Kyustenmacher getting rid of trash. Getting rid of rubbish. Simple practices for finding harmony and inner order, Werner Tiki Kustenmacher. Rethinking material value

Available in formats: epub | PDF | FB2

Pages: 80

The year of publishing: 2017

Language: Russian

About the bookYour personal workbook for getting rid of junk - from throwing away all sorts of unnecessary items and ending with getting rid of outdated habits and ideas. The author of the best-selling book "Simplify Your Life" created a workbook that will help you clear your life of unnecessary rubbish and habits and find inner order.In this workbook lots of exercises and space to fill in with your ideas, so keep your pencil ready. You'll learn how to get rid of junk easily, and helpful tips will help to immediately apply the received theoretical knowledge in practice. For whom this book is For those who want to get rid of the trash in their lives.


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About the book
Your personal junk workbook, from throwing out all sorts of unnecessary items to getting rid of outdated habits and ideas.

This notebook has a lot of exercises and space for you to fill in with your ideas, so keep your pencil ready.

You will learn how to easily get rid of trash, and useful tips will help you immediately apply the theoretical knowledge gained in practice.

Who is this book for?
For those who want to get rid of junk in their lives.

about the author
Werner Tiki Küstenmacher was born in 1953. Lives with his wife in Grebenzell near Munich. They have three adult children. Tiki (named by his mother after the sun god Kon-Tiki, who in turn became famous thanks to the Kon-Tiki raft of the Norwegian traveler Thor Heyerdahl) was a householder from 1990 to 1993 and developed a taste for the simplification of housekeeping. From this came the book Simplify Your Life in 2001, which was translated into 40 languages ​​and was on the bestseller list for five years.

Quotes from the book

mysterious connection
Internal and external world are connected with each other: if you are cool or hot, you sit on an uncomfortable chair or stay in an uncomfortable position for a long time, the environment weighs you down emotionally - sooner or later this will affect the quality of work.

good mood enhancer
Each person has some object, having cast a glance at which, catching its aroma or touching it, he is inspired. Before embarking on putting things in order, you should understand what items help you.

Rubbish for good
You will facilitate the process of disposal if you understand that the things that are being recycled benefit your country, and thereby all its inhabitants, including you. "Reuse" roughly means "return": what you can give away will come back to you in part in a different form!

Empty place
After getting rid of the trash, many of us begin to fill the resulting empty space again: “It's great that there is room again!”. Learn to tolerate emptiness.

Shelf life
The ideal area for training the ability to throw away without excuses is drugs. Each medication has its own expiration date, which must be observed. Otherwise, you won't get well!

Islands of confusion
Don't give up if there are still corners, closet shelves, or entire rooms full of unsorted items. This is normal and even vital! This protects you from a terrible disease - excessive striving for perfection.

  • Green color.
  • Article: 978-5-00100-674-9.
  • Barcode: 9785001006749.
  • ISBN 978-5-00100-674-9.
  • Author Küstenmacher Werner Tiki.
  • Publishing house "Eksmo-MIF".
  • Cover Soft.
  • Pages 80.


This notebook has a lot of exercises and space for you to fill in with your ideas, so keep your pencil ready.

You will learn how to easily get rid of trash, and useful tips will help you immediately apply the theoretical knowledge gained in practice.

Who is this book for?

For those who want to get rid of junk in their lives.

Werner Tiki Küstenmacher was born in 1953. Lives with his wife in Grebenzell near Munich. They have three adult children. Tiki (named by his mother after the sun god Kon-Tiki, who in turn became famous thanks to the Kon-Tiki raft of the Norwegian traveler Thor Heyerdahl) was a householder from 1990 to 1993 and developed a taste for the simplification of housekeeping. From this came the book Simplify Your Life in 2001, which was translated into 40 languages ​​and was on the bestseller list for five years. You can find more tips on simplification on the website.

About the book

Who is this book for?

about the author
Werner Tiki Küstenmacher was born in 1953. Lives with his wife in Grebenzell near Munich. They have three adult children. Tiki (named so by the mother in honor of the sun god Kon-Tiki, who in turn gained fame thanks to the Kon-Tiki raft of the Norwegian ...

Read completely

About the book
Your personal junk workbook - from throwing out all sorts of unnecessary items to getting rid of outdated habits and ideas.

This notebook has a lot of exercises and space for you to fill in with your ideas, so keep your pencil ready.

You will learn how to easily get rid of trash, and useful tips will help you immediately apply the theoretical knowledge gained in practice.

Who is this book for?
For those who want to get rid of junk in their lives.

about the author
Werner Tiki Küstenmacher was born in 1953. Lives with his wife in Grebenzell near Munich. They have three adult children. Tiki (named by his mother after the sun god Kon-Tiki, who in turn became famous thanks to the Kon-Tiki raft of the Norwegian traveler Thor Heyerdahl) was a householder from 1990 to 1993 and developed a taste for the simplification of housekeeping. From this came the book Simplify Your Life in 2001, which was translated into 40 languages ​​and was on the bestseller list for five years. You can find more tips on simplification at:


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Scientists have proven that parting with trash is as difficult for some people as quitting smoking. Moreover, those who are prone to hoarding react to cleaning up unnecessary things with genuine heartache. Therefore, psychologists have developed a strategy that will help you stop becoming attached to things and force any junk collector to clean up the house.

We are in website We decided to understand these tips and convey their essence to you. And in the end, we will tell you how to live with a person who is not used to throwing anything away.

Why "decluttering" is so difficult

To begin with, it should be noted that not all people become attached to things. There are those who easily part with rubbish and maintain order in the house, and there are those who endow every thing with a “soul”, for him throwing away is akin to betrayal.

The differences between these people are proven from the point of view of psychology. Scientists have found that when the "collector" has to throw away his things, parts of the brain are activated in his head, associated with pain, as well as the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, which associated with a moral assessment of ethical conflicts and a sense of "self".

Because of this, people not only relate the thing to their goals and desires, subconsciously believing that it will still be useful, but not at all consider certain things to be part of themselves. Therefore, throwing something away for such people, psychologists say, is the same as giving up a finger on a hand.

Mindfulness technique

This technique will help people who are prone to gathering, start throwing out unnecessary things. It is noteworthy that it is also recommended to people seeking to get rid of bad habits.

Its essence is to be attentive to your instincts and find the difference between real motivation and the "trick" that our brain gives us. Next, we will take a closer look at how to introduce this technique into your life.

Step 1. The rule of several seconds

Trying to save a potentially useless item again, take your time and wait a few seconds. Consider the real value of the item.

Remember how many times recent times you thought about throwing the item away. How many times during this time did he benefit? Convince yourself of the uselessness of the subject.

Step 2: Explore Temptation

Watch your feelings when you need to throw something away. Usually, temptation begins with an almost imperceptible signal and grows to the level of real anxiety and anxiety.

Almost all children have the habit of endowing objects with a "soul", seeing them as a person. According to experiments, children do not realize that their favorite toy and exactly the same toy, only new, are one and the same. Because the new object is just a thing, and the object that belongs to them is a part of their consciousness.

Some take this feature to adulthood. Freezing for a few seconds in a rush to leave an unnecessary object, remember that he is not unique (these are stamped at a hundred per hour), your memories associated with him are unique. And even if the item is thrown away, the memories will not disappear from it.

Rethinking material value

This refers to a separate type of collectors. These people can't throw things away because remember how much they paid for them. In this case, to "declutter", unnecessary things can be put up for sale.

And if no one wants to buy them, it means that it is time to forget about money: these items have depreciated long ago.

Mess warning

If you are a hoarder, try not to buy things that clutter up your home.

  • Do not bring useless souvenirs from vacation.
  • Ask your friends not to give you gifts for the holidays Stuffed Toys.
  • Get e-book not to buy large quantities of paper.
  • Don't buy things you don't need: do not pay attention to low prices, do not buy goods, imitating other people, do not buy things that you have not thought about purchasing until now.
  • Some act much more radically: they throw away unnecessary things secretly from the collector, who most often does not even notice the loss. But here, how does one's conscience allow.

    Tell me, have you ever lived with a person who never throws away unnecessary things? How did you deal with the problem? Or maybe you yourself cannot sometimes force yourself to part with certain items? What emotions do you experience? Write about it in the comments.

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