The problem of loneliness. The problem of loneliness in psychological science. Ways to overcome loneliness

- Where are the people? finally spoke again
Little Prince. It's lonely in the desert...
“It’s also lonely among people,” said the snake.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Little Prince

Loneliness among people is a problem of a person living in modern world. Isolation and alienation can be both external manifestations, when a person is left alone with himself, and internal, when a person is constantly among people, but feels lonely, isolated from others, immersed in his thoughts and experiences.

Sometimes being alone is good. For example, the productivity of people who are creative or engaged in science is often due to the fact that they spent most of their time alone. This gave them the opportunity to concentrate and work in silence. In this case, loneliness helped the scientist, the inventor to realize his abilities to the fullest.

Some peoples have an ancient custom when a young man who has reached the age of majority is left alone for a week or more. This kind of test makes young people realize that isolation from society deprives life of meaning. After that, they begin to appreciate life among people and cherish the relationships that have been created.

It happens that people consciously seclude themselves, conducting research to find out how complete loneliness affects a person. Usually such people by nature love peace and quiet.

The only companion of the polar explorer Richard Byrd for six months was loneliness among arctic ice. Within three months, loneliness drove him into a severe depression. Everything he did began to seem incomplete, aimless, devoid of connection with inner desires. At night, obsessive memories came up, he became distracted, stopped paying attention to his appearance, take care of yourself. At that moment, the understanding came to him that a person cannot do without communication. Only among people can you fully experience the fullness of life and get everything you need. He sought peace in solitude, and found a state of hopelessness, despair and disappointment. Fears escalated. After arriving on the mainland, doctors diagnosed the researcher with some mental disorders. This is how loneliness affects a person.

In order not to feel lonely among people, you need to build bridges, not walls

Many people live with an unconscious feeling of inner loneliness and fear of the finiteness of life and suffer greatly from this. A person living as a hermit, being physically and mentally healthy, may fall into despair and depression. Man is a social being. Without communication with other people, he will not be able to become a full-fledged person.

The Tale of Mowgli is a beautiful myth that real experiment shows that a person who has grown up among animals cannot become either an animal or a man. Belonging to a human society is a basic fact of survival and a condition for psychological and physical health. Only among people can a person develop and subsequently realize his potential. Loneliness does not give a person anything.

Psychological practice shows that often people who have no external reason to complain about loneliness turn to a psychologist for a consultation. A complete feeling of loneliness and isolation from people can be felt by a person living with parents, and young people living in hostels, and adults with families and children.

Inner loneliness is experienced by people who are not only cut off from physical communication, but also by those who are involved in a situation of intense interaction with other people. Surrounding loved ones does not guarantee a person that he will not experience loneliness. It turns out that loneliness among people is a psychological feeling that is impossible to get used to. Internally, a person feels a certain barrier, which he himself built between himself and people.

Loneliness leads to feelings of meaninglessness

System-Vector Psychology Yuri Burlana says that people with a sound vector have the deepest feeling of inner loneliness. A sound engineer by nature feels separate from other people, he was the first to realize his own self and has the greatest egocentrism. He believes that there is only his only correct opinion, and the point of view of other people is not taken into account.

When a sound engineer is focused only on himself and his inner world, cannot concentrate on other people, hear them, understand the reason for the events happening to people, then he experiences difficult conditions. If sound desires are not filled, a person can feel his imaginary genius. He has either a feeling of being chosen, or of his worthlessness, he feels his difference from other people. The desires of a sound engineer lie outside the material world, all the earthly joys that fill other people are secondary to him. Potentially, it is the sound vector that endows a person with genius, the ability to create ideas that transform the world.

Einstein - a prime example implementation of sound properties. For him, loneliness was a boon that he used to create his theory of relativity.

In the modern world, sound engineers often have problems in mental development due to wrong upbringing and cannot be realized among people. They shut themselves off from relationships, go to sleep, run away from reality into drugs so as not to experience severe mental pain.

A person feels loneliness when he is completely focused on his inner feelings. Focusing on the sound engineer leads to depression and a sense of one's own exclusivity, the emergence of suicidal thoughts. There may be a growing sense of the meaninglessness of everything he does, as happened with the researcher Richard Baird.

The brain of a sound engineer is capable of generating ingenious thought forms. Mental work, constant focus on the meanings of words, on research activities creates a special state of consciousness, gives the sound engineer a sense of inner balance. This suggests that the brain of a sound engineer is used for its intended purpose.

In the modern world, a person with a sound vector feels happy when he follows the path of self-knowledge. His strongest desire lies outside the plane of the material world. He wants to reveal the secrets of the creation of the universe. Find out what is the meaning of life and gain spiritual states. Only in this case does he get rid of mental pain, depression and the meaninglessness of existence.

Having fenced off from people, feeling loneliness and isolation from others, he leaves his destiny. The task of a sound engineer is to understand oneself and others, to realize the meanings behind the words, to see real world. This can be done only by uniting with others, being among people, and not choosing isolation and loneliness. You can start merging by opening inner peace person with whom you have the opportunity to communicate.

Focusing on yourself is another path to loneliness

The nature of the visual vector is the creation of emotional connections. most strong emotion that the viewer experiences is fear. Loneliness increases visual fears.

Being in fear, a person becomes suspicious, full of various negative forebodings. He often pays attention to the negative aspects of life, people seem dangerous to him. Having gone into his shell, he waits for someone else to come and eliminate his loneliness, but more often he remains misunderstood and suffers greatly from a feeling of loneliness, uselessness to people.

His anxiety does not go away even when surrounded by close people. When he is focused on himself, he can suffer from complexes and fears, shutting himself off from people, experiencing a constant feeling of loneliness and longing. If there is also an anal vector, it can be shy.

Realizing his properties to the full, a person lives happily among people. When a person is focused on other people, creates emotional bonds with them, sympathizes and sympathizes with others, he no longer hurts from feeling the finiteness of life and loneliness. He himself tries to ease the pain of others and give them a sense of confidence in the future.

Loneliness and getting rid of it through the path of self-knowledge

Understanding what exactly drives a person, what desires and abilities he has, helps to fill life with meaning. You can understand the causes of ongoing events, loneliness, depression, problems with the help of the knowledge of Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology.

Loneliness is something you can't get used to. And you definitely cannot be happy by being isolated from other people. We find happiness only among people. To stop experiencing inner loneliness, it is necessary to erase the barriers between yourself and people.

The study of System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan gives the sound engineer complete liberation from the feeling of imaginary genius and helps to create and implement real brilliant ideas that help to understand that humanity is a single species.

“... The main thing is that the training took off small inconspicuous headphones from me, which blocked the outside world so tightly that my whole life passed only inside, like in a prison. It was a loner. Even my great love was there based on fear.
One can write endlessly about the extraordinary changes that have happened to me: there are many of them, they are dear to me, I am constantly discovering entire worlds ... "

“…This world is here. He is real! And the meaning of life is also here, and you need to look for it only here! Not alone, but among other people! He is in us and for everyone he is his own! And everyone has their own search. I think I'm in the right place. I want to enjoy this life, hear the sounds of birds, hear how this earth rotates and know that everything is not just here. That we all do not just walk and live. That everything and everyone has their own purpose and meaning in the existence of everyone on this earth! Maybe this is the very answer about the meaning that you are always looking for? .. " 24 Mar, 2018

Loneliness in a person's life

Loneliness in a person's life - at work, in the subway, at home, online, at a party - one way or another, once or constantly, we encounter this phenomenon, state, attitude, and it cannot leave us indifferent ...

Loneliness has a reason

What types of loneliness can we identify by analyzing ourselves and the lives of the people around us? The very word loneliness evokes either fear or a sense of psychological comfort. It is widely believed that loneliness is a condition in which a person is tormented by a lack of communication with other people. But do all people need constant communication?

Maybe for some, loneliness acts as a need to be in silence and in the depths of one's mentality? Loneliness can arise from a soul-crushing melancholy, make us feel excitement, pain, and sometimes even lead us to despair ...

What is loneliness - is it to be misunderstood and abandoned by people, or is it, first of all, not to understand others and to abandon the whole world yourself? What exactly are the reasons for loneliness and what does this incomparable state tell us about ... Let's find answers to these questions with the help of Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology.

So loneliness...

Loneliness from the fear of being alone

5% of people may be afraid that loneliness will knock on their door, and as a result they try to avoid such situations and opportunities to be alone in order to get rid of the frightening feeling of loneliness. Why?

People with a visual vector are emotional extroverts who need attention, communication and sensual connections with others, as well as a splash of experiences, emotions and a life full of impressions and love.

The natural fear of a person with a visual vector - the fear of death - is often embodied in life under the guise of fear of loneliness - "no one loves me, I'm alone."

So, in an escape from this very loneliness in the thick of things, we can often spend our free time in the company of unfamiliar or completely unfamiliar people. In the round dance of all kinds of parties, entertainment, visits and parties - try to cope with your own feeling of uselessness to other people.

If a person has an anal vector, his desire to “be good” can play a cruel joke. This is especially true for people with an anal-visual combination of vectors. In the case when such a person is literally dependent on praise, at a certain point in time he may feel empty, useless and, as a result, loneliness. After all, trying to please for our own benefit, instead of sincerely participating in a person’s life, giving away a particle of warmth and care from ourselves, we also do not receive anything in return, we are not filled with joy from interacting with other people.

Such states can cover only those who waste their strength and rich emotional potential in vain, not in the direction that nature intended. Thus, the unconscious overcoming of loneliness leads us to what we are running from.

It should be noted that visual fear sometimes acquires various bizarre forms. And now a man, by nature wanting to be among other people, runs away from them, hiding in the four walls of his house.

Social phobia is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, a person with a visual vector, surrendering to loneliness, deep down longs for attention to himself and communication with people. Loneliness makes us feel uncomfortable. However, the way out of this oppressive, unbearable state is where other people and the opportunity to pay attention to their experiences, pain, suffering, as well as to provide all possible assistance, support to those who really need it. On the other hand, a sociophobic spectator is not able to go out into people, overcoming his fear, without realizing its root, hidden in the unconscious.

Knowledge is power. And the knowledge of one's own psyche and the peculiarities of the psyche of other people is the very force that pushes a person out of the sticky paws of feelings of loneliness and longing. However, there are other types of loneliness that have other causes at their root and require analysis.

Loneliness: a lifestyle or a real problem

Of course, there are also people who like to be alone with themselves, think about the essence of being, or turn some thoughts around in their heads. This is due to the natural need to concentrate, of course - in silence.

Night, silence and loneliness - three words about the inner emotional comfort of a sound engineer for several thousand years in the life of mankind.

Such a person - the bearer of a sound vector and, at the same time, an abstract intellect - is potentially capable of giving out non-standard thoughts and brilliant ideas when no one nearby makes noise, screams, distracts, or pulls out of the tender embrace of loneliness.

However, everything should have a balance, a kind of balance. Night gives way to day, silence - noise from movements, voices and conversations of people, and loneliness ... remains. If the portion of loneliness necessary for the sound engineer is not replaced by a portion of interaction with other people, which is our life, then he naturally becomes ill, unbearable and painful.

To the feeling of spiritual emptiness and oppressive feeling loneliness, uselessness in this whole wide world leads us to longing. We are homesick when we are in our own home. We yearn for our soul, being close to loved ones and relatives. In this longing, we feel misunderstood by others, different from everyone else, and therefore lonely. "Psycho-loner" - just what we can hear in our address.

We alone yearn for life, living life somehow unconsciously and meaninglessly. Senselessness - that's what drives the sound engineer to despair. Meaning is the key to the lonely soul of a sound engineer. One has only to give the meaning of life, of everything that happens, to answer the question: “Who am I? Who are these other people? Why do we live and where are we going? - and the life of a sound engineer will sparkle with colors, and depression will be replaced by a sense of the taste of life. Instead of an endless feeling of loneliness, there will be an interest in communication, and instead of a feeling of “misunderstanding” by other people, a desire to understand and realize others.

System-vector psychology opens the doors to the secrets of our psyche, our unconscious, which knows the whole truth. Awareness of causes and effects makes it possible to find balance - the very harmony between the pleasant and necessary minutes in the life of a sound engineer "night, silence, loneliness" and no less pleasant, but even more necessary hours among other people.

Loneliness in a person's life

Note, Our fleeting days require a large number time for work, movement in space, life, social media And so on. Not having time, running around, thinking, we forget to call a friend and ask: “How are you? What is happening in your life?

In days when the prestige of work, money and social superiority take a leading position in the needs of people, we lose contact with people because of the inability of another to rejoice at our successes or because of our own envy of someone else's wealth.

In days when far from all people have revealed the secrets of the human psyche, we are offended by loved ones, do not forgive loved ones, spoil relationships and destroy families, hold grudges and remain silent for years. We won’t call and we won’t answer the call - loneliness is right there.

In these difficult days, when relations in society are tense to the limit, hostility is growing every day, and tension in the world is gaining momentum, we hate each other, other countries, all of humanity and loneliness sucks us into its funnel: “I don’t love this world ".

These days, we finally need to realize that our world, our life, our mirror are other people. Refusing to interact with other people for one reason or another, but in fact - only because of a misunderstanding of our human psyche means voluntarily dooming oneself to loneliness.

So, all the same, loneliness is being misunderstood and abandoned by people, or is it still not understanding others and leaving the whole world on your own? If we are lonely and this hurts us unbearably, maybe it's time to realize what is hidden under the mask of loneliness, and get rid of fears, get out of depression, find a pleasant emotional state and open up to the world with the help of System Vector Psychology?

“... Pain from inner loneliness, from corroding emptiness, from the fact that no one needs you, that no one understands you, that no one can help you. It's like someone is drilling a hole in your brain. Thoughts, thoughts, thoughts. Even in my sleep, my brain didn't turn off. I'm tired…

... Well, who can help when you are having one-on-one conversations with God: “Lord, take me away from here! Do not want to live!"? When every day you wait for his mercy and hope not to wake up ...

…In the process of training, my mind began to clear up. Emotional condition began to change. I came out of this state of vacuum, from a state of nothing, from not wanting anything. No more thoughts - I'm tired, I'm tired of everything, I don't want anything. I don't let myself get stuck in my thoughts. I introduce the principle: "Did the job - think boldly!".

Distinctive feature modern man from the rest of the animal world is the problem of loneliness and the absence of loved ones.

Loneliness is the state of a lonely person. There is a feeling that there is no close friend to whom you can trust your thoughts and who will understand you. “Loneliness is not due to the absence of people around, but the inability to talk with people about what seems important to you, or the unacceptability of your views to others,” wrote the German philosopher and psychologist. As a rule, the state of loneliness brings suffering.
Before going directly to the topic of conversation, it is necessary to make a small digression.

Man is a social being. Only by leading a social lifestyle, he was able to survive in the wild. Only by common efforts did he achieve his exceptional position in the animal kingdom. Only through the accumulation and transmission from generation to generation of their knowledge and experience modern people can benefit from the achievements of all mankind. It is no coincidence that I mentioned these, at first glance, banal things, since they are sometimes hushed up or completely ignored when analyzing such a problem as loneliness.

Man is a biosocial being. Innate forms of behavior, such as the instinct of procreation and group lifestyle, formed as a result natural selection are organically woven into the modern cultural and social order.

Loneliness of the soul. Alone among the people.

Living in a society, it is impossible to be alone in the truest sense of the word. We are always among people. We are surrounded by people who live with us at the same time, common culture and society. The level of development, mentality and interests correspond to a certain social stratum and age.
The problem of loneliness is, first of all, the problem of the absence of a couple, and not just a couple, but the absence of a loved one. The very fact of having a loved one will fill your life with meaning for a while. Then everything will depend on how the relationship develops, but the problem of loneliness will be closed. A separate article will be devoted to the topic of searching and choosing a partner.

As for communication with others, here we can note two points that can prevent the formation of new relationships and which are associated with character traits, or rather, with the attitude towards oneself (I am bad) and towards other people (They are bad).

Position: I am bad. Often arises as a result of ignorance of existing in a certain social environment accepted rituals of behavior and inability to maintain a conversation. As a result, self-esteem falls, a feeling of inferiority appears.

Position: They are bad. Sometimes, getting into an unfavorable or insufficiently benevolent environment, in comparison with what it was before, a person may find himself alone against society. The instinct of self-preservation is triggered, a negative attitude towards the environment and alertness to any active contacts with the outside world appear. The desire to do something yourself disappears. Subsequently, the environment or situation may change, but the attitude remains.

Loneliness problem. One among myself.

The way of life, which is embedded in us by nature and society, involves communication and interaction, it does not provide for a solitary existence. leading a group lifestyle, and a person includes a need for belonging. Loneliness can only be of an objective temporary nature or be chosen at will (solitude).

Someone gives paramount importance to the feeling of confidence and security that the group gives, while someone prefers a more solitary lifestyle, content with only a narrow circle of communication. When alone, thoughts of loneliness do not disturb, but this is a completely different topic for a completely different conversation.
Friedrich Nietzsche remarked ironically on this subject: “There are two kinds of loneliness. For one, loneliness is the flight of the sick, for the other it is the flight from the sick.

Only physical and spiritual activity can pull a person out of loneliness. It is necessary to go into society, to people, to accept the rules of the game by which they live, and to participate in joint activities. Only communication in a group united by a common interest (study, work or hobby), in which a person feels their, can change position.

The problem of loneliness from the plane general concepts and reasoning must be translated into concrete action. Then it becomes clear which is stronger: either the desire to find a way out of the existing problem, or the unwillingness to make the necessary efforts to find this way out.

Who do you think a lonely person is? The one who lives alone? Nothing like this. A lonely person is someone who feels alone. Loneliness is a special form of self-awareness, in which a person feels forgotten, unnecessary, lost, deprived and abandoned. The problem of loneliness is the topic of our article.

First of all, loneliness is a feeling that is born in our soul. Indeed, in fact, we are surrounded by a large number of people - neighbors, relatives, colleagues, classmates, ordinary passers-by ... Where does that chilling chill of emptiness and isolation come from then?

The problem of loneliness: causes and solutions

Let's see why a person feels lonely.

Fear of communication. Fear of rejection is usually associated with low self-esteem. Such people are afraid of being uninteresting in communication, consider themselves unworthy of love and recognition, they do not know how to have fun in companies, they experience severe difficulties if you need to ask something or call someone.

Output. You will have to work on yourself. Force yourself to interact with people. Read books on the subject. Sign up for any sports or dance sections, gym, etc. Exchange experiences with people, look for common interesting topics. In the end, look for friends with the same interests on the Internet in thematic forums.

Alienation and unwillingness to communicate. This problem of loneliness is slightly different from the previous one in that such people can communicate normally, but, due to their personal characteristics and character, interest in communication quickly disappears. As a result, the feeling of loneliness and depression arises from the inconsistency between one's desires and the response. It's already over difficult situation, and here you need to adjust the subconscious settings.

Output. You have to start with yourself. Love yourself with all my heart and stop perceiving the world as your neighbors and colleagues have decided for you. Do what you love, immerse yourself in a hobby with your head. Watch good emotional films, read classic books. Do everything for yourself. Think of future plans in a positive context. Your face should radiate positivity, and not tense up at thoughts of loneliness.

High expectations. Finding the perfect life partner can take a long time if we set our standards too high. It may be news to you, but there are no ideal people on our planet. But maybe it's you?

Output. After watching beautiful films, we break away from real life, in connection with which an ideal image of some kind of alien is formed in our minds. You have been waiting all your life for Alain Delon's husband and you cannot concentrate on someone else. Don't waste time. Broken connection with reality does not make it clear what is around good people with their pluses and minuses, but they are close and real.

If the problem of loneliness has affected you, try to work on yourself in this way.

Decomplex yourself using the "Request" exercise. Address passers-by with any request or question. If they refuse you, it's okay, because your goal is to train communication.

Go to the cinema, the theater (have you been to the theater for a long time?), to a club, to a concert or somewhere else where there is mass gathering of people. Go not as an event, but as a psychological training. The only prerequisite is a positive attitude. Ask someone for their opinion on the actors, plot, etc. Chat easily and freely!

Try to have an animal at home. The grateful and loving eyes of a cat or dog will help melt away your feelings of loneliness.

Periodically imagine a light inside yourself. It burns with a warm, clear and calm flame, whatever happens to you. Thank yourself for what you have.

The problem of loneliness will disappear if you let warmth into your soul, accept yourself with love and live for your own joy. The Land of Soviets is with you!

The problem of human loneliness. Mystery of the sick finger

If you imagine all the people on earth as one big many-voiced choir, then you can hear thousands of “why? - why? - I don't want - I can't - how to live? - Lord, for what? .. ”and“ Lord, help! ”. We are alone in our misfortune. And the further we think so, the wider the problem of human loneliness grows, acquiring some kind of global dimensions.

There are 7 billion people on earth, and we cannot find a mate, like-minded people, friends. We do not know how to accept support, help, enjoy life. How is it that among huge amount faces and destinies so many people experiencing a sense of loneliness?

What do we see when we go outside? Gloomy faces. Always, constantly loaded with worries, anxieties. Stooping under the weight of problems, resentment, dislike, trouble, meaninglessness. Each of us carries our loneliness on our shoulders and thinks about our own, about ourselves, about our own.

What do we think about most when we feel lonely?

*Why doesn't anyone love me?

* Why can't I get married?

* Why are people angry and hurt?

* Why does no one notice my merits? They always single out and praise others, but it’s as if I don’t exist at all?

* Why am I so bored?

* Why is everything so bad?

* Why so lonely?

* What is the meaning of my life?

* Why does no one understand me?

* Why are there so many difficulties in my life and why do I suffer so much?

Why, why, why?.. Each of us has his own "sore finger". And while it hurts, we don't want to hear about anything else. Just to numb this pain somehow. Replace it, push it out, run away, get rid of it.

We are looking for those responsible. We blame parents, teachers, bosses, government, fate, life, God. And we all also experience the burden of loneliness and powerlessness to change anything. Whatever we do, wherever we turn. To fortune tellers, psychologists, psychics, astrologers, success coaches, friends, girlfriends, parents. Everyone knows how to live, but few people are really happy.

The whole problem of human loneliness lies in his “sore finger”. However, any cause of loneliness can be dealt with using the knowledge of system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.

Lonely, lonely, lonely. Types of Loneliness

A person has everything that is needed to survive in this world. We are born with a certain set of properties and desires that are given to us to enjoy life. Everyone has their own talents, abilities, priorities. This is where the roots of human problems grow. Taking this fact into account, we can sort through our internal states and unravel the tangle of emotional tension.

Briefly, the main types of loneliness can be distinguished:

* Unfulfilled desire to have a family and be a respected member of society.

If there is no home, no family, or the family is not ideal, but they don’t notice at work ... Not finding a place for their values ​​in the surrounding reality, a person experiences constant internal stress, feels his uselessness, loneliness and resentment for life.

The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan reveals that the main values ​​​​of a person with an anal vector are family, home, comfort, honor, justice, duty, decency. These are people with golden hands, bright heads. Smart, loyal, persistent. They are born teachers, experts, masters of their craft. With the best memory analytical mind, scrupulous approach to each issue. And such people can be tormented by the problem of loneliness.

Sometimes the valuable properties of a person with an anal vector are not used for their intended purpose, which means they become a problem. So, constancy turns into an inability to accept the new, to adapt to the prevailing circumstances. A stable psyche does not like change and turns loneliness into a habit. Love for the past makes it difficult to focus on the present, forcing you to grind situations that have long passed in your head. The most powerful memory becomes the accumulator of grievances, injustices, bad experiences. And now all the bad things are transferred to each next man. Relationships do not work out, there is no ability to rebuild and live anew.

Of course, all this happens unconsciously. You can cope with this only once you realize that loneliness consists of past bad experiences, resentment, fear of a new one. And we create all this in our own head.

* Constantly failing to find the love of your life.

When no one loves me ... Feeling a lack of self-love as loneliness, people with a visual wind demand too much from others - emotions, their frequent changes, and it is desirable that the spectrum of these emotions be from the strongest to the strongest! But others do not have so much, they do not cope with this role. As a result, we lose what we have.

The essence of the desire of the visual vector is love, feelings, beauty, creativity, compassion and love again! These are people with amazing figurative intellect. They are able to feel someone else's pain, help, support, save.

How do they deal with loneliness? A strong shock from parting with a loved one or a loved one, the loss of the connection that was, makes the viewer never love again, not become attached - if only it would not hurt so much. An extrovert, looking at the world with open eyes, who knows how to find beauty in every person, is not able to endure loneliness. Can't be alone. He is born to create emotional bonds with other people. The collapse of these ties becomes a tragedy for the viewer. The root of this problem is revealed to a person at a training in system-vector psychology. Callousness of the soul, numbness of feelings, inability to love means that a person has received severe mental trauma.

Since the visual vector endows people with an unlimited range of emotions, viewers experience loneliness differently at every moment. From “there is no boyfriend, there is no one to love me” to a global feeling of unbearable despair from the death of a dear person. But even such a terrible state of loss can be overcome by realizing the nature of one’s states at Yuri Burlan’s training “Systemic Vector Psychology”.

* unwillingness to live ordinary life, the eternal search for the meaning of the surrounding reality.

There is another loneliness - among people, when no one understands you. The owners of the sound vector are singles of their own free will. Not having the slightest interest in earthly existence, they themselves, imperceptibly to themselves, move away from others, close in their little world, considering it the best place in this terrible chaos of the flitting crowd. But every day the oppressive feeling of emptiness becomes more and more difficult, a person goes to a psychologist and receives a diagnosis - depression. Why suddenly? After all, there is no apparent reason. Visible - no. Only the unconscious.

The owner of the sound vector is the only one who is haunted by the question "What is the meaning of life?". Sound people are absolutely not interested in earthly goods. For them, the main thing is to find in all this action, called life, that same, original meaning. They are carriers of a vast and limitless abstract intelligence.

If the sound engineer has not found meaning in what he does, how he lives, he feels lonely. The soundman will not go to cry and complain, he burrows even deeper into himself. Owners of the sound vector are not very talkative by nature. After a negative reaction to his reasoning about life, when he is looked at as if he were crazy, he becomes even more withdrawn. The problems of a person with a sound vector are not solved by psychologists. Sound loneliness is not cured by entertainment, family, relationships. Focusing on themselves, they are looking for an answer to main question and until they find it, they cannot be happy. Complete lack of interest in earthly life, arrogance, self-centeredness. As a result - loneliness, melancholy, depression, alcohol, drugs, schizophrenia, suicide. Everything is decided if you know where to apply your powerful potential.

Causes of loneliness in our attitude to life

In the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, there is an explanation of what certain desires are connected with in the human psyche and how they affect his behavior.

And everything seems to be beautiful, but where are the roots of the problems that gnaw at a person every day? There is a reverse side of the coin. The lack of these values, the inability to express one's abilities, makes a person unhappy and lonely. The absence of the most important thing in life leads a person to a terrible state, when loneliness becomes hopeless.

When we do not know ourselves, do not use what is laid down by nature, we suffer.

The easiest way is to break the dishes, yell at children, quarrel with your husband, wife, kick the door, leave the house, push a passerby, be rude to a client, etc. We are even alone in a couple: we don’t know how to trust, open up, create a real emotional connection. It is easier for us to leave, change, humiliate. It is easier for us to live, constantly suffering. Experience longing, loneliness and dump your problems on another person. After all, it's not worth the effort.

We all know the saying: "Everyone shares what he has." Happy shares happiness, unhappy - pain. So we share with each other indifference, resentment, bad experiences, anger, hatred. This is how we create our loneliness. We build it like a wall between ourselves and others. And we cry, and we suffer from pain, each behind our own wall.

The problem of human loneliness in real life issues

For every question in life there is a completely logical and detailed answer. The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan reveals the problem of human loneliness in some detail and with different parties.

In this article, we touched on the features of only three of the eight vectors that suffer most from the problem of loneliness among people.

Considering that the psyche of a modern person is much more complex than in previous generations, and today several vectors are combined in each of us at once, one can imagine how it tears a person apart. There is not one or two - there all twenty "fingers" hurt. It's the unbearable burden of being. And there is really nowhere to go with it. Because everyone has one. Everyone is not up to everyone. Complete loneliness. When a problem in a person repeats throughout life, this already speaks of a script that controls his life.

There are no unsolvable problems for a person who has parted with illusions

Advice on how to overcome loneliness is given to us a lot and from all sides. "Unwind - relax - travel - love yourself - pull yourself together - change your image - find your favorite thing - go in for sports - quit your unloved job." And the catchphrase: "I would like your problems!". After such support, loneliness seems doubly hopeless to a person.

There is a lot of advice, and we distribute them in a chaotic manner, without even thinking about the consequences. The owner of the anal vector, after the advice to have an affair on the side, will grab his head, and then his heart, if he tries to follow it. The soundman from the word "career" will be furious. And the spectator will cry even more bitterly if he is told that love is the tenth thing, the main thing is "that the person be good." Our advice does not help us or others. The question arises - why?

When we get sick, we go to the doctor. to a specific doctor. And before prescribing treatment, the doctor conducts a survey, then an examination, finds the cause of the disease, and only then prescribes medication. For some reason, we care more about the body than about the psyche, which suffers every day.

Loneliness is a disease that has well-defined causes. And treat him folk remedies just as dangerous and ineffective as diseases of the body. Astrologers, fortune-tellers, coaches of personal happiness, even the advice of people around you can not only not help, but sometimes even harm.

Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology helps to learn how to diagnose one's emotional experiences, identify the roots of problems for each person and find the optimally correct treatment. This is where the loneliness begins.

“... From one awareness and understanding of the human psyche, this feeling of emptiness and loneliness that corroded me left. Gone are the resentments, fears, depression that prevented me from building relationships. I stopped looking for someone who will fill me up and give me happiness. I stopped harboring illusions and waiting for a mythical ideal. I already knew who I needed, moreover, I knew how to recognize him immediately, and I knew what to expect from a relationship. For the first time in my life, I wanted to give, and not wait to be loved and understood. There was a calm confidence that I would have what I needed. And so it happened…”

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