Scientific projects of schoolchildren on history. Themes of design and research work on history. Courageous deeds are more reliable than words

GOU SOSH №887 ZOUDO Moscow

Alexander Nevsky and knights

Teutonic Order

Research work in history

Mishchenko Stepan Vyacheslavovich

Shevlyakova Alla Grigorievna

teacher of history, social studies,

Moscow 2010

Introduction 4

Knights of the Teutonic Order - who are they? 7

Chapter 2 17

The attack of the knights on Russian lands 17

Chapter 3 20

Novgorod Prince Alexander Nevsky 20

Chapter 4 24

Ice Battle Mysteries 24

Conclusion 31

References 33

Applications 34


The first half of the 13th century is one of the dramatic periods in Russian history. In these decades, Russia was attacked from three sides at once: the Mongol-Tatars, Lithuania and the Catholic West. Naturally, the question arose of how the Russian land, fragmented into principalities and weakened by civil strife, could survive, fighting such strong opponents. All the complexity and inconsistency of the situation was able to appreciate the young Novgorod prince Alexander Nevsky. He was the first to understand that the mortal threat to the Russian lands not yet devastated by the hordes of Batu was approaching precisely from the West, and that the troops of the crusaders, led by the Teutonic Order, were destroying Russia no less than the Mongol-Tatars.

Warband, or the German Order of the Hospital of St. Mary in Jerusalem, was founded in Acre in 1190-1197. Thanks to clear management, strict discipline, excellent military skills of the monk-knights and generous donations, by the end of the 12th century, the order had become one of the richest and most powerful religious organizations, significantly expanding its possessions in Europe and striving to plant Catholicism on the lands of "pagans" by all means and means. ".

On May 12, 1237, a papal edict was announced on the unification of the Teutonic Order and the Order of the Sword. The new formation was called the Livonian Order, and it became a branch of the Teutonic Order in the Baltics. On the western borders of Russia, already bled dry by the Tatar-Mongolian invasion, a strong and experienced enemy appeared.

Prince Alexander Yaroslavovich defended the western Russian borders. He managed to free Koporye, Pskov, Izborsk captured by the knights. He met with the main forces of the order on Lake Peipus. Prince Alexander Yaroslavovich defended the western Russian borders. He met with the main forces of the order on Lake Peipus. Relevance The topic lies in the fact that recently there have been many publications that the battle on Lake Peipsi is a fiction of Russian chroniclers, that in fact there was an insignificant "skirmish" of superior Russian forces with a small detachment of mercenary robbers, among whom there were practically no knights , and the merits of Alexander Nevsky are greatly exaggerated. The main evidence is the lack of archaeological evidence and sufficient information in the German chronicles. I felt offended and wanted to study this topic in more detail. After all, this is our past, our history, our heroes. We must respect our past and its heroes.

Target- to show the place and role of Alexander Nevsky in Russian and world history in its relationship with the Teutonic Order, to generalize and systematize knowledge about this era, to learn how to work with different sources of information.


    search, select and analyze historical sources and literature on the chosen topic;

    analyze the reasons for the founding of the Teutonic Order, its structure;

    characterize the armor, weapons, symbols of the Teutonic knights;

    show how relations developed between the Teutonic knights and the Russian lands;

    define historical role Alexander Nevsky in the fight against the Livonian Order;

    find out what the secrets of the Ice Battle are;

    create a computer presentation using the Power Point program to illustrate the provisions of the project.

object is the history of knightly orders, the Russian history of the XIII century is an important milestone in the national history of Russia.

Subject is the Teutonic Order, Battle on the Ice.

Methods: complex analysis of sources, systematization of the received information, comparative characteristics.

Hypothesis : the significance of the Battle on the Ice and the personality of Alexander Nevsky for Russian history is very great.

I got acquainted with the works of V. Urban "The Teutonic Order", which presents the three-hundred-year history of the order - from its foundation to its decline; E. Laviss "Essays on the history of Prussia". With the works of a complex expedition to clarify the location of the Battle of the Ice Begunov Yu.K., Kleinenberg I.E., Shaskolsky I.P., Karaev G.N., the work of Karaev G.N., Potresov A.S. "The Mystery of Lake Peipsi". And also analyzed the "Life and deeds of Alexander Nevsky".

The merits of Alexander Nevsky to the Russian land should not be underestimated. Thanks to his victories, he managed to stop the advance of the crusaders to the East, thereby preserving Russian culture based on Orthodox traditions. Alexander showed himself not only as a talented commander who brilliantly prepared his main battles, but also as a wise politician. He made a difficult choice, submitting to the inevitable dominion of the horde at that time. Refusing to resist Batu and entering into a forced alliance with him, he not only managed to repel aggression from the west, but also gave the Russian lands a respite from the Mongol-Tatar raids. Having given Russia, though shaky, but peace, he contributed to its future revival. And, finally, the feats of arms of Prince Alexander gave the Russian people the memory of a glorious victory over a formidable enemy, becoming a symbol of true military prowess and courage.

Chapter 1

Knights of the Teutonic Order - who are they?

IX-XI centuries can be called a turning point in history medieval Europe. During this period, the final formation of a new pan-European Christian civilization takes place, united, despite the incessant wars and strife, by a single religion. Christian doctrine radically changed people's consciousness, their way of life, culture and morality. The times of antiquity with their admiration for Man, Nature and the chanting of the value of earthly life have gone into the distant past ...

The main centers of the spiritual and cultural life of Europeans were temples and monasteries, which were erected in great numbers throughout Western Europe, recalling the omnipotence of God and the sinfulness of man. Not a single major event took place in Europe without the participation or influence of the Christian Church. However, the Roman Catholic Church dreamed of further strengthening its power, including through the expansion of the borders of the Christian world. First of all, it was about the rich lands of the Middle East and the Iberian Peninsula, as well as the Baltic territories. In 1095, Pope Urban II urged Christians to "gird themselves with a sword" and move to Palestine to free the Holy Sepulcher. The era of the crusades began, designed to "destroy the kingdom of the pagans" and "push the boundaries of the holy church." In this dramatic era, which lasted almost two hundred years, unprecedented religious fanaticism, cruelty, nobility, deceit, greed and complete disinterestedness merged into one. Such wars, both in duration and scope, have not yet been in Europe, and their conduct required permanent armed forces, and not periodically assembled armies of feudal lords and commoners. The lands conquered from the “infidels” by the crusaders needed protection all the time, and the clumsy detachments sent from Europe often arrived too late to do anything. To solve such a very difficult task, spiritual and knightly orders began to be created, which became one of the brightest symbols of this period of medieval history. They were supposed not only to provide the garrisons with experienced knights, well organized and disciplined, versed in local conditions and helping the newly arrived crusaders, but also responsible for supplying border castles and providing medical care.

Within a hundred years, more than a dozen such orders arose. Among them are such famous ones as the Order of the Knights of the Temple (Order of the Templars), the Knights of St. John (Hospitallers), the Teutonic and Avisian Orders, the Order of the Sword and many others. Subordinating only to Rome and possessing their own lands, the orders created entire states with formidable armies of monk-knights, and it was these troops that, at the time of their greatest power, played the main role both in the Holy Land and in the Baltic lands bordering Russia.

The history of the Teutonic Order begins in 1190 . As you know, the main event of the Third Crusade was the siege, and then the capture, of the city of Acre (modern Israel), in which the German knights took an active part. This campaign was especially difficult for the German knights. People from Northern Europe could not get used to the local heat, water and food. Sanitary conditions were also horrendous; due to diseases, the crusader army was reduced by more than a tenth. The Germans did not have the strength to adequately bury the dead, and they threw their bodies, along with stones and earth, into the ditch in front of the besieged Cursed Tower, thus trying to “fill up” this obstacle. The stench from the bodies of the dead literally hung over the camp. Fever-stricken soldiers died one after another, their torments aggravated by countless insects that haunted neither the sick nor the healthy. In addition to physical suffering, moral ones were added. The British, led by Richard the Lionheart, did not favor the Germans (as well as the French) and did not miss the opportunity to hurt or insult them. All hospitals were overloaded, and the knights of St. John (Hospitallers) who were in charge of them preferred to patronize representatives of their nationalities - the British and French. Understanding the desperation of the situation, the merchants from Lübeck and Bremen, who were part of the crusader army, decided to establish a hospital order that would take care of the sick and wounded Germans. This initiative was supported by representatives of the German nobility and the Patriarch of Jerusalem. The new fraternity was called the German Order of the Hospital of St. Mary in Jerusalem (lat. Ordo domus Sanctae Mariae Teutonicorum; German. Deutscher Orden) and was initially subordinate to the Hospitallers. In 1197, when the next crusader army from Germany arrived in the Holy Land, the hospital was already flourishing. The brothers not only cared for the sick, but also provided the poor "recruits" with food, housing and money. The hospital no longer depended on either the Templars or the Hospitallers and had significant funds, which the Bremen merchants donated in excess for its needs. Among the brothers there were enough knights who were excellent with the sword, but now turned to religious life. At any moment they could defend the fortress from the Muslims. In the spring of 1197, it was decided to ask the Pope to make the German hospital order military, since the Templars and Hospitallers, who were constantly at war with each other, could no longer cope with the protection of border castles. Pope Innocent III agreed, issuing a corresponding bull in 1198 and defining the tasks of the Order - the protection of the German knights, the treatment of the sick, the fight against the enemies of the Catholic Church. The order was subject to the Pope and the Holy Roman Emperor. The order's motto is "Helfen - Wehren - Heilen" (Help-Protect-Heal). Over time, the English-speaking world began to call the German Order of the Hospital of St. Mary in Jerusalem - the Teutonic Order (from the Latin teutonicus - German).

So, who could become a knight of the Teutonic Order? It turns out that for this it was not at all necessary to have a noble birth, as it seemed to me at first. The number of members of the order from noble German families has always been small. German knights were often descendants of burghers, merchants, and even service people of secular and spiritual feudal lords, whom the latter often recruited from dependent peasants and artisans. The Teutonic Order was one of many spiritual orders, where they also accepted repentant criminals exiled to a monastery. Of course, former prisoners could not perform important duties in the organization, but by agreeing to fight on a distant and dangerous frontier, they washed away the stain of shame not only from themselves, but also from their families. However, most of the members of the order came from large impoverished noble families. They entered the order at an early age and considered such service an honorable career. Even without achieving fame and high position, they knew that they would be surrounded by care in old age, or if they were injured. But the most important thing that united all the Teutons, regardless of their origin, is deep piety, their sincere belief that they are the true defenders of Christianity and for all hardships they will be rewarded with the special love of Mary and her Son, their Lord and teacher, and subsequently will gain eternal life.

When a knight asked to be accepted into the order, he was warned that he would have to devote himself entirely to the service of duty - both military and religious. A knight who entered the order made vows of poverty, obedience and chastity, which was a real sacrifice on the part of a man. The oath of the knight of the Teutonic Order was as follows: “I promise to observe the chastity of my body, and poverty, and humility before God, Saint Mary, and before you the master of the Teutonic Order, and before your successors, according to the rules and customs of the order, I promise obedience until death ". The Teutonic Knight was also obliged to take care of the sick and thus honor his original destiny. As an entrance fee, the knight contributed 30-60 marks for the needs of the order (at that time the amount was far from trifling), or donated his land allotment. If the knight was poor and could not make a contribution, then he was also accepted, taking into account personal qualities and merits, moreover, upon joining the Teutonic Order, all his debts were liquidated.

Armament and property of a knight.

As soon as the knight took an oath, he no longer owned anything personally, all the property in the order was common. Knights attended services at regular intervals throughout the day and night. They wore clothes of "church colors" and over it they put on a white cloak with a black cross, which gave them an additional name - the Knights of the Cross. Since the order was military, it was natural that the knights needed horses, weapons and various equipment. The knight himself chose a worthy horse, weapon, chain mail, and the order took upon itself the payment for these acquisitions. However, according to the rules of the order, weapons and armor should not have become an object of vanity - they were forbidden to decorate with gold or silver, apply a family coat of arms to them or paint them in bright colors.

The main armament of the knight of the Teutonic Order, with a few exceptions, was typical for the knights of Western Europe. Usually, each warrior wore chainmail armor, a helmet and greaves, carried a spear, a shield and a heavy sword, which he mastered well, rode a large war horse trained to knock down an armed man and attack the cavalry. The only concession to the climate of the Holy Land was the wearing of a light cloak that protected the warrior from the direct rays of the sun, and the refusal to move during the heat of the day.

Each knight had an "accompanying staff", usually at a ratio of ten armed men to one knight. These were people of humble origin, they were called "half-brothers" or "gray cloaks" (according to the color of the capes). They served as squires or sergeants and, according to their position, were responsible in battle for a replacement horse and new equipment for their "master", and also fought side by side with him when required. They ate and slept in their own barracks, but observed the same daily religious services as knights and priests. Unlike the Teutonic Knight, they could leave the order after a certain time, but, as a rule, they served there until their death.

In addition to knights and half-brothers, the order included priests, orderlies in hospitals, and also, subject to strict rules, female nurses.

Order management.

Medieval organizations and even states did not have a large staff of managers. The Teutonic Knights were no exception. The supreme leader was originally called the master. But when the need arose for individual leaders in Germany, Prussia and Livonia, they began to be called masters, and the first person of the order - the Grand Master (Grandmaster).

The Grand Master was elected by the Grand Chapter and served until his death or resignation. The election process was long and complicated. The second person in the order after the Grandmaster appointed the date and place of the meeting of all the knights. When everyone was assembled, the deputy recommended a knight to be the first elector. If everyone approved of this choice, that knight named the second elector, and so on. In total, eight knights, one priest and four brothers were elected as final electors. In closed session, the first elector made the initial recommendation to the college. If that candidate did not win a majority of the votes, then some other elector would in turn propose another name. And so on until the final choice is made.

The grandmaster was both a diplomat, and an economic manager, and commander-in-chief of military forces. He appointed officials, met with nobles and clerics from the places where the activity of the order took place, and conducted extensive correspondence with various monarchs, including the Emperor of the Holy Empire and the Pope. He traveled widely, visiting various monasteries of the order, checking discipline and making sure that financial and land resources were properly managed. Residence of the Grand Master until 1291. was in Acre, after the fall of the last possessions of the crusaders in the Middle East, it was moved to Venice, and in 1309. - in Marienburg (modern Polish Malbrock).

The grand master appointed officials who were his closest advisers: the treasurer, the Grand Commander and the Marshal. The Treasurer was responsible for financial matters and, along with the Grand Master, shared responsibility for the keys to the huge chest that contained the treasures of the order. An important role in the order was assigned to the Grand Commander, who was responsible for the daily activities of the organization in areas not directly related to military operations. In addition, the Grand Commander commanded the armed forces of the Teutons in the Sacred Land or replaced the Grand Master during the battles if he was absent for any reason. The Marshal was responsible for the combat readiness of the Teutons, the equipment and training of the cavalry.

Charter and way of life of a Teutonic Knight.

You should not think that the spiritual knights could not go “into the world” at all. As already mentioned, they had to maintain constant combat readiness, and this was impossible to do in isolation. The Teutons were granted by the Pope a special privilege - permission to hunt. After all, horseback riding was a traditional method of training knights and also helped him to get to know the area better. The knights were allowed to hunt wolves, bears, boars, wild boars and lions with dogs, if they did it out of necessity, and not for pleasure or out of boredom, and without dogs they could hunt other animals.

The charter warned the knights against communicating with women. It is not difficult to follow the rules in a monastery, but it is much more difficult if you participate in a military company or travel. At times the knights had to stay in common inns or receive hospitality, and it would be impolite to turn down a goblet of ale or mead when offered and not greet the host's wife. In such cases, the rules required simply to try to avoid social entertainment such as weddings, holidays and games. Especially the knights of the order had to avoid talking with the ladies in private, and even more so communicating with young women. As for kissing, a common form of polite greeting among the nobility, knights were forbidden to hug even their mothers and sisters.

The punishments for those brothers who violated the charter could be of varying degrees of severity. For example, during the year such a knight had to sleep with servants, wear clothes without a cross, be content with bread and water three times a week. He was deprived of the important privilege of a knight - to receive Holy Communion with his brothers. This was considered a moderate punishment. Shackles and dungeons were the punishment for more serious crimes, and a knight could also be expelled from the order, which was considered an unbearable shame, and executed.

No need to think that in their free time from services and military enterprises, the knights indulged in idleness. Each of them was assigned certain duties, which they had to strictly fulfill. The German knights were not highly educated, but they were by no means illiterate ignoramuses. Moreover, they were ordered to learn local languages ​​in order to communicate with the indigenous population. During the holidays that were celebrated within the order, or the arrival of guests at the castle, the knights were not forbidden to drink wine or beer, eat well and have fun. But the fasts were observed very strictly, indulgence was made only for the seriously ill and the old.

Of course, now it is difficult for us to understand the feelings and behavior of a medieval, very religious man who devoted his whole life to defending the banner of Christianity. Imagination draws a warrior, stern and merciless to enemies (even if there were women and children among them), who abandoned all the joys of life, exhausted himself with fasts and even went to bed without taking off his bridge and boots and with a sword at his head. But these people were sure that they had chosen the only right path, which was predetermined for them from birth. Everything personal, all the events of earthly life and even death, did not matter to them, because everything, in their opinion, was in the hands of the Lord. When I read about the Teutonic Knights in the Essays on the History of Prussia by the French historian Ernest Lavisse, I was struck by the description of one battle: “Their castle is besieged; they have nowhere to look for help, and they fight with despair in their hearts; hunger makes them eat horses and harness, but the more ardent are the prayers that they send to the Mother of God. Before rushing at the enemy, they repent, subjecting themselves to merciless scourging. They pray to the sky for miracles, and miracles are not long in coming..” One knight, severely wounded during the battle, refused medical attention. “I just saw the Holy Virgin,” he said to the brothers who found him, “coming up to me, she said:“ Rejoice! Three more days and you will ascend to eternal life.” And this knight wanted to die on the battlefield among the other dead.

Therefore, it is not necessary to represent the Teutonic knights only in "black color", as arrogant, greedy for foreign lands and riches, having no feelings "hell fiends". They lived and behaved like people of their time and sincerely believed that the Lord controls all their actions, and therefore they fight "for a just cause."

Expansion of the influence of the Teutonic Order.

By the beginning of the XIII century. the influence and wealth of the Teutonic Order was noticed by many powers that wanted to deal with their opponents under the banner of "fighting the pagans". The order acquired special power under its third Grand Master, Herman von Salza (1209-1239). Hermann von Salza could not boast of a noble origin: his ancestors, service people, were knighted for personal merit and devotion to the owner. However, thanks to his brilliant abilities, courage, diplomacy and “financial acumen”, he managed not only to take a leading position in the order, but also to become a person whose opinion was listened to by the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and the Pope, who were constantly in conflict.

So, the first request for help came from King Andras II of Hungary. In 1211, he invited the Teutons to fight against the nomadic Polovtsy, who were devastating his lands. The king promised the order land and exemption from taxes and duties. This meant that the knights would be able to bring settlers to the lands they received, build and live on the income from their labors, and pay nothing to the monarch. The territory that Andras gave to the knights in Transylvania was called Burzenland. Almost immediately, a detachment of knights, accompanied by volunteers - peasants from Germany - set out into uninhabited lands and built several wooden and earthen fortifications. The peasants began to create their own farms and villages, providing the knights with food and labor. The Teutons, meanwhile, were not at all going to "sit out on the defensive", but began to quickly and easily conquer new lands from the Polovtsians. By 1220, the knights had already built five stone castles, located about 30 km from each other, which became a springboard for further advancement deep into the Polovtsian possessions. The conquest proceeded at such an astounding pace that the Hungarian nobility and clergy, previously uninterested in these lands, were inflamed with envy and suspicion. As a result, in 1225 the king demanded that the knights leave Hungary. The reputation of the order was quite strongly, but not for long, shaken. And the knights were remembered a few years later, when Hungary was subjected to devastating raids by the Tatar-Mongol detachments.

In 1217, Pope Honorius III announced a campaign against the Prussian pagans. The Prussians are a group of Baltic tribes that inhabited part of the southern coast of the Baltic Sea (modern Kaliningrad region, northeastern Poland) and were distinguished by a warlike disposition. At the beginning of the 13th century, they seized the lands of the Polish prince Konrad I of Mazovia, son of the Polish king Casimir. In 1225, Conrad asked for help from the Teutonic Knights, promising them the possession of the cities of Kulm and Dobrynya, as well as the preservation of all the occupied territories for them. The Teutonic Knights arrived in Poland in 1232 and settled on the right bank of the Vistula River. Here was built the first fort, which gave birth to the city of Torun. The German crusaders called it with gloomy irony - Vogelsang (bird song - German). One of the chroniclers, a witness to the fierce resistance of the Prussians, explained this name as follows: “There were moaning in a multitude of wounded people, and not night birds at all, and their moaning was reminiscent of the song that the swan sings before dying at the hands of a hunter.” With further advance to the north, the cities of Kwidzyn and Chelmno were founded, and in 1255 the crusaders built the Koenigsberg castle on the lands of the Prussians, which marked the beginning of the history of modern Kaliningrad. According to legend, the castle got its name Koenigsberg - "King's Mountain" - in honor of the Czech king Přemysl, who led the campaign of the crusaders against the Prussians.

The tactics of the knights in conquering new lands have always been the same. They set out on the path carefully, sending well-trained scouts forward. The enemy was almost always able to be taken by surprise. The sight of knights racing on horseback in strict formation in long white cloaks fluttering, on which a black cross clearly stood out, made a stunning impression on the enemy.

After a successful battle, the crusaders settled down on some hill, from where a free view of the surrounding countryside opened, and began to build a fortress. At the foot of the fortress, villages soon appeared, in which the colonists who arrived with the crusaders settled - artisans and farmers who left their homeland with their wives and children and sought happiness in new lands. At first, the conquerors spared the Prussians, leaving their freedom to the peasants, and her position to the nobility, if only they were baptized. Crusaders often sent local children to study in monasteries. But the Prussians constantly rebelled against the invaders, burned their fortresses and settlements, and killed the colonists. “It was a hard time when there was barely enough bread to eat, and once, twice or more they had to ride to battle and drive the enemy away,” wrote one of the German chroniclers. And they did as the Jews did who wanted to rebuild the holy city of Jerusalem, which was threatened by the enemy, so that one half of them worked, and the other stood guarding them from dawn to dusk. With one hand they worked, and in the other hand they held a sword." Crusaders suppressed uprisings brutally, often exterminating the entire population, sparing neither women nor children. The German knights also used another method - some of the prisoners were not killed, but settled in different places, forcibly separating families. The war for the conquest of Prussia, filled with cruelty on both sides, lasted 53 years and ended with its complete transition under the control of the Teutonic Order.

Formation of the Livonian Order.

In the late 1230s, the Teutonic Order significantly strengthened its position in Livonia, the "land of the Livs", a historical region in the Northern Baltic (part of modern Latvia and Estonia). The background here is this. The pagan tribes of the Livs, Estonians and Zemgalians, who were the immediate neighbors of the Russians, were traditionally under the influence of the Novgorod Republic and the Principality of Polotsk. At the end of the XII century. The Roman Catholic Church became actively interested in these Baltic lands, creating a special Order of the Sword-bearers, designed to "bring the Christian faith" to the Baltic peoples. Well-organized knights managed to capture a significant part of the Eastern Baltic, coming close to the Russian borders.

From 1214, the first clashes between the crusaders and the Russian princes began. In 1217, the swordsmen make an unsuccessful raid in Novgorod lands. In 1221, the Vladimir Grand Duke Yuri Vsevolodovich undertook a campaign and besieged Riga, but unsuccessfully, in 1223. he again opposes the Crusaders. In 1224 Sword-bearers capture Yuryev (Derpt, modern Tartu), the main Russian fortress in the Baltics. In 1234, the sword-bearers tried to take the fortress of Izborsk. In the same year, the detachments of the Novgorod prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, father of Alexander Nevsky, won an important victory over the swordsmen near Yuryev, which led to the conclusion of peace and the suspension of the advance of the knights to the East. In 1236, the swordsmen suffer a crushing defeat from the Lithuanian prince Mindovg at Saul (modern Siauliai, Lithuania). The defeat of the sword-bearers jeopardized the plans of the Roman Catholic Church, which in this situation decided to turn to the help of the Teutonic Order. On May 12, 1237, a papal edict was announced on the unification of the Teutonic Order and the Order of the Sword: “Since we do not place anything higher than the spread of the Catholic faith, we hope that the pious petition of the master and the brothers will achieve the desired goal and that by the grace of the Lord the brothers of the Hospital will find themselves brave brothers in Livonia ... and we decided that the master and all his brothers and all their possessions would be attached to the aforementioned order ... "

The new formation was called the Livonian Order, and it became a branch of the Teutonic Order in the Baltics. On the western borders of Russia, already bled dry by the Tatar-Mongolian invasion, a strong and experienced enemy appeared.

Chapter 2

The advance of the knights on Russian lands

How can we learn about the Crusaders' campaign against North-Eastern Russia? Russian affairs in the late 1230s - early 1240s presented a rather complex and confusing picture, which, due to the lack and inconsistency of written sources, historians have not been able to understand until now.

In December 1237 - April 1238, North-Eastern Russia was subjected to a devastating invasion of the detachments of Batu (Batu), who also invaded the Novgorod land. On March 23, 1238, after two weeks of resistance, the Tatar-Mongols managed to capture Torzhok. From Torzhok, the conquerors moved along the Seliger route towards Novgorod, but before reaching a hundred miles they turned south and went to Kozelsk. It is still unclear what stopped Batu near Novgorod, the richest city in North-Eastern Russia. Maybe he was afraid of the early spring flood and mudslides, or maybe he began to think about a possible defeat. Batu knew that well-armed Novgorod warriors were preparing to defend the city. Encountering fierce resistance from small Russian cities along the way, it was hard to imagine how long it would take to fight for Novgorod and whether the Tatar-Mongols would be able to fight this battle. One way or another, as a result of the Batu invasion, Russia, with the exception of Novgorod, was devastated and bled dry. The weakening of Russia, which seemed to be absolutely unprepared for resistance, was hastened to take advantage of its northwestern neighbors - the Swedes and German knights - who sought to seize the Pskov and Novgorod lands. The Pope encouraged the Russian princes to convert to Catholicism, promising them help against the Mongol-Tatar detachments, and at the same time, with his messages, he called the Swedish and German knights on a crusade against North-Eastern Russia. It was also restless on the western borders of our state, where the Lithuanian principality, which was completely unfriendly to Russia, was located.

The main Russian written sources that tell about the state of affairs in the northeastern Russian lands that opposed the crusaders are the Novgorod, Pskov and Sofia chronicles. Most of the information about the events of interest to us, and, first of all, about the Battle on the Ice, is contained in the Novgorod 1st chronicle of the senior version. It was compiled in the middle of the 13th century at the churches of St. Jacob and St. Sophia, and its author was not a witness to the battle. He cites all descriptions from the words of the participants in the battle. A detailed account of the Crusaders' invasion of Russia and the Battle of the Ice is also contained in the Life of Alexander Nevsky. This literary work was written in the 80s of the XIII century, after the death of the prince, by a monk of the Nativity Monastery in Vladimir. The "Life" was supposed to glorify Alexander, show the greatness of his spirit and Orthodox faith, and therefore the truth is closely intertwined with fiction in it. Finally, the campaign of the German crusaders to Russia is covered in some detail in the Livonian Rhymed Chronicle (or German Chronicle), created in the 80-90s of the XIII century. Its author, one of the German knight-monks, used the stories of the surviving participants in the events. It should be noted that such works were very popular among the Teutons, because they, in an understandable poetic form, outlined the history of the order. They were obligatory read aloud during joint meals and meetings of the knights and were supposed to educate zealous spreaders of Christianity from them. In the course of presenting the material, I will often refer to this particular document, since there is still an opinion that the victories that glorified Alexander Nevsky were so insignificant that they were not reflected in Western sources.

Beginning of the Crusader invasion. Koporye-Izborsk-Pskov.

So, in 1240. detachments of knights invaded the northeastern lands of the Chud and Novgorodians and, as usual, consolidated their presence by arranging a new wooden fortress in Koporye (currently, Koporye belongs to the Lomonosov district of the Leningrad region). Thanks to this fortification, they began to control the movement of merchant ships along the Luga and Plyussa rivers, attack Novgorod caravans, and rob nearby villages. Once they were able to approach Novgorod at a distance of 30 versts and "take away so many horses that the peasants could not plow their land that spring." At the same time, thanks to the good defensive qualities and the successful location of the fortress, the crusaders remained invulnerable to the few Russian military detachments.

In the same year, the knights of the order manage to capture the ancient Russian city of Izborsk. As the German chronicle writes: “Not a single Russian was allowed to escape unharmed. Those who defended themselves were captured or killed. Cries and lamentations were heard: in that land great lamentation began everywhere. The news of the fall of Izborsk quickly reached Pskov and stirred up the inhabitants of the city. At the meeting, they decided to come forward to meet the enemy. On September 16, 1240, near Izborsk, a battle of five thousand Pskov rati took place with an army of crusaders. “A fierce battle began,” reports the author of the German chronicle. “The Germans inflicted deep wounds, the Russians suffered great losses: eight hundred people were killed, they fell on the battlefield.” During a fierce and bloody battle, the Pskovites suffered a heavy defeat. The remnants of the Russian detachments headed back to Pskov, trying to warn the townspeople about the approaching enemy as soon as possible. “The Russians strongly urged their horses with whips and spurs; they thought they were all dead; the path seemed very long to them, - the chronicle narrates, - the forest rang from mournful cries. They all hurried only home; the army of brothers of knights followed them. Soon the Teutons appeared at Pskov and conveniently camped near its walls. And then strange things happened. The fortress walls of Pskov were famous for their impregnability and allowed them to defend themselves for quite a long time. However, the city surrendered to the order without a fight. There are several versions of what happened, although each is based on one word - betrayal. According to one version, noble citizens, who did not want to conflict with the knights and feared for their trading affairs, secretly opened the city gates at night. According to another version, a traitor, the former Pskov prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich, convinced the Pskov boyars to surrender without a fight. He became the only Russian prince who in those years actively supported the attack of the German crusaders on Russia and even converted to Catholicism. According to some chronicles, he participated together with the knights in the capture of Izborsk, and then not only helped them take possession of Pskov, but also transferred his hereditary rights to the Pskov principality to the Teutonic Order. By the end of 1240, the crusaders had firmly established themselves in the Pskov land, appointing their governors - Vogts and placing their troops there. It should be noted that many noble Pskovites preferred to support the power of the order, counting on further assistance from the West from restless eastern neighbors and benefits from trade. In Pskov itself, the detachment consisted of only 30-50 people, which later played a “cruel joke” with the arrogant conquerors. “Whoever conquered good lands and occupied them badly by military force will cry,” the author of the German Chronicle complained

The successes of 1240 gave the order such confidence in victory that it hastened to enlist the support of the Holy See and appoint a bishop of the conquered lands. The Pope, for his part, expressed his full approval and called on the soldiers to continue the crusade against Russia. At the same time, the Church of Rome again made a proposal to the Russian princes for military assistance against the Tatar-Mongolian detachments in exchange for the Orthodox renouncing "paganism" and moving into the fold of the Catholic Church. In the spring of 1240, one of the prominent representatives of the order also visited Veliky Novgorod, persuading the young prince Alexander to cooperate. The conclusion of such an alliance was refused, and the order began to prepare for further advancement to the east - to Novgorod.

Chapter 3

Novgorod Prince Alexander Nevsky

We can learn about the life and deeds of Alexander Nevsky from Russian chronicles and from his Life. Prince Alexander was born in 1221. in Pereyaslavl, in the family of Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich and Princess Feodosia. He was the grandson of the Kiev prince Vsevolod the Big Nest. The first information about Alexander dates back to 1228, when his father, who then reigned in Novgorod, came into conflict with the townspeople and was forced to leave for Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, his ancestral inheritance. However, he left in Novgorod in the care of trusted boyars his two young sons - Fedor and Alexander. After the early death of Fedor, Alexander becomes the eldest son of Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. In 1234, Alexander took part in Yaroslav's campaign against the sword-bearers, when the Russian squads won an important victory near Yuryev. In 1236, after the departure of Yaroslav to Kyiv, Alexander was appointed to the reign of Novgorod, and in 1239 he married the Polotsk princess Alexandra Bryachislavna. In the very first years of his reign, he began to strengthen Novgorod, building a number of fortresses on the Shelon River.

Fame came to Alexander in 1240, when the Swedes decided to take advantage of the difficult situation of the northeastern Russian lands. Having secured the blessing of the pope to fight the pagans, they hoped to get ahead of the German knights already preparing for the campaign and capture Pskov and Novgorod from the north in order to become masters in the upper reaches of the Volga trade route. All who agreed to take part in the campaign were promised remission of sins. According to Russian sources, the Swedes were led by Jarl (Prince) Ulf Fasi and the king's son-in-law, Jarl Birger, the future founder of Stockholm. The latter sent Alexander a proud and arrogant declaration of war: "If you can, resist, know that I am already here and will captivate your land." Having learned about the appearance of Swedish ships on the Neva, Alexander did not wait for the enemy near Novgorod, but hurried to meet him. On the night of July 15, 1240, Alexander, with a relatively small squad of Novgorodians and Ladoga residents, suddenly attacked a resting Swedish camp at the mouth of the Izhora River. According to the chroniclers, Alexander fought in the forefront and "he placed a seal on his forehead with the tip of his sword to the unfaithful king [commander]." The Swedes suffered a crushing defeat, and Alexander was nicknamed Nevsky for his courage.

Alexander triumphantly returned to Novgorod. However, in the same year, the noble Novgorodians, who were always zealous about their liberties, not only did not want to put up with the “one-man management” of the young prince, but also managed to finally quarrel with him. At the convened meeting, Alexander was thrown a number of unfair accusations. And his recent brilliant victory over the Swedes, won on the banks of the Neva, was presented as a gamble that undermined the city's trade ties with the west and did more harm than good. Outraged, Alexander left the city and went to Pereyaslavl-Zalessky with his family. The break with the prince had a disastrous effect on the military affairs of the Novgorod Republic. The crusaders occupied Tesovo, an important trading post of those lands, and from there it was already a stone's throw to Novgorod itself. Novgorodians turned to Yaroslav for a prince; he gave them his second son, Andrei. But this did not suit them. In the face of impending danger, the citizens of the republic forced the boyar "lord" to again call for Alexander's help. The Novgorod lord Spiridon himself went to him in Pereyaslavl, who asked the prince to forget his previous grievances and lead the action against the Teutons.

Battle for Pskov

According to the chronicles, Alexander managed to gather a large army of Novgorodians, Ladoga, Korelas and Izhors. First of all, Alexander attacked Koporye with a sudden blow and took possession of the order fortification, "the hail erupted from the base, and the Germans themselves were beaten." Then Alexander defeated the small detachments of knights who robbed in the vicinity. Thus, by the end of 1241, Novgorod land was almost completely cleared of uninvited guests. At the same time, Alexander was well aware that it was impossible to wage a war on "two fronts" - to fight in the west, fearing that at any moment his possessions could be attacked "from the east." Under such conditions, a temporary alliance with the Tatar-Mongols was necessary, who could not help but be disturbed by the plans for conquest of the German knights. Seeing that the danger looming from the Livonian lands is currently the biggest threat for Novgorod, Alexander at the beginning of 1242 went to the Horde, to bow "to Batu the king." This trip, as well as further agreements between Alexander and the Horde, was later blamed on the prince more than once, accusing him of almost betrayal. Alexander Yaroslavovich accepted Batu's conditions for pacification, which, first of all, concerned tribute, and calmly returned to Novgorod for his rear, to prepare for the liberation of Pskov. According to some sources, the Tatar-Mongols even gave him a small detachment to help him.

Alexander carefully prepared the campaign against Pskov. Warriors gathered from all Novgorod land under the banners of Nevsky. From Suzdal Principality help arrived from his brother Andrei. In total, an army of 15-17 thousand people gathered at Alexander's hand. Having cut off all the roads leading to Pskov, the prince took the city into a blockade ring, and then suddenly. blow on March 5, 1242. occupied him. The German rhymed chronicle tells about the capture of the city by the army of Alexander Yaroslavich: “He brought many Russians to free the Pskovians. This made them happy with all their hearts. When he saw the Germans, he did not hesitate for a long time after that, he expelled both brothers of the knights, putting an end to their warship, and all their servants were driven out. None of the Germans remained there: they left the land to the Russians. Alexander ordered the captured knights to be put in chains and sent to Novgorod, and six traitor boyars were hanged. Having strengthened his army with the Pskov militia, Alexander decided to continue his campaign in the Order's lands.

From Pskov, Alexander's path passed through Izborsk, and then his troops entered the lands of the Chud, which were under the jurisdiction of the Order. “The Russians were offended by their failures, they quickly got ready ... - writes the author of the Chronicle. - They had countless bows, a lot of beautiful armor. Their banners were rich, their helmets radiated light. So they went to the land of brother-knights, strong in army .., fixing robberies and fires. What was the purpose of this "invasion" of Prince Alexander? The opinions of historians here are different and largely depend on their assessment of subsequent events, namely the battle on Lake Peipsi. For example, V. Urban, the American author of a book on the Teutonic Order, does not pay attention to the evidence of the Chronicle and believes that it was a predatory raid by a small detachment of Russians, who deservedly began to be pursued by insignificant forces of knights, as a result of which an “incomprehensible and nothing not a decisive skirmish" on Lake Peipsi. Other authors, on the contrary, believe that Alexander planned a real campaign against the Livonian Order. But given the complexity of the position of the Russian lands at that time and the fact that a war against the Livonians would mean a serious challenge to the Teutonic Order (and these are completely different forces!), Alexander's decision seems not only unlikely, but also suicidal. Most likely, Alexander, as a wise (at the age of 21!) commander, decided not to wait for the enemy to return to Pskov and not to subject the city to a new attack. After all, it was obvious that in the summer the knights would gather a large army and try to return the lost lands. The campaign was supposed to provoke the knights, who had not yet come to their senses from the defeat, to a quick response, and in conditions favorable for the Russian army. Alexander did not set himself the task of moving deep into the lands of the order, but he was in no hurry to return to his own borders. He "let the whole regiment heal", that is, he disbanded his detachments to attack the villages and villages of the enemy. Having thus disturbed the enemy camp and “capturing it completely”, Alexander achieved his goal. The news of the movement of Russian forces quickly reached Dorpat. “The bishop did not ignore this,” the chronicler reports, “he quickly ordered the men of the bishopric to rush to the army of brothers of knights to fight against the Russians. What he ordered, then happened.

The crusaders gathered a large army, which, with auxiliary detachments of the Chud, was ready to repel the attack. For reconnaissance purposes, deep into the order lands, the prince sent a detachment of the Pskov governor Domash Tverdislavich. 35 km southeast of Derpt in the tract Most, this detachment met with large forces of the crusaders and was almost completely exterminated. Only a few soldiers were able to elude the Germans. It was they who informed the prince that the Teutons, emboldened by their success, were moving after them. Having assessed the strength of the enemy and realizing that the knightly army itself was looking for a general battle, the Novgorod prince decided to give it in the most favorable conditions for himself and retreated beyond Lake Peipus.

Chapter 4

Mysteries of the Battle of the Ice

What do the chronicles tell us? There are still disputes about the place of the Battle of the Ice and the number of troops that took part in it. It would seem that the chronicler, relying on the stories of eyewitnesses, very accurately determined the place of the battle. He wrote that the battle took place on "Lake Chudskoye, on Uzmen, near Voronei Kamen". The record consists of three parts.

The first - on Lake Peipsi - gives a general orientation. Do not forget that in those days, Lake Peipsi also included Pskov Lake, which did not have an independent name; then it was “christened” the Small Chudsky, or Talabsky, and even later - the Pskov Lake.

The second - "on Uzmeni" indicates the narrowness, which today bears the name of the Warm Lake. In those days, it was considered an integral part of Lake Peipsi.

And, finally, the third part of the annalistic definition contains an exact indication of the place on Uzmen, where the battle took place: "at the Voronei stone."

The discrepancy between historical and modern geographical and topographical names led to the fact that some historians considered the western shore of Lake Peipsi to be the battlefield, others - the western shore of Pskov, and others - different places of the Warm Lake. As a result, the alleged battle sites were scattered over a stretch of about a hundred kilometers. At the same time, historians did not study the ancient routes of communication in this area - but after all, not a single significant army in winter, and even after the February-March snowfalls, could not move without roads, the ice regime of the lake was not studied, and the battle took place precisely on ice ! The directions of movement of the Russian and German troops were very approximately, and even arbitrarily, marked with arrows on the diagrams. This state of affairs was attempted to be corrected in the mid-1950s.

"Help" tin soldiers.

Oddly enough, scientists were pushed to serious research in the area of ​​Lake Peipsi by ... tin soldiers. According to the memoirs of the future members of the expedition, significant figures were placed in battle order on a large table covered with white paper depicting the icy surface of Lake Peipsi. And they were moved by Colonel Mikhail Viktorovich Lyushkovsky, whose actions were closely watched by members of the military-historical section of the Leningrad House of Scientists. After the demonstration of the Battle on the Ice, a lively debate began: about the methods of conducting a battle, about the possible battle formations of the German knights, about what kind of defensive weapons they could have in the 13th century, and what their infantry could be armed with. Then the question arose that, despite the existing descriptions in the annals, historians still do not know the exact place of the battle. As a result, an important decision was made to prepare and conduct a comprehensive expedition to clarify the location of the famous battle.

Expeditions took place in 1958, 1959, 1960 and 1962 under the leadership of Georgy Nikolaevich Karaev. It included an archaeological survey of the eastern shores of Lake Peipus and Teploye, including underwater work, the study of the basins of the Luga, Plusy, Zhelcha and partly Shelon rivers and the local lake-river routes and portages that existed here from time immemorial, geological and hydrological study of lakes. Written sources were re-critically revised, folklore materials were collected. The most active part in the expedition was taken by local residents, students and schoolchildren.

On Lake Peipus, on Uzmen, at Voronei Kamen.

The members of the expedition made a detailed survey of the northern part of the Warm Lake, formerly called Uzmen. They managed to find out that the annalistic Uzmenya was understood as a rather narrow channel that connected the Pskov and Peipsi lakes in the 13th century. For more than seven centuries, the coastline of Lake Peipus, Pskov and Warm lakes has changed a lot due to the rise of water: where there used to be land and shallows, now there is real deep water. In the Middle Ages, Lake Peipus was surrounded by dense coniferous forests, through which the army, especially the horse, was not so easy to pass, especially through snowdrifts. And there was no question of giving battle in such conditions. At the same time, hydrographic and underwater studies showed that near the eastern bank of the Uzmen, not far from the mouth of the Zhelch River, there was a wide strip of shallow water, on which the water froze to the bottom in winter. Reeds grew on these shoals, and in winter they stuck out from under the snow, resembling small islands overgrown with grass. Similar shoals with reeds can still be seen off the coast of many lakes and rivers. Constant strong winds blew snow off the frozen shallows and formed a smooth ice surface, which was so strong even in early spring that it could easily withstand not only foot soldiers, but also riders in heavy weapons.

One more detail is important. Approximately one kilometer from this shallow water was the so-called Sigovica. Previously, there was a peninsula with gentle shores, which is now almost completely flooded with water, only a small cape remains of it. In these places, on Sigovice, the ice is always much thinner due to underwater springs, it is risky to walk on it even in winter, not like in early spring! These features of the ice cover could well have been used by Russian soldiers, "pushing" the knights to retreat to the "saving" peninsula through thin ice.

As for the main landmark given in the annals - the island of Voronii Kamen - it was found near the western tip of the modern Gorodetsky island, located near Sigovitsa. It turned out that before these two islands were a single whole, and the highest place on them was a sandy cliff, known even now under the name of the Raven Stone. As a result of geological and underwater archaeological research at the foot of the Raven Stone, the remains of an artificial stone rampart were found, which indicate that earlier there was a fortification - "gorodets". Rising above the surrounding area, Ravenstone provided a wide view of the surrounding area and was an extremely convenient place for a guard post. From it it was possible to observe not only the lake communication routes, but also the opposite, western, bank of the Uzmen, where the possessions of the Livonian Order were located. Actually about. Gorodetsky, archaeologists managed to discover the foundation of the church of the XIII century, which, according to legend, was laid near the battlefield in honor of the fallen soldiers.

At the same time, it became clear to the researchers that the battle could not have taken place directly at the Raven Stone (as can be understood from the chronicle) due to the weakness of the ice on Sigovice. It's just that the chronicler, when indicating the place of the battle, called this particular landmark, well known in the time of Alexander Nevsky.

There was also the "Sable Coast" where, according to the annals, the Germans retreated after the defeat. It got its name from the local fish - "sable", which in the spring gathers in large numbers near the western shore, just where the Eimayga River flows into the lake. It was along this river that the Germans approached from their possessions to Lake Peipus.

Thanks to the surveys, the members of the expedition of G.N. Karaev managed to establish that the battle took place on the site of the Warm Lake (Uzmeni), located about 400 meters west of the modern coast of Cape Sigovets. It was here that the German knights attacked the Novgorod-Pskov army, which had defended their native borders. The Novgorod Chronicle says about this: “... and the Germans and people ran into the regiment, and the pig made its way through the regiment, and it was a great cut of the Germans and people.”

Plan of Prince Alexander.

Determining the exact location of the Battle of the Ice allows a better understanding of the plans of Alexander Nevsky. The position occupied by the Russian army on the eastern bank of the Uzmen was very successful. The crusaders went to the Russian lands along the frozen bed of the Emajõgi River, which flows into Lake Peipsi. The prince did not know about their further intentions - they could move both to Novgorod - bypassing Lake Peipsi to the north, and to Pskov - along the western coast of Lake Pskov to the south. But in each of these cases, Alexander would have been able to intercept the enemy, following along the eastern coast of the lakes. If the crusaders had decided to act directly and tried to overcome the strait in the narrowest place, which is the Warm Lake (Uzmen), then they would directly collide with the Novgorod troops.

The position chosen by Alexander to the maximum extent took into account all the favorable geographical features of the area. The wooded nature of the coast made it possible not to detect the actual strength of the Russian army until the moment of a decisive collision. From a distance, it was determined only very approximately by the number of smoke from the fires. Directly on the shore was only the "watchman" (guards). As for the German knightly troops, they had to go towards the Russians on a completely open ice surface, "demonstrating" to the enemy both their forces, and the battle formation and the direction of the strike.

The right flank of the Russian army was protected by a sigovica located in the north, about a kilometer away, through which the knights could not pass. The locals knew about this and no doubt informed Alexander. Bypassing the Russian knights from the left flank was also impossible - the smooth surface of the Uzmeni ice was too well and far visible. This section of Uzmeni, as a field for the upcoming battle, had significant benefits also because, if successful, the Russians could try to “force out” the Germans onto the weak ice of Sigovitsy. Well, if luck turned away from the Novgorodians, they still had the opportunity to save the army and retreat first into the forest, and then up the frozen Zhelcha River. Finally, the Russian military leaders were well aware of the penetrating ability of the knightly cavalry, which the foot soldiers were unable to resist. In this case, behind the back of the Novgorod rati there was a coast overgrown with dense forest with steep slopes and impenetrable snowdrifts, excluding any possibility of maneuver on the part of the enemy. And one more thing: archaeological research confirmed that the Uzmeni region was quite densely populated, which ensured the supply of troops with food and fodder.

What were the opposing forces?

According to military historians, Landmaster of the Teutonic Order Andreas von Felven led 10-12 thousand soldiers to the ice of Lake Peipus. In addition to the order brothers-knights, it included detachments of the Derpt bishopric, a detachment of Danish knights led by the sons of the Danish king Valdemar II and numerous detachments of infantrymen from the local Baltic tribes conquered by the order. The number of knights, full members of the order, who took part in the battle, according to historians, was small (less than a hundred). But they were the main organizing force of the army, its command staff and the core of the heavy cavalry. For each knight, as already noted, at least ten mounted warriors were supposed to. The army of Alexander Nevsky was about 15 thousand people, recruited mainly from the townspeople. The princely squad was only a small part of it. A large role in the Russian army was assigned to archers.

There is another point of view, according to which the total number of both troops did not exceed five to eight thousand people, and the information in the Russian chronicles is deliberately exaggerated. The main arguments - the population of Novgorod was not so large as to gather about 15 thousand militias, and the knights had nowhere to take especially people from. However, even with such an opinion, the significance of the battle for the fate of North-Eastern Russia is not denied.

As already mentioned, before the Battle of the Ice, the knights managed to fight many successful battles against the infantry militias of different nations. Armored riders on strong horses, like a battering ram, split the foot formation in two, then split it into smaller groups and destroyed them piece by piece. The battle formation of the crusaders also corresponded to the nature of the knightly battle - a wedge directed by the tip at the enemy or, in the figurative expression of the Russian chronicler, a "pig". The wedge consisted of experienced, trained and well-armed knights. Behind the wedge, gradually expanding in depth, there were detachments of squires and knechts (feudal militias). From the flanks, the entire army was covered by knights, built in one or two rows. The impact force with this construction was quite large. But this formation also had its drawbacks: slowness and the impossibility of quickly changing the formation during the battle. These weaknesses of the knightly "pig" Alexander Yaroslavich decided to use in the upcoming battle.

The basis of the battle order of the Russian troops of that time were three regiments: "chelo" - the regiment located in the center, and the regiments of the "right and left hands" located on the flanks of the "chela" with ledges back or forward. All three regiments formed one main line. Moreover, the "brow" was formed from the most trained warriors. But the prince of Novgorod boldly went against tradition. In the center, he placed the Novgorod militia on foot, which was supposed to take the first and most terrible blow. Ahead of such a “chela”, the prince placed archers who, by continuous shooting, were supposed to try to upset the system of the “pig”. Behind the militia was covered by a high lake shore with wagons placed there. In the event of a breakthrough through the foot formation, the knights would inevitably find themselves in front of a high bank and lose the ability to maneuver. At this decisive stage of the battle, according to Alexander's plan, the most prepared Russian troops, including detachments of the prince's cavalry, ready to "grab the pig" from the flanks and rear, were to enter the battle.

How the battle went.

The battle took place on Saturday 5 April 1242. At dawn, the iron knight's wedge went on the attack. Russian archers met the enemy with a shower of arrows. But they did almost no harm to the armored Teutons, although the Chud advancing next to the crusaders suffered significant losses. Gradually, the archers backed up to the ranks of the infantry and, finally, merged with it in a single formation. The knights spurred their horses and cut into the location of the Novgorod foot rati. An unequal battle began. About this episode, critical for the Russian troops, the chronicler says: "Both the Germans and the people made their way through the regiments like a pig." The author of the German Chronicle echoes him: “The Germans started a fight with them. The Russians had many shooters who courageously accepted the first onslaught, being in front of the prince's squad. It was evident how a detachment of brother-knights defeated the shooters; there was the sound of swords, and helmets could be seen splitting. On both sides, the dead fell on the grass [just the reeds sticking out from under the ice] are meant.

And then everything went according to Alexander's plan. The crusaders were already ready to celebrate the victory, but, seeing the shore insurmountable for the cavalry in front of them, they realized their mistake. For the first time, the opponent of the knights, after cutting the battle order, did not run from the battlefield, dooming himself to death from the swords and spears of the crusaders. Immediately on the left and right, the Russian detachments in ambush fell upon the knight's wedge, and from the rear, having made a roundabout maneuver, the elite cavalry of Prince Alexander struck.
The intensity of the battle increased. The Novgorodians dragged the surrounded, huddled together knights from their horses with hooks. The dismounted crusader, clad in heavy armor, could not resist the light Russian soldiers. The battle did not last long and ended in the complete defeat of the Teutons. “Those who were in the army of knight brothers were surrounded,” wrote the German chronicler. “The brother-knights resisted quite stubbornly, but they were defeated there. Part of the Derptians left the battle, this was their salvation. Part of the knightly army was driven by Russian combatants to Sigovitsa. The fragile ice could not stand it and broke under the weight of the crusaders and their horses clad in armor. It must be assumed, however, that there were few drowned, because not all sources speak of this, and the words of the Novgorod chronicler “and drown the water” mean that only some knights went under the ice.

According to the Novgorod chronicle, five hundred noble knights died in the battle, and fifty were taken prisoner. The German Chronicle gives other data on losses - 20 knights of the order were killed and six were taken prisoner. However, there is nothing strange in such a discrepancy. It’s just that the author of the “Chronicle” named the number of killed and captured knights, actual members of the Teutonic Order, while the chronicler indicated the number of all killed and captured “deliberate” Germans, participants in the battle. Nobody counted the number of killed soldiers from the detachments of the Chud-Ests subject to the Germans; At the solemn entry of the prince into Novgorod, all the prisoners walked barefoot behind the prince's horse ...

So, it would seem that the place of the battle is determined and confirmed by written sources. The course of the battle has also been restored. However, there is still one "but" that haunts a number of historians. We are talking about the lack of irrefutable archaeological evidence. Underwater research conducted in the area of ​​the alleged battle site both in the late 1950s and at a later time did not bring the expected results. In the late 1990s, a group of archaeologists from St. Petersburg put forward a new version. According to them, the Battle on the Ice did not take place on the ice of Lake Peipus, but on land, in the triangle between the present villages of Tabory, Kobylye settlement and Kozlovo. This statement is based on the burial sites of medieval warriors discovered during archaeological excavations (2 km east of the village of Samolva). This version is interesting from the point of view of archaeological finds, but it completely ignores the topographical indicators that Russian chronicles have preserved about the place of the battle. So Lake Peipus continues to keep its secrets. In the last decade, thanks to the latest technologies underwater archeology has made a real breakthrough forward. Unique discoveries have been made in the Mediterranean, Arabian and Red Seas, which have expanded our understanding of the history of the ancient world and the Middle Ages. It remains to be hoped that soon it will be possible to finally solve the riddle of the Battle on the Ice.


Having won a brilliant victory on the icy surface of Uzmen, Alexander could go on a campaign against the possessions of the Livonian Order, which now remained defenseless. But the prince did not do this, realizing that subsequently such a reckless act would bring war on Russia with the Teutons. Having protected the western borders of the Novgorod-Pskov lands from the enemy, Alexander believed that the goals set by him had been achieved. It is Alexander who is credited with the words spoken to the captives: “Go and tell everyone that Russia is alive. Let them visit us without fear. But whoever comes to us with a sword will perish by the sword. On that stands and will stand the Russian land.

According to the peace treaty, concluded a few months after the battle, the Order renounced claims to the Novgorod lands, returned the territories seized earlier, and freed the hostages. In turn, Alexander led the Novgorod army away from the Pskov and border lands and released the captives. In the next twenty years, there were no military clashes between the Russians and the Germans. Thanks to the victories won, Alexander managed to stop the advance of the crusaders to the East, thereby preserving Russian culture based on Orthodox traditions. We can say that it was then that an invisible border was laid between the Catholic and Orthodox worlds. Finally, the feats of arms of Prince Alexander gave the Russian people the memory of a glorious victory over a formidable enemy, a victory that was especially striking against the backdrop of the defeats of those years. The people enslaved by the Mongol-Tatars had their own symbol of military prowess. Tales were told about him, his face in 1380 on the Kulikovo field adorned the banners of the Russian squad, headed by a descendant of Alexander Nevsky, Prince Dmitry.

In the future, Alexander Nevsky became famous as an experienced politician and diplomat, who managed to give the Russian lands a respite from the Horde pogroms and contributed to the revival, strengthening and beginning of the unity of fragmented Russia. He died young, at 43, on November 14, 1263 under mysterious circumstances. Rumor attributed his death to the Horde poison. “The observance of the Russian land,” wrote the famous historian Sergei Solovyov, “from trouble in the east, the famous feats for faith and land in the west brought Alexander a glorious memory in Russia and made him the most prominent person in ancient history from Monomakh to the Donskoy.”

Initially, Prince Alexander was buried in the Nativity Monastery in Vladimir. In 1724, by order of Peter I, the relics of Alexander Nevsky were solemnly transferred to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg. A significant role in preserving the name and deeds of Alexander Yaroslavovich for posterity was played by the Russian Orthodox Church, which canonized the prince and described his life.

As for the Teutonic Order, its plans to seize Russian lands and convert them to the Catholic faith were not destined to come true. In the subsequent history of the order, there were many high-profile victories and crushing defeats, and its interests more than once intersected with the interests of Russia. But this is a topic for a completely different study.

Used Books

    Urban V. Teutonic Order. - M., 2007.

    Laviss E. Essays on the history of Prussia. - M., 2003. - Book. II

    Grekov I.B., Shakhmagonov F.F. World of history: Russian lands in the XIII-XIV centuries. - M., 1988.

    [Excerpt from the Novgorod 1st chronicle of the senior version] // Begunov Yu.K., Kleinenberg I.E., Shaskolsky I.P. Written sources about the battle on the ice. - In the book: Battle on the Ice of 1242 Proceedings of a comprehensive expedition to clarify the location of the Battle on the Ice. - M., L., 1966.

    Begunov Yu.K., Kleinenberg I.E., Shaskolsky I.P. Written sources about the battle on the ice. - In the book: Battle on the Ice of 1242 Proceedings of a comprehensive expedition to clarify the location of the Battle on the Ice. - M., L., 1966.

    [Text of the Senior Livonian Rhymed Chronicle. Poems 2065-2295] // Begunov Yu.K., Kleinenberg I.E., Shaskolsky I.P. Written sources about the battle on the ice. - In the book: Battle on the Ice of 1242 Proceedings of a comprehensive expedition to clarify the location of the Battle on the Ice. - M., L., 1966.

    Life and deeds of Alexander Nevsky. - M., 2005.

    Karaev G.N. Battle on the Ice and its interpretation based on the work of the expedition // Battle on the Ice of 1242. Proceedings of a complex expedition to clarify the location of the Battle on the Ice. - M., L., 1966.

    Karaev G.N., Potresov A.S. Mystery of Lake Peipus. - M., 1976.

    Volodikhin D. Myths about Alexander. Internet-

Zhernakova Ekaterina Grade 9


Don't ask, "What has the country done for me?"

Ask: "What have I done for the country?"

The main problem of studying history in modern educational institutions, I see some standardization of students' thinking, due to the time and program framework. Can we, for example, assume with great certainty that the history of Russia to one degree or another depends on ourselves?

My research confirms that the events of a single family are comparable to the events of the Patriotic history and have mutual influence on each other. Therefore, each person should be aware of the significance of his actions and try to change the world for the better during his life! Check out my work. Feel the involvement in the history of the Fatherland ...

You will understand that it is in the heroic past of our people that we can take lessons in courage, diligence, kindness, disinterestedness and optimism.



Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 57"

with in-depth study of subjects of the artistic and aesthetic cycle

The history of Russia in the history of my family

Zhernakova Ekaterina Alexandrovna

Head: history teacher

Ignatova Anzhelika Alexandrovna


mining district



Don't ask, "What has the country done for me?"

Ask: "What have I done for the country?"


The main problem of studying history in modern educational institutions, I see some standardization of students' thinking, due to the time and program framework. Can we, for example, assume with great certainty that the history of Russia to one degree or another depends on ourselves?

My research confirms that the events of a single family are comparable to the events of the Patriotic history and have mutual influence on each other. Therefore, each person should be aware of the significance of his actions and try to change the world for the better during his life! Check out my work. Feel the involvement in the history of the Fatherland ...

You will understand that it is in the heroic past of our people that we can take lessons in courage, diligence, kindness, disinterestedness and optimism.


Introduction ……………………………………………………….……………….……..……….…..4

Chapter I My family at the end of the 17th – 19th centuries……………………………..………………………......6

Chapter II. My family at the beginning and middle of the 20th century………………………………………….……10

2.1. My grandmother Ragozina Galina Feofanovna

2.2. Grandfather Anatoly Grigorievich Pankov.

Chapter III. My family at the end of XX - early XXI century…………………………………..….....….16

3.1. My mother Pankova Elena Anatolyevna.

3.2. My father Zhernakov Alexander Ivanovich.

Conclusion …..……………………..………………….….……………………………..………22


Appendix …… ..…………………………………………………………….…………….…….25


The history of any country is complex and multifaceted. Far from always its simplification, inclusion in a rigid framework leads to a better understanding of the past. Most often, such a simplification is a “Procrustean bed” for science, and “a truncated history voluntarily or unwittingly turns into a falsification. For the history of Russia of the XX century, this is the most relevant. Our country had to overcome too sharp turns, it followed a path that was too unknown ... And most importantly, too quickly and easily, a very simple “national history” was made accessible to everyone from a complex and contradictory process 1 . Only now the most important thing has gone from this “convenient story” - the sense of time ... For me, and I think for other citizens of Russia, it is important not to lose a close connection with the past. For, as A.S. Pushkin: “Respect for the past is what distinguishes an educated person from a savage.” The main problem of studying history at school, I see some standardization of students' thinking, due to the time and program framework. Do modern schoolchildren understand: “The history of my country is the history of my family”? Where, if not in the experience of previous generations, should one draw practical experience in building a modern, better life?

Hypothesis: In my opinion, the historical events of Russia cannot but affect the life of the family that lives in it, and vice versa, any family, to a greater or lesser extent, contributes to the genesis of the state. Based on this hypothesis, I decided to explore the history of a single family in more depth and compare it with the history of the Fatherland.

Target: Explore mutual influence historical events our country and the life of a single family.

Object of study:Features of influencehistorical events of Russia on the history of the Pankov (Ragozin, Zhernakov) family in the period from the end of the 17th to the beginning of the 21st century, as well as the contribution of this family to the development of our state.

Subject of study:Events of Patriotic history and memories of these events by members of the Pankov family (Ragozins, Zhernakovs).

Tasks :

  1. Find and present in chronological order the memories of my ancestors about the events taking place in our country, which directly or indirectly affected life;
  2. Compare the memories of the members of the Zhernakov family and the most vivid

1. Khromova I.S. Reader on the history of Russia in the first half of the XX century. (Controversial issues of history). Moscow, Interpax, 1995. Pp. five.

events of the Patriotic history that could mutually influence each other. To study in more detail the information that would explain the reasons why certain events took place in my family during the Great Patriotic War and the post-war hard times.

  1. Explore the family tree more deeply and, on the basis of it, draw up a family tree (up to 7 generations).


  1. Study of bibliographic literature;
  2. Interviewing and questioning;
  3. Ranging;
  4. Analysis of material sources and photographic documents;
  5. Systematization;
  6. Sociological survey.

Chapter I. My family at the end of the 17th - 19th centuries

Two feelings are wonderfully close to us -

In them the heart finds food:

Love for native land

Love for father's coffins.

A.S. Pushkin.

Collecting bit by bit the memories of my ancestors, I increasingly wondered: “Why didn’t I know this before, because it’s important and interesting to know”? Indeed, after analyzing the information that I studied in school history textbooks, I could not answer such seemingly simple questions: what kind of work did the guys of my age do at home, how could my family spend free evenings at the beginning of the 20th century (because then there was no TV, no computer), were there the same friendly relations between parents in the family as they are now in my family? The more I delved into the study of my ancestry 1 , the more I was surprised - not everything is still forgotten by my parents, sometimes such amazing details emerge in my memory that I had never heard of before. Here are my great-grandmother's memories. I don’t want to edit them, because her story can convey to the reader with what love she told me about her family: “My paternal great-great-grandmother’s parents were from the Verkhotursky district of the village of Ragozino, the name of this village and the Ragozinka river were from the founder of this village Ragozin. At this time, in the 17th century, the lands of the Urals and Siberia, which had fled from tsarist arbitrariness, began to be settled. People settled along the banks of rivers, founded lands, raised cattle, one of these people was Ragozin. All the inhabitants of this village bore the same surname and called each other by their first and patronymic names, and sometimes simply by their nicknames. There was a landowner in the village who had a mill, he was richer than the rest, he forced ordinary peasants to work for him. My great-grandmother and great-grandfather were both from this village, both named Ragozins. My great-great-grandfathers were peasants. The parents of my great-grandfather were Fedor and Nona Lukyanov 2 In addition to their father, they had two more sons and a daughter. My father was tough, but fair. He worked from dawn to dusk, and demanded the same from his children. Children from a young age were accustomed to any agricultural. work. They lived only by their labor: they grew bread, ground for flour and baked bread; they grew flax, processed it, wove clothes, they practically had no money. In winter, the men went to work for logging,

1. See Appendix 1.

2. See Appendix 4.

sometimes women also worked with them, without any trousers in long skirts to the waist in the snow they chopped and took out the forest on their horses. My great-grandmother and great-grandfather Feofan Fedorovich and Platonida Pavlovna lived in the same village, both were from poor families, they knew from childhood what peasant labor was. We got married in a local church. They lived poorly, but amicably, loved, respected and cared for each other; never heard of quarrels between parents, they simply did not exist. Despite the cool character of the great-grandfather, they were always together, always there. Great-grandfather was a very respected person, people came to him for advice and help. As a child, he did not have to study, he only went to school for two weeks 1 , he had to work, already as a young guy he learned to read and write on his own, he wrote well. At that time in Karelino, he helped people in the preparation of any documents, was elected a deputy and remained so until the end of his life, everyone respected and loved him very much. Aunt Masha was born in Karelino (everyone called her Manya) in 1933, then in 1935 my grandmother was born. She was very small and thin, no one thought that she would live, but she survived, in 1938 another daughter, Shura, was born, who soon died. In total, they had 10 children, four sons died in the village, there were no doctors in the village, and it is not known why they died. The eldest daughter Tatyana remained, the boys died very young, only one Vasya was two or three years old, his great-grandmother always felt sorry for him.

They worked on their way 2 , there was absolutely nothing to eat, they came home from work hungry, and went to bed, hugging each other, in the morning they went to work hungry again, ate potato peels and everything they had to, there was no soap, many people died of hunger. At that time, echelons with special settlers came to the station and exchanged some food from them. During these years there was famine throughout the country. In the pre-war years, life began to get better. They organized mass festivities in the forest in a clearing, they were called extras, they took fruit drinks to the children, which they loved very much.

Is not it interesting story? If you believe my great-grandmother, then my ancestors were runaway peasants, they fled to the Urals in the 17th century not from a good life. What prompted them to do this? What kind of "royal arbitrariness"?

Let us turn to the scientific literature: “The Church Council of 1666-1667 finally cursed the “Old Belief” and obliged the “city authorities” to act in relation to its supporters in accordance with the Code of 1649, according to which anyone “who lays blasphemy on the Lord God” is subject to burning at the stake. A brutal persecution of the Old Believers began. Persecution broke the weak and hardened the strong. Adherents of the old faith hid in the forests, founded in remote, hard-to-reach places

1. See Appendix 1.

2. On the railroad. (From the author)

(especially in the North, in the Volga region, in the Urals)." 1 Is this statement true - my ancestors were Old Believers?

It is difficult to find out for certain, the reason could be different: “The state punished mercilessly for the slightest disrespect for the person of the sovereign. The fear of casually uttering an “unfit” word haunted people constantly, because denunciations (failures) became an everyday reality. According to the Council Code of 1649, anyone who did not inform became an accomplice in a serious crime. 2 .

Perhaps further searches for materials about the fate of my family will reveal this secret, but now one thing is clear: my relatives, like many people of that time, carried the entire heavy burden of royal decrees on their shoulders and could not be limited from the arbitrariness of power in the 17th century. .

Great-grandmother recalls that her father was harsh, but fair. Through the generations, she carefully carried this image. In these short phrases, deep respect for the head of the family is hidden. What is it connected with? The fact is that a man at that time disposed of the property and fate of his household unlimitedly, children were forbidden to complain about their parents under the threat of punishment with a whip. The wife was subordinate to her husband. In the family, upbringing was labor: from the age of seven, boys were taught some kind of craft, girls helped their mother with housework, learned to sew and run a household. That was the key to prosperity, prosperity. This is what helped to survive in the long cold winters - the man was the main worker, he left for additional earnings, and the women remained to do all the housework - up to the fact that they chopped firewood in the snowy forest. Can we not bow before our ancestors, who, experiencing such need, difficulties, nevertheless saved families and provided a future for their children and grandchildren? More than once, my grandmother recalled: “They lived poorly, but together.” Maybe we, the modern generation, should learn such selflessness, patience? In my opinion, in the experience of previous generations, we can draw and draw examples of kindness, vitality, wisdom. However, let's turn to a more modern generation ...

… And we must not forget the legends of antiquity.

N. Konchalovskaya.

“My maternal great-great-grandfather Pankov Fedot and great-great-grandmother Pankov


1. Yurganov A.L., Katsva L.A. History of Russia XVI - XVII centuries. Page 214. Samara, 1998 Samara Press House.

2. Yurganov A.L., Katsva L.A. History of Russia XVI - XVII centuries. Page 229. Samara, 1998 Samara Press House.

Barbara was born at the end of the 19th century, lived in the city of Svobodny, they had 12 children. Before the revolution, they lived well, prosperously 1 . All the children were well dressed and shod, well fed.

Great-great-grandfather was a carpenter, great-great-grandmother ran the household and was an excellent seamstress, they worked hard, kept their household 2 . After the war, they moved to Omsk, where they later died, ”this is how my great-grandmother Pankova Elena Fedotovna begins her memoirs. She was born in 1910, was the middle child in the family. She was educated and worked as a primary school teacher. Her first husband died in the war, leaving her with 2 children. It would seem that there is nothing special in these stories about our ancestors, but ...

If you think about it... You begin to understand that my family had to go through a lot, work hard not only to raise healthy, well-fed and well-shod children, but also to become famous through generations as excellent workers and heroes, ready to give their lives for the freedom and independence of our Motherland.

The history of my family is closely connected with the history of my country, and the material I have collected is proof of that.


1. By the beginning of the 20th century. Russia occupied the first place in terms of total agricultural production. The number and productivity of livestock increased.

2. And although large-scale factory industry occupied a leading position on the whole, small-scale industry had a stable position in the Russian economy. 150,000 enterprises employed 600,000 artisans and handicraftsmen, producing products worth 700 million rubles a year. In such industries as baking, footwear, construction, clothing, and leather, the products of small establishments predominated.

Chapter II. My family at the beginning and middle of the 20th century

2.1. My grandmother

Don't ask what the country has done for you

ask what I have done for the country.


When the war began, my grandmother Ragozina Galina Feofanovna was 5 years old. Her idea of ​​the war - as something black, scary, hungry. Here is what she remembers: “Your great-grandfather then worked at the station as a weigher. He was not taken into the army, a reservation was made on the railway. Yes, and health did not allow. In the evenings, families gathered, there was a small radio, they listened to the latest news from the front. Family - 8 people, five children, mom and dad and my grandmother - Nona Lukyanovna. I remember that I was always very hungry. I went to bed hungry and woke up even more hungry. Mom fed us with what she could, but she herself did not sit at the table with us. Bread for us - 150 grams per day. The bread was black and heavy, with all sorts of impurities, sometimes even earth was added to make it heavier. They lived on one potato, it was especially bad in the spring, when the potatoes ended. We dug up vegetable gardens, picked frozen potatoes, and if we find them, we baked them immediately on the spot and ate them without any oil. They brought grass from the forest and ate, we, the children, constantly went to the forest, there we ate everything that came across. There was a cow, but they paid high taxes - meat and butter, and there was almost nothing left for themselves.

The difficult and difficult task of providing for the army during the Great Patriotic War was solved mainly by the rural population. 1 . The enemy at that time captured a vast territory, which gave the bulk of food production. The Volga region, the Urals, Siberia, Central Asia became the main production base. A food distribution card system was introduced from the autumn of 1941. And although the textbook on the history of the 9th grade of a comprehensive school says that "The rationing system for the distribution of basic foodstuffs made it possible to avoid cases of mass starvation throughout the war" 2 However, we see, in the example of my family, that people were very hungry. Consequently, studying only the material in the textbook cannot objectively describe the real picture of life in our country, and therefore students should contact their parents and relatives more often in order to have more reliable information about these events.


1. See Appendix No. 2.

2. Danilov A.A., Kosulina L.G. Moscow. Enlightenment, 202 p. 219. History of Russia. XX century.

Further, my grandmother narrated this: “But, despite this difficult time, we still remained children. At home, they began to do all the housework early, they carried water, chopped and carried firewood, worked in the garden, looked after and gathered livestock, but despite these things, they still found time for games. In the evenings and on ancient holidays, we were allowed to “run around”. And we played very interesting games: rounders, “hit and run”, etc. In the evenings we went with bags for sawdust and played there, there was a whole mountain of sawdust. We jumped, dug sawdust, and made houses, everything was interesting.

Then, during the war, there was a zone at the Sevfrolag station where political prisoners were imprisoned. Many of them were decommissioned. Their mother changed footcloths for potatoes, then dyed and sewed clothes for us. She was beautiful, only red, I went all red.

Here in question about people - prisoners of the Gulag. This system reached its climax precisely in the 40s of the 20th century, since to those who had been sitting there since the mid-30s. "enemies of the people" added millions of new ones. Along with the military and political prisoners, those workers who could not cope with the existing production standards will be added to the camps after the war. Thus, the local authorities will be given the right to evict to remote areas persons who maliciously evade labor activity in agriculture 1 . The hope of a civilized person had to come - the 20th century, and on the basis of the Only True Teaching it was necessary to develop the national question to the highest degree, so that the highest socialist in this matter would take a patent for the wholesale extermination of peoples by expelling them in forty-eight, and twenty-four, and even one and a half hours 2 .

The Stalinist leadership made full use of such factors as the over-centralization of management, huge natural and human resources, everyday unpretentiousness and patriotism of the people.

“In the summer they slept on the floor on old jerseys, and in the winter in the pantry on the wards. There was some old sheepskin coat, of course there were no sheets. At the station Karelino was only Primary School with two classes, students of grades 1 and 3 studied in one, and 2 and 4 in the other. There were 2 teachers - Syomkina A.F. and Kapustina E.V. During the war, there were few students in the classes, the teacher gave assignments to one class, and studied with another, then vice versa - and so every day. It was cold at school, the students were badly dressed, during the breaks they huddled up to the stoves, everyone was hungry, sometimes someone brought oats, they ate it instead of seeds. Masha, my sister, went to school 2 years earlier than me, and we were in the same grade, I was in the 3rd, and she was in the 4th. Then she went to another village, where they study until the 7th grade. During the war and after 46 - 47 years in Karelino in a camp for political prisoners


2. Solzhenitsyn A.I. Gulag archipelago. New world.1989. No. 11. Pg. 163-164.

there were barracks, surrounded barbed wire with towers, guarded by dogs, shepherd dogs. I still remember their barking, how dozens of dead prisoners were taken to the cemetery every morning on sledges, buried in common graves without coffins, and, in my opinion, they didn’t even put up crosses. The camps were called Sevfrolag, perhaps there were artists, doctors. Some of them were escorted. They treated local residents, performed at the club. Behind our gardens there was a field where the prisoners grew potatoes. A woman often sang there, very well, then they said that Lidia Ruslanova sang it. A small village was built seven kilometers from the Karelino station, where women served their sentences, for some reason they were called “mothers”, I don’t know if they had children, I didn’t see them. This village was called Zhdanka. Women built log cabins and carried timber on oxen wagons, mostly in winter, in summer there was a swamp all around. We made various wooden toys, constructors, painted and painted blocks, suitcases for schoolchildren instead of briefcases. Near the station there were warehouses where wagons with grain, oats were unloaded, cake was often brought, we, the children, gathered and asked the guards for cake, and if we managed to beg for a piece, we broke it and divided it among ourselves, and then sucked it in our mouths like candy , it seemed to us incredibly tasty. Dad worked as a weigher at the station after unloading. He swept the remnants of grain and oats along with the ashes in and under the cars, and then I had to pick out the grains from the ashes. Two frying pans, each grain in one direction, pebbles in the other. There were a few handfuls in total. Then my mother grinded the grains, mixed them with potatoes and baked cakes, they always gnashed in her teeth. 1 .

Why did my family, as well as other families, live in such conditions?

Firstly, the war turned out to be huge human and material losses for the USSR. 2 .

Secondly, after the monetary reform of 1947, with an average wage of about 500 rubles per month, the cost of a kilogram of bread was 3-4 rubles, a kilogram of meat - 28 - 32 rubles, butter - over 60 rubles, a dozen eggs - about 11 rubles. To buy a woolen suit, one had to pay 3 average monthly salaries. As before the war, from one to one and a half monthly salaries per year was spent on the purchase of compulsory compulsory government bonds.

Let us turn again to the memories: “In 1952, the camp of women prisoners was liquidated, and in January 1953, in the same village of Zhdanka, a military training ground was organized and artillery troops began to come from all over Soviet Union. In June 1952, my father died, he was only 48 years old. It was great for our family.


1. See Appendix No. 3.

2. See Appendix No. 7.

grief, the little brothers Yura remained, he was 11 years old and Lenya, he was 8 years old, I was 16, I graduated from the 8th grade and by hook or by crook Tanya (older sister) got me a job on the railway (although they were accepted there from the age of 18) as a weigher to the station, to daddy's place. I learned quickly and passed my exams ahead of schedule. Masha finished 10 classes and entered the medical institute in absentia, she was not told that her father had died when she was taking exams. I started working as a weigher at the beginning of August in 1952. In the beginning, timber cargo was loaded, I received and monitored the loading, processed documents and sent wagons, and from January 1953 military trains began to arrive at the station, they came one after another, and the whole station became packed with trains. There was a lot of work and Tanya and I did not leave the station, we worked together all winter, my mother brought food to work, fed us in the evening in turn, went home to sleep, the soldiers came in freight cars. At the neighboring station there was a military unit, a military platform was being built here for unloading the echelon. The soldiers lived in the apartments of our neighbors, worked on horses - Oryol heavy trucks.

It was necessary to receive and issue equipment, draw up acts for each broken and broken glass in lanterns and frames, monitor the loading and use of equipment, guns, radar stations, cars, draw up everything, draw up documents for each car and write it down in several books. All in all, there was a lot to do.

Sasha and Valera started helping us around the house early, they went with us to mowing, mowed the grass, did everything. Sasha was a breadwinner, he went fishing and hunting with his friend Kostya, he knew all the mushroom places, he went for berries, he never came with an empty basket, he always brought something.

My great-grandmother Elena Fedotovna Pankova remarried my great-grandfather Grigory Kirillovich Evdokimov, who was 15 years older than her. He did not fight, because he did not pass by age. Great-grandfather was a jack of all trades, worked as a mechanic, repaired all equipment, was an avid fisherman. His son from his first marriage died in the Great Patriotic War.

The fate of my great-grandfathers is hard, they did not have big positions, they did not descend from noble nobles, but we can proudly say - thanks to such people, their military feat, their hard work - our country survived during the years of the Great Patriotic War and was not trampled under dirty boots fascist invaders. I can proudly say that there are also glorious people in my family who died without a trace in battles during the Great Patriotic War. And even though we don't know where their graves are... Memories of these Heroes will be passed on from generation to generation in our family.

2. 2. Grandfather Anatoly Grigorievich Pankov

History is the witness of centuries,

torch of truth, soul of memory,

life teacher.

Cicero 1.

My grandfather Anatoly Grigoryevich Pankov was born on January 30, 1945 in the subsidiary farm of the veterinary institute in the village of Nivi, Omsk region. There were 3 children in the family. They lived until 1955 in Northern Kazakhstan near Petropavlovsk. My great-grandmother worked at several rates in order to somehow feed the children and herself. There was a hungry time, there was nothing to wear, we got out as best we could. Then the children left without fathers became independent early, the elders helped their parents and raised the younger ones, they didn’t go to kindergarten then. Toys were made from planks themselves, the first real car was presented to grandfather by Uncle Kolya and he took care of it very much. They lived in their own house, in the middle of the room there was a large Russian stove, on which all the children slept, and chickens were kept in the same room. He remembers one funny story that happened to him in childhood. Near the stove there was a pit in the underground, the older sister climbed into the pit for potatoes, and grandfather looked at her from the stove and leaned over so much that he could not resist and fell underground, escaped with bruises and fright.

They sewed clothes themselves or ordered from a neighbor. I went to the first class in company with friends, a little earlier in age. He studied with his mother, who asked her son more strictly and more than other guys. In the 3rd grade he became a pioneer. Collected with classmates scrap metal and waste paper. At the age of 10, he received his first salary of 11 rubles for collecting scrap metal along with adults along the railway. Then they left for Transbaikalia in the Chita region. They settled there at a small Ityl junction. Now it no longer exists. After graduating from the 4th grade, I went to study at a boarding school at the Bushulei station, and came home only for weekends. We often went to study on the steps of freight trains, as there was nothing else on it. Mom called her son the owner, he sawed wood alone, adapting a two-handed saw for this, he had his own gun, shot hazel grouses, hares, and there was a holiday in the family that day. Once, while hunting, he was almost shot by the neighbors, mistaking him for game. A favorite delicacy then is potato peel fried on the stove or bread crusts baked in the oven. Until now, grandfather remembers the delicious soup with dumplings and green onions, which his mother often cooked for them. Often a younger sister b. Lena's aunt Olya. She was lonely, her husband was killed in the war, her daughter died of an illness, and she gave all her love to us. Grandpa was capable


1. N.V. Kuzmin. History. Publishing house "Teacher". Volgograd, 2004

a student, mischievous and a ringleader. From the 5th grade, he became the permanent Santa Claus on the Christmas trees, amused everyone. From the entertainment at the junction there was the arrival of a mobile cinema - mobile, all people were going to watch a movie and news, there were no TVs then, only radio.

After the 7th grade, he went to work on the railway as a repair worker. Joined the Communist Youth Union. IN free time made custom-made kitchen furniture - stools, sideboards, carpentry, helped the family. After working for a year and a half, he entered the school to become a tractor driver, to raise agriculture. At the school, they were expelled from the Komsomol for having made a beautiful large knife, and at the Komsomol meeting they tried to find out who they wanted to kill with this knife.

At the age of 18 he graduated from a vocational school and went to live with his sister in Balkhash. He worked there for a year, got a room in a barracks, and returned to his mother in the village of Privet, Omsk Region. He worked as a tractor driver, combine operator.

In 1964 he was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet army. The chairman of the collective farm did not want to let him go from work, but grandfather tried to go to serve, because all the same age had already gone into the army. He served as a tanker in fraternal Belarus in the city of Borisov. In the army, he hung on the honor roll from the first month of service, was the first agitator in the company. He did not serve until the end of his term, as he had an accident on a tank, was seriously injured and was discharged.

After the army, he returned to the collective farm and worked as a master of industrial training at SPTU-1, trained tractor drivers. Then they began to live better, white bread appeared in stores.

After working for a year at the school, grandfather was sent to study at the Omsk Industrial and Pedagogical College. All students for the period of harvesting were sent to harvest. And in the first academic autumn, grandfather was cleaning in the village of Tsvetkovo, Omsk region, they settled him in an apartment with his future mother-in-law. They worked from early morning until late at night. Lunch was brought to the field to save every minute. I met a girl Raya, and then there was no time to go to the movies or to dances. After work, he came dirty, in fuel oil and very tired, having rested a little, again for the steering wheel. At the end of the harvest campaign, he took his bride with him and, having signed in Omsk, they left to live in their grandfather's room in the city of Balkhash. The room was in a long damp hut, heated with firewood, but grandparents were happy together. Both worked, soon my mother Lena was born. Then Aunt Olya and grandfather's mother came to live with them and huddled five of them in one room. A year and a half later, they went to live in the closed military town of Priozersk, where tactical missiles were tested. Grandfather worked as an electrician, housing was immediately allocated from the substation - an entire half-cottage. Soon the son Serezha was born. They lived well there, the food supply was excellent. They developed a large garden where they grew vegetables for themselves and for sale.

Grandpa hunted and fished. The children went to kindergarten. We then bought the first Zaporozhian car, a luxury for those times, we drove it to visit relatives in Balkhash.

The summer there was dry and hot, the winter was cold, windy and frosty. After living in Priozersk for seven years, his wife fell seriously ill, and the doctors advised her to change the climate. But where a family of 4 people could then immediately be given housing - only in the village. Apartments were not sold at that time, but they were received from enterprises in turn, and it took many years to wait for your apartment 1 .

They moved to a village in the Omsk region, their house, a garden nearby, and outbuildings. Grandmother worked as a calf-keeper, and grandfather worked as a communication electrician, the children went to school. They kept their own cattle - rabbits, cows, pigs, chickens, ducks. Everyone worked, and the children also helped with everything. The work in the countryside is hard. During the harvesting campaign, grandfather worked on a tractor and a combine harvester. For shock work and overfulfillment of the plan, he was repeatedly encouraged by letters and valuable gifts, even a wardrobe was given as a reward.

During the harvesting and sowing campaign, television and radio throughout the Soviet Union constantly broadcast reports from the fields about how much a hectare of crop had been harvested. The whole country seemed to be harvesting in the bins of the motherland, enterprises, schools, hospitals helped.

They lived well, in abundance, bought furniture, clothes, ate natural products. With a paycheck and an advance, we went to Omsk for delicacies - sausage, cheese, ice cream, this was almost never on sale in a village store 2 .

1. Social sphere funded solely on a residual basis. The specific growth of investment in housing construction declined from 17.7% in 1966-1970. up to 15.1% in 1981-1985. As a result, in the early 1980s in the USSR there was an acute housing problem.

2. Population growth and falling rates of agricultural production again led to an aggravation of the food problem in the mid-60s - mid-80s.

Chapter 3. My family in the late XX - early XXI century

…The twentieth century…

... Promises us, inflating veins,

All destroying the frontiers,

Unheard of changes

Unforeseen riots...

A. Blok.

3.1. My mother Pankova Elena Anatolyevna

In Kazakhstan, in the city of Balkhash, on October 4, 1969, Lena Pankova's mother was born.

A year and a half later, she had a brother, and then a sister with a difference of 10 years.

For the first year we lived in a hut, damp, with a long corridor. Then they left for the closed military town of Priozersk, which is also on the banks of the Balkhash. We settled at the substation, surrounded by endless sands. Several dozen trees growing nearby seemed to her at that time a dense forest. When I was one year old, Seryozha was born to them and they sent my mother to Kindergarten I used to go there all the way to school.

Most of all, she remembered in her preschool childhood how they picked tulips in May, the whole steppe was strewn with them, and we collected a whole basin of such beauty, then put them in vases at home. Such a fragrance from these wild flowers came from! How great they celebrated the holidays on November 7, May 1, May 9. These days, patriotic music was playing everywhere, the country and the government congratulated people on the holiday over all the loudspeakers, smart people with balloons, flowers, banners came out into the street. It seemed that the whole city was going to a demonstration, there were schools, enterprises in columns, and congratulations sounded from the podium. It was very fun and interesting. The children were inflated with helium balloons and then they let them into the air. From that time I remembered the poem:

Red day calendar.

Look out your window

Everything is light outside.

Flags fly at the gate

blazing with flames,

You see the street goes

where the trams were.

All the people - both old and small

Celebrates freedom

And my red balloon flies

Straight to the sky.

Some military men, officers and soldiers, lived in the town. In Priozersk, I went to first grade and a little later became an October student. There were 45 of us in the class and one young teacher. Then she began to do gymnastics, learned to do splits and other exercises. We lived well, there were a lot of different toys, we ate normally, vegetables and fruits grew in our garden, mom and dad worked. My brother and I also helped our parents by watering the beds with a hose.

In summer it is very hot in Priozersk and there was no rain at all. All shops are decorated with umbrellas, they were very rarely bought there. And in winter, strong winds and frost blew. We children lived freely. In the summer they ran in their small forest, played hide-and-seek, looked for treasures, rode bicycles. We went to swim at Lake Balkhash with my parents, baked chicken eggs in the sand, built sand castles, sometimes camels passed by, and I dreamed of seeing a cow. Then they went back and by the time they reached the house, everyone was already languishing from the heat. We had a black and white TV, sometimes they showed cartoons for 10-20 minutes once a day, and we were looking forward to it. In the evenings, a film was sometimes shown, only two channels worked, from 9 am to 10 pm, most of all they talked about the implementation of the five-year plan, the leaders of production, all this was not very interesting.

When I was in first grade, my mother became very ill and spent a long time in the hospital. Doctors advised to change the climate, and in the summer we went to live in Omsk region in the village of Pokrovka.

At first I missed my old friends a lot, then I gradually got used to the new place. Pokrovka, how good life was there. The state farm gave us half a house - a veranda, a large kitchen, a living room, two bedrooms, there was a lot of space, but we had to heat the stove and the toilet was outside. My brother and I had our own room, two iron beds, a table, bedside tables, a carpet, everything that was in it. There were two large old birch trees in the yard. Next to the house there was a garden in which both vegetables and berries grew - raspberries, strawberries, gooseberries, currants. We worked there a lot, helped our parents in everything - they carried water to cattle, tore grass for rabbits and pigs, did everything they said.

We were brought up strictly. In the village, everyone who worked lived well.

We had an excellent physical education teacher Stanislav Viktorovich Rooms, he worked with us a lot. In the summer we all ran, jumped, played football, went to Zarnitsa, where we won first places. In winter, I went skiing with my students, went skating, played basketball, volleyball, and participated in district and regional competitions. Various circles worked at the school - photography, chess, choral, dance and others.

In the 3rd grade, we were all solemnly accepted as pioneers. Our entire class became a pioneer detachment. We helped war veterans, collected waste paper, scrap metal. For bad behavior, poor progress could be expelled from the pioneer organization and this was considered a shame. The pioneers helped those who were lagging behind in their studies, discussed at the council of the detachment a work plan for a year, a month, and this pulled everyone up, it was an honor to study well and engage in public affairs. They went to school in uniform, boys in blue suits, girls in brown dresses with a black apron, on holidays they wore a white apron, and the pioneers always wore red pioneer ties. Children dressed approximately the same, there were neither rich nor poor, in summer they ran in simple cotton dresses and sandals, in autumn and spring in rubber boots and jackets, in winter in drape coats and boots.

In the autumn they helped in harvesting potatoes, in the spring they were sorted out at the state farm before planting. In summer, beets and turnips were weeded on the field. When buds swelled on birch trees, all schoolchildren were given the task to collect a glass of buds.

The nature there is beautiful, on the plain there are fields, birch forests in islands, you go from one island to another, picking mushrooms. The summer was warm, hot, with rain, after the rain they ran barefoot through the puddles. In spring and autumn, black sticky mud until everything dries. Winter is frosty and snowy. Potatoes, corn, sunflowers, wheat, rye and other crops grew on state farm fields.

For a good study, I went on trips around the country three times with the best students schools for free. We visited Moscow, Leningrad, Vologda, Kaluga. It was great, every day different excursions, new cities and a lot of impressions.

3.2. My father Zhernakov Alexander Ivanovich

Zhernakov Alexander Ivanovich was born on April 29, 1969 at Karelino station 1 . The family consisted of 5 people: mother, father, grandmother (father's mother), brother, later in 1969 a sister was born. This is a small village 30 kilometers from the regional center of Verkhoturye. The settlement consisted of approximately 800 - 850 people. The railway divided it into two, approximately equal parts. On the one hand, there lived mainly railway workers of various specialties - railway workers, contact workers, those on duty at the Karelino station, ticket cashiers. His father was a contact network fitter, his mother worked as a ticket clerk at the station.

On the other side of the railway there was a timber industry enterprise. The forest was transported by timber trucks from different places, the plots were within a radius of 30 kilometers. The timber was sent in gondola cars, they also made sleepers and sawed a picket fence. There were two grocery stores in the village. One railway, another timber industry, we called it "behind the line." There was a bakery where they baked very tasty bread.

My father at work had a TV in the "red corner" 2 and we went to watch football there.


1. See appendix 8.

2. In five years (1953-1958), the number of television sets increased from 200,000 to 3 million.

Every one there New Year they put up a Christmas tree and on January 1, all the families of railway workers with children gathered for a holiday. They told New Year's poems, while each child who performed was put on a stool, called the Snow Maiden with Santa Claus and photographed.

Our parents raised us quite strictly. Sometimes I had to stand in a corner, then ask for forgiveness. We did not go to the kindergarten, as our grandmother, Fyokla Mikhailovna, my father's mother, lived with us. She got up in the morning the very first, prayed to God, stoked the Russian stove, managed the household. I remember how we went to church in Verkhoturye with her. I haven't gone to school yet. He stood during prayer and looked at the "pictures" on the walls and ceiling. Then one by one they approached the priest. He gave a teaspoon of Cahors and prosvirka. In the church, I was a little scared, because it seemed that strict saints were looking directly at you from the icons. After the service, the most interesting came, went shopping, went by bus to the station, then to Karelino by train. Despite the fact that my mother was a member of the CPSU, my brother and sister were baptized. The most important Christian holidays were celebrated in our house. On Christmas evenings, my grandmother dressed me so that they would not recognize me, and I ran to my neighbor Aunt Marusya Shilova, recited a poem, she rewarded me with a pie, satisfied, and ran back. Then I sincerely thought that no one would recognize me.

We had an eight-year school. The first class was accepted from the age of 7. There were 30 people in the 1st grade, the children are very different. There were excellent students and losers. to me

I didn’t manage to become an excellent student, in each quarter there was at least one, but the four came out. Not only local children studied at the school, but also from nearby villages (the village of Vologino, the village of Vanyushino). The school was new, connected to the old part of the school by a corridor. Each class had a Dutch oven, they were stoked early in the morning. The teachers were very strict, so there was nothing to do with unlearned lessons at school. My favorite subject was physical education, since I loved all sorts of competitions and games since childhood. We skied all winter. Three kilometers from Karelino, the Shaitanka River flows, and that's where we went to ride from the mountains. They made springboards and jumped to see who would fly farther, they constantly took cameras with them. Skis then were only wooden, bindings on felt boots, and how much pleasure we got from skiing. Football was played both in summer and winter. I remember we came to school, classes were canceled due to the cold, we got together and went to play the ball.

At the beginning of the school year, there were different sections at the school, the whole class was enrolled in all existing ones, but, as a rule, this did not last more than a month and we were left to our own devices. So all the games and entertainment were invented by ourselves.

Adults cleared the clearing with a bulldozer from the snow and filled it with water from the water tower, it turned out to be a skating rink in the center, along the edges of the snow dumps. It was the center of winter entertainment and various brawls. We played hockey while we could see the puck. They made passages in the snow dumps, occupied heights, it happened that their hands were broken. In winter, they were allowed to walk until seven o'clock in the evening. But it was rarely possible to arrive on time. During the New Year holidays, Soviet serials were often shown. These are "Four tankmen and a dog", "Captain Tankesh". Everyone was delighted, by the beginning of the film, none of the guys were on the streets. invented military uniform, sewed military buttons to coats, made shoulder straps out of cardboard and sheathed them with cloth, then applied insignia.

Since childhood, my brother and I each had a bicycle, we started riding even before school. Two years later, they bought a new iron horse. In the summer, we simply didn’t get off them, for fishing, for mushrooms, for mowing, everywhere on wheels. Often my brother and I drove quite far, thirty kilometers, I wanted to see what was behind the next turn. Whole battles were arranged on bicycles, divided into two teams and knocked down, “clamped” each other, if someone touched the ground with their foot, they immediately dropped out of the game.

Helping parents with housework began with early age. At first they interfered more, but with age, help was felt more and more. Almost every family had cattle. This is a cow, bulls, pigs, chickens. In summer, starting from mid-July, mowing began. He learned to mow after the third grade, he tried to keep up with his older brother. The whole day in the forest, in the fresh air, near the river, they worked from 9 am to 5 pm. My parents went home on a motorcycle, I often stayed fishing at dawn in the evening. It was scary to be alone in the forest, but the excitement of fishing prevailed, by midnight I returned home on a bicycle, satisfied that I was going with a catch. There were a lot of mushrooms, they were collected by variety. If you went for the whites, you no longer collect others. Two types of mushrooms were valued: porcini mushrooms for frying and pickling, spruce mushrooms for salting. In the autumn we went to the swamp for cranberries, until you collect 5 three-liter pots, you are not going to go home, this was the norm. Then my grandmother sold the berries and they bought us different things.

It seems that in 1972, parents bought the first tape recorder 1 , it was called "Lira 206". What we just didn’t record, we sang songs, told poems, jokes, rewrote entire programs from TV.


1. In terms of consumption per capita, the USSR occupied by that time only 77th place.


Having analyzed the facts concerning the history of my family, I was able to compare them with the events of the Patriotic history. Pay attention to graph 2 in Appendix 7. The Y-axis indicates the level of financial situation (three levels are distinguished - very low, that is, on the verge of starvation, average - 500 rubles wages, above average). The x-axis indicates the period of history when certain events took place. He confirms that there is a direct pattern between local conflicts, world wars, economic reforms, political upheavals and the financial situation of the population. After analyzing this graph, we can conclude that the hypothesis "the history of the country directly affects the lives of people living in it and vice versa" is correct.

The main goal of the work - to explore the mutual influence of the historical events of our country and the life of the Ragozin family has been achieved. I was able to record in chronological order the memories of some of the events of my ancestors, compare them with the most striking events of Russian history, and prove their mutual influence on each other.

But, unfortunately, it was not possible to fully realize one of the tasks that I set for myself. Make a pedigree and genealogical tree up to the 7th generation. Some information is lost, additional resources and time are required to search for archival documents. Therefore, I hope to continue my research next year.

As can be seen from this work, according to the history of my family - you can study the history of our country and vice versa ... My ancestors were from the common people, they experienced an interesting life full of hard work. In the 17th century, the Ragozins fled to the Urals from tsarist arbitrariness, in the 20-30s of the 20th century our family had to endure hunger, then there was hard times and the post-war devastation of the Great Patriotic War. But despite the difficulties, they took care of the most valuable thing - their children, gave them a strict, but full of parental love, upbringing. Moral family values ​​were passed from generation to generation - love for work, honesty, and, if necessary, the readiness to sacrifice one's life for the good of the Motherland. The woman in the family was the guardian of the family hearth, the standard of selflessness - in difficult times, she sat down at the table last, when her husband and children were already full. “Golden hands”, “kind heart”, these are the words that I want to say about my great-grandmother.

The life of my ancestors is worthy of imitation and says a lot, not only to me - a descendant


1. See appendix 1 and 1a.

these persistent and kind-hearted people. Among many, my family did not wait for their soldiers during the Great Patriotic War, among many, she was ready to sacrifice even more if the Motherland demanded it.

And let the work of my family, in which there were mostly ordinary workers (mostly railway workers) 1 and peasants, did not have a significant impact on the fate of the country ... But, after all, they made their small but positive contribution to the development of industry and agriculture! As well as many other families of our Motherland. And without this contribution, Russia would be completely different ...

Concluding my work, I would like to emphasize that it is very important to preserve family traditions, the continuity of generations, not to forget the names of our ancestors, who, through hard work, sometimes at the cost of their lives, built a prosperous future for us.

It is from them that we can take lessons of courage, diligence, spiritual kindness, disinterestedness and optimism.

The materials of this work can be useful in the preparation of history lessons, class hours, decades of civil-patriotic education.


1. See appendix 9

List of references and sources

  1. Archival documents of the Zhernakov family.
  2. Memoirs of members of the Zhernakov family.
  3. Danilov A.A., Kosulina L.G. Moscow. Enlightenment, 202 p. 219. History of Russia. XX century.
  4. Kuzmina N.V. History. Publishing house "Teacher". Volgograd, 2004
  5. Personal archive of the Zhernakov family.
  6. Solzhenitsyn A.I. Gulag archipelago. New world.1989. No. 11. Pg. 163-164.
  7. Khromova I.S. Reader on the history of Russia in the first half of the XX century. (Controversial issues of history). Moscow, Interpax, 1995.
  8. Yurganov A.L., Katsva L.A. History of Russia XVI - XVII centuries. Page 214. Samara, 1998 Samara Press House.

Attachment 1

Pedigree of the Zhernakov family.

Female faces are marked

Male faces marked

Those relatives who are no longer alive are highlighted with a double frame

Annex 2

Diagram 1 shows the level of education in our country in 1900-1914. Only 20% of the Russian population were literate.

Diagram 2 reflects the percentage of children regularly attending school.

Diagram 1 Diagram 2.

Diagrams 3 and 4 show the percentage of products produced by the occupied territories before the Great Patriotic War.

grains of sugar

Diagram 3 Diagram 4

Annex 3

Histogram 5. The ratio of the cost of basic foodstuffs, wages and expenditures on compulsory government bonds after the currency reform of 1947.

1500 rub

1000 rub

500 rub

Articles of some incomes and expenses of the population of the USSR

Cost of bread Cost of 1 wool


The cost of a kilogram of meat Average salary

The cost of butter Expenses for the purchase of compulsory state loan bonds

Cost of 1 dozen eggs

Appendix 4

Photo No. 1. The first from the left in the second row is Platonida Pavlovna.

In the middle on the second row. Rogozina Tatiana Feofanovna Years of life 1924 - 1995. Right in the second row. Ragozin Feofan Fedorovich. Years of life 1903 - 1952.

Photo No. 2. My grandmother.

Photo No. 3. Ragozina Platonida Pavlovna, far left. Years of life 1901 - 1980. Far right Ragozina Maria Feofanovna, born in 1933.

Appendix 5

Photo No. 4. First on the left - Zhernakov Valery Ivanovich, born in 1957.

Photo No. 5. On the left, the first is my father's sister, Olga Ivanovna Kuznetsova. born 1969

Photo No. 6. On the left in the front row Zhernakov Ivan Aleksandrovich Years of life 1932 - 2002. On the right in the first row - Zhernakova Fyokla Mikhailovna. Years of life 1908 - 1994.

Appendix 6

Photo 7. My father Zhernakov Alexander Ivanovich. 29.04. born 1961

Annex 7

Graph 8 shows the relationship between the events of Russian history and the financial situation of the population. The Y-axis displays the level of financial position, and the X-axis displays periods of history.


1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 X

The rapid development of capitalism began only after the abolition of serfdom.

Russia was a moderately developed country of the “second echelon” of power. The remnants of serfdom were never fully eradicated. But all the same, the situation of the national outskirts, experiencing economic and political oppression, was the most difficult. The reforms of Stolypin and Witte did not resolve the main contradictions in the countryside, but on the whole accelerated the capitalist transformations in the countryside and strengthened the prosperous peasantry. This explains the more or less stable financial situation of the people, reflected in the graph.

Factors that influenced this jump down. In 1904, Japan declared war on Russia, which ended in 1905 with the defeat of the Russian army. This war was one of the causes of the 1905 revolution. 1914 - 1918 World War I, revolutionary upheavals, and then civil war and intervention could not but have a negative impact on the level of material well-being of the people. Crop failures caused natural phenomena and provoked a peasant war, also affected him negatively.

Continuous electrification of the country, the exit from the war, the New Economic Policy - somewhat improved the situation of the people. First Five Year Plan. Industrialization under Stalin contributed to the stabilization of the financial situation. Although the continuous collectivization, and then the Soviet-Finnish war, made the pace of development of the young state not so fast.

1941 - 1945. The war claimed almost 27 million human lives. 1,710 cities and urban-type settlements were destroyed, 70,000 villages and villages were destroyed, 31,850 plants and factories, 1,135 mines, and 65,000 km of railway lines were blown up and put out of action. The sown areas decreased by 36.8 million hectares. The country has lost about one third of its national wealth.

1946 - 1950 During the years of the 4th five-year plan, 6,200 large enterprises were restored and rebuilt. The country's agriculture came out of the war even more weakened. The situation in it worsened even more in connection with the drought of 1946, which caused a severe famine. The peasants, working on the collective farm, received practically nothing. Saved only subsidiary farming. But in five years (1953-1958) the number of televisions increased from 200,000 to 3 million. The Khrushchev thaw.

  1. E The social sphere was financed exclusively on a residual basis. Specific growth of investment in housing construction in 1966-1970. was 17.7%. The specific growth of investment in housing construction in 1981-1985 was 15.1%. In the early 80s. in the USSR there was an acute housing problem. And population growth and falling rates of agricultural production again led to an aggravation of the food problem in the mid-60s - mid-80s. In terms of consumption per capita, the USSR occupied by that time only 77th place.

Annex 8

Paternal great-great-grandfathers were from the village of Zhernakovo, Verkhoturye region. This is where our last name comes from. Great-great-grandfather was Zhernakov Alexander Ivanovich, great-great-grandmother Gebynina Fyokla Mikhailovna. Not long before the war, they moved to the Karelino station and built a house for themselves. Grandfather, Ivan Alekseevich was their only son, born in 1932. Participated in the Second World War in 1942. Was very a good man, an honest hard worker, he knew all kinds of work, since his mother did not have a hand and he had to do any work. Ivan grew up in a good friendly family, but the war began and in April 1942 his father was drafted into the army and sent to the front. He fought in the most difficult areas of the war - on Kursk Bulge, near Stalingrad and was not even wounded. He died on April 20, 1945 in Breslau, the funeral came after the war. Ivan was 13 years old, he and his mother experienced the death of their father very hard. In 1946, Fyokla Mikhailovna got married, and her surname became F.M. Shakenko, her husband worked as a security guard, guarding political prisoners. In Belarus, he had a wife and four children. He was at the front and was taken prisoner, after his release he was sent to the rear to work as a guard. In 1947, they had a daughter, Valentina, the sister of Ivan Alekseevich, and at the age of 14, his stepfather got a job as a communications electrician for the railway. The work was responsible, almost military, once for violation of discipline he was sent to a guardhouse in Nizhny Tagil. In 1954 he was drafted into the army, served as a battery operator in the flight troops in the city of Brest, in Belarus, was demonized in 1956 in September, and in November he married Rogozina Galina Feofanovna, my grandmother. 16




09.07. 02























Ragozina Galina




Pankov Fedot



25.09.08 – 12.06.94



1913 - …




Pavel Ragozin

Ivan Ragozin

Feofan Ragozin


Ragozina Nona Lukyanovna

Fedor Ragozin



Afanasy Ragozin

1893 - …

Tatiana Lithuanian

1897 - …



Ragozina Praskovya

Zhernakov Ivan


1 Topics research work in history The presented topics of research papers on history are recommended for study by students of grade 5, grade 6, grade 7, grade 8, grade 9, grade 10 and grade 11. The given topics of project work on history can be taken as a basis, supplemented and changed. History of Ancient Russia, History of the USSR, History of the Great Patriotic War, History of Russia, History of Ukraine, History of Crimea: Do you know the history of your school? Alexander the Great. The era of Hellenism. Alfred Nobel. English castles and fortresses. English alphabet in the past and present. Anime is a youth subculture. Arabic calligraphy Armenia is the birthplace of my ancestors. Archaic Greece VIII-VI centuries. BC e. Socio-economic development of Greece. GUPVI archipelago. Chinese architecture. Architecture. Culture and buildings. Atlantis - a civilization that does not exist! Atlantis myth or reality? Attica during the collapse of the slave-owning democracy in the works of Aristophanes. Achilles and his image in art. Balloons and airships: history and service in the Russian army until 1918. Wormwood does not grow without a root, or the history of one kind. Berezina. Mysteries of Napoleon's Treasures. Berlin Wall. How much in this word... Fearless knight of the sky. Battle of Thermopylae. Bogatyrs past and present. Gods ancient egypt. Gods Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Gods and Myths of Ancient Greece. Fighting vehicles of the past. battle of Borodino French eyes. The struggle of patricians and plebeians. Brandenburg Gate. Is the British Royal Family a relic of the past? Buddhism as a religion. Was there a global flood? Was the collapse of the Roman Empire or was it reborn? Life of the inhabitants of ancient Egypt. Life and everyday life of the Evenks at the end of the 20th century. Life, religion and culture of the Aztec civilization. In the valley of the pyramids.

2 In search of the Holy Grail: from the origins to the present day. UK currency. Vandalism. Vatican. State within a state. An introduction to the history of ancient Greece. Great French Revolution Great Bulgars. Great personalities in history. Great discoveries. Christopher Columbus. Great rulers of the Middle Ages. Great Civilizations of the East. Great explorer of the Arctic. Great Britain in the 19th century Relations between the Russian and Byzantine churches. The Vikings are the creators of the history of navigation. Virtual tour of Egypt. Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Influence of ancient Egypt on the present. The influence of time and religion on the popularity of the historical personality of A. Macedonian. Influence of historical processes on lexical borrowings. The influence of the Celts on the language and culture of Great Britain. The impact of epidemics on historical events that took place on Earth. Military sports training in Ancient Greece. Origin of life on Earth. The emergence and development of writing. The emergence and evolution of writing. The rise of Italian humanism. The emergence of a new religion of Christianity. Chronology of events in time and space. Warriors and knights of the Middle Ages. Warriors and soldiers of different eras through a toy. War of 1812. War of the scarlet and white roses. History project topics: War in Finland (memoirs of participants). Wars in Ancient Greece in the 1st century BC Rise of Spartacus. It all started with a wheel. The global flood as a projection of earthly cataclysms and catastrophes. Following Anna Yaroslavna, Queen of France... Electoral power as a condition for raising the standard of living of citizens. Higher education In Great Britain. Gastronomic holidays in France. Genealogical tree. History of names and surnames. Genealogy. The story of my family. Henry VIII was an English monarch of the Tudor dynasty. Heinrich Vogeler (on the occasion of the 135th anniversary of the artist's birth). Heinrich Schliemann: polyglot and successful man. Geometric features of the construction of arches in various historical eras, architectural

3 styles. Geometric ornament of the ancient Arabs and its modern interpretation. Heraldry. Heraldry of English football clubs. Heraldry: an inflorescence of history, art and knowledge. heraldic monsters. Heroes Greek mythology in the poem by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". City, forgotten by history. Tragedy of Troy. A city born from dust. Cities of Germany in legends and traditions. State and national symbols of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. Public and religious holidays in the Arab world. Public holidays as a reflection of the political regime in the country. Gothic cathedral as a symbol of the universe. "Grail" fact or fiction? American Civil War. Greco-Persian Wars. Georgian-Ossetian conflict in the aspect of international humanitarian law. Hun Attila. In the bag. Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill. A hat trick. Ten most famous clocks in the world. Children of different nations. Dixon of the Arctic is the capital. Dynasties of English kings (Anglo-Saxon dynasty). Welcome to Paris! Dolmens of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Dolmens are an ancient mystery of our time. Ancient Babylonian society according to the laws of Hammurabi. Ancient Greek myths about Troy and the Trojan War. The ancient Greek Argonaut Jason was the first industrial spy. Ancient Greek city of Chersonese Magadan. historical parallels. Ancient Egyptian costume. Ancient states: facts of history. ancient inventions. History of chess. Ancient ships. Ancient Civilizations of North America. Ancient Egypt and its sights. Ancient China. Qin Empire. Ancient China: mythology and reality. Ancient Rome. ancient myth and modernity. Ancient Armenia: origins, traditions, culture. Ancient Greece in modern world. Ancient India. Ancient Maya civilization. Friendship since ancient times. Uncle Ben. The history of the creation of one of the towers of parliament. Egypt gift of the Nile. The Egyptian pyramids are a storehouse of scientific knowledge. Jean-Jacques Rousseau and his legacy.

4 Jeanne D, Arc saint or witch? Joan of Arc is the national heroine of France. The woman pharaoh of Ancient Egypt. Women in history. Women and politics. Women rulers. Cruel kings and queens of Britain. The life path of Confucius. The life of Queen Victoria. The life of primitive people. The life of pharaohs. Dwellings of ancient nomads. Forgotten about Turkey The Mystery of Loch Ness Mysteries of Ancient Egypt Mysteries of Tutankhamun's Tomb Mysteries of the Egyptian Pyramids Mysteries of Glass The Mysterious Templars The Castles of England The Castles of Bavaria The Castles of Great Britain The Castles of the Loire history of occurrence. Castles of Japan. Castles and palaces of Germany, their legends. Hever Castle in England. Castle on the rock. Zeus from Mount Olympus. Acquaintance with Serge. Significance of the discoveries of Christopher Columbus. From the history of paper. From the history of numismatics. From the history of the locomotive. From the history of the horseshoe. From the Exupery tribe. Images of birds in various cultures. The invention of the wheel revolutionized the development of mankind. Studying my family history. Imperial features in the philosophical and religious ideas of the ancient Incas. India. Institute of Monarchy in modern Europe. US Presidency Institute: Past and Present. Interesting facts from the life of the Indians. Interesting facts from the life of spoons. Interesting facts about national flags. Johannes Gutenberg and his "black" art of typography. Art ancient india. Art primitive man. The art of the tea ceremony. Islam as one of the world religions.

5 Islam as part of the culture of the Tatar people. Islam: past, present, future. Islamic factor in foreign policy USA (s). Study of the Greek influence on the Scythian culture. Study of the history of cities founded by Alexander the Great. Study of the nicknames of Russian and Byzantine rulers in the 10th-12th centuries. Historical and cultural heritage of Ancient Egypt. Historical and linguistic significance of French fashion. Historical and psychological portrait of Queen Elizabeth I of England. A historical figure that I want to be like. Historical reconstruction battles on Vokhna. History of England in the Middle Ages. The history of England in the mirror of architecture. History of Ancient Greece. History of the Igrimskie schools. History of Halloween. History of the Eiffel Tower. History of English holidays. History of English, American and Russian monetary units. History of architectural styles. Ballet history. History of the British royal dynasties and their contribution to the development of Britain. Bicycle history. History of things. Phone. History of the Olympic Games. History of the rise and spread of Christianity. The history of the origin of the doll. History of heraldry. History of ancient England. Railway history. History of the Life of Queen Victoria. The history of the dwelling: from the past to the future. History of zoos in the world. History and culture of Norway. History and culture of the peoples of the North: bone carving art. History and legends of the Nevyansk tower. Cinema history. History of the bell. History of the crusaders and their campaigns. Spoon history. History of the Tower of London. History of medicine. Museum history. History of the German currency. History of public transport in England. History of weapons. Points history. History of piracy. History of the lost village. History of writing. Origin and development.

6 History of the Intercession Church: epochs, events, people. The history of the accession of Wales and Northern Ireland to the United Kingdom. The history of the development of ancient Egyptian civilization. History of development of the international relations of the USA. The history of the development of sailing ships. Postal history. The history of the development of machine tool building. History of the Memorial. The history of the creation of dishes. The history of the sundial. History of matches. The history of terrorism and methods of combating it. Iron history. History of the piano. History of football. History of chemical weapons. History of edged weapons. History of shamanism. History, language and culture of the American Indians. Disappeared land. Lost monuments. Disappeared Civilizations. How people learned to count time. How do humans master fire? How did cars come about? How did telephone communication develop? How did you study in ancient Egypt? How did the bread come to the table? What are sweets and where did they come from? What were the first books? Calendars of time Calendar and its history. Cardinal Richelieu. Carinthia is a federal province of Austria. China. Is globalization coming from the East? Cleopatra VII. Cowboys: myth and reality. When and where is the New Year celebrated. Wells. Bells and bell ringing. War assignments. According to the memoirs of participants in military operations in Chechnya. Queen Victoria and her era. Queen Elizabeth II. The Royal Family of Great Britain is a symbol of power. King Arthur: Reality or Legend? Bullfighting. Corruption is a social evil. Crusades. Peasant and farmer: power of the land or power over the land? Cryptography. The basics of encryption and the history of development. Who are the gladiators.. Culture of the XIX century.

7 Culture of Ancient Egypt. Culture of Ancient Greece. Kurgan through the eyes of children. The legend of Joan of Arc. The legend of the Scythians and Sarmatians. The legendary Joan of Arc. legendary and historical figure Toyon Legoy. Legends of the Vishera stones. Battle on the Ice. Personalities in the history of cryptography. London past and present. London is a city of 20 centuries of history. Landmarks of London and the main tourist sites. London: past and present. Tower of London. Only mountains can be better than mountains! Flax is a companion of female destiny. The magic of bells. Maya: The Lost Civilization of Pre-Columbian America. Small nations in the modern world. International conflicts: Iran and Iraq. Medieval man's menu. Mesopotamia. Metal from Atlantis. Metro yesterday, today, tomorrow. Japanese sword and European sword: a long road to nowhere. Mycenaean civilization. World terrorism. The global financial crisis and the Great Depression in the United States. The myth of Osiris. Mythical animals. Mythical inhabitants of the waters. Mythological dictionary. Ancient Greece. Myths of Ancient Greece. Gods and deities. Myths and legends of Ancient Greece. Myths and legends of the English-speaking peoples. Myths and legends about animals from different peoples of the world. Myths and legends about constellations. Myths and reality in the riddles of the pyramids. Fashion of ancient Egypt. Cheese forge model. My favorite English holidays. Monarchy. Shaolin Monastery. Mongolian empire of Genghis Khan. Mongol invasion XII XIII centuries. and the death of the ancient Khakassian state. Coins are witnesses of history.

8 Sea robbers. Bridge connecting Europe and Asia. Museums and galleries in London. At the dawn of mankind... (All about the Stone Age). Napoleon. The role of personality in history. Rock chronicle. Science and education in Ancient Greece. Our view of the war in Spain Skyscrapers: yesterday and today. A true story about the past and present of our family. Unknown Golden Horde. German car companies. Unusual secrets of China. Difficult story simple pencil. Unsolved mysteries Khan Batu. Ninja spies of the Middle Ages. Deification of animals in the religion of the Egyptians. Defense of Sevastopol. The image of the dragon in Chinese mythology. The image of a female goddess in Greek mythology. The image of a horse in the culture of the Indo-European peoples. The Education of the American Nation. Petrified Witnesses. Olympic gods. Olympic Games in Ancient Greece. Olympic Games in antiquity. Olympic Games: history of origin. Olympic symbols. Features of the burial ceremony in ancient Egypt. Saipan Island a wonderful corner of the USA Patriotic War 1812 through the eyes of the French. Napoleon's mistake. Fall of Constantinople. Parisian commune. The Parliament of Great Britain and its main characteristics. Steam locomotive: how it all began. Sailboats: history, principle of movement. Peloponnese in the VIII VI centuries. BC World War I: subjectivism in assessing historical events and phenomena. The first state in the Nile Valley myth or reality? The first cars. Feast of Belshazzar. The Pyramid of Cheops is one of the seven wonders of the world. Pyramids of Egypt. Pyramids in the past, present and future. Pyramids of the world. Pyramids are a source of coded information or a conversation with eternity.

9 Pirates in history and literature. Pirates past, present and future. Letters in the absence of writing. Writing of Ancient Egypt. In the footsteps of ancient civilizations. Egypt. In the footsteps of lost civilizations. Labors of Hercules. Princess Olga's trip to Constantinople. Political portrait of Otto von Bismarck. The political aspect of Russian-Chinese relations in the 90s of the XX century. the beginning of the XXI century. Why did Ancient Egypt and the states of Western Asia submit to the young Persian State? Why do the military salute? Why do Chinese people eat with chopsticks? Why are mummies well preserved? Why did the Anglo-French-Soviet negotiations in 1939 fail? Legal regulation of relations in the Frankish society in the Merovingian period. Holidays of Ancient Rome. Prerequisites for the heyday of the Arab Caliphate. President is a dangerous profession. US Presidents. Princess Diana is a national heroine of Great Britain. Nature is the main passion of the British. The reason for the re-flourishment of the Shinto religion in Japan in the 13th century. Reasons for the cessation of the conquest of new territories by the armies of the Roman Empire. Causes of the dawn and sunset of the era of condottieri in the XIV-XVI centuries. Origin and development of ancient Greek theater. Origin of writing. Origin of law. The origin of the nicknames of the states of North America. Curse of the pharaohs. Phoenix bird: fact or legend? Punic Wars The development of democracy in Athens in the VI-V centuries. BC. and in medieval Europe in a comparative aspect. Has the mystery of the Egyptian pyramids been solved? Revolution in the Netherlands. Religion of the ancient Greeks. Religion of the ancient Slavs and Egyptians: a comparative analysis. The religion of the Slavs before the adoption of Christianity. The Roman army in the ancient period of history. Role of Oliver Cromwell in the Long Parliament. The role of traditions in the culture of Scotland. Knights of the Middle Ages. Knight culture. Knighthood in the Middle Ages. Knight who is he: a robber or a model of nobility? S.Yu. Witte and P.A. Stolypin reformers of the early XX century. Samurai in the sociocultural space of Japan. Wedding rites of the peoples of the world. Holy fast Ramadan. Tower Secrets.

10 How old is the samovar? Treasures of the Silk Road. Socio-psychological analysis of the personalities of Alexander I and Napoleon. Are the laws of Hammurabi fair? Comparative characteristics of the ancient Sumerian, ancient Egyptian and ancient Greek religions. Comparative analysis weapons and equipment of medieval warriors. Medieval edged weapons. medieval castles. Samurai steel. Old castles of Great Britain: their past and present. Stonehenge legend of England Stonehenge: history and legend. Pages of British History. Sphinx great riddle desert. The mysterious stones of Stonehenge. Secrets of the Great Wall of China. Secrets of the ancient Egyptians. Secrets of the ancient peoples of the British Isles. Secrets of ancient civilizations. Egypt. Secrets and mysteries of the Egyptian pyramids. Who built them and why? Mayan secrets. Secrets of Queen Hatshepsut. Templars. Tartan as the main element of the Scottish national costume. Theoretical postulates of the Islamic way of development in the years of the twentieth century. Terracotta Army Qin Shi Huang. The tragedy of September 11, 2001. Results and consequences. tradition of chivalry. Triumphal arches of Russia and France, devoted to the war 1812. Trojan War. Truth or fiction? Tutankhamun is a living image of Amon. Winston Churchill: a man of legend. Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. Fascism as a socio-political trend of the XX century. A phenomenal rise to worldwide fame for the Barbie doll. Philosophers of antiquity: about society and man. Enlightenment philosophers of the 18th century. Phoenician purple. Florence Nightingale. Formation of the polis system in Attica. Francesco Petrarch is a great humanist. Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Nuclear Armageddon. Steel arms. Civilization of Minoan Crete. Mayan civilization. British tea traditions. Charlie Chaplin. Watches are a great invention of mankind.

11 Man underwater. Genghis Khan barbarian or creator? What do we know about chocolate? wonders of the world ancient world. Chess art. Checkers. Scottish Order of the Thistle. E. Che Guevara as a symbol of freedom in youth culture. The evolution of automobile engines. The evolution of the human dwelling. The evolution of writing tools. The evolution of the costume from ancient times to the present day. Watch evolution. Eiffel Tower: construction history, design features, interesting facts. Ethnic traditions of China. Ethiopia is an ancient Christian country, a stronghold of Orthodoxy on the Black Continent. Sea of ​​Japan in history.

STATE FINAL CERTIFICATION IN WORLD HISTORY for 9th grade students. Ticket 1 1 Life and occupation of primitive people. 2 Reasons and prerequisites for the great geographical discoveries. Christopher Columbus. 3

Class: Hours per week: 2 Total hours per year: 0 p/p Section. Lesson topic. I trimester Total weeks. Total hours 22 4. Thematic planning Subject: "History" The number of hours per topic. Practical part.

APPROVED Order of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus dated December 03, 2018 836

Municipal General Educational State Institution "Lopchinskaya Secondary School" of the Tyndinsky District Work program for the subject "History" Grade 5

Basic general education History Grade 5 Work program Moscow Planned results of mastering the academic subject Meta-subject results the ability to consciously organize one's activities

Room equipment 32 TABLES ON HISTORY AND SOCIAL STUDIES History of Russia (summary tables). one. Ancient Russia in the IX - XIII centuries. 2. The formation of the Muscovite state in XIII - early XVI in. 3. Shaping

History Work Program for Grade 5 2018 2019 academic year Explanatory note The work program of the subject "History" ("General History") is intended for teaching in the 5th grade of the MOU "SOSH 12 ZATO

Section title Introduction. Primitiveness Ancient East Explanatory note The content of the subject Summary What history studies. Historical chronology (counting the years "BC" and "AD").

World History Test Specification for Unified National Testing and Comprehensive Testing (Approved for use in Unified National Testing and Comprehensive Testing

Planned results of studying the subject "History" Section name Introduction to the subject Subject results the student will learn the student will have the opportunity to learn how to determine the place of historical

3. Learning outcomes by grade. 3.1 Learning outcomes in history at stage II. Graduate of the 6th grade: 1) appropriately uses historical concepts and vocabulary, abbreviations and phrases: time, prehistoric

The results of the development of the subject grade 5. Subject: By the end of the training, the student will learn: to determine the place of historical events in time, to explain the meaning of the main chronological concepts, terms

The work program on the General History The planned results of the development of the academic subject " The World History from ancient times to the end of the 19th century. by the end of grade 10: know, understand: basic facts, processes


The program of certification tests Bachelor's degree in the field of study 030600 History, full-time education, correspondence education 2 course History of Russia Primitive society on the territory of our country.

THEMATIC PLANNING Subject: History of Russia Grade: 0 Program: I. L. Andreev, L. M. Lyashenko. History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the XIX century. Program for 0 classes of general education

EXPLANATORY NOTE The work program on history is compiled on the basis of the federal component of the state standard (basic) general education, “Programs for general educational institutions

Municipal Autonomous educational institution"Secondary school with. Berdyuzhye" DISCUSSED at a meeting of the Ministry of Defense of teachers of the humanitarian cycle Protocol dated 3.08.207 AGREED Deputy

Section I. Planned results The work program in history for the 5th grade is compiled on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for General Education, the requirements for planned results

Municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Abakan "Secondary school 20" Approved by order of MBOU "Secondary school 20" dated 3.08.206 22 Work program on history grade 5 at 206

CALENDAR-THEMATIC PLANNING Grade 6 of the lesson of the lesson in the topic Theme of the lesson Number of hours Date of the lesson according to the plan after the fact Note Introduction. Our homeland is Russia. Subject national history. Topic

I. Explanatory note The work program of the subject "History" for the 5th grade (hereinafter referred to as the program) is compiled on the basis of: 1) the federal state educational standard

Adapted work program for students with disabilities with ZPR in history Grade 5 Developer: Smyshlyaeva S.S. teacher of history and social studies 207 . Explanatory note This program has been drawn up

WORKING PROGRAM ON THE HISTORY OF THE MIDDLE AGES EXPLANATORY NOTE. The work program is based on the Federal Component of the State Standard for Basic General Education in History (Federal

P / p CALENDAR-THEMATIC PLANNING OF THE COURSE OF THE HISTORY OF THE MIDDLE The title of sections, themes of the lessons Living Middle Ages Chapter. Formation of Medieval Europe (VI-XI) Formation of barbarian kingdoms. State

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school 16" Podolsk, Moscow Region Work program in history (general history) (Basic level) Grade 5 Compiled by:

4. Thematic planning Subject: "History" Class: 6 Hours per week: Total hours: 70 (30+40) p/p Section. Lesson topic. Number of hours per topic. Practical part. I trimester Total weeks. Total hours.

Annotation to the work program on the "History of the Ancient World" Grade 5. 1. Number of weekly hours: 2 2. Number of hours per year: 68 3. Shcherbakova N.V Strelovoy. 5. The objectives of the study of the "History of the Ancient World" in 5

P / n CALENDAR AND THEMATIC PLANNING HISTORY 0 class of the lesson in the topic Theme of the lesson Introduction. The subject of historical science and features of historical knowledge. Section I. Number of hours According to the plan Date After the fact

Calendar-thematic planning History Grade 5 Weekly hours: 2 hours Annual hours: 68 hours Section, topic, topic a Quantity Date Type a Lessons with ICT, hours non-standard levels 2 3 5a.5b, 5c, 5d, 5d 5 6

Calendar thematic planning Name of the section and topics Hours of study time Introduction. Living Middle Ages. Topic. Formation 5 of medieval Europe (VI-XI centuries) Ancient Germans and the Roman Empire.

Thematic planning. Grade 5 pp name of the section / topic of the lesson hours of study time Introduction 1 deadlines plan / fact notes 1 Introduction. What history studies. Sources of historical

Basic general education World art culture Grade 8 Work program Moscow PLANNED OUTCOMES OF MASTERING THE SUBJECT Students' knowledge of the main types and genres of music, spatial

Hours of study time Name of the section and topics of the lesson THEMATIC PLANNING in the subject History Class 6 2016-2017 academic year Planned dates for completing the program Current control form Homework

The textbook has been prepared taking into account the latest achievements of historical and legal science and in accordance with the program of the course "History of the State and the Law of Foreign Countries". It chronicles the history of the origin,

I. Planned results of mastering the subject “History of Russia. General History” in the 5th grade Work program of the subject “History of Russia. General History ”for grade 5 is compiled in accordance with

Logistics office history. Short description technological features - room "64" Zhuperina Valentina Borisovna - consists of one room - total area 54 m 2 - located

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Municipal educational institution gymnasium 1 g.o. Shuya, Ivanovo region RECOMMENDED Minutes of the meeting of the subject department from / signature of the head of the department,

Test specification. Name of the test: Test in the discipline "World History" for certification of teachers of secondary schools. 2. Purpose of development: The test is designed to determine


Municipal state educational institution "Evdakovskaya basic comprehensive school" of the Kamensky municipal district of the Voronezh region Considered at a meeting of the ShMO teachers of subjects

CONTENTS Preface... SECTION I. BASICS OF HISTORICAL KNOWLEDGE 1. Why and how history is studied... 4 2. Concepts of historical development... 8 SECTION II. ANCIENT AND ANCIENT HISTORY Theme 1. Primitive

Updated on 07.03 06:54 Explanatory note. Today, the value of historical science in society is increasing. History teaches children such universal human values ​​as respect for each other, religious tolerance, justice,

1 Thematic planning on history in the 10th grade for the 2016/2017 academic year. Lesson topic History of Russia recent history Note History of Russia from ancient times 40 to the end of the XIX century. Introduction 1 1

Thematic planning. n. p Name of the section and topics Hours of training about time Deadlines for passing the plan 1 Introduction. Living Middle Ages 1 01.09 Topic 1. Formation of medieval Europe 4 (VI XI centuries) fact

Calendar-thematic plan for history (grades 5-7) Tashkent 205 Calendar-thematic planning for the subject of history 5th grade History stories (68 hours) T/r Topics Hours Date of the lesson Introduction

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Buinskaya secondary school" of the Ibresinsky district Chuvash Republic CONSIDERED at a meeting of the methodological association Head

“Reviewed” at the meeting of the Ministry of Defense Protocol dated Mr. “Agreed” Deputy. director for water resources management of the municipal educational institution "Ramenskaya secondary school" T.I. Trofimov from the city of "I approve" Director of the Ramenskaya secondary school L.N. Timoshevskaya Order from the city of Municipal

1 1. Explanatory note to the work program on history grade 6 The work program is based on: - Federal Law of December 29, 2012 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation"; - federal

The municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Kerch of the Republic of Crimea "REVIEWED" at a meeting of the Ministry of Education of Humanitarian Education Teachers MBOU Protocol of 2017 Ruk. MO I.B. Marinenko "AGREED"

Grade: 5a, 5b, 5c The program on the history of the Ancient World for grade 5 was compiled on the basis (M.. Education, 2011) and the work program on general history (to the subject line of textbooks by A.A. ,

Thematic planning of history lessons in - classes of GBOU SKOSHI 6 Explanatory note Currently there is no state program on history for schools for the deaf. carried out on the basis of the Programs

"REVIEWED" at the meeting of the ShMO Minutes of 2020 Head of "AGREED": Deputy. Director of OIA 20 g Content of the program "History of the Ancient World" Grade 5 the program is designed for 68 hours (2 hours per week)

CONTENTS FOR THE READER...3 Introductory part 1. What is culture?... 5 2. What types of culture is divided into according to its carrier?... 6 3. What types is culture divided into, reflecting social contradictions?...

AUTONOMOUS NON-PROFIT GENERAL EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION "SCHOOL OF PINE" APPROVED by Director I.P. Guryankina Order 8 of August 29, 2017 Work program on the subject "History" Grade 5 basic general

WORKING PROGRAM ON HISTORY 5 CLASS. Planned results of mastering the subject of history The personal results of studying history in basic school include the following beliefs and qualities: * awareness

Planned results of mastering the subject Personal results: awareness of one's identity as a citizen of the country, family member, ethnic and religious group, local and regional community; development

EXPLANATORY NOTE The work program for the subject "History" was compiled for students of the 5th grade on the basis of the following legal documents: - The Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (in the current

Preface... 8 Section I. State and Law of the Ancient East Topic 1. State and Law of Ancient Egypt...10 1. Periodization of the history of the ancient Egyptian state: Early, Ancient,. Average, New

Ticket 1 1. Sources of knowledge about the past. 2.Specify superfluous word, justify your answer. Pyramid, ziggurat, mummy, sarcophagus. Ticket 2 1. Egypt - the gift of the Nile. 2. Mark the dates on the time tape. 1) 500

2 Contents I. Planned results of mastering the subject... 3 II. The content of the subject... 4 III. Thematic planning of a subject... 7 3 I. Planned results of learning

SELECTION OF THE TOPIC THE TOPIC OF THE RESEARCH IS A SCIENTIFICLY SIGNIFICANT MAJOR PROBLEM TO BE STUDYED. WHEN SELECTING A TOPIC: 1. Consider your own capabilities; 2. Do not take too broad or narrow topics; 3. Do not choose well-studied topics if you are not sure that you can contribute something fundamentally new; 4. Have some knowledge in the chosen field of study. 5. Consider the availability of sources and literature. 6. The topic must be relevant and solvable. 7. The topic should be problematic, i.e. oriented towards new knowledge.

TOPIC TITLE REQUIREMENTS EXAMPLES OF CORRECT TOPIC TITLE: 1. Evolution government controlled Russia in the first half of the 19th century. 2. Socio-economic development of the city of Divnogorsk in the years. 20th century SAMPLES OF INCORRECT TOPIC TITLE: 1. Authorities of the Russian Empire in the first half of the 19th century. 2. heroic feat builders. TOPIC TITLE 1. Concreteness. 2. Problematic. 3. Definition of concepts. 4. Brevity. 5. The title of the topic reflects the subject or object of study.

STRUCTURE OF WORK GENERALLY ACCEPTED STRUCTURE Introduction Main body (not written in the text): Chapter 1 (Title) Section 1.1 (Title) Section 1.2 (Title) Section 1.3 (Title) Chapter 2… (Title) Chapter 3… (Title) Conclusion STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS: 1. Introduction - the relevance of the topic, subject and object of research, review of literature and sources, goals and objectives of the work, research methods, chronological and territorial framework. 2. The main part - a statement of the essence of the study. 3. Conclusion - the conclusions of the study.

ACTUALITY ACTUALITY (from late Latin actualis - real, modern): the importance, significance of something for the present moment, topicality. The relevance of the topic is its relevance in social theory and practice. The relevance of the topic is the main requirement for scientific research. To substantiate the relevance means to explain the need to study this topic at the present time. The main aspects of the relevance of the topic: Theoretical. Informative. Educational. Practical.

SUBJECT AND OBJECT OF RESEARCH Example: Topic: Krasnoyarsk HPP as a city-forming factor in the development of the city of Divnogorsk. Object of study: Krasnoyarsk HPP: Subject of study: the impact of the Krasnoyarsk HPP on the formation and development of the city of Divnogorsk. The object of research is a certain process or phenomenon that generates a problem situation. The subject of research is a specific part of the object within which the search is conducted. The subject of research can be phenomena as a whole, their individual aspects, aspects and relationships between individual parties and the whole (a set of elements, connections, relations in a specific area of ​​the object).

PURPOSE AND TASKS OF THE RESEARCH The goal should be: 1. Concrete; 2.Achievable; 3.Verifiable; 4.Ultimate. Permissible initial formulations: Reveal, determine, establish, substantiate, find out. Unacceptable initial formulations: Study, investigate, analyze, learn, tell about something. The purpose of the study is the end result that the researcher would like to achieve when completing his work. The task of the study is the choice of ways and means to achieve the goal in accordance with the hypothesis put forward. Objectives are best formulated as a statement of what needs to be done in order for the goal to be achieved.

Novelty of results NOVELTY - new knowledge obtained as a result of research. Novelty criteria: 1. Novelty of the question. 2. Novelty of the methodology. 3. Content novelty (or novelty of the result). 4. Formal novelty (or novelty of the form of expression). 5. Novelty of interpretation. 6. Novelty of practical use.

HYPOTHESIS A hypothesis is a form of theoretical knowledge containing an assumption formulated on the basis of a number of facts, the true meaning of which is uncertain and needs to be proven. The hypothesis is probabilistic; Requires verification and proof; Not necessarily confirmed by research; A scientific hypothesis should suggest ways to solve the research problem. The formulation of the hypothesis should be specific and not contain well-known truths.

LITERATURE AND SOURCES Sources - annals, acts, stationery, statistics, memoirs, personal letters, information materials fiction, the results of sociological surveys, policy papers parties and organizations. Literature - monographs, scientific articles, textbooks, reviews, dissertations, analytical articles in periodicals. SOURCES - monuments of material and spiritual culture, which are the result of certain events, phenomena and processes, carrying certain information. LITERATURE - analytical works on a specific topic.

Styles of presentation STANDARDS OF PRESENTATION OF THE TEXT 1. Avoid false pathos and stereotyped expressions. 2. Do not repeat well-known truths. 3. Observe the uniformity of terminology. 4. Do not use ambiguous words and expressions. 5. Observe the stylistic norms of the Russian language. 6. Observe the logical connection of parts of the text.

CONCLUSIONS Conclusion - the final part of the work, which shows the specific results of the study. The conclusion is a generalized summary of the study. NECESSARY! Highlight your results clearly. Indicate how the results obtained differ from the results of predecessors. Avoid general phrases and abstract expressions. Compare the conclusion with the purpose and objectives of your research. Confirmation of the hypothesis must be real, not imaginary. The representation of the conclusions is preferably in the form of an enumeration.

Topics for research projects in history

- profile

Russian history

    Vikings and Slavs: the history of relationships.

    Real and mythological images of ancient Russian princes.

    Heroes of Russian epics and their real prototypes.

    Princely congresses of the XII-XIII centuries. and their real meaning.

    The historical reality of "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", "The Prayer of Daniel the Sharpener", "Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh" and other works of ancient Russian literature.

    The political system of the medieval republics (Novgorod, Pskov).

    The history of the Christianization of the East Slavic territories.

    The history of the canonization of princes Boris and Gleb.

    Russian medieval monastery as a landowner and intellectual center.

    International relations of Kievan Rus.

    "Vlesova book": the history of falsification.

    Problems of "feudalism" in the works of Russian historians.

    Church reform of 1666: causes and results.

    History of the Siberian Old Believers.

    History of Old Believer printing.

    The history of the Old Believer hermitage.

    History of Old Believer Entrepreneurship (dynasties of Morozov, Ryabushinsky, etc.).

    Old Believer self-immolation: myths and reality.

    Images of monarchs of the 18th century (Peter I, Catherine II, Paul I) in Russian journalism of the 19th–20th centuries, school textbooks.

    Political symbolism: crowning the kingdom, coronation celebrations, inaugurations.

    Russian public thought and the search for national identity (on the example of the works of M.M. Shcherbatov, Slavophiles and Westerners). N.I. Novikov and Russian Freemasonry.

    Russian illegal and banned editions of the 19th century

    Decembrist G.S. Batenkov and his library.

    Utopias of place in Russian folk culture(the legend of Belovodye, the city of Kitezh, "earthly paradise").

    My family tree.

    Political portrait of members " The chosen one is glad"(Sylvester, A.Adashev and others).

    Metropolitan Macarius and Ivan IV: a) the formation of the political doctrine of Ivan IV; b) characteristics of the relationship.

    Ivan Peresvetov in Russian political thought: is he typical?

    Psychological and historical portrait of Ivan the Terrible (you can also take other figures: A. Adashev, Sylvester, Metropolitan Macarius, Boris Godunov, etc.).

    Troubles: "the main characters" (characteristics of False Dmitry I and his entourage, False Dmitry II, resistance leaders: M.V. Skopin-Shuisky, P. Lyapunov, K. Minin, D. Pozharsky).

    Reasons for the split of the Russian Church in the 17th century.

    Worldview of the Old Believers.

    Personality and activities of Patriarch Nikon.

    The leaders of the Old Believers of the 17th century: Avvakum, John Neronov, deacon Fedor - personality, activity, worldview.

    Agriculture and settlement of Russians in the Tomsk district of the 17th century.

    Colonization of Siberia in the XVII-XVIII centuries.

    Raising children in the family of Alexei Mikhailovich.

    Place of the Armory in the artistic culture of Russia.

    Personal contribution of Peter I to the reforms of the first quarter of the 18th century.

    Genus of nobles Demidovs in the second half of the 18th century.

    Figures of the reign of Catherine II: A.R. Vorontsov, A.A. Bezborodko, A.G. Potemkin, A.V. Suvorov, N.A. Rumyantsev, F.F. Ushakov, N.I. Novikov.

    Russia through the eyes of M.M. Shcherbatov and A.N. Radishchev.

    Public life of a provincial city on the example of Siberian cities.

    The labor movement in Russia in the XVII-XIX centuries.

    Public organizations and self-government bodies during periods of revolutionary crises.

    Finding ways of communication.

    History of technology in Siberia.

    Regional control centers.

    Evolution of the volost government

    Alexander I as a diplomat.

    Regional governing bodies in the formation of Russia's eastern policy.

    Siberia and Central Asia in historical retrospective.

    Russia and the countries of Central Asia.

    Romanovs in everyday life.

    Raising children in the royal family.

    Daily life of the royal family in the era of Alexander I (according to the memoirs and diaries of contemporaries)

    Palace and park ensembles of the Romanovs.

    Alexander I and Adam Czartoryski: the history of "friendship" through diaries and letters.

    Russia through the eyes of foreigners (XVI-XIX centuries)

    European literature and Russian society in the second quarter of the 19th century.

    Europe through the eyes of P.A. Tolstoy.

    The idea of ​​royal power in Russia and its ritual design at the end of the 15th - the first half of the 16th centuries.

    Diplomacy and foreign policy concept Russian state in the XV-XVII centuries.

    Russian policy in Transcaucasia in the first third of the 19th century. (Based on the materials of the Caucasian Archaeographic Expedition)

    Women's education in Russia.

    Charters of Russian universities in the 19th century

    "Turgenev girl" or a Russian nobleman in search of a feminine ideal.

    Russian noblewoman in the 18th century. (according to memoirs, diaries and letters)

    Hunting in the life of the Russian nobility (XVIII-early XX centuries)

    "Order" and "disorder" in the ideas of the townsman and state power in the 17th century.

    Russia and Lithuania through the eyes of descendants and contemporaries.

    Party of Cadets in 1905-1907

    Program and tactics of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party.

    The Black Hundred Movement at the Beginning of the 20th Century.

    Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905

    Russian army in the First World War.

    Memoirs of S.Yu. Witte as a source for studying the political history of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.

    The life of the family of Nicholas P.

    Sources on the history of Russia in the cycle of novels by A.I. Solzhenitsen "The Red Wheel".

    Russia and the Monarchy in the Works of the Great Thinker of the Russian Abroad I.A. Ilyin (1883-1954).

    Mathematical methods in history.

    Features of Russian culture.

    The personality of P.A. Stolypin in the novel by A.I. Solzhenitsen "August the fourteenth".

    "People's Monarchy" by Ivan Solonevich.

    Russian monarchy at the beginning of the 20th century.

    The social and estate structure of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.

    Russian Orthodox Church at the beginning of the 20th century.

    The Kuril Islands in Russian-Japanese Relations in the 18th-20th Centuries.

    Features of the parliamentary system of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.

    Eurasian concept of the Russian Empire.

    Civil society in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.

    "Milestones" as a turn in the worldview of the Russian intelligentsia.

    Higher school in Russia in the late XIX - early XX centuries.

    Memoirs of V.V. Shulgin as a source on the history of Russia.

    Zemstvo self-government in Russia.

    Union of Michael the Archangel.

    The main features of Russian civilization.

    Russian mentality. The main features of the Russian national character.

    National policy of P.A. Stolypin.

    P.A. Stolypin.

    Features of Russian imperial statehood.

    The ruling class in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.

    Orthodox features in Russian spirituality.

    Emperor Alexander II. Liberator or Hangman?

    Emperor Nicholas I as a statesman.

    Peasant reform of 1861 in the assessments of contemporaries.

    The concept of historical alternative in historiographical practice.

    "Russia and the West" N.Ya. Danilevsky. Types and degrees of social development.

    Russian intelligentsia and revolution. (Vekhi interpretation).

    Populist revolutionism as a type.

    The relationship between the concepts of "serfdom" and "feudalism" in Russian literature.

    The real meaning of the autocracy of the Russian state.

    Historical chronology and historical metrology. Number, counting and measurement as a concept of culture. Counting systems and representations of time in various cultural traditions. Computing and measuring devices, instruments weight measurements, length, volume, area in the Russian historical tradition. Government policy regarding weights and measures.

    The phenomenon of play in culture. Gambling and commercial games in the everyday life of various classes of Russian society. "Russian roulette". Gambling. The image of the game in Russian literature and journalism.

    Historical geography. Role natural environment in the socio-economic, political and cultural life of Russian society.

    Life and customs of Russian society. Categories of work, idleness and leisure in the worldview and way of life of various classes of Russian society.

    Leisure and holiday realities of a provincial town.

    Russian feast and national cuisine.

    The tax system in Moscow and Imperial Russia (and methods of tax evasion)

    Secret police in Russia in the 19th-early 20th century.

    A.P. Ermolov: military leader, diplomat, politician

    Crimean War (1853-56)

    History of the Black Sea Fleet.

    The Image of a Russian Official in Journalism and Literature

    I.A. Bunin: a look at Russian history, the Russian people, the intelligentsia and the revolution.

    City self-government in Russia and Siberia.

    Diplomatic etiquette: from Ivan III to Putin.

    Russia is the birthplace of terrorism. Narodnaya Volya and the “hunt for the king”.

    "Cudgel people's war»: partisan movement in Russia in 1812.

    Cooperation with Napoleon in the territories of Russia occupied by the French.

    Activity of the English Moscow Company in Russia (1554-1649): prospects and limits of British colonialism in relation to Moscow Russia.

    "Gold Rush" in Siberia (30-40s of the 19th century)

    Folklore (fairy and everyday tales, legends, bylichki, proverbs and sayings) as a historical source.

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