Tungus people: ethnos, description with photo, way of life, history, new name, customs and traditional occupations. G. M. Vasilevich. The most ancient ethnonyms of Asia and the names of the Evenk clans Tungus peoples in the world and countries

The second campaign against Tangut and the death of Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan still had an enemy - his tributary, the Tangut king, who several years ago refused to send an auxiliary corps against Khorezmshah. Of course, the old khan did not forget this treachery, especially since from that day on, according to the ceremonial established by him, he was reported before lunch and dinner that the Tangut kingdom had not yet ceased to exist, which is the best characterization of his perseverance in pursuing the intended goals.

After a short rest among his people and in the family of his main wife Borte, the indefatigable Mongol khan at the end of 1225 sets out on a new campaign to punish the recalcitrant vassal. Of course, it was not only stubbornness and not a simple thirst for revenge that guided him in this new military enterprise. Chinggis Khan knew how, if necessary, to restrain his personal impulses and was too subtle a politician to base only matters of national importance on them. He perfectly understood that without the final subjugation of the Tangut, one cannot count on lasting success in conquering the Chinese states of Jin and Song, especially the latter, since the hostile Tangut army could always be a threat to the flank and rear of the Mongol armies operating on the Chinese plain.

While preparing for this campaign, Genghis Khan, hoping to use the rich resources of the conquered Jin regions, especially bread and fabrics, was surprised when he was informed that none of this was in stock. On this occasion, the senior military leaders reported that, in view of the lack of benefit for the state from the settled Chinese population, it should be completely exterminated, and their lands turned into pastures for nomads. Yelü Chucai rebelled against this, explaining all the benefits that can be derived from the industrious settled population by skillfully imposing direct and indirect taxes on them, and immediately presenting a brief draft of such taxation. Genghis Khan agreed with him and instructed to carry out the project.

In February 1226, Genghis Khan entered the Tangut land, betraying it to fire and sword. The campaign was a complete success. The Tangut king was defeated in the field, his capital, Jinxia, ​​was besieged. An opportunity arose, continuing the siege with one part of the army, with the other to invade the lands still under the rule of the Jin emperor from the east and, thus, give an energetic impetus to the Chinese campaign that had dragged on after the death of Mukhali. This was probably one of the reasons why the aged Mongol monarch personally took command of the army assigned to the Tangut expedition and why this latter was brought to an impressive figure of 130,000 people. However, death put a limit to the further undertakings of Genghis Khan.

Even in the winter of 1226/27, while hunting for wild horses, he fell off his horse, which, frightened of something, shied away, and after this incident the old khan felt bad. The convened military council decided to suspend the campaign until the emperor recovered, disbanding the army to go home. As a motive for this decision, it was given that the Tanguts, as a settled people, cannot migrate anywhere, so it will always be possible to take them up again. But Genghis Khan did not agree with this decision, rightly pointing out that such a withdrawal of the army could be attributed by the enemy to the weakness of the Mongols, and this would give him new strength to continue the fight.

I swear by the Eternal Blue Sky, - he exclaimed, - I'd rather die, but I will demand an account from the Tangut king!

Thus the war continued. Meanwhile, the health of Genghis Khan was declining more and more. In the summer of 1227, ambassadors from the Jin emperor came to him with a request for peace. Feeling that he was no longer destined to personally lead his army against this sworn enemy, and foreseeing the inevitable friction that for the first time after his death should have arisen in the supreme administration, he agreed to the conclusion of the requested peace, deciding in his thoughts that it would be only a temporary truce, until the restoration of normal order in the state.

At the same time, his indefatigable mind was working towards finding the best ways to deliver a mortal blow in the future to the enemy to whom he had just granted peace. Being already on his deathbed, he gives the following instruction to his sons and commanders:

"The best Jin troops are located near Tongkuang (a fortress on the Yellow River, covered on all sides by hard-to-reach terrain). It will be difficult to destroy them through a surprise attack there. If you ask the Song state for free passage of our troops (through its territory), then in view of the constantly hostile relations between the states of Song and Jin, this will probably be agreed.In this case, we should send an army through Tang and Teng (in South Henan), and from there rush straight to Ta-lian (otherwise Bian-lian, the southern capital of the Jin Empire) "The sovereign of Jin will then be forced to hastily pull up troops from Tongkuan. When they, among several tens of thousands, arrive to the rescue, people and horses after a march of 1000 li (li - 1/2 verst) will be so exhausted that they will not be combat-ready. Then you can will destroy them for sure."

Immediately, the dying man, in anticipation of even more distant events, gave those around him clear directives on how to wage war with the next enemy - the Sung power. "Never forget," he added on this occasion, "that the soul of every undertaking is that it should be carried through to the end."

At this time, the besieged Tangut capital was pushed to its extreme; the head of state, who was hiding in it, suggested that Genghis Khan surrender the city, promising after a month he would personally appear to express his obedience. Genghis Khan pretended to accept the conditions, and to lull the enemy's vigilance, he called him his son. However, at the same time, sensing the approach of the end, he forbade the news of his death to be made public until the final reprisal against the Tangut king. When the latter appears, then seize him and kill him with all his retinue.

Shortly after these last orders, the formidable ruler expired at the age of 72. Just before his death, which followed in 1227 on the full moon of the month of the "Pig" in the year of the "Pig", he last time called to his lodge the sons of Ogedei and Tului, as well as the grandson of Yesunke-Aka, the son of the recently deceased Jochi, and expressed his last will to them in the following words:

"O children! Know, contrary to expectation, that the time has come last campaign and my passage by the power of the Lord and the help of Heaven. I conquered and finished (strengthened) for you, children, a kingdom of such a spacious width that from its center in each direction there will be one year of travel. Now my testament is this: for the defeat of enemies and the exaltation of friends, be of one mind and one face, in order to live pleasantly and easily and enjoy the kingdom. Make Ogedei Khan your heir. You must not change my Yasa after my death, so that there is no confusion in the kingdom."

The choice of the khan as the heir to his third son, Ogedei, is explained by a family decision that was before setting off on this campaign, at the suggestion of the khan's concubine Yesui, who told the khan: "King, are you going beyond the mountains and rivers, to distant lands to fight? If you happen to leave an unpronounceable name by itself, which of your four sons will you command to be master?

Then the eldest son, Jochi, was taken away from the right to the throne by the second son, Chagatai, hinting at his dubious origin (their mother Borte gave birth to him after being captured by the Merkits); Chagatai took away from the right to be the heir to the throne of Jochi, saying that he had no talents except for a strong temper.

Then Chagatai offered to appoint Ogedei as heir, saying that he was calm, reasonable and respected by all of them; Genghis Khan and the entire family council approved his candidacy, however, so that after Ogedei the worthy from the house of Genghis would be re-elected as the heir, since Ogedei himself said at the council that he doubted the merits of his sons to the throne. By this decision of the family council, the election of the khan was sanctioned with all the consequences that led to the collapse of the empire. This decision was before the campaign against Khorezm, and Genghis Khan confirmed it, saying: "My words are unchanged, I will not allow them to be violated."

We see how this decision was fulfilled by the heirs of Genghis Khan. In Khubilai's letter on the confirmation of his son as the heir to the throne, it is said: "Genghis Khan left instructions to select and approve the heir in advance from the legitimate heirs of the one who is worthy of inheriting and to whom management can be entrusted." These instructions of Genghis Khan were kept in the Golden Box in the iron room (palace archive).

His body, at his request, was taken to his homeland amid weeping and lamentations and interred on Mount Burkhan-Khaldun, which repeatedly saved his life in his youth. "He came from a perishable world and left the throne of the kingdom to a glorious family," Rashid ad-Din tells us.

Regarding the causes of Genghis Khan's death, in addition to the official version of falling from a horse while hunting wild horses, there are several others, but they all agree on the date of his death, in 1227, and that he did not die of natural causes. So, in Marco Polo, Genghis Khan dies from a wound in the knee with an arrow. Plano Carpini - from a lightning strike.

According to a widespread Mongol legend, which the author also had to hear, Genghis Khan allegedly died from a wound inflicted by the Tangut khansha, the beautiful Kurbeldishin Khatun, who spent her only wedding night with Genghis Khan, who took her as his wife by right of conqueror after taking the capital of the Tangut kingdom. The Tangut king Shidurkho-Khan, who was distinguished by cunning and deceit, left his capital and harem, as if persuaded his wife, who remained there, to inflict a mortal wound with the teeth of Genghis Khan during the wedding night, and his deceit was so great that he sent advice to Genghis Khan, so that she would first be searched "to the nails" in order to avoid an attempt on the life of the khan. After being bitten, Kyurbeldishin-Khatun rushed as if into the Yellow River, on the banks of which Genghis Khan stood at his headquarters. After that, the Mongols began to call this river Khatun-muren, which means "river of the queen." This case is also hinted at in the following funeral lament of Prince Kiluken.

There is a Mongolian legend that when the body of Genghis Khan was brought to Mongolia on a cart, it once got very stuck in a swamp. Then the prince of Kiluken from the Sunid tribe began to lament like this: "O wonderful lion, among the people blue sky Tengri, my Bogdo Khan! Or do you want to leave your people and stay here? Oh my God! Your wife is there in the beautiful place of her birth, your lasting public administration, the power of your laws, your subjects are all there! Your beloved wives, your golden tent, your faithful people are all there! Your homeland, the river in which you were washed, the prolific Mongol people, the bearers of your glory, princes and nobles: Delyun-Boldokh on the Onon River, your birthplace - everything is there! There are your bunchuks, drums, goblets, trumpets and flutes, your golden palace, which contains everything that has a name - the meadows on Onon, where you ascended the throne of the Arulades - everything is there! Your excellent faithful wife Borte, happy country, great people; Boorchu and Muhali, two true friends - everyone is there! Your unearthly wife Hutan-khatun, her harp, flutes and other musical instruments, your other two wives - Jisu and Jisu-gen - are all there! Or because this country is warm, or because there are many defeated Tanguts here, or because Kyurbeldishin Khatun is beautiful, do you want to leave your Mongols? And if we were no longer destined to save your precious life, then we can bring your remains sitting like jasper to your homeland, show them to your wife Borte and satisfy the desire of all the people!

After these persuasion, the body of Genghis Khan with a cart was freed from the sucked-in swamp and moved to his homeland. It rests on Mount Burkhan-Khaldun to this day, the attempts of European travelers to find the place of the last resting place of the greatest conqueror of all ages and peoples were not crowned with success, since no tombstones were placed so that the cemetery would not be plundered. The place is overgrown with dense forest. Of the children of Genghis Khan, there, on Mount Burkhan-Khaldun, are buried: his youngest son, a favorite of his father Tuluy, with his children Munke Khan, Kublai Khan, Arig-Buga and their other children. Other grandchildren of Genghis Khan from Jochi, Chagatai and Ogedei, their children and family have cemeteries in other places. The guardians of this great forbidden place are the beks of the Uryankhai tribes.

He died in a field situation, as simply as he had lived all his life. The head of the largest of the states of the world, which occupied 4/5 of the Old World, the ruler of about 500 million souls, and therefore, according to the concepts of his age, the owner of untold wealth, he shunned luxury and excess until the end of his days. After the conquest of Central Asia, the officers of his army acquired excellent Turkish chain mail and began to wear valuable Damascus blades. But Genghis Khan, despite the fact that he was a passionate lover of weapons, fundamentally did not follow their example and generally remained alien to the influence of Muslim luxury. He continued to wear nomadic clothes and adhere to steppe customs, bequeathing to his heirs and the entire Mongolian people not to change these customs in order to avoid a corrupting influence on the mores of Chinese and Muslim cultures.

He did not have such personal needs, in the sacrifice of which, like other crowned crowns spoiled by happiness, he would bring the highest goals of his policy. His whole life was devoted to the realization of his highest ideal - the creation of a One World Kingdom, which would at the same time be the ideal of the military culture of the Mongols of the XIII and XIV centuries.

Lieutenant Colonel Rank gives the following reviews, summarizing the fair judgments about Genghis Khan of some of his contemporaries, in contrast to the misleading views of him as a bloodthirsty monster that prevailed then and have survived to our times.

"He died, unfortunately, because he was honest and wise man", says Marco Polo about him.

"He brought peace," says Joinville, a 13th-century French historian.

“The last judgment,” notes the author who brought these reviews, “seems paradoxical when you think about the incessant wars waged by the Steadfast Emperor, but, in essence, it is exactly and deeply true ... In this sense, he really established peace in the universe; peace , which lasted about two centuries, at the cost of wars, which in total did not last even two decades. Genghis Khan sought an alliance with Christianity. If this alliance were realized, then there is no doubt that Islam, taken in pincers (by the Crusaders and Mongols). ... would be crushed... Economic, social and political ties between the Western world and the Far East would not tolerate constant breaks from a worldview hostile to Europe. All civilizations of the Old World would achieve mutual understanding and penetration. Christianity failed to understand this...

This Conqueror of the World was, above all, its adamant revivalist. With iron and fire, he opened the ancient world paths for the march of a future civilization. In this sense, the Damned has a right to a place in Humanity."

"The Destroyer" also destroyed the barriers of the Dark Ages, - says another European writer about Genghis Khan. He has opened new paths for mankind. Europe came into contact with Chinese culture. At the court of his son, Armenian princes and Persian nobles communicated with the Russian grand dukes. The opening of the paths was accompanied by an exchange of ideas. The Europeans had a strong curiosity about distant Asia. Marco Polo goes there after Rubruk. Two centuries later, Vasco da Gama sailed to discover the sea route to India. In essence, Columbus set off on a journey in search of not America, but the land of the "Great Mogul".

However, according to the same writer, Europe, ie. the same "Christianity", did not understand Genghis Khan. Since he waged his wars not for religion, like Mohammed, and not in the form of personal or state elevation, like Alexander the Great and Napoleon, the Europeans were put to a standstill by this. The explanation of this mystery lies in the simplicity of the Mongol character. In contrast to Napoleon, he was by no means a fatalist; nor did it occur to him to appropriate to himself, like Alexander the Great, the attributes of a god.

The ideal of Genghis Khan was the creation of the United Kingdom of Humanity, since only then - as he rightly thought - mutual wars would stop and conditions would be created for the peaceful prosperity of mankind both in the spiritual and spiritual fields. material culture. The life of one person turned out to be too short to accomplish this grandiose task, but Genghis Khan and his heirs almost reached this task when they had 4/5 of the world in their state - the Mongolosphere.

Tungus tribe

a special variety of the Mongoloid race, widely spread over a vast territory, from the borders of Central China in the north to the very coast of the Arctic Ocean and from the shores of the Yenisei in the west to the coast of the North Japan and the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bOkhotsk, and comprising a number of separate tribes of different names: the Manchus , Solons, Daurs, Tungus proper, Manegrovs, Birars, Golds, Orochons, Olchis, Orochs, Oroks, Negda, Samagirs, Kile, Lamuts, Dalgans, Asi, etc. Sev is considered their homeland. Manchuria, where from time immemorial (the legendary data of the "Bamboo Chronicle" bring them to the historical arena under the name of su-shens, who came with gifts to Shun's court 2225 years before Christ) were in continuous relations and clashes with China, Korea and nomads of Mongolia. Reliable historical data of Chinese writers depict them under the name of Ilau, first as a hunting tribe, and then as having mastered the rudiments of an agricultural and pastoral culture. Eternal struggle with neighbors creates of them in the North. Manchuria is a warlike tribe, united in inter-clan unions, which played a huge role for a number of centuries. historical role in the fate of the middle kingdom (see Manchuria, history). Three times the T. tribe seized power over China, giving it their own dynasties: Liao (907-1125), Jin (1125-1243) and, finally, in the 17th century. dynasty that still reigns in China. Since the 17th century the Manchu branch of the T. tribe adopted its current name of the Manchus. The movement of the Mongols under the command of Genghis Khan, which followed the accession of the Jin dynasty, caused the migration of peoples, which had a huge impact on the fate of the sowing. branches of the T. tribe. The Mongolian tribe of the Buryats, which penetrated to the sources of the Amur and to Lake Baikal, drove out from the shores of this last Turkic tribe of the Yakuts, who, having retreated into the Lena valley, met in the north with numerous T. tribes; the latter, after a long bloody struggle, were forced to retreat - one part moved west as far as the Yenisei, the other to the extreme north to the very coast of the Arctic Ocean, the third to the east, along the right tributaries of the Lena to the Stanovoi Range, the coast of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bOkhotsk and the Amur Territory, meeting here with related branches of the southern branch of the T. tribe. The dispersal of the tribe over a vast territory and the assimilation processes inevitably associated with it, both of a somatic nature (marriage unions with other nationalities, absorption of alien elements) and of a cultural nature, could not but affect the change in the indigenous type of the tribe and a major differentiation in the language. The Manchus suffered the most in this regard, having become significantly occupied physically and even more culturally, having lost almost native language, which it was with them that at one time rose to the degree of literary. Other peoples of the T. tribe also more or less change their type, assimilating either with the Mongols, or with the Turks, or with the Paleo-Asians. Nevertheless, the heterogeneous ramifications of the T. tribe have fully preserved their kindred unity, mainly due to the common language, which suffered very little from differentiation according to territorial dialects, differentiation, which alone should have formed the basis for the classification of individual ramifications of the T. tribe. Unfortunately, due to the lack of linguistic material, such a classification is still premature. The only attempt belongs to Schrenk, in relation, however, only to the Amur region. He divides the modern Tungus peoples of this region into four groups: 1) Daurs and Solons, Tungus tribes with a more or less strong Mongolian admixture, 2) Manchus, Golds and Orochs, 2) Orochons, Manegri, Birars, Kile (along the river Kur) and 4) olcha (on the Amur), oroks (Sakhalin), negda, samagirs. The first two groups form the southern, or Manchu, branch, the last two are offshoots of the northern Siberian branch, which spread all the way to the Yenisei, to the Arctic Ocean and Kamchatka. This classification cannot be of any serious significance because some nationalities from both branches, namely the Orochs, Oroks and part of the Golds, call themselves by the common name Nani (Sternberg), therefore, they cannot be attributed to different branches. So far, the following classification would be quite satisfactory in relation to the historically established nomenclature: 1) the Manchus, characterized by a strictly defined territory and economic culture(agriculture, animal husbandry). to them by geographic location salts and daurs, manegras, birrs, partly golds, who were under Manchu influence for a long time, can be counted; 2) the Tungus proper, or Siberian Tungus, a characteristic feature of which is a nomadic way of life and reindeer herding, and 3) small peoples, mostly marginal, each bearing an independent name: olchi, orochs, oroks, negda, samagirs, lamuts, orochons, etc. ., of which many left their nomadic lifestyle and turned to fishermen-hunters. Representatives of the second group, actually called Tungus, are taken as the main type of tribe. Schrenk characterizes them on the basis of Middendorff's observations, his own and many others as follows. They are generally of medium to slightly below average height, with relatively large heads, broad shoulders, slightly short extremities, and small hands and feet. Like all the peoples of the north, they are of a sinewy, thin, muscular build, obese subjects are not found among them at all. The eyes are dark; the hair on the head is black, straight, coarse. The skin color is more or less yellowish-brown, the facial hair is very sparse and short, the eyebrows are usually sharply defined, sometimes arched. The structure of the head and face, although partly in a softened form, is decidedly Mongolian; the skull is always broad, sometimes very high. The face is usually somewhat elongated, broad at the cheeks, tapering towards the forehead; the cheekbones are prominent, although not as much as in real Mongols. The eye sockets are large, the eyes are set obliquely, narrow. The distance between the eyes is wide; the nose at the root is wide, flat, often flattened, later on slightly raised, small and thin. The lips are thin, the upper lip is rather long, the chin is round, the jaw is somewhat prognathic. General expression face reveals good nature, laziness and carelessness. In contrast to the Tungus proper, representatives of another major branch - the Manchus - have sharper and rougher features, a more curved and thicker nose, fleshy lips, a larger mouth, a more quadrangular head, and usually a larger stature. Daurs and Solons are sharply distinguished by their high growth and strong physique. Smaller T. tribes more or less approach one of these two types, falling either into the Mongolian, then into the Russian, then into the Turkic, then into the Paleo-Asiatic, for example. olcha, assimilated with the Gilyaks and partly with the Ainu. The anthropological study of the T. tribe began as early as the 18th century. since the time of Blumenbach. Various measurements skulls were produced by Ber, Welker, Virchow, Huxley, Maliev, Schrenk, Uyfalvi, I. Mainov, and others. Cf. L. Schrenk, "Reisen und Forschungen im Amurlande" (vol. III, issue 1, St. Petersburg, 1881); I. I. Mainov, "Some data on the Tungus of the Yakutsk Territory" ("Proceedings of the East Siberian Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society", No. 2, Irk., 1898); Deniker "Les races et peuples de la terre" (P., 1900).

The measurement results turned out to be different and give grounds to conclude about two different types. Recius, R. Wagner, Behr, Huxley recognized the Tungus dolichocephalic, and Ber, according to the head indicator (76: the ratio of width to length), brought them closer to the Germans. According to Welker, on the contrary, they are brachycephalic, most of all approaching the Buryats. Schrenk, Winkler, Gikish, Topinar find them moderately brachycephalic(Schrenk has 5 brachycephals and 2 mesocephals and, in addition, all platycephals; average index: 82.76). On the other hand, I. Mainov brings them closer to the Finns and gives the following table of averages: northern Tungus (Yakutsk region), according to Mainov, - 81.39; southern Tungus (Yakutsk region), according to Mainov, - 82.69; the Manchus of the Shibins (Poyarkov) - 82.32; Manchus (Uyfalvi) - 84.91. The same researcher, who made numerous measurements on the living among the Tungus in the Yakutsk Territory, decisively distinguishes two completely dissimilar racial elements, delimited by the line of the Ayan tract: the northern one, characterized by a very small stature (average 154.8), a high percentage of moderately dolichocephalic (63, 64%), almost complete absence of brachycephaly, moderate high cheekbones; on the contrary, the southern element, immediately adjacent to the Amur region, is distinguished by a good average height (163.1), a strong physique, almost continuous moderate brachycephaly, eyes not particularly narrow, cut straight or almost straight, thick eyebrows, short, almost straight and not particularly thick nose, all over, thus, most likely resembling the Manchus. And it is this last author that he considers to be a characteristic type of T., and attributes the features of the northern type entirely to the influence of the Paleo-Asians. In contrast to Middendorf and Schrenk, I. Mainov considers the fundamental features of the T. tribe to be non-Mongolian. Deniker, on the contrary, takes the T. tribe for the northern subrace of the Mongolian tribe, characterized by mesocephaly or mild subdolichocephaly, an oval or round face, prominent cheekbones - a type common in Manchuria, Korea, North. China, Mongolia, and in general he takes the Tungus for a mixture of Mongols with Paleo-Asians. However, the question of the influence of these latter on the entire T. tribe must be recognized as very problematic. About the T. language - see Manchu language, Ural-Altaic languages.

L. Sh-g.

encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - St. Petersburg: Brockhaus-Efron. 1890-1907 .

See what the "Tunguska tribe" is in other dictionaries:

    I. Geographical outline of the country. II. Climate. III. Population. IV. Ethnographic sketch of the population of Siberia. V. Land ownership. VI. Sources of well-being of the rural population (agriculture, cattle breeding, crafts). VII. Industry, trade and ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    I A. Population statistics. Sources of information about the population of R. Until 1897, data on the number of inhabitants in R. were not accurate. The main method for calculating the population was revisions, the purpose of which was almost exclusively to count ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

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    Goryeo Khitan Wars A series of armed conflicts in the 10th and 11th centuries between the kingdom of Goryeo and the Khitans in what is now the border between China and North Korea. History of Korea Gojoseon, Jinguk Early Kingdoms: Buyeo, Okjeo, Dongye Samhan... ... Wikipedia - CHEMDALI, ethnogr. - Tungus tribe. – The Khatanga Vanyadirs outlived the Chemdali tribe, wandering in the Middle Tunguska (3. 242) ... Dictionary of the trilogy "The Sovereign's Estate"

    Or Siberian Tungus sowing. branches of the Tungus tribe (see), living within a huge up to 90 thousand square meters. m of space East. Siberia, between the river. Yenisei and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the coasts of the Arctic Ocean and the border of China. AT recent times together with… … Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Titles Evenk clans quite numerous; so far, more than 200 of them have been identified from various sources and inquiries. Most of them are of later origin and are associated with small groups of Evenks. A number of names are noted among the majority of the Tungus-Manchurian peoples; some of these names are also found among peoples of other language groups. Our article is devoted to the consideration of some names, Evenki clans.

Etymologization of names and an explanation of their origin we have both from the side of the carriers themselves and from the side of researchers. The bearers of the later origin names tell legends about the origin of the genus, thereby revealing their meaning. This is typical for the Evenks of the Yenisei basin. Others, according to the tradition established in the area, using the similarity of the name with the words modern language, create etymological legends and myths. We encounter this phenomenon in a number of places, and especially among the Tungus peoples of the Amur basin, where small movements and mixing of clans constantly took place.

Researchers usually decompose names into roots and suffixes, compare the latter with the suffixes of the modern language, and draw conclusions about the historical settlement of tribes. We will also begin by considering the names from a morphological point of view. All names can be divided into two groups: 1) consisting of a two-syllable root, 2) consisting of a root and a suffix of belonging to a clan organization. The former in most cases end in a vowel sound, for example: buta, to whom, Kim, Chemba, cholko and others. Initially, the most ancient of them ended in - n(omitting and preserving the final n roots and suffixes is widespread in the languages ​​of the Altai peoples). This phenomenon can be traced on the same name recorded at different times. For example: Cherdu n'sky, and with the transition of the final - n in an iot before its complete disappearance - Cherdui'sky (census 1897) and, finally, with the omitted final - n and with the suffix pl. hours - t. Cherdu-t’ sky. Dongo- a generic name common on the right tributaries of the river. Olekmy (pl. Dongo-l), but along with this there is a variant Dongoy(pl. Dongoi-l) and a variant with an earlier plural suffix. hours - Dongo-t. Name of the Tungus tribe Keelen it is also used in a truncated form - Kiel. Shaman' the genus was noted in the 17th century; when increasing the suffix of belonging to the tribal organization, the final one - n got down - Shama (n) + gir but on Wednesday Nanaev this name came up in the form of pl. h. Herself-p(suff. - R only added to words ending in - n, replacing the latter). In a number of cases we have the same name without a suffix and with suffixes attached to (35) tribal organization, for example: Ingan' sky and Inga + kin'sky, as well as Ingar + gir(one of the tributaries of the Lower Tunguska), Sholon' sky and Solo + rut. Some of the names have retained the final - n and survived without suffixes of belonging to a clan organization, for example: Edyan ~ Edzhan, Delyan ~ Jelan, Dokan, etc.

The second group of names with suffixes of belonging to a clan organization can be divided into three subgroups according to the type of suffixes: 1) names with the earliest suffix, which is first added to tribal and generic names, later in a number of languages ​​it turned into a plural suffix. h., namely, the suffix - t (-d) . The current suffix is t in the minds of the carriers no longer has any meaning, and plural such names are formed by adding a suffix used in the language. For example: Bulde+ t, pl. h. Bulde + rear; Branga+ t, pl. h. Branga+ rear; Dongo+ t, pl. h. Dongo + rear. Names with the suffix - R or - l. Although these suffixes exist in the language as indicators of pl. h., but in generic names they lost their meaning and merged with the base. For example: De+ R, Jae+ R, pl. h. Jae + r-i-l: Egdyre+ l (sometimes: Egdyle+ R), pl. h. Egdyre + l-i-l (Egdyle + r-i-l); Dalo + R, pl. h. Dalo + r-i-l.

The second subgroup of names has a suffix of belonging to a generic organization - ki(the male), - kshin~ —tires(female). Names with this suffix have been preserved on the outskirts of the territory occupied by the Tungus-Manchurian peoples. Among the Evenks - to the west of the Yenisei and in the area of ​​the Podkamennaya Tunguska (lower reaches) ( Baya+ ki, Baya+ kshin); isolated cases were noted in Transbaikalia ( nyama+ syn' sky, Ulya+ syn' sky). In the XVII century - in the area of ​​the river. hunting ( Chel+ shir’ tsy, Inga + kin' sky, baishen' sky). In the northeast - among the Evenks and Lamut-Yukaghirs ( bai+ shen'sky), in the east - among the Ulchi and Oroks ( Baya + at + xe-li, Ogdy + msoe + whether).

The third subgroup of names has a suffix of belonging to a generic organization - gin || —gan(pl. - earlier forms: — gir, —gar, and later and in the mass - modern: - gir-i-l, gar-i-l). Suffix - gin like the suffix kshin, originally expressed belonging to the tribal organization of a woman, which is preserved among individual groups of Evenks to the present. For example: Baya + ki"a man from the Bai family", Baya + kshin"a woman from the Bai family", Kim"a man from the family of Kim", Kim+ gin"a woman from the family of Kim" (pl. Baya+ ki-l, Baya+ kshir, Kima-l, Kima-geer). But in the vast majority of names we have a suffix - gir, in which the final R is no longer recognized as an indicator of the plural. h. Therefore, a further, secondary accumulation of suffixes follows. For example: Putu + gir"a man from the Putu-Gir clan", and not Putu as before, and Putu + gi-mind ~ Putu + gi-mng“a woman from the Putugir clan” (plural in such cases - Putu + gir-i-l, Putu + gi-min-l). Suffix - gan(pl. - gar) is synonymous with the suffix − gin. For example: Nina + gan, Solo + rut, uya + gan, Nyurma + gan' sky and others.

On the suffix gan should stop. In the modern language, the same suffix has the meaning of a sign by place of residence; For example, agi-gun"taiga resident" bira-gan"River dweller", "Porechanin". This moment gave rise to the explanation of a number of names: Edyan< Edie + gene"lower", Dol + gan"from the middle course" Solo + rut"upper". Further, these names were associated with the river, where at some historical time carriers of these names lived (although all three (36) have not yet been noted on any river). Explain suffix - gan from the modern language, as it seems to us, is impossible. Names that include it are found, firstly, in a variety of places, and secondly, in a foreign language environment. In particular, ethnonyms with the suffix gan || —rut || —gong are noted among the Mongolian and Turkic peoples (as with suff. plural - t ~ —d, and without it).

Boole + ha + t- the name of a group of northern Buryats. "Most of the Buryat clans are descended from two brothers: Bulgat and Ikhirit". Buda + gan- the name of the genus Ocheul Buryats. Bula+ ha+ t- the name of the genus Barguzin Buryats; Bar+ gu+ t Munk + gu + t- the old offspring of the Mongolian clan Kiyat-Borji-gin. Epke+ gu+ t- the name of the Mongolian family. Hut + gin ~ Hut + kin- tribal name Mongol. Among the Yakuts we have: Boro+ gon' skoe - a tribe that lived according to pp. Thatta and Amga in the 16th century; Malia+ gir' skye, Maine + gin' skai - volosts noted in the 17th century. Among the Altaians, a generic name is noted Ker + Gil. The 1897 census noted a Turkic name in the Achinsk region bass + gar.

In confirmation of the fact that these endings of the names of genera in different languages ​​express the same thing, we give analogies in other cases in word formation:

The presence of such facts in languages ​​allows us to attribute the origin of the suffixes of belonging to a generic organization - gin, —gan to the period of Tungus-Mongolian relations. In the Tungus-speaking environment, names with the suffix - gin, —gir prevail and are widespread (among Evenks, Evens, Negidals, Solons), but along with this there are also names with the suffix - gan.

The presence in the Tungus-speaking environment of two types of expression of belonging to a clan organization (- kshin and - gin), as well as saving names with the suffix - kshin on the outskirts and, conversely, the widespread use of names with the suffix - gin, —gir says that they were originally characteristic of two tribal groups: the suffix - kshin for the western, Baikal, who spoke w- dialect, suffix - gin- for the eastern, Trans-Baikal, who spoke with-dialect.

This explains the fact that we have two synonymous suffixes - gin and - gan in the Evenki language. In Transbaikalia (starting from the Iron Age) there were changes of tribes and connections between the Tungus, Turkic and Mongol tribes. “The most fertile strip of the highlands was the northern area along the Selenga, Tola and Orkhon rivers,” writes D. Pozdneev; - the strongest of the nomads (37) kov always aspired here, the most important battles took place here. It is clear how often tribal internecine wars arose because of him.

Tungus tribes with-dialect lived in the neighborhood of the region, where Turkic and Mongol tribes changed over the course of many centuries. This neighborhood could not be without ties, both linguistic and other. The connections were reflected not only in languages, but also in common generic names and, as we saw above, in the common suffix of belonging to a generic organization.

The meaning of a woman's belonging to a tribal organization, preserved to our time in the dialects of individual groups of Evenks, and its expression by the suffix - gin (Kim + gin letters. “kima + woman”) allows us to turn to the work of N. Ya. Marr, in which he analyzes the Sumerian word geme → gem “woman”, “girl”. "And here is the Svan kel we have in full form in Sumerian ke l(written kiel) in the meaning of "woman" with voicing k → h and with the loss of a smooth in the form of a crossed ge + m'e"female"; he finds the closest correspondence to this term in the language of the Yenisei Ostyak-Kets qemqim.

If N. Ya. Marr at the specified root ( ge↔gl) with the loss of a smooth outcome sees the word "woman" of the Japhetic, Sumerian and Ket languages, then - gin Evenki language in the meaning of "woman" also has "smooth in the outcome." The preservation of this element in the languages ​​of different systems and different historical periods is not an accidental coincidence of sounds, since there are not only a significant number of words, but also morphological and syntactic phenomena that are common in expression and meaning. This fact indicates the deep antiquity of the appearance of the suffix - gin || —gan, originally former independent word meaning "woman".

Consider modern generic, formerly tribal names, which are usually interpreted as “lower”, “from the middle current”, “upper”, namely, the names eden ~ ejen, Dolgan || dulgan, solon.

eden ~ ejen ~ ejan- the name of the Evenki family, common in the territory of Yakutia and Far East(Priamure, Okhotsk coast and Sakhalin Island). Ezhan' Tsy are repeatedly mentioned in the replies of the Cossacks of the XVIII century. This name was first mentioned in the indicated territory in the 12th century. Under the first Dzhurjan emperor Agud, the Okhotsk coast was inhabited by wild people eugen. Among Dolgans and Evens (Lamuts) Edyan ~ Ezhan- one of the most common generic names. The Dolgans themselves explain it as follows: the brothers divided the bird; head eater dylma began to be called keel-magir who ate the sides eJackey began to be called ejen who ate abdominal muscles dulang began to be called dulgan. They gave rise to the names of these genera.

It should be noted that in the Evenki environment, the plot of the division of a bird and its plumage between brothers is widespread when members of a genus are separated into independent genera. In some case, the names of the parts of the bird were probably the basis for the formation of the names of new genera. But in this case, we have only a ready-made plot dedicated to explaining the origin of the genus.

Among the Nanai there is a genus Odzyal(the Nanai language is characterized by the omission of final sonants in common Tungus words; - l, suffix (38) pl. h. Odzia+ l). This genus is related to the Ulchi genus Udzyal. The Ulchi attribute the origin of this genus to the Golds. Nanai researcher Lipskaya connects the origin of him and the family Hadzen with eugen's group of Jurgens. Among the Orcs, the largest genus Kopinka- relatives of the Gold family Ocal. Among the Manchus - killed- a numerous genus, the place of origin of which Shirokogorov refers to Ninguta. The Manchus note the abundance of representatives of this genus among the Koreans and Chinese.

Thus, in the Tungus-Manchu-speaking environment, we have the ethnonym ejen almost throughout the territory of their settlement, with the exception of the taiga zone of the Yenisei basin. The indication that the Ulch and Oroch clans came from the Nanai environment indicates a later formation of these tribes. The absence of this ethnonym in the territory of the taiga zone of the Yenisei, its mention in the XII century. on the territory of the Okhotsk coast, its presence among the Manchus and Nanays indicates its appearance on the territory between Baikal and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, in other words, on the territory with-dialects of the Old Tungus language, which were the Tungus basis of all the languages ​​of the Tungus-Manchurian group of the Amur basin. But its distribution is not limited to the Tungus-speaking environment. We meet him among the Mongolian and Turkic peoples. wuzeng- one of the tribal names of the Mongols. Busse believes wuzeng‘ov “by a Mongol tribe that became part of the Nerchinsk Tungus under the leadership of Prince Gantimurov. The question of the clans united by Gantimur has not yet been clarified. In the west, the Mongols of San-chuan, adjacent to Tibet, have a self-name ejen. The San Chuan people around Bou-nan call themselves egenie kun and gozhani kun(literally "egeni people" and "kojani people"). Shiraegur call themselves egeni mongol, literally "Egeni Mongols". A. O. Ivanovsky brings the language of shirongols closer to the language of the Dagurs, which are evenks who have become mongolized. In the Mongolian epic, the ethnonym ejen and edzen is part of own name Edzen-Bogdo, under which Genghis Khan sometimes appears in legends.

Thus, in the Mongol-speaking environment, we have this ethnonym on the outskirts and in the epic associated with the conqueror Genghis Khan. Both facts speak of the antiquity of its appearance in the Mongolian-speaking environment. The remarks of A. O. Ivanovsky about the Shirongol language do not contradict the truth. The Dagurs are groups of Tungusic clans that have merged with the Mongolian ones and become one in language. In addition, during the Manchurian dynasty in the region b. In Chinese Turkestan and in the Ili region, banner troops were evicted to protect the borders, in the composition of dagurs, salts and ongkors. Records of the language of the Ongkors of the Ili region, made by Muromsky on the expedition of Clemenets in 1907, provide samples of one of the dialects of the Evenk language, which has retained much more commonality than the language of the Solones of Mongolia, who call themselves Evenks. The Yongkor language has only experienced the influence of the phonetics and vocabulary of neighboring languages. These points suggest that the Sanchuan and Shirongol Mongols included representatives of the ancient Tungus tribe ejen.

In the Turkic-speaking environment, we meet the ethnonym lake in the 17th century on the territory of the Kirghiz (upper Yenisei): one of the four principalities (tribes) on the left side of the Yenisei was ezer'skoe. And Chinese sources call the tribe edges- one of the Dulgas aimags on the eastern side of the lake. Kosogol in the area of ​​the sources of the Yenisei. Barthold refers this tribe to the Turks.

The first mention of the ethnonym by Chinese sources uzen refers to the V-VI centuries. This name replaces the earlier ilou. They tried to compare it with weji"inhabitants of forests and bushes." Uji and mohe according to the same sources, they come from the "kingdom of Sushen". They lived a tribal life and were mainly engaged in hunting and fishing. Their dwellings were pits with an exit upwards. By Jacinthus uji - ugh, they were also called mohe. There were only seven generations of them settled in the territory of the Amur basin.

The predominant distribution of the ethnonym ejen ~ ujin among the Tungus-Manchu-speaking peoples, starting from the 7th century. and to the present, the probable entry of the ancient Tungus, the bearers of this name, into the environment of the Mongols (San Chuan and Shirongols), its presence among the Turkic peoples, historically associated with the territory adjacent to Transbaikalia and the upper Amur region, allow us to attribute its appearance to the Tungus-speaking environment , from where he penetrated to the Turks of the Sayan Highlands in the form of separate groups of Tungus ejen. This is confirmed by the facts of the language. This ethnonym is undoubtedly ancient, and it cannot be explained from the given modern languages.

Let's move on to the consideration of the second ethnonym, which has at the root blew || dol, dun || Don. It survived among the following peoples: Dol + gan- the name of the Even (Lamut) clans, probably a tribe in the territory of Yakutia and the Far East (Kamchatka); Dul-u + gir- the name of the Evenki (Tungus) clan in the territory of Transbaikalia and the north-eastern part of Mongolia; Dul-a + R ~ Dul-a+ t- the name of the Evenk (Tungus) clan in Transbaikalia (Chita region, 1897); Dul-a+ R- the name of the Solon family - the Evenks of Mongolia; Dol+ gan|| Dul+ gan- the name of the ojakuchenny group of Evenks in the Taimyr district; dun + nga, Don + ma-l, Dunna + gir- the name of the Evenk (Tungus) clans in Transbaikalia (pp. Nercha, Vitim, Tungir) and in the Amur region; Don + ngo - the name of one of the Dolgan clans in the Taimyr region; Don + ka(n)- the name of the Nanai (Gold) family; Duon + cha- the name of the Ulchi family.

Thus, the ethnonym with the root dol || blew distributed in the Tungus-speaking environment on the territory of northern Yakutia, Kamchatka and on the territory of the Amur basin and Transbaikalia. Among the Oyakuchenized Evenks we have this ethnonym in the west - in the tundras of the Taimyr district (it should be added that the Evenks, who became Oyakuchenized Dolgans, came from the Lena); in the south we meet it on the territory of Mongolia. Ethnonym with root Don || dun distributed from Transbaikalia along the Amur to the east and in the north - in the Taimyr district.

In a foreign language environment, we have the following names of genera: Don + chickens- the name of the Tannu-Tuva clan in the Kobdo region; Tone + ha + t is the name of a Soyot genus.

In historical sources, the ethnonym with the root dul is mentioned from (40) 2nd c. N. A. Aristov, on the basis of the name of the Bulgarian princes, believes that the family Dulu, which existed BC, in the II century. together with the Huns, he migrated from present-day western Mongolia to the Kirghiz steppe. “And after the collapse of the kingdom of Atilla, Dulu became the head of that part of the Bulgarians (the union of the Hunnic Turkic Finno-Ugric tribes), which founded the Bulgarian kingdom beyond the Danube.” In the 5th century Chinese sources mention doulu among the Gao-gui tribes under the name Tulu in the western part of Mongolia between the Tien Shan and the Mongolian Altai. In the 7th century, according to the assumption of N. A. Aristov, "the Dulu clan took precedence among the Turkic clans." In the VI century. there were already two tribes Dula ~ Thule and Dulga. In 551 tule The 'sky elder went to war against the Rourans, but dulga+ with'sky prince Tumyn defeated him on the road and conquered the entire aimag in 50,000 wagons. At the end of the VI century. lands of tribes united under the name dulga ~ tulga, stretched from the sandy steppe to North Sea; dulgas' tsy were pastoralists-hunters. In the VII-VIII centuries. they moved into the Baikal basin and drove out the aborigines from there. Descendants dulga entered the formation of the Mongols, Jaghatai, Uzbeks and Kazakhs. Tribe Dulu and Nushebi in the VI century. lived in East Turkestan next to the Western Turkic Khaganate. In the XVI-XVII centuries. part dulat' ov under the name long ~ length subordinated to the Dzungars, and in 1832 Dulat‘s - thulat‘s constituted one of the generations of Usun.

As a result of our review, we come to the following conclusion: the ethnonym with the root blew || dol mentioned intermittently from the 2nd c. to the 19th century, on the territory of the steppe and desert zones of Central Asia, therefore, its appearance dates back to ancient times. N.A. Aristov attributes its origin to Altai. Descendants of the tribes Dulga and Dulu entered mainly into the composition of the Turkic and Mongolian peoples. In the Evenki environment, the names Dulugir, Dular and others are noted in individual cases. The distribution of all ethnonyms in the Tungus-speaking environment is associated with the territory to the east of the Lena-Baikal line, but the presence of an ethnonym Dolgan || dulgan in the tundras of Yakutia, to the west and east of them, among the peoples who had already separated in language from the Evenks, suggests that this ethnonym in the distant past entered the Tungus-speaking environment from the south. The very territory of its distribution (the Amur region and Yakutia and further from here) allows us to think that it appeared in the Tungus-speaking environment on the territory of Transbaikalia along with its speakers. In order to Dolgan‘s, having become Evenks, went to the north, where, having assimilated the natives and united with other groups of ancient Evenks, they gave rise to a tribe with a new - Even - language, it took many centuries. These facts, we believe, show quite clearly that to explain the name Dolgan from the Evenki language, as "a resident from the middle reaches of the river", is in no way possible.

Third ethnonym solon, usually explained as a "Verkhovskaya resident", was noted mainly among the Tungus peoples.

Evenki. On the territory of Yakutia and the regions adjacent from the south in the painting of rivers in 1640-1641. the Shelon volost (R. Vitim, R. Maya) is marked. On the coast of Okhotsk along the river. Motykhlee and in the south near the river. Selimba (41) groups of Evenks also lived at that time Shelon'ov. By the XIII century. include information from Chinese sources. Group Solon' ov (Evenks) lived in the northern part of Manchuria and according to pp. Zeya, Argun. In 1639, the Chinese government transferred them to the river. Nonnie. At this time, it organized from the solon and dagur’s banner troops, whose purpose was to protect the borders. To do this, the Chinese government settled them along the entire northern and western border, and individual groups solon and ongkor solon' ov were in b. Chinese Turkestan and in the Ili region. A significant part of them settled or mongolized, but some of them retained their language. Separate groups solon(salt bay) remained hunters and retained their language.

Later, in 1897, the census recorded Shologon' sky family on the river. Vilyue. Leaving a certain number of their own on the Lena, in the Kirensk region, these Evenks crossed to the sources of the Aldan, Amga and Batoma. In addition, the census registered them on the river. Marche in the Yakutsk region. Schrenk caught solon' ov on the right bank of the Amur, and under Middendorf, a few years earlier, they lived on the river. Zeya. Nowadays, representatives of the genus Solon + mountains live along the tributaries of the Olekma (Tungir, Nyukzha) and Zeya. Chinese travelers in 1712 noted solon‘ov between Yeniseisk and Irkutsk.

Evens. In the Verkhoyansk region on pp. Tompo, Sin and Mat live Evens from the clan Shologon(according to Raspvetaev).

Turks. The census of 1897 noted the name of a native clan among the Minusinsk Turks Sholo+ tire' sky.

Mongols. The same census noted among the Buryats of the Balagansky district Sholo + t' sky genus.

Thus the ethnonym solon ~ cholon distributed mainly among the Evenks, from where it came to the Evens of the Verkhoyansk region.

In the Tungus-speaking environment, Solon, like the previous ethnonym, is noted to the east of the Lena-Baikal line, mainly on the territory of Manchuria and Mongolia. These facts make it possible to agree with the explanation of Chinese sources, which solon' ov from Transbaikalia. The same sources consider them to be descendants of the Kidan family. hamny-gan ~ kamnygan. According to Gerbillon solon' We consider ourselves descendants of the Nui-chih. After the defeat of the Nui-Chengs by the Mongols (1204), they escaped to Transbaikalia. Gerbillon gave rise to the interpretation of the ethnonym Solon as Verkhovskoy (from solo "to move up the river"). These facts show that the ethnonym solon appeared in the Tungus-speaking environment in the area east of Lake Baikal. Perhaps it was one of the tribes with-dialect infiltration group solon' ov to the north (taiga of Yakutia) and further to the Evens took place long before the arrival of the Russians and, probably, before the arrival of the Turkic-speaking tribes in the territory of Yakutia. The latter pushed them out of the Lena, and by the time the Russians arrived, only small groups remained on pp. Vitim, Markha, a little later at Kirensk on the Lena and Vilyui, the main mass was again driven south (along the Vitim and Olekma) to the Amur. Their relatives, who remained on the territory of Manchuria and Mongolia, have survived to our time under the name solon' s, ongkor solon and solon bay and self-named Evenks. Wednesday Buryats and Minusinsk Turks ethnonym solon came from the Evenki environment, possibly at a time when the Evenki w-dialect, among which the suffix of belonging to a clan organization has developed - kshin ~ - tires occupied (42) the taiga zone between the Yenisei and Baikal to the south of the Angara and in the vicinity of the Minusinsk Territory. The name of the native clan of the Minusinsk Turks cannot be explained otherwise. Sholo + tire' sky.

We have considered three ethnonyms that are so easy to explain from the modern language and translate with the words "Verkhovskoy", "Middle River" and "Nizovskoy". Consider a few more generic names that are common not only in the Tungus-speaking environment.

  1. Baya ~ buy. Generic and tribal names with the indicated root are widespread among the peoples of North Asia. Summarized in a table, they give the following picture:
The name of the genus, tribes Nationality Place Time
Baya + ki, Baya + kshin, Baya + gir(genus) Evenki the territory of the Yenisei throughout the territory of the Evenks modernity
bai + tire' s, Baya + ki(genus) Evens (Lamuts), Yukagirs Verkhoyansky district, Okhotsk coast modernity and in the 18th century.
Baya + mustache + whether(genus) Ulchi, Oroks lower reaches of the Amur, Caxalin modernity
(ulanka)<- Baya(genus) orochi, nanap coast of the Tatar Strait »
Baya + ra(genus) Manchus Manchuria »
bai+ l(genus) Gilyaks lower reaches of the Amur »
bai+ t‘s, Baya-u+ d(tribe) Mongols western part of Mongolia »
Accordion + give(genus) Buryats R. Barguzin »
bai+ d‘s (genus) Yakuts Kolyma district »
Bae + gu(tribe) Uighurs the origins of the Selenga 7th century
bai + si(tribe) - southern part of Manchuria 7th century
bai + yang(tribe) - west of the Huns 8th century
bai + di(tribe) din-lings Northern Mongolia and north of the Altai-Sayan Highlands VII-III centuries. BC e.
bai(Onogoy Bai), own. name legendary ancestor of the Yakuts upper reaches of the Lena -
Bai + shura (proper name) ancestor of the Great Horde (Kyrgyz) - -
bai + hin' sky ~ bai + shin' sky (group) Selkups R. Turukhan modernity
bai(genus) Enets lower reaches of the river Yenisei »
bai + gado(genus) chum salmon< койбалы Yenisei 19th century

Genus name with root bai ~ buy noted in most of the Tungus-Manchurian peoples. Among the Evenks, we have both options: bai + kshin, characteristic of the Evenks w- dialect, b. Baikal-Angara, and baigir, characteristic of the Evenks with- dialect, b. Transbaikal-Amur. Representatives of the first are noted among the Evens ( bai + tires- Verkhoyansk region and the Okhotsk coast, bai + ki- Okhotsk region) and on the lower Amur among the Ulchi and Oroks. Mongolian tribe bai+ t'ov belongs to the Oirot group. But Derbets (43) believe Bait’ ov nationality, which is united with them only politically. Among the Yakuts in the Verkhoyansk and Kolyma settlements there was a clan Baidy. Onogoy Bai, according to the legend of the Yakuts, was the first to move north along the Lena. The same ethnonym is also found in the proper names of the Kirghiz-Kazakh khans. “Alash had three sons, one of them was Bai-Shura, the founder of the Great Horde”; "Abul-khair had three sons, one of them Bai-chira". Among the Samoyedic peoples, this ethnonym is found among the Enets-Bai, who in the 15th-16th centuries. lived south and west of the modern territory, in the southeastern part of the Gydan tundra, east of the middle reaches of the river. Taz. They were pushed to the east by the Nenets.

The names of the Selkup group living along the river. Turukhan (Evenki name for a tributary of the Yenisei), bai + tire' or bai+ hin' skies - appeared from the Evenks Baya + kshin. This is confirmed by linguistic facts, as well as some ethnographic data. Among the Kets in the middle of the last century there were two Koibal clans: big and small Baigado.

Thus, from modern nationalities, the ethnonym with the root buy - bai is found among the majority of the Tungus-Manchurian peoples (from whom he passed: in the east - to the Amur Gilyaks, in the north - to the Yukaghirs, in the west - to the Selkups), as well as among the Buryats, Mongols, Yakuts, Kazakhs, Yenisei Paleo-Asians, Kets and some Samoyed tribes (Enets). Distribution of the Evenk ethnonym baikshin ~ baishin to the west, northeast and east from the region of the Baikal region, its presence among the peoples historically associated with the territory adjacent to Baikal indicates the antiquity of its appearance, and precisely in the territory from the Ob to Baikal or to Transbaikalia. The latter is also confirmed by toponymy: the Upper and Lower Baikha rivers (tributaries of the Turukhan river), the Bayandzhur-Manzurka river near Irkutsk; Ridge Boyary about with. Kopeny in the Minusinsk Territory (scribbles of the 7th-2nd centuries BC were found on the slopes of the ridge); lake Baikal; winter hut Baikalovo at the mouth of the Yenisei; the village of Baikal on the right bank of the Lower Tunguska; about. Baikalskoye on the right bank of the Yenisei above the village. Abakan; the town of Bayakit on Podkamennaya Tunguska. On the map of Russia in 1562 (copy from Jenkinson's map published by V. Kordt), between the Ob and the Yenisei, near the word Baida, the following note is placed: “to the east of the Ob, to the east of Moyeda were the countries of Baida and Co l mak. The inhabitants of these countries worship the sun and a red patch hung on a pole; life is spent in tents; feed on the meat of animals, snakes and worms; have their own language. “The Tale of the Unknown People” tells: “in the eastern country beyond the Yugra land, at the top of the Ob River, there is a great land Baid named".

Ethnonym buy first mentioned by Chinese sources in 694-250 BC. e. as the name of one group of Dinlins - Bai di 白狄. Self-name qualifier (- di) - buy has two translations: "northern" (according to Iakinf) and "white" (according to Pozdneev). Iakinf also cites (44) an indication of Chan-haj king to the territory of one of the Dinlin tribes: “they occupied lands from the Yenisei to the east to Baikal on the left side of the Angara” . The question of the ethnicity of the Dinlins has no final decision. Chinese sources call them the Mongol tribe (the ancient history of Shu-gin) and the Turks (the history of Jiong-di-heu). We are interested in the fact that the groups di, who lived on the territory from the Ob to Baikal, were called baidi. Maybe a word buy interpreted by the Chinese as bay- northern, maybe another - Central Asian di, crossed in the north with the tribes buy, gave new tribes and a new ethnonym buy + di. In any case, the important fact is that in the second half of the 1st millennium BC. e. ethnonym buy already existed in the territory, which in the "Tale of Men" was preserved with the earliest suffix in the form bai+ d(about the suffix - d ~ —t see above). We have ethnonyms with this suffix among the peoples historically associated with the territory of the circum-Baikal region: Yakuts ( bai+ d‘s), Mongols ( bai+t‘s, bye-y+ d). Probably, the Enets clan is also a trace of these tribes. bai. Ethnonym bai + kshin also formed on this territory and from here it was already carried to the outskirts of the Tunguska territory.

Much later, in the 5th-7th centuries, north of the river. Tolo Baegu one of the Gaogui aimags was called, which later (VII-X centuries) was noted near the borders of Manchuria. At the same time, at the headwaters of the Selenga, on the north side of the Great Sandy Steppe, a tribe of herdsmen and hunters lived. baisi. Tribe baegu compare with barerka Orkhon inscriptions and attributed to the Uighur tribes.

There have always been movements of groups of tribes in Asia. Groups buy could go east from the specified territory and become part of other tribes (like bayar- among the Manchus, buy- among the Nanai). It is possible that tribes were formed in the same way. baegu ~ barerka and baisi. Vladimirtsov also points to a similar movement. During the time of Genghis Khan, "People of the Bayaud clan lived scattered, some of them wandered with Genghis Khan, and some lived with the Chaichiut tribe."

  1. Kim|| kumo. No less interesting is the ethnonym Kim|| kumo. In the Evenki environment, we have both options: Kim and to whom- two names of the Evenki clans living to the west and east of the Yenisei ( Kimo ~ to whom + ka + gir). Vague traces of the former multiplicity of the genus Kim preserved in the memory of the Evenks west of the Yenisei. childbirth Momo(numerous, on the Podkamennaya Tunguska system) and Kim separated from the genus Kim. In the east (in the region of the Amur region, the Okhotsk coast and Sakhalin), the ethnonym kimo preserved in the legends of the Evenks. When narrating these tales, direct speech is usually sung by the narrator, and the quatrain is often repeated by the listeners. Direct speech always begins with the name of the speaker or with the name of his clan-tribe, the pronunciation of which gives the motive-rhythm for subsequent speech. So, in a number of legends we have the name Kimo ≈ Kimoko ≈ Kimonin ≈ Kimonori. For example:

Kimonin! Kimonin!
rich man,
Where are you going?
Let's play! (i.e., we will compete in wrestling, shooting, dancing, etc.)

(Recorded from the Sakhalin Evenks)

… Kimo! Kimoko!
Sister Mongunkon,
Look at you
Who came.

Umusninde-bogatyr married the daughter of the sun (from the clan) Kimonori (by name) Mongunkon-girl ...

(Recorded from the Chumikamn Evenks)

KimoKimoko according to legend, this is a clan or tribe from which the Evenks take girls as wives, having previously won a victory in a competition with an opponent - the girl's brother. Kimo live somewhere in the east, where the Evenki, the heroes of legends, travel on foot “from their places” for a very long time: a year or two. They live in chorama- semi-underground dwellings with an exit through a smoke hole, built (sometimes) from the bones of large animals. There must be several compartments in the dwelling ( cospoki). In some versions, only women appear. They lure men to them and kill them. By language Kimo not very different from the Evenks, as the latter speak freely with them. But on the other hand, the difference in appearance is emphasized: they are hairy (the hair curls around the head in curls), their eyes are different (like rings are spinning), they are squat and awkward. According to some legends, these tribes have deer. And the Evenk hunter, having taken his wife, returns “to his own places” together with the deer.

The Nanai and Manchurian languages ​​have the following words: Kimu-li nan, keemun Manj "enemy". And “enemy” and “friend”, “stranger” and “friend” go back to the word “man” = “people”, a word that is also a self-name. This can be traced in a number of other words in the languages ​​of the peoples of North Asia. Among the Tungus peoples of the Far East, we have the names of the genera Kimu-nka, among the Orochi kekar (according to the 1897 census) and Kimonto- a modern family of Ude. Perhaps the Orochi and Ude are representatives of these clans and are descendants of the aboriginal tribes of the Evenki legends, from whom the foot hunters - the ancient Tungus - took wives for themselves (these legends were overgrown with mythological elements, which indicates their antiquity). Chinese sources give two ethnonyms kumo+ hee(IV-VI centuries) and Kim + ki(about suff. - ki see above). Kumo + hee or kudzhen + hee of the same tribe with the Khitan, but in customs they are similar to the Shivei; live west of the latter. Skilled in archery, prone to raids and robberies. They breed horses, bulls, pigs and birds, live in felt yurts, sow millet, which is stored in pits, and cooked in clay vessels. Before 487 kumohi lived in An-zhou and Jun-zhou mixed with the border inhabitants of China and carried on barter; in 488 "they rebelled and went far away from us," according to Chinese sources. In the VI century. kumohi multiplied and divided into five aimaks.

In the X-XI centuries. we meet an ethnonym Kimaki already in Persian sources (Gardizi). Kimaki- the western neighbors of the Kirghiz, roamed the Irtysh, in the northern part of modern Kazakhstan. They kept horses, cows, rams and at the same time hunted sables and ermines. Furs served them for their needs and for foreign trade. They had freemen and slaves. Western branch kimak’ ov were Kipchaks, neighbors of the Pechenegs, who later separated and formed a special people.

(46) In what relation do these tribes stand with the above Tungus? For the antiquity of the origin of the ethnonym kimo || kumo they say its origin from the word in the meaning of "people" ("friends" and "strangers" for different tribes of the Amur basin) and mythical legends. These tribes in remote times became part of the Tungus tribes. The advances of the ancient Tungus-Evenks from the Circum-Baikal region to the east are recorded both by the generic names of the modern Tungus peoples of the Lower Amur region, and by the data of the language. But all legends point to the return of heroes to "their places." Perhaps there were such facts. The role of a woman (suffixes: - gin, —kshin, the creators of the names of clans and tribes, initially denoted a woman), women kimo in the legends and a number of many other moments in the life of the Tungus peoples allow us to suggest that the generic or tribal name kimo could have been brought to the west, where it gave rise to the name of a new genus Kim ~ to whom many centuries before the tenth century. The movements and mixing of tribes in this "cauldron of ethnogony" also allow the following assumption: Kim in the area adjacent to Baikal, they could separate. Some of them remained Tungus and, having descended along the Angara - Yenisei, survived to our time, and some turned to the XI-X centuries. to a Turkic tribe kimak’ ov. That the tribe Kimkema historically it was associated with the region of the upper Yenisei, the name of the upper part of the latter also indicates: KimKema(record of Messerschmidt's expedition, 1723) and KimBy whom(modern name). Small river names are often tribal names. On the other hand, generic or tribal names sometimes become the name of the nationality, which is used by neighbors. The peoples associated with the territory of the Yenisei - Baikal are called Evenks hamnegan(Buryats), heangbahanbafomba(kets). Roots boorheankhan can be interpreted as a re-voicing of the Evenki by whom|| kim.

  1. Kurechickens. Ethnonym kure recorded only in the Evenk group in the area adjacent to the Angara. Its phonetic composition itself (open wide uh in the second syllable is not typical for the Tungusic languages ​​and especially for the Evenki) indicates that the founder of this genus came to the Evenki environment from a foreign language environment. This ethnonym is of known interest, since it may provide some material on the question of the tribe. chickens who once lived in the Baikal region.

Kure-ka + gir- the name of the Evenk family, who lived in the area of ​​the river. Ilim (right tributary of the Angara) and the sources of the Lower and Podkamennaya Tunguska. The Lontogir clan waged constant wars with this clan. The last clash is even recorded by the Evenks: this is the left tributary of the Lower Tunguska - the river. Ikokonda near Mount Ikondoyo. It happened 7-8 generations ago. In tsarist times, the foreign council that united the Evenks of this region was called Kurei' skoy. The Evenks clashed with the Kura tribe, apparently, in earlier periods, when they occupied the taiga on the left tributaries of the Angara. In the folklore of the Evenks, who now live on Podkamennaya Tunguska and west of the Yenisei, there is a legend, which has already become a myth, about the struggle against Karando. Here is its content. Karando- representatives of the cannibal people living near Lamu (Baikal) take all Evenks into captivity (according to the myth, Karando, having arrived as a bird, swallows). Only the old woman remains, who miraculously raises the avenging boy Unyana. He grows rapidly, forges iron wings for himself and flies to Lama to Karando liberate the Evenks. During the flight, Unyana descends to the ground several times to the parking Karando, where the wives of the latter live - captive Evenk women bearing Evenk names. Having reached Karando, Unyany offers the latest martial arts in flight over Baikal. In this single combat (first with the father, then with his sons), Unyany gains the upper hand and frees the captive Evenks (according to the myth, he rips open the belly of the opponents with iron (47) wings, and living and half-dead Evenks fall out of them). According to the myth, cannibals live in the Baikal region Care, who often attack the Evenks, take them captive, make women their wives, eat men. In terms of time, this refers to the period of iron. Evenki, who left the Baikal region to the west, already know how to reforge metal things. Both groups of legends speak of close interactions between the ancient Tungus and the tribe Kure. The latter were part of the Evenks and vice versa.

Historical sources give materials on the tribe hooligan chickens-kansmoke (fury) from the 7th-12th centuries. According to Chinese sources, the tribe hooligan lived along the shores of Lake Baikal and north to the sea. Their neighbors from the west were tribes dubo. In their country "there were many saranas, and their horses were strong and tall, and their heads were like camels." They had diplomatic ties with China. According to Persian sources (Gardizi), smokefury lived three months away from the headquarters of the Kirghiz Khan. These are wild people who lived in the swamps. If one of them was captured by the Kirghiz, he refused food and used every opportunity to escape. They took their dead to the mountains and left them in the trees. They were cannibals (Manuscript Tumansky). Kurykan' e constituted a district in the Kirghiz possessions. Their language differed significantly from the Kirghiz.

Tribal affiliation chickens was defined differently: the ancestors of the Yakuts (Radlov), non-Turkic tribes (Radlov), Mongols (Bartold). The last archaeological expeditions of A.P. Okladnikov along the river. Lena significantly clarified the question of chickens. During the Iron Age (V-X centuries), the upper Lena was inhabited by tribes that had reached a high level of culture. Along with cattle breeding, they had agriculture. Their art has much in common with the art of the Minusinsk Territory and Altai. They had a letter of the Yenisei type. It was a Turkic-speaking tribe. Representatives of these chickens entered not only the environment of the Evenks. Among the Uriankhians - Tannu-Tuvans of the Khosut Khoshun, in the list of genera given to G.N. Potanin, there is a name Hureklig. This genus, notes Grum-Grzhimailo, is of unknown origin.

Curigir- one of the tribes of the Bulgarians. In honor of one of the Bulgarian statesmen from the tribe Curigir by order of Omor-tag, a column was set up.

  1. Kiel ≈ kylen. This ethnonym, common in the Tungus-speaking environment, in terms of phonetic composition, like the previous one, is not typical for the Tungusic languages ​​(sound e in the second syllable).

Kielkylen- the name of the Evenki clan - a tribe common in the territory of Yakutia and adjacent regions of the Far East. In the XVII-XVIII centuries. this genus was noted in the region of the river. Hunting, where you can still meet Evens (Lamuts) from the genus Keelen. On the territory of Yakutia, the 1897 census noted them in the Yakut and Vilyui districts ( Kilat' sky genus); one of the tributaries Mui (Olekma system) is called Kilyan. In the 50s of the last century Keelen' We have already reached the river. Kur (Amur system near Khabarovsk). Schrenk met the group (48) Keelen in the region of the lake Khanka. K or the southern part of Sakhalin (small materials collected by Nakonoma Akira) do not differ in language from the Ayan Evenks. Among the Nanais Kili, constituted until recently a separate group. They gave new genera: Duncan ~ Doncan(Lake Bolen), Yukaminka (R. Urmi) and Udynka (n) (R. Kur). The origin of the Negidal clan Yukomil is also associated with the second of these genera.

We stopped at this ethnonym also because in the recent past it was widely used as the name of the Lower Amur natives. Evenks - "Birarchens" called the Amur and Ussuri Nanai keel. Orochi, Oroki, Ulchi and Amur Gilyaks are still called Evenks keel. Word kilin ≈giline ≈chillin ≈chiliki the Chinese and Manchus called all the Tungus who lived in the Amur basin. They sometimes called Koreans by this name. Siebold, followed by Shirokogorov, explained the origin of this ethnonym from the name of the river. Kirin: the Chinese in the XVI-XVII centuries, having met the Tungus for the first time on the river. Girin, transferred the name of the river to them, and then transferred this name to all the natives of the Amur. Closer to the truth interpretation. L. Ya. Sternberg: “The name Gilyaki was formed, as I think, from the distortion of the word by travelers quile, denoting "Tungus" in the language of the Amur Gilyaks, whom travelers first encountered. And such a distortion could occur very easily due to the fact that the Gilyaks of the lower reaches of the Amur speak the same language as the Tungus, who, according to their legends, constitute “one people” with the Gilyaks, Golds and Orochens. It is very possible that due to the common language of the Amur Gilyaks and Tungus, who previously dominated the Amur Territory, the Manchus called Gilyaks and Tungus by a common name Quile» .

The territory of distribution of the ethnonym kylen and using it as a name for neighbors allows us to talk about the once numerous Evenki tribe; their representatives, going out to the Amur, became part of the Nanai, and probably the Oroks, and Orochs, and Ulchis, and the Amur Gilyaks, whose name came from the Evenk kilen (we have already observed the case of transferring the name of the genus to the nationality among the Dolgans). Keelen' We went to Amur a long time ago. Evenk group keels so close to the life and language of the Nanais that it does not even constitute a dialect. This group has already managed to identify three new genera, one of which became part of the Negidals.

Distribution of the ethnonym kylen on the territory of Yakutia, its non-Tungus origin in terms of phonetic composition, the non-aboriginal nature of the Evenks of Yakutia - allow us to see in this ethnonym a trace of the tribe of the natives of Yakutia, absorbed by the first newcomers Evenks.

We have given only eight ancient ethnonyms. Their number is much larger, but the ethnonyms we have already analyzed sufficiently show the complexity of the ethnic composition of both the Evenks and other peoples of North Asia in remote periods. Further tracing of such ethnonyms confirms the complexity of the composition of individual groups of people.

If we conditionally consider the "Tungus base" the tribes even and ejen, then already at the beginning of our era. (if not earlier) tribes entered their powerful stream bai, whose original territory was the area from the Ob to Baikal. On the territory of Yakutia, traces of the natives absorbed by the Evenks are ethnonyms kylen and bulde. The tribe kimo~kima. Somewhat later, probably already in the territory of Transbaikalia, the Evenks included Mongol-Turkic-speaking tribes. blew || dol. The group of the Angara Evenks included representatives of the Turkic-speaking kure. The mixture of ethnic composition and interaction of the ancient Tungus tribes with other tribes of Asia is fully confirmed by the data of the language.

For example, title edyan and Dolgan are interpreted as "lower" and "inhabitants of the middle current", confining them to the river. Lena. See E. I. Ubryatova, On the Dolgan language for more details. Manuscript. Archive of the Institute of Language and Thinking of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

See more about this suffix in my work “Language Materials for the Problem of Tungus Ethnogenesis”. Manuscript of the Archive of the Institute of Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

P. Petri. Elements of family connection among the Buryats. Irkutsk, 1924, p. 3.

P. Petri. Territorial kinship among northern Buryats. Irkutsk, 1924.

B. Ya. Vladimirtsev. The social structure of the Mongols. L., 1934, p. 60.

L. B. Vladimirtsev. Comparative grammar. L., 1924, p. 7; G. M. Grum-Grzhimailo. Western Mongolia and the Uryankhai Territory, vol. III, part I, 1926, p. 245. Iakinf. Collection of information, part I, pp. 87-89 S. M. Schirokogoroff. Social organization of the northern Tungus. Shanghai, 1929.

L. Ya. Sternberg. Gilyaks, Orochs…, p. 347

The materials of the language indicate that the ancient Evenks of the sh-dialect, having penetrated the Lena in the Privilyui-Prialdanya region, absorbed the natives and formed a new x-dialect. This is consistent with archeological data. The further development of the Evenk dialects on the territory of Yakutia proceeded along the line of crossing the newly formed x-dialect with the c-dialect of the Evenks of Transbaikalia-Priamurye.

S. Patkanov. Experience of geography and statistics of the Tungus. Notes of the Russian Geographical Society, Otd. Ethnography, vol. I, p. 86.

hamnigan) - the indigenous people of Eastern Siberia. They also live in Mongolia and northeast China. Separate groups of Evenks were known as Orochens, Birars, Manegrs, Solons.


The name "Tungus" has been known to Russians since the 16th century, and the self-name "Orochen" in the Amur region ("Orochel" - on the Okhotsk coast) and "Even" - in the Angara region has been known since the 17th century. The ethnonym "Evenki" began to be officially used as a generally accepted one only from the beginning of the 1930s.


The historical name of the Evenks - Tungus - is enshrined in a number of toponyms: Lower Tunguska and Podkamennaya Tunguska. The famous Tunguska meteorite is also named after the latter. Tunguska Plateau (Krasnoyarsk Territory)

From the Evenks, Russian explorers borrowed geographical names: Aldan ( Aldun: "stony shores"), Yenisei ( Ionessi: "big water"), Lena ( Yelu-ene: "big river"), Mogocha (gold mine or hill), Olekma ( Olohunai: "squirrel"), Sakhalin ( Sakhalyan-ulla: "Black River" (Amur)), Chita (clay).


Evenks inhabit a vast territory from the Yenisei in the west to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk in the east. The southern border of settlement runs along the left bank of the Amur and the Angara. Administratively, the Evenks are settled within the borders of the Irkutsk, Amur, Sakhalin regions, the republics of Yakutia and Buryatia, Krasnoyarsk, Trans-Baikal and Khabarovsk territories. Evenks are also present in the Tomsk and Tyumen regions. In this vast territory, they do not constitute the majority of the population anywhere and live in the same settlements along with Russians, Yakuts, Buryats and other peoples.


Forest Tungus, 1862

The Evenks were formed on the basis of a mixture of the natives of Eastern Siberia with the Tungus tribes who came from the Baikal and Transbaikalia. The Glazkov culture belongs to the proto-Tungus community. There are reasons to consider the Trans-Baikal people Uvan as the immediate ancestors of the Evenks, who, according to Chinese chronicles (V-VII centuries AD), lived in the mountain taiga northeast of Barguzin and Selenga. The Uvans were not natives of Transbaikalia, but were a group of nomadic pastoralists who came here from a more southern area. In the process of settling across the expanses of Siberia, the Tungus encountered local tribes and, ultimately, assimilated them. The peculiarities of the ethnic formation of the Tungus led to the fact that they are characterized by three anthropological types, as well as three different economic and cultural groups: reindeer herders, cattle breeders and fishermen.

In the 18th century, the Tungus of Dauria were influenced by Russian missionaries. In 1761, a five hundred Tunguska Cossack regiment was formed in Transbaikalia, headed by a foreman.

In 1924-1925, the anti-Soviet Tunguska uprising took place in the Far East.

In the 1990s, special boarding schools were created for the Evenks, as for some other indigenous peoples of Siberia.


The share of Evenks by regions of Russia (2002 census)

The number of Evenks at the time of their entry into Russia (XVII century) was estimated at approximately 36,135 people. The most accurate data on their numbers was given by the 1897 census - 64,500, while 34,471 people considered Tungus as their native language, the rest - Russian (31.8%), Yakut, Buryat and other languages.

Evenks in the world

Evenks of Russia

The resettlement of Evenks in the Russian Federation in 2010 as a percentage of the total number of this people in the Russian Federation

A. N. Radishchev wrote the following lines about the Tungus in the description of the Tobolsk governorship:

... Below in the eastern part, along the banks of the Kenai and Tim, there is another, equally wild, people, but with a slimmer and neater appearance, known as the Tungus. [At] this people there is a strange custom to treat a visitor or rather a friend with what is best in the house, made<ляя>at the same time, a bow and arrows to kill the one who will respond badly to the greeting of the one who treats ...

In modern Russia, the Evenks live mainly in Yakutia (18 thousand) and the Krasnoyarsk Territory (4.6 thousand, including 3.8 thousand in the Evenk region), as well as in Buryatia (2.6 thousand), the Amur Region ( 1.5 thousand), Transbaikalia (1.5 thousand), Angara (Pre-Baikal) (1.4 thousand). Municipal districts (according to the results of the 2010 census), where Evenki form the absolute majority - Oleneksky (75.5%) and Zhigansky (55%) in Yakutia. In 1930-2006, there was the Evenk Autonomous Okrug, in 1931-1938 - the Vitimo-Olekma National Okrug, created in areas densely populated by Evenks.

The Evenks are characterized by a traditional natural resource type of management. The period of contact between Evenks and Russians dates back several centuries, and Evenks have long-standing contacts with a number of other groups of people, as well as Yakuts, Buryats and other Tungus.

The number of Evenks in Russia

According to the results of the 2010 census, 38,396 Evenks live in Russia, including:

  • Far Eastern Federal District - 24,761 (69.7%)
    • Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - 18,232
    • Khabarovsk Territory - 4533
    • Republic of Buryatia - 2334
    • Amur region - 1501
    • Trans-Baikal Territory - 1492
    • Sakhalin region - 243
    • Primorsky Krai - 103
    • Jewish Autonomous Region - 72
  • Siberian Federal District - 10,089 (28.4%)
    • Krasnoyarsk Territory - 4632
    • Irkutsk region - 1431
    • Tomsk region - 103
  • other districts - 675 (1.9%)
    • Northwestern Federal District - 218 (including St. Petersburg - 140)
    • Central Federal District - 165 (including Moscow - 74)
    • Ural Federal District - 139 (including Tyumen Region - 109)

Evenki of China

Although it is generally believed in Russia that the Evenks live in Russian Siberia, in the adjacent territory of China they are represented by four ethnolinguistic groups, the total number of which exceeds the number of Evenks in Russia: 39,534 versus 38,396. These groups are united into two official nationalities, living in the Evenki Autonomous Khoshun of the Autonomous Region of Inner Mongolia and in the neighboring province of Heilongjiang (Nehe County):

  • Orochons (literally "reindeer herders", Chinese ex. 鄂伦春族, pinyin: Èlúnchūn Zú) - 8196 people according to the 2000 census, 44.54% live in Inner Mongolia, and 51.52% - in Heilongjiang province, 1.2% - in Liaoning province. About half speak the Orochon dialect of the Evenki language, sometimes treated as a separate language; the rest are only in Chinese. At present, Evenk reindeer herders in China are a very small ethnic group, numbering only about two hundred people. They speak a dialect of the North Tungus language. The existence of their traditional culture is under great threat.
  • Evenki (Chinese exercise 鄂温克族, pinyin: Èwēnkè Zú) - 30,505 for 2000, 88.8% in Hulun Buir, including:
    • small group Evenki proper- about 400 people in Aoluguya Village (Genhe County), who are now [ ] are moved to the suburbs of the county center; they call themselves "yeke", the Chinese - yakute(Chinese ex. 雅库特, pinyin: Yǎkùte or whale. ex. 雅库特鄂温克 , pinyin : Yǎkùtè Èwēnkè), since they erected themselves to the Yakuts; according to Finnish Altaist Juhe Yanhunen, this is the only ethnic group in China that practices reindeer herding;
    • khamnigans - a strongly mongolized group that speaks the Mongolian languages ​​- khamnigan proper and hamnigan (old-Barag) dialect of the Evenki language; these so-called Manchurian Hamnigans emigrated from Russia to China within a few years after the October Revolution; about 2500 people live in the Starobargut khoshun;
    • salts - together with the Daurs, they moved from the Zeya river basin in 1656 to the Nunjiang river basin, and then in 1732 partly went further west, to the Hailar river basin, where the Evenk autonomous khoshun was later formed with 9733 Evenks; they speak the Solonian dialect, sometimes treated as a separate language.

Since both the Hamningans and the “Yakut-Evenks” are very small in number (about 2000 of the first and probably about 200 of the second), the vast majority of persons assigned in China to the Evenk nationality are Solons. Salons were estimated at 7,200 in 1957, 18,000 in 1982, and 25,000 in 1990.

Dynamics of the number of Evenks in the PRC (according to the data of the all-China population censuses)

Evenks of Mongolia


The study of SNP markers of the Y-chromosome of the Trans-Baikal and Amur Evenks revealed that in both populations the Y-chromosomal haplogroup C2-M48 occupies the first place, and the Y-chromosomal haplogroup N-M2118 ranks second. Also, haplogroups R1a-M198 and I2-P37.2 were identified in both populations. In addition, the haplogroup N-B479 was found among the Evenks of the Amur region, and the haplogroup I1-M253 was found among the Evenks of Transbaikalia. In the Western Evenks from the Krasnoyarsk Territory (the Podkamennaya Tunguska River), the haplogroup C3c (M48 or M86) reaches 70%, the haplogroup N1b-P43 - 27.5%.

Traditional activities

Hunting was carried out mostly alone. A group of two or three people hunted a large animal when it was necessary to drive it to a shooter, as well as small artiodactyls when crossing rivers when they moved to new places. The main hunt was for a meat animal, fur-bearing animals were beaten along the way. When hunting, the Tungus used bows, horns, and set crossbows and nooses. The beast was chased or beaten on watering paths from an ambush in trees and boats. To track down the beast, they disguised themselves by throwing a skin from the head of a deer over themselves, and sometimes a whole one.

Reindeer husbandry played an important role for the Evenks. It mainly had a transport direction; the so-called Evenk type, with the use of pack deer, and the Orochen type, with the use of riding deer, differed.

Wandering hunters fished with bows and spears. In winter, the old men speared fish through the holes, and in the summer the fishermen were engaged in beaming from a boat. On small rivers, constipation was arranged and troughs and “muzzles” were installed in them. Many men took part in the fishing.

Men's occupations included the manufacture of wood, bone and metal products, as well as the manufacture of birch bark boats (women sewed birch bark), dugout boats and sleds. Women dressed skins, sewed clothes, shoes, tires for the plague, household items from them. They processed birch bark and sewed dishes from it, as well as "vises" - birch bark panels for plagues and birch bark boats. Men knew how to decorate wooden, bone and metal things with patterns, women - rovduga, birch bark and furs. Women were responsible for childcare and cooking.

In 1907-1908, with the support of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society, ethnographer Alexei Alekseevich Makarenko undertook expeditions along the Podkamennaya Tunguska (Katanga) River in order to collect materials on settlement, lifestyle, shamanism, Evenk customs and to acquire collections for the Ethnographic Department of the Russian Museum of Emperor Alexander III in St. Petersburg. The most valuable of his collection are: a complete set of shamanic plague, ceremonial hunting clothes of the Sym Evenks, hunting tools, blacksmithing accessories, children's toys of the Evenk-Orochons of Transbaikalia.


According to ethnographic studies, in ancient times, the Evenks practiced the rite of air burial, which is often found among the peoples included by Starostin S. A. in the hypothesis of the Sino-Caucasian macrofamily of languages.

Evenk administrative-territorial formations

Evenk administrative-territorial formations are currently (2009) in Russia and China. In Russia, these include the Evenksky District of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (formerly the Evenk Autonomous District), the Anabarsky, Zhigansky, and Olenyoksky Uluses of Yakutia, the Bauntovsky Evenksky District of Buryatia, and a number of rural settlements in the Irkutsk Oblast, Buryatia, and Yakutia. In the past, there were other Evenk administrative-territorial formations.

In China, the Evenki administrative-territorial formations include the Orochon and Evenk autonomous khoshuns in Inner Mongolia and several national volosts and soums in Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang.

Evenks in fiction

Ulukitkan (Semyon Grigoryevich Trifonov, 1871-1963) - a hunter, tracker, guide of many expeditions to create a map of remote areas of the Far East, the hero of the works of the writer-surveyor Grigory Anisimovich Fedoseev. He was born in Algoma - the camp of the ancient Buta family (the valley of the Algoma River, the territory of Yakutia).

Evenks in philately

In 1933, the ethnographic series of postage stamps "Peoples of the USSR" was issued in the USSR. Among them was a stamp dedicated to the Tungus (as the Evenks were called in those days).

see also


  1. Of the 39,534 Evenks (2010 census), the Evenks themselves (30,875 people) and the Orochons (8,659 people) are singled out separately in the PRC.
  2. Including 26,139 Evenki proper and 3,632 Orochons
  3. Including 2648 Evenks proper and 3943 Orochons
  4. All-Russian population censuses 2002-2010 (indefinite) . Retrieved 8 August 2015. (unavailable link)
  5. Evenki's Ethnologue. Languages ​​of the World.
  6. Ewenki, Solon - Asia Harvest
  7. Ewenki, Tungus - Asia Harvest
  8. Shubin A. Ts. Brief essay on the ethnic history of the Evenks of Transbaikalia (XVIII-XX centuries). Ulan-Ude: Buryat. book. publishing house, 1973. S. 64, 65
  9. Ethnographic collection. - Ulan-Ude: Buryat book publishing house, 1961. - T. 2. - S. 29.
  10. // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  11. Evenki (indefinite) (unavailable link). Retrieved June 30, 2012. Archived from the original on June 3, 2012.
  13. Areas of compact residence (unavailable link)
  14. Zuev A. On the power status of the Tungus prince Gantimur (indefinite) . Catalog of articles - Cities and fortresses of the Siberian land. ostrog.ucoz.ru. Retrieved 2 May 2019.
  15. Guide to Russian Church History - read, download - Professor Peter Vasilyevich Znamensky (Russian). azbyka.ru. Retrieved 2 May 2019.
  16. Encyclopedia of Transbaikalia (indefinite) . ez.chita.ru. Retrieved 2 May 2019.
  17. Bloch A. Longing for the Kollektiv: Gender, Power, and Residential Schools in Central Siberia // Cultural Anthropology, Vol. 20, no. 4 (Nov., 2005), pp. 534-535.

Inhabitants of Tartaria. Nicholas Witsen. Tungus (Daurian) far right

Tungus tribe - a special variety of the Mongoloid race, widely spread over a vast territory, from the borders of Central China to the north to the very coast of the Arctic Ocean and from the shores of the Yenisei in the west to the coast of the North Japan and the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bOkhotsk, and comprising a number of separate tribes of different names: Manchus, Solons, Daurs, Tungus proper, Manegrovs, Birars, Golds, Orochons, Olches, Orochs, Oroks, Negda, Samagirs, Kile, Lamuts, Dalgans, Asi, etc. Sev is considered their homeland. Manchuria, where from time immemorial (the legendary data of the "Bamboo Chronicle" bring them to the historical arena under the name of su-shens, who came with gifts to Shun's court in 2225 BC) were in continuous relations and clashes with China, Korea and nomads of Mongolia. Reliable historical data of Chinese writers depict them under the name of Ilau, first as a hunting tribe, and then as having mastered the rudiments of an agricultural and pastoral culture. The eternal struggle with their neighbors creates a warlike tribe out of them in northern Manchuria, united in inter-clan alliances, which for a number of centuries played an enormous historical role in the fate of the middle kingdom (see Manchuria, history). Three times the Tungus tribe seized power over China, giving it their own dynasties: Liao (907-), Jin (-) and, finally, in the 17th century, the dynasty that still reigns in China. Since the 17th century the Manchu branch of the Tungus tribe adopted its current name of the Manchus. The movement of the Mongols under the command of Genghis Khan, which followed the accession of the Jin dynasty, caused the migration of peoples, which had a huge impact on the fate of the northern branch of the Tungus tribe. The Mongolian tribe of the Buryats, which penetrated to the sources of the Amur and to Lake Baikal, ousted from the shores of this last Turkic tribe of the Yakuts, who, having retreated into the Lena valley, met in the north with numerous Tungus tribes; the latter, after a long bloody struggle, were forced to retreat - one part moved west as far as the Yenisei, the other to the extreme north to the very coast of the Arctic Ocean, the third to the east, along the right tributaries of the Lena to the Stanovoy Range, the coast of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bOkhotsk and the Amur Territory, meeting here with related branches of the southern branch of the Tungus tribe. The dispersal of the tribe over a vast territory and the assimilation processes inevitably associated with it, both of a somatic nature (marriage unions with other nationalities, absorption of alien elements) and of a cultural nature, could not but affect the change in the indigenous type of the tribe and a major differentiation in the language. In this regard, the Manchus suffered the most, having become significantly occupied physically and even more culturally, having lost almost their native language, which in their time had risen to the level of literature. Other peoples of the Tungus tribe also more or less change their type, assimilating either with the Mongols, or with the Turks, or with the Paleo-Asians. Nevertheless, the heterogeneous ramifications of the Tungus tribe have completely retained their kindred unity, mainly due to the commonality of the language, which has suffered very little from differentiation according to territorial dialects, differentiation, which alone should have formed the basis for the classification of individual ramifications of the Tungus tribe. Unfortunately, due to the lack of linguistic material, such a classification is still premature. The only attempt belongs to Schrenk, in relation, however, only to the Amur region. He divides the modern Tungus peoples of this region into four groups: 1) Daurs and Solons, Tungus tribes with a more or less strong Mongolian admixture, 2) Manchus, Golds and Orochs, 2) Orochons, Manegri, Birars, Kile (along the river Kur) and 4) olcha (on the Amur), oroks (Sakhalin), negda, samagirs. The first two groups form the southern, or Manchu, branch, the last two are offshoots of the northern Siberian branch, which spread all the way to the Yenisei, to the Arctic Ocean and Kamchatka. This classification cannot be of any serious significance because some nationalities from both branches, namely the Orochs, Oroks and part of the Golds, call themselves by the common name Nani (Sternberg), therefore, they cannot be attributed to different branches. So far, the following classification would be quite satisfactory in relation to the historically established nomenclature: 1) Manchus, characterized by a strictly defined territory and economic culture (agriculture, cattle breeding). According to their geographical position, salts and daurs, manegra, birars, partly golds, which were under Manchu influence for a long time, can be ranked among them; 2) actually Tungus, or Siberian Tungus, a characteristic feature of which is a nomadic lifestyle and reindeer herding, and 3) small peoples, mostly marginal, each bearing an independent name: olchi, orochs, oroks, negda, samagirs, lamuts, orochons, etc. ., of which many left their nomadic lifestyle and turned to fishermen-hunters. Representatives of the second group, actually called Tungus, are taken as the main type of tribe. Schrenk characterizes them on the basis of Middendorff's observations, his own and many others as follows. They are generally of medium to slightly below average height, with relatively large heads, broad shoulders, slightly short extremities, and small hands and feet. Like all the peoples of the north, they are of a sinewy, thin, muscular build, obese subjects are not found among them at all. The eyes are dark; the hair on the head is black, straight, coarse. The skin color is more or less yellowish-brown, the facial hair is very sparse and short, the eyebrows are usually sharply defined, sometimes arched. The structure of the head and face, although partly in a softened form, is decidedly Mongolian; the skull is always broad, sometimes very high. The face is usually somewhat elongated, broad at the cheeks, tapering towards the forehead; the cheekbones are prominent, although not as much as in real Mongols. The eye sockets are large, the eyes are set obliquely, narrow. The distance between the eyes is wide; the nose at the root is wide, flat, often flattened, later on slightly raised, small and thin. The lips are thin, the upper lip is rather long, the chin is round, the jaw is somewhat prognathic. The general facial expression reveals good nature, laziness and carelessness. In contrast to the Tungus proper, representatives of another major branch - the Manchus - have sharper and rougher features, a more curved and thicker nose, fleshy lips, a larger mouth, a more quadrangular head, and usually a larger stature. Daurs and Solons are sharply distinguished by their high growth and strong physique. Smaller T. tribes more or less approach one of these two types, falling either into the Mongolian, then into the Russian, then into the Turkic, then into the Paleo-Asiatic, for example. olcha, assimilated with the Gilyaks and partly with the Ainu. The anthropological study of the T. tribe began as early as the 18th century. since the time of Blumenbach. Various measurements of the skulls were made by Ber, Welker, Virchow, Huxley, Maliev, Schrenk, Uyfalvi, I. Mainov and others. Cf. L. Schrenk, "Reisen und Forschungen im Amurlande" (vol. Sh, issue 1, St. Petersburg, ); I. I. Mainov, "Some data on the Tungus of the Yakut Territory" ("Proceedings of the East Siberian Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society", No. 2, Irk.,); Deniker "Les races et peuples de la terre" (P.,).

The measurement results turned out to be different and give grounds to conclude about two different types. Recius, R. Wagner, Ber, Huxley recognized the Tungus dolichocephalic, and Ber, according to the head indicator (76: the ratio of width to length), brought them closer to the Germans. According to Welker, on the contrary, they are brachycephalic, most of all approaching the Buryats. Schrenk, Winkler, Gikish, Topinar find them moderately brachycephalic(Schrenk has 5 brachycephals and 2 mesocephals and, in addition, all platycephals; average index: 82.76). On the other hand, I. Mainov brings them closer to the Finns and gives the following table of averages: northern Tungus (Yakutsk region), according to Mainov, - 81.39; southern Tungus (Yakutsk region), according to Mainov, - 82.69; the Manchus of the Shibins (Poyarkov) - 82.32; Manchus (Uyfalvi) - 84.91. The same researcher, who made numerous measurements on the living among the Tungus in the Yakutsk Territory, decisively distinguishes two completely dissimilar racial elements, delimited by the line of the Ayan tract: the northern one, characterized by a very small stature (average 154.8), a high percentage of moderately dolichocephalic (63, 64%), almost complete absence of brachycephaly, moderate high cheekbones; on the contrary, the southern element, immediately adjacent to the Amur region, is distinguished by a good average height (163.1), a strong physique, almost continuous moderate brachycephaly, eyes not particularly narrow, cut straight or almost straight, thick eyebrows, short, almost straight and not particularly thick nose, all over, thus, most likely resembling the Manchus. And it is this last author that he considers to be a characteristic type of T., and attributes the features of the northern type entirely to the influence of the Paleo-Asians. In contrast to Middendorf and Schrenk, I. Mainov considers the fundamental features of the T. tribe to be non-Mongolian. Deniker, on the contrary, takes the T. tribe for the northern subrace of the Mongolian tribe, characterized by mesocephaly or mild subdolichocephaly, an oval or round face, prominent cheekbones - a type common in Manchuria, Korea, North China, Mongolia, and in general he takes the Tungus for a mixture of Mongols with paleasians. However, the question of the influence of these latter on the entire Tungus tribe must be recognized as very problematic. About the Tungus language - see.

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