Types of organization of the teacher's methodical work. The main directions of scientific - methodological work. The concept of methodological activity

Sections: School administration , General pedagogical technologies

“In the matter of education and upbringing,
in all school work
nothing can be improved
bypassing the teacher's head.


Methodological work is the basis for the formation of pedagogical activity and the creation of an innovative educational environment.

Today, the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard is changing the educational environment of the child, making demands (slide 2):

  1. to the results of mastering the main educational programs
  2. to the structure of educational programs
  3. to the conditions for the implementation of educational programs.

These requirements cannot be realized without changing the teacher himself. Today new requirements are presented not to the student, as it used to be, but to the modern teacher, who can no longer be only a translator of knowledge and a "tutor", but must be a person capable of designing the child's educational environment.

Therefore, the main direction of the school's work is to create conditions for the transition to the standards of the second generation, increase the psychological readiness of the teacher himself, develop his professional competence, and methodological work contributes to this development.

What is included in the concept "methodical work"? (slide 3)

This is a holistic system interrelated measures, based on science and progressive pedagogical experience, aimed at ensuring the professional growth of the teacher, his creative potential, and in eventually on the growth of the level of education, upbringing, development, socialization and preservation of the health of students.

Based on this definition, the methodological association of teachers of our elementary school outlined ways to improve the professionalism of teachers and developed an action plan.

top priority methodological work is to help educators and teachers to improve their professional scientific, theoretical and methodological level. And from the solution of this problem follows a system of measures (slide 4).

Any work begins with an analysis of the real possibilities of the educational institution and the teaching staff. We explored the potential of the elementary school; conducted an analysis of the software, collected the necessary regulatory and legal framework for the implementation of the Standards, developed a list of activities for their full implementation of the new standards.

We build methodical work in our school taking into account a number of features:

1. Based on work experience and level of professionalism of teachers.

Our elementary school has teachers with different teaching experience. And what is very pleasant for us, three of them are former graduates of our school. 36% of teachers have 1 and the highest qualification category.

2. And also considering motivation of teachers, innovative directions in education, And features of an educational institution such as participation in experimental sites, school traditions, etc.

home function our methodological association is to ensure the constant professional growth of each teacher. It is the teacher who is called upon to give the child a quality education, to help the child become successful in the information world around him, to teach him to learn.

This problem can be solved primarily through such a form of work as a modern lesson, therefore topic, our methodical work: "Pedagogical resources of the modern lesson in elementary school in achieving a new quality of education."

To implement the methodological theme, we set ourselves the following tasks:

  • Analysis, generalization, dissemination of both progressive experience and experience born in the team.
  • Formation of an innovative orientation, enrichment with new pedagogical technologies.
  • Raising the level of subject and psychological-pedagogical training of teachers.
  • Organization of work on the study of new educational documents and standards of the second generation.
  • Providing scientific and methodological assistance.

I have been leading the methodological association for the 5th year. During this time, a friendly creative team, a team of like-minded people, has developed in our elementary school.

Setting specific goals, using various interesting forms of organization of methodological work, each teacher of our team is working to improve their professionalism.

Consider two ways to improve professional excellence (slide 5):

1. Through self-education.

2. Due to the conscious, necessarily voluntary participation of the teacher in the events organized by the school or the methodological center, called methodical work.

1. Self-education (slide 6):

Improving the quality of a teacher's methodological work is not only a process of accumulating knowledge, but, first of all, a process of in-depth penetration into the essence of new technologies.

This is what becomes the basis of self-education, which is implemented through different forms:

We believe that in our modern time, in the context of rapidly changing updates and requirements for schools, teachers and students, advanced training once every 5 years is clearly not enough, so our teachers visit refresher courses as questions and interests arise within the framework of self-education and self-development. One of these areas is the acquisition information literacy. And what is very pleasant, today all our teachers have completed advanced training in the use of ICT in the educational process, and all classrooms are equipped with a teacher's workstation. This allowed teachers to use modern pedagogical technologies in their work and to apply the activity approach more widely.

Each teacher in our school works on the problem of learning that interests him, implements the studied material in practice. Open Lessons for teachers of the school, district, kindergarten teachers, parents of students, the creation of individual portfolio, holding extra-curricular activities, speaking at methodological and pedagogical councils, theoretical accumulations - this is an incomplete list of the output of the results of such work. All this allows you to systematically summarize your professional experience and present such work as one of the forms of your certification.

Other forms of methodological activity of teachers are also productive: attending seminars, master classes. Our teachers work in online communities X, T such as: Elementary school - for children, parents, teachers, Creative Teachers Network, Teacher Portal, etc., Such work gives us the acquisition of new knowledge, communication with people of close interests, joint work and sharing of performance, growth of self-esteem of the individual, etc.

I want to offer you the addresses of the Network Communities on the Internet, so that all interested teachers also become active users of these communities. (slide 7).

2. Methodical work (slide 8, 9):

The second way to develop the professional skills of teachers is the methodical work that we carry out through methodical association, using a variety of forms or combinations thereof. This gives us the opportunity to choose the optimal solutions to specific problems.

One of effective methods management of methodological work at school is planning. When planning methodological work, it is important to consider it as a system. When developing a plan, it is necessary to answer the question “What are we planning? What are we planning for? What result do we want to get? When planning methodological work, we rely on performance analysis at the end of the year, taking into account the difficulties of teachers and innovative directions.

We clearly understand that it is not the forms of work that come first, but tasks that we set for ourselves, and from this follow the path to achieve the goals.

Here are the topics of individual meetings, to achieve the objectives of which we used various forms: these are collective creative work, round table, master class, pedagogical council, seminar-workshop(slide 10).

I want to highlight some forms of work.

  • Studying the topic: "Improving the quality of pedagogical work and the level of pedagogical culture of each teacher." Teachers conducted self-diagnosis to determine professional readiness for teaching activities. BUT pupils of grades 3-4 were given the task to write an essay on the topic: “How do I want to see my teacher”. The meeting was held business game. At The readers were divided into role groups: teachers, parents, students. way "Brainstorm" each group made a portrait of a teacher, and by comparing these answers, the results of self-diagnosis and analysis of essays, a portrait of an ideal teacher was created, and the concept of “pedagogical excellence” was clarified and criteria for teacher strengths and weaknesses were determined.
  • Since not every person has the opportunity to listen to scientists, to meet with representatives of the highest pedagogical society, we are at the last meeting on the topic: “Preparation for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. Formation of UUD ” listened to remote lecture, Professor, Department of Developmental Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov, Doctor of Psychological Sciences Karabanova Olga Aleksandrovna.
  • In addition to working in a methodological association, we are helped to adopt the experience, knowledge and skills of our colleagues by visiting pedagogical workshops and master classes.
  • We also share our experience through speeches at methodological associations, pedagogical councils.
  • Our teachers held a master class for students of Moscow State Pedagogical Institute on the topic: “Using an interactive whiteboard in the process of teaching younger students”, this year there were held two district seminar for young specialists on the topic: “Modern lesson. Planning. Structure. Introspection of the lesson” and “The classroom is the teacher's laboratory”.
  • One of the directions in our methodological work is the long-term systematic use of ICT in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. Each teacher creates their own database of digital educational resources and exchange with colleagues.
  • Within our methodological association are annually created Creative microgroups and project teams of teachers, whose composition varies depending on the purpose of creation. That's how they were created groups for:
    • organization of design and research activities;
    • to prepare for the competition "Teacher of the Year";
    • to create a modern primary school classroom;
    • for the joint work of teachers on a specific teaching materials.
  • It has become a tradition in our school themed weeks. In addition to traditional subject weeks, we also conduct such as:
    • hometown week
    • Week of Aesthetics
    • Theater Week
    • Week of the Great People of Russia.
  • One of the modern forms of methodical work of a teacher is creating a class site on the Internet.
  • Also a necessary form of methodological work is Creating a subject cabinet as a teacher's creative laboratory (slide 10).

In our elementary school I created such an office. He was assigned 1st place in the district review-competition "Modern Cabinet of Primary School - 2010".

Modern can be called an office that combines (slide 11):

  • Cabinet of information and communication technologies
  • Cabinet-laboratory
  • Methodical room, which is room number 309.

Main appointment of my office- to ensure a high level of teaching subjects, the formation of schoolchildren's ability and desire to learn, the formation of the child's personality, the development of his abilities.

The purpose of creating this office is to create modern conditions for organizing the learning process in all subjects of primary education in accordance with the requirements of the Standards.

Everything this is achieved by modern forms of conducting lessons, the effective use of modern educational technologies, as well as the material and technical base .

For the effective use of classroom equipment in the learning process, it is necessary to systematize the educational and methodological base. This systematization helps any teacher prepare for the lesson faster and better and pick up the necessary material.

The peculiarity of my office is that all educational and methodological base systematized not only in thematic folders, it is recorded in the passport of the classroom, but a single electronic digital database has been created, where you can open any document through hyperlinks, both from the teacher's PC and from the Internet. DERs have been accumulated, files containing materials for training in all subjects have been created: these are tasks and exercises on topics, fragments and whole lesson developments, excerpts from manuals, and the same for educational work. Through the contents of the passport, you can go to the required place, open the document and use it in the lesson.

3. Summing up.

Such various forms of methodical work allow teachers to effectively improve the level of pedagogical skills and achieve real practical results.

The main criteria for the effectiveness of methodological work are the effective indicators of the level of pedagogical skills, the introduction of innovative technologies, and the assessment of the level of innovative potential of teachers.

The results of our methodological work are (slide 12-15):

  • Participation and victories of primary school teachers in professional competitions.
  • The methodical work done allowed our teachers to reach a new level.
    • Many teachers use our accumulated experience.
    • We speak at conferences of various levels.
    • The number of publications on professional sites has increased several times; in scientific and pedagogical journals, including international ones; in collections of scientific-practical, international, all-Russian conferences based on materials of full-time and correspondence presentations.
  • Indicators of the effectiveness of the activities of teachers is also the effective activity of our students.
  • The achievements of our students can be called:
    • Increasing the number of winners at district, city, All-Russian competitions for research, design and creative work of students
    • Active participation and victory in network district games.

Such fruitful methodological work of teachers, of course, is reflected in the quality of education. As practitioners, we really understand that it is impossible to talk about a 100% increase in quality, because. improving professionalism today cannot give a high rate tomorrow, time must pass to show such results, but I can say with confidence that our painstakingly done work is reflected in the personal growth of students, in the development of their creative abilities, the motivation of both students and parents. This cannot be measured in any percentage, but when you see that the interest of the child and parents increases, the traditions of the family and school are strengthened, the parents are happy to help their teacher, then you understand that you are not working in vain.

Evaluating our methodological activity, we came to the conclusion that there is no need to be afraid of innovations. Our school has all the conditions: computer classes, classrooms are equipped with a teacher's workstation, there are interactive whiteboards, parents always meet halfway, colleagues own modern technologies. And, most importantly, our teachers know the subjects they teach well and love children. And since time dictates new standards, we will work in a new way!

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LETTER from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 09-03-2004 03-51-48in42-03 (2019) Relevant in 2018

2. The main activities of the Methodological Service

The main activities of the Methodological Service include:

2.1. Analytical activity:

Monitoring the professional and information needs of education system workers;

Creation of a database on teaching staff of educational institutions of the district (city of the district);

Study and analysis of the state and results of methodological work in educational institutions, determination of directions for its improvement;

Identification of didactic and methodological difficulties in the educational process;

Collection and processing of information on the results of educational work of educational institutions of the district (city, district);

Study, generalization and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience.

2.2. Information activity:

Formation of a bank of pedagogical information (regulatory, scientific, methodological, methodological, etc.);

Familiarization of teaching staff with the latest pedagogical, psychological, methodological and popular science literature on paper and electronic media;

Acquaintance of pedagogical and executive employees of educational institutions with the experience of innovative activities of educational institutions and teachers;

Informing the teaching staff of educational institutions about new directions in the development of preschool, general, special education and additional education for children, about the content of educational programs, new textbooks, teaching kits, video materials, recommendations, normative, local acts;

Creation of a media library of modern educational materials, implementation of information and bibliographic activities.

2.3. Organizational and methodological activities:

The study of requests, methodological support and practical assistance: to young professionals, teachers and managers in the period of preparation for certification, in the inter-certification and inter-course periods;

Forecasting, planning and organization of advanced training and professional retraining of pedagogical and executive employees of educational institutions, providing them with information and methodological assistance in the system of continuous education;

Organization of the work of district, city methodological associations of pedagogical workers of educational institutions;

Organization of a network of methodological associations of pedagogical workers of educational institutions;

Participation in the development of the content of the regional (national-regional) component, the component of the educational institution of educational standards, elective courses for pre-profile training of students of general educational institutions;

Participation in the development of programs for the development of educational institutions;

Organization of methodological support for specialized education in educational institutions;

Methodological support for the preparation of teachers for the unified state exam;

Ensuring the acquisition of funds of textbooks, educational and methodological literature of educational institutions;

Identification of pivotal (basic) schools, preschool institutions, schools of pedagogical experience for holding workshops and other events with managers and teachers of educational institutions;

Preparation and holding of scientific and practical conferences, pedagogical readings, competitions of professional pedagogical skills of employees of educational institutions;

Organization and holding of festivals, competitions, subject Olympiads, conferences of students of educational institutions;

Interaction and coordination of methodological activities with the relevant departments of educational authorities and institutions of additional professional (pedagogical) education.

2.4. Consulting activities:

Organization of consulting work for teachers of municipal educational institutions;

Organization of consulting work for teachers teaching two or three or more subjects in rural general educational institutions;

Organization of consulting work for pedagogical and executive employees of special (correctional) educational institutions;

Popularization and explanation of the results of the latest pedagogical and psychological research;

Advising teachers of educational institutions and parents on the issues of education and upbringing of children.

The type of methodological activity is sustainable procedures for the implementation of planning, design, selection and application of teaching aids for a specific subject, which determine their development and improvement. To the types of methodological activities performed by teachers of vocational education institutions, N.E. Erganova refers:

Analysis of educational and program documentation, methodological complexes;

Methodical analysis of educational material;

Planning a system of lessons for theoretical and practical training;

Modeling and designing forms of presentation of educational information in the lesson;

Designing the activities of students in the formation of technical concepts and practical skills;

Development of teaching methods for the subject;

Development of types and forms of control of professional knowledge, skills and abilities;

Management and evaluation of students' activities in the classroom;

Reflection of one's own activity in preparation for the lesson and in the analysis of its results.

The main forms of methodological work of a teacher in a professional educational institution are shown in Appendix 1.

There are two complementary forms of methodological work in educational institutions of the vocational education system - collective and individual. Each of them has its well-defined functional purpose and clearly expressed goals.

Collective methodological work, first of all, is expressed in the active participation of members of the teaching staff in the work of the pedagogical council - the highest body of the educational institution. Collective types of methodological activities also include participation in the work of methodological commissions, in instructional and methodological meetings, pedagogical readings, scientific and practical conferences, and workshops.

The Pedagogical Council, according to the Charter of the educational institution, has the right to resolve all issues of the life of the school, but - in relation to methodological activities - these are, first of all, issues related to the formulation of the educational process. The ultimate goal of all the activities of the teachers' council is to increase the growth of pedagogical skills: and improve the effectiveness of pedagogical activities.

The same goals are also devoted to issues considered at the associations of teachers and masters, which are traditionally called methodological commissions. Dealing with particular problems associated with the development of specific activities of masters and teachers, the methodological commission basically covers all areas in its work:

1) study and development of educational and methodological documentation;

2) improving the quality of educational work;

H) improving the pedagogical qualifications of masters and teachers.

The first direction covers:

study of new educational and program documentation and adjustments to the current work program (if necessary);

Discussion of lists of educational and production work by profession;

Discussion of lists of verification and qualification works;

· discussion of educational and didactic support and educational and technological documentation, evaluation criteria for typical work, the size of student norms, etc.;

· discussion of detailed work experience programs, etc.

The second direction includes:

Conducting and analyzing open lessons;

organization of mutual visits to classes by members of the commission;

exchange of experience (reports by experienced masters) of educational work in a group;

collective discussion of certain areas for improving the process of industrial training;

· consideration of passports of complex methodical equipment of specialized and standard educational workshops and classrooms;

analysis of the results of industrial training and the development of measures to improve its quality;

· discussion of the course of preparation and holding of the final final exams, etc.

The third line of activity of the methodological commission pursues the organization of a systematic improvement of the qualifications of its members. This includes the following activities:

· reviews of new editions of pedagogical and methodical literature;

· discussion of specific publications on innovative technologies, ways to improve industrial training, topical problems of the relationship between theory and practice, etc.;

organization of review competitions of training workshops, competitions of professional skills, exhibitions of rationalization proposals of employees and students, reviews of technical creativity in groups, etc.;

· discussion of abstracts and reports prepared for pedagogical readings, conferences of engineering and pedagogical workers, etc.;

listening to reviews of scientific and technical information, etc.

Thus, methodological work in an educational institution is a system of interrelated measures aimed at improving the qualifications and professional skills of teachers and masters of industrial training, including the management of their self-education, self-education, and self-improvement.

Also to the forms of collective methodological work of L.P. Ilyenko refers:

Work on a single methodological theme;

Pedagogical workshop;

Theoretical seminars (reports, messages)

Disputes, discussions;

Methodical weeks;

Competitions of pedagogical skills;

Creative reports;

Business games, role-playing games;

Discussion of advanced pedagogical experience

Thematic teachers' council;

Pedagogical readings;

Exhibitions of advanced pedagogical experience;

Individual work allows the teacher to independently and objectively determine their weaknesses, plan work according to a personal schedule, quickly monitor and adjust the learning process. Group forms, not being so mobile, cover a much larger amount of knowledge, introduce best practices in a concentrated form, contribute to uniting teachers in a team, finding optimal solutions to pedagogical problems.

Individual forms include:


Study of documents and materials of professional interest;

Reflection and analysis of own activities;

Accumulation and processing of material on accompanying pedagogy disciplines (sciences): psychology, valueology, teaching methods;

Creating your own folder of achievements (portfolio);

Creation of a methodical piggy bank;

Development of own visual aids;

Work on your own methodological topic that is of interest to the teacher;

Development of own diagnostic materials, monitoring on a specific problem;

Preparation of a speech at the teachers' council on the problem;

Attending classes and extracurricular activities with colleagues;

Personal consultations;

Administration interview;

Individual work with a mentor (mentoring);

Performance of individual tasks under the control and with the support of the head of the methodical association.

The active forms of organization of methodological work include:

1) discussion. The purpose of the discussion is to involve listeners in an active discussion of the problem; identification of contradictions between worldly ideas and science; mastering the skills of applying theoretical knowledge to analyze reality;

2) methodical ring. The goal is to improve the professional knowledge of teachers, to reveal general erudition. The form of conducting is group work (opponents, support groups of opponents and analysis group). For example, a methodical ring on the topic “Activation of the cognitive activity of students in the classroom” involves the competition of the following methodological ideas:

application of game tasks;

use of active forms of learning;

organization of group interaction of students;

· increasing the role of independent work of students in the learning process, etc.;

3) methodical gatherings. The goal is to form the correct point of view on a specific pedagogical problem; creation of a favorable psychological climate in this group of students. The form of the event is a round table;

4) methodical dialogue. The goal is to discuss a specific problem, develop a plan of joint action. The form of the event is a round table. A methodical dialogue is conducted between the leader and students or between groups of students on a specific issue;

5) business game. The goal is to develop certain professional skills, pedagogical technologies;

6) training. The goal is to develop certain professional skills and abilities. Training (eng.) - a special, training mode, training, can be an independent form of methodical work or used as a methodical technique during a seminar;

7) pedagogical KVN. This form of methodical work contributes to the activation of existing theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and the creation of a favorable psychological climate;

8) methodical bridge. The purpose of the methodological bridge is the exchange of advanced pedagogical experience, the dissemination of innovative technologies for training and education;

9) brainstorming. This is one of the methodological techniques that contributes to the development of practical skills, creativity, the development of the correct point of view on certain issues of pedagogical theory and practice. This technique is convenient to use when discussing the methodology for passing a certain topic, for making decisions on a specific problem;

10) solving pedagogical problems. The goal is to get acquainted with the features of the pedagogical process, its logic, the nature of the activities of the teacher and students, the system of their relationship. The fulfillment of such tasks will help to learn how to single out the essential, the main thing from the variety of phenomena. The mastery of the teacher is manifested in the way he analyzes, explores the pedagogical situation, how he formulates, on the basis of a multilateral analysis, the goal and objectives of his own activity;

11) methodical festival. This form of methodical work, used by methodologists of the city, district, school leaders, involves a large audience, aims to exchange work experience, introduce new pedagogical ideas and methodological findings. At the festival there is an acquaintance with the best pedagogical experience, with non-standard lessons that go beyond traditions and generally accepted stereotypes. During the festival there is a panorama of methodical findings and ideas.

Thus, methodological work in a vocational education institution in all its variety of types and forms is a system of interrelated measures aimed at improving the qualifications and professional skills of teachers and masters of industrial training, including managing their self-education, self-education, and self-improvement.

Innovative College of Economics Lecturer

Instructor-methodical, demonstration, open and trial classes of teachers on the scale of an educational institution, department, cycle;

Control visits to the classes of teachers by the heads of the educational institution, departments, cycles, subject methodological commissions and professors;

Mutual visits to classes by teachers of the department, a cycle in single-profile disciplines;

Writing methodological and teaching aids, developments, recommendations and other materials to improve educational and methodological and scientific and methodological work.

Methodical work at the department, cycle

The department is the main educational and scientific division of the university, and the cycle is the main pedagogical team designed to solve educational problems in educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education. They also act as centers of methodological work. The main tasks of methodological work in departments and cycles are:

Search for ways to improve the scientific, theoretical, professional and methodological level of conducting classes;

Selection and use in the pedagogical process of target forms, effective methods, rational methods and teaching aids;

Intensification of the educational process through the use of various technical means, electronic computers and didactic materials for them;

Improving the professional and pedagogical level of teachers, their methodological skills;

Development of educational and methodological materials for various types of classes;

Improving the system of pedagogical control over the activities of teachers, testing and assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students;

Improving the quality of classroom and extracurricular independent work of listeners, cadets and students;

Generalization and dissemination of best practices in the methodological work of teachers of departments, cycles;

Introduction to the pedagogical process of domestic and world pedagogical experience.

Methodological work is organized both on the scale of the department (cycle), and in specially created subject methodological

sections (commissions). An important task is to develop private methods of taught academic disciplines. It is the main organizational and substantive document of the department (cycle), which presents the methodology for conducting various types of classes for each academic discipline (course). In the structure of this methodological document, two parts are distinguished: theoretical and applied.

Theoretical part- private methodology consists of four sections, each of which has its own content.

Section I. Goals and objectives of studying the academic discipline (subject of study of the discipline, scientific and theoretical foundations of its teaching, the role of professional discipline in the formation of specialists in the legal profession; the relationship of the academic discipline with other related subjects of the curriculum; educational goals of studying the discipline).

Section I. The program content of the discipline and the structure of the educational process in the discipline. The section should include:

Principles for the formation of the curriculum in the subject: scientific and systematic, the unity of theory and practice, the historicism of science and discipline, the connection of the subject with other disciplines of the curriculum;

Technological components of the educational process in the structure of the discipline (see § 8.4);

The system for monitoring the assimilation of educational material on topics and the discipline as a whole: current, milestone, final (tests, control questions, tasks, tickets).

Section III. Methods of teaching the academic discipline by types of classes provided for by the thematic plan:

Preparing and reading a course of lectures (conducting lessons) on topics;

Preparation and holding of various types of seminars, colloquia and conferences;

Preparation and conduct of practical classes and professional trainings;

Preparation and holding of subject cathedral (cycle) games and inter-cathedral exercises;

Preparation and writing of abstracts, course and final qualifying works;

Organization of various types of self-training and methods of independent work of students in the academic discipline.

Section IV. Improving the private methodology of teaching the discipline. It can be carried out in the following areas:

Improving the forms and methods of teaching based on the modular construction of topics and the use of the "immersion method" in their study;

Features of the use of specific forms of education in the process of teaching the academic discipline: excursions, consultations and interviews (individual and group);

Improving the system of control over both the activities of teachers and the progress of students based on the use of rating technologies;

Increasing the role of practice and internships of students in practical bodies and organizations;

Other directions.

The applied part of the private methodology of teaching the discipline consists of cathedral (cycle) documents and teaching materials.

TO main cathedral (cycle) documents relate:

Curriculum by discipline;

Structural-logical scheme of studying the discipline in conjunction with other subjects;

Subject qualification characteristic;

Thematic plan of the discipline;

A working curriculum that specifies the content and methodology of teaching each topic of the academic discipline for the next academic year;

Cathedral (cycle) textbooks and teaching aids for the discipline program;

Stock lectures on the topics of the academic discipline;

Programs for conducting educational (pedagogical) practice and internships;

Cathedral (cycle) magazines, plans, schedules provided for by the Instructions for organizing the educational process in educational institutions of various levels;

Instructions for describing various technical means of displaying and transmitting educational information and guidelines for teachers on their use in the classroom;

Extracts from federal laws and regulations in the field of education;

Copies of departmental guidance documents in the field of education;

Cathedral (cycle) library of literature on the subject, published centrally and prepared by teachers of the department (cycle);

Individual work plans for teachers for ... the academic year. TO educational materials, developed by teachers of departments (cycles) include:

Plans of seminars and guidelines for students;

Assignments for practical classes (independent work under the guidance of a teacher) and methodological instructions for students, cadets and trainees;

Plans for the preparation of various types of classes and methodological recommendations for teachers on their conduct;

Methodological developments for the preparation and conduct of professional trainings, games and exercises with students;

General guidelines for students on independent study of a professional discipline, performing various kinds of practical (test) work, writing abstracts, term papers and final qualification papers;

Test tasks for conducting tests or exams in the academic discipline (course);

The main activities of the methodological service include:

1. Analytical activity:

Monitoring the professional and information needs of employees of an educational institution;

Creation of a database on the teaching staff of an educational institution (from a methodological point of view);

study and analysis of the state and results of methodological work, determination of directions for its improvement;

Identification of didactic and methodological difficulties in the educational process;

collection and processing of information on the results of educational work of an educational institution;

study, generalization and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience, etc.

2. Information activity:

Formation of a bank of pedagogical information (regulatory, scientific, methodological, methodological, etc.);

· familiarization of pedagogical workers with the latest pedagogical, psychological, methodological and popular science literature on paper and electronic media;

· acquaintance of pedagogical and leading employees of educational institutions with the experience of innovative activity of the district, city, Russia, foreign countries;

informing teachers of educational institutions about new directions in the development of general and additional education for children, about the content of educational programs, new textbooks, teaching kits, video materials, recommendations, normative, local acts;

Creation of a media library of modern educational and methodological materials, implementation of information and bibliographic activities, etc.

3. Organizational and methodological activities:

study of requests, methodological support and practical assistance: to young specialists and teachers in the period of preparation for certification, in the inter-certification and inter-course periods;

forecasting, planning and organization of advanced training and professional retraining of teaching staff of an educational institution, providing them with information and methodological assistance in the system of continuous education;

organization of the work of methodological associations of pedagogical workers of an educational institution;

organization of interaction with methodological associations of other educational institutions;

participation in the development of the content of the component of educational standards of an educational institution, elective courses for pre-profile training;

Participation in the development of a program for the development of an educational institution;

organization of methodological support for specialized education in a general education institution;

· methodological support for the preparation of teachers for the unified state exam;

· assistance in acquisition of funds of textbooks, educational and methodical literature;

preparation and holding of seminars, round tables, master classes, scientific and practical conferences, pedagogical readings, competitions of professional pedagogical skills among teachers of an educational institution;

organization and holding of festivals, competitions, subject Olympiads, conferences of students;

interaction and coordination of methodological activities with the relevant departments of educational authorities and institutions of additional professional (pedagogical) education, etc.

4. Consulting activities:

organization of consulting work for teaching staff of an educational institution on the issues of teaching and upbringing methods;

· popularization and explanation of the results of the latest pedagogical and psychological research.

Forms of work of the methodological service of an educational institution

The general structure of the forms of methodological work of an educational institution.

1. Forms methodological work aimed at improving the qualifications and professional skills of pedagogical and executive employees of an educational institution:

course preparation (including remotely);

· training seminars;

· theoretical and practice-oriented seminars (including within the framework of the activities of the structural divisions of the methodological service);

· school methodological training of teachers (increasing the qualifications of teachers on topical issues of modern education, the problems of organizing the educational process of the school in the form of a series of classes);

participation in the work of Internet communities;

· scientific and methodological conferences;

round tables;

master classes;

regular seminars;

· business games;

unified methodological days for academic disciplines;

methodical publication (booklets, newspapers, magazines, etc.);

Self-educational activity of a teacher on an individual methodological topic;

· mentoring;

· consulting on scientific and methodological issues;

individual methodological assistance;

· internship;

work on a personal methodological theme;

· innovative work;

examination of the results of pedagogical activity;

diagnostics of difficulties;

· creative reports, workshops, festivals of creative thought, etc.;

2. Forms of methodological work aimed at obtaining, summarizing, presenting and disseminating the experience of innovative activity:

· innovative work;

work in creative groups;

· practical seminars in the areas of activity of the educational institution;

· festivals (for example, pedagogical technologies);

· open lessons;

master classes;

· creative reports;

· competitions of methodical materials and pedagogical skills;

Printed editions of the school, including on electronic media, etc.

3. Forms of information and methodological work:

study of information requests of teaching staff;

· formation of a library fund of program and methodological materials, scientific and methodological literature;

· providing periodic scientific-methodical and special editions;

Creation of a file cabinet, for example, programs of elective courses, electronic resources;

posting information about the activities of the methodological service on the school website;

coverage of the activities of teachers in the media, etc.

According to the breadth of the simultaneous coverage of methodical work, its forms can be divided into collective and individual.

Collective forms of work include:



· scientific and practical conferences;

school methodical associations (MO);


schools of excellence;

· temporary creative teachers;

school teaching rooms.

Individual forms of work include:

individual consultations;

· mentoring;

· internship;

work on a personal methodological (creative) topic;

individual self-education.

Of course, these are only approximate lists of forms of methodological work, and in real practice they should actively intersect and complement each other.

Methodical associations

A methodological association is understood as an association of teachers whose work is aimed at reframing general pedagogical provisions in relation to the pedagogical practice of a particular educational institution.

There are different principles and ways of forming a methodological association, of which the most frequent are subject and problematic. When forming a methodological association, specific conditions are taken into account: the number of teachers of a given subject, the possibility of productive work within the framework of a methodological association of teachers of different subjects. In practice, it has been found that each methodological association should include at least three teachers. For the category of teachers, the number of which is limited (teachers of fine arts, music, technology, life safety), the creation of interdisciplinary methodological associations is justified.

Meetings of the methodological association, as a rule, are held once a quarter, during the school holidays. And more often when problems arise. However, it is not rational for a methodological association to meet more than once a month, since in a short period of time there is not enough time to accumulate enough information for discussion.

The methodological association is headed by the most experienced, theoretically trained teacher. This is especially important, since one of the main functions of methodological work is to maintain the stability of the educational process in a given educational institution.

The duties of the leader include planning the work of the methodological association, preparing and holding meetings, organizing and preparing open lessons and extracurricular activities for students, summing up the results of the work and developing recommendations based on them.

The head of the methodical association has the right to attend and analyze the lessons of teachers (with their consent), extra-curricular activities, conduct control and diagnostic activities to study the level of students' learning and the level of professional competence of teachers.

It is desirable that when planning the work of the methodological association for the year, the most significant issues of pedagogical practice are selected, the consideration of which will help teachers to really improve the results of training and education. It is not bad to draw up a long-term planning of the work of a methodical association, based on the development program of an educational institution.

An important type of activity of methodological associations is open lessons, the organization of mutual attendance of lessons and educational activities with their subsequent analysis. It should be noted here that for a full-fledged analysis of an open lesson, it must go through three stages. First, this is a message from the teacher before the lesson about the goals and objectives of the future lesson, about the technology used, its features, and about the specifics of students. Then the lesson itself, where invited colleagues can become spectators or actively participate in the process of the lesson, work together with the students. And only then can a full-fledged analysis take place on the basis of the goals and objectives that the teacher set for himself and his students.

The work of the methodological association of class teachers is characterized by the use of a methodology for the collective study of the personality of schoolchildren and the characteristics of class groups (for example, in the form of a "pedagogical council"). At methodological associations, creative reports of teachers, information on the progress of self-educational work are heard.

Pedagogical seminars

Seminars today are the most demanded form of methodical work in educational institutions. However, often seminars by name are not really such.

Initially, a seminar is a form of interactive learning that complements a lecture well. The exchange of views throughout the seminar, an open conversation between its participants, that is, it is interactivity that is the distinguishing feature of this form. If, on the other hand, the speakers, scheduled in advance, one by one go out in front of passive listeners with reports, then this form cannot be recognized by the seminar. Today, a form of communication in which speakers replace each other is more often called a conference.

On the other hand, it is necessary to clearly separate the seminar from another common form of methodological work - the round table. Here interactive communication is especially intense. Messages at the round table should be very short (up to 5 minutes), and their discussion, on the contrary, should clearly exceed the time of the speech. At the seminar, the speeches are longer (15-20 minutes) and are approximately equal in time to their discussion.

Thus, a seminar is an intermediate form between a conference and a round table.

Seminars require highly qualified organizers of methodological work and often direct contacts with scientists, representatives of scientific research institutes, pedagogical institutes. When conducting seminars, it is especially necessary to provide an atmosphere of creativity and informal communication. In some cases, after a creative message, it is possible to organize a teacher's discussion, debate. In some educational institutions, it is within the framework of seminars that so-called “brainstorming” is carried out, during which teachers, concentrating their thinking on solving complex pedagogical problems, collectively create a more advanced method of educational work. In the course of the seminar, it is also possible to collectively solve special educational and pedagogical problems, conduct business pedagogical games and use other most active methods of improving the qualifications of teachers. Practice shows that the work of such a seminar for a number of years significantly improves the general and pedagogical culture of the teaching staff.

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