Second lunar day. Forecast for a lunar day 2 lunar days characteristics of the day

The second lunar day begins with the first moonrise after the New Moon, which is why in different cities, the lunar month can move forward or backward by one lunar day.

This is the time for valuable information. Be especially attentive to the information that you receive on the second Lunar day, even if it seems to you that it will not be useful to you, after a while everything can change and you will evaluate the information received on this day.

The second lunar day is filled with energy that inclines people to own and buy unnecessary things. Try not to succumb to this, and vice versa, if you manage to give something to someone, the universe will return it in full. If you suddenly lost something on this day, think well, maybe this thing would never be useful to you and you don’t need it at all, easily part with it.

Try not to share your plans on the second Lunar day, otherwise their implementation may come to naught. On this day, you need to develop generosity in yourself, and in no case should you show your anger. It is very good on this day to ask the authorities to make new contacts.

This day is very favorable for all sorts of discoveries and scientific research. A planned trip to nature or travel with the starting point of the second lunar day will bring a lot of positive emotions and will be remembered for a long time.

Love and relationships

Good for dates, show care and generosity towards your soulmate and you will be fully rewarded with joy and love.
This lunar day is very well suited for alliances and marriages.


You can do any household chores. This time is great for starting repairs in the apartment and any construction.


On the second lunar day, special attention should be paid to nutrition, especially fatty foods should not be eaten. A great time to draw up a diet for the entire lunar cycle, as well as to start a wellness course, body cleansing, a course of physical exercises, etc. Also, the second Lunar day will be ideal for visiting a sauna or a bath.

business and money

The 2nd Lunar day is very favorable for individual and collective work. You can safely start any business and projects. Training and advanced training, any courses, etc. will be especially good. Business trips will be fruitful and will bring material income.

Symbols - cornucopia, mouth, mouth, big fish, Bharati, according to ancient Indian tradition - "grasping mouth" (mythological parallels - Charybdis, Leviathan, Whale). Symbolic correspondence: 13th - 24th degrees of Aries. Anatomical correspondence: mouth, jaws. Action: consumption. stones- jadeite, chalcedony, iridescent agate. meditation: consumption process.

Burning, cleansing and saturation of the dense body takes place. Therefore, by the sensations that will be in our body, we can find out whether what we think about is useful or not. You can imagine food, acquaintances, and if they make you sick, then they are harmful to us.

On this day, it is necessary to show generosity, there is no need to regret what we are freed from. Information cycles are also laid in. And the information that comes on this day will be important for the whole month. A particular practice in learning what you need and what you don't need.

Anger, irritation are contraindicated - this will interfere with the purification of the dense body. On this day, everything condenses, acquires visible outlines, some people experience a densification of the astral body, some see ghosts on the material level, and materialization of astral souls occurs at a higher level.

Influence social: bad for close contact (selectively), for marriage, for lawsuits. Better not to fight.

Household influence: Good for travel, creativity, trade, big business and apprenticeship.

Influence mystical: The main direction is physiology. If nausea occurs, the product should be discarded, phyto-influence, cleansing procedures (without hunger). All kinds of physical exercises are shown, but without fatigue. On this day, it is difficult to realize generosity and greed.

On this day, of course, it will not be entirely true to indulge in gluttony and indulge any of your desires. Lack of measure can lead to the fact that the excess, perceived from the outside world, will remain with you, but in the form of ballast: fat deposits, salts, stones, entrenched habits, unconscious reactions, which will then be very difficult to give up. If you eat plenty of food, then within a month you will notice how your overall appetite will increase.

Many with the help of diets and starvation unsuccessfully from year to year try to maintain a normal weight. If you use knowledge, correctly join the energy of the solar-lunar cycle, then there should be no problems with being overweight. It is enough to eat mainly spiritual food on the 29th, 30th and 1st lunar days (maybe even completely abandoning the material), but in moderation. Thus, a more balanced work of your internal mechanism will be laid.

Also on this day, it is undesirable to distribute everything to everyone indiscriminately, especially to strangers. But if one of your relatives or acquaintances asks you for something, this may be a sign that you owe money, and you should not refuse in this case.

Health impact

The process of the day is helped by a bath, dry fasting, mono-diet. The best results will give cereals cooked without salt and oil. Cereals are unique products that remove toxins and everything that bothers us. You can do various cleansing practices, clean any organ that bothers you.

So 2nd lunar day the mouth, lips, teeth and upper palate are connected. On this day, it is good to treat your teeth. Unused energy 2nd lunar day leads to periodontal disease and tartar. When bad Saturn a person can become covered with lichen.

If on this day there was a physical ailment, try first of all to remember and analyze what you took inside. Some product that is not acceptable for your body can provoke a situation. Excluding it from the diet is easier than ever, it is much more difficult to understand why the body opposes it. If this succeeds, then understanding will allow you to get closer to the causes of imbalance in your perception in a broader sense. In any case, with ailments on this day, food restriction, fasting are useful.

Born on the 2nd lunar day

In people, born on the 2nd lunar day, as a rule, the set system works. Whatever they don't do, they do a lot.

In less balanced variants, a person born on the 2nd lunar day What is lacking is the measure of desire, the measure of acceptance. Some are indefatigable in food. Others - seek to absorb not only food, but also to capture everything that they want in general. True, at times, feeling overwhelmed, they may seem outwardly generous, but their generosity is based on the principle: “on you, God, what is worthless to us.” Often in their worldview and worldview the quantitative principle dominates, and the emotional state is closely connected with material and energy consumption (an analogy with the 2nd house of the natal chart).

As the other extreme, these are “altruists” who torment themselves both emotionally and physically, demonstrating their independence from the world, but in fact they simply do not know how to attract anything, because they have nothing to share, and they don’t want to sacrifice anything. Both extreme positions often lead to “return”: reflection of the same from the world and, as a result, to big problems for a person.

In more balanced cases, these are the people of Mera, who accept the world as it is, and understand (not only with the mind) that "everything in life must be paid for." They do not need anything, not because they have everything, but because they always have what they need at a particular time. These are people free from attachments and obsessive desires. They are generous and do not regret anything. For them, first of all, internal harmony is important, creating a balanced external flow of life, “green light on highway 60”.

Often these people do not strive to be visible. No matter what they do, they are on the sidelines, but their contribution to any common affairs, if you understand and look deeper, is invaluable.

2nd lunar day for business

Second lunar day are designed to find sources of funding - whether it be finding sponsors or withdrawing money from accounts. During this period, it is good to conclude deals, sign contracts, agreements, that is, to take those actions that will help your business plans to be correctly implemented in the future.

On the way to the realization of what you want, you need to take a confident step forward, but without pressure and unnecessary aggression. After the first step, you need to take a short pause.

This is the best time to start implementing a new company policy, to carry out internal organizational measures that will make work more efficient.

second lunar day successful for hiring new employees, because in this case they have every chance to harmoniously integrate into an already established team, and the bosses, as they say, "come to court." The person who is hired second lunar day, as a rule, brings “fresh air” to the team and takes the work to a new level.

For those who are professionally engaged in business, this lunar period it is extremely useful to provide some kind of charitable act, to act as a patron or sponsor, for example, a creative evening or an art exhibition. The point is that during second lunar day the law is especially effective: "The more you give, the more you receive."

Haircut on the 2nd lunar day

What kind auspicious days for haircuts this month, you can see on the page of our

2 lunar day is the last day of Hekate (dark days of the Moon). This is a day of saturation with information, energy. 2 lunar day, compared to the first, is more suitable for action. Use his special power!

Symbol of the day- mouth, mouth, cornucopia, "grasping mouth."

How is the second lunar day characterized?

2 lunar day is designed so that you can start implementing everything that you have planned on the first lunar day. At this stage, you get everything you need to implement your plans and your dreams.

Everything that appears in your life on the second lunar day must be gratefully accepted, because now fate sends you all the most important things for this lunar month. Everything you get will definitely be useful to you in the near future, even if at first it seems to you that this is not so.

Remember that now the most important thing is to "get in the stream." Then there will be no need to waste energy, unnecessarily worry and push yourself. If you get into the flow of natural lunar rhythms, then the business you have conceived will be carried out as if by itself. You will only have to slightly correct this process from time to time.

First step day

Day 2 of the lunar calendar is the day of the first step, and the whole month will depend on how correctly you take it. The main thing at the beginning of the planned business on the second lunar day is not to change your mind, that is, if you have planned to carry out this or that business, you should no longer doubt, otherwise you will not succeed.

For this, the lunar period, it is very important to maintain inner confidence, in one's actions, and in the rightness of intentions. Doubt will destroy any undertaking. 2 lunar day is like jumping into an unknown abyss. You need to hold your breath, stop the flow of thoughts and immediately throw yourself into the abyss.

You had time for reflection on the first lunar day, and the second is for active, assertive action. Now nothing can be rethought, replayed and rewritten, even if it suddenly seemed to you that you were mistaken. Start realizing your "erroneous" plans, and then it will be seen, maybe your doubts are just a momentary cowardice.

What should be the inner mood?

A lot depends on how you feel. Drop all doubts! If you already have something in mind, do not torture yourself with questions: “Did I do the right thing? Maybe you shouldn't have?"

If you torment yourself in this way and torment your soul with doubts, you will not succeed.

It is very important to maintain inner confidence in the rightness of both intentions and actions. In other words, your hand should be firm and not waver anywhere. The second lunar day is like jumping into an abyss. Hold your breath, stop the flow of thoughts and without delay throw yourself into the abyss.

You can start any activity. It is very good to start large educational programs, to start studying new subjects and mastering new branches of science. It is good to take office on this day.

What should not be done?

Sorcerers warn that on the second lunar day you should not do anything important between midnight and 3 o'clock in the morning. At this time, it is better to sleep, and if you have to be awake, you should take precautions.

The fact is that this time period is characterized by extreme instability of energy flows, so you can expect everything. If activity awakens in you, then use it for cognition, learning something. You can start doing regular morning exercises if you neglected it before.

Unlike physical activity, emotional activity is still contraindicated. Avoid conflicts, violent family scenes, showdown. Try to show generosity and breadth of soul.

How should you eat?

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

² Ananga Ranga (Ladder of Love) or Kamaledhiplava (Boat in the Sea of ​​Love) - similar in subject matter and artistic value to the Kama Sutra, but much less well-known Indian poetic manual on sex (

Energy of the day: passive day

Lucky number 2 lunar day: 2; element of the day: Earth.

Lucky color 2 lunar days: orange, chestnut, chocolate and brown.

Stones: jadein, calcedony, iridescent agate.

Part of the body: mouth, teeth.

Lucky day of the week 2 lunar days: Tuesday.

Lucky direction 2 lunar days: Southwest.

The predominant form of 2 lunar days: square, horizontally elongated rectangle.

Symbol of the 2nd lunar day: Whale, Fish with an Open Mouth; Mouth, Grasping Mouth; Cornucopia.

Key words: beginning of action, acceptance of gifts, multiplication of goodness, rhythm.

Guardian Angel of 2 lunar days: Alvasar - Herald of victories and good luck. Dark Envoy. Prince of the Dark Sky. He is the angel of the birth of the moon for the kingdom of the earthly firmament. It is in his power to give good luck in many matters and to resist all evil. According to his incarnation, he can endow a person with dexterity, mobility and dynamic thinking. If until now, you have not seen these traits in yourself or have failed, then by creating a strong connection with your lunar twin, you will certainly receive everything that is rightfully given to you from birth.

Basic properties of the day

These lunar days are created so that you can start implementing everything that you have planned on the first lunar day.

At this stage, you get everything you need to implement your plans and your dreams. Everything that appears in your life on the second lunar day, “must be gratefully accepted”, because now fate sends you all the most important things for this lunar month. Everything you get will definitely be useful to you in the near future, even if at first it seems to you that this is not so.

Remember that now the most important thing is to "get in the stream." Then there will be no need to waste energy, unnecessarily worry and push yourself. If you get into the flow of natural lunar rhythms, then the business you have conceived will be carried out as if by itself. You will only have to slightly correct this process from time to time.

The 2nd lunar day is the day of the first step, and from that? How well you do it will depend on the whole month. The main thing at the beginning of the planned business on the second lunar day is not to change your mind, that is, if you have planned to carry out this or that business, you should no longer doubt, otherwise you will not succeed. For this lunar period, it is very important to maintain inner confidence both in one's actions and in the rightness of intentions. Doubt will destroy any undertaking.

The second lunar day is like jumping into an unknown abyss. You need to hold your breath, stop the flow of thoughts and immediately throw yourself into the abyss. You had time for reflection on the first lunar day, and the second is for active, assertive action. Now nothing can be rethought, replayed and rewritten, even if it suddenly seemed to you that you were hurt. Anyway, start realizing your “erroneous” plans, and then it will be clear, maybe your doubts are just a momentary cowardice.

A lot depends on how well you take the first step. Drop all doubts! If you already have something in mind, do not start rushing from side to side: “Did I do the right thing? Maybe you shouldn't have?.. ”If you torment yourself in this way and torment your soul with doubts, you will not succeed. It is very important to maintain inner confidence in the rightness of both intentions and actions. In other words, your hand should be firm and not waver anywhere.

The 2nd lunar day is the time of any undertakings, no matter what areas of activity it may concern. You can start any activity.

Influence social

Today it is very good to start large educational programs, to start studying new subjects and mastering new branches of science.

It is good to take office on this day.

Influence mystical


With all the auspiciousness of this period, many magical schools warn against performing funeral rites. It is believed that on the 2nd lunar day one should not start with a funeral.

Remember that these days determine the entire lunar month: where it begins, it will end!

And sorcerers warn that on the 2nd lunar day you should not do anything important between midnight and 3 o'clock in the morning. At this time, it is better to sleep, and if you have to be awake, you should take precautions.

The fact is that this time period is characterized by extreme instability of energy flows, so you can expect everything.

If activity awakens in you, then use it for cognition, learning something. You can start doing regular morning exercises if you neglected it before. Unlike physical activity, emotional activity is still contraindicated. On the 2nd lunar day, avoid conflicts, violent family scenes, showdown. Try to show generosity and breadth of soul.


The second lunar day is good for fasting, establishing the right diet. It is good to start a cycle of physical exercises on this day.

Emotional influence

On this day, one should not indulge in anger, conflicts and outbursts of emotions should be avoided. The day inclines to the manifestation of greed, so you need to develop generosity in every possible way and do not regret what we are freed from.

On this day, you can determine what is good and what is bad for your body. You should mentally remember all the products you use. If you feel disgusted with something, it is not your food. What you are drawn to is what is useful for you. The same applies to people - you can suddenly feel with whom you need to communicate and with whom you should not.

Medical influence

You should pay attention to the mouth, teeth, upper palate. Diseases of this day are short-lived and without dangerous consequences.

Business area: 2 lunar day

2 lunar day is intended to search for sources of funding - whether it be finding sponsors or withdrawing money from accounts.
During this period, it is good to conclude deals, sign contracts, agreements, that is, to take those actions that will help your business plans to be correctly implemented in the future.

On the way to the realization of what you want, you need to take a confident step forward, but without pressure and unnecessary aggression. After the first step, you need to take a short pause. This is the best time to start implementing a new company policy, to carry out internal organizational measures that will make work more efficient.

The second lunar day is successful for hiring new employees, because in this case they have every chance to harmoniously integrate into an already established team, and the bosses, as they say, "come to court."

A person who is hired on the second lunar day, as a rule, brings “fresh air” to the team and takes work to a new level.

For those who are professionally engaged in business, during this lunar period it is extremely useful to provide some kind of charitable act, to act as a patron or sponsor, for example, a creative evening or an art exhibition. The fact is that during the second lunar day, the law is especially effective: "The more you give, the more you receive."

Matrimony and wedding: 2 lunar day

The second lunar day is perfect for marriage. The family created on this lunar day will be strong, friendly and close-knit, the spouses will never be afraid to take a step towards their partner.

To a greater extent, the 2nd lunar day is suitable for young couples who are going to lead an active lifestyle with kayaking and traveling to all over the world, as well as those who seek to make their married life filled with adventure and pleasant events.

Health: 2 lunar day

Now is the best time to start new health programs, to start a new set of exercises aimed at general health improvement and prevention of various diseases. This is an ideal time to explore Eastern healing systems and begin a small series of massages. In a word, the second lunar day is the time to start a healthy lifestyle.

It’s good to start new training complexes on the second lunar day, but at the same time, exercises should be selected so that they represent a kind of “golden mean” between load and relaxation. Static isometric exercises are ideal for this, which are built on the principle of alternate relaxation and tension.

The main thing on the 2nd lunar day is not to overdo it with loads, because if you stretch a muscle or overstrain it, it will take a lot of time to enter a normal rhythm again, since any exercise, movement made on the second lunar day, the body remembers, “records” in their cells as a program for the next month.

Sex and erotica: 2 lunar day

The second lunar day is a holiday of sex, so it should be festive, interesting, original. This is the best time to try out new sexual methods, techniques, love games, positions, and so on. This is the best moment to bring something new, previously unknown, some new nuance, a new note, in a word - more new into your sex life. Don't be afraid to experiment, in the end, good sex is creative sex, and the more new it is, the better it is.

Dreams: 2 lunar day

Dreaming during this period should be considered as a direct guide to action. Dream images will indicate the path that should be chosen to carry out a particular karmic task, especially if you really face any problem, and will become just the “key” to solving an urgent task.

But be careful when interpreting, do not take wishful thinking. In working with dreams, first of all, honesty with oneself is important - do not “rewrite” dreams for the better, but perceive their images as they are. The human subconscious does not lie, but the mind is able to interpret everything in the direction of the "ego". If you doubt that you are able to correctly interpret your dream, then it is better to contact a specialist, someone who will help you deal with the images that have appeared to you, who can professionally interpret subconscious symbols and suggest a line of further behavior. Amateurism in the interpretation of dreams during this lunar period is unacceptable.

In a sense, it can be said that all subsequent dreams of the lunar month will only be clarifications and comments on the dream that occurred during this period, because its meaning is so important.

Esoteric: 2 lunar day

In addition, this is the most suitable period to start performing various sadhanas, purascharanas, mastering new yoga complexes, qi-gong, taijiquan, the beginning of the reiki healing period, and so on.

Lunar ritual for the lunar day

Definition of useful and harmful in life:

  • Before this practice, it is desirable to cleanse the stomach and intestines.
  • Formulate for yourself what you are going to do. Tell yourself: "I will determine for myself what is useful and harmful to me in life."
  • Sit comfortably and place your left hand on the stomach area.
  • Think about what interests you. It could be a person, an action, or a food item.
  • Under the palm, the stomach will react with a spasm to what is harmful to you. And the calm relaxed reaction of the stomach in response to your thoughts speaks of the benefits of what you thought about.


Symbol: cornucopia
The element of the day is earth.
Lucky number is 2.
Lucky colors are orange, chestnut, chocolate and brown.
Stones: jadein, calcedony, iridescent agate.
Key words: beginning of action, acceptance of gifts, multiplication of goodness, rhythm.

This is FILLING day. Today you need to gain energy and knowledge to fulfill your desires. We attract into our lives everything that is needed to realize our plans. We call on the sources of wisdom, look for inspiration, absorb the forces of nature and ask all four elements to reveal their secrets to us, imagining the cornucopia as a symbol of this day. Gather information, think over a strategy for achieving goals, start doing energy practices or a set of exercises.
Listen to your feelings while communicating with people: if you feel nauseated, most likely this person is dangerous for you. On this day, you can understand what is useful for you and what is not in all areas of life. We are filled with only true values, only the most intimate desires, only that which brings real pleasure. Anger and irritation take away energy, and today we need all of it in order to fill the sails of our dreams with the wind.
Be generous, give gifts, give away unnecessary things, and then the world will return you much more. We give generously and without regret to the world, revealing our generosity to it and accepting its generosity in return. It is important on this day: to show generosity.
It is not necessary on this day: to be angry, conflict and annoyed.

Also, this lunar day will incline you to greed, as in the famous joke: "Doctor, give me pills for greed, but more, more." Therefore, in order to live this day correctly, remember what Petrarch said: “If you are stingy, then wealth owns you, and not you wealth.” Do not give in to stingy thoughts, greed, and vice versa, if you manage to give someone something, then it will come back to you in full. Give away your unwanted items to those who need them, and you will soon notice how the universe will generously endow you. If suddenly on the second lunar day, you have a loss, you should not worry too much, you really don’t need the lost thing.

In general, the 2nd lunar day is ideal for laying down material wealth (but this is only if enrichment is not the goal of your life). The second lunar day compared to the 1st lunar day is a more suitable time for action. Use his special power. Today you have been given everything to turn your dreams and ideas into reality. When making plans for today, take into account that they are realized only if you do not spread them. If you talk about what ideas have visited you, then in the afternoon all your efforts will come to naught. You may have a lot of urgent small things to do, the vanity will swallow up your dreams and plans, and you will not even be able to physically do anything of your plans. When you take action, always remember how important the first step is. Especially today, on the day of beginnings. Remain calm, confident in the correctness of your actions and radiate love and joy to the whole world, and it will reciprocate.

There is a special sign for the second lunar day. Everything that fate sends today will be useful to you in the future, even if at the moment it seems to you that you are facing something meaningless or not entirely pleasant. In fact, you need it: after all, it is today that we create a reserve for the future. Never forget that there are no failures, only untapped opportunities.

2 lunar days are often called the day of the first step. But what matters is your determination. If you are determined to do something, then, having started, in no case doubt your success. You had time to overcome doubts, now you should not remember them at all. Otherwise, like a poison, they will poison your every action, and you will not be able to do anything. Everything that you have in mind on 1 lunar day begins to be realized. You should not take active actions, but all the information that comes to you must be remembered and analyzed, it can be very useful to you during this lunar month.
2 lunar day is good for finding sources of financing, making deals, taking office.

In esoteric teachings, it is believed that on the second lunar day you can learn about your friends, about sincerity and honesty. In this case, intuition comes to the aid of everyone. You need to relax and introduce some friend. If at the same time you have unpleasant sensations, then this is a sign that your acquaintance with you is dishonest, insincere or envious. In any case, in dealing with him, one must be careful and not trust important matters.
2 lunar day is favorable for scientific research, for reflection and discovery.
Let us dwell in more detail on the influence of the second lunar day on our lives.


On the 2nd lunar day in personal life it can be both very good and very bad. The fact is that today each of us is set to receive gifts, compliments and increased attention. If this is the case, then everything is fine, if not, then problems and resentment can arise from scratch. In general, the second lunar day is quite a good time for dates, but show generosity and care towards your partner, do something nice, and you will be rewarded with good mood, joy, love. After all, in the end, giving gifts is much more pleasant than receiving them.
2 lunar day is ideal for marriage.

Household affairs

On the second lunar day, any household chores work out very well. In addition, since ancient times, this day was considered auspicious for the start of construction.


On the second lunar day, special attention should be paid to nutrition. Your intuition in this matter can be a great helper. To do this, imagine some product and listen to your body. If unpleasant sensations arise, then you should not eat this food, and vice versa, if pleasant sensations arise, then it is worth, regardless of the price, to afford it. You don't have to skimp on your health.
2 lunar day is an ideal time for those who have long been going to establish a healthy lifestyle. Feel free to start doing exercises to improve your figure, burn excess fat and improve your overall health. It’s great to make a diet for yourself for the entire lunar month on the 2nd lunar day. Cleanse your body of toxins. If you suddenly get sick, it is advisable to starve, especially if the disease is accompanied by an increase in body temperature. It is worth noting that the diseases of this day are short-lived and almost always pass without any consequences. On this day, the most vulnerable organs of the oral cavity, upper jaw, teeth. Therefore, you should not visit the dentist on this day or perform an operation to remove the tonsils.
On the 2nd lunar day, a visit to the bathhouse, especially the Russian steam room, will be beneficial for both health and beauty of the skin.
It is very useful to start health practices today, especially those related to physical education and sports. It is not necessary to go to the gym three times a week, but you need to give yourself at least elementary physical activity, which you can do at home on your own. It is worth noting that running around the shops is not considered useful exercise: it only tires us, and exercises should, on the contrary, relieve fatigue and increase strength. Dedicate at least five minutes a day to them, and in a week you will notice the difference, and by the end of the month it will become obvious to others. In addition, if today to abandon any load, then the risk of salt deposition and the formation of stones will increase.
On the second lunar day, simple food of plant origin is very useful. Alcohol and meat should not be consumed.

business and money

2 lunar day is favorable for work, both individual and collective. You can start any business, start any issues, everything that is important to you. It has been noticed that projects related to education are especially successful on this day: you can start studying a subject, sign up for courses, etc.
In addition, in general, this is a rather positive day for solving material problems. Business trips scheduled for the second lunar day are often of great benefit. You can also go on a trip or hike.
An enterprise registered on the second lunar day can quickly make a profit and quarrel with the co-owners in the process of its division. Contracts concluded on this day can be profitable, but in practice they are very difficult to sign, as both parties will try to "pull the blanket over" and the signing of the contract will be postponed to another day as a result.

This day is suitable to gather strength for the upcoming actions soon. Don't waste this energy on trifles - they will be useful to you for truly important things.
It is necessary to move from a dream to concrete plans to achieve it. It is important not only to set a goal, but also to decide how exactly you intend to achieve it. Plan clear action plans, refine and concretize them.
Any purchases and acquisitions, including large ones, will be successful. It is not recommended to skimp on what you really like and what is necessary.
Send the energies of light and love to as many people as possible. It is recommended to share joy, positive emotions, and also make material gifts.
You need to give yourself sufficient, but not excessive physical activity.
Avoid conflicts, disputes, violent outbursts of emotions, as well as any experiences. Try not to get caught up in drama.
It is recommended to review your diet to include only healthy foods. This day is not suitable for diets, unloading and serious food restrictions. Nutrition should be sufficient, but in no case excessive.

– body cleansing practices, detoxification, fasting;
- the practice of true desires (determining what you need and what you don't);
- practices of magical cuisine;
- obtaining important information for the entire lunar month from the outside;
- giving gifts;
- the beginning of any training cycles.

Meditation on the definition of useful and harmful✨
On this day, we are able to very subtly feel things, objects, as well as our surroundings. For example, to determine whether communication with certain people is suitable for us or it is better to interrupt this acquaintance. The same applies to food, and to other areas of life.
Find a suitable place for yourself, create a favorable atmosphere. Get into a comfortable position, focus on your breath, and relax your mind and body.
If you want to define your social circle, imagine a person. You can remember, and then mentally draw all the smallest details. For example, the manner of speaking, the movements of the arms, shoulders, head, facial expressions, i.e. full, deep image. It’s good if you can mentally play out a dialogue with this person. And if, while drawing up the image, you carefully listen to yourself, you can feel your attitude towards this person and draw an appropriate conclusion.
In the same way, you can understand which food is good for you and which is not. Place your hands on your stomach and direct your attention to this area. If the presented product causes discomfort and discomfort, then it is not suitable for you. And vice versa, if you have a desire to eat what you presented, then you can safely include it in your menu.
If you trust your intuition today and use these recommendations, then your body will only thank you. On the second lunar day, you have a wonderful opportunity to make up your diet and determine the social circle not just for today, but for a whole month, and thereby take care of yourself.✨ Practice "Turning on the rhythm of pleasure"

When a person enjoys every moment of his life: his work, his relationships, the world around him, then he enters the flow of abundance of the Universe.
We get up, feet shoulder-width apart, hands down. We connect the thumb and little finger of the left hand and put it in the dimple under the nose, the point of great memory, the point of our goal. We take a breath, as we exhale we turn to the left and say out loud: “One!”, Taking energy in the past and asking for permission to receive pleasure. We return to the starting position. We connect the thumb and little finger of the right hand and also put it at the point of great memory. We turn to the right and on the exhale we say: “One!”, Taking energy in the future and asking for permission to receive pleasure. We put the thumbs and little fingers of the right and left hands at the point of great memory, look forward to the present, and say: “One!”, Taking the energy in the present. On the exhale, we raise our hands above our heads, connecting the fingers of our hands, and create a cornucopia turned towards us and clearly imagine what comes into our life - all the gifts, all the gifts.
We interlace our fingers and stroke ourselves on the head, bathing in the abundance of the world, imagine how the world showers us with diamonds, gifts, money. The practice is done once.

Meditation "Cornucopia"
The cornucopia is a symbol of the world, showering us with gifts. It personifies fertility, both male (the horn is a phallic symbol) and female (the hollow horn is a symbol of the feminine). This is an attribute of the gods who patronize the reproduction of plants and winemaking. As well as the goddesses of fate and the mother goddesses of Ceres, Fortuna, Altea.
We stand under the boundless dome of the sky on the vast fertile land, the roar of the mighty ocean is heard somewhere, and the hot bright sun illuminates us. The Universe opens its sources for us. Cornucopia in our palms. We can be filled with what we need: the hot energy of creativity and passion, the gentle drop and enveloping flow of love, the stubborn strength and confidence of comfort, the height and inaccessibility of self-sufficiency. From the cornucopia we get everything for the fulfillment of our dreams: wealth and strength, opportunities and meetings, beauty and pleasure. But the cornucopia does not dry out, and we share its gifts with loved ones, and make gifts, and arrange surprises so that the life of every person around us becomes a little happier and richer. And the more we give, the more we receive from the world.

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