Useful habits for girls for every day (cute without harmful bad). Good habits for girls for every day (cute without harmful bad) Right habits for a girl

“There are no ugly women, only lazy ones” - this well-known aphorism belongs to the American journalist Helen Rowland, who lived in the first half of the last century. However, he will not lose his relevance, it seems, never.

What is female beauty? Gift? - Maybe. Work? - Definitely. And daily work. And the older we get, the harder we must work to stay healthy for many years, which means young and beautiful.

I don't want to be healthy, I don't want to be beautiful

Ninety times out of a hundred we will complain about our ailments and feel sorry for ourselves instead of doing at least something for our health. It seems that people prefer to get sick. Despite all the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, we deliberately and methodically earn ourselves a variety of sores, and then we happily run to the doctors, relying on a magic pill and paying a lot of money for treatment.

You can, of course, rely on the "omnipotent" doctors and plastic surgeons. And you can cultivate simple habits that will help maintain health, youth and beauty for many years.

To want is to be able

Let's start with the main thing - with motivation. Sometimes making a decision is not easy. But it is much more difficult to follow it from day to day. I am very lucky with my grandmother. I don’t remember her unkempt, with drooping shoulders, in flat shoes. She always carried herself like a queen - fit, with her head held high, with a light cloud of elegantly curled silver hair over a beautiful forehead, in unchanged chiffon dresses and surrounded by admirers and gentlemen.

At almost 80 years old, she remained a Woman, and did not turn into a breathless wreck, requiring the attention and help of others. And it was not an accident - my grandmother worked on herself. She often told me, "Youth passes quickly, and it's never too early to think about what you'll bring to your old age."

And from childhood I was accustomed to the idea that I am responsible for my body, for my health. That every day you live should be a small investment in your own attractiveness and longevity.

You just need to think about it carefully. Imagine yourself in a year, five, ten years. Having bought a thoroughbred puppy or kitten, we would never in the world feed him with waste and meat scraps. We will observe the regimes of feeding, walking, do not miss a visit to the veterinarian. Having acquired an expensive car, we will never fill the tank with bad gasoline, wipe it ten times a day to an unbearable shine and regularly undergo technical inspection. When it comes to ourselves, then everything turns upside down. At the very least, it's unreasonable.

8 healthy habits of a beautiful woman

1. Sleep. Mode is a great power. Never sacrifice sleep for nighttime entertainment and TV viewing. Learn to plan your time so that you go to bed and get up at the same time. Then your biological clock will work without failure.

Advice: If you find it difficult to fall asleep, stop sleeping pills. Drink mint tea with a teaspoon of honey at night. And when you get under the covers, take a few deep breaths and exhale, then imagine that when you exhale, you get rid of all the negativity that has accumulated during the day, and when you breathe in, you gain peace and tranquility. Imagine a dark cloud that leaves you with every exhalation, dissolving into space without a trace. This is a simple and surprisingly effective meditation, after which you will easily fall asleep with the sleep of the righteous.

2. Nutrition. Don't skimp on the quality of the food. It is better to eat three times less, but the best of what you can afford. Watch what you eat and eat according to the needs of your age. Don't overeat. Never eat trans fats (margarines, spreads, etc.) and pastries based on them.

Advice: Every week, gradually change one bad eating habit to a good one. For example, in the first week, go to a low-calorie dinner, in the second, try replacing it with a glass of kefir with wheat bran. And in order to feel a surge of vivacity in the morning, drink a glass of warm water on an empty stomach with a slice of lemon and a teaspoon of honey.

3. The work of the intestines. Ideally, the intestines work like a well-oiled clockwork. That is, the evacuation of its contents should take place regularly. Constipation instantly affects the condition of our skin, as the body is poisoned by decay products.

Advice:Waking up, do a light circular massage of the area to the left of the navel. Gently massage for one minute in a clockwise direction.

4. Charging. Physical activity is mandatory, and this is not discussed. Man is a biological machine that needs movement and is destroyed by idle time. If you can’t find fifteen to twenty minutes in the morning to stretch, then do the exercises in between times.

Advice : You can train muscles in transport, at your desk, and even while preparing breakfast for the family. Do simple movements: squats, bends, push-ups from the wall, raising your legs in a sitting position - the main thing is to taste the pleasure that the movement brings. And in the future, you will no longer be able to do without it.

5. Visits to the doctor. Scheduled examinations by specialists should become mandatory. No need to live by the principle of "live until it falls off." Every six months, be sure to visit a gynecologist and a mammologist.

Advice: after thirty years, it is necessary to donate blood annually to determine the level of sugar, cholesterol and prothrombin. Thus, you will not miss the moment when the disease, if it has crept up, can be defeated.

6. Posture and gait. Nothing ages a woman like drooping shoulders and a lowered head. There is one little trick: no matter how tall you are, the silhouette will be perceived as taut if you cannot see your own stomach behind the chest line.

Advice: when walking, make sure that the stomach always remains retracted, and the shoulders are straightened. In this case, even if your weight is much higher than the norm, others will perceive you as fit and athletic.

7. Chin and oval face. When do we start to turn from girls to aunts? When our face oval begins to sag and a second (third, fifth) chin appears. This can and should be fought. The chin, or rather, the jaw-hyoid muscle, is called the “second press” - and just like the press, this muscle needs to be trained so that it does not sag.

Advice: be sure to do exercises for the muscles of the face. The most effective exercises are described in the book Aerobics for the Skin and Muscles of the Face by Carol Maggio. To eliminate the second chin, the following exercise will help: stretching your neck, vigorously pronounce the sounds “O”, “U”, “I” in the indicated sequence, 20 times in a row. Another option is to also vigorously pronounce the syllable "MA" - 20 times.

8. Mimicry. Watch your facial expressions. The brilliant Sophia Loren in the book "Woman and Beauty" talked about how she stood in front of the mirror for hours, honing the expression of this or that emotion - until the muscles "remembered" the desired state. “You might get the impression that my face looked like a mask, with these learned emotions. However, this is not so - I just knew which facial expression suits me, and which one does not decorate.

We are accustomed to excessive grimacing, and this primarily applies to a severe crease on the bridge of the nose or horizontal wrinkles on the forehead. In addition, without seeing ourselves from the outside and unconsciously copying the facial expressions of this or that “star”, we risk looking simply ridiculous.

Advice: the best facial expression is one that reflects inner peace. Take care of yourself throughout the day. You will find that 90% of the time you have a tense, preoccupied look: furrowed eyebrows, compressed lips. Learn to control these conditions and get rid of them.

Perhaps someone will say: “Nothing new!” However, the truth is not dimmed by repetition. It is a sin if a woman looks less beautiful than she could be. It is important to understand that every day you can become better - but for this you need to do at least something.

There are, of course, more good habits than those described in this article. We will be glad if you share your own beauty and health secrets with us and with each other.

1. Periodically go to the forest, to nature and discharge emotions there.
2. Disassemble the wardrobe into sets to save time on choosing clothes and save yourself from “nothing to wear”.
3. Create a self-care calendar.
4. Know what is eating up your time.
5. Praise yourself every day.
6. At least 30 minutes of time to devote exclusively to yourself.
7. Got 10 minutes to spare? Give yourself a head or foot massage.
8. Plan your vacation. Without planning, you can waste your vacation time on nonsense and not fully relax.
9. Learn facial massage or face building.
10. Sing at every opportunity. Improves contact with emotions.
11. Have a get-together with friends.
12. Learn to say no to things you don't like or feel uncomfortable with.
13. Spend 1 hour a week on something that can't move.
14. Figure out your rhythms. Plan your affairs according to your rhythms. Transfer the most difficult cases to the peak of your activity.
15. Set aside a separate time for social networks and checking mail, do not look there the rest of the time.
16. Learn to distinguish between major and minor matters.
17. Start your morning with a mindset or meditation to set you up for the day.
18. Monitor energy levels and fatigue.
19. Walk, go out into the fresh air, whenever possible.
20. Move when the body asks.
21. Observe your feelings and bodily reactions, listen to your body.
22. Notice the things that take your energy.
23. Give yourself small gifts, pamper yourself.
24. Learn to listen to your loved ones, this will make your relationship deeper.
25. Write down in a notebook all the ideas that come to you.
26. Relax the mind before bed.
27. Take yourself on a date - just you and you, have an affair with yourself.
28. Learn to talk to others about your feelings.
29. Study your female cycle, your well-being on its different days.
30. Before doing something, ask yourself: "Why do I need this?"
31. Be honest with yourself about your feelings.
32. To undergo scheduled examinations by medical specialists.
33. Align sleep patterns.
34. Clear out your wardrobe before the start of the season.
35. Make a list of things you need on vacation on short and long trips, add it to the organizer so that you don’t fuss every time before the trip and add something relevant according to the circumstances.
36. Attend at least once a month cultural events: theaters, cinemas, exhibitions to feed the soul.
37. Pay more attention to your gait and posture.
38. Look at something beautiful every day.
39. Learn new hairstyles or hair styles.
40. Choose "dead hours" for shopping to avoid queues at the checkout.
41. Have multiple menu options for the week so you don't have to worry about what to cook.
42. Make a shopping list in advance for each menu option for the week and add something to it before going to the store if necessary.
43. Make sure your first aid kit has everything you need.
44. Try to delegate things you hate.
45. Keep a diary of your success.
50. Communicate with your inner woman more often.
51. Make friends with your intuition.
52. Invest a tenth of your income in your development.
53. Have a "vegetable" day when you are totally relaxed.
54. Constantly add to the list of what you like about yourself.
55. Look into the eyes of your loved ones more often and hug them.

In order to become better, it is not at all necessary to make titanic efforts and move mountains. Sometimes it’s enough to add a few good habits to your routine. We know 10 daily rituals that everyone who wants to become the master of his life must perform.

Take a morning shower

In the morning, you need to take not only an external shower, but also an internal one. Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up. Preferably warm and with lemon - this is how you start your body, it will prepare for a new day and a meal. By the way, it's better to eat in forty minutes, give it time.
But it is better to replace the external shower from warm to contrast - it will become much easier to wake up, and the skin will always be in good shape.

Watch your sleep hygiene

In order to feel alert, not only the time of sleep is important, but also its quality. For a deeper immersion in the realm of Morpheus, stop using gadgets at least an hour before going to bed, close the curtains and sleep in complete darkness. It is such imperceptible stimuli as light from a window or from a screen that disturb our nervous system.

Make a plan for the day

In order not to forget anything, make a plan for the day in the evening. This seemingly simple life hack will help you not to waste energy, but to act strictly according to the list. But do not forget to leave room for force majeure and spontaneity - suddenly you suddenly want to change plans for a romantic sunset walk.

Do morning exercises or vacuum

Another life hack for a cheerful morning and a beautiful figure. Do not neglect physical activity, even if early rises are not easy for you. Just 10-15 minutes a day will help you stay in good shape for many years.
Well, if you are not familiar with the vacuum for the abdomen, be sure to pay attention to this morning procedure.

This exercise increases blood flow to the endocrine system and to all important internal organs, including the reproductive system, and speeds up metabolism.

drink water

If you are thirsty, do not exchange for juice, coffee or tea. Always keep a bottle of water with you, then the likelihood of buying a refreshing lemonade will be much less.

Take time out

Spend several intervals during the day by turning off your phone. You can start with three sets of 10 minutes each. This small exercise will bring you back to reality, make you “turn on your brains” in time, navigate in space and concentrate on something more important. For example, when communicating with loved ones.

take a walk

Go for a walk or jog if you want to switch and calm down a bit. Turn on your favorite music, or maybe listen to the sounds around you, choose a new route for yourself and go. We guarantee a good mood and harmony with ourselves in 10 minutes.

Increase your physical activity

In order to always be in shape and not worry about every calorie eaten, you need to increase physical activity. Start by taking at least 12,000 steps a day. At the same time, complete the paragraph above.

Read paper books

Agree, it’s much more pleasant, sitting in a subway car, to hold in your hands not an electronic device, but a real paper book that even smells special. Remember that by reading, you are imperceptibly developing, improving your knowledge in various areas and, no less important, pumping language and literacy.

And if you can’t ride the subway without gadgets, replace your usual games and scrolling feeds with useful educational applications. Pump your brain every minute, because this skill is the main key to success.

Our list of 50 healthy habits for every day. What does habit mean? A habit is something that a person does systematically and not completely consciously, and it will be very nice if you have habits that are pleasant, and most importantly, very useful for your loved ones :)

1. Start your day with a smile. Nothing is more positive.

2. Drink a glass of water before breakfast.

3. Start running.

4. Give up cigarettes and alcohol.

5. Learn to plan for the day ahead.

6. Eat a few fresh fruits or vegetables every day.

8. Keep your posture, walk straight.

9. Do morning exercises.

10. Eat fractionally: 4-5 times a day at the same time.

11. Forget the elevator. Climb up and down on foot.

12. Take a contrast shower in the morning - it helps to wake up no worse than a cup of strong coffee.

13. Get enough sleep. Train yourself to go to bed and get up at the same time.

14. Take daily walks in the fresh air.

15. Prepare clothes for the coming day in the evening.

16. Get a general medical examination once a year.

17. Immediately write down interesting thoughts and useful ideas that come to your mind.

18. Drink enough clean, non-carbonated water: at least 1500 ml per day.

19. Ventilate the room before going to bed. Sleep cool.

20. Spend 15 minutes cleaning your room every day.

21. Treat yourself: pleasant shopping, beauty treatments or just a good movie watched in a pleasant company is a powerful charge of positive.

22. Wash your face before bed.

23. Get a home bookkeeping program. Get your expenses under control.

24. After returning home from work, give yourself 15 minutes to relax with pleasant music.

25. Visit a bath or sauna once a week.

27. Go vegetarian for a week. And suddenly you like it!

28. Learn touch typing on the keyboard.

29. Be punctual.

30. Compliment people, be friendly.

31. Go in for sports at least 2-3 times a week for 1 hour.

32. Train your brain: learn poetry, solve crossword puzzles, play chess.

33. Learn 10 foreign words every day.

34. Read at least 30 minutes a day.

35. Call loved ones and parents just like that.

36. Take up yoga or breathing exercises.

37. Keep a personal diary and write down all your achievements and successes.

39. Photograph highlights.

40. Do gymnastics for the eyes.

41. Eat fermented milk products daily: low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt without additives, kefir.

42. Switch to whole grain bread.

43. Do not sit at the computer for more than 2 hours at home.

44. Pour cold water over your feet - this is an excellent tempering procedure.

45. Use only high-quality cosmetics.

46. ​​Throw out all unnecessary rubbish from the house.

47. Learn new things, learn something interesting every day.

48. Drink fresh juices.

49. Spend your weekends usefully: get out into nature, go on excursions, enjoy new landscapes and communicate with new people.

French women say that if at 30 a woman looks somehow, then she is just lazy.

Try to revise old habits and acquire new good habits.

There are many simple tricks that will help you always be beautiful and energetic without any extra effort. Try it.

  • 1. Drink a glass of yogurt before going to bed

This fermented milk product has relaxing properties: it relaxes both the nervous and muscular systems - this is exactly what is needed for a calm deep sleep.

And in the morning you will wake up with a good appetite, because kefir will help your stomach to function normally.

Just make sure that this healing drink is at room temperature - too cold or warm kefir loses many of its beneficial properties.

  • 2. Do not watch TV shows, do not look for classmates and do not chat on the phone

Systematically wasting your time on useless communication or spectacle is a very dangerous activity that can turn into a habit.

Psychologists say that we hide behind such entertainment, thereby justifying our reluctance to get down to important things.

If these activities are still at least somehow suitable for spending long winter evenings, then April is conducive to devoting these minutes, hours or days to walks, sports or the implementation of grandiose plans that are always postponed until later.

  • 3. Go to bed for an hour, and get up - half an hour earlier than usual

Many famous beauties claim that one of the main recipes for attractiveness is to go to bed before ten in the evening, and get up no later than nine.

If the schedule does not allow - try to slightly shift your regimen to bring it closer to the ideal mark: go to bed for at least an hour, and get up - half an hour earlier than usual.

This way you will sleep more and look better.

  • 4. Half an hour before breakfast, drink a glass of cool water with lemon

This simple remedy helps improve blood circulation and metabolism, remove toxins from the body, and replenish vitamin C.

As a result, you will get rid of morning sleepiness, improve complexion and digestion.

  • 5. Have fruit for breakfast

Nutritionists believe that fruits should be eaten separately from any other food, because, getting into the stomach along with the rest of the food, they begin to ferment.

This interferes with the absorption of nutrients and causes discomfort in the intestines. Therefore, fruits should be eaten either half an hour before meals, or 3-4 hours after.

But a fruit breakfast is an ideal option for getting fiber, vitamins and antioxidants.

  • 6. Use vegetable oil instead of cream

Olive oil instead of face cream is used by such recognized beauties as Sophia Loren and Sophie Marceau - the result is obvious.

  • 7. Weekly make a hair mask from improvised means

Food from the refrigerator has amazing properties.

Feel free to experiment to restore weakened hair after winter and March beriberi.

Today make an egg-honey mask, tomorrow - apply vegetable oil to the ends of your hair, and the day after tomorrow - rinse your curls with chamomile tea.

  • 8. Wash your face with mineral water

What we wash with has a significant effect on the condition of the skin. And not the best water flows from the tap.

Therefore, many models are washed with mineral water. It tones the skin and has a firming effect on it.

  • 9. 10 minutes a day to massage problem areas

Buy a hard washcloth and, while taking a shower, daily massage in all directions the hips, buttocks and waist.

Regular massage will make the skin more toned and elastic.

And if after the massage you apply anti-cellulite gel, continuing to massage the problem areas, by the beach season you will not have to look for a closed swimsuit and a slimming pareo.

  • 10. Drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice daily

Fresh juices allow useful substances to be absorbed as quickly as possible, besides, they save time and effort.

After all, you see, drinking a glass of apple juice is much easier than eating a pound of fruit.

  • 11. Get a spa manicure

SPA manicure is done with the help of scrubs, aroma oils, creams and special hand masks.

All this is accompanied by a pleasant massage and ends with a nail treatment.

A pleasant procedure will help develop the joints of the hand, relieve age spots, dryness, and increase muscle tone.

  • 12. Only buy a chocolate bar as a reward for something.

If you really want sweets, think about what you can do useful today to reward yourself for this?

Most importantly, eat only dark chocolate and no more than one piece at a time.

  • 13. Have breakfast with oatmeal or any other cereal

Unsweetened minimally salted or generally unsalted porridge will allow you to not feel hungry until lunch.

And if you sit down to dinner without being too hungry, then you will not eat too much.

In addition, porridge removes toxins from the body that have accumulated overnight.

To make the dish more interesting, you can cook oatmeal in milk, and pour kefir over buckwheat.

  • 14. Fry everything in olive oil

Olive oil emphasizes and enhances the natural taste of products.

In addition, frying on it is much more useful than on any other, since it starts to burn and produce carcinogens only at 210-230 degrees, while sunflower or corn - already at 170.

  • 15. Cleanse the body

If there are bruises under the eyes, the face is pale, the skin is flaky, general weakness is felt, it's time to take a course of cleansing the body.

Within two weeks, drink a decoction of celery and parsley 2-3 times a day. This will help to get rid of the stagnation of fluid in the body, remove toxins.

Also do once a week fasting days.

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