Will there be an inversion of the magnetic field. Seven reasons why the Earth's magnetic pole reversal is the perfect doomsday scenario. When will the Earth's poles reverse?

Among the global threats to humanity, another one has loomed. AT recent times more and more often scientists talk about changing the "registration" magnetic poles. And if the southern one has been steadily moving at a speed of about 10 kilometers per year for many years, then the northern one, which previously moved at such a speed, has now sharply increased and reached 65 kilometers per year. But the most alarming thing is that this speed is only increasing. The Pole has already gone beyond the 200-mile zone of Canada and is steadily moving towards the Russian Arctic coast. If nothing changes, the north magnetic pole will reach the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago in 50 years.

Last time Earth's magnetic poles "jumped" about 780,000 years ago. Photo: razvan25/iStock

And in the future, an inversion of the south and north magnetic poles may occur. There is an opinion that at the moment of polarity reversal, the intensity of the Earth's magnetic field drops sharply. Now this is worrisome. The fact is that the magnetic protection of the planet from the flow of ionized particles coming from the Sun may disappear altogether. And although the former field strength is restored, by geological standards, very quickly - in the first tens of thousands of years, this is quite enough for all life on Earth to die. Some scientists believe that magnetic field reversals were one of the causes of mass extinctions many years ago.

Today, science knows that in the history of the Earth, inversions have occurred hundreds of times, Vladimir Pavlov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, from the Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences, told the RG correspondent. - And in this phenomenon there is no obvious periodicity. There were periods of stability in 20 million years, and in 40, and even in 70 million, and there were when the poles changed places after 30-40 thousand years. True, over the past few million years, the frequency of reversals has been 4-5 times in one million years, that is, on average, every 200-250 thousand years. At the same time, the closest change to us occurred about 780 thousand years ago.

This delay is cause for concern. Maybe the pole reversal is about to happen. According to Pavlov, today no one can give an unambiguous forecast, since the behavior of the poles is difficult to predict. It cannot be said that the inversion is clearly overdue and is about to "shoot".

Reversals of the Earth's magnetic field many years ago could be the cause of mass extinctions

At the same time, there are worrying trends. It is known that during the periods of reversals, the intensity of the Earth's magnetic field fell 8-10 times below the norm. And now it is steadily falling, over the past 150 years, by about 10 percent. This gives reason to think, or maybe the inversion is really coming. But there are opponents of the fact that we are on the verge of the next inversion. They agree that now the tension is rapidly falling, but earlier there was an increase, that is, the process is cyclical. So, apparently, there is no need to worry. In short, today science does not have enough data to predict when the next inversion will occur. But what are the reasons for this unusual phenomenon?

The shift of the poles is connected with the processes that take place in the bowels of the planet, says Pavlov. - As you know, the Earth has a solid inner core and an outer one, consisting of liquid metals. Their movement creates electricity, and it in turn generates the magnetic field of the planet. How the pole inversion occurs in this system is not yet completely clear to science. Therefore, it is difficult to make any predictions about the timing of inversions. One thing is for sure: nothing bad will happen in the near future. After all, polarity reversal is a very long-playing process, lasting several thousand years. So we are with you, and our children, and grandchildren are unlikely to feel it.

But what can posterity expect? Will not universal catastrophes fall upon them along with the inversion of the poles? Scientists note that although the Earth has experienced many inversions, they have not been noted for any noticeable catastrophic consequences on the planet. And in the biosphere, no mass extinctions have been identified that would have left their mark on history.

Of course, today the situation is somewhat different. After all, man has created a powerful technosphere, extremely sensitive to various natural disasters. Therefore, when the poles are inverted, the collapse of electrical systems is not at all excluded, with all the ensuing troubles for many technical systems. In addition, the weakening of the magnetic field, which protects the planet from solar radiation, can still significantly affect humanity. But by that time, science will surely create effective methods of protection.

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On June 1, 1831, English scientist James Ross discovered the magnetic pole in the Canadian archipelago. northern hemisphere. Here the magnetic needle occupies a vertical position, that is, the magnetic inclination is 90 degrees. In 2005, an employee of the Canadian Ministry natural resources Larry Newit stated that the north magnetic pole of the Earth, approximately from early XVII centuries, located under the ice in the boundaries of the current Canadian Arctic, went beyond the 200-mile zone of Canada. According to some forecasts, if the current direction and speed is maintained, the pole could reach the coast of Russia by the middle of this century.

Without a magnetic field acting as a kind of "shield", modern technologies be at risk of exposure solar storms.

Quite recently, geophysicists reported that in the future another change in the geomagnetic poles of the Earth is possible. A prerequisite for this is the South Atlantic anomaly, stretching between Zimbabwe and Chile. Here is the so-called "dip" in the planet's magnetic field, which makes it weaker by 30% than in other places. It continues to weaken, and this portends a complete reversal of the magnetic poles. How this will affect the entire planet, no one knows for sure. Academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences build only conjectures and assumptions.

The Earth's magnetic field directs all compass needles to the North, unless, of course, you find yourself in places with any magnetic anomaly. When the south pole becomes north and the north becomes south, this is called a geomagnetic field inversion. Throughout the history of its existence, the Earth has undergone a change in its polarity at least 4-5 times with an interval of about a million years. At the same time, the periods of changing the poles of the globe cannot be predicted, since they are irregular in nature.

A complete change of the geomagnetic poles of the Earth can take from one to several thousand years. On the scale of mankind, this is a rather long period, but by geological standards, this is a “minute” matter. What can happen when the poles change, how much will their change affect our lives?

Without a magnetic field to act as a sort of "shield", modern technology would be at risk from solar storms. Satellites will be the most vulnerable. If GPS stops working, then all modern aircraft will land on the ground. Vessels will face the same problems and will not be able to correctly navigate the ocean. We will no longer be able to communicate on mobile phones and use the Internet.

When the geomagnetic poles change, the ozone layer of the planet will temporarily disappear. This will increase the incidence of skin cancer several times. But, despite the fact that there will be no magnetic "shield" over the planet, a person will continue to exist without the use of high technology and electricity. Of course, this does not mean that we will plunge into the Middle Ages, but we definitely won’t be able to watch TV. All objects that depend on electricity will cease to function.

The geomagnetic field blocks about 50% of cosmic rays. In its absence, the level of cosmic radiation will only double. This will lead to the development of cellular mutations in plants and animals, but will not lead to their mass extinction. At the same time, serious natural disasters should not be expected. This field is located in the zone of the planet's magnetosphere, which provides only partial protection from the solar wind. Most of the cosmic radiation is absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere.

Man and his ancestors lived on Earth for several million years, during which there were many reversals of the geomagnetic poles. As you can see, we are all still alive and well. According to the conducted geological studies, the time of the reversals does not coincide with the periods of species extinction. It should be noted that animals that use the Earth's geomagnetic field for orientation in space, like whales or migratory birds, will have time to adapt to the changing magnetic environment over the millennia and develop other methods of navigation.

All of the above refers to a "smooth" change of poles. But if the inversion still happens abruptly, and the Earth turns over 180 degrees, then from such a turn all the water will come out on land and flood the whole world. Then we can talk about a serious global catastrophe. But we will hope for a "softer" turn of events.

Scientists all over the world are aware of the forthcoming reversal of the poles of the planet Earth. This was first predicted by Japanese scientists 16 years ago. Even earlier, October 13, 1917. there was an appearance of the Blessed Virgin Mary to three shepherds in the city of Fatima (Portugal) with a message of great importance for the future of the entire Human Race.

This message contained information about the change of poles and the planetary catastrophe as "the end of the world", as well as an explanation of the upcoming "solar and lunar miracle" - the appearance of two suns and two moons in the sky (a phenomenon that will be observed when three-dimensional space is combined with four-dimensional ). The Fatima Epistle was brought to Rome, but the Catholic Church decided to keep it secret.

The Earth's magnetic field began to weaken "about 2000 years ago, a sharp drop in its intensity was noted 500 years ago, which accelerated in the last 50 years, and its powerful fluctuations began in 1994. The south magnetic pole of the Earth shifted either hundreds or thousands of kilometers from their standard location.People began to constantly experience emotional ups and downs.During such periods, it is necessary by all means to maintain peace on the planet.Auto, air and train accidents. Magnetic cards are no longer good. Birds guided magnetic lines Lands in their flights land in the wrong place, and whales, seals and dolphins are washed ashore. There is the so-called "Schumann frequency" - this is a wave emanating from the planet ("heartbeat" - the rhythm of the Earth) with a specific frequency of 7.8 Hertz. It was so stable for a long time that the military tuned their instruments to it. However, this frequency began to increase: in 1994 - 8.6 Hertz, in 1999 - 11.2, and at the end of 2000 - about 12 Hertz.

It is assumed that when the "Schumann frequency" reaches 12 Hertz, there will be a change of poles. When the planet's pole shift approaches and a pronounced fluctuation occurs electromagnetic field, there is a stable emotional instability in the behavior of the population.

The change of poles on our planet occurs approximately every 13,000 years, which leads to a global planetary catastrophe and loss of Consciousness in living beings (memory erasure). This is due to the cycle of precession of the equinoxes, which has a period of about 26,000 years (more precisely 25,920 years). After passing the points of maximum approach and maximum removal of the solar system relative to the center of our Galaxy, which corresponds to the half-period of this cycle, the change of poles occurs on Earth. During this time, the Earth's axis describes a circle in all twelve constellations of the Zodiac Signs (being in each of them for approximately 2100 years).

Now our Galaxy and the planet Earth are at the junction of two epochs. 11th August. 1999 happened solar eclipse(“End of the World”) and “Parade of Planets”, the Epoch of the life of the humanity of the Fifth Race in a dense physical body ends and the birth of the humanity of the Sixth Race begins, which will have subtle spiritual bodies. This is marked by the quantum transition of our planet, Galaxy and Universe to a new quantum level existence, and, together with them, of all Humanity, as their integral part. This transition occurs every 5125 years when the "Parade of the Planets" is observed. At the same time, all the planets line up in one line, after which they diverge, and a tunnel is formed through which the correction impulse from the Sun to our Planet passes unhindered. Due to this impulse, quantum transition, change of poles, change in the inclination of the axes of rotation and other parameters of all the planets of the solar system.

When planet Earth reaches a critical precession point where changes occur, everything begins to crumble. The reason for this is the magnetic field of our planet, which we use to understand ourselves. This is the repository of our memory (information). In this sense, we are like computers. We need a magnetic field for data processing and storage. Even with a temporary power outage of the computer, all of its RAM is erased, as the electromagnetic field that supports it disappears.

Similarly, the erasure of human memory occurs when the poles shift. On the 8th day of the full moon, as well as the day before and the day after, the crime rate increases: murders, rapes and robberies become more frequent. This is because the Moon causes the Earth's magnetic field to "bubble". These "bubbles" break energy bonds and force unbalanced and emotional people cross the line of what is permitted.

The last change of poles occurred about 13,000 years ago and led to the death of the Atlantean civilization that preceded us. (of the Fourth Race). FROM scientific point vision is a planetary catastrophe that can be fleeting and terrible in its consequences. Its strong manifestations will begin when the polarity of the Earth's magnetic poles changes, which will lead to a shift earth's axis, movement of continents, floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and drastic change climate.

The ice accumulated over many centuries in Greenland, at the North Pole and in Antarctica, having a very large mass, can move earth platforms to the equator under the action of centrifugal and gravitational force.

When will the next pole reversal occur? According to various sources (contactees, seers, etc.), this special time point is presumably December 2012. So, for example, the ancient Mayan calendar (whose amazing accuracy amazes modern scientists) ends on December 21, 2012. Last entry on the calendar: "There is no more time." "And he swore by Him who lives forever and ever...that time would be no more." The "Revelation" of John the Theologian also speaks of this (ch. 10, verse 6). There is no indication of the date, but this special phenomenon is noted - the absence of time.

At present, we are just experiencing this process of changing the poles, known by numerous predictions as the "Apocalypse", or the "End of the World." The process of changing the poles on our planet has already been underway since the year 2000 and will last until December 2012. In 2013, the Earth will finally enter the constellation Aquarius.

It is known that our Memory is connected and supported by the electromagnetic field of the Earth. At the reversal of the poles, there will be a period of three days when this field will completely disappear. Because of,

That the memory of the former inhabitants of Atlantis was erased by the pole shift (in fact, all knowledge was lost), they returned to a barbaric state and were forced to turn to their survival instincts, although before that this civilization was at a very high level of development (flying objects with gravitational engines were used, laser systems, etc.). It took a long time before people gained the ability to develop.

At the time of the change of the poles of the planet Earth will happen temporary shutdown of the planet's electromagnetic field - polarity reversal and, as a result, destruction from the 1st to the 7th levels of the crystal lattices of the energy-information field of the Earth's Consciousness. Since the memory of a person and computers exists due to the electromagnetic field of the Earth, then at the moment of such a polarity reversal, a person’s memory will be erased (the standard of living of a person with an erased memory will be at the level of a newborn child) and the computer software programs and all information on media from all computers on Earth will be erased . This poses a serious problem and a threat to the life of earthlings due to the failure of computers that control military facilities and nuclear power plants which can lead to unpredictable consequences. Polarity reversal will lead to a shift of the North and south poles to the Equator, which will cause the instantaneous melting of the ice of the Arctic and Antarctica, and raising the level of the World Ocean by 77 meters ( global flood), the scientist warned about this, in television program"Disaster Week" Such a flood occurs regularly every 5125 years (just remember the information from the Bible about Noah's Ark). The Sphinx in Egypt (its age according to isotope analysis is 5.5 million years) has a layered structure, as it has already been flooded with water many times and was at the bottom of the sea. At one time, scientists at the North Pole found a baby mammoth with green grass in its stomach, which indicates instant death due to the change of poles. From here it becomes clear that the reason for the extinction of the dinosaurs is an instant ecological catastrophe. Now there will be no planetary catastrophe and the Flood.

Under the influence of the incoming Cosmic energies, all living things on our planet will undergo mutation (in humans, transmutation). On Earth, this transition began on August 11, 1999 and will last until December 19, 2012.

Humanity has reached the period when 1.5 billion people are ready to shift their Consciousness towards the four-dimensional space. They are fully aware that it is impossible to live like this, that it is necessary to move to a higher level of Consciousness and Awareness. Now many are at a crossroads: either develop further in a dead-end technocratic path, destroy the planet to the end and be destroyed themselves; or move to the spiritual level of Consciousness and develop further, not destroying, but healing and restoring the ecology of Consciousness and its habitat.

To move to a new level of development, it is necessary that there be about 169,000 Christ-like Beings on Earth, who will have such a strong influence on other people that the entire population of our planet will acquire a higher level of Consciousness through a single planetary field of Awareness of all Humanity (Vernadsky called this field Noosphere of the Earth). The inhabitants of the disappeared Atlantis were representatives of the Fourth Race, we are representatives of the Fifth Race, the evolution of which is coming to an end. After the transition in 2013 on Earth in the fourth overtone of the four-dimensional space there will be only representatives of the Sixth Race.

The transition to four-dimensional space is facilitated by high-frequency radiation from the Cosmos, which began to increase intensively since 2000. With these radiations, the Sun, the Earth, other planets of the Solar System and our Galaxy as a whole, began to transmit the sacred codes necessary for the Spiritual awakening and the evolutionary leap. Some people will not be able to endure these radiations and will die during the transition due to their low vibrations, and spiritual, physically healthy (cleansed) people will endure such a transition freely.

The era of Reincarnation, when the immortal soul moved from one body to another, is being replaced by the era of Immortality. The cycle of reincarnations ends, and as a result of the Cosmic mutation, the human body, like the soul, will become immortal.

Under the Action of cosmic radiation coming from Space, the ozone layer around the Earth is gradually disappearing. The direct impact of cosmic rays is intensified, therefore, a mutation (restructuring) occurs in all living things. A person undergoes a transmutation of the physical, emotional, mental and other bodies, which is accompanied by "incomprehensible" diseases (diseases), a syndrome chronic fatigue, new unknown diseases, accompanied by an increase in temperature (combustion of toxins) and the restructuring of all body systems.

Transmutation is the most complex physiological process occurring at the level of molecules, atoms and microleptons of the cell. Changes will take place in the human body that will bring the body to a new state and allow it to switch to feeding on the energy of the Cosmos (Energobiosis). As this restructuring of the body, the need for food will gradually decrease, and then completely disappear. This is due to the fact that all energy sources on the planet (food, water, air) are environmentally polluted and the salvation of Mankind will consist in the fact that people will gradually move away from all this and switch to energy supply directly from the Cosmos.

First, Cosmic mutation will be carried out on Earth, after which it will be carried out in the cells of the body that has successfully passed the mutation; a code will be laid with a program of the type of a person of the Sixth Race, which will replace the Fifth Race. The activation of the matrix with the programs of the Fifth Race began on September 13, 1999. Each of you can receive a code and become a Human of a new civilization - the Sixth Race. To do this, you need to rise spiritually, that is, to realize yourself as a particle of the universe, to receive the Cosmic Consciousness.

At the moment of the change of poles, the Great Shift takes place. entities lower worlds(infraworlds) is given the opportunity to rise to higher worlds, and Man to the level of the God-man. The task of every Reasonable Person is to help these entities to adapt in this space (to help them evolve and teach them to follow the laws of the new space). That is why we observe this transition in the form of population degradation on the physical plane. Now there are people who say: "Put me in jail, I can't do anything, they will feed me there for free." Entities of infra-worlds bring elements and paraphernalia of their world into our physical world (ragged hippies, punks, metalheads, pop singers low level, homeless people, beggars, etc.). With them come into our world: unwillingness to work honestly, theft, violence, fear, murder, the fashion for tattoos, clothing with the symbols of death, boots in the form of devil's hooves, etc. If Man of sense does not teach them to follow the laws of positive space, then he himself can become a victim of lower entities (degrade).

If a Human learns to create autonomous multilayer torsion protective fields around himself from the Spiritual bioplasma of Love, Fire and Light, then he will be able to protect his

Memory from erasure and move to a new stage of evolution in four-dimensional space. However, with the manifestation of aggressiveness, fears and base desires, the Man

Automatically "falls" into 3D space. If there is no protection, then the most valuable thing - the memory of a Person (whether he is a businessman or an academician) will be erased, i.e. will be a "blank sheet of paper", like the memory of a newborn child, and even worse - the intuitive memory of past lives (reincarnations) will be erased. On the physical plane, such a person will be a patient in a mental hospital. He will forget the names of objects,

He will not be able to speak, and he will have to learn everything all over again. It is clear that such an individual would be of no use to society. Now there are many people who have partially or even completely lost their memory (a kind of epidemic of amnesia). Modern medicine does not know what this is connected with, cannot explain these phenomena, much less cure the victims.

Each of us still has a choice:

1. Either with erased memory, over the next 13,000 years, go through evolution again (from scratch to gain information), through many reincarnations, again to the Humanity of the Fifth Race, of which we are representatives.

2. Either save our Planet, protecting it and yourself, rise spiritually and move from the level of the Soul, to the levels of the Spirit - to the next evolutionary stages of Godmanhood of the Sixth and Higher Races.

Unfortunately, there is no more time, and everyone deserves the Destiny that corresponds to the level of his Consciousness!

So, now our Planet is purposefully and rapidly approaching the most important moment of its Spiritual Transformation. This process is inextricably linked with the Spiritual Enlightenment of Humanity and its emergence to a new level of Cosmic Thinking. The dates of Spiritual Transformation are connected with the events of the Universal scale. Transformation does not mean destruction, and our world will be transmuted into the reality of more subtle vibrations of the four-dimensional space. But, since the laws of Free Will and Free Choice operate in our Universe, no one can help all those who prefer to continue to be in the illusion of our three-dimensional world, not paying attention to their spiritual improvement. There are only a few years left until the end of the Quantum Transition in December 2012, according to the Divine Plan for the accelerated evolution of earthlings. By this moment, a person should increase the frequency of his vibrations to 55-89 Hz, which will correspond to the minimum spiritual level of the Buddhic plane, so that he can safely move into the new space of the Golden Age.

We must live not only for ourselves, but also for others, do good and be honest in our thoughts. The development of spiritual potential is now the main task of improvement - the main Principle of the universe.

Compassion for others, love for one's neighbor is all that is needed for one's own perfection. Do not strive for wealth and luxury, this is absurd at the moment of deciding the fate of mankind. Our materialization is a brake on the development of spirituality.

At present, powerful energies of all kinds come from the Center of our Galaxy and the Universe and create the preconditions for the dynamic instability of all types of fields on planet Earth, as, indeed, in our entire Solar System. Critical situations have arisen in which the transformation

Earth and Humanity can happen at any moment. What people call "The End of the World" has already begun and will happen much faster than many people think. - The physical material world is rapidly and steadily collapsing, and with it the life of the last of the earthly civilizations, people with physical bodies, is fading. In place of the civilization of people-destroyers, in the transformed matter of the Earth, a civilization of a new evolutionary level will very soon begin to develop - People-Creators, People-Creators. All of you now living on this planet are not only witnesses of this historical moment, but also direct participants in it. It is time to realize that the time in which we all now live is the very “End of Times”, or, to be more precise, the end of time, which precedes the instantaneous exodus of many billions of Consciousnesses from the limits of three-dimensional reality and the transition of all people to existence in four-dimensional space.

If now people are not able to at least partially reduce the destructive tornado of their own destructive sensual and mental activity, then the whole Earth will be put in such extreme energy conditions, after leaving which, there will simply be no one to evaluate the size and consequences of the cataclysms we have experienced. The inevitable impending wave of cataclysms will immediately take away several hundred million human lives from the Physical Plane of the Earth. incurable diseases and environmental pollution the habitats that accompany the ongoing disasters will claim more than one billion more people. About one and a half billion people can be destroyed in numerous wars with the use of weapons of mass destruction (chemical, bacteriological and even nuclear). This is our immediate prospect if we do not change spiritually and stop destroying ourselves.

The map of the World will be transformed beyond recognition in a matter of years: many states will all disappear, while others will continue their miserable existence, turning into states waging a deadly struggle for physical survival and world domination. Huge global changes will affect almost all corners of the planet, where for many millennia multi-layered "formations of destructive energy of various quality and level have accumulated. These places are festering ulcers on the body of the Earth. Neither money, nor power, nor underground bunkers can save from the Fiery Light of Transformation, but only Spirituality It will be impossible for the low Consciousness to penetrate into the new transformed world, neither through any agreements and contacts, nor for any fee.

Perhaps, after receiving this information, many will actively begin to cooperate with the Spiritual centers and the Forces of Good Will, finally stop their useless fuss in an attempt to achieve material wealth and turn their Hearts to the Spiritual Spheres, although, as a rule, a person neglects all sorts of predictions and hopes for "maybe". But the "programs of destruction" in the fate of people are written down and remain in the aura, if you do not work to neutralize them. Sooner or later, they work. History remembers the death of the Titanic, which was predicted and tried to prevent by one person who was declared crazy and put in jail.

A planetary catastrophe can be fleeting and terrible in its consequences. It can start with a change in the polarity of the Earth's magnetic poles. This will lead to the movement of the continents, the displacement of the earth's axis, floods, eruptions, earthquakes and abrupt climate change, which will be associated with the unstable position of the Earth. The ice accumulated over many centuries in Greenland at the North Pole and in Antarctica, having a very large mass, can move earth platforms towards the Equator under the action of centrifugal and gravitational forces (information has already been received that a huge layer of ice has melted in the ocean around the North Pole and a real strait has formed 1.6 km wide). It will be impossible to escape from these cataclysms even on the flat regions of the planet. At the same time, Moscow may be in the equatorial part, and the temperature may briefly rise above 100 degrees Celsius. Another danger awaiting Moscow is the numerous karst caves in the city part, as well as voids formed as a result of pumping out artesian waters for the needs of the city (Moscow literally "floats" in the middle of a huge underground lake). With pessimistic forecasts, the entire city may fall into these caves and voids.

Economic and financial (the crisis of the Russian financial system on August 18, 1998), social, political and other structures are gradually collapsing, as they are supported only by people. When people lose control over themselves, everything around begins to crumble into pieces. As a rule, the displacement of the poles and Consciousness occurs simultaneously. Visual phenomena will be observed 5-6 hours before the moment of displacement. Three-dimensional and four-dimensional spaces will begin to mutually penetrate each other and interact. The Three-Dimensional Consciousness will gradually recede, and we will enter a new level of Consciousness. When the crystal lattice of three-dimensional space begins to collapse, all objects created from artificial materials will disappear. This is one of the reasons why we cannot find traces of previous civilizations. Only things made from natural materials (stone, wood, etc.) that are in resonance with the vibrations of the Earth (for example, the Pyramids or structures such as Stonehenge) can survive the pole shift, which has happened many times already. They persist even when all other objects are literally swept away from the face of the Earth. As synthetic objects begin to disappear, objects in four-dimensional space will suddenly appear. Nature will acquire unprecedented colors and shapes.

The arrival of new cosmic energies (quantum leap) will cause not only a shift of the poles, but also the destruction of the old structures of the crystal lattices of the Consciousness (memory) of the planet Earth. This process will intensify atomic explosions(for example, during tests of atomic weapons), accidents at nuclear power plants and ongoing psychotronic and psychic wars on the planet.

All this leads to the deterioration of the Earth's ecology and additional breakdowns of its crystal lattice in many places. As a result, as in the times of Atlantis, space-time levels are opened, due to which the spirits of other planes, which have no place on Earth, poured into our world in a million stream. This tore off all the covers of protection, and our planet has turned into a crazy world. It is enough to analyze the news of the day and the program "Disaster Week" on TV. In America - tornadoes and fires. Japan has earthquakes, hurricanes and typhoons. In China and Primorsky Krai - floods. 8 Kaliningrad, Saratov - fires. Accidents at nuclear power plants (in Chernobyl, Japan, USA, etc.). The death of nuclear submarines "Komsomolets" and "Kursk". Attacks in Moscow and other Russian cities. As well as the criminalization of society throughout the planet (international terrorism), etc.
And all this is aggravated by the impact on our psyche of thousands of panicking, screaming entities from other dimensions (translated into the language of our dimension - demons); endowed with the abilities of telepathy and telekinesis, which sweep not only through the atmosphere of the planet, but through the very brain, body, Soul and Spirit of the inhabitants of the Earth. Inhabiting the bodies of earthlings, such entities cause deformation of the consciousness or body of a person, in accordance with their structure, which leads to moral and physical deformities. Not a very cheerful picture, especially when you consider that a person begins to perceive visions, hear extraneous voices, which is a consequence of possession (planting astral entities), and which sometimes provoke him to commit suicide, insanity or other mental disorders. Modern psychiatry cannot explain these phenomena today.

Destruction crystal lattice Consciousness (memory) of the Earth leads to the destruction and erasure of memory in people.

So, on August 7, 2000, A. Nevzorov's TV show showed a lot of people who had fallen out of life, lost their memory and did not remember themselves as a person. During the examination, under hypnosis, a complete loss of memory (amnesia) was established in certain periods of time. America has spent more than $80 million protecting computers from memory erasure ("Computer Effect Zero 2000"), Russia - about $3 million. The fears were not in vain - this effect took place. So, on September 16 and 19, 1999 in Moscow, along the Leningradskoe shosse, all home and bank computers “hung up”. Studies have shown that the partially erased boot programs of these computers were the reasons for this. Teachers and teachers of many schools and institutes, at that moment, noted temporary memory lapses, despite their professional preparedness (they knew their subject by heart).

In places where the crystal lattice of the Consciousness of the Earth breaks, we observe constantly repeating accidents, breaks in oil and gas pipelines; plane crashes and other disasters.
The term “negative geopathic zone»; as a zone of increased danger, and abroad there is even a special road sign, exhibited in places of constantly recurring accidents.

When moving from one constellation to another, the influence of the first decreases accordingly and the second begins to dominate.

We are currently moving from the constellation Pisces into the constellation Aquarius. For man, this means a quantum transition from the level of Man (the Fifth Race, the third dimension) to the level of the God-Man (the Sixth Race, the fourth dimension). The fourth dimension is characterized by the fact that all our thoughts will instantly materialize. For a person who has not learned to think positively, this will be a living hell (all his fears and fears will become a reality). Therefore, schools that teach positive thinking and spirituality are especially needed now.

As soon as there is a drop in the magnetic field, the Earth will disappear for you, and you will find yourself in the Great Void. The duration of this “freeze” will be 3.5 days. Then life will return, but at the level of the fourth overtone of four-dimensional space. You will find yourself in a completely new world, the existence of which you had no idea before, although you had been there many times before (in a dream, for example).But your memory of this was usually erased.Most people will make such a transition on an unconscious level, i.e. through death and birth.In this case, you will become like a baby who has no idea either about the things themselves or about their color. Entering into new world, at first you will not be able to understand anything, but there you will be met by two beings - mother and father (your new parents), who love you and will protect you. After you enter the fourth overtone, it will take you about two years to grow and mature. Then you will move into the fifth overtone. With a conscious transition to a four-dimensional space (in the protective field of Love), people will retain their adult bodies and memory (knowledge and self-awareness). There you will be almost the same. just like now, but completely naked. Clothing will not enter the new world with you (artificial items will disappear). Here you can instantly materialize clothes from memory (dress according to your taste). Remember the expression: - "What we need to build a house, draw, we will live." The anatomical structure of your body will undergo dramatic changes. Your atomic mass is converted into energy. Individual atoms will be separated by a phenomenal distance. Basically, your body will be made up of energy. It will turn into light. Tsiolkovsky called this state "Moon Mankind". In the new world, you will create your own "reality with your own thought forms. Here, your nutrition will be energetic (energobiosis), and you can eat any desired food. materialize immediately.

A necessary condition for staying in the fourth overtone of the four-dimensional space is Spirituality, Love and observance of the “do no harm” ethics, because everything that you fear and fear will instantly materialize (snakes, spiders, mice, scorpions, etc.). "That's why you need to think about Peace, Love, Beauty, Harmony. If fear moves after you into four-dimensional space, you will create your reality there and instantly find yourself face to face with your undisguised horror in the form of, for example, an assassin chasing you. Then you will instantly have a weapon in your hands from which you will shoot at your enemy. As soon as a shot sounds, you immediately “fall through” into three-dimensional space, because you will be a set of vibrations of your consciousness of low frequency, corresponding to the third overtone of three-dimensional space (Principle of Similarity), in which the connection between cause and effect is divided in time. greed, greed, rage, anger, aggression, violence, debauchery, fears, stresses, feelings, depressions, condemnation, persecution mania, despondency and other vices will be thrown back into three-dimensional space, where he completely loses his memory, turns into caveman and will go through its evolution again. three dimensional space- an ideal place to create restrictions and develop the sacrificial consciousness that develops in the inevitable victim i.e. a person who refuses to understand that he creates his own reality and believes that everything happens to him against his will (a person creates hell or paradise around himself with his thoughts and actions). Thus, in a four-dimensional space, the quality of thoughts will be of paramount importance. This is what Jesus Christ meant when he spoke about purity of thoughts, love, unity and care for others.

You are the last people of the Fifth Race who are embodied on Earth in a dense physical body. All children who are born now after August 1, 1999 are the first representatives of Humanity, which will live in the Sixth Race. We should learn from them. They know more than we do and will help us through the transition. You owe your incarnation to fate, which has prepared for you a better fate. Your happiness is in your hands! Everyone living on the planet has a chance to become a Human New Era, the owner of superpowers, compared to those that you now possess. All that is needed from everyone is that he believes in the essence of what is happening, believe that he can become a Man of the New Era. The new Sixth Race is more perfect. Its harmonious development is determined by the Creator of the Universe. The time for a new civilization has come, for you are its beginning. New Civilization will inhabit the expanses of the Earth and the Universe. You can see for yourself if you want.

Humanity of the Sixth Race will become immortal, brain cells will be 100% open, as opposed to 3-4% at present. The experience and knowledge of past lives will be restored. Your appearance will change. Your external features will be preserved, but about the details, everyone will acquire that perfection, which now has a distant concept. New person will be beautiful with perfect beauty. All people who undergo transmutation will be young. Children will grow up, and the elderly will look younger up to 20-30 years. Human height will be from 170 cm to 300 cm. There will be no dark skin color, it will brighten. Hair - straight or curly, as you wish. Hair color - from light to brown. Eyes blue to green. Black and brown eyes will brighten. The human form will be brought to perfection, and your possibilities will be endless.

People will discover unusual abilities and talents that only a few now possess. Every Man of the Sixth Race will be a genius. Home active force for the Sixth Race it will not be technology, but the energy of the Mind, with the help of which it will control matter and change it. Humanity will communicate mainly in a language that knows no boundaries - in the language of telepathy, although on the Planet itself the inhabitants will communicate in one language. Mankind will get an outlet in open space. The whole Universe will become the field of activity-Humanity.

The masculine and feminine principles will surely be preserved, for they are eternal. There will be personal attachments, but they will rise to another level. Contacts on the intimate plan will be saved. Each Person will have the opportunity to find their real half.

Vselensky E.N. - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Academician International Academy Sciences about Nature and Society, laureate of the Prize. Vernadsky

Earth's magnetic poles will soon be reversed. The arrows of all compasses, which previously showed "north", will show the opposite direction. This phenomenon is called geomagnetic reversal and occurs every few thousand years. The fact that this will happen relatively soon, scientists learned by observing how the Earth's magnetic field is rapidly decreasing. This is the subject of a study by geophysicist Daniel Baker from the University of Colorado (Boulder), published in the publication Undark Magazine. When the magnetization of the globe reaches zero, the growth of the magnetic field will begin again, but in the opposite direction.

According to American scientists, the magnetization of our planet has weakened by 15% over the past 200 years. Everything would be fine, but in the last two decades this process has accelerated many times over. But it is known that the Earth's magnetic field protects its surface from hard cosmic radiation, the so-called "solar winds". So what, our planet can be completely without its magnetic shield? Are we headed for disaster? MIR 24 found out whether this process will continue and what it can lead to.

What will happen if the magnetic shield ceases to protect the Earth

“Purely theoretically, if the Earth’s magnetic field reaches zero, this could lead to the Earth being exposed to hard cosmic radiation,” he told a MIR 24 correspondent. Alexander Spiridonov, Senior Researcher, Faculty of Geology, Lomonosov Moscow State University. - This will lead to mutations among the representatives of the living world of the planet. Even the extinction of some biological species and the emergence of new ones is not excluded. Empty niches will be filled with more advanced organisms. It must be remembered that it is thanks to mutations that life develops on Earth, this is part of the evolutionary process. Such irradiation, so that all life on Earth perishes, will not happen.”

According to Alexander Spiridonov, this can be judged with confidence, at least by what has already been proven - in the entire history of the planet, its polarity has repeatedly changed to the opposite. This has happened over a hundred times in the last two million years.

“This can affect the climate, but only indirectly, through changes in the Earth’s ecosystem,” says Roman Veselovsky, senior researcher at the Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences, associate professor at the Faculty of Geology of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. – For example, if the field weakens or disappears altogether, the Earth will become much more susceptible to the influence of the solar wind, the interaction of which with the Earth’s atmosphere can lead to a change in its chemical composition and, perhaps, physical properties. It is these factors that can ultimately affect the climate.”

True, the weakening of the Earth's magnetic field still affects all living things right now. How - says Alexander Spiridonov: “Scientists have proven that birds during their flights are guided precisely by the Earth's magnetic field. Now imagine that the Earth's magnetic field is absent or weakened many times over. Where will they fly? One way or another, all nomadic representatives of the fauna are guided by the magnetic field of our planet. That is, they can simply get lost, or, in any case, change their usual migration routes and habitats, and what this will lead to is still unknown to science.

Optimistic and pessimistic scenario

How fast will the Earth's magnetic field weaken? As for "quickly" - this is a dubious statement, Roman Veselovsky believes. Scientists have compiled a detailed graph of changes in the strength of the Earth's magnetic field over the past 7,000 years. It is indeed weakening, but in the recent past there have been periods of a much more rapid decrease in its tension. And nothing, then the situation leveled off.

According to the scientist, the optimistic scenario looks like this: the Earth's field will weaken a little more, and then it will begin to add strength. We do not even notice these fluctuations. The pessimistic scenario is an inversion, i.e. the field will weaken to zero and change direction to the opposite. We (next generations) will not live to see this. The duration of the inversion is at least several thousand years.

“Our ancestors somehow survived the reversal of the Earth’s magnetic field, when the field strength dropped to almost zero, i.e. there was practically no magnetic field,” says Roman Veselovsky. – Most recently, the so-called “Lachamp digression” took place - an episode in the evolution of the magnetic field, when it weakened strongly (4-5 times compared to the modern value of its intensity) and, as it is believed, prepared for an inversion, but it’s not a matter of inversion reached and the field returned to its original configuration. Any environmental disasters didn’t happen at that time,” Veselovsky explained.

“Reversals have happened many times in the past of the Earth, but the obvious correlation between biospheric crises or natural disasters and reversals of the Earth's magnetic field have not been detected, ”the scientist reassured.

How will technology behave?

According to some scientists, the reduction of the Earth's magnetic field to zero will lead to failures in terrestrial electrical systems, at least in complex electronic equipment, which will be most vulnerable during strong solar storms. This was reported, in particular, by geophysicist Richard Holme from the University of Liverpool (UK). He stated that the reversal of the poles will provoke massive failures in the operation of electrical systems throughout the planet. However, domestic scientists do not agree with him.

“I do not see any obvious factors that could affect the functioning of the “electrical systems” when the geomagnetic field strength drops,” says Roman Veselovsky. - Finally, on orbital stations And artificial satellites Everything works on the Earth, although they are affected by the solar wind, which would be expected with a significant drop in the intensity of the geomagnetic field. And the Earth's magnetic field often, on the contrary, only interferes with electronics and it has to be shielded from it (the field).

So in the near future, and in the rather distant future, we should not expect serious cataclysms due to changes in the magnetization of our planet. Human activity is a much more visible and detrimental factor affecting the Earth's ecosystem.

For some time now, scientists have noticed that the Earth's magnetic field is weakening, leaving some parts of our planet especially vulnerable to radiation from space. This effect has already been felt by some satellites. But it remains unclear whether the weakened field will come to a complete collapse and change of poles (when North Pole becomes southern)?

The question is not whether it will happen at all, but when it will happen, say scientists who recently met at a meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco. They don't know the answer to the last question yet. Too chaotic magnetic field reversal

Over the past century and a half (since the beginning of regular observations), scientists have registered a 10% weakening of the field. If the current rate of change is maintained, it may disappear in one and a half to two thousand years. A particular weakness of the field was registered off the coast of Brazil, in the so-called South Atlantic anomaly. Here, structural features of the earth's core create a "dip" in the magnetic field, making it 30% weaker than in other places. An additional dose of radiation creates malfunctions for satellites and spaceships flying over this place. Even the Hubble Space Telescope was damaged.

A change in the lines of the magnetic field always precedes its weakening, but not always the weakening of the field leads to its reversal. The invisible shield can build up its power back - and then the field change will not happen, but it can happen later.

By studying marine sediments and lava flows, scientists can reconstruct patterns of how the magnetic field has changed in the past. The iron contained in lava, for example, shows the direction of the then existing magnetic field, and its orientation does not change after the lava solidifies. The oldest known field change has been studied in this way from lava flows found in Greenland, estimated to be 16 million years old. The time intervals between field changes can be different - from a thousand years to several million.

So will the magnetic field reversal happen this time? Probably not, scientists say. Such events are quite rare. But even if this happens, nothing will threaten life on Earth. Only satellites and some aircraft will undergo additional contact with radiation - the residual field will be enough to provide protection to people, because there will be no more radiation than at the magnetic poles of the planet, where the field lines go into the ground.

But there will be an interesting reconfiguration. Before the fields stabilize again, our planet will have many magnetic poles, making it extremely difficult to use magnetic compasses. The collapse of the magnetic field will significantly increase the number of northern (and southern) lights. And you will have a lot of time to capture them on camera, because the field flip will be very slow.

No one knows what awaits us in the near future, even the academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences make only guesses and assumptions ... Probably because only 4% know about the matter of the Universe.

Recently there have been various rumors that we are threatened by the reversal of the poles and the zeroing of the planet's magnetic field. Despite the fact that scientists know little about the nature of the origin of the planet's magnetic shield, they confidently declare that this does not threaten us in the near future and tell us why.

Very often illiterate people confuse geographic poles planets with magnetic poles. If the geographic poles are imaginary points that mark the axis of rotation of the Earth, then the magnetic poles cover a wider area, forming the polar circle, within which the atmosphere is subject to bombardment by hard cosmic rays. The process of collision in the upper atmosphere causes auroras and the glow of ionized atmospheric gas.

Since the atmosphere is thinner and denser in the zone of the polar regions, the auroras can be admired from the ground. This phenomenon is beautiful, but very unfavorable for human health. And the reasons for this are not so much in magnetic storms, but in the penetration of hard radiation into the territory of the Arctic Circle, which affects power lines, airplanes, trains, railway lines, mobile and radio communications ... and, of course, on the human body - its psyche and immune system.

These holes are located over the South Atlantic and the Arctic. They became known after analyzing data received from the Danish Orsted satellite and comparing them with earlier readings from other orbiters. It is believed that the "culprits" of the formation of the Earth's magnetic field are the colossal flows of molten iron, which surround the earth's core. From time to time, giant whirlpools form in them, capable of forcing the streams of molten iron to change the direction of their movement. According to the staff of the Danish Center for Planetary Science (Center for Planetary Science), in the region of the North Pole and the South Atlantic formed such eddies. In turn, the staff of the University of Leeds (Leeds University), said that usually the change of poles occurs once every half a million years.

However, 750 thousand years have passed since the last change, so the change of magnetic poles may occur in the very near future. This can cause significant changes in the lives of both people and animals. First, at the time of the reversal of the poles, the level of solar radiation can increase significantly, since the magnetic field will temporarily weaken. Secondly, changing the direction of the magnetic field can disorient migratory birds and animals. And thirdly, scientists expect serious problems in the technological field, since, again, a change in the direction of the magnetic field will affect the operation of all devices connected in one way or another with it.

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor, as well as the dean of the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University and the head of the Department of Physics of the Earth Vladimir Trukhin, says: "The Earth has its own magnetic field. It is small in intensity, but, nevertheless, plays a huge role in the life of the Earth. You can immediately to say that life as it is, could not exist on Earth if there were no magnetic field. We have a little protection from space - such as, for example, the ozone layer, which protects against ultraviolet radiation. lines of force Earth's magnetic field protect us from powerful cosmic radioactive radiation. There are cosmic particles of very high energies, and if they reached the surface of the Earth, they would act like any strong radioactivity, and what would happen on Earth is unknown. planets of the solar system.The most likely reason for this, scientists believe the fact that solar system passes through a certain zone of galactic space and experiences geomagnetic influence from other space systems nearby. Deputy Director of the St. Petersburg branch of the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Oleg Raspopov believes that a constant geomagnetic field is actually not so constant. And it changes all the time. 2,500 years ago, the magnetic field was one and a half times greater than it is now, and then (over 200 years) it decreased to the value we have now. In the history of the geomagnetic field, so-called inversions constantly occurred when a polarity reversal occurred.

The geomagnetic north pole began to move and slowly moved into the southern hemisphere. At the same time, the value of the geomagnetic field decreased, but not to zero, but to about 20-25% percent of contemporary meaning. But along with this, there are so-called "excursions" in the geomagnetic field (this is - in Russian terminology, and in foreign - "excursions" of the geomagnetic field). When the magnetic pole begins to move, the process of inversion begins, as it were, but it does not end. The north geomagnetic pole can reach the equator, cross the equator, and then, instead of completely reversing the polarity, it returns to its previous position. The last "excursion" of the geomagnetic field was 2,800 years ago. A manifestation of such an "excursion" can be the observation of auroras in southern latitudes. And it seems that, indeed, such auroras were observed approximately 2,600 - 2,800 years ago. The very process of "excursion" or "inversion" is not a matter of days or weeks, at best it is hundreds of years, maybe even thousands of years. It won't happen tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

The shift of the magnetic poles has been recorded since 1885. Over the past 100 years, the magnetic pole in the southern hemisphere has moved almost 900 km and Indian Ocean. The latest data on the state of the Arctic magnetic pole (moving towards the East Siberian world magnetic anomaly through the Arctic Ocean) showed that from 1973 to 1984 its range was 120 km, from 1984 to 1994 - more than 150 km. Characteristically, these data are calculated, but they were confirmed by specific measurements of the north magnetic pole. As of the beginning of 2002, the drift velocity of the north magnetic pole increased from 10 km/year in the 1970s to 40 km/year in 2001. In addition, the strength of the earth's magnetic field is decreasing, and very unevenly. Thus, over the past 22 years, it has decreased by an average of 1.7 percent, and in some regions - for example, in the South Atlantic Ocean - by 10 percent. However, in some places on our planet, the magnetic field strength, contrary to the general trend, even increased slightly. We emphasize that the acceleration of the movement of the poles (by an average of 3 km/year) and their movement along the corridors of magnetic pole reversal (more than 400 paleoinversions made it possible to identify these corridors) makes us suspect that this movement of the poles should be seen not as an excursion, but as a polarity reversal. the earth's magnetic field. The geomagnetic pole of the Earth has shifted by 200 km.

This was recorded by the instruments of the Central Military Technical Institute. According to Yevgeny Shalamberidze, a leading researcher of the institute, a similar shift of the magnetic poles occurred on other planets of the solar system. The most likely reason for this, according to the scientist, is that the solar system passes through "a certain zone of galactic space and experiences geomagnetic influence from other space systems nearby." Otherwise, according to Shalamberidze, "it is difficult to explain this phenomenon." "Pole reversal" influenced a number of processes occurring on Earth. Thus, "the Earth, through its faults and the so-called geomagnetic points, dumps an excess of its energy into space, which cannot but affect both the weather phenomena and the well-being of people," Shalamberidze emphasized.

Our planet has already changed poles .. proof of this is the disappearance of certain civilizations without a trace. If the earth for some reason turns over 180 degrees, then from such a sharp turn all the water will come out on land and flood the whole world.


In addition, the scientist said, "excessive wave processes that occur when the Earth's energy is released affect the speed of rotation of our planet." According to the Central Military Technical Institute, "approximately every two weeks this speed slows down somewhat, and in the next two weeks there is a certain acceleration of its rotation, leveling the average daily time of the Earth." The ongoing changes require reflection to be taken into account in practical activities. In particular, according to Yevgeny Shalamberidze, the increase in the number of air crashes around the world may be associated with this phenomenon, RIA Novosti reports. The scientist also noted that the displacement of the geomagnetic pole of the Earth does not affect the geographic poles of the planet, that is, the points of the North and South poles remained in place.

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