Where can you train to become an IT specialist? Profession IT specialist: where to study by correspondence? Profile exams for admission to

The largest resource Superjob has been helping employers and job seekers find each other for 17 years. According to statistics, IT specialties have been among the top five most in-demand and highly paid for several years now. If you dream of a successful career, good salary and interesting work, this option is for you! Learn, master complex and fascinating world IT development and programming.

Popular methods 4:

  • graduate from university;
  • study independently;
  • find an IT guru and ask to become a student;
  • complete online courses

Each of these methods has significant advantages. But that's it more people prefers online learning. About 2 million people have become clients of the GeekBrains educational resource.

Online learning and university

The main advantage of studying at a university is a diploma. At some enterprises such a document is required: they will not hire you without it.

  • You will have to spend a lot of time studying theory, but there will be little practice. You will have to develop it either on your own or after university.
  • The training is long, at least 5 years, and the program contains many extraneous subjects needed for general development, but useless in professional activity. Why does an IT specialist need history or cultural studies?
  • The most important thing is that you can understand whether you like your specialty or not only in your final years, when specialization begins. It will be very difficult to change anything.

Online courses have no disadvantages of studying at a university:

  • You yourself choose the areas of knowledge that are important and interesting to you. If you think you don't need a course, don't take it. But if you change your mind, you can always return to it.
  • You can immediately assess the attractiveness of the profession and understand whether you have found your calling or whether you need to look further. For example, the GeekBrains resource has courses in 18 specialties. Basic knowledge in these specialties is free: you choose a profession after you “try” it. For example, you dream of becoming a programmer. Follow the link https://geekbrains.ru/basics_intensive, learn the basics of programming and realize that you were wrong. You are not interested in this, but web design is. You move on to another course and do what you enjoy. Lost time - minimum, lost money - 0 rubles 0 kopecks.

Online learning or self-study

Self-study is absolutely free. Besides, you only do what you consider necessary and correct. But:

  • You waste a lot of time searching for the right material. Besides, you don’t really know what you need and what you don’t. It’s difficult to create a lesson plan on your own if you don’t understand the topic at all.
  • If you have a question, there is no one to turn to for help. You can ask around on the forums, but it’s not a fact that they will answer you. Nobody likes teaching newbies.

Online courses cost money. But:

  • You receive structured information presented in the required sequence.
  • You save time. Which, as you know, is money. You sleep well, communicate with family and friends, and do not turn into a sullen recluse.
  • There is a forum on the GeekBrains website. There you can ask any question, get advice if necessary. Students just like you communicate on the forum. They will be happy to help if they can. And you can always turn to a mentor. He will help you solve a complex problem and explain if something is unclear.

Online training or communication with an experienced IT specialist

If you know a master of his craft, and he is also a good teacher, you are very lucky. This person will be able to explain the theory to you and provide you with good practical experience. But IT specialists are rarely good teachers. This different areas activities.

GeekBrains courses are taught by university teachers and practicing IT specialists. They also write blog articles and host webinars. People who cannot clearly present information and convey it to students simply do not get into this project.

What after training?

The main problem of a novice specialist is to find a job. Employers prefer to hire employees with experience. Studying at GeekBrains means practical projects that will go into your portfolio: you will have something to show the employer.

Many companies are looking for employees on GeekBrains. On the page https://geekbrains.ru/career you will find a list of vacancies. These employers don't want people with degrees. They need employees who can solve specific problems for a decent salary. You can become just such a person.

Information technology specialists are in high demand in companies engaged in the production of a wide variety of goods and services around the world. Direct proof of this is the level of salaries offered to IT specialists. Let's say, in the USA, an IT manager earns about $120,000 per year (about 650,000 rubles per month), in Europe - $100,000 per year (about 500,000 rubles per month).

At the same time, IT workers are much less tied to the cultural environment of a particular country than specialists in other industries. You can get an education in Australia and find a job, for example, in Hong Kong. And if you get tired of Hong Kong, you can go travel to Europe or America.

Of course, domestic universities also offer learning programs by IT. But, unfortunately, diplomas Russian universities are poorly quoted on the international labor market. In addition, in order to find work abroad, the Russian “crust” will have to be nostrified.
And if you are not particularly strong in English, after completing your basic education you will have to spend quite a lot of time to master the language at an acceptable level.

In this sense, it is much wiser to go study IT abroad. This way you can kill two birds with one stone: get a diploma from a prestigious university and learn a language international communication.

We have compiled a list of the most popular educational institutions world where you can get a scientific degree in the field of information technology.

Australian National University, Australia

Approximate cost of a year of study: 28,000 US dollars

One of the largest universities in Australia, Australian National University, has been occupying a leading position in international rankings of educational institutions for several years.

For example, QS World agency University Rankings placed ANU in 1st place in the national classification of universities. The university took a high 22nd position in the global ranking.
In addition, according to the 2015 Emerging Global Employability Survey, ANU graduates have the highest employment success rate of any Australian institution.

ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science, which is part of the university, offers the following training programs for future professionals in the field high technology:

Bachelor's degree

  • Modern computing technology
  • Information Technology

Master's degree

  • Applied Data Analysis
  • Computer Engineering
  • Engineering in digital systems and telecommunications

Diploma programs (Graduate Diploma)

  • Applied Data Analysis
  • Computer Engineering

In addition to the college, ANU also includes the Research School of Computer Science, on the basis of which research papers in Informatics and Computer Science.

Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia

Melbourne Institute of Technology is one of the most dynamically developing universities in Australia. Today the institute has 2 campuses located in largest cities fifth continent - Melbourne and Sydney. Despite the fact that in last years As the institution grows in size and student numbers continue to grow, MIT prides itself on providing a personalized experience for every student.

MIT provides training in the following IT specialties:

Bachelor's degree:

  • Computer networks

Master's degree:

  • Computer networks
  • Engineering Technologies (Telecommunications)

Diploma programs (Graduate Diploma):

  • Computer networks

The Diploma of IT program deserves special attention. This course is not equivalent to Graduate Diploma programs - it is intended for applicants who do not have a degree. Upon completion of the 8-month Diploma of IT, the student has the opportunity to immediately enroll in the second year of a bachelor’s degree.

Sheridan College, Canada

Approximate cost of a year of study: 12,000 US dollars

Founded in 1967, Sheridan College has grown over its half-century history from a small community college of 400 students to the largest university in Ontario. Sheridan's four campuses are located in Mississauga, Oakville and Brampton.

The college is also considered one of the strongest technological institutes in the country. It was Sheridan that was one of the first in Canada to use computer technology in educational process- even in those specialties that are in no way related to IT.

The college offers a lot of choice educational programs in the field of information technology:

Bachelor's degree:

  • Mobile computing
  • Information Security
  • Computing and Network Communications - Internet Communications

Diploma programs:

  • Programming
  • Software Engineering
  • Development software and network engineering
  • System analytics
  • Information support
  • Internet communications

Upon completion of the diploma program, the student can continue his education at the university by enrolling in the 3rd year of a bachelor's degree.

Simon Fraser University, Canada

Approximate cost of a year of study: 19,000 US dollars

Simon Fraser University takes 11th place in the ranking best universities Canada according to QS World University Rankings. Among the university's graduates and faculty, more than 40 people have been awarded the prestigious Royal Society of Canada Fellowship and the Rhodes Scholarship.

SFU operates Fraser International College, which is very popular among foreign students: a 2-year college course allows you to make up for the missing year school curriculum and guarantees enrollment in the 2nd year of a bachelor's degree.

Future IT specialists study at SFU in the following programs:

Bachelor's degree

  • Information Technology
  • Software
  • Mathematics and Information Technology
  • Linguistics and information technology

The School of Information Technology, operating on the basis of the university, provides the opportunity to obtain a Graduate Diploma, Graduate Certificate, master's or doctoral degree in the field of IT.

University College Dublin, Ireland

Approximate cost of a year of study: 18,000 US dollars

The largest university in Ireland, University College Dublin, was founded in 1854. During its existence, the university managed to graduate 3 presidents of Ireland, 6 prime ministers of the country, as well as a number of famous politicians and public figures.

Today, more than 30,000 students from 120 countries study at UCD. The university also holds the country's record for the number of areas of study. Among the many specialties offered by University College Dublin, a number of programs are dedicated to training specialists in the IT field:

Master's and doctoral studies:

  • Information Technology
  • Software development
  • Computer technology in trial
  • Computing in Litigation and Cybercrime

Graduate Diploma, Graduate Certificate:

  • Computing in Litigation and Cybercrime Investigations

Make admission to UCD easier for foreign students The preparatory center operating on the basis of the university helps.

Universityof California,Irvine, USA

Approximate cost of a year of study: 37,000 US dollars

One of the 10 campuses of the famous University of California, the University of California, located in the city of Irvine, is the youngest member of the prestigious Association of American Universities - an association of US research centers.

The level of academic preparation at UCI is eloquently evidenced by the fact that 3 of its graduates became holders Nobel Prize.

As for the training of IT specialists, the university ranks 35th in the international ranking of educational institutions Best Global Universities for Computer Science from U.S. News & World Report.

The university’s School of Information & Computer Sciences division trains bachelors, masters and doctors in the following areas:

  • Computer Engineering
  • Computer science
  • Statistics

The computer science department has a rather rare bachelor's degree program in computer game programming.

Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Holland

Approximate cost of a year of study: 7,000 US dollars

One of the biggest European universities applied sciences Fontys is famous, first of all, for its partnership programs - with other educational institutions, as well as enterprises operating in various fields of activity.

Fontys cooperates with 45 universities in 30 countries. University students can gain valuable international experience by spending one semester in another country. And thanks to the university’s connections with large companies, Fontys students already undergo paid internships during their studies and meet potential employers.

The IT training programs provided by Fontys often overlap with business education:

Bachelor's degree

  • Business Informatics
  • Software development
  • Information and communication technologies and business
  • Information and communication technologies and software development
  • Information and communication technologies and engineering

Training takes place in English, German and Dutch.

Saxon University of Applied Sciences, Holland

Approximate cost of a year of study: 9,000 US dollars

Another Dutch university where education is predominantly applied is Saxion University of Applied Sciences. In addition to traditional academic programs, the university offers short-term courses in the fields of business, ecology and technology. In addition, Saxion University offers preparatory courses for foreign students.

The IT training programs offered by the university are often at the intersection with business or art programs:

Bachelor's degree:

  • Applied Information Technologies
  • Information technology in business
  • Computer game engineering
  • Production and creation of computer games
  • IT management
  • Software development

Singapore Institute of Management, Singapore

Approximate cost of a year of study: 16,000 US dollars

Singapore Institute of Management is the oldest private educational institution in Singapore. The main source of pride for SIM is its developed partnerships with universities around the world: university students regularly participate in exchange programs with educational institutions in the USA, Britain, Australia and other countries.

The university provides the following programs in the IT field:

Bachelor's degree

  • Information systems in business
  • Information systems and management
  • Information technology and computing
  • Information technology digital information security
  • Information technology and creation of multimedia and computer games

Diploma programs (Graduate Diploma)

  • Information Systems

The university also provides the opportunity to obtain a double degree under the Double Degree program, which involves simultaneous study in 2 faculties, upon completion of which the student is awarded 2 academic degrees. Such a double diploma significantly increases the graduate’s chances of successful employment.

This year, just over 708 thousand children graduated from school in Russia. Of these, 55 thousand took the Unified State Exam in computer science. That is, about 7.8% of applicants plan to connect their lives with information technology. But here’s the problem: when choosing a specialty (and there are dozens of them related to new technologies), the guys don’t really imagine what they will do after receiving their diploma. Many people rely on the name of their specialty, the stories of older kids, or the prestige of the university.

Komsomolskaya Pravda found out which IT specialties will be in demand in 3-4 years and which universities train the best professionals.

Information technologies have penetrated almost all areas of our lives. Very soon, the volumes of information will be measured in zettabytes (that’s 10 to the 21st power), and it will be extremely important to manage these vast quantities, our experts believe - candidate technical sciences, head of the education system department of the Department of Strategic Technologies at Microsoft, Alexander Gavrilov, and director of the research and education department at Mail.Ru Group, Dmitry Voloshin.

1. “Datascientist”- specialist in working with large volumes of data

Big data – popular and promising direction in computer science. What it is? This is the collection and systematization of information of huge volumes and diverse composition. It is necessary to analyze the entire information array and make serious management decisions based on it. At first glance, this seems understandable, but such work requires very specific competencies. “A data scientist is a person who ideally has a technical background; he can be a programmer, an analyst, or a business architect. He also has a scientific background, skills and abilities to analyze information and put forward hypotheses,” says Dmitry Voloshin.

2. Cloud Computing Specialist

Cloud data storages are powerful virtual servers that store user data. Due to the fact that data is stored in so-called “clouds”, it is not attached to a specific PC and can be retrieved from devices that are less powerful than the server. This is how Google and Yandex drives, Mail.Ru Files, the Apple iCloud service, or even Google Chrome work, which remembers bookmarks, passwords and the user’s browser history. Experts predict a rapid growth in the number of such systems in the coming years, and there are very few specialists to develop them. So it’s time to learn how to develop “clouds”; after graduating from university there will be no problems with employment.

3. Developer mobile applications

There is no point in explaining what it is. Smartphone = mobile applications. Each new application is more interesting and complex than the previous one, and new specializations in this area are emerging. For example, programmers for a specific platform, GUI specialists, mobile application testers “As tablets and smartphones penetrate the market, as communication channels improve, there is a huge need (I’m not exaggerating), namely a huge need for relevant developers . Now this is one of the main trends, it appears a large number of startups on this topic,” comments Dmitry Voloshin.

4. Robotics Specialist

This is no longer a new direction in IT, but now it is rapidly gaining momentum. The field is very complex, it includes electronics, mechanics, and computer science. “In fact, I would compare a robot programmer to a surgeon who performs operations,” says Dmitry Voloshin. But it is possible to learn this, and it is also very necessary. Employers are waiting.

5. Information security specialist

Another broad area with many branches. This includes the development of antiviruses and the protection of electronic payment systems - in general, everything that will help information be protected.

6. Comprehensive automation of business processes

Automation is needed to quickly solve various business problems. With the help of IT solutions, you can speed up almost any business process: from attracting new clients to paying salaries. But all processes in business are interconnected, so complex automation is more effective and simpler.

Alexander Gavrilov also highlights interdisciplinary areas, such as bioinformatics. Programmers on 1C, C++, Java and other platforms are always in demand. “Good programmers are swept away at once. All the guys who know how and want to program will certainly find a job for a very a short time“, - Dmitry Voloshin assures students and applicants.

I would go into IT... But where should I go?

Between higher education and real work as always there is a distance. It is impossible to study to become a mobile application developer, a business analyst, or a cloud computing specialist. This is understandable. “Even 5 years ago, none of the specialties listed above existed,” says Alexander Gavrilov. But that's no reason to give up higher education and decide that you will learn everything yourself. University training provides the foundation for the development of a specialist. Besides, this is the kind of country we have, without a diploma they won’t take you anywhere. A technical universities open doors to big companies.

When asked about the employment of students after graduating from universities, Dmitry Voloshin answers unequivocally: “Well, only losers don’t get jobs, excuse the frankness. 70% of the guys work while still studying in their 3rd or 4th year.”

The best universities that train IT specialists

1. MSTU im. N.E. Bauman

In Baumanka it is worth trying your luck at the Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems and the Faculty of Robotics and Integrated Automation. True, if you fail, you shouldn’t be upset. In any department at this university, even in management, a strong technical training. The university holds its own Olympiad “Step into the Future”; its winners and runners-up enter without exams.

2. Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Mathematics of Moscow State University. Lomonosov

Fundamental theoretical training is provided here; many graduates go into science upon graduation. There is competition for a place of 5-5.5 people, but there are a lot of budget places: 335. Do not forget that Moscow State University has the privilege to conduct additional entrance test, so alone Unified State Exam results won't be enough. Again, the university has its own Olympiads “Lomonosov” and “Conquer the Sparrow Hills”. Diploma holders of these Olympiads enter without exams, or receive 100 points in one of the subjects.


Here, IT specialists are trained at three faculties: radio engineering and cybernetics, management and applied mathematics, innovation and high technology. On average, competition for these faculties last year was 2.2 people per place, which is not so much. Although the scores required are quite high. With the help of the Phystech Olympiad, you can enter MIPT without exams, and there are many other Olympiads that provide advantages for admission. For example, “Start in Science” and visiting Olympiads.

4. MEPhI

The competition at MEPhI is big; in the field of business informatics in 2012 there were as many as 16 people per place. But you can apply to 5 universities at once. So why not take a chance and feel the spirit of competition in one of them?


Here, IT specialists are trained by as many as 5 faculties: business informatics, computer science and computer technology, information security, software and administration information systems, applied computer science. It is quite possible to enter there; the average passing score for these faculties last year was 216 for 3 exams.

It is also worth paying attention to the Faculty of Business Informatics at the National Research University Higher School of Economics: they provide a good basis with a focus on practice. You can become a worthy specialist by studying at MIREA and St. Petersburg State University at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics - Control Processes. Among the universities in St. Petersburg, NRU ITMO is a worthy alternative to Moscow universities.

Of the regional universities, experts singled out Kazan (Volga) and Yuzhny federal universities, Novosibirsk, Tomsk and Nizhny Novgorod state universities.

All universities accept winners and runners-up without exams final stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren in specialized subjects and members of International subject Olympiad teams.

The IT field is very popular today all over the world. Understand the diversity of educational institutions providing specialized education, not so simple. We decided to select the best universities operating not only in St. Petersburg, Moscow or the regions, but throughout the world.

IT education abroad

Leads in many international rankings Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 92% of its graduates either continue their studies in doctoral studies or work in their specialty. Suffice it to say that this institute holds an amazing record - 81 people who worked or studied in Massachusetts have received the Nobel Prize.

If its location depresses you (not everyone will like Boston), then choose Stanford University, located in sunny California. It offers quality education, and its location next to the famous “Golden Valley” will allow you not to worry much about finding a job. By the way, this university graduated from such IT industry leaders as creators of Google Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Nineteen living billionaires are Stanford graduates. Not a bad motivation, right?

Carnegie Mellon University is not as well known in Russia as in the West. But it is constantly included in the top 5 best IT universities. And this says a lot. Located in cozy and quiet Pennsylvania, it will allow you to concentrate on your studies, as well as travel to the small Pennsylvania town of Punxsutawney, where the world famous Groundhog Day is celebrated annually on February 2.

There are other interesting options. Slightly loses to neighboring Stanford University of California, but is still considered one of the best in the world. Widely known Harvard and Oxford, Cambridge and Princeton- these are generally win-win options, no matter what areas you would like to study there. But if you don’t like the Anglo-Saxon environment and you are, for example, a Francophone, come to study in Zurich. Switzerland is famous not only for its amazing cheeses and developed banking system, but also the Federal Institute of Technology. At one time it was fashionable among the Moscow elite to send their children there to study. Finally, if you are sick of Europe and want to get quality knowledge in an unusual place, then go to the Southeast. Singaporean National University often included in rankings of the best universities in the world.

IT education in St. Petersburg

Studying abroad is good, but it’s too hard on your wallet. However, quality education can be obtained without leaving hometown. Fortunately, in St. Petersburg there are no problems with technical universities.

SPbPU "Polytech"(or, more officially, the Peter the Great Polytechnic University) in recent years has carried out a whole series of renovations, seriously updated its material base and entered a new era, consistently occupying a place in the top ten best technical universities in Russia. The Department of Electronics and Telecommunications is one of the best places in the country to obtain higher education in the IT field. Of course, he works here Nobel laureate Zhores Alferov.

ITMO— in recent years, this university has taken its place among the leading institutions of the city. The scientific priorities of the institute are information and photonic technologies. And among the advantages - amazing technical base. This is one of the few St. Petersburg institutes that appears from time to time in international rankings of higher education institutions.

SPbSU— the main St. Petersburg university offers a variety of specialties for applicants. The Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes was founded in the 60s of the last century and combines the traditions of quality education with innovative developments. The only negative (however, very relative) is that you will have to go to Old Peterhof to study.

SPbSETU "LETI" - in late XIX century, the institute was the first electrical engineering university in Europe. Now, of course, times are not the same, we have to withstand serious competition, but LETI is coping with this. Faculty computer technology and the Faculty of Electronics are two powerful educational center, where every student will be happy to study, study and study again, following the precepts of the leaders.

SPbSUT— St. Petersburg State University telecommunications named after. Professor M.A. Bonch-Bruevich. In the early 2010s, it underwent a major update, which made it possible to raise the quality of education to a new level. It’s interesting that the Faculty of Information Systems and Technologies is a partner of Cisco and is actively implementing its developments in educational process. It will be of interest to those citizens who live on the right bank of the Neva, the institute is located next to the Ulitsa Dybenko metro station.

IT education in other cities of Russia

If St. Petersburg universities do not suit you in some way, and wealthy relatives live in Moscow, or you have the opportunity to rent an apartment or live in a dormitory, then take a closer look at Moscow higher education institutions educational institutions. There is plenty to choose from, but be prepared for high competition and equally high tuition costs. There are interesting options in other Russian cities.

Lomonosov Moscow State University- one of the best universities in the country according to a variety of criteria. It is not surprising that IT specialists are also trained here high level. True, the Faculty of Computer Science, “sharpened” for technical education, places great emphasis on scientific and theoretical training - for some this is a minus, but for others a plus. The competition is quite large - five to six people per place, there are budget places, but at the same time at Moscow State University you need to pass an additional exam - the Unified State Exam alone will not be enough here.

MSTU named after N. E. Bauman- one of the most famous technical universities in the country. The Faculty of Computer Science, as well as the Faculty of Robotics and Integrated Automation are in constant demand. However, other faculties also pay maximum attention to technical training. With the education received at Baumanka, you don’t have to worry too much about finding a job.

MIPT is another very strong university, with several faculties suitable for young people with a technical mind. The faculties of radio engineering and cybernetics, management and applied mathematics, and the relatively new faculties of innovation and high technology provide the opportunity to receive a high-quality education. At the same time, the competition is not that high - only a little more than two people per place.

MEPhI- one of the most difficult institutes in Russia working in the field of IT for admission. The competition here in some years reaches 16 people per place! However, this does not mean that enrolling here is completely unrealistic. The Department of Business Informatics provides many opportunities for smart and resourceful students.

HSEgraduate School economics is an established brand of quality education. And not only in economics. The Faculty of Business Informatics here is focused more on obtaining practical rather than theoretical knowledge. IN modern world- this is just what the doctor ordered.

Some regional universities are also worthy of attention. They are interesting primarily because of the lower cost of education and, in general, of life. Take a closer look at Kazan, Novosibirsk, Tomsk and Nizhny Novgorod universities. For example, Novosibirsk University occupies one of the leading places in terms of salary among IT specialists and competes in this indicator with Moscow MEPhI and MIPT.

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