Extracurricular work on physical education in secondary schools. Extracurricular work in physical education at school Program for extracurricular work in physical education

municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary School No. 12" of the city of Smolensk

Working programm

Mug "Faster, Higher, Stronger"

for grades 5-6

Compiled by:

physical culture teacher

Popova Lilia Mikhailovna

2016-2017 academic year


general characteristics course programs

This program is designed to be implemented in elementary schools. Topics and sections are selected taking into account the available material base and local climatic conditions. It provides for theoretical classes in each section, the study and further improvement of special movements in practical classes.

The program of general physical training is based on the material that children study at physical education lessons in a secondary school, supplementing it, taking into account the interests of children (depending on age, gender, seasons and local characteristics) to those sports that are popular in everyday life. life. For those involved in the program, theoretical and practical classes are provided, the implementation of control standards, participation in competitions, instructor and referee practice.

Program extracurricular activities in the sports and health direction can be considered as one of the steps to the formation of a culture of health and an integral part of the entire educational process at school. The main idea of ​​the program is to motivate students to maintain a healthy lifestyle, to form the need to maintain physical and mental health as a necessary condition for social well-being and human success.

This program is aimed at the formation, preservation and strengthening of the health of younger students, which is based on cultural and personality-oriented approaches.

The program was developed on the basis of:

    Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273 - FZ "Law on Education in Russian Federation”(paragraph 22 of article 2, paragraph 1.5 of article 12, paragraph 6 of article 28, article 30, paragraph 5 of part 3 of article 47, paragraph 1 of part 1 of article 48);

    Federal State educational standard main general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897 (as amended by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 29, 2014 No. 1644);

    A comprehensive program of physical education for students in grades 1-11. Moscow "Enlightenment". Authors: Doctor of Pedagogy V.I. Lyakh, candidate of pedagogical sciences A.A. Zdanevich

    The main educational program of LLC (FSES) MBOU "Secondary School No. 12";

    Federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of state accreditation educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2014 No. 253 (as amended on January 26, 2016);

    Charter of MBOU "Secondary School No. 12";

    Regulations on the procedure for the development and approval of work programs for educational subjects of MBOU "Secondary School No. 12";

    Curriculum of MBOU "Secondary School No. 12" for the 2016 - 2017 academic year

    Calendar educational schedule of MBOU "Secondary School No. 12" for the 2016 - 2017 academic year

Goals and objectives of the course:

The program of extracurricular activities in the sports and recreation direction is educational in nature and is aimed at implementing the following goals:

    to form attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle and communication skills, such as the ability to cooperate, be responsible for decisions made;

    develop self-assessment and self-control skills in relation to their own health;

    teach methods and techniques to maintain and improve their own health.

    protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of younger students.

The goals are specified as follows tasks:


    ideas about: factors that affect health; proper (healthy) nutrition and its mode; useful products; rational organization of the daily routine, study and rest; motor activity; causes of dependence on tobacco, alcohol and other psychoactive substances, their harmful effects on health; the main components of a culture of health and a healthy lifestyle; influence emotional state to health and general well-being;

    constructive communication skills;

    the need to fearlessly consult a doctor on health issues, including those related to growth and development;

    promotion of healthy lifestyles;

    Formation of a conscious attitude to one's physical and mental health;

    development of skills aimed at the development and improvement of various physical qualities:
    a) increasing the level of endurance (running exercises),
    b) strengthening the main muscle group, increasing mobility in the joints, improving coordination of movements.


    conscious choice of a behavioral model that allows you to maintain and strengthen health;

    rules of personal hygiene, readiness to independently maintain their health;

    elementary skills of emotional unloading (relaxation);

    vision preservation exercises.

Course Content Values

Human value as a rational being striving for goodness and self-improvement, the importance and necessity of maintaining a healthy lifestyle in the unity of its components: physical, mental and socio-moral health.

The value of good– the orientation of a person to the development and preservation of life, through compassion and mercy as a manifestation of the highest human ability - love.

Family value as the first and most significant social and educational environment for the development of the child, ensuring the continuity of the cultural traditions of the peoples of Russia from generation to generation and thus the viability of Russian society.

The value of labor and creativity as a natural condition of human life, a state of normal human existence.

The value of freedom as the freedom of a person to choose his thoughts and actions of a way of life, but freedom, naturally limited by the norms, rules, laws of society, of which a person is always a member in all social essence.

The value of social solidarity as a recognition of human rights and freedoms, the possession of a sense of justice, mercy, honor, dignity in relation to oneself and to other people.

The value of citizenship- a person's awareness of himself as a member of society, a people, a representative of a country and a state.

The value of patriotism- one of the manifestations of a person's spiritual maturity, expressed in love for Russia, the people, the small homeland, in the conscious desire to serve the Fatherland.

The value of humanity a person's awareness of himself as a part of the world community, for the existence and progress of which peace, cooperation of peoples and respect for the diversity of their cultures are necessary.

The main age characteristics of a group of schoolchildren

Anatomical and physiological features of children 10-12 years of age.

During this period, there is a transition from childhood to adulthood, from immaturity to maturity. A teenager is no longer a child and not yet an adult. This is a period of rapid and uneven physical development:

1. Growth accelerates, the skeleton and limbs grow intensively, and the chest and pelvis lag behind, hence the longevity.

2. There is an increase in muscle mass, muscle strength, but the muscles are not capable of prolonged tension. Make sure that the child does not get tired during prolonged physical exertion, let him rest.

3. Disproportion of the cardiovascular system. The heart grows faster than the blood vessels. From here, various functional disorders appear, for example, darkening in the eyes, headaches.

4. Violations of the nervous system:

increased excitability,

short temper,


Tendency to affect (Affect is a short-term, rapidly flowing state of strong emotional arousal, associated with dissatisfaction of vital needs)

Psychological features students in grades 5-6

In connection with the beginning of the stage of puberty, changes occur in the cognitive sphere of a younger teenager:

1. The pace of their activity slows down (now the student needs more time to complete certain work, including doing homework).

2. Children are often distracted, react inadequately to comments.

3. Sometimes they behave defiantly, they are irritated, capricious, their mood often will not have a negative impact on their studies and relationships

Conditions for the implementation of the program

The course is designed for students in grades 5-6 and is designed for one year of study. Studying the course in grades 5-6 is ____76_______ hours.

Class schedule - __2___ times a week for _____1____hours.

Characteristics of the system for tracking and evaluating the result

Participation in sports competitions. Tracking the level of development of motor qualities.


(personal results students mastering the content of the course are the following skills:

    actively engage in communication and interaction with peers on the principles of respect and goodwill, mutual assistance and empathy;

    show positive personality traits and manage their emotions in various (non-standard) situations and conditions;

    show discipline, diligence and perseverance in achieving goals;

    provide disinterested assistance to their peers, find a common language and common interests with them.

Metasubject outcomes

    characterize phenomena (actions and deeds), give them an objective assessment based on the acquired knowledge and experience;

    find runtime errors learning tasks, select ways to correct them;

    communicate and interact with peers on the principles of mutual respect and mutual assistance, friendship and tolerance;

    ensure the protection and preservation of nature during outdoor activities and physical education;

    Organize independent activities, taking into account the requirements of its safety, the safety of inventory and equipment, the organization of the place of employment;

    plan their own activities, distribute the load and rest in the process of its implementation;

    analyze and objectively evaluate the results of their own work, find opportunities and ways to improve them;

    to see the beauty of movements, to highlight and justify aesthetic features in the movements and movements of a person;

    evaluate the beauty of the physique and posture, compare them with reference samples;

    manage emotions when communicating with peers and adults, maintain composure, restraint, prudence;

    it is technically correct to perform motor actions from basic sports, to use them in game and competitive activities.

Substantive results students mastering the content of the program for the course are the following skills:

    present games as a means of promoting health, physical development and physical training of a person;

    provide all possible assistance and moral support to peers in the performance of educational tasks, kindly and respectfully explain mistakes and ways to eliminate them;

    to organize and conduct outdoor games and elements of competitions with peers, to carry out their objective refereeing;

    handle inventory and equipment with care, comply with safety requirements for venues;

    organize and conduct games with a different target orientation

    interact with peers according to the rules of outdoor games and competitions;

    explain in an accessible form the rules (techniques) for performing motor actions, analyze and find errors, and effectively correct them;

    find distinctive features in the performance of a motor action by different students, highlight the distinctive features and elements;

    perform technical actions from basic sports, apply them in game and competitive activities;

    apply vital motor skills and abilities different ways, in various changing, variable conditions.



Number of hours

Fundamentals of knowledge and skills. Ways of physical activity

During class




Gymnastics with elements of acrobatics

Forms of organization:

    group and individual forms of classes - theoretical, practical, combined. The combined form is used more often and includes a theoretical part: conversation, briefing, viewing illustrations - and a practical part: general physical education and games;

    health-improving classes;


    relays, homework.

Thematic planning with the definition of the main types learning activities students

Number of hours

Approximate terms

Actual date

Types of learning activities

Auditory lessons

practice / extracurricular activities




Physical culture and the basics of a healthy lifestyle. .

Accelerations. Run 300-500m. Relay race 4 * 50m. Development of speed qualities.



Building exercises. Accelerations. Running 500-800m. Relay 4*100m. Standing long jump. Development of speed qualities.



Running exercises Run 6 min

Drawing up a plan and selection of lead-up exercises:

Pull up.


Team sports. Competition rules. rules safe behavior

Drawing up a plan and selection of lead-up exercises.

Player's stance. Passing the ball from above.

Outdoor games.

Shuttle run4*9m.(y)


Player's stance.


Passing the ball from above. Moving in a rack. Reception of the ball from below.

Outdoor games with elements of volleyball.


Passing the ball from above. Moving in a rack. Reception of the ball from below.

Outdoor games with volleyball elements


Passing the ball, receiving the ball from below. Bottom straight feed.


Specialist. running, in place. Player's stance.


Passing the ball from above. Bottom straight, side feed.


Passing the ball from above. Bottom straight, side feed.


Technique of moving and stopping by jumping. Relays with basketballs.


Team sports. Competition rules. Safe Behavior Rules

Dribbling with a snake, passing. Stopping technique two steps throw into the ring.

Development of coordination qualities. Mini basketball game.


Relay races of basketball players with dribbling with a snake, passing with two hands from the chest


Throwing the ball with one hand from the shoulder. Transfers: from the chest, head, from the shoulder. Body lifting.


Dribbling the ball with a change of direction. Improve ball passing. Basketball game 2*2.


Dribbling the ball with a change of direction. Improve ball passing. 3*3 mini basketball game


Technique of moving and stopping by jumping. Throw into the ring. Relays with basketballs. tearing out


Throw into the ring. Relays with basketballs. tearing out

and kicking the ball. Mini basketball game.

Physical culture and the basics of a healthy lifestyle. Competition rules. Safe Behavior Rules

Safety rules in the classroom

gymnastics. Rolls in a group, followed by support with hands behind the head. Rolls forward and backward.

Gymnastics with elements of acrobatics

Rope climbing in three steps.

Exercises on the gymnastic bench.

Somersault forward to the rack on the shoulder blades (m);

somersault back to half split (d);

Lifting with a coup in an emphasis with a push two

(m); rise by coup on n / w (d);

Balance exercises (e);

martial arts elements (m).

bridge from a standing position with the help of (d).

Gymnastics with elements of acrobatics

Balance exercises (e); elements

martial arts (m).

Headstand with bent legs (m);

bridge from a standing position using (d)

Rope climbing. general developmental

pair exercises.


legs bent (m); legs apart (d).

Gymnastics with elements of acrobatics

Vault: legs bent (m); legs apart (d).

Overcoming gymnastic

obstacle course.


Safe Behavior Rules

Building exercises. Turns in place. Acceleration 300-500 meters. Development of speed qualities. Relay race.


Outdoor games. Specialist. running exercises Run 10min. Body lifting. Shuttle run. Pull up.


O.R.U., Spec. running exercises Run 12min. Pull up.

Educational, methodological and logistical support of the course



Class (for theoretical studies);





Jump ropes;

Tennis balls;

small balls;

Gymnastic wall;

Gymnastic benches;

Volleyball net;

Shields with rings;


Methodological support of the educational program

Methods and techniques of the educational process:

Efficiency of program implementation:

    informational and educational (conversations, demonstration);

    creative (educational games);

    methods of control and self-control (introspection, testing, conversations).

Classes are held 2 times a week for 1 hour.

Literature for the teacher

1. A.P. Matveev. Physical culture.5-6th grades: a textbook for general educational institutions The textbook was written in accordance with the Exemplary Program "Physical Education" in compliance with the requirements laid down in the standards of the second generation, and the program of A.P. Matveev "Physical Education. Basic School. Secondary (Full) School: Basic and Profile Levels". 2011 Moscow "Enlightenment".

2. Work program "Physical culture 5 - 9 grades"

3. A comprehensive program of physical education for students in grades 1-11 (authors V.I. Lyakh, A.A. Zdanevich, M.: Prosveshchenie, 2010).

Literature for students

    A.P. Matveev. Physical Culture. 6-7 classes. Textbook for educational institutions. Physical culture M.2011. "Education".

    A.P. Matveev. Physical culture. 5-6th grades: a textbook for educational institutions. The textbook was written in accordance with the Exemplary Program "Physical Education" in compliance with the requirements laid down in the second generation standards, and the program of A.P. Matveev "Physical Education. Basic School. Secondary (full) school: basic and profile levels. 2011 Moscow "Enlightenment".

The relevance of the work

Extracurricular work differs from academic work in that:

  • is carried out on a voluntary basis, and its content and forms of organization are determined taking into account the interests of the majority of students and the conditions of the school;
  • it is built on the basis of a wide public activity of schoolchildren united in a team of physical culture, with control and support from the administration, teachers, parents, bosses;
  • the pedagogical guidance of extracurricular work acquires to a greater extent an instructive and pedagogical character, stimulating the manifestation of the creative initiative of students.

Knowing all these features of the organization of extracurricular work in physical education, the teacher will be able to organize it so that it is effective and efficient. This is the relevance of this topic.

1.1. Tasks of extracurricular work in physical education

One of the types of extracurricular work at school is mass physical education and sports work.

Tasks of extracurricular work:

  • to assist the school in the fulfillment of its educational and upbringing tasks;
  • promote health, hardening of the body, versatile physical development of students;
  • to deepen and expand buildings, abilities, skills acquired by students in the classroom, physical education;
  • to educate and develop organizational skills in schoolchildren;
  • organize healthy recreation for students;
  • to instill in students a love for systematic physical education and sports.

Extra-curricular work is carried out outside school hours in the form of athletics, tourism, in sections, groups, teams.

Additional material is taken from the journals "Physical culture at school", and related literature. A significant place is given to general developmental exercises without objects and with objects, exercises on gymnastic benches and a wall, with ropes, in balance, climbing, jumping. Combinations of floor exercises and pyramids are being learned for performances at pioneer gatherings, matinees, and holidays.

Games occupy the largest place in extracurricular activities. At the same time, the program material on games is significantly expanded due to additional games that are similar in content to program ones. Particular attention when conducting extra-curricular activities, including games, is paid to the correspondence of the material used to the educational material studied in the lessons, so that the combination of educational and extra-curricular activities contributes to the improvement of motor skills and abilities of children.

In order to achieve mass coverage of students with extracurricular activities, various forms of organizing and conducting classes with children are used, taking into account their age, health status and physical fitness. The main forms are: hiking, classes in general physical training groups, sports competitions, sports holidays, classes in sports sections.

1.3. Organization of extracurricular activities

The general management of the work of the physical culture team is assigned to the teacher of physical culture.

At the general meeting of the team members, a council is elected, which organizes and carries out all the work according to the plan approved by the director of the school.

Physical education organizers are elected in all classes of the school. They work under the guidance of class teachers, organizing students in their class to participate in various physical culture and sports events held by the school.

For practical work sections are organized with students. First of all, a section of general physical training is created, which works throughout the academic year. The basis of the lessons of the section of general physical training is the curriculum. At the lessons of the section, skills and abilities are improved in performing exercises complicated by terrain conditions, a different arrangement of projectiles, and the introduction of new elements.

As many students as possible should be involved in the general physical training section, including those who are somewhat behind in physical development from their peers.

In the study groups of the section there are 15-20 people. Groups are formed taking into account the age and physical fitness of students. Teams are formed during the preparation for the competition. The number of participants depends on the conditions of the competition. Team members do not stop classes in the section. In addition, additional classes (trainings) may be held with team members.

Classes of study groups are held once or twice a week, in their free time, according to the schedule approved by the director of the school. Headmen are elected in each training group, and captains are elected in teams. Headmen and captains remind students of classes, take into account attendance, help the team council (circle) and group leaders in their work.

Mandatory conditions for the creation of sports sections are: the availability of places for classes, the necessary equipment and inventory, and most importantly, qualified leadership. The leaders of the sports sections should have a good knowledge of this sport, the methods of conducting classes, and the features of classes with children.

Versatile general physical training is the basis for success in any kind of sports, therefore, in the classes of all sections, considerable attention is paid to games and athletics.

In addition to organizing practical classes, the Council of Physical Culture, together with teachers, attracts students to work on the construction of a new sports ground; organizes the production of the simplest inventory; holds sports competitions, sports holidays, performances at matinees and other events; helps the doctor and teachers in promoting physical culture and sports among students and parents, etc.

1.4. Forms of extracurricular work

1.4.1. "Hours of Play" are held outside school hours, as well as the vacation period, and the collection of children to participate in games is appointed on a certain day and hour at school or on the site. In good weather in autumn and winter, as well as in summer, games are held on outdoors; only in inclement, windy and cold weather they are held indoors, where the temperature conditions for outdoor games are the same as for other exercises. Conducted games should always correspond to the age and preparedness of the players, be accessible to boys and girls, simple in content, easily explained, interesting and exciting. The complex of games is compiled in such a way that it contains games with different content and load, and that these games alternate correctly. In one lesson, calm games and games with great mobility are introduced.

In high school, team games are of great use, close in content to sports. These include Pioneer Ball, Relay Races, Lapta, Ball Race, Hunters and Ducks, and many others.

As a favorite pastime for children outside school hours, games are held not only during special “game hours”, but also at matinees, holidays, walks, excursions, etc.

To carry out these types of extracurricular activities, an asset of students is being prepared.

1.4.2. Sport competitions

Sports competitions are one of the most interesting, exciting forms of extracurricular work in physical education in elementary school. They help to attract students to systematic physical exercises at home and in the physical education team, increase the physical fitness of students, unite the children's team.

Competitions, like other types of extracurricular activities, are included in the general annual plan of the school. At the beginning school year the timing, position and programs of the competitions are precisely determined. Taking into account these terms, preparations for the competition are carried out in advance.

Sports competitions are organized and conducted directly by teachers under the general supervision of the headmaster. The physical education team should take the most active part in them. Each competition is held in accordance with the regulations, which indicate: the goals and objectives of the competition, management, time and place, participants, program, conditions and standings, the procedure for awarding the best team members, application form and deadlines for its submission.

With students primary school schools can hold competitions in games, athletics.

The program of competitions in games includes outdoor games from the school curriculum and games that were well learned in extracurricular activities. Competitions in outdoor games can be held among all students.

The program of any competition is developed taking into account the physical fitness of students.

Competitions in outdoor games, subject to appropriate conditions, can be held at any time of the year. Sports competitions at school can be held in the class between teams, and at school between classes.

Within the class, the competition is organized and conducted by the teacher and class members. They are assisted by the physical education team and parents.

An organizing committee is created to prepare and conduct school-wide competitions. The Organizing Committee decides on the dates and venue of the competitions, their material support, the conditions of the offset, approves the schedule of the competitions.

For the preparation and holding of competitions, it is necessary to attract as many students as possible. They usually prepare places for competitions, inventory, arrange areas or halls, referee protocols. Children not participating in competitions work as judges (being well instructed, they will be able to measure and record results, scoring).

1.4.3. Sport sections

Sports sections are created for students who want to engage in a particular sport. The main tasks of the sections:

  • to introduce schoolchildren to systematic sports;
  • to promote their sports improvement in their chosen sport;
  • prepare them for participation in extracurricular competitions;
  • to promote the acquisition of knowledge and skills of instructor's work and refereeing of competitions.

Schoolchildren of the main medical group who have received a doctor's permit for classes are invited to the section. Holding competitive selection undesirable, as it contradicts the main tasks of extracurricular work. In the section, students are divided into groups according to age (6--7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15, 16-17 years), gender, level of sports preparedness. According to the current situation, children are allowed to participate in sports activities.

1.4.4. Weeks of physical culture

During the week, various sports events are held in all classes along the parallels.

As part of the week of physical education, the following events were held:

Fun Starts»

1-2 grades

"Fun Starts"

3-4 grades

sports quiz

Competition of sports wall newspapers

5-11 grades

"Fun Ball Championship"

5-6 grades

"Comic Relays"

7-8 grades

“Ah, come on, guys!”

9-11 grades

Arm wrestling competition

7-11 grades

Table tennis competition

7-11 grades

Futsal competition

7-11 grades

1.4.5. health days

Health Days are held once a quarter, covering all students in grades 1-11. The competition program includes sports and outdoor games, "Merry Starts" and relay races. The best sports class and the best athlete of the school are selected.

1.4.6. Health Months

1.4.7. Excursions and hikes

Excursions and weekend hikes are conducted by class teachers together with physical education teachers and parents. Walks, excursions and hikes are most often carried out on foot, skis can be used in winter.

Walks are usually made without specific educational goals, for the sake of relaxation in the bosom of nature. Excursions have specific educational goals and are conducted on a predetermined topic.

Hiking, unlike excursions, combines the implementation of educational goals with the conditions of camp life (setting up a bivouac, cooking, overcoming the difficulties encountered in any outcome, etc.).

The topics of excursions and trips should correspond to the general education of children and school curricula.

Walks and excursions are held with students of all primary grades of the school, trips are organized for students of grade III. Usually these events are held for each class separately.

1.4.8. morning exercises

Morning exercises are carried out daily before classes in the mode of the school day. For charging, 2-3 students from the class are preparing. The UG complex changes once every two weeks, is developed by physical education teachers and is learned with the children responsible for conducting the UG. Control over the implementation of the GU is carried out by a subject teacher who conducts 1 lesson. Charging takes 10 minutes.

1.4.9. sports holidays

Sports holidays are usually dedicated to thematic dates. The school traditionally holds the following events dedicated to significant dates: “Ah, come on, guys!”, “Forward, girls!”, Review of the system and other songs.


The effectiveness of extracurricular work is ensured under the following conditions:

  • close relationship with academic work(continuity of content, organizational and methodological techniques, etc.);
  • accessibility of classes and a variety of forms that ensure the inclusion of a wide contingent of students in physical culture and sports activities;
  • the continuity of the principles and methods of the entire system of extracurricular educational work with the broad participation of the student asset;
  • involvement of parents and bosses in the material and technical support of the conditions for classes, in the management of sections, teams;
  • clear guidance from the administration and teachers of activities school team physical culture.

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GBOU SPO "Kalyazinsky College"


By discipline: "Theory and methods of physical education"

On the topic: "Extracurricular work on physical education in secondary schools"

Completed: 4th year student gr. 4 NKZO

Busalkina E.V.

Sergiev Posad


1. Literature review

1.1 Tasks of extracurricular work in physical education

1.3 Organization of extracurricular activities

1.4 Forms of extracurricular activities

1.4.1 Walks, excursions, hikes

1.4.2 Games, entertainment

1.4.3 Sports competitions

1.4.4 Physical culture circles

1.4.5 Sports sections



Relevance of the work: Extracurricular work differs from academic work in that:

- is carried out on a voluntary basis, and its content and forms of organization are determined taking into account the interests of the majority of students and the conditions of the school;

It is built on the basis of the broad social activity of schoolchildren, united in a team of physical culture, with control and support from the administration, teachers, parents, bosses;

Pedagogical management of extracurricular work acquires to a greater extent an instructive-pedagogical character, stimulating the manifestation of the creative initiative of students.

Knowing all these features of the organization of extracurricular work in physical education, the teacher will be able to organize it so that it is effective and efficient. This is the relevance of this topic.

1 . Literature review

1.1 Tasks of extracurricular work in physical education

One of the types of extracurricular work at school is mass physical education and sports work.

Tasks of extracurricular work:

To assist the school in fulfilling its educational and educational tasks;

To promote health, hardening of the body, versatile physical development of students;

Deepen and expand the buildings, skills, abilities acquired by students in the classroom, physical culture;

To educate and develop organizational skills in schoolchildren;

Organize healthy recreation for students;

To instill in students a love for systematic physical education and sports.

1 . 2 Content of extracurricular activities

Extra-curricular work is carried out outside school hours in the form of gymnastics, athletics, ski training for tourism, in sections, groups, teams.

Additional material is taken from the journals "Physical culture at school", "Vozhatiy", "Pioneer", "Bonfire", from the newspaper "Pionerskaya Pravda" and related literature. A significant place is given to general developmental exercises without objects and with objects, exercises on gymnastic benches and the wall, with ropes, in balance, climbing, jumping. Combinations of floor exercises and pyramids are being learned for performances at pioneer gatherings, matinees, and holidays.

Games occupy the largest place in extracurricular activities. At the same time, the program material on games is significantly expanded due to additional games that are similar in content to program ones. Particular attention when conducting extracurricular activities, including games, is paid to the correspondence of the material used to the educational material studied in the lessons, so that the combination of educational and extracurricular activities contributes to the improvement of children's motor skills and abilities.

In order to achieve mass coverage of students with extracurricular activities, various forms of organizing and conducting classes with children are used, taking into account their age, health status and physical fitness. The main forms are: hiking, classes in general physical training groups, sports competitions, sports holidays, classes in sports sections.

1.3 Organization of extracurricular activities

The general management of the work of the physical culture team is assigned to the teacher of physical culture, and the leadership of the circle is assigned to one of the primary school teachers. Students enter the circle and collective of physical culture voluntarily; for this, an oral application is sufficient.

At the general meeting of the members of the team (circle), a council is elected, which organizes and carries out all the work according to the plan approved by the director of the school.

Physical education organizers are elected in all classes of the school. They work under the guidance of class teachers, organizing students in their class to participate in various physical culture and sports events held by the school.

Sections are organized for practical work with students. First of all, a section of general physical training is created, which works throughout the academic year. In autumn - games, athletics and gymnastics; in winter - ski training and games; in the spring - games, gymnastics and athletics. The basis of the lessons of the section of general physical training is the curriculum. At the lessons of the section, skills and abilities are improved in performing exercises complicated by terrain conditions, a different arrangement of projectiles, and the introduction of new elements. In addition to the program material, new games, combinations of free movements, pyramids are learned at the section's lessons. Educational groups of the section perform at school holidays.

As many students as possible should be involved in the general physical training section, including those who are somewhat behind in physical development from their peers.

Classes of educational groups of general education schools are held once or twice a week, in their free time, according to the schedule approved by the school principal. The duration of each lesson should not exceed 60 minutes.

Headmen are elected in each training group, and captains are elected in teams. Headmen and captains remind students of classes, take into account attendance, help the team council (circle) and group leaders in their work.

At the school, along with the general physical training section, sections on sports can be organized: for children of the 1st grade in swimming, tennis and table tennis, figure skating; for children of class II, except for those provided for class I, in artistic gymnastics (girls from eight, boys from nine years old); beginning with III class Swimming and diving classes are allowed. From the age of ten, students are allowed to take classes in the sections: badminton, rhythmic gymnastics, speed skating, athletics, sailing, football.

Mandatory conditions for the creation of sports sections are: the availability of places for classes, the necessary equipment and inventory, and most importantly, qualified leadership. The leaders of the sports sections should have a good knowledge of this sport, the methods of conducting classes, and the features of classes with children.

Versatile general physical training is the basis for success in any kind of sports, therefore, in the classes of all sections, considerable attention is paid to gymnastics, games, and athletics.

Classes in groups and teams can be led by teachers or social instructors, high school students (in high school), as well as athletes and coaches of sports societies.

In addition to organizing practical classes, the team (circle) of physical culture, together with teachers, involves students in the work on the construction of a new sports ground; in close contact with the “skillful hands” circle, organizes the production of the simplest equipment; holds sports competitions, sports holidays, performances at matinees and other events; helps the doctor and teachers in promoting physical culture and sports among students and parents, etc.

Members of the team (circle), who have shown interest in physical education and sports and have achieved some success, the school can send to the children's sports school.

Certain requirements are imposed on students who are members of a team (circle) of physical education. They must succeed in all subjects, observe the rules of personal hygiene, study in one of the groups or teams, and participate in physical education activities.

Team members who show good progress in physical education and combine this with high performance in all subjects and exemplary discipline are encouraged by the school principal.

1.4 Forms of extracurricular activities

1.4.1 Walks, excursions, hikes

Walks, excursions and hikes are of great educational and educational value, as children get acquainted with nature, their native land and its sights.

These activities help to improve skills in walking, running and playing, harden the body and improve the health of children, contribute to the acquisition of self-service skills, behavior and orientation in the area, etc. They play an invaluable role in creating and strengthening the children's team, in fostering a sense of friendship and camaraderie .

Walks, excursions and hikes are most often carried out on foot, skis can be used in winter.

Walks are usually made without specific educational goals, for the sake of relaxation in the bosom of nature. Excursions have specific educational goals and are conducted on a predetermined topic.

Camping, unlike excursions, combines the fulfillment of educational tasks with the conditions of camp life (setting up a bivouac, cooking, overcoming difficulties encountered in any outcome, etc.).

The topics of excursions and trips should correspond to the general education of children and school curricula.

Walks and excursions are held with students of all primary grades of the school, trips are organized for students of grade III. Usually these events are held for each class separately.

The length of the routes should not exceed 5--7 km in both directions, for students in grades I--II, 8--10 km - for students in grades III. At the same time, in the middle of the journey, a rest is required for 1--2 hours.

Small walks and excursions (with a minimum distance) can be held on any school day; walks and excursions over long distances, as well as hikes only on weekends or holidays. Each of these events is carefully prepared, a plan is developed in detail. The plan provides for the tasks of the event, the route, places for short and long rest, activities and games on the way and at a large halt, inventory, personal and collective equipment of the participants.

Students are warned in advance about the upcoming walk or excursion. The leader of a walk, excursion or hike must be well aware of the composition and state of health of students in order to decide whether they are allowed to participate in the event. It is also necessary to know well the physical fitness of students. The choice of route and the speed of the group depends on this. If the group is heterogeneous in composition, the leader, when determining the speed of movement, focuses on weaker participants.

Most often, walks, excursions and hikes are led by teachers. historical events, heroes of labor, leaders of production, old-timers.

One of the decisive conditions for the successful holding of any event is the discipline of the participants and their compliance with the established rules and regimen of the campaign (walk), as well as the precise execution of instructions. The leader of the hike, excursion or walk conducts explanatory work with the participants in advance, and during the conduct requires the obligatory implementation of the established procedure.

When preparing any event, the teacher must pre-select assistants from among the students who organize the children, select the necessary equipment and equipment, check the preparation of the participants, prepare themselves and help others in conducting games, round dances, amateur art activities, etc.

For the most physically fit students, with the permission of the doctor, two-day hikes with one overnight stay can be carried out during the summer holidays.

The trip plan is developed by the head and approved by the school principal. The readiness of each participant is checked by the leader one or two days before the trip and immediately before the exit. The medical staff of the school (doctor or nurse) should be involved in the trips.

In preparation for such a hike, the leader conducts several training sessions with the participants in walking, running and jumping, studies the route of the hike and distributes responsibilities. great attention is given to the preparation of collective and personal equipment (in particular, clothing and footwear) and preparatory work for the organization of accommodation and meals. Overnight lodging must be provided in a closed room (in a house, school building) that meets sanitary and hygienic requirements. Food must be hot. The trip is carried out according to a predetermined plan, in compliance with a certain mode of movement, rest, and nutrition.

When determining the route, places for a halt, the availability of sources of drinking water, and places for swimming are taken into account.

Collective equipment on the trip consists of the following items: an ax (in a case), utensils for cooking (aluminum pans, tin-plated tin buckets, enameled dishes), a pouring spoon, a frying pan, bags with strings for products, a table knife, a can opener, a camera, horn, balls, signal flags, small sapper shovel, compass, oilcloth, scissors, needles, thread, pins, matches, first aid kit. In accordance with the tasks of the hike, collective equipment may also include herbarium folders, boxes for soil, insects, and various crops.

The individual equipment of the hikers includes: in the summer - a shirt or T-shirt with long sleeves, shorts for boys, harem pants for girls, training or regular trousers, a light panama, well-worn boots, socks, in case of bad weather - a jacket, jacket. In addition, each participant in the trip takes a backpack, spoon, mug, bowl, towel, soap, napkin, notebook or notebook, pencil.

The backpacks contain all personal belongings and part of the collective equipment. The total weight of the backpack must not exceed 3 kg. Things in a backpack fit so that everything soft fits to the back.

The daily diet of the hikers includes: 300 g of black and 200 g of white bread, 100 g of cereals, 1 can of canned meat (for two), 30-40 g of butter, 100 g of sugar, 500 g of vegetables, 0.5 l of milk, also salt, tea, onions, carrots.

Vegetables and milk are usually purchased at or near the big campsite. Milk is allowed to use only boiled.

Preparation of the menu and the layout of products for one-time meals should be carried out before the trip.

During hiking, children should be taught to navigate the terrain using a compass and a clock.

Land orientation refers to determining the sides of the horizon - north, south, east and west - and the location settlements and roads in relation to the location of tourists.

To navigate by the compass, you need to put the compass on a horizontal surface (book, folder, stump) and release the brake. The arrow after the oscillation will stop and one of its ends will show the direction to the north, the other - to the south. In Adrianov's compass, which is most suitable for young tourists, the north end of the arrow is white, in other compasses the north end of the arrow is dark. If, in accordance with the readings of the compass, you stand facing north, then the right will be east, the left will be west, and the back will be south.

The compass can be oriented. This means to align the north end of the needle with the north point of the compass dial.

With the help of a watch, you can navigate only during the day and in calm weather, when the sun is visible. To navigate at 13:00, it is enough to face the sun and the east will be on the left, the west on the right, and the north on the back.

At other hours, the hour hand should be directed to the sun and the angle between the hour hand and the direction to the number "1" on the watch dial should be divided in half. The dividing line of this angle indicates the direction south - north.

During the hike, children should be taught how to light a fire. The fire must be kindled in such a place that it does not spoil the roots of greenery, and cannot cause a forest fire; from the nearest trees the fire is kindled in 5--6 m.

A bonfire is made for a fire: it is cut off from an area of ​​\u200b\u200b1 square. m turf and this turf is surrounded by a fire, while the turf is laid down with grass. A “hut” or “well” of small dry twigs, birch bark, “lighter sticks” is superimposed in the middle of the fire. "Shalashik" ("well") is lined with thin, dry branches and ignited from the side where the wind blows. When the "hut" lights up, first thin branches are placed in the fire, and then more and more thick and large. Food is cooked on the fire, tea is boiled. In order for the food to cook well, quickly and not smell of smoke, it is necessary to hang pots, buckets and kettles over the fire after the flame is sufficient, the smoke will decrease.

After the participants of the campaign return, one of the issues of the school wall newspaper should be devoted to the results of its conduct.

1.4.2 Games, entertainment

The simplest and most widespread forms of extracurricular work with students are games and entertainment.

Games are organized both with a small group of students in one grade, and with large groups of students in two or three grades. The larger the group of players, the better prepared the organizers and entertainers from the students should be. The games should be held in the form of the so-called "hour of games", the general management of which is carried out by teachers.

"Hours of games" are held outside school hours, as well as the vacation period, and the gathering of children to participate in games is appointed on a certain day and hour at school or on the site. In good weather in autumn and winter, as well as in summer, games are played outdoors; only in inclement, windy and cold weather they are held indoors where the temperature conditions for outdoor games are the same as for other exercises. Conducted games should always correspond to the age and preparedness of the players, be accessible to boys and girls, simple in content, easily explained, interesting and exciting. The complex of games is compiled in such a way that it contains games with different content and load, and that these games alternate correctly. In one lesson, calm games and games with great mobility, games with singing and dancing are introduced. At the same time, the most active games are held in the middle of the lesson, and games with singing - at the end of it.

In high school, team games are of great use, close in content to sports. These include Pioneer Ball, Relay Races, Lapta, Ball Race, Hunters and Ducks, and many others.

If new games are introduced that were not completed in the lessons, then there should be no more than two of them in one lesson: one game with great mobility and the other relatively calm. When playing games on the ground, such games as “Sensitive sentry”, “Disguise”, “Invisible”, “Cunning Fox”, “Through the chain”, etc. are of great use.

As a favorite pastime for children outside school hours, games are held not only during special “game hours”, but also at matinees, holidays, walks, excursions, etc.

With great desire, children participate in round dances, dances and dances. They are held both outdoors and indoors, accompanied by music or singing. By their nature and content, they: should be simple and easy to learn even with a large group of children. As well as round dance games, dances and dances are held at matinees, holidays, walks and excursions, they are also introduced into the “hours of games”. Quite accessible for students of the school is the “March-dance”, “Kamarinskaya”, “In the garden, in the garden”, “Gopak”, “Polka-invitation”, “Transitional polka”, “Lezginka”, “Lyavonikha”, etc.

To carry out these types of extracurricular activities, an asset of students is prepared, with whom new round dances or dances are first learned so that they can assist the leader in conducting these activities with other children.

In between mass dances and dances, individual dances and dances are organized.

Among the useful and interesting entertainment for school students, game exercises such as tasks are of great use. These include “Serso”, “Put on the ring”, “Fishing rod”, “Cutting objects”, “Roll more precisely”, “Hoops”, “Who will hit more?”, “Throw the ring” and many others.

The favorite winter entertainment for children is sledding from the mountains. There are a lot of ways to ski from the mountains and various game complications, applied but on the initiative of the skiers themselves. Children sled while sitting, lying down, back to front, standing, kneeling, one at a time, two at a time, etc. Descents from the mountain are made for speed, for distance, with turns, etc. Descents from the mountains can be accompanied by additional exercises: pick up a small ball on the go, remove a standing flag, put the ball down, drive under the gates (arranged from ski poles), throw on the go at a target, move from a sitting position to a prone position, etc. high school students hold mountain descent competitions and sled relay races. physical education extracurricular sports

It is best to go sledding from natural mountains; in their absence, students build a snow mountain on the school grounds or anywhere near the school. Wooden slides are also used, designed in the summer for running in, which in the winter are lined with snow and filled with water.

It gives children great pleasure when the teacher does not limit himself to watching the children, but rides with them himself.

1.4.3 Sport competitions

Sports competitions are one of the most interesting, exciting forms of extracurricular work in physical education in elementary school. They help to attract students to systematic physical exercises at home and in the physical education team, increase the physical fitness of students, unite the children's team.

Competitions, like other types of extracurricular activities, are included in the general annual plan of the school. At the beginning of the academic year, the timing, position and programs of the competitions are precisely determined. Taking into account these terms, preparations for the competition are carried out in advance.

The best periods for holding competitions are holidays - winter, spring and summer (the phase at the end of the school year).

Sports competitions are organized and conducted directly by teachers under the general supervision of the headmaster. The pioneer organization and the physical education team should take the most active part in them. In eight-year and secondary schools, the Komsomol organization also takes an active part in the competition of primary classes. The best student-athletes of the senior classes assist in the preparation of primary school students for competitions and in holding them. Each competition is held in accordance with the regulations, which indicate: the goals and objectives of the competition, management, time and place, participants, program, conditions and standings, the procedure for awarding the best team members, application form and deadlines for its submission.

Competitions in games, skiing, athletics, skating, as well as gymnastics can be held with primary school students.

The program of competitions in games includes outdoor games from the school curriculum and games that were well learned in extracurricular activities. Competitions in outdoor games can be held among all students.

Competitions in skiing and skating are held among students of grade III. The distance for cross-country skiing for boys is 500 m, for girls - 300 m, for skating for both boys and girls - 60 m.

The program of athletics competitions, which are held among students of grade III, can include the following types: running, long jumps and high jumps, throwing the ball. But the running distance should be limited (up to 40 m), and the throwing of the ball can be carried out at a distance or at a target.

Among students of grades II-III, competitions can be held in gymnastic exercises that are well learned in physical education classes or in classes in general physical training sections: figured marching, floor exercises without objects and with objects (with flags, flowers, ribbons, sticks) , balance exercises, high jumps from a direct run-up, throwing balls at a target. The program of any competition is developed taking into account the physical fitness of students.

The program of competitions in gymnastics and athletics includes several different types, but the participation of children in them during one day is limited to only two, at most three types (for example, in gymnastics - floor exercises, throwing at a target and high jumps; in easy athletics - running, jumping, throwing). Specifically, these issues are resolved by the class teacher, taking into account the individual abilities of students (in agreement with the doctor).

Competitions in outdoor games, subject to appropriate conditions, can be held at any time of the year. Gymnastics competitions are best held during spring break, and track and field competitions at the end of the school year.

Sports competitions at school can be held in a class between teams (links), and in a school (team) between classes.

Within the class, the competition is organized and conducted by the teacher and class members. They are assisted by a team (circle) of physical education and parents.

For the preparation and holding of school-wide competitions, an organizing committee is created, usually headed by the principal of the school.

The organizing committee includes teachers, a doctor of the school, a team (circle) of physical education and parents. The Organizing Committee decides on the dates and venue of the competitions, their material support, the conditions of the offset, approves the schedule of the competitions.

Success in holding competitions largely depends on the quality of the work of the judging panel, which is headed by the chief judge, appointed by the director of the school. The duties of the chief judge include: selection of judges, distribution of duties between them, control over the preparation of competition sites, drawing up a plan (schedule) for the competition and ensuring the smooth conduct of the competition in accordance with the regulations and program.

The chief referee has been given great rights: his decisions are binding on all judges and participants in the competition, he resolves all controversial issues. At the end of the competition, the chief referee together with the secretary sum up the results, draw up documentation, hand over all the materials of the competition to the school principal.

The secretary of the competition accepts applications, checks them, prepares protocols, conducts a draw, issues bibs to participants, sums up the results together with the chief judge.

Depending on the volume of work and the number of participants, the composition of the panel of judges (except for the chief judge and secretary), depending on the amount of work and the number of participants, may include deputy chief judges, starters, judges, timekeepers, judges by types, judges at the start and finish, head of the distance, controllers, etc. All of them work and carry out their duties under the direction of the chief judge.

For the preparation and holding of competitions, it is necessary to attract as many students as possible. They usually prepare places for competitions, inventory, arrange areas or halls, referee protocols. Children not participating in competitions work as judges (being well instructed, they will be able to measure and record results, scoring).

When preparing and holding competitions in skiing, the panel of judges performs the following work. The head of the distance one or two days before the competition chooses a place and measures the distance. The place of the competition is chosen near the school. The track must not cross any road. On the day of the competition, the place of start and finish is colorfully drawn up, the distance is marked with flags. Depending on the terrain, two to four controllers are placed on the course.

One or two days before the competition, the secretary conducts a draw, issues bibs and prepares protocols. The simplest way of the draw is the following: according to the number of participants (boys and girls separately), small strips of paper are prepared, on which the name of the participant is written. Then these strips are placed standing up (surname down) and thoroughly mixed. Then a draw takes place: one strip of paper is taken and No. 1 is written on the clean side, No. 2 on the other side, etc. Bibs are given in the same order and the start protocol is drawn up.

On the day of the competition, the panel of judges meets 1-1.5 hours before the start of the competition. The chief referee checks the readiness of the judges and participants and reports to the principal of the school. Children gather in a warm room, where the final preparation of the participants is carried out. Participants go to the starting point by order of the judge in front of the participants, who, before the start, lines them up in order of bib numbers and checks their readiness, clothes, shoes, headgear, skis and sticks for the last time.

From the start, it is best to release one participant at a time (after 15-30 s). At the start there must be a starter (he is also a timekeeper) and a secretary who records the time of departure from the start of each participant. The controllers at the distance mark the passage of the checkpoints by the participants. Judges at the finish line should work especially clearly, where at least there should be a senior judge who regulates the work of the entire team, two timekeepers who record the time of arrival of each participant, and two secretaries who record the time of arrival of each participant and their numbers.

At the end of the competition, the start and finish protocols are processed, the results of the participants are determined and a summary protocol is compiled.

Holding competitions in gymnastics requires a lot of preparatory work with the judges. The chief referee studies the competition program with them in detail, instructs them in evaluating the performance of the exercises included in the competition program. The rating scale, as a rule, is set to ten points.

The chief judge draws up a schedule for the competition and, supervising the judges, ensures its implementation. At the end of the competition, the chief judge together with the chief secretary summarize the results of the competition

The work of the chief secretary of competitions in gymnastics is identical to that of the chief secretary of skiing competitions.

The team for judging free movements includes a senior judge, a secretary and judges, one judge (and preferably two) for each member of the team performing the exercise.

To perform free movements, a sufficiently spacious room is required so that a team of five to six participants can perform. The floor of the performance area must be very clean; I bury a carpet on the floor. The senior judge assigns one or two judges to each participant for judging. The judges, without agreement with each other, evaluate the performance of the exercises and announce their decision aloud or show the marks with the help of judge books. The secretary records the results. Cases of particularly serious discrepancies between judges in the assessments are analyzed by the senior judge, after which he makes a decision. Two attempts are given to perform free movements, the best of which counts.

Balance exercises are judged by a team of two people. One of them is the senior decision maker, the other, together with the senior, takes part in the evaluation of the exercise, he also keeps the protocol.

To perform exercises in balance, a gymnastic beam or a gymnastic bench is used, set with a rail up, gymnastic mats are needed. Participants perform exercises one at a time, each is given two attempts, the best of which is counted.

The high jump is judged by a team consisting of two people: a judge and a secretary.

For high jumps, the following equipment is required: two racks, one bar or rope for jumping, two or three gymnastic mats, a bridge, a measuring bar. At each height, the participant is given two attempts. Each height is estimated in advance by points.

Throwing at the target is judged by a team of two people: a referee or a secretary.

Throwing at a target requires a 1 x 1 m square shield with five concentric circles (starting with a circle with a diameter of 20 cm, then increasing the diameter of each circle by 20 cm, each circle is marked with numbers from 1 to 5 or from 2 to 10), tennis balls ( depending on the conditions of the competition, there are 5 or 10 of them), a restrictive bar or a line that cannot be crossed when throwing. The limiting bar is placed (or a line is indicated) at a distance established by the competition program (5-10 m). The participant tries to get to the center of the circle, which gives the greatest amount of points. The referee announces the result after each throw of the participant, the scorer records the result of each throw, and then sums up the scores of all throws and announces the result.

Athletics competitions held on the sports ground in the spring require a lot of preparation. All competition areas must be carefully prepared in accordance with the requirements of the rules.

The track for running is marked so that for each running participant there is a separate track 1.25 m wide. For running competitions, a flag for the starter, a flag for the go-ahead at the finish line, stopwatches, and a finish tape are required.

Landing areas for jumps are loosened, the take-off bar is whitewashed with chalk or lime mortar, and the runway for long jumps and the runway for high jumps are compacted.

For high jump competitions, require jumping stands, slats or ropes, measuring sticks, a shovel, and a rake to loosen and level the landing area. Long jump competitions require a tape measure, a peg to mark the jump, a shovel and a rake.

In the preparation of range throwing sites, a runway and a 10 m wide corridor clearly marked with Lines, distance markers or flags shall be provided. Throw line is marked. For the competition, tennis balls, pegs for marking shots, roulettes are needed.

Athletics competitions are held on a relatively large area, in different sectors of which jumps, runs, throws take place. In order to better manage the competition, the main panel of judges is located in a certain room (place), where a microphone is installed, if possible.

Competitions in all types of athletics begin at the same time, so as many referee teams are appointed as there are types of competitions

The team for running must have a starter, two or three timekeepers (according to the number of lanes), a judge at the finish line and a secretary. The starter gives a start after everything is ready for running and a prearranged flag signal (go-ahead) is given from the finish line. The start is given simultaneously to as many participants as there are lanes: this also depends on the number of timekeepers.

The starter gives three commands:

1. "To the start!" On this command, the participants get to the start.

2. "Attention!" (participants get ready to start running).

3. "March!" With the word “march”, the starter sharply lowers the flag raised up, the participants begin to run. The starter gives the next start only after the go-ahead from the finish line.

Timekeepers play a critical role in accurately determining running results. During the start, all of them, by waving the starter with a flag, start the stopwatch (press the button), and when the runner, who is received by the timekeeper, touches the finish tape or reaches the finish line, the stopwatch stops. Stopwatch indicators are recorded by the secretary in the minutes. The senior judge at the finish line manages the entire team of judges, resolves all issues that arise during the competition, gives the go-ahead to the starter, indicating the readiness of the team at the finish line.

High jump competitions are held by a team consisting of a referee and a secretary.

At the beginning of the competition, the judge sets the bar or rope at a minimum height, the secretary checks the participants' appearance according to the protocol. By permission of the judge and the call of the secretary, the participants begin to jump.

At each height, the participant is given three attempts, each attempt is marked by the secretary. Accounting for attempts is necessary in order to decide on the advantage of the jumper in the event that two participants overcame the same height (the advantage belongs to the one who spent fewer attempts to overcome the height). The height is considered taken if the bar has not fallen to the ground after the jump. Any failed jump is considered an unsuccessful attempt, as well as any touching of the sand pit with the feet at the end of the run-up to the jump.

Long jump with a running start is carried out by a team consisting of a judge (he is also a measurer), a second measurer and a secretary. After full training places for jumping and checking the participants who came. According to the protocol, the judge allows the participants to jump. Each participant makes three attempts, one after all participants. The result of each attempt is measured. The results of all three attempts are recorded in the protocol. The best result counts. An attempt is considered to be any entry over the line of the take-off bar. Each jump is measured with a tape measure, measuring the distance between the take-off board and the point of contact closest to the board by any part of the jumper's body.

Throwing at a distance is carried out by a team consisting of a judge (he is also a measurer), a second measurer and a secretary.

The senior referee, on the call of the secretary, allows the participant to make three throws in a row. Each throw is made after the second measurer has accurately noted with a peg the result of the previous attempt. The peg must have a number that the secretary enters in the protocol against the name of the thrower. 10-15 participants throw in a row, after which the results are measured, the distance between the throwing line and the ball's landing point is measured. The best result is measured and recorded in the protocol.

1.4.4 Circles of physical culture

Physical culture clubs are organized for school students. Depending on the conditions and the number of people who wish, they can be organized separately in each class, for those who are lagging behind in assimilation educational material for all elementary school students. Inside the circle, groups of 20-25 people are completed, taking into account their age and physical fitness. Classes are held two or three times a week, their duration is 60-90 minutes.

The task of the circle is to activate the motor mode of children, expand their knowledge, motor skills; encourage them to exercise regularly. The orientation of the classes should ensure the versatile physical development of students, their mastery of the school of movements, the formation of their correct posture, and the improvement in the quality of assimilation of the material of the curriculum. Lessons include mainly exercises. school curriculum performed in complicated conditions and mainly in a playful way.

The methodical management of classes in circles is carried out by a teacher of physical culture. Public instructors, student-athletes, instructors from sponsoring organizations are involved in the direct conduct of classes. Teachers contribute to the involvement of students in circles, assist in their organization, and, with appropriate preparedness, participate in conducting classes.

1.4.5 Sports sections

Sports sections are created for students who want to engage in a particular sport. The main tasks of the sections:

Involve schoolchildren in systematic sports;

To promote their sports improvement in their chosen sport;

Prepare them for participation in extracurricular competitions;

Facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and skills of instructor's work and refereeing competitions.

Schoolchildren of the main medical group who have received a doctor's permit for classes are invited to the section. Conducting a competitive selection is undesirable, as it contradicts the main tasks of extracurricular work. In the section, students are divided into groups according to age (6--7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15, 16-17 years), gender, level of sports preparedness. According to the current situation, children are allowed to participate in sports activities:

from the age of 6 - to classes in artistic gymnastics (girls), rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating;

from the age of 7 - freestyle, chess and checkers, table tennis and tennis, synchronized swimming, jumping on the trampoline, into the water, swimming, gymnastics (boys), acrobatics, water skiing;

from the age of 8 - to lessons in badminton, basketball, football, skiing, orienteering;

from the age of 9 - to water polo, volleyball, speed skating, athletics, skiing (biathlon), cross-country skiing, Nordic combined, ski jumping, sailing, rugby, handball, field hockey, with ball, with a puck;

from the age of 10 - to classes in rock climbing, fencing, weightlifting, luge, modern pentathlon, bullet shooting, rowing and canoeing, academic rowing, cycling, freestyle wrestling, classical wrestling, judo, sambo, boxing;

from 11 years old - for equestrian sports, archery, clay shooting;

from the age of 17 - to bobsleigh.

For students aged 8-9 and 10-11 years, classes are held twice a week for 45 minutes, for other age groups - three times a week for 90 minutes. Physical education teachers, military leaders (in military-applied sports), teachers of other subjects who have appropriate training in a particular sport and are competent in matters of organizing and conducting sports activities with children conduct classes in sports sections.


The effectiveness of extracurricular work is ensured under the following conditions:

Close connection with educational work (continuity of content, organizational and methodological techniques, etc.);

Availability of classes and a variety of forms that ensure the inclusion of a wide contingent of students in physical culture and sports activities;

Continuity of the principles and methods of the entire system of extracurricular educational work with the broad participation of the student asset;

Involvement of parents and bosses in the material and technical support of the conditions for classes, in the management of sections, teams;

Clear management by the administration and teachers of the activities of the school team of physical culture.

In this work, the following questions were considered:

Tasks of organizing extracurricular activities;

Organization of extracurricular activities in physical education;

Forms of organization of extracurricular work in physical education.

In order for the form of work to give the desired result, it is necessary that it be internally accepted by the teacher of physical education, the teaching staff of the school and its leadership, and of course the students.


1. Vavilova E.N. Learn to jump, run, climb, throw. M.: "Enlightenment". 1983 - 174 p., ill.

2. Grishin V.T. Ball and racket games. M.: "Enlightenment". 1982 -112 p., ill.

3. Ermak A.A. Organization of physical culture. M .: "Enlightenment". 1978 - 130 p., ill.

4. Kuznetsov V.S., Kholodov Zh.K. . Theory and methodology of physical education and sports. M.: "Enlightenment". 2003

5. Litvinova M.F. Russian folk outdoor games. M .: "Enlightenment" 1986 - 175 p., ill.

6. Minskykh E.M. Games and entertainment in the extended day group. M.: "Enlightenment". 1984 - 202 p., ill.

7. Osokina T.I., Timofeeva E.A., Furmina L.S. Games and entertainment for children in the air. M.: "Enlightenment". 1981 - 190 p., ill.

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decision of the pedagogical council

Minutes No. 1 dated ___ August 2017

Chairman of the pedagogical council

L.V. Velichko



Level of education (class): basic general (6 "a", "b", "c", "g" classes)

Number of hours: total 136 hours per year

Level: Basic

Teacher: Igor Vasilyevich Kalashnikov

The program was developed on the basis of working programs in physical culture. Subject line of textbooks. Authors M.Ya.Vilensky, V.I.Lyakh. - M.: Enlightenment, 2011. and the work program of extracurricular activities in athletics (we work according to the Federal State Educational Standard). Authors: G.A. Kolodnitsky, V.S. Kuznetsov, M.V. Maslov. - M .: Education, 2011, developed by the teacher of FC I.V. Kalashnikov and approved by the decision of the pedagogical council, Protocol No. 1 dated August 30, 2017.

Explanatory note

This program of the sports and health direction is a program for organizing extracurricular activities for schoolchildren. The classes provided for by this program are held in groups consisting of students of the same class.

The program is designed for 1 year of study with a total volume of 136 hours: in each of the 6 "a", 6 "b", 6 "c", 6 "d" classes for 34 hours a year. The choice of the course is determined by the desire of 6th grade students, the opportunities and material and technical equipment of the educational institution.

The program involves holding regular weekly extracurricular activities with schoolchildren (1 hour per week in 6 "a", "b", "c", "d" classes of extracurricular activities of a physical culture and recreational orientation).

The program assumes the possibility of organizing classes in the form of extracurricular and classroom active classes.

aim programswe are electives an elective of this courseis the formation of the basics of a healthy lifestyle among students of the 6th grade school, the development of creative independence through the development of motorbody activity,formation of the ability to cooperate in a team, development of communicative competence of students.

Realization of this goal is connected with rethe following educationaltasks :

strengtheninghealth of schoolchildren through the developmentphysical qualities and functional enhancementfeatures of life-supporting systems of the body;

improvementvital skills and abilitiesthrough learning outdoor games, physical exercisesopinions and technical actions from basic sports;

improvementskills and abilities for passing tests (tests) of the VFSK "TRP";

formationability to cooperate in a team,developmentcommunicative competence of students through teaching various relay races;

developmentinterest in self-study physicalphysical exercises, outdoor games, forms of active recreation and leisure.

The universal competencies of students at the stageelementary education courses are:

ability to organize your own activitiesto take and use means to achieve its goal;

the ability to actively participate in a team activityability to interact with peers in achieving common goals;

- the ability to convey information in an accessible, emotionalvisually vivid form in the process of communication and interaction withpeers and adults.

Table of thematic distribution of the number of hours

module name,


Working programm

Number of hours



( UUD)

6th grade





Total hours



Outdoor games


master universal skills in independentorganizing and conducting under visual games

expound mobile game rules

master motor

To interact in pa rah and groups when executingresearch institute of technical actions in outdoor games

Simulate technique you completing game actions independent on changeconditions and motor dachas

Accept activities

master universal ability to manage emotionsprocess of educational and game activities


Sport games


master technical actions from sports games

master skills to perform take universal physical

Observe discipline and safety rulesin the conditions of the game activities

Develop physical qualities



with elements

tami acrobatic-



master lowering exercises

master universal interaction skillsin in pairs and groups when learningacrobatic exercises nenies

manifest strength qualities, coordination and endurancewhen performing acrobaticsome exercises and combo tions

Observe technical rules safety ki when performinggymnastic exercisesapplied direction news




master running technique different ways

master universal running and performing cross-country exercises

Manifest physical strength qualities, speed, endurance and ordination

Observe TB rules when throwing various balls

Main content of the program

1 chapter

Number of hours

Outdoor games


Outdoor games based on team sports, Sniper, Salki Centipede run, Calling numbers, The guys have a strict order, Who is faster?, Right on target, Ball to the neighbor, Ball on the floor, Ball overhead, Prohibited movement

2 chapter

Sport games






3 chapter


Gymnastic exercises

Gymnastic combination

Drill exercises

4 chapter



Jumping (from a place, from a run, through a rope)

Running (sprint, shuttle run)

Throwing and throws

Relay races based on athletics

Outdoor games: Develop dexterity and coordination. Outdoor games are an important means of physical education. The selection of physical exercises and outdoor games is carried out taking into account the age characteristics of students, using additional material that complements the content of educational material on physical culture.Outdoor games: based on team sports, Sniper, Salki, Calling numbers, Accurately on target, Ball to neighbor, Ball on the floor, Ball over head - harmoniously develop the student's physical qualities.

Sport games: consolidation and improvement of the acquired skills in physical education lessons in basic sports: volleyball, handball, basketball, mini-football. Implementation of technical methods and actions; play these sports disciplines according to the rules, know and correctly apply the player’s stances; passing, dribbling. Improve team tactical actions and formations in attack (attack) and defense.

Gymnastics with elements of acrobatics : Organizing commands and techniques.

Performing combat techniques on the spot (“right”, “left”, “circle”). Development of flexibility, strength, coordination. Choose exercises and make combinations. Exercises and combinations on the gymnastic crossbar, gymnastic mat. Coordination exercises.

Athletics: Development of endurance, strength, speed, coordination of movements. Perform exercises and participate in athletics competitions in accordance with the rules of this sport and observe safety measures. Running exercises. Jumping exercises. Throwing a small ball weighing 150g. Throwing a turbo projectile.

Expected results of the program implementation

Acquisition of social knowledge by a schoolchild, understanding of social reality and everyday life: acquiring knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, about basic hygiene standards, about TB when playing sports, about ways and means of self-defense, about ways of orienting in the area, elementary rules for survival in nature; about interaction, understanding of the partner.

Formation of a positive attitude of a schoolchild to the basic values ​​of our society and to social reality in general: the development of a student's value relations to his own health and inner world, to the health of the people around him, to sports and physical education, to nature, to his native Fatherland, its history and people, to work, to other people.

Acquisition by the schoolchild of the experience of independent social action: the acquisition by the schoolchild of the experience of updating sports and health-improving activities in the social space;leisure experience; experience of self-service, self-organization and organization of joint activities.

Forms of control

Testing "TRP"

Physical culture - mass and sports competitions

Spartakiad: competitions in sports games

The program of circle classes of sports and recreation areasincludes four sections. Each lesson is a link in the system of lessons connected in a logical sequence built one after another and aimed at acquiring social knowledge by the student, understanding social reality and everyday life, forming a positive attitude of the student to the basic values ​​of our society and to social reality in general, acquiring the experience of independent learning by the student. social action.

An important requirement of the program is the education of moral and volitional qualities of students: discipline, goodwill, honesty, responsiveness, courage during the performance of various tasks.

School age is favorable for the development of all coordination and conditioning abilities. However, special attention should be paid to the comprehensive development of coordination, speed (reactions and frequency of movements), speed-strength abilities, endurance to moderate loads.

To achieve the optimal general and motor density of the lesson, it is necessary to use non-standard equipment, technical teaching aids for the development of physical abilities and the formation of motor skills.

A feature of schoolchildren of this age is their great desire, interest, cognitive activity, high emotionality during classes. This must be used in class.


Sports hall with markings and equipment for sports games (volleyball, basketball)

Sports ground with markings and equipment for sports games (mini - football, handball)

Sports ground with markings for athletics


soccer balls



Chips for marking




Throwing projectiles (ball 150g, turbo projectile)

Dumbbells 3 - 5 kg

Stuffed balls 1kg, 3kg

Swedish wall

Gymnastic mats

Jump ropes of various lengths

First aid kit medical


List of educational literature

The work program of extracurricular activities in athletics in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Authors G.A.Kolodnitsky, V.S.Kuznetsov, M.V.Maslov. - M.: Enlightenment, 2011.

The working program of extracurricular activities in volleyball in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Authors G.A.Kolodnitsky, V.S.Kuznetsov, M.V.Maslov. - M.: Enlightenment, 2011.

Extracurricular activities. Olympic Games. Cognitive - game activity. 1 - 11 classes. Authors - compilers I.V. Barminova and others - Volgograd: Teacher. 2013

Textbook on physical culture grades 5 - 9. Authors M.Ya.Vilensky, V.I.Lyakh. - M.: Enlightenment, 2011.

Physical Culture. Test control. V.I. Lyakh. - M.: Enlightenment, 2012.

Health saving activity. Planning. Recommendations. Events. The authors are compilers I.V. Lebedeva, T.N. Churilova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2013


Meeting of the Ministry of Education of Teachers Deputy Director for NMR

Minutes No. 1 dated August __, 2017 ________ S.A. Kirichenko

Head of the MO of teachers of the FC ____ August 2017

T.V. Kupriyanova


Deputy Director for NMR

S.A. Kirichenko

"___" ____________ 2017

Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school No. 2 in Temryuk

municipal formation Temryuk district



"Sport Stars"

For extracurricular activities

Classes 6 "a", "b", "c", "d"

Teacher Kalashnikov Igor Vasilievich

Number of hours: total - 34, per week - 1 hour

Planning is based on:V.I. Lyakh. Work programs.

The subject line of textbooks by M.Ya. Vilensky, V.I. Lyakh 5-9 grades. - M .: Education, 2011 and the work program of extracurricular activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Authors G.A.Kolodnitsky, V.S.Kuznetsov, M.V.Maslov. - M .: Education, 2011, developed by the teacher of physical culture I.V. Kalashnikov and approved by the decision of the pedagogical council, Protocol No. 1 of ___ August 2017

Calendar - thematic planning

on extracurricular activities for students of the 6th grade

No. p / p


date of


Universal learning activities



Outdoor games 7 hours

TB at p / i. P / and "Salki"




markings for playing volleyball, mini-football

master universalskills in independentorganizing and conducting undervisual games

expound rules and conditionsfor carrying out mobilegames

To interact in parah and groups when executingresearch institute of technical actions inoutdoor games

Simulate technique youcompleting game actions independent on changeconditions and motordachas

Accept adequate solutions in a game environmentactivities

master universalability to manage emotionsprocess of educational and gameactivities

P / and with balls

P / and "Pioneerball"

P / and based on handball

P / and based on volleyball

P / and based on mini-football

Basketball-based p/n

Sports games 5 hours

TB during games. Mini football

Soccer balls

master technicalactions from sports games

master skills to performtake universal physicalsome exercises during sports games

Observe discipline andsafety rulesin the conditions of the gameactivities

Develop physical spacequalities

Dribbling. relay races

Ex. in groups

Passing the ball. A game

Relay races with elements of football

Gymnastics with elements of acrobatics 7 hours

TB in gymnastics. Construction ex.

Gymnastic mats horizontal bar roulette rope whistle w/wall hoops

master universal skills when performing orglowering exercises

master acroba techniquetic exercises and acrobatic combinations

master universalinteraction skillsin in pairs and groups when learningacrobatic exercisesnenies

manifest strength qualities,coordination and endurancewhen performing acrobaticto theirexercises and combinationtions

Observe technical rulessafety ki when performinggymnastic exercisesapplied

TB. somersaults

TB. visas

TB. Pull-ups

Ex. for flexibility. TRP

Relay races with elements of gymnastics

TB. climbing

Sports games 5 hours

TB in handball. mini handball

Handball markings handballs whistle chips stopwatch

master universalskills in independentorganizing and conducting undervisual games

expound rules and conditionsfor carrying out mobilegames

master motor

actions that make up the content of outdoor games

To interact in parah and groups when executingresearch institute of technical actions inoutdoor games

Simulate technique youcompleting game actions independent on changeconditions and motordachas

Accept adequate solutions in a game environmentactivities

master universalability to manage emotionsprocess of educational and gameactivities

Passing the ball

Relay races based on handball

Ball throws. educational game

Tactics of the game in defense and attack

Athletics 10 hours

Overweight, Jumping s/m

master running techniquedifferent ways

master universalskills for interaction in pairs and groups when learningrunning and performing cross-countryexercises

manifest strength qualities,speed, endurance andordination

Observe technical rules safety ki when throwing various balls

master universalskills in independentorganizing and conducting undervisual games

expound rules and conditionsfor carrying out mobilegames

To interact in parah and groups when executingresearch institute of technical actions inoutdoor games

Simulate technique youcompleting game actions independent on changeconditions and motordachas

Accept adequate solutions in a game environmentactivities

master universalability to manage emotionsprocess of educational and gameactivities

30m running competition

Marking for l / athletics roulette balls 150g whistle stopwatch throwing projectiles

shuttle run

Relay races with different types of running

GTO tests

Relay races with elements of l / a

TB. Throwing ball 150g

Run-up throwing technique

Medicine ball throws 1kg

relay races

TOTAL 34 hours

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Kazakovskaya Basic School"

Working programm

in extracurricular activities in physical education in elementary school.

"An outdoor game as a means for the development of a harmoniously active personality, combining spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection"

Designed by:

Physical education teacher

Sokolova T.A

from. Kazakovo, 2016

Explanatory note.

Regulatory framework:

The organization of extracurricular activities is an integral part of the educational process at school.

Extracurricular activities in MBOU "Kazakovskaya OSH" are developed on the basis of the following normative documents:

Law of the Russian Federation "On Education".

The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia / A.Ya. Danilyuk, A.M. Kondakov, V.A. Tishkov. – M.: Enlightenment, 2011.

GEF of basic general education - Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 17, 2010 No.1897 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 1, 2011, reg. No. 19644).

Approximate main educational program basic general education. – M.: education, 2011.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 07.09.10 No. 1507-r "On the action plan for the modernization of general education for 2011/15"

Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2010 N 189 on the approval of SanPin "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions", (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 3, 2011 N 19993)

Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated April 2, 2002 No. 13-51-28 / 13 “On increasing the educational potential of the general educational process in educational institutions.

Charter of MBOU "Kazakovka OSH".

Internal regulations of MBOU "Kazakovka OSH

Regulations on extracurricular activities MBOU "Kazakovka OSH"

The extracurricular activity plan complies with the requirements of the federal state educational standardprimary general education and basic general education aims to form common culture, spiritual and moral, social, personal and intellectual development students, creating the basis for the independent implementation of educational activities that ensure social success, the development of creative abilities, self-development and self-improvement, the preservation and strengthening of the health of students.

The work program of extracurricular activities in physical culture for grades 1-4 is based on:

Convention on the Rights of the Child;

Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", Art. 32 "Competence and responsibility of the educational institution";

Federal component of the state standard of primary education;

Exemplary program "Comprehensive program of physical education of students in grades I - XI" Authors V.I. Lyakh, A.A. Zdanevich. – M.: Enlightenment, 2010.

Extracurricular activities contribute to the development of children's abilities and inclinations school age, education of the social activity of the individual, the formation of interest in work, art, military-patriotic activities,

sports, organizing reasonable leisure and recreation, promoting health and broadening one's horizons.

The program of extracurricular activities "Mobile games" is one of the forms of additional work on the subject "Physical culture" and a transitional step to specialized sports. For those who wish, there is an opportunity to improve their physical fitness, determine their interests and opportunities for specialization in a particular sport.

Extracurricular work on general physical training "Mobile games" is included in the educational area "Physical culture".

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of primary and basic general education in physical culture, the subject of instruction in primary school is motor activity with a general developmental focus. In the process of mastering this activity, schoolchildren not only improve their physical qualities, but also actively develop consciousness and thinking, creative abilities and independence.

The Outdoor Games program is designed for students in grades 1-4. Provides for theoretical and practical training sessions of general physical training, sports events and sports holidays.

Today, schoolchildren have a sedentary lifestyle that adversely affects their health, mental, physical and psychological development. As part of extracurricular activities, outdoor games can largely compensate for the lack of movement, and also help prevent mental fatigue and increase the efficiency of children during study. Movements of gaming activities involve all muscle groups in the work, contributing to the development of the musculoskeletal system, normal growth, strengthening various functions and body systems and the formation of a healthy posture.

Through outdoor games, a fighting character, perseverance, a healthy desire to be better than others are developed in children, they develop leadership skills. Which in the future help to painlessly adapt to life. Team competitions teach cohesion, camaraderie, mutual assistance. Since most outdoor games require a sufficiently large number of players, the game process includes constant communication with peers, which means that favorable conditions are created for successful social adaptation emerging personality in the future.

Outdoor games usually have a comprehensive developmental effect on the body, they are also very exciting and diverse in content. One game is replaced by another. All folk games are classically concise, expressive and accessible to the child. They not only cause active work of thought, but also contribute to the expansion of horizons, as well as clarifying ideas about the world around us, improving all mental processes, and stimulate the transition of the child's body to a higher level.

development. Thus, scientists came to the conclusion that the game is recognized as the leading activity of a preschool child. Kids reflect all life impressions, experiences, fantasies, ideas in a conditional game form, which contributes to a specific transformation into the images of those characters present in the game, for example: (“Geese-swans”, “Kite and mother hen”, “At the bear in the forest ”, “Deer and shepherds”, etc.). The situation of the game captivates and educates the child, and the dialogues found in some games directly characterize the characters and their actions, which must be skillfully emphasized in the image, which requires children to be actively mentally active. The game, in which there is no storyline and is built only on certain game tasks, also has a lot of educational material that contributes to the expansion of the sensory sphere of the child, the development of his independence of action and thinking. So, for example, in connection with the movements of the driver and a change in the game situation, the child must show a more complex, i.e., instantaneous and correct reaction, since only the speed of action leads to a favorable result (“Magic Wand”, “Fifteen”, etc. ). Great importance educational nature is embedded in the rules of the game. They determine the entire course of the game, regulate the actions and behavior of children, their relationships, contribute to the formation of the will, that is, they provide the conditions under which the child cannot fail to show the qualities brought up in him. For example, in the game "The Kite and the Mother Mother" the kite must catch only one chicken, standing at the end of the whole string of chickens, and only after the words of the mother hen: "I will not let you catch my children." The game is such a product that requires attention, the ability to navigate in space, endurance, quick wit and dexterity, manifestation of a sense of collectivism, coherence of actions, mutual assistance (“one for all and all for one”), a sense of responsibility, courage, resourcefulness.

mobile game - natural satellite life of a child, a source of joyful emotions, which has a great educational power. Traditional means of pedagogy are folk outdoor games. From time immemorial, they have clearly reflected the way of life of people, their way of life, work, national foundations, ideas of honor, courage, courage, the desire to possess strength, dexterity, endurance, speed and beauty of movements, to show ingenuity, endurance, creative invention, resourcefulness, will and desire to win. In the modern view, folk games are designed to convey to the descendants the national flavor of customs, the originality of self-expression of a particular people, the originality of the language, form and content of colloquial texts. In our world, the revival of the ancient culture of all peoples is taking place everywhere and steadily, national traditions in art and literature are developing and improving, containing the richest folklore layers, which include folk games. Folk games are an integral part of the international, artistic and physical education of schoolchildren. The flight of movement is combined with the spiritual enrichment of children. The child develops a stable, interested, respectful attitude to the culture of his native country, creates an emotionally positive basis for the development of patriotic feelings: love and devotion to the Motherland, as well as developing leadership qualities and feelings of a friendly shoulder.

In folk games there are notes of humor, jokes, competitive enthusiasm; the movements are precise and figurative, often accompanied by unexpected funny moments, tempting and beloved by children, counting rhymes, draws, and nursery rhymes. They retain their artistic charm, aesthetic value and constitute the most valuable, unique game folklore.

Nowadays educational institutions visited by children of different nationalities, they communicate every day, tell stories, draw, play different games, sing and dance, introducing elements of national culture into their activities.

This course is a kind of guide between children, which helps to find a common language with peers, arouse interest in the multinational culture and art of their region through games, involving them in it, and also to see that each nation has its own unique games that are not similar to games other peoples, but there are also universal games that are well known to children all over the world. Children, most often themselves are the authors of games, which are most often rooted in the history of the class and school, enjoying popularity and universal love. Literally everything - historical factors, geography of the region, features of national culture and way of life, religion, public relations etc. can become a theme and plot for the game. The logical apogee of completing the course can be an international game created by students that will be of interest to children around the world.

Target: to form in children a harmoniously developed, active personality, combining spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection.


    teach children to play actively, honestly and independently;

    develop the ability to regulate the degree of attention and muscle tension in any game situation;

    adapt and prepare for changing environmental conditions;

    find a way out of a critical situation, quickly make a decision and enforce it, take the initiative without prejudice to the interest of others;

    contribute to the education of moral feelings, a sense of collectivism and the “one for all and all for one” model;

    consciousness and their further manifestation in socially useful and creative activity.

The program is designed for children in grades 1-4, designed for 1 hour per week, and if possible, filling in the gaps during the day (changes without fights, physical education), which happens very often.

The program also involves the project activities of students together with their parents or the chosen teacher of the school at the request of the child, on the topics: "Old children's games", "What my grandfather played", "Remember the forgotten games", "Games of the peoples of the Caucasus", "How new ones appear games" inventing beginnings, counting rhymes, etc. The result of such project activities children will be the "School Book of Records".

Program content.

The program includes not only events for organizing and holding sports and outdoor games, but also information and practical material on the history of the origin and development of various sports activities. In addition, they tried to include complex gymnastic exercises, finger games, a set of breathing exercises, corrective exercises to normalize posture, relaxation lessons, art therapy, music therapy and many other components that help the student to relieve stress and emotionally relax in the program.

The program gives an idea of ​​the identity of neighboring folk cultures in games. Such concepts as the structure of the game, the rules of the game, the rules of communication, the rules of safety, the rules of tolerance, and many others are introduced.

The program includes dramatizations, theatrical performances, conversations about the rules of communication and safe behavior during classes; conversations about healthy lifestyles, "traffic rules", "Safe Internet", fairy tale therapy and many others.

1. Knowledge about physical culture.

The following tasks are solved:

    health promotion, posture improvement, immunity protection;

    promotion of harmonious physical development;

    development of resistance to adverse environmental conditions;

    mastery of the school of movements, tempo, tactics, struggle;

    development of coordination abilities (accuracy of reproduction and differentiation of spatial, temporal and power parameters of movements, balance, rhythm, speed, accuracy of response to signals, coordination of movements, orientation in space)

    development of conditioning abilities (speed, speed-strength, endurance and flexibility).

    development of ideas about the main sports, sports heroes, losses in sports, sports equipment, compliance with safety rules during classes.

    creating conditions for hardening pupils (classes are held outdoors, gthe main purpose of the lessons- increasing the level of general physical fitness of students and adapting the body to weather surprises)

2. Mass physical culture and health work.

One of the most important tasks of improving the educational process is the organization of the motor mode of pupils, which provides active recreation and satisfies the natural need for movement.

Sports events should contribute to attracting as many children, their parents and teachers as possible to physical education. This increase is possible through an increase in sports clubs and competitions, through the involvement of children of different ages, parents and active participation in competitions of fans, as well as propaganda teams, flash mobs, the release of sports newspapers and many others.

Outdoor games are a vital relaxation that is necessary to satisfy the natural needs of children for active movement, a thirst for activity, competition and a spirit of worthy rivalry.

Sports games are an important means of developing dexterity, speed, strength, perseverance, the ability to act in the interests of the team, the ability to navigate in difficult situation and make the right decision.

The gaming activity of the participants during the competitions causes the audience to become as dexterous and courageous, helps to unite the team of teachers and students, transfer the experience of the older generation to the younger ones, and makes it possible to re-evaluate their attitude to learning, their mental and physical development.

    "Journey to the Land of Sportlandia".

    "Journey to the country of NEBOLEYKA".

    Lesson-conversation "I will save my health, I will help myself."

    Lesson-conversation "Enemies of the body."

    Lesson-conversation "Bad habits".

    Lesson-conversation "What is my body capable of?".

    The game is a journey "The ABC of Health".

    The game is a journey "you know the traffic rules, it means you live."

    Literary and sports festival "Our Heroic Strength".

    Sports and recreational event "Who chews how much - he lives so much."

    Sports and recreation holiday "Health Day for fidgets".

    Sports and recreation holiday "Who is in what much."

    Tourist trip "Journey to the country of healthy lifestyle".

3. Promoting a healthy lifestyle among pupils.

The main task - to bring to children the information that health is a treasure, for the sake of which it is really worth not only not sparing no effort, time, but also giving up bad habits. Every child should know that a healthy lifestyle is the most reliable means of maintaining and strengthening health and prolonging life.

Implementation of this direction

    Drawing competitions on the theme "We love sports"

    Newspaper and poster competitions on the theme "Sport is life"

    "Safe Internet"

    Essay competitions on the theme "We are for a healthy lifestyle"

    "Compose a sports story"

    Making a corner with photos of the best athletes.

    Honoring the best athletes, creating the image of an "athlete - a healthy person"

    Attracting as many students, parents, teachers as possible to the sports team to improve sports achievements.

4. Joint work of the family and the school for the upbringing of a healthy generation.

Let us recall the words of the famous teacher V. Sukhomlinsky: "The most complete education, as you know, is school-family education." Based on this, we, if possible, involve parents in the work to ensure the health of students, i.e. their children. The relationship between family and school is important at all stages of school life, but the first years of a child's stay in an institution (in a classroom team) are of particular importance. It is important to establish friendly, partnership relations between the school and the family. The school and the family should not only educate and educate their children, but also take care that all the conditions created are harmoniously suitable for a joyful, creative and healthy life.

Implementation of this direction

    The health of our children is in our affairs (medical examination, analysis of the health status of students)

    Consultations, conversations for parents.

    Conducting joint excursions, trips

    Organizing sporting events with the participation of parents

Thematic planning (approximate).

1 lesson. You are invited by the country of the Games. What are the games. Theatrical information presentation about games and their origin.

2 lesson. Rules of the game. Are they required for everyone? Theatrical performance "Ill-mannered Shipovki and a polite Stopwatch".

3 lesson . Clutch games. Games in which there is a specific construction that persists throughout the gameplay.

4 lesson. Reaction games.

5 lesson. Drag games. Power games, the general goal of which is the need to pull the opponent in a certain way.

6 lesson. Catch-ups. All kinds of games with common game mechanics - the driver (or driver) needs to touch (touch) the fleeing players and the relay game.

7-12 lesson. Choreographic classes. (fitness marathon, flash mob, propaganda team)

13-16 lesson. Sport games. Games based on popular team sports: football, volleyball, etc.

17 lesson. Ball games. Relay "Funny balls"

18 lesson. Gymnastics.

19 lesson. Jumping games. Games with a skipping rope, rubber band, etc.

Lesson 20. vintage games

21 lessons . Accuracy games. Target shooting. "Snowballs". Dartz

22 lesson. "Sports why why" a quiz dedicated to sports.

23 lessons . Russian folk games.

24-26 classes. “Mom, dad, I am a sports family”

27-29 classes. Outdoor games.

30-32 lessons . Games of our parents..

33-34 classes."Sportlandia"

Final event: "Athletes among us" - awarding medals, certificates. School trip.

List of used literature.

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