Parent meeting in the preparatory group at the end of the year. Parent meeting-workshop in the preparatory group. The Secret to a Successful School Stay

Municipal Autonomous Preschool educational institution No. 163 "Child Development Center - Kindergarten"
The final parent meeting in the group preparatory to school: "Goodbye, kindergarten!"
Conducted by: Dolgikh N.N.
Kemerovo, 2015
Preliminary work:
Decorate the group with photographs of children of different years, children's drawings.
Prepare thank-you notes and certificates for parents.
Target. Help parents understand the difficulties that their child experiences during the period of adaptation to schooling, analyze their attitude to this problem and find ways to resolve it.
Assembly progress.
Introduction to the topic of the meeting
Good evening dear parents! This eventful year is coming to an end - soon your children will finish the preparatory group and go to school. Today we want to talk with you about how to help our children adapt at school, find their place in it, without losing the baggage that they received in kindergarten.
Discussion of the issue of adaptation problems.
The first year of schooling is an extremely difficult, critical period in a child's life. Changes its place in the system public relations, the whole way of his life changes, the psycho-emotional load increases. Carefree games are being replaced by daily training sessions. They require from the child intense mental work, increased attention, focused work in the classroom and a relatively immobile position of the body, maintaining the correct working posture. It is known that this so-called static load is very difficult for a child of six or seven years. Lessons at school, as well as the passion of many first-graders for television programs, sometimes music lessons, foreign language lead to the fact that the motor activity of the child becomes half as much as it was before entering school. The need for movement remains great.
A child who comes to school for the first time will be met by a new team of children and adults. He needs to establish contacts with peers and teachers, learn to fulfill the requirements of school discipline, new responsibilities associated with academic work. Experience shows that not all children are ready for this. Some first-graders, even those with a high level of intellectual development, can hardly endure the burden that schooling requires. Psychologists point out that for many first-graders, and especially six-year-olds, it is difficult social adaptation, since a personality capable of obeying the school regime, assimilating school norms of behavior, and recognizing school duties has not yet been formed. The child must survive all this, that is, adapt.
Adaptation is the adaptation of a child to a new system of social conditions, requirements, a new mode of life. During the period of adaptation of the child to school, the most significant changes occur in his behavior. Adaptation is a rather long and difficult process. And not only the first grader experiences difficulties, but also the parent and the teacher. And if we understand them, if we learn to feel each other, we will facilitate this process for everyone, especially for our children.
The essence of the adaptation process
Adaptation is the restructuring of the body to work in changing conditions. Adaptation to school has two sides: psychological and physiological. The body must get used to working in a new mode - this is physiological adaptation. There are several stages in the physiological adaptation to school. - The first 2-3 weeks are called "physiological storm" or "acute adaptation". This is the hardest time for a child. During this period, the child's body responds to all new influences with a significant strain on almost all of its systems, as a result, in September, many first-graders get sick.
- The next stage of adaptation is an unstable adaptation. The child's body finds acceptable, close to optimal options for reactions to new conditions. - After that, a period of relatively stable adaptation begins. The body responds to loads with less stress. Adaptation in general lasts from two to six months, depending on individual characteristics first grader. How difficult is it for a child's body to adjust to school life? Very hard. Some children lose weight by the end of the first quarter, according to some studies, not even some, but 60% of children! Many have a drop in blood pressure (which is a sign of fatigue), and some have a significant increase in it (a sign of real overwork). Many first graders have headaches, fatigue, poor sleep, loss of appetite, doctors note the appearance of heart murmurs, neuropsychiatric disorders and other ailments. What does adaptation depend on? Of course, from the readiness of children for school. (Those who want to know the results of the diagnostics can come up individually after the meeting)
6. Solving pedagogical situations
But the success of adaptation depends not only on the child. A lot in this process determines the behavior of parents. Now each group will be offered a pedagogical situation, discuss it and choose the correct type of parental behavior in this situation.
Situation 1. In the morning rush, the child forgot to put a textbook, diary or plasticine in his briefcase. You say:
a) Will I really live to see the day when you yourself remember what you need to take to school.
b) What a waste! You would forget your head at home if it didn't sit on your shoulders!
c) Here is your textbook (diary, plasticine)
Situation 2. The child came from school. You ask:
a) What did you get today?
b) What was interesting at school today?
c) What did you learn today?
Situation 3. Your child is difficult to put to sleep. You:
a) Explain to him the importance of sleep for his health.
b) Let him do what he wants (when he lies down, then it's okay)
c) Always put to bed at the same time, even if with tears.
With kids. Our achievements.
You guys have become more mature, learned a lot, learned a lot, our friendly family has grown stronger. I want the breakup to be pleasant and memorable. We have worked hard this year. But there is an even more responsible time ahead - the first class. We have been close all these years. Watching you grow, help each other, cooperate and be friends, learn from each other, celebrate holidays, participate in competitions, rejoice in your achievements and learn to rejoice in the achievements of other children and experience failures together. Dear parents! We remember your children as very young and rejoice with you when we look at them, so grown up. Each child in our group is special, each has their own talents and abilities. Rewarding children. Presentation of folders with creative works. Speech by the educator
Do not forget, dear parents, that childhood is an amazing time in the life of every person - it does not end with entering school. Spend enough time for games, improve children's health, spend more time together. After all, right now your child needs your attention, love and care most of all.
When we walk you to school, we do not tell you: “Goodbye!”. We say: "Goodbye, see you soon!" Perhaps in the near future we will be able to say “Welcome!” to some of you when you bring your younger children to us. In the meantime, time does not stand still, we invite you to the first prom in your life!
Song "Giants"

Attached files

The summary of the parent meeting is based on the performance of educators, psychologists and teachers primary school. The main task of this meeting is to tell parents about the period of adaptation of the child to school. The summary includes a reminder for parents.



parent meeting script preparatory group at the end of the school year.


Schepetnova E.N. - educational psychologist

Lolenko L.I. - Primary school teacher MBOU "Secondary School No. 34"

Samova Ya.O. - Primary school teacher MBOU "NOSH No. 31"


1. Conversation with parents about the results of the school year.

2. Psychological readiness of children for school.

3. How to bring up independence in a child.

4. How to prepare children for writing.

5. How to help your child adjust to school.

  1. On the FIRST QUESTION of the agenda: "Conversation with parents about the results of the school year"

HEARD: Novikov N.V., educator.

Natalya Vladimirovna talked with parents about the results of the school year, summed up the results of the work of educators and narrow specialists. Here it ends Last year stay of our children in kindergarten. The stage of development called preschool childhood is coming to an end. Soon the school will open its doors to the children, and the new period in their lives. During the time spent in kindergarten, children have gained a lot. First of all, they became more hardened, physically developed. Children have mastered the basic cultural means, have a good command of oral speech, they also have well-developed large and fine motor skills of their hands. They have primary ideas about themselves, about their family in which they live.

But many parents believe that if their child can read, write and count, then he is ready to study, and they will not have any problems with school. Imagine their surprise when the child does not have success at school, but there are only complaints from the teacher, the child’s dislike for the teacher and unwillingness to attend school. The optimal answer to the question: "What to do?" No, because all children are different and the reasons for their difficulties in school are different. But there are general approaches to what a child who goes to grade 1 should know and be able to do, as well as what parents should know.

The success of a child in school depends on: the psychological readiness of the child for school is, first of all, the desire to gain knowledge.


Conduct targeted work: kindergarten and family - to prepare and adapt the child to school.

Deadline: permanent.

II. On the SECOND QUESTION of the agenda: "On the psychological readiness of children for school"

LISTENED: Shchepetnova Elena Nikolaevnateacher-psychologist.

Elena Nikolaevna,told her parents that psychological readiness to learning at school is the most important outcome of the upbringing and education of the child in kindergarten and in the family.

Therefore, the first condition successful learning in primary school are the presence of appropriate motives in the child, the attitude to learning as an important matter, a strong desire to study at school.

An important indicator of readiness for school is intellectual readiness. Long time under intellectual development the child understood the presence of certain skills and knowledge. Today, intellectual readiness is understood as a sufficient level of development of higher mental functions: memory, attention, thinking, perception, speech.

Social readiness implies the formation of such qualities in a child that will help him establish relationships with a new team of adults and peers. In kindergarten, the communication of children with each other is given great attention, they learn to make friends, communicate, put up. But it is also very important what attention parents pay to this issue, in what conditions of family communication the child lives, what place he occupies in the family, parents welcome the communication of their child with peers in the yard or isolate him from him, how his behavior is assessed.

Thus, psychological readiness for school is a complex of interrelated areas of child development:

Motivational readiness;

Volitional readiness;

Intellectual readiness;

social readiness.

The teacher-psychologist suggested that parents compare their own ideas about readiness for school, recorded at the beginning of the meeting, with the information received, to assess how parental ideas correspond to scientific ones.

Elena Nikolaevna,told how the psychological readiness for school in children is determined. Conducted testing among parents to determine their readiness for their child to go to first grade. Introduced parents to the memo "How to overcome the fear of school." (Each parent received a memo).

PRESENTED: Bazarova L.D. parent

Lyubov Dmitrievna shared her experience, as she had already encountered this problem when preparing her eldest son for school.


Guided memo is necessary to avoid various stressful situations in children.

Responsible: parents and teacher-psychologist

Deadline: permanent.

III. On the THIRD QUESTION of the agenda: "How to bring up independence in a child"

HEARD: Zhashkov M.A., educator.

Maria Anatolyevna offered some advice to parents of future first-graders (she prepared memos for each parent for her report):

The serious attitude of the family towards preparing the child for school should be based primarily on the desire to form in the child a desire to learn a lot and learn a lot, educating children in independence, interest in school, a friendly attitude towards others, self-confidence, and the absence of fear to express their thoughts and ask questions. be proactive in communicating with teachers.

What characterizes an independent child? The independence of the older preschooler is manifested in his ability and desire to act without the help of an adult, in his readiness to seek answers to emerging questions. Independence is always associated with the manifestation of activity, initiative, elements of creativity. An independent child is, first of all, a child who, as a result of the experience of successful activity, supported by the approval of others, feels confident. The whole situation schooling(new requirements for the behavior and activities of the student, new rights, obligations, relationships) is based on the fact that during the years of preschool childhood the child has formed the foundations of independence, elements of self-regulation, organization. The ability to relatively independently solve accessible problems is the prerequisite for the social maturity required at school. Experience shows that a first grader who does not have this quality developed experiences serious neuropsychic overload at school. A new environment, new requirements cause him a feeling of anxiety and self-doubt. The habit of constant guardianship of an adult, the performance model of behavior that has developed in such a child in preschool childhood, prevent him from entering the general rhythm of the class, make him helpless in completing assignments. The ill-conceived tactics of upbringing, the desire of an adult, even with the best of intentions, to constantly patronize and help the child in elementary matters in advance create serious difficulties for his education. Adaptation to the school of such children is significantly delayed.

Introduced parents and handed out memos on the topic: “How to raise independence in a child” (a memo is attached)


  1. Listen to the advice of the teacher and follow them.

Responsible: parents and caregivers

Deadline: permanent.

On the FOURTH QUESTION of the agenda: "On preparing children for writing"

LISTENED: Lolenko L. I., primary school teacher MBOU "Secondary School No. 34"

Lyudmila Ivanovna introduced parents to exercises aimed at preparing children for writing.

She said that preparing children for writing begins long before the child enters school. It involves the development in children:

Fine motor skills of the fingers (for this purpose, it is necessary to teach children to perform a variety of practical tasks, create crafts using various tools, in the process of which such qualities as the accuracy of voluntary hand movements, eye, accuracy, attention, concentration develop);

Spatial orientation, in particular, on a sheet of paper, as well as in general directions of movement (left to right, top to bottom, back and forth, etc.);

Sense of rhythm, ability to coordinate the pace and rhythm of movements, word and gesture;

Fine and graphic skills in progress visual activity, as well as with the help of graphic exercises.

What exercises do preschoolers need to prepare for writing?

First of all, this is all kinds of visual activity. Of particular importance is decorative drawing - drawing ornaments, patterns. At the same time, the child practically masters the image of various elements of the pattern, the methods of arranging elements on a plane, learns to correctly determine the direction of the lines and the movement of the hand, and develops an eye.

Coloring has a positive effect on the preparation of the hand for writing. For this purpose, you can use ready-made coloring books. When performing such tasks at home, it is necessary to pay the child's attention to ensure that the image is painted over carefully enough, evenly and accurately.

Helps the development of graphic skills performing various tasks related to hatching. Hatching is performed under the guidance of an adult. Mom or dad show how to draw strokes, control the parallelism of the lines, their direction, the distance between them. For hatching exercises, you can use ready-made stencils depicting objects.

Various graphic exercises in a notebook in a cage are widely used: tracing cells, drawing up patterns, fitting various images into a square: ovals, lines, hooks, triangles.

Lyudmila Ivanovna prepared for each parent "Rules for working with workbooks at home."

Decided :

It is necessary to increase the number of classes aimed at developing fine motor skills of the hands, to provide children with various manuals and coloring books for the remaining period.

Responsible: parents and caregivers

Deadline: permanent

For - 28 people, against - no

On the FIFTH QUESTION of the agenda: "How to help the child adapt to school"

HEARD: Ya.O. Samova , primary school teacher MBOU "NOSH" No. 31.

Yana Olegovna told the parent that the most difficult period for a preschooler is the period of adaptation to school, which strongly depends on his individual characteristics. Impressive, emotional, shy children need special conditions, often home children who are used to being the center of attention of adults who love them often fall into this category. Parents need to be prepared for the fact that the adaptation period can drag on for several months. At the same time, they must be patient and calm, temporary setbacks do not yet indicate a future lag. The child wants to see the confidence that he is not alone in the new conditions, he has wise adults who will understand and help him. As a rule, when entering school, all children want to learn, i.e. they have formed a motivation for learning, which must be preserved and gradually translated into cognitive activity (knowledge of the world around and oneself).


  1. Listen to the teacher's advice and follow it.

Responsible: parents.

Deadline: permanent


How to overcome fear of school

(reminder for parents)

1. Never intimidate a child with school, even unwittingly. You can’t say: “You don’t think well, how will you study?”, “You don’t know how to behave, they don’t take such children to school”, “You won’t try, there will be only deuces at school”, etc.

2. Read to your child fiction about school life, watch and discuss together cartoons, movies about the school.

3. Form a positive attitude towards the school, the attributes of school life, familiar to first-graders in the child.

4. Do not place unrealistic, unreasonable hopes that the child will be in school best student superior to their classmates.

5. Try to spend more time with your child, communicate with him on an equal footing, thereby making it clear that he is already old enough.

6. Praise your child often, even for small accomplishments. Form, thus, a situation of success, strengthen his faith in his own strengths and capabilities.

How to teach a child to be independent

(reminder for parents)

1. Constantly enrich the knowledge and skills of children.

2. Create conditions that encourage the child to actively use existing knowledge and skills.

3. Raise interest in independent actions by regularly offering new tasks.

4. Constantly change the tactics of managing the child's activities: from direct methods (showing, explaining) to moving to indirect ones (advice, reminder).

5. Maintain the desire to overcome difficulties, to bring things to the end.

6. Orient the child to get a good result.

7. Constantly expand the scope of the child's independence. To open up new opportunities for him, to show the growth of his achievements, to link his growing independence with the tasks of future schooling.

8. Maintain the child's sense of joy and pride in their own successful actions.

Rules for working with workbooks at home

1) Constantly control the posture of the child. The child should not hunch over, lean on the table with his chest, put his leg under him, etc.

2) The furniture should match the height of the child, the light should fall from the left.

3) Watch how the child holds a pen or pencil. It often happens that a child holds a pencil with a “pinch”, gathering his fingers in a “handful” or clenching his hand into a fist.

4) The hand and elbow should not hang over the table.

5) The child should not press the pencil too hard or too weakly.

6) The time of work with notebooks should not exceed 7-10 minutes.

MBDOU "Poltava kindergarten" Sun "

Poltava region


final parent meeting

In the preparatory group

Goodbye Kindergarten!

Prepared by the teacher

first qualification category

Beloded T. A.

r.p. Poltavka 2014.

Preliminary work:

♦ Prepare invitations to draw parents' attention to the fact that this is the last and very important meeting in kindergarten.

♦ Prepare letters of thanks and certificates for parents.

Proceedings of the meeting

1. Leaving kindergarten...

This is the end of your child's last year in kindergarten. The stage of development called preschool childhood is coming to an end. Soon the school will open its doors to you, and a new period in the life of your children will begin. They will become first-graders, and you, dear mothers and fathers, will sit at their desks with them. How many expectations and joyful hopes we associate with the school. Entering school is the entry of a child into the world of new knowledge, rights and obligations, complex, diverse relationships with adults and peers. How does the child enter new life how the first school year will turn out, what feelings it will awaken in the soul, what memories it will leave, to a large extent it depends on what the child has acquired during the years of preschool childhood. And the kids got a lot. First of all, they became more hardened, physically developed. They learned to purposefully carry out elementary intellectual and practical activities. They developed speech, increased cognitive activity, interest in the world, desire to learn new things, opportunities in terms of mental activity. Children are fairly well oriented in the world around them. They are aware of a number of clearly expressed relationships: temporal, spatial, functional, causal. During the years of preschool childhood, they acquired a number of mental and cognitive skills: differentiated perception and purposeful observation, the ability to reason, independently formulate questions, answer them, use simple visual models, diagrams when solving problems. A variety of special skills (artistic, visual, speech, musical activity) mastered during preschool childhood become the basis for the independent implementation of creative ideas, figurative reflection of reality, development of feelings and creative initiative.

The feelings of the child acquire a socio-moral coloring, become more stable. Fulfillment of moral requirements and rules evokes a sense of satisfaction, pride in the child, violation of them makes them sincerely worry.

Thus, preschool age is a crucial stage in a child's life, when there are high-quality acquisitions in all areas of the child's development. On the basis of children's inquisitiveness and curiosity, an interest in learning will develop. Cognitive abilities and the activity of a preschooler will become the fundamental basis for the formation of theoretical thinking. The ability to communicate with adults and peers will allow you to move on to educational cooperation.

2. Our achievements.

We have been close all these years. We watched the children grow up, helped each other, cooperated and made friends, learned from each other, celebrated holidays, participated in competitions, rejoiced at the achievements of children and experienced failures together. We remember your children as very young and rejoice with you when we look at them, so grown up. Each child in our group is special, each has their own talents and abilities. Check out our Achievements gallery. (Educators prepare a small portfolio for each child in advance, note achievements in sports, fine arts, music, dance, etc. It is imperative to mark each child.)

3. The ceremony of rewarding families for success in education.

The teacher rewards parents with letters of thanks and diplomas. It is important that every family receive an award

Award nominations:

♦ For raising the most gifted child.

♦ For raising the most athletic child.

♦ For bringing up kindness and sensitivity in a child.

♦ For introducing the child to a healthy lifestyle.

♦ The most active family.

♦ The most creative family.

♦ The most responsive family.

4. To the parent piggy bank: “How to spend the summer before school?”

The first bell will ring very soon, and your children will go to first grade. You are excited and worried, because this day is getting closer and closer. How will the relationship of the child in the new team? How will the teacher meet him? What changes will occur in the usual routine of your family's life? All these questions worry parents. There is no escape from solving these problems, but you will solve them as they become available. And you have a beautiful sunny summer ahead of you. Time for rest, health promotion, hardening, travel, interesting events. Spend this last "free" summer with pleasure!

Form in the child more positive expectations from the meeting with the school, a positive attitude is the key to a successful adaptation of the child to school. Use favorable natural factors - the sun, air and water - to strengthen the body of the future student.

Summer lasts three months. Many parents believe that they will have time to catch up during this time - to teach the child to read, count, etc. Don't repeat these mistakes. In summer, the child must rest. And it is much more interesting to consolidate the skills acquired in kindergarten with an example surrounding nature. For example, let the child try to count the ants in the anthill, observe the changes in nature, measure the depth of the stream.

What can you do with a future first-grader on vacation:

Make applications, collages from natural material;

Learn the names of new plants and animals, consider them and memorize;

Write poetry together

Encourage the child to meet new friends, communicate more with them, play outdoor games;

Compose short stories on a given topic, invent fairy tales;

More to be in nature, learn to swim!

Such a summer will be remembered by the whole family, and the strength and knowledge gained from communicating with nature will serve as a good launching pad in September, and will be useful to the child in the new school year.

5. The secret of a successful stay at school.

By the beginning of the school year, the child must master certain knowledge.

.(the teacher distributes memos “What should a child of 6-7 years old know and be able to do?”

But, the secret of successful study lies not only in the accumulated knowledge, but also in the fact that loved ones are nearby. Kids really need support, encouragement, praise from adults, they strive to be independent. At first glance, harmless stereotypes of parental behavior can lead to school neuroses. On your tables are cards with phrases that are quite often used by adults. Let's try to predict what the inspiring effect of these phrases can be for a child - a future first grader, what feelings and experiences a child can stimulate such stereotypes of education:

o “When you go to school, you will…” or “You will probably be a loser!” (May cause feelings of anxiety, lack of self-confidence, loss of desire to go to school.)

o “You know how we will love you if you become an excellent student!” (The collapse of parental hopes can be a source of childhood suffering, loss of confidence in parental love, and therefore self-confidence.)

o “Study so that I don’t have to blush for you!” (It seems to parents that their own self-esteem depends on the child's assessments, often such an unbearable psychological burden leads the child to neurosis.)

o "You promise me not to fight at school and not to run, but to be quiet and calm?" (Do not set impossible goals for the child, do not push him onto the path of deliberate deception.)

o "Try me just to make mistakes in the dictation!" (A child under the constant weight of the threat of punishment may develop hostile feelings towards parents, develop an inferiority complex, etc.)

It is not necessary to force your child to study, to scold him for a poorly done job, but it is better to find a well-done fragment in his work, even the smallest one, and praise him for the completed task. It is important that the child is gradually drawn into intellectual activity and the learning process itself becomes a need for him.

Character traits such as responsibility, the ability to overcome difficulties, the ability to obey are very important. general rules to consider the interests of others. Parents need to develop the thinking, perception, memory of the baby. It must be remembered that playing with a preschooler, performing the simplest tasks with him, adults in the process of doing exercises develop memorization, attention and thinking. A preschooler learns through play, and the principle “from simple to more complex” must be taken into account. Parents should remember one simple truth: education can make a child smart, but only spiritual communication with loved ones and loved ones - family - makes him happy. Parents can create an environment that not only prepares the child for successful study, but will also allow him to take a worthy place among first-graders, to feel comfortable at school.

6. A few tips for the interior of the children's room.

When preparing for school, you will have a million everyday problems, one of which workplace future first grader. Many parents in one way or another re-equip the children's room. After all, a student will now live in it. I want the child to feel good and comfortable in the children's room during this difficult period of life. Do not forget that the children's room is one of the most multifunctional rooms in the house. Here the child plays, sleeps, now he will still do his homework. So, in the room it is necessary to allocate three zones: play, recreation and study area. When choosing interior colors, give preference to delicate tones of pastel shades. Bright, saturated colors quickly tire a child's eyesight. It is important not to make radical changes in the room, let everything you love and be familiar with remain, you just need to add some elements of school life. Of course, this is primarily a desk. When choosing such an important piece of furniture for a future first-grader, pay attention to the following rules:

· The table should be at the window, the light falls on the left.

The table should not have sharp corners and details.

· Transforming tables with a changing inclination of a cover, additional sliding table-tops are very convenient.

· The table should be spacious and comfortable for the child.

· Choose a chair with a high back for the table. It is easy to check the height of the chair: when the child is sitting on the chair, his legs should touch the floor at a right angle.

In the room, of course, there will be new shelves or racks for books and textbooks. It is important to arrange them in such a way that the child can get everything he needs on his own, and not depend on the help of mom or dad. Also, pay attention to the consultation, which tells how to choose the right portfolio for a child.

7. Look into the future...

When observing children, we noticed their tendency to a certain occupation, and we decided to find out what your children will become in the future.

(the teacher puts on the astrologer's hat, takes the scroll in his hands)

I am a great stargazer

I know fate ahead.

I will tell you now

The future that awaits you.

(Unrolls the scroll.)

Misirov Rustam has become very important!

It even has its own supermarket.

Here fruits, toys and everything you want!

Don't believe? Take a look here yourself.

Ksyusha in Paris at the dance competition

Smitten with grace all foreigners!

Nikita became the best architect.

Its skyscrapers are skyrocketing.

A sports complex and even a maternity hospital

He built it in a short time.

Very clever and beautiful

They will cut you all to wonder.

Super stylists Alina with Sasha

Salon opened in our capital!

Our Nastya Klimenko became a famous artist,

Her masterpieces are already kept in the Hermitage!

Oh, look, our kindergarten,

Nastya Didenko takes the kids out for a walk.

She became the best teacher

The children love and listen to her.

Our Vanya Tarasenko, just think

Became a big figure, he's so busy!

Lives and works in the neighborhood

Now the head physician of the children's polyclinic!

Tall, slender as a spruce,

Our Sofia is a supermodel!

The Bolshoi Theater is coming to us on tour,

And prima Elena - in the title role!

Very brave, just a hero,

Artem enters the battle with fire!

He is the best firefighter, everyone knows about it!

And the President gives him an order!

Our Pavel works in the bank,

Loans and deposits - under strict control.

He became the manager of a whole bank,

He sends his salary home on a tank!

A rocket flew up

Made by Ivan Fadeev.

He sets an example for everyone at work.

He is a very talented engineer

Evening, the TV is on, Karina

The news will tell us everything from the screen.

Very graceful, beautiful, elegant.

She became a popular speaker.

Matvey became a prominent scientist - to him

Nobel Prize for one

Awarded for achievements in science

There are no smarter people on Earth.

Our Kiryusha works at the school,

He became the best teacher!

Became Danya's tamer of predators:

Tigers and lions are like mice,

Walking in circles, rolling dogs,

They listen to Danya and do not growl.

Maxim became a famous sportsman.

Glorified our country to the whole world.

All gold medals to him

The sports committee gives to one!

Time flies so imperceptibly

Will become big people your kids.

But all as one, when the years pass,

Bring your kids here.

Do not forget, dear parents, that childhood is an amazing time in the life of every person - it does not end with entering school. Spend enough time for games, improve children's health, spend more time together. After all, right now your child needs your attention, love and care most of all.

When we walk you to school, we do not tell you: “Goodbye!”. We say: "Goodbye, see you soon!" Perhaps in the near future we will be able to say “Welcome!” to some of you when you bring your younger children to us. In the meantime, time does not stand still, we invite you to the first prom in your life!

(Parents receive beautifully designed graduation invitations.)

Time spending: last days school year.

Conduct form: creative report, holiday "Goodbye, kindergarten."

Duration: 1-1.5 hours.

Target: solemnly celebrate the end of the pupils kindergarten.

Tasks: contribute to the formation of conditions for the successful adaptation of children to school conditions; promote the development of individual characteristics of children; maintain friendly relations between pupils of the group, between parents of pupils, between parents and pupils.

Implementation plan

1. Holiday for children and parents "Goodbye, kindergarten" (a creative report on achievements during the period of stay in kindergarten). It can use different plots related to kindergarten, as well as funny scenes, ditties. You can use numbers that were prepared throughout the year for different holidays. Parents and children should understand each other even without words. Therefore, they take turns guessing riddles, but not with words, but with the help of pantomime. Children are blindfolded, they must recognize their mother or father by their hands, and the parents of the children by their hairstyles.

Children and parents take turns taking questions from their boxes and answering them.

2. Reciprocal performance-congratulation of parents (depends on the talents and capabilities of the parents).

3. Summing up the results of the joint activities of educators, parents and children.

4. Final word educators.

5. Tea drinking.

Event progress

1. Preparatory stage

1. Distribution of roles and assignments between representatives of the initiative group or parent committee, including such Roles as:

Responsible for the decoration of the venue of the meeting;

Responsible for preparing creative greetings for children and employees;

Responsible for preparing a tea party at the end of the parent meeting.

2. Preparation of the holiday.

3. Preparation of diplomas and certificates for graduates of the group, texts and forms of letters of thanks to the parents of pupils.

4. Making invitations to the holiday.

5. Preparation of attributes for the holiday.

6. Preparation of gifts for graduates and registration of holiday albums.

II. Main part

The venue for the final parent meeting is the music hall. Exhibitions of children's works on fine arts, artistic work, literary creative works are being arranged; photo newspaper “Goodbye, kindergarten!”, a stand with photographs of pupils under the general title “Our Achievements”.

The parents of the pupils are preparing a creative congratulation on the occasion of the end of kindergarten in the form of perky ditties, songs or funny dramatizations of fragments of life in kindergarten. The musical director develops the scenario of the holiday. It is important that children show their individual abilities in the ability to dance, sing, perform works on children's musical instruments, that is, what they learned during their stay in kindergarten and in studios additional education(music schools, choir and dance studios, sports schools theater studios, etc.).

Letters of thanks to parents and pupils of the group should contain a text that emphasizes the individuality of each representative of the group team. These letters may be:

A letter of thanks is awarded to (full name) for active participation in the preparation and conduct of cultural, leisure and educational activities in the group preparatory to school. May creativity and initiative not leave you for many, many more years!

Every student should be commended. It is important for educators to analyze the activities of each child during the visit to kindergarten and note the best thanks in the text. personal qualities child or achievements in a certain field of knowledge or activity. Gratitude is awarded to pupils for achievements in the educational process, creativity, for active participation in certain events held in the kindergarten and the group, for sports and other achievements.

The scenario of the holiday includes tasks, games, relay races, allowing the parents of the pupils to realize the knowledge gained and the skills formed during the period of visiting the kindergarten.

For parents, a “Memo to parents of future first graders” is drawn up and distributed (Appendix A). Assignments for pupils for the summer can be printed out and include a list of works of art recommended for reading, a list of observations of animate and inanimate nature, instructions for collecting the necessary natural materials for the lessons of the surrounding world, art piles and fine arts.

In the group or near the music hall, a "Holiday Notice Board" is set up, on which a blank sheet of paper is attached, or small stackers are prepared so that they can be attached to the stand. Children and parents write on sheets and attach to the board:

Wishes to the staff of the preschool educational institution;

Feedback on the work of the kindergarten;

Most best qualities your child;

Children can write on pieces of paper the words that they want to say to educators, employees of the preschool educational institution, and parents.

Presentation of diplomas and gifts to children at the end of kindergarten.

You can finish the parent meeting with a festive tea party with the inclusion of mass entertainment moments in the form of games, contests, and attractions during its holding.

Tips for parents and children (Appendix B).

III. Summing up the results of the parent meeting

At the end of the festive parent meeting, educators give parting words to parents on organizing summer holidays for children, parting words to children on preparing for school, performing creative tasks during the summer holidays, a list literary works to be read to every child.

Show respect for the child as an individual.

Maintain a friendly emotional atmosphere in the family.

Develop and maintain a child's interest in learning.

Convince the child to follow the rules of maintaining health, to develop the necessary skills for this.

Encourage success (“You can, you are capable”), do not focus on learning failures.

Do not demand at any cost only high results and grades.

Explain the importance of gaining new knowledge and developing your abilities.

Do not punish the child by restricting his physical activity (do not prohibit walking with other children in the fresh air).

Strictly adhere to the regime of the day.

Reschedule to Saturday television programs, computer games (in order to limit the time spent in a static position).

On weekends, take family walks in the fresh air, field trips, if possible, organize a visit to the pool.

At runtime homework(no more than 90 minutes) conduct physical exercises, monitor the posture of the child. To mobilize the attention of the child, remind the rule of "Successful":

Do everything yourself, don't look around.

Get busy, don't get distracted!

Twice a week, perform a set of seven exercises with your child to strengthen the muscles of the back, shoulder girdle and abdomen (in order to maintain correct posture).

Together with the child, do “finger” exercises as often as possible, using songs to improve lung ventilation and maintain a good mood.

Perform relaxation exercises using audio recordings of nature sounds (lying on your back in a relaxed state with your eyes closed for 10 minutes).

Make sure that after school the child walks in the fresh air for 30-60 minutes.

Ensure that the child goes to bed no later than 21.00.

Ventilate the room 10 minutes before the child goes to bed. If possible, carry out air ionization of the room using a Chizhevsky lamp for 15-20 minutes.

Before going to bed, invite the child to take a bath with water at a comfortable temperature, while making sure that he closes his eyes and lies still.

To relieve excitement before going to bed, you can use an aroma lamp with lavender oil (2-3 drops).

Sit on the bed next to the child; gently, gently stroke his back along the spine, kiss him, say that tomorrow everything will be fine, everything will work out for him, that he is very smart and kind.

Make sure that the awakening of the child is smooth (he must lie in bed for at least 10 minutes; setting an alarm clock at the head of a child's bed is contraindicated).

Carry out water hygiene procedures with the child, and after airing the room - morning exercises to the music.

Give your child a glass of fruit or vegetable juice before breakfast.

Use in cooking foods rich in minerals and trace elements, proteins, light carbohydrates, vitamins.

During the period of risk of ARVI, give garlic and green onions as an additive to soups.

Provide the child with clothing made from natural fibers so that it contributes to full skin respiration and proper heat transfer.

It is necessary to convincingly tell the child that after physical education it is necessary to remove the sports jersey and put on a dry change.

Warn your child not to drink immediately after exercise cold water(if you are very thirsty, take warm sweet tea with lemon in the dining room).

Any child - an excellent student or a loser, mobile or slow, an athlete or a sissy - deserves love and respect: the value is in himself.

Remember that a child does not consist entirely of shortcomings, weaknesses, failures. The child now has virtues, one must be able to see them.

Don't skimp on praise. It is necessary to praise the performer, and criticize only the performance. Praise personally, and criticize as indifferently as possible.

Any increase in requirements should begin with praise, even in advance.

Set achievable goals for your child.

Instead of orders, ask for advice or help as an equal.

Permissions teach children much better than prohibitions.

If you need punishment, remember that you should not punish twice for the same mistakes.

The child must understand what and why he is being punished. You have to convince yourself that in most cases, comments, pulling, demands are simply not needed!

Tips for children

Trust your parents - they are the closest people to you, only they can help you, give good advice.

Tell them about your problems, failures, sorrows.

Share your joys.

Take care of your parents: they have many difficulties.

Try to understand them, help. Do not grieve and do not be offended by them in vain.

Parent meeting "Goodbye, kindergarten"

“Being a friend of your son or daughter is much more difficult,

how to feed and clothe them.

Target: summing up the results of the group's work for the year.

Conduct form: group, holiday program.

Members: children, parents, educators.

Preliminary work:

♦ Prepare invitations that draw the attention of parents to the fact that this is the last and very important meeting in kindergarten.

♦ Decorate the group with photographs of children of different years, children's work on art activities.

♦ Prepare a guest book, photo montage with photos of children of different years.

♦ Prepare letters of thanks and certificates for parents and children.

Proceedings of the meeting

I. Leaving Kindergarten...

Ends academic year. We will part ways soon.

The stage of development called preschool childhood is coming to an end. Soon the school will open its doors to you, and a new period in the life of your children will begin. They will become first-graders, and you, dear mothers and fathers, will sit at their desks with them. How many expectations and joyful hopes we associate with the school.

You guys have become more mature, learned a lot, learned a lot, our friendly family has grown stronger. I want the breakup to be pleasant and memorable. Let's remember what we were.

II. What were we?

Parents are encouraged to watch the video. designed in the form of a presentation, made up of moments in the lives of children of different years.

The teacher reads poetry and demonstrates video materials.

Let's remember with you
What were the kids like?
When they came to our kindergarten,
To grow up so fast.

Here is the first day and the first step,
Meeting good friends

And my mother's fear, how to leave,
Leave your treasure?

Here is the first breakfast, a quiet hour,
Walks, books and toys.
We remember forever
Children's eyes, their freckles.

Here smart books were read,
Sculpted something, painted,
Played together and made friends
And they were inquisitive.

And even first love
Helped us here

Here every day was interesting.

Filled with games and activities.
We learned a lot of songs here.
It is a pity to part with you today.

III. Our achievements.

You have been by my side all these years. We watched the children grow up, helped each other, cooperated and made friends, learned from each other, celebrated holidays, participated in competitions, rejoiced at the achievements of children and experienced failures together. Therefore, the results of a survey of our children are not surprising:

Feel comfortable in the family - 86% of children

Constantly feel the support of parents - 90% of children.

Consider themselves happy -100%

Children recite poems about classes, on the screen there is a presentation "Our achievements"

Give complete answers.

We can be friends now

And cherish this friendship.

2. We have worked diligently for a whole year

And, of course, they had fun.

This is what we'll talk about

And we'll show you a little.

3. How did you learn in the classroom,

How very slightly naughty,

How they grew and grew

All difficulties were overcome.

On the board is the inscription of the lesson, which is described in the poem.

Speech development, literacy.

make proposals,

We divided the words into syllables

Added suggestions.


5. In art classes

It was easy for all of us to work.

We drew people, and of course, animals.

Watercolor, gouache, crayons.

We were friends with them.

Physical Education

6. To be strong and dexterous,

We loved the workouts.

They jumped, they ran, they threw the ball.

They played different games.


7. We learned to sing, dance,

Play different roles.

And, of course, without embarrassment

We can all perform.


8. We read stories and fairy tales

And taught poetry

We learned to build clues

And retell the works.


9. We know the environment

And we respect nature.

We are friends with a flower, an animal -

We are familiar with the natural world.


10. Mathematics country

Everyone knows and needs.

We solved problems, examples,

Created hints and diagrams.

11. So we remembered,

What have we been doing for a year?

Goodbye Kindergarten!

School is waiting for us in the fall.

Scene "School" ( artists children )

Each child in our group is special, each has their own talents and abilities. Get acquainted with the gallery "Our achievements".

Already now it is necessary to accustom children to order and thrift. Show that notebooks are put in a folder so that they do not wrinkle. And the pencil should be well sharpened - so it draws a beautiful narrow strip. And books and notebooks should be in covers, so they will remain clean.

One of the main reasons for children's lack of independence is the excessive guardianship of children by parents, the constant reminder, and often the fulfillment for them of what the children themselves are obliged and can do. Remember that children enjoy what they have learned to do themselves.

Game "Prepare the workplace."

The children at the tables are given the task: to put a notebook in the cover and sharpen broken pencils. As the task is completed, parents come up and watch how their child coped with this task.

In order for children to better manage to perform various actions with their hands, it is necessary to develop motor skills of the hands. Well-developed motor skills of the hands will help the child to master the letter.

Game "Pack changeable shoes."

Children need to quickly remove their change of shoes from the bag, change shoes and put their outdoor shoes in the bag.

Find your way to school game.

Children are given leaflets with a map of the area and felt-tip pens to each. It is necessary to draw which route you need to go to get to school.

IV. To the parent's box.

These tips can help you raise a healthy, joyful, and gifted child. As you read the tips, rate how much you agree with them. Advice for every parent famous psychologist David Lewis (children give parents a memo wrapped in a roll)

Tips from American psychologist David Lewis:

17. I read to him regularly.

V. Look into the future...

An astrologer appears in a fabulous costume with a spyglass and a scroll in his hands.

I am a great stargazer
I know fate ahead.
I will tell you now
In the future, what awaits you.

(Unfolds the scroll.) On the screen is the presentation "Look into the Future"

Sasha has become very important!
It even has its own supermarket.
Here fruits, toys and everything you want!
Don't believe? Take a look here yourself.

Arisha in Paris at a dance competition
Smitten with grace all foreigners!

Became an architect best Roots.
Its skyscrapers are skyrocketing.

A sports complex and even a maternity hospital
He built it in a short time.

Very clever and beautiful

They will cut you all to wonder.
Superstylists Lena and Katya
Salon opened in our capital!

Anya became a famous artist,
Her masterpieces are already kept in the Hermitage!

Oh, look, our kindergarten,
Polina takes the kids out for a walk.
She became the best teacher
The children love and listen to her.

Our Alina, just think

Has become a major figure, she is so busy!

Lives and works in the neighborhood

Now the head physician of the children's polyclinic!

Tall, slender as a spruce,

Our Olesya is a supermodel!

The theater is coming to us on tour,
Actress Veronica - in the title role!

Very brave, just a hero,

Taras enters the battle with fire!
He is the best firefighter, everyone knows about it!
And the President gives him an order!

Our Zhenya works in the bank,
Loans and deposits are under strict control.
He became the manager of an entire bank.

A rocket flew up
Made by designer Vital.
He is a very talented engineer

He sets an example for everyone at work.

Evening, the TV is on, Yana

The news will tell us everything from the screen.
Very graceful, beautiful, elegant.
She became a popular speaker.

Marat became a prominent scientist - he
Nobel Prize for one
Awarded for achievements in science
There are no smarter people on Earth.

Our Zhenya works at the school,
She became the best teacher!

Became a famous athlete Veronica.

Made our country famous all over the world.
All gold medals
The sports committee gives only to her!

Time flies so imperceptibly
Your children will become big people.

But all as one, when the years pass,
their kids to kindergarten.

VI. Ceremony of rewarding families for success in education.
- Today we want to say a huge thank you to our parents, without you, dear moms and dads, without your love, patience, care, it would be difficult for us to overcome all the difficulties of the past year. Thank you for your help. Thanks are given.

What day in the life of your son's (daughter's) kindergarten do you remember the most?

Awards for children in nominations

1. Nomination "Miss Charm".

In your life, no less than knowledge,
The charm will come in handy.
The winner of the nomination is: Arisha
2. Nomination "Soul of the group".

Becoming a leader in a group is not easy.
Everyone needs to be interesting
It is unlikely that the stars will help you here,
It is important to know and love people.
Nomination winner: Polina and Olesya
3. Nomination "Real gentleman".

Gentleman is not just a title,
What is given to you by God
Being a gentleman is a calling
Take it and try it yourself!
The winner of the nomination was: Marat
4. Nomination "Photo model"

If everything is fine in a person:
Face and thoughts and clothes
Then maybe not in vain
Hope to become a model.
The winner of the nomination is: Lena
5. Nomination "Miss and Mister Charm".

If someone smiled at you
And suddenly a radiance spread around -
Fortune suddenly returned to you,
That's what charm did.
The winners of the nomination were: Alina and Taras.
6. Nomination "Miss Kindness".

Among all human qualities
It is valued for a reason:
Life can't go any other way
As long as there is kindness in the world.
The winner of the nomination is: Zhenya
7. Nomination "Sun of the group".

No matter what the weather is today
Even if it's raining outside
In the soul and in the heart it is easy in bad weather,
When the sun lives next to you.
The winner of the nomination was: Veronica M.
8. Nomination "Miss and Mister Artistry".

If you are given the talent to shine,
You don't have to bury it in the ground.
The winners of the nomination were: Veronika S and Roots.
(A medal is presented.) Fanfare.

9. Nomination "Miss and Mister Independence".

How rare in our life
The person is completely independent.
The winner of the nomination was: Sasha and Zhenya D.
10. Nomination "Miss and Mister Hope and Support".

Life won't seem complicated
When you can lean on a friend
And despite all the changes
Reliability was valued at all times.
The winner of the nomination was: Katya and Vitalya.
11. Nomination "True Friends".

We are with you - you and me
4 years already friends.
Such a devoted friendship
Anyone will envy.
The winners of the nomination were: Anya and Yana.

VII. "We want to wish."

Playing with balloons"Collect as many wishes as you can."

In inflated balloons for each child, wishes for children are enclosed. Balls on a long thread are tied to the back of the children so that they touch the floor. The task of the children is to step on the ball of a friend so that it bursts and take a wish. Then the wishes are read together with the parents.

Each family writes a wish to the teachers in the album.

Well, our meeting with you has come to an end. When we walk you to school, we do not tell you: “Goodbye!”. We say: "Goodbye, see you soon!" Children give invitations to the prom.

At the last and farewell ball

After all, in our lovely town

We were quite happy

But they grew up. The city became small

And the world around is so interesting

We are in the sea of ​​"knowledge" are on our way

Come shake hands with us.

Dance to the song "Good mood"

End the meeting with a photo as a keepsake.

Tips from American psychologist David Lewis:

1. I answer all the child's questions as patiently and honestly as possible.

2. I take serious questions and statements of the child seriously.

3. I set up a stand where the child can demonstrate their work.

4. I do not scold a child for a mess in his room or on the table, if this is related to a creative activity and the work has not yet been completed.

5. I provided a room or part of a room exclusively for his studies.

6. I show my child that he is loved for who he is, and not for his achievements.

7. I entrust the child with feasible cares.

8. I help you make your own plans and decisions.

9. I take my child on trips to interesting places.

10. I help the child to improve the result of his work.

11. I help my child communicate normally with children from different social and cultural backgrounds.

12. I set a reasonable behavioral standard and make sure he follows it.

13. I never tell a child that he is worse than other children.

14. I never punish a child with humiliation.

15. I provide the child with books and materials for his favorite activities.

16. I teach my child to think for himself.

17. I read to him regularly.

18. I teach my child to read from an early age.

19. I encourage the child to make up stories and fantasize.

20. I am attentive to the individual needs of the child.

21. I allow him to take part in planning family affairs and travel.

22. I find time every day to be alone with my child.

23. I never tease him for mistakes.

24. I praise him for the learned poems, stories and songs.

25. I teach my child to communicate freely with adults of any age.

26. I design practical experiments to help him learn more.

27. I let my child play with all sorts of rubbish.

28. I encourage the child to find problems and then solve them.

29. In the activities of the child, I find those that are worthy of praise.

30. I do not praise him pointlessly and insincerely.

31. I am honest in assessing my feelings for the child.

32. There are no topics that I completely exclude from discussing with a child.

33. I give the opportunity to really make decisions.

34. I help the child to be a person.

35. I help him find noteworthy TV programs.

36. I never dismiss a child's failures by saying, "I can't do that either."

37. I develop in the child a positive perception of his abilities.

38. I encourage maximum independence from adults in the child.

39. I believe in common sense child and trust him.

40. I prefer that the main part of the work that the child undertakes, he does on his own, even if I am not sure of a positive end result.

Maybe you will only agree with 20% of the statements - then you probably have something to work on. If all the statements suit you by more than 90%, it makes sense to loosen your educational grip in order to provide more freedom to both the child and yourself.

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