Location of the mainland North America. Presentation on the topic "comparison of the geographical location of Africa and Australia" Determine what influence the formation of the natural and climatic conditions of South America have

Target: 1. Compare the geographical position of Australia and Africa.

2. Determine the similarities and differences between the main components of the nature of these continents.

3. Reveal the degree of natural and anthropogenic changes in the landscapes of each of the continents.

4. learn to compare, draw conclusions about the similarities and differences in the nature of the continents.


instruction card

I. Determine the geographical location of mainland Australia, using the plan and maps of the atlas.

Make a conclusion about the size and extent of the mainland, the features of the physical and geographical position of the mainland, determine its nature. Write a short conclusion in a notebook in the form of a table.

What part of Africa does Australia share a geographic location with? Where do you see this similarity?

Write a summary in your notebook.

Determine the similarities and differences in the relief of Australia and

Practical work № 5

On the subject: "Determining the similarities and differences in the relief of Africa and South America»

Goals: 1. Set the features of the relief of South America.

2. Improve your ability to describe the relief of the territory according to maps and a standard plan.

3. Learn to compare the relief of two continents, draw conclusions about similarities and differences based on the comparison.

Equipment:physical map South America and Africa, atlas for grade 7

instruction card

1. Determine the similarities and differences in the relief of South America and
Africa. Present the results of your work in the form of a table.

Practical work No. 6

on the topic: "Comparative description of the large river systems of Africa and South America"

Goals: 1. Describe the major river systems of South America and Africa, show their dependence on relief and climate. Assess the possibilities and difficulties of the economic development of these rivers.

2. Check and evaluate your ability to use the map as the most important source of knowledge for solving the tasks.

Equipment: physical map of South America and Africa, atlas for grade 7

instruction card

1. Make a description of the major river systems of South America and Africa according to the proposed plan.

Plan South America (specify river system) Africa (specify river system)
1. In what part of the mainland is the river system located?
2. Source, direction of flow, mouth, length main river.
3. Which ocean basin does it belong to?
4. Main tributaries
5. Dependence on the relief (the nature of the current, rapids and waterfalls, the work of the river)
6. Dependence on climate (power source, high water content, fluctuations in the water level in the river)
7. Possibility of economic development of river basins.
8. Difficulties in the economic development of river basins

The form of fixing the results is optional: recording data in a table, textual description of the river system, recording data on contour map. On the contour map: -1) sign the name of the main river at the source and mouth; 2) sign the basin of which ocean the river system belongs to; 3) sign the main tributaries; draw rapids and waterfalls, if any; 5) indicate the sources of food, high water content, the regime of the river (fluctuations in the water level according to the seasons of the year); 6) by conventional signs (signs of the legend of the map come up on your own) show the possibilities and difficulty of the economic development of these rivers.

2. Make a notebook brief conclusion about differences in river systems related to their geographical location.

Practical work number 7

"The internal structure of the Earth" - The mass of the Earth is M = 5.974 × 1024 kg, the average density is 5.515 g / cm3. Diagram of the heat balance of the Earth. The earth is pear-shaped, called the geoid. Earth surface map. radiation belts. The oblateness of the Earth from the poles is explained by rotation. The internal structure of the giant planets. The equatorial radius of the planet is R = 6,378 km.

"Islands" - Travel Agency "Countries of the World". Hawaii became part of the United States and is the fiftieth state. Map Pacific Ocean. Moai were made in quarries in the center of the island. The Philippines is famous for its beaches and picturesque coral reefs. The Hawaiian Islands were annexed to the United States as a colony, and in 1959.

"Southern Continents" - During the presentations on the defense of projects (+ 2-3 min.), Each student fills in the table: III Final stage. Purpose: Why? I Organizational stage. What is a geographic location? II Main stage 1. Motivation. 1. Consolidation of knowledge. General features of the geographical position of the southern continents. Groups are at separate tables.

"The structure of the Earth" - the Moon in our sky. Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon. July 20, 1969 Earth. Land surface. Content. Evolution. The structure of the atmosphere. From Earth, you can see our satellite, the Moon. Earth satellite. Flight to the moon. The main constituents of the Earth's atmosphere are nitrogen and oxygen. Atmospheric pressure at sea level - 1 atm = 101325 Pa = 760 mm Hg. Art.

"Geography of continents and oceans" - Why is Australia called the "most peaceful" geologically continent of the planet? What? stage 4. Relief. Lesson Objectives: Erebus Shouts of Llanos. Warm up. Identify common geographical features inherent in the southern continents. Determine the type of climate from the climatograms and to which continent it belongs. Who it?

"Geographical shell" - the Geographical shell of the Earth - the sphere of interpenetration and interaction of all shells, GIVE EXAMPLES OF THE RHYTHMICITY OF THE GEOGRAPHICAL SHELL. biological cycle. The total thickness of the geographical envelope is about 55 km. WHAT IS THE GEOGRAPHICAL SHELL OF THE EARTH? What is a geographic envelope?

Total in the topic 22 presentations

Hemispheres in which the mainland is located: northern, southern and western.

Position in relation to the prime meridian: to the west.

Position relative to the equator: intersects .

Position in relation to the tropics: crosses south of the tropic.

Position in relation to the polar circles: does not intersect.

Oceans and seas washing the mainland: Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, Caribbean Sea.

Names and coordinates of the extreme points of the mainland: sowing - m. Galinas, y. - m. Froud, zap. - m. Parinhas, east. - m. Cabo Branco.

The size of the territory and the outlines of the coast compared to other continents: S = 17.8 million km 2, the coasts are slightly indented; smaller than North America in area.

Position in relation to other continents: removed from Eurasia, Africa, Australia; in the north it connects with North America, in the south through the Drake Strait it borders on Antarctica.

The influence of the geographical position of the mainland on the formation of nature: the position of most of the mainland, except for the extreme south, in low latitudes led to the formation of a warm climate and diverse nature.

2. Compare the geographical location of Africa and South America and answer the questions.

What are the similarities in their nature?

The presence of equatorial humid forests and a hot climate in most of the territory, there are deserts in tropical latitudes on the coast.

The widest parts of the continents are located in the tropical, subequatorial, equatorial and subtropical zones; deserts on the coasts are the result of the action of a cold current.

What are the differences in their nature?

The climate of South America is more humid, there are fewer deserts. In South America, cold air masses flow in the south.

What are their reasons?

In Africa, warm climatic zones are duplicated. South America is influenced by air masses from the Atlantic Ocean. The position of the southern narrow part of the mainland at high latitudes and the flatness of the territory contributes to the penetration of cold air masses deep into South America.

3. On the map, indicate with numbers: Orinokskaya (1) and La Platskaya (2) lowlands; Brazilian (3) and Guiana (4) plateau/Parana (5) and Orinoco (6) rivers; lakes Maracaibo (7) and Titicaca (8); Tierra del Fuego archipelago (9); Strait of Magellan (10).

4. Fill in the table.

South American exploration

Researcher Aims and results of the study Research Significance
A. Vespucci exploration of new lands; the coasts of the mainland were explored, a map was drawn proved that the open land is not Asia, but " New World»
A. Humboldt study of nature and population; a map of the river basin was drawn up. Orinoco, the book "Journey through the tropical regions of the New World" was written the northern part of the mainland and Central America (the interior of Mexico) was explored
I.I. Domeiko study of the Andes; made the first geological map of Chile laid the foundation for the study of the geological structure of the Andes
K.M. Yelsky exploration of hard-to-reach areas of South America; collected a collection of birds, discovered many new species data were obtained on the Guiana fauna and on many earlier unknown species animals

5. Analyze the maps of the atlas (p. 6, 40) and answer the questions.

What are the features of the difference in the relief of the western and eastern parts of South America?

The western part is mountainous, the eastern part is flat.

What are their reasons?

The relief of the western part was formed on a folded area, the eastern part of the mainland is confined to the ancient platform.

6. Using the maps of the atlas (p. 6.12, 40), fill in the table.

Tectonic structure, relief and minerals of South America

Tectonic structure The corresponding landforms Minerals Branches of the economy that can be developed based on their production
Ancient South American Platform Amazonian lowland, Laplata lowland sedimentary (oil, gas, bauxite) oil and gas processing, energy
Areas of Proterozoic folding brazilian plateau metamorphic and igneous (iron ore, bauxite, polymetal ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy
Areas of Paleozoic folding eastern part of the Central and Southern Andes, foothills sedimentary (oil), igneous (copper ores) oil refining, non-ferrous metallurgy
Areas of Cenozoic folding Andes igneous and metamorphic (copper and tin ores, polymetal) non-ferrous metallurgy

7. Using the thematic map, indicate the differences between the climatic zones of Africa and South America.

In South America, climatic zones do not repeat, the tropical zone is narrower, the subtropical zone is wider, there is a temperate zone.

Explain why, having a shorter north-south extent than Africa, South America has more climatic zones.

South America is located in the southern hemisphere and stretches from equatorial to temperate latitudes. Africa is crossed by the equator almost in the middle, and the climatic zones are mirrored.

8. Fill in the table using the maps of the atlas (p. 9, 41) and the material of the study guide (§ 46).

Characteristics of the climatic zones of South America

climate zone Geographical position Dominant air masses Average temperatures Average annual rainfall
winter summer winter summer
Equatorial Amazonian lowland, northwest coast equatorial +27°C 5000 mm
sub-equatorial Orian, Guinean Plateau, most of the Brazilian tropical equatorial +30°C 1100 mm
Tropical 20-30°S tropical +30°C mus. 1000 mm, cont. 25 mm
Subtropical 30-40°S moderate tropical +10°C +20°C 300-2000 mm
Moderate south of 40°S moderate +5°C +15°C 300-2000 mm

9. Determine what impact on the formation of the natural and climatic conditions of South America have:

  • a) movement of air masses: the air masses of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans bring precipitation, the Antarctic air has a cooling effect.
  • b) features of the placement of landforms: The barrier to air masses from the west is the Andes, which are elongated submeridionally, so the coasts are moistened, and the central part of the mainland is dry.
  • c) warm currents: contribute to the condensation of air coming from the Pacific and Atlantic oceans and the saturation of air masses with moisture.
  • d) cold currents: prevent condensation and cause the formation of deserts on the west coast in tropical latitudes.

10. Determine which ocean basin most of the rivers of South America belong to.

to the Atlantic basin.

What are the reasons for this fact?

Placement in the west of the watershed - the Andes mountain range.

11. What changes in the natural and climatic conditions of the temperate zone of South America can cause the disappearance of the Andean mountain system? Provide evidence to support your hypothesis.

The climate will be maritime not only on the western coasts, but also on the rest of the territory, because. in temperate latitudes, the western transport dominates, and with the disappearance of the Andes, there will be no obstacles to it.

12. Fill in the table using the material of the study guide (§ 47).

Comparative characteristics rivers Amazon i Parana

13. Fill in the map “Natural areas of South America” using thematic maps and drawings.

  • Natural area: humid equatorial forests
  • Soils: red-yellow ferralitic
  • Plants: 4
  • Animals: 1, 2
  • Natural area: savannas and woodlands
  • Soils: red and red-brown
  • Plants: 1
  • Animals: 3, 4
  • Natural area: deserts and semi-deserts
  • Soils: brown, grey-brown
  • Plants: cacti
  • Animals: 3, lizards
  • Natural area: pampas
  • Soils: reddish black
  • Plants: thorn grasses
  • Animals: lama, pampas cat

14. Indicate the differences between the placement of natural areas in Africa and South America.

A large area is occupied by areas of altitudinal zonality, variable-moist forests, deserts have received little development, there is a zone of steppes and mixed forests.

What are their reasons?

The mainland lies almost entirely in the southern hemisphere; South America is a wetter continent, which is associated with the CVM; the position of the southern part of the mainland in temperate latitudes; presence of the Andes mountain range.

15. List the signs of adaptation by a representative of the plant world of the savannas of South America to habitat conditions.

Crown shape (umbrella), wax coating on leaves, short stature of moisture in leaves and trunks, light bark, hard foliage.

16. List the signs of adaptation of representatives of the animal world of the savannas of South America to habitat conditions.

Small size, dense covers (armadillo has a shell, for example), light color, activity in dark time days.

17. Which of the following assessments of the condition and importance of equatorial rainforests for nature and economy do you consider correct? Which of these do you think are the most important? Justify the answer.

A. The reduction of forest areas occurs only in certain states of the Brazilian Amazon, along with deforestation, their rapid restoration in protected areas is taking place.

B. The equatorial rainforests of the Amazon are an important source of oxygen and their conservation is essential for the world.

B. In the equatorial forests there are many valuable species of trees, the wood of which is exported abroad.

Point B is correct, because The Amazon forests are truly unique. Point A is controversial, because the speed and volume of reforestation are not comparable with the rate of deforestation. Point B is also controversial, because wood is really valuable, but it is much more profitable to export finished products from this wood.

18. It is known that there is a real danger of the disappearance of the equatorial rainforests of the Amazonian lowland. Specify the possible consequences of this for:

  • a) the economy of Brazil: the country's economy will receive significant damage to decisions environmental issues, will be deprived of significant income from the sale of valuable types of wood.
  • b) the indigenous population of the Amazonian lowland: indigenous people will be deprived of habitat, forced to move to other parts of the mainland and gradually disappear.
  • c) the nature and population of the whole world: The Amazonian lowland, with its rainforests, is the lungs of the planet; their disappearance will affect the ecological state of nature on a global scale.

19. Which of the assessments of the Trans-Amazon Highway do you consider correct? Which of these do you think are the most important? Justify the answer.

A. The Trans-Amazon Highway helps to improve communications between individual regions of Brazil.

B. The construction of the Trans-Amazon Highway contributes to the speedy destruction of the Amazon forests.

B. The construction of the Trans-Amazon Highway justifies the damage done to the nature of the mainland, as it connects Brazil with the countries of the Pacific coast.

B and C would be correct. The construction of the Trans-Amazon Highway plays an important role for the economies of South America. Since these countries are developing countries, the issue of ecology is not at all in the first place, but the main one is the environmental criterion, therefore the primary assessment is V.

Geographical location, history of exploration of South America

Practical work No. 13. Comparison of the geographic location of Africa and South America

Summary lesson

    Features of the geographical position of South America.

    History of discovery and development of the territory

Reference knowledge

    southern continents

    Algorithm for describing geographic location

    Rules for determining the extreme points of the mainland and its length

Basic concepts

Physical and geographical position, latitude position, extreme points mainland, coastline, new world, west indies, southern ocean


Amerigo Vespucci, Christopher Columbus, Nunez de Balboa, Francisco Orellano, Alexander Humboldt, Aimé Bonpland, Grigory Landdorf, Nikolai Vavilov

Geographic nomenclature

Extreme points: C - Cape Gallinas, S - Cape Frouard, W - Cape Parinas, B - Cape Cabo Branco.

Objects coastline:

Isthmus - Panama;

Channels - Panama;

Straits - Drake, Magellan;

Seas - Caribbean;

Bays - La Plata;

Islands - Tierra del Fuego, Greater and Lesser Antilles, Galapagos

Formed Skills

    Describe the geographic location of the continent.

    Identify similarities and differences in the geographical location of South America and Africa.

    Name and show all objects of the coastline being studied, names and routes of travelers and explorers

Questions for current control

    What is the position of South America among the continents?

    In which hemispheres is the continent located?

    With which continent does South America form a single part of the world?

    For millions of years, the development of the nature of these two continents proceeded independently. Why?

    What is the similarity between the latitudinal position of Africa and South America?

    What features of the latitudinal position, unlike Africa, does South America have

    Which traveler discovered America, in what year did it happen

Practical tasks

    Compare the geographical location of Africa and South America, fill in the table in the notebook, draw a conclusion about the similarities and differences in geographical location and their impact on the nature of the continents.

    Apply nomenclature objects to the contour map

Practical work No. 13. Comparison of the geographical location of Africa and South America.

Objectives: students should know (understand): the features of the geographical location of South America, the discovery and development of the territory;

Students should be able to: describe the geographic location of the continent; identify similarities and differences in the geographical location of South America and Africa; name and show all the objects of the coastline being studied, the names and routes of travelers and explorers.

Persons: Amerigo Vespucci, Christopher Columbus, Alexander Humboldt, Nunez de Balboa, Francisco Orellano, Aimé Bonpland, Grigory Landdorf, Nikolai Vavilov.

Equipment: globe, physical map of the world, physical map of South America, portraits of travelers, contour maps, atlases, scorecards.
Board design: the theme of the lesson is "South America"; the area of ​​the mainland is 18 million km2; table "Extreme points of the mainland"; Table "Book of Wonders of South America"; personalities: Amerigo Vespucci, Christopher Columbus, Alexander Humboldt, Nunez de Balboa, Francisco Orellano, Aimé Bonpland, Grigory Landdorf, Nikolai Vavilov.

Lesson type: combined.

During the classes:

Organizing time.

Blitz - a survey on questions. (Score cards are used to evaluate answers; red - "excellent", green - "good", white - "need to think"; for answers to questions marked *, two cards are issued.)

What is the place of Antarctica among other continents in terms of area? (Fifth)

What is the peculiarity of the geographical position of Antarctica? (Mainland entirely located in the Southern Hemisphere (near the Arctic Circle))

December, January, February - what is the season of the year in Antarctica? Summer.

In what year and by whom was Antarctica discovered? In 1820, Russian travelers F.F. Bellingshausen and M.P. Lazarev.

For the first time the South Pole was reached by an expedition led by? (R. Amundsen)

In 1840, man first set foot on the coast of Antarctica. This was? Frenchman Jules Dumont - d'Urville.

In what year was the International Geographic Year, which opened a new page in the exploration of Antarctica? * (In 1957)

How does Antarctica differ into two parts in terms of the nature of the relief? (Transantarctic mountains)

Which part of the mainland (western or eastern) is the highest? (Western)

Name the highest point in Antarctica. (Massif Vinson - 5140 m)

What is the name of active volcano Antarctica? (Volcano Erebus)

In what climatic zones is the mainland located? (in Antarctic)

Where is the coldest temperature recorded in Antarctica? (- 89.2 C)

(At Vostok Station, at the Pole of Cold)

What characterizes the climate of Antarctica?

Highly low temperatures, dryness (low rainfall), very strong winds.

Stock winds are...? These are constant winds from the center of the mainland to its edges.

Name four poles that exist from the territory of Antarctica*.

South Pole, pole of relative inaccessibility, pole of cold, Yuzhny magnetic pole Earth.

What is represented vegetable world Antarctica? Lichens.

Name the representatives of the animal world of Antarctica.

Penguins, gulls, petrels, killer whales, leopard seals, blue whales. In coastal areas there are a lot of fish, Antarctic shrimps.

Give arguments about the importance of the continent of Antarctica for our planet.

Antarctica is called the "weather kitchen" of the Earth. It affects the Earth's climate.

The ice of Antarctica contains great amount fresh water.

A project is being developed to deliver icebergs to arid regions of the Earth.

Antarctica has huge reserves of minerals.

There are no countries on the mainland, all people are engaged in scientific research. Antarctica is called a continent without borders, without wars and weapons!

Name the largest Antarctic stations.

Russian "Mirny" and American "Mc-Medro"

Considering the projects of the Antarctic station with the most comfortable conditions, if such projects are prepared. (Creative homework.)

The behavior of the results (counting cards), grading.

Exploring a new topic.

We have already studied three continents: Africa, Australia and Antarctica. Another continent awaits us: South America. Every continent is special land, which has a lot of interesting and mysterious. Open the very first page of the "South America" ​​section (p. 25 of the textbook). Let's see how the author called this section: "South America - the continent of miracles." Why? We have to solve this riddle. And we will try to create a kind of Book of Wonders of the mainland, the entries in which will begin with the words “The most, the most, the most ...

Write down the topic of the lesson “South America” in your notebook.

And what wonderful records can we record today, without having yet studied the mainland in detail?

The deepest river in the world is the Amazon.

The longest mountain system in the world is the Andes.

Let's write this in a notebook (drawn out in the form of a table) under the heading:

"Wonders of South America"







Let's leave room for filling in the Book of Wonders of South America in the course of exploring the mainland. At the end of the study of South America, everyone can submit a completed book and receive an assessment for the work.

At the conclusion of the study of the continent of South America, the Book of Wonders may look like this:

"Wonders of South America"





The river with the largest basin area


The area of ​​the basin is more than 7 million km. KV.

The longest mountain system in the world


6.4 thousand km

The highest navigable lake in the world


3812 m above world level

The highest waterfall in the world


1054 m

The largest lake


14350 sq. km.

The most high point

Mount Aconcagua

6960 m

Most high volcano peace

Guallatiri in Chile

6060 m, eruption year 1960

The biggest lowland in the world


5 million sq. km

lowest point

Peninsula Valdes

42 m

Most tall tree


Height over 80 m

The lightest tree


Lighter than cork and will not rot in water

The most durable tree


Translated "Break the axe"

The largest rodent in the world


Weight about 60 kg

The smallest bird


Weight 2g

The most beautiful butterfly in the world

butterfly morpho

Wingspan reaches 210 mm

The driest desert in the world


There wasn't a single rain

most expensive fur

At the chinchilla

Beautiful, durable and lightweight

The largest flying bird in the world


Wingspan over 3 m

The biggest turtles

In the Galapagos Islands

The length of her carapace can reach 122 cm with a mass of 300 kg.

The biggest carnival in the world

In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Lasts 5 days

The largest cities

Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo

Ranked among the largest in the world

The study of the continents will take place according to the scheme familiar to you:

    Geographical position. History of discovery and research.

    Geological structure, relief and minerals.

    Climate of South America

    Mainland hydrography

    Diversity of nature

    South American population

    Regions of South America

Geographic location of the mainland.

Why do we start the study of the mainland from a geographical location? What do we mean by the physical and geographical position of the mainland

This is a kind of mainland address.

HP affects the nature of the mainland.

Today you will independently characterize the geographical position of the mainland of South America, using the plan (textbook p. 249) and maps on the board and in atlases. We work in rows. 1 row determines the location of the mainland relative to the equator, the tropics and the polar circles. We divide point 2 of the plan in half: the 2nd row finds the extreme points, the 3rd row determines the length of the mainland from north to south and from west to east.

Students answer in pairs: one from the spot, the other at the blackboard duplicates a friend.

Table "Extreme points of mainland South America"


extreme point on the horizon






Cape Galina

12 N

72 W


Cape Forward

54 S

71 W


Cape Parinas

5 S

81 W


Cape Cabo Branco

7 S

35 W

Mainland length:

From north to south along the meridian 70 W:

12 +54 =66;

66* 111 km=7326 m

From west to east along parallel 5 S:

81 – 35 = 46;

46* 110 km=5060 km

Nomenclature entry "South America":

Extreme points: Northern - Cape Gallinas, southern - Cape Frouard, eastern - Cape Cabo Branco, western - Cape Parinhas. Coastline objects: Caribbean Sea, Panama Canal, La Plata Bay, Strait of Magellan, Drake Passage, Lesser Antilles, about. Tierra del Fuego, Gallapagos Islands, Isthmus of Panama.

Conversation between teacher and students:

How is the mainland relative to other continents?

With which continent does South America form a single part of the world?

with North America.

For millions of years, the development of the nature of these two continents proceeded independently. Why?

Because North America was part of Laurasia, and South America was part of Gondwana.

Communication with North America through the Isthmus of Panama was formed only in the middle of the Cenozoic era during the formation of the Cordilleras. The continents are connected by the geologically young, long and narrow Isthmus of Panama, through which the Panama Canal is dug. The border between North South America is drawn along the Panama Canal.

2. Practical work No. 13 “Comparison of the geographical location of South America and Africa.


Development of conducting skills comparative analysis based on various sources of geographic information.


    Compare the geographic location of South America and Africa.

    Fill in the table

    Identify similarities and differences in the geographical position of the continents

    Formulate a conclusion about the consequences arising from the similarity.

Factors Determining FGP

Mainland name

Similarity or difference between the components of nature

South America


Relation to the equator

Crosses in the northern part, located in the northern and southern hemispheres

Crosses almost in the middle, located in the Northern and Southern hemispheres

Similarity: location in the equatorial, subequatorial, tropical, subtropical zones

Relation to prime meridian

Located in the Western Hemispheres

Most are located in the Eastern Hemispheres


relation to the tropics

Crosses the southern tropic

Crosses the northern and southern tropics

Similarity: location in hot zones

Relation to the oceans

From the west - Quiet, from the east - Atlantic

From the west - Atlantic, from the east - Indian

Washed by the Atlantic Ocean


Weakly indented

Weakly indented


Approximate conclusion: Both continents have significant similarities in the geographical position of the mainland, which leads to a repetition of climate and nature. But South America is more shifted to the south, so the narrow, southern part of the mainland is colder. A wide part of the mainland is located in the hot zone. Both continents have slightly indented coastlines.

What explains the similarity of the outlines of the coasts of South America and Africa. In the past it was a single continent.

    From the history of the discovery and exploration of South America.

It is known that on the maps of the ancient South and North America were absent. Nor was it on Ptolemy's map. However, legends about marvelous countries, where there is as much gold as sand, where people adorn themselves with necklaces of precious stones, where pepper, nutmeg and cloves ripen under the burning southern sun, were composed by chroniclers in the 15th century. These were legends told to the world by merchants, seekers of profit. Many the scholars of that time, they suggested a possible western route to the rich countries of the East.

There is no consensus about who first reached America. Some believe that the Vikings discovered the New World, others are inclined to believe that the Asians, others are the inhabitants of Oceania. But it is truly known that after the voyage of Columbus, this Earth became known to the whole world, began to be settled and settled.

Many scientists and travelers have contributed to the study of the mainland.

There were also Russians among them. Using the material in the paragraph, as well as additional sources of information, for the next lesson you will prepare a mini-message (1-3 messages) about the contribution of each traveler written on the board. You can make a table in your notebook.

Consolidation of the studied

Drawing on the contour map of the extreme points of the mainland, objects of the nomenclature.


Section 35 and assignments.

Mini messages about travelers (can be in the form of a table).

slide 2

Work goals

  • Establish features of the physical and geographical position of the mainland;
  • Improve your ability to describe the geographical position of the mainland on a map and plan;
  • To form the ability to compare the geographical position of two continents and draw conclusions about similarities and differences
  • slide 3

    Determine the FGP of Australia using the plan and maps of the atlas

    Acceptance definition geographical definition mainland

    1. The position of the mainland relative to the equator: does not cross; crosses, in what part, in what hemispheres it is located.
    2. The position of the mainland relative to the zero meridian: does not cross; crosses in which part; in which hemispheres is it located.
    3. position relative to other continents.
    4. Position relative to the oceans and seas surrounding the mainland.
    5. Position relative to the tropics and polar circles.
    6. Extreme points, their coordinates
  • slide 4

    Designate the elements of the FGP on the contour map

    • Label extreme points and their coordinates
    • Determine the longest distance from north to south and west to east
    • Sign coastline elements
  • slide 6

    Comparison of the geographical position of Africa and Australia; identification of similarities and differences

    How to make a comparison of the geographical position of the mainland?

  • Slide 7

    General study skillsHow to make a comparison

    • Comparison is a mental operation in which similarities and differences between objects are established.
    • Comparison is usually based on essential features compared objects.
  • Slide 8

    Comparison algorithm

    1. Set the purpose of the comparison (for what I compare, what I get as a result).
    2. Check knowledge about objects of comparison.
    3. Highlight the grounds for comparison, i.e. make a comparison plan.
    4. Find differences and similarities between compared objects.
    5. Draw a conclusion (to summarize).
    6. Prepare the result of the comparison (table, diagram, graphs).
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