How not to lose yourself in a difficult situation? How not to lose yourself in difficult times: life lessons How not to lose yourself in a company


Sometimes we go through the worst things in life to become stronger, smarter and more courageous.

No one goes through life without losing loved one, or something they thought was meant to last forever.

However, in the end, it was through these losses that we became stronger, because they opened up new opportunities for happiness, success and personal growth.

Here's what to remember when the world around you seems to be collapsing.

1) You are not your past.

No matter how many things happened in your past, today you have a clean slate and a new path in front of you. You are not your past habits and mistakes. You are not someone else's attitude towards you. You are only today, here and now, your today's actions and actions.

2) Focus on what you have instead of regretting what you don't have.

You are what you have today. What you really need right now is to find a few, or at least one positive thought that will inspire you and help you move forward.

Grab it and focus on it. It may seem to you that you have nothing, and if you have something, then very little, but our mind is capable of great things, including inspiration.

And this, in turn, is exactly what is needed now in order to continue our journey with dignity.

3) Problems and difficulties are integral parts of personal growth.

Facing problems and finding ways to solve them is an indispensable part of our life and personal growth. A person can lose his job, get sick, and sometimes die in an accident.

When we're young and things are going pretty well, we don't fully realize it.

However, the wisest, but also the most difficult decision we can make in such a situation is to use our reaction to what is happening in such a way as to strengthen our resolve and will.

You may want to swear as much as you like, beat everything around, scream, etc., but you are above this, aren't you?

It is worth remembering that intemperance of emotions often only worsens the situation. While tragedy does hurt us, it is still an opportunity for us to become stronger.

4) Sometimes let yourself fall apart.

You don't always have to play strong or pretend like you're doing great. What others think about you at such a moment should not bother you at all.

If you want to cry now, then cry. Smiling is not always a sign of happiness. Often a smile means that a person is strong enough to face their problems head on.

5) Our life is sudden, very changeable and often shorter than we think.

It is worth remembering that tomorrow may not come. For some, it definitely won't. Now someone is making plans for tomorrow, not knowing that they will die today.

It's sad to admit, but such is life. Therefore, always spend your time today wisely, and do not forget to stop sometimes to remember how wonderful life is.

Every moment lived is a unique gift. Don't waste time on negative thoughts. Better think about what will help you move on.

6) Each of us makes mistakes.

The faster you understand and accept this, the faster you will become better, which means you will make fewer mistakes. Of course, you are unlikely to ever become infallible, but if you do not even try, but sit back, then you will certainly not achieve anything.

It's definitely better to do something and make mistakes than to do nothing at all. You will either learn a life lesson or you will succeed. That is, a win on the face in any case.

7) You can make yourself happy.

Time flies, people change and feelings too. You always have a choice. You can either endlessly rehearse the past and remember your mistakes, or you can make attempts to make yourself happy.

A smile is your choice, not a miracle that fell from heaven. Don't wait for someone or something to make you happy. True happiness lies in the depths of your soul.

8) Try to emotionally distance yourself from your problems.

You are not your problems. You Living being which is much more difficult than all the problems put together. And this means that you are stronger than them, you can both influence them and change your attitude towards them.

9) Do not make a molehill out of a fly.

Don't let one little dark cloud fill the whole sky. No matter how gloomy life seems, the sun still shines, it is important to be able to see it. Sometimes you just need to forget about how you feel, remember what you deserve and move forward towards the goal.

10) Learn life lessons from everything that happens.

Literally from everything, because everything that happens is life. Therefore, never refuse to learn something from her, especially in moments when everything is not going the way you want.

If you don't get the job you were looking for, or if the relationship isn't going the way you want it to, something better is bound to come. A lesson learned is the first step.

11) Any test and any difficulty is a chance to learn something new.

Each time, ask yourself the question: "What can I learn for myself new from this situation?" No matter what happens to us, it is always an opportunity to learn something new. How to express your feelings, how to become strong, how to trust yourself, how to communicate with people correctly, how to learn new things, etc.

12) Everything is changeable, but the sun rises regularly every day.

There are two news. Bad - nothing lasts forever and good - nothing lasts forever.

life lessons

13) Fold your hands and go forward - these are two big differences.

In a certain life period, there comes a moment when you get tired of endless attempts to catch up with everyone and do everything. However, this does not mean that you give up and give up.

This is just a new beginning. You are just beginning to understand that you do not need some people, as well as the intensity of passions with which they fill your life.

14) Beware of negative people.

Whenever you get rid of something negative, you make room for the positive in it. Our life is too fleeting to be around people who feed on your energy and your happiness.

Try to get rid of such people as quickly as possible, because they are the first to destroy your self-esteem and self-confidence. Surround yourself with those who will help you bring out your best features.

15) There is no ideal relationship in nature in a pair.

Perfect personal relationships exist only in romance novels. Do you want to improve your relationship, bring it closer to ideal? Learn to bypass sharp corners and deal with roughness.

16) Don't forget to love yourself.

One of the most serious problems that can happen in your life is the possibility of losing yourself, being consumed by the love of another person.

You can simply forget that you are also worthy of love. When in last time, have you heard from someone that he loves you entirely, with all the advantages and disadvantages? What is important to him what you say, what you think?

When was the last time someone told you that you are doing very well or just took you to where you feel good? When was that "someone" yourself?

life wisdom

17) Don't let another make decisions for you.

Learn to live without worrying about what other people think of you. Get rid of their emotions and prove to yourself that you are actually better than they think.

18) Anger at someone is, first of all, harm to oneself.

19) You are not alone, and problems happen to every person.

You do not sleep at night, worrying about a friend. Trying to pick up the pieces of a soul that has been shattered by betrayal. You feel most worthless because someone doesn't love you enough to be with you.

Don't try new things for fear of failure. None of the above says that something is wrong with you, that you are going crazy.

It says that you a common person and that you just need some time to rest. You are not the only one. No matter what situation you find yourself in, and no matter how pathetic you feel at the same time, millions of people have already fallen into such troubles before you, and millions will fall after.

Therefore, do not lie to yourself and feel sorry, complaining that you are the only one so unhappy in the whole world.

20) You have something to say thank you to fate.

Undoubtedly, our world is full of problems and sorrows, but it is also full of people who cope with them. Rather, forget about what has left your life, and begin to appreciate more strongly what is now and will be in the future.

Even when things are really bad for you, look at your life with different eyes. You don't go to bed hungry, you have something to wear, you don't sleep outside.

You don't work 20 hours a day for pennies. You drink clean water, and if you get sick, you can go to the doctor. You don't shake with fear. You have internet access.

So you can list for a long time. Great amount people would consider you rich, so appreciate what you have today.

21) Don't forget to regularly feed your inner hope.

No matter how hard it is for you: losses, illnesses, trampled dreams, fears, worries, be sure to put your hands to your heart at least once a day and say: "Hope lives here."

It's important to remember

22) A bitter truth is better than a sweet lie.

Always look at things with sober eyes. You have to see them for who they are, not as you want them to be. It is always better to try a bitter medicine than to fortify yourself with a sweet poison.

23) It's often hard to know how close you've come to success.

We always move forward in small steps, and only looking back can we see the line. Often success is much closer than we think, and lies in wait for us when we least expect it.

24) We are often the luckiest when we don't get what we want.

This is exactly what happens, because in such cases a person re-evaluates priorities, opens up ways to new opportunities, and sees what is happening with a fresh, unfettered look.

25) Laughter is the best stress reliever.

Laugh more often, especially at yourself. Try to find something funny in every situation. Laughter and the optimism that accompanies it attract joy and happiness into your life.

If you have fun and treat everything with a positive attitude, then you will not need to look for good people and the nice things in life, because they will find you.

It's important not to forget

26) Mistakes are only good for you.

Each of us makes mistakes. Each of us has allowed or is allowing others to take advantage of us or do things we don't deserve.

But if you think about it, in fact, our unfortunate choice teaches us a lot. Of course, some things cannot be returned, and apologies from certain people are unlikely to wait, but the most important thing is to learn from the whole history and not repeat the mistakes.

It is worth remembering that it is not the one who falls who is mistaken, but the one who does not want or cannot get up, even if he has such an opportunity.

Get up, get moving! Often, something good leaves our lives, giving way to the best.

27) Worry is a waste of energy.

If you worry, then you will not get rid of the troubles of tomorrow. You are just wasting your energy.

28) Even if it’s incredibly hard for you, try to take at least a minimal step forward.

It is always necessary to force yourself to move forward, especially in difficult times. Under no circumstances should you stop moving. As long as you go forward, even at a snail's pace, you will still get to the finish line sooner or later.

Be sure to rejoice at every step you take, no matter how big or small it is. Stepping forward is getting closer to where we want to be tomorrow.

May you aspire to a better life or to the dream of a lifetime, you will achieve it when you take many, many steps towards it.

29) There will always be people who won't like you.

It's impossible for everyone around you to like it. No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, there will still be someone who will not like you no matter what.

You should not pay attention to him, but you should act as your heart tells you. What a stranger will say and think about you is not so important, what matters is what you think about yourself.

30) Without some people, life will be easier for you, even if you think you need them.

The truth of life is that some people will stick around for as long as you have what they need. When the need for you disappears, remember your name.

The good news is that over time, these "transit passengers" will disappear from your life, leaving only friends you can rely on.

31) Your only rival is yourself.

When you catch yourself comparing yourself to a colleague, friend, relative, or neighbor, then stop immediately. Understand that you have nothing in common.

You have your strengths and weaknesses, he has his. Think about what your strength is, and be thankful that you have it.

32) Not everything that happens to you is subject to you.

However, it is in your power to react to it as you need. The life of each of us is full of both positive and negative, and whether you are happy or not depends on how you react to what is happening.

That is, if you catch a cold, then be glad that this is temporary, that this disease does not threaten your life. Lost a game of football or basketball? But after all, I had a wonderful time with friends for a healthy activity!

How not to lose yourself in the turmoil modern life? How to be in balance and not fall into depression when life sets frantic rhythms? These questions concern, probably, all. There are many ways to relax for a moment and escape from everyday worries.

Traveling helps me a lot. Even the most short distances able to work wonders, so I plan to spend my next vacation there. But it is very important to escape from everyday worries - to observe simple rules that will help in life, and more than once!

1. Never Forget Your Friends

A very simple and very complex rule at the same time. When you are at work all day long, then with the last of your strength you go home to your favorite sofa, it is difficult to force yourself to devote time to someone else besides yourself. But, one way or another, the connection with friends is a very subtle thing, since they have exactly the same worries and they just do not find the strength and time to communicate with you. It is possible that after a couple of years of such “stagnation” in communication, you will simply lose touch. And true friendship must be protected, because it is not so easy to find it again.

2. Learn to say "No"!

Some responsibilities are constantly pressing on you. This is not surprising. Every person in life has such a moment when you need to say “no” to work and, leaving everything, give up on rest. Believe me, you will get down to business much more productively after a good rest.

3. Down with everything that pulls down!

It happens that you “pull on yourself” an unbearable burden that constantly slows down your career growth, prevents you from developing and moving forward. If this load is some kind of person - a ballast that brings only trouble, think about whether you need such a weighting agent in life. It may be easier to get rid of it and proudly raise your head to go forward.

4. Never give up!

When it seems that everyone has forgotten about you, work stands still, there is no mood and everything is black and white, do not rush to write yourself off. It's just a period in life that needs to be experienced. Be philosophical about it. You can’t give up even for a minute, because only in this case, life will reward you with an upswing both in your career and in personal relationships.

5. Do something for yourself!

Looking good, achieving success is not so much for someone else, but for yourself. It's very nice and helpful. Others will not always be able to appreciate you, but doing something for yourself and being satisfied with your work is what you need. Moreover, you can’t please everyone, so don’t pay too much attention to public opinion, and then everything will be fine!


Be yourself. Don't try to imitate yourself various roles, because there is only one life, and there is no place for a theatrical game in it. The formation of personality occurs with age, and it is normal when teenagers try on images one by one. But an adult must know exactly his place in this life.

Don't fit in with people. Communication with friends, colleagues, romantic and family relationships - they all leave their mark, but you can not let them change you beyond recognition. For example, if someone thinks you're tight, you don't have to dance on the bar in a nightclub in response. Most likely, you are just shy and introverted, which is not at all bad trait character.

Do what you love. To find yourself, you need to find a calling, and only in it is it possible not to lose your personality. If at work you simply follow other people's orders, do everything “under pressure” and adapt to your colleagues and boss, you should think about changing your position or profession.

Set priorities, don't chase everything at once. Torn between work and family, you can forget about yourself and subsequently feel confused. Decide what is important to you at the moment and focus on that.

Stay on your own. A person who wants not to lose himself often tries to communicate more and not close himself in. But this is not always the right approach. Loneliness also bears fruit, because a person has the opportunity to think about what is happening around him. At this time, he belongs only to himself, and this gives good results. This self-improvement should be done daily, and it has nothing to do with grooming or cooking in an empty kitchen. Learn to just sometimes sit in silence, walk alone in the parks, watch the city from a bench or from a window.

Do self-education. Continuous personal improvement does not happen by itself, for this you will have to put in some effort. It is not necessary to go to university or enroll in courses. It is always possible to purchase books or find useful information in the Internet. So you will feel solid ground under your feet and will not be afraid to take the wrong step to the side.

Reading 4 min.

How to find yourself? Paradoxical as it may seem, but in order to find yourself, it is enough not to lose yourself. Often, instead of finding himself through a search, a person moves even further away from himself and sometimes loses himself irretrievably. We could say that our soul is eternal, that life is perfect, but if this is really so ... why then is the soul so often restless, why do we often have to worry so much? It is worth paying attention to one key moment that can change your whole future life. You are ready? What desire actually pushes a person to start searching for himself? Think...don't rush...feel. Do you really want to find yourself, or do you just want to get rid of the problems that make life difficult or even unbearable? Perhaps you are already beginning to understand what I'm getting at? How not to lose yourself? I recommend following the following principle: if you want to solve problems, then say “I want to solve problems”, if you want to become calmer, then say “I ...

How to find yourself?

Paradoxical as it may seem, but in order to find yourself, it happens enough not to lose yourself. Often, instead of finding himself through a search, a person moves even further away from himself and sometimes loses himself irretrievably. We could say that our soul is eternal, that life is perfect, but if it really is… why, then, is the soul so often restless, why do you often have to worry so much? It is worth paying attention to one key moment, which the maybe change your entire life. You are ready? What desire actually pushes a person to start searching for himself? Think... don't rush... feel. Do you really want to find yourself, or do you just want to get rid of the problems that make life difficult or even unbearable? Perhaps you are already beginning to understand what I'm getting at?

How not to lose yourself?

I recommend following the following principle: if you want to solve problems, then say “I want to solve problems”, if you want to become calmer, then say “I want to become calmer”, and only if you want to find yourself (for example, because you are convinced that you managed to lose yourself) - then say "I want to find myself."

Frankly speaking.

I can't imagine - how can you lose yourself- after all, here I am. Perhaps this means our state, which does not satisfy us. If this is so, then shouldn't it be said - "I am not satisfied with my condition, I want to change it for the better, because my condition is what directly forms my life."

What determines our condition -

Here's the key question we've finally come to.Beliefs are a formidable and, perhaps, the main enemy of happiness. When a person has beliefs (more often beliefs “have” a person), he becomes their hostage. And as soon as something in his life does not happen as he expects, as soon as he does not have what, as he is convinced, he must have, an internal conflict immediately arises. There is no longer a state of happiness, no matter how ridiculous it may be, but it can reach a whole tragedy that can plunge a person into a deep depression.

What to do?

If suddenly this happened to you, and you do not know how to get out of this state, then It's time to say "stop" to yourself. You can distract yourself, find something that will bring joy, something more important for yourself, against the background of which this experience will no longer be perceived as such a global one. But is this a solution, no, this is an escape. The solution is when I muster up the courage to say to myself - "come to your senses, your happiness does not depend on the fulfillment of" your "plans, it does not depend on how much you have what you want to have." What do I do next? I stop demanding that life conform to my ideas, try to bend it for myself, everywhere and everywhere try to exercise my control. I may be asked - "but what then remains"? And there is so little and so much at the same time. It is not enough to recognize life in the face of other people and phenomena as free, to give it the right to be “loved” on an equal footing with itself. A lot is to start interacting with "life" without suppression and dictate based on beliefs, demands. Here, in this choice, respect and co-creation begin; I remember that not only am I a free being, but we are, what is around us is alive, just as divine as I am. At this moment, I say to myself - what I called freedom and my rights were nothing more than selfishness, which I justified lofty goals and words, completely driven by fear, I didn't know what I was doing. I was the executioner who created my own hell, my own oblivion. And here i find myself, my name is Human.

When hell is over.

And now that I know my name, I want to understand what it means. And I begin to search for the answer to the question posed. The great limit of knowledge of the inner world and the outer world. Own feelings and thoughts, own deeds. This is the wealth that I discovered in myself. And most importantly, I am no longer looking for myself, but I know myself and the world around, recognizing it as equal. The path of my life turns from stone-paved fear into a path of respect that will one day lead me to a path of wisdom that will leave a shining mark on eternity. The path of wisdom is the true path of the traveler, whose name is Man. This is the road of abundance, there are no losses on it, only gains. Truth is strength, respect is life. (c) Man.

Why it's wrong to start with goal setting

It is difficult to find a person who has never heard in his life that it is very important to set goals. As a business coach, I myself often give people this advice. Indeed, this is very correct advice: if you want to achieve something, set a goal. A correctly set goal mobilizes a person, focuses his attention on achieving it. But it is a question of whether one should always start with setting a goal.

In the universe, action is primary. Those who carefully observed the behavior of children will immediately understand me. I have three children, and while raising them, I see perfectly well that for them the activity more important than the goal. Aimless redundancy of actions is characteristic of children's behavior. There is no place for reflection and conscious goal setting. The result of the child's actions for the child is unpredictable. Therefore, children are not afraid to make mistakes. Acting randomly, the child learns the main thing: to act in a situation of uncertainty. This skill is often lacking in adults.

Don't be afraid to take action and make mistakes

Awareness follows experience. First the action, then the result, and only then there is an opportunity for a conscious (with goal setting) action. In the process of coaching, I often encounter a situation where a person is “overloaded” with goals.

I once worked with a girl who was struggling with an inferiority complex. Being quite successful in the professional sphere, she suffered acutely from the fact that she "lived someone else's life." It was all about the fact that she spent all her energy on meeting the expectations of her very domineering mother. Despite the fact that she set goals and achieved them, she was a deeply unhappy person. How older man, the more certain world he wants to live. And this is where the trap of awareness lies. Adults differ from children in that they often spend too much time and energy on setting a goal, they strive to calculate everything in such a way as to be sure to avoid failure.

The goal should take a person out of his picture of the world

One of my friends, unfortunately, sees nothing but her children. Her whole world revolves only around her children and their interests. The paradox is that her children are bored with such a mother. She puts all her strength into the children, but instead of gratitude, they are simply rude to her. Subconsciously, her children want to break out of their mother's picture of the world.

People often set goals only within the framework of their picture of the world. Within the framework of the picture of the world, which is formed by their experience. But to act on the basis of previous experience means only to affirm the correctness of one's picture of the world. The picture of the world is therefore a picture because it does not reflect the whole world in its versatility, it is just an imprint that arises as a result of life experience.

The real goal of life is not set, it is found. The real goal does not arise as a projection of previous experience, it takes a person beyond his boundaries. On the one hand, such a goal was not set for me, but at the same time it cannot be said that it was set by me myself. We can say that such a goal itself finds a person. In another way, such a goal is called Meaning.

Meaning is a goal that makes it possible to feel your Value.

The goal is set, the meaning is revealed. This is an intimate encounter with the universe.

“A person should not ask what is the meaning of his life, but rather should realize that he himself is the one to whom the question is addressed,” said Viktor Frankl.

Meaning is what makes it possible to feel, to feel, and not just to understand one's value. And now it is no longer possible to say that I achieve the goal, rather, the Meaning found prompts me to act. Meaning creates Purpose. Destiny is how I practically act in the world, embodying the acquired Meaning.

Here, too, I cannot fail to recall the words of the great psychologist Viktor Frankl: “There is no situation in the world that does not contain a core of meaning. But it is not enough to fill life with meaning, one must perceive it as a mission, realizing one's responsibility for the final result.

Purpose implies responsibility for the realization of the Meaning

“Everyone has their own special calling. Each person is irreplaceable, and his life is unique. And therefore, the task of each person is as unique as his ability to complete this task is unique.” (Viktor Frankl) To find your Destiny means to respond to the Call of the Universe. By embodying the Destiny, I am not just an active person, I become an active Co-Creator of the Universe. By acting, I not only achieve my goals, I conduct an equal Dialogue with the Universe. My life, work, family - this is the whole space for the realization of the Destiny.

The search for the Meaning of Life and Purpose begins with the recognition of one's total incompetence and the limitations of one's life experience. Only when I understand that I really know nothing about the Universe, the Universe is ready to enter into a Dialogue with me. Life becomes a space of opportunities for the realization of the Purpose. “There is no such situation in which life would not give us the opportunity to find meaning, and there is no such person for whom life would not have some business ready.” Viktor Frankl

Source: When copying materials, a link to the source is required

Is it important to set goals? In the universe, action is primary. Those who carefully observed the behavior of children will immediately understand me. I have three children, and while raising them, I see perfectly well that for them, activity is more important than the goal. Aimless redundancy of actions is characteristic of children's behavior. There is no place for reflection and conscious goal setting. The result of the child's actions for the child is unpredictable. Therefore, children are not afraid to make mistakes. Acting randomly, the child learns the main thing: to act in a situation of uncertainty. This skill is often lacking in adults. Don't be afraid to act and make mistakes Awareness follows experience. First the action, then the result, and only then there is an opportunity for a conscious (with goal setting) action. In the process of coaching, I often encounter a situation where a person is “overloaded” with goals. I once worked with a girl who was struggling with an inferiority complex. Being quite successful in the professional sphere, she suffered acutely from the fact that she "lived someone else's life." It was all about the fact that she spent all her energy on meeting the expectations of her very domineering mother. Despite the fact that she set goals and achieved them, she was a deeply unhappy person. The older a person is, the more certain world he wants to live in. And this is where the trap of awareness lies. Adults differ from children in that they often spend too much time and energy on setting a goal, they strive to calculate everything in such a way as to be sure to avoid failure. The goal should take a person out of his picture of the world One of my friends, unfortunately, sees nothing but her children. Her whole world revolves only around her children and their interests. The paradox is that her children are bored with such a mother. She puts all her strength into the children, but instead of gratitude, they are simply rude to her. Subconsciously, her children want to break out of their mother's picture of the world. People often set goals only within the framework of their picture of the world. Within the framework of the picture of the world, which is formed by their experience. But to act on the basis of previous experience means only to affirm the correctness of one's picture of the world. The picture of the world is therefore a picture because it does not reflect the whole world in its versatility, it is just an imprint that arises as a result of life experience. The real goal of life is not set, it is found. The real goal does not arise as a projection of previous experience, it takes a person beyond his boundaries. On the one hand, such a goal was not set for me, but at the same time it cannot be said that it was set by me myself. We can say that such a goal itself finds a person. In another way, such a goal is called Meaning. Meaning is a goal that makes it possible to feel your Value. The goal is set, the meaning is revealed. This is an intimate encounter with the universe. “A person should not ask what is the meaning of his life, but rather should realize that he himself is the one to whom the question is addressed,” said Viktor Frankl. Meaning is what makes it possible to feel, to feel, and not just to understand one's value. And now it is no longer possible to say that I achieve the goal, rather, the Meaning found prompts me to act. Meaning creates Purpose. Destiny is how I practically act in the world, embodying the acquired Meaning. Here, too, I cannot fail to recall the words of the great psychologist Viktor Frankl: “There is no situation in the world that does not contain a core of meaning. But it is not enough to fill life with meaning, one must perceive it as a mission, realizing one's responsibility for the final result. Destiny implies responsibility for the realization of the Meaning “Everyone has his own special calling. Each person is irreplaceable, and his life is unique. And therefore, the task of each person is as unique as his ability to complete this task is unique.” (Viktor Frankl) To find your Destiny means to respond to the Call of the Universe. By embodying the Destiny, I am not just an active person, I become an active Co-Creator of the Universe. By acting, I not only achieve my goals, I conduct an equal Dialogue with the Universe. My life, work, family - this is the whole space for the realization of the Destiny. The search for the Meaning of Life and Purpose begins with the recognition of one's total incompetence and the limitations of one's life experience. Only when I understand that I really know nothing about the Universe, the Universe is ready to enter into a Dialogue with me. Life becomes a space of opportunities for the realization of the Purpose. “There is no such situation in which life would not give us the opportunity to find meaning, and there is no such person for whom life would not have some business ready.” (Viktor Frankl) Tags: coaching, purpose, meaning, purpose Publication author: Guzeev Dmitry Nikolaevich Contacts: Russia, Moscow personal growth, efficiency and teamwork. In my trainings, I give the opportunity to gain practical experience, and do not overload you with "useful" ones... Subscribe to new comments on this article: Subscribe Previously Nobody has left comments yet, be the first.

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