How color affects mood. The influence of white color on a person. Influence of purple, blue and brown

Choosing paints for the interior, buying clothes or surrounding yourself with other things, a person, first of all, focuses on their shade. It depends on him whether the owner will feel comfortable and confident. According to color preferences, psychologists can even determine the nature of a person and her inclinations. Why do some feel good, giving preference to soft tones, while others highlight rich, saturated shades?

The fact is that every person perceives the world in his own way: some experience positive from communicating with people, while others try to close and not flaunt their emotions, confidence is adjacent to indecision, and calmness to unrestraint. And in order to maintain harmony in the soul, each of them, without even studying the influence of color on a person’s mood, intuitively guesses the color that will correctly reflect his inner perception in resonance with the emotions experienced.

Two opposites: white and black - these colors, like yin and yang, complement each other in any ensemble. The first personifies calmness and peace, the innocence of the soul and the clarity of thoughts. Some cultures use it in wedding ceremonies, others dress in white, seeing off to last way dead. In both cases, it reflects the purity of thoughts and humility before the inevitable.

Black, on the contrary, symbolizes protest and denial of the existing order. People who put it on do not agree to sit back and resign themselves to fate without resistance. They try to oppose the phenomena around them with their inner strength and firmness. Black is also considered the color of secrecy and incomprehensibility, so it is preferred by people who keep a secret and do not want to flaunt their feelings - it is not for nothing that adherents and ministers of various faiths wear it.

Those who wear blue clothes strive to restrain their impulses and find peace and harmony in life. Light shades are used in decorating bedrooms - they are great for relieving stress and getting ready for bed. Dark ones emphasize intelligence and advanced thinking, so blue suits are in use among office workers.

Close to it on the spectrum, but distant in emotional perception, purple indicates extravagance and romance, mixed with disappointment. He is worn creative personalities with a fine nervous organization, whose spiritual uplift is punctuated by periods of decline and despondency.

The influence of color on a person's mood is highly dependent on its shades. So, indigo, located between blue and violet, has common features with both. It is chosen by people with developed intuition and a penchant for introspection. Often they reveal the beginnings of extrasensory abilities. A person who adheres to this color is not set up for constancy, but for the stable development of his personal characteristics.

Green is associated with the birth of life and harmony with nature. Looking at it even for a short time, you can feel peace of mind, but those who prefer it in clothes and interiors never part with peace.

Red is the color of aggression, in small quantities it is used to excite and maintain a fighting spirit. Women emphasize their sexuality to them, men - leadership.

Yellow is loved by those who are always in a good mood and do not lack communication. He, like a ray of sunshine, awakens in those around him the desire to smile and make new acquaintances.

The mixture of red and yellow resulted in the appearance of orange, which causes a powerful intellectual upsurge and long-term performance. The addition of white to the shade of blood of innocence turned the color of anger and violence into pink - the color of love and femininity.

Discreet browns and grays are too dull to express bright emotions, but they are popular among people who rely on earthiness and reliability. Their unshakable conservatism is smoothed out by a sense of responsibility and measure in everything.

Having learned about how color affects mood, a person will acquire the appropriate things in his wardrobe, thereby adjusting his emotional background. And the right combination of them will help to establish communication with others and your own impression of life.

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How color affects a person.

It has long been no secret to anyone that success in life depends on correctly set goals. We set a goal, then think over the motivation to achieve this goal, and gradually move towards it. It looks quite simple, but still many people do not succeed, although they know the scheme well. It is likely that the problem lies in the lack of impact on the visual centers. There are special colored stimuli that directly affect the energy. The impact on these stimuli is called color therapy. Science appeared a long time ago, it gives a positive result when striving for a dream.

Color treatment) Back in time ancient civilizations people used color for healing. So, in ancient Egypt there were special rooms in the temples, where the sun's rays were refracted and gave different colors of the spectrum. The man literally bathed in color. This method of treatment was called Ra-therapy. Nowadays, it has been replaced by chromotherapy. She studies the effect of color on human health.

Red and orange Red symbolizes willpower, activity, aggressiveness, independence, mobility. The man in red is cheerful, sexy, energetic. Sensuality is inherent in the color itself. He fills life with passion, desires. If you are “crushed by everyday life” or routine work is ahead, use this color. If you are nervous, nervously exhausted, red color will only aggravate the situation. Orange represents optimism, cordiality, impulsiveness and perseverance. People who prefer orange Good friends always ready to help.

The effect of color on a person

Pink and yellow Pink is the color of tenderness and femininity. Yellow is the color of sunlight and joyful hopes. He is chosen by cheerful, cheerful, purposeful, active and even expansive. The man in yellow is friendly, self-confident, knows how to make money. This color helps to control the figure.

Tips for the influence of color on the physical and psycho-emotional state Colors have the same effect on each person. This fact has been proven by research. Therefore, you can use methods of how colors affect the psyche, in ordinary life. This practice helps with work, signing important business papers, conclusion of contracts. You can apply the qualities of colors to make decisions and explore new areas.

Green and Blue Blue is the color of the world, the color of truth. A person who prefers blue knows how to gently and not offendedly tell the hard truth and will always be correctly understood. Love for blue speaks of a highly developed intellect. The nature of this color is restrained, coldish. Green indicates the flexibility of the mind, prudence, understanding of the situation. Symbolizes financial well-being and prosperity. Bright green is young. Dislike for green indicates dissatisfaction with their emotional state.

Blue and purple Blue prefer passive, sensitive people who love order and cleanliness. Calmness is above all for them, they are melancholic. Therefore, do not get carried away with this color. Violet awakens lofty dreams and mystery. These are creative natures, striving to charm everyone. If this does not happen, they become capricious and quick-tempered.


Brown and white Brown is the color of conservatism. It personifies stability, restraint in everything, reliability and modesty. A person who loves this color is an excellent worker and partner, whom you can always rely on. White is the color of purity, chastity, tranquility and peace of mind. With a clear passion, white can cause a feeling of isolation and detachment.

Gray and black Gray is a business color. Its owner is firm in character, hardy and adamant. Prefers to control feelings, strives for stability. Excessive enthusiasm can cause despondency and depression. Black color " femme fatale". The woman in black is selfish and ruthless. But in the fashion world, the opinion has been established that black is the color of elegance, style, and good taste.

THE END!) Prepared by: Mikhailova Evgenia Teacher: Konovalova Elena Anatolyevna MKOU GSOSH Grade 6a 2014

"Influence of color on human mood"


1.1. The impact of color on the human psyche and physiology …………………………… 5
1.2. Research methodology …………………………………………………………………………12

1.3. Results of the study ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1.3.



Color surrounds us and defines our world. Without colors, life would be dull and uninteresting. Some colors calm, others excite. We use colors to describe our own world.... to attract attention, express their own point of view, unite with the team. Color helps us turn the house into our home. Probably, many of you have heard such expressions as “look through rose-colored glasses”, or “he sees everything in black”. This does not mean at all that those people who take life lightly actually wear rose-colored glasses, and gloomy people have eyes arranged in some special way. These expressions speak rather about the fact that Color and mood are somehow related. It turns out that even in ancient times, people believed that color has magic power. Since then, scientists have conducted numerous studies that have confirmed the fact that color has an effect on mood, feelings and even thoughts of a person. Each color evokes a specific reaction in the human brain. Thus, the blue color affects a person very beneficially and gives him a feeling of peace and satisfaction. Dark blue - a sense of security. The same reaction causes a greenish-blue color. If a person is very excited and even aggressive, it is enough to place him in a room with bright pink wallpaper, as he calms down very quickly and even falls asleep. It is also noted that those people who were exposed to a bright pink color even very a short time, there was weakness in the muscles. However, it was enough to change the color to blue, and this weakness disappeared. This means that color affects not only mood, but also the whole human body. Moreover, different people have different reactions to a particular color. If an emotionally - excitable person is better to surround himself with calm - blue and green tones, then a passive and relaxed person will not interfere with red. In any case, it will help him maintain at least some activity in himself. Do colors have a reverse effect on our mood, feelings, thoughts? Science answers this question in the affirmative! Each color causes a special reaction in the human brain - blue conveys a feeling of peace and contentment, dark blue - a sense of security (the same reaction causes a greenish-blue color). Such amazing property colors are now known to many and they choose such a color scheme in their apartments, offices, which creates comfort and does not cause irritation.

Hypothesis : The color and mood of teachers and students of our gymnasium are interconnected.

Objective : find out the relationship between color and mood of teachers and students of the gymnasium


1. Study what color means for students and teachers of the gymnasium

2. To study how the mood affects the choice of colors of the gymnasium team.

Object of study : teachers and students of the gymnasium.

Subject of study "How the mood is reflected in the color scheme."

Relevance: Our gymnasium is a full-time school where students and teachers spend most of their time. Therefore, I want the color scheme to help maintain a good mood.

Novelty Such a study had never been conducted in our gymnasium before. We want to find out what colors evoke a positive mood and give recommendations on how to use these colors in the design of the gymnasium.

1.1 The impact of color on the human psyche and physiology
The sun, the plant world, water, sky, mountains, earth and the colors associated with them in our imagination - such is the environment and color background that a person constantly observed in his life, which naturally occupied a certain place in it.

Red color.Penetrates deep into the human body. The feeling of warmth in red is purely psychological. It can create a feeling of well-being in a person and, accordingly, influence his physiology. When exposed to a person, red rays increase tissue nutrition, activate metabolism and blood circulation. Their penetration into the human body increases muscle tension, increases blood pressure, speeds up the rhythm of breathing, has a stimulating effect, causes emotional reactions, and stimulates brain activity. This color is the color of fire and blood. It is usually associated with passion, struggle, active life, the highest tension. Wagner could only write music under red light, so his music is exciting. However, a person has a certain threshold of positive perception of red, beyond which he first excites excessively, then suppresses, depresses, leads to fatigue and overload of the nervous system, irritates, and, finally, with prolonged influence, brings tangible harm, leads to a breakdown and general depression. In nervous people, especially children, red causes strong sensory reactions and irritation.

Orange color.Hot, fiery color, excites, creates a feeling of warmth and joy, improves mood, but with intense exposure to a person, it can cause irritation. Improves digestion, accelerates blood pulsation, but does not change blood pressure. Relieves eye pressure, cures migraine (within 10 minutes), creates a feeling of well-being and fun, stimulates general well-being. In particular, it was noted that when a person stays in red-orange lighting, his headaches disappear and fatigue is relieved. After eating, the orange color creates a feeling of euphoria, like after drugs. Yellow and orange are dynamic colors used in executive offices; north-facing rooms are painted orange to create a sense of warmth.

Yellow.Sunny color, has the greatest brightness; golden yellow is the most cheerful of all colors. Yellow improves mood, creates a feeling of lightness, stimulates the brain, trains vision, has the ability to calm and relieve nervous tension (used in the treatment of psychoneurosis). Promotes the production of red blood cells, accelerates the growth of the child, increases its activity.

Green color.Colour flora, nature. Gives a feeling of freshness and moisture. Pain-relieving, mesmerizing color. It has a beneficial effect on a person, calms: gives a discharge to the nervous system, lowers intraocular pressure, improves hearing, increases blood circulation, lowers blood pressure (dilates blood vessels), facilitates muscle activity, improves tone, creates a feeling of warmth. Green color is associated with the idea of ​​the horizontal and with a sense of passivity, neutralizes the effects of noise, makes a person patient. Refreshes, reduces too bright sunlight in the room. Gives some rest to the mind. Discipline mind and body. A man, when his mind is overworked, instinctively chooses to rest on the blue sea or the calming effect of greenery.

Blue.The color of water and sky creates the impression of freshness and peace, it seems transparent, light, pushing the space apart (however, shades of blue, close to blue, dull perception, cause drowsiness, and depress). Blue color reduces muscle tension, blood pressure, normalizes the pulse and calms breathing, encourages reflection, reminds of the world. nervous people it calms better than green. But with too long exposure causes a feeling of fatigue, depression.

Blue color. Produces (like violet) a reaction opposite to red: causes a feeling of passivity and depression, creates a feeling of cold, lowers blood pressure, calms the pulse, regulates the rhythm of breathing, reduces muscle tension.

Purple . It creates a feeling of heaviness, sadness, a melancholic mood, a feeling of mental depression. It is no coincidence that poets often convey the state of melancholy through purple tones. The color is considered especially noble, as it causes sadness. It acts on the heart, lungs, increases their endurance. Violet rays contain the most electrochemical rays.

Brown color. Dark brown and red-brown colors soothe; students in the classroom are soporific, but they can even cause depression, therefore, when painting the walls in the classroom brown, it is advisable to add yellow or orange paint that removes this effect. Brown color has a negative effect on the psyche, causing a feeling of sadness. Light brown is the color of the energy of the Earth.

White color.Causes sensations of coldness and discomfort. It is considered cold if it is not consumed with red, yellow or orange flowers. White is a symbol of purity.

Grey colour.The dark gray color evokes sadness, creates the impression of a colorless surface painted in this color.

Black color. The color is demonic, denying other colors and absorbing light. Symbolizes death and sadness. Used in latent magic to get the effect of "disappearing" the object.

Pink color. It is a symbol of a pleasant, calm and happy life. "Pink" life is happiness, balance, especially in physical sense(It is no coincidence that the Japanese had a custom to insert pink plates into the eyes of someone who was ready to start a fight at any moment).

Symbolism of color

The symbolism of color has a long history. Since time immemorial, people have attached particular importance to reading the "language of colors", which is reflected in ancient myths, folk tales, fairy tales, various religious and mystical teachings. So, in astrology, the rays of the Sun, decomposed into a spectrum and giving 7 colors, corresponded to 7 main planets: red is the color of Mars, blue is the color of Venus, yellow is the color of Mercury, green is the color of Saturn, purple is the color of Jupiter, orange is the color of the Sun, purple is the color of the moon. At the same time, the colors symbolized not only the planets and their influence, but also social status people, their various psychological states. This was manifested in the selection of clothes of certain colors, folk sayings, rituals, etc. Different peoples have developed a certain symbolism of colors that has come down to our days.

Red color.So, people from ancient times showed a special interest in red. In many languages, the same word denotes the color red and, in general, everything beautiful, beautiful. Among the Polynesians, the word "red" is synonymous with the word "beloved." In China, a sincere, frank person is called a "red heart", while the heart of an evil, treacherous person is black. Red is primarily associated with blood and fire. Its symbolic meanings are very diverse and, at times, contradictory. Red symbolizes joy, beauty, love and fullness of life, and on the other hand - enmity, revenge, war. Red has been associated with aggressiveness and sexual desire since ancient times. Red is the main heraldic color. On the banner, he symbolizes rebellion, revolution, struggle.

It is interesting that among many tribes of Africa, America and Australia, warriors, preparing for a fight, painted their bodies and faces red. Carthaginians and Spartans wore red clothes during the war. AT ancient China the rebels called themselves "red warriors", "red spears", "red eyebrows". Red also means power, greatness. In Byzantium, only the empress had the right to wear red boots. The Emperor signed in purple ink and sat on a purple throne. For many peoples, red symbolizes the south, flame and heat.

White colorsymbolizes purity, spotlessness, innocence, virtue, joy. It is associated with daylight and also with the generative force that is embodied in milk and eggs. Whiteness is associated with the idea of ​​the obvious, generally accepted, legal, true. AT Ancient Rome Vestals wore white dresses and white veils. Ever since antiquity, the white color has meant detachment from the worldly, striving for spiritual simplicity. In the Christian tradition, white denotes kinship with the divine light. Angels, saints and righteous people are depicted in white. In some nations, kings and priests wore white clothes, which symbolized solemnity and greatness. However, white can also have the opposite meaning. By its nature, it seems to absorb, neutralize all other colors and correlates with emptiness, incorporeality, icy silence and, ultimately, with death.

The Slavs dressed the dead in white clothes and covered them with a white shroud. It is customary for some tribes in Africa and Australia to paint the body with white paint after the death of someone close to them. In China and in some other countries of Asia and Africa, white is the color of mourning. In the old days, white mourning was also used by the Slavs.

Black color, as a rule, symbolizes misfortune, grief, mourning, death. So, in ancient Mexico, during the ritual sacrifice of a person, the face and hands of the priests were painted black. Black eyes are still considered dangerous, envious. Sinister characters are dressed in black, the appearance of which portends death.

It is also believed that there is a connection between the color black and sexual attractiveness. In some African tribes, women with very black skin are highly valued as lovers, but not as wives. Love passion is shrouded in darkness and mystery; therefore, black can symbolize something secret and passionately desired. Among the Arabs, the expression "blackness of the eyes" means beloved, "blackness of the heart" - love. Thus, black can also have a favorable meaning. It is perceived as such, for example, in the arid regions of Africa, where there is little water and black clouds promise fertility and abundance. Black bulls, goats or birds are sacrificed to the guardian spirits who send rain, while the priests also dress in black.

Yellow- the color of gold, which since ancient times was perceived as a frozen color of the sun. This is the color of autumn, the color of ripe ears and withering leaves, but also the color of illness, death, the other world.

In many nations, women preferred yellow clothes. Often, yellow color served as a hallmark of noble people and upper classes. For example, Mongolian lamas wear yellow clothing with a red sash. On the other hand, among some peoples of Asia, yellow is the color of mourning, sorrow, sadness. In Europe, a yellow or yellow-black flag meant quarantine, and a yellow cross meant plague. Among the Slavic peoples, yellow is considered the color of jealousy, betrayal, and in Tibet, jealousy is literally called “yellow eye”. Let us also recall the "yellow press" and the "yellow house".

Blue colorin many nations it symbolizes heaven and eternity. It can also symbolize kindness, fidelity, constancy, location, and in heraldry it means chastity, honesty, good fame and fidelity. "Blue blood" speaks of a noble origin.

In addition, the color blue is close to black and receives similar symbolic meanings. It was considered mourning in ancient Egypt and among some peoples. South Africa. The French call horror "blue fear" (recall the tale of the "blue beard". Among the Slavic peoples, blue served as the color of sadness, grief, was associated with the demonic world. Ancient legends describe black and blue demons.

Green - the color of grass and leaves. For many nations, it symbolizes youth, hope, fun, although sometimes it is also immaturity, insufficient perfection. The green color is extremely material and has a calming effect, but it can also produce a depressing impression (it is no coincidence that longing is called “green”, and the person himself “turns green” with anger).

The Iranians associate the green color both with rapid growth and freshness, and with misfortune, sadness, sorrow, therefore they say about the ill-fated person “green leg”, and about the cemetery - “green house”. AT medieval Europe jesters wore green and yellow clothes, and bankrupts in Germany had to wear green hats.

The ancient symbolism of colors and their interpretation in various cultures is confirmed in modern theories the relationship of color and emotional-volitional states not only of an individual, but also of entire communities. The correspondence between color and the dominant psychological state was studied by M. Luscher and other psychologists.

The use of color in the interior

In living rooms and rooms prepared for friends, pale and too bright tones should be avoided. It is not recommended to use sky blue, all shades of garnet, gold or cinnabar, soft pink and bottle green. Yellow and orange are dynamic colors. They are used in executive offices, meeting rooms (these colors excite and facilitate mental work). In the West, all office spaces are painted in precisely these colors, which usually symbolize a cold, calculating mind. North-facing rooms are painted orange to create a sense of warmth, while south-facing rooms use a refreshing blue hue.

In order for the room to seem pleasant to young and old, boys and girls, it is necessary to use beige tones or yellow ocher, enlivened by yellow or orange chrome, when decorating it. Such shades create a feeling of warmth and harmony. In children who like to draw on the walls, the desire to draw something on yellow wallpaper, as a rule, disappears. Beige, cream and yellow tones are recommended for painting educational and industrial premises.

In sunny - orange, yellow and gold colors - it is good to dress babies; they contribute to the growth of children, stimulate their activity and to some extent have a cleansing effect. The effect of yellow on a person in an airplane is just as unfavorable as brown is for seasickness. Yellow and orange colors relieve drowsiness and depression caused by brown. They are used in different areas to warn of danger, in particular, in quarantine compartments in the fleet; in the past, the clothes of lepers were dyed yellow. They mark low beams, handles, moving and cutting parts of machine tools that are dangerous for people.

Red color.In public canteens painted red or yellow, diners eat faster, reducing queues. By painting the halls of restaurants in yellow and red colors, you can achieve an increase in turnover. The red color of workshops is often the cause of manufacturing defects and accidents. Athletes who wear red glasses during competitions achieve better results. In children, the red color is associated with abrupt actions, so the wall near which the child usually sleeps and plays, as well as his toys, should not be red. Babies often cry when they see something red on the wall. The specificity of the red color lies in the fact that it is poorly visible in low light.

Green color. The use of green does not lead to any harmful consequences. In institutions, light green has a calming effect on employees. In bright green (golden green) paint rooms for business meetings; it calms and relaxes the nervous system, softens the effect of bright sunlight in the room. Dark green floors (such as in gyms) create a sense of balance and confidence. When eating food, the blue and green tones of the interior do not contribute to appetite, while the greenish color while eating is simply unbearable. Excessive saturation of the surrounding background with a light green color causes feelings of melancholy and fatigue. In airplanes and ships, green, like blue, is calming and prevents nausea.

Blue.Operating rooms are painted in this color, as well as wards for patients suffering from insomnia and obsessions, obsessions. Rooms for nurses are well painted in yellow-blue. For institutions, the use of light blue is not recommended, because it causes drowsiness, and it is better to paint cash registers in blue - it calms. In the dining room, this color is depressing.

Blue color.A cool, piercing blue color is recommended for coloring passages in corridors, as it does not make you want to linger in them. In order to somewhat weaken the impression of cold produced on a person by blue walls, it is advisable to paint the floors in these corridors in warm colors.

Brown color. Dark brown and red-brown colors are soothing, but can also cause depression, so when using these colors, yellow or orange paint should be added. Brown color absorbs a lot of light, so it is not recommended for painting industrial premises, garnet, gold, tobacco or silver colors should be used to neutralize it.

White color.In canteens, restaurants, white makes a much more favorable impression than any other. Since white has the highest reflectivity (it is best seen), it is most often used for painting cars, marking steps, etc. It is no coincidence that in industrial premises all steps, protruding beams, etc. are painted white or yellow . It evokes a feeling of cleanliness, but at the same time - aloofness, such as the white color of hospital wards, associations with which can cause discomfort to passengers even in the most comfortable cabins painted in this color. Objects painted white heat up less than others and cool down longer.

Grey colour.Compared to other colors, it is almost invisible (its reflectance is 30%), so it should not be used for painting cars, their moving parts. Neutral gray color is preferable in rooms for expositions of various samples, exhibits, stands, showcases, etc.

Black color.By itself, black is depressing, but can be widely used to create contrasts; absorbs heat well.

As V. Van Gogh wrote: "the colors themselves express something." In other words, color is not blank board”, on which a person is free to write down whatever he wants. Color causes certain and specific changes in the mental world of a person, the interpretation of which gives rise to what we call color associations and symbols, color impressions. As A.F. Losev (1991): “no one ever perceives color without these and similar impressions… the red color causes excitement, it is he, and not ourselves. Excitation is its objective property. Repeating the hackneyed comparison, we can say that color symbolism is only top part iceberg of all those interconnections and relationships between color and the human psyche. It is based on the objective laws of color effects on a person.

Arriving home, having changed into home clothes, look at what you have put on. Isn't it from your dressing gowns and old sports suits that spoil family relationships? In the morning, leaving the house, do not be lazy to put on a bright scarf or at least attach a small bright detail to your suit. Find a blouse or shirt in a lighter color that matches the season. Perhaps, going out into the street, we will not then see the wriggling dark gray faceless mass. And in communication and work, success and prosperity will await us.

1.2. Research methodology
Exploring mood through student and teacher color choices.

I conducted a study of mood in our gymnasium. This is the place where I study. Our school has 180 students and 41 teachers.

At the preparatory stage of the project, I drew up a plan of practical activities. In total, I conducted five surveys of teachers and students: two surveys on November 12, 2012, two more surveys on November 14, 2012, and survey No. 5 we conducted on November 18, 2012.

As a basis for the practical part of the project, I chose the survey methodology described in the “Workshop on psychological games with children and teenagers” under the general editorship of M. Bityanova. The methodology described in the literature included two surveys of students and teachers “What mood are you in school today?”, One of which is conducted in the morning and the other in the evening. I made changes to the methodology: I increased the number of surveys “What mood are you in at school today?” up to four and added a poll “What mood does this color represent?”.

Description of the technique

1. First, I prepared a box for the school-wide survey. This is a cardboard box. It has six colored sections with slots, separated inside by cardboard partitions. Each section has its own color: red, yellow, grey, green, blue, black. The outside of the box is covered with colored paper.

2. I cut a lot of small squares and rectangles from white paper - these are leaflets for the survey participants.

3. In order to increase the interest of the children, to increase the number of people who want to participate in our survey, I prepared and placed in the classroom a poster with a multi-colored inscription "How are you going to school today?".

4. On the day of the first survey, November 15, we came to school very early. Early in the morning on the threshold of the school, I greeted everyone with a smile, handed everyone a small white square of paper, held out a multi-colored box, and offered to participate in the action.

5. The instruction for everyone was the same: "Please put this square into that slot, the color of which corresponds to your mood now." We marked the white squares of teachers with the letter “U”, so that later we could compare the moods of students and teachers.

6. When everyone took part in the action, I counted the number of white squares in each colored part of the box (separately for students and teachers) and entered the data into the table

7. The empty box was ready to be interviewed. On November 15, in the evening, I waited for several hours and interviewed schoolchildren and teachers leaving for home. Then the results of poll No. 2 were calculated.

8. At the end of the week, on Friday 18.11. In 2012, I repeated the interview procedure in the morning and evening. The results were recorded in tables

9. Using the Excel program, using the data received, I built charts that made it possible to visually see the results of the survey.

10. We analyzed the results, identified the dynamics in the respondents' choices, and correlated them with the symbolic meaning of color.

11. The composition of the respondents remained unchanged. The instructions were the same for everyone. And the number of white squares in the colored parts of the box after each survey was different. But the data of this survey was not enough for me. It was not clear what each color meant for our teachers and students of the gymnasium. To find out, we prepared and conducted survey No. 5 “What mood does this color represent?”.

12. The working group developed a survey form for students and teachers of the school, on which everyone had to write what color means to them: red, yellow, green, blue, gray, black.

13. The results of teachers and students were counted separately. I divided a large group of students into 4 subgroups according to age and gender:

middle class boys

"high school boys"

middle class girls

"high school girls"

We summarized and classified the answers of the students.

14. Using the Excel program, using the data obtained, I built diagrams that made it possible to visually see with what mood students and teachers associate this or that color).

15. Then I analyzed the results of all surveys, indicators of positive and negative attitudes of people towards each color, correlated the results with materials on this topic presented in the literature and drew conclusions.

16. Prepared a presentation that included the design of two posters with eight color charts on the surveys "How do you feel about going to school today?" and three A-4 information sheets based on the results of the survey "What mood does the color represent?"

1.3. Research results

The practical part of the work of my project included polls of two types: polls No. 1 - No. 4 "What mood are you in school today?" and poll No. 5 "What mood does the color represent?". Since it is important to know what meaning they attach to a particular color in order to analyze the mood of schoolchildren and teachers, I first analyzed survey No. 5.

The results of the poll number 5 "What mood does the color represent?".
We processed the results of the survey by groups:

color perception by middle school students,

perception of color by high school students.

At the same time, in each group, we separately analyzed the perception of each color by boys and girls. The analysis takes into account the opinion of teachers. I analyzed the survey results for each color.

Before you test "MAGIC COLOR"-

positive positive calm calm sad negative

Red. In general, red is perceived predominantly as a positive color. In a more detailed analysis, we noticed that the attitude of the school staff towards this color is ambiguous and even contradictory. This is the color of a very good mood, and the color of aggression, and the color of love. In boys, the perception of red as a symbol of aggression is noted already in middle grades and grows with age.Positive color perception is more pronounced in girls and tends to decrease with age. The most negative perception of red as a symbol of danger and aggression is observed in adults. Teachers perceive the color red very wary.

Grey. Girls of the middle classes and female teachers mostly perceive gray as a symbol of a sad, indifferent mood. At the same time, girls of junior and middle classes perceive gray unambiguously. High school students and teachers see gray as a sign of calm. This means that the perception of gray as a calm color increases with age. It is curious that boys predominantly perceive gray as a symbol of sadness, sadness, indifference.The positive perception of gray is very doubtful for us. I did not find any tendency in the perception of gray as a positive color. Most of the respondents perceive gray as the color of negativity.

Yellow. The school staff perceives the yellow color as a symbol of a good, cheerful mood. For girls, yellow is 100% positive. For educators, partially yellow is associated with a calm mood. But basically, all females associate yellow as a very joyful and positive color. The opinion of the boys is not so unanimous. Most consider yellow to be the color of good mood. But many high school students perceive yellow as a symbol of lies, betrayal, and a boring mood.

Green. In general, green is perceived as the color of a good, calm mood. In general, the green color is perceived by the respondents as positive. Only a small part of middle school students and a small part of teachers do not agree with the opinion of the majority. For them, green is the color of negativity: boredom, bad mood. As girls grow older, there is a tendency to perceive green as a symbol of good mood. On the whole, this trend persists among female teachers as well. Wherein more of the interviewed girls and women perceives the green color as the color of calmness, peace. All high school boys perceive green as the color of calmness. With a good mood, green is associated with most middle-class boys.

Blue. The perception of the blue color for the respondents is mainly associated with positive. In schoolgirls and female teachers, blue is mainly associated with a calm mood. It is curious that none of the students perceive blue as the color of good mood. And only one third of female teachers associate blue with a good mood. But in boys, with age, there is a tendency to perceive blue as the color of calmness. In the middle classes, the blue color is perceived by boys ambiguously: both as bad and as good. By the senior classes, boys become solidary in relation to the blue color: blue is the color of calmness.

Black. Black color, the majority of respondents, is perceived as negative. For middle-aged schoolgirls, black is a symbol of a sad, sad mood. Women teachers agree with them on this. Middle class girls perceive black as the color of an aggressive mood.The perception of black becomes ambiguous in the senior classes (50%). At the same time, the perception of black as positive is more pronounced in males and tends to increase with age. Black, as a symbol of good mood, is noted by several girls in high school. For most boys, black is a symbol of a sad, sad mood.

"How are you at school today?"

The results of four polls "How do you feel at school today?" I quantified.

I compared the results and found out the dynamics of the elections in each group.

At the beginning of the week, students came mainly with "red" and "green" mood. By evening, the number of “red” moods decreased (-11), while the number of schoolchildren with a “yellow” mood increased (+13). The positions of blue and green decreased slightly (-3). There is a noticeable dynamics in the "gray" mood: by the evening it became more (+3). Color dynamics reflected in the chart

Start of the day: End of the day:

Based on the symbolism of color, the meaning of color according to M. Luscher, we can conclude that Monday, November 12, was a good day for most students. The activity and strength of the red color by the end of the day was transformed into decisions made, which brought a feeling of release by the end of the school day and a good mood. The romantic mood of schoolchildren somewhat decreased, signs of fatigue and exhaustion appeared.

At the end of the school week, students in the morning bright colors prevailed. During the school day, bright mood colors decreased their positions: red (-8), green (-7), yellow (-5). "Black" mood on Friday doubled by the end of the day (+15). In the dynamics of gray, there is also an increase (+4). However, the positions of red and yellow remained leading.

Start of the day: End of the day:

Based on the symbolism of black, we assume that Friday, November 17, for 30% of schoolchildren was more intense, unpleasant, a day of grief and disappointment. At the end of the week, the students were tired and frustrated with the results of the school day.

We then did an analysis of the teachers' mood based on their color choices.

At the beginning of the teacher's week came mainly in "yellow" and "green" mood. During the day the positions of the yellow color strengthened considerably (+12), the positions of the green one weakened (-11). As if the calm, even mood of some of the teachers during the day became cheerful, joyful. The positions of the "black" mood during the day went to zero (-7). Increased gray values ​​(+6). The dynamics of red and blue was insignificant: red (-3), blue (+3). On the whole, the day was favorable and positive for the teachers of the school. By the end of the day, a small part of the teachers felt tired.

Start of the day: End of the day:

At the end of the teacher's week came to school mostly in a “green” mood (56%). By the end of the day, green was still the leader of the day, but its positions decreased significantly (-22). On this day, the “red” mood was 10%. This is the lowest score for red in all four color-mood surveys we conducted. During the day, the positions of the "red" mood strengthened (+5). Grew up by the end of the day and indicators of "yellow" (+8). The black color in teacher elections has decreased (-6). Gray on this day gave the greatest dynamics among all the dynamics of gray (+12). On the whole, the day was calm for teachers. But about 10% of teachers experienced increased tension that day and were very tired by the end of the day, which was reflected in the dynamics of the choice of gray. And the other 10% of teachers received a charge of vivacity, activity and good mood during the day and increased the indicators of the red color.

Start of the day: End of the day:

As a result, I saw that at the beginning of the week a good mood was predominant for the entire team: for both schoolchildren and teachers. At the end of the week, there is a greater number of choices that speak of tension, aggression, sadness, sadness, fatigue.

After analyzing all the data received, I developed recommendations for the color design of the school.

    Based on a more positive perception by the school staff of green, yellow, blue, red, it is desirable to use in the festive design of the assembly hall and the school line.

    In the classrooms, in the lobby, create green corners with a lot of plants, as the green color is very positively perceived by the respondents.

    In the design of stands, "Corners of the class" it is desirable to use yellow. The use of yellow should be reasonable and moderate, as the majority of respondents perceive it not only as the color of good mood, but also as the color of fun and increased emotionality.

    The use of blue in the design of offices, the hall is welcome. In this case, it is better to use light shades of blue.


Determining what each color means, I got the following results.

Red.Red color different people perceived ambiguously by the school community. Positive color perception is more pronounced in girls than in boys and tends to decrease with age. The most negative perception of red as a symbol of danger and aggression is observed in adults.

Grey.The positive perception of gray is very doubtful for me. I did not find any tendency in the perception of gray as a positive color. Most of the respondents perceive gray as the color of negativity: sadness, fatigue, indifference.

Yellow.The school staff perceives this color as a symbol of a good, cheerful mood. For girls, yellow is 100% positive. But many young men perceive yellow as a symbol of lies and a boring mood.

Green.In general, green is perceived as the color of a good, calm mood. This is a positive color. Only a small part of the students primary school and an insignificant part of teachers see boredom and bad mood in green.

Blue.The perception of the blue color for the respondents is mainly associated with positive. In schoolgirls and female teachers, blue is mainly associated with a calm mood. It is curious that none of the students perceive blue as the color of good mood.

Black.Black color, the majority of respondents, is perceived as negative. For middle school girls, black is a symbol of a sad, sad mood. Women teachers agree with them on this. They perceive black as the color of an aggressive mood. The perception of black as positive is more pronounced in males and tends to increase with age.

During the study and analysis of the resultsI came to the conclusion:
The choice of color by survey participants is related to mood. The change in students' mood towards the evening at the end of the school week led to a change in color choice.

Before starting the study, I hypothesized that the mood and color of teachers and students are interconnected. According to the results of the study, we can say that our hypothesis was confirmed.


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Over the course of a thousand years, the color spectrum is closely intertwined with human nature and serves as an indicator of both psychological and physical condition. For some people, color is nothing more than a way to create a mood, for example, in interior design or in marketing (orange is a symbol of optimism, blue is the color of sadness). However, for those who believe in color therapy, it is a true tool for restoring health and maintaining well-being. In the article we will understand in more detail how colors affect our lives.

The Scientific Nature of Color (Research by Isaac Newton)

In 1666, Isaac Newton was investigating the structure of light and its optical perception. In his pamphlet On Colors, Newton tried to establish whether colors are born inside or outside the eye, and also to reveal the properties of colors. To this end, he conducted a series of dangerous experiments on himself.

“I took a long, blunt needle and placed it between the eye and the adjacent bone as close to the back of the eye as possible… and there were many white, dark and colored rings,” he wrote. - A large dark spot appeared in the farthest ring ... and in it another, light one ... There is another one in it, blue, especially noticeable when I pressed hard on the eye with the sharp end of the needle, and the border of light appeared on the outer ring.

These "tear" experiments did not lead Newton to any final results, so he resorted to more sophisticated experiments using prisms, until a turning point came when he was able to pass a ray of the sun through a prism in a dark room and the ray broke up into seven rainbow colors. Up to this point, it was believed that light is a separate matter, and colors arise somewhere else. natural world. Newton's experiments showed that light is a mixture of many primary colors, separate from each other or combined into complementary shades.

If Newton was interested scientific explanation nature of color, ancient civilizations believed that color, at least on a physical level, was the key to health and longevity.

Health and color

Inhabitants ancient egypt used different colors for therapeutic purposes. They believed that each color had specific healing properties. Probably, their colored rooms, stones, ointments and paints were also used for healing. For example, malachite color meant joy; crushed malachite, used as a pigment to emphasize the eyes, was able, in their opinion, to protect against eye diseases. Turquoise color symbolized fertility. The Chinese used colors for medical purposes. They associated certain colors with the natural elements of earth, wood, fire, water and metal.

In 980 AD Persian philosopher and physician Avicenna compiled a catalog in which certain healing properties were attributed to each color. This knowledge was later called color therapy. In his work The Canons of Medicine, Avicenna developed a diagram showing the relationship between color and the physical state of the body. For example, red, he believed, accelerates the blood, while blue and white cool it, and yellow can reduce muscle pain and inflammation.

Meanwhile, Indian Ayurvedic practitioners associated each of the seven chakras in our body with a particular color. According to this teaching, if any of the chakras is sick, it can be healed and balanced with the right color.

RED: First chakra. Symbolizes safety, connection with the earth and food. An imbalance can cause inflammatory diseases.

ORANGE: Second chakra. Governs emotions, creativity and sexuality.

YELLOW: third chakra. It symbolizes mental activity, intellect, power and will.

GREEN: fourth chakra. This is the color of the heart. Responsible for love, passion, union.

BLUE: fifth chakra. Located in the cervical region, it is responsible for self-expression, truthfulness and communication.

PURPLE: sixth chakra. Colour mystical third eyes. Awakens intuition, extrasensory perception of inner wisdom.

PURPLE: seventh chakra. The crown chakra is associated with spirituality and consciousness.

Today, color therapy is classified as a pseudoscience, in other words, scientific concepts, which it operates with, is rather vague, and there is no concrete evidence of its effectiveness. Color therapists have much in common with Ayurvedic doctors who believe that the human body is receptive to color, which is part of the electromagnetic spectrum, as a form of energy. Color therapy is based on the theory that all matter - cells, organs, tissues and atoms - consists of energy. If the body suffers from an imbalance or disease in a specific area or organ, it can be "re-adjusted" by applying a dose of the appropriate color, in the form of colored light or through a crystal.

Points of view

Today, some alternative medicine practitioners use color to target acupuncture points as an alternative to traditional acupuncture. Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice of targeting specific points on the body. According to meridians, they are a network of channels that run through the entire human body, and through which qi energy circulates. In color acupuncture, instead of needles, thumbs or other instruments, non-invasive exposure of light to acupuncture points is used. The tool looks like a hand held flashlight. Inside it is a colored quartz rod. The specialist holds one end of it in his hand, and the other is applied to the acupuncture points, or holds it at a short distance from them.

Man lives in big world filled with colors. The choice of one or another color in clothes can affect how your day goes. When arranging housing, it must be remembered that color combinations affect the psyche in different ways. With responsibility and attention, treat the choice of wallpaper for the room. You can change the course of your life.

Color therapy - a source of healing from spiritual ailments

The history of color therapy began a very long time ago. People suddenly noticed that sunlight has a healing power and decided to put it into practice. Color is a product of light. Scientists have come to the conclusion that the individual colors of the rainbow have an effect on the body. Dark shades can cause a depressive state, and light and joyful tones can fill life with positive and joy.

In China and India, many diseases were treated with color. AT modern society medicine recognizes the method of color therapy and trusts this field of knowledge. By resorting to color treatment, you can increase your efficiency, bring your body into a harmonious state. nervous system. Each color carries a certain energy, it connects our feelings and emotions into a single thread.

Our soul and psychological condition react strongly to color changes. Even if the weather is dull and cloudy outside, psychologists recommend looking at a yellow object for a while. It is associated with the sun and it will seem to you that it is not a gloomy autumn day outside, but a joyful summer.

The color possibilities are endless. Each color not only heals, but also affects the mood. A person should listen to what the science of color therapy says and adopt a few useful tips. It is impossible to completely protect yourself from the influence of colors in the world around you. But it is quite possible to make a house so that it is pleasant to spend hours of rest in it.

Color Meanings

Color palette - main tool artist. The master chooses colors to create a landscape. Many noticed what emotions accompany them when he looks at the image. Some colors irritate, others soothe, others cause aggression. Colors can even shape a person's character. It is not for nothing that you can judge habits by what color you prefer.

Researchers distinguish between primary and secondary colors. The overall color scheme is able to make you feel anything, from calmness to a fit of rage. When carrying out repairs in the house, try not to overdo it with flowers. Psychologists do not recommend combining more than three or four colors in the interior.

There are several types of colors: active, passive and neutral. You can decorate the room in accordance with your desires, but it is important to know what the color carries. Light shades can visually expand the room, while dark ones can add mystery and intimacy.

Yellow. If a new stage has begun in your life, then it is better to surround yourself with yellow objects. For example, if you are applying for new job or you are going to change your place of residence, then you need to carefully look at this color. It will help overcome self-doubt and attract good luck.

Orange. This color belongs to the secondary, it is bright and sets in a positive way. It is called the color of the sun. He is able to restore strength after a hard day's work and promises a lot of invigorating joy.

Blue. This color symbolizes truth and peace. It is good to use it during the rest period, when you reflect and indulge in dreams about the future. Blue color will give a feeling of calmness if you feel tension. When decorating an apartment, try to give preference to blue shades, this normalizes family relations if quarrels become more frequent.

Red. This color will reveal leadership abilities in you. It really needs to be handled with care. In some cases, it can cause aggressive behavior.

Green. This color is associated with natural harmony. In addition, he is able to influence material well-being. If you want to bring wealth and abundance into your home, green is the best choice.

Violet. If you feel nervous tension, then it is best to choose this color. It helps to find a way out of the spiritual impasse and stimulates creativity.

The colors of the rainbow regulate the emotional behavior of a person. If you are worried about something, then the colors of the sea element will eliminate discomfort. To open up space for contemplation and relaxation, use green shades. They will give peace of mind and harmony. The choice of color for decorating a room should be approached with special attention. There are colors that promote relaxation, and there are those that enhance concentration. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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