Capital letter u pnsh. Theme: Capital letter S. Working on a new theme

Pike - predatory fish

Letter lowercase and capital letters u and u

Most teachers teaching kids to write try to build a lesson in such a way that children do not write monotonously for 35 minutes. The outline of each lesson includes various games, thematic physical exercises, fragments of fairy tales. An example of such work is a lesson developed by Natalia DEMINA, a teacher primary school school number 465 in Moscow.

Topic."Letter of lowercase and capital letters SCH And SCH ».

Goals. Learn to write lowercase and uppercase letters SCH And SCH, correctly connect the letters to each other; improve your spelling skills.

Equipment. Copybook No. 4 (author V.A. Ilyukhina,) publishing house "Enlightenment", M., 2003, to the "Russian Alphabet" (author V.G. Goretsky); cards with written letters and words; rule poster:
« Chu-shu write with a letter at »; illustrations depicting rocker, ice-hole, pike, Emelya on the stove; board; a piece of chalk; colour pencils.


I. Organizational moment

II. Lesson topic message

Teacher. Guys, today we have an unusual lesson. Emelya came to us on the stove. He wants to learn how to write a letter beautifully SCH lowercase and SCH capital. Let's help him?

Children. Yes!

III. Introductory conversation

U. What story did he come from?

D. He came from the fairy tale "By the command of the pike."

D. This is Russian folk tale.

U. Name the characters in this story.

D. Emelya, tsar, pike, Princess Marya.

U. What time of year did the events in this story take place?

D. In winter, there was a lot of snow.

U. For centuries, people have been creating their own fairy tales. In the 19th century, writers became interested in folk tales. They walked around the villages and villages and wrote down songs, fairy tales, were from famous storytellers, storytellers: “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, an old man and an old woman lived, there were ...”
With this unhurried proverb ( saying- a saying inserted into speech for the sake of decoration, amusement, jokes) many folk tales begin. The word "fairy tale" itself comes from the verb "to tell". In the dead of old all over vast Russia in snow-covered huts in the dim light of a torch ( splinter- a thin long sliver; in the old days, peasant huts were illuminated with a lit chip), our distant ancestors folded and told their tales.
So, the tale of Emel is one of them. This tale is funny and mischievous. Emelya lies to himself on the stove and says: “At the pike’s command, at my will,” and things begin to play tricks: whatever Emelya wishes, everything turns out for him, and the reason for everything is the pike word.
So, with the help of a magic proverb, a simple peasant made him respect himself. Here's to you and Emelya-fool!

IV. Calligraphy

U. Snow covered all the roads, all the paths, you can only pass on a sleigh or on a magic stove.
We will write a snow pattern on individual cards, and one of you will go to the board.

On the desk:

V. Graphical analysis and lower case writing SCH

U. Let's remember and call "winter" words. They can be dictionary, and can be with spelling.

D. Freezing. North wind.

U. What are these words?

D. These are dictionary words.

U. What other words can we name?

D. Snow, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard, ice...

The teacher writes these words on the board or prepares them on cards in advance.

U. Explain spelling.

Children explain and write in a notebook: snow, blizzard, blizzard, north wind, ice.

- In the village, water was carried from the hole. They took a yoke, two wooden buckets and went for water.

On the desk:

Our hero went for water. He scooped up water and ... saw a pike in a bucket. What happened next?

D. Pike spoke to Emelya in a human voice and asked to let her go, and for this she promised to do whatever he wanted, just need to say magic words: "At the pike's command, according to my desire ..." - and say your desire.

U. And our desire is to beautifully write a lowercase letter SCH . What familiar elements are found in this letter?

Children analyze the graphic image of the letter u.

D. Elements that we wrote in letters And And at . Letter loop size SCH small, one third less than the loop of the letter at.

U. Give verbal description letters.

D. We put the pen on the top ruler of the working line, go down in a straight inclined line down, turn in place, “rocking chair”, hook to the middle, “secret”, according to the “secret” straight inclined line down, turn in place, write to the middle, write “ secret”, according to the “secret” down, turn in place, hook up to one third without turning the handle, inclined line down, one third of the additional line, loop, overlap on the bottom line of the working line, hook to the middle.

Speaking in chorus with the teacher, the children write this letter in the air. Then in unison repeat the algorithm of the letter SCH and write it down in copybooks under the verbal commentary of the teacher twice. Then the children practice themselves, whispering the algorithm for writing this letter in a whisper.

VI. Attention game

The teacher pronounces the algorithm for writing a letter SCH(see above) and shows a card with a lowercase letter SCH after the children guess it.

U. Guess the following letter: put the handle one third from the top, go up to the left, linger on the line, go down in a straight inclined line, turn in place, go up the hook to the middle, connect the two parts with a “secret”, a straight inclined line along the “secret” down, make a turn in place, hook to the middle.

D. Letter but.

U. We play on.
We put the pen on the upper ruler of the working line, go down the inclined line, go up the inclined line to the middle, go up to the right with a tubercle, touching the ruler, go down one third, remove the pen, put it in the middle and write out the “high chair”, turn in place, hook to the middle.

D. Letter to .

The teacher on the blackboard puts up cards with the spelling of lowercase letters sh, a, k.

U. The game continues, be careful!
We put the pen on the top ruler of the working line, go down in a straight inclined line, perform a turn in place, climb the hook to the middle, write “secret”, according to the “secret” a long inclined line down, loop, overlap on the bottom ruler of the working line, hook to the middle.

D. Letter at .

A letter appears on the board at.

U. Guys, try to make a word from these letters and read the name of the fish that Emelya caught.

D. Pike.

The teacher gives the children cards on which the word is beautifully written. Pike.

U. Where are the letters connected in this word?

D. In this word, the letters are connected in the middle of the line.

Children note "nests", "huts", connections, they always show one third. The spelling analysis of this word is carried out.
Pay special attention to the rule: Chu-shu write with a letter at».

U. Guys, come up with a few more words with this combination.

D. I'm looking for, feel - to recognize, examine something by touching with hands.
Puny - Weak, thin, inconspicuous.
Pickerel - a small pike.

U.Pike- a predatory freshwater fish with a flat, elongated head and an elongated body.

The teacher shows an illustration of a pike. Next, in notebooks, children write the word Pike, whispering it.
One student does this work at the blackboard under the guidance of a teacher.

VII. Physical education minute

U. Which of you has been fishing? How do you cast your rod?

Children show with their hands.

- And when the fish bite, what actions do you perform?

The guys show how to pull out the fish, saying:

I drag the pike, I drag,
I won't miss the pike.
Here she is
Nice big one!

Children spread their arms to the sides, showing how big the fish is.

The pike swims in circles
The pike snaps its teeth.
Well, teeth - like a saw!
Where did you get these?

VIII. Graphical analysis and writing of the capital letter Щ

U. Now come up with sentences about pike. Remember what kind of fish it is.

D. Pike is a predatory fish.

Spelling analysis is carried out, analysis of a sample of writing a capital letter SCH.
Children, under the guidance of a teacher, analyze a sample of writing a letter in chorus SCH capital (by analogy with the capital C).

U. In the middle third of the additional line, we write out a loop, go down the inclined line, turn in place, climb the hook one or two millimeters above the upper line of the working line, write “secret”, according to the “secret” a straight inclined line down, turn in place , hook up to one third without turning the handle, go down the inclined line to one third in the additional line, loop (according to the loop principle of the letter d), overlap on the bottom ruler of the working line, hook to the middle.

Children write capital letters in notebooks SCH, pronouncing the spelling in a whisper, and one student writes at the blackboard under the guidance of a teacher.

IX. Commented writing of words and sentences

Children take turns going to the blackboard and, pronouncing each word, write down the sentence: "Pike is a predatory fish".

U. With what letter did we write the beginning of the sentence?

D. We write the beginning of the sentence with a capital letter.

U. Why?

D. The beginning of a sentence is always capitalized.

U. In what other cases are capital letters written?

D. Capital letters are written in the names and surnames of people, city ​​names, villages, rivers.

U. Read the names of the people written in the words.

D. Shchukin, Shcheglov, Shchipanov, Shchapov, Shcherbakov.

U. Who can answer what unites these surnames?

D. All these surnames have a capital letter SCH. All surnames are male, you can substitute the word for them is he.

U. Let's replace male surnames with female ones using the word she.

D. Shchukin, Shcheglov, Shchipanov, Shchapov, Shcherbakov.

U. Let's write down several surnames in a notebook and underline the letter in them SCH .

The work goes with commenting and pronunciation of the writing algorithm.

X. Summary of the lesson

U. What did you learn in class today?

D. We learned to write letters SCH lowercase and SCH capital.
- Write words and sentences with this letter.

U. What letters are similar to the spelling of a letter SCH ?

D. Writing a letter SCH similar to lowercase writing c And at .

U. What icons can be put on this letter?

D."Shalashiki" ( . ) - clearance at the bottom of the letter;
() - connection of elements on the upper working line;
(X) - connecting elements or changing direction by one third below or above the height of the working line.

U. How many "secrets" did you hide?

D. They hid two "secrets".

U. How many parallel lines in writing a letter SCH ?

D. Eight.

U. How do we write lines? What do we remember?

D. When climbing the “secret”, you need to shift your attention to the already written straight sloping left and try not to move away from it.

U. Who helped you tell the story?

D. We were helped by Emelya, who studied with us.

U. All of you guys worked well at the lesson today, tried to write letters and words beautifully.

The teacher evaluates the best work.

Summary of the lesson in the Russian language (literacy: writing) Primary school teacher Moiseenko Alla Grigorievna.Subject: Russian language (literacy: writing), Grade 1, EMC "School of Russia"

Lesson topic: “Letters Shch Spelling combinations shcha, shcha."

Goals Tasks

During the classes

Organizational stage. Motivation for learning activities.


Solve the riddle.

tail wags,

Toothy, not barking?

-About whom in question?

What do you know about pike?

Pike - a predatory freshwater fish with a flat, elongated head and an elongated body.


What story is this character from?

- Who is the author of this story? - This is a Russian folk tale Finger gymnastics:
Pike predatory, toothy, For bream, ruff dangerous, Is someone's tail flickering nearby? Grab? Here the pike does not yawn! But got hooked - The fisherman drags the pike!
Inclusion of new knowledge in the knowledge system and repetition Work in pairs. Teacher. Who would like to be in the forest right now? Oh! .. how many hands ... Sit comfortably. Close your eyes and imagine that you went for a walk in the forest. We pass by large houses, buildings, shops and find ourselves in the forestWhat is the name of this forest? We go deeper and find ourselves in a dense, impenetrable forest. What is the name of this forest?"Insert missing syllables" Discuss and make wordsWhat rule do we remember when writing?Write down these words yourself.

On the board words to check Last line. Have we seen similar rules before? - That's right, just like in the case of the combinations Zhi, SHI, CHA, CHU. These spellings must be memorized.What rule did you learn today?Write your own syllables next to the model.

The purpose of the lesson: learning to write lowercase and capital letters u, u.


  1. Teach writing lowercase and capital letters u, u, syllables and words with this letter; learn to write syllables, words and sentences with learned letters;
  2. Expand lexicon, develop the skills of self-control and self-assessment, mutual verification, work on the development of attention;
  3. Build student self-esteem and independence.



Literacy lesson - writing in grade 1.

(according to the prescription of N.V. Nechaeva - the system of L.V. Zankov)

Lesson topic: " Lowercase and capital letters u, u.

Target: learning to write lowercase and capital letters u, u.


  1. Teach writing lowercase and capital letters u, u, syllables and words with this letter; learn to write syllables, words and sentences with learned letters;
  2. Expand vocabulary, develop skills of self-control and self-assessment, mutual verification, work on the development of attention;
  3. Build student self-esteem and independence.

Expected results:

As a result of the topic studied, children should:

1. Be able to write lowercase and capital letters SCH, Щ, syllables and words with these letters;

2. Be able to answer questions in writing, make proposals;

3. Be able to characterize the sound.

Equipment: presentation, computer, projector, screen, demonstration card with letters, evaluation sheets.

During the classes:

Lesson stages







Emotional mood.

We are starting a writing lesson. Let's start the lesson with a smile and a good mood. Give your smiles to me, your friends and our guests.

What do we learn in writing lessons? Our lesson motto:

The pen writes, the mind leads.How do you understand this proverb? slide 2

Positive motivation and cognitive interest.

Knowledge update

The game "What's wrong?" slide 3

P, S, A, w, I, O; (The extra letter "sh" is lowercase.)

E. yo, i, yu, i, a; (An extra letter "a" - it indicates the hardness of the consonant.)

R. m, n, l, u; (An extra letter "u" - it always denotes a soft consonant sound.)

And what other letters always denote soft consonants? (Letters "h" and "y".)

What was the last letter you met? (with the letter H)

Describe the sound. slide 4

Looking at the letters on the screen. Repetition of learned letters.

Summarize, compare, highlight the main thing.

FROM communication of the topic of the lesson, setting the learning task.

On the board: a card with the letter S. slide 5

Setting the goal of the lesson by children.

What will we work on in class? (Learn to write the letters Щ, syllables, words and

Offers with her.)


He plays, barks loudly,

He does not know boredom at all.

On the way knocks down

Nimble, small ... (puppy)

Describe the first sound in the word.

Sound characteristic [u "]:consonant, deaf, always soft.

Be able to determine and formulate the goal in the lesson with the help of a teacher; pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson.

Phonetic exercises + physical minutes

And now we will train our ability to hear the desired sound in the word. Get up. If we hear a sound in a word[SCH"], clap your hands:

BRUSH, silk, NUTCRACKER, honest, life, TONGS, BOX, hike, CHEEK, cloud, PIKE, stove, FAREWELL, GROVE, whisper.

Doing exercises.

Stage of assimilation of new knowledge. problematic


We will work in copybooks on page 21.

Exploring elements in the script. What elements need to be added to make a letter? (short slanted line rounded at bottom right)

The letter u, u on the screen.

Compare written and printed letter. How are the letters similar and how are they different?

What letter elements are familiar to you? What letters did they meet?

Learning to write lowercase and uppercase letters S.Display on the board. Write letters in the air. Circle the letter according to the pattern in your notebook. Writing syllables.

Circle the capital letters on the line. Check out how you learned to write the letter S.

Examining the elements of a letter on the screen.

Writing new letters.

Navigate the knowledge systemto distinguish the new from the already known with the help of a teacher.

Eye charger

"Puppy playing ball" slide 6

Doing exercises.

Primary fastening.

What season is it now? It is very cold in winter. It is bad for our smaller brothers. But a person takes care of pets. But the birds need our help. How do you help birds survive the cold winter?

What birds come to the feeders?

In spring, birds will return to us from warm countries, and their beautiful songs will sound everywhere.

Reading a sentence: In the spring, nimble goldfinches chirped in the grove.

What do you know about these birds?

The goldfinch is not a migratory bird, but from the beginning of winter to mid-April, goldfinches gather in flocks and roam short distances in search of food. The goldfinch is a cheerful, mobile, dexterous bird with beautiful plumage. Slide 7

Who is this proposal talking about? Let's highlight one thing. What is said about goldfinches? Let's highlight two points. These are the main members of the proposal. What are the other words in the sentence called?

We will answer questions.

Goldfinches (what?) nimble

Twittered (where?) in the grove

Twitter (when?) spring

Have you heard the chirping of goldfinches?Listening to the recording.

Work on tongue twister Slide 8

The goldfinch chirped with the goldfinch,

Tickled his goldfinches,

And the dandy-dandy

And dandy-dandy

They squeak at the goldfinch.

Answering questions, formulating complete sentences.

Get new knowledge: find answers to questions using the recipe.

Express your thoughts orally and in writing.

Carry out analysis in order to identify significant features.

Generalization and systematization of knowledge.

Pair work.

Our puppy is lost. Find the word on the page Puppy . Let's complete the task. We will work in pairs.

The puppy is running. Goldfinch is flying. The worm is crawling.

Perform the task by pronouncing new sentences.

Learn to work in pairs personal opinion and position; jointly agree on the rules of behavior and communication at school and follow them.

Summary of the lesson.

What did you work on in class? (They learned to write the letters Щ, Щ, syllables, words and sentences with it.)

What have you learned?

Highlighting and understanding by students of what has already been learned and what is still to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation.



Work on your score sheet.

1. Each task was clear to me, I learned to write the letter U, u, write syllables and words with this letter - green.

2. I know but have trouble writing letters u, u- yellow color.

3. I am at a loss and ask for help - red color.

Develop self-control when speaking.

Exercise self-control and self-assessment.

Purpose: to teach the spelling of the capital letter Щ, to consolidate the spelling skills of words with the studied letters.

During the classes:

Organizational moment.

Repetition of what has been learned.

1. Clap your hands if you hear [u "] in the words: silk, whisper, tickle, honest, nutcracker, heron, chocolate, pinch, sliver, hat, tongs.

2. Writing words in an additional notebook:

grove, pike, sorrel, I clean.

What syllables should you memorize? (Shcha, shu.)

3. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. The teacher shows on the board how to write the capital letter Щ, compare it with the printed one.

2. Work according to prescription.

Outlining letter and pattern elements in a wide line.

3. Analysis of syllables, recording them.

4. Writing off sentences after spelling analysis:

I brush my puppy. The puppy squealed with joy.

4. Physical education.

The sun lifts us up to recharge.

We raise our hands on the command "One!".

And above us the leaves rustle cheerfully.

We lower our hands on the command "Two!".

Consolidation of what has been learned.

1. Drawing up a proposal and writing it down.

The pike lives in the river.

2. Give answers to questions. Write your answers in an additional notebook.

Where do mice live? ( Mice live in a closet.)

Where do ruffs live? (Ruffs live in the river.)

Underline the letters after w, w, h.

3. vocabulary work. The children write down the answers. Dense dense forest. (Thicket.)

Hole punching tool. (Awl.) Wild rose with bright red berries. ( Rose hip.) Predatory fish with sharp teeth. (Pike.)

A vessel with a handle and spout for boiling water. (Kettle.)

Repeat again how the combinations are written zhi, shi, cha, shcha, chu, shu.

Summary of the lesson.


Subject: Lowercase f.

Purpose: to introduce the writing of the lowercase letter f, improving the calligraphic skills of students.

During the classes:

Organizational moment.

Introduction to a new letter.

1. Find the same sound in words:

apron, camera, jacket, flashlight, flag, fruits.

2. Think of as many words as possible starting with: fa ( factory, apron, pheasant, facts)

fi (physicist, owl, ficus, firm).

Who is in front of us? ( Footballer.)

3. Children outline the elements of the letter and pattern in a wide line.

Letter elements and letters in working lines.

4. Analysis of syllables, compounds and recording them.

Analysis of schemes and words, writing them.

5. Writing off the offer.

Every ship has a flag.


We walk, we walk

We raise our hands higher.

(Walking in place with arms raised).

Suddenly we see: by the bush

The chick fell out of the nest.

Quietly we take a chick

And put it back in the nest.

(Tilts forward, touch the floor with your hands, straighten up, raise your hands).

Consolidation of the studied

1. Make a word from letters : ground meat.

2. - Say a word.

From me thin dishes

Pale white and loud

Burning since ancient times

I am called ... porcelain.

Holiday, holiday at the gate.

Who will meet him?

Me and my faithful friend

Red, small... flag.

Writing the words "porcelain", "flag" in an additional notebook.

The teacher dictates the words.

If the sound [f] in the word is solid, the boys get up,

[f"] soft - girls.

Focus, ficus, driver, football, factory, traffic light, Fedya, eagle owl, company, farm, window, poster, asphalt.

Well done! You are very attentive!

Summary of the lesson.


Subject: Capital letter F.

Purpose: to learn to write a capital letter F, words and sentences with this letter.

During the classes:

Organizational moment.

Repetition of what has been learned.

1. Clap your hands if you hear the sound [f] or [f"] in the word: jacket, vase, scarf, Vasya, screen, farm, wagon, pheasant, fork, asphalt, fantasy.

2. The letter is lost.

Abrika, co. that, sho. er, .u. aika, .hands.

Introduction to a new letter.

1. - Guess the name of the boy by the first sounds of the names.

The teacher demonstrates drawings: an owl, a spruce, a house, an apple. Answer: Fedya

How do we write the boy's name?

That's right, with a capital letter, but first you need to learn how to write capital F.

The teacher gives an example of writing a capital F on the blackboard.

2. Work in copybook.

Children outline the elements of the letters and the pattern in a wide line.

What is the person's profession? (Fakir.).

The teacher explains the meaning of this word.

What other professions do you know in f? (football player, photographer, fencer.)

3. The letter of the elements and the letter f in cursive in the working lines.

Analysis of syllables, schemes and words. Their letter.

Particular attention is paid to connections


The cuckoos flew through three huts.

They were in such a hurry, they were in such a hurry.

They turned their heads, flapped their wings.

And where they flew, they did not say!

5. Consolidation of the studied.

1. Writing off sentences in writing:

Faina is knitting a jacket.

Fedya has a warm scarf.

2. Copying from printed text.

Traffic lights have three colors.

Remember what each color of the traffic light means.

Listen to the rhyme:

Traffic lights.

- Where have you been so far?

- Stopped the traffic light.

Red - clear: the path is dangerous.

Yellow is the same as red

And the green is ahead - come on in!

3. Writing words with the letter f.

Summary of the lesson.


Theme: Dividing b.


TOPIC: Capital LetterSCH .

GOAL: - to teach children to write the capital letter Щ, to consolidate the ability to establish its sound composition, to compare the elements of letters and connect them;

To develop the speech of students;

Cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.

EQUIPMENT: alphabet of capital letters, subject drawing with the image of a puppy.

LESSON TYPE: complex.



    Repetition of learned letters.

Name the written lettersI, f, e, W, C, x, c, Y, d, g, i, h)

- Which of these represent vowel sounds?

- Which of them represent one consonant?d, h, w, w, c)

    Sound-letter analysis words.

What is the name of a baby dog?Puppy)

How many syllables are in this word?

What syllable is stressed? Describe the sounds of the wordshh, i, nok)

Sign the letters below the diagram. What letter does the word start with?


Today we will learn how to write a capital letterSCH , sentences with her, learn and write a short poem about a puppy, talk about these cute animals.


    Graphic analysis of a letterSCH.

What are the elements of a letter? Than capitalSCH different from lowercase? (The size and top rounding of the first element)

How to get a titleSCH from lettersI, Sh, C?

Compare printed and handwrittenSCH . What does a capital letter look likeSCH ?

U - playing puppy,

He lay down with his paws up.

    Capitalization ExplanationsSCH showing on the board.

    Finger gymnastics


Two puppies, cheek to cheek

Pinch the brush in the corner.

Palm on the edge, on yourself. Thumb up. Index, middle and nameless together. The little finger alternately goes down and up.

    Writing a preparatory exercise. (6 stroke, p.17, copy-book).

    Letter of capital letter elementsSCH (p.29).

The teacher warns that the beauty of a letter depends on the same number of all elements.

    Capital LetterSCH .

Before starting work, students, at the expense of the teacher, circle the sample in a frame several times, write the letter in the air, with chalk on the board.

    Offer letter.

Read the proverb. How do you understand it?

What's happenedfood? How to say otherwise?

Which word has a syllableshcha ? How should it be written?

What character is in the middle of a sentence? What word replaces a dash? (This)

8. Physical Minute.

9. Work on the development of students' speech.

Who is in the picture at the top of the copybook?

What is the girl doing? Make suggestions according to the scheme.

How does the girl feel about her pet?

Do any of you have pets? How do you take care of them? Tell me.

Pre-trained students recite an excerpt from S. Mikhalkov's poem "My Puppy"

(the second part is the return of the puppy)

10. Copying from printed text.

Read the tongue twister printed on the board.

Who is she talking about? Does the drawing on the page match?

Write down a poem, follow the correct connection of letters in words.


What letter did we write today? What sound does it represent?

What poems about a puppy do you remember?

Read also: