the corresponding

      designations (SV over the verbs of the 1st column, NSV - over the verbs

      2nd column, prefixes in participlescut, painted ).

      b) Continuation of observations.

      2nd slide .

      Task: compare pairs of words and complete the previous conclusion.

      (Prefixnot does not affect the spelling of one and two lettersn .)

      c) Continuation of observations.

      3rd slide .

      Task: Find similar words in each column. Speak out

      assumptions, what is the reason for the difference in writing one and two

      lettersn in these words.

      Words are underlined after students answer by mouse clickon the

      grill, charcoal, in combat , above the inscriptiondependent word .

      Make a general conclusion: in which cases two letters are written in the suffixes of passive participles and verbal adjectivesn , and in some - one.

      2. Ex. 620 - reading the text of the rule.

      What new information did you discover?

      Write down in the form of keywords the signs that influence the choice of two lettersn .

      Name the identifying feature of the new spelling.

      Present a graphical model of spelling.(Cm.material of the subject disk - a graphic model of the spelling "One and two lettersn in the suffixes of passive past participles and adjectives formed from verbs" to § 76.)

      Are you familiar with this identification? In what spelling does it occur?

      How to distinguish these spellings? What condition for choosing a spelling is the main one for distinguishing spellings of different types? (From what part of speech is the word that names the sign formed: from a noun or from a verb.)

      Present the rule as a diagram.(Cm.material of the subject disk - a diagram of the rule for choosing one and two lettersn in the suffixes of passive past participles and adjectives formed from verbs in § 76.)

      3. Ex. 621 - a comic grammatical miniature, giving

      motivating rule.

      Find participles, explain the spelling of two letters in themn , relying on one of the conditions named in this text.

      Regulatory UUD

      1. Look for ways to solve the problem.

      2. Predict and correct your activities.

      3. To carry out cognitive and personal reflection.

      Cognitive UUD

      1 . Own different types of reading (introductory, studying).

      2 . Extract information, transform it and transfer it in other forms (graphic model, diagram).

      VI. Development of educational language and spelling skills.

      Ex. 622 - the course of reasoning is analyzed when choosing a spelling

      one or two lettersn in suffixes of passive past participles and verbal adjectives.

      Students independently restore the 1st step of the algorithm

      (remember the beginning of the knowledge discovery stage): find a word (verb),

      from which the participle (adjective) is formed.

      It is carried out in writing in notebooks with comments.

      Ex. 623 - the primary ability to find words with the studied spelling develops, to explain the spelling of two lettersn in participles, based on the algorithm and one of the conditions named in exercise. 621.

      Performed with oral commentary.

      Ex. 624 - the ability to write words with a studied spelling based on an algorithm (or a rule scheme) develops, to graphically indicate the conditions for choosing spellings.

      It is carried out with commenting in writing.

      Cognitive UUD

      1 . Analyze, compare, group, draw conclusions.

      2. Possess the skills of selecting and systematizing the material.

      3. Convert information from one form to another (text (rule) into an algorithm).

      Communicative UUD

      1. Express and justify your point of view.

      2. Listen and hear others, be ready to correct your point of view.

      VII. Summary of the lesson.

      Read a couple of words. Determine in which pair the given pattern does not work. Explain why.

      dyed - dyed

      washed - washed

      tossed - tossed

      ironed - ironed

      The teacher assigns grades for specific types of work to individual students based on their self-assessment.

      Regulatory UUD

      1. Correlate the goals and results of their activities.

      2. Develop evaluation criteria and determine the degree of success of the work.


      VIII. Homework.

      1. Reproduce the rule based on the schema.

      2. Ex. 627.

      Back forward

      Attention! The slide preview is for informational purposes only and may not represent the full extent of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

      Lesson Objectives:

      • to introduce students to the spelling “One letter H in the suffixes of short passive participles”;
      • consolidate the skill of spelling suffixes of short and full participles;
      • develop thinking, memory, speech of students;
      • to instill interest in learning their native language.


      1) interactive whiteboard;
      2) presentation for the lesson;
      3) sheets with a task for fixing new material;
      4) textbook “Russian language. 6th grade"; the authors R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva, L.Yu. Komissarova.

      During the classes

      I. Organizational moment.

      Write down the number in your workbook, class work.

      II. Knowledge update.

      Now you will have to answer a few questions, and then you will know what our lesson will be about, in addition to an important conversation on a linguistic topic.

      Slide "Crossword"

      1. What participles have a short form?

      2. What suffix will have passive past participles formed from the stems of verbs not in -a, -ya?

      3. Determine the participle case in the phrase developing city .

      4. What part of speech do we work with in the last lessons?

      5. Name the type of subordinating connection in the phrase, in which the main word requires the placement of the dependent in a certain case.

      6. Form a valid present participle from a verb grow cold .

      7. What member of the sentence are full participles most often?

      8. The verb signs of the participle are the form, time. Name the third sign.

      E HH
      • Read the first letter of the word.

      III. The topic of the lesson.

      Today at the Russian language lesson we will talk about our hometown and get acquainted with the new spelling.

      Slide "My favorite city"

      IV. Discovery of new knowledge and formulation of the topic of the lesson

      Read the text.

      Slide “Text about the coat of arms of Serpukhov”

      Our city was founded in the XIV century. Many amazing pages are inscribed in its history. Serpukhov's coat of arms is also unusual. It depicts a strange bird - a peacock. The history of the creation of the coat of arms is connected with the visit of Ekaterina Dashkova to one of the city's monasteries. The princess was very surprised when two peacocks came out of the monastery gates to meet her.

      Slide "My favorite city"

      V. Consolidation of new material.

      1. Choose definitions that characterize our city.
      2. I picked up such definitions.

      Refurbished, painted, embellished, built, lit, planted, gilded, well maintained.

      (Communion on a sheet on the board.)

      • What part of speech are these words?
      • What are these sacraments?
        (Passive past participles.)

      3. Describe what our city looks like. Make up sentences by forming short participles from the data. Words for reference and photographs with views of Serpukhov will help you.

      (Words for reference on the sheet on the board.)

      Slide "Views of the city"

      Words for reference: trees, houses, squares, domes of churches, buildings, streets, facades of houses, residential areas, flower beds, park.

      (The buildings have been restored.
      The facades of the houses are painted.
      The squares of the city are decorated for the holiday.
      Residential areas are newly built.
      The streets are brightly lit.
      Trees are planted along sidewalks.
      The domes of the churches are gilded.
      Lawns and flower beds are well maintained.)

      • 1-3 sentences - orally.
      • 4-6 sentences - “in a chain” at the board.
      • 7, 8 sentences - 2 students at the board.

      VI. Development of spelling skills.

      Slide "Warped Text"

      • Before you is a deformed text, the sequence of sentences in the text is broken. Read it to yourself.

      In 1982, our city was awarded (n, nn) ​​the Order of the Great Fatherland (n, nn) ​​war of the 1st degree. Four centuries later, in the autumn of 1941, the path to the enemy rushing to the capital was again blocked (n, nn). At all times, Serpukhov stood guard over the southern borders of Moscow. The Nazis were forced (n, n) to retreat. In the middle of the 16th century, to protect against the troops of the Crimean Khan, a (n, nn) ​​and white-kame (n, nn) ​​fortress was built. For the courage and heroism shown (n, nn) ​​during the war years, thousands of Serpukhovites were awarded (n, nn) ​​high government (n, nn) ​​awards.

      • Restore the deformed text, that is, put the sentences in the right order.

      At all times, Serpukhov stood guard over the southern borders of Moscow. In the middle of the 16th century, to protect against the troops of the Crimean Khan, a (n, nn) ​​and white-kame (n, nn) ​​fortress was built. Four centuries later, in the autumn of 1941, the path to the enemy rushing to the capital was again blocked (n, nn). The Nazis were forced (n, n) to retreat. For the courage and heroism shown (n, nn) ​​during the war years, thousands of Serpukhovites were awarded (n, nn) ​​high government (n, nn) ​​awards. In 1982, our city was awarded (n, nn) ​​the Order of the Great Fatherland (n, nn) ​​war of the 1st degree.

      Slide "Recovered text"

      • Find a sentence that reflects the topic of the text.

      (At all times, Serpukhov stood guard over the southern borders of Moscow.)

      • What is the main idea of ​​the text?

      (Courage and heroism of the city and its inhabitants, standing on the defense of the southern borders of the capital.)

      • Write down the text by solving spelling problems. Graphically designate spellings.

      Slide "Check Text"

      At all times, Serpukhov stood guard over the southern borders of Moscow. In the middle of the 16th century, to protect against the troops of the Crimean Khan, a building was built n and squirrels nn ah fortress. Four centuries later, in the autumn of 1941, the path to the enemy rushing to the capital was again blocked. n. The Nazis were forced n you back off. For courage and heroism nn th during the war years, thousands of Serpukhovichi n s high government nn th awards. In 1982 our city was awarded n Order of the Great Fatherland nn oh war I degree.

      • Explain the spelling of words with double N.

      (White-stone, developed, governmental, Patriotic.)

      • Why is there only one letter H in other words?

      (In the suffixes of short participles, one letter N is always written.)

      • What member of the sentence are the short participles in the sentence?

      (They are part of the compound nominal predicate.)

      • Emphasize short participles as part of a sentence.

      (On the interactive whiteboard.)

      • Find the participial phrase in the text. Highlight it graphically.

      (For courage and heroism, manifested during the war,…

      rushing to the capital enemy...)

      • Explain the use of punctuation marks in participial phrases.

      (The participial turnover is isolated if it stands after the word being defined;
      the participial turnover is not isolated if it stands before the word being defined, expressed by the noun.)

      (On the interactive whiteboard.)

      Slide blank

      VII. Knowledge control.

      You have to complete 6 tests. I draw your attention to the fact that in each task there is only 1 correct answer. You must write down the number of the task and the answer option. Time is limited.

      Slide test. Task No. 1, 2”

      1. What are the most common participles in a sentence?

      A) Predicate and circumstance.
      B) Definition and addition.
      AT) Predicate and definition.
      G) definition and circumstance.

      2. Communion seen - This…

      A) The real participle of the present tense.
      B) Actual past participle.
      AT) Passive participle of the present tense.
      G) Passive past participle.

      Slide test. Task No. 3, 4”

      3. In the sacrament from the phrase constructed buildings two letters H are written, because ...

      a) This is a short introduction.
      B) The participle has dependent words.
      AT) The sacrament has a prefix.
      G) The participle has the suffix -ova- (-eva-).

      4. In short participles it is written ...

      A) One letter H, if the participle is formed from a perfective verb.
      B) Always one N.
      AT) Always two letters H .
      Two letters H if the participle has dependent words.

      Slide test. Task No. 5, 6”

      5. Choose a row in which all words are short participles.

      A) compiled, brought, prepared
      B) researched, rouge, made
      AT) marked, modern, fortified
      G) surrounded, artificial, built

      6. Choose a row in which one letter H is written in all participles.

      A) performed .. by the master, unseen .. th success
      B) paved .. th street, bring .. th from afar
      AT) flowers, touristshappy..s
      G) unraveling the secrets .. you smart .. th student

      • Test yourself.

      Slide "Keys to the test"

      Keys to the text.

      1. V.
      2. G.
      3. V.
      4. B.
      5. A.
      6. G.

      • Rate yourself.

      Slide "Norms of assessments"

      "5" - no errors.
      "4" - 1 error.
      "3" - 2-3 errors.
      "2" - more than 3 errors.

      • Who completed the work for a grade of “5”?

      Slide blank

      VIII. Summary of the lesson.

      What spelling did you learn in class today?

      Spelling name slide

      Name the key words of the lesson.

      • Passive past participles.
      • Brief Communions.
      • Participle suffixes.

      Slide "Keywords"

      IX. Homework.

      Textbook § 76, no. 642 p. 270.

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