Declension of nouns. "Three types of declension of nouns" Game "Saw and heard"

Declension n. is their change in cases and numbers. There are 3 types of substantive declension. The numbering of declensions at school and university does not match. According to the calculations of A. Zaliznyak in Russian. noun m.r. and cf. most of all, therefore it is they who are ranked in grammars as type 1 skl.

Differing: noun cf. R. on -ME, child, path.

Indeclinable:taxi, incognito, Yevtushenko

Substantiated adjectives. and moreover. with adjective type of declension ( ice cream, canteen, animal, noun).

hard, soft, mixed (base on k, g, x)variety

Determine the type of declension ak. and according to school, its variety.

Frying - 1 school., 2 ac., soft; radio - non-consecutive; child - various; wolf - 2 pcs., 1 ac., soft; cake - adjective; reeds - 2 pcs., 1 ac., hard.

Variants of case endings

Singular form:

- R.p. –U:

    for some real and abstract nouns in phrases with a quantitative meaning: a glass of tea (taste of tea), get wax, kerosene, glue, varnish, chalk, turpentine, tesu, buy peas, fat, onions, honey, pepper, rice, cheese; make a fuss, make a fuss, talk nonsense

BUT: - if there is a definition for noun. the ending -a is written;

If the main word has the meaning of a specific quantity, then -a is written: a kilogram of sugar, five pieces of chalk.

    noun, having in its composition will reduce. suf.: drink kvass, tea, eat honey, cheese.

    In some phraseologist. revolutions: a week without a year, without a clan and a tribe, give a blunder, achieve good sense, ask pepper, not to laugh, turn up the heat, pick up the pace, eye to eye, thread by thread, there is no doubt what the spirit has ...

    after prepositions from, from, with(with the meaning of deletion or reason), before(limit, achievement), without(in adverbial combinations), particles neither:lose sight of, 5 years old, scream out of fright, starve to death, see you home, enter without asking, talk incessantly, never been, not a word, not a spirit, not a step further.

    in negative sentences: no wear, no lights out, no failure, no show, no mind.

The ending -A is now the main one in this form, it replaces the ending -U.

- Ex. –U

The ending -E is normative, but in a number of forms -U is required:

* in monosyllabic nouns. ( in hell, on the rampart, on the side, on board, in debt, in the forest, on ice…)

* in expressions with adverbial value ( work at home(cf.: house number),returned at the first hour(cf.: 60 minutes in one hour),catch on a gallop, seen a lot in his lifetime…)

Now the ending -U is being actively replaced by the ending -E and begins to acquire a colloquial character ( on vacation).

Plural form

- Im.p. - BUT

This ending appeared in Russian. the language is relatively recent (19th century) and began to actively spread, displacing the traditional ending -Ы. In the 20th century, it was mainly characteristic of professional and colloquial. speech. But at the beginning The 21st century loses its reduced color and becomes normative.

The following forms are standard: addresses, eyes, edges, cuts, stacks, runs, voices, domes, sails, watchmen, banks, directors, coachmen, passports, tenors (=s), sides, quails, towers, sides, houses, forests, clerk, black grouse, fans, gutters, masters, cooks, skulls, evenings, millstones, numbers, trains, best man, heaps, boats, warrants, varieties.

Conversational forms are: contract, designer, engineer, accountant, call, coach

-R.p. noun m. and Wed.

The vast majority of the have the ending -OB/-EB. But in some cases it is preferable null ending:

Name paired items:a pair of boots, trousers, boots, sneakers, boots, boots, stockings, shoulder straps, epaulettes, shorts, sandals, cuffs;

Name cubs animals(calves, goats)

- title nationalities with a base on n and R: British, Armenians, Bulgarians, Georgians, Turks, Gypsies, Tatars, Buryats, Turks…;

- title military groups(type of army): detachment of partisans, soldier;

Add. -ov: grenadier, cadet, hussar, dragoon;

- units measurements:number of amps, watts, volts, hertz, watts, bytes, bits.

Add. -ov: Ohm - ohm, gram-gramov , carat-carat, newton ...

Apples, but other names of vegetables and fruits - with OB

Predominant in noun. cf.

Noun parsing scheme

    word form in the text.

    Part of speech.

    Initial form (Im. p., singular).

    Own or common noun.

    Animate or inanimate

    Personal or impersonal.

    Concrete / abstract / real / collective.

    Number and correlation by number.

    Genus (determined only in singular).

    Case, case indicator, case value.

    Type of declension (according to school and academic), declension indicator, type of declension.

    syntax function.

Parse all the nouns from the sentence according to the scheme

A young man is sitting in the carriage. Heavily powdered, in stockings, in a ceremonial velvet camisole, he has glasses on his nose. He nonchalantly looks at the soldiers, at the running people, at the noisy crowds of people.

169. Say the words. Write these words in letters.

[y "el"], [ardor"], [night"], [mice], [dv "er"].

  • What do these nouns have in common? Indicate their gender, highlight the ending.

Note! Did you write down the nouns? 3rd declension.

170. Read.

Cunning, prank, cruelty, sincerity, modesty, stinginess, greed, justice, modesty, deceit, conscience, dignity, nobility.

  • Can you explain what quality or feeling each of these words stands for? Which of these words could you put next to the word conscience? Why?
  • Write down the 3rd declension nouns. On what basis did you identify them?
  • Write a text-reasoning on the topic "What is conscience?".

171. Read. Prove that these words are nouns of the 3rd declension.

Herring, snowstorm, dust, night, chain, bone, spruce.

  • Form from each noun a single-root noun of the 1st declension. Write the words in pairs according to the model. Underline the studied spellings in the words.

Sample. Herring (3rd fold) - herring (1st fold), blizzard (3rd fold) - blizzard (1st fold).

172. Read.

Shadow, day, eyebrow, worm, lynx, goose, pier, horse, disease, June, stone, medal, crane, square, notebook, writer, hole, dove, acorn, barley.

  • What do these nouns have in common? How to determine which of them belong to the 3rd declension?
  • First write out the nouns of the 3rd declension, and then the 2nd declension.

173. Read. Write off.

      golden blizzard
      A yellow leaf is rushing.
      With a plaintive flute
      The whistle of the wind is heard.
      (F. Glinka)

  • Discuss whether the underlined words are 3rd declension nouns. How to define it?
  • Continue the formulation of the definition: “To find out if a noun belongs to the 3rd declension, you need to ...”

Case endings
3rd declension nouns






rye, mouse,



hw and, mouse and,
area and

to whom?

hw and, mouse and,
area and


rye, mouse,


by whom?

rye Yu, mouse Yu,
square Yu

about whom?
about what?

o hw and oh mouse and,
about area and

174. Read the table on this page. Is there a difference in writing stressed and unstressed case endings for nouns of the 3rd declension in the same case?

  • In what cases do nouns of the 3rd declension have the same endings? Name these endings.

Note! Drums and unstressed the endings of nouns of the 3rd declension in the same case are written equally. By shock case endings of nouns of the 3rd declension, you can check the spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns of the same declension: in the wilderness [and] - in the hole [and].

175. Decline, using the table, these nouns: joy, speech, thought.

  • Write down all the case forms of these nouns, highlight their endings.

I. p. what? - speech, joy, thought

R. p. what? - speech [and |, joy [and], thought [and]

  • Check the table to see if you wrote down the unstressed endings of nouns correctly.

176. Use this table to tell what features the nouns of each declension have.

  • Choose from the dictionary of homonyms of the textbook one noun of each declension. Write down these words and write their declension in brackets.

177. Read. Using the table ex. 176 and the memo “How to determine the declension of a noun”, determine the declension of nouns in these word combinations.

      Rain drop.
      Lilac bouquet.
      Hoarfrost on a spruce branch.
      Letter from grandfather.
      Cherry jam.
      Russian landscape.

P e yzazh

178. Read.

      Loved you for no particular reason
      Because you are a grandson
      Because you are a son
      For being a baby
      For what you grow
      Because he looks like mom and dad.
      And this love until the end of your days
      It will remain your secret support.
      (V. Berestov)

  • How do you understand the main idea of ​​the poem?
  • Find singular nouns. Explain how to determine their declination.

179. Read. Write off.

1. Night fell on the earth. 2. Fog appeared over the river. 3. The moon illuminated the neighborhood.

  • Explain how to determine the declension and case of nouns in these sentences.

180. Read.

There is anxiety in the mountain gorge. A bird screams - a rocky nuthatch. What happened?

Nuthatch nest on a sheer cliff. It has little chicks. Gyurza crawls to the nest. The nuthatch whirls around the snake and screams. The venomous snake is getting closer and closer. The nuthatch started screaming. Now the green body curved in the air with a question mark. A little more - and the gyurza will crawl into the nest.

And then a miracle happened: a small nuthatch fluttered, hit the gyurza in the back of the head with its beak, paws, with all its small bird's body. The snake fell off the cliff.

(N. Sladkov)

  • Determine the topic and main idea of ​​the text.
  • Is the text complete? What can be said in the final part? Title the text.
  • Plan your text. Get ready to write your outline. Write down difficult words to write.
  • Write an essay. Test yourself.

In order to determine the declension of a noun, it is necessary to determine its gender.

Nouns come in 1st, 2nd and 3rd declensions.

first declension

The first declension includes feminine and masculine nouns with the endings -а, -я in the nominative case.

Example: uncle, cat, young man, fish, crybaby.

Second declension

The second declension includes masculine nouns with a zero ending and neuter nouns with endings -o and -e in the nominative case.

Example: student, hero, link, heart, sky.

third declension

The third declension includes feminine nouns with a soft sign at the end in the nominative case.

Example: area, spruce, mouse, daughter, laziness.

How to determine the declension of a noun?

  1. So, in order to determine the declension of a noun, it is necessary to determine its gender.
  2. Then highlight the ending of the noun in the nominative singular.
  3. Determine the declension by gender and ending.

For example:

Saturday - she, mine - a feminine noun with the ending -a in the nominative singular. Therefore, the noun Saturday 1st declension.

Apple - it, mine - a neuter noun with the ending -o in the nominative singular. Therefore, the noun Apple 2nd declension.

Joy - she, mine - a feminine noun with a soft sign at the end, in the nominative case of the singular, the ending is zero. Therefore, the noun joy 3rd declension.

Nouns of the same declension have the same stressed and unstressed case endings.

For example:

Checking exercises of different difficulty levels

Level 1

Write down the nouns. Specify declination.

Hero, hollow, night, apple, sea, blizzard, spring, weather, glade, help.

Level 2

Write down the 3 declension nouns.

Life, oven, daughter, potato, steppe, car, carrot, notebook, horse, horse, day, laziness, stump, pain, area.

Level 3

Find and write synonyms for the words. Determine the declension of all nouns.

Father, village, triumph, luck, sorcerer, heat.

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1, 2, 3 declensions of nouns. Variable nouns. + Exercise.

Nouns come in 1st, 2nd and 3rd declensions.

first declension

The first declension includes feminine and masculine nouns with endings-a, -Iin the nominative case.
newsa, apple treeI, youtha.

Second declension

The second declension includes masculine nouns with zero endings and neuter nouns with endings-aboutand–ein the nominative case.

Example:student, hero, linkabout, heartse.

third declension

The third declension includes feminine nouns withsoft signat the end in the nominative case. Example:areab, ateb.

Feminine nouns, singular in the nominative case, that end in a hissing sound, are written with a soft sign at the end of the word.


The declensions include ten nouns in -me
(burden, time, seed, crown, flame, stirrup, banner, tribe, name, udder)
and word

Nouns in -me and word way in R. D. and P. cases units. h.
have an ending
-and, like nouns III declension, and in T. case
-em (-em), like nouns II declension.

A feature of this group of nouns is the presence before
ending in all cases except AND. and B. cases units. h., suffix -en
and in the forms of seeds, stirrups - the suffix -yan.

Declension of inflected nouns




seed time path

seeds travel times


journey time seed

path time seeds


journey time seed

the seeds of the times


seed time path

seeds travel times


by the seed of time

seeds sometimes ways


(o) seed (o) time (o) way

(o) seeds (o) times (o) ways

In an unstressed suffix -en- nouns on -me a letter is written e.

On the banner (banner, on - me). What time is it? No time.


    Write down the nouns of the 1st declension.

Youth, snake, rain, jam, dust, grandfather, grandfather, crane, jam, fox, antiquity, napkin, shoes, lantern, carrot, carrot, joy, Peter, Petya, violinist, saber, steppe, sun, geranium, herring, herring, blizzard, summer, autumn, winter.

Decline the underlined nouns. Highlight ending

    Write out different nouns.

    There is a story about a tribe.
    Only in the spring will the time come
    The tribe peacefully sows the seed,
    Though plowing and sowing is a burden.
    The cow has a full udder.
    Papuan needs a name
    Compose for my son
    And milk the cow
    But the leader of their foot in the stirrup,
    Having stuck a feather on the crown,
    He raised a banner above himself,
    Fanning the flames of strife:
    Calls everyone again
    Don't work, fight.
    But the tribe does not want again
    Shed blood in vain.
    Everyone loves the peaceful way.
    Don't forget our story

Decline two heterogeneous nouns (change in cases)

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