Emotionally expressive coloring of words. Lesson "neutral and emotionally colored words" Emotionally neutral words and expressions

Many words not only name concepts, but also reflect the attitude of the speaker towards them. For example, admiring the beauty of a white flower, you can call it snow-white, white, lilac. These adjectives are emotionally colored: the positive evaluation contained in them distinguishes them from a stylistically neutral word. White. The emotional coloring of the word can also express a negative assessment of the called concept ( blond). Therefore, emotional vocabulary is called appraisal (emotional-evaluative). However, it should be noted that the concepts of emotional words (for example, interjections) do not contain evaluation; at the same time, words in which the assessment constitutes their very lexical meaning (moreover, the assessment is not emotional, but intellectual) do not belong to emotional vocabulary ( bad, good, anger, joy, love, approve).

A feature of the emotional-evaluative vocabulary is that the emotional coloring is “superimposed” on the lexical meaning of the word, but is not reduced to it, the purely nominative function is complicated here by evaluativeness, the speaker’s attitude to the phenomenon being called.

As part of the emotional vocabulary, the following three varieties can be distinguished. 1. Words with a bright evaluative meaning, as a rule, are unambiguous; “the evaluation contained in their meaning is so clearly and definitely expressed that it does not allow the word to be used in other meanings.” These include the words "characteristics" ( forerunner, forerunner, grouch, idler, toady, slob etc.), as well as words containing an assessment of a fact, phenomenon, sign, action ( predestination, destiny, deceit, fraud, marvelous, miraculous, irresponsible, antediluvian, dare, inspire, defame, mischief). 2. Polysemantic words, usually neutral in the main meaning, but receiving a bright emotional coloring when used metaphorically. So, about a person they say: hat, rag, mattress, oak, elephant, bear, snake, eagle, crow; verbs are used in a figurative sense: sing, hiss, saw, gnaw, dig, yawn, blink and under. 3. Words with subjective assessment suffixes that convey various shades of feeling: containing positive emotions - son, sun, granny, neatly, close, and negative - beards, kid, breech etc. Since the emotional coloring of these words is created by affixes, the estimated meanings in such cases are determined not by the nominative properties of the word, but by word formation.

The image of feeling in speech requires special expressive colors. expressiveness(from Latin expressio - expression) - means expressiveness, expressive - containing a special expression. At the lexical level, this linguistic category is embodied in the "increment" to the nominative meaning of the word of special stylistic shades, special expression. For example, instead of the word good We talk wonderful, marvelous, marvelous, marvelous; you can say I do not like, but stronger words can be found: hate, despise, loathe. In all these cases, the lexical meaning of the word is complicated by expression. Often one neutral word has several expressive synonyms that differ in the degree of emotional stress (cf.: misfortune - grief - disaster - catastrophe, violent - unrestrained - indomitable - violent - furious). Vivid expression highlights the words solemn ( unforgettable, herald, accomplishments), rhetorical ( sacred, aspirations, herald), poetic ( azure, invisible, chant, unceasing).Special expression distinguishes playful words ( faithful, newly minted), ironic ( deign, don Juan, vaunted), familiar ( ugly, cute, poking around, whispering). Expressive shades delimit disapproving words ( pretentious, mannered, ambitious, pedant), disparaging ( to paint, pettiness), contemptuous ( slander, servility, sycophancy), derogatory ( skirt, squishy), vulgar ( grabber, lucky), swear words ( ham, fool).

Expressive coloring in a word is superimposed on its emotional and evaluative meaning, and in some words expression prevails, in others - emotional coloring. Therefore, it is not possible to distinguish between emotional and expressive vocabulary. The situation is complicated by the fact that "the typology of expressiveness is, unfortunately, not yet available." This leads to difficulties in developing a common terminology.

Combining words close in expression into lexical groups, we can distinguish: 1) words expressing a positive assessment of the called concepts, 2) words expressing their negative assessment. The first group will include words high, affectionate, partly playful; in the second - ironic, disapproving, abusive, etc. The emotionally expressive coloring of words is clearly manifested when comparing synonyms:

The emotional and expressive coloring of a word is influenced by its meaning. We received a sharply negative assessment of such words as fascism, separatism, corruption, assassin, mafia. Behind the words progressive, law and order, sovereignty, glasnost etc. positive color is fixed. Even different meanings of the same word can differ markedly in stylistic coloring: in one case, the use of a word can be solemn ( Stop, prince. Finally, I hear the speech not of a boy, but of a husband.- P.), in another - the same word gets an ironic coloring ( G. Polevoy proved that the venerable editor enjoys the reputation of a learned man, so to speak, on his word of honor.- P.).

The development of emotional and expressive shades in the word is facilitated by its metaphorization. So, stylistically neutral words used as tropes get a vivid expression: burn(at work), fall(from fatigue) suffocate(in adverse conditions), blazing(eye) blue(dream), flying(gait), etc. The context finally determines the expressive coloring: neutral words can be perceived as lofty and solemn; high vocabulary in other conditions acquires a mockingly ironic coloring; sometimes even a swear word can sound affectionate, and affectionate - contemptuously. The appearance of additional expressive shades in a word, depending on the context, significantly expands the visual possibilities of vocabulary.

The expressive coloring of words in works of art differs from the expression of the same words in non-figurative speech. In an artistic context, vocabulary acquires additional, secondary semantic shades that enrich its expressive coloring. Modern science attaches great importance to the expansion of the semantic volume of words in artistic speech, associating with this the appearance of a new expressive coloring in words.

The study of emotional-evaluative and expressive vocabulary directs us to distinguish different types of speech depending on the nature of the speaker's influence on listeners, the situation of their communication, their relationship to each other and a number of other factors. Gvozdev, - that the speaker wants to make laugh or touch, to arouse the disposition of the listeners or their negative attitude towards the subject of speech, so that it is clear how different language means will be selected, mainly creating a different expressive coloring. With this approach to the selection of language means, several types of speech can be identified: solemn(rhetorical), official(cold) intimate affectionate, playful. They are opposed to speech neutral, using linguistic means, devoid of any stylistic coloring. This classification of types of speech, dating back to the "poetics" of ancient antiquity, is not rejected by modern stylists either.

The doctrine of functional styles does not exclude the possibility of using various emotional and expressive means in them at the discretion of the author of the work. In such cases, "methods for selecting speech means ... are not universal, they are of a particular nature." Solemn coloring, for example, can be received by publicistic speech; “Rhetorical, expressively saturated and impressive can be one or another speech in the sphere of everyday communication (anniversary speeches, ceremonial speeches associated with the act of a particular ritual, etc.).”

At the same time, it should be noted that the expressive types of speech are not well studied, and there is no clarity in their classification. In this regard, the definition of the relationship between the functional-style emotional-expressive coloring of vocabulary also causes certain difficulties. Let's dwell on this issue.

The emotionally expressive coloring of the word, layered on the functional, complements its stylistic characteristics. Emotionally-expressive neutral words usually belong to common vocabulary (although this is not necessary: ​​terms, for example, in emotionally expressive terms, are usually neutral, but have a clear functional fixation). Emotionally expressive words are distributed between book, colloquial and vernacular vocabulary.

TO bookstore vocabulary includes lofty words that give solemnity to speech, as well as emotionally expressive words that express both positive and negative assessments of the named concepts. Book styles use ironic vocabulary ( beautiful soul, words, quixoticism), disapproving ( pedantic, mannerisms), contemptuous ( disguise, venal).

TO colloquial vocabulary includes affectionate words ( daughter, dove), playful ( butuz, mix), as well as words expressing a negative assessment of the called concepts ( small fry, zealous, giggle, brag).

IN vernacular words are used that are outside the literary vocabulary. Among them there may be words containing a positive assessment of the concept being called (hard worker, brainy, awesome), and words expressing the speaker's negative attitude towards the concepts they denote ( go crazy, flimsy, shrewd).

Functional, emotionally expressive and other stylistic shades can intersect in a word. For example, words satellite, epigone, apotheosis perceived primarily as a book. But at the same time the words satellite, used in a figurative sense, we associate with the journalistic style, in the word epigonous mark a negative assessment, and in the word apotheosis- positive. In addition, the use of these words in speech is influenced by their foreign origin. Such affectionately ironic words as sweetheart, motanya, zaletka, jerking, combine colloquial and dialect coloring, folk-poetic sound. The richness of stylistic shades of Russian vocabulary requires a particularly careful attitude to the word.

The tasks of practical stylistics include the study of the use of the vocabulary of various functional styles in speech - both as one of the style-forming elements and as a different style tool that stands out by its expression against the background of other language tools.

The use of terminological vocabulary, which has the most definite functional and stylistic significance, deserves special attention. Terms- words or phrases naming special concepts of any sphere of production, science, art. Each term is necessarily based on the definition (definition) of the reality it denotes, due to which the terms represent a capacious and at the same time concise description of an object or phenomenon. Each branch of science operates with certain terms that make up the terminological system of this branch of knowledge.

As part of the terminological vocabulary, several “layers” can be distinguished, differing in the scope of use, the content of the concept, and the features of the designated object. In the most general terms, this division is reflected in the distinction general scientific terms (they constitute the general conceptual fund of science as a whole, it is no coincidence that the words denoting them turn out to be the most frequent in scientific speech) and special assigned to certain areas of knowledge. The use of this vocabulary is the most important advantage of the scientific style; terms, according to S. Bally, "are those ideal types of linguistic expression, to which the scientific language inevitably strives."

Terminological vocabulary contains more information than any other, so the use of terms in a scientific style is a necessary condition for brevity, conciseness, and accuracy of presentation.

The use of terms in works of scientific style is seriously investigated by modern linguistic science. It has been established that the degree of terminology of scientific texts is far from the same. The genres of scientific works are characterized by a different ratio of terminological and interstyle vocabulary. The frequency of the use of terms depends on the nature of the presentation.

Modern society demands from science such a form of description of the data obtained, which would make it possible to make the greatest achievements of the human mind the property of everyone. However, it is often said that science has fenced itself off from the world with a language barrier, that its language is “elitist”, “sectarian”. In order for the vocabulary of a scientific work to be accessible to the reader, the terms used in it must first of all be sufficiently mastered in this field of knowledge, understandable and known to specialists; new terms need to be clarified.

Scientific and technological progress has led to the intensive development of the scientific style and its active influence on other functional styles of the modern Russian literary language. The use of terms outside the scientific style has become a kind of sign of the times.

Studying the process of terminology of speech that is not bound by the norms of scientific style, the researchers point out the distinctive features of the use of terms in this case. Many words that have precise terminological meanings are widely used and are used without any stylistic restrictions ( radio, television, oxygen, heart attack, psychic, privatization). Another group combines words that have a dual nature: they can be used both in the function of terms and as stylistically neutral vocabulary. In the first case, they differ in special shades of meanings, giving them special accuracy and unambiguity. Yes, the word mountain, meaning in its broad, inter-style use "a significant hill rising above the surrounding area", and having a number of figurative meanings, does not imply an accurate quantitative measurement of height. In geographical terminology, where the distinction between concepts is essential mountain - hill, clarification is given: the hill is more than 200 m in height. Thus, the use of such words outside the scientific style is associated with their partial determinology.

Special features distinguish terminological vocabulary used in a figurative sense ( indifference virus, sincerity factor, another round of negotiations). Such a rethinking of terms is common in journalism, fiction, and colloquial speech. A similar phenomenon lies in line with the development of the language of modern journalism, which is characterized by various kinds of stylistic shifts. The peculiarity of such word usage is that “not only a metaphorical transfer of the meaning of the term takes place, but also a stylistic transfer”.

The introduction of terms in non-scientific texts must be motivated, the abuse of terminological vocabulary deprives speech of the necessary simplicity and accessibility. Let's compare the two versions of the sentences:

The advantage of "non-terminological", clearer and more concise options in newspaper materials is obvious.

The stylistic coloring of the word indicates the possibility of using it in one or another functional style (in combination with commonly used neutral vocabulary). However, this does not mean that the functional attachment of words to a certain style excludes their use in other styles. The mutual influence and interpenetration of styles, characteristic of the modern development of the Russian language, contributes to the movement of lexical means (along with other linguistic elements) from one of them to another. For example, in scientific works one can find journalistic vocabulary next to terms. As M.N. Kozhin, "the style of scientific speech is characterized by expressiveness not only of the logical, but also of the emotional plan." At the lexical level, this is achieved by using foreign-style vocabulary, including high and low.

The journalistic style is even more open to the penetration of foreign-style vocabulary. You can often find terms in it. For example: “The Canon 10 replaces five traditional office machines: it works as a computer fax machine, plain paper fax machine, 360dpi inkjet printer, scanner and photocopier). You can use the software included with the Canon 10 to send and receive PC fax messages directly from your computer screen.(from gas).

Scientific, terminological vocabulary here can be close to expressively colored colloquial, which, however, does not violate the stylistic norms of journalistic speech, but enhances its effectiveness. For example, here is a description in a newspaper article of a scientific experiment: There are thirty-two laboratories at the Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry. One of them studies the evolution of sleep. At the entrance to the laboratory there is a sign: "Do not enter: experience!" But from behind the door comes the clucking of a chicken. She's not here to lay eggs. Here is a researcher picking up a Corydalis. Flips upside down... Such an appeal to foreign-style vocabulary is quite justified, colloquial vocabulary enlivens newspaper speech, makes it more accessible to the reader.

Of the book styles, only the formal business style is impervious to foreign-style vocabulary. At the same time, one cannot ignore “the undoubted existence of mixed speech genres, as well as situations where the mixing of stylistically heterogeneous elements is almost inevitable. For example, the speech of various participants in the trial is hardly capable of presenting any stylistic unity, but it would also hardly be legitimate to attribute the corresponding phrases entirely to colloquial or entirely to official business speech.

The appeal to emotional-evaluative vocabulary in all cases is due to the peculiarities of the individual author's manner of presentation. Reduced evaluative vocabulary may be used in book styles. Publicists, scientists, and even criminologists writing for the newspaper find in it a source of strengthening the effectiveness of speech. Here is an example of mixing styles in an informational note about a traffic accident:

Having moved into the ravine, "Ikarus" ran into an old mine

The bus with Dnepropetrovsk shuttles was returning from Poland. Exhausted from the long journey, the people slept. At the entrance to the Dnepropetrovsk region, the driver also dozed off. Lost control "Ikarus" went off the road and landed in a ravine. The car rolled over through the roof and froze. The blow was strong, but everyone survived. (...) It turned out that in the ravine "Ikarus" ran into a heavy mortar mine ... The "rusty death" turned out of the ground rested right on the bottom of the bus. The sappers were waiting for a long time.

(From newspapers)

Colloquial and even vernacular words, as we see, coexist with official business and professional vocabulary.

The author of a scientific work has the right to use emotional vocabulary with vivid expression if he seeks to influence the feelings of the reader ( But freedom, space, nature, the beautiful surroundings of the city, and these fragrant ravines and swaying fields, and pink spring and golden autumn, were not our educators? Call me a barbarian in pedagogy, but I have learned from the experience of my life a deep conviction that a beautiful landscape has such a huge educational influence on the development of a young soul that it is difficult to compete with the influence of a teacher.- K.D. Ushinsky). Even in a formal business style, high and low words can penetrate if the topic causes strong emotions.

Thus, in a letter sent from the administrative apparatus of the Security Council to the President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin says:

According to information received by the apparatus of the Security Council of Russia, the situation in the gold mining industry, which forms the country's gold reserves, is approaching critical […].

...The main reason for the crisis is the state's inability to pay for the gold it has already received. […] The paradoxical and absurdity of the situation is that the money in the budget for the purchase of precious metals and precious stones is laid down - 9.45 trillion rubles for 1996. However, these funds are regularly spent on mending holes in the budget. Gold miners have not been paid for the metal since May - since the beginning of the flushing season.

... Only the Ministry of Finance, which manages budgetary funds, can explain these tricks. The debt for gold does not allow the miners to continue the production of the metal, as they are unable to pay for the "fuel", materials, energy. […] All this not only exacerbates the crisis of non-payments and provokes strikes, but also disrupts the flow of taxes to the local and federal budgets, destroying the financial fabric of the economy and the normal life of entire regions. The budget and incomes of residents of about a quarter of the territory of Russia - the Magadan region, Chukotka, Yakutia - directly depend on gold mining.

In all cases, no matter what stylistically contrasting means are combined in the context, the appeal to them must be conscious, not accidental.

A stylistic assessment of the use of words with different stylistic coloring in speech can only be given bearing in mind a specific text, a certain functional style, since the words necessary in one speech situation are out of place in another.

A serious stylistic shortcoming of speech can be the introduction of publicistic vocabulary in texts of a non-publicistic nature. For example: The Council of Residents of House No. 35 decided: to build a playground, which is of great importance in the upbringing of the younger generation. The use of journalistic vocabulary and phraseology in such texts can cause comical, illogical statements, since words of high emotional sounding act here as an alien style element (one could write: The Council of Residents of House No. 35 decided to build a playground for children's games and sports.).

IN scientific style errors arise due to the inability of the author to professionally and competently use the terms. In scientific works, it is inappropriate to replace terms with words of similar meaning, descriptive expressions: The hydrant clutch, air actuated by operator's weight-hold handle, was designed...(necessary: hydrant clutch with pneumatic control system...).

Inaccurate reproduction of terms is unacceptable, for example: The driver's movements must be limited by the seat belt.. Term seat belt used in aviation, in this case the term should have been used safety belt. The confusion in terminology not only damages the style, but also reveals the author's poor knowledge of the subject. For example: Peristalsis of the heart is noted, followed by a stop in the systole phase- term peristalsis can only characterize the activity of the digestive organs (it should have been written: Cardiac fibrillation...).

The inclusion of terminological vocabulary in texts that are not related to the scientific style requires the author to have a deep knowledge of the subject. An amateurish attitude to special vocabulary is unacceptable, leading not only to stylistic, but also to semantic errors. For example: At the Central German Canal, they were overtaken by furiously racing cars with armor-piercing glasses from a bluish tint.- can be armor-piercing guns, shells, and glass should be called impenetrable, bulletproof. Strictness in the choice of terms and their use in strict accordance with the meaning is a mandatory requirement for texts of any functional style.

The use of terms becomes a stylistic flaw in the presentation if they are incomprehensible to the reader for whom the text is intended. In this case, the terminological vocabulary not only does not perform an informative function, but also interferes with the perception of the text. For example, in a popular article, the accumulation of special vocabulary is not justified: In 1763, the Russian heat engineer I.I. Polzunov designed the first multi-power two-cylinder steam-atmospheric machine. Only in 1784 was D. Watt's steam engine implemented. The author wanted to emphasize the priority of Russian science in the invention of the steam engine, and in this case the description of Polzunov's machine is redundant. The following variant of stylistic editing is possible: The first steam engine was created by the Russian heat engineer I.I. Polzunov in 1763. D. Watt designed his steam engine only in 1784.

Passion for terms and book vocabulary in texts that are not related to the scientific style can cause pseudo-scientific presentation. For example, in a pedagogical article we read: Our women, along with work in production, also perform a family and household function, which includes three components: childbearing, educational and economic. Could it have been easier to write: Our women work in production and pay a lot of attention to the family, raising children, housekeeping.

The pseudo-scientific style of presentation often causes inappropriate comic speech, so you should not complicate the text where you can express the idea simply. So, in magazines intended for the general reader, such a selection of vocabulary cannot be welcomed: The staircase - a specific room for interfloor communications of a preschool institution - has no analogues in any of its interiors. Wouldn't it have been better to refrain from the unjustified use of bookish words by writing: The staircase in preschool institutions connecting the floors is distinguished by a special interior.

The cause of stylistic errors in book styles can be the inappropriate use of colloquial and colloquial words. Their use is unacceptable in a formal business style, for example, in the minutes of meetings: Effective control over the prudent use of feed on the farm has been established; In the district center and villages, the administration has done some work, and yet there is no end to the improvement of work. These phrases can be corrected like this: ... Strictly control the consumption of feed on the farm; The administration began to improve the district center and villages. This work should be continued.

In the scientific style, the use of foreign-style vocabulary is also not motivated. With the stylistic editing of scientific texts, colloquial and colloquial vocabulary is consistently replaced by interstyle or bookish.

The use of colloquial and colloquial vocabulary sometimes leads to a violation of the stylistic norms of journalistic speech. The modern journalistic style is experiencing a strong expansion of vernacular. In many magazines and newspapers, a reduced style dominates, saturated with evaluative non-literary vocabulary. Here are examples from articles on various topics.

As soon as the wind of change breathed, this praise of the intelligentsia was absorbed into commerce, parties and governments. Pulling up her pants, she abandoned her disinterestedness and her big-nosed Panurges.

... And here is 1992 ... Philosophers flooded out of the ground, like russula. Quell, stunted, not yet accustomed to daylight... They seem to be not bad guys, but they are infected with eternal domestic self-criticism with a masochistic bias... (Igor Martynov // Interlocutor. - 1992. - No. 41. - P. 3).

Seven years ago, everyone who was considered the first beauty in the class or in the yard came to the Miss Russia contest as applicants ... When it turned out that the jury had not chosen her daughter, the mother took her unfortunate child in the middle of the hall and arranged a showdown ... Such is the fate of many girls who are now working hard on the catwalks in Paris and the Americas (Lyudmila Volkova // MK).

The Moscow government will have to fork out. One of his latest acquisitions, a controlling stake in AMO - ZiL - needs to unfasten 51 billion rubles in September to complete the program for the mass production of the ZiL-5301 light-duty vehicle (Let's ride or ride // MK).

The passion of journalists for vernacular, expressive reduced vocabulary in such cases is often stylistically not justified. Permissiveness in speech reflects the low culture of the authors. The editor should not be led by reporters who do not recognize stylistic norms.

The stylistic editing of such texts requires the elimination of lowered words, the revision of sentences. For example:

1. Out of competition on the world market, only two cool Russian goods so far stand out powerfully - vodka and the Kalashnikov assault rifle. 1. Only two Russian goods, vodka and the Kalashnikov assault rifle, are invariably in great demand on the world market. They are out of competition.
2. The head of the laboratory agreed to give an interview, but asked for a tidy sum in dollars for information, which was a tragic surprise for the correspondent. 2. The head of the laboratory agreed to give an interview, but demanded a fantastic sum in dollars for the information, which the correspondent did not expect at all.
3. The City Duma's housing policy coordinator assured that the privatization of rooms in communal apartments would most likely be allowed in Moscow. 3. The City Duma's housing policy coordinator said that the privatization of rooms in communal apartments would probably be allowed in Moscow.

A characteristic feature of modern journalistic texts is the stylistically unjustified combination of book and colloquial vocabulary. A mixture of styles is often found even in articles by serious authors on political and economic topics. For example: It's no secret that our government is heavily in debt and, apparently, will take the desperate step of launching a printing press. However, Central Bank experts believe that a collapse is not expected. Unsecured money is still being issued, so if bills are drawn, this is unlikely to lead to a collapse of the financial market in the near future.("MK").

Out of respect for the author, the editor does not correct the text, trying to convey to the reader the originality of his individual style. However, mixing different styles of vocabulary can give speech an ironic tone that is unjustified in the context, and sometimes even inappropriate comedy. For example: 1. The management of a commercial enterprise immediately seized on a valuable offer and agreed to the experiment, chasing profits; 2. Representatives of the investigating authorities took a photojournalist with them in order to arm themselves with irrefutable facts. The editor should eliminate such stylistic errors by resorting to synonymous substitutions for reduced words. In the first example, you can write: The leaders of the commercial enterprise became interested in the value proposition and agreed to the experiment, hoping for a good profit.; in the second, it is enough to replace the verb: not grabbed, but took with them.

Mistakes in the use of stylistically colored vocabulary should not be confused, however, with a deliberate mixing of styles, in which writers and publicists find a life-giving source of humor and irony. The parodic collision of colloquial and official business vocabulary is a tried and tested method of creating a comic sound of speech in feuilletons. For example: " Dear Lyuban! Spring is coming soon, and in the little garden where we met, the leaves will turn green. And I love you still, even more. When, finally, is our wedding, when will we be together? Write, I'm looking forward to it. Your Vasya». « Dear Vasily! Indeed, the territory of the square where we met will soon turn green. After that, you can begin to resolve the issue of marriage, since the season of spring is the time of love. L. Buravkina».

2. Comparative characteristics of subordinate clauses and isolated participial constructions. Typical mistakes when using participial phrases.

Parallel syntactic constructions -schey from verbs of the perfect form (with the meaning of the future tense), for example: “he who decides to compose”, “trying to assure”, “able to explain”. Participles are also not used in combination with a particle would, since participles are not formed from verbs in the form of the subjunctive mood, for example: “a project that would cause objections”, “employees who would like to work overtime”. Occasionally, however, such forms were found among writers, for example: The mind is sleeping, perhaps having found a sudden spring of great means(Gogol); It is worth going into any of the countless churches of Venice, asking the attendant to turn on the light, and magnificent colors of canvases will emerge from the darkness, which would be the pride of any art gallery.(N. Prozhogin). A separate participle turnover has a greater semantic load compared to the same turnover in the case of its non-isolation. Wed: Written in small handwriting, the manuscript was difficult to read.(a common definition, expressed by a separate participial turnover, contains an additional causal meaning). - Written in small handwriting, the manuscript was read with great difficulty.(non-isolated participial turnover has only a definitive meaning). The non-isolated participial turnover is more closely adjacent to the noun being defined. Wed: heavily wrinkled face(stable sign) - face covered with large drops of sweat(a temporary sign; the lexical composition of both constructions also plays a role). Communion, as a verb form, attach the meanings of time, type, voice. 1) The value of time in the participle is relative: in some cases, there is a correlation of times expressed by the participle and the verb-predicate, for example: saw children playing on the boulevard(seen while they were playing); in other cases, the time expressed by the participle correlates with the moment of speech, precedes it, for example: saw children playing on the boulevard. Wed: In one of the rooms I found a young guy sorting papers at the table(Soloukhin); That night, as if on purpose, the empty sheds that belonged to tax-farmers caught fire.(Herzen). In the past tense of the verb-predicate, the present participle indicates a constant sign, the past participle indicates a temporary sign. For example: We were interested in a house standing on the edge of the forest(cf. ...which is worth...). – Artyom grabbed a heavy hammer that stood at the anvil...(N. Ostrovsky) (cf .: ... who stood ...). Wed also: All delegates arrived at the meeting, with the exception of two who were absent due to illness(the meeting is still in progress). - All delegates attended the meeting, with the exception of two who were absent due to illness.(the meeting has already ended). An inaccurate form of communion tense is used in the sentence: "The work was done in five days instead of supposed six ”(the assumption refers to the past, therefore the form of the present participle is not suitable supposed; also the shape does not fit supposed having the meaning of the perfect form, while according to the meaning of the phrase, the participle of the imperfect form is needed - from the verb assume, not from suppose; the correct form for this case is supposed). On the contrary, we need the form of the present, and not the past participle in the sentence: “ Existing Until now, the situation in the field of the use of electric locomotives does not satisfy the already increased requirements of transport ”(if it does not satisfy, then it means that it still exists, therefore it should have been said: The current situation...). 2) The value of the pledge is taken into account in the forms of participles on -sya; in them a mixture of recurrent and passive meanings is possible (see § 173, paragraph 4). In such cases, where possible, the forms should be replaced by -sya other (usually forms on my). For example, instead of "a girl raised by a grandmother," you should say: girl raised by her grandmother; instead of "work done by students" - work done by students. Depending on the meaning, different participle agreement is possible. Wed: Part of the books intended for the exhibition has already been received(received in the e book intended for the exhibition). - Part of the books intended for the exhibition has already been received(not all books intended for the exhibition were received). Such variants of agreement are found in cases where the participial phrase defines not a single word, but a phrase. Wed also: The amount of electricity consumed...(the quantitative side is emphasized) - The amount of electricity consumed…(characterizes the object, the part of which is being discussed); Two thousand rubles borrowed. – Ten thousand rubles taken from my sister(L. Tolstoy). In some cases, participial constructions, like subordinate attributive clauses (see § 210, paragraph 4), allow for a double correlation, on the basis of which the sentence becomes ambiguous, for example: “Statement of the chairman of the committee dealing with these issues” (does the chairman or the committee deal with?) . Possible editing options: Statement made by the chairman of the committee dealing with these matters - ...dealing with these matters. The participial phrase can be either after the word being defined ( letter received from the author), or before it ( letter received from the author), but must not include the word being defined ("received letter from the author"). More often, the participial phrase is found after the word being defined. Participles are usually accompanied by explanatory words necessary for the completeness of the statement. So, the combinations are stylistically unsuccessful: “the citizens who enter are asked to pay the fare” (cf .: citizens boarding the bus...); “the submitted manuscripts have been sent for review” (cf.: submitted to the editors of the manuscript ...). Explanatory words can be omitted if their absence is justified by the conditions of the context, the meaning of the sentence itself, the situation of the utterance, etc., for example: The work under consideration has a number of positive aspects; All proposals made deserve attention; Scheduled plans completed ahead of schedule(These plans were discussed earlier). Participial phrases are used to replace synonymous relative attributive clauses: 1) if the statement is bookish, for example: Numerous facts accumulated by science confirmed the correctness of the hypothesis put forward by the young scientist; Our boats, drawn by the current, sailed in the middle of the river(Arseniev); 2) if an allied word is repeated in a complex sentence which the, in particular with the sequential subordination of subordinate clauses (see § 210, paragraph 3, subparagraph “e”), for example: “At a scientific and methodological conference, which was devoted to the teaching of foreign languages, a number of reports were made, which contained interesting data on the application of the programmed learning system ”(each of the subordinate clauses or both of them can be replaced by participial phrases); 3) if you need to eliminate the ambiguity associated with the possible different correlation of the allied word which the(see § 210 para. 4), for example: “Words in bold type are used in sentences that are used for grammatical analysis” (or used, or used, depending on what is used for parsing); 4) if the statement is given brevity justified by stylistic considerations. For example: “The convoy stood on a large bridge, stretching across the wide river. Smoke darkened over the river below, a steamer was visible through it, hauling barge in tow. Ahead of the river was a huge mountain, dotted with houses and churches…” (Chekhov). Using the advantages of participial turnover, one should at the same time take into account such a significant drawback of participles as their dissonance in the case of accumulation of forms on -schey And -former(see § 142). Section 212 Summing up the results of the debate, the chairman of the meeting noted the commonality of views of the speaker and the participants of the meeting. If the producer of the action expressed by the verb-predicate and the producer of the action expressed by the gerund do not match, the use of the participial turnover is stylistically erroneous, for example: “While crossing the rails, the switchman was deafened by an unexpected whistle of a locomotive” ( passing refers to the shooter, and stunned- to the whistle). In some cases, it is possible to use a participial turnover that does not express the action of the subject: 1) if the producer of the action indicated by the gerund coincides with the producer of the action indicated by another verb form, for example: The author was asked to make additions to the manuscript, taking into account the latest achievements of science in this field; Nothing could resist the pressure of the waves that surged onto the shore, sweeping away everything in its path.; 2) in an impersonal sentence with an infinitive, for example: I had to work in difficult conditions, not having a single free day for rest for many weeks. If in an impersonal sentence there is no infinitive to which the adverbial turnover could refer, then the use of the latter is stylistically unjustified, for example: “Leaving my hometown, I felt sad”; “After reading the manuscript for the second time, it seemed to the editor that it needed serious revision”; 3) in circulation with words based, which forms a special construction without the value of an additional action, for example: The calculation is based on average production rates. The use of a participial turnover in a passive construction does not meet the norm, since the producer of the action expressed by the verb-predicate and the producer of the action expressed by the gerund do not match, for example: "Having received recognition from the general readership, the book was republished." The adverbial turnover usually precedes the predicate if it means: a) the previous action, for example: Pushing me away, my grandmother rushed to the door ...(Bitter); b) the reason for another action, for example: Frightened by an unknown noise, the flock rose heavily above the water(Perventsev); c) a condition of another action, for example: With a strain of strength, a person of the most average abilities can achieve anything.(V. Panova). The adverbial turnover usually follows the predicate if it means: a) the subsequent action, for example: Once in the forest, I fell into a deep hole, ripped my side with a knot and tore the skin on the back of my head.(Bitter); b) course of action, for example: Here, near the carts, wet horses stood with bowed heads, and people walked around, covered with rain bags.(Chekhov). Participle phrases are synonymous with subordinate clauses. When choosing the right option, its grammatical and stylistic features are taken into account. The adverbial turnover gives the statement a bookish character. The advantage of this construction compared to the subordinate adverbial clause is its conciseness. Wed: As you read this manuscript, pay attention to the underlined passages.. – As you read this manuscript, pay attention to the underlined passages.. On the other hand, the advantage of subordinate clauses is the presence of conjunctions in them that give the statement various shades of meaning, which are lost when the subordinate clause is replaced by a participial turnover. Wed: when he entered... after he entered... as soon as he entered... as soon as he entered... etc. and a synonymic variant entering, indicating only the previous action, but devoid of subtle shades of temporal meaning. When using a participial turnover in such cases, the loss of the union should be made up, where necessary, by lexical means, for example: entering ... he immediately (immediately, immediately etc.). Participle turns can be synonymous with other constructions. Wed: walked wrapped in a warm coat - walked wrapped in a warm coat; 
looked with his head held high - looked with his head held high;in a hurry, anticipating something unkind - in a hurry in anticipation of something unkind;read the manuscript, making extracts – read the manuscript and making extracts. § 213. Constructions with verbal nouns Orverbal nouns are widely used in various styles of language: a) in science and technology as terms formed: with the help of a suffix -ne-e (-ani-e, -eni-e), for example: concreting, loosening; representation, sensation; subtraction, addition; coordination, management; with a suffix -to-a, for example: masonry, putty(process and result of the process); in the presence of options of both types ( marking - marking, pressing - pressing, milling - milling, grinding - grinding) the first option has a more bookish character; in a non-suffix way, for example: departure, bench press, firing, measurement, reset; with options ( heating - heating, firing - firing, draining - draining) behind the forms on -tion a greater degree of bookishness is retained; b) in official business speech, for example: The nomination of candidates began; The negotiations ended with the establishment of diplomatic relations; An extension of the agreement for the next five years was reached; Leave request approved. c) in headings, for example: Space rocket launch; Screening of new films; Presentation of orders and awards; Homecoming. The undoubted advantage of constructions with verbal nouns is their brevity. Wed: When spring came, field work began. – With the onset of spring, field work began; If the first symptoms of the disease appear, consult a doctor. – When the first symptoms of the disease appear, consult a doctor. However, constructions with verbal nouns have a number of disadvantages: a) the ambiguity of the statement, due to the fact that verbal nouns are deprived, as a rule, of the meaning of time, form, pledge. For example: “The speaker spoke about the implementation of the plan” (it is not clear whether it is about the fact that the plan has been implemented, or about the progress of its implementation, or about the need to implement it, etc.); b) artificial formations created according to a certain model, but not accepted in the literary language, for example: “due to lack of necessary details”, “stealing state property”, “undressing and undressing children”. The use of such words can only be justified by a stylistic task, for example: The killing was due to drowning(Chekhov); c) lowering cases (see § 204, paragraph 1). Often caused by the use of verbal nouns, for example: "In order to improve the cause of staging the training of young programmers ..."; d) splitting the predicate (see § 177, item 2). Usually associated with the use of verbal nouns, for example: “Seal the warehouse”, “Requirements are underestimated”; e) the clerical nature of the statement. Often due to the presence of verbal nouns in it, for example: “In the new novel, the author gives a broad display of the formation of unusual relationships”; "Critics noted the director's failure to use all the possibilities of color cinema." If, in connection with the development of terminology in scientific, technical, professional, journalistic speech, many expressions with verbal nouns have already acquired the rights of citizenship (cf.: the plane is descending, the boat is turning around, the garden has begun to bear fruit, letters are collected five times a day etc.), then using them in other styles of speech produces a negative impression. Stylistic editing of the constructions under consideration is achieved by various kinds of substitutions. For this purpose, the following is used: a) a subordinate clause, for example: “We could not leave on time due to failure to receive the necessary documents” - ...because they did not receive the necessary documents; b) turnover with the union to, for example: “Corrections have been made to the manuscript to eliminate repetitions and improve its style” - …to eliminate repetition and improve her style; c) participle turnover, for example: “It is necessary to deepen the knowledge and consolidate the skills of students by attracting additional material” - …by bringing in additional material.

3. Stylistic analysis of the text.

If you try to figure out what the styles of speech are and by what principle they are distinguished, then first of all it will not be striking how different the vocabulary is in different styles and not the presence or absence of any special speech formulas. First of all, we notice how differently the texts of different styles are perceived emotionally.

There is a huge gulf in the perception of business papers and a work of art. Against the backdrop of a scientific article on a topic that is not of interest to us, not even the strongest and most interesting short story will seem much more exciting. This happens not only due to the plot, the plot can also be found in the annual report of an accountant from some factory, namely due to the fact that the speech of a work of art is closest to colloquial, familiar to us speech.

Where is expressive-evaluative vocabulary used and what is it?

The emotional coloring of speech is related to colloquial and artistic styles. An example of expressive colloquial vocabulary is any dialogue consisting of only interjections:

It may seem that it is impossible to compare colloquial speech in terms of the level of expressive coloring with artistic, because everyday dialogue is one thing, and high-society conversations in works are another. In some ways, this is true, because in colloquial speech, intonation, gestures, and atmosphere play an important role in conveying an emotional mood.

In artistic speech, one can rely only on the word. This means that for the writer the expressiveness of the word is even more important than for a person in everyday life. By the sound itself, by the way the word is perceived by the majority of readers, the writer must convey that for which there is intonation in colloquial speech. Fortunately, expressive evaluative words in Russian are not uncommon, it is more difficult to find a “neutral” word.

But, first, let's define what expressive-evaluative vocabulary is.

Expressive vocabulary is expressive vocabulary with a clear subjective connotation, which gives out the attitude of the writer / speaker to something, both positive and negative.

Examples of emotional-evaluative vocabulary can be very different. In such a section of linguistics as text stylistics, it is customary to distinguish four large groups of expressive words - these are words with suffixes that give an evaluative connotation to a previously stylistically neutral word, interjections, polysemantic words that are neutral in their main meaning, but evaluative in a figurative way, and words that initially have a clear emotional word evaluation. Let's take a closer look at each of these groups of words.

Words with an initially bright emotional coloring

This is a very wide layer of the Russian language. What is the fact that all obscene vocabulary, that is, rude, abusive, obscene, refers precisely to the originally expressive vocabulary, and with very strong expressiveness. That is why, by the way, foul language impoverishes the vocabulary of the one who uses it excessively.

Why use a lot of words, if it is easier to describe the situation in one, bright, expressive, but meaningless word? The lack of semantic content and linguistic motivation in colloquial speech is made up for by the same context of what is happening and intonation, but in artistic, bookish speech, obscene language is used very moderately, even by countercultural writers, and even then not in the author's narrative, but in dialogues to convey color .

Why is that? And try to write something in abusive terms, without giving background, context, characteristics of the speakers. It will turn out to be a very meager and inexpressive text, despite the fact that the most expressive layer of the Russian language was used. This can be considered a lyrical digression about the benefits of moderation, let's get back to words with emotional overtones. This, of course, is not only obscene vocabulary and slang words, but simply any words, the use of which describes an object, situation, person, etc. in any unambiguous light, positive or negative.

Consider examples of emotionally evaluative words of this type.

The words of a high "calm" can only speak of something sublime (except for the ironic coloring in use, but this is a completely different technique): boldness, liberty, praise, forehead, etc.

Why does the word "chelo", for example, have an emotional connotation? For comparison, let's take two expressions "high forehead" and "high forehead". The first sentence is just a description of the details of the appearance. "Forehead" is a stylistically neutral word. But the “high forehead” is a characteristic of a person who most likely has high moral qualities or an outstanding mind. Why is that? It's just that the specifics of using obsolete words are that they give the text a high tone.

There are specially abbreviated words designed to give an unflattering description of what can be denoted by a neutral word or even a word with a positive connotation.

For example, not a neutral "Jew", but a deliberately lowered "Jew". Interestingly, initially the word "Jew" was neutral, social phenomena gave it a negative connotation.

Polysemantic words

The Russian language, in principle, is rich in expressive vocabulary, but does not stop there, capturing, metaphorically speaking, new territories. This happens, by the way, precisely because of the great popularity of metaphorical expressions. Some stylistically neutral words were so often metaphorically used in meanings that were not characteristic of them that the metaphor became, in fact, another meaning of the word. And, as a result, some words have both a neutral meaning and an emotionally expressive one. Neutral is usually the direct meaning of the word, and evaluative - figurative. As in the case of initially expressively colored vocabulary, polysemantic words can also carry both a positive assessment of a phenomenon and a negative one.

Noun examples:

Examples of verbs:

Suffixes of subjective evaluation

Even if a stylistically neutral word has not acquired a figurative meaning with an expressive coloring, this does not mean that it cannot be betrayed by emotionality.

Emotional coloring can be given to almost any word in Russian with the help of suffixes.

In general, the main role of the suffix is ​​word formation. How to make the adjective "river" from the noun "river" - everyone knows this. This function of suffixes is utilitarian and clear. But sometimes a suffix makes another noun out of a noun, but denoting the same phenomenon - this, it would seem, is completely useless. Here are just new nouns formed in this way, emotional content is very different from the original version. Compare the stylistically neutral word "river" and the word "river" formed from it with the help of the suffix "enk".

There are suffixes diminutives, like the above "enk", but on the contrary, suffixes, betraying weights. Not a house, but a house. Not a beard, but a beard.


This is perhaps the most emotional layer of words, since emotional expression is their main purpose. They do not carry any information load, they only indicate an emotionally strong place in a conversation or text: "ah", "oh", "bravo", "encore".

She sang for an encore, then, to the furious noise and cheers of the audience, she went backstage.

Not all interjections are evaluative, some of them are just a tribute to some formula, for example, saying “hello” when picking up the phone. But most of the interjections are a technique of expressive coloring, more often used in colloquial speech, but often used by writers when creating dialogues and monologues of characters.

This is all the theoretical knowledge that you need to have in order to understand what expressive vocabulary is. Much more writing experience, taste and a sense of proportion are needed to competently and convincingly use this vast resource of the Russian language, creating a literary text, and not an official document or shorthand for everyday conversation.

Today we are again talking about the style of the Russian language, and the topic of our conversation will be emotionally expressive coloring of speech. It is no secret that the style of works of art is very different from other language styles (colloquial, journalistic, official business). Its differences lie not only in the range of used lexemes, but also in the categories of quantity/quality of emotionally charged words. In terms of the number of such words, artistic speech is close to colloquial speech, but in no case should an equal sign be put between them: what is permissible in oral communication is not always applicable on the pages of a book. Let's just say that the author is allowed a lot, but not everything.

Therefore, in order to master competent and skillful artistic speech, the author must understand many subtleties, among which, undoubtedly, the use of emotional-evaluative vocabulary is included. Let's talk about her today.

Emotionally expressive coloring of speech.

As you know, many words in the Russian language not only name concepts, but also reflect the attitude of the speaker towards them. For example, admiring the beauty of a white flower, the author may call it snow-white or lily. The positive assessment enclosed in adjectives differs from the stylistically neutral word " White". This is what makes them emotional. Of course, a variant of a negative assessment is also possible: white - blond. The writer, using this or that word in the context, expresses his attitude, his assessment of the subject, action or feature.

For this reason, emotional vocabulary is often called evaluative or emotional-evaluative. However, it is important to understand that emotional words themselves may not contain evaluation. For example, interjections ah, ooh and others do not appreciate anything. Conversely, words where evaluation is the essence of their lexical meaning may not be related to emotional vocabulary ( good, bad, please, scold). In the second case, the assessment is not emotional, but rather intellectual, logical.

The main distinguishing feature of emotional-evaluative vocabulary is still the fact overlaying emotional coloring on the independent lexical meaning of the word. Simply put, such vocabulary expresses attitude of the speaker to the named phenomenon.

  1. Single-valued words with a bright evaluative meaning. The assessment contained in them is so clearly and definitely expressed that the word simply cannot be used in another sense. These include the so-called words-characteristics ( grabber, windbag, henpecked, slob, etc.), as well as words containing an assessment of an action, phenomenon or feature ( predestination, swindle, charming, irresponsible, antediluvian, inspire, shame).
  2. Polysemantic words, usually neutral in their main meaning, but given a bright emotional coloring when used as a metaphor. For example, the following contexts of the use of verbs: nag her husband, miss the bus, sing to the authorities, etc. In this case, the word, originally neutral, becomes emotionally evaluative solely because of the appropriate context.
  3. Words with subjective evaluation suffixes that convey various shades of feelings. They can broadcast as a positive evaluation − buddy, weed, neat, as well as negative fist, kid, bureaucracy, etc.. The evaluative result here is determined not so much by the primary meaning of the word, but by the word formation itself: the same word can be given both a positive and a negative assessment - table, table, table.


Often, in relation to emotional-evaluative vocabulary, the concept is used expressive. What does this mean?

expressiveness(from lat. expressio - expression) - means expressiveness. In practice, this most often means a superstructure over the nominal meaning of the word of special stylistic shades, special expression. For example, instead of the word bad words can be used bad, negative, wrong. In this case, the usual lexical meaning of the word is complicated expression. And as we can see, in artistic speech the number of expressive words sometimes exceeds the proportion of neutral words.

It should be remembered that one neutral word can have several expressive synonyms at once, different in degree of emotional tension ( misfortune - grief - disaster - catastrophe). It happens that expressive coloring is already inherent in some words: solemn ( unforgettable, herald, accomplishments), poetic ( azure, chant, incessant), ironic ( pious, deign, don Juan), familiar ( cute, squirm, whisper), disapproving ( pretentious, arrogant), disparaging ( to paint, pettiness), contemptuous ( slander, servility, sycophancy), derogatory ( skirt, squishy, ​​tarantass), vulgar ( grabber, lucky) and, of course, swear words ( fool, boo). As you can see, expressively colored words can be conditionally divided into words expressing a positive assessment and words with a negative assessment. A similar division is also seen in the example of synonymous series: to be afraid - to be afraid - to be afraid; face - muzzle - face, etc.

Expressive coloring is constantly superimposed on the emotional-evaluative meaning of the word, and in some cases expression prevails, and in others - emotional coloring. Therefore, in practice, it is not possible to strictly distinguish between emotional and expressive vocabulary.

The emotional and expressive coloring of the word, of course, is also influenced by its meaning. Words such as fascism, terrorism, corruption, mafia. Behind the words law, order, equality positive color was fixed.

It is known that metaphorization contributes to the development of emotional and expressive shades of a word. In this case, stylistically neutral words used as metaphors are endowed with strong expression: burn at work, collapse from fatigue, flaming gaze, flying gait, etc.. The author must remember that the main factor in determining the expressive coloring of a word is the context in which it is used. It is he who brings additional shades of feelings, and sometimes is able to completely reverse its meaning (for example, make solemn ironic).

Essential for a writer.

From all of the above, it follows that the author, working on the text, can change its emotional coloring, thereby influencing the emotional state of the reader. To this end, he uses emotional-evaluative vocabulary. Thus, if a writer wants to laugh or touch, to inspire or, conversely, to form a negative attitude towards the subject, he is free to choose a separate set of language tools in each case. With this approach, it is possible to outline in advance several variants of speech even within the same text: for example, rhetorically solemn, cold official, intimately affectionate, playful, etc. In contrast, they use neutral speech, which is based on words and expressions that are devoid of a strong stylistic coloring.

The moment of using emotionally expressive speech is one of the most important in the formation of the author's style. I believe that the ability to competently and timely use these techniques in many ways distinguishes novice authors who do not feel the mood and context from professionals.

Continue reading the article " " on the blog "Literary Workshop".

That's all for today. This time we have dealt with the theoretical basis for the use of emotionally colored vocabulary, but the practice of application is in one of the next blog articles. Stay tuned for updates, leave your questions and comments. See you soon!

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Presentation for the lesson

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  • Developing: to form the concept of "emotionally colored words"
  • Educational: to teach to distinguish "emotionally colored words" from neutral words.
  • Educational: to form moral ideas of students, to develop creative abilities.
  • Health goal : to create in the classroom an atmosphere of kindness, enthusiasm, conducive to the preservation of mental health.

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, projector, multimedia presentation.

During the classes

1. Explanation of the new material:

Announcement of the topic, goal setting. Guys, words in Russian can be divided into the following 2 groups: some of them only name objects, signs, actions, quantity, without evaluating in any way (horse, wish), others express their attitude to objects, signs, actions.

Work with the epigraph (slide 1)

Are you smart or stupid
Are you big or small
We don't know yet
You didn't say a word!
(Persian philosopher Saadi)

How to understand the term "emotionally evaluative words"?

What is an emotion? What are emotions? (slide 2)

The guys look at emoticons and draw conclusions about what emotions a person can express: sadness, hatred, joy ...

What words help us describe these emotions? (happy, hateful, joyful, etc.)

Draw conclusions, what words are called emotionally colored? (Words expressing attitudes towards objects, signs, actions, etc., are called emotionally colored.

Emotionally evaluative words are divided into two groups: (slide 3)

Group 1: Words that characterize an object, a phenomenon from a positive or negative side:

Let's invite the heroes of your favorite cartoons (Carlson, clown) to visit.

- Carlson: characterize it with emotionally colored words, how do we know it?

(balanced, kind, cheerful, cheerful, great friend)

- Clown: characterize it with emotionally colored words: (cheerful, restless, kind, joyful)

Can all cartoon characters be characterized only on the positive side?

- Parrot Kesha - what is it in this situation? Write it down. (moody, self-satisfied)

- And Karabas Barabas? Write down (evil, cruel))

So, let's conclude: 1 group of emotionally colored words are words that characterize an object, a phenomenon on the positive or negative side.

2 group of emotionally colored words: (slide 5)

Words in which an emotional attitude to an object or phenomenon is expressed grammatically: by special suffixes and prefixes of emotional evaluation.

Leg - a leg (for a ballerina) - a knife (for an elephant).

Wing - wing (for a sparrow), wing (for an eagle).

kind - kind, kind

Elephant - elephant, elephant

Conclusion: What suffixes and prefixes helped form emotionally charged words? ( suffixes –enk-, -isch-, -ik-, -ek- etc., prefix pre-)

2. Consolidation: working with text (slide 6)

Badger ... nok.

From the basket ... a muzzle with a little black nose, curious little eyes and erect ears appeared. It was a badger ... nok. The muzzle of the animal was very funny. Wide black stripes stretched from the nose to the ears. Badger…nok climbed out of the basket onto the sofa. How busy he was!

The task: write out emotionally colored words in two columns:

In column 1, write down emotionally charged words that characterize the subject from a positive or negative side, and in the second - emotionally charged words formed with the help of prefixes and suffixes. Explain the missing spellings.

3. Write an essay - a miniature on the picture, using emotionally colored words (slide 7)

4. Conclusions:

  • What new did you learn today?
  • What words are called emotionally colored?
  • How are they different from neutral words?
  • What 2 groups are emotionally colored words divided into?

5. Homework.

Theory p. 36, ex. 82 or write a story on the topic “The story of a little crocodile” using emotional words.

The main elements of the assessment:

subject (one who evaluates),

object (what is evaluated),

appraisal item.

Emotionally expressive colored words are part of the evaluative vocabulary. Expression is a vivid manifestation of feelings, moods, thoughts. Expressive vocabulary includes words that convey the position of the carrier to their meaning and enhance the brightness of the word. Many words with a bright emotional coloring are present in the Russian language. We can verify this if we compare words that are close in meaning: beautiful, artistic, picturesque, aesthetic, figurative, poetic; diligent, assiduous, diligent, diligent, industrious, industrious, etc. By comparing these words, we can choose the most vivid ones, able to convey our idea more clearly. For example, by the word love, you can find more powerful words: I adore, I adore, I have passion. In each of these cases, the semantic structure of the word is complicated by connotation. If emotionally and expressively colored words are used incorrectly, you can add a funny sound to speech. This phenomenon often occurs in school essays.

Words that are adjacent in terms of expression can be combined into the following lexical groups:

  • 1) words expressing a positive assessment of the named concepts;
  • 2) words expressing a negative assessment of the named concepts.

The first group includes sublime, affectionate, sometimes comic words; in the second - caustic, negative, blasphemous, etc. An effective way to better see the emotionally expressive coloring of words is to compare synonyms:

The development of emotional and expressive shades in the word is facilitated by its metaphorization. So, stylistically neutral words get a vivid expression: burn (at work), fall (from fatigue), suffocate (in adverse conditions), flaming (eye), blue (dream), flying (gait), etc. The context finally determines the expressive coloring: neutral words can be perceived as lofty and solemn; high vocabulary in other conditions acquires a mockingly ironic coloring; sometimes even a swear word can sound affectionate, and affectionate - contemptuously. The appearance of additional expressive shades in a word, depending on the context, significantly expands the visual possibilities of vocabulary.

The study of emotional-evaluative and expressive vocabulary directs us to distinguish between different types of speech, depending on the nature of the speaker's influence on listeners, the situation of their communication, their relationship to each other, and a number of other factors. “It is enough to imagine,” wrote A.N. Gvozdev, - that the speaker wants to make laugh or touch, to arouse the disposition of the listeners or their negative attitude towards the subject of speech, so that it becomes clear how different language means will be selected, mainly creating a different expressive coloring. With this approach to the selection of language means, several types of speech can be identified: solemn (rhetorical), official (cold), intimately affectionate, playful. They are opposed to neutral speech, using linguistic means, devoid of any stylistic coloring. This classification of types of speech, dating back to the "poetics" of ancient antiquity, is not rejected by modern stylists either.

The emotionally expressive coloring of the word, layered on the functional, complements its stylistic characteristics. Emotionally-expressive neutral words usually belong to common vocabulary (although this is not necessary: ​​terms, for example, in emotionally expressive terms, are usually neutral, but have a clear functional fixation). Emotionally expressive words are distributed between book, colloquial and vernacular vocabulary.

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