When was the last time humans flew to the moon? How many people were on the moon? Earth Satellite Facts

In fact, the Americans did not land on the moon, and the entire Apollo program is a hoax, conceived in order to create the image of a great state in the United States. The lecturer showed an American film that debunks the legend of the landing of astronauts on the moon. The following contradictions seemed particularly convincing.

The American flag on the moon, where there is no atmosphere, flaps as if it were being blown by air currents.

Look at the photo allegedly taken by the Apollo 11 astronauts. Armstrong and Aldrin are the same height, and the shadow of one of the astronauts is one and a half times longer than the other. Probably, they were illuminated from above by a spotlight, which is why the shadows of different lengths turned out, like from a street lamp. By the way, who took this photo? After all, both astronauts are in the frame at once.

There are many other technical inconsistencies: the image in the frame does not twitch, the size of the shadow does not match the position of the Sun, and so on. The lecturer argued that historical footage of astronauts walking on the moon was made in Hollywood, and the corner light reflectors, by which the paratrooper parameters were specified, were simply dropped from automatic probes. In 1969-1972, Americans flew to the moon 7 times. With the exception of the Apollo 13 emergency flight, 6 expeditions were successful. Each time, one cosmonaut remained in orbit, while two landed on the moon. Each stage of these flights was recorded literally every minute, detailed documentation and logbooks have been preserved. More than 380 kg of lunar rock was brought to Earth, 13,000 photographs were taken, a seismograph and other instruments were installed on the Moon, equipment, a lunar vehicle and a battery-powered self-propelled gun were tested. Moreover, the astronauts found and delivered to Earth a camera from a probe that visited the Moon two years before man. In the laboratory, on this camera, the terrestrial bacteria streptococci that survived in open space. This discovery turned out to be important for understanding the fundamental laws of survival and distribution of living matter in the Universe. In America, they argue whether the Americans went to the moon. In principle, nothing surprising, because in Spain, after the return of Columbus, there were also disputes about what new continents he discovered. Such disputes are inevitable new earth will not be easily accessible to everyone. But only a dozen people have walked on the moon so far. Despite the fact that in the USSR there was no live broadcast of Neil Armstrong's first walk on the moon, our and American scientists closely cooperated in processing the scientific results of the Apollo expeditions. The USSR possessed a rich photo archive, which was compiled on the basis of the results of several flights of the Luna spacecraft, as well as samples of lunar soil. Thus, the Americans had to negotiate not only with Hollywood, but also with the USSR, competition with which could be the only argument in favor of the hoax. I must add that Hollywood at that time had not even heard of computer graphics and simply did not have the technique to fool the whole world. As for the trace of the astronaut Konrad, then, as explained to us at the Institute of Geochemistry and analytical chemistry RAS, where samples of lunar soil are studied, since the lunar regolith is a very loose rock, the imprint must have remained. There is no air on the Moon, regolith does not dust there and does not scatter to the sides, as on Earth, where it immediately turns into swirling dust underfoot. And the flag behaved as it should. Although there is no and cannot be wind on the Moon, any material (wires, cables, cords) that the astronauts unrolled in low gravity, under the influence of an imbalance of forces, wriggled for several seconds and then froze. Finally, the strange static image is explained by the fact that the astronauts did not hold the camera in their hands, like terrestrial operators, but mounted it on tripods screwed to their chests. The US lunar program could not be a spectacle also because a very high price was paid for it. One of the Apollo crews died during an earth training, the Apollo 13 crew returned to Earth without reaching the Moon. Yes, and NASA's $25 billion financial outlay for the Apollo program has been repeatedly reviewed by numerous audit committees. The version that the Americans did not fly to the moon is not the first fresh sensation. Now in America, an even more exotic legend is growing by leaps and bounds. It turns out (and there is documentary evidence for this), a man still visited the moon. But it wasn't american man. And the Soviet one! The USSR sent cosmonauts to the Moon to service their numerous lunar rovers and instruments. But the USSR did not inform the world about these expeditions, because they were suicide cosmonauts. They were not destined to return to their Soviet homeland. American astronauts allegedly saw the skeletons of these nameless heroes on the moon. According to the explanation of specialists from the Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, where cosmonauts are being prepared for the flight, approximately the same changes will occur with a corpse in a spacesuit on the Moon as with an old can of canned food. There are no decay bacteria on the Moon, and therefore an astronaut, with all his will, cannot turn into a skeleton.

Chown Marcus universe tweets

27. How many people have been to the moon?

Only twelve people have walked on the moon. Only nine of them are still alive. The youngest, Charles Duke ( Apollo 16), born October 3, 1935.

President John F. Kennedy reported on the Apollo lunar program in a famous speech to the US Congress on May 25, 1961: "...before the end of this decade..."

Apollo 8 And 10 flew to the moon and back without landing. In 1970 Apollo 13 also had to return without landing due to an accident.

Apollo 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 And 17 landed on the moon. In each case, two astronauts went to the surface, while one remained in the command module in orbit around the moon.

July 21, 1969 landed on the moon Apollo 11. The 1st person to walk on the moon was Neil Armstrong (age 38); 2nd - Buzz Aldrin (39 years old). They spent 2 hours and 24 minutes on the lunar surface.

Lunokhod (moon buggy) overcame long distances which were to be explored by the crews Apollo 15(27.8 km), 16 (26.6 km) and 17 (35.9 km).

December 14, 1972. The last man to walk on the moon - Eugene Cernan (38 years old) on Apollo 17. Programs for Apollo 18, 19, 20 canceled due to lack of government support.

The astronauts returned with 382 kg of lunar rock. Detailed analysis showed that the Moon had probably broken away from the newborn Earth.

Three astronauts have flown to the moon twice: James Lovell (Apollo 8/13), John Young (Apollo 10/16) and Eugene Cernan (Apollo 10/17) Lovell never landed.

Number of people who have flown to the Moon (with or without landing): 21. No other astronauts have ever been more than a few hundred kilometers from Earth.

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28. Will there be footprints on the moon forever? No. But they will stay there for a very long time! There is no wind or rain on the Moon to erase the footprints left by the Apollo astronauts. On the other hand, it has a "rain" of cosmic micrometeorites. Micrometeorites, often

quoted1 > > How many people were on the moon?

How many people were on the moon: the first and last person on the satellite. Read the story of the Apollo mission, the flight of Neil Armstrong, the launch of 12 astronauts with photos.

If you ask someone about lunar astronauts, most people will only think of Neil Armstrong and maybe Buzz Aldrin. But what about the rest? And how many people were on the moon in all time?

In total, Luna hosted 12 guests. Interestingly, each of them made only one attempt. Let's remember these people.

How many people were on the moon

Apollo 11 - two

Determining how many times people have been to the moon, we must not forget about the pioneers. In 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the lunar surface. Behind him got out and Buzz Aldrin. They managed to find a safe place and make a gentle descent. In total, they spent 21 hours, 36 minutes and 21 seconds on the surface. We spent 2.5 hours exploring the Sea of ​​Tranquility. The astronauts collected samples, planted an American flag, and rotated the seismograph to experiment with a reflective device that would clearly determine the distance between them and the Earth.

Apollo 12 - two

The second in 1969 were Pete Conrad and Alan Bean. This crew ran into problems even at the start, because the rocket was struck twice by lightning. But the system still managed to be restored. They landed 185 meters from Surveyor 3 and took samples for analysis. Stayed 2 days.

Apollo 13 - none

They were supposed to land on the satellite, but two days after the launch, an oxygen tank exploded and they had to return to Earth.

Apollo 14 - two

Alan Shepard and Edgar Mitchell took part in this mission. They started in 1971 and landed on the point planned for the previous crew. They installed two seismic instruments to study possible earthquakes and used a special movable trolley to collect rock. They tried to get to Cone Crater, but they couldn't find it. Later pictures showed that they were only two dozen meters away from him. Shepard took a golf club with him, balls and made a few shots. Now you will know how many people landed on the moon in the Apollo 14 mission.

Apollo 15 - two

In 1971, David Scott and James Irwin landed on the satellite. Spent a total of 3 days. But if the previous crews landed on the plains, then they stopped between two mountains. Three times they went out and delivered 77 kg of rock.

Apollo 16 - two

John Young and Charles Duke's mission was almost aborted because there was a problem with the main engine. They were the first to land in the lunar highlands and spent 3 days on the surface. The rover drove a little over 26.7 km.

Apollo 17 - two

Evgeny Chernan and Harrison Schmitt were the last to visit the satellite. They launched on a Saturn V rocket and landed in 1972. We spent 3 days, during which we went to the surface three times, collecting samples and using scientific instruments. Before returning home, Chernan carved his child's initials into the lunar regolith. There are no weather conditions on the satellite, so they should last a long time.

Since no man has set foot on the moon

So, in total, 12 people walked on the moon. But there were also those who went there, but did not go out. Jim Lovell on Apollo 8 went around and also participated in the aborted Apollo 13 mission. Chernan and Young took part in Apollo 10, and only later repeated the experience on other missions. Do not forget how many people have visited the moon, especially since in the near future our contemporaries will be able to repeat these feats.

Jun 2, 2015

Space exploration in the middle of the last century was of paramount importance for world powers, because it directly testified to their strength and power. The priority of developments in the space industry was not only not hidden from citizens, but, on the contrary, was emphasized in every possible way, instilling a sense of respect and pride for their country.

Despite the desire of many countries to take part in this difficult and interesting business, the main serious struggle unfolded between the two superpowers - the Soviet Union and the United States of America.

The first victories in the space race were for the USSR

success streak Soviet cosmonautics became an open challenge to the United States, forcing America to speed up work in the field of space exploration and find a way to beat its main competitor, the USSR.

  • first artificial satellite lands - Soviet Sputnik-1 (October 4, 1957) of the USSR;
  • the first flights into space of animals - the astronaut dog Laika, the first animal launched into Earth orbit! (1954 - November 3, 1957) USSR;
  • First manned flight into space - Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin (April 12, 1961).

And yet, the competition for space continued!

First people on the moon

Today, almost everyone knows that America managed to seize the initiative in the space race by launching its astronauts on. The first manned spacecraft to successfully land on the moon back in 1969 was the American spacecraft Apollo 11, with a crew of astronauts on board - Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin.

Many of you remember the photo of Armstrong proudly planting the US flag on the surface of the moon on July 20, 1969. The American government triumphed that it had managed to overtake the Soviet pioneers of space in the conquest of the moon. But history is full of conjectures and assumptions, and some facts haunt critics and scientific minds so far. To this day, the question is being discussed that the American ship, in all likelihood, reached the moon, took it, but did the astronauts actually descend on its surface? There is a whole caste of skeptics and critics who do not believe in the landing of Americans on the moon, however, let's leave this skepticism on their conscience.

However, for the first time the Soviet spacecraft "Luna-2" reached the Moon on September 13, 1959, that is, the Soviet spacecraft ended up on the Moon 10 years before the landing of American cosmonauts on the Earth's satellite. And therefore, it is especially insulting that few people know about the role of Soviet designers, physicists, and cosmonauts in the exploration of the Moon.

But the work was done enormously, and the results were achieved much earlier than Armstrong's victorious march. The pennant of the USSR was delivered to the surface of the moon a decade earlier than a human foot set foot on its surface. September 13, 1959 space station Luna 2 reached the planet it was named after. The world's first spacecraft to reach the Moon (space station Luna-2) landed on the surface of the Moon in the area of ​​the Sea of ​​Rains near the craters Aristillus, Archimedes and Autolycus.

A completely logical question arises: if the Luna-2 station reached the Earth’s satellite, then there should have been Luna-1 too? There was, but its launch, performed a little earlier, turned out to be not so successful and, flying past the Moon ... But even with this outcome, very significant scientific results were obtained during the flight of the Luna-1 station:

  • Using ion traps and particle counters, the first direct measurements of solar wind parameters were made.
  • The Earth's outer radiation belt was recorded for the first time using an onboard magnetometer.
  • It was established that the Moon has no significant magnetic field.
  • AMS "Luna-1" became the first in the world spacecraft reaching the second cosmic velocity.

The launch participants were awarded the Lenin Prize, the people did not know their heroes by name, but the common cause - the honor of the country - was a priority.

The US landed the first people on the moon

What about the USA? The flight of Yuri Gagarin into space was a serious blow for America, and in order not to remain forever in the shadow of the Russians, the goal was set - and although the Americans lost the race for landing on the surface of the moon first spaceship, they had a chance to be the first to land astronauts on the Earth's satellite! Work on the improvement of the spacecraft, spacesuits and the necessary equipment went by leaps and bounds, the American government attracted the entire intellectual and technical potential of the country, and, without stint, spent billions of dollars on development. All NASA resources were mobilized and thrown into the furnace of science for a great cause.

The step of an American citizen to the moon is the only way to get out of the shadows, to equal the Soviet Union in this race. It is possible that America would not have been able to realize its ambitious plans, but at that time there was a change in the party leader in the USSR, and the leading designers, Korolev and Chelomey, could not come to a common opinion. Korolev, being an innovator by nature, was inclined to use the latest engine developments, and his colleague stood up for the old, but proven Proton. Thus, the initiative was lost and the first to officially set foot on the surface of the moon were American astronauts.

Did the USSR give up in the lunar race?

Despite the fact that Soviet cosmonauts never managed to land on the moon in the 20th century, the USSR did not give up in the race to explore the moon. So already in 1970, the automatic interplanetary station "Luna-17" carried on its board the world's first, unparalleled, planetary rover capable of fully operating under the conditions of a different gravity of the moon. It was named "Lunokhod-1" and was intended to study the surface, properties and composition of the soil, radioactive and X-ray radiation of the Moon. Work on it was carried out at the Khimki Machine-Building Plant. S.A. Lavochkin, led by Babakin Nikolai Grigorievich. The sketch was ready in 1966, and all design documentation was completed by the end of the following year.

"Lunokhod-1" was delivered to the surface of the Earth's satellite in November 1970. The control center was located in Simferopol, in the Space Communications Center and included the control panel of the crew commander, the driver of the lunar rover, the antenna operator, the navigator, and the operational information processing room. The main problem was the time delay of the signal, which prevented full control. Lunokhod worked there for almost a year, until September 14, on that day the last successful communication session took place.

Lunokhod did a great job of studying the planet entrusted to it, having worked much longer than planned. Were transferred to Earth great amount photographs, lunar panoramas, . Years later, in 2012, the International Astronomical Union gave names to all twelve craters encountered on the path of Lunokhod-1 - they received male names.

By the way, in 1993 Lunokhod-1 was put up for auction by Sotheby's, the declared price was five thousand dollars. Bidding ended for a much higher amount - sixty-eight and a half thousand US dollars, the son of one of the American astronauts became the buyer. It is characteristic that the precious lot rests on the territory of the Moon; in 2013, it was discovered in images taken by the American orbital probe.

Summing up, it can be noted that the first people to land on the moon (1969) were the Americans, here is a list of US astronauts who landed: Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Pete Conrad, Alan Bean, Alan Shepard, Edgar Mitchell, David Scott, James Irwin , John Young, Charles Duke, Eugene Cernan, Harrison Schmitt. Neil Armstrong lived a long life and died on August 25, 2012 at the age of 82, retaining the title of the first man to walk on the moon...

But the first spacecraft that conquered the moon (1959) were Soviet, here the championship undoubtedly belongs to Soviet Union and Russian designers and engineers.

MOSCOW, July 20 - RIA Novosti. The famous cosmonaut Alexei Leonov, who personally prepared to participate in Soviet program exploration of the moon, denied years of rumors that American astronauts were not on the moon, and the footage broadcast on television around the world was allegedly edited in Hollywood.

He spoke about this in an interview with RIA Novosti on the eve of the 40th anniversary of the first landing in the history of mankind of US astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin on the surface of an Earth satellite, celebrated on July 20.

So were or weren't the Americans on the moon?

“Only absolutely ignorant people can seriously believe that the Americans were not on the moon. And, unfortunately, this whole ridiculous epic about the allegedly fabricated footage in Hollywood began precisely with the Americans themselves. By the way, the first person who began to distribute these rumors, was imprisoned for slander," Aleksey Leonov noted in this regard.

Where did the rumors come from?

It all started with the fact that when, at the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the famous American film director Stanley Kubrick, who created his brilliant film Odyssey 2001 based on the book of science fiction writer Arthur Clark, journalists who met with Kubrick's wife asked to talk about her husband's work on the film in Hollywood studios.And she honestly said that there are only two real lunar modules on Earth - one in the museum, where no filming has ever been carried out, and it is even forbidden to walk with a camera, and the other is in Hollywood, where for the development of the logic of what is happening on the screen and additional filming of the landing of the Americans on the moon was made," the Soviet cosmonaut specified.

Why was studio photography used?

Alexei Leonov explained that in order for the viewer to be able to see the development of what is happening on the movie screen from beginning to end, elements of additional filming are used in any movie.

“It was impossible, for example, to film the real opening of the hatch of the descent ship on the Moon by Neil Armstrong - there was simply no one to film it from the surface! For the same reason, it was impossible to film Armstrong’s descent to the Moon along the ladder from the ship. Kubrick in Hollywood studios to develop the logic of what is happening, and laid the foundation for numerous gossip that the entire landing was allegedly simulated on the set, "explained Alexei Leonov.

Where Truth Begins and Editing Ends

“Real shooting began when Armstrong, who first set foot on the moon, got a little used to it, installed a highly directional antenna through which the broadcast to Earth was carried out. its movement on the surface of the moon," the astronaut specified.

Why did the American flag fly in the airless space of the moon?

“They argue that the American flag was flying on the moon, but it shouldn’t be. The flag really shouldn’t be flying - the fabric was used with a rather rigid reinforced mesh, the cloth was twisted into a tube and tucked into a case. The astronauts took with them a nest, which they first inserted into the lunar soil, and then they stuck the flagpole into it, and only then removed the cover. And when the cover was removed, the flag's cloth began to unfold in conditions of reduced gravity, and the residual deformation of the springy reinforced mesh created the impression that the flag was rippling, as if in the wind " , - Alexey Leonov explained the "phenomenon".

“It’s simply ridiculous and ridiculous to talk about the fact that the entire film was filmed on Earth. The United States had all the necessary systems that tracked the launch of the launch vehicle itself, acceleration, flight orbit correction, flight around the Moon by the descent capsule and its landing,” concluded the famous Soviet cosmonaut.

What did the "lunar race" lead to two space superpowers

“In my opinion, this is the best competition in space that mankind has ever carried out. The “moon race” between the USSR and the USA is the achievement of the highest peaks of science and technology,” Alexei Leonov believes.

According to him, after the flight of Yuri Gagarin, US President Kennedy, speaking in Congress, said that the Americans simply thought too late about what triumph could be achieved by launching a man into space, and therefore the Russians triumphantly became the first. Kennedy's message was clear: within ten years, land a man on the moon and return him safely to Earth.

"It was a very true step of the great politician - he united and rallied the American nation to achieve this goal. Huge funds for those times were also involved - 25 billion dollars, today, this is, perhaps, all fifty billion. The program included a flyby of the moon, then the flight of Tom Stafford to the point of hovering and selection of a site for landing on Apollo 10. Sending Apollo 11 already provided for the direct landing of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the moon. Michael Collins remained in orbit and waited for the return of his comrades, " - said Alexei Leonov.

18 Apollo-type ships were made to prepare for landing on the moon - the whole program was implemented perfectly, except for Apollo 13 - from the engineering point of view, nothing special happened there, it just failed, or rather, one of the fuel cells exploded , the energy weakened, and therefore it was decided not to land on the surface, but to fly around the Moon and return to Earth.

Alexey Leonov noted that only Frank Bormann's first flight around the Moon, then Armstrong and Aldrin's landing on the Moon, and the Apollo 13 story remained in the memory of the Americans. These accomplishments have brought the American nation together and made every individual empathize, walk with fingers crossed, and pray for their heroes. The last flight of the Apollo series was also extremely interesting: American astronauts no longer just walked on the Moon, but traveled on its surface in a special lunar vehicle, making interesting photographs.

Actually there was a peak cold war, and in this situation, after the success of Yuri Gagarin, the Americans simply had to win the "moon race". The USSR then had its own lunar program, and we also implemented it. By 1968, it had already existed for two years, and even the crews of our cosmonauts were formed for a flight to the Moon.

On censorship of the achievements of mankind

"Launches of the Americans as part of lunar program were broadcast on television, and only two countries in the world - the USSR and communist China - did not broadcast these historical footage to their peoples. I thought then, and now I think - in vain, we simply robbed our people, flying to the moon is the property and achievement of all mankind. The Americans watched Gagarin's launch, Leonov's spacewalk - why couldn't the Soviet people see it?!", laments Alexei Leonov.

According to him, a limited group of Soviet space specialists watched these launches through a closed channel.

“We had military unit 32103 on Komsomolsky Prospekt, which provided space broadcasting, since there was no TsUP in Korolev then. The Americans set up a television antenna on the surface of the moon, and everything they did there was transmitted through a television camera to Earth, several repetitions of these television broadcasts were also made.When Armstrong stood on the surface of the moon, and everyone in the USA clapped, we are here in the USSR , Soviet cosmonauts, also crossed their fingers for good luck, and sincerely wished the guys success," recalls the Soviet cosmonaut.

How was the implementation of the Soviet lunar program

“In 1962, a decree was issued, signed personally by Nikita Khrushchev, on the creation of a spacecraft for flying around the moon and using the Proton launch vehicle with an upper stage for this launch. In 1964, Khrushchev signed a program for the USSR to carry out a flyby , and in 1968 - landing on the moon and returning to Earth. And in 1966 there was already a decision on the formation of lunar crews - a group was immediately recruited for landing on the moon, "Alexey Leonov recalled.

The first stage of the flyby of the Earth satellite was to be carried out with the help of the launch of the L-1 lunar module by the Proton launch vehicle, and the second stage - landing and returning back - on the giant and most powerful N-1 rocket, equipped with thirty engines with a total thrust of 4.5 thousand tons with the weight of the rocket itself about 2 thousand tons. However, even after four test launches, this super-heavy rocket did not fly normally, so it had to be abandoned in the end.

Korolev and Glushko: the antipathy of two geniuses

"There were other options, for example, using a 600-ton engine developed by the brilliant designer Valentin Glushko, but Sergei Korolev refused it, since he worked on highly toxic heptyl. Although, in my opinion, this was not the reason - just two leaders , Korolev and Glushko - could not and did not want to work together. Their relationship had its own problems, especially personal nature: Sergei Korolev, for example, knew that Valentin Glushko had once written a denunciation against him, as a result of which he was sentenced to ten years. Having been released, Korolev found out about this, but Glushko did not know that he knew about it," said Alexei Leonov.

A small step for a man, but a giant leap for all mankind

NASA's Apollo 11 spacecraft on July 20, 1969, with a crew of three astronauts: Commander Neil Armstrong, Lunar Module Pilot Edwin Aldrin, and Command Module Pilot Michael Collins, became the first to reach the Moon in the USSR-US space race. The Americans did not pursue research tasks in this expedition, its goal was simple: to land on the Earth's satellite and return successfully.

The ship consisted of a lunar module and a command module that remained in orbit during the mission. Thus, of the three astronauts, only two went to the moon: Armstrong and Aldrin. They had to land on the moon, collect samples of the lunar soil, take pictures on the Earth satellite and install several instruments. However, the main ideological component of the trip was the hoisting of the American flag on the moon and the holding of a video communication session with the Earth.

The launch of the ship was watched by US President Richard Nixon and German rocket scientist Hermann Oberth. A total of about a million people watched the launch at the cosmodrome and mounted observation platforms, and more than a billion people watched the television broadcast, according to the Americans, around the world.

Apollo 11 launched to the moon on July 16, 1969 at 1332 GMT and entered lunar orbit 76 hours later. The command and lunar modules were undocked about 100 hours after launch. Despite the fact that NASA intended to land on the lunar surface in automatic mode, Armstrong, as the expedition commander, decided to land lunar module in semi-automatic mode.

The lunar module landed in the Sea of ​​Tranquility on July 20 at 20:17:42 GMT. Armstrong descended to the lunar surface on July 21, 1969 at 02:56:20 GMT. Everyone knows the phrase that he uttered when he set foot on the moon: "This is one small step for a person, but a giant leap for all mankind."

Aldrin also landed on the moon 15 minutes later. The astronauts collected the necessary amount of materials, placed the instruments and installed a television camera. After that, they planted an American flag in the field of view of the camera and held a communication session with President Nixon. The astronauts left a commemorative plaque on the moon with the words: "Here, people from planet Earth first set foot on the moon. July 1969 new era. We come in peace on behalf of all Humanity."

Aldrin was on the moon for about an hour and a half, Armstrong for two hours and ten minutes. At the 125th hour of the mission and the 22nd hour of stay on the Moon, the lunar module was launched from the surface of the Earth's satellite. The crew splashed down on the blue planet about 195 hours after the start of the mission, soon the astronauts were picked up by the aircraft carrier that came to the rescue.

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