Youtube secrets of the universe. Riddles and secrets of the universe. What came first - a black hole or a galaxy

The universe with its secrets and mysteries has been attracting people since time immemorial. We, in turn, are trying to comprehend, study and unravel it. But still many questions remain unanswered.
How was the universe formed? Who created it and why? How old is she? The mystery of the universe and being. Does extraterrestrial intelligence exist? What is hidden in the universe? Finally, the eternal questions of humanity: who are we? Why are we? Why? Where does life on earth come from? Is there life outside the earth? Infinity? What is hidden in space and the universe?
Scientists around the world are studying human nature. And space beckons us like a black hole. What is hidden from us and why?
Without a doubt, there are many more topics of discussion related to it.

It is worth noting that there are two main assumptions about the birth of the universe. One of them says that it was created by God. You may or may not believe in it. It's up to you to decide. And the other is based on the Big Bang theory. In any case, most scientists believe in it and it is at least somehow backed up by science. We will talk about it in more detail.

The Big Bang Theory

It is believed that the universe appeared as a result of a powerful explosion. It happened about 13.8 billion years ago - that's the answer about her age. Matter and energies shrunk into a point with zero dimensions. Thus, forming a homogeneous mixture with high density, pressure and temperature. Subsequently, this mixture was called the cosmic singularity.
Scientists claim that at some point this mixture exploded. Thus creating space for the revival of the universe.

“At the moment of the Big Bang, our entire Universe arose, and with it, space”
Stephen Hawking

In fact, the very appearance and existence of the universe is mysterious and mystical. In addition, everything in it is beautifully mysterious, and incomprehensible.
By the way, according to the general idea based on the works of scientists, the universe is symmetrical. Although now some researchers dispute this concept, arguing that there is still a slight violation of symmetry.

Of course, we still have a lot to learn and explore. Discovering something new raises even more questions.

What is in the universe

So, scientists have found out that the universe consists of matter, energy and space. Moreover, everything here is calculated and calculated. Recall that there is a cosmic constant called the constant. After all, it is she who defines the ratio of the force of attraction and repulsion. Everything is balanced so precisely that it makes possible the existence and development of the universe as a result.

In turn, I would like to talk about such important components of the universe as dark matter and dark energy.
The first, according to the latest data, occupies about 27% of the total mass of the Universe. This is such an invisible form of matter that does not manifest electromagnetic radiation, but creates gravity. Its composition and properties are mysterious, and so far inexplicable.
The second one, Dark energy, makes up 3/4 of our Universe. We feel it, don't we? Certainly not physically. Like dark matter, this energy is invisible. This force is not unraveled, but has an impact on the expansion of the universe.

Moreover, it is safe to say that the Universe itself and its components are unique and mysterious. The secrets of the world and the mysteries of the universe do not leave humanity indifferent. Often science is unable to explain everything that happens. But we are not standing still.

What is reality

Reality is something related to philosophy. This is existence as a whole. It can be objective, that is, material, and subjective, associated with consciousness.

Reality is reality. In our topic, it acts as ideas about the nature of the universe. But it can be changeable.
In fact, even Immanuel Kant wrote that this thing is unknowable.

Wonders of the Universe

Undoubtedly, everything that is connected with it and everything that it consists of is beautiful and wonderful. One might even say fantastic.
Take, for example, the very appearance of the universe. Or the movement of all objects in it. Moreover, the uniqueness of each particle and the existence of processes occurring in the universe. In addition, the presence of black holes, galaxies and planets of different sizes, with amazing properties. Finally, the very emergence of life on Earth and the development of civilizations. What could be more wonderful?

Each mystery and riddle is a miracle that a person is trying to unravel and comprehend.

The discoveries of scientists and the development of science give rise to new territories of mysteries. The laws of nature, incredible artifacts only slightly opened the veil of the secrets of the universe. There is no doubt that mysticism, which connects all the processes of interaction and development of the universe, excites a person's interest in it.

We create new ways, technologies and new opportunities just to get closer to unraveling the mysteries.

Infinity is a paradox

Infinity is one of the most mysterious phenomena. Even in ancient Greece, it was considered paradoxical.

Let's see what a paradox is. This may be a situation, statement, judgment or conclusion that exists in reality, but does not have a logical explanation.
And the definition of infinity in the modern world implies a category of human thinking, which is used to characterize limitless, limitless, inexhaustible objects and phenomena. It is worth noting that it is impossible to indicate boundaries or quantitative measures for them.

Infinity classification

There is a potential, meaning the continuous continuation of something, and an actual infinity, as an already existing infinity.

There are also qualitative and quantitative infinities. The first reflects the nature of connections that have no boundaries and are endless. And the second, in turn, represents processes and objects.
In any case, everything connected with infinity can be said to be impossible - possible.

We found out that infinity is characterized by the absence of boundaries, limits and units of measurement. Without a doubt, it remains an inexplicable mystery of the universe, invisibly present in our lives. In fact, infinity is inseparable from life on earth, and from the very fact of the universe.

The sun is the source of life on earth

The Sun is the only star in the solar system and the closest to Earth. It gives us light, heat and energy. The sun is involved in photosynthesis. That is, it is the basis of life on our planet. By the way, the distance from the Sun to the Earth is 149.6 million km of light years.

Our planet, as you know, rotates around its axis. The time spent on this rotation, we call the day. It is because of this rotation that when we are on the sunny side, we see the dawn. And vice versa, getting on the shadow side, we watch the sunset.

All the planets and their satellites, asteroids, meteorites, comets and cosmic dust move around the Sun. In essence, all objects of our system are obtained.

By the way, according to the spectral classification of stars, the Sun belongs to the “yellow dwarf” type.

By the way, this is the fourth largest star in our galaxy. Its age is more than 4.5 billion years. Presumably now she is going through the middle of her life cycle.

What is the sun made of

Science has proven that the composition of the sun includes hydrogen, helium and gases. At its center is a core with a radius of about 150,000 - 170,000 km, which is 1/4 of the total size. The nucleus rotates around its axis with great speed.

It is here that helium is formed from four protons, giving rise to a large amount of energy. And it, in turn, passes through all layers and is radiated from the photosphere in the form of kinetic energy and light.

Above the nucleus is a zone of radiative transfer. Here the temperature varies from 2 to 7 million K.

Above this zone there is a convective zone 200,000 km in size. In this region, energy is mixed with plasma. On its surface, the temperature reaches 5800 K.

The sun's atmosphere consists of the photosphere and chromosphere. The outer shell of a star is called the crown. Its temperature ranges from 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 Kelvin. It releases ionized particles. It is called the solar wind.

There is an assumption that at the age of about 8 million years the Sun will expand its outer shells and they will reach the Earth's orbit. This will move the planet away from itself. However, this is just a guess.

Scientists have noted that solar activity decreases or increases once every 11 years.

The great influence of the sun on the Earth and other objects is undeniable. What can I say, every person feels this power. In any case, flashes in the sun are clearly reflected in people's health. We, in turn, cannot influence the sun.

In essence, this relationship reflects the miraculous nature of the star called the Sun. And also once again reminds of the incomprehensible and mysterious universe. According to whose laws and foundations everything around us happens.

New methods for checking planets.

As it turned out, in ancient times, scientists learned about the existence of planets with the help of mathematics and equations.
Then, with the invention of the telescope, it became much easier, and, so to speak, more clearly. But, for example, it is difficult to open and explore other people's worlds in this way. This is due to the fact that they are located near bright stars, the glow of which does not allow them to be seen. And also because they are located very far away and they are simply not visible.

Doppler Method, or Radical Velocity Method

This method is based on measuring the movement of light and changes in the spectral lines of stars. Its use is limited because such a change in the star's position is very small.

transit method

Sometimes the orbit of an exoplanet is well located and transits in front of the parent star, which allows it to be detected. This method involves measuring the change in the luminosity of a star in such a case. It can be used to determine the size and physical properties of such a planet.

Transit time variation method

In fact, this method is used in systems with many planets. It is based on the observation of deviations in orbital periods, which reveal the presence of nearby planets.

Gravitational Microlensing Method

The next method is to measure the gravitational field as one star passes in front of another. A closer star, by its gravity, visually magnifies the light of a distant star, like a lens. And if there is an exoplanet near the first star, then its attraction affects this light.

However, there are other methods and ways to check the planets. But so far we can say with confidence that direct observation is the most accurate and visual.

Discovery of the planets of the solar system

As you know, there are eight planets within our solar system known to scientists. In total, more than two thousand have already been opened.
The concept of the planet was introduced by the ancient Greeks. At that time, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn were already known. With the invention of the telescope, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were discovered.

What is a planet?

This is a round celestial body that orbits around a star.

Planets that are located outside our system are called exoplanets. When a new such planet is discovered, it is called by the name of the star around which it revolves, adding a small letter in alphabetical order.

Number of planets in the solar system

In truth, the existence of the planet Neptune was calculated with the help of mathematics. And Uranus was generally considered a star.

Another interesting fact about the number of planets. Pluto was discovered in 1930 and was originally part of the planets. But in 2006, scientists decided to consider it a dwarf planet. And therefore, the total number of planets in the solar system officially equals eight.

Science began to discover and study the planets in the last 20-30 years.

Azure planet

There is a blue exoplanet HD 189733b. It is located very close to its star. The temperature on its surface is about 2000 degrees. It rains molten glass. In addition, it is similar in size and mass to Jupiter.
This planet was discovered in 2005.
This planet is very beautiful.

planetary satellites

Particular attention should be paid to the satellites of the planets. They play an important role for their existence. The very fact of their existence is intriguing.
What is a satellite of a planet? This is a celestial body smaller than the so-called host. At the same time, it rotates in the orbits of the planet to which it is attached.
Another question - What are satellites for? It is believed that they protect the planet from other celestial bodies, and also create a certain climate on it.

What are the satellites

There are natural and artificial satellites.

The sizes of some satellites of the planets

We are most interested in the satellites of the planets of the solar system. Of course, because they are closest to us.

Let's talk about them in a little more detail. In fact, each of the planets has at least one natural satellite. Their origin is clear from the name. You can tell how it happened that they appeared.

There is a theory that a large number of the satellites of the solar system are asteroids attracted by gravity to the planets.

Moreover, there is a theory that these are parts of the planets themselves, for some reason broken away from them.

The satellite of our home planet is the Moon. Mars has two satellites, Jupiter already has 79, Saturn has 62, Uranus has 27, and Neptune has 19. And these are only natural ones.

Interestingly, only Venus and Mercury do not have such satellites, but they are not alone. They are surrounded by artificial companions. These are devices specially created by man that allow observing the planet and other bodies.

Since satellites transmit information about the climate, topography and various changes of the planet, for this reason, they play an important role in the study of space.

Black holes in the universe

Let's first understand what these mysterious black holes are?
This is the name of the region of space-time, with a great gravitational attraction. Oddly enough, but no objects can leave it.
The boundary of this region is the so-called event horizon. Its characteristic size is the gravitational radius.

The appearance of black holes

As it turns out, a black hole is also called the point of no return.
This is another great mystery of the universe.
The very concept of a black hole appeared in 1967 thanks to astrophysicist John Wheeler. And with the help of a telescope, they were first noticed in 1971.
Moreover, it is believed that black holes are extinct stars with a high density. Not even light can pass through them. Hence the name. They consume everything around them.

stellar origin theory

As is known from astrophysics, the life of a star can last billions of thousands of light years, but sooner or later comes to an end. All stars have a supply of fuel, and when it runs out, it, shall we say, goes out.
Depending on the size of the extinct star, it can turn into either a white dwarf, a neutron star, or a black hole. In fact, the largest objects are most often transformed into the latter. Most likely, this is due to the fact that there is a compression of huge sizes, respectively, the mass, density, and hence gravity increase.

Scientists suggest that black holes exist in all galaxies. Only ours, called the Milky Way, contains about a hundred million such holes.

⦁ Small black holes emit evaporation, named after the scientist who discovered it, "Hawking radiation."
⦁ Scientists have discovered the two largest black holes. Their mass is approximately 9.7 million solar masses.
⦁ It is believed that black holes can grow due to the fact that they suck in substances, most often gas and stars.
⦁ Interestingly, Einstein calculated the existence of such objects in 1915 and earlier they were called frozen or collapsed stars.
⦁ Black holes move, and move very fast. In this case, there is a possibility of collision with other objects. In this case, they do not absorb, but simply change their movement.

Formation of black holes

There are several theories on this topic:

  1. Quantum black holes can result from nuclear reactions.
  2. Primary, formed after the Big Bang.
  3. A stellar-mass black hole is an extinct star composed of helium, carbon, oxygen, neon, magnesium, silicon, and iron. Or it is an extinct neutron star weighing 2-3 solar masses.

Black holes are one of the most mysterious formations in the universe. Oddly enough, their study began relatively recently. They attract attention and interest, like everything else in the universe. It is not yet clear what they are for. But as they say, "if the stars are lit, then someone needs it." Only with a caveat, if the stars go out, then this is why you need it.

In any case, space remains incomprehensible and mysterious for humans. Yes, we put a lot of effort into studying it. Yes, we have already learned a lot.

But, there is still countless unknown and unsolved. Perhaps that is why the universe beckons us with its expanses, secrets and mysteries. It's a terribly attractive force, I'll tell you.

The unsolved mysteries of the world and the mysteries of the universe will remain inexplicable to man for a long time to come. But scientists around the world continue to explore space, create new technologies and ways to do this. And we are following it and we are interested.

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We already know quite a lot about the solar system. However, a lot does not mean everything. The world around us continues to throw up riddles to which we do not yet have an answer. Sometimes it even seems that another, more developed civilization is operating next to us - some events and phenomena that occur before the eyes of terrestrial astronomers seem so anomalous. A review of the anomalies observed in the solar system should begin, apparently, with the moon.

Our natural satellite, despite its close position and the fact that American astronauts landed on it, still remains no less mysterious celestial body than a thousand years ago. We know little about its structure and origin, and know almost nothing about the strange phenomena that are sometimes observed on the Moon and in its vicinity. These phenomena are called "short-term lunar phenomena" or LTP (Lunar Transient Phenomena). They have been recorded for over 300 years. One of the first such sightings that has come down to us is probably the sighting on July 18, 1178, described by the English chronicler Gervasius of Canterbury: five people swore under oath that they saw “the upper horn of the young moon split into two parts. A flaming torch suddenly jumped out of the middle of this fault, spraying fire, hot coals and sparks in all directions for a long distance.

The appearance or disappearance of dark spots in various places on the lunar surface, an increase in brightness or a change in the color of some lunar objects, and clouding of their outlines were repeatedly observed. On May 3, 1715, the famous astronomer E. Louville observed a lunar eclipse in Paris. Around 9:30 GMT, he noticed at the western edge of the moon "some flashes or instantaneous tremors of light rays, as if someone were setting fire to the powder lanes with which time bombs are blown up." These flashes of light were very short-lived and appeared in one place or another, but always from the side of the shadow (Earth). The paths of observed luminous objects were curved.

The observer himself believed that he was observing a thunderstorm on the Moon - a quite typical conclusion for that time. Simultaneously with E. Louville, the famous E. Halley observed outbreaks in Britain. On October 12, 1785, the famous planetary explorer I. Schroeter observed a no less mysterious phenomenon: “After 5 hours, on the border of the dark lunar disk and actually in the center of the Sea of ​​​​Rains ... a bright flash of light appeared quite suddenly and quickly, which consisted of many single, separate small sparks , having exactly the same white light as the illuminated side of the Moon, and all the while moving along a straight line facing north, through the northern part of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bImbues and other parts of the lunar surface bordering it from the north, and then through the empty part of the telescope's field of view . When this rain of light had gone half way, a similar flash of light appeared in the south exactly over the same place... The second flash was exactly the same as the first, it consisted of similar small sparks that flashed away in the same direction, exactly parallel to the direction on north… It took about 2 seconds to change the position of the light before crossing the edge of the telescope’s field of view, the total duration of this phenomenon is 4 seconds.”

Unfortunately, Schroeter did not mark the place where the luminous phenomenon disappeared. However, he indicated the direction and the starting point, from which, having approximately determined the point of termination of the observation of the object as the Sea of ​​​​Cold (the path traveled by the objects in this case will be approximately equal to 530-540 km), we can approximately calculate the speed, which will be equal to 265 - 270 km /with. This is incredible speed! For comparison, let us recall that an earthly rocket flying to the Moon has a speed of about 12 km/s, to other planets of the solar system - only about 17 km/s. The 26th issue (1942) of the Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada published the following message from astronomer Walter Haas: lunar surface. It appeared to the west of the Gassendi crater... and traveled almost due east until disappearing at the short Gassendi wall. The speck was much smaller than the central peak of Gassendi, and its angular diameter did not exceed 0.1 arc seconds. The brightness was constant along the entire path, the magnitude of the spot was estimated at +8. The flight duration was about one second. At about 0541 I saw a fainter spot somewhere south of Grimaldi.

The end point of the movement was clearly visible, there the spot was strikingly defined, and we could accordingly exclude the explanation of the phenomenon by superimposing on the lunar disk some terrestrial object located low in the atmosphere (for example, a thistle), since it would move through the entire field of view of the telescope ... Velocity relative to the Moon was at least 63 miles per second (116 km/s). In addition to the anomalous phenomena observed on the Moon, there are enough other objects in the solar system, according to the behavior or appearance of which one can conclude that they are of artificial origin. In 1859, Dr. Lescarbault at the Orge Observatory (France) observed through a telescope how the solar disk crossed a body 1/17 of the mass of Mercury. It turned out that it moves in orbit with a period of rotation around the Sun in 19 days. The unknown "planet" was named Vulcan, but soon it suddenly disappeared.

After 20 years, Professor Watson from the University of Michigan observed two such “planets” in the same near-solar orbit, which then also disappeared. Some comets also behave strangely. So, for some reason, the comet of 1926 turned its tail in different directions, and the comet of 1956 had one of the tails directed forward, which is not the case with ordinary comets. The most curious thing is that both anomalous comets changed their flight trajectories, clearly violating the laws of celestial mechanics. A very mysterious celestial body visited the solar system in 1881. It looked like a luminous spot with a few hazy dots. The body in turn approached all the planets, including the Earth, and only then left the solar system.

There are also strange asteroids. Among them, the most famous asteroid Hector. The fact is that Hector changes his brilliance with an ideal frequency of seven hours. To explain this phenomenon, the possible shape of the asteroid was calculated. It turned out that such a periodicity is possible for a cylinder-shaped body 110 km long and 20 km in diameter. The question of whether Hector is an artificial structure or a freak of nature is still open.

In the near-Earth space, which seems to have been studied and controlled for a long time, there are also enough anomalous objects. In this regard, we can mention a certain body, called the Black Prince by astronomers. If all natural bodies attracted by the Earth from space revolve around it in the direction of rotation of the Earth itself, then the Black Prince behaves differently - like an artificial satellite. Only now the Black Prince was discovered long before the flight of the first artificial satellite. In conclusion of the review, it is appropriate to recall the statement of the well-known rocket scientist Wernher von Braun, made due to the incomprehensible deviation of the JUNO-2 rocket from its trajectory to the Moon: “There are extraterrestrial forces whose location is still unknown to us and which are much stronger than we are so far have long assumed. I have no more right to say anything about it. In the near future we will be able to clarify something when we enter into a closer relationship with these forces.

The vast expanses of our universe hold many secrets. Everything that humanity knows about other worlds is what allows us to understand our experience and our consciousness. This is a negligible fraction of what has been hidden in the depths of outer space for almost 14 billion years.

Mysteries of the Universe

There are many sensational discoveries about space. Thanks to the painstaking work of astrophysicists, mankind has become aware that space has no boundaries. We know for sure that the Earth is not the center of the universe and there are trillions of other worlds. But, a paradoxical situation: the more information scientists give us, the more secrets of the Universe arise. The most common unexplained facts are:

black matter

This is a mysterious substance that is invisible to the gaze of observers. The substance has an impressive mass and makes up a quarter of all matter in outer space. The elements of this substance interact very weakly with each other. This complicates the process of their research and so far, the principles of their interaction have not yet been fixed.

Scientists believe that new data on the mysterious substance can be obtained on special accelerators.

The emergence of the universe

The most problematic issue to study is the mystery of the formation of outer space. The most common version is the Big Bang Theory, which stipulates that the Universe began its evolution after a kind of “boom”. Other scientists believe that there might not have been an explosion, and the expansion of the universe is due to the formation of black matter.

Black holes

Dark matter, which is capable of absorbing absolutely everything in its path, cannot be observed. Even their existence has been confirmed by indirect experiments. But, it is known that the dark matter has just crazy gravitational force and is able to “swallow” both light and time. Questions remain open that relate to the composition of black holes, as well as the principles of their movement through outer space. A huge black hole has been discovered in our solar system, which is millions of times larger than the sun.

There are many unique celestial bodies in infinite space. But, really, among all the planets, only the Earth has conditions suitable for life? Scientists believe that a temperate climate, an oxygen atmosphere and liquid water is a description of not only our planet. There is a high probability that there is an identical “terrestrial twin” in outer space. But for now, these are just speculations.

Our Universe: the secrets of the origin of life

According to the American astrophysicist A. Loeb, humanity is the last form of life. Our planet was inhabited long before man appeared. The scientist suggests that 15 million years after the Big Bang, there was life on all celestial bodies that revolved around the Sun. On the globe, living beings appeared 3.8 billion years ago, this is seven hundred years after its formation.

To confirm this theory, the astrophysicist proposes to study in more detail all the planets that are near stars with a low content of metals.

Unsolved mysteries

In the process of the evolution of the Universe, trillions of galaxies were formed in space, each of which has a certain shape and content. All objects are structured and have a similar composition. Scientists offer several hypotheses for the formation of galaxies, but there is no reliable information about their confirmation. What happened after the Big Bang? Stars formed from small particles that joined together and only then galaxies formed? Or, right after the “boom”, there were already structured clots of black matter, which separated over time to form star houses?

Also, the following mysteries remain unsolved:

1. Galaxy, in the form of an emerald. The square "star house" is located at a distance of 70 million light years from our Milky Way. This is an unusual object for space; it looks like a cut emerald. The object is contrary to all the laws of the universe. Scientists suggest that the square galaxy is the result of a collision of two spiral objects. If you believe this hypothesis, then the Milky Way, after a collision with Andromeda, may also acquire a square shape.

2. What was before the formation of the point of the Universe? The answer to this question can no longer be found. It is known that everything started with the Big Bang, but what happened before it?

3. Powerful energy emissions. Scientists often record inexplicable gamma-ray bursts. But an explanation for this phenomenon has not yet been found.

4. Dark energy. 68% of the universe is made up of dark energy. Scientists know that this substance acts to counterbalance gravity and expands the boundaries of space. But, in all other respects, this “substance” remains a mystery.

5. The presence of other types of life. Somewhere in the universe there may be a habitable planet. Science fiction writers often describe the arrival of aliens to Earth. But what if other civilizations are watching our lives? It has not yet been possible to refute this assumption, but it has not been confirmed either.

6. Secrets of the origin of life. There are hypotheses that the appearance of the human body is associated with complex chemical reactions. But no precise explanation could be provided.

Will there be answers?

All today's discoveries just a few years ago were also inexplicable and mysterious for us. Careful observation of other worlds, as well as planned exploration of space, will help scientists get closer to the true answers to mysterious and mysterious phenomena.

Secrets of the Earth and the Universe

The Big Mystery of the Big Bang

The spectacle of the night starry sky, strewn with stars, fascinates any person whose soul has not yet become lazy and completely stale. The mysterious depth of Eternity opens up before the astonished human gaze, causing thoughts about the original, about where it all began ...

If, out of curiosity, we pick up a reference book or some popular science manual, we will certainly stumble upon one of the versions of the theory of the origin of the Universe - the so-called "big bang" theory. Briefly, this theory can be stated as follows: initially, all matter was compressed into one "point", which had an unusually high temperature, and then this "point" exploded with tremendous force. As a result of the explosion, atoms, substances, planets, stars, galaxies and, finally, life were gradually formed from a super-hot cloud of subatomic particles gradually expanding in all directions. At the same time, the expansion of the Universe continues, and it is not known how long it will continue: perhaps someday it will reach its borders.

There is another theory of the origin of the universe. According to it, the origin of the Universe, the entire universe, life and man is a reasonable creative act carried out by God, the creator and omnipotent, the nature of which is incomprehensible to the human mind. "Convinced" materialists are usually inclined to ridicule this theory, but since half of humanity believes in it in one form or another, we have no right to pass it over in silence.

Explaining the origin of the Universe and man from a mechanistic position, interpreting the Universe as a product of matter, whose development is subject to the objective laws of nature, supporters of rationalism, as a rule, deny non-physical factors, especially when it comes to the existence of some kind of Universal or Cosmic mind, since it is " unscientific." Scientific same should be considered that which can be described with the help of mathematical formulas.

One of the biggest problems facing the proponents of the "big bang" theory is precisely that none of the scenarios they propose for the emergence of the universe can be described mathematically or physically. According to the basic theories of the "big bang", the initial state of the universe was an infinitely small point with an infinitely high density and an infinitely high temperature. However, such a state goes beyond the limits of mathematical logic and cannot be described formally. So in reality, nothing definite can be said about the initial state of the Universe, and the calculations here fail. Therefore, this state has received the name "phenomenon" among scientists.

Since this barrier has not yet been overcome, in popular science publications for the general public, the topic of “phenomenon” is usually omitted altogether, and in specialized scientific publications and publications whose authors are trying to somehow cope with this mathematical problem, about the “phenomenon are said to be scientifically unacceptable. Stephen Hawking, professor of mathematics at the University of Cambridge, and J.F.R. Ellis, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cape Town, in his book The Long Scale Structure of Space-Time states: “The results we have achieved support the concept that the universe began a finite number of years ago. However, the starting point of the theory of the origin of the universe - the so-called "phenomenon" - is beyond the known laws of physics. Then we have to admit that in order to justify the "phenomenon", this cornerstone of the "big bang" theory, it is necessary to admit the possibility of using research methods that go beyond the scope of modern physics.

A "phenomenon", like any other starting point of the "beginning of the universe", involving something that cannot be described by scientific categories, remains an open question. However, the following question arises: where did the “phenomenon” itself come from, how did it form? After all, the problem of the “phenomenon” is only part of a much larger problem, the problem of the very source of the initial state of the Universe. In other words, if the Universe was originally compressed into a point, then what brought it to this state? And even if we abandon the “phenomenon” that causes theoretical difficulties, the question still remains: how did the Universe form?

In an attempt to circumvent this difficulty, some scientists propose the so-called "pulsating universe" theory. In their opinion. The Universe is infinitely, time after time, either shrinking to a point, or expanding to some boundaries. Such a universe has neither beginning nor end, there is only a cycle of expansion and a cycle of contraction. At the same time, the authors of the hypothesis argue that the Universe has always existed, thereby seemingly completely removing the question of the “beginning of the world”.

But the fact is that no one has yet presented a satisfactory explanation of the mechanism of pulsation. Why does the Universe pulsate? What are the reasons for it? Physicist Steven Weinberg in his book "The First Three Minutes" indicates that with each next pulsation in the Universe, the ratio of the number of photons to the number of nucleons must inevitably increase, which leads to the extinction of new pulsations. Weinberg concludes that in this way the number of cycles of pulsation of the Universe is finite, which means that at some point they must stop. Therefore, the "pulsating Universe" has an end, and therefore has a beginning...

And again we run into the problem of the beginning ...

Einstein's general theory of relativity creates additional trouble. The main problem with this theory is that it does not consider time as we know it. In Einstein's theory, time and space are combined into a four-dimensional space-time continuum. It is impossible for him to describe an object as occupying a certain place at a certain time. The relativistic description of an object defines its spatial and temporal position as a single whole, stretched from the beginning to the end of the object's existence. For example, a person would be depicted as a single whole along the entire path of his development from the embryo to the corpse. Such constructions are called "space-time worms".

But if we are "space-time worms," ​​then we are only an ordinary form of matter. The fact that man is a rational being is not taken into account. By defining man as a "worm", the theory of relativity does not take into account our individual perception of the past, present and future, but considers a number of individual cases, united by spatio-temporal existence. In fact, we know that we exist only in today, while the past exists only in our memory, and the future in our imagination. And this means that all concepts of the "beginning of the Universe", built on the theory of relativity, do not take into account the perception of time by human consciousness. However, time itself is still little studied.

Analyzing alternative, non-mechanistic conceptions of the origin of the Universe, John Gribbin in his book "White Gods" emphasizes that in recent years there has been a "series of ups and downs in the creative imagination of thinkers, whom today we no longer call either prophets or clairvoyants." One of such creative upsurges was the concept of "white holes", or quasars, which "spit out" entire galaxies in the flow of primary matter. Another hypothesis discussed in cosmology is the idea of ​​so-called space-time tunnels, so-called "space channels". This idea was first expressed in 1962 by the physicist John Wheeler in the book Geometrodynamics, in which the researcher formulated the possibility of extra-spatial, extraordinarily fast intergalactic travel, which, if moving at the speed of light, would take millions of years. Some versions of the concept of "supra-dimensional channels" consider the possibility of using them to travel to the past and future, as well as to other universes and dimensions.

As you can see, the Big Bang theory is under attack from all sides, which causes legitimate displeasure among orthodox scientists. At the same time, scientific publications more and more often come across indirect or direct recognition of the existence of supernatural forces beyond the control of science. There is a growing number of scientists, including major mathematicians and theoretical physicists, who are convinced of the existence of God or a higher Mind. Such scientists include, for example, Nobel Prize winners George Wylde and William McCree.

The famous Soviet scientist, doctor of sciences, physicist and mathematician O.V. Tupitsyn was the first Russian scientist who managed to mathematically prove that the Universe, and with it man, were created by a Mind that is immeasurably more powerful than ours, that is, by God.

It is impossible to argue, writes O.V. Tupitsyn that life, including intelligent life, is always a strictly ordered process. Life is based on order, a system of laws by which matter moves. Death, on the contrary, is disorder, chaos and, as a result, the destruction of matter. No order is possible without influence from the outside, moreover, the influence of a reasonable and purposeful one - the process of destruction immediately begins, which means death. Without understanding this, and therefore without recognizing the idea of ​​God, science will never be destined to discover the root cause of the Universe that arose from pra-matter as a result of strictly ordered processes or, as physics calls them, fundamental laws. Fundamental - this means basic and unchanging, without which the existence of the world would be generally impossible.

However, it is very difficult for a modern person, especially one brought up on atheism, to include God in the system of his worldview - due to undeveloped intuition and a complete lack of a concept of God. Well, then you have to believe in the "big bang" ...

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It's no secret that outer space is full of unexplained mysteries and unsolved mysteries that continue to disturb the minds of scientists trying to find logical answers to them. From the mysterious dark matter to the multiverse, the truth behind these mysteries may turn out to be more surprising than the most incredible fiction!

1. The size of the universe

Many scientists and researchers are trying in vain to find the answer to this question, however, unfortunately, everything remains at the level of several hypotheses and assumptions. To find the key to unraveling the mystery, scientists have studied a huge amount of information. Starting with the solar system, they discovered a myriad of new questions that led them further into a dead end.

Trying to decipher the solar system, scientists have found that there are more than 200 billion solar systems in our galaxy alone, and there may be about 150 billion galaxies in the universe. Imagine how crazy and incredible a particular result can be! However, Oxford University researchers believe that the universe is at least 250 times its estimated size - and that's just for galaxies, not to mention planets!

2. Black holes

Black holes are one of the most mysterious mysteries of the Universe. Some scientists believe that the structure of black holes resembles the structure of galaxies, and they are characterized by very high and powerful levels of gravity, capable of absorbing everything, including light.

Even more interesting is that in the Milky Way alone, scientists admit the existence of about 100 million black holes, but how they form, how they function, and what happens when matter enters them, remains a mystery.

3. What came first - a black hole or a galaxy?

Another exciting question for scientists is what came first - black holes or galaxies? Judging by the results of the study of the radio frequency spectrum, black holes were the first to exist. According to Chris Carilli, a researcher at the US National Radio Astronomy Observatory, black holes first appeared, and only then stellar galaxies formed around them.

4. Dark matter

Dark matter is another mystery that we have no idea about. Hoping to get to the bottom of the truth, scientists put forward a variety of assumptions and assumptions, but the only thing they found out is that dark matter is a substance that functions like a web. They also came to the conclusion that this substance can be up to 25% of the entire universe. Dark matter exists and there is a lot of evidence for this, but what exactly it is remains a mystery.

5. Dark matter temperature

Scientists are trying to understand not only what Dark Matter is - they are also interested in how cold or hot it can be. Various theories suggest that dark matter can be hot, warm, or cold, but the Lambda-CM model is generally accepted, according to which this substance is cold and dark.

6. Dark energy

In the 1990s, a group of astrophysicists called dark energy a substance that, in their opinion, counteracts gravity and accelerates the expansion of the universe. Scientists believe that dark energy makes up almost 70% of our unexplored and mysterious universe. According to some theories, dark energy is a region known as "quintessence" - the concept of a scalar field that varies in time and space, proposed by Einstein.

7. Nemesis is our second sun

Some secrets of outer space are very difficult for the human brain to perceive, if at all possible. So, many scientists believe that we once had two suns, one of which bore the name of Nemesis.

Astronomers believe that since 80% of star systems are binary, there is a possibility that the sun was also binary at one time. Surprisingly, recent studies confirm this, because as a result of a detailed study of the stars of the Milky Way, scientists have come to the conclusion that all sun-like stars are born in pairs. However, until a star is found that is identical in composition to our sun, Nemesis will remain one of the universe's most mysterious mysteries.

8. Moon

In fact, no one knows where the moon came from. Despite numerous studies, the answer to this question has still been found and everything remains at the level of theories and assumptions. Some popular theories suggest that the Moon was the result of a giant collision between Earth and a "protoplanet" about 4.5 billion years ago.

Another popular theory suggests that the Moon is actually an asteroid stuck in our gravity.

9. Space noises

The sound of the universe is inaccessible to the human ear, because in space the molecules of a substance do not collide with each other and do not create a vibration that is familiar to our eardrum. Nevertheless, the sound of the cosmos exists and can be determined using radio signals, but scientists cannot explain where it comes from and what causes it.

10. Cosmic rays

Cosmic rays are high energy particles moving through outer space. The intensity of cosmic rays increases noticeably and substantially. According to Caltech scientist Richard Mewaldt, in 2019, the intensity of the rays increased by 19% - a value recorded for the first time in 50 years.

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