Legality time. KPE intimidation action in Chelyabinsk. The logic of social behavior before and after changing the frequency ratio

Everything that happens in the universe can be described as oscillatory process, both at the level of the microworld and at the level of the macrocosm. The rotation of electrons in orbits around the nucleus of an atom, the rotation of the Moon around the Earth, the Earth and planets around the Sun, the rotation of galaxies. Similarly, everything in human life is subject to certain rhythms and is described as an oscillatory process.

Proceeding from this, time is a correlation of the frequencies of oscillatory processes, one of which is taken as a standard.

Since a lot of things in human life are subject to solar rhythms, the periods of revolution of the Earth around the Sun - a year, and the Earth around its axis - a day were taken as the standard of time.

If we consider a person's life as a kind of oscillatory process, then we can see the following: up to 20-25 years, a person studies and does not actively participate in the life of society, from 20-25 to 50 years the period of greatest productivity in social activities of a person, after 50 years, the bulk of people begin to go into their problems and eschew an active social life. As a result, the most socially significant period in a person's life is a period of about 20-25 years.

A similar pattern can be identified if we take into account the average age of a mother at the birth of her first child, which is also 20-25 years. Since, at conception, genetic information is exchanged and the born child already carries a new genetic code, then it can be determined that every 25 years there is an exchange of information at the biological level.

Let's call this process the "frequency of biological time", during the entire global historical process, it practically did not change and remains constant.

Man is the only biological species on earth that processes everything that he receives from nature and is engaged in creativity, creating something new. Thus, in addition to the existing biosphere, man created the technosphere, which he continuously modifies and improves. The rate of change in the technosphere was especially strongly spurred by the legalized usurious loan interest, which forces the introduction of constantly new technologies in order to pay off debts. Is there a periodicity in the change of the technosphere? Yes, there is such a periodicity and it is easy to trace it, taking any of the branches of human activity, for example, transport.

Man invented the cart, and it served without significant changes for thousands of years. Man invented the carriage, and it traveled for hundreds of years. Invented a steam locomotive, its design changed over decades (steam locomotive, diesel locomotive, electric locomotive, monorail Railway). With the invention of the automobile and the aircraft, the renewal began in just a few years.

We see that the frequency of technology change is constantly increasing, and if at the beginning it was measured in millennia, today it is measured in years. But technical information is only part of it. general information culture of mankind, in general, the whole culture is subject to the same law of change, if by culture we mean all non-genetically conditioned information. Therefore, we will call this frequency of updating information at the extra-genetic level “the frequency of social time”.

The ratio of the frequencies of biological and social time and their relationship in the global historical process is called the Law of Time.

Now let's see how these frequencies correlate.

If earlier for many hundreds and even thousands of years the frequency of "biological time" was higher than the frequency of "social time", then in the second half of the 20th century the situation changed qualitatively. Now the frequency of "social time" exceeds the frequency of "biological time".

In the first half of the 20th century (1900 ... 1950), a phenomenon occurred in the life of human society, which is called resonance in technology.

Resonance phenomenon:

Any system, even at rest, has its own frequency of oscillation. If a driving force with a frequency close to or equal to the frequency of natural oscillations is applied to such a system, this will lead to resonance, i.e. a sharp increase in the amplitude of oscillations. Resonance phenomena can cause irreversible damage to various mechanical systems, such as improperly designed bridges. So, in 1905, the Egyptian bridge in St. Petersburg collapsed, when an equestrian squadron passed through it, and in 1940, the Tacoma bridge in the USA collapsed. To prevent such damage, there is a rule that forces the formation of soldiers to break the step when passing bridges.

Mankind managed to skip this period of time and survive, due to the fact that this period was insignificant in duration relative to the entire historical process and the population of our planet had not reached, by this time, a critical mass, although at that time the whole world was shocked by a wave of wars and revolutions. This period is called the Apocalypse in the Bible.

Now, during the life of one person and the life of one generation, there are multiple changes in the surrounding society (changes in the information state of society). The attitude of people to what is happening around them is also changing, as a result of which, after the second half of the 20th century, there is a change in logic. social behavior of people.

In the period before the change in the logic of social behavior, a person was born, received some information (here is God, here is the King, here is the Church), and it was unshakable, until his death. Anyone who at the beginning of his life received an initiation into something could, due to the monopoly on this knowledge, live comfortably for the rest of his life. Those who did not receive such initiations plowed the land. Now the time for initiations is over; as a result of the ever-increasing frequency of social time, they have lost any meaning whatsoever.

To illustrate the speed of technology development, let's turn to the information of Cisco's chief futurist Dave Evans, as of the end of 2009:

    Today we know 5% of what we will know in 50 years. In other words, 95% of the knowledge that will be available to people by 2060 will be the result of discoveries made in the next 50 years.

    In the next 2 years, the volume of information in our world will increase annually by six times, and the volume of corporate data in the same period will increase by 50 times annually.

    Over the next two years, the volume of information on the World Wide Web will double every 11 hours.

    By 2015, humanity will annually create content that is 92.5 million times larger than the amount of information stored in the US Library of Congress (considered the world's largest repository of information).

In the changed logic of social behavior, a person either masters new knowledge, revises and changes his stereotypes, or finds himself in the dustbin of history. To adapt, a person needs to be able to acquire new knowledge continuously throughout his life, and for this you need to be able to learn on your own. It is necessary to develop a method for mastering new knowledge.

"Knowledge is power - knowledgepower»

"Who owns the information - he owns the world"

The basic principle of the enslavement of mankind is realized on the basis of the use of a monopoly on knowledge. When a small handful of people at the top of the social pyramid has the full knowledge of mankind, and the closer to the base of this pyramid, the less knowledge is given to people. In fact, we can consider two conditional pyramids, one - the pyramid of power with the top directed upwards, the other - the pyramid of knowledge with the top turned down. The law of time leads to the collapse of this pyramid system. The modern slave owner, the owner of the workers (the word worker has the same root as the word slave), in order for his slaves to work better and bring “profit”, it is necessary to continuously give new knowledge. But if the slaves know more and more, they will cease to be slaves.

“Everyone, to the extent of his understanding of the general course of things, works for himself, and to the extent of misunderstanding, on the one who understands more.”

Or as Kozma Prutkov said:

“Many things are incomprehensible to us, not because our concepts are weak; but because these things do not enter the circle of our concepts.

Pushkin speaks openly about his understanding of the Law of Time and the helplessness of the current slave owners in relation to it in the brilliant poem Ruslan and Lyudmila:

He brings the stars down from the sky
He whistles - the moon trembles;
But against the TIME LAW
His science is not strong.

The law of time and the collapse of the crowd-“elitist” society

Biological and social time

Changing the logic of social behavior

Law of time. Changing the logic of social behavior

Law of time. 7000 years - the total duration of the global historical process

The objectivity of time - in its objective measurability, respectively, in relation to humanity, one can introduce the concepts biological and social time. The logic of social behavior over historically long time intervals is objectively determined by the ratio of the frequencies of objective processes in the biosphere and in society, which can be chosen as standards of biological and social time.

  • In each genealogical line, on average, parents have their first child every 15 to 25 years. The duration of an active life has about the same value. The frequency of the standard of biological time can be taken f b = 1 / (25 years). It characterizes the rate of updating information in the gene pool of a population and has changed little throughout history compared to the reference frequency of social time.

The moment of extinction for both generations of people and for generations of technologies and life skills, can also be understood in a statistical sense: since the complete disappearance, fixed by the disappearance of the last of the objects of the set, may turn out to be far out of all other statistics and not characteristic of it, we can assume that the disappearance of the set occurred if some then a fixed and constant percentage of the original 100%, such as 80% of the initially identified technologies. You can also approach the process of updating generations of people: i.e. without waiting for the death of the last centenarian, we can assume that if 80% of the once identified personal composition of the population has passed away, then the generation has been replaced by a new one.

The period of change in the logic of social behavior

"Law of Time"

In other words, at the time when Deuteronomy was announced, a socially significant set of technologies and technical solutions were not updated for centuries, but through technological almost the unchanging world passed through many generations. Nowadays, the technosphere surrounding a person manages to change several times during the active life of one generation. That is, the ratio of the reference frequencies of biological and social time has changed: it was f c<< f б; стало f c >f b, which inevitably entails a change in the logic of social behavior.

We live in a historical period when the formation of the logic of social behavior is already underway, corresponding to the new ratio of reference frequencies, but the formation of the new logic of social behavior as a life-determining civilization, and even more so statistically predominant, has not yet been completed.

The change in the ratio of the frequencies of the standards of biological and social time is a kind of threshold in the history of mankind, having crossed which, and without even noticing it, humanity has essentially found itself in a new era - in the beginning of its “watershed” period. This period was foreseen even in antiquity, as can be seen from the following “fairy tale” from the collection of Idris Shah “Tales of the Dervishes”:

When the waters change

One day, Khidr, the teacher of Moses, addressed mankind with a warning.

There will come a day, - he said, - when all the water in the world, except for that which will be specially collected, will disappear. Then another water will appear to replace it, from which people will go crazy.

Only one person understood the meaning of these words. She collected a large supply of water and hid it in a safe place. Then he began to wait for the water to change.

On the predicted day, all the rivers dried up, the wells dried up, and that man, having retired to a shelter, began to drink from his reserves.

When he saw from his hiding place that the rivers had resumed their course, he descended to the sons of men. He found that they speak and think in a completely different way than before, they do not remember what happened to them, nor what they were warned about. When he tried to talk to them, he realized that they considered him crazy and showed him hostility or compassion, but not understanding.

At first, he did not touch the new water at all and returned to his supplies every day. However, in the end, he decided to drink the new water from now on, since his behavior and thinking, which distinguished him from the rest, made life unbearably lonely. He drank the new water and became like everyone else. Then he completely forgot about the supply of other water, and the people around him began to look at him as a madman who was miraculously cured of his madness.

This is an allegory that has survived the ages. Only in a fictional fairy-tale reality can it be understood in the sense that we are talking about some kind of "transmutation" natural water(H 2 O), and not about some other “water” characteristic of society, which, in some respects, in its life is in some sense similar to water in the life of the planet Earth as a whole.

Such an analogue of water (H 2 O) in the life of society is culture - all genetically non-inherited information transmitted from generation to generation in their continuity.

The logic of social behavior before and after changing the frequency ratio

Everyone, according to his arbitrariness, due to his morality, has the opportunity to consciously, being responsible for the consequences, choose for himself this or that style of life.

With the biblical ratio of frequencies of standards, what kind of knowledge a person acquired by the age of 25, with that knowledge he died. The acquisition of new applied knowledge gave him and / or his descendants the opportunity to climb up the steps of the social pyramid of crowd-“elitism” and steadily occupy this position, at least by emigrating to another country, if in his native country the owners of the crowd-“elitist” pyramid cannot find a free feeder for him.

Sorcery (pseudo-priesthood), standing above the “rabble” and “elite”, having a monopoly, first of all, on the METHODOLOGY of revealing new knowledge, dosed the distribution of applied factology. Due to the length of the aging period of applied factology, with the biblical ratio of time reference frequencies, for the majority of the population, the question of methodology of knowledge and its role in the life of society simply did not arise, which ensured the stability of the crowd-“elitist” pyramid and the possibility of spreading the biblical world order for many centuries, resulting in the formation of a Euro-American conglomerate of tribes, peoples, states, cultures, covering four continents .

After changing the ratio of the reference frequencies of biological and social time, the acquisition of new applied factual knowledge does not guarantee a stable position for more high steps crowd-“elitist” pyramid of consumerism, even for representatives of one generation, and not just for their descendants, since applied factology repeatedly becomes outdated during a person’s active life. This causes not only disappointment in the lives of many individuals, but also a massive interest in the reasons for the instability of the life situation of individuals, families and societies, raises questions that have no answers in the “elitist”

Information and analytical service of the Chelyabinsk Regional Organization of the All-Russian Political Party "Course of Truth and Unity" ra h appreciates the situation with the search at the headquarters of the ChRO KPE and the initiation of a criminal case against our comrade-in-arms Shevchenko Alexander Alexandrovich as another manifestation of arbitrariness and h limit in relation to KPI.

Conducting searches and initiating proceedings are related to h distribution of disks with lectures by Konstantin Pavlovich Petrov. extremist moments, supposedly, « found in this promotional product". Head of the Central Executive Committee of the ChRO KPE, children's writer who brings goodness and light to children with his books, in fact, chosen as a victim. There is reason to believe that in the future the "investigation" will be extended to other associates of our organization. The fact that disk with lectures by K.P. Petrov is not on the official list of extremist materials of the Ministry of Justice, investigators of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and employees of the FSB for Chelyabinsk region don't really care at the moment. The promotion of the next, inflated from scratch, "case" continues.

Alexander Shevchenko, who is currently the main defendant, does not lose courage, voluntarily goes to interrogations, spreading knowledge on KOBe even among investigators of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

Local and regional mass media learned about the situation around the Chelyabinsk Regional Organization of WFP KPE today. Most journalists present information fairly objectively. The topic of searches and a criminal case regarding KPI on September 23 became one of the main topics of Chelyabinsk in Yandex news. This became possible thanks to the work of the IAS CHRO WFP KPE with the leading journalists of the South Urals.

In the current situation, the Chelyabinsk Regional Organization of WFP KPE remains a united and friendly unit on the front of combating h limit and arbitrariness.

Information and analytical service of the ChRO WFP KPI news agency material

The leader of the Chelyabinsk political organization was suspected of extremism at the picket

In Chelyabinsk, 49-year-old Alexander Shevchenko, head of the regional branch of the unregistered political party Course of Truth and Unity (VPP KPE), was prosecuted under Part 1 of Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (inciting hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity). According to investigators, the man is suspected of distributing video materials against representatives of Jewish nationality during the March 24 picket. investigator Investigation Department for the Central District of the TFR Sergey Krishtopov.

According to investigators, on March 24, during a picket at the entrance to the Aloe Pole square, the suspect handed over CDs to passers-by, knowing that they contained materials aimed at inciting ethnic and religious hatred. " In particular, we are talking about materials that contain information against representatives of Jewish nationality.- said Sergey Krishtopov. – The investigation of the criminal case continues, investigative actions are being carried out aimed at collecting and consolidating the evidence base. Suspect is on bail».

The investigator specified that both the suspect himself and other representatives of the KPE party do not consider suspicious materials to be extremist.

In my group in social network party members say that Shevchenko handed out disks with lectures on "The Secrets of Mankind Governance" by Konstantin Petrov (professor, tester at the Baikonur Cosmodrome, - Note. author). « How can one see extremism in lectures that call on all people to learn to live in harmony with each other, in lectures that show the mechanisms that prevent people from living in harmony with each other?- one of the party members Valery Kurbatov writes on the Web. - It turns out that person considers extremism when people call to live in harmony with each other, in truth, in truth(Speaker's spelling and punctuation preserved, – Note. author)».

The press service of the regional department of the TFR specified that operational support carried out in a criminal case employees of the regional FSB.

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Law of Time

What is time?

Everything that happens in the Universe can be described as an oscillatory process, both at the level of the microworld and at the level of the macrocosm. The rotation of electrons in orbits around the nucleus of an atom, the rotation of the Moon around the Earth, the Earth and planets around the Sun, the rotation of galaxies. Similarly, everything in human life is subject to certain rhythms and is described as an oscillatory process.

Proceeding from this, time is a correlation of the frequencies of oscillatory processes, one of which is taken as a standard.

Since a lot of things in human life are subject to solar rhythms, the periods of revolution of the Earth around the Sun - a year, and the Earth around its axis - a day were taken as the standard of time.

If we consider a person’s life as a kind of oscillatory process, then we can see the following: up to 20-25 years, a person studies and does not actively participate in the life of society, from 20-25 to 50 years the period of greatest productivity in a person’s social activities, after 50 years the majority people begins to withdraw into their own problems and eschews an active social life. As a result, the most socially significant period in a person's life is a period of about 20-25 years.

A similar pattern can be identified if we take into account the average age of a mother at the birth of her first child, which is also 20-25 years. Since, at conception, there is an exchange of genetic information and the born child already carries a new genetic code, it can be determined that every 25 years there is an exchange of information at the biological level.

Let's call this process the “frequency of biological time”, during the entire global historical process it practically did not change and remains constant.

Man is the only biological species on earth that processes everything that he receives from nature and is engaged in creativity, creating something new. Thus, in addition to the existing biosphere, man created the technosphere, which he continuously modifies and improves. The rate of change in the technosphere was especially strongly spurred by the legalized usurious loan interest, which forces the introduction of constantly new technologies in order to pay off debts. Is there a periodicity in the change of the technosphere? Yes, there is such a periodicity and it is easy to trace it, taking any of the branches of human activity, for example, transport.

Man invented the cart, and it served without significant changes for thousands of years. Man invented the carriage, and it traveled for hundreds of years. He invented the steam locomotive, its design changed over the decades (steam locomotive, diesel locomotive, electric locomotive, monorail railway). With the invention of the automobile and the aircraft, the renewal began in just a few years.

We see that the frequency of technology change is constantly increasing, and if at the beginning it was measured in millennia, today it is measured in years. But technical information is only a part of the general information of the culture of mankind, in general, the whole culture is subject to the same law of change, if by culture we mean all non-genetically conditioned information. Therefore, we will call this frequency of updating information at the extragenetic level - “the frequency of social time”.

The ratio of the frequencies of biological and social time and their relationship in the global historical process is called the Law of Time.

Now let's see how these frequencies correlate.

If earlier for many hundreds and even thousands of years the frequency of "biological time" was higher than the frequency of "social time", then in the second half of the 20th century the situation changed qualitatively. Now the frequency of "social time" exceeds the frequency of "biological time".

In the first half of the 20th century (1900 ... 1950), a phenomenon occurred in the life of human society, which is called resonance in technology.

Resonance phenomenon:

Any system, even at rest, has its own frequency of oscillation. If a driving force with a frequency close to or equal to the frequency of natural oscillations is applied to such a system, this will lead to resonance, i.e. a sharp increase in the amplitude of oscillations. Resonance phenomena can cause irreversible damage to various mechanical systems, such as improperly designed bridges. So, in 1905, the Egyptian bridge in St. Petersburg collapsed when an equestrian squadron passed through it, and in 1940, the Tacoma bridge in the USA collapsed. To prevent such damage, there is a rule that forces the formation of soldiers to break the step when passing bridges.

Mankind managed to skip this period of time and survive, due to the fact that this period was insignificant in duration relative to the entire historical process and the population of our planet had not reached, by this time, a critical mass, although at that time the whole world was shocked by a wave of wars and revolutions. This period is called the Apocalypse in the Bible.

Now, during the life of one person and the life of one generation, there are multiple changes in the surrounding society (changes in the information state of society). The attitude of people to what is happening around them is also changing, as a result of which, after the second half of the 20th century, there is a change in the logic of people's social behavior.

In the period before the change in the logic of social behavior, a person was born, received some information (here is God, here is the King, here is the Church), and it was unshakable, until his death. Anyone who at the beginning of his life received an initiation into something could, due to the monopoly on this knowledge, live comfortably for the rest of his life. Those who did not receive such initiations plowed the land. Now the time for initiations is over; as a result of the ever-increasing frequency of social time, they have lost any meaning whatsoever.

To illustrate the speed of technology development, let's turn to the information of Cisco's chief futurist Dave Evans, as of the end of 2009:

    Today we know 5% of what we will know in 50 years. In other words, 95% of the knowledge that will be available to people by 2060 will be the result of discoveries made in the next 50 years.

    In the next 2 years, the volume of information in our world will increase annually by six times, and the volume of corporate data in the same period will increase by 50 times annually.

    Over the next two years, the volume of information on the World Wide Web will double every 11 hours.

    By 2015, humanity will annually create content that is 92.5 million times larger than the amount of information stored in the US Library of Congress (considered the world's largest repository of information).

In the changed logic of social behavior, a person either masters new knowledge, revises and changes his stereotypes, or finds himself in the dustbin of history. To adapt, a person needs to be able to acquire new knowledge continuously throughout his life, and for this you need to be able to learn on your own. It is necessary to develop a method for mastering new knowledge.

"Knowledge is power - knowledgepower»

"Who owns the information - he owns the world"

The basic principle of the enslavement of mankind is realized on the basis of the use of a monopoly on knowledge. When a small handful of people at the top of the social pyramid has the full knowledge of mankind, and the closer to the base of this pyramid, the less knowledge is given to people. In fact, we can consider two conditional pyramids, one is the pyramid of power with the apex directed upwards, the other is the pyramid of knowledge with the apex directed downwards. The law of time leads to the collapse of this pyramid system. The modern slave owner, the owner of the workers (the word worker has the same root as the word slave), in order for his slaves to work better and bring “profit”, it is necessary to continuously give new knowledge. But if the slaves know more and more, they will cease to be slaves.

“Everyone, to the extent of his understanding of the general course of things, works for himself, and to the extent of misunderstanding, on the one who understands more.”

Or as Kozma Prutkov said:

“Many things are incomprehensible to us, not because our concepts are weak; but because these things do not enter the circle of our concepts.

Pushkin speaks openly about his understanding of the Law of Time and the helplessness of the current slave owners in relation to it in the brilliant poem Ruslan and Lyudmila:

He brings the stars down from the sky
He whistles - the moon trembles;
But against the TIME LAW
His science is not strong.

Well, let's move on to the evidence presented in the article of the same name and the KOB wiki encyclopedia:

“Everything that happens in the Universe can be described as an oscillatory process, both at the level of the microworld and at the level of the macrocosm”

In fact, this is not far off, processes can be chaotic,

Let's give an understandable example: the fall of the body of an adept of some strange concept from the fifth floor (due to disappointment in it) is by no means an oscillatory process, and the change in coordinates is completely described by a parabolic function, provided there is no air resistance. If the latter is present, the description will be much more complicated, but it will not correspond to the oscillatory process!

But committing suicide out of frustration with some pseudo-scientific concept is stupid. You can just reject it and move on with your life, learning about the interesting things in the world. Yes, and maybe this is not a delusion, we continue further:

“If we consider a person’s life as a kind of oscillatory process, then we can see the following: up to 20-25 years, a person studies and does not actively participate in the life of society, from 20-25 to 50 years the period of greatest productivity in a person’s social activities, after 50 years the main a mass of people begins to withdraw into their problems and eschew active social life. As a result, the most socially significant period in a person's life is a period of about 20-25 years.

This statement is called into question by the agitators for KOB with their biography: Petrov, Zaznobin, Efimov began to actively infiltrate public life with their teachings already after fifty.

Of course, before that they were members of the CPSU, and obviously expressed not only their consent, but their readiness to spread Marxism, which they now renounced as a false doctrine. Doesn't this look like some kind of crisis in the worldview in old age and withdrawal into one's own problems associated with the collapse of the USSR!?

“A similar pattern can be identified if we take into account the average age of a mother at the birth of her first child, which is also 20-25 years old. Since, at conception, genetic information is exchanged and the born child already carries a new genetic code, it can be determined that every 25 years there is an exchange of information at the biological level.

If the reader opens statistics on this issue on changes during the last time (we will open from the specialized magazine "Demoscope" No. 489 - 490

"Among the 43 developed countries for which the necessary data are available for all three periods, the highest in 1970-1979 was the average age of mother at birth in Ireland - 30.3 years, and the lowest - 24.7 years - in Bulgaria ( compared with the other two groups, the average age of mother at birth in developed countries was significantly lower: its median value was 27.1 years (29.4 years among developing countries). countries and least developed countries), and in the central half of countries between the bottom and top quartiles, its value ranged from 26.7 to 27.8 years (in developing countries- from 28.3 to 30.1 years, in the least developed countries - from 28.7 to 30.3 years)"

There is also extremely interesting chart, which shows the average age of the mother at the birth of her first child.

If we talk about the old days, then girls entered into marriage at the age of 12 (for example, in ancient Rome), therefore they gave birth much earlier.

It turns out that the age of "biological exchange" of information is somewhat relative. And what is its oscillatory essence!? empirical laws genetics (including human ) they say: the child carries a new genetic code due to combinations parents' genes. Actually, genetic diversity itself, if you read the relevant article, also does not in any way resemble an oscillatory process.

“Man invented the cart, and it has served without significant changes for thousands of years. Man invented the carriage, and it traveled for hundreds of years. He invented the steam locomotive, its design changed over the decades (steam locomotive, diesel locomotive, electric locomotive, monorail railway). With the invention of the automobile and the airplane, the renewal took only a few years.”

The described process looks more like a linear or exponential one, but certainly not like periodic oscillations. Operating with a group of either British or Soviet, but generally anonymous scientists, Zaznobin and others apparently do not know that the models for the development of technology and human knowledge yes, let's look at them on a graph to make it clear.

Exponential dependence of the amount of knowledge (the figure shows the XX century and the development of technology, taken from here)

As we see sinusoids as there are no KOBs on the graph

However, these are not the most important failures of the "law of time": the author listened to a lecture for a long time at this topic Zaznobin, where he very colorfully tells the students who have come across what they did not learn in physics lessons and simple miscellaneous information. Here both the phase velocity and the wavelength, but what can fluctuate in their processes? Examples of the same Zaznobin show a changing value in the form physical quantities describing mechanical movement (coordinates, speed and other derivatives and related quantities).
There is a void on the graph of KOBovets - there is no value !!! Only beautiful pictures of how someone unknown controls the poor crowd, in which KOBovets is located.

And on the basis of this, a terrible thing is displayed:

"In the first half of the 20th century (1900 ... 1950), a phenomenon occurred in the life of human society, which is called resonance in technology."

Speaking about the beginning of the 20th century, there were revolutions before it: in England in the 17th century and France in the 18th century, and even in the 19th century it did not let many states get bored.

But the most important thing: the described processes are not in the nature of oscillations (not forced, not natural), and the phenomenon of resonance is inherent only in this process.

In the classic example of a bridge, the forced vibrations (from soldiers walking in step) coincided with the internal vibrations of the structure itself.

Of course, for KOBovets, these are all the intrigues of various kinds of Global Predictors and therefore a priori a delusion, but that's just: resonance cannot be for absolutely different types of vibrations by their nature. If, dear reader, sets up a circuit that produces electromagnetic oscillations and will clap his hands with the same frequency or make sounds with the same frequency, nothing will change. There will be no resonance!

KOB, on the other hand, is trying to prove the exact opposite, while bypassing uncomfortable moments, only loading a person with scientific information.

Ernest Rutherford said: “If a scientist cannot explain what he is doing to the cleaner who cleans the floor in his laboratory, then he himself does not understand what he is doing. ". Apparently the authors of the KOB themselves do not know, because they have gone out of their minds, or they are simply preparing obedient people!

It is clear that a potential adept will bypass these uncomfortable moments!
After all, everything manipulates him, but now he knows everything and no one will control him, except for the KOBmasters!

In order to “sweeten the pill”, the KOBists throw obvious things into their misinformation (along with such things as interpretations of Pushkin’s poems, for example): “To adapt, a person needs to be able to acquire new knowledge continuously throughout his life, and for this you need to be able to learn on your own. It is necessary to develop a method for mastering new knowledge.

"Knowledge is power - knowledge is power"

"Who owns the information - he owns the world"

That's just to have real knowledge (the same historical knowledge), and not a set of incomprehensible concepts (a kind of "white noise" if we give an understandable analogy with physics), which only mislead people and turn them into some sort of controlled "relays" (that is, this essentially a useless concept, extremely surprised why their pseudo-scientific esoteric concept is called a sect, because "knowledge is power", and ordinary infantry does not need it!

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