1 Describe the impact of an extreme situation on a person. Michurin M.I. Psychological preparation of military personnel for actions in extreme situations. I. General characteristics of extreme situations

As stated in the Law "On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies": "An emergency is a situation in a certain territory that has developed as a result of an accident, a natural hazard, a catastrophe, a natural or other disaster that may cause or have caused human casualties, damage to human health or the environment, significant material losses and violation of the living conditions of people.

It is human nature to seek protection from various dangers that threaten him from outside world. Different methods of protection are used - from healers and shamans who turn to the forces of nature with sacrifices in order to propitiate them to the military defense of their territories and the capture of new ones - less dangerous and richer. All these methods were the first attempts to ensure life safety.

Now medicine, military affairs, science and technology are developing. All this allows humanity to live more comfortably, to feel more secure - on the one hand. But, on the other hand, the fruits of technological progress in themselves threaten people with danger. The number of disasters is growing, their scale is constantly increasing. And the developed structure of the mass media becomes the reason that a huge number of people are voluntarily or involuntarily involved in the experience of an extreme situation.

Our country has a Unified State System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations.

The main tragedy of emergencies is the victims and the injured. The death of people, physical illnesses, injuries are indelible and tragic consequences of emergency situations. AT recent times specialists began to pay attention to the consequences that affect the psychosocial and mental health of the population.

The attention of specialists working with people who survived the disaster was drawn to the mental consequences of disasters - it turned out that they can be no less severe than somatic ones, and lead to serious illness and social problems, both for individual citizens of a person, and for social groups, and society as a whole.

Natural and man-made disasters, local armed conflicts, terrorist acts have a special effect on the psyche - they contribute to the fact that delayed and protracted reactions occur, and this affects not only the direct participants in the events, but also outside observers, who, as already mentioned, due to The media indirectly participate in these events.

Realistic reflection of current events in the media makes people forced to "immerse" in them, makes them, as it were, direct witnesses, accomplices.

Until recently, there was an opinion that only miners and astronauts had extreme working conditions. Changes in the life of society over the past 15-20 years have led to a sharp increase in the number of professions whose representatives work in extreme situations. The following professions can be called such: fireman, rescuer, air traffic controller, collector, traffic police worker - all these specialties carry certain elements of extremeness.

In the event of an emergency, heads of enterprises and organizations whose work continues in extreme conditions are automatically included in this list.

The activities of workers with "dangerous professions" are divided into two types:

  • 1. Everyday hard work, in which danger is given the place of a potentially possible event (the work of air traffic controllers, collectors).
  • 2. Work in the conditions of so-called critical incidents, in which the employee sees human casualties and material losses, which has a real danger to his life, health or value system, and can also be associated with threats to the life, health, well-being of others (work rescuers, firefighters).

In the human mind, emergencies sharply divide life into “before” and “after”.

It is difficult to draw an unambiguous conclusion about which type of emergency has the most severe consequences on the mental state of people, and which are easier to experience - natural or man-made.

Extreme situations of an anthropogenic nature, like the tragedy in Beslan, have such a destructive effect on a person that they not only disorganize a person’s behavior, but also “blow up” the basic structures of his entire personal organization - the image of the world. A person's habitual picture of the world is destroyed, and with it - the entire system of life coordinates. From anthropogenic emergencies, according to a number of researchers, the situation of hostage is the most psychotraumatic. This is due to the existence of a real prospect of death for the hostages, feelings of paralyzing fear, the inability to counter terrorists in the circumstances, the denial of the inherent value of life and the identity of the hostage. Such situations give rise, both in the victims themselves and in society in general, a large number of aggressive reactions, anxiety, phobic disorders.

At the same time, there is an opinion that people usually experience natural disasters much easier than anthropogenic ones. Such natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, etc., the victims regard it as "God's will" or the action of faceless nature - nothing can be changed here.

Some experts believe that among natural disasters Earthquakes cause the greatest damage to the psyche. The specific consequences of an earthquake associated with the mental state of people include the development of maladjustment reactions, the occurrence of phobic disorders associated with the fear of being in buildings, the fear of repeated tremors (people who survived an earthquake often have sleep disturbances, since their condition is characterized by anxiety and anticipation of aftershocks); fear for the lives of their loved ones.

But, strictly speaking, it is impossible to unambiguously divide emergencies according to severity. Each situation has its own specifics and characteristics, its own mental consequences for participants and witnesses, and is experienced by each person individually. In many ways, the depth of this experience depends on the personality of the person himself, his internal resources, coping mechanisms.

Of great importance for assessing and predicting mental consequences is the fact of whether a person was directly involved in emergency situations, whether he was a witness or participant, or experienced the loss of a loved one or relative as a result of emergency situations.

In accordance with the nature of the impact of the negative factors of the emergency, all people exposed to these factors are conventionally divided into the following groups.

The first group are professionals. They turn on the psychological defense mechanism - dissociation (a look at the situation from the outside, from the outside, without personal emotional involvement), often manifested in the event that a person by his kind professional activity constantly confronted with the pain and suffering of others. This reaction is considered normal. However, work in extreme conditions does not always go unnoticed for specialists.

The second group is the victims. As a rule, people who survived an emergency spent a lot of energy fighting for life, and the very fact that they survived is a huge resource for them to further overcome the situation and return to normal life. Most of these people eventually return to normal life on their own or with the help of specialists.

The third group is the victims. It is they who experience the onset of the most severe emotional reactions, long-term negative experiences. The victims cannot come to terms, unable to accept the grief that has befallen them, they feel the impossibility of adapting to the changed conditions of life. This group reveals delayed mental consequences in the greatest number.

The fourth group includes eyewitnesses or witnesses of emergency situations.

The fifth group are observers. The degree of traumatization of people in these two groups largely depends on their personal characteristics and the presence of traumatic situations in the past. For some, extinguishing a fire in a residential building will only be a curious, exciting sight, for others it can cause mental disorders (fears, neuroses) and somatic consequences.

The sixth group includes TV viewers and Internet users. For example, the terrorist act committed in October 2002 in the building of the concert hall, where the performance of the musical "Nord-Ost" was held, was widely covered by various media. After that, there were many cases of people turning to specialists for help with complaints of fears, anxiety for themselves and their loved ones, a violation of the sense of security, a depressed state, poor physical health, and actualization of the traumatic experience gained earlier.

So, extreme and emergency situations arise in all areas of human life. Each person during his life there is a number of situations that are extreme for him. Therefore, everyone needs the basic knowledge, skills and abilities needed during an emergency.

Such baggage is especially necessary for the head of the enterprise and organization. In addition, he will need to know the basics of psychology in order to be prepared for people's reactions to a stressful situation.

enterprise emergency

The extreme nature of the activities of police officers contribute to stress, increase fears, reduce self-esteem and self-confidence.

The reaction of an internal affairs officer to the extreme nature of the situation can develop in two directions: he either controls the situation and acts consciously, or the situation takes possession of him, and then he begins to act impulsively.

The main psychological reactions of a person in extreme conditions can be positive and negative.

Positive Negative
Mobilization psychological possibilities Manifestation of anxiety, insecurity, anxiety
Activation of business motives, duty, responsibility Exacerbation of feelings of self-preservation
The emergence of business excitement The appearance of fear, fear for the cause and for oneself
The emergence of excitement, joy or hatred Manifestation of confusion (frustration, numbness, stupor)
Activation and optimization cognitive activity Misunderstanding of what is happening, disorganization of cognitive activity
Update creative possibilities Destruction of developed skills, the appearance of errors in work
Increasing readiness for decisive and bold action Insufficient mobilization, manifestation of inconsistency in actions
Increasing endurance, unpretentiousness Loss of self-control, panic actions
Lowering the thresholds of sensations, accelerating reactions The appearance of a feeling of weakness, fatigue, extreme exhaustion
Decrease in fatigue, disappearance of feeling of weariness Acute psychoses

A long experience of emotions, feelings often turns into rather persistent, complex, sometimes internally contradictory emotional states of mind(mental states), which are considered as holistic, dynamic, relatively stable personal formations, which largely determine the originality of a person's mental life at a certain stage of his life path.

The states of emotional tension that actively influence the behavior of police officers include: states of anxiety (anxiety), fear, stress.

Alarm state - a special emotional state of mental tension of a person, arising as a result of a premonition by him of an indefinite, sometimes unconscious, inevitably approaching danger. "Mild" forms of anxiety serve as a signal to the employee to eliminate the shortcomings in the work, to cultivate determination, courage, and self-confidence. If anxiety arises in an employee inappropriately to the situation and the objects that cause it, then such a state, of course, negatively affects the performance of official activities.

Emotional reactions to danger in a state of anxiety can be accompanied by such physical sensations as trembling, rapid breathing, palpitations, increased sweating, suffocation, frequent urges to urinate, diarrhea, vomiting, in the psychological sphere - a feeling of impatience, etc. All these sensations can be so intense that severe anxiety (as well as fear) can result in a heart attack or even death.

In this regard, it is interesting to note that even 3. Freud, from the standpoint of psychoanalysis, considered the state of anxiety as "readiness for fear", as "fear of expectation", "fearful expectation". He called anxiety "neurotic fear" (as opposed to "real fear").

A state of fear. The most common causes of fear are the following factors: the subject's feeling of insurmountable danger for himself and his loved ones, a sense of impending failure, a sense of his own helplessness, defenselessness before it.

One of the common causes that cause fear in a person is also physical pain and the negative consequences predicted in connection with it for his life and health. Pain can cause physical suffering, which are further exacerbated by fear. Pain, suffering, fear thus create a certain stable emotional symptom complex. It is these factors that accompany extreme situations.

External, behavioral manifestations, a kind of indicators of strong fear are: a frightened facial expression (wide-open eyes, raised eyebrows, shifted inner corners of the eyebrows, horizontal wrinkles on the forehead, open, elliptical mouth, tense lips). Subjective experiences of fear are expressed in the disorder of mental cognitive processes, memories of the experience become fragmentary, fragmentary; consciousness is narrowed, as a result of which the victims experience confusion, feel stunned, do not fully understand what is happening. Their breathing and heart rate increase. Some people in a state of intense fear feel nausea, dizziness, frequent urge to urinate, lose consciousness.

frustration . Among other emotionally saturated states of professional interest to police officers is frustration.

Frustration (from lat. frustratio - deceit, vain expectation) - an emotional state caused by failure to satisfy needs, desires.

The constructive impact of frustration on a person is manifested in the intensification of efforts towards achieving the goal. At the same time, the intensification of efforts is not always successful, and the police officer, being in a state of frustration, is forced to change the tactics of his behavior. If the intensification of efforts, the replacement of the means of achieving the set goal, and even the replacement of the goal itself do not lead to success and the state of frustration remains, the subject will have to reassess the situation and make a choice between possible alternatives, ensuring that he adapts to the new situation with a subsequent exit from the state of frustration.

The destructive effect of frustration manifests itself: in violations of the fine coordination of efforts aimed at achieving the goal; in cognitive limitations, due to which the subject does not see alternative paths or any other suitable goal; in emotional arousal, affectively colored aggressive actions with a partial loss of control over oneself and the situation.

Typical emotional reactions to the action of frustrators are: aggression and depression, which can develop into auto-aggression with suicide attempts, self-inflicted pain, mutilation.

It is known that reactions of an aggressive nature associated with frustration are more often observed in people who are unrestrained in the manifestation of emotions, rude in dealing with others, psychopathic. Depressive reactions during frustration are more common in individuals of a neurotic warehouse, unsure of themselves, anxious and suspicious in terms of their character.

A prolonged state of emotional tension, frustration can lead to emotional breakdowns, one of which is affect.

Affect(from Latin affectus - emotional excitement, passion) - this is a strong and relatively short-term emotional experience, accompanied by pronounced motor and visceral manifestations. Affects develop in critical conditions when the subject is unable to find an adequate way out of dangerous and unexpected situations. The more developed the volitional qualities, the less a person succumbs to affect. Therefore, psychological stability is one of the main professionally necessary characteristics of an internal affairs officer.

To the individual psychological characteristics of the personality of the subject, predisposing to affect, include: a significant predominance of his processes of excitation over the processes of inhibition, emotional instability, increased sensitivity (sensitivity), vulnerability, resentment, a tendency to get stuck on psycho-traumatic facts, high but unstable self-esteem.

The most characteristic mental state that develops under the influence of extreme states is stress. This term combines a wide range of issues related to the origin, manifestations and consequences of extreme environmental impacts, conflicts, dangerous situations, etc.

The most accurate definition of stress is as a non-specific physiological and psychological manifestation of adaptive activity under strong, extreme influences for the body.

Stress- an emotional state that occurs in a difficult situation for a person. It is caused by a situation of danger, the loss of loved ones, unusual conditions, increased responsibility, great mental or volitional stress, the need to overcome overwork, extreme stress.

Factors that exert strong psychological pressure on a person and complicate the functioning of the psyche are called stressors .

Stress is a normal response of a healthy body. In fact, stress can be considered as a certain principle of our body's work, which allows us to survive in changing environmental conditions and be successful in our activities.

Arising, stress initially mobilizes the internal reserves of the psyche to a certain extent, due to this, especially at first, the performance of the subject not only simple, but also more complex tasks for him, usually improves. It is in this that it manifests itself mobilizing effect of stress.

However, with prolonged exposure to adverse stress can have a devastating, disorganizing effect on the psyche, often leading to a breakdown in its activity, up to a complete breakdown. From this point of view, one can speak of destructive effects of stress on the psyche, consciousness, general well-being of a person.

A serious influence on the occurrence and development of stress is exerted by individual differences, psychophysiological characteristics of a person, his stock of stability and adaptability to influencing stimuli, adaptive reserves of the psyche, i.e. in the end - the threshold of his individual stress resistance, or, as experts say, stress tolerance level.

Each person has his own “stress sensitivity threshold” - the level of tension at which the efficiency of activity increases (eustress occurs), as well as the “critical threshold of exhaustion”, when the efficiency of activity decreases (distress occurs).

It is known that the same stressful stimulus either causes or does not cause the development of a stress reaction, depending on the person's attitude to this psychological stimulus. Not the impact itself is the cause of the subsequent reaction of the body, but the attitude towards this impact, its assessment, and negative. A harmful stimulus, if it is not recognized as such by a person, is not a stressor. Not external, but internal psychological conditions and processes are decisive for the nature of the body's response.

The specificity of the states of mental tension of a person depends on the personal meaning, the goals of his activity, the dominant motives, the assessment of the situation, and the emotional background. A very intensive activity that requires the adoption of various decisions in conditions of necessity, the processing of large amounts of information with a certain shortage of time, that is, an objectively stressful situation (typical of psychological stress) will not lead to the development of consequences characteristic of stress if the person is in the zone of emotional comfort and the objective content of activity coincides with its subjective content. However, any conflict situation, discrepancy between goals and motives, subjective mismatch that gives rise to emotional discomfort, introduce into mental tension the element that gives rise to a state of psychological stress with all its consequences.

The greatest danger is caused not by strong and short stresses, but by long-term, although not so strong. Short-term strong stress activates a person, as if “shakes” him, after which all body indicators return to normal, and weak, but prolonged stress causes depletion of protective forces, and first of all, his immune system. Daily petty conflicts and everyday troubles (associated with an angry boss, naughty children, a noisy neighbor, a long line to the doctor or reproaches from a spouse) are much more detrimental to health than a strong but one-time stress caused by a much more significant reason.

Psychological signs of stress in the professional activities of police officers are:

1. Loss of attention to one's appearance, neglect.

2. Cynical, inappropriate humor or loss of sense of humor.

3. Decreased sense of self-confidence, frequent mistakes in work.

4. Work does not bring the same joy, the deadlines for completing work are often violated.

5. Too often there is a feeling of fatigue.

6. Memory worsens, thoughts often disappear.

7. Increased excitability, inability to focus on anything.

8. Irritability, fits of anger, increased conflict situations.

9. The number of cigarettes smoked increases sharply.

10. Addiction to alcoholic beverages.

11. Reduced immunity, frequent ailments.

12. Quite often there are pains (head, back, stomach area).

13. Increase or decrease in blood pressure, rapid or irregular pulse.

14. Constant feeling of malnutrition, loss of appetite or overeating.

15. Violation of the processes of digestion.

16. Violation of freedom of breathing, trembling in the hands, convulsions.

17. Sleep disturbance.

18. The predominance of negative thoughts, a feeling of constant melancholy, depression.

19. Feeling of alienation, loneliness, loss of interest in life.

An extreme measure for resolving a stressful situation can be an attempt at suicide. In each of the three cases of death of employees in the police department, two are suicides. Annually due to suicides, police departments lose from 200 to 400 employees.

Suicidal behavior is usually accompanied by depression (feelings of inferiority, worthlessness; chronic fatigue, slow movements and speech; insomnia or increased sleepiness; decreased sex drive).

Police officers commit suicide mainly in cases where they do not see an opportunity to solve their problems, if attempts to cope with problems have failed, and also when the feeling of hopelessness is sharply exacerbated.




Extreme situations and conditions that arise in people due to their impact, their behavior and their reactions have been studied by many researchers for many years. Tension states (stress states) were studied by T.A. Nemchin, L.P. Grimak V.I. Lebedev. Emotional states arising in extreme situations were studied by A.O. Prokhorov, A. Kempinski et al. Among mental phenomena, one of the main places belongs to mental states. At the same time, despite the intensive study of the problem of mental states, a lot of it remains unclear. According to T.A. Nemchin, "successful development of this problem is necessary because mental states significantly determine the nature of human activity." In the dictionary of the Russian language, "extreme" (aya, oe) is defined as:
1. Having reached the highest point, extreme, ultimate. For example, extreme temperatures.
2. Going beyond the usual, extraordinary (in terms of complexity, difficulty, danger, etc.). For example, extreme conditions (from French extreme).
Summarizing the above, we list the characteristics of the concept of "extreme": having reached the highest point, extreme, extreme, limiting, very large in strength. What situations should be considered extreme? In the works devoted to this issue, there is no unity of views. In some cases, extreme situations are understood as such circumstances that make demands on a person that go beyond the range of his capabilities, due to the evolutionary process. So, A.V. Korobkov, emphasizing that the criteria for the boundaries of the adaptive range are those characteristics of functions that have formed as a result of the evolutionary development of organs and systems with these functions, does not note the important and most often decisive role of the factor of subjective reflection by an individual of the objective parameters of an extreme situation. individual reflection objective reality creates a subjective assessment of the situation and the degree of its danger. Ukrainian scientists M.I. Dyachenko, L.A. Kandybovich, V.A. Ponomarenko also point out the importance of the subjective perception of an extreme (complex in their thesaurus) situation: “A tense situation is such a complication of the conditions of activity that has acquired special significance for the individual. In other words, complex objective conditions of activity become a tense situation when they are perceived, understood, evaluated by people as difficult, dangerous, etc. Any situation presupposes the involvement of the subject in it. This applies all the more to a tense situation that combines a certain content of objective activity with the needs, motives, goals, and relationships of a person. Consequently, a tense situation, like any situation, embodies the unity of the objective and the subjective. Objective - these are complicated conditions and the process of activity; subjective - state, attitudes, methods of action in dramatically changed circumstances. The common thing that characterizes tense situations is the emergence of a task that is quite difficult for the subject, a “difficult” mental state. In the most general terms, an extreme situation is characterized as a situation of impossibility, i.e. as a situation in which the subject is faced with the impossibility of realizing the internal necessities of his life (motives, aspirations, values, interests, etc.). Questions of human psychology in emergency situations must be considered in order to prepare the population, rescuers, leaders for action in extreme situations.

When considering issues of human behavior in emergency situations great attention focuses on the psychology of fear. AT Everyday life, in extreme conditions, a person constantly has to overcome dangers that threaten his existence, which causes (generates) fear, that is, a short-term or long-term emotional process generated by real or imaginary danger. This work is just devoted to the behavior and reactions of a person in extreme situations, in particular, the socio-psychological behavior of a person in an extreme situation.

1. Extreme situation, its types and characteristics

1.1 The concept of an extreme situation

Extreme situation (lat. extremum - extreme, extreme; situatio - position) - a concept by which an integrative characteristic of a radically or suddenly changed situation, associated especially unfavorable or threatening factors for human life, as well as high problematic, tension and risk in implementation of expedient activities in these conditions. The philosophical meaning of the concept of this concept is associated with a reflection of the extreme development of events and their knowledge in conjunction with the functional activity of the subject. The concept of an extreme situation reflects not just an extraordinary, but an exceptionally dangerous event or a set of dangerous events relatively and only in relation to the activities of people, their existence.

Extreme situations (natural disasters, catastrophes, accidents, crises, conflicts), which are sometimes inevitable realities of people's life, including their professional activities, despite their diverse nature, have a number of common essential characteristics:

1) the suddenness of the offensive, requiring special readiness to extremes;

2) a sharp departure from the norm of habitual actions and states; 3) the saturation of the developing situation with contradictions that require prompt resolution;

4) progressive changes in the state of the situation, conditions of activity, elements, connections and relations of E.S., i.e. temporality of changes;

5) an increase in the complexity of ongoing processes in connection with progressive changes and the novelty of situational contradictions, states;

6) relevance, transition of the situation to the phase of instability, reaching the limits, criticality;

7) generation of hazards and threats by changes (disruption of activity, death, destruction of systems);

8) the saturation of the situation with the uncertainty of a number of changes due to their stochasticity, unforeseenness and novelty;

9) an increase in tension for the subjects of an extreme situation (in terms of its comprehension, decision-making, response), etc.

An extreme situation is dangerous for life and health, unfavorable for the functioning of the human psyche.

Factors that generate mental tension can in some cases have a positive mobilizing effect on a person, and in others - a negative, disorganizing effect. We are interested in the resource state in extreme situations, so we will consider positive, mobilizing changes in the emotional, cognitive and behavioral spheres of a person caused by the impact of such situations.

According to V.G. Androsyuk, such changes include:
- decrease in thresholds of sensations, acceleration of sensitive and motor reactions. A person shows the ability to more accurately assess stimuli, quickly responds to all changes in environmental conditions;
- reduction of fatigue, disappearance or dulling of the feeling of fatigue. A person increases endurance and performance, manifests unpretentiousness in uncomfortable situational conditions;
- increased readiness for decisive and bold action. Strong-willed qualities are manifested, the decision-making stage is reduced, forecasting the development of the situation is optimally combined with sound risk;
- activation of business motives, sense of duty. A person has a business excitement, the final and intermediate goals of activity are clearly and unambiguously determined;
- the dominance of a positive emotional background. The solution of the problem is accompanied by the emergence and maintenance of passion, the experience of pleasure and joy with each successful action. There is a growing sense of social justice;
- activation of cognitive activity. A person shows sharpness of perception, actively turns on the reserves of operational and long-term memory. Creative abilities are updated, thinking is characterized by dynamism, flexibility, flexibility, active and successful search for non-standard solutions. Intuition is widely used.
- showing interest and enthusiasm.

AT last years the concept of an extreme situation acquires the status of one of the unified, generalizing categories in catastrophology, conflictology, security theory, management theories on management optimization, operational management, etc.

1.2 Classification of extreme situations

An emergency (extreme) situation (ES) is a situation in a certain territory that has developed as a result of an accident, natural hazard, catastrophe, natural or other disaster that may result in human casualties, damage to human health or the environment, significant material losses and violation of the living conditions of people. Each emergency has its own causes, features and nature of development.

Emergencies can be classified according to the following criteria:

By the degree of suddenness: sudden (unpredictable) and expected (predictable). It is easier to predict social, political, economic situations, more difficult - natural disasters. Timely forecasting of emergencies and the right actions can avoid significant losses and, in some cases, prevent emergencies;

According to the speed of propagation: an emergency can be explosive, rapid, rapidly spreading or moderate, smooth. The majority of military conflicts, man-made accidents, and natural disasters often belong to the rapid ones. Ecological situations develop relatively smoothly;

By the scale of distribution: local, local, territorial, regional, federal, cross-border. Local, local and territorial include emergencies that do not go beyond the limits of one functional unit, production, settlement. Regional, federal and transboundary emergencies cover entire regions, states or several states;

By duration of action: may be short-term or have a protracted course. All emergencies resulting in environmental pollution are protracted;

By nature: intentional (intentional) and unintentional (unintentional). The former include most national, social and military conflicts, terrorist acts and others. Natural disasters by the nature of their origin are unintentional, this group also includes the majority of man-made accidents and disasters.

According to the source of origin, emergency (extreme) situations are divided into:

– man-made emergencies;

– emergency situations of natural origin;

- Emergencies of a biological and social nature.

Types of man-made nature: transport accidents and disasters, fires and explosions, accidents with the release of emergency chemical poisoning substances (AHOV) and poisonous substances (OS), accidents and disasters with the release of radioactive substances (RS) or potent toxic substances(SDYAV), sudden collapse of structures, accidents in electrical and energy systems (EPS) or utility life support systems, accidents in industrial treatment facilities, hydrodynamic accidents.

Types of natural origin: geophysical, geological, meteorological, agrometeorological, dangerous marine hydrological phenomena, natural fires.

Types of biological and social nature: hunger, terrorism, civil unrest, alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse, various acts of violence.

Emergencies associated with a change in the state of the lithosphere - land (soil, subsoil, landscape); composition and properties of the atmosphere (air environment); state of the hydrosphere ( aquatic environment); state of the biosphere; infectious diseases of humans, animals and plants.

For practical purposes and to establish a unified approach to the assessment of natural and man-made emergencies, to determine the boundaries of emergency zones and to adequately respond to them, a classification of emergencies has been introduced:

- depending on the number of people affected in these emergencies;

- people whose living conditions are violated;

- the amount of material damage, as well as the boundaries of the zone of distribution of damaging factors of emergency situations.

The source of emergency is defined as dangerous a natural phenomenon, an accident or a man-made incident, an infectious disease of humans, animals and plants, as well as the use modern means damage (SSP), resulting in an emergency.

The damaging factor of an emergency source is defined as a component of a hazardous phenomenon or process caused by an emergency source and characterized by physical, chemical and biological actions or phenomena that are determined by the relevant parameters

An emergency zone is defined as a territory or water area where an emergency situation has arisen as a result of the emergence of a source of emergency situations or the spread of its consequences from other areas.

The zone of contamination is a territory within which hazardous chemicals or biological (bacteriological) agents are common. RS in quantities that pose a danger to humans, animals and plants and the environment natural environment.

The lesion focus is a limited area within which, as a result of the impact of the SSP, mass death or injury of people, agricultural animals and plants occurred, buildings and structures were destroyed and damaged, as well as elements of the natural environment (EA).

Damage assessment due to emergencies is carried out according to 5 main parameters:

– direct losses due to emergencies;

- the cost of emergency rescue and other urgent work;

- the volume of evacuation measures and the costs of their implementation;

– expenses for liquidation of emergencies;

– indirect losses.

There is also another classification of extreme situations, they are divided:

1. Natural disasters: earthquakes; tsunami; floods; mudflows; glacier exit; typhoons and other epidemics. Force majeure obstacles and their consequences: destruction of water pipelines, reservoirs with potable water; destruction of sewer systems; the likelihood of large-scale epidemics, etc. The impact of natural disasters on psychological features human behavior.

2. Man-made disasters: gas explosions; accidents on nuclear power plants; air and car accidents, etc. Force majeure obstacles and their influence on the psychology of human behavior.

3. Social catastrophes: military actions; interethnic conflicts; terrorist attacks; gang attacks; hostage-taking, etc. The influence of social catastrophes on the psychological characteristics of human behavior.

4. Physical and mental abuse. Psychological consequences of violence.

5. Stigmatization as an element of mental and social violence. Psychological consequences of stigmatization.

In addition to specific extreme situations in a person's life, events occur that cannot be called extreme, but nevertheless they are traumatic for the human psyche, in other words, critical situations. A critical situation in the most general terms should be defined as a situation of impossibility, i.e. such a situation in which the subject is faced with the impossibility of realizing the internal necessities of his life (motives, aspirations, values, etc.). There are four key concepts that modern psychology describes critical life situations. These are the concepts of stress, frustration, conflict and crisis. A specific critical situation is not a frozen formation, it has a complex internal dynamics in which different types of impossibility situations mutually influence each other through internal states, external behavior and its objective consequences. For example, difficulties in trying to achieve a certain goal due to prolonged dissatisfaction of a need can cause an increase in stress, which, in turn, will negatively affect the activities carried out and lead to frustration; further, aggressive urges or reactions generated by frustration may come into conflict with the moral attitudes of the subject, the conflict will again cause an increase in stress, etc. The basic problematic nature of a critical situation can then shift from one "dimension" to another. In addition, from the moment a critical situation arises, the psychological struggle with the processes of experiencing begins, and the overall picture of the dynamics of a critical situation is even more complicated by these processes, which, having turned out to be beneficial in one dimension, can only worsen the situation in another. It remains to emphasize the practical importance of the established conceptual distinctions. They contribute more accurate description the nature of the critical situation in which a person finds himself, and this largely depends right choice strategies of psychological assistance to him. Events that imply important changes or transitional periods in various aspects of human life. The classification includes events such as the loss of a spouse, divorce, retirement, etc. Because of their direct association with significant changes in lifestyle, they are often referred to as "critical events." However, the general classification does not take into account the subtleties of the individual approach. It should be noted that life events can also be those events that did not occur - for example, if a person was not promoted or he did not go to college. Psychologists who support the "life events" model view the changes that occur in adulthood and old age as the result of critical events that we experience and our attempts to adapt to these events. AT early models life events were considered as a source of pathology and stress factors in human life. When checking on the “scale of social readaptation” of Holmes and Reich, respondents indicate the most important events that they have experienced in the last twelve months. Each event is evaluated according to the degree of its potential stress for the individual. As the main benchmarks, marriage is worth 50 points, and the death of a spouse is given the highest mark of 100 points. Life events do cause an initial reaction of shock and disbelief (how do you take the news that you won 20 million in the national lottery?) But then the person gets the opportunity to enter into new period life, accumulating positive and constructive experience about their experience. A life event must be made an integral part of being, not allowing it to dominate everyday affairs.

2. A person in extreme situations, his reactions and behavior

2.1 Basic mental reactions of participants in extreme situations

The main reactions of people caught in an extreme situation include:

Non-pathological neurotic reactions with a predominance
emotional tension;

Hypomimic reactions;

Preservation adequate self-esteem and ability to target
leveled activity;

Gradual weakening of affective-shock states and
reducing the depth of their manifestations;

Inadequate nature of the behavior of the victims;

Inappropriate motor actions;

state of numbness;

Manifestations of phobic neuroses, for example, fear of closed
premises (the victims refuse to enter the car, the tent).

During the period evacuation of victims some traumatic factors may also occur in safe areas:

Change in life stereotype;

Fear for your own health and the health of loved ones;
- experiencing the loss of loved ones, separation of families, material

The main mental reactions of the participants:

Psychoemotional stress, alternating astheno-depressive
active state;

Sharpening of character traits;

Phobic neuroses;

Neurotic personality development;

- "somatization" of neurotic states;

Psychopathization of personality;

The appearance of somatogenic mental disorders;

Prolonged reactive psychoses with depressive, paranoid

People who escaped in an extreme situation experience for a long time or other pathological changes in the mental sphere (post-traumatic syndrome). Among the psychopathological changes after trauma in humans, the following are most common.

Memory disorders and concentration of perception. Victims experience difficulty when it is necessary to concentrate or remember something.

Unwanted memories. Terrible scenes associated with a psychotraumatic situation suddenly pop up in the memory of the victim. In reality, these memories arise in cases where the environment is somewhat reminiscent of what happened "at that time", i.e. during a traumatic event. These signals can be smells, sights, sounds that seem to have come from “there”.

Unwanted traumatic memories are accompanied by intense feelings of anxiety and fear.

Nightmares. Dreams of this kind are usually of two types:

some transmit with the accuracy of video recordings
traumatic event as it is imprinted in the memory of the survivor

D - others only partly resemble the traumatic event. 1 A person awakens from such a dream completely broken, with loose muscles, in profuse sweat.

hallucinatory experiences. A special kind of unsolicited memory of traumatic events in which the incident comes forward so vividly that the events current moment seem to recede to the periphery of consciousness and seem less real than memories.

In this detached state, a person behaves as if he is re-experiencing a past traumatic event: he acts, thinks, feels like at the moment when he had to save his life.

Insomnia. Difficulty falling asleep and interrupted sleep. It is believed that a person himself involuntarily resists falling asleep when he is visited by hallucinations. He is afraid to fall asleep, so as not to see a terrible dream again. Insomnia can also be caused by very high levels of anxiety, a person's inability to relax, or a persistent feeling of physical or mental pain.

Survivor's Guilt. The feeling of guilt arises from the fact that the victim survived in an extreme situation that cost the lives of others, especially relatives or close relatives, friends that were extremely important to him. It is believed that this condition is typical for those who suffer more from "emotional deafness", i.e. inability to experience joy, love, compassion after

traumatic event. A strong sense of guilt provokes bouts of auto-aggressive behavior.

In extreme situations, different social groups are involved - the actual victims of situations and their rescuers. Each of these groups has somewhat similar, and in some ways different personality-oriented forms of behavior.

2.2 Human behavior in emergencies

When considering the issues of human behavior in emergency situations, much attention is paid to the psychology of fear. In everyday life, in extreme conditions, a person constantly has to overcome dangers that threaten his existence, which causes (generates) fear, that is, a short-term or long-term emotional process generated by real or imaginary danger. Fear is an alarm signal, but not just an alarm, but a signal that causes a person's likely protective actions. Fear causes unpleasant sensations in a person - this is a negative effect of fear, but fear is also a signal, a command for individual or collective protection, since the main goal facing a person is to stay alive, to prolong his existence. It should be borne in mind that the most frequent, significant and dynamic are the rash, unconscious actions of a person as a result of his reaction to danger. The greatest danger to a person is represented by factors that can cause his death as a result of various aggressive influences - these are various physical, chemical, biological factors, high and low temperatures, ionizing (radioactive) radiation. All these factors require different ways of protecting a person and a group of people, that is, individual and collective methods of protection, which include: the desire of a person to move away from the action of damaging factors (to run away from danger, protect himself with a screen, etc.); an energetic attack by a person of a source of possible damaging factors to weaken their action or destroy the source of possible damaging factors.

2.3.Group behavior of people in extreme situations

Under the group behavior of people in emergency situations, we understand the behavior of the majority of people who are part of a group and who find themselves in the face of a sudden and dangerous incident or the threat of such an incident that affects the interests of all people. This is associated with real or potential material losses, human casualties and is characterized by a noticeable disorganization of the public order. The group behavior of people is associated with the same external event and depends on such emotional factors that are associated with the group mentality, and not with the individual properties of the human psyche. This is evidenced by the statistics of disasters, the fate of the victims, the actions of rescuers and the behavior of the surrounding population, which in itself did not suffer from emergency situations. The behavior of people in extreme situations is divided into two categories.

Cases of rational, adaptive human behavior with mental control and management of the emotional state of behavior. In many extreme situations, no pathological behavior of people was observed and adaptation of people to the situation was noted, calmness was maintained and measures of protection, mutual assistance were carried out, and measures were taken to restore the disturbed order of life. This behavior is a consequence of the exact implementation of the instructions and orders of the management in case of emergency. It should be remembered that the implementation of orders and instructions prevents the spread of anxiety and anxiety and at the same time does not prevent the manifestation of personal initiative in the field of one's protection.

Cases that are negative, pathological, characterized by a lack of adaptation to the situation, when people, with their irrational behavior and dangerous actions for others, increase the number of victims and disrupt public order. In this case, “shock inhibition” may occur, when a mass of people become confused and lack of initiative, or even simply distraught. Panic is a special case of "shock inhibition" when fear of danger takes possession of a group of people. Usually, panic manifests itself as a wild erratic flight, when people are led by consciousness, relegated to a primitive level (a primitive human reaction to fear). It can be accompanied by real fury, especially if there are obstacles along the way, the overcoming of which is accompanied by a large number of human victims. Panic reactions can also be observed in a group of people in enclosed spaces with an unknown layout, when a person feels a threat to his life. Many in these cases believe that it is almost impossible to escape, they instantly experience a feeling of mass fear, especially if there are unbalanced people in the group, and there can be no more than 2% of the entire group. Psychologically, panic is very contagious, as it is associated with the manifestation of the “herd instinct”. It is necessary to know that precautions taken in advance cannot completely guarantee the possibility of a panic, but can significantly reduce it, so taking such measures is mandatory. Loud-speaking notification of the population (loudspeakers on the streets, in the premises) makes it possible to ensure the safety of the actions of persons in a crisis (catastrophic) situation. The danger of using the elevator is reported (stopping and inability to leave it) and instructions are given on actions to protect and exit the danger zone, etc.

2.4 Social forms of behavior in an extreme situation

There are two main forms social behavior in extreme situations: social activity (type A) and pronounced social passivity (type B).

Type A behavior- a specific style of behavior that is characterized by aggressiveness, impatience, excessive involvement in work, striving for achievements, rivalry, an exaggerated feeling of lack of time, hasty speech, tension in the muscles of the face and body.

The main feature of this type of behavior is the desire to achieve as much as possible in a minimum period of time, overcoming any resistance from others.

There is an opinion that people with type A behavior tend to create a certain lifestyle for themselves with an increased likelihood of stress. However, type A behavior often appears out of touch with the situation that causes it (i.e., there is no situational specificity of type A behavior).

Type A behavior has much in common with workaholism, a type of behavior characterized by a desire for constant success and approval from others. This type of behavior is accompanied by personality changes, affecting primarily the emotional-volitional sphere. During psycho-corrective classes, people with type A behavior are taught techniques to reduce excessive emotional tension, adequately resolve conflicts and plan their activities.

Type B behavior- a specific style of behavior, which is characterized by relaxation, calmness, moderate involvement in work with the alternation of work and rest, tension and relaxation, the absence of continuous emotional tension, balance.

Type B behavior, the opposite of Type A behavior, can be
consider the behavior of a harmonious personality. In people with type B behavior, there is no decrease in activity and socially.

3. Methods for preventing unwanted reactions in an extreme situation

1. The basis for the prevention of any psychological phenomena is the analysis of the characteristics of the occurrence and course of various forms of individual and collective reactions of fear (panic).

2. Vocational selection of persons to work in hazardous types of labor, and especially the leaders of production teams (there are individuals with an increased level of risk). The accumulated experience of studying catastrophic situations allows us to assert the position about the presence of persons (psychopathy, nervousness) prone to creating accidents and inadequate actions in a threatening situation.

3. Training in security issues and educational work to form in the minds of people caution, prevention and reasonable behavior in emergency and emergency situations. A person working in hazardous industries must:

Know their duties for the prevention of emergencies and be responsible not only for the occurrence of accidents, but also for the nature of their actions when leading the masses in case of fires and other emergencies;

Have psychological readiness to act in emergency situations, be aware that an explosion, fire or other phenomena is a real danger, and be prepared not only to prevent or stop a catastrophic process, but also to guide the masses of people;

Know shift work schedules and action schemes in critical situations;

Participate not only in business games, but also in emergency games, which contributes to the knowledge of the problem and the formation of automatic actions in emergency situations.

4. The main task in emergency situations and during a disaster is to keep people calm and quick reasonable activity. This is achieved by information means and an example of the actions of others. People should know and understand that people are dying in a stampede.

5. Leadership of the mass of people is the basis of panic prevention. The panic reaction is always the induction of fear, the loss of a degree of conscious guidance and the accidental capture of the "guidance" of people's actions by persons in a state of fear and acting unconsciously, automatically. These persons, by the brightness of their actions and speech (screams), excite others and actually carry away people who are in connection with fear in a state of narrowed consciousness and act automatically without assessing the current situation. In a state of fear, people are easily manageable and can be attracted to safe and objective activities. If the leadership of the mass is carried out by a conscious person, then people retain the ability to act intelligently and protect their lives.

6. A special role in the prevention of fear is played by the business employment (position) of a person and the demonstration of the organization of the actions of those around him. “Action saves from fear. It saves both from fear and from weaknesses, even from cold and disease” (Antoine de Saint-Exupery). So, the soldiers involved in rescuing children during repeated shocks of the earthquake did not experience fear, unlike people who were not busy with anything (Leninakan).

7. In an acute situation or a threatening situation, it is necessary to remove (fix) people who can induce fear and involve people in dangerous activities. Their influence on those around them must be suspended, since induction (transfer) of their actions to a mass of people may occur.

8. In the structure of managing a mass of people, the warning system plays an important role: loud-speaking notification, light and sound signals, exit signs, directions of movement and other means.

So, the extreme situation (Latin extremum - extreme, limiting; situatio - position) is a concept through which an integrative characteristic of a radically or suddenly changed situation is given, associated with this especially unfavorable or threatening factors for human life, as well as high problematic, tension and risk in the implementation of expedient activities in these conditions. The behavior and reactions of a person in an extreme situation are extremely complex and require study, but at the same time, the data obtained by scientists allow practicing psychologists to help a person who has experienced an extreme situation, as well as to predict his possible behavior in an extreme situation and reduce the possible damage to the psyche that may occur when experiencing an extreme situation. situations.

List of sources used

1. Lebedev V. Personality in extreme conditions

2. Alexandrovsky Yu. et al. Psychogeny in extreme situations

3. Malkina - Pykh "Extreme situations"

4. Petrov N.N. "Man in Emergencies"

5. Social Psychology: Tutorial for universities / Comp.: R.I. Mokshantsev, A.V. Mokshantseva

Extreme situations are different: flood, earthquake, betrayal of one of the spouses, etc. People stay for a long time in an environment that is very different from the usual, caused by low or high temperatures, avalanches, floods on rivers, heavy rainfall, etc. For example, in the practice of tourism (including sports), emergency situations associated with loss of orientation are most likely; loss of group or individual equipment as a result of a fire, an avalanche, a snowstorm, ill-conceived crossings through water barriers, and similar reasons; unintentional separation of the group or the loss of one or more participants in the campaign; a sharp deterioration in weather conditions and, as a result, the insufficient effectiveness of the equipment taken, the impossibility of its operation; loss, overspending or spoilage of food that threatens the group with hunger; loss of a vehicle (raft, motonart, etc.).

Statistics show that the occurrence of an emergency situation in a campaign in most cases is a consequence of the wrong actions of the people themselves. Only an insignificant part of accidents occurs due to objective reasons that do not depend on people, for example, when a group falls into a natural disaster zone - fire, flood, hurricane, earthquake. An emergency situation differs from an accident in that not one or two victims, but the whole group, are in a critical situation that threatens life itself.

During the preparation of the trip, tourists carefully analyze the route in terms of ensuring safety. To do this, with the help of special literature, they get acquainted with the geographical, climatic, relief features of the travel area, ask tourists who have previously been to the area and know the specific dangers of the route, if necessary, contact the local travel club.

Such physical, theoretical, psychological preparation and a serious attitude to business disciplines a person. In the head of a person who systematically engages in physical culture, possible difficulties and consequences of incorrect actions are predicted.

For each expected emergency, the best course of action is determined. When "playing" possible accidents during a campaign, one must proceed from the worst. They hope for luck, but maybe they are not prepared, and this means deliberately putting their lives and the lives of their comrades at unjustified risk.

In emergency circumstances, it is very important to maintain maximum composure, move away from “personal” fear, assess the situation as a whole, and outline the safest course of action. This is achieved by learning how to act in an accident. It is desirable to develop a kind of conditioned reflex to danger.

Such reflexes are more or less developed during sports. Athletes consciously prepare themselves for sports activities, but in practice, in certain situations, they transfer their physical abilities (strength, endurance, speed), skills to other activities. People who are not involved in physical culture and sports do not know how to transfer physical abilities and skills to another area of ​​activity and deliberately expose themselves to danger in emergency situations. Such people, as a rule, are prepared as a burden and are a “brake” to saving themselves and others.

Very often, experienced tourists, recalling the accident, say that they acted “unconsciously”. But this is apparent unconsciousness. It is based on knowledge, experience of numerous trips, trainings, analysis of emergency situations, personal participation in minor incidents. The correct actions are “recorded” in the subconscious of an experienced tourist and athlete. And vice versa, indecision, confusion are explained, as a rule, by elementary illiteracy. Not knowing what to do to save himself, a person falls into a stupor or panic, subsequently giving way to despair, a sense of doom. For example, an experienced tourist shouting “Stone!” will instantly press against the rock, and the beginner will freeze or begin to lift his head, trying to see where the threat comes from.

With a short-term external threat, a person acts on a sensual level, obeying the instinct of self-preservation, easily orients himself in space: bounces off a falling tree, clings to stationary objects when falling, tries to stay on the surface of the water with the threat of drowning. A person who is not engaged in physical culture, sports will not have the strength to save himself, not to mention helping others.

Another thing is long-term survival. In an emergency, sooner or later, a critical moment comes when exorbitant physical and mental stress, the seeming senselessness of further resistance suppress the will. A person is seized by passivity, indifference. He is no longer afraid of the possible tragic consequences of ill-conceived overnight stays, risky crossings, etc. He does not believe in the possibility of salvation and therefore perishes without exhausting his reserves of strength to the end. Only athletes have a high level of body recovery. They are less tired compared to people who do not play sports.

Survival, based only on the biological laws of self-preservation, is short-lived. It is characterized by rapidly developing mental disorders and hysterical behavioral reactions. The desire to survive (to win) must be conscious and purposeful. You can call it the will to live. Long-term survival is ensured not by the spontaneous desire “I don’t want to die!”, but by the goal “I must survive!”. Only trained people can do this.

The desire to survive should be dictated not by instinct, but by conscious necessity. Unfortunately, there are many cases when, after an accident, people, due to their weakness, passively expected help from outside, without taking any action to protect themselves from adverse climatic factors, to facilitate their search. Willlessness took the form of inaction, and this, in turn, exacerbated the developing depression. We must strive to provide feasible work for each person. Inaction, especially forced waiting, oppresses people. It is very important not to be led by your own fatigue, not to put things off “for tomorrow”, “for later”. You should show maximum willpower to do what you don’t want to do. Only athletes, people who are systematically engaged in physical culture, are capable of this.

The basis of survival is solid knowledge in the most various fields, starting with astronomy and medicine and ending with the recipe for cooking dishes from caterpillars. Absence necessary knowledge neither enthusiasm, nor physical endurance, nor even the availability of stocks of food and emergency equipment can replace. A box of matches will not save you from freezing if a person does not know how to properly make a fire in the rain. The risk of getting into an avalanche increases many times if you do not know the rules for overcoming avalanche areas. Incorrectly rendered first aid will only aggravate the condition of the victim.

It is desirable not only to know how to behave in a given situation, but also to be able to do it. In order to do this, elementary physical qualities are necessary: ​​strength, endurance, dexterity, flexibility, appropriate thinking. When the situation becomes threatening, it is too late to start learning.

Many people find themselves in extreme situations. It can be an earthquake, flood, fire, terrorism and much more.

In stressful situations, a person can become confused or become a fighting person for a while. As a result, after having experienced horror and fear, the psyche suffers. A person needs the help of qualified specialists.

What are emergency situations

Sometimes a person experiences adverse events that affect the psyche. This is often referred to as emergency situations. Simply put, it is a change in habitual living conditions.

When a critical situation occurs, a person has a fear that needs to be dealt with. After all, while it is present, people are not subject to themselves. Often intense fear covers when a person realizes that a certain situation threatens life. Therefore, after the experience, a person is not able to cope with himself, with his psyche. These people need professional help.

After a terrible episode, emotions of excitement overwhelm. There is an opinion that the release of adrenaline from the body is good. However, psychologists have a different point of view. After all, if something unforeseen happens, for example, a fire, a person has a shock. After a successful outcome, a heart attack, heart attack, and other adverse outcomes are possible. Therefore, it is better to avoid such situations. The psychology of extreme situations is a problem that is very difficult to get rid of.


Extreme situations can be unexpected and predictable. For example, natural disasters cannot be expected. These situations appear suddenly. Therefore, from surprise, a person may be confused and not have time to take the necessary measures. Extreme situations are divided into the following types.

1. By the scale of distribution. This refers to the size of the territory and the consequences.

  • Local situations are only in the workplace and do not go beyond it. Affected people can be a maximum of 10-11, no more.
  • object situations. This is a danger on the territory, but it can be eliminated on your own.
  • local situations. Only a certain city (suburb or village) suffers. An extreme situation does not go beyond the boundaries of the area and is eliminated by its own means, resources and forces.
  • Regional. The dangerous situation extends to several approximate areas. involved in liquidation federal services. In a regional emergency, there should be no more than 500 people affected.

2. By the pace of development.

  • Unexpected and sudden (accidents, floods, earthquakes, etc.).
  • Swift. This is a very fast spread. These include fires, emissions of gaseous toxic substances, etc.
  • Medium. are thrown away radioactive substances or erupting volcanoes.
  • Slow. It can be droughts, epidemics, etc.

Any emergency situation poses a threat to human life.

Each catastrophe leaves its mark on the psyche of people. Therefore, it is necessary to be very careful and know how to react in a certain situation.

Behavior rules

Not everyone thinks about how to behave at a certain moment. Behavior in an emergency is very important. After all, a lot depends on it, including human life.

First of all, you need to be very calm and cool. Count quickly to three and catch your breath. Try to forget about fear and pain for the moment. Realistically evaluate your capabilities, strengths and the situation as a whole. Confusion, panic and indecision will only hurt you under such circumstances.

Every person should always be ready for unforeseen danger. Then it's easier to deal with it. You must know how to properly provide first aid. With good preparation, there is always an opportunity to save your life or those around you. Behavior in extreme situations must be controlled.


First of all, you yourself must make sure that your home is safe and sound. Will you be able to stay in the house if there are hurricanes or earthquakes? Check wiring regularly. You must know for sure that in case of fire you can get out of the trap unharmed.

Every family should have medicines for all occasions. We must not forget about bandages, iodine, a remedy for burns. They are not needed every day, but sometimes they are simply necessary. Survival in extreme situations is a very important factor for every person.

If you have a car, it should always be ready to leave. Try to store fuel for such cases.

Do not forget about spare clothes, which should be close to your home. Maybe in a garage or basement. Let it be old, but warm in the cold.

If each person thinks about their safety in advance, then it will be much easier to survive in any extreme conditions.


What should a person do in emergency situations? Not everyone will be able to answer this question. It's worth noting. that extreme situations happen to people every day, so you need an answer to this question know in advance.

If a person finds a suspicious device in a public place, then it cannot be picked up, but must be reported to the police. Even if it's anonymous. Do not be afraid to report, because if you do not suffer, then someone else.

In any situation, you should not panic. This is the most dangerous feeling. Try to pull yourself together, calm down and act according to the situation.

There is always a way out, the main thing is to use it correctly. As a rule, there are others to whom you can turn for help. Actions in extreme situations should be lightning fast. After all, life depends on it. If you find yourself unable to cope, shout as long as you can so that you can be heard. It is clear that not everyone will help, but at least one person will respond to your misfortune.

Memo to citizens

Every citizen needs help in emergency situations. To do this, there is a memo that does not let you forget how to act in case of unforeseen incidents.

If you understand that something has happened to the electricity, for example, the meter is cracking or the light is flashing incorrectly, then immediately turn off the power to the apartment. After all, undesirable emergencies can occur. At the same time, it is desirable to turn off the gas and water. After that, do not hesitate to call the master or emergency service.

It often happens that people do not attach importance to some little things. Because of this, fires, explosions, etc. occur. Therefore, your documents should be in one place and preferably closer to the exit. In case of danger, you must take them with you. This is the first thing that should come to a person's mind.

Money and necessary things should also not be too far from the exit. In stressful and extreme situations, there is not always time to run around the apartment and pack your bags. Therefore, it is necessary to think in advance that dangerous events can occur at any moment. You always need to remember the rules in extreme situations that can help.

Extreme natural situations

Not only in an apartment can danger overtake a person. In nature, too, there is enough extreme. Therefore, a person must be ready for anything.

For example, you can get into uncomfortable weather conditions - severe frost and snow. The best solution is to survive the cold. You can build a small cave.

Know that snow is an excellent thermal insulator. Therefore, thanks to the snow cave, you can wait out the cold.

Never go without water in hot weather. It is very dangerous. After all, when you feel thirsty, and there is no water nearby, you will be ready for anything, if only you were given a sip of a soft drink. Without water, as you know, a person will not live long.

In natural extreme situations, you can save yourself. However, you should always remember to take precautions. Emergencies can strike a person at any time.


A person can get used to any living conditions. Even in modern world not everyone can fully use water, electricity and gas. Therefore, you can also adapt to extreme situations.

Before getting used to dangerous or unusual conditions, it is necessary to prepare psychologically. To do this, read about the unknown area where you are going to go. Try to master the necessary skills.

It is very important to prepare yourself psychologically. If in doubt, maybe it's not time to take risks? extreme life situation shouldn't break you. Focus only on the positive.

To make it easier for you to adapt to extreme situations, take care of food, water and warm clothes. It is much harder to survive without the essentials.


People who find themselves in extreme situations need help. Each of them has a mental disorder. The consequences are different for people. Some try to forget and find solace in alcohol, others become drug addicts, others prefer to commit suicide. All of them need the help of qualified specialists who will bring a person out of this state.

Psychologists will help relieve stress, fear and return to normal life. These people cannot be condemned, because none of them is to blame for what happened. Letting go of memories is not easy. If you have witnessed a similar situation, then do not turn away from such people, but try to help them return to past life where they feel safe and comfortable.

Every day, a lot of people need to communicate with doctors such as psychologists or neuropathologists. After stress, a person ceases to exist, begins to live one day. In order to make it easier to survive difficult days, psychologists advise:

  • Do not panic;
  • Remain calm in any situation;
  • More often engage in self-hypnosis;
  • Rest a lot;
  • Spend as much time as possible with friends and family;
  • Don't be alone.

When you see something terrible in front of you, try to avoid tears and panic, and look for a way out of this situation.

If a person who has experienced severe stress turns to a specialist, it will be easier for him to survive the current problem. The psychology of extreme situations is very serious, so you need to pay attention to it first of all.


Each person reacts differently to stressful situations. Some will do everything possible to save themselves, others will start to panic. It all depends on the personality of the person. Everyone's psyche is different. Therefore, one cannot condemn those people who give up. After all, they are not to blame for their weakness. There are some extreme situations. It is about them that everyone should remember.

In stressful situations, a person's body is depleted, hence many other diseases appear. In order to avoid undesirable consequences in the future, it is necessary to seek help from specialists who will help restore nervous system and return to the old trouble-free life.

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