Rules for safe behavior in the crowd. Safety measures in crowded places Rules of conduct in a crowd in brief

She is fearless. She is ruthless. She doesn't control herself. - a person or a soulless evil being? Living in a crowded city, it is very easy to get trapped. It is enough to come to a concert, to a holiday, to football, to a rally - a crowd of people can find us in the most unexpected places. How to behave in a crowd so that the holiday does not turn into a tragedy? How to avoid influence?

"Crowd Effect"

In August 2011, the whole world was shocked by reports about the events in London. Aggressive-minded crowd staged. The reason for this was the murder of a 29-year-old drug dealer by law enforcement officers. Charged with a sense of revenge and anger, the crowd took to the streets, and practically blocked the Tottenham area for several days.

Watching video footage of what was happening, law enforcement officers noticed a familiar face. In the world-famous epic about Harry Potter there is a character named Vincent Crabbe, this negative character was played by a young British actor Jamie Violet. Probably, negative qualities the actor decided to test his hero and real life. For the destruction of the store and robbery, he was arrested for two years. In his hand was a Molotov cocktail. But Violet himself claims that his acquaintances gave him the container with the mixture, but he simply could not refuse. And many of the riots in London explained their actions precisely by the effect of the crowd.

We used to call a large number of people in the same place or moving in the same direction. But it is not so. After all, we are not accustomed to consider a marching army unit as a crowd, nor spectators in great hall theater. To turn a socially organized gathering of people into a crowd, it is enough for some action to take place - a heavy rainfall, an explosion, a fireworks, or a famous artist suddenly appeared on the street with a concert number.

Each of us has experienced the effect of the crowd effect on ourselves. For example, to stand up and greet your favorite artist on stage with applause. It turns out that only a few people per hundred are enough to raise thousands of halls to their feet.

But where did this man come from? Of course, from the wild. In order to survive wild beast it is not necessary to have sharp teeth and huge horns. Just being in a group is enough. Animals have a so-called herd instinct”, it exists on the basis of an innate defensive reflex. This is an absolutely amazing effect, when one single whole is organized out of dozens of living organisms, everyone begins to think, feel, and empathize in the same way. The interests of any individual person do not matter to the group.

Every day we perform thousands of different actions and movements that are familiar to us. But we do not even suspect that while brushing our teeth, we still do not remain at one with ourselves. We are surrounded by people brushing their teeth and hurrying to work. And every second it seems to us that we are in complete control of our actions and are ready to say how we will behave at one time or another. Suppose a person with three higher education suddenly finds himself in an aggressive crowd. If the next day you show him a video of his actions, he will definitely scratch his head and be indignant that he could not do such a thing ... When something unexpected happens in the pandemonium, we react and act only instinctively. In psychology, this phenomenon is called the "crowd effect". When a person finds himself in a crowd, his social regulators weaken, and from the point of view of Sigmund Freud, the source of our activity is the unconscious.

Sometimes experts compare the crowd of pedestrians with penguins. Until the moment when all the birds begin to dive one by one into the sea, they patiently wait for the most daring one, who will be the first to take a step into the water.

crowd properties

Scientists have identified two main factors, which define the properties of the crowd:


The personality in the crowd dissipates. It has no names and social statuses. There is only "a man in a red jacket", "a woman in a blue dress", etc. On the one hand, an individual member of the crowd has a feeling of strength and power. On the other hand, anonymity leads to the fact that a single person has a feeling of irresponsibility. Everyone believes that the crowd will be responsible for all actions, and not he personally.


Promise internal state one people to another. Infection occurs literally instantly, due to the fact that each member of the crowd imitates the majority.

The organizers of absolutely all the revolutions that have taken place in the 21st century are well aware of all this.

Rules of behavior in the crowd

Everyone can find themselves in an aggressive crowd of fans, or in the path of hooligans. But is it really possible to survive in a situation of riots? If you do it right, yes. Perhaps, best advice I would say - bypass the crowds. At least if possible. But if already a large crowd of people caught you by surprise - do not panic. There is a way out of any situation if you turn on common sense.

Tip #1: If a large crowd of people is quickly approaching you… not run on them, but do not run away from them either. If they catch up with you, they will work like an asphalt paver. Head into the crowd, but not directly, but obliquely, into the corner of the crowd. Thus, at the time of the collision, only a few people will touch you, and not the whole hundred.

...because they can become not only dangerous for you, but also the so-called "airbag". To begin with, try to calmly and leisurely leave the crowd.

How to leave the crowd?

If possible, take off from myself sharp and squeezing objects: scarves, earrings, rings, belts, bracelets, ties, etc. Bend your elbows and press them to your sides. Clench your fingers into fists. Group into a single lump, do not relax your body and try to get out of the crowd. Be sure to cover your head, because if you get hit, you can lose your balance and fall, which should not be allowed.

... get on one knee, rest your hands on the floor, push off sharply and try to stand up.

... you can not relax the body. Lie on your back, bend your knees and forcefully try to roll onto your side. With the hand that turned out to be from below, cover the back of the neck and head. Use your top hand to protect yourself from blows. Don't stop moving for a second. Move your feet, move them on the ground. You may not be able to save your nose from a fracture, but you will stay alive. This is the main thing.

Never take your feet off the ground. If you think you can fight off an aggressive crowd, you are wrong.

... cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief or any piece of cloth, do not rub your skin and eyes.

... there are only two options - to run away, or to arm. On the street around you there are many items that can be a life saver. For example, a stone or a glass bottle. This kind of psychological effect can give you a few extra seconds to get away. not use the elevator, go down the stairs. Do not get close to the windows, you can simply be pushed out of it.

As you can see, you can save yourself from any situation. It is necessary to know the rules, but it is better not to let them come in handy. See a crowd of people - change the route. Even if you are big and strong.





Study in advance the ways of possible evacuation when visiting the place of the alleged congestion of people. It's in your best interest. At the same time, do not disregard fences, stairs, courtyards, windows, emergency exits and routes.

1. Rules for safe behavior in the crowd

The occurrence of panic or general spontaneous aggression, the cause of which may be general hysteria provoked by a mass protest, or fear caused by a fire or other disaster; or an overly emotional football match and much more, can turn a large number of ordinary people into a crowd that can sweep away and destroy everything in its path. Any mass event is a source of increased danger. About this, for example, Lately right on the entrance tickets, the organizers of most rock concerts warn.

Social psychologists highlight a few simple recommendations on how not to become a victim of the crowd: do not go against the crowd; if necessary, cross the crowd (cross it tangentially or diagonally, while following the movement of the checkered piece); do not look into the eyes of people in the crowd and do not move with your eyes down to the ground (moving with your eyes down is the movement of the victim). The gaze should be directed just below the face with the inclusion of the so-called peripheral vision. This view will allow you to keep track of the whole situation without fixing on individual details.

Experts distinguish between two types of behavior in the crowd: on the street and indoors. In many ways they converge, but there are nuances. In a confined space (at a concert or other mass event), when danger arises, people suddenly start looking for salvation at the same time, that is, they want to get out of this room. In the vast majority of cases, this happens randomly. Especially active are people who are far from the exits. They begin to press with all their might on those in front, and as a result, most of the "front" are pressed against the walls. There is a stampede, as a result of which, in the most direct sense, very many people can be (and are) crushed between a stone wall and a wall of human bodies.

Experts advise remembering exit points and ways to them, because those who know where the nearest exit is are more likely to escape. It is especially important to rush to him before the crowd starts to move. However, when the crowd has gained full strength, an attempt to move through its thickness can have the most Negative consequences. Experts believe that the most reasonable thing is to wait until the main stream subsides. In their opinion, rushing into narrow passages when the crowd has already gained strength is permissible only in the event of a fire, which also spreads very quickly, or when, as a result of the extensive combustion of plastic materials and coatings, a “gas chamber” forms in the hall.

Beware of walls and narrow doorways. To do this, you need to try:

Getting into the "mainstream", which, however, is also unsafe;

Go back a little, where it’s still freer;

Try to lie down on top of the human stream and, rolling or crawling in a plastunsky way, make your way to a less crowded place. This is especially true when saving children: often this technique is the only hope. A child simply will not be able to survive in a distraught crowd of adults, if only because of his height. Therefore, if you have the strength, it is better to put the child on your shoulders and move on like this. Or two adults can, facing each other, create a kind of protective capsule for a child from their bodies and hands.

If it is impossible to wait, then rush into the crowd, but with your head, but at the same time, you must empty your pockets as much as possible (even better - completely), since almost any object with enormous pressure in the middle of the crowd can cause serious injury not only to yourself, but and any of the people around.

It is necessary to remove from oneself long, too loose clothes, moreover, equipped with metal parts, as well as everything that can squeeze the neck, i.e. jacket lacing, tie, medallion on a cord, pectoral cross on a chain, any jewelry and bijouterie. Hands should not be pressed to the body, they should be bent at the elbows, fists pointing up, then the hands can protect the chest. You can also clasp your palms in front of your chest.

The street crowd is considered to be not as dangerous as in a confined space. However, psychologists do not agree with this, believing that the street crowd more often acts as a carrier of aggressive moods and that the street crowd surpasses the crowd in a confined space in terms of the number of deliberate victims.

In general, the rules of conduct during mass street gatherings do not differ much from those given above, but still have their own characteristics. The first rule is: Don't join the crowd, no matter how much you want to see what's going on. If you find yourself in a crowd, let it carry you, but try to get out of it. When the crowd approaches, it is necessary to retreat to the side streets and alleys, also using the passage yards. Some survival manuals also recommend that, if it is impossible to escape to neighboring streets, use entrances as shelters through which you can climb onto the roofs of houses. But the entrances can be closed (which most often happens recently). Then, in the same manuals, it is recommended to break the windows of apartments located on the first floors, and through them to penetrate into the entrances.

Once in a moving crowd, you need to stay away from any walls and ledges. All kinds of metal gratings are especially dangerous in these cases. If the crush has become threatening, immediately, without hesitation, get rid of any burden, especially a bag with a long belt and a scarf. Clothing should be comfortable, tight-fitting, preferably sporty (the same applies to shoes, which should be tightly laced). On the street, you should stay on the edge of the crowd, and not strive into the thick of things.

If knowing the location of the nearest emergency exits can be useful in an enclosed area, knowing the topography of the area in an open area will be just as useful. No need to try to resist the spontaneous movement of the crowd, cling to walls or lampposts.

You can not stop and try to pick up anything. Also, no injury should cause a stop. If you fall, try to get back on your feet as quickly as possible. At the same time, do not lean on your hands (they will be crushed or broken). Try to stand on your soles or on your toes at least for a moment. It is necessary to get up exactly in the direction of the movement of the crowd. If you can’t get up, curl up in a ball, protect your head with your forearms, and cover the back of your head with your palms.

If there are still people in the crowd who have not lost their heads and are able to protect children and women, then it is quite possible to organize joint actions and sooner or later get out of the dense crowd. To do this, line up in a wedge, inside which you place children and women, after which, pushing the scattered people around, drift to the side.

You can drift through the crowd like a ship on a river. Evaluate the direction in advance and purposefully move along it.

The appearance of the crowd is possible in crowded places. As a rule, this happens at holidays, concerts, festivities, near stadiums after the end of sports matches.

As long as thousands of people follow the established order of behavior or move evenly along the allotted routes, the situation is relatively safe. But in the event of an incident or an obstacle on the way, the crowd turns into a source of increased danger to human health and life. It is very difficult to stop excited people or control their actions. Sometimes this is almost impossible.

According to psychologists, the crowd is one of the most dangerous phenomena of urban life. Tellingly, it does not take into account the interests of individual people, including the safety of their lives.

A large crowd of people depersonalizes. The person behaves like everyone else. And it is difficult to resist the influence of the crowd. The paradox is that normal law-abiding people in the crowd can behave aggressively and destructively, completely out of control of their actions and deeds. After all, the crowd gives rise to a feeling of impunity in a person. And this is fraught with the fact that it is far from being the best, but its hidden vices spill out, representing a danger to others.

To avoid possible troubles, everyone needs to know the basic rules of behavior in crowded places.

Once at the venue of a mass cultural, entertainment or sports event, do not try to get into the most dense crowd of people in a limited space. Remember, no spectacle compensates for possible inconvenience, injury, squeezing in the crowd.

If you have to deal with crowded aisles in the venue of a mass spectacle, violation of fire safety rules and public order, the correct action is to leave this event.

Study in advance the ways of possible evacuation when visiting the place of the alleged congestion of people. It's in your best interest. At the same time, do not disregard fences, stairs, courtyards, windows, emergency exits and routes.

What to do if you find yourself in a moving crowd when leaving a concert or stadium?

First of all, it is necessary to adhere to the general speed of the flow of traffic, do not push, do not push on those in front. Pushes from behind and from the side must be restrained with arms bent at the elbows and pressed to the body. Ask the most restless neighbors to keep order or skip ahead.

How to deal with strong pressure?

Do not grab onto protruding objects, try to get around them, stay away from glass windows, mesh fences, turnstiles, stages. Umbrella, bag, press tightly to the body. It is better to move a long scarf from the neck to the lower back, turning this source of suffocation danger into a means of protection. When moving in a crowd, never bend down for anything, do not pick up fallen things, money, and do not even tie an untied shoelace. The main task is to stand on your feet at any cost. Caution: Falling inside a moving crowd is life-threatening. But if this does happen, remember important recommendations: when you fall, do not think about your clothes or bag, bend your arms and legs, protect your head with your hands, and your stomach by bending and pulling your legs to the body. Then quickly try to put your hands and one foot on the ground and straighten up sharply in the direction of people's movement. If it doesn't work right away, don't despair and try again.

In order for a large number of ordinary people to turn into a crowd with all the ensuing consequences, panic or general spontaneous aggression must arise.

However, these two factors are often closely related.

At the same time, thousands, hundreds or even dozens of people (it's not about the number) suddenly lose their individuality and turn into one many-headed beast that is capable of sweeping away and destroying everything in its path.

In order for the human mass to become "explosive", a kind of psychological detonator is needed, which can be a general hysteria provoked by a mass protest or, on the contrary, a demonstration of loyal feelings; fear caused by fire or other disaster; An unprofessional rock concert or an overly emotional football match...

The list of reasons that can turn a crowd into a crowd, unfortunately, can go on and on.

Too often, people who succumb to mass psychosis later themselves could not figure out why this happened. The explanation here should be sought at the level of primitive instincts. It was they who, in ancient times, helped people survive together, when much, it would seem, beings that were much stronger and adapted to cruel conditions, disappeared without a trace.

But today, like any atavism, the herd instinct is an undoubted danger to the human collective. The only thing that really man of sense can oppose such an instinct, it is reason. Try, being in an aggressive crowd, not to succumb to the general feeling, this kind of “negative charm”.

But remember: the crowd does not accept "apostates" and is able to deal with anyone who disagrees with general psychosis (for the mere fact of demonstrated disagreement) in the most cruel way.

It's not so easy to take and keep your individuality when the human sea carries you nowhere. However, there is no choice: if you do not preserve your individuality, then you can lose not only your human appearance, but life itself. After all, the crowd is merciless not only in relation to those who disagree, but also to its ordinary members.

2. Behavior of the crowd and safe behavior in it

In the behavior of the crowd, both ideological influences are manifested, with the help of which certain actions are prepared, and changes in mental states occurring under the influence of any specific events or information about them. In the actions of the crowd, there is a docking and practical implementation of both ideological and socio-psychological influences, their interpenetration into the real behavior of people.

Joint feelings, will, moods turn out to be emotionally and ideologically colored and repeatedly strengthened.

The situation of mass hysteria serves as a backdrop against which the most tragic actions often unfold.

As already mentioned, one of the types of crowd behavior is panic. Panic is emotional condition, arising as a result of either a lack of information about some frightening or incomprehensible situation, or its excessive excess and manifested in impulsive actions.

There are many factors that can cause panic. Their nature can be physiological, psychological and socio-psychological. Panic has been reported in Everyday life as a consequence of catastrophes and natural disasters. In panic, people are driven by unaccountable fear. They lose self-control, solidarity, rush about, do not see a way out of the situation.

The factors that have a particularly strong influence on the behavior of the crowd are as follows.

Superstition is a fixed false opinion that arises under the influence of fear experienced by a person. However, there may be a superstitious fear, the causes of which are not recognized. Many superstitions are associated with belief in something. They are subject to the most different people regardless of the level of education and culture. For the most part, superstition is based on fear, and it is magnified many times over in a crowd.

Illusion - a kind of false knowledge, entrenched in public opinion. It may be the result of a deception of the sense organ. In the same context we are talking about illusions related to the perception of social reality. A social illusion is a kind of ersatz-likeness of reality, created in the imagination of a person instead of genuine knowledge, which for some reason does not accept. Ultimately, the basis of the illusion is ignorance, which can produce the most unexpected and undesirable effects when manifested in a crowd.

Prejudice is false knowledge that has turned into a belief, more precisely, into a prejudice. Prejudices are active, aggressive, assertive, and desperately resist true knowledge. This resistance is so blind that the crowd will not accept any arguments that contradict prejudice.

The psychological nature of prejudice lies in the fact that a person's memory captures not just an opinion (knowledge), it also retains the feeling, emotion, attitude that accompanies this knowledge. As a result, memory is highly selective. Facts and events that contradict a certain opinion are not always analyzed at the level of consciousness. And, of course, they are discarded under the influence of emotions, which usually overwhelm, overwhelm the crowd.

In cases where the widespread stereotypes of public opinion are oversaturated with emotions, a mass psychosis may occur, during which people are able to commit the most reckless acts, cease to be aware of all the consequences of their actions.

The factors that determine the character of the opinions and beliefs of the crowd are of two kinds: immediate factors and distant factors. The immediate factors influencing the crowd act on the ground already prepared by distant factors - without this they would not have caused such crushing results, which often strike a raging crowd. Factors capable of impressing the crowd itself always appeal to their feelings, and not to reason.

A number of researchers believe that the crowd is a special biological organism. It operates according to its own laws and does not always take into account the interests of individual components, including their safety.

Very often the crowd becomes more dangerous natural disaster or the accidents that created it. However, she does not look for alternative solutions and does not see the consequences of her decision, sometimes the main ones, as in a typical fire case: jumping from a doomed high altitude.

Categorical commands, an ardent conviction that there is no danger and even the threat of execution of alarmists, as well as a strong emotional brake or miracle, can stop the crowd. It is to miracles that cases should be attributed when a strong strong-willed person, who enjoyed the confidence of the audience, managed to prevent a dramatic development of events.

The leader immediately needs to find assistants who should "cut the crowd", sometimes literally - holding hands and chanting.

The main psychological picture of the crowd looks like this:

Decrease in the intellectual beginning and increase in the emotional.

A sharp increase in suggestibility and a decrease in the ability to individual thinking.

· The crowd needs a leader or an object of hatred. She will gladly obey or smash. The crowd is capable of both terrible cruelty and self-sacrifice, including in relation to the leader himself.

· The crowd quickly fizzles out, having achieved something. Divided into groups, people quickly come to their senses and change their behavior and assessment of what is happening.

· In the life of a street (especially political and social) crowd, such elements as the first stone in the window and the first blood are very important. These steps can lead the crowd to a fundamentally different level of danger, where collective irresponsibility turns each member of the crowd into a criminal. From such a crowd you need to leave immediately.

How to survive in the crowd? The best rule is to avoid it far!!! If this is not possible, by no means go against the crowd. If the crowd has carried you away, try to avoid both its center and its edge. Dodge everything that is stationary on the way, otherwise you can simply be crushed, smeared. Do not cling to anything with your hands, they can be broken. If possible, zip up. High heels can cost you your life, as can an untied shoelace. Throw away your bag, umbrella, etc.

If something has fallen (anything), in no case do not try to pick it up - life is more expensive. In a dense crowd, with the right behavior, the probability of falling is not as great as the probability of squeezing. Therefore, protect the diaphragm with your clasped hands, folding them over your chest. Pushes from behind should be taken on the elbows, the diaphragm should be protected by arm tension.

The main task in the crowd is not to fall. But if you still - fell, then you need to protect your head with your hands and immediately get up. This is very difficult, but it can be done if you use this technique: quickly pull your legs up to you, group up and try to stand up with a jerk. It is unlikely that you will be able to get up from your knees in a dense crowd - you will be constantly knocked down. Therefore, with one foot you need to rest (with a full sole) on the ground and straighten up sharply, using the movement of the crowd. But, nevertheless, it is very difficult to get up, preliminary protection measures are always more effective.

This universal rule, by the way, fully applies to the beginning of the “crowd” situation itself. At a concert, a stadium, think in advance how you will exit (not necessarily the same way that you entered). Try not to be near the stage, locker rooms, etc. - in the center of events. Avoid walls (especially glass), partitions, mesh. The tragedy at the stadium in Sheffield (England) showed that most of the dead were crushed by the crowd on the barrier walls.

If the panic started due to a terrorist act, do not rush to exacerbate the disorder with your movement: do not deprive yourself of the opportunity to assess the situation and make the right decision.

To do this, use the techniques of auto-training and express relaxation. Here are simple tricks from which you need to choose the closest for yourself.

Regular breathing helps to maintain even demeanor. Take a few breaths in and out.

· Look at something blue or imagine a rich blue background. Think about it for a second.

In order to bring down the beginning emotional confusion, you can turn to yourself by name (better out loud), for example: “Kolya, are you here?”. And confidently answer yourself: "Yes, I'm here !!!".

· Imagine yourself as a television camera that looks at everything from a little side and from a height. Assess your situation as an outsider: what would you do in this person's place?

· Change the sense of scale. Take a look at the eternal clouds. Smile through force, bring down fear with an unexpected thought or memory.

If the crowd is dense but motionless, you can try to get out of it using psychosocial tricks, for example, pretending to be sick, drunk, crazy, pretending to be sick, and so on. In short, you have to force yourself to keep your composure, be informed, and improvise.

Let's move on to specific examples. Suppose you are among many other people at a concert or other mass event, albeit in a fairly large, but still closed room. And suddenly there was a heart-rending cry: “Fire!!!” The whole point here is a sudden change in the general (including yours) mood. After all, you came here with everyone else in order to enjoy the concert of your favorite artist or watching a movie about which you heard favorable reviews. And suddenly - "Fire!!!". That is, a positive mood diametrically changes to a negative one. There is a lot of stress. And now the people who have gathered in a closed room suddenly begin all at the same time to seek salvation, that is, they want to get out of this room. Of course, everything happens chaotically, there can be no talk of any organization. Unfortunately, this is the case in the vast majority of cases. Especially active are people who are far from the exits. They begin to press with all their might on those in front, and as a result, most of the "front" are pressed against the walls. There is a stampede, as a result of which, in the most direct sense, many people can be (and are!) Crushed between a stone wall and a wall of human bodies. Of course, those who have not lost their heads, who know where the nearest exit is, are more likely to be saved. It is especially important to rush to him before the crowd starts to move. However, when the crowd has gained full strength, an attempt to move through its thickness can have the most negative consequences. By the way, having gone to such a mass event, before it starts, do not be lazy, pay attention to where the dimly glowing inscription "Emergency Exit" is located. Do it just like that, just in case. After all, there may not be another opportunity. Suppose you did not have time to be in the forefront of the fleeing. Then, in some cases, it makes sense to wait until the main stream of fugitives subsides. True, this requires considerable restraint and composure, as well as the ability to realistically assess the situation. After all, often the danger that you do not see with your own eyes can seem more formidable than the real danger. And this, by the way, also explains the mechanism of mass panic in the crowd. In general, experts believe that rushing into narrow passages when the crowd has already gained strength is only permissible in the event of a fire, which also spreads very quickly, or when, as a result of the extensive combustion of plastic materials and coatings, a “gas chamber” forms in the hall. But, rushing into the crowd, be sure to empty your pockets as much as possible (even better - completely!)! After all, almost any object with huge pressure in the middle of the crowd is capable of causing serious injury to both yourself and any of the people around you. Be sure to get rid of pencils and pens, wallet, calculator or notebook ... In general, everything that has at least some rigidity. For paper money, you can make an exception (just make sure that they are not rolled up into a tube), but get rid of coins completely. Drop greed: life is more precious than any material assets ! With long, too loose, besides, clothes equipped with metal parts, also part without regret. Anything that can squeeze the neck, i.e. jacket lacing, tie, medallion on a lace, pectoral cross on a chain, discard as soon as possible. This is the case when an amulet designed to bring good luck can cause death. And in general, any jewelry and costume jewelry, no matter how expensive they are for you, throw them on the floor as soon as possible. Of course, glasses in such a situation should also be absent on the face. Never let your shoelaces come loose. While there is still time, tighten them with a dead knot! An untied lace is fraught with a fall in the crowd, and no one has yet been able to rise in such a situation. In any case, your hands should not be pressed to the body. Let them be bent at the elbows, fists pointing up, then the hands will be able to protect the chest. You can also clasp your palms in front of your chest. After all, the most dangerous thing in a crowd is to lose the ability to breathe as a result of squeezing from all sides. Try to take precautionary measures in advance before the crowd gets too dense. And this will inevitably happen, since when a large mass of people exits through narrow doors, a “funnel effect” inevitably occurs. In general, places of constriction, and hence the greatest pressure, dead ends and ledges should be avoided. In the middle of the crowd is definitely dangerous. But even more dangerous is to be near the wall. Indeed, in this case, a person can be seriously injured not only by a nail that is not completely hammered, but even by an electrical outlet that is quite harmless under other circumstances. Therefore, beware of walls and narrow doorways. To do this, you can try to: - get into the "main stream", which, however, is also unsafe; - go back a little, where it is still more free; - no matter how paradoxical it sounds, try to lie on top of the human flow. Here, of course, difficulties may arise, but it is better to experience the pokes of comrades in misfortune on your ribs than to be trampled under their own feet or to be tightly ground to the wall by some kind of ledge. Only to go over the heads (yes, that's right - over the heads!) It is necessary, rolling or crawling in a plastunsky manner. We urge you to use this last trick in all cases when it comes to children! After all, a child simply cannot survive in a distraught crowd of adults, and none of the adults accompanying him alone can protect him! Two adults can still try, facing each other, to create from their bodies and hands a kind of "protective capsule" for the child. If an adult has sufficient physical data, it can also be advised to put the child on his shoulders and in this position move along with the crowd. In general, when going to some mass event, from the very beginning, do not forget that it is a source of increased danger. This, for example, has recently been warned by the organizers of most rock concerts right on the entrance tickets.


As the statistics show largest number victims in the event of riots and terrorist acts is observed in crowded places. People, being in the crowd, when extreme situation endanger their health, and in extreme situations - and life. Therefore, it is very important to know the following basic rules of safe behavior in the crowd:

Be in the safest place of the crowd: away from stands, garbage containers, boxes, packages, bags, from the center of the crowd, from glass showcases and metal fences;

In the event of unrest, panic, take off your tie, scarf, free your hands, bend them at the elbows, press them to the body, covering the vital important organs, fasten all buttons and zippers, do not grab onto trees, poles, fences;

The main thing is to stay on your feet, in case of a fall, you should curl up on your side, protecting your head, sharply pull your legs under you and rise in the direction of the crowd;

Do not draw attention to yourself with statements of political, religious and other sympathies, attitudes towards what is happening;

Do not approach groups of people behaving aggressively;

Do not react to ongoing skirmishes.

Try to leave the crowd.


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9. Rutkevich A.M. The Man and the Crowd // Dialogue. - 1990. - No. 12.

10. Freud 3. "I" and "It". - Tbilisi, 1991.

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Some great national event and thus acquire all the features of the crowd. So the teachers of the Mokshantsevs social psychology in their manual they wrote that the crowd as the subject of mass forms of non-collective behavior often becomes: - a large group of people arising on the basis of common interests, often without any organization, but always in a situation that affects ...

Number and in relation to the leader himself. The crowd quickly fizzles out, having achieved something. Divided into groups, people quickly come to their senses and change their behavior and assessment of what is happening. In the life of a street (especially political and social) crowd, such elements as the first stone in a shop window and first blood are very important. These steps can take the crowd to a fundamentally different level of danger, where the collective...

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Rules for safe behavior in the crowd in the event of a panic

The appearance of the crowd is possible in crowded places. As a rule, this happens at holidays, concerts, festivities, near stadiums after the end of sports matches.

As long as thousands of people follow the established order of behavior or move evenly along the allotted routes, the situation is relatively safe. But in the event of an incident or an obstacle on the way, the crowd turns into a source of increased danger to human health and life. It is very difficult to stop excited people or control their actions. Sometimes this is almost impossible.

According to psychologists, the crowd is one of the most dangerous phenomena of urban life. Tellingly, it does not take into account the interests of individual people, including the safety of their lives.

A large crowd of people depersonalizes. The person behaves like everyone else. And it is difficult to resist the influence of the crowd. The paradox is that normal law-abiding people in the crowd can behave aggressively and destructively, completely out of control of their actions and deeds. After all, the crowd gives rise to a feeling of impunity in a person. And this is fraught with the fact that it is far from being the best, but its hidden vices spill out, representing a danger to others.

To avoid possible troubles, everyone needs to know the basic rules of behavior in crowded places.

Once at the venue of a mass cultural, entertainment or sports event, do not try to get into the most dense crowd of people in a limited space. Remember, no spectacle compensates for possible inconvenience, injury, squeezing in the crowd.

If you have to deal with crowded aisles in the venue of a mass spectacle, violation of fire safety rules and public order, the correct action is to leave this event.

Study in advance the ways of possible evacuation when visiting the place of the alleged congestion of people. It's in your best interest. At the same time, do not disregard fences, stairs, courtyards, windows, emergency exits and routes.

What to do if you find yourself in a moving crowd when leaving a concert or stadium?

First of all, it is necessary to adhere to the general speed of the flow of traffic, do not push, do not push on those in front. Pushes from behind and from the side must be restrained with arms bent at the elbows and pressed to the body. Ask the most restless neighbors to keep order or skip ahead.

How to deal with strong pressure?
Do not grab onto protruding objects, try to get around them, stay away from glass windows, mesh fences, turnstiles, stages. Umbrella, bag, press tightly to the body. It is better to move a long scarf from the neck to the lower back, turning this source of suffocation danger into a means of protection. When moving in a crowd, never bend down for anything, do not pick up fallen things, money, and do not even tie an untied shoelace. The main task is to stand on your feet at any cost. Caution: Falling inside a moving crowd is life-threatening. But if this does happen, remember important recommendations: when you fall, do not think about your clothes or bag, bend your arms and legs, protect your head with your hands, and your stomach by bending and pulling your legs to the body. Then quickly try to put your hands and one foot on the ground and straighten up sharply in the direction of people's movement. If it doesn't work right away, don't despair and try again.

A number of researchers believe that the crowd is a special biological organism. It operates according to its own laws and does not always take into account the interests of individual components, including their safety.

Very often, the crowd becomes more dangerous than the natural disaster or accident that formed it. However, she does not look for alternative solutions and does not see the consequences of her decision, sometimes the main ones, as in a case typical of fires: a jump from a doomedly high height. A crowd can form in many cases, including when committing terrorist actions.
Categorical commands, an ardent conviction that there is no danger and even the threat of execution of alarmists, as well as a strong emotional brake or miracle, can stop the crowd. It is precisely among miracles that cases should be attributed when a strong-willed person, who enjoys the confidence of the audience, managed to prevent a dramatic development of events.
Many special handbooks strongly recommend physical suppression of the instigator of the panic. Because it is immeasurably easier to stop the beginning psychological fire than to stop the crowd that has set in motion.
The leader immediately needs to find assistants who should "cut the crowd", sometimes literally - holding hands and chanting.
The main psychological picture of the crowd looks like this:
Decrease in the intellectual beginning and increase in the emotional.
A sharp increase in suggestibility and a decrease in the ability for individual thinking.
The crowd needs a leader or an object of hatred. She will gladly obey or smash.
The crowd is capable of both terrible cruelty and self-sacrifice, including in relation to the leader himself.
The crowd quickly fizzles out, having achieved something. Divided into groups, people quickly come to their senses and change their behavior and assessment of what is happening.
In the life of a street (especially political and social) crowd, such elements as the first stone in a shop window and first blood are very important. These steps can lead the crowd to a fundamentally different level of danger, where collective irresponsibility turns each member of the crowd into a criminal. From such a crowd you need to leave immediately.
How to survive in the crowd? The best rule is to avoid it far!!! If this is not possible, by no means go against the crowd. If the crowd has carried you away, try to avoid both its center and its edge. Dodge everything that is stationary on the way, otherwise you may just be crushed. Do not cling to anything with your hands, they can be broken. If possible, zip up. High heels can cost you your life, as can an untied shoelace. Throw away your bag, umbrella, etc.
If something has fallen (anything), in no case do not try to pick it up - life is more expensive. In a dense crowd, with the right behavior, the probability of falling is not as great as the probability of squeezing. Therefore, protect the diaphragm with your clasped hands, folding them over your chest. Pushes from behind should be taken on the elbows, the diaphragm should be protected by arm tension.
The main task in the crowd is not to fall. But if you still fell, then you need to protect your head with your hands and immediately get up. This is very difficult, but it can be done if you use this technique: quickly pull your legs up to you, group up and try to stand up with a jerk. It is unlikely that you will be able to get up from your knees in a dense crowd - you will be constantly knocked down. Therefore, with one foot you need to rest (with a full sole) on the ground and straighten up sharply, using the movement of the crowd. But, nevertheless, it is very difficult to get up, preliminary protection measures are always more effective.
This universal rule, by the way, fully applies to the beginning of the “crowd” situation itself. At a concert, a stadium, think in advance how you will exit (not necessarily the same way that you entered). Try not to be near the stage, changing rooms, etc. - in the center of events. Avoid walls (especially glass), partitions, mesh. The tragedy at the stadium in Sheffield (England) showed that most of the dead were crushed by the crowd on the barrier walls.
If the panic started due to a terrorist act, do not rush to aggravate the disorder with your movement: do not deprive yourself of the opportunity to assess the situation and make the right decision.
To do this, use the techniques of auto-training and express relaxation. Here simple tricks, from which you need to choose the closest for yourself.
Even breathing promotes even demeanor. Take a few breaths in and out.
Look at something blue or imagine a rich blue background. Think about it for a second.
To bring down the beginning emotional confusion, you can turn to yourself by name (preferably out loud), for example: “Kolya, are you here?”. And confidently answer yourself: "Yes, I'm here !!!".
Imagine yourself as a television camera that looks at everything a little from the side and from a height. Assess your situation as an outsider: what would you do in this person's place?
Change your sense of scale. Take a look at the eternal clouds. Smile through force, bring down fear with an unexpected thought or memory.
If the crowd is dense but motionless, you can try to get out of it using psychosocial tricks, for example, pretending to be sick, drunk, crazy, pretending to be sick, and so on. In short, you have to force yourself to keep your composure, be informed, and improvise.

Now many cities, acquiring the status of a millionaire, receive additional opportunities, such as participation in more federal programs. But, with the growth of citizens, the risk of a crowd and getting into it increases markedly. Various processions, festive events, festivals imply gatherings of a large number of people, which forms a crowd. This phenomenon - the "crowd" is recognized by sociologists as the most uncontrollable and dangerous for each of its participants.

How to have fun and not feel fear during major events, how to protect yourself and what actions will help you avoid injury, we will consider in this article.

First of all, you need to understand:

  • what is a crowd;
  • crowd types;
  • crowd safety.

Types of crowd and how to identify it

In sociology, this phenomenon is understood as a large cluster of people who are in close proximity to each other. It is characterized by the absence of a common goal, structure and is of a short-term nature. A spontaneous group of people, as a rule, arises suddenly.

Its danger lies in the fact that from the moment of its emergence, the crowd begins to coexist with some kind of separate and independent life, completely ignoring the desires and goals of its unwitting participants. Ensuring safety in a crowd depends on its type.

The following stand out:

  • spontaneous, which was formed by chance, and it does not have any leader or leader (for example, a queue, indoors)
  • driven. It is characterized by the presence of a pre-selected person who controls it (rallies, processions)
  • Passive or "herd". No strong emotional coloring, behaves calmly, but has high potential. If some event suddenly happens within the crowd, which can emotionally involve a large number of people, then it will transform into the following form.
  • aggressive or active. The most dangerous and unpredictable phenomenon. Difficult to control. Leads to significant casualties and injuries.

In order to avoid injury and involvement in unsightly activities, you need to know and adhere to the safety rules in the crowd.

The influence of the crowd on the consciousness and behavior of the individual should not be underestimated. In a large crowd of people, the personality itself ceases to exist, it picks up common emotions, moods and actions. In psychology, there are many effects of collective behavior, such as the effect of imitation, conformity, group egoism.

Rules of behavior

If you go to an officially unsanctioned rally, then know that this is an offense. Basic principles: do not take children with you, as there is a high probability that you will simply lose them in the crowd and do not go there alone. Close people or friends in case of a dangerous situation will be able to help you.

How to protect yourself if you plan to attend a mass event?

  1. First, choose the right clothes. Do not wear items of clothing that can be easily grabbed: a scarf, a tie. Leave long, hanging jewelry at home (beads, bracelets, piercings, earrings). Clothing should be tight-fitting without laces or ties. Shoes are comfortable, better sports. However, be careful with the laces. They should not hang out or be too long.
  2. Stitching and cutting objects will be superfluous. A glass bottle can also cause injury by accident. Take off any symbolism.
  3. The identity document must be in the inside pocket, not in the bag.
  4. Keep your arms relaxed and at your sides, and take them out of your pockets.
  5. Pin up long hair or hide it under a headdress.

What to do if you are inside the crowd?

  1. In crowds, try to stay away from obese and/or tall people.
  2. Once in the crowd, try to go in the same direction as it, even if you are carried in the opposite direction. Slowly the crowd will begin to dissipate, the strength of the flow will weaken, and you will be able to get out of it. Try not to get into its center, and it is also dangerous to be on its outskirts.
  3. Always try to find your way out of the crowd. Sometimes there are empty corridors, do not miss them.
  4. Do not try to grab onto something with your hands, as the likelihood of getting a fracture of the limbs is very high. Zip up your outerwear
  5. Stay on your feet. Do not try to pick up fallen things!!!
  6. In the event of a fall, do not shout - you will not be heard. Group up, pull your legs to your stomach and cover your head and neck with your hands. In this position, you will protect the most important parts of the body. Try to lean a little with your socks on the ground and get up with a jerk.
  7. Don't let it surround you too tightly. To do this, keep your arms bent at the elbows and slightly spread them apart. Get rid of any burdens and items in your pockets (keys, lighter). When the human flow increases, they will dig into your body.
  8. If you still find yourself in a strong crush, you need to protect yourself from the sides. Bend your elbows and press them towards you. Tighten all the muscles and move forward in this position.
  9. Remain calm, even if panic begins to arise. Don't go with a downcast look. It suits the victim. Better use peripheral vision.

Infographics of the Ministry of Emergency Situations: Crowds and safety rules

Life hack from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

When ensuring safety in a crowd with a child, the following rules should be followed:

  1. The best option would be to put it on your neck, and hold it tightly by the legs.
  2. If there are several adults, then they can stand around the child facing each other and move forward in this way. The child will be like in a protective capsule.
  3. The child should always be in front of you, and not behind, walking by the hand.

However, this situation can be avoided. No need to join the protesters for the sake of curiosity. Try to keep away from large crowds, even on holidays. Remember that in the crowd you can fall under the actions of law enforcement agencies. Do not resist, proving your innocence. Follow all their requirements. In such a situation, the police have absolutely no time to sort it out and find out who is who.

The most important enemy in extreme conditions is panic. Sometimes a few seconds of a sober look at the situation that has arisen is enough to find a way out and be saved.

Crowd indoors or outdoors

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