In short participles, one letter n is written. Rules for writing the letter n in participles. Short passive past participles

Participles, both in full and in short form, are often found in our speech, especially in writing. And this means that it is necessary to write them correctly. This topic is extensive, so in the article we will only consider the spelling of suffixes of short passive participles.

How are short passive participles formed?

Short passive participles are formed from full ones. If the ending of a full participle consists of two or even three letters, then the ending of a short participle consists of one letter or generally zero (in the masculine singular). A short adjective, like a short participle, answers questions What? what? What is it? What? It does not change by case, but always stands in the nominative case and therefore is usually the nominal part of the compound nominal predicate.

In rare cases, a short participle can be a definition for the subject: Tired of a long journey, he fell asleep.

The short form is formed only from the passive participles of the present or past tense. Recall that any passive participles are formed only from transitive verbs.

Short passive present participles

Present participles are formed from the basis of the present tense using the suffixes -om-, -em-, -im-. The same suffixes are preserved in the short form.

  • Led - led.
  • Persecuted - persecuted.
  • Oppressed - oppressed.

The choice of the suffix -em- (-om-) or -im- depends on the conjugation of the verb. In participles formed from verbs of the 1st conjugation, the suffix -em- (-om-) is used, and in those formed from the verb of the 2nd conjugation, the suffix -im- is used.

Short passive past participles

Past participles are formed from the stem of the infinitive using the suffixes -n- (-nn-), -en- (-enn-), -t-.

Short passive participles differ from them in that they never contain two N.

In short passive participles, one letter N is always written.

  • Scribbled - scribbled.
  • Appointed - appointed.
  • Pierced - pierced.

N or NN?

It would seem that everything is clear: in short passive participles, one N is always written. What's the catch? And the fact that participles often turn into adjectives, in short adjectives there is one N, and two - as much as it was in full form. And the suffix H in short passive participles is very easy to confuse with the suffix -enn- of a short adjective.

It is sometimes difficult to distinguish a participle from an adjective formed by moving from one part of speech to another. You can use these hints:

  • in a figurative sense, adjectives are used, not participles (the face is frightened - an adjective, because the face cannot be frightened);
  • additions in the instrumental case accompany the participle, not the adjective (the figure is formed by three intersecting lines - participle, what? - straight lines);
  • the adjective denotes a permanent sign, and the participle is temporary (the lady is well educated - an adjective, because this is a permanent sign).

Here's an example:

  • The clouds are scattered by the wind (what? - participle).
  • Children are very absent-minded (figurative meaning, because no one scattered children, - adjective).

Vowel before H

Passive participles are formed from the stem of the infinitive, and therefore their spelling depends on the vowel before -t in the infinitive:

  • A and I, standing in front of -th, are also preserved in the sacrament: dissipate - scattered, solder - soldered;
  • in all other cases, E is written before H: build - built, see - seen.

In order not to be mistaken in homophonic (same-sounding) participles, it is necessary to determine from which verb they are formed.

Here are some examples:

  • The water is pumped out - pump out.
  • The barrel is rolled out - roll out.

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General task. In which word the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: Answer:________________________

1. 1 "Two H is written in adjectives formed with the suffix -H- from

nouns with the stem ending in -Н-":

1) unprecedented 2) wooden 3) divine 4) long?

2. "In the short passive participles of the past tense, one -N-" is written:

1) sad 2) hurt 3) main 4) tamed?

3. "In an adjective formed with the suffix -Н- from a noun whose stem ends in Н, it is written НН":

1) strange 2) unexpectedly 3) lowered 4) sleepy?

4. "In the adverb on -o (-e), as many H are written as in the adjective from which it is formed":

1) annoyed 2) long 3) sure 4) sick?

5. "Two H is written in an adjective formed from a noun with the suffix -ENN-":

1) military 2) intended 3) painful 4) immortalized?

6. "In a short adjective, as many -Н- are written as in the full form of this adjective":

1) stolen 2) hard 3) doubled 4) natural?

7. "Two Нs are written in adjectives formed with the suffix -Н- from nouns with a base on -Н-":

1) stone 2) completely 3) lightly 4) entrusted?

8. "In the full passive participle of the past tense, NN is written":

1) fitted 2) measured 3) precious 4) complete?

9. "In the full passive participles of the past tense, NN is written":

1) long 2) deserted 3) outlined 4) traveler?

10. "N is written in the short passive participle of the past tense":

1) violated 2) literally 3) need 4) ashamed?

11. is an exception:

1) wooden 2) inflicted 3) extraneous 4) the only thing?

12. "In the short form of the adjective, as many H are written as are written in this word in the full form":

1) scared 2) brought 3) intemperate 4) desperate?

13. "The same number of letters H are written in nouns as they are written in the generating stem":

1) mental 2) the most modern 3) life 4) writing?

14. "Two letters H are written in adjectives formed with the suffix H from nouns whose stem ends in the letter H":

1) public 2) true 3) responsibility 4) moral?

15. In adjectives formed from nouns using the suffixes -IN-, -AN-, -YAN-, one letter H is written:

1) loss ... s 2) written ... th 3) empty ... th 4) cranes ... th?

16. "If in the adjective or participle from which the adverb is formed, HH is written, then the spelling of two letters H is also preserved in the adverb":

1) responsible 2) authentic 3) excited 4) well-groomed?

17. "In the full passive participle, which has a prefix, two letters H are written"?

1) concentrated 2) translucent 3) strangers 4) legal

18. "In short passive participles, one letter H is written":

1) cranes 2) enclosed 3) cock 4) mechanically?

19. "In adjectives formed from the stem of nouns with the suffix -ENN-, two letters H are written":

1) contemporaries 2) life 3) famous 4) exactly?

20. "In the full passive participle, which has a prefix, two letters H are written":

1) own 2) dismantled 3) exactly 4) military?

21. "In adjectives formed from non-prefixed verbs of an inconsistent form, one letter H is written":

1) freshly baked ... th 2) defeated ... oh 3) doomed ... th 4) ice cream ... th?

22. "In adjectives formed from nouns with the suffix -ENN-, two letters H are written":

1) disheveled 2) morning 3) thrown away 4) poisoned?

23. "If in the adjective or participle, from which the adverb is formed, HH is written, then the spelling of two letters H is also preserved in the adverb":

1) made 2) instantly 3) cobbled together 4) silver?

24. "In the full passive participle, which has a prefix, two letters H are written":

1) numerous 2) hazy 3) corresponding 4) spring?

25. "In adjectives formed from nouns with a base on H, two letters H are written":

1) overworked 2) autumn 3) enchanted 4) selflessly?

26. "If in the adjective or participle, from which the adverb is formed, HH is written, then the spelling of two letters H is also preserved in the adverb":

1) illuminated 2) completely 3) pubescent 4) unexpected?

27. "In short adjectives, HH is written if there were two letters H in the full adjective":

1) obtained 2) gradually 3) long 4) concrete?

28. "If in the adjective or participle, from which the adverb is formed, HH is written, then the spelling of two letters H is also preserved in the adverb":

1) read 2) long-nosed 3) completely 4) swamped?

29. "In the full passive participle, which has a prefix, two letters H are written":

1) district 2) well-groomed 3) the only one 4) elevated?

30. "In an adjective formed from the name of a noun ending in H, using the suffix -H-, two letters H are written":

1) concrete 2) selfless 3) conquered 4) broken?

1-4, 2-4, 3- 4,4-1, 5-3,6-4, 71,8-1,9- 3,10-1,11- 1,12- 3,13- 4,14- 2,15- 4,16- 3, 17- 2,

18- 2, 19- 2, 20- 2, 21- 4, 22- 2, 23-2, 24-2, 25-2, 26- 2, 27-3, 28-3, 29-2, 30-1

General task. Indicate the word that...


2. 1. spelling H / HH in the suffix is ​​determined by the rule on the spelling of adjectives,

Formed from nouns with the suffix -IN-:

1) old 2) outlandish 3) lion 4) epic

2. The choice of Н/НН in the suffix is ​​determined by the spelling rule of verbal adjectives:

1) water 2) windy 3) sparrow 4) laden

3. The spelling of the suffix is ​​an exception to the rule:

1) weathered 2) pewter 3) detached 4) leather?

4. The spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: “In adjectives formed from nouns with the help of suffixes -ONN-/-ENN, it is written HH”:

1) dinner 2) uncut 3) unkempt 4) broken

5. Indicate the word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: "In adjectives formed with the suffix -Н- from a noun whose stem ends in -Н-, it is written НН":

1) pumpkin 2) painful 3) dumpling 4) straw

6. The spelling of an unstressed suffix is ​​determined by the final vowel of the stem of an indefinite form:

7. The spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the fact that in the form of the 1st person singular of the present or simple future tense, the original verb ends in -IVAYU / -IVAYU:

1) having consulted 2) scattered 3) shot through 4) rejoiced

8. The spelling of the vowel in the suffix depends on the conjugation of the original verb:

1) creeping 2) dotted 3) visible 4) rolled

9. The spelling of the vowel in the participle suffix is ​​determined by the fact that it is formed from the verb I of the conjugation:

1) breathing evenly 2) on duty 3) not disturbed by anyone 4) shining in the sun

10. The choice of O/Yo after hissing is determined by the spelling rule of noun suffixes formed from nouns:

1) condensed milk 2) bear cub 3) uprooting 4) spending the night?

3. 1. Spelling of a vowel in a participle suffix

It is determined by the fact that it is formed from the verb of the II conjugation:

1) bleating (sheep) 2) worried 3) roaring 4) adhesive

2. The spelling of the vowel in the suffix depends on the conjugation of the original verb:

1) pasting 2) trembling 3) promised 4) unfired

3. The spelling of the vowel in the suffix depends on the conjugation of the original verb:

4. The spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the fact that this suffix in the 1st person singular of the present or simple future tense alternates with -U(Yu)/-Yu(Yu):

1) organized 2) reports 3) tell 4) disturbed

5. The spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: "In the full passive participles of the past tense, NN is written":

1) single 2) attached 3) deserted 4) fiery

6. The spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: “In adjectives formed from nouns with the help of suffixes –ONN-/-ENN, it is written HH”:

1) detachment 2) prayerful 3) corrected 4) battalion

7. The spelling of the suffix is ​​an exception to the rule:

1) pocket 2) windy 3) cast iron 4) ant?

8. The spelling of Н/НН in the suffix is ​​determined by the spelling rule of participles:

1) painted 2) cold 3) uninvited 4) accidentally

9. The spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: “In adjectives formed from nouns using the suffixes -AN-/-YAN-, -IN-, it is written N”:

1) knitted 2) confused 3) sandy 4) broken

10. The choice of a vowel after a hissing one is determined by the spelling rule of suffixes:

1) liver 2) cheap 3) twine 4) plush?

General task. Indicate the word in which the spelling rule is determined ... Answer: ___________________

4. 1. suffixes of denominative adjectives:

1) burned 2) military 3) uncut 4) unkempt

2. spelling of participle suffixes.

1) written 2) drawing 3) glazed 4) cast iron

3. "In adjectives formed from nouns with the help of suffixes -ONN- / -ENN, it is written НН".

1) running 2) abandoned 3) foggy 4) mysterious

4. denominative adjectives formed with the help of suffixes -AN-/-YAN-, -IN-.

1) smeared 2) scattered 3) clay 4) antique

5. "In adjectives formed from nouns with the help of suffixes -ONN- / -ENN, it is written НН"

1) powdered 2) morning 3) long 4) crowned

6. denominative adjectives formed with the help of suffixes -AN-/-YAN-, -IN-.

1) autumn 2) oddities 3) poplar 4) spring

7. short participles?

1) stuffed 2) bandaged 3) stained 4) wounded

8. “In adjectives formed from nouns with the help of suffixes -ONN-/-ENN, it is written НН”: 1) long 2) dining 3) bordered 4) linen

9. spelling participles.

1) own 2) spring 3) broken 4) drum

10. adjectives formed from nouns with a base on -Н:

1) illuminated 2) sandy 3) silver 4) long

General task. Indicate the word in which the choice ...


5 1 . H/HH in a suffix is ​​an exception to the rule.

In the middle of the courtyard, fenced off from the street with a wicker willow fence, hung on four wooden posts and a chimney ... (Repeva O.)

1) fenced 2) wicker 3) wooden 4) crowned

2. The suffix is ​​determined by the rule: “In verbal adjectives formed from non-prefixed verbs and not having dependent words, N is written.”

1) homespun 2) calm 3) green 4) silver

3. H / HH is determined by the spelling rule for suffixes of full passive participles.

For brewing, Pyotr Nikolaevich used a brown eighteenth-century Chinese teapot with a broken spout. It made delicious tea. In general, Pyotr Nikolaevich did not like broken things, he especially did not like broken, silent clocks. In his house, all the old clocks ran and showed the time quite accurately. 1) broken 2) spoiled 3) vintage 4) delicious

4.Н / НН is determined by the spelling rule for short passive participles.

1) stone 2) long 3) tied 4) flat-bottomed

5. Н/НН in the suffix is ​​determined by the spelling rule of verbal adjectives.

As soon as we approached the cozy house, the silence exploded with a frantic bark. With chains hanging on a long wire rattling, two huge, shaggy, dirty-white dogs ran out at us, soared into the air, but, strangled by their collars, rolled out their pink tongues, grunted and fell to the ground. 1) hung 2) furious 3) long 4) strangled

6. Н/НН is determined by the rule of spelling of suffixes of verbal adjectives.

The dogs easily dragged the ski equipment along the knurled road. The road was densely surrounded by coniferous snow-covered forest. The teams stopped before reaching the edge of the forest. The orderlies carefully carried the wounded soldier out of the forest. 1) knurled 2) coniferous 3) snowy 4) wounded

7. НН in the suffix is ​​determined by the spelling rule of denominative adjectives.

1) trodden 2) confused 3) frightened 4) windowed

8. НН is determined by the spelling rule of denominative adjectives.

1) captured 2) turned out 3) inhabited 4) battalion

9. Н/НН is determined by the rule of spelling of suffixes of verbal adjectives.

On October 18, at twelve o'clock in the afternoon, shortly after Dmitry Alekseevich had gone for a morning walk, there was a sharp knock on the door, and at once a short, courier-like woman in a knitted scarf and a shopping bag made of many triangular pieces of leather came in.

1) morning 2) knitted 3) household 4) made

10. Н/НН in the suffix is ​​determined by the spelling rule for short participles.

In an empty yard, a woman was pulling with an axe. Her head was carelessly wrapped in a small-checkered cotton scarf, taken inside the collar of the same quilted padded jacket, so successfully invented by someone. (Nosov E.)

1) wrapped 2) taken 3) quilted 4) invented

The Russian language is so diverse that most people get the impression that it is impossible to master the material, but this is not so.

It is necessary to remember a number of rules, one of which is "Spelling "n" and "nn" in participles." It will help any schoolchild, student and person, wise by experience, in the correct design of the text and the implementation of exercises.

Spelling "N" and "NN" in participles

When to write one "N"

If there is no prefix at the beginning of the word, then a single letter is written. Options: mightier n th streets, heat n th potato. The participle is reborn into an adjective.

If a word consists of two verbal units and is overloaded with symbols, a single version is also written. Option: smoother n th-pereglazhe n th tie. Such a word also has the meaning of an adjective, its best quality.

It turns out that the semantic meaning of a word also depends on its spelling, as well as belonging to the type.

Two "NN" in participles

In the suffixes of participles of the passive form, a double "n" is placed.

This happens when a prefix is ​​placed in a word:

  • pen rule nn th book;
  • cut slice;
  • behind paved roads;
  • pen fried potatoes;
  • pen similar nn th road;
  • teacher unprecedently clone.

Double "H" is written in participles without prefixes in the forms of the perfect form. Options: captivity nn oh, brooch nn oh, decide nn th. And also in those participles that are formed from the type of the imperfect. Options: chita nn oh, hear nn th.

"H" and "HH" in verbal adjectives

When to spell "N"

Verb-based adjectives are not like participles - they do not use the usual adjective. Thus, words created on the basis of a verb and not containing a prefix are adjectives. Examples: chewing n th sheet, kova n th nail, smarter n oh boy, it seems n th way, your n oh cabbage.

Prefix NOT does not change the words, a single letter is written. Writing options: nezva n oh cat, it doesn't look like n th ravine.

One letter is written in compound adjectives that have two roots and two meanings. Examples: one-piece n th(cut entirely) Zlatakova n th(forged from gold).

There are expressions with different meanings. For example, name n th friend. It is an adjective (verbal) and has the meaning not of a native, but of being a brother in case of some circumstances.

But there is another option - name nn yy in honor of someone. It turns out that the person was given a name in honor of grandparents. Such a word will be a participle, and will be written with two letters .

Cases of writing "NN"

"Being a nn otherwise, the officer remained in the division. Such a sentence replaces the following phrase: "Soldier hurt, but he did not leave his combat territory.

In this case, the opposite happens, there is a degeneration into communion.

Double H is written in the cases of using "OVANNY" and "YOVANNY" - those that are not included in the root. Options: honored title, uprooted path.


Exceptional options to remember : form nn oh, business nn oh, wish nn oh, gem nn oh, slow nn oh, invisible nn oh, ugly nn oops, dumbass nn oh (eye), nezhda nn oh, unheard nn ouch, nechaya nn oh, okay nn oh, holy nn oh, count nn wow, wow nn oh, check nn th.

Spelling "Н" and "НН" in adjectives formed from nouns

One letter is placed in the suffix part of the word " AN", « YAN" and " IN". Options: rye, resin, pigeon.

In combinations " ENN" and " HE N" double letters are used. Options: stone, window. In this case, the single letter "H" falls on the root, and the other on the suffix.

But there are exceptional options: glass yann th, tin yann th, trees yann oh, the wind en th. They should be remembered.

How to choose what to write "n" or "nn" in adjectives and participles

We looked at the different uses and spellings of "N" inside participles and adjectives. Based on the analyzed material, the following conclusion can be drawn.

All participles are written with double letters "H". All adjective words, originally created from a verb, use one "N", except for exception words that must be remembered.

Adjectives that originate from nouns are written with two letters "H", if one letter is placed in the root part and the other in the suffix. With one letter H" if it is directly in the suffix part.

Do not forget about the special words that you need to remember. And finally, a few examples of the application of the rule.


Always double HH

verbal adjective Adjective
There is an attachment:

pen rule nn th book

Attachment not used:

mightier n th roads

Suffixes "AN", "YAN", "IN":

rye, clay, nightingale

There is a prefix "NOT" and another prefix:

restless nn th officer

The prefix "NOT" - put a single letter:

nezva n th guest

In combinations of letters " ENN" and " HE N":

stone, window

There is no prefix before the word, but it is perfect or imperfective:

captivity nn oh, brooch nn oh, decide nn oh, read nn oh, hear nn th

The word has two roots:

one-piece n th

The word takes the place of the verb:

Being a wound nn th, the officer remained in the division.

In the cases of using "OVANNY" and "YOVANNY":

honorary title,

uprooted path

The word includes two words similar in meaning:

smoother n th-pereglazhe n th tie

Exceptional options:

seen, done, desired, cutesy, slow, unseen, unforeseen, awake (eye), unexpected, unheard, unintentional, cursed, sacred, counted, conceited, minted.

Exceptions with two and one "H":

glass yann th, tin yann th, trees yann oh, the wind en th

It is often difficult to spell Н and НН in the suffix of short adjectives and short passive participles. It is necessary to be able to distinguish between them, since one letter H is always written in the suffix of short participles, and in the suffix of short adjectives H or HH, depending on how many were written in the full form of the adjective.

Brief participles

Short verbal adjectives

spelled H

spelled HH

Short passive participles can always be replaced by a past tense verb:

the money wasfound by the deadline (= found),

seedsscattered (= scattered),

berriesdepressed (= suppressed)

Short verbal adjectives cannot be replaced by a verb, they can only be replaced by the full form of the adjective:

She wasexquisite (exquisite), girldistracted and inattentive (scattered), peopledepressed (suppressed).

5. H and nn in suffixes of short adjectives formed from nouns

In short adjectives formed from nouns, write as many N as it was in full form: distancefoggy (from misty), cheeksblush (from ruddy).

6. H and nn in suffixes of nouns and adverbs formed from participles and verbal adjectives

In nouns and adverbs formed from participles and verbal adjectives, as many N are written as there were in the generating stem:

pupil (from educated)chosen one (from the chosen one),Priest (from sacred)dumpling (from boiled),smoked meats (from smoked),ice cream (from ice cream),organized enter (from organized),windy act (from windy),frantically to be jealous (from mad),confused answer (from confused),surprised look (from surprised).

Task 15 A comma with homogeneous members of a sentence and in a compound sentence Punctuation marks with homogeneous members of a sentence.

A comma is put

No comma is included

1. in the absence of unions

Everyone suddenly spoke noisy , joyfully.

2. When connectedsolitary adversative union (BUT, A, YES = BUT, ZATO = BUT)

Mal spool , yes (=but) roads .

3. when connectedrepetitive unions

and, and, and

(the unions AND, YES, OR, THEN, NOT THAT, NOR can be repeated)

Forgive the fever of youth And young Ms. R ,AND young rave.

4. atabsence the first of the repeated unions

, and, and ...

I love crazy young b , And tightness , And shine , And joy.

5. atdoubles alliances

Wave And a rock , ice And flame not so different from each other.

6. when connectingdouble unions:



Siberia has many features AS in nature, SO AND in human manners. my success BUT slow BUT trustworthy .

1. in stable expressions (equal to a word)

from a distance And so and so , and near Neither this nor that.


Day and night scientist cat keeps walking

around the chain. (= word ALWAYS)

2. when connectedsolitary connecting or divisive union: And; YES (=AND), OR, OR

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