
Anonymous: walking across three seas Afanasia Nikitina 0

Anonymous: walking across three seas Afanasia Nikitina

AFANASY NIKITIN ABOUT HOW HE DIDN’T CONVERT TO ISLAM BUT STUDYED THEIR CULTURE... HOW THEY ROBBED AND RETURNED HIM GOODS... ABOUT HOTEL MAIDS-CONCUBINES, ETC. I read something fluently - it’s more interesting to read in the ancient language (Old Church Slavonic) ...

Spelling of unstressed vowels in case endings of nouns 0

Spelling of unstressed vowels in case endings of nouns

Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation. Complete academic reference book Lopatin Vladimir Vladimirovich Unstressed vowels in case endings§ 67. In accordance with the general rule (see § 33), writing letters in place of unstressed...

Ivan Krylov - Dragonfly and Ant (Fable): Verse 0

Ivan Krylov - Dragonfly and Ant (Fable): Verse

“Everyone knows that our great fabulist I. A. Krylov became interested in the fable of the French poet La Fontaine “The Cicada and the Ant.” It must be said that “Vanyusha Lafontaine” himself, in turn, borrowed the plot of this fable from the great Greek...

Online Olympiads for students in English 0

Online Olympiads for students in English

International Linguistic and Regional Studies Olympiad "Travelling to Britain" The International Linguistic and Regional Studies Olympiad "Travelling to Britain" is intended for 1-5 year students and consists of tasks aimed at generalizing...

Arguments for essay (Unified State Exam in Russian) 0

Arguments for essay (Unified State Exam in Russian)

Arguing your opinion on a chosen issue is one of the most important tasks when writing an argumentative essay. Since arguments from the literature are rated higher, it is very important to prepare them in advance. On this page I present a number of...

Exclamatory sentences, examples 0

Exclamatory sentences, examples

Exclamatory sentence A sentence in which the expression of the content of a thought is accompanied by an expression of the speaker's feelings. The constructive elements of exclamatory sentences are interjections, emotional particles,...