Nature conservation and rational use of natural resources. Nature conservation in our region. International nature conservation organizations Prepare messages nature conservation

Nature conservation is a set of activities covering the protection, rational use and restoration of living and inanimate nature.

Here are just a few alarming facts. 100 billion tons of minerals are removed from the bowels of the Earth annually (25 tons per person). Of this, more than 90% goes to waste. The amount of oxygen consumed by individual countries already exceeds its production by plants in these countries. The tropical rain forest (the main “lungs” of the Earth) has been destroyed by more than 40%. Its cutting continues at a rate of more than 20 hectares per minute! Almost 1 thousand animal species and 25 thousand plant species are now under threat of extinction. The main reasons for this are destruction, over-harvesting, suppression of local species by animals resettled by humans from other geographical areas, and poisoning of the natural environment. chemicals. Humanity, having accumulated unprecedented technical power, never ceases to strive for the benefits of today. This entails a depletion of earthly wealth and undermines the foundation.

The conflict between man and nature did not arise suddenly. It grew gradually. Our ancestors also noticed that with an excessive increase in the number of livestock in a limited area, rich pastures turn into deserts. Thoughtless hunting, burning of forests, and extermination of fish in reservoirs often left people without the necessary funds. Therefore, even in ancient times, people cared about the wise use of natural resources, their preservation and enhancement. There were bans on hunting animals, grassing pastures, and cutting down forests. They began to allocate protected lands, protect and breed valuable animals and birds. These were the first weak attempts to balance the use natural resources with their protection and restoration. However, equilibrium was not achieved. And nature, and with it humanity, as an integral part of it, suffered more and more damage.

By the beginning of the 20th century. It became obvious that it was necessary to take special and effective measures. The first International Congress on Nature Conservation took place in 1913. But the problem of depletion of the Earth continued to worsen. In the second half of our century, it became on a par with other closely interrelated global problems: saving the world from nuclear disaster, security environment, increasing the number of people on Earth (population explosion), fighting hunger, overcoming the energy crisis. The cause of nature conservation, like the cause of peace, concerns every person on Earth and depends on his intelligence, activity and good will. It requires the efforts of all states and peoples.

Only a deep knowledge of the laws of nature, their correct application in practice, universal natural science education and upbringing will give humanity the opportunity to overcome the disaster that is now called the ecological crisis, that is, the consistent impoverishment of nature, threatening the death of many species of plants and animals, and ultimately undermining the basis of human existence. The experience of a number of countries, and primarily socialist ones, and international cooperation have already shown that with a scientifically based organization of the protection of natural resources and their rational use, many environmental difficulties can be overcome.

Grafting cedar onto pine allows for the promotion of this valuable plant to new areas. Voronezh State Reserve.

Bustard. Red Book.

Gray cranes and Siberian Cranes (right). The Siberian Crane is a rare bird listed in the Red Book. Oka State Nature Reserve.

A section of virgin feather grass steppe. Central Black Earth Nature Reserve named after V.V. Alekhine.

Avdotka. Red Book.

Pink seagull. Red Book.

Black stork. Red Book.

In many reservoirs of our country, the white water lily has become a rare plant. It must be protected in every possible way.

These bustards are bred in an incubator. The grown birds will be released into the wild.

1) National authorities

Nature conservation is a scientifically based system of state, international and public activities aimed at the protection, rational use, reproduction of natural resources and improvement surrounding a person environment in the interests of present and future generations.

Executors - state and international organizations, public organizations and scientific institutions.

Their activities are regulated and based on legislative acts and legal norms. Article 9 of the current Constitution of the Russian Federation states: “Land and other natural resources are used and protected in the Russian Federation as the basis for the life and activities of the peoples living in the relevant territory.”

Article 42: “Everyone has the right to a favorable environment, reliable information about its condition and to compensation for damage caused to his health or property by environmental violations.”

Article 58 states the duties: “Everyone is obliged to preserve nature and the environment, and take care of natural resources.”

In addition to these and some other articles of the Constitution, relations in the sphere of interaction between society and nature in our country are regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of the Natural Environment,” put into effect on December 19, 1991. This law defines the principles of environmental protection, objects of protection, the rights of citizens and government bodies (from legislative to local executive) in the field of environmental protection.

It also describes the economic mechanisms of environmental protection, the procedure for regulating its quality, control methods, ways of environmental education and training, responsibility for environmental violations, principles of international cooperation in this area and other aspects of environmental activities. This law should be reference book every leader and public figure.

The direct organizer of the implementation of this law is a whole system of bodies vested with legislative and executive powers.

TO legislative bodies include: the Committee on Natural Resources and Environmental Management under the State Duma, the standing commission on ecology and rational use of natural resources under the regional or regional dumas.

The executive bodies include: the Council under the President of the Russian Federation on Environmental Policy, the interdepartmental commission of the Security Council of the Russian Federation on environmental safety, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources within the government, and in the republics, territories, regions and districts - regional committees for the protection of the environment and natural resources. Their functions are defined by law and include:

  • - determination of the main directions of environmental protection;
  • - accounting and assessment of the natural environment, the state of natural resources;
  • - accounting for environmentally hazardous objects, planning for environmental protection, financing and logistics of environmental programs;
  • - coordination of environmental activities of management bodies of enterprises and institutions;
  • - coordinating the activities of environmental services, conducting environmental assessments of projects;
  • - state environmental control;
  • - permission, prohibition of activities of environmentally harmful enterprises;
  • - organization of waste collection and disposal;
  • - organization of specially protected areas;
  • - organization of environmental education and training;
  • - providing the population with environmental information, etc.

In addition to the special Ministry, there are committees, services, and departments under other ministries and independently under the government that deal with sectoral issues of environmental protection, including:

  • - Russian Federation Committee on Geology and Subsoil Use;
  • - Russian Federation Committee on Land Resources;
  • - Russian Federation Committee on Fisheries;
  • - Russian Federation Committee on Water Management;
  • - Department for the Protection and Rational Use of Hunting Resources under the Ministry of Agriculture;
  • - federal Service geodesy and cartography of Russia;
  • - Federal Forestry Service of Russia;
  • - Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring;
  • - Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation under the Ministry of Health.

All these committees, departments and local services, i.e. in republics, territories, regions, cities, districts, they have departments, inspections, stations (for example, regional forestry department, state hunting inspection, sanitary and epidemiological station, etc.). In addition, government institutions in this area include nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, National parks, zoos, botanical gardens.

Thus, the system government agencies and organizations involved in environmental activities (planning, organizational work, control), is very cumbersome, often leading to deprivation and a decrease in the effectiveness of laws. The most important drawback in the activities of these bodies, in our opinion, should be considered their inability to ensure the effectiveness of good laws, legislative acts and legal norms.

2) Public organizations

Environmental protection is the business of the entire people. Today in the Russian Federation there are 27 environmental public associations that have great powers based on the law. The most widespread is the All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation, created in 1924. It includes 215 thousand primary organizations, uniting about 32 million citizens. The highest body of the society is the congress, which meets once every 4 years. The congress elects a presidium. The latter contains sections: forests, landscaping, protection of birds, fish, water, mineral resources, etc. A scientific and technical council on complex issues has been formed under the presidium. In districts, cities, regions, territories and republics, similar bodies are elected at conferences. All environmental work is carried out, first of all, through primary organizations that are created at enterprises, institutions, organizations, schools, universities and other educational institutions.

The functions of VOOP and its divisions are: promotion of environmental knowledge (publishing posters, brochures, books, giving lectures, etc.); direct participation in environmental activities (raids to monitor the implementation of environmental laws, public inspections, blue patrols, green patrols, public environmental assessment, development of proposals for improving environmental protection). In addition to the VOOP, the Russian Social-Ecological Union, the Ecological Academy, the Association for the Development of Environmental Press, the Union of Public Environmental Funds of Russia, etc. operate in the Russian Federation.

3) Scientific organizations

Russian Academy of Sciences, branch Academy of Sciences, Government bodies in science and technology have special units who develop and approve comprehensive programs and plans scientific research in the field of protection and improvement of the natural environment, rational use and reproduction of natural resources. For example, a scientific council on biosphere problems has been created under the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The named bodies manage the activities of a whole network of research institutes and laboratories that develop methods of cleaning up pollution, methods of monitoring the state of the environment, state standards and standards in this area. They make forecasts, prepare projects, carry out state environmental assessments, and provide assistance in solving practical problems of rational environmental management and environmental protection. An example is the central research institute for complex problems of protection of flora and fauna under the Ministry of Agriculture.

Universities play a significant role in environmental activities. Through departments, special laboratories and research institutes, they participate in the development and implementation of comprehensive, targeted environmental programs, design work, are members of scientific, technical and expert councils, and provide opinions on environmental impact assessments. Some universities train specialists in the field of environmental protection; Regardless of the profile, they provide teaching of special courses on environmental protection and rational use of natural resources. This achieves the formation of an environmental culture of citizens. From our point of view, through the efforts of universities and other educational institutions, through the press, radio, television and public speaking in the very near future, environmental macro-education should be achieved, at least among managers and specialists, since, as Yu. Odum writes, by the time the problem becomes obvious to everyone, what should be done 4) International environmental organizations

Protecting the natural environment is the concern of people all over the world. An individual state, no matter how ideally it organizes this work, is not able to ensure the protection of natural resources that are in perpetual motion, constantly crossing state borders- atmospheric air, waters of seas, oceans, migrating fish, birds, animals. Nature conservation requires the efforts of all states on the planet. International conventions and agreements are primarily aimed at this.

For example, "Agreement on the Protection fur seals"concluded in 1897 between Russia, the USA and Japan.

About 70 treaties, conventions, and agreements exist to regulate fishing and whaling. A number of agreements have been reached to protect the World Ocean from oil pollution.

In 1974, the USSR, Poland, East Germany, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland concluded a convention banning pollution of the Baltic Sea.

In 1973, a convention was adopted to restrict trade in rare species of animals and plants. More than 80 countries have concluded a convention on the protection of nesting, resting and wintering grounds of waterfowl.

There is an agreement between the Russian Federation and the United States on cooperation in the field of environmental research and protection.

Specialized bodies have been created at the UN, including:

  • 1. UNESCO is an organization for the problems of education and culture, which solves issues of education and training for nature conservation.
  • 2. FAO - on food and agricultural issues.
  • 3. WHO - World organization healthcare.
  • 4. IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature, unites 46 states, has 6 permanent commissions with headquarters in the city of Morges (Switzerland). He prepares agreements, conventions; organizes consultations on environmental issues. Develops and disseminates the latest scientific and technological achievements in the field of nature conservation, prepares projects for the selection of territories for biosphere reserves and national parks.

Since peoples, countries and the environment are more closely interdependent than is commonly realized, all decisions must be made in the context of a holistic approach. Actions aimed at achieving narrowly limited goals are likely to be counterproductive.

Protection of Nature- this is the rational, intelligent use of natural resources, which helps to preserve the pristine diversity of nature and improve the living conditions of the population. For nature conservation The global community is taking concrete measures.

Effective measures to protect endangered species and natural biocenoses are to increase the number of reserves, expand their territories, create nurseries for the artificial cultivation of endangered species and reintroduce (that is, return) them to nature.

Powerful impact human influence on ecological systems can lead to disastrous results that can provoke a whole chain of environmental changes.

The influence of anthropogenic factors on organisms

Most of organic matter does not decompose immediately, but is preserved in the form of wood, soil and water sediments. Preserved for many thousands of years, these organic substances are converted into fossil fuels (coal, peat and oil).

Every year on Earth, photosynthetic organisms synthesize about 100 billion tons of organic substances. Over the geological period (1 billion years), the predominance of the process of synthesis of organic substances over the process of their decomposition led to a decrease in CO 2 content and an increase in O 2 in the atmosphere.

Meanwhile, starting from the second half of the 20th century. enhanced industrial development and Agriculture began to cause a steady increase in CO 2 content in the atmosphere. This phenomenon may cause changes in the planet's climate.

Conservation of natural resources

In the matter of nature conservation great importance there is a transition to the use of industrial and agricultural technologies that allow for economical use of natural resources. To do this you need:

  • the fullest use of fossil natural resources;
  • recycling of production waste, use of waste-free technologies;
  • obtaining energy from environmentally friendly sources by using solar energy, wind, kinetic energy of the ocean, and underground energy.

Particularly effective is the introduction of waste-free technologies operating in closed cycles, when waste is not released into the atmosphere or into water basins, but is reused.

Biodiversity conservation

Security existing species living organisms is also of great biological, ecological and cultural importance. Each living species is a product of centuries of evolution and has its own gene pool. None of the existing species can be considered absolutely beneficial or harmful. Those species that were considered harmful may eventually turn out to be beneficial. That is why protecting the gene pool of existing species is of particular importance. Our task is to preserve everything that has reached us after a long evolutionary process alive organisms.

Plant and animal species, the numbers of which have already declined or are in danger of extinction, are listed in the “Red Book” and are protected by law. In order to protect nature, reserves, micro-reserves, natural monuments, plantations of medicinal plants, reservations, national parks and other environmental activities are carried out. Material from the site

"Man and the Biosphere"

In order to protect nature, it was adopted in 1971 international program“Man and the Biosphere” (in English “Man and Biosfera” - abbreviated as MAB). According to this program, the state of the environment and human impact on the biosphere are studied. The main objectives of the “Man and the Biosphere” program are to predict the consequences of modern human economic activity, to develop ways to wisely use the riches of the biosphere and measures to protect it.

In countries participating in the MAB program, large biosphere reserves are being created, where changes occurring in ecosystems without human influence are studied (Fig. 80).

Over the past centuries, humanity has made an unprecedented technological leap. Technologies have emerged that can significantly change the world. If earlier human influence on nature could not upset the fragile ecological balance, then new ingenious inventions allowed him to achieve this unfortunate result. As a result, many species of animals were destroyed, many living creatures are on the verge of extinction, and large-scale climate changes begin on Earth.

results human activity cause such monstrous damage to the environment that everything more people are beginning to worry about the future of our planet. As a result of the growing concern, numerous public conservation organizations have emerged. Today they operate everywhere, monitor the preservation of the unique natural heritage, uniting millions of enthusiasts around the globe. But this was not always the case; the pioneers of the environmental movement traveled a long way to achieve the current state of affairs.

The Birth of Nature Conservation Organizations

The beginning of the creation of the international environmental community can be considered in 1913, when the first international Conference dedicated to nature conservation. 18 countries took part in it, but the meeting was of a purely scientific nature, not implying any action. Ten years later, the first International Congress on the Protection of Nature takes place in Paris. Then the International Bureau for the Protection of Nature opened in Belgium. However, it did not try to somehow influence the environmental situation in the world, but simply collected statistical data on nature reserves and environmental legislation.

Then, in 1945, it was created which took environmental cooperation between states to a whole new level. In 1948, a special branch was created at the UN - the International Council for the Defense of Nature. It was he who was responsible for international partnerships in environmental protection. Scientists suddenly began to understand that it was impossible to solve environmental problems at the level of one country, because an ecosystem is a delicate mechanism full of non-obvious, intricate relationships. A change in the natural balance in one place on the planet can have a catastrophic effect on other, seemingly very distant places. The need to jointly solve environmental problems has become obvious.

Further development

Subsequently, the international one became one of the most important topics for discussion at major scientific and cultural events. In 1972, Sweden hosted the UN Conference on the Environment, in which 113 countries took part. It was at this event that the foundations of the modern nature conservation movement were laid. This day has become an international holiday - World Day environment.

Then came years of stagnation in the environmental movement, when public environmental organizations began to receive less and less funding, and the popularity of their ideas began to wane. But in the early 1980s the situation began to change in better side, resulting in the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development in Brazil. This event took place in Rio de Janeiro and continued the work begun in Sweden. At the conference, basic concepts were adopted that touch on the topic of the further harmonious development of humanity. Model reviewed in Rio sustainable development offers absolutely A New Look on further development human civilization. It involves controlled development within certain limits so as not to harm the environment. The conference in Brazil outlined the activities of environmental organizations up to the present day.

Our days

Today, society is greatly alarmed by changes in the environment caused by human activity. Many countries have passed a number of laws to control it, and organizations such as Greenpeace or the World Wildlife Fund have gained millions of supporters around the world. Almost in any more or less large country There are representations of international environmental organizations. Online communities and thematic sites allow you to get quick and convenient access to information related to ecology. The Internet also makes it possible to coordinate the efforts of people all over the planet - here everyone can make a contribution to protecting the environment.

Science also does not stand still; new inventions are constantly appearing, bringing the era of environmentally friendly energy closer. Many countries have begun to actively use natural energy: wind, water, geothermal, solar, etc. Of course, man-made emissions have not decreased, and corporations are still mercilessly exploiting nature for profit. But the general interest in the environmental problem allows us to hope for a bright future. Let's look at the largest public environmental organizations.


The Greenpeace organization is by far the most popular environmental company on Earth. It appeared thanks to enthusiasts opposing uncontrolled nuclear weapons testing. The first members of Greenpeace, who were also its founders, managed to get the Americans to stop nuclear testing in the area of ​​Amchitka Island. Further protests led to France also stopping nuclear weapons testing, and other countries later joined in.

Despite the fact that Greenpeace was created to protest against nuclear testing, its activities are not limited to this. Members of the organization hold protests around the world to protect our planet from suicidal and stupid human activities. Thus, Greenpeace activists were able to stop the cruel hunt for whales, which was carried out on an industrial scale back in the last century.

Modern protests of this unusual organization are aimed at combating air pollution. Despite the fact that the harm that emissions from factories and factories cause to the atmosphere has been proven, corporations and their unscrupulous owners do not care deeply about all life on this planet, they only care about profit. Therefore, Greenpeace activists are holding their actions to stop the barbaric attitude towards the environment. Sadly, it is likely that their protests will never be heard.

World Wildlife Fund

There are a wide variety of conservation organizations. The list of non-governmental organizations would be incomplete without mentioning the World Wildlife Fund. This organization operates in more than 40 countries around the world. In terms of the number of supporters, the Wildlife Foundation is even ahead of Greenpeace. Millions of people support their ideas, many of them fight for the preservation of all forms of life on earth, not only in word, but also in deed; more than 1000 environmental projects around the world are excellent proof of this.

Like many other public conservation organizations, the World Wildlife Fund has its primary mission on Earth. Members of this environmental organization are trying to protect animals from the harmful influence of humans.

UN Environment Program

Of course, public and state environmental protection organizations are headed by the United Nations. It is this that is of the most large-scale nature. Almost every UN meeting addresses issues of the environment and international cooperation in improving the environmental situation on the planet. The branch dealing with environmental issues is called UNEP. Its tasks include monitoring pollution of the atmosphere and the world's oceans and preserving species diversity.

This system of environmental protection does its job not only in words; many important international laws designed to protect the environment were adopted precisely thanks to the UN. UNEP was able to achieve more thorough monitoring of the transport of hazardous substances, and a commission was created that monitors and tries to stop this scourge.

Russian nature conservation organizations

Some international environmental movements have been described above. Now let's look at what organizations are involved in nature conservation in Russia. Despite the fact that the popularity of domestic environmental organizations is significantly lower than that of their international colleagues, these societies still perform their function and attract new enthusiasts.

The All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation is a large and influential organization dealing with environmental problems in the Russian Federation. It performs many different tasks, one of the main ones is promoting knowledge about ecology to the masses, educating people, and drawing attention to environmental problems. VOOP is also involved in scientific activities and monitors compliance with environmental legislation.

The All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation was created back in 1924. The fact that this organization was able to survive to this day, while increasing its number to three million people, shows the genuine interest of people in environmental problem. There are other Russian associations of environmentalists, but VOOP is by far the largest All-Russian organization nature conservation.

Nature Conservation Team

The Nature Conservation Team was created in 1960 and continues its work to this day. Moreover, some of the major Russian universities joined this organization and created their own squads. Today, DOP is engaged in the same activities as other environmental organizations in Russia. They carry out explanatory work, trying to improve the education of citizens in the environmental sphere. In addition, the nature conservation team organizes protests against the destruction of wild places in Russia, helps in the fight against forest fires and makes its contribution to science.

The future of environmental organizations

There are a wide variety of environmental organizations, a list of some of their non-governmental representatives is as follows:

  1. World Wildlife Fund.
  2. "Greenpeace".
  3. United Nations Program (UNEP).
  4. World Society for the Protection of Animals.
  5. Global Nest.

The number of such associations is growing every year, they are gaining more and more popularity. This is not surprising, since the consequences of barbaric expansion carried out by man are becoming more and more noticeable. Scientists and public figures, like most people on Earth, long ago realized that something needs to be changed before we turn our planet into a lifeless dump. Of course, today the opinions of people are not significant in any of the existing states, which allows industrial magnates to continue their dirty business, taking advantage of impunity and their own shortsightedness.

However, there is still hope for a bright future. With the advent of the Internet, non-governmental environmental organizations have the opportunity to conduct their educational activities with millions of people. Now everyone who cares about the environment can communicate with like-minded people and get any necessary information about the environment, it has become much easier to unite supporters and coordinate protests. Of course, most people are still victims of years of propaganda that paint the green movement in an unsavory light. However, the situation can change at any second, because environmental organizations have become a force to be reckoned with.

What can be done to protect nature?

Loud speeches about protecting the environment and preserving species diversity can excite the minds of young enthusiasts. But, unfortunately, this is all that words can do; real benefit to nature can only be brought by actions. Of course, you can find out which organizations are involved in environmental protection in your city and plunge headlong into their useful activities. This path is not suitable for everyone, so it is best to start saving nature by stopping destroying and polluting it with your own hands.

Everyone has at least once seen beautiful forest clearings littered with piles of garbage after someone's stormy vacation. So, before you start nature, you first need to stop harming it. How can you encourage others to care about the environment if you yourself pollute the environment? Garbage collected after a vacation, a fire extinguished in time, trees that you did not kill for firewood - all this is very simple, but brings wonderful results.

If everyone remembers that the Earth is our home, and the fate of all humanity depends on its condition, then the world will be transformed. For those who want to take an active part in protecting the environment, there are numerous Russian organizations Nature Conservation is ready to provide such an opportunity. The era of change has come, today it is decided what we will leave to our descendants - radioactive dump or a beautiful green garden. The choice is ours!

1. Participants and leaders of the practice are obliged to strive to minimize the damage caused to nature by the presence of a large group.

2. When setting up a long-term campsite, it is necessary to dig a garbage pit, being careful not to damage the roots of the trees, and when removing the camp, clear the area of ​​debris and bury it. During short-term parking, garbage is burned (polyethylene - separately from food waste), cans should be burned at the stake and buried or taken with you.

3. Participants in the practice are prohibited from tearing or digging up protected species of plants and catching protected species of animals. Unknown species should be collected after consultation with the teacher, and if this is not possible, in a single copy.

4. Mass collections of any organisms should be avoided, which could lead to their senseless death and cause damage to the population. Mass collections can only be made for scientific purposes with the permission of teachers.

5. Unnecessarily, you should not cut down or damage living trees and bushes. If it is necessary to use live trees when setting up a camp or for other economic purposes, it is permissible to use undergrowth of “weed” species (in the middle zone - birch, aspen).

6. Soil damage should be minimized. If it is necessary to dig around a fire pit or tents, the removed turf should be saved and then put back in place. Moving in and around the camp should follow paths to minimize trampling.

7. It is prohibited to drain or pour toxic and polluting substances onto the soil and water bodies.

8. It is prohibited to make noise in the forest, to look for bird nests without scientific necessity, or to pick up eggs and chicks.

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