Industrial and practical literature. The value of educational literature in the great Soviet encyclopedia, bse What is educational literature

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Educational literature

works of writing and printing created as a means of teaching for a particular system of education or retraining of personnel, for a specific educational institution or for self-education.

U. l. grouped by types of publications: program-methodical √ programs (working, stable), methodological instructions for programs, methodical letters and manuals; educational - primers, textbooks, teaching aids (text), lectures, lecture notes, collections of lectures; auxiliary - anthologies, workshops, collections of practical tasks, exercises and tasks, plans for practical and seminar classes, atlases, collections of drawings, workbooks, laboratory journals; publications for reading in foreign languages ​​containing methodological apparatus. The main view of U. l. √ Tutorial.

U. l. for primary and secondary general education schools, vocational, secondary specialized educational institutions, universities, schools of party political education, the system of advanced training of specialists has certain genre features.

In modern world book publishing U. l. occupies an important place. Thus, according to UNESCO, the production of school textbooks ranges from 3.5% to 39% of the number of titles, which is explained by the peculiarities of the education systems of various countries. In the USSR, there is a unified system of management of public education and the publication of U. l. for all types of educational institutions. In 1975 U. l. accounted for over 10% of the book production of the USSR in terms of the number of titles and more than 26% in terms of circulation. U. l. Educational and pedagogical publishing houses of the union republics publish in national languages ​​for general education schools (in the autonomous republics of educational l. Asveta (BSSR), Ukituvchi (Uzbek SSR), Mektep (Kazakh SSR), Ganatleba (Georgian SSR), Maarif (Azerbaijani SSR), Shviesa (Lithuanian SSR), Lumina ( Moldavian SSR), "Valgus" (Estonian SSR), "Mektep" (Kyrgyz of the SSR), "Louis" (Armenian SSR). For universities and other special educational institutions U. l. issued by the central industry publishing houses (Kolos, Medicine, etc.), the central publishing house Vyssha Shkola and the republican publishing houses Vishcha Shkola (Ukrainian SSR), Vyshysha Shkola (BSSR), publishing houses of large universities, scientific publishing houses of the Union republics . U. l. for the network of political education publishes the central publishing house Politizdat.

Lit .: Press of the USSR in 1975, M., 1976; Editing of certain types of literature, M., 1973.

A new stage in the development of education in Russia, associated with the transition to varied and specialized education, is accompanied by a variety of educational literature both at the federal and regional levels, and within individual educational institutions. Under these conditions, the question of the need to clearly define the meaning and functions of each type of educational book, in particular, a textbook and a teaching aid, is legitimate.

Let us consider successively the definitions of the terms "educational book", "educational literature", "textbook", "textbook", which are given in special bibliographic, research and pedagogical literature.

V.S. Tsetlin gives the following definition of the concept of "educational book": " Ateducational book- a learning tool that is provided for teaching and learning in general education schools in the form of a book or brochure . Educational books meet the requirements of the programs, contain didactically and methodically processed material (as a rule) of one academic subject for one academic year. To a greater extent than other means of education, educational books serve to develop spiritual abilities, instill the ability to learn from books. They serve as the basis for self-education and continuing education. Educational books are necessary for the teacher and the student, both in the classroom and at home.

To educational literature include textbooks, teaching aids, texts of lectures, teaching aids, problem books, reference books and other printed materials used in the classroom. Educational literature is the most important element of the methodological support of the educational process.

In the letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated September 23, 2002 “On the definition of the terms “textbook” and “training manual”, it is noted that “ Textbook- This is the main textbook for a particular discipline. It sets out a system of basic knowledge that is mandatory for learning by students. The content of the textbook must meet the requirements of the state educational standard and fully disclose an exemplary program in a particular discipline.

In the work of other researchers textbook defined as:

1. "A mass educational book that sets out the subject content of education and determines the types of activities intended by the school curriculum for mandatory assimilation by students, taking into account their age or other characteristics."

2. "An educational publication containing a systematic presentation of an academic discipline or its section, part, corresponding to the state standard and curriculum and officially approved as this type of publication."

3. “The totality of reduced and systematized knowledge in the field of a certain science (educational and scientific discipline) or field of activity and the apparatus for organizing their assimilation; the most important source of educational information, the main didactic tool that ensures the activity of learning and teaching.

4. "A book or other medium containing systematic educational material necessary for the organization of education in a particular course of study".

If we summarize these definitions of the term "textbook", we can conclude that textbook - This:

Learning tool;

The main and leading type of educational literature.

The textbook is characterized by a systematic presentation of educational material in accordance with the curriculum. In addition, the textbook must contain at least 75% of the volume of educational material provided for by the program.

Tutorial , along with the textbook, is a kind of educational literature. In the letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of September 23, 2002 “On the definition of the terms “textbook” and “training manual” it is noted that “ Tutorial considered as an addition to the textbook. The textbook may not cover the entire discipline, but only a part (several sections) of an exemplary program. Unlike a textbook, a manual may include not only proven, generally accepted knowledge and provisions, but also different opinions on a particular issue. In the case when a new discipline is introduced into the curriculum or new topics are introduced into the curriculum, the publication of a textbook is initially organized. A textbook, as a rule, is created on the basis of a proven manual.

In order to highlight the essential features of the textbook, consider a number of definitions of the concept " tutorial ».

1. "Manuals are those books that help faster and more fruitful use of textbooks."

2. “A textbook is a type of textbook that solves individual tasks that are important for the development of students' independence and their spiritual strength. Textbooks include reference books, bibliographies, repetitive books.

3. "The textbook is an addition to the textbook if it (the textbook) does not cover all the issues of the curriculum or does not reflect the latest achievements of science and practice on certain issues."

4. “Teaching aids (readers, collections of problems and exercises, dictionaries, reference books, books for extracurricular reading, etc.) are a significant addition to the textbook. A distinctive feature of textbooks is that in them the educational material is given in a more expanded plan, to a large extent supplements and expands the material of the textbook with the latest information, information of a reference nature.

5. "The textbook should be considered as a source of educational information and a learning tool that complements the textbook and contributes to the expansion, deepening and better assimilation of knowledge."

6. "A textbook is a publication that partially or completely replaces or supplements a textbook officially approved as this type of publication."

It should be noted that the last of the considered definitions introduces uncertainty into the interpretation of the concept of "textbook", leads to a confusion of the concepts of "textbook" and "textbook" due to the introduction of the attribute "partially (completely) replacing the textbook" into the definition.

Summarizing the above definitions of the term "textbook", we can conclude that tutorial - This:

- learning tool;

Source of educational information;

- type of educational literature that complements the textbook.

For clarity, we present the results of the analysis schematically (Fig. 1).

Rice. one. General and specific features of the textbook and teaching aid

Thus, in this consideration, the textbook has a number of fundamental differences with the textbook: unlike the textbook, which is characterized by a systematic fundamental presentation of the academic discipline, the textbook is intended to gain additional knowledge on the topics presented in the textbook in order to deeper independent study of the subject of a particular academic discipline . The textbook contains a larger volume of educational text and study tasks compared to the textbook, which allows you to study and assimilate a specific educational topic in depth.

  • Kraevsky V.V. Fundamentals of learning. Didactics and methodology: textbook. allowance for students. higher textbook institutions / V.V. Kraevsky, A.V. Khutorskaya. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2007. - 352 p.
  • Organizational and legal foundations of military education and technology of professionally oriented education. In two parts / Ed. B.N. Druganov. - St. Petersburg: MVAA Publishing House, 2005. - Part 2. - 278 p.
  • Pedagogy: Textbook for students of pedagogical universities and pedagogical colleges / Ed. P.I. piddly. - M .: "Pedagogical Society of Russia", 2004. - 608 p.
  • Smirnov V.I. Educational book in the system of didactic means // Universitetskaya kniga. - 2001. - No. 10. - P. 16–26.
  • Tsetlin V.S. The problem of the textbook in foreign didactics // Reference materials for the creators of educational books / Comp. V.G. Beilinson. - M .: "Enlightenment", 1991. - S. 269-304.
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    The specific content of the curricula is reflected in the educational literature - textbooks, manuals, reference books, etc.

    textbooks- a book containing the basics of scientific knowledge in a particular academic discipline according to the purpose of education, a specific program and the requirements of didactics. The textbook in its content and structure should be clearly aimed at performing certain functions: educational, developmental, educational, managerial.

    I. P. Podlasy highlights the following functions of the textbook

    Motivational - provides for the creation of such incentives for students who have conditioned their interest in a certain subject and the learning process in general;

    Informational - reflects the didactic goals and objectives of learning, describes the content, determines the system of cognitive actions with the material, forms of learning and methods of control;

    Control and corrective - involves the possibility of checking, self-assessment and correction of the process and learning outcomes, as well as performing training tasks to form the necessary skills and abilities. The fighters must meet certain requirements for mogs:

    Provide scientific information, but be accessible to students, taking into account the peculiarities of their age and individual indicators of development;

    Be informative and concise at the same time, link educational material with additional literature, encourage self-education and creativity;

    The formulation of the main provisions, conclusions should be extremely clear and precise;

    Of particular importance is not only accessibility, but also the problematic presentation of educational material, the ability of the textbook to develop the cognitive interests of students and stimulate their creative thinking.

    Textbook structure

    Texts - main, additional, explanatory;

    Extra-textual components - the apparatus for organizing the process of mastering the content, questions and tasks, instructional materials (memos, examples of problem solving, examples) tables; exercises; illustrative material (photographs, drawings, plans, maps, etc.).

    By the nature of the reflection of reality, texts can be empirical (reflect facts, phenomena, events, contain exercises, rules) and theoretical (contain patterns, theories, methodological knowledge)

    According to the main method of presenting the material, texts can be: reproductive, problematic, programmable, complex

    Reproductive texts are highly informative, structural, understandable to students, meet the objectives of explanatory and illustrative education

    Problematic texts are submitted in the form of a problematic monologue, in which, to create problematic situations, they indicate contradictions, solve the problem, and argue the logic of opinion formation.

    Programmed texts the content is submitted in parts, and for the assimilation of each informative block there are control questions

    Complex texts - contain certain doses of information necessary for students to understand the problem, and the problem is defined according to the logic of problem-based learning

    The textbook material needs to be supplemented with additional information, because its content is too concise and the knowledge gained from it alone will be limited. Therefore, in addition to the textbook, the herd to use add atkovi sources, including tutorials.

    Textbook - a book, the content of which is fully consistent with the curriculum or considers individual topics of the subject; may contain empirical material, serves to consolidate the main theoretical material. The material of the manual expands the boundaries of the textbook, contains additional, new and reference information.

    Textbooks include: anthologies, dictionaries, collections of tasks and exercises, reference books, sets of maps, tables, etc.

    Textbooks and teaching aids contribute to the formation of students' skills of independent cognitive activity, self-control, and is a means of guiding their cognitive activity.

    Control questions and tasks:

    Expand the essence of the term "content of education" Name the main components of the content of education

    What is the difference between curriculum and curriculum?

    What are the principles of constructing curricula

    What are the requirements for curriculum development?


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