The relevance of this work is due to the fact. The relevance of the research topic in scientific work. An example of relevance from a term paper in economics

AT Everyday life one often hears the words “relevant”, “relevance”: on TV we watch actual news, in the abstract we write the relevance of the topic. The definition of this word is especially important for information that quickly becomes outdated.

Basic meanings of the term in dictionaries

In dictionaries and encyclopedias, many meanings of the word "relevance" are given, which comes from the Latin word actualis and translates as "active". Let's consider some of them.

In big Soviet Encyclopedia definition is given: “Relevance is the importance, significance of something at the moment, modernity, topicality”. That is, the concept itself is temporary, it characterizes those moments that excite people at a given time.

The philosophical encyclopedia gives the following definition of the word. Relevance is a doctrine that comes from the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus, who is credited with the famous phrase: "Everything flows, everything changes." The theory is based on the fact that life is constantly moving forward, becoming, and life without change does not exist.

Relevance criterion

For the timely study and solution of the issue in science, a special parameter is used. The criterion of relevance shows the research that is important at the moment and responds to the social order of society. It is dynamic, mobile, depends on circumstances and time.

The relevance of the work is a parameter showing the degree of discrepancy between supply and demand for practical advice, scientific ideas at present.

Relevance in Gestalt Therapy

In the middle of the 20th century, a new method of psychotherapeutic counseling arose, which was based on the desire of a person to expand the formation of consciousness, taking responsibility for what is happening to himself and relevance. The therapy was based on the principle of "conscious consciousness": living a specific situation "here and now" and the conscious presence of a person in such living. Therapists in Gestalt work with those problems that concern the patient at a given time. Awareness and concentration on the significant present are the central concepts of the theory.

Relevance is a principle in Gestalt therapy, showing that the most important and topical thing for a person always happens at the present moment in time and in this particular place where he is.

Relevance in scientific research

In research, relevance is the substantiation of the topic, that is, in the work it is necessary to answer the questions: “Why is it necessary to study and solve this problem?” After putting forward a few theses, so that the sequence of the system of evidence leads the reader to the formulation of the issue under study. The substantiation of the relevance of the topic allows us to briefly reflect what has been done in theory and practice by scientists in terms of the given direction and what needs to be done in the future. It shows the importance, competitiveness in solving some problem or issue, and necessity.

To determine the relevance scientific research analyze:

Is the topic determined by the state of science and the emergence of new research information and methods;

The relationship of the choice of topic with the incomplete amount of material in previous studies;

Is there a need to conduct this study in connection with the current economic conditions;

Draw the relationship between the importance of the topic and the social (economic, political) situation in the country.

The term "relevance" is used in different areas: art, economics, production and others. A topical work is one that responds to the needs of society and touches on exciting issues. A topic that is in demand, meets the key needs of the target audience, is called relevant. The actual task is the one that will be solved very first.

It is the relevance of the chosen topic that, as a rule, becomes a stumbling block for many students, and therefore we decided to try to help students understand this issue. It is no secret that if the work is not relevant, then its writing does not make any sense and, as a result, will not be credited, or, at best, will not be evaluated by the highly appreciated. talking scientific language, the relevance of any chosen topic when writing by a student term paper determines, on the one hand, a more concretized and detailed study of one or another section of this academic discipline on the other hand, and this in itself is no less important, the need to intensify the learning process and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the student's work independently.

So how to correctly formulate and, most importantly, argue the relevance of your chosen topic of scientific term paper? Well, firstly, one should not start from afar, with general vague phrases that have nothing to do with the need to study this issue in general and end with the words "... this is precisely what explains the relevance." It would be more logical to start with the words “The relevance of the chosen research topic is due to….” and then briefly and concisely explain why the study of the chosen issue or problem is important in present stage development of this scientific discipline. Secondly, and this is very important, relevance must be clearly and scientifically substantiated, and this, in turn, means that the student, as the author of the work, needs to state in one small paragraph what exactly, in his opinion, is relevance, namely, the importance and timeliness of his chosen topic.

The relevance can be easily substantiated by a direct analysis of the current situation in the development of the studied branch of science and the obvious need for further deeper and more detailed study of one or another of its areas. You should also pay special attention to the apparent lack or lack of necessary scientific information or techniques and methods that are required to solve or analyze a particular aspect. In addition, we recommend considering the chosen topic in the context of the socio-political or economic situation in the country, based on the subject of which discipline you are writing your term paper. It would not be superfluous, in our opinion, to also indicate exactly how further and more in-depth study of a particular topic or issue can affect a change in the situation in better side not only within the framework of a certain scientific discipline, but also in the life of society or a certain social group as a whole.

But, if, despite everything written above, the student still has questions about how to formulate and justify the relevance of the course work, then we recommend that he pay special attention to the following tips.

First, it is necessary to determine and justify the importance of the problem under study in comparison with other thematic areas. Then formulate and evaluate the need for its further research for this branch of science and, possibly, society as a whole.

The formulation of the relevance of the work can be started, as already mentioned above, with the following words: "the relevance of the topic of the course work is due to the fact that at the moment ...". Or, as an option, first mention all, in your opinion, important arguments and facts, and summarize by indicating that: “the aforementioned and the relevance of the chosen topic is justified.”

It should be noted that when arguing the relevance of the chosen topic of the term paper, as well as when writing the entire term paper as a whole, it is especially highly valued own opinion the author, his views and conclusions, and his personal vision of the importance of the problems under study. Since the fact is obvious that if the author has thoroughly and thoroughly studied and analyzed all the features of the material he is considering, then he can easily highlight and answer all theoretical and practical questions on the topic of his scientific research.

The explanation of the importance of the topic should not be extensive in size, it should be no more than 6-7 sentences, which will be quite enough to reveal the significance of the issue under study and mention all the main facts that will allow considering the chosen topic as relevant. But remember that the rationale for relevance should not be too short. Having studied it, the reader who reads or checks the term paper must make sure that the topic is really relevant and that its further research can be of practical benefit. It is also important to note that the significance, that is, the relevance, of the topic under study must be explained and argued, as a rule, before goals and objectives are determined.

Well, in conclusion, I would like to remind you that any element of the course work should eventually be a semantic and grammatically complete fragment, all sentences and ideas should be logically constructed and interconnected.

The problem of the relevance of the project worries not only students and schoolchildren, but also their mentors. Consider some recommendations, the observance of which will allow you to create popular and interesting design work.

Project specifics

The assessment of their scale is carried out according to the following indicators:

  • the number of organizations (groups, people) that will be able to use the results of the project;
  • the demand for material in human resources, its time costs;
  • financial resources necessary to achieve the goal set in the work;
  • the complexity of the project in terms of the forms of creation, structure, reporting;
  • duration and regions of execution.


Justification of the relevance of the project involves the allocation various options activities.

  1. Micro-projects are aimed at giving their own initiative to others in search of their recognition. For their implementation, external financing and special equipment are not necessary. It can be considered a micro-social action, but, if necessary, the scope of the micro-study can be extended.
  2. Small projects provide for a significant number of consumers, they are easy to manage, and do not need serious financing. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that the compilation allows some simplifications in the course of research and implementation.
  3. Megaprojects are targeted programs that consist of several interconnected projects. Their peculiarity lies in the scale of the performers, as well as in monitoring research.

Algorithm for creating a social project

Consider relevance social project, as well as the sequence of its compilation. To begin with, it is important to monitor public opinion. Next is the definition social problem, it is described in detail.

The next step will be to identify the purpose of the work, as well as setting the objectives of the project. Further, the possibility of using the finished material in other regions is carried out, an activity plan, a work schedule, and a project budget are drawn up.

A responsible and important element in the project work is the distribution of the main responsibilities between the group members. The relevance of the project is associated with the selection of certain resources, sources for the work, thinking over the budget.

In order to prove the importance and significance of the material, it is important to think over public protection, to hold among the audience sociological survey, based on which it will be possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the work done.

Project activities in educational institutions

Consider the relevance of the project method in kindergartens. Under the new federal standards introduced into the system of domestic preschool education, project activities are carried out not only by children, but also by their mentors. Before starting to develop an action plan, the teacher considers the relevance of the project, the possibility of transferring experience to other educational institutions.

Variant of the project in the preschool educational institution

How can the educator choose such material so that the relevance of the project is not in doubt? For example, the importance of work aimed at strengthening the physical and mental health of the younger generation of Russians is indisputable. What is the relevance of the project in kindergarten related to hardening? Let's try together to find the answer to the question. The relevance of the project "Hardening as a step towards health":

  • the foundations of life are laid in childhood, which is why it is so important to conduct health-improving work with preschoolers;
  • healthy children adapt more easily to the conditions of the school, the requirements of life in society.

For the formation of a healthy and active child, teachers in kindergartens develop special hardening programs.

The relevance of a creative project of this kind is beyond doubt. It is health that is the fundamental condition for confrontation little man unfavorable climatic conditions.

It is impossible to talk about the full development of babies without an introduction to children's preschool institutions hardening procedures. He is considered the most important integral part physical education the rising generation of Russians.

The purpose of hardening is to increase the resistance of the body of babies to adverse natural factors, to reduce the number of colds among preschoolers.

Project objectives:

  • development and proof of the effectiveness of the method of hardening as a means of strengthening the physical health of children preschool age;
  • demonstration of the possibilities of health promotion and prevention of colds through a variety of hardening procedures;
  • development of a program for the improvement of pupils by hardening;
  • involvement of parents in active participation in the activities of a preschool institution;
  • decrease in incidence in each individual group.

The use of hardening techniques will help reduce the incidence of preschool children, and will become an incentive for children to maintain a healthy lifestyle in the future.

Participants this project are the guys senior group, their parents, educator. The duration of hardening is expected within school year(from September to June).

Expected results

Let's highlight those points that will testify to the effectiveness of the implementation of this project:

  • decrease in the number of respiratory diseases in older children DOW groups;
  • increasing employee engagement kindergarten, as well as parents of preschool children in improving the health of babies;
  • increased attention on the part of parents to the issues of rational (healthy) nutrition, hardening.


Project activity is currently relevant and significant in the field of education. After a serious reform of the domestic education system in preschool institutions, teachers began to pay active attention to project and research activities.

In order for the activities planned within the framework of such activities to be effective, it is important to pay special attention to the relevance of the project being created. The question that will form its basis must be confirmed by authoritative scientific sources.

What are the main points to consider when starting work on a pedagogical project? In addition to relevance, any design work a clear goal should be formulated, tasks identified, a research hypothesis put forward. An obligatory stage in such activities will be the determination of the expected results of the implemented project.

Each course work, and even more so, the thesis is an essential element of student learning. A full disclosure of the topic is not possible without the formulation of the relevance of the course or thesis work.

With a responsible approach to writing a term paper, it is important to pay special attention to writing an introduction. The formulation of the relevance of the topic of the course allows the work to become a scientifically based research of a theoretical or practical nature, depending on the topic.

If there is no relevance in the term paper, then the term paper loses its meaning and, accordingly, such work will not be credited. As for the thesis, without relevance, it should not be allowed to be defended.

The relevance of the topic of the course is the rationale for the reasons why this or that topic was chosen, as well as the formulation of the degree of importance of the topic at the moment, for this science, etc.

For the first time, the student is faced with the need to consider the relevance in the process of choosing the topic of a term paper. The volume of relevance of the topic of the course work should not be too large and, as a rule, should not exceed half a page.

Characterization of the relevance of the topic of the course work involves the justification procedure. Relevance in coursework should be clear, concise and strictly related to the stated topic.

The process of formulating the relevance of the topic of the course work is based on the following:

  • Study of literature on the chosen subject;
  • Reading fresh scientific articles on the subject of term paper;
  • Identification of key factors that allow the topic of the coursework to remain interesting within the framework of science;
  • Formulate the relevance of the topic of the course

Help in formulating the relevance of the topic of the course can be the study of the introduction in those literary sources that are selected to work on the research topic.

Below are a few examples of the wording of relevance in term paper.

The relevance of the topic of the course work is due to the fact that business contracts, like business in general, are subject to the rules of public and private law. Therefore, attempts to study them, focusing only on the provisions of civil law, turn out to be one-sided and do not allow one to get a complete picture of them. Moreover, the ever-changing legal framework business contracts requires constant study and improvement.

It is not necessary to start the formulation of relevance with the phrase "the relevance of the course topic is due to ...". You can build the first sentence differently, for example, as in the example below:

In modern Russian conditions, the management of the healthcare system remains one of the problem areas. Currently, the search for effective models of domestic health care continues, the main actors which are the health authorities and medical organizations. Based on this, it is necessary to create a system of effective government controlled in the health sector. The combination of the above factors is the basis for considering the chosen topic of the course work relevant in modern conditions.

Features of the formulation of the relevance of the topic of the thesis

The relevance of the thesis topic is based on the need to briefly formulate the reasons for choosing this particular topic and to characterize the features of processes and phenomena that actualize the choice of topic.

The relevance of the thesis is the substantiation of the importance or necessity of conducting research in one direction or another.

It is important not to forget that in thesis the relevance of the topic is justified, and not the whole area related to the topic of the work.

Unlike the relevance of the topic of the course, the relevance of the thesis can reach one or two pages.

Now let's turn to what it means to substantiate the topic of the thesis. This, first of all, means that it is necessary to provide weighty arguments supported by evidence in favor of choosing a research topic. Undoubtedly, the relevance of the topic of the thesis can be safely called justified if convincing arguments are found that indicate that this topic is not only important for modernity, but also is the engine and key factor, without which the evolution of certain processes in a particular area is impossible.

In developing the relevance of the thesis, the study of the introduction in those literary sources that are selected to work on the research topic will help.

Justifying the relevance scientific direction reading newspaper articles, referring to the speeches of politicians, scientists and practitioners, acquaintance with normative documents etc. etc.

The relevance of the thesis topic requires the student to be able to concentrate on the research topic and highlight key aspects, namely those that are important here and now.

The process of formulating the relevance of the thesis is based on the following aspects:

  1. In order to correctly formulate the relevance of the thesis, it is necessary, first of all, to study the problem areas within the framework of the subject under study;
  2. The next step should be to include the fact that there are problems in the area under study and confirm this within the framework of modern trends and processes;
  3. The final step in formulating the relevance of the topic of the thesis is to justify why this or that problem is included in the thesis project.

As an example, let's cite the relevance to the thesis on the topic "Overcoming physical underdevelopment in preschool children with mental retardation in conditions of inclusive education"

Relevance of the topic diploma research due to the fact that the modern education system of a developed democratic community is designed to meet the individual educational needs of the individual. This aspect is directly related to the problem of mental retardation in preschool children. It is important to emphasize that the problem of the ZPR is one of the most urgent not only in defectology, but also in general pedagogy, as it is closely related to the problem of school failure.
Children with mental retardation are a numerous and heterogeneous category. A certain group of children has mild disorders of the central nervous system, due to its early organic damage. In another group of children, mental retardation develops against the background of functional immaturity of the central nervous system.
Often, the diagnosis of the emotional characteristics of children with mental retardation is a secondary task. However, in the presence of a basic defect of organic origin, unfavorable socially - psychological conditions education, deficiencies in the formation of the emotional-volitional sphere contribute to the consolidation of maladaptive forms of behavior in this category of children. That is why the level increase social adaptation preschoolers with mental retardation should be one of the tasks of correctional and pedagogical work in preschool educational institutions.

As a result, it is necessary to highlight an important point: verbosity, confusing logic, repetitions - these are the worst enemies of the formulation of the relevance of both the diploma and the coursework. It is for this reason that the formulation of relevance must be approached as responsibly as possible. Before choosing a thesis or course topic, it is recommended, if possible, to study how important it is in modern conditions and how its evolution is reflected in the scientific process.

The relevance of the topic of the course work is the degree of importance of research, scientific work at the present stage.

In this part of the Introduction, it is necessary to formulate the essence problem situation, scientific or applied significance of the chosen research topic, its timeliness. Relevant arguments are given, referring to examples from legal practice, statistical data, opinions of authoritative persons, state bodies, etc. At the same time, references can be to various sources - scientific research (monographs, journals), printed and electronic means mass media, etc.

Justification of the relevance of the chosen topic of the course work involves:

1. a clear understanding of the essence of the chosen topic;

2. study of relevant literature;

3. disclosure in the work of the theoretical and practical significance of the research.

The language design of a written text may include the following constructions: the work is devoted to a relevant topic ...; the relevance of the topic is due to ..., the relevance of the topic does not require additional evidence (no doubt, it is quite obvious, etc.).

Coverage of relevance should be within 1-1.5 pages.

2. The degree of theoretical research of the topic. In this part of the introduction, you should report on the state of development of the chosen topic. The ultimate goal is to show that this particular topic has not yet been disclosed (or only partially disclosed or in the wrong aspect) and therefore needs further development.

Very often, when performing this section of the introduction, the following technique is used: the initials and surname of the scientist are indicated in the text, then the direction of his research on this issue, and the footnote gives the name of his work, where this direction is reflected.

3. Object and subject of research.

The object of the course work is a process or phenomenon that generates a problem situation and is chosen for study.

Subject of study- this is a specific component (element) or properties of the object of study, which is of direct interest to the researcher. A subject is something that is within the boundaries of an object.

It must be remembered that the object of science research is social relations generated in the process of legal regulation of the branch of law of the same name, in this case civil law.

For example, the civil legal status of an individual, if it is the object of study, then its specific components (elements, parts) are the subject. These can be such elements of the object as “Liability of an individual”, “Institute of guardianship and guardianship in civil law”, “Declaration of a citizen as dead”, etc.

It is the subject of research that determines the topic of the course work. In other words, the object and subject of research are related to each other as general and special (or special and singular).

This section is usually short. Usually the definitions of the object and the subject fit into one or two sentences. But first the object is defined, then the subject.

3. The purpose of the study. The purpose of the study is the predicted, supposed (mentally modeled) future result of the exchange rate analysis. The goal answers the question: WHAT does the author want to achieve with his research: analyze, characterize, prove, substantiate, identify features, consider for the first time, expand the field of knowledge about the subject of research, confirm this or that hypothesis, etc. The purpose of the work is reflected in the title of the topic and the definition of the subject of research.

4. Research objectives. Research objectives are a brief description of the actions that need to be performed to achieve the result outlined in the goal.

If the goal is a research strategy, then the tasks are research tactics. The tasks reflect the structure of the study (this structure is reflected in the “Contents” section of the course work. In fact, the title of the chapters and, especially, paragraphs of the work, arranged logically in accordance with the purpose of the study, is the formulation of the research tasks. When defining the objectives of the study, as a rule, the following turns are used: “Based on specified purpose research (term paper), its main tasks are: 1) to study (explore, analyze, etc.) ..., 2) identify (identify, distinguish, etc.) ..., 3) justify (prove, etc.) .) ..., 4) develop ..., 5) compare (carry out a comparative characteristic) ... etc. "

So, for example, if the topic of the course work is "The legal capacity of an individual."

“The purpose of the course work is to study the legal capacity of an individual.

In accordance with the goal, the following research tasks are solved in the work:

Define the concept and content of "capacity of citizens";

Consider legal capacity as an element of civil legal personality;

To analyze the features of partial legal capacity of minors from 6 to 14 years old;

Describe the partial (incomplete) legal capacity of minors aged 14 to 18;

To disclose the incapacity of citizens and the recognition of a citizen as partially incapacitated.

Goals and objectives should be formulated clearly, concisely, specifically and clearly.

5. Research methods. An obligatory element of the introduction is also an indication of research methods that serve as a tool in achieving the objectives set in the course work. The term "method" in the broadest sense of the word means "the path to something" 1 . Method is a system of rules, principles of knowledge; representing a certain sequence of actions, techniques and operations necessary to obtain scientific results 2 .

Research methods can be classified into the following groups:

Logical methods: analysis, synthesis, generalization, abstraction, modeling, comparison, analogy.

General scientific methods: historical method, systemic method (and its elements: system-structural and structural-functional), method of specific sociological research, mathematical method, statistical method, comparative method (method of comparative studies), formal-logical method.

Special (private scientific) methods. These are methods that are characteristic of one or another individual scientific discipline or a group of sciences that have the same or similar objects of knowledge.

In relation to branch legal disciplines, such methods include historical-legal, comparative-legal, method of interpretation of law (and contract), technical-legal method (method of legal technique), comparative-legal method (method of legal comparative studies).

The student needs to get acquainted with the content and features of the application of these methods in the relevant educational and special scientific literature.

At the end of the introduction, it is desirable to reveal the structure of the course work, i.e. give a list of its structural elements, approximately in the following form: "By its structure, the term paper consists of an introduction, three chapters, including six paragraphs, a conclusion and a list of sources used."

If there are various kinds of applications in the work, then the presence of these applications (including their number) is also indicated.

Thus, the Introduction is devoted to the substantiation of the chosen topic, setting the goals and objectives of the study, defining the object, subject and methods of research.

In the main part work reveals the questions posed. Each question should include an introductory, descriptive and concluding part.

The main part of the course work is presented in accordance with the table of contents (plan). The presentation of all questions in the course work must be independent, consistent, interconnected and strictly sustained in accordance with the titles of the chapters indicated in the content. The materials presented in the paragraphs should be logically interconnected, each subsequent material should be a continuation of the previous one and follow from its provisions, recommendations, and conclusions. Phrases, formulations must be built accurate, simple and competent. Do not repeat the same words, phrases, turns of speech. After each paragraph, it is necessary to formulate brief conclusions.

Chapter 1 - contains a description of the problem, introduces the problem itself, describes the state of the theory of research on this topic. When writing it, it is advisable to use historical aspects and the possibility of applying the experience of foreign countries on the issues under consideration.

Chapter 2 and following - contain a detailed analysis of the subject of research and a description of its main parameters and characteristics.

In the main part of the work, it is necessary to reflect the use of sources. It is not allowed to rewrite the text from textbooks or other literature. The material must be creatively processed. The most important theoretical provisions of the topic are stated in their own words and, if necessary, supported by quotations. Citations are made in accordance with bibliographic rules and are accompanied by page references to the source used, indicating the pages.

When working with literature, it is recommended to find problematic situations, conflicting views. It is desirable to reflect the different positions of the authors in the content of the work, to state the arguments in their criticism and support. After analyzing points of view on debatable issues, it is recommended to state your own position.

The main part of the work is followed by conclusion. The conclusion should not be a concise retelling of the entire work. It summarizes the work as a whole, provides clearly formulated conclusions and proposals from all chapters of the course work. Conclusions and proposals should be capacious in content and concise in form, substantiated and supported by relevant arguments and facts.

The conclusion and introduction are drawn up, as a rule, at the end of the work, when the author is well versed in the problem under study and can briefly and reasonably summarize the results of the study. A well-written introduction and conclusion give a clear idea of ​​the completeness, depth, quality of the study, the range of issues addressed, methods and results of the study.

The approximate volume of the conclusion does not exceed 1.5-2 pages.

List of used sources and literature- an element of the bibliographic apparatus, which is one of the essential parts of the course work. It is placed after the conclusion and must contain a bibliographic description of the sources used in the course work. The list should include only those sources that were actually used by the author and that are referenced in the text of the work.

After the bibliographic list, the term paper may contain applications. They are made in the form of tables, diagrams, graphs, diagrams, questionnaires, certificates, etc. Applications are not a mandatory element of the course work structure.

Requirements for the design of the text of the course work

Course work is drawn up in accordance with the existing requirements of GOST.

Overall volume coursework should be 30-40 pages of typewritten text. Recommended volumes of introduction and conclusion are 2-3 pages.

The work is done on white sheets of A4 paper (210-297) on one side with computer typing at 1.5 spacing, Times New Roman Cyr font, 14 -th pin. Italics and underlining are not allowed. The titles of chapters and paragraphs are in bold (bold) type. Margin sizes: left - 30 mm, top - 20 mm, right 15 mm, lower - 20 mm; paragraph indent size - 1,25 cm.

Numbering all pages of the work should be end-to-end, ordinal, starting with the title page and ending with the list of sources and applications used, inclusive. The title page is the first page of the work, but there is no page number on it. Page numbering begins with the table of contents, which is indicated by a number 2 . Further, the entire subsequent volume of work is numbered in order to the last page. The page number is written in Arabic numerals at the top center of the page without a dot at the end.

The main part of the course work should be divided into chapters (sections) and paragraphs. Paragraphs, if necessary, can be divided into paragraphs and subparagraphs. When dividing the text of the work into paragraphs and subparagraphs, it is necessary that each of them contains complete information.

Chapters and paragraphs are numbered with Arabic numerals. Chapter numbering starts on a new page with a paragraph indent. Chapters should be numbered consecutively throughout the text. The paragraph number includes the chapter number and serial number the paragraph itself, separated by a dot (1.1., 1.2., 1.3., etc.). The subparagraph number includes the number of the chapter, paragraph and serial number of the paragraph, separated by a dot (1.1.1., 1.1.2., 1.1.3., etc.).

The names of all structural parts and paragraphs in the text of the course work must have a title in exact accordance with the title in the content.

The name of each structural part (headings) is written in capital letters, highlighted in bold and centered.

Section titles begin with capital letter, the rest of the letters must be lowercase. The titles of paragraphs are also highlighted in bold, placed on the left edge with a paragraph indent from the beginning of the line.

Wrapping is not allowed in the headings of chapters, paragraphs and paragraphs. Do not put a dot at the end of the title. The title is not underlined. If the heading consists of two sentences, they are separated by a dot.

Each section of the work (including the introduction, each of the chapters, the conclusion, the list of references, applications) should begin on a new page. Paragraphs on separate pages of the work are not taken out.

On the page where the title of the paragraph and paragraph is given, there should be at least two lines of subsequent text; otherwise, the paragraph and paragraph heading and text start on the next page.

Footnotes are mandatory elements of the work, used to provide accurate information about the sources used. Footnotes are accompanied not only by quotes, which are highlighted in quotation marks, but also by any provision borrowed from literature or materials (for example, digital and other not well-known material of other authors, when mentioning points of view on the problem under consideration of certain authors, etc.). of the material used in its own edition, but in compliance with the semantic content. The link is made directly in the text of the work in the form of the corresponding number at the end of the semantic unit of the text (at the end of the sentence (group of sentences) or at the end of the quote to which the link refers).

Subscript links are separated from the main text by a solid line about 1/3 of the page size wide, they are printed with a paragraph indent at 1 interval and numbered with an Arabic numeral, starting from the number 1 on each page (page numbering). Continuous numbering of links is allowed. The footnote is placed at the top of the line. In the text, the footnote sign in the form of the corresponding number should be at the end of the sentence (group of sentences) or at the end of the quotation to which the link refers.

For example:

1 Zenin I.A. Civil law: textbook. - M., 2008. - S. 231.

2 Reshetina E. N. Problems of civil liability // Russian justice. - 2012. - No. 4. - S. 64-66.

With multiple references to the same work a full description is given only in the first reference, and in subsequent references the surname and initials of the author, the title of the work and the page number are given. Long titles are abbreviated, omitted words are replaced by ellipsis.

1 Zenin I. A. Civil law: Textbook. - M., 2011. - S. 54.

2 Zenin I. A. Op. - S. 54.

1 Svirkov S. A. Qualification of the energy supply agreement at the present stage of development of relations in the electric power industry // Civilist. - 2012. - No. 1. - S. 50.

2 Svirkov S. A. Qualification of the energy supply agreement at the present stage of development of relations in the electric power industry. - S. 50.

1 On licensing certain types of activities: Federal Law of May 4, 2011 No. 99-FZ // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2011. - No. 19. - Art. 2, item 1.

2 On licensing certain types of activities: Federal Law of May 4, 2011 No. 99-FZ // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2011. - No. 19. - Art. 2. p. 2.

When linking on one document on one page in the second link, the words "Ibid" and the corresponding new pages are given. If the pages of the second link coincide with the pages of the previous one, then they are omitted.

1 Sergeev A.P. Civil law: textbook. M., 2009. S. 98.

3 there. P.112.

List of used sources and literature formed from three parts:

    list of normative legal acts,

    list of references;

    list of materials of law enforcement practice.

The section "Regulatory legal acts" is built according to two criteria: by legal force and in chronological order.

It is necessary to observe the following strict sequence of enumeration of regulatory legal acts:

    International normative legal acts ratified by the Russian Federation;

    the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

    Federal Laws of the Russian Federation;

    Laws of the Russian Federation;

    Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation;

    Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation;

    Acts of ministries and departments of federal government bodies;

    Decisions of other state bodies.

Bibliographic description document, book and any other material used in the preparation of a research work is a set of bibliographic information about the source (document) given according to established rules, which makes it possible to get an idea about the source itself, its content, purpose, scope, etc.

The mandatory elements of a bibliographic description include:

    when specifying books (textbook, monograph, study guide etc.): surname and initials of the author (authors), title (title), place of publication, publisher, year of issue, number of pages;

    when specifying an article, abstracts from a collection, book or journal, it includes: the surname and initials of the author (authors), the title (title) of the article and after a double slash - the name of the journal, year of issue, journal number, page numbers;

    when specifying normative legal acts and materials of law enforcement practice: the full name of the act, type of document, date of its adoption, number, as well as data on the official source where it was published.

The description of the material from the Internet source includes all the required elements of the description, including the email address.

For a sample bibliographic description of sources and literature, see Annex 3.

Completed term paper must be bound and have a cover.

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