The use of a computer in the study of physics. Work program for individual training in physics Programs in physics for PC

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The rapid development of computer technology and the expansion of its functionality allows the widespread use of computers at all stages of the educational process. Great opportunities are contained in the use of computers in teaching physics. The effectiveness of the use of computers in the educational process depends on many factors, including the hardware, the quality of the training programs used, and the teaching methods used by the teacher. Physics is an experimental science, it is always taught, accompanied by a demonstration experiment. The methodology of teaching physics has always been more complicated than the methods of teaching other subjects. The use of computers in teaching physics deforms the methodology of its teaching both in the direction of increasing the effectiveness of teaching, and in the direction of facilitating the work of the teacher.

To increase the visibility of training, you can use the computer program "Physics in Pictures" of the Scientific Center "Physicon"

The presentation of new material can be carried out using one computer located next to the demonstration table. All physical experiments can be accompanied by the use of the computer program "Physics in Pictures", which contains and conducts demonstrations of experiments with simultaneously plotted graphs, explanations of ongoing processes and phenomena are attached. This approach in a computer program is applied to all the main topics of a school physics course, which allows you to explain the educational material faster and better, increases the visibility and accessibility of training, makes it possible to repeatedly demonstrate phenomena and processes in both discrete and animation modes. View the studied phenomena simultaneously with the graphs under construction, change the parameters of the factors that create the phenomena in the computer program. Allows you to demonstrate the course of experiments in a versatile way, and students to master the educational material more deeply. The use of this program is effective at the stages of consolidation and repetition of educational material both in individual and group training.

In terms of consolidating the material studied and with independent work of students, you can use the program "Physics Lessons Cyril and Methodius" for grades 9 and 10 - electronic textbooks from the company "Cyril and Methodius". This program is divided into lessons in accordance with the main topics of the physics course. Has a clear soundtrack. Good selection of control tests. The desired topic is set in advance, and after explaining the new material, the necessary voiced points of the educational material are launched. This allows you to quickly and briefly once again scroll through the topic being studied in the minds of students. Sometimes, for repetition, they use the creation of crossword puzzles on topics covered in physics. They are carried out in Microsoft Excel. Organizationally, this is carried out in a computer room, where students are seated 3-5 people at a computer. Students are assigned to groups on their own. The process of creating crossword puzzles in a group of students is more intense, more reckless and more interesting than when one student is sitting at the computer. After creating a crossword puzzle, students exchange them, having previously written them down on floppy disks (it is desirable that each student, along with a notebook, have his own floppy disk), and then solve crossword puzzles, while there is a kind of competitive effect: who is more difficult to create a crossword puzzle, and who is faster than it guess.

In addition, computers can be used to draw a general view of a graph of a law or phenomenon using the Paint application, and more accurate graphing is carried out in Microsoft Excel, while the graphs are very beautiful, which gives a feeling of job satisfaction. Graphing in Microsoft Excel allows you to observe the process of changing the graph when changing any parameters of the ongoing process.

Knowledge control, or rather, feedback is established on the basis of self-control and self-assessment of students' knowledge: before the start of the lesson, they receive information from each student about the degree of completion of their homework, in the form of self-assessment for each part of the homework, and then in the classroom they confirm their grades, or in the traditional way in the physics classroom, or by testing using computers, based on their own tests, or using the tests of the program "Physics Lessons of Cyril and Methodius". Also, the use of the computer program "Tutor in Physics of Cyril and Methodius" fits well into the structure of knowledge control. During testing, students are seated one at a time at a computer. The rest at this time are busy with either traditional control or solving problems on this topic.

The use of a computer in solving physical problems.

Problems are solved in a computer class with the help of an electronic problem book of the "Physics in Pictures" program. NC "Physicon".

It must be said that solving physical problems with the help of a computer gives little to the educational process, since in this case the computer is mainly used as a calculator and nothing more. But, nevertheless, the use of a computer in solving physical problems can have a great educational effect, provided that by the seventh grade students will own the Microsoft Excel program, then functions, graphics, and more can be used at full capacity when solving problems. etc. In addition, it is necessary to create a special selection of tasks and a methodology for their solution.

Methods of using computer models in the classroom.

First of all, it is extremely convenient to use computer models in a demo version when explaining new material or when solving problems.

Of course, such demonstrations will be successful if the teacher is working with a small group of students who can be seated near a computer monitor, or if the classroom has projection technology that allows you to display the computer screen on a large wall screen. Otherwise, the teacher may offer the students to work with the models on their own in the computer lab or at home, which is sometimes more realistic.

It should be noted that during individual work, students tinker with the proposed models with great interest, try all the adjustments, as a rule, without really delving into the physical content of what is happening on the screen. As practical experience shows, a particular model can be interesting for an ordinary student for 3-5 minutes, and then the question inevitably arises: “What to do next?”

What needs to be done so that the lesson in the computer class is not only interesting in form, but also gives the maximum educational effect?

The teacher needs to prepare in advance a work plan with the computer model chosen for study, formulate questions and tasks consistent with the functionality of the model, it is also desirable to warn students that at the end of the lesson they will need to answer questions or write a short report on the work done. Ideally, at the beginning of the lesson, the teacher distributes individual assignments to students in printed form.

What types of tasks and educational activities can be offered to students when working with computer models and how to organize this activity?

Types of tasks for computer models

1. Introductory task

This activity is designed to help the student understand the purpose of the model and master its adjustments. The task contains instructions for managing the model and review questions.

2.Computer experiments

After the computer model is mastered, it makes sense to offer students 1-2 experiments. Such experiments allow students to delve deeper into the meaning of what is happening on the screen.

3.Experimental problems

Next, you can offer students experimental tasks, that is, tasks for the solution of which it is necessary to think over and set up an appropriate computer experiment. As a rule, students take on such tasks with special enthusiasm. Despite the apparent simplicity, such tasks are very useful, as they allow students to see a live connection between a computer experiment and the physics of the phenomena being studied.

4. Calculation problems with subsequent computer verification

At this stage, students can already be offered 2-3 tasks, which must first be solved without using a computer, and then check the answer by setting up a computer experiment. When compiling such tasks, it is necessary to take into account both the functionality of the model and the ranges of variation of numerical parameters. It should be noted that if these tasks are solved in a computer class, then the time allotted for solving any of these tasks should not exceed 5-8 minutes. Otherwise, the use of the computer becomes ineffective. Tasks that require a longer time to solve, it makes sense to offer students for preliminary study in the form of homework and / or discuss these tasks in a regular lesson in a physics classroom, and only after that use them in a computer class.

5. Ambiguous tasks

As part of this task, students are asked to solve problems in which it is necessary to determine the values ​​of two dependent parameters, for example, in the case of throwing a body at an angle to the horizon, the initial speed and angle of throw in order for the body to fly a given distance. When solving such a problem, the student must first independently choose the value of one of the parameters, taking into account the range specified by the authors of the model, and then solve the problem in order to find the value of the second parameter, and only after that set up a computer experiment to verify the answer. It is clear that such problems have many solutions.

6. Tasks with missing data

When solving such problems, the student must first figure out exactly what parameter is missing to solve the problem, choose its value independently, and then proceed as in the previous task.

7. Creative tasks

As part of this task, the student is asked to compose one or more problems, solve them independently (in class or at home), and then, using a computer model, check the correctness of the results obtained. At first, these can be tasks compiled according to the type solved in the lesson, and then a new type, if the model allows it.

8. Research tasks

The most capable students can be offered a research task, that is, a task during which they need to plan and conduct a series of computer experiments that would allow them to confirm or refute certain patterns. The strongest students can be offered to independently formulate such patterns. Note that in particularly difficult cases, students can be helped to plan the necessary experiments or offer a plan prepared in advance by the teacher.

9. Problem tasks

With the help of a number of models, it is possible to demonstrate the so-called problem situations, that is, situations that lead students to an apparent or real contradiction, and then invite them to understand the causes of such situations using a computer model.

10. Qualitative tasks

Some models may well be used in solving qualitative problems. Of course, it is better to formulate such tasks or questions after working with the model in advance.

With regular work with a computer course, it makes sense to make up computer laboratory works from invented tasks, in which questions and tasks are arranged as their complexity increases. This activity is quite time-consuming, but it is such work that gives the greatest educational effect.

Recently, one can often hear questions: "Is a computer needed in physics lessons? Will computer simulations replace a real experiment from the educational process?" Most often, such questions are asked by teachers who do not know information technology and do not really understand how these technologies can be useful in teaching.

Let's try to answer the question: "When is it justified to use computer programs in physics lessons?" We believe that, first of all, in those cases in which there is a significant advantage over traditional forms of education. One such case is the use of computer models in the educational process. It should be noted that computer programs are understood as computer programs that allow simulating physical phenomena, experiments or idealized situations encountered in tasks.

What is the advantage of computer simulation in comparison with natural experiment? First of all, computer modeling makes it possible to obtain visual dynamic illustrations of physical experiments and phenomena, to reproduce their subtle details, which often escape when observing real phenomena and experiments. When using models, a computer provides a unique, not achievable in a real physical experiment, the ability to visualize not a real natural phenomenon, but its simplified model. In this case, additional factors can be gradually included in the consideration, which gradually complicate the model and bring it closer to a real physical phenomenon. In addition, computer simulation makes it possible to vary the time scale of events, as well as to simulate situations that cannot be realized in physical experiments.

The work of students with computer models is extremely useful, since computer models make it possible to change the initial conditions of physical experiments in a wide range, which allows them to perform numerous virtual experiments. Such interactivity opens up huge cognitive opportunities for students, making them not only observers, but also active participants in ongoing experiments. Some models allow simultaneously with the course of experiments to observe the construction of the corresponding graphical dependencies, which increases their clarity. Such models are of particular value, since students usually experience significant difficulties in constructing and reading graphs.

Of course, a computer lab cannot replace a real physics lab. However, performing computer laboratory work requires certain skills that are also characteristic of a real experiment - choosing initial conditions, setting experiment parameters, etc.

A large number of computer models throughout the school physics course are contained in multimedia courses developed by the Physicon company: Physics in Pictures, Open Physics 1.1, Open Physics 2.0, Open Astronomy 2.0. The main distinguishing feature of these computer courses are numerous computer models - unique and original developments, a significant number of which are located on the Open College website at:

The computer models developed by "Physicon" fit easily into the lesson and allow the teacher to organize new, non-traditional types of learning activities for students.

1. A lesson in problem solving followed by a computer check.

The teacher offers students individual tasks for independent solution in the classroom or as homework, the correctness of which they can check by setting up computer experiments. Self-verification of the results obtained, with the help of a computer experiment, enhances the cognitive interest of students, and also makes their work creative, and often brings it closer in nature to scientific research. As a result, many students begin to invent their own problems, solve them, and then check the correctness of their reasoning using computer models. The teacher can consciously encourage students to such activities, without fear that he will have to solve a bunch of problems invented by students, for which there is usually not enough time. Moreover, the tasks compiled by schoolchildren can be used in class work or offered to other students for independent study in the form of homework.

2. Lesson - research.

Students are encouraged to conduct a small study on their own, using a computer model, and obtain the necessary results. Moreover, many models allow you to conduct such a study in just a few minutes. Of course, the teacher assists students in the planning and experimentation phases.

3. Lesson - computer laboratory work.

To conduct such a lesson, it is necessary to develop appropriate handouts. Tasks in the forms of laboratory work should be arranged as their complexity increases. At first, it makes sense to offer simple tasks of an introductory nature and experimental tasks, then computational tasks, and, finally, tasks of a creative and research nature. When answering a question or solving a problem, the student can set up the necessary computer experiment and check his ideas. Calculation problems are recommended to be first solved in the traditional way on paper, and then put on a computer experiment to verify the correctness of the answer.

I would like to note that tasks of a creative and research nature significantly increase the interest of students in the study of physics and are an additional motivating factor. For this reason, the lessons of the last two types are approaching the ideal, as students receive knowledge in the process of independent creative work, because knowledge is necessary for them to obtain a specific result visible on a computer screen. The teacher in these cases is only an assistant in the creative process of mastering knowledge.

Using a computer to study physics

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Teachers can only choose, if, of course, they are ready for this choice. Today we bring to your attention 13 different applications and games that can come in handy when learning physics. However, they are so interesting that they are quite suitable not only for pupils and students, but also for everyone who is interested in the structure of our world.

Snapshots of the Universe is an amazing iOS app recently released by Stephen Hawking himself in collaboration with Random House. The application consists of eight experiments that give users the opportunity not only to gain basic knowledge of physics, but also to get acquainted with the principles that govern our universe. As part of the proposed experiments, players can send rockets into outer space, build their own star systems, search for and study black holes. Each experiment can be carried out countless times, changing the physical parameters and observing the emerging effects. To better understand the experiments, you can go to the explanation section of the results and watch the video. The app is available on iTunes. The cost of the game from the great physicist is only $4.99.

This is a game with a unique combination of arcade and puzzle features, set in the world of subatomic particles. By taking control of one of the quarks, you must negotiate with the fundamental forces of the universe. Other particles will attract and repel, connect and change polarity, the task of the unfortunate quark is not to lose control and avoid destruction. Throughout the game, the story of Alison, a young physicist with a difficult past, runs like a red thread. Her journey through the subatomic world flows through flashbacks and ultimately leads to amazing discoveries. The site provides a free demo version, for the full one you will have to pay from 5 to 50 dollars, depending on the features of your system.

The first-person game developed by the Games Lab (MIT) allows players to get acquainted with the perception of space at near-light speeds and understand the theory of relativity. The player's task is to move around the 3D space, collect spherical objects that slow down the speed of light by fixed values, which makes it possible to observe various visual effects of Einstein's theory.

The slower the radiation moves, the clearer some physical effects appear. By the 90th collected stone, the light will spread at walking speed, which will make you feel like the heroes of a surreal world. Among the phenomena that the hero can get acquainted with during the game are the Doppler effect (a change in the player’s movement, the wavelength of the light he registers, which leads to a change in the color of visible objects, which shifts to the ultraviolet and infrared region), light aberration (an increase in the brightness of light in the direction movement), relativistic time dilation (differences between the player's subjective sense of time and the passage of time in the outside world), Lorentz transformation (distortion of space at near-light speeds), etc.

Crayon Physics Deluxe is a 2D puzzle/sandbox game that lets players experience what it would be like if their drawings could turn into real physical objects. The player's task is to help the ball collect stars by drawing surfaces suitable for its movement - bridges, crossings, levers, etc. Everything takes place in the magical world of children's drawing, where the player's tools are wax crayons. At a minimum, the game develops artistic vision and creativity, and at the maximum, it allows you to get acquainted with the basics of mechanics - gravity, acceleration and friction. There is a demo version available for testing on the site, the full version for PC, Mac and Linux can be purchased for $19.95, the apps for Android and iOS will cost $2.99.

However, for those who have just begun to study the movement of bodies and various physical forces, it will also be interesting to get acquainted with the educational video game Physics Playground. The game is a platform on which the player needs to perform fairly simple actions - using a green ball to shoot down a red balloon. This is where classical mechanics comes in: without the correct application of Newton's laws, players are unlikely to be able to construct mechanisms in an interactive environment that will help set the ball in motion. However, you can also use intuition - the main thing is that over 80 levels, intuitive knowledge that allows you to achieve your goal gradually leads to an understanding of the patterns that underlie classical mechanics. The game was developed by the Empirical Game company, which is engaged in the creation of educational educational games. Unfortunately, it is not available in the public domain, but the developers suggest contacting them if you are interested in this product. In the full version, you can track the progress of players by analyzing the log file logs.

“Science, entertainment and gaming come together in Newton’s Playground’s beautiful, unique creative experience. Manipulate the universe, create incredible combinations of planets and run gravity, ”the creators of the application say. Newton's Playground is an interactive application based on models that reflect the gravitational relationship of various bodies. By simulating the gravitational relationships of the planets, the small app Newton's Playground gives its players the opportunity to observe the interaction of spheres floating in open space, or experiment with the mass and density of various bodies and create their own solar system. All calculations are based on research by the Sverre Aarseth's Institute of Astronomy. The cost of the application in the App Store is $1.99.

"Algodoo creates a new synergy between science and art," reads the inscription on one of the game's pages. Algodoo is a unique 2D physics simulation platform from Algoryx Simulation AB. With cartoon images and interactive tools, Algodoo allows you to create amazing inventions, develop games for use in the classroom or special experiments for physics labs. In the course of their natural tests and the creation of various mechanisms, the participants of the game can use liquids, springs, hinges, engines, light beams, various indicators, optics and lenses. By simulating various structures and changing parameters, players study friction, refraction, gravity, and so on. For beginners, the site provides a detailed guide, as well as a channel Youtube, where you can watch dozens of videos on the topic. Free versions of the game are available for Windows and Mac, and the iPad app costs $4.99.

Autodesk ForceEffect is an application for engineers who are engaged in various kinds of design. With Autodesk ForceEffect, you can do engineering calculations right on your mobile device. This greatly facilitates the design work at the concept stage, as it immediately determines the viability of the design. However, the application will also be of interest to those who would like to know how different forces affect objects. For such enthusiasts, instead of a house diagram for an experiment, you can take an ordinary bicycle and, based on its photo, conduct a series of experiments that will show how much load it can withstand and what affects the balance of the bike. It is especially pleasant that the application is in the public domain and is available for free for Android, iOS.

Physics is one of the basic sciences of natural science. The study of physics at school begins in the 7th grade and continues until the end of schooling. By this time, schoolchildren should already have formed the proper mathematical apparatus necessary for studying the course of physics.

  • The school curriculum in physics consists of several large sections: mechanics, electrodynamics, oscillations and waves, optics, quantum physics, molecular physics and thermal phenomena.

Topics of school physics

In the 7th grade there is a superficial acquaintance and introduction to the course of physics. The basic physical concepts are considered, the structure of substances is studied, as well as the pressure force with which various substances act on others. In addition, the laws of Pascal and Archimedes are studied.

In 8th grade various physical phenomena are studied. Initial information is given about the magnetic field and the phenomena in which it occurs. A direct electric current and the basic laws of optics are studied. Separately, various aggregate states of a substance and the processes occurring during the transition of a substance from one state to another are analyzed.

Grade 9 is devoted to the basic laws of motion of bodies and their interaction with each other. The basic concepts of mechanical oscillations and waves are considered. The topic of sound and sound waves is analyzed separately. The fundamentals of the theory of the electromagnetic field and electromagnetic waves are studied. In addition, there is an acquaintance with the elements of nuclear physics and the structure of the atom and the atomic nucleus is studied.

In 10th grade an in-depth study of mechanics (kinematics and dynamics) and conservation laws begins. The main types of mechanical forces are considered. There is an in-depth study of thermal phenomena, the molecular-kinetic theory and the basic laws of thermodynamics are being studied. The basics of electrodynamics are repeated and systematized: electrostatics, the laws of direct electric current and electric current in various media.

Grade 11 devoted to the study of the magnetic field and the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. Various types of oscillations and waves are studied in detail: mechanical and electromagnetic. There is a deepening of knowledge from the section of optics. Elements of the theory of relativity and quantum physics are considered.

  • Below is a list of grades 7 to 11. Each grade contains physics topics written by our tutors. These materials can be used by both students and their parents, as well as school teachers and tutors.


The introduction of computer technology in the teaching of physics and astronomy goes in several directions:

The use of text and graphic editors by teachers to prepare a variety of differentiated educational materials and by students to formalize the results of their educational research or abstract work. The use of the computer in the classroom as a technical learning tool. In this case, the most effective use of such software as Open Physics 1.0 (parts I and II) and RedShift -3 (Encyclopedia of Astronomy), which contain a large amount of visual material: dynamic models, video recordings, etc. Use of a computer by a teacher and students for modeling various physical processes and phenomena using, for example, such a tool as “Live Physics”. Creation of a computer measuring laboratory in the physics classroom to conduct a demonstration and student experiment. Such a complex with wide measuring capabilities is offered by the Snark company (computer complex L - micro). The use of such training programs as “Tutor in Physics of Cyril and Methodius” and “1C: Tutor” for independent work of schoolchildren, as well as diagnostics and control of their knowledge.


The computer measuring complex allows using the computer available in the physics classroom to conduct a demonstration experiment or workshop work.

The set includes an electronic measuring unit, sensors for temperature, pressure, humidity, conductivity, ionizing radiation, speed and angle of rotation, a photocell, a microphone, and additional equipment for conducting various experiments. Information from the sensors is automatically processed and displayed on the monitor screen in a form convenient for students.

The computer measuring complex allows to carry out numerous experiments on various topics of the course. So, for example, in the manual on the topic "Mechanics" a detailed description of 17 experiments for grades 7-10 is presented.

Firm "Snark"


The program is an environment in which students can conduct simulations of physical experiments. With the help of the equipment and materials presented in the “laboratory cabinet”, it is possible to simulate various processes on topics such as mechanics, electricity and magnetism. A modern computer, animation tools, numerous auxiliary functions make "Live Physics" a convenient and powerful tool for teaching physics in schools.

The program is supplied with a reference guide for the teacher, containing all the necessary information about the installation and tools of the program, about how to design and conduct experiments.

In the UML of physics MIPCRO, as part of the course system for advanced training, there is a module for teaching how to work in the “Live Physics” environment.


Full multimedia physics course for Windows 3.1X/95/NT on two CDs.

The first part of the course, which contains 34 computer experiments, 11 video recordings of physical experiments and 1 hour of audio explanations, includes the following sections: mechanics, thermodynamics and mechanical vibrations and waves. The second part of the course included sections: electricity and magnetism, optics, atomic and quantum physics.

The course is recommended for classes with extended and in-depth teaching of physics. The course consists of modules - computer experiments. For each experiment are presented: computer animation, graphs, numerical results. By changing the parameters and observing the result of a computer experiment, the student can conduct an interactive physical study for each experiment. Video recordings make the course more engaging and help make the lessons lively and interesting. Very useful questions or tasks. accompanying each experiment The student can enter his answer into the computer and check himself.

Russian Federation, Moscow region, Dolgoprudny-1, PO Box 59
Tel/Fax (0Moscow)
http://www. physicon. en


on one CD

The educational material is presented in the form of tests. The "Tutor" includes the questions most often found in exam tickets for entrance exams to universities.

Contains about 1200 questions and tasks with detailed answers. Recommended for university applicants.

"Cyril and Methodius"
http://www. km. en


on one CD

Interactive course of study, the basics of the following topics are outlined: mechanics, molecular physics, electricity and magnetism, optics, relativity theory and quantum mechanics.

Contains 300 illustrations, 100 video clips and animations, 70 interactive models, as well as about 300 tests and tasks in all of the above sections. Reference materials are included: basic formulas in physics and mathematics, the system of physical units, fundamental physical constants, biographical information about prominent scientists who have made a significant contribution to the development of physics.

Firm "1C"
Moscow, PO Box 64
st. Seleznevskaya, 21, .


on one CD

A unique astronomical encyclopedia that has the following features:

    You can choose the time and place of observation of any celestial bodies - both in the past and in the future 9 in interval years), both within the solar system and outside it. Using video recording, you can capture the movement of celestial bodies, the sunrise on Jupiter or the infinitely deep starry sky, as well as record your own journey through space. Full color realistic graphics allow you to see detailed images of all the planets, as well as galaxies and nebulae and the Milky Way. The program contains data on 700 minor planets and asteroids, 1500 comets, 1 million stars, quasars, "black holes" and thousands of other amazing objects, information on dozens of space research vehicles, detailed maps of the surfaces of the Moon, Mars, Venus and the Earth.

Company "New Disk"
Moscow, PO Box 42


The video studio “Kvart” offers teachers of physics and astronomy educational video programs on various topics of the school course, which will help make the learning process more emotional and visual, and therefore more effective.

1. "PHYSICS-1" 143 min.
Laboratory work at the 11th grade course, taken at the Physics and Mathematics College at MEPhI.

2. "PHYSICS-2" 109 min.
Films on the topics: light diffraction, interference, dispersion, thermal radiation, physical foundations of quantum theory.

3. "PHYSICS-3" 65 min. A film about how scientists' ideas about the physical picture of the world changed as they learned the secrets of the structure of matter.
Films about the phenomena of magnetism, photoelectric effect, plastic deformation.

4. “PHYSICS-4” 38 min. Two films: “Diffusion”, “Polarization”.

5. "PHYSICS-5" 63 min.
The idea of ​​crystals, crystal lattices, etc.

6. "OPERATION "HELIUM"" 77 min.
On the example of the history of the discovery of the "solar substance" - helium, the history of the most important discoveries in the field of physics and chemistry of the early twentieth century is given. Scientists talk about their discoveries (acting performance): Bunsen, Becquerel, Curie, Rutherford, Cavendish, Rayleigh, Roentgen, Ramsay.

7. “KINEMATICS” new.
The issues of the school course of kinematics are considered using the author's experiment of the Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation

8. “UNIVERSE AND EARTH” 60 min. The origin of the universe according to Friedman. Riddles of atmospheric vortices. Continents, modeling of the movement of lithospheric plates, forecast for the future. Secrets of the Ust-Yurt Plateau.

9. ASTRONOMY PART 1 77 min.
Star landmarks, celestial mechanics, solar system, planet earth, moon, morning star, etc.

Mars, Planets - giants, small bodies, the Sun, the life and death of stars, the Galaxy, the Milky Way, the structure of the universe.


    From fire to nuclear power; secrets of space and solar energy; in the thickness of the earth's crust, etc.

Life, activity, and history of discoveries of famous scientists: Timiryazev, Vernadsky, Tsiolkovsky, Florensky.

Greenhouse effect, preservation of the ozone layer, conservation of flora and fauna, social aspect of environmental protection.

14. “FUTURE IN HARMONY” 63 min.
Futurological forecasts for the development of mankind and the environment.

Use of geothermal waters, energy of lunar tides, bioenergy, wind power, solar energy as energy sources. In the future, these exotic energies will take their place, and the sooner the better.

Video studio “Kvart”
Moscow, st. Ostryakova, PO Box 17.

Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University presents video cassettes with recordings of lecture experiments. The proposed experiments are classics of a demonstration physical experiment and have been shown to schoolchildren and students during lectures at the Faculty of Physics for many years. The set includes the following video cassettes.

1. “MECHANICS” 185 min.
70 experiments on topics: kinematics, dynamics, rigid body dynamics, non-inertial frames of reference, conservation laws, oscillations.

Topic: elastic properties of bodies, Pascal's law, compressibility of a liquid, pressure of a liquid on the walls of a vessel, Archimedes' law, floating of bodies, atmospheric pressure, laminar and turbulent flow of a liquid, Bernoulli's equation, static and dynamic pressure in a liquid and gas flow, Magnus effect, flow viscous fluid, vortices, the physical foundations of aviation. 63 experiments.

Topics: fundamentals of molecular kinetic theory, transport phenomena in gases (viscosity, thermal conductivity, diffusion), real gases and liquids, heat and work, heat engines, surface and capillary phenomena, phase transitions, properties of solid experiments.

100 experiments. Topic: elementary electrostatics, electrostatics of conductors, capacitance, conductors and dielectrics in an external electric field, basic mechanisms for creating EMF, dependence of resistance on temperature, electric current in various media, self-discharge in gases, electric current in liquids, fundamentals of magnetostatics, movement of charges in magnetic field, phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, Foucault currents, magnetic properties of media, transformers, high-frequency currents, Earth's magnetic field, electromagnetic waves.

Composite cassette containing selected experiments on the course of physics as part of the school curriculum. Number of experiments-- 83 Topics: kinematics and dynamics of a material point, conservation laws in mechanics, mechanical oscillations and waves, sound, fundamentals of thermodynamics, transport phenomena in gases, phase transitions, electrostatics, direct electric current, basic mechanisms for creating EMF, magnetostatics, electromagnetic induction, geometric optics, wave optics (interference, diffraction, dispersion, aberration, polarization), lasers.

Moscow State University , Faculty of Physics
Moscow, Sparrow Hills, Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics, KOF, KFD.
, Yakuta A. A

On this page you can download useful physics programs that make it easier to carry out various calculations.

Thermophysical properties of water and water vapor on the saturation line

The program allows you to quickly calculate the thermophysical properties of water and steam:
- pressure
- temperature
- steam enthalpy
- entropy of water
- steam entropy
- specific volume of water
- specific volume of steam
- heat of vaporization
The program does not require installation. The archive contains an .exe file. The control of the program is intuitive and does not need a more detailed description.

Mass converter

A simple flash-program that allows you to quickly convert body masses. The main units of measurement of body weight are available in the converter:
- milligram
- gram
- kilogram
- centner
- ton
- carat
- pound
- ounce
Control: enter in the corresponding field the value in the selected unit of measure. Press the "Calculate" button. The result is given for all mass units. To re-calculate, you must click the "Delete" button and repeat everything again.

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