Methods for learning English. Ways to effectively learn English. Irrational use of time

Fast and high-quality results are given by the study methodology in English in foreign language schools, where they conduct a course of intensive immersion in the speech, culture and traditions of the country. In fact, this is an express learning method, because. for a limited period of time, students must be imbued with a foreign environment, and turn into true British or Americans.

Principal features of the methodology:

  1. Language school is a communicative method of teaching. Communication here always takes precedence over reading, writing and grammar. At the same time, the emphasis is placed more on colloquial speech than on formal English.
  2. The use of cases is actively practiced. They are game situations and discussions that contribute to the involvement of each student in the lesson process.
  3. Knowledge here is taught by a native speaker, and students will have to forget about such concepts as native speech and translation. All communication is conducted only in a foreign language.
  4. The student can choose individual training or classes in general groups.

If you do not take into account the financial side of the issue, this method has practically no drawbacks.

Conversational approach (Shechter)

Learning is based on the perception of foreign speech as mother tongue. That is, the author seeks to develop in the student the ability to use English subconsciously, without thinking about the correct construction of grammatical structures or suitable vocabulary.

This skill is developed with the help of case studies and situational thinking: small sketches are played out in which each student must say his line. At the same time, the speech of the participants in the conversation is spontaneous, no one prepares remarks in advance and does not know the topic of the cases.

Such classes are held daily, the duration of the lesson is 3 hours. The development of the course is divided into 3-4 stages, the passage of each of which takes a month. Between the stages there is a break to consolidate the acquired knowledge.

Gunnenmark selections

This course is for self-study English is a set of techniques that facilitate the development of the basics of the language.

The method is based on the analysis of "speech stamps", i.e. the author proposes to study only the most important and frequently encountered rules, phrases and words in communication. Tutorials so they are called "Minigram", "Miniphraz" and "Minilex". All material is additionally illustrated and voiced by native speakers, so the technique is considered an ideal base for starting to learn English.

The duration and frequency of classes are regulated by the students themselves.

English through films, books and songs

Separately, it is worth mentioning such interesting methods learning English like watching movies, listening to songs and reading books in the original.

Yes, combining personal interests with study helps develop a craving for classes and a real passion for the language. But, do not think that you will turn on your favorite movie and immediately understand all the lines of the characters. In fact, this is a very painstaking work.

Even films with subtitles are very difficult to parse, because. often you have to stop playing a file, look for a translation of misunderstood words and write out new expressions in your dictionary. The same goes for songs and books in English in the original. Therefore, before embarking on such a technique, sensibly evaluate your strengths. We would recommend starting similar work not earlier than mastering the average level of knowledge (Advanced).

Interactive games and mobile applications

No less useful in teaching innovative technologies based on the gaming technique.

Electronic platforms present the material in an accessible form and carefully monitor the consolidation of the information received. For example, if you are gaining vocabulary and learning flashcards, mobile applications Be sure to check the assimilation of information in several ways: listening, spelling and pronunciation.

Of the most popular online services, mobile applications and computer programs, it is worth noting:

  • Duolingo;
  • Rosettastone;
  • Lex!;
  • bussuu;
  • Lingualeo.

All of them use game methods of teaching modern English. For successful actions, users are rewarded with game points, and errors in answers lead to a decrease in rating and constant repetition of material. By the way, the repetition system is based on a deep analysis of user behavior: the success of memorization and the frequency of occurrence of a given word are taken into account.

Interactive apps are a great help in learning a language, but you can't rely on just using programs. We recommend combining game methods with solid grammar lessons.

How to choose your method of learning English?

Summing up the analysis of the methodology of teaching English, it is necessary to choose the best of the presented methods. However, this can only be done on an individual basis. The choice of the right methodology is up to you, but we can only recommend criteria from which to build.

So, when choosing a methodology for learning English, you should take into account such factors as:

  • the level of one's own preparedness;
  • the amount of time you are willing to devote to classes;
  • financial opportunities;
  • own priorities and desires.

Also, be sure to advise you to analyze your own feelings of perception. You need to understand how it is easier for you to perceive information: by ear, by reading textbooks, by using video tutorials, in a playful way, etc. If you choose a method that suits your mindset, personality, and interests, successful study will fold by itself.

Good luck with your studies foreign language and see you on the pages of the site!

Not a single foreign language is complete without cramming, but if you are unable to cramming and it seems that your talent is not at all connected with English, I advise you to read this article properly. Perhaps it will change attitudes towards the difficulty (ease) of the language and the time it takes to get enough air into your lungs and speak English boldly.

Foreign speech is a tool on the way to success. However, speech cannot be mastered while sitting at a computer, buried in “frame 25” (this method does not work). It will take a lot of desire from you to prove to yourself and your friends that you can do what you could not do at school. Believe me, it is better to say at least something than to remain silent in the middle of the desert at the sight of a passing caravan. If you still do not lose hope of learning English, the teaching methods proposed in the article will benefit each of you. So, let's begin?

In order to understand what kind of animal the English language is, it must be skillfully tamed, and this can be done using English learning methods, of which there are oh so many. But first things first.

To begin with, let's dwell on a fairly simple course, which is patented and has passed more than one approbation among foreign students, namely English using the Pimsleur method. Look for the official version in stores, and the unofficial version on torrents or youtube. Dr. Paul Pimsler was and still is clearest example linguist-psychologist in the field of language learning, who, after numerous works, came to the conclusion that language learning is based on the characteristics of the student, namely:

Ability to learn the language;

What are lessons?
This is, first of all, an audio course that you need to listen to, repeat and answer the speaker's questions. Each individual course consists of 30 lessons lasting 30 minutes. Please note that you can work through an unlimited number of classes per day, but the author of the course strongly recommends that you achieve 100% of the result from each lesson. After completing the initial course, you will have a vocabulary of 500 words, boldly use speech constructions and feel your progress on the path to success.

If you are suddenly looking for an audio course from domestic authors, then look away Ilona Davydova.

Crushing Callan, or quickly, efficiently and effectively

Despite all the ways to learn English, you can only overcome it by knowing what and how to do it. That is why in second place on our hit parade is the fascinating Callan technique, the author of which became famous thanks to fast learning foreign language students. The basis of this technique is numerous repetition, as a result of which conversational skills are formed. The speed of the lesson does not allow a person to be distracted and even think in their native language.

Such classes are quite effective if you study with a teacher who knows the Callan method from the inside. The advantages of this method of learning the language include small groups, the speed of the teacher's speech, the constant repetition of material, a minimum of grammar, and the absence of homework. You can overcome 12 levels from beginner to upper-intermediate in 160 academic hours, i.e. if you take into account classes for 2 hours 3 times a week, it turns out that you need only 5 months to not only twitter tirelessly, but also pass international exam. How do you like this perspective?

Dmitry Petrov and English in 16 hours

In third place, Dmitry Petrov's method sits majestically, thanks to which you can learn English for hard work. Don't think it's impossible. The author himself talks about understanding the structure of the language, thanks to which the language evokes, because, as you know, there is no better motivation than to learn the language through culture and love for the country. Remember the emotions that loved ones evoked in you. Isn't this the main motive for learning a language, when you are burning with the desire to find out what, why and how is happening somewhere without your participation?

A few words about the author: Dmitry Petrov is a psycholinguist, teacher of simultaneous translation, translator from more than 30 languages. The author claims that it may take 1 week to understand the structure of the language and memorize the basic structures, then everything depends on you. The pros and cons at the same time include the speed of learning the language. If you urgently need English - this is the most real chance to speak it, if you are not ready for such a fast approach, you should choose other English lessons, the methods of which are presented in the article. However, I strongly recommend that you pay attention to this advertised way of learning a language, the basis of which is based on verbs.

Ilya Frank and the method of reading

On the fourth step is the well-known method of Frank, thanks to which the English language is studied through reading. original text, in which the translation and small comments are inserted. After reading such a text, you will be offered the original passage without prompts. In stores you can find many inexpensive books in a convenient format for reading in transport and at home.

Alexander Dragunkin, or a simplified language learning system

Fifth place is rightfully occupied by the most controversial and controversial method of Alexander Dragunkin. Within the framework of this method, the author proposes to discard the traditional one, noticing it is Russian-speaking, to minimize times and overcome it. The form of classes resembles a monologue of the author, as a result of which you can choose something you need for yourself. The advantages include the relative intelligibility of the material being explained, but do not forget that practice in learning a language should always come first. It is worth pointing out the cons as well. So, for example, overcoming grammar in three hours. Concise on one side, long on the other. Learning the basics of grammar can take a lot less time if approached correctly. You can download Dragunkin's books for free.

Schechter, or English without rules

A lot has already been said about the methods of learning a foreign language, but do not stop there, perhaps your unique way of learning a language is yet to come. Schechter's method involves creating conditions under which a person can easily speak English. Let us immediately determine that there will be no actual grammar, and speech should arise in the process emotional coloring classes, while each student uses only the vocabulary that is in his everyday life. The duration of each cycle is 100 hours, between which a break is required. Initially, this method was designed for politicians, astronauts and famous people who needed to express their thoughts when meeting with foreigners.

Independent English with Rosetta Stone

All methods of learning English are actively used by teachers around the world, but only a few receive universal fame. This method is based on non-translating cognition of the language, which excludes rules and translation into Russian, however, memorization of vocabulary occurs as part of a sentence, understanding of the word comes along with a picture that displays the content, advantage is given to numerous repetitions.

This technique is great for those who want to learn English on their own without leaving their own apartment. See what and how you can Each level consists of 4 parts, and each part of 4 lessons. If you study the lesson in detail, then it will take at least 2 hours to master the material, i.e. the technique assumes that you have free time for a leisurely study of the language. The material is divided into topics, within each of which there are standard phrases for memorizing. The disadvantages of this method include the price, as well as a small number of tasks that are aimed at self-formulation of phrases.

Immersion method "Sugesto pedia"

The main methods of learning English allow you to choose among their variety the best and most suitable way to learn a foreign language in a short time. But this method is based on a complete change in a person, his name, habits and even behavior. Coming to the class, all students need to come up with nicknames and a field of activity. Although this approach originated in the 70s of the last century, it is widely used by many schools and is now used in conjunction with other methods. Distance from one's natural "I" helps to overcome barriers and complexes that are so difficult to get rid of within the framework of a normal occupation. Therefore, if you do not know how to change your life, you can safely go to English courses that adhere to this method, and for sure you will feel like a different person.

Gromyko's sports technique

A review of foreign language learning methods involves the complete mastery of information that will help you choose the perfect option. But, as you know, there are different options. A rather ambiguous approach to the language guarantees, according to the author, an excellent result. At the heart of this teaching, English is perceived as a sport, where students train in pairs, following a clear scenario. While repeating phrases in the target language, it is required to perform a series of exercises that stimulate the human brain to remember muscle load and at the same time words and expressions. The advantages of this method include exciting activities that are definitely not found in any other method. Of the minuses, one can only single out the fact that not everyone will like physical activity, and it is also impossible to do it on your own.

Matrix method by Nikolai Zamyatkin

This way of learning English is quite categorical, because. all students need to listen to audio lessons and read the text of all the same audio lessons. You need to do this repeatedly until you fully master the material. According to the author, after such work, the material will be literally "embedded" in memory and recorded in the deepest layers. This is understandable, because multiple, and even loud repetitions of the same text will eventually be remembered. But is there enough strength and desire to learn a foreign language in this way?

Simplicity and honesty of Vitaly Leventhal's method

This approach is focused on emigrants in the United States, because the course is saturated with numerous "live", which is not noted in other methods. However, the connection with the Russian language is not interrupted in the process of learning English. The main advantage of the course remains the development and maintenance of language thinking through articles and listening to lectures. The feeling of a foreign language is developed in the process of searching for original genuine emotions that just arise in the process of reading. The basis of this method is daily hard work, thanks to which you can learn a foreign language. You will need to go through the study of the material, finding the correct answer and checking the result. The method is also called "speech induction". You can meet the author on the page in

Since childhood, many of us have been instilled with a huge fear of a foreign language. Most people have a stereotype from school that English is primarily incomprehensible grammar tables and endless retellings of texts. As a rule, school graduates, when asked if they know English, answer: “I taught, but I don’t speak”.

But the fear of learning a foreign language often becomes a significant barrier to a successful career, as spoken English is one of the main requirements of many employers. To destroy your preconceptions and fears, we have prepared for you some simple yet effective ways to learn English, thanks to which you can easily improve your level of the language.

Creating the Right Environment

It is precisely those who are constantly among its native speakers who comprehend a foreign language most quickly. Unfortunately, not everyone who wants to learn English has such an opportunity. In this case, we can recommend that you surround yourself with language as much as possible, which will the best way replacement of the English-speaking environment. To do this, we suggest you do a number of actions. They are divided into levels of difficulty, from easy to hard.

  1. Start with the elementary - change the language settings on your phone and in social networks. This step alone will help you learn the series new vocabulary and get used to the existence of a foreign language in your everyday life.
  2. Humm your favorite English songs. Even if nature has deprived you of hearing and voice, you can do it personally for yourself, while having fun and practicing pronunciation. But be sure to remember to simultaneously read the text of your chosen song and translate unknown words.
  3. Try registering on a site to communicate with foreigners like italky. Or, as an option, use specialized sites for learning the language. Portals such as MeetUp, Polyglotclub or Speaky can be good for such purposes. Thus, you can get a pleasant interlocutor, and at the same time tighten up your language.
  4. Find and subscribe on Instagram or YouTube English-speaking bloggers whose content would be of interest to you
  5. Reread your favorite books in an adapted version in English. The main thing is to choose the option exactly for your level, gradually, increasing the complexity.
  6. Watch movies and series in English. It is not at all necessary to immediately start watching something with complex vocabulary and an unusual accent. Try to find something simpler for yourself, without neglecting the help of subtitles. If the situation with the understanding of English speech is very tight, you can try double subtitles. For these purposes, we can recommend you special sites, such as English-films, Goldenglish or Lelang.
  7. Browse English-language news and watch reports. You can use the news portal BBCnews.

Using Companion Applications

Every day, the average citizen spends more than 3 hours in front of the screen of their smartphone. We invite you to make the most of this circumstance and get the most out of your phones. Indeed, in our time, on platforms such as PlayMarket and AppStore, you can find a lot of useful applications that can not only give you a lot of useful information, but also provide an effective method for learning English.

We already had a separate one on the blog. If you are interested in this topic, you can open it in a new tab and read later. In the meantime, here are a few more apps that didn't make the cut.

Tandem. This application is a great opportunity to chat with a native English speaker without any investment. The application will select an interlocutor for you as follows: let's say that your native language is Russian and you want to learn English. In this scenario, you will be offered profiles of people whose native language is English, but they are studying Russian. That way you both can practice live colloquial absolutely free.

Easy ten. At the moment, one of best apps to quickly and effectively increase vocabulary. Every day it selects 10 new foreign words that need to be learned by consolidating the result by solving simple exercises. With regular use of the application, you can easily memorize up to three hundred words a month.

Urban Dictionary. This application is suitable for those people who want to develop a live English speech. After all, when learning a foreign language, one should not limit oneself exclusively to formal and academic vocabulary. Sometimes the skill of understanding slang expressions becomes extremely important for a simple layman, and helps to delve deeper into the culture of the language being studied. The service contains a huge database of slang expressions with examples of their implementation in speech, and provides the ability to add them to the list of favorites for detailed study.

Drops. Also a great app for learning new English words, which is distinguished by an easy approach to memorization. Every day, the user gets access to the application for only five minutes, but this time is enough to repeat the studied material and learn new things.

ED Words. Application for fast learning English from EnglishDom. The simulator itself consists of several parts: a digital textbook, individual lessons via Skype, browser extensions, grammar simulator, online courses, conversation clubs. The application is also equipped with interactive exercises, for example, you need to translate a passage from a text, or put together a sentence from words. And in the statistics section, you can visually analyze your results and monitor your progress.

Grammar-translation method of learning English

This effective method the study of a foreign language arose in the sixteenth century, but became widespread only by the twentieth. Attention in this approach is focused on the lexical and grammatical aspects. The main method of memorization and systematization is the translation of various texts based on your native language.

When translating text from a foreign language into Russian and vice versa, you match elements from two various languages and thus remember it faster. At the same time, even English rules must first be explained in English, and subsequently translated by the person who is learning the language, on their own into their native language.

Yes, it sounds difficult. Let's do it better point by point. Training takes place in three constantly repeating stages:

  1. Reading a sentence or rule in English
  2. Translation of what you read into your native language
  3. Re-translation of the material into English

As an auxiliary measure, bilingual dictionaries, paper or electronic, can be used. Among the latter, we consider it necessary to single out Reverso Context, which provides us with the meaning of the phrase in two languages ​​at once, making it possible to understand its context and all the subtleties of using one or another expression.

Also great attention with this method of learning the language is given to the use of audio resources: recordings, podcasts, auditions, and even just listening to English music. It is the perception of speech by ear that is given such great importance, since in most cases we come across a foreign language in practice in conversations, and it is with this component that many people have problems.

After all, remembering the spelling of a word and distinguishing it visually among others is only half the battle, it is much more difficult to recognize it by ear, taking into account the peculiarities of pronunciation in a foreign language. Immediately after the audio component is written, that is, the reproduction of what was heard on paper. It is in this mechanical way that you can consolidate the material covered most effectively, using muscle memory as well.

By following these simple steps, you can easily improve your knowledge of the language by mastering the grammatical structure and memorizing new vocabulary. But it is worth noting that this method completely ignores the skills of speaking. Therefore, it must be downloaded separately. We constantly say that not a single technique by itself will give a 100% result, it must be combined.


The ways of learning English described above will help you significantly increase the efficiency of your actions and improve your skills. You should also not use any of these methods separately from others, because by borrowing various elements from each, you can achieve the maximum result.

The most important thing is to be able to select the right proportion for yourself, and confidently move towards your goal.

But do not forget that self-study of the language is effective until you reach a certain level of its proficiency. In the future, it will be extremely difficult for you to do without outside help. So sign up for free introductory lesson with a teacher- and conquer the language with him.

EnglishDom #we inspire to learn

When starting to learn English, everyone first of all looks for a suitable method of learning the language. The choice depends on many conditions: the purpose of the study, the current level of proficiency, the age of the student. So you can draw a circle in which there will be methods of learning English that are suitable for you personally. Most likely, there will be several of them, and objective circumstances will play a role here: the availability of an English language school (territorial and financial), class schedule, service, etc. By the way, our ranking of language courses is based on such parameters, evaluated by students. Here is a fresh example from .

Most students choose the best method of learning English: group classes in courses, and use additional resources on their own. Indeed, modern resources provide a lot of opportunities for deepening knowledge: blogs in English, films in the original with subtitles, TouTube and telegram channels, audio books, podcasts, mobile applications for learning English ... Cool, convenient, not boring. But still, these are only auxiliary channels of information, and effective working methods for learning English should be based on.

The best methods for learning English

Competition among teachers and English courses stimulates the emergence of a variety of teaching methods. Some of them promise unbelievably fast results, others impress with their original approach. But in practice best practices- these are working methods, that is, those that allow you to get a real, tangible and lasting result. And there are not so many of them. There are probably only three main ones:

Learning English in a group

Classes in English schools in a group of students with the same level of preparation as you do not lose popularity. And not by accident. This method of learning English has many advantages:

  • Communication. Communication skills, listening comprehension - all this is perfectly trained in a group. In the classroom, you will have to communicate a lot with classmates and the teacher, and this is undoubtedly a big plus.
  • Other people's mistakes. Of course, they do not need to rejoice, but to learn, so as not to repeat themselves. Learning in a group allows you to look and listen from the outside, to notice the nuances that are lost in individual and / or independent learning.
  • Team. Usually group classes are not monotonous. This means that from time to time they take place outside the classroom (in a cafe, at the cinema, in nature). In addition, the group celebrates holidays and birthdays, communicates informally and makes friends.
  • Price. Group training is the most affordable. You can always find a promotional offer, pay in installments or otherwise save money on English courses.
  • Levels language proficiency. Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Advanced. There are groups for children and adults.

Among the shortcomings of group learning, it is worth mentioning all the same “human factors”. First, students with an active temperament tend to practice more and receive more attention from teachers. Secondly, you will have to strictly adhere to the class schedule despite any personal circumstances. Thirdly, group classes are usually devoted to the so-called. general English, but for specific preparation (for an interview, admission to a university, professional activity) it is better to find a good teacher (how to do it - ).

Individual study of English

Private lessons with a tutor are the second most popular method of learning foreign languages. Schoolchildren and applicants, specialists of various professions and just lovers of chamber communication turn to him (we advise you to pay attention to the selection. They receive such advantages of this method of learning English:

The disadvantages of this method of learning English are obvious. Firstly, the work of an individual teacher will cost much more than group lessons in a language school. Secondly, you will study in a “greenhouse” environment instead of actively communicating, overcoming the language barrier and training the perception of colloquial speech. Thirdly, good tutors the schedule is very tight and you have to “fit” into it.

Independent study of English

Self-study can include different ways of learning English. These are all the Internet resources listed and repeatedly described by us, as well as textbooks, literary works, animation and movies. These methods have a number of advantages:

  • Convenient schedule. You will learn English at the time and in the environment that suits you personally. Though at home, even in a bar, even at night, even in the early morning.
  • Interesting content. You will choose the materials for study. You can watch TV shows in English, read comics, chat in chat rooms, watch video blogs, etc.
  • Free English. Self-education does not cost money. Perhaps I will charge some resources, but it will be symbolic compared to the cost of courses or tutoring.

As for the shortcomings of this technique, their root lies in self-discipline. If you can organize your time and stick to decisions taken- that training will yield significant results. If not, then it will remain a fruitless good intention.

Original methods of learning English

Talented linguists and/or English teachers have developed several proprietary language learning methods. Here are the most, in our opinion, interesting and effective methods:

  • Pimsleur Method. One of the internationally recognized methods, focused on modern business people who have little free time. Classes are divided into 3 courses of 30 lessons of half an hour each. The task of the student is to listen carefully and do everything that the announcers say. The technique combines listening and pronunciation. It helps to avoid mispronunciation errors, and it is relatively easy to remember the number of words and phrase combinations sufficient for meaningful communication. By the end of the course, you should know between 2,000 and 3,000 words.
  • Ilya Frank method. Technique for expanding vocabulary through reading fiction. The texts are divided into small fragments, each of which is followed by a literal Russian translation, if necessary, supplemented by a lexical and grammatical reference. After the paragraph, the same passage is given, but without translation. An interesting and useful technique, especially for book lovers.
  • Method of Alexander Dragunkin. The main way is to use Russified transcription to memorize English words. This technique has a lot of fans, but no less critics. The only question is whether it suits you personally.

As you can see, some methods are suitable for learning spoken English, others are aimed at grammar. Choose the method that suits your purpose, and don't forget about auxiliary techniques that will significantly expand your horizons, develop your vocabulary and make learning English more interesting.

Apart from traditional methods There are many methods for learning English. They are interesting because they often offer non-standard, unexpected and at the same time effective approaches. Some methods help to learn a language faster, others are excellent, others make classes more fun. We have chosen 8 author's methods that will help in learning English.

  1. The Rosetta Stone Method

Principles of the methodology

  • Gradual immersion in the language environment
  • Gradual complication
  • Without using native language
  • "Children's", intuitive perception of the English language
  • Principle of induction: the student independently draws conclusions about general rules based on special cases
  • Science-based material repetition rate

Description of the technique

Rosetta Stone is a computer program for learning foreign languages. Just as the Rosetta Stone helped linguists decipher Egyptian hieroglyphs, so the program helps to "decipher" the English language on its own.

This technique relies on the intuitive perception of the language, as young children do when learning their native language. You do not have to translate with a dictionary, memorize the rules and understand the theory of grammar. Learning takes place at an unconscious level: you immerse yourself in the environment and involuntarily memorize the constructions of the language.

The program simulates situations from Everyday life. You study what surrounds you, what you often deal with, what interests you.

The program is interactive: it tests and evaluates knowledge. In the settings, you can choose the type of assessments and sound notifications about correct and incorrect answers.


You can buy "Rosetta Stone" on the official website of the program.

Advantages of the technique

  • Interesting to pass
  • Suitable for children
  • Practices pronunciation
  • British and American English options available

Cons of the technique

  • Suitable for beginners only - no serious knowledge of grammar or complex vocabulary
  • Quite expensive: a year of study with discounts costs from about 12 thousand rubles.


A good option for additional practice in the initial stages of language learning.

  1. Ilya Frank method

Principles of the methodology

  • Learning a language with books

Description of the technique

The method of Ilya Frank is primarily a method of reading books in a foreign language. Education is mainly through reading only, speaking and writing are not trained, and little attention is paid to listening - only some books are accompanied by audio recordings.

Books based on the method of Ilya Frank are adapted in a special way: the text is divided into semantic passages, which are accompanied by a literal translation and sometimes lexical or grammatical comments. Then the paragraphs are repeated without prompts so that the reader can consolidate the knowledge gained.

This technique helps to read books in a foreign language with interest, without being distracted by the search for the meanings of words, complex expressions and idioms and without wasting time translating into Russian. At the same time, grammatical nuances are remembered in the context.


Books on the method of Ilya Frank can be found in electronic form on the official website of the method.

Paper books adapted for reading in a foreign language according to the method of Ilya Frank are sold in bookstores. For example, in the Labyrinth there are several dozen books in English.

Advantages of the technique

  • Non-intrusive learning without cramming
  • Good reading practice
  • Fast and easy memorization of words and speech turns due to constant repetition

Cons of the technique

  • No speaking, writing and little listening practice
  • Bookish, not modern spoken language is being studied


The method is suitable for those who already know at least the basics of the English language, like to read, want to improve their reading skills in English and replenish lexicon.

  1. Pimsleur Method

Principles of the methodology

  • Speaking practice
  • Learning through listening
  • Active student participation in learning
  • Spaced material repetitions
  • Building a vocabulary core

Description of the technique

The Pimsleur foreign language learning system is based on the memory training technique, which helps to master the language as soon as possible at a level sufficient for simple communication.

The Pimsler Method consists of three audio courses, each consisting of 30 lessons of 30 minutes each. According to the author of the methodology, half an hour is the optimal period of time for intensive and effective training.

The lessons are voiced by two speakers: a Russian speaker who explains the tasks, and a native speaker with excellent pronunciation who pronounces all the phrases in English.

Audio lessons require concentration. You need to not just listen and repeat after the speaker, but actively think - build new phrases based on the provided speech structures and new information. This method is as close as possible to natural communication in a language environment. But you need to do it only in a calm environment, preferably at home.


Advantages of the technique

  • Can practice for free
  • Teaches you to speak and think immediately in English, without relying on your native language

Cons of the technique

  • It takes a lot of work and a lot of time


This option is suitable for disciplined and purposeful people.

  1. Berlitz method

Principles of the methodology

  • At the initial stage - only learning to speak
  • Complete rejection of the native language in the learning process, rejection of translation
  • Grammar and vocabulary are learned naturally during conversations in a foreign language
  • Need a teacher - native speaker

Description of the technique

The Berlitz method is one of the oldest methods of teaching foreign languages. The American professor Maximilian Berlitz formulated the basic principles of his method as early as the 1880s. He noticed that the natural learning of a language with the help of a native speaker, without using the native language and memorizing words and vocabulary, gives excellent results.

Over time, the Berlitz method became more and more popular, and Berlitz schools began to appear in the United States. In 1900, there were about 70 Berlitz schools in the world. Today there are about 550 such schools in 70 countries of the world. To learn English using the Berlitz method, it is not necessary to attend school. A private teacher can also introduce the principles of the methodology into their classes.

According to the Berlitz method, students should start learning with oral speech. From the very beginning, only a foreign language is used in the classes. The teacher initiates interesting conversations by encouraging students to interact. Students should take an active part in the classroom, since only in the process of communication can one train conversational speech.

The Berlitz method helps students to fully immerse themselves in the language environment. This method mimics the conditions under which young children learn their first language.


Advantages of the technique

  • High efficiency in teaching conversational speech
  • Interesting and easy activities

Cons of the technique

  • The teacher must be a native speaker, which is not suitable for everyone
  • Not suitable for independent language learning


  1. Petrov's method

Principles of the methodology

  • High speed learning - 16 hours for basic knowledge
  • Emphasis on speaking, but other aspects of the language are also trained
  • The most comfortable atmosphere to get rid of the language barrier
  • Individual approach to the choice of topics in the classroom

Description of the technique

Russian psycholinguist Dmitry Petrov - the creator of the popular and effective methodology"Polyglot". He hosts the show of the same name on the channel "Culture", which is a lesson in different languages ​​for beginners.

Dmitry Petrov's technique is designed for 16 hours of intensive training. From the first day of classes, the teacher requires students to start speaking using the proposed constructions and vocabulary.

Dmitry Petrov offers wonderful material for learning at an elementary level: useful words, well-chosen constructions, simple and understandable explanations. This basic material can be compared with the "Minilex" and "Miniphrase" by Gunnemark, but its difference is that it includes exercises, grammar rules, other useful information. In addition, the material can be changed, adjusting to individual characteristics person.

You can learn English according to Dmitry Petrov's method both at special courses and trainings, and on your own with the help of Polyglot programs and Dmitry Petrov's textbooks.


Advantages of the technique

  • Well crafted material
  • Fast first results
  • Eliminates the language barrier

Cons of the technique

  • Suitable for beginners only
  • Small vocabulary, not enough grammatical information


The Petrov method is a good start for beginners who are not suitable for classes without using their native speech.

  1. Schechter method

Principles of the methodology

  • Learning with the help of etudes - role-playing games
  • Intuitive language learning

Description of the technique

The method of teaching English by the Russian teacher Igor Shekhter resembles many others modern methods based on the intuitive perception of a foreign language, but it also has important differences.

The main feature of the method is that classes are conducted with the help of so-called etudes. These are role-playing games that students conduct among themselves. The purpose of role-playing games is not to learn the language, but to use it to solve various problems: for example, take a taxi, buy a ticket, order a dish in a restaurant, make a purchase in a store.

Etudes are conducted only between students with approximately the same level, and the teacher corrects errors only if they affect the meaning. This minimizes the language barrier, most of the participants do not have it.

You can study according to the Schechter method at special courses or on your own, but for the second option you need to find at least one partner to play sketches.

Schechter advises getting rid of rules, homework, tests and exams - this only creates an additional barrier for the language learner.


Advantages of the technique

  • Creative and interesting activities
  • Getting rid of the language barrier
  • Speaking skills are trained quickly

Cons of the technique

  • You must study in a group or with at least one other student


The Schechter Method is one of the most fun and enjoyable ways to learn English. Suitable for almost any level.

It is not necessary to choose one method for yourself and follow only it. This option is only suitable for those for whom a particular method is ideal. But this rarely happens: each technique has limitations and disadvantages. We advise you to choose from a variety of methods the principles and recommendations that you feel are close and useful.

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