Shapovalov Igor Vasilievich Head of the Department of Education. The head of the Department of Education, Igor Shapovalov, became the richest member of the government of the Belgorod region. Recommended list of dissertations


1. Biodamage and mechanisms of biodestruction of building materials. Problem Status 10

1.1 Biodamage agents 10

1.2 Factors affecting the fungal resistance of building materials... 16

1.3 Mechanism of microdestruction of building materials 20

1.4 Methods for increasing fungal resistance of building materials 28

2 Objects and methods of research 43

2.1 Objects of research 43

2.2 Research methods 45

2.2.1 Physical and mechanical research methods 45

2.2.2 Physico-chemical research methods 48

2.2.3 Biological research methods 50

2.2.4 Mathematical processing of research results 53

3 Microdestruction of building materials based on mineral and polymer binders 55

3.1. Fungus resistance of the most important components of building materials...55

3.1.1. Fungus resistance of mineral fillers 55

3.1.2. Fungus resistance of organic fillers 60

3.1.3. Fungus resistance of mineral and polymer binders 61

3.2. Fungus resistance of various types of building materials based on mineral and polymer binders 64

3.3. Kinetics of growth and development of mold fungi on the surface of gypsum and polymer composites 68

3.4. The influence of micromycete metabolic products on the physical and mechanical properties of gypsum and polymer composites 75

3.5. Mechanism of mycodestruction of gypsum stone 80

3.6. Mechanism of microdestruction of polyester composite 83

Modeling the processes of microdestruction of building materials ...89

4.1. Kinetic model of the growth and development of mold fungi on the surface of building materials 89

4.2. Diffusion of micromycete metabolites into the structure of dense and porous building materials 91

4.3. Forecasting the durability of building materials used under conditions of mycological aggression 98

Conclusions 105

Increasing the fungal resistance of building materials based on mineral and polymer binders 107

5.1 Cement concrete 107

5.2 Gypsum materials 111

5.3 Polymer composites 115

5.4 Technical and economic analysis of the effectiveness of using building materials with increased fungal resistance 119

Conclusions 121

General conclusions 123

List of sources used 126

Appendix 149

Introduction to the work

6 In this regard, a comprehensive study of the processes is necessary

biodamage to building materials in order to increase their

durability and reliability.

The work was carried out in accordance with the research program on the instructions of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “Modeling environmentally friendly and waste-free technologies”

Purpose and objectives of the study. The purpose of the research was to establish the patterns of microdestruction of building materials and increase their resistance to fungi. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved:

study of fungal resistance of various building materials and

their individual components;

assessment of the intensity of diffusion of metabolites of mold fungi in

structure of dense and porous building materials;

determination of the nature of changes in the strength properties of building materials

materials under the influence of mold metabolites;

establishing the mechanism of microdestruction of building materials on

based on mineral and polymer binders;

development of fungus-resistant building materials by

use of complex modifiers.

Scientific novelty. A relationship has been revealed between the activity module and fungal resistance of mineral fillers of various chemical and mineralogical properties.

composition, which consists in the fact that aggregates with an activity modulus of less than 0.215 are non-fungus resistant.

A classification of building materials according to fungal resistance is proposed, which allows for their targeted selection for use under conditions of mycological aggression.

The patterns of diffusion of mold metabolites into the structure of building materials with different densities have been revealed. It is shown that dense materials metabolites are concentrated in the surface layer, and in materials with low density they are evenly distributed throughout the entire volume.

The mechanism of microdestruction of gypsum stone and composites based on polyester resins has been established. It has been shown that the corrosion destruction of gypsum stone is caused by the occurrence of tensile stress in the pore walls of the material due to the formation of organic calcium salts, which are products of the interaction of metabolites with calcium sulfate. The destruction of the polyester composite occurs due to the cleavage of bonds in the polymer matrix under the influence of exoenzymes of mold fungi.

Practical significance work.

A method has been proposed for increasing the fungal resistance of building materials by using complex modifiers, which makes it possible to ensure fungicidal properties and high physical and mechanical properties of materials.

Fungus-resistant compositions of building materials based on cement, gypsum, polyester and epoxy binders with high physical and mechanical characteristics have been developed.

Cement concrete compositions with high fungal resistance have been introduced at the KMA Proektzhilstroy OJSC enterprise.

The results of the dissertation work were used in educational process in the course “Protection of building materials and structures against corrosion” for students of specialties 290300 - “Industrial and Civil Construction” and specialty 290500 - “City Construction and Economy”.

Approbation of work. The results of the dissertation work were presented at the International scientific-practical conference“Quality, safety, energy and resource saving in the building materials industry on the threshold of the 21st century” (Belgorod, 2000); II regional scientific and practical conference “Modern problems of technical, natural science and humanities knowledge” (Gubkin, 2001); III International scientific and practical conference - school-seminar for young scientists, graduate students and doctoral students "Modern problems of construction materials science" (Belgorod, 2001); International scientific and practical conference “Ecology - education, science and industry” (Belgorod, 2002); Scientific and practical seminar “Problems and ways of creating composite materials from recycled materials” mineral resources"(Novokuznetsk, 2003);

International Congress " Modern technologies in the building materials and construction industry" (Belgorod, 2003).

Publications. The main provisions and results of the dissertation are presented in 9 publications.

Scope and structure of work. The dissertation consists of an introduction, five chapters, general conclusions, a list of sources used, including 181 titles, and appendices. The work is presented on 148 pages of typewritten text, including 21 tables, 20 figures and 4 appendices.

The author thanks Ph.D. biol. Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Mycology and Phytoimmunology, Kharkov University national university them. V.N. Karazina T.I. Prudnikov for consultations during research on microdestruction of building materials, and the teaching staff of the department inorganic chemistry Belgorod State University of Technology them. V.G. Shukhov for consultations and methodological assistance.

Factors influencing fungal resistance of building materials

The degree of damage to building materials by mold fungi depends on a number of factors, among which, first of all, ecological and geographical environmental factors and physical and chemical properties of materials should be noted. The development of microorganisms is inextricably linked with environmental factors: humidity, temperature, concentration of substances in aqueous solutions, somatic pressure, radiation. Environmental humidity is the most important factor determining the vital activity of mold fungi. Soil fungi begin to develop at humidity above 75%, and the optimum humidity is 90%. Environmental temperature is a factor that has a significant impact on the life activity of micromycetes. Each type of mold fungi has its own temperature range of life activity and its own optimum. Micromycetes are divided into three groups: psychrophiles (cold-loving) with a life span of 0-10C and an optimum of 10C; mesophiles (preferring average temperatures) - 10-40C and 25C, respectively, thermophiles (heat-loving) - 40-80C and 60C, respectively.

It is also known that X-ray and radioactive radiation in small doses it stimulates the development of certain microorganisms, and in large doses it kills them.

The active acidity of the environment is of great importance for the development of microscopic fungi. It has been proven that the activity of enzymes, the formation of vitamins, pigments, toxins, antibiotics and other functional characteristics of mushrooms depend on the level of acidity of the environment. Thus, the destruction of materials under the influence of mold fungi is greatly facilitated by climate and microenvironment (temperature, absolute and relative humidity, intensity solar radiation). Therefore, the biostability of the same material varies in different environmental and geographical conditions. The intensity of damage to building materials by mold fungi also depends on their chemical composition and molecular weight distribution between individual components. It is known that microscopic fungi most intensively attack low molecular weight materials with organic fillers. Thus, the degree of biodegradation of polymer composites depends on the structure of the carbon chain: straight, branched or closed in a ring. For example, dibasic sebacic acid is more accessible than aromatic phthalic acid. R. Blagnik and V. Zanava established the following regularities: diesters of saturated aliphatic dicarboxylic acids containing more than twelve carbon atoms are easily used by filamentous fungi; with increasing molecular weight of 1-methyl adipates and n-alkyl adipates, resistance to mold decreases; monomer alcohols are easily destroyed by mold if there are hydroxyl groups on neighboring or outermost carbon atoms; Esterification of alcohols significantly reduces the resistance of the compound to mold. 1 In the work of Huang, who studied the biodegradation of a number of polymers, it is noted that the tendency to destruction depends on the degree of substitution, the chain length between functional groups, as well as on the flexibility of the polymer chain. The most important factor determining the ability to biodegrade is the conformational flexibility of polymer chains, which changes with the introduction of substituents. A.K. Rudakova considers the R-CH3 and R-CH2-R bonds to be difficult to access for fungi. Unsaturated valences like R=CH2, R=CH-R] and compounds like R-CO-H, R-CO-O-R1, R-CO-R1 are accessible forms of carbon for microorganisms. Molecular chains with a branched structure are more difficult to biologically oxidize and can have a toxic effect on the vital functions of fungi.

It has been established that the aging of materials affects their resistance to mold fungi. Moreover, the degree of influence depends on the duration of exposure to factors that cause aging in atmospheric conditions. So in the work of A.N. Tarasova et al. have proven that the reason for the decrease in fungal resistance of elastomeric materials is the factors of climatic and accelerated thermal aging, which cause structural and chemical transformations of these materials.

The fungal resistance of mineral-based building composites is largely determined by the alkalinity of the environment and their porosity. So in the work of A.V. Ferronskaya et al. showed that the main condition for the life of mold fungi in concrete with various binders is the alkalinity of the environment. The most favorable environment for the development of microorganisms are building composites based on gypsum binders, characterized by an optimal alkalinity value. Cement composites, due to their high alkalinity, are less favorable for the development of microorganisms. However, during long-term operation they undergo carbonization, which leads to a decrease in alkalinity and their active colonization by microorganisms. In addition, an increase in the porosity of building materials leads to increased damage by mold fungi.

Thus, the combination of favorable ecological and geographical factors and physical and chemical properties materials leads to active damage to building materials by mold fungi.

Fungus resistance of various types of building materials based on mineral and polymer binders

Almost all polymer materials used in various industries are, to one degree or another, susceptible to the destructive effects of mold fungi, especially in conditions with high humidity and temperature. In order to study the mechanism of microdestruction of the polyester composite (Table 3.7.), the gas chromatotraffic method was used in accordance with the work. Samples of the polyester composite were inoculated with an aqueous spore suspension of mold fungi: Aspergillus niger van Tieghen, Aspergillus terreus Thorn, Alternaria altemata, Paecilomyces variotti Bainier, Penicillium chrysogenum Thom, Chaetomium elatum Kunze ex Fries, Trichoderma viride Pers. ex S. F. Gray, and kept in conditions optimal for their development, i.e. at a temperature of 29±2C and a relative humidity of more than 90% for 1 year. The samples were then decontaminated and subjected to Soxhlet extraction. After this, the products of mycodestruction were analyzed in gas chromatographs “Tsvet-165” “Hawlett-Packard-5840A” with flame ionization detectors. Chromatography conditions are presented in table. 2.1.

As a result of gas chromatographic analysis of the extracted mycodestruction products, three main substances (A, B, C) were isolated. Analysis of retention indices (Table 3.9) showed that substances A, B and C may contain polar functional groups, because there is a significant increase in the Kovacs retention index upon transition from the nonpolar stationary (OV-101) to the highly polar mobile (OV-275) phase. Calculation of the boiling points of the isolated compounds (based on the corresponding n-paraffins) showed that for A it was 189-201 C, for B - 345-360 C, for C - 425-460 C. under humid conditions. Compound A is practically not formed in the control samples and those kept in humid conditions. Therefore, it can be assumed that compounds A and C are products of microdestruction. Judging by the boiling points, compound A is ethylene glycol, and compound C is an oligomer [-(CH)2OC(0)CH=CHC(0)0(CH)20-]n with n=5-7. Summarizing the research results, it was found that mycodestruction of the polyester composite occurs due to the cleavage of bonds in the polymer matrix under the influence of exoenzymes of mold fungi. 1. The fungal resistance of components of various building materials has been studied. It has been shown that the fungal resistance of mineral fillers is determined by the content of aluminum and silicon oxides, i.e. activity module. The higher the silicon oxide content and the lower the aluminum oxide content, the lower the fungal resistance of mineral fillers. It has been established that materials with an activity modulus of less than 0.215 are non-fungus-resistant (degree of fouling of 3 or more points according to method A of GOST 9.048-91). Organic fillers are characterized by low fungal resistance due to the content of a significant amount of cellulose in their composition, which is a food source for micromycetes. The fungal resistance of mineral binders is determined by the pH value. Low fungal resistance is typical for binders with pH = 4-9. The fungal resistance of polymer binders is determined by their structure. 2. The fungal resistance of various classes of building materials has been studied. A classification of building materials according to their fungal resistance is proposed, which allows for their targeted selection for use under conditions of mycological aggression. 3. It has been shown that the growth of mold fungi on the surface of building materials is cyclical. The cycle duration is 76-90 days depending on the type of materials. 4. The composition of metabolites and the nature of their distribution in the structure of materials have been established. The kinetics of growth and development of micromycetes on the surface of building materials was analyzed. It has been shown that the growth of mold fungi on the surface of gypsum materials (gypsum concrete, gypsum stone) is accompanied by acidic production, and on the surface of polymeric materials (epoxy and polyester composites) by enzymatic production. It has been shown that the relative depth of penetration of metabolites is determined by the porosity of the material. After 360 days of exposure, it was 0.73 for gypsum concrete, 0.5 for gypsum stone, 0.17 for polyester composite, and 0.23 for epoxy composite. 5. The nature of the change in the strength properties of building materials based on mineral and polymer binders has been revealed. It was shown that in the initial period of time, gypsum materials experienced an increase in strength as a result of the accumulation of products of the interaction of calcium sulfate dihydrate with micromycete metabolites. However, then a sharp decrease in strength characteristics was observed. For polymer composites, no increase in strength was observed, but only a decrease. 6. The mechanism of microdestruction of gypsum stone and polyester composite has been established. It has been shown that the destruction of gypsum stone is caused by the occurrence of tensile stress in the pore walls of the material, due to the formation of organic calcium salts (calcium oxalate), which are products of the interaction of organic acids (oxalic acid) with gypsum dihydrate, and the corrosion destruction of the polyester composite occurs due to the splitting of the bonds of the polymer matrix under the influence of exoenzymes of mold fungi.

Diffusion of micromycete metabolites into the structure of dense and porous building materials

Cement concrete is the most important building material. Possessing many valuable properties (cost-effectiveness, high strength, fire resistance, etc.), they are wide application in construction. However, the operation of concrete in biologically aggressive environments (in food, textile, microbiological industries), as well as in hot, humid climates (tropics and subtropics), leads to their damage by mold fungi. According to the literature, cement-based concretes, in the initial period of time, have fungicidal properties due to the high alkalinity of the pore fluid environment, but over time they undergo carbonization, which contributes to the free development of mold fungi. When molds settle on their surface, they actively produce various metabolites, mainly organic acids, which, penetrating the capillary-porous structure of the cement stone, cause its destruction. As studies of the fungal resistance of building materials have shown, the most important factor causing low resistance to the effects of mold metabolites is porosity. Building materials with low porosity are most susceptible to destructive processes caused by the activity of micromycetes. In this regard, there is a need to increase the fungal resistance of cement concrete by compacting its structure.

For this purpose, it is proposed to use multifunctional modifiers based on superplasticizers and inorganic hardening accelerators.

As a review of the literature shows, microdestruction of concrete occurs as a result chemical reactions between cement stone and waste products of mold fungi. Therefore, studies of the influence of multifunctional modifiers on fungal resistance and physical and mechanical properties were carried out on samples of cement stone (PTs M 5 00 DO). Superplasticizers S-3 and SB-3, and inorganic hardening accelerators (CaCl2, NaN03, Na2S04) were used as components of multifunctional modifiers. The determination of physicochemical properties was carried out according to the relevant GOST standards: density according to GOST 1270.1-78; porosity according to GOST 12730.4-78; water absorption according to GOST 12730.3-78; compressive strength according to GOST 310.4-81. Determination of fungal resistance was carried out according to GOST 9.048-91 by method B, which establishes the presence of fungicidal properties in the material. The results of studies of the influence of multifunctional modifiers on fungal resistance and physical and mechanical properties of cement stone are given in Table 5.1.

The research results showed that the introduction of modifiers significantly increases the fungal resistance of cement stone. Particularly effective are modifiers containing superplasticizer SB-3. This component has high fungicidal activity, which is explained by the presence of phenolic compounds in its composition, which cause disruption of the enzymatic systems of micromycetes, which leads to a decrease in the intensity of respiration processes. In addition, this superplasticizer helps to increase the mobility of the concrete mixture with a significant reduction in water, as well as reduce the degree of cement hydration during the initial period of hardening, which in turn prevents moisture evaporation and leads to the formation of a more dense fine-crystalline structure of cement stone with fewer microcracks inside the concrete body and on its surface. Hardening accelerators increase the rate of hydration processes and, accordingly, the rate of hardening of concrete. In addition, the introduction of hardening accelerators also leads to a decrease in the charge of clinker particles, which helps to reduce the layer of adsorbed water, creating the prerequisites for obtaining a more dense and durable concrete structure. Due to this, the possibility of diffusion of micromycete metabolites into the concrete structure is reduced and its corrosion resistance is increased. The greatest corrosion resistance to micromycete metabolites is possessed by cement stone, which contains complex modifiers containing 0.3% superplasticizers SB-3 Ill and C-3 and 1% salts (CaCl2, NaN03, Na2S04.). The fungal resistance coefficient of samples containing these complex modifiers is 14.5% higher than that of control samples. In addition, the introduction of a complex modifier makes it possible to increase density by 1.0 - 1.5%, strength by 2.8 - 6.1%, and also reduce porosity by 4.7 + 4.8% and water absorption by 6.9 - 7.3%. A complex modifier containing 0.3% superplasticizers SB-3 and S-3 and 1% hardening accelerator CaC12 was used by KMA Proektzhilstroy OJSC in the construction of basements. Their operation in conditions of high humidity for more than two years showed the absence of mold growth and a decrease in the strength of concrete.

Studies of the fungal resistance of gypsum materials have shown that they are very unstable in relation to micromycete metabolites. Analysis and synthesis of literature data shows that the active growth of micromycetes on the surface of gypsum materials is explained by the favorable acidity of the pore fluid environment and the high porosity of these materials. Actively developing on their surface, micromycetes produce aggressive metabolites (organic acids) that penetrate the structure of materials and cause their deep destruction. In this regard, the use of gypsum materials in conditions of mycological aggression is impossible without additional protection.

To increase the fungal resistance of gypsum materials, it is proposed to use superplasticizer SB-5. According to , it represents oligomeric products of alkaline condensation of resorcinol production waste with furfural (80% wt.) formula (5.1), as well as resin products of resorcinol (20% wt.), consisting of a mixture of disubstituted phenols and aromatic sulfonic acids.

Technical and economic analysis of the effectiveness of using building materials with increased fungal resistance

The technical and economic efficiency of cement and gypsum materials with increased fungal resistance is due to an increase in the durability and reliability of building products and structures based on them, operated in biologically aggressive environments. The economic efficiency of the developed polymer composite compositions in comparison with traditional polymer concrete is determined by the fact that they are filled with production waste, which significantly reduces their cost. In addition, products and structures based on them will eliminate mold and associated corrosion processes.

The results of calculating the cost of the components of the proposed polyester and epoxy composites in comparison with known polymer concretes are presented in table. 5.7-5.8 1. The use of complex modifiers containing 0.3% superplasticizers SB-3 and S-3 and 1% salts (CaC12, NaNC 3, Na2S04.) is proposed in order to ensure the fungicidal properties of cement concrete. 2. It has been established that the use of superplasticizer SB-5 in a concentration of 0.2-0.25% by weight makes it possible to obtain fungus-resistant gypsum materials with improved physical and mechanical characteristics. 3. Effective compositions of polymer composites based on polyester resin PN-63 and epoxy compound K-153 filled with industrial waste, possessing increased fungal resistance and high strength characteristics, have been developed. 4. The high economic efficiency of using polymer composites with increased fungal resistance has been shown. The economic effect from the introduction of polyester polymer concrete will be 134.1 rubles. per 1 m, and epoxy 86.2 rubles. per 1 m. 1. The fungal resistance of the most common components of building materials has been established. It has been shown that the fungal resistance of mineral fillers is determined by the content of aluminum and silicon oxides, i.e. activity module. It was revealed that non-fungus resistant (fouling degree of 3 or more points according to method A, GOST 9.049-91) are mineral fillers with an activity modulus of less than 0.215. Organic fillers are characterized by low fungal resistance due to the content of a significant amount of cellulose in their composition, which is a food source for mold fungi. The fungal resistance of mineral binders is determined by the pH value of the pore fluid. Low fungal resistance is typical for binders with pH = 4-9. The fungal resistance of polymer binders is determined by their structure. 2. Based on an analysis of the intensity of mold fouling of various types of building materials, their classification according to fungal resistance was proposed for the first time. 3. The composition of metabolites and the nature of their distribution in the structure of materials were determined. It has been shown that the growth of mold fungi on the surface of gypsum materials (gypsum concrete and gypsum stone) is accompanied by active acid production, and on the surface of polymeric materials (epoxy and polyester composites) by enzymatic activity. Analysis of the distribution of metabolites over the cross section of the samples showed that the width of the diffuse zone is determined by the porosity of the materials. The nature of changes in the strength characteristics of building materials under the influence of mold metabolites has been revealed. Data have been obtained indicating that the decrease in the strength properties of building materials is determined by the depth of penetration of metabolites, as well as the chemical nature and volumetric content of fillers. It has been shown that in gypsum materials the entire volume is subject to degradation, while in polymer composites only the surface layers are subject to degradation. The mechanism of microdestruction of gypsum stone and polyester composite has been established. It has been shown that the microdestruction of gypsum stone is caused by the occurrence of tensile stress in the pore walls of the material due to the formation of organic calcium salts, which are products of the interaction of metabolites (organic acids) with calcium sulfate. Corrosive destruction of a polyester composite occurs due to the cleavage of bonds in the polymer matrix under the influence of exoenzymes of mold fungi. Based on the Monod equation and a two-stage kinetic model of mold growth, a mathematical relationship was obtained that allows one to determine the concentration of mold metabolites during the period of exponential growth. 7. Functions have been obtained that allow, with a given reliability, to evaluate the degradation of dense and porous building materials in aggressive environments and to predict changes in the bearing capacity of centrally loaded elements under conditions of mycological corrosion. 8. The use of complex modifiers based on superplasticizers (SB-3, SB-5, S-3) and inorganic hardening accelerators (CaCL, NaNC 3, Na2SC 4) is proposed to increase the fungal resistance of cement concrete and gypsum materials. 9. Effective polymer composite compositions have been developed based on polyester resin PN-63 and epoxy compound K-153, filled with quartz sand and production waste, with increased fungal resistance and high strength characteristics. Calculated economic effect from the introduction of polyester composite amounted to 134.1 rubles. per 1 m, and epoxy 86.2 rubles. per 1 m3.

The head of the Department of Education of the Belgorod Region, Igor Shapovalov, has a lot of questions. So he was, one might say, a long-awaited and very important guest of the editorial office. After all, what could be more important than our children?

About the Unified State Exam

– Igor Vasilyevich, let’s start with the Unified State Exam. This year the situation is not very convenient for graduates: universities have changed the lists of entrance tests for some specialties, the requirements for passing the Unified State Exam are being tightened, there are a lot of disputes about essays...

– This is not the only change. For example, universities received the right to introduce additional tests. All this is not bad - the fact that the list of exams has been expanded, and additional tests, but I believe that all changes should be introduced at the beginning of the school year, and not in the second half. On the issue of the Unified State Exam, a new procedure for conducting it has already been approved. Video cameras, online surveillance, metal detectors at every point passing the Unified State Exam and other technical things related to information security. This is probably important, but psychologically it puts a lot of pressure on children, causes nervousness, excitement... In general, in the 2013-2014 academic year, changes in the conduct of the Unified State Exam will affect only technical aspects, the content of the exam will not change.

So you asked about essays - this school year everything will be the same as last year. If there are changes, they will affect 2015 graduates. Yes, there are heated debates: to remove a mini-essay from the Unified State Exam in Russian language and literature, replacing it with a large one, or simply add a large essay... My personal opinion is that you can’t put different things in one basket. It’s one thing to test knowledge of spelling and punctuation, another thing is whether a person can express his thoughts on paper, reflect, draw some conclusions... Probably, this should depend on the specialty for which the applicant is applying.

– Now there is talk that in addition to the results of the Unified State Exam, when entering universities, they will take into account the so-called portfolio of school graduates - certificates, diplomas, etc. In your opinion, will this innovation not cross out one of the main goals pursued by the supporters of the Unified State Exam, – defeat corruption in university admissions? After all Unified State Exam results- these are numbers, and the volume and quality of the dossier are quite subjective things...

- Not yet regulatory documents, which would make it possible to take into account not only the results of the Unified State Exam, but also the extracurricular achievements of schoolchildren, for which additional points will be added. Currently, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is preparing a procedure for admitting applicants to higher educational institutions, in which, we hope, a system for recording individual achievements of students will be presented. In particular, points will be added to applicants if they become winners and prize-winners at the regional level of All-Russian subject Olympiads.

According to federal standards

– In the Belgorod region, the project “Our new school" Have the results for 2013 been summed up yet?

– The implementation of the main directions of the national educational initiative “Our New School” in 2013 took place under the conditions of the introduction of the new Federal Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in Russian Federation"and Strategies for the development of preschool, general and additional education Belgorod region for 2013-2020. So I can say with confidence that the system of general and additional education in the region has moved to a qualitatively new level of innovative development.

The strategic direction of modernization of education remains the introduction of federal state educational standards(FSES), the main goal of which is to improve the quality of education and upbringing. In 2012, the Belgorod region began implementing the Federal State Educational Standards of the main general education, although the massive regular introduction of these standards will begin on September 1, 2015. Now more than 45 thousand primary school students study according to the Federal State Educational Standard. There are more than four thousand students in the fifth and sixth grades. In total, 49,448 Belgorod schoolchildren are studying according to the new standards, or 36.2 percent of total number students, which is 5966 people more than the established federal requirements.

The changes also affected the system teacher education, development of teacher potential, additional vocational education. An infrastructure for advanced teacher education is being created in the region throughout the entire period professional activity teachers. Innovative, student-oriented approaches to this issue have been developed at the Institute for Educational Development of the Belgorod Region.

An effective form of enriching teaching practice with innovative ideas was the “Methodological Train” of the regional club “Teacher of the Year”. The club unites winners and laureates of professional competitions, including competitive selection within the framework of the national project “Education”. Within its framework, the School of Methodological Excellence for young teachers “Nachalo” operates. The winners, laureates of the competition and members of the School “Nachalo” were included in the participants of the All-Russian open video forum “Young teacher in the social vector of Russia”. In July 2013, young teachers from the region took part in the All-Russian Youth Forum “Seliger-2013”. In 2013, a remote examination of professional achievements and certification of teachers for qualification categories was carried out; 5,354 teaching staff passed it (4,412 in 2012), including 2,587 teachers secondary schools, which is 22.1 percent of their total. Belgorod experience “Use of automated technologies during the certification procedure teaching staff» in October 2013, it was recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for inclusion in the All-Russian Bank of best modernization practices regional systems education.

– New federal standards are being introduced for preschool education

- Yes, for the first time in Russian history A fateful event was the approval in accordance with the federal law “On Education in the Russian Federation” of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education. They guarantee equality of opportunity to receive quality preschool education; the level and quality of education based on the unity of requirements for the conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs; maintaining the unity of the educational space in the country regarding the level of preschool education, which is independent in the general education system. A working group was created in the Belgorod region, a roadmap for introducing standards was developed, the head of the preschool education department became a member of the working group of the Coordination Council for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. The introduction of preschool education standards as usual will be carried out from September 1, 2014.

In the near future we will defend this project at a government meeting. But conditions are needed for its implementation. We analyzed the state of kindergartens in the Belgorod region - 21 percent do not meet these conditions. In order to solve this problem in the context of a budget deficit, we took the path of integrating the resources of schools and kindergartens. For the last two years we have supported small schools. About one and a half billion rubles from the regional, municipal and federal budgets were allocated for these needs. And it turns out that schools now look better than kindergartens. We considered the issue of forming schools with a preschool group. Thus, all school resources – assembly and gyms, equipment, teaching staff- work on kindergarten.

On September 1, 2013, in essence, a quiet revolution took place. Virtually all children from five to 17 years old became schoolchildren. Because de jure, children five to six years old are enrolled in primary school education - preschool. From September 1, 2014, 50 kindergartens in the region will be integrated with schools.

About extracurricular activities and textbooks

– And one more question related to the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. New educational standards require daily extracurricular activities - that is, in fact, after school, children are still busy at school for two to three hours. This is convenient and useful for those who do not attend any clubs or sections. But there are situations when children who play sports, go to music school, etc. are forced to stay “after school”; it turns out that they have practically no free time left, they are forced to miss classes and training. What should parents do in this situation?

– It all depends on the specific school. Now the key link in the education system is the school, the child and his parents. And they have the right to choose. For example, in elementary school, 30 percent of all instructional hours are the choice of parents. This is written in the standard. Plus “extracurricular hours” - 60 percent of the hours should also be organized based on the choice of the parents. But many people don’t even know about it!

In general, the new Federal State Educational Standards give more freedom to choose. School education consists of two blocks. The first is educational activity itself, 37 hours a week, taking into account the fact that in high school students must have elective subjects. The second block is extracurricular activities up to 10 hours a week. It is organized in different areas - physical education, sports and health, spiritual and moral, social, general intellectual, general cultural. This is where parents are faced with a problem: there are children who study in clubs, sections, and music school, but they are forced to stay for extracurricular activities. As a result, indeed, children have practically no free time even to prepare their homework. From the point of view of the school, this position of teachers can be explained simply: the more children a teacher has in a group, the more hours, and, accordingly, the higher the salary. What to do? First of all, remember that parents should not feel that they have no rights in this situation. They have the right to raise the issue of organization extracurricular activities according to an individual plan, by submitting an application to the school director or the chairman of the governing council educational institution. If the situation cannot be resolved with their help, then you need to contact the Department of Education. There is a page on the department’s website for sending citizens’ requests, and believe me, we always respond very quickly to every such request.

– Can extracurricular activities be used as preparation for exams?

– Not only is it possible, but it is also necessary! Many schools do this, organizing additional classes to prepare for the Unified State Exam and State Examination for high school students. And this solves many problems, for example, parents no longer need to pay money to tutors. But everything must be done wisely. 37 academic hours plus 10 extracurricular hours, that’s 47 hours a week. Not every child is able to withstand such a load.

– What about modern textbooks? Even teachers note that they are not written for children; they are very difficult to teach. Schoolchildren do not perceive information presented in boring, rote language.

– I completely agree with you. For example, my wife teaches biology at school. Children always liked this subject, and in last years became one of my least favorite lessons. They began to look into it - it turned out that the problem was in the textbooks! And this can be said about many subjects!

Modern textbooks are overloaded with information that is not required to be studied at school. Yes, science is now advancing by leaps and bounds, textbook authors are trying to keep up with it, but do children need this? Are they able to absorb all this information? Even if the textbooks say: “Complies with the Federal State Educational Standard,” most often this is just a cosmetic change, and in fact the textbook has not been adapted to the new educational standards, which indicate the required amount of knowledge that a student should receive.

Therefore, we came up with the idea of ​​a fundamental core of knowledge in each subject. After all, many textbooks are written by university employees and, indeed, are simply incomprehensible to children. In such cases, I always give an example, comparing Wikipedia and the Big Soviet encyclopedia. Wikipedia has thousands of times more views than TSB. Cause? Wikipedia is written by the people themselves. In clear language. Unfortunately, we do not have the right to write textbooks. But we can collect the best practices of teachers, and we are doing this now. We strive to write our own pedagogical Wikipedia. We are creating a resource where any teacher in any subject can post their developments and recommendations for free, with copyright protection. These can be documents, presentations, fragments of a video lesson, and any other forms. And our Belgorod teachers have such masterpieces!

We initiated the creation of the portal "Belogorye Network School", it is planned to launch on April 1. Now we are working out the regulations for its operation and the filling mechanism. The portal will operate on the basis regional institute development of education.

Certainly, educational portals there are a lot on the Internet. What is the trick of the Belogorye Network School? Firstly, registered users will be provided with all the multimedia capabilities of the site - for example, full functionality for creating presentations, videos, etc. There is a mechanism that allows you to assign copyright to everyone who posts their materials. Any teacher can use the information posted on the portal to prepare a lesson. Yes, we do not have the right to write textbooks, but using a textbook is only a small part of how you can structure a lesson! This path has found support in the Ministry of Education and Science. Many other regions of Russia have stated that they are ready to join our resource, which will be useful for teachers, students, and parents. It can become a kind of electronic textbook, and it is convenient to use for self-education. Especially in cases where children are forced to stay away from school for a long time. The teacher visits home-based children on average once a week. Is it possible to talk about quality education in this case?

Therefore, despite all the difficult attitudes towards electronic resources I believe that their potential is far from being exhausted.

About electronic services

– At one of the meetings of the Russian Government, Dmitry Medvedev gave several instructions relating to the field of education. For example, gradually withdraw from classes during the second shift, set up a system for tracking students who transfer to other schools in the second half of the school year. How do you plan to carry out these assignments?

– The issue of tracking students who transfer to other schools in the second half of the 11th grade (the so-called Unified State Examination tourists) was raised at a meeting of heads of municipal education departments. The regional Department of Education sends out letters according to which municipal departments Education should ensure control and monitoring of the movement of “Unified State Examination” tourists. And of course, our department will also monitor the “migration” of high school students, including with the help law enforcement. An interdepartmental working group was created, which included representatives of the police.

As for the gradual transition to training only in the first shift, the question is more complicated. According to Article 28 of the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the development and adoption of internal rules for students falls within the competence of the educational organization. Therefore, according to the law, only the school itself can resolve this issue.

– The portal of municipal services in the field of education recently began operating on the department’s website. What services can you get with it?

– The portal is currently being filled. I think the work will be completed by March 1st. The most popular services now are licensing of educational institutions and accreditation of educational programs. From January 1, 2014, it was decided to transfer this process into electronic form as much as possible in order to eliminate the corruption component and minimize personal contacts between those who provide documents and who accept them. In addition, it will make paperwork easier. Other services - enrollment in educational institutions, current academic performance, final certification - have so far received less attention. Although the results of the State Examination and Unified State Examination are very popular information, it is also provided in electronic form.

The registration system for kindergartens was transferred to electronic form last year. Since January 1, 30 regions, including the Belgorod region, have been participating in this project. By April 1, all data will be uploaded to the federal information database.

There will be medals!

– A survey was conducted in the Belgorod region about whether school medals should be preserved...

– I can say unequivocally: there will be school medals in the Belgorod region! We conducted a survey and fundamentally determined for ourselves that officials will not put a spoke in our wheels. General opinion: 80 percent of Belgorod residents are for medals. This is a brand, a symbol that has developed over many years.

Cancellation of a medal is tantamount to, for example, Olympic champion they would present a diploma or certificate, but would not present a medal. Yes, it lost its significance with the introduction of the Unified State Exam, but it should be there! We have developed a regulation based on what results it is issued and what it should be. This provision is posted on the department's website for public comment.

– And the last question: have the measures to support non-state kindergartens changed?

– This year the principle of payment for kindergarten services has changed altogether. From January 1, the regions took upon themselves to pay for the standard educational services. The educational standard sets out how children should be taught, raised and socialized. More than 2.5 billion rubles have been allocated for these purposes.

But supervision and care services can be paid either from municipal funds or using parental fees. What is supervision and care? According to the Family Code of the Russian Federation (Part 1 of Article 63), parents are responsible for the upbringing and development of their children. They are obliged to take care of their health, physical, mental, spiritual and moral development.

Our position is this: if parents shift these functions to other specialists, to institutions, they must pay for these services. But we understand that taking the path of 100 percent payment is simply unrealistic; for many families these amounts are unaffordable. Therefore, more than 50 percent of the costs of supervision and care are borne by municipalities, and parents pay an amount of 1,500 and 1,800 rubles depending on where the kindergarten is located. Moreover, part of this fee is then returned to parents - 20 percent for one child attending kindergarten, 50 percent for the second and 70 percent for the third. This applies to municipal kindergartens.

In private gardens the situation is different. Firstly, parents can send their children to such kindergartens from two months of age. This is a very difficult period, costly, specific, so we are not trying to create unnecessary conditions to tear children away from their parents in such a time. early age. And for those who do not have the opportunity to be near children during this period, we are looking for alternative forms of preschool education. The most common are non-state kindergartens, full-fledged kindergartens and groups of supervision and care. And we support this private sector.

Licensed kindergartens can choose their own methods of support: the ability to receive payment for services from the parents themselves, or as a return of a certain amount from the budget to the institution’s account. But then they must reduce parental fees by the same amount.

In previous years, private kindergartens had the opportunity to receive assistance from the Small Business Support Fund, which issued grants of 1 million rubles for creating conditions, purchasing equipment, and so on. Six entrepreneurs took advantage of this opportunity. Plus, there are tax breaks and a zero property tax rate.

And as a result, we are among the top ten subjects of the Russian Federation where the non-state sector of preschool education is best developed.

The problem is this: there are many parents who attend non-state kindergartens, but are not taken off the waiting list for a municipal kindergarten. We understand them: for many, this is only a temporary measure that allows them to wait, to wait in line at the municipal kindergarten. And according to the law, we cannot force them to leave the queue.

Interviewed by Elena Melnikova

EDUCATIONAL SPACE OF THE BELGOROD REGION There are 556 general education institutions, with over 137 thousand students studying there. Boarding institutions - 11, in which there are pupils Preschool educational institutions - 518, in which there are pupils from educational institutions with preschool groups - 115, in which there are pupils Primary school - kindergarten - 7, in which there are pupils Orthodox non-state kindergartens - 2, in which there are children Orthodox children's home - 19 students Orthodox gymnasiums - 2, students there Orthodox Seminary-1, including 85 seminarians (full-time), 190 (correspondence) Social and Theological Faculty of BelSU. 2

REGULATORY AND LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF SPIRITUAL AND MORAL EDUCATION OF CHILDREN AND YOUTH IN THE BELGOROD REGION 3 1. Law of the Belgorod Region of July 3, 2006 57 “On the establishment of a regional component of state educational standards of general education in the Belgorod Region” 2. Strategy “Formation of a regional solidary society” for years 3. Strategy for the development of preschool, general and additional education in the Belgorod region for years 4. Strategy of action in the interests of children in the Belgorod region for years 5. State program “Development of education in the Belgorod region for years” 6. Subprogram “Strengthening the unity of the Russian nation and ethnocultural development of regions of Russia" of the state program "Providing the population of the Belgorod region with information about the activities of government bodies and the priorities of regional policy for the years" 7. Agreement on cooperation between the Belgorod and Stary Oskol diocese and the department of education of the Belgorod region dated January 8, 2008 8. Order of the department of education, culture and youth policy of the region dated December 28, 2009 2575 “On the opening of the regional experiment “Regional model for the implementation of spiritual moral education children in the preschool education system" 9. A comprehensive plan of activities for joint activities of the regional education department and the Belgorod Metropolitanate on the spiritual and moral education of children and youth for years.

THE MAIN DIRECTIONS OF COOPERATION WITH THE DANINEES OF THE BELGOROD METROPOLIA - the work of spiritual and educational centers; -training and advanced training of teaching staff (advanced training courses, educational and scientific-practical seminars, conferences, master classes, etc.); - holding joint competitions of professional skills of teaching staff; -carrying out mass events with children and youth 4

5 RESULTS OF SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH ON TEACHING THE SUBJECT “ORTHODOX CULTURE” Formed moral qualities: -42.1% - ability to forgive insults, -32% - desire to help those in need, - 35% - compassion, - 36% - good manners, - 36% - general culture, - 31.1% - virtue, - 30.5% - patience in relationships with peers Positive values ​​of introducing the subject “Orthodox Culture” into the educational process: - the importance of the spiritual and cultural development of children corresponds to - 59.3%; -expanding the horizons of children - 45.4%; - formation of respectful attitude towards elders - 29.2%; -introducing young people to faith - 26.4%.

6 WINNERS AND PRIZES OF THE ALL-RUSSIAN STAGE OF THE OLYMPIADS ON THE FUNDAMENTALS OF ORTHODOX CULTURE academic year - Kristina Kuzminova, Municipal Educational Institution "Gymnasium 22", Belgorod Bondarenko Mikhail, Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School 34 s" in-depth study individual subjects" Stary Oskol academic year - Diana Ushakova Municipal educational institution "Kustovskaya Secondary School of the Yakovlevsky District" - winner of the Patriarchal Charter Mazina Inna, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School 35, Belgorod Javadov Valery, Non-Governmental Educational Institution " Orthodox gymnasium in the name of Saints Methodius and Cyril, Belgorod" academic year - 6 prize-winners: - Anna Solovyova, Alexander Zinoviev, Gasimov Grigory, Orthodox gymnasium in Stary Oskol; -Ushakova Diana, Gostishcheva Svetlana, MBOU "Kustovskaya Secondary School of the Yakovlevsky District" -Veretennikova Natalya, MBOU "Afanasyevskaya Secondary School" of the Alekseevsky District academic year - 4 winners: Solovyova Anna, Zinoviev Alexander, Gasimov Grigory, Shipilov Svyatoslav, Orthodox Gymnasium of Stary Oskol

RESULTS OF THE PROJECT “HOLY SPRINGS OF THE BELGOROD REGION” Published to help teaching staff: -Atlas-guide “Holy Springs of the Belgorod Region”; -Multimedia optical disk “Databank of springs of the Belgorod region; -Guidelines“Study and preservation of Holy springs in the Belgorod region”

PROJECT "CHILDREN'S REGIONAL SPIRITUAL AND EDUCATIONAL CENTER "BLAGOVEST": Easter festival among students of educational institutions of all types and types: competition of abstracts, essays, research; research competitions for high school students “The Life and Asceticism of St. Joasaph of Belgorod”; "The Holy Patrons of Rus'"; competitions, exhibitions of fine arts and arts and crafts; competition-game “Connoisseur of Orthodox Culture”; festival of children's folklore groups "Belgorod region reserved"; festival of sacred music; fine arts competition “Spiritual Face of Russia”; regional photo competition “With love for the Belgorod region, we are united by good deeds.” 10

11 COMPETITIVE MOVEMENT OF TEACHERS The All-Russian competition “For the moral feat of a teacher” has been held since 2006. Over the years of the competition, more than 250 teachers and teams of authors from educational institutions in the region took part, and 9 were winners and prize-winners in the Central Federal District. The interregional competition of the Central Federal District “Star of Bethlehem” has been held since 2011: -over 70 teachers and teams of authors from educational institutions in the region took part; and 2013 - absolute winners; year – winners in the category

12 ACTIVITY OF SPIRITUAL AND EDUCATIONAL CENTERS In the region, there are over 100 centers operating on the basis of secondary schools and institutions of additional education for children. The main activities of the centers: - educational; - educational; - cultural and mass; - scientific and methodological; - historical and local history; - tourist and excursion; - charitable.

CONCEPTUAL APPROACHES TO THE SPIRITUAL AND MORAL EDUCATION OF A CHILD'S PERSONALITY 13 Humanitarian, secular content (traditions folk culture, modern cultural practice, works of literature and art, means of ethnopedagogy) based on the socio-moral development programs “Theocentric” (Orthodox worldview, morality and festive culture) based on the provisions of the Concept of Orthodox preschool education

IMPROVING STAFF SUPPORT OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS 14 Module on the formation of an Orthodox worldview among preschoolers in the course training program for kindergarten teachers at the Belgorod Institute for Educational Development Lectures and practical lessons on the basis of spiritual and educational centers, Sunday schools, Orthodox book centers

Program and methodological materials of a “theocentric” orientation are implemented in 96 preschool organizations; 72.7% of the municipalities of the region’s children are covered by “theocentric” programs in the current academic year, which is 85% higher than in 2011 (1073 children). 15

REGIONAL EXPERIMENT “REGIONAL MODEL OF IMPLEMENTATION OF CHILDREN’S SPIRITUAL AND MORAL EDUCATION IN THE PRESCHOOL EDUCATION SYSTEM” (YEAR) preschool educational institutions 2 non-state preschool educational institutions 12 municipal preschool educational institutions with a priority of spiritual and moral education

RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTAL ACTIVITIES testing and introduction into educational DOW process program “The World is a Beautiful Creation” by Lyubov Petrovna Gladkikh; intensification of scientific and methodological activities of teachers and leaders of the preschool education system on the spiritual and moral education of preschoolers based on Orthodox culture; improving the quality of preschool education through the revival of the best domestic pedagogical traditions; information and educational support for continuous spiritual and moral education in the region, incl. through means mass media. 18

DURING THE EXPERIMENT, collections were published from the experience of teachers and priests on the issues of spiritual and moral education of preschool children; educational films for parents and teachers were produced; complex developed didactic games And teaching aids relevant content; Over 10 regional seminars were prepared and conducted. 19

MODEL OF SPIRITUAL AND MORAL EDUCATION IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM OF A PRESCHOOL ORGANIZATION 20 Federal State Educational Standards of Preschool Education () Federal State Educational Standards of Preschool Education (part formed by participants in educational relations) “socio-communicative development” (mastery of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and moral values)

RESULTS ACHIEVED: formation of citizenship and patriotic feelings of children in all preschool educational organizations defined as implementation priority educational program; programmatic and methodological materials of a “theocentric” orientation are implemented in 96 (ninety-six) preschool organizations in 72.7% of the region’s municipalities. the number of minors involved in crimes decreased from 336 to 335 (-0.3%), including among schoolchildren from 149 to 140 (- 6%) (information from the Internal Affairs Directorate); the share of educational institutions implementing programs for the spiritual and moral education of children and youth has been increased to 100 percent; the number of promising models of spiritual and moral education of children and youth has increased (spiritual and educational centers, support schools, innovation sites up to 27.4% of the total number of educational institutions; the proportion of children and youth taking part in regional and all-Russian events with a spiritual and moral orientation , amounted to more than 75%; the share of teaching staff participating in professional skills competitions on the problems of spiritual and moral education and upbringing of schoolchildren reached 27.5% (planned figure -25%). 21

PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPIRITUAL AND MORAL EDUCATION OF CHILDREN AND YOUTH development of systems for raising children and adolescents, which are based on the formation of basic national values, spirituality and morality, regional patriotism; implementation of measures to develop the creative abilities of all schoolchildren, based on the individual capabilities of each; providing support to leading teaching staff who implement programs (projects) of a spiritual and moral orientation and demonstrate high performance results; implementation of the results of the regional experimental site “Development of a regional model of spiritual and moral education of children preschool age”(program “The World is a Beautiful Creation”) into the activities of preschool educational institutions for children in the region; development of a network of Orthodox preschool groups and kindergartens; development of a regulatory framework for the use of Orthodoxy in state and municipal educational institutions in the light of federal state educational standards of the new generation; development of research laboratories on problems of spiritual and moral education; development of social partnership with deaneries, spiritual and educational centers. 22

1. Biodamage and mechanisms of biodestruction of building materials. State of the problem.

1.1 Agents of biodamage.

1.2 Factors affecting the fungal resistance of building materials.

1.3 The mechanism of microdestruction of building materials.

1.4 Methods for increasing fungal resistance of building materials.

2 Objects and methods of research.

2.1 Objects of research.

2.2 Research methods.

2.2.1 Physical and mechanical research methods.

2.2.2 Physico-chemical research methods.

2.2.3 Biological research methods.

2.2.4 Mathematical processing of research results.

3 Mycodestruction of building materials based on mineral and polymer binders.

3.1. Fungus resistance of the most important components of building materials.

3.1.1. Fungus resistance of mineral fillers.

3.1.2. Fungus resistance of organic fillers.

3.1.3. Fungus resistance of mineral and polymer binders.

3.2. Fungus resistance of various types of building materials based on mineral and polymer binders.

3.3. Kinetics of growth and development of mold fungi on the surface of gypsum and polymer composites.

3.4. The influence of micromycete metabolic products on the physical and mechanical properties of gypsum and polymer composites.

3.5. The mechanism of microdestruction of gypsum stone.

3.6. Mechanism of microdestruction of polyester composite.

Modeling the processes of microdestruction of building materials.

4.1. Kinetic model of the growth and development of mold fungi on the surface of building materials.

4.2. Diffusion of micromycete metabolites into the structure of dense and porous building materials.

4.3. Predicting the durability of building materials used under conditions of mycological aggression.

Increasing the fungal resistance of building materials based on mineral and polymer binders.

5.1 Cement concrete.

5.2 Gypsum materials.

5.3 Polymer composites.

5.4 Technical and economic analysis of the effectiveness of using building materials with increased fungal resistance.

Recommended list of dissertations

  • Increasing the efficiency of building polymer composites used in aggressive environments 2006, Doctor of Technical Sciences Ogrel, Larisa Yurievna

  • Composites based on cement and gypsum binders with the addition of biocidal preparations based on guanidine 2011, Candidate of Technical Sciences Spirin, Vadim Aleksandrovich

  • Biodestruction and bioprotection of building composites 2011, Candidate of Technical Sciences Dergunova, Anna Vasilievna

  • Ecological and physiological aspects of the destruction by micromycetes of compositions with controlled fungal resistance based on natural and synthetic polymers 2005, candidate of biological sciences Kryazhev, Dmitry Valerievich

  • Waterproof gypsum composite materials using technogenic raw materials 2015, Doctor of Technical Sciences Chernysheva, Natalya Vasilievna

Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic “Biodamage to building materials by mold fungi”

Relevance of the work. The operation of building materials and products in real conditions is characterized by the presence of corrosion destruction not only under the influence of environmental factors (temperature, humidity, chemically aggressive environments, various types of radiation), but also living organisms. Organisms that cause microbiological corrosion include bacteria, molds and microscopic algae. The leading role in the processes of biodamage to building materials of various chemical natures, operated under conditions of elevated temperature and humidity, belongs to mold fungi (micromycetes). This is due to the rapid growth of their mycelium, the power and lability of the enzymatic apparatus. The result of the growth of micromycetes on the surface of building materials is a decrease in the physical, mechanical and operational characteristics of the materials (reduced strength, deterioration of adhesion between individual components of the material, etc.). In addition, the massive development of mold fungi leads to the appearance of a moldy smell in residential premises, which can cause serious diseases, since among them there are species pathogenic for humans. Thus, according to the European Medical Society, the smallest doses of fungal poison that enter the human body can cause the appearance of cancerous tumors within a few years.

In this regard, it is necessary to comprehensively study the processes of biodamage of building materials in order to increase their durability and reliability.

The work was carried out in accordance with the research program on the instructions of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “Modeling environmentally friendly and waste-free technologies”

Purpose and objectives of the study. The purpose of the research was to establish the patterns of microdestruction of building materials and increase their resistance to fungi.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved: research on the fungal resistance of various building materials and their individual components; assessment of the intensity of diffusion of mold metabolites into the structure of dense and porous building materials; determination of the nature of changes in the strength properties of building materials under the influence of mold metabolites; establishing the mechanism of microdestruction of building materials based on mineral and polymer binders; development of fungus-resistant building materials through the use of complex modifiers. Scientific novelty.

A relationship has been revealed between the activity modulus and fungal resistance of mineral aggregates of various chemical and mineralogical compositions, which consists in the fact that aggregates with an activity modulus of less than 0.215 are non-fungus resistant.

A classification of building materials according to fungal resistance is proposed, which allows for their targeted selection for use under conditions of mycological aggression.

The patterns of diffusion of mold metabolites into the structure of building materials with different densities have been revealed. It has been shown that in dense materials the metabolites are concentrated in the surface layer, and in materials with low density they are evenly distributed throughout the entire volume.

The mechanism of microdestruction of gypsum stone and composites based on polyester resins has been established. It has been shown that the corrosion destruction of gypsum stone is caused by the occurrence of tensile stress in the pore walls of the material due to the formation of organic calcium salts, which are products of the interaction of metabolites with calcium sulfate. The destruction of the polyester composite occurs due to the cleavage of bonds in the polymer matrix under the influence of exoenzymes of mold fungi.

Practical significance of the work.

A method has been proposed for increasing the fungal resistance of building materials by using complex modifiers, which makes it possible to ensure fungicidal properties and high physical and mechanical properties of materials.

Fungus-resistant compositions of building materials based on cement, gypsum, polyester and epoxy binders with high physical and mechanical characteristics have been developed.

Cement concrete compositions with high fungal resistance have been introduced at the KMA Proektzhilstroy OJSC enterprise.

The results of the dissertation work were used in the educational process in the course “Protection of building materials and structures and corrosion” for students of specialties 290300 - “Industrial and civil construction” and specialty 290500 - “Urban construction and economy”.

Approbation of work. The results of the dissertation work were presented at the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Quality, safety, energy and resource conservation in the building materials industry on the threshold of the 21st century” (Belgorod, 2000); II regional scientific and practical conference “Modern problems of technical, natural science and humanities knowledge” (Gubkin, 2001); III International scientific and practical conference - school-seminar for young scientists, graduate students and doctoral students "Modern problems of construction materials science" (Belgorod, 2001); International scientific and practical conference “Ecology - education, science and industry” (Belgorod, 2002); Scientific and practical seminar “Problems and ways of creating composite materials from secondary mineral resources” (Novokuznetsk, 2003);

International Congress “Modern technologies in the building materials and construction industry” (Belgorod, 2003).

Publications. The main provisions and results of the dissertation are presented in 9 publications.

Scope and structure of work. The dissertation consists of an introduction, five chapters, general conclusions, a list of sources used, including 181 titles, and appendices. The work is presented on 148 pages of typewritten text, including 21 tables, 20 figures and 4 appendices.

Similar dissertations in the specialty "Building materials and products", 05.23.05 code VAK

  • Resistance of bituminous materials under the influence of soil microorganisms 2006, candidate of technical sciences Pronkin, Sergey Petrovich

  • Biological destruction and increasing the biostability of building materials 2000, Candidate of Technical Sciences Morozov, Evgeniy Anatolyevich

  • Screening of environmentally friendly means of protecting PVC materials from biodamage by micromycetes based on studying the production of indolyl-3-acetic acid 2002, Candidate of Biological Sciences Simko, Marina Viktorovna

  • Structure and mechanical properties of hybrid composite materials based on Portland cement and unsaturated polyester oligomer 2006, Candidate of Technical Sciences Drozhzhin, Dmitry Aleksandrovich

  • Ecological aspects of biodamage by micromycetes of building materials of civil buildings in an urban environment: Using the example of Nizhny Novgorod 2004, Candidate of Biological Sciences Struchkova, Irina Valerievna

Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic “Building materials and products”, Shapovalov, Igor Vasilievich


1. The fungal resistance of the most common components of building materials has been established. It has been shown that the fungal resistance of mineral fillers is determined by the content of aluminum and silicon oxides, i.e. activity module. It was revealed that non-fungus resistant (fouling degree of 3 or more points according to method A, GOST 9.049-91) are mineral fillers with an activity modulus of less than 0.215. Organic fillers are characterized by low fungal resistance due to the content of a significant amount of cellulose in their composition, which is a food source for mold fungi. The fungal resistance of mineral binders is determined by the pH value of the pore fluid. Low fungal resistance is typical for binders with pH = 4-9. The fungal resistance of polymer binders is determined by their structure.

2. Based on an analysis of the intensity of mold fouling of various types of building materials, their classification according to fungal resistance was proposed for the first time.

3. The composition of metabolites and the nature of their distribution in the structure of materials were determined. It has been shown that the growth of mold fungi on the surface of gypsum materials (gypsum concrete and gypsum stone) is accompanied by active acid production, and on the surface of polymeric materials (epoxy and polyester composites) by enzymatic activity. Analysis of the distribution of metabolites over the cross section of the samples showed that the width of the diffuse zone is determined by the porosity of the materials.

4. The nature of changes in the strength characteristics of building materials under the influence of mold metabolites has been revealed. Data have been obtained indicating that the decrease in the strength properties of building materials is determined by the depth of penetration of metabolites, as well as the chemical nature and volumetric content of fillers. It has been shown that in gypsum materials the entire volume is subject to degradation, while in polymer composites only the surface layers are subject to degradation.

5. The mechanism of microdestruction of gypsum stone and polyester composite has been established. It has been shown that the microdestruction of gypsum stone is caused by the occurrence of tensile stress in the pore walls of the material due to the formation of organic calcium salts, which are products of the interaction of metabolites (organic acids) with calcium sulfate. Corrosive destruction of a polyester composite occurs due to the cleavage of bonds in the polymer matrix under the influence of exoenzymes of mold fungi.

6. Based on the Monod equation and a two-stage kinetic model of mold growth, a mathematical relationship was obtained that allows one to determine the concentration of mold metabolites during the period of exponential growth.

Functions have been obtained that allow, with a given reliability, to evaluate the degradation of dense and porous building materials in aggressive environments and to predict changes in the bearing capacity of centrally loaded elements under conditions of mycological corrosion.

The use of complex modifiers based on superplasticizers (SB-3, SB-5, S-3) and inorganic hardening accelerators (CaCl, Ka>Ys, Ia2804) has been proposed to increase the fungal resistance of cement concrete and gypsum materials.

Effective polymer composite compositions have been developed based on polyester resin PN-63 and epoxy compound K-153, filled with quartz sand and production waste, with increased fungal resistance and high strength characteristics. The estimated economic effect from the introduction of polyester composite was 134.1 rubles. per 1 m, and epoxy 86.2 rubles. per 1 m3.

List of references for dissertation research Candidate of Technical Sciences Shapovalov, Igor Vasilievich, 2003

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