Lists of those enrolled in the master's program in Vyatka. Lists of applicants by name who have successfully passed the entrance examination to Vyatga. Changes upon admission

The day of admission changes the life of any student by 180°. A mistake or simple slowness will lead to failure. Therefore it is important to do right choice specialties. After all, both the future career of a citizen of the Russian Federation and the list of entrance tests that will need to be taken depend on this.

Three items

Upon admission, the applicant must successfully pass the Unified State Exam in three main subjects. It is worth noting that Russian language and mathematics are mandatory for 100 specialties provided by the university. But the third discipline is chosen according to a narrow profile, that is, a specialty. It could be:

  1. chemistry;
  2. biology;
  3. professional exams (for faculty physical culture or design);
  4. social science;
  5. story;
  6. computer science, as well as ICT;
  7. geography;
  8. creative tests;
  9. literature;
  10. foreign language;
  11. physics.

This system applies to both bachelor's and master's degrees. The minimum score varies from 27 to 42 points, depending on the demand for the specialty. It is also worth remembering that the university provides the following forms of education:

  • full-time;
  • correspondence;
  • evening (based on the previous two);
  • using remote technologies.

Before submitting an application, school graduates may pass training courses at the university. Teachers will be happy to thoroughly prepare future VyatSU students. In addition, you need to have everything necessary for admission.

Package of documents

To avoid unnecessary problems, the applicant must prepare well. Therefore, upon crossing the threshold of the admissions committee, the applicant must have with him an irreplaceable package of documents:

  • a completed application form (preliminarily taken from VyatGU employees);
  • document confirming receipt of secondary or vocational education(a copy is also welcome);
  • photographs in 3X4 format (from four pieces);
  • passport or other document differentiating citizenship or personal data;
  • certificate of results of passing the Unified State Exam.

According to this principle, over 3,000 graduates enter Vyatka State University every year. Therefore, Vyatka State University is recognized as a leader among other universities in the city. After all, he counts the most larger number applicants. However, applicants should take into account nuances of a different nature.

Changes upon admission

Since the 2015/16 academic year, a number of changes have been made to the University Admission Rules. It covers these key points:

  • in case of an equal number of points, priority will be given to those students who have the highest total score certificate;
  • There will be no additional points awarded for the (final) final essay;
  • if an applicant is enrolled at the first stage of the competition, then he is removed from less significant specialties, but still continues to participate on the basis of the priority specialties noted in his application.

At the same time, the applicant should not hesitate with deadlines, leaving everything to chance. The competition is truly great, so it is imperative to have time to familiarize yourself with the admission rules, as well as other important formalities.


1 Information on admission to Vyatka State University in 2018

2 Admission results in 2017 More than 5,500 students were enrolled at all levels and forms of study at VyatSU. Average Unified State Exam score of students enrolled in full-time study was 66

3 3 steps for admission to the university 1. Select one or more specialties and find out the list of Unified State Exams for admission 2. Select the required set of Unified State Exams 3. Prepare for and successfully pass the Unified State Exam

4 Vyatka State University implements more than 200 undergraduate and specialist educational programs and more than 100 graduate educational programs

5 Institutes of Vyatka State University Institute of Biology and Biotechnology Institute of Humanities and social sciences Institute of Mathematics and Information Systems Institute of Chemistry and Ecology Institute of Economics and Management Pedagogical Institute Polytechnic Institute Law Institute

6 Polytechnic Institute Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Direction of preparation Entrance Number of tests (Unified State Examination) budget places Urban planning professional mathematics 0 (30 places with tuition fees) Construction 72 mathematics Technosphere safety physics 25 Land management and cadastres 17

7 Polytechnic Institute Faculty of Technology, Engineering and Design Direction of preparation Entrance examination (USE) Number of budget places 40 Mechanical engineering Design and technological support of machine-building 25 industries mathematics Materials science and technology physics of materials 15 Metallurgy 13 Design of technological machines and complexes (specialty) 17

8 Polytechnic Institute Faculty of Technology, Engineering and Design Direction of training Technology of artistic processing of materials Design of light industry products Design Teacher Education Technology, fine arts Entrance tests (USE) mathematics creative social studies creative Number of budget places (30 paid) 20

9 Polytechnic Institute Electrical Engineering Faculty Direction of preparation Entrance examination (USE) Number of budget places 18 Thermal power engineering and heating engineering mathematics Electrical power engineering and electrical engineering physics 182 Mechatronics and robotics 20

10 Institute of Mathematics and Information Systems Faculty of Automation and Computer Science Direction of preparation Entrance examination (Unified State Examination) Number of budget places Computer science and Computer Engineering 50 Information Systems and technologies 25 Infocommunication technologies and mathematics, communication systems, physics 22 Information security 17 Management in technical systems 26 Information security of telecommunication systems (specialty) 22

11 Institute of Mathematics and Information Systems Faculty of Automation and Computer Science Field of study Applied informatics Business informatics Entrance examination (USE) mathematics computer science and ICT mathematics social studies Number of budget places 25 0 (30 places with tuition fees)

12 Institute of Mathematics and Information Systems Faculty of Computer and Physical and Mathematical Sciences Direction of preparation Entrance examination (Unified State Examination) Number of budget places 20 Mathematics and computer science mathematics Fundamental computer science and computer science and ICT 21 information Technology Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 25 Teacher Education Mathematics Mathematics; computer science social science Pedagogical education Computer science; physics

13 Institute of Biology and Biotechnology Direction of preparation Entrance examination (USE) Number of budget places 27 Biotechnology Biology biology mathematics 50 social studies Pedagogical education mathematics Biology; chemistry 20

14 Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty of History, Political Science and Cultural Studies Direction of preparation Entrance examination (Unified State Examination) Number of budget places 28 History International relationships 15 Organization of work with social studies 16 youth history Pedagogical education 20 History; social studies Culturology 20

15 Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty of History, Political Science and Cultural Studies Direction of training Sociology Entrance examination (USE) social studies mathematics Number of budget places 15

16 Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty of Linguistics Direction of training Linguistics. Translation and translation studies ( English language, German) Linguistics. Translation and translation studies (German, English) Pedagogical education English; German language Pedagogical education English language; French Entrance examination (USE) social studies foreign language Number of budget places

17 Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty of Philology and Media Communications Area of ​​training Advertising and public relations Journalism Philology Pedagogical education Russian language; literature Entrance examination (USE) social studies history literature creative literature social studies Number of budget places 0 (30 places with tuition fees)

18 Institute of Chemistry and Ecology Direction of training Geography Chemistry Entrance tests (USE) geography mathematics chemistry chemistry mathematics Number of budget places Chemical technology 74 mathematics Logging technology and biology 17 wood processing industries Pedagogical education (with two profiles of training). Geography, ecology mathematics social studies

19 Institute of Economics and Management Faculty of Management and Service Direction of training Innovation Entrance tests (USE) mathematics physics Number of budget places Management 12 Personnel management 9 mathematics State and municipal social studies 8 management Trade 0 (30 paid) Service 0 (30 paid) Tourism history social studies 19 14

20 Institute of Economics and Management Faculty of Economics and Finance Field of study Economics Economic security(specialty) Entrance tests (Unified State Exam) mathematics social studies Number of budget places 15 5

21 Pedagogical Institute Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology Direction of training Psychology Special (defectological) education Pedagogical education Primary education; English Entrance Test (USE) Biology Mathematics Social Studies Mathematics Number of budget places

22 Pedagogical Institute Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Direction of training Physical education for persons with health problems (adaptive physical education) Pedagogical education. Physical education Pedagogical education Life safety; physical education Entrance examination (USE) biology prof. test social studies prof. test Number of budget places 20 0 (30 places with tuition fees) 20

23 Law Institute Direction of training Jurisprudence Legal support of national security (specialty) Law enforcement (specialty) Forensic examination (specialty) Customs (specialty) Entrance tests (USE) social studies history social studies prof. test Number of budget places (30 paid) 0 (30 paid) 5

24 Information about the Admission Rules

25 Restrictions An applicant can apply to no more than 5 universities. The application can indicate no more than 3 areas of training or specialties

26 Deadlines for accepting documents for bachelor's and specialty programs Full-time and evening courses June 20, July 26 for applicants based on the results of the Unified State Exam for budget places June 20, July 14 for applicants based on the results of entrance tests taken at Vyatka State University (testing, creative entrance tests) June 20, 11 August for applicants based on the results of the Unified State Exam for places with payment of tuition fees Correspondence education June 20 August 18 for applicants for state-funded places June 20 August 25 for applicants for places with payment of tuition fees

27 Methods of submitting documents: in person or by proxy, at the admissions committee; by mail; in electronic form (via " Personal Area applicant" on the official website)

28 List of documents required for admission: certificate (diploma); passport; 4 photographs measuring 3 4 cm (matte); other documents ( medical certificate; documents confirming benefits, individual achievements)

29 Passing a preliminary medical examination is mandatory for the following areas of training: Electric power and electrical engineering Thermal power and heating engineering Pedagogical education (all profiles) Special (defectological) education For admission to the entrance test for general physical training, a medical certificate is required for the following areas of training (specialties): Pedagogical education . Physical education Pedagogical education. Life safety, physical education Physical education for persons with health problems (adaptive physical education)

30 Categories of applicants: without entrance examinations (winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad and Olympiads for schoolchildren); within the quota (10%) for persons with special rights (disabled people, orphans, combat veterans); within the quota for target places; general competition for budget places; under contracts with payment of tuition fees

31 ATTENTION! The benefit can be used ONCE upon admission to ONE UNIVERSITY for ONE SPECIALTY

32 Targeted reception: Organizations that have the right to enter into an agreement on targeted reception: federal bodies state power bodies of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation bodies local government state (municipal) institutions, unitary enterprises state corporations and companies, business entities, in the authorized capital of which there is a share of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or municipality

33 Targeted admission: before April 1, organizations send proposals for targeted admission indicating the number of applicants in the areas of training. On June 1, the number of places for targeted admission in the areas of training is announced until June 10. Signing of agreements on targeted admission between the university and organizations by June 20. Signing of agreements on targeted admission. training between organizations and applicants June 20 July 26 acceptance of documents for target places July 29 admission to target places

34 Forms of entrance examinations Unified State exam(Unified State Examination) Creative and professional entrance tests for applicants to the areas of training (specialties): “Journalism” “Design”, “Urban planning” “Technology of artistic processing of materials” “Design of light industry products” “Pedagogical education with two profiles of training. Technology, fine arts" "Pedagogical education. Physical culture" "Pedagogical education with two profiles of training. Life safety, physical education" "Physical education for persons with health problems" "Customs" Testing: for citizens with professional education (NPO, SPO, VPO) for foreign citizens for people with disabilities

35 Entrance tests Unified State Examination form In 2018, USE results from 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 are valid for admission to universities. Unified State Exam results 2018 will be valid until 2022 inclusive. If the list of exams for the field of study (specialty) includes mathematics, then the Unified State Examination in mathematics is taken at the profile level

36 Individual achievements during admission to bachelor’s and specialist’s programs Number of points awarded Availability of a gold badge received for the results of passing the standards of physical education complex 3 “Ready for work and defense” and a certificate of the established form Availability of a secondary school certificate general education with honors 10 Availability of a diploma of secondary vocational education with honors 5 Carrying out volunteer activities 2 Availability of a diploma (certificate) of the winner of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren Availability of a diploma (certificate) of the winner of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren Availability of a diploma (certificate) of the winner of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad Olympiads for schoolchildren Availability of a diploma (certificate) of the winner of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren Availability of a diploma of the winner of the Olympiad or a diploma of the winner of scientific and creative competitions, the organizer (co-organizer) of which is Vyatka State University Availability of a diploma of the winner of the Olympiad or a diploma of the winner of scientific and creative competitions, the organizer (co-organizer) of which is VyatSU Participation in olympiads or scientific and creative competitions, the organizer (co-organizer) of which is VyatSU

37 Enrollment in full-time budget places July 27 publication full lists applicants July 29 admission of applicants without entrance examinations, within the quota of targeted admission and within the quota of persons with special rights August 1 completion of acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment (wave 1) August 3 admission to budget places (wave 1) August 6 completion of admission applications for consent to enrollment (wave 2) August 8 admission to budget places (wave 2)

38 PASSING SCORE: Applicants who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment and the original document of education participate in the competition for budget-funded (free) places. Lists of applicants are compiled in descending order of the sum of points scored in the entrance examination. Applicants are enrolled from the beginning of the list according to the number of budget-funded places. Sum of points of the last one. accepted is a passing grade

39 If the sum of points for two or more applicants is equal: 1. Points in individual subjects are taken into account in accordance with the priority of the subjects 2. Preemptive rights are taken into account in accordance with the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” 3. Taken into account GPA all grades in the education document

40 Enrollment in places with payment of tuition fees for full-time studies until August 13, conclusion of a training contract, completion of acceptance of consent for enrollment August 14, enrollment in places with payment of tuition costs

41 Number of budget places in 2018: Technical areas 444 IT areas 267 Pedagogical areas 250 Natural science areas 215 Humanities areas 211 Economic areas 49 Creative areas 35 Legal directions 33

42 Number of budget places by subject in 2018 Subject Number of places Percentage Mathematics (core) % ​​Physics % Social science % Biology % History % Chemistry 96 6% Computer science and ICT 91 6% Foreign language 65 4% Literature 59 4% Geography 25 2% Professional/Creative 114 8%

43 The ratio of the number of schoolchildren who passed the elective Unified State Exam in 2017 to the number of budget places in Kirov universities where this entrance test is required Subject Number of budget places in 2017 Number of people who successfully passed the Unified State Exam in 2017 Competition Chemistry, 27 Biology, 48 Physics, 68 Profile mathematics, 85 Geography, 50 Computer science and ICT, 67 History, 85 Social studies, 15 Literature, 78 Foreign language, 89

44 days open doors institutes of VyatGU: November 12 Polytechnic Institute November 12 Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences November 19 Institute of Mathematics and Information Systems November 19 Institute of Law November 19 Institute of Chemistry and Ecology November 26 Institute of Economics and Management November 26 Institute of Biology and Biotechnology December 2 Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports December 3 Pedagogical Institute

45 Non-residents are provided with a dormitory 8 dormitories are located nearby academic buildings, in the central part of the city Cost of living 600 rub./month

46 20 academic buildings

47 New unique educational and sports complex The university has created all the conditions for playing sports. Students have access to five halls for team sports, wrestling and gymnastics, gyms, a modern sports complex for 1000 spectators with an athletics arena and a swimming pool.

48 All conditions for playing sports Every year, university students win Russian and international competitions

49 Active social activity The student council organizes social events and flash mobs, volunteer movements, holds freshmen initiation and parties, mass skating and much more. The trade union committee of students provides financial assistance, helps you find work and housing, and provides the best of the best with free trips to the Black Sea. School of counselors, Construction teams and teams of guides, Student television, University newspaper.

50 Creative self-realization The university has its own student theater, vocal studio, dance school, fashion theater, its own television and newspaper. Various creative festivals and competitions are held (“Hey, freshman!”, “Miss and Mister first year”, “Student Spring”, “Dorm Day”, etc.

51 SCHOLARSHIP (summed up) State academic scholarship “4” rub. “4 and 5” rub. "5" rub. Increased state academic scholarship 6730 rub. Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation 2530 rubles. Scholarship from the Government of the Kirov Region from 2000 to 4000 rubles. Russian Government Scholarship RUB 1,656 State social scholarship 2712 rub. Increased social scholarship 6550 rub. Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation in priority areas of training 8050 rubles. Russian Government scholarship in priority areas of training 5,750 rubles.

52 All roads are open to graduates Cooperation of the university with the largest enterprises in the city of Kirov, the Kirov region, and others major cities Russian Federation The university has a Center for Practice and Employment Assistance for Students Opportunity to combine study with work during senior years

53 Contact information st. Moskovskaya, 36, room. 129, 110a Tel.: 8(8332), Group “VyatSU Applicants 2018”

Information on admission to Vyatka State University in 2017 Results of admission in 2016 More than 21,000 applications were submitted to Vyatka State University for all levels and forms of education More than 5,700 students were enrolled

Vyatka State University leading university of the Kirov region Roman Vladimirovich Medov executive secretary of the admissions committee Vyatka State University offers: 56 specialties

1 03/01/02 2 03/02/01 3 03/02/02 4 03/04/01 Chemistry Applied and computer science Mathematics and computer science Fundamental computer science and information technology 5 03/05/02 Geography 6 03/06/01 Biology

2 “Radio Engineering”, “Informatics and Computer Science”, “Information Systems and Technologies”, “Management in Technical Systems”, “Applied Mathematics and Computer Science”, “Infocommunication Technologies”

Vyatka State University We are shaping the future! Important Tips: Think about what you would like to become. Choose areas of training that interest you. Assess your chances based on the admission results.

APPROVED by the Chairman of the Admissions Committee, Rector of Vyatka State University V.N. Pugach List of entrance examinations indicating the priority of entrance examinations when ranking lists of applicants, minimum points,

Winners and prize-winners of Olympiads of levels I, II and III included in the list approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation 120 of February 20, 2015 “On approval of the List of Olympiads

Upon admission to the federal state budget educational institution higher professional education " Southwestern State University" (hereinafter referred to as SWSU) winners and prize-winners

ADMISSION PROCEDURE 2015 HERZEN UNIVERSITY Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 28, 2014 839 “On approval of the Admission Procedure for studies in educational programs

Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G.I.Nosov Institutes and faculties Institute of Mining and Transport Institute of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Processing Institute of Energy

Rules and plan for admission to the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "BSPU" for 2018. Advantages of BSPU BSPU has a perpetual license to conduct educational activities, in 2015 successfully passed the state accreditation procedure.

RULES FOR ADMISSION to the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering" (NNGASU) at

APPROVED by the Chairman of the Admissions Committee, Acting Rector of VyatGU V.N. Pugach List of entrance examinations indicating the priority of entrance examinations when ranking lists of applicants, minimum

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution higher education"Tver State University" INFORMATION REFERENCE for applicants 2018 Tver LIST OF DOCUMENTS FOR

Appendix 1 Code of the direction of training List of entrance tests for admission to study in 2018 (grading scale for each entrance test is 100 points) Specialty, direction

Peculiarities of admission to universities in 2017 Reported by: Deputy. Vice-Rector for educational work, Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee of Amur State University Elena Anatolyevna Burdukovskaya Amursky

Code of the direction of training List of entrance tests for admission to study in 2018 (grading scale for each entrance test is 100 points) Specialty, direction or educational

Code of the direction of training Appendix 1 List of entrance tests for admission to study in the 2019/2020 academic year Specialty, direction or educational program Bachelor's degree Profile

List of benefits provided to winners and prize-winners of the Olympics In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 3266-1 “On Education” (as amended on January 1, 2012) // Russian newspaper.

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Tver State University" INFORMATION NOTE for applicants 2017 Tver LIST OF DOCUMENTS FOR

Code of the direction of training List* of entrance tests for admission to study in the 2017/2018 academic year Specialty, direction or educational program Form of study Profile entrance

1 2 3 4 5 6 20 03/15/06 Mechatronics and robotics 20 2 5 21 03/18/01 Chemical technology 56 6 4 22 03/18/02 Energy- and resource-saving processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry and 18 2 2 biotechnology

Admission of applicants in 2018 (bachelor's, specialty) Admission 2018 Information for admission On the university website in the “Applicants” section 2 Admission 2018 Selection of directions On the website

graduate School economy state university National research university"Higher School of Economics" Admission 2017 What can applicants expect this year? Basic regulations regulating

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Mordovian State University named after. N.P. Ogarev" POLICY on admission

Admission to SurSU in 2017 Head of the department for organizing the admission of students of SurSU Olga Aleksandrovna Sharameeva Admission rules 1. Unified State Examination results are valid for 2014-2017. 2.The applicant can

Rules for admission to NNGASU in 2017 Responsible secretary of the admissions committee, associate professor, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences LIKHACHEVA SVETLANA YUREVNA 1 2 Number of BUDGET places for admission to NNGASU (undergraduate

Appendix 1 to the Rules for Admission to SFU in 2012 LIST OF ENTRANCE TESTS TO SFU IN 2012 (“discipline/discipline” entrance test at the choice of the applicant, # specialty of paid correspondence


Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov from June 20 to June 27, 2017 in the city of Naryan-Mar is accepting documents from applicants for studying at the parent university (Arkhangelsk),

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Voronezh State University" FSBEI HE "VSU" How to find information through the official website of VSU

On admission to Volgograd State University of winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren and Olympiads included in the list of Olympiads for schoolchildren for 2010-2011 academic year(approved


Code of the direction of training Appendix 4 List of entrance tests for the admission of foreign citizens and stateless persons to study in the 2017/2018 academic year Specialty, direction or educational

Lists of applicants to Vyatka State University Full-time Bachelor's degree 1 03/38/05 Business informatics 2 03/06/01 Biology 3 03/19/01 Biotechnology 4 03/43/03 Hospitality 5 03/38/04 State


Important things in the admission rules Admission plan Admission tests Admission results from previous years Admissions committee website Submission of documents and participation in the competition Frequently asked questions Questions from the audience Federal

BASIC PROVISIONS OF THE RULES OF ADMISSION December 2, 2018 Control figures (budget plan) for admission in 2019, full-time study Acceptance of documents (bachelor's and specialist's degrees)! Documents can not be submitted

Additions to the TPU Admission Rules APPENDIX 2 were adopted by the Decision of the TPU CPC dated May 16, 2012 In accordance with Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia 285 dated October 22, 2007 (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated

List of benefits provided by KSU to winners and prize-winners of the Olympics in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 3266-1 “On Education” (as amended on January 1, 2012) // Russian newspaper.


Procedure for taking into account individual achievements of applicants 1. Applicants for training have the right to provide information about their individual achievements, the results of which are taken into account when applying for training. 2.

Legislation Important in the admission rules Admission plan Entrance tests Website of the admissions committee Submission of documents and participation in the competition Frequently asked questions Questions from the audience Federal law dated

Porno porn List of entrance tests Rules for filing and consideration of appeals based on the results of all entrance tests conducted at VlSU Programs Entrance test programs 2018 Bachelor's degree

List of bachelor's degree programs, specialist programs and master's programs for which admission to the first year is carried out at VlSU and its branches in 2018. The list is compiled on the basis of the following documents:

List of areas of training implemented at MPGU that correspond to the profiles of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren Name of the subject of the Olympiad Name of areas of training corresponding to the profile

Conditions for admission to study in educational programs of higher education, bachelor's degree programs, specialty programs for the 2016/2017 academic year Admission to study is carried out: full-time and part-time

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering" (NNGASU) Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee

SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR ADMISSION OF CRIMEANS IN 2016 1.1. Persons recognized as citizens of the Russian Federation in accordance with Part 1 of Article 4 of the Federal Constitutional Law of March 21, 2014 6-FKZ “On the Adoption

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Saratov National Research State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky" List of directions

Page 1 of 13 Minimum scores for higher education programs and bachelor's programs in Southern Federal University in 2016 Code Name of training area Mandatory entrance 03/01/01

Natural Sciences, medical and psychological education Physics and mathematics 39 Appendix 1 to the Admission Rules NUMBER OF SPOTS FOR ADMISSION FOR STUDY, LIST OF ENTRANCE TESTS AND MINIMUM

FEATURES OF THE ADMISSION CAMPAIGN AT KSU, THE BASIC UNIVERSITY OF THE KOstroma REGION in 17 7 IN 17 GENERAL RECEPTION. Each applicant has the right to apply for THREE areas of study at the University 17. ADMISSION BUDGET Qty.


Minimum number of Unified State Exam and entrance test points in IAT areas in 2014 Note: the minimum number of Unified State Exam and entrance test points is the same for qualifications: academic

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Saratov National Research State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky" List of areas of training (specialties), entrance tests and implemented forms of education

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "SIBERIAN FEDERAL UNIVERSITY" List of entrance tests for applicants for full-time studies


Special rights for admission to undergraduate and specialist programs 1. The following have the right to admission without: 1) winners and runners-up final stage All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren (hereinafter

List of entrance examinations in the areas in which Kostroma State University announces admission to undergraduate programs and specialist programs for full-time, part-time and part-time,

MIET Admissions Campaign - 2018 Executive Secretary of the MIET PC Alexander Balashov Number of budget places Number of budget places - 711 Field of study Number of places Biotechnical systems and

List of entrance examinations indicating the priority of entrance examinations when ranking lists of applicants; minimal; information about the forms of entrance examinations conducted

Nizhny Novgorod. ADMISSION RULES are posted on university websites on November 16, 2015. SIMULTANEOUS ADMISSION TO SEVERAL UNIVERSITIES, FOR SEVERAL SPECIALTIES (AREAS OF TRAINING) Bachelor's degree, specialty degree

On July 25, the acceptance of documents from applicants for budget places in full-time education ended

July 28 at VyatGU published full lists of applicants by name >>, who have successfully passed the entrance examination, the admission of which may be considered by the admissions committee.

In these lists, the applicant can evaluate the competitive situation in each area of ​​training (specialty).

In this case, it is necessary to keep in mind that the applicant is on the lists of each field of study (specialty) or profile declared by him, as a result of which the lists are redundant.

It is also necessary to remember that each applicant can submit documents to five universities, but will be enrolled in only one of them, where the original certificate (diploma) will be provided.

Enrollment will take place on July 31 in the number of students, persons entering within the quota (special right: orphans and disabled people), and persons entering target places.

Places allocated within the quota and target places remaining vacant will be added to the number of places for the general competition.

Applicants recommended for enrollment and NOT PROVIDED V admissions committee until August 4 inclusive ELIMINATE FROM THE COMPETITION AND ARE CONSIDERED AS REFUSED TO ENROLL .

Enrollment of applicants will take place on August 5 included in the lists of persons recommended for enrollment and who provided the original certificate (diploma) within the prescribed period.

If there are vacancies, a “second wave” of enrollment will take place:

Applicants those wishing to apply for vacant budget positions, must submit the original certificate (diploma) to the admissions committee by August 8 inclusive (until 17:00).

Applicants, NOT PROVIDED to the admissions committee until August 8 inclusive original certificate (diploma), THEY ARE ELIMINATING FROM THE COMPETITION FOR BUDGET PLACES AND ARE CONSIDERED AS REFUSED TO ENROLL.

Enrollment of applicants will take place on August 11, who provided the original certificate (diploma) within the prescribed period and passed the competition for vacant budget positions.

Acceptance of applications for places with payment of tuition fees for full-time studies continues until August 18 inclusive.

This material published on the BezFormata website on January 11, 2019,
Below is the date when the material was published on the original source website!

Latest news from the Kirov region on the topic:
Lists of applicants by name who have successfully passed the entrance examination at Vyatka State University

Enrollment of applicants has begun at Vyat GSU- Kirov

On July 31, the first 115 applicants were enrolled at Vyat GSU. Winners and prize-winners are enrolled in full-time education in budget places All-Russian Olympiads schoolchildren, applicants entering under targeted enrollment agreements and persons
19:57 01.08.2014 Vyat GSU

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