Factor theory of personality H. Eysenck. Structural theory of personality traits by Rashond Kettel G Eisenk's theory

In his approach, G. Eysenck uses factor analysis somewhat differently than R. Cattell, namely, the research strategy should begin with a sufficiently substantiated hypothesis for some main feature of interest to the researcher, followed by an accurate measurement of everything that is characteristic of this feature. From the author's point of view, to explain most of the behavioral manifestations of a person, no more than three superfeatures (which he calls types or key factors) are needed. Also, G. Eysenck attaches much more importance to genetic factors in the development of the individual. He does not deny situational influences or influence environment per person, but I am convinced that personality traits and types are determined primarily by heredity.

Structure. According to trait theory, within personality there are natural structural units, and factor analysis allows us to detect them. If certain phenomena jointly vary, i.e. if they appear and disappear together, then from this we can conclude that they have some common basis, refer to the same aspect of personal functioning. Factor analysis is based on the idea that actions that vary in common among many individuals are related. Factor analysis is thus a statistical technique for determining which activities are related but independent of others; thus he fixes the units, or natural elements of the personality structure. They are called factors. The resulting factors reflect personality traits, these factors can be interpreted and given names, for example, the “sociability” factor, finding the common content that unites all the signs associated with the factor. Applying factor analysis again, G. Eysenck determines the basic parameters that underlie the initial ("primary") factors - the features found at the first round of analysis. These parameters are secondary factors, or superfactors. Superfactor - this is a parameter that has two poles and people can be located at any point between these poles.

From the point of view of G. Eysenck, the elements of personality can be arranged hierarchically. There are certain superfeatures(superfactors or types), such as introversion, which have a powerful influence on behavior. In turn, he sees each of these superfeatures built from several composite features. They are either more superficial reflections of a fundamental type. Finally, traits are made up of numerous habitual reactions, which are formed from a set specific reactions. Such a branched structure may have the form shown in Figure 6.

PR1 PR2 PR3 PR4 PR5 PR6 PR7 PR8 PR9 PR10
CP1 CP2 CP3 CP4 CP5 CP6 CP7 CP8 CP9 CP10 CP11 CP12 CP13 CP14 CP15 CP16 CP17 CP18 CP19 CP20

Figure 5. Hierarchical model of personality structure.
(PR - habitual reaction; SR - specific reaction)

G. Eysenck used a variety of methods to collect data about people: self-observation, expert assessments, analysis of biographical information, physical and physiological parameters, as well as objective psychological tests. The obtained data were subjected to factor analysis to determine the personality structure. In his early research, the author identified two main types, which he called introversion - extraversion and neuroticism - stability. These two dimensions of personality are statistically independent of each other. Accordingly, people can be divided into four groups, each of which is a combination of a high or low score in the range of one type, together with a high or low score in the other type of range. As shown in Figure 6, each type has associated characteristics whose names resemble descriptions of personality traits. It is worth noting that a) both ranges of types are normally distributed, and provide for a wide range of individual differences; b) descriptions of the features inherent in each type are extreme cases. Most people tend to be closer to the middle point, and therefore do not have such a set of very pronounced characteristics. G. Eysenck compares these sets of characteristics with types of temperaments. According to G. Eysenck, none of the combinations of these personality types can be more preferable than the other.


Figure 6 The ratio of two basic personality parameters with four traditional types of temperament

Later, G. Eysenck described and introduced into his theory the third type of personality measurement, which he called psychotism - the power of the Super-I. People with a high degree manifestations of this super trait are egocentric, impulsive, indifferent to others, and tend to oppose social norms. They are often restless, difficult to contact with people and do not meet with their understanding, deliberately causing trouble to others. Eysenck suggested that psychotism is a genetic predisposition to becoming a psychotic or psychopathic person. He sees psychotism as a personality continuum on which all people can be placed and which is more pronounced in men than in women.

Process and development. Of particular interest is the author's attempt to determine the neurophysiological basis for each of the three super personality traits. In his opinion, introversion-extroversion is closely related to the levels of cortical activation, as shown by electroencephalographic studies. G. Eysenck uses the term "activation" to refer to the degree of excitation, changing its value from the lower limit to the upper one. He believes that introverts are extremely excitable and, therefore, highly sensitive to incoming stimulation - for this reason they avoid situations that affect them excessively. Conversely, extroverts are not sufficiently excitable and therefore insensitive to incoming stimulation; accordingly, they are constantly on the lookout for situations that can excite them.

Individual differences in stability - neuroticism reflect the strength of the reaction of the autonomous nervous system for incentives. In particular, he associates this aspect with the limbic system, which influences motivation and emotional behavior. People with a high level of neuroticism tend to respond to painful, unusual, disturbing, and other stimuli faster than more stable personalities. Such individuals also show longer responses, which continue even after the stimulus disappears, than individuals with a high level of stability.

As an assumption, G. Eysenck correlates the severity of the aspect of psychotism with the androgen-producing system.

Norm and pathology. The neurophysiological interpretation of aspects of personality behavior proposed by Eysenck is closely related to his theory of psychopathology. In particular, different types of symptoms or disorders can be attributed to the combined effect of personality traits and nervous system function. For example, a person with a high degree of introversion and neuroticism is at a very high risk of developing painful anxiety conditions such as obsessive-compulsive disorders as well as phobias. Conversely, a person with high levels of extraversion and neuroticism is at risk for psychopathic (antisocial) disorders. However, the author notes that mental disorders are not automatically the result of a genetic predisposition. Neurotic symptoms in a person develop as a result of the combined action of the biological system and experience, which leads to the formation of strong emotional reactions to stimuli that cause fear.

Changes. Despite the strong genetic component in the occurrence and persistence of neurotic disorders, G. Eysenck believes that there are quite realistic treatment options: Accordingly, a person has the opportunity to avoid some potentially traumatic situations, as well as unlearn certain learned fear reactions or, conversely, learn the right norms social behavior. Thus, emphasizing the importance of genetic factors, G. Eysenck at the same time acted as the main supporter of behavioral therapy, or the systematic treatment of deviant behavior in accordance with the principles of learning theory. It is worth noting that G. Eysenck was an opponent of psychoanalytic theory and therapy. He criticized psychoanalysis on the following main positions: 1) psychoanalysis is not a scientific theory, since it cannot be refuted; 2) neurotic and psychotic disorders represent deviations from the norm in various parameters, and not different points of the same total continuum of mental deviations; 3) pathological behavior is a person's learned inadequate reactions, and not disguised manifestations of unconscious conflicts; 4) any therapy one way or another is the application of the laws of learning.

Basic job data

Template versionBranchType of workTerm paperDiscipline titleGeneral psychologyThemeHans Eysenck's Theory of Personality TypesStudent's last nameStudent's first nameStudent's middle nameContract number


Theoretical analysis of the problem of personality traits and types in the theory of G.Yu. Eysenck

1 Hierarchical model

2 Basic personality types

3 Neurophysiological Foundations of Trait Theory

Measurement of personality traits

1 Diagnostic study of personality traits and types according to the method of G.Yu. Eysenck EPi

2 Differences between introverts and extroverts



List of sources used



The relevance of the topic of this study is determined by the fact that personality is a special characteristic that a biological individual acquires in the course of public relations.

From the standpoint of the dispositional direction of the study of personality, it is necessary to take into account two main ideas. The first idea is that people have a range of predispositions to respond in a variety of situations. This means that people demonstrate some consistency in their actions, emotions and thoughts, regardless of the passage of time, context and life events. In fact, personality is determined by the system of tendencies that people carry through their lives, which belong to them and are inseparable from them.

The second idea of ​​this direction is the assumption that there are no two identical people who are absolutely similar to each other. Indeed, each direction in personology, in order to remain fully viable within psychological science, should also consider the problem of differences between subjects.

Personologists took part in solving the problem of constructing comprehensive schemes for identifying and measuring the main features that form the core of personality. This was most clearly manifested in the conceptual and empirical approaches of G. Eysenck and R. Cattell (Kjell L., Ziegler D., 1997). Using a complex psychometric technique known as factor analysis, these theorists attempted to show how the basic structure of personality traits influences an individual's observed behavioral responses. For Eysenck, two main parameters are overly important in personality: introversion-extroversion and stability-neuroticism. The third parameter, called psychotism - the strength of the superego, Eysenck also considers as the main parameter in the structure of personality. Cattell, unlike Eysenck, argues that at least 16 basic traits determine the structure of personality.

Eiseneck agrees with Cattell that the purpose of psychology is to predict behavior. He also shares Cattell's commitment to factor analysis as a way to capture the whole picture of personality. However, Eysenck uses factor analysis somewhat differently than Cattell. According to Eysenck, a research strategy should begin with a well-founded hypothesis about some key trait of interest to the researcher, followed by an accurate measurement of everything that is characteristic of this trait. personality eisenck introvert extrovert

Eysenck was convinced that no more than three subfeatures (which he calls types) are needed to explain most of the behavioral manifestations of a person. Eysenck attaches much more importance to genetic factors in the development of the individual. This does not at all mean that Eysenck denies situational influences or the influence of the environment on a person, but he is convinced that personality traits and types are determined, first of all, by heredity. Despite the fact that the exact impact of genetics on behavior has not yet been elucidated, a growing number of psychologists agree with Eysenck's views on this issue.

This work is devoted to the research of Hans Eysenck.

The object of study is the scientific work of Eysenck

The subject of the study is the theory of personality types by G. Eysenck.

The purpose of this course work is to study the theory of Hans Eysenck's personality types.

Achieving this goal was possible through the consistent solution of a number of tasks:

) Determination of the specifics of the hierarchical model of personality G. Eysenck

) Definition of the main types of personality from the standpoint of G. Eysenck

) Identification of the neurophysiological foundations of the theory of personality traits by G. Eysenck

) Determination of personality traits and types using the EPI methodology in terms of the theory of personality types

) Characteristics of the system of differences between introverts and extroverts

1. Theoretical analysis of the problem of personality traits and types in the theory of G.Yu. Eysenck

.1 Hierarchical model

G. Eysenck's research was built using methods mathematical statistics, in particular - with the use of the method of factor analysis, innovative in his time. In his work, he tried to show how the main, basic personality traits affect the behavioral reactions of the subject given to direct observation. For this researcher, three polar personality parameters are important: introversion - extraversion, on the one hand, and stability - neutrotism and psychotism - the power of the super-ego. Eysenck believed that the main goal of psychological science is the prediction of human behavior. As indicated, his studies were based on factor analysis. However, he used this method somewhat differently compared to other researchers of his period. According to Eysenck, the research strategy should begin, first of all, with a clearly formulated and justified hypothesis for a particular personality trait, and only then should an accurate measurement of the phenomena that are characteristic of this personality trait.

It is clear from the foregoing that Eysenck's approach turns out to be tightly bound to the framework of the theory. He was convinced that no more than three basic traits, which he refers to as "super traits" (or types), are needed to explain most human behavioral responses. In his theory highest value attached to the genetic factors of the development of the subject. At the same time, this does not mean that Hans Eysenck denies situational influences, but nevertheless he was convinced that personality traits are determined, first of all, by heredity.

The core of the theory of personality types is the concept that the elements of personality structure are arranged hierarchically. As part of his work, he formulated a four-level hierarchical system individual behavior. Let's take a closer look at this system:

The lower level consists of special, specific actions or thoughts, individually - specific ways of behavior, which may or may not be characteristics of a person's personality.

The second level is the habitual thoughts and actions of a person - in general, reactions that can be observed under certain conditions. Unlike specific reactions, these reactions are observed quite often: they can be regular or even sequential. Statistically, these responses were isolated from specific responses using the factor analysis method.

The third level is occupied by personality traits. A trait, according to Eysenck, is some important, relatively constant personality property. The trait is formed from several important, interconnected and habitual reactions of a person.

Types (superfactors) act as the fourth level of organization of behavior. The personality type is formed from a number of interrelated traits. For example, assertiveness can be associated with a sense of inferiority, poor emotional adjustment, social shyness, and a few other traits that collectively form the introverted type.

In Eysenck's scheme, there are certain super-features, otherwise - types, such as extraversion, which has a powerful influence on behavior. On the other hand, each of these super traits is formed from several composite traits. These traits are superficial reflections of the base type, or special, specific qualities of this type.

When defining personality models according to Hans Eysenck, one should pay close attention to the fact that the type of personality implies a normal distribution of parameter values ​​on a certain continuum. In view of this, the concept of "extroversion" implies a certain range with upper and lower limits, within which people are located precisely with the severity of this quality. Thus, extraversion is understood not as some discrete quantitatively expressed value, but as some kind of continuum. In view of this, Eysenck uses the concept of "type".

1.2 Basic personality types

In his early studies, Hans Eysenck singled out only two general superfactors - extraversion (the so-called type E) and neuroticism (type - N). In his further studies, he singled out the third type - psychotism (type P), although he never denied the possibility of distinguishing other types. Eysenck was inclined to consider all these types as parts of the normal structure of a person's personality.

As mentioned in the first paragraph, all types are bipolar, that is, if extraversion is at one end of the E factor, then introversion is at the other pole. By analogy, the superfactor N implies a polarity of neuroticism and stability, and the superfactor P - psychotism on the one hand, and on the other - the power of the "Super-Ego". The bipolarity of these factors does not mean that a large number of people belong to one or another pole of the superfactor, the distribution of characteristics is rather bimodal than unimodal. For example, the distribution of extraversion characteristics is more like a standard normal distribution, like the distribution in intelligence level or, for example, the height of a person. A large number of people, according to Eysenck, are in the central part of the domed normal distribution, and based on this statement, he believed that people can still be divided into several mutually exclusive categories.

Hans Eysenck applied the deductive method scientific research, he began with some theoretical constructions, then, in the process of collecting actual data, he refined his theoretical constructions. His theory is based on the use of factor analysis. At the same time, he believed that the use of abstract psychometric methods is not accurate enough, it must be remembered that the results of factorial research are unnecessarily sterile and they should not be given special significance until their biological existence is proven.

Eysenck established four criteria for determining factors. On the one hand, it is necessary to confirm the existence of the factor through the use of psychometric procedures. The factor based on the inference from the psychometric data should be able to be tested and cross-checked, and it should also be statistically significant. The second criterion is that the resulting factor must have the property of inheritance, and also correspond to a predetermined genetic model. This criterion removes learned characteristics from the field of study, for example, the ability to imitate the voices of famous personalities or the political and religious beliefs of a person. The third position - the factor should make sense from the point of view of the theory. The last criterion for the existence of a factor is its social relevance, that is, it is necessary that a mathematically defined factor be correlated with the phenomena of social reality.

Eysenck says that each of the types he singled out meets the specified identification criteria. Firstly, there is strict psychometric evidence for the existence of each of the factors he singled out, this is most clearly seen in the factors E and N. The factor psychotism (P) appeared in his works somewhat later than the first two, and for it there are no such rigidly defined correspondences. with empirical data and with the results of research by other scientists. The factors of extraversion and neuroticism are considered by him as the main types (superfactors) in all analytical factor studies of personality traits. Secondly, Eysenck showed that there is a strong biological basis for each of the factors considered in his study. At the same time, he argued that such traits as social responsibility, conscientiousness, which are included in the so-called "big five" taxonomy, have no biological basis. Thirdly, all three superfactors have a theoretical meaning. Psychoanalytic researchers (S. Freud, early C.G. Jung) noted that factors such as extraversion / introversion, as well as anxiety / emotional stability, have a very serious impact on human behavior. Personality neuroticism, as well as psychotism - that is, the properties of an exclusively pathological subject, although they show by psychometric tests higher results on the specified characteristics. Eysenck as a theoretical substantiation of this superfactor P the hypothesis that the characteristics of the mental health of an individual are continuously distributed over the general population. In one part of the domed distribution there are such "healthy" personality traits as altruism, empathy and a number of others, while on the other - hostility, aggressiveness and a tendency to painful reactions. Any person, in accordance with the system of their own characteristics, can be at any place in this scale, and none of the other people will be perceived as mentally handicapped or sick. In addition, Eysenck developed the diathesis-stress model of the occurrence of mental disorders, according to which some people are more susceptible to a particular disease, because they may have a genetic or newly acquired weakness that makes them more prone to mental disorder or even illness.

He was inclined to believe that people whose characteristics are located on the healthier edge of the P factor are more resistant to the action of morbid influences. On the other hand, those people who are closer to the unhealthy edge, even minor exposure or stress can cause a painful psychotic reaction. In other words, the higher the indicator of psychotism of the individual, the less stressful exposure is needed in order for a painful psychotic reaction to occur.

Fourthly, Hans Eysenck has repeatedly shown that the three types he identified are associated with such socially significant issues as the problem of drug addiction, sexual behavior, crime, the prevention of somatic diseases, and many, many other phenomena.

All superfactors identified by Eysenck depend on the genetic basis. He believed that at least three-quarters of the variability of factors is provided by heredity, while the remaining quarter is environmental factors. Eysenck collected a huge amount of evidence of influence biological component on the development of the personality of the individual. First, almost identical factors have been found in people around the world. Secondly, it has been proven that the position of a person in relation to the three dimensions of personality tends to persist for a long time. And third, studies of twin pairs have shown that identical twins show significantly closer characteristics than fraternal twins of the same sex who grew up together, which may serve as confirmation of the determining role of genetic factors in the manifestation of individual differences between different people.

1.3 Neurophysiological foundations of trait theory

The most interesting, in our opinion, in Eysenck's theory is his attempt to establish the neurophysiological foundations for each of the super personality traits he singled out. He says that introversion-extroversion is most closely related to the level of cortical activation, as shown in his electroencephalographic studies. Eysenck does not accidentally use the term "activation", he uses it to refer to the so-called degree of arousal, which changes its value from the lower limit (for example, sleep) to the upper limit (for example, a state of panic). Hans Eysenck believes that people classified as introverts are extremely excitable and, accordingly, more sensitive to incoming stimulation, and on the basis of this they avoid situations that could have a strong effect on them. On the other hand, extroverts are not excitable enough and are constantly looking for situations that can turn them on.

Eysenck believes that subjects that differ in the parameter of stability-neuroticism have differences in the parameter of the strength of the response of the autonomic nervous system to external stimulation. He connects this moment with the limbic system, which has a significant impact on the motivation and emotions of a person. Subjects who have a high level of neuroticism typically respond to painful, anxiety-producing stimulation much more quickly, while those with stable neuroticism tend to respond much more slowly. Such individuals are characterized by the manifestation of a longer reaction, which continues even after the disappearance of stimuli.

If we turn to research on psychotism, then they are at the search stage. At the same time, as a working hypothesis, Hans Eysenck links psychotism with the humoral regulation system, in particular with the androgen-producing system. Unfortunately, not enough studies have been conducted on this issue to absolutely accurately and clearly confirm the indicated hypothesis about the relationship of psychotism with the secretion of sex hormones.

The neurophysiological interpretation of the facts of personality behavior, which was proposed by Eysenck, is most closely associated with his concept of psychopathology. For example, different types symptoms or behavioral disorders can be attributed to the combined influence of super personality traits on the functioning of his nervous system. For example, a person who has high levels of introversion and neuroticism may have a higher risk of developing a painful anxiety condition such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, as well as phobias. Whereas a person with a high level of extraversion of personality, as well as neuroticism, is more prone to antisocial disorders. However, Eysenck added that such mental disorders are not an automatic result of genetic predetermination. A genetically inherited predisposition of a person to act and behave in a certain way when getting into certain situations. Thus, the researcher's belief in the genetic basis of various kinds of mental disorders is combined with the conviction that environmental influences can to some extent change the development of this type of disorder.

2. Measurement of personality traits

.1 Diagnostic study of personality traits and types according to the method of G.Yu. Eysenck EPi

Eysenck in his works indicates that his research is motivated, first of all, by the imperfection of psychiatric and psychological diagnoses. In his opinion, the traditional classification of diseases should be replaced by a special system of measurements, which would present the main characteristics of a person's personality. At the same time, he points out that mental disorders and disorders in a person are a continuation of individual differences in a person, which are also observed in ordinary, “normal” people.

Hans Eysenck, during his creative development, created a huge number of questionnaires to determine individual differences in the three superfactors of personality he singled out. The most recent is the Eysenck Personality Inventory. Some of the items in this questionnaire are presented in Appendix A. It must be noted that the questionnaire contains a number of items that are relevant to a person's tendency to falsify answers in order to show himself in a better light. There is also an "Adolescent Personality Questionnaire" for diagnosing the severity of super traits in children aged 7 to 15 years.

Eysenck has always been convinced that his main criteria of introversion-extroversion and stability-neuroticism are empirically confirmed in some works of other researchers who applied other personality tests. Much of the evidence for this claim has come from studies of the difference in behavior between introverts and extroverts.

Each type of personality, according to Eysenck, is naturally determined, one should not talk about bad and good temperaments, one can only talk about different types of behavior and human activities, about his individual characteristics. Each person who has determined the type of his temperament can use his traits much more effectively.

The indicator of introversion-extroversion is characterized by a person's psychological orientation to the world of external objects (that is, extraversion) or to the inner, subjective world (introversion). It is generally accepted that extroverted people are more inherent in sociability, impulsiveness, flexibility of behavior, a greater degree of initiative (but, at the same time, less perseverance), as well as high social adaptation.

Extroverted people are usually charming, straightforward in their judgments and oriented towards external evaluation of his behaviour. Extroverts are very good at activities that require quick decision making. If you characterize a typical extrovert, then it can be noted that such an individual is very sociable, turned to social interaction, has a wide circle of friends, and also feels an urgent need for social contacts. Such a person tends to act under the influence of the situation, he is impulsive and quick-tempered. You can say about an extrovert that he is carefree, optimistic, very good-natured and cheerful. He prefers movement and action, he may have a tendency to be aggressive. The feelings and emotions of an extrovert are not strictly controlled, such a person is prone to risky actions and deeds, it is not always possible for such a person to Plean back.

Introverted people are characterized by lack of communication, isolation, social passivity (at the same time, with great perseverance), a tendency to introspection and certain difficulties. social adaptation. Such people cope better with monotonous work, they turn out to be more careful, accurate, pedantic. A typical introvert is a calm, shy person who is prone to introspection. An introvert is reserved and distant from everyone except close friends. He is inclined to plan and think over his own actions in advance, he is not inclined to trust sudden impulses, he is very serious about making decisions, he likes order in everything. An introvert controls his own feelings, it is very difficult to piss him off. Such a person is pessimistic, highly appreciates the norms of morality and morality.

Ambiverts have features of extra- and introversion. Sometimes persons, to clarify this indicator, an additional examination using other tests is recommended.

The indicator of neuroticism characterizes a person in terms of his emotional stability (stability). This indicator is also bipolar and forms a scale, on one pole of which there are people characterized by extreme emotional stability, excellent adaptation (indicator 0-11 on the “neuroticism” scale), and on the other - an extremely nervous, unstable and poorly adapted type (indicator 14- 24 on the neuroticism scale).

Neuroticism is emotional stability. Characterizes emotional stability or instability (emotional stability or instability). According to some data, neuroticism is associated with indicators of the lability of the nervous system. Neuroticism is expressed in extreme nervousness, instability, poor adaptation, a tendency to quickly change moods (lability), feelings of guilt and anxiety, anxiety, depressive reactions, absent-mindedness, instability in stressful situations. Neuroticism corresponds to emotionality, impulsivity; unevenness in contacts with people, variability of interests, self-doubt, pronounced sensitivity, impressionability, a tendency to irritability.

The neurotic personality is characterized by inadequately strong reactions to the stimuli that cause them. Individuals with high scores on the neuroticism scale in adverse stressful situations may develop neurosis.

Emotionally unstable (neurotic) - sensitive, emotional, anxious, tend to painfully experience failures and get upset over trifles.

Psychoticism. This scale indicates a tendency to antisocial behavior, pretentiousness, inadequacy of emotional reactions, high conflict, non-contact, self-centeredness, selfishness, indifference.

According to Eysenck, high scores on extraversion and neuroticism are consistent with a psychiatric diagnosis of hysteria, and high scores on introversion and neuroticism are consistent with anxiety or reactive depression.

Neuroticism and psychotism in the case of the severity of these indicators are understood as a "predisposition" to the corresponding types of pathology.

2.2 Differences between introverts and extroverts

Eysenck in his creative activity great importance gives conceptual clarity and measurement accuracy. His work was aimed at determining whether there is a certain difference in behavior, which is due to individual differences within the continuum of introversion - extraversion. The researcher argued that individual differences in human behavior can be identified through factor analysis, as well as measured through questionnaires and rigorous laboratory procedures. In this section, we consider the general methodology of his research.

In a review of studies that are based on test predictions within the theory of personality types, a huge number of facts are presented. In particular, it has been shown that extroverts are much more tolerant of pain than introverts, they tend to make more pauses during work to chat and relax than introverts, and general excitement increases the efficiency of their actions, while introverts only get in the way.

Some other empirically established differences between extroverts and introverts are listed below.

· Introverts tend to prefer theoretical and scientific activities (eg, engineering and chemistry), while extroverts tend to prefer jobs that involve people (eg, sales, social services).

· Introverts are more likely to be admitted to the practice of masturbation than extroverts; on the other hand, extroverts have sex at an earlier age, more often and with a greater number of partners than introverts.

· In college, introverts are more successful than extroverts. Also, students who leave college for psychiatric reasons tend to be more introverted; while those students who leave for academic reasons are more likely to be extroverts.

· Introverts feel more alert in the mornings, while extroverts feel more alert in the evenings. Moreover, introverts work better in the morning and extroverts in the afternoon.

One of the most noticeable differences between introverts and extroverts is their sensitivity to stimulation. This difference can be easily demonstrated using the "lemon drop test". If you put four drops of lemon juice on a person's tongue, it turns out that introverts produce almost twice as much saliva as extroverts. The basis of this interesting phenomenon is related to the different picture of physiological functioning in introverts and extroverts. Eysenck especially emphasizes that the ascending activating influence from the reticular formation of the brain stem is responsible for the differences in reactions to stimulation in introverts and extroverts.

Drawing on data from higher physiology nervous activity, G. Eysenck hypothesizes that the strong and weak types according to Pavlov are very close to the extraverted and introverted personality types. The nature of intro- and extraversion is seen in the innate properties of the central nervous system, which ensure the balance of the processes of excitation and inhibition. According to G. Eysenck, such personality traits as extraversion - introversion and neuroticism - stability are orthogonal, i.e. are statistically independent of each other. Accordingly, G. Eysenck divides people into four types, each of which is a combination of a high or low score in the range of one property, together with a high or low score in the range of another. Thus, using the survey data on the scales of extraversion - introversion and neuroticism - stability, it is possible to derive personality temperament indicators according to Pavlov's classification, who described four classical types: sanguine (according to the main properties of the central nervous system, it is characterized as strong, balanced, mobile), choleric (strong , unbalanced, mobile), phlegmatic (strong, balanced, inert), melancholic (weak, unbalanced, inert).

According to G.V. Sukhodolsky, the typology of G. Eysenck, can be represented as a matrix, the rows of which characterize the orientation (introversion; average values; extraversion), the columns correspond to the levels of emotional stability (neuroticism; average values; stability), and the elements - statistically normal and deviating from it types . Appendix B presents a matrix typology of personalities according to the EPQ method.

With the help of this matrix, it is easy to determine whether a person belongs to one of the nine personality types, using a combination of the degree of severity of extraversion and neuroticism.

Each type of personality corresponds to the following external manifestations:

Choleric (X) - Aggressive, short-tempered, changing his views / impulsive.

Choleric-sanguine (CS) type - optimistic, active, extroverted, sociable, accessible.

Sanguine (C) - talkative, quick to respond, laid-back, lively.

Sanguine-phlegmatic (SF) type - carefree, leading, stable, calm, balanced.

Phlegmatic (F) - reliable, self-controlled, peaceful, reasonable.

Phlegmatic-melancholic (FM) type - diligent, passive, introvert, quiet, unsociable.

Melancholic (M) - restrained, pessimistic, sober, rigid.

Melancholic-choleric (MX) type - conscientious, capricious, neurotic, touchy, restless.

The table shows the values ​​of the indicators of the scales extraversion, introversion, neuroticism-stability according to the EPQ method. By substituting the average values ​​on two basic scales, as well as the extreme manifestations of signs in points, it is easy to obtain a matrix that allows you to determine the type of personality using the EPI method.

With individual diagnostics, this matrix helps to determine whether a person belongs to a certain type, on the basis of which a psychological portrait of a person can be built. In addition, the matrix distribution of types allows you to portray social communities.

Matrix and profile mapping makes it easy to compare typological portraits of different social groups of people, and the graphical representation of profiles provides clarity in comparison.


In the course of studying personality types according to the theory of G.Yu. Eysenck, the following theoretical tasks were consistently solved: the problem of personality traits and types was analyzed, the basic concepts and principles of the theory of personality types were identified, personality types in the theory of G.Yu. Eysenck.

Theoretical analysis showed that Eysenck's theory of personality types is based on factor analysis. His hierarchical model of personality structure includes types, personality traits, habitual reactions, specific reactions. Types are continuums, on which characteristics of individuals are located between two extremes. Eysenck emphasizes that personality types are not discrete and that most people do not fall into extreme categories.

Hans Eysenck's type theory was developed on the basis of the mathematical apparatus of factor analysis. This method assumes that people have various relatively constant personal qualities, or traits, and that these traits can be measured using correlation studies. Eysenck applied the deductive method of scientific research, starting with theoretical constructions, and then collecting data that logically corresponded to this theory.

Eysenck established four criteria for identifying factors. First, psychometric confirmation of the existence of the factor must be obtained. The second criterion is that the factor must have the property of inheritance and satisfy the established genetic model. Third, the factor must make sense from a theoretical point of view. The last criterion for the existence of a factor is its social relevance, that is, it must be shown that the mathematically derived factor has a relationship (not necessarily strictly causal) to social phenomena.

Eysenck formulated the concept of a hierarchical four-level model human personality. The lower level is specific actions or thoughts, an individual way of behaving or thinking, which may or may not be characteristics of the individual. The second level is habitual actions or thoughts that are repeated under certain conditions. The third level is personality traits, and the fourth, the highest level of organization of behavior, is the level of types, or superfactors.

Extraversion is characterized by sociability and impulsiveness, introversion by passivity and thoughtfulness, neuroticism by anxiety and compulsive habits, stability by the absence of such, psychotism by antisocial behavior, and superego by a tendency to empathize and cooperate.

Eysenck placed special emphasis on the biological components of personality. According to his theory, environmental influences are practically not important for the formation of personality. In his opinion, genetic factors have a much greater influence on subsequent behavior than childhood impressions.

Eysenck's theory of personality types is based on factor analysis. His hierarchical model of personality structure includes types, personality traits, habitual reactions, specific reactions. Types are continuums, on which characteristics of individuals are located between two extremes. Eysenck emphasizes that personality types are not discrete, that most people do not fall into extreme categories.

Eysenck sees only two main types (subfeatures) underlying the personality structure: introversion-extroversion, stability-neuroticism. Explicit features of behavior resulting from combinations of these two types are considered. For example, people who are both introverted and stable tend to be in control of their actions, while extroverts who are stable tend to be carefree. Eysenck argues that individual differences in these two sub-features are closely related to the neurophysiological characteristics of the human body. Eysenck attaches much more importance to the genetic basis of personality traits than other personologists. Eysenck, in addition to the EPi questionnaire, several more questionnaires to assess the main subfeatures underlying his hierarchical personality model. Theories of personality based on factor analysis reflect the modern interest of psychology in quantitative methods and, in turn, are reflected in huge number specially organized personality studies.

In the vast number of applied studies that Eysenck conducted to prove his theory, most often together with specialists in their respective fields, the importance of differences in these factors in crime statistics, in mental illness, in predisposition to accidents, in the choice of professions, in the severity of level of achievement, in sports, in sexual behavior, etc.

Eysenck's tireless efforts to create a holistic picture of personality are admirable. Many psychologists consider him a first-rate specialist, extremely fruitful in his attempts to create a scientifically based model of the structure and functioning of the personality. Throughout his work, Eysenck consistently emphasized the role of neurophysiological and genetic factors in explaining individual behavioral differences. In addition, he argues that an accurate measurement procedure is the cornerstone of constructing a convincing theory of personality. His contributions to research in criminology, education, psychopathology, and behavior change should also be noted. In general, it seems logical to conclude that the popularity of Eysenck's theory will continue to grow and there will be continued attempts by scientists to improve and expand his theory of personality traits both on a theoretical and empirical level.


No. p / p Concept Definition 1 1. 2. Secondary Dispositions Individual traits that are less noticeable and less suitable for characterizing a person than central dispositions Everyone has many secondary dispositions that are not very important for describing a given personality, but nevertheless appear with some regularity and are responsible for many specific moments in a person's behavior 2 Diathesis- Diathesis-stress model Eysenck's model of the occurrence of mental illness, according to which some people are more vulnerable to illness because they have some kind of genetic or acquired weakness that makes them more prone to mental illness Predisposition (diathesis) together with stress situation give rise to psychotic manifestations 3 Dynamic trait A trait that activates and directs a person to specific goals Dynamic traits include ergs and semes 4 Impulsiveness Impulsiveness is a character trait expressed in a tendency to act without conscious conscious control, under the influence of external circumstances or due to emotional experiences. how age feature impulsivity is manifested mainly in children of preschool and primary school age, which is due to the insufficient formation of the function of controlling behavior. With normal development, this form of impulsivity is quite optimally corrected in the joint games of children, in which the fulfillment of role-playing rules requires restraining one's immediate impulses and taking into account the interests of other players, and also somewhat later in learning activities. Upon reaching adolescence, impulsivity can again manifest itself as an age-related feature, already associated with an increase in emotional excitability at this age. For the diagnosis of impulsivity, special tests and questionnaires are used, for example, Kagan's Matching Familiar Figure Test and the impulsiveness questionnaire of S. and H. Aizenkov. 5Individual, Individual (Individ; Individual) - a single, unique being Differs from a collective being 6IntroversionIntroversion according to Eysenck (from Latin intro - inside) - a personal variable in the hierarchical personality model of H. Eysenck. It is characterized by a number of features. Among them - perseverance, rigidity, subjectivism, modesty, irritability. The introvert is shy, introspective, does not follow sudden impulses, likes order, can be relied upon, cold. Performance oriented. 7PerseverancePersistence - personal quality. Characterized by the ability to overcome external and internal obstacles in achieving the task. 8NeuroticismNeuroticism (from the Greek neuron - vein, nerve) is a personal variable in H. Eysenck's hierarchical personality model. According to Eysenck, with a reactive and labile autonomic nervous system, the features of which are determined by the limbic system and the hypothalamus, emotional susceptibility and irritability increase. At the behavioral level, this is manifested in an increase in the number of somatic complaints (headaches, sleep disturbances, mood swings, inner restlessness, worries and fears). At the same time, emotional instability, anxiety, low self-esteem develop. Such a person is internally restless, preoccupied, inclined to flog a fever. 9PsychotismPsychotism (psychoticism) (from the Greek psyche - soul) is a construct of Kh.Yu. Eysenck. This secondary personality trait is characterized by such behavioral traits as fantasy, richness of imagination, liveliness of associations, originality, inflexibility, subjectivism, lack of realism, self-centeredness, selfishness, dispassion, non-contact, poor switching, insufficient accuracy of movements, sometimes conflict, strong internal tension, inadequacy emotional reactions. At the same time, a tendency to solitude and insensitivity to others comes to the fore. It is the opposite position in relation to the power of the superego. 10Surface traits Observable forms of behavior that matter only as a starting point from which it is convenient to start research, or as indicators of the main features using the method constant stimuli. The ordinate axis represents the relative frequency of positive responses, the abscissa axis in determining the absolute threshold is the intensity of the stimulus, and in determining the differential threshold, as a rule, the absolute value of the difference between constant and variable stimuli. 12TemperamentTemperament (from lat. temperamentum - the proper ratio of parts) - a stable association of individual personality traits associated with dynamic, rather than meaningful aspects of activity. The properties of temperament include the individual pace and rhythm of mental processes, the degree of stability of feelings, the degree of volitional effort. The type of temperament is closely related to the innate anatomical and physiological characteristics of higher nervous activity. At the same time, certain lifetime changes in temperament indicators are possible, associated with the conditions of upbringing, diseases transferred at an early age, nutritional habits, hygienic and general conditions life. 13 Anxiety Anxiety is a personality trait that manifests itself in the mild and frequent occurrence of anxiety states. Anxiety occurs with a favorable background of the properties of the nervous and endocrine systems, but it is formed in vivo, primarily due to violations of the forms of intra- and interpersonal communication, for example, between parents and children. 14Factor Hidden variable obtained by processing data using factor analysis 15Extroversion Eysenck's extraversion is a personality variable in H. Eysenck's hierarchical personality model. It is characterized by a number of features. Among them - sociability, impulsivity, activity, liveliness, susceptibility, excitability. An extrovert loves parties, needs people, loves tricky jokes, does not go into his pocket for a word, loves change. Carefree, cheerful, likes to laugh, quick-tempered, you can not always rely on him. Focused on feelings and emotions.

List of sources used

3. Granovskaya R.M. Elements of practical psychology [Text] / R.M. Granovskaya - 3rd ed., rev. and additional - St. Petersburg: Light, 1997 - 608 p. - ISBN - 5-9268-0184-2

4. Danilova N.N., Physiology of higher nervous activity [Text] / N.N. Danilova, A.L. Krylova - M.: Educational literature, 1997. - 432 p. ISBN 5-7567-0220

Ilyin E.P. Differential psychophysiology [Text] / E.P. Ilyin - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001. - 464 p. ISBN: 933-5-04-126534-3

Kretschmer E. Body structure and character [Text] / E. Kretschmer Per. with him. / Afterword, comment. S.D. Biryukov. - M.: Pedagogy-Press, 1995. - 607 p. ISBN: 978-5-04-006635-3

Krupnov A.I. Dynamic features of activity and emotionality of temperament [Text] / A.I. Krupnov // Psychology and psychophysiology of activity and self-regulation of human behavior and activity. - Sverdlovsk, 1989 ISBN 81-7305-192-5.

Morozov A.V. Business psychology [Text] / A.V. Morozov: Course of lectures: Textbook for higher and secondary special educational institutions. - St. Petersburg: Soyuz Publishing House, 2000. - 576 p. ISBN: 5-8291-0670-1

Psychological diagnostics [Text]: Textbook / Ed. K.M. Gurevich and E.M. Borisova. - M.: Publishing house of URAO, 1997. - 304 p. ISBN. 9785699300235

Raigorodsky D.Ya. (editor-compiler). Practical psychodiagnostics [Text] / D.Ya. Raygorodsky: Methods and tests. Tutorial. - Samara: Publishing House "BAHRAKH", 1998. - 672 p. ISBN: 978-5-94648-062-8.

Rusalov V.M. Questionnaire for the structure of temperament [Text] / V.M. Mermaids: Toolkit. - M., 1990. ISBN 5-89314-063

Kjell L., Personality Theories (Basic Provisions, Research and Application) [Text] / L. Kjell, D. Ziegler. - St. Petersburg. Peter Press, 1997. - 608 p. ISBN: 5-88782-412

13.Shevandrin N.I. Psychodiagnostics, correction and personality development [Text] / N.I. Shevandrin. - M.: VLADOS, 1998. - 512 p. ISBN: 5-87065-066-6.


Course work

Subject: " Hans Eysenck's personality type theory "


1. Theoretical analysis of the problem of personality traits and types in the theory of G.Yu. Eysenck

1.1 Hierarchical model

1.2 Basic personality types

1.3 Neurophysiological basis of traits and types

2. Measurement of personality traits

2.1 Diagnostic study of personality traits and types according to the method of G.Yu. Eysenck EPi

2.2 Differences between introverts and extroverts


List of sources used


Personality traits are stable, repeating in various situations, features of the individual's behavior. Mandatory properties of personality traits are the degree of their severity in different people, transsituation and potential measurability Personality traits are measurable using questionnaires and tests specially designed for this purpose. In experimental psychology of personality, such personality traits as extraversion - introversion, anxiety, rigidity, impulsivity are most widely studied. In modern research, the point of view is accepted, according to which the description of personality traits is not enough to understand and predict individual behavioral characteristics, since they describe only general aspects of personality manifestations.

Personality is a set of traits that allows you to predict the actions of a person in a given situation. Associated with both external and internal behavior of the individual. aim psychological research personality is the establishment of laws by which people behave in typical social situations.

Most Popular factorial theories personalities designed by Hans Eysenck. These theories of personality were oriented toward empirical research into individual personality differences.

Theory G.Yu. Eysenck is built according to a hierarchical type and includes a description of a three-factor model of psychodynamic properties (extraversion - introversion, neuroticism and psychotism). Eysenck relates these properties to the types of the general level of the hierarchical organization of the personality structure. At the next level are traits, below - the level of habitual reactions, actually observed behavior.

Eysenck's significant contribution to the field of factor analysis was the development of a criteria analysis technique, which made it possible to single out specific criteria groups of signs as much as possible, for example, to differentiate a contingent by neuroticism. An equally important conceptual position of Eysenck is the idea that the hereditary factor causes differences in people in terms of the reactivity of the autonomic nervous system, the speed and strength of conditioned reactions, that is, in terms of genotypic and phenotypic indicators, as the basis of individual differences in the manifestations of neuroticism, psychotism and extraversion - introversion.

The reactive individual is prone, under appropriate conditions, to the occurrence of neurotic disorders, and individuals who easily form conditioned responses demonstrate introversion in behavior. People with insufficient ability to form conditioned reactions and autonomous reactivity are more likely than others to develop fears, phobias, obsessions, and other neurotic symptoms. In general, neurotic behavior is the result of learning, which is based on reactions of fear and anxiety.

Considering that the imperfection of psychiatry and diagnoses is associated with insufficient personal psychodiagnostics, Eysenck developed questionnaires for this purpose and accordingly adjusted the methods of treatment in psychoneurology. Eysenck tried to define a person's personality traits along two main axes: introversion - extraversion (closedness or openness) and stability - instability (anxiety level).

Thus, the author of these psychological concepts believed that in order to reveal the essence of a personality, it is enough to describe the structure of a person's qualities. He developed special questionnaires that can be used to describe the individuality of a person, but not the whole personality. It is difficult to predict future behavior from them, because in real life people's reactions are far from constant and most often depend on the circumstances that a person encountered at a certain point in time.

The purpose of this course work is to reveal the main provisions of the theory of personality types G. Eysenck.

The relevance of the topic of the course work is determined by the fact that personality is a special quality that a natural individual acquires in the system of social relations. The dispositional direction in the study of personality is based on two general ideas. The first is that people have a wide range of predispositions to respond in certain ways in different situations (that is, personality traits). This means that people show a certain consistency in their actions, thoughts and emotions, regardless of the passage of time, events and life experiences. In fact, the essence of personality is determined by those inclinations that people carry through their lives, which belong to them and are inalienable from them.

The second main idea of ​​the dispositional direction has to do with the fact that no two people are exactly alike. The concept of personality is revealed in part by emphasizing characteristic features distinguishing individuals from each other. Indeed, each theoretical direction in personology, in order to remain viable in the market of psychological science, to one degree or another must consider the problem of differences between individuals.

Despite the fact that the exact impact of genetics on behavior has not yet been clarified, a growing number of psychologists believe that Eysenck may be right on this issue.

1 Theoretical analysis of the problem of personality traits and types in theory G.Yu. Eysenck

1.1 Hierarchical model

Using a complex psychometric technique known as factor analysis, G.Yu. Eysenck in his theory tries to show how the basic structure of personality traits affects the observed behavioral responses of the individual. For Eysenck, two main parameters are extremely important in personality: introversion-extroversion and stability - neuroticism. The third parameter, called psychotism, is the power of the superego. Eysenck also considers as the main parameter in the structure of personality.

Eiseneck believes that the purpose of psychology is to predict behavior. He also shares the commitment of other psychologists to factor analysis as a way to capture the whole picture of personality. However, Eysenck uses factor analysis in a slightly different way. According to Eysenck, a research strategy should begin with a well-founded hypothesis about some key trait of interest to the researcher, followed by an accurate measurement of everything that is characteristic of this trait.

Thus, Eysenck's approach is more tightly bound by the framework of theory. Eysenck is convinced that no more than three subfeatures (which he calls types) are needed to explain most of the behavioral manifestations of a person. Eysenck attaches much more importance to genetic factors in the development of the individual. This does not at all mean that Eysenck denies situational influences or the influence of the environment on a person, but he is convinced that personality traits and types are determined, first of all, by heredity.

The core of Eysenck's theory is the concept he developed that the elements of personality are arranged hierarchically. Eysenck built a four-level hierarchical system of behavior organization.

The lower level is specific actions or thoughts, an individual way of behaving or thinking, which may or may not be characteristics of the individual. For example, we can imagine a student who starts drawing geometric patterns in his notebook if he fails to complete the task. But if his notes are not drawn up and down, we cannot say that such an action has become habitual.

The second level is habitual actions or thoughts, that is, reactions that are repeated under certain conditions. If a student constantly works hard on a task until he gets a solution, this behavior becomes his habitual reaction. Unlike specific responses, habitual responses must occur fairly regularly or be consistent. Habitual responses are isolated through factor analysis of specific responses.

The third level in the hierarchy formulated by Eysenck is occupied by the trait. Eysenck defined a trait as "an important, relatively constant, personal property." A trait is formed from several interconnected habitual reactions. For example, if a student has a habit of always completing assignments in class and does not give up any other work until he finishes it, then we can say that he has the trait of perseverance. Trait-level behavioral characteristics are obtained by factor analysis of habitual responses, and traits are "defined in the sense that there is a significant correlation between various options habitual behavior"

The fourth, highest level of organization of behavior is the level of types, or superfactors. The type is formed from several interconnected traits. For example, assertiveness may be associated with feelings of inferiority, poor emotional adjustment, social shyness, and a few other traits that collectively form the introverted type. (Appendix A).

There are certain super-traits or types in his schema, such as extraversion, that have a powerful influence on behavior. In turn, he sees each of these super-features built from several composite features. These component traits are either more superficial reflections of the underlying type or specific qualities inherent in that type. Finally, traits are made up of numerous habitual responses, which, in turn, are formed from specific responses. Consider, for example, a person who, judging by the observations, demonstrates a specific reaction: smiling and holding out his hand when meeting another person. If we see that he does this whenever he meets someone, we can assume that this behavior is his habitual reaction to greet another person. This habitual response may be related to other habitual responses, such as the tendency to talk to other people, go to parties, and so on. This group of habitual responses forms a sociability trait that usually co-exists with a predisposition to respond in an active, lively, and assertive manner. Together, these traits make up a super trait, or type, that Eysenck calls extraversion (Appendix B).

Eysenck believed that in order to explain most of human behavior, it is necessary not

more than three superfeatures, which he called types. In turn, each of these features

includes several components. These constituent traits are qualities

inherent in this type. And finally, traits consist of numerous habitual responses (FR), which, in turn, are formed from specific responses (SR).

Eysenck sees a hierarchical organization in personality. At the most general level - types, at the next level - traits, below - the level of habitual reactions, below -

specific reactions, i.e. actual observable behavior.

At the level of types, Eysenck analyzes personality in three areas: neuroticism,

extraversion-introversion and psychotism. Most deeply he explores neuroticism and

extraversion-introversion. His theory is based on the idea that people differ on the basis of heredity - in the reactivity of the nervous system, the speed and strength of conditioned reactions. These individual differences correlate with personality dimensions of neuroticism and extraversion-introversion. In studies of the structure of personality, Eysenck distinguishes two main types of personality measurement:

introversion - extraversion

neuroticism (instability) - stability

Eysenck tried to establish a neurophysiological basis for each of the super traits.

personality. Eysenck believes that introversion - extraversion is based on differences in the processes of inhibition and excitation of the nervous system. Eysenck believes that some people have a relatively stronger excitation, while others have a stronger inhibition. Extroverts have a strong nervous system that slows down overstimulation relatively quickly. That. the behavior of extroverts is characterized by the predominance of the process of inhibition. Extroverts are not excitable enough and therefore insensitive to incoming information. Accordingly, they are constantly looking for situations that can excite them. Introverts have physiological mechanisms that turn off overstimulation more slowly. They are said to have a weak nervous system, specialized in excitement, but quickly depleted. The predominance of excitation over inhibition is characteristic of the behavior of introverts. That. introverts are extremely excitable, and therefore highly sensitive to incoming stimulation. For this reason, they avoid situations that overly affect them.

Introversion-extroversion is related to the level of cortical activation.

An extrovert is an individual whose thoughts, feelings, interests and actions are directed to

surrounding, on objects outside world. He is good and easy to come into contact with other people, easily adapts to new situations. An introvert is an individual whose psychic energy is directed inward towards himself.

His thoughts, interests and even actions are turned to his own "I". In connection with this,

introverts show a tendency to isolation, constant analysis of their own mental experiences.

The second factor in the Eysenck model is stability, neuroticism, which is associated with activity.

limbic system and with the strength of the response of the autonomic nervous system to a stimulus. People with

High levels of neuroism respond more quickly to painful, unusual, and anxiety-provoking stimuli than more stable individuals. They are more likely to show longer responses, even after the stimulus has disappeared. Greater activity in the limbic system causes some people to become more emotionally aroused in the event of a threat or stressful situation. These people have a strong neurotic factor.

These two factors are statistically independent of each other, and therefore Eysenck singles out 4

groups of people:

1. stable introvert;

2. neurotic introvert;

3. stable extrovert;

4. neurotic extrovert.

scores in a range of one type, together with a high or low score in a range of another type. Associated with each type are characteristics whose names resemble descriptions of personality traits.

Stable introvert - calm, balanced, reliable, controlled,

peaceful, attentive, caring, passive.

Stable extrovert - leader, carefree, cheerful, flexible, responsive,

talkative, friendly, sociable.

Neurotic introvert - anxious, rigid, easily changeable

mood, reasonable, pessimistic, withdrawn, unsociable, quiet.

Neurotic extrovert - vulnerable, restless, aggressive, excitable,

fickle, impulsive, optimistic, active.

Most people are closer to the middle point - in both ranges of types, and therefore do not

get such extreme variants of characteristics as presented above. Eysenck believed that no combination of these types could be preferred, they are just different. According to Eysenck, personality types are continuums on which between two extreme points characteristics of individuals are located. Personality types are not discrete, and most people do not fall into extreme categories.

Eysenck designed a personality questionnaire to determine individual differences in the main superfeatures. He argues that individual differences in behavior can be identified through factor analysis and measured using questionnaires and laboratory procedures.

One of the first resorted to correlation-factor studies. J-P. Gilford and. W. Zimmerman. They identified the following personality structure factors:

1) general activity (energy, speed of action, love of action);

2) dominance (initiative, defending one's rights, striving for leadership);

3) courage (professional and non-professional "male" interests (which may be inherent in women), fearlessness, lack of sympathy, low emotionality);

4) arrogance (competence, a sense of recognition from others, balance);

5) calmness (compose and relaxation, due to fatigue and irritability, high concentration on current activities);

6) sociability (social activity, social stability, interest in leadership);

7) reflection (dreaming, interest, contemplation);

8) depression (emotional and physical depression, anxiety, restlessness);

9) emotionality (ease of occurrence and preservation of emotions, number of storeys of experiences, fantasizing);

10) self-restraint (restraint, self-control, seriousness);

11) objectivity (realism, sobriety of assessments);

12) compliance (ease in changing position, friendliness and compliance);

13) cooperation (tolerance for comments, lack of selfishness, gullibility)

These traits are of a mixed sociobiological nature, but no diagnostic tool has been created to capture them.

Theory of traits G-Yu Eysenck

Some psychologists thought Mr. Yu. Eysenck's follower. K-G. Jung, appealing to the fact that he also considered extraversions - introversions to be central in the structure of personality, and called his basic factors types. C. According to the method of obtaining and psychological content, these are traits rather than types, they are simply presented not discretely, but continually. Extraversion - introversion in the context of theory. Eysenck include mainly the communicative component of this concept, denoting either an attraction to people and the ability to easily make contact, or complications in communication. I am convinced that more than three superfeatures should not be used to describe the variability of human behavior. Eysenck first identified two main factors of personality: E (extroversion - introversion) and wow, but when combined, they lead to the formation of four types of personality. Later. Mr. Yu. Eysenck added another factorin chinnik . R (psychoticism is power. Super-Ego). He assumed a wide variability of personality manifestations within each of the factors (and talking about types). Basic measurements. Eysenck called biological dispositions of personality . For example, the factor "psychoticism" as a component of the second level covers aggressiveness, emotional coldness, egocentrism, impulsiveness, and as components of the third - asociality, non-empathy. Creativity in, "madness" The basic factor that dominates in a person determines his typological features and features.

The presence of these factors has been confirmed by numerous studies, therefore. Eysenck tried to determine their neurophysiological basis. Yes, the factor . E was closely related to the level of cortical activation. Introverts, being highly excitable, avoid strong stimulation, while extroverts, on the contrary, seek it. Differences by factor N reflect the strength of the response of the autonomic nervous system to stimuli. Particularly significant contribution of the limbic system, which determines the motivation and expression of emotions. Eysenck put forward a hypothesis about the relationship of the factor . R with the system, produces androgens

People who are both introverted and stable (Table 212) tend to adhere to rules and regulations, to be caring and considerate. The combination of introversion and neuroticism causes a tendency to manifest turbulence, pessimism, isolation. The combination of extraversion and stability brings caring, accommodating and sociability to behavior. People with extraversion and high neuroticism are more likely to be aggressive, impulsive and excitable. These combinations cannot be defined as "good" or "bad", they are just different, they just stink.

People with a high degree of manifestation of super-features (strength. Super-Ego) are self-centered, impulsive, indifferent to others, tend to resist social norms. Eysenck believed that psychotism is a genetic predisposition q to become a psychotic or psychopathic personality, more pronounced in men than in women.

. Table 212

Types of combination of extraversion and neuroticism for. Mr. Yu. Eysenkom

For diagnosing the structure of personality by. Eysenck, a standardized questionnaire is used, the use of which in twin studies indicates a large contribution of genotypic factors to the minds of extraversion - introversion and intra-pair relationships and all personality manifestations. The genetic conditioning of neuroticism with the help of a questionnaire has not yet been brought to light.

Personality traits in theory. R-B. Kettela

Describing personality. R-B. Cattell singled out superficial (secondary) and derived (primary, initial) traits, which, in turn, are divided into constitutional, genetically determined (experimental) and those that develop under the influence of experience and learning (characterological). Enlarging the selected groups. G-V. Allport of definitions relating to personality, he singled out 171 groups of synonyms, which he then erected 36 bipolar names, and then supplemented them with data from other studies up to 46 pairs.

The system of generative personality traits (initial), for. Kettel om, heterogeneous and includes:

Constitutional (temperamental) features that determine reactions: reactivity, speed and energy of personality reactions to environmental stimuli;

Traits-abilities that affect the effectiveness of the response;

Dynamic traits that relate to the driving forces of reactions are divided into two classes: ergi - innate traits that motivate human behavior (focus on struggle and rivalry, herd mentality, autonomy), and sentiment formed under the influence of socio-cultural norms and also include manifestations of interests, at-tiuds

To describe the personality of an adult. R-B. Cattell considered 19 factors he singled out to be sufficient, and only 12 to describe a child, and they partially do not coincide. All factors have positive and negative active poles, however, psychologically they are equivalent, and they can become positive or negative only in the context of a certain situation (Table 2132.13).

. Table 213

Features highlighted. R-B. Cattell ohm (16 PF*)

Afectothymia (cyclothymia) *

sincerity, kindness

Ease of communication, flexibility, adaptability, kindness, openness, gullibility, carelessness, sociability


Isolation, alienation

Conflict, rigidity, coldness, secrecy, non-virility, restraint, suspicion, caution, isolation, selfishness

High intelligence Smart

High mental capacity, speed of thought, understanding of abstractions, broad intellectual interests, perseverance, perseverance, education

low intelligence

Low mental ability, slow reasoning, misunderstanding of abstractions, lack of intellectual interests and perseverance, ignorance

Emotional stability

Freedom from neurotic symptoms, lack of concern for health, constancy of interests, calmness, realism in relation to life, perseverance, perseverance, ability to control oneself, non-travel worker

Weakness Self Emotional instability

Many neurotic symptoms, concern about one's own health, variability in interests, evasion of responsibility, inability to complete the task, intemperance, anxiety


restlessness (concern)

Impatience, demonstrativeness, activity, jealousy, high conceit, inconstancy, arrogance

Phlegmatic Balance

Calmness, contentment, phlegm, non-jealousy, self-criticism, constancy, tact


Perseverance, assertiveness

Independence, self-confidence


extrapunity, rudeness

arrogance, courage

conflict, strife

Conformity Submission, dependence

Submission, self-doubt, modesty, intrapunity or impunity, tact, timidity, caution, benevolence, obedience

. Table 213 continued


Cheerfulness, sociability, energy, talkativeness, calmness, liveliness, dexterity, gullibility, flexibility

Anxiety (concern)

Sadness, avoidance of society, apathy, silence, slowness, defensiveness, suspicion, rigidity

Power of Super-I High conscientiousness

Resilience, tenacity, perseverance

discipline, composure, high morality, responsibility, attentiveness to people, exactingness to order

Weakness Superego Dishonesty

Inconstancy, changeability, frivolity, self-indulgence, negligence, immorality

irresponsibility, negligence Everyday life, disorder


Sociability, animation in the presence of the opposite sex, sensitivity, emotionality and artistry, friendliness, impulsiveness, carelessness, love of publicity


Shyness, embarrassment in the presence of the opposite sex, restraint, limited interests, hostility, caution, fear of life

softness, tenderness

Impatience, exactingness, dependence, sentimentality, emotionality, sensitivity, a tendency to fantasize intuition gentleness to "oneself and others, hypochondria, health care

Rigidity, rigidity

Emotional maturity, independence, realism, rationality, mindfulness, practicality, presence of logic, cynicism, lack of concern for health

. Table 213 continued

Cautious individualism

Tendency to act individually, isolation, opposition to interests, fatigue, cold attitude towards general group norms

Interest in participating in common affairs

Propensity for joint action, love for attention, subordination of personal interests to group ones, strength, vigor, ability to accept global group norms

cultural addiction

Tactfulness, cultural maturity, responsibility, ability to obey, understanding the point of view of adults

Culture Rejection

tactlessness, cultural immaturity, irresponsibility, self-affirmation, misunderstanding of social problems


Incredulity, jealousy, envy, fixation on failure, irritability, tyranny, competitiveness, arrogance and inflated self-esteem


Excessive gullibility, non-jealousy, selflessness, easy distraction from problems, compliance, tolerance, forgiveness, understanding, feeling of insignificance


All-encompassing with one's own ideas, interest in abstract problems, fantasizing, impracticality, imbalance, enthusiasm


Tendency to solve practical issues, arrange personal affairs, avoid anything unusual, subjection to objective reality, reliability in practical matters, calmness, firmness

. End of table 213


Sophistication, ability to handle, mental precision, emotional restraint, artificiality in behavior, aesthetic refinement, insight into the environment, ambition, caution (Machiavelli's pole)

Natural photography


Directness, tactlessness, vagueness of the mind, emotional indiscipline, naturalness, spontaneity, simplicity of tastes, inexperience in the analysis of motivations, satisfaction with what has been achieved, unchanging in dealing with 3 people (Rousseau's pole


Tendency to feel guilty

Sadness, despondency, restlessness, restlessness, irritability, commitment, sensitivity to remarks and condemnation, fearfulness, immersion in gloomy thoughts, fatigue, hypochondria, tension

Hyperthymia Overconfidence

Fun, cheerfulness, calmness, self-confidence, carelessness, insensitivity to remarks and reproaches, fearlessness, energy, activity, relaxation







Group dependency

Desire control

High self-control behavior


Low self-control behavior

frustration tension

Unfrustration Relaxation

In addition to the factors shown in the table, in the multilevel structure of personality there are:

Second-order factors (extraversion - introversion, anxiety - fitness, сortertia - rathemia (liveness of the cerebral cortex), independence - submissiveness) were established by factor analysis of these primary factors and calculated arithmetically;

Third-order factors (strength of the nervous system to excite, self-criticism, level of responsibility, self-care, degree of social adaptation)

The questionnaire developed for diagnosing the structure of personality (16РF) is very popular, due to its obvious non-clinical orientation, and is used in Ukraine in three forms - parallel forms. A and. B, contains 187 statements and form. C, developed in Petersburg and adapted in. Kyiv, containing 123 points. There is also a children's uniform designed to survey the elementary school roar.

R-B. Cattell carried out a representative study of the influence of environment and heredity on the development of personality traits. Having developed a special statistical procedure for processing data obtained using the near-Znyuk method, he assessed the presence - absence of a genetic influence on traits, as a result of which it was revealed that traits have a different nature. For example, about two-thirds of the variation in intelligence and self-confidence is due to heredity, while the genetic influence on neuroticism and self-awareness is less than half. At the rate. Cattell, about two thirds of personality traits are determined by environmental influences and one third by heredity.

Additional studies of environmental and heredity factors have yielded conflicting results. Many researchers have revealed a significant influence of the twin situation on the similarity - the difference between the observed fig. When identifying the type of intra-pair relationships, it has been proven that the sex of monozygotic twins is decisive. Thus, in female couples, a significant similarity was found for 12 factors, and in male couples for only 7. However, the results obtained transfer the problem of the influence of the environment and heredity into the sphere of role relations, since it is possible that girls are more sensitive to the action of social ideas about twins. Heredity and socio-cultural stereotypes in this case "work" for the same result. With sufficient certainty, one can consider genetically determined traits associated with social extraversion (sociability, activity, and eurotism), however, with age, the degree of genetic conditioning gradually decreases and changes.

Cattell also productively studied the actions of social groups to which people belong (the range of trait variability within a group is sintalism) developing thought. Allport on the existence of common and individual traits

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