Mystical secrets of the Third Reich. Mysticism in the Third Reich. The occult roots of Nazism

Nazi Germany was actively engaged in the development of new types of weapons, trying to overtake the rest of the world. The best minds were concentrated on the invention of death machines that could turn the tide of the war. Today we know that their search was not limited to general science, but even delved into the occult, mythology and the paranormal. And all the most incomprehensible and mysterious was dealt with by the mysterious organization "Ahnenerbe" (German Ahnenerbe - "Heritage of the Ancestors").

It was led by SS Colonel Wolfram von Sievers. In the bowels of the Ahnenerbe - "in the interests of Greater Germany" unheard-of atrocities were committed against people who acted as guinea pigs. It also accumulated the entire range of occult and secret knowledge available to the Nazis, also "in the interests of Greater Germany."

Ahnenerbe takes its origin from the mystical organizations Germanenorden, Thule and Vril. It was they who became the "three pillars" of the National Socialist ideology, supporting the doctrine of the existence in prehistoric times of a certain island - Arctida. A powerful civilization, which had access to almost all the secrets of the universe and the universe, died after a grandiose catastrophe. Some people miraculously escaped. Subsequently, they mixed with the Aryans, giving impetus to the emergence of a race of superhumans - the ancestors of the Germans. That's it, no more, no less! Yes, and how can one not believe it: after all, hints of this are clearly visible in the "Avesta" - the oldest Zoroastrian source! The Nazis were looking for confirmation of their racial theory all over the world - from Tibet to Africa and Europe. They looked for ancient manuscripts and manuscripts containing information on history, magic, yoga, theology. Everything that contained at least the slightest, albeit legendary, mention of the Vedas, Aryans, Tibetans. The highest interest in such knowledge was shown by the ruling elite of Germany - politicians, industrialists, and the scientific elite. All of them tried to master unprecedented, higher knowledge, encrypted and scattered throughout all religions and mystical beliefs of the world, and not only ours. And we must pay tribute not without success.

In many ways immoral and monstrous - this organization in vivid colors showed true face fascism. The Institute conducted thousands of sadistic experiments: captured soldiers of the anti-Hitler coalition, women, children sacrificed their lives on the altar of genetic and physiological experiments of the Nazis! Moreover, the masters of shoulder cases from science also tormented the elite of the SS - members of the "knightly" orders: "Lords of the Black Stone", "Black Knights" Thule "and such a Masonic order within the SS itself -" Black Sun ". The effect of various poisons, exposure to high and low temperatures, pain thresholds - these are the main "scientific" programs.

And besides, the possibility of mass psychological and psychotropic influence, work on the creation of a superweapon was investigated. "Ahnenerbe" with German pedantry divided the work in the following areas: the creation of a superman, medicine, the development of new non-standard types of weapons (including mass destruction, including nuclear weapons), the possibility of using religious and mystical practices and ... the possibility of intercourse with alien highly developed civilizations.

It is now generally accepted that the foundation of the ideology of fascism was laid by secret societies long before the rise of the Nazi state. The well-known researcher of the "otherworldly" K. Velazquez claims that some occult "keys" also provided information of a technogenic nature. In particular, drawings and descriptions of "flying discs", which in their characteristics significantly exceeded the aviation technology of that time. A lot is known today about the developments of the Third Reich in the field of "flying saucers", but there are much more questions than answers.

In 1935, Ahnenerbe was created as a non-governmental scientific society ("verein") and initially did not form part of the Nazi state machine. It was, rather, a "club of interests" of the most different people, engaged in near-scientific research in the field of German history and philology, and existed on private donations and "grants" from the Ministry of Food. Until 1937, in the documents of the "Heritage of the Ancestors", the same Himmler, for example, was mentioned exclusively as a "certified agronomist", and not the Reichsfuehrer SS. Now this “agronomist” began to build “ferain” step by step into his “state within a state”. In October 1937, he instructed the chief of his personal staff, Gruppenführer Karl Wolf, to ensure "uniformity in the understanding of scientific issues between the SS and the Ahnenerbe." Many employees of the society combined their work there with service in the Ruskha, having received officer ranks.

In 1935, Himmler made the Ahnenerbe an official organization attached to his black order. The goals of the Ahnenerbe were announced: “To search for the localization, thought, action, heritage of the Indo-Germanic race and to communicate to the people in an intensive form the results of these searches. The accomplishment of this task must be distinguished by methods of scientific precision.” As L. Povel and J. Bergier note in this connection, "the entire German rational organization was placed at the service of the irrational."

In January 1939, the Ahnenerbe, along with 50 institutions that it had (they were led by Professor Wurst, a specialist in ancient sacred texts), was included in the SS, and the leaders of the Ahnenerbe entered Himmler's personal headquarters. According to some authors, Germany spent colossal funds on research conducted within the Ahnenerbe, more than the United States spent on creating the first atomic bomb. These studies, write L. Povel and J. Bergier, “covered a huge area, from scientific activity in the proper sense of the word to the study of the practice of the occult, from the vivisection of prisoners to spying on secret societies. There were negotiations with Skorzeny about organizing an expedition, the purpose of which should be the abduction of St. Grail, and Himmler created a special section, an information service, dealing with the "field of the supernatural." The list of problems solved by the Ahnenerbe is amazing ... ".

The Ahnenerbe (ancestral heritage) was one of the most unusual official organizations of the 3rd Reich.

The ideological basis of the Ahnenerbe was laid by Hermann Wirth, who published the book "The Origin of Humanity" in 1928. He argued that two protorases stand at the origins of mankind. The Nordic, spiritual race of the North, and the Gondwanian, possessed by base instincts, the race of the South. Wirth argued: the descendants of these ancient races are scattered among various modern peoples.

In 1933, a historical exhibition was held in Munich called "Ahnenerbe", which means "ancestral heritage". Its organizer was Professor Hermann Wirth. Among the exhibits were the oldest runic and protorunic writings. Wirth estimated the age of some of them at 12 thousand years. They were collected in Palestine, the caves of Labrador, in the Alps - all over the world.

Himmler himself visited the Wirth exhibition. He was struck by the "visibility" of the conclusions about the superiority of the Nordic race. By this time, the SS was trying to take over the functions of protecting the Nordic race in genetic, spiritual and mystical terms.

This required special knowledge. They have been looked for in the past. And on July 10, 1935, at the initiative of the Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler, racologist Richard Walter Dare, SS Gruppenfuehrer and researcher of ancient German history Hermann Wirth, the Ahnenerbe was founded. Initially, the Ahnenerbe was positioned as an educational and research society for the study of German spiritual prehistory. The headquarters was located in Weischenfeld, Bavaria.

Willingly recalled, in particular, the legend of the Holy Grail that gives power over the world. In the SS, this was not just treated as a beautiful legend. Yes, and Hitler admitted that the Grail is a stone with runic inscriptions. And they carry undistorted, as in later types of writing, the wisdom of the past. Forgotten knowledge of non-human origin. The very knowledge that people in black uniforms dreamed of getting into. Later, the SS men undertook an active search for the Holy Grail. They were led in the castles of the Cathars in the Pyrenees. The expedition was led by Otto Rahn, author of the anti-Catholic book " Crusade against the Grail" - about the struggle papal Rome against the movement of the Cathars.

At one time there were even rumors that the expeditions were crowned with success. However, they did not seem to be confirmed, and SS-Sturmbannführer Otto Rahn mysteriously disappeared in 1938.

Let's get back to the Ahnenerbe...

Initially, the organization was headed by Hermann Wirth and his deputy Professor Friedrich Gilscher. (Hilscher). Gilscher played an important role in the development of a secret doctrine, outside of which the position of the next leader of the Ahnenerbe, a student of Gilsher, Wolfram Sievers, like the position of many other Nazi leaders, and not only them, remains incomprehensible.

At the end of 1935, Hermann Wirth was placed under house arrest. He spent the entire time under lock and key until the end of the war. Since 1937, Heinrich Himmler became the chairman of the society, the curator of the society was the rector of the University of Munich, Professor Walter Wurst, and general secretary, historian Wolfram Sievers.

The Ahnenerbe acted so successfully that in January 1939 Himmler included the institute in the SS, and its leader was included in the personal headquarters of the Reichsfuehrer. In order to be more closely connected with the military needs of the Reich in the Ahnenerbe in 1940, the "Institute for Applied Military Research" was created, the director of which was appointed the same SS Sturmbannführer (in 1945 - Standartenführer) V. Sievers.

The Institute of Applied Military Research merged with the Department of Entomology and the Institute of Plant Genetics. The Institute had the following organizations:

Department of mathematics. The leader is Bozek. He was assisted in his work by 25 assistants from prominent prisoners of the Oranienburg concentration camp. Problems were raised by the Armed Forces, the Navy, the Air Force and the Reich Research Council.

Pectrin research. Conducted by Dr. Pletner, SS Sturbannführer and lecturer at the University of Leipzig. Research focused on the use of pectrin and glutamic acid as a clinical agent for blood clotting, Pletner's assistant was a chemist, Dr. Robert Fakes, a Jewish prisoner of the Dohau concentration camp, and another prisoner, Bromme, a graduate engineer, was responsible for technical issues. The laboratory was located in Schlachters on Lake Constance.

Experiments on cancer research were carried out by Professor Hirt of the University of Thuringia, a member of the regular SS and a member of the party. Hirt was able, believed to be the first, to bring out a cancer cell using fluorescent microscopy, and he was also able to destroy that cancer cell with his treatment method.

Research into the problems of chemical warfare was carried out in collaboration with Prof. Brandt (one of Hitler's personal physicians) and Prof. Bickenbach of the Natzweiler University of Strastsburg. Those subjected to LOST gassing were found to be treatable with a vitamin diet.

Experiments on the influence of low temperatures on humans were conducted by Dr. Sigmund Rascher at the Schwabinger Hospital, a hospital in Munich. Rascher was a member of the Waffen-SS and a staff doctor for the German Air Force. In his opinion, experiments to study the effect of air heights on pilots have long been stuck at a dead point and required the participation of living people in them for further advancement. And he got them.

To conduct high-altitude experiments, special pressure chambers were transferred from Munich to the Dachau concentration camp, from where the air was pumped out in such a way that real conditions of lack of oxygen and low pressure, characteristic of high altitudes, were simulated. As it became known at the Doctors' Trial, about 200 prisoners from Dachau went through these experiments. 80 of them died right in the pressure chamber, the survivors were eliminated later so that they could not tell about what was happening.

And soon Dr. Ruscher began his famous "freezing experiments." Now the prisoners were "tested" in two ways: they were lowered into a tank of ice water or left naked in the snow all night.

The strongest test subject lasted 100 minutes in icy water, the weakest - only 53. As soon as the "fatal table" was compiled, Dr. Rascher received a new order from Himmler: to learn how to return the "frozen" to life. The Reichsführer had no doubt that the valiant German Luftwaffe would soon have to make emergency landings in the waters of the Arctic Ocean, landing on the ice-bound and bitterly cold shores of Norway, Finland or Northern Russia.

In total, 300 Dachau prisoners were used in the "freezing" experiments. 90 of them died during the experiments, some of the "patients" went crazy, the rest were destroyed.

For unknown reasons, Rusher was sent to concentration camp Buchenwald in 1944. The official version is that they "resorted to deceit in the history of the origin of their children." That is, they simply swindled the Reichsfuehrer, who bowed to German mothers, corny stealing "their" boys from orphanages.

At the same time, it is obvious that, as with any comparison, the identification of the dignity of one race over another cannot be carried out unilaterally. The concept of "superman" carried out by the Nazis was first of all supposed to prove and demonstrate the unique spiritual, physical and intellectual capabilities and characteristics of the "true Aryans".

And this already implies the conduct of similar in essence, direction and methodology of research on representatives of the "superior race". At the same time, as in any selection, the best, selected "copies" should be subjected to experiments.

At present, there is every reason to believe that the so-called "new concept of will" was actively worked out in several highly secret military medical institutions created in the occupied territories of the Soviet Union, where the merits of the "superman" were experimentally clarified. Going to defend the ideas of the world domination of the Aryan race, the best of its best representatives of the officers and soldiers of the elite military formations of Germany and states related to it in spirit and blood, fell on the last training ground in their life.

Non-traditional methods of obtaining knowledge were also practiced - under the influence of hallucinogenic drugs, in a state of trance or contact with the Higher Unknowns, or, as they were called, "Outer Minds".

However, Ahnenerbe produced scientific knowledge not only in the traditional way. "Thule" and "Vril" practiced methods of astral obtaining information from the noosphere, by feeding the test subjects with potent drugs, poisons, hallucinogens. Communication with spirits, with "higher unknowns" and "higher minds" was also widely practiced. One of the initiators of obtaining knowledge through black magic was Karl-Maria Wiligut. He was called "Rasputin Himmler", for big influence to the Nazi leadership. In the most hard times Himmler sought the support of Wiligut.

Wiligut is the last representative of an ancient family, cursed by the church in the Middle Ages.

Even in the official lists of SS leaders for 1936, Wiligut is listed under a pseudonym. He is named Gruppenführer Weistor (one of the names of the ancient German god Odin).

Wiligut - experts translate as "god of will." According to the terminology of the Ariosophists, this is a synonym for the concept of "fallen angel". That is, we are talking about some "higher beings", demons who brought otherworldly knowledge to Earth.

Roots family tree Wiliguts are lost in the darkness of centuries. For the first time, the coat of arms of this family (with two swastikas inside) was captured in manuscripts of the 13th century. Moreover, it is almost identical to the coat of arms of the Manchurian medieval rulers. Wiliguts from generation to generation passed on mysterious tablets with ancient writings. The information encrypted in them contained descriptions of some pagan rituals. Hence the papal curse.

All proposals to destroy the cursed writings were rejected by the Wiliguts. They seemed to be waiting for some long-awaited hour to strike. Wiligut amazed Himmler with visions of his ancestral memory. He dreamed of religious practices, the system of military training and the laws of the ancient Germans. He even composed a kind of mantra for inducing such dreams.

He read the fate of the Reich Minister from certain tablets, completely covered with mysterious letters. Yes, the demand for black magic in Nazi Germany was always the highest. In 1939, the black magician Wiligut retired. He spent the rest of his days in his family estate, terrifying the locals, who considered him the secret king of Germany. The magician died in 1946.

The Nazis also used the ancient occult "keys" (formulas, spells, etc.) found with the help of the Ahnenerbe, which allowed them to establish contact with the "Aliens". For "sessions with the gods" the most experienced mediums and contactees were involved (Maria Otte and others). For the purity of the results, the experiments were carried out independently in the "Tude" and "Vril" societies. It is claimed that some occult "keys" worked and through independent "channels" almost identical information of a technogenic nature was received. In particular, drawings and descriptions of "flying discs", which in their characteristics significantly exceeded the aviation technology of that time.

Particular attention was paid to the study of the mechanisms of human behavior control. Intensive experiments in this area were carried out in a concentration camp near the mystical citadel of the Nazis - Wewelsburg Castle, which was destined to become the center of the future SS empire.

In this castle, by the way, mysteries were held to prepare the arrival of a certain "Man-God" on earth. Hitler, therefore, was only the first, not the most successful experience in this area. According to some reports, Germany spent more money on research conducted within the framework of the Ahnenerbe than the United States spent on creating the first atomic bomb. And it is difficult to assume that these were the costs of empty nonsense. The theoreticians of fascism actually succeeded in producing a psychophysical explosion of unprecedented force in the bowels of the German people.

It may seem strange, but the Nuremberg Tribunal sentenced the last head of the Ahnenerbe, Wolfram Sievers, to death penalty along with representatives of the Reich elite, although in the general list of the SS, the Sturmbannfuehrer (corresponds to our colonel) is in a modest 1082 place.

Interrogation of Sievers in Nurberg dedicated to the SS experiments on concentration camp prisoners. Sievers denies any involvement with them. He talks about Shambhala, Agharti, uses occult terms. A murmur of disbelief spreads through the hall. Finally, the former colonel begins to talk about one of the founders of "Ahnenerbe", Dr. Gilscher. The interrogation is abruptly cut off...

Gilscher, whom no one involved in the investigation, came to Nuremberg himself to testify in favor of Sievers. Having testified, he asked permission to escort Sievers to the foot of the gallows, and it was with him that the sentenced man recited the prayers of a certain cult, which was never mentioned in the process. The guards could not understand anything in the strange movements and incomprehensible words of the SS man, similar to spells.

It is no coincidence that the philosopher Ernst Junger wrote that Gilscher - no more, no less - founded a new church. And he made great progress in creating new rites. Apparently, one of them took place on death row. Studying List's famous book "The Mysterious Language of the Indo-Germans", one can say with confidence that Sievers and Gilscher turned their spells to the elements, raising their hands and pronouncing the ancient magic words "ar-eh-is-os-ur". This is the sacred formula of eternity.

In 1989, the book "Messianic Heritage" was published in New York, the authors of which quote one of the accusers of the allies. According to him, evidence of the ritual and occult aspects of the Third Reich was deliberately removed from the documents of the Nuremberg trials. Among other things, it is likely that the Rockefeller Foundation released 139,000 US dollars in 1946 in order to present to the public some official version of the Second World War, which completely concealed both the occult-mystical background of Nazism and the actual establishment of the Nazi regime by American bankers. . Among the main organizations that provided money for this was the Rockefeller Standard Oil Corporation.

After the war, part of the Ahnenerbe archives ended up in the USA and the USSR, where it was subjected to close scrutiny by intelligence officers. Among those who studied these archives, there were also people who worked on the MK-Ultra project and other similar projects. Many employees of "Ahnenerbe" were forced to hide from justice in various countries of the world. Some of them ended up in South America. It is of interest here that in Chile, during the reign of Pinochet, the special services conducted experiments on prisoners, and the repeated place of their conduct was one German colony hidden from prying eyes, where many Nazis of both the old and the new generation lived.

Interestingly, the Anenerbe Archive ended up in the USSR. In 1945, the soldiers of the Red Army, fighting fierce battles in Lower Silesia, took the ancient castle of Altan. A huge number of papers with some intricate texts were found here. This was the Ahnenerbe archive. An astonishing concentrate of technologies of secret politics, coming to power and manipulating people. 25 railway cars were filled with documents. Soon they made up the Special Archive of the USSR. It is interesting that a significant part of it, connected with mysticism, was practically not studied. Even the numbering of many documents was done after they were required for analysis in the 90s.

And quite recently, absolutely fantastic materials appeared that Ahnenerbe received the lion's share of knowledge on the development of atomic weapons and space technology from representatives of a higher civilization from Aldebaran. Communication with the "aldebarans" was carried out from a top-secret base located in Antarctica. When you start reading about the Nazi space project Aldebaran, it's hard to get rid of the thought that it's all just fiction. But as soon as you come across information about the same project in the name of Wernher von Braun, it becomes a little uncomfortable. For many years after the Second World War, SS-Standartenführer Wernher von Braun was not just anyone, but one of the key figures in the American project of flying to the moon. The Moon, of course, is much closer than the planet Aldebaran. But on the other hand, the flight to the moon, as you know, took place. In 1946, the Americans undertook a search expedition. It was led by Richard Evelyn Baird. Many years later, he literally stunned the magazine brethren: “We examined the Ahnenerbe base.

There I saw unprecedented aircraft capable of covering vast distances in a fraction of a second. The devices were disc-shaped.

Equipment and devices were delivered to Antarctica by special submarines. This begs the question: why Antarctica? AT classified materials about the activities of "Ahnenerbe" you can find a very interesting answer. The fact is that it is there that the so-called transdimensional window is located. And the already mentioned Wernher von Braun spoke about the existence of disk-shaped aircraft capable of climbing to a height of 4,000 kilometers. Fantasy?

May be. However, the creator of the V-1 and V-2 can probably be trusted. By the way, in 1945, at a secret factory in Austria, Soviet soldiers discovered similar devices. Everything found under conditions of the strictest secrecy moved to the "bins" of the USSR. And the stamp "Top Secret" for many years reliably provided the citizens of the Land of Soviets with a calm sleep of ignorance. So, the Nazis communicated with representatives of other worlds? Not excluded.

Yes, the special archives of the USA, the USSR (Russia) and England keep many secrets! In them, perhaps, you can find information about the work of the "priests" "Thule" and "Vril" to create a time machine, and when - in 1924! The machine was based on the principle of "electrograviton", but something went wrong there and the engine was installed on a flying disk. However, research in this area was too slow, and Hitler insisted on accelerating other more urgent projects - atomic weapons and V-1, V-2 and V-7. Interestingly, the principles of the FAA-7 movement were based on the knowledge of the possibility of arbitrary influence on the categories of space and time!

Being engaged in research in mysticism, astronautics and much more, Ahnenerbe was actively working on much more prosaic things, for example, atomic weapons. Quite often in various historical materials one can find a statement about the false direction of the Germans' research, they say, they would never have received positive results. This is absolutely not true! The Germans already had the atomic bomb in 1944! According to various sources, they even conducted several tests: the first on the island of Rügen in the Baltic Sea, the other two in Thuringia. One of the explosions was carried out with the participation of prisoners of war. Destruction of a total nature was observed within a radius of 500 meters, with regards to people, some burned down without a trace, the remaining bodies bore traces of high-temperature and radiation exposure. Stalin found out about the tests a few days later, just like Truman. The Germans were actively preparing for the use of "weapons of retaliation". It was for him that the V-2 rockets were designed. A small warhead with a powerful charge that sweeps entire cities off the face of the earth is what you need! Here's just one problem: the Americans and Russians are also developing nuclear programs. Will they strike back? Leading atomic experts Kurt Dinber, Wernher von Braun, Walter Gerlach and Werner Heisenberg did not rule out such a possibility. It should be noted that the German superbomb was not atomic in the full sense of the word, but rather thermonuclear. Interestingly, one German atomic scientist - Heilbronner - stated: "Alchemists knew about atomic explosives that can be extracted from just a few grams of metal," and the German Minister of Arms in January 1945 supplemented him: "There is an explosive the size of a matchbox, the quantities of which enough to destroy the whole of New York." Hitler lacked, according to analysts, one year. "Ahnenerbe" and "Thule" did not have time ...

Aggressive materialists try to simply ignore obvious riddles. You can believe in mysticism, you can not believe. And if we were talking about the fruitless seances of exalted aunts, it is unlikely that the Soviet and American intelligence would spend huge forces and risk their agents to find out what is happening at these seances. But according to the memoirs of Soviet military intelligence veterans, its leadership was very interested in any approaches to the Ahnenerbe.

Meanwhile, getting close to the Ahnenerbe was an extremely difficult operational task: after all, all the people of this organization and their contacts with outside world were under the constant control of the security service - SD, which in itself indicates a lot. So it is not possible today to get an answer to the question whether we or the Americans had their own Stirlitz inside the Ahnenerbe. But if you ask why, you will run into another strange riddle. Despite the fact that the vast majority of intelligence operations during the Second World War are declassified today (with the exception of those that subsequently led to the work of active agents already in post-war years), everything related to the development of Ahnenerbe is still shrouded in mystery.

But there is, for example, the testimony of Miguel Serrano, one of the theorists of national mysticism, a member of the secret society "Thule", at whose meetings Hitler visited. He claims in one of his books that the information obtained by the Ahnenerbe in Tibet significantly advanced the development of atomic weapons in the Reich. According to his version, Nazi scientists even created some prototypes of combat atomic charge, and the Allies discovered them at the end of the war. The source of information - Miguel Serrano - is interesting if only because for several years he represented his homeland Chile in one of the UN commissions on atomic energy.

And secondly, immediately in the post-war years, the USSR and the USA, having seized a significant part of the secret archives of the "Third Reich", make almost parallel breakthroughs in the field of rocket science, the creation of atomic and nuclear weapons, in space research. And they begin to actively develop qualitatively new types of weapons. Also, immediately after the war, the two superpowers were especially active in research in the field of psychotronic weapons.

So the comments that claim that the Ahnenerbe archives, by definition, could not contain anything serious, do not stand up to scrutiny. And in order to understand this, you do not even need to study them. It is enough to get acquainted with what was charged to the Ahnenerbe organization by its president Heinrich Himmler. And this, by the way, is a total search for all archives and documents of national special services, scientific laboratories, Masonic secret societies and occult sects, preferably around the world. A special expedition "Ahnenerbe" was immediately sent to each country newly occupied by the Wehrmacht. Sometimes they did not even expect occupation. In special cases, the tasks assigned to this organization were carried out by the SS special forces. And it turns out that the Ahnenerbe archive is not at all theoretical studies Germanic mystics, but a multilingual collection of the most diverse documents captured in many states and related to very specific organizations.

The leaders of the Third Reich understood that they would not be able to win future wars due to the size of the army.

Konstantin Zalessky, historian of the Third Reich: “Therefore, the concept of the so-called qualitative superiority came into play, which meant that it would be possible to win with smaller forces in quantity, but with higher forces in quality. It was precisely to ensure the so-called qualitative superiority that Ahnenerbe attracted its specialists in occult knowledge, in non-traditional, in paranormal knowledge, in order to achieve a breakthrough in those areas where their opponents were incompetent.

The ideology of Nazism was based on the fact that there was once a powerful civilization on Earth, which had access to almost all the secrets of the universe. And somewhere, encrypted and scattered, this higher knowledge was preserved. It is they who should contribute to the revival of the superman in Germany, a descendant of the ancient Aryans. Of particular interest was Atlantis, which Nazi scientists considered the ancestral home of the Aryan race. It is Germany that should rightfully own the technological knowledge of the Atlanteans, who, according to legend, were able to build huge sea vessels and airships driven by an unknown force.

Konstantin Zalessky, historian of the Third Reich: “To search for secret knowledge, to search for knowledge on the history of civilization, both Germanic, Indo-Germanic, and in general, any world civilization, Ahnenerbe began immediately, even before the war.”

Since such cards exist, other secret knowledge may be stored somewhere! Where?

Ahnenerbe secret expeditions are looking for ancient relics, ancient manuscripts all over the world - from Tibet to South America.

They especially hunt for the archives of the knightly order of the Templars, who, according to a number of signs, visited America long before Columbus. Apparently, the Templars owned secret manuscripts similar to the Piri Reis map, which means they could know something important about Antarctica too!

In the occupied territories, special SS Sonderkommandos seize collections and libraries.

Konstantin Zalessky, historian of the Third Reich: “Ahnenerbe confiscated libraries of theological faculties, libraries of various secret societies, as soon as they could be found. Ahnenerbe has collected a huge library. One of the librarians of the Potsdam library witnessed that in March 1945, when they were already approaching Soviet troops in Germany, the Ahnenerbe packed its library - 140 thousand volumes. The catalog of this library would probably be very interesting.”

It is possible that the Ahnenerbe learned something about Antarctica that made it one of the main goals of the Nazi leadership. By and large, the SS men were looking for special knowledge, the very Grail, which, together with the sacred Spear, opens the way to world domination.

Hitler heard this legend even before the First World War. The Spear of Destiny, previously kept in the Vienna Museum, was seized by Hitler in 1938 after the annexation of Austria. For power over the world, he lacked the Grail.

To combine the legendary Spear - a symbol of an active masculine principle, a symbol of scientific knowledge of the world, and the Chalice - a symbol of a feminine, preserving principle, a symbol of accumulated experience: this is the super-idea that occupies the ruling elite of the Reich. Connect latest achievements science with centuries-old experience of mankind, even if it is not always amenable to rational explanation. A beautiful and productive idea. If not for the goal that the Nazis set for themselves - to reign supreme over the world, to subjugate it to their chosen race, including with the help of magical knowledge and technology.

The best personnel are involved in scientific research in Ahnenerbe. Often they are world-famous scientists. Hundreds of employees of more than 50 institutes and departments of the Ahnenerbe are engaged in mathematics and astronomy, genetics and medicine, magic and dowsing. They develop non-traditional types of weapons, methods of psychological and psychotropic influence on the masses. They delve into the occult sciences, religious and mystical practices, study the paranormal abilities of people.

Konstantin Zalessky, historian of the Third Reich: “The Ahnenerbe did this quite seriously. This is evidenced at least by the fact that, at the direction of the leadership of the Ahnenerbe and by decree of Heinrich Himmler, before the war, i.e. back in 38-39, studies were conducted on the paranormal abilities of the employees of the Ahnenerbe. And it was marked in personal files who possesses certain paranormal abilities. But already during the war, these employees, who possessed paranormal abilities, were brought together in one of the departments of the Ahnenerbe. Unfortunately, there is no data on what this department was doing, and, most importantly, what results it achieved.”

One of the main tasks set by the Ahnenerbe specialists is the use of paranormal abilities to get in touch with some higher unknowns or, as they were called, “outer minds”. The goal is to obtain super-knowledge of a technological nature from highly developed alien and ancient terrestrial civilizations. It was such an experience.

The secrets of the Ahnenerbe are still alive and waiting to be unraveled...

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A certain influence, apparently, was exerted by extraterrestrial intelligence on Hitler and on the course of the Second World War. Hitler's contemporaries were amazed at how he, being a mediocre personality and a loser, was able for a short time not only to take the post of Chancellor of Germany, but also to subjugate the German people, who began to revere him as a great hero of the nation. Hitler was quickly able to capture ten European countries, and made six others his allies.

It is also characteristic that all assassination attempts on Hitler failed for various reasons.

1939 - in Munich, at a party celebration in a huge pub, he was about to make a long speech, but unexpectedly for everyone he reduced it to a few minutes and quickly left. And ten minutes later, an explosive device planted in the column, next to which he was located, went off.

1943, March - he also abruptly left the exhibition of captured weapons in the Arsenal - a few minutes before the explosive device that was worn by Colonel von Gersdorff, who agreed to become a suicide bomber, went off.

In the same year, for unknown reasons, an explosive device disguised as a bottle of cognac and planted in the plane on which the Fuhrer was flying did not work. As it turned out, as many as three assassination attempts on Hitler were made by the famous Colonel von Stauffenberg - and all of them were unsuccessful.

December 26, 1943 - summoned for a report to Hitler's headquarters in East Prussia Stauffenberg put a time-delayed explosive device in his briefcase. But Hitler suddenly canceled the meeting.

1944, July 15 - in the same place, at the headquarters, when everything was prepared for the explosion, Hitler for some reason began to hurry very much, interrupted the field marshals and generals who were speaking in mid-sentence, without finishing one question, jumped to another, and then suddenly announced that the meeting ended, and quickly left.

Assassination attempt on the Fuhrer on July 20, 1944; as you know, it also ended unsuccessfully: a briefcase with an explosive device was accidentally moved away from the Fuhrer, as a result, a thick leg and a tabletop made of bog oak, behind which the meeting was held, greatly weakened the impact of the explosion on Hitler. In total, more than 40 assassination attempts were made on the Fuhrer, and many authoritative researchers consider it absolutely incredible that after them he still survived.

Mysticism of Nazism

From the very beginning, the Fuhrer paid much attention to the Thule and Vril occult societies, which believed that beings with superhuman abilities lived in Tibetan monasteries. The Tibetan sages, or mahatmas, allegedly kept in touch with extraterrestrial civilizations through the cosmic contact center in Shambhala and received relevant information and instructions from them, some of which turned out to be from the Nazi leadership.

And the heads of the occult societies "Thule" and "Vril" allegedly first entered into telepathic, and then into physical contacts with aliens based on a planet near the star Rigel in the constellation Orion, and even received information from them that made it possible to partially improve the production of aircraft and submarines. boats, which increased the possibilities of the Third Reich before the Second World War.

During the course of the war, the Nazis produced from 200 to 290 modern submarines each year, which were the main means of combat of its navy. At the same time, in terms of their combat properties and the presence of technical innovations German boats far superior to the boats of other states. The famous American ufologist, retired Lieutenant Colonel Wendell Stevens, assured that the American military intelligence, in which he served at the end of World War II, was aware that the Germans allegedly built then 24 giant submarines with a displacement of 5,000 tons each. Moreover, Stevens himself saw the German documentary, in which these huge boats were shown, standing off the coast of Antarctica, waiting for mooring. Unfortunately, no other confirmation of these data could be found.

The USSR at that time produced annually only 50 submarines, the displacement of which did not exceed 1,200 tons. At the ufological congress in the Crimea in 1996, German representatives published new information about the contacts of the Nazis with other civilizations. Hitler himself also stated that he believed in the existence of super-beings living in Tibetan monasteries and on other planets. He even claimed that the Aryans allegedly descended from giants sleeping in Shambhala until the hour "X".

And the Tibetan lama Lobsang Rampa, who reached the highest levels of initiation, wrote that he was allegedly shown an underground sanctuary in Lhasa, in which there are three large black stone sarcophagi. In one of them, a woman over 3 m tall was buried, and in the other two, men were buried at least 5 m tall, with large cone-shaped heads and long thin noses. They were naked and covered with gold. On the lid of one of the sarcophagi was an image of a map of the starry sky with a rather strange arrangement of constellations - not the same as seen from Earth. Rampa was then told that those who were gods on our Earth before the mountains rose and when there were other stars in the sky were buried in sarcophagi. And in 1996, the Chinese in Tibet allegedly opened one of the sacred caves, pulled out the sleeping giants and hung them up for viewing.

The desire of the Fuhrer to penetrate the secrets of these sleeping giants was the reason for sending two Nazi expeditions to Tibet, led by the SS man E. Schaeffer. After the first expedition, which took place in 1935, Schaeffer received the title of SS Obersturmführer personally from Heinrich Himmler for his services in the study of Tibet. More than a thousand Tibetans were gradually transferred to Germany, who entered the external guard of Hitler and the SS troops. They wore SS uniforms without insignia, had no documents, and some of them had such a high status that even Wehrmacht colonels were not allowed to sit in their presence. These Tibetans did not surrender and shot their wounded, so that not a single Tibetan in SS uniform was left alive.

During the storming of Berlin near the building of the Reich Chancellery, in the building itself and in Hitler's bunker, many corpses of Tibetans in uniform without insignia and without weapons were found. Schaeffer's second expedition to Tibet took place in 1939 and lasted two months. After it, a direct radio link between Berlin and Lhasa was established. But Schaeffer never found the mysterious Shambhala, and the radio communication between Berlin and Lhasa died out in the 40s, and during the Second World War only courier communication was maintained. But the matter did not end there.

At the end of 1942, when the sixth army of Paulus was surrounded at Stalingrad, and the British defeated Rommel's army in North Africa, a very difficult situation was created for the Nazis, and the Nazi leadership turned to the occult forces in Tibet for help. According to information leaked to the press in 1990, Himmler then presented Hitler with a detailed report with an analysis of the current situation, and proposed urgently sending a new expedition to Tibet.

Indeed, in January 1943, in the strictest secrecy, a new expedition was sent from Berlin to Tibet, led by SS Obersturmbannführer Austrian G. Harrer, which included four scientists. At the end of 1943, they penetrated into Tibet through India and for five years were searching for the mysterious Shambhala and only accidentally learned that Germany had capitulated. The Dalai Lama stated that he knew Heinrich Harrer well, having met him in 1948 in Lhasa. He allegedly also stated that Shambhala actually exists, but not in the sense that Europeans imagine it, but in a different dimension, and only those who have access to higher levels of consciousness can see the axis of the world. From Lhasa, Harrer returned to Austria in 1951 with a large archive, which was immediately confiscated by the British.

Some historians believe that Harrer allegedly found the notorious axis of the world in Tibet, but did not understand how to spin it in the opposite direction. All these stories about the existence of the axis of the world and the possibility of turning time in the opposite direction could not be mentioned, considering them to be another fiction, if not for one circumstance. Relatively not so long ago, the governments of Germany, Great Britain and America announced that part of the archives of the Third Reich would be declassified only in 2044, that is, after 100 years. And for some archives of the Nazis, the deadline for removing the stamp "Secret" was not named at all. Moreover, for some reason, the British authorities refused to declassify the Harrer archive, although, according to English laws, secret documents are allowed to be declassified after 30 years. This means that in addition to dubious information about the axis of the world, there is probably something really important in the Harrer archive.

Very curious data about the connections of the Nazi leadership with aliens was given by the deputy Fuhrer for the party Rudolf Hess, who in 1941 flew to England and Nuremberg Trials was sentenced to life imprisonment.
Hess spent the second half of his life in the Spandau prison in Berlin, where he wrote his diaries, in which he stated, in particular, the information kept in deep secrecy that the attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR allegedly occurred under the influence of extraterrestrial civilizations.

1987 - Hess died in prison under mysterious circumstances, and soon the book "Hess's Diaries" was published, which says that Germany's campaign to the East in order to defeat the source of evil that captured Soviet Union, allegedly was sanctioned by the center of cosmic contact in Shambhala, that is, by aliens. It was from there that “specialists” were sent to Germany, who ended up not only in the guards of the Fuhrer, but also in the Center for Strategic Planning of the General Staff. Moreover, it was they who allegedly named the day and even the hour of the attack on the USSR. “The only trouble is that Adolf Hitler was half mad and half a genius and the first prevailed over the second,” Hess wrote, “and Hitler gave the order to destroy everything that exists in the enemy’s open spaces. This radically changed the attitude of the mahatmas towards him.

And although the messengers of Shambhala remained with the Fuhrer until his last hour, the energy support of Shambhala disappeared. And if earlier our planes and tanks were faster and more maneuverable than all the others,” Hess continued, “and one of our soldiers was worth ten others and the fighting spirit of the soldiers was inexhaustible, now everything has become the same as that of the enemy, and for some reason we began lose even those operations in which, according to all the canons of military art, they should have won. Already in the middle of 1942 we were doomed to defeat. The cosmos dragged us into a disastrous adventure and abandoned us.

At the same time, Hess emphasizes that it was not the Mahatmas, but precisely the cosmos, or, in other words, aliens, that dragged Germany into a disastrous adventure and abandoned it. Hess's statement about the high level of German soldiers can be confirmed by the information that during the years of World War II, the best ace of German aviation Hartman shot down 352 enemy aircraft, while the best Soviet ace A. Pokryshkin - only 62. Another German ace Marseille in just one day Battle of Africa shot down 17 British planes. But in general, the results of Pokryshkin then exceeded 225 pilots of the fascist Air Force.

The value of the information cited by Hess about the alleged influence of extraterrestrial civilizations on the course of the war of fascist Germany against the Soviet Union lies in the fact that they are cited not by a journalist or ufologist, but by a person who held a high position in the Nazi elite, who was close to the Fuhrer and therefore had complete information on this question. In addition, knowing that he would have to remain in prison for the rest of his life, Hess was hardly interested in inventing or embellishing something.

Although how close to the truth Hess's statements about the influence of extraterrestrial civilizations on the course of World War II remain on his conscience ...
The aliens themselves, it turns out, also recognize that aggressive extraterrestrial civilizations artificially inflate contradictions between earthly states and provoke conflicts between them. According to a contactee from California, a representative of the Nordic aliens in 1987 told her that the insidious "grays" seek to involve the two largest countries in a constant confrontation - to fight for influence over other states and at the same time undermine the peoples of these countries' trust in their governments in order to make it possible to manipulate them.

“The beast has no animal form. Sometimes he can even have a funny mustache.”
- Russian philosopher Vladimir Solovyov, " short story about the Antichrist

About the messiah of dark forces and the occult secrets of the Third Reich

The theme of Hitler and the occult in relation to the ideology of the Third Reich was studied by more than one hundred scientists around the world from the moment the organization was founded until its crushing fall. These and later studies show that Hitler, Nazism and the occult Reich are interconnected and complementary things.

For various reasons: starting from the reason “top secret”, and ending with the reason for the elementary absence of any scientific explanations, many different kinds of facts, in one way or another intersecting with secret knowledge, have remained some gaps in history that have not been able to be filled and somehow convincingly commented so far.

Why are we talking about this today?.. The answer is simple: our task is to provide the reader with information about the most diverse: sometimes contradictory and not fitting into certain social settings, extreme phenomena that have taken place on our planet. For each such fact that has taken place in the world, along with this or that assessment of it, has both its deep root causes and its irreversible consequences.

And no matter how contemporaries relate to the events that took place, from the cosmic point of view of the universal history, all these events remain only certain facts that have occurred in human history ...

In addition, it is impossible, from our point of view, to somehow prevent the recurrence in the world of such a kind of global catastrophes, which was the Nazi invasion for mankind of the 20th century, without understanding and fully not realizing all its causes and origins.

Be that as it may, returning to the designated topic "Hitler and the occult", it is worth remembering that both the SS service created by Adolf Hitler in Germany and, in general, the top leadership of the Third Reich were adherents of secret occult teachings and practices. In the bowels of this Nazi organization, various secret meetings were repeatedly held, at which all sorts of mystical rituals were held.

How could all this - and could it - influence what was happening at that time? How Hitler, the owner of a medical diagnosis of "sluggish schizophrenia" (which is also a proven fact), a man in many ways quite limited and essentially ignorant, managed to capture the consciousness of almost eighty million citizens of Germany - which for a long time the whole world was unable to resist ?.. In a word, there are many questions here, and this question, lying on the surface, also remains a mystery to this day ...

Dark Initiate

The childhood of the future messiah of the dark forces and the leader of Nazism cannot be said to be anything particularly unusual. On the contrary, it is known that young Adolf in his own family, especially after the death of his mother, had a hard time. Perhaps this is partly why he became interested in the occult early, spending many hours in the library reading mythological and occult literature: apparently, he felt much more comfortable in the ephemeral worlds than in the real world, where he felt a sense of loneliness and absolute helplessness.

Perhaps this situation would have continued in the future, if Adolf, already a nineteen-year-old boy, had not somehow ended up on the threshold of the Hofburg Museum in the historical center of Vienna. ... It was raining outside, and the future tyrant of Europe decided to wait it out under the roof of this gloomy mausoleum, which kept echoes of the great past of the degenerating German aristocracy, namely the Habsburg dynasty.

So, probably, he would have stood here in his somnambulistic thoughts - did not suddenly hear fragments of the words of the guide, which pointed out to a group of sightseers a certain prehistoric museum exhibit - the ancient tip of the Spear of Longinus ( Longinus): according to legend, Christ crucified on the cross was wounded by him ...

There was a belief that the person who could take possession of this Spear of Destiny,

"will hold in his hands the fate of the world, commanding Good and Evil."

“Being nearby,” Hitler later wrote, “at first vaguely, but with every moment, I felt more and more clearly some unknown powerful force emanating from the spear. I felt someone's unknown presence - I experienced something similar in those moments when I realized that a great destiny awaited me. ... In an instant, I realized - that I am experiencing one of the most important moments of my life.

Of course, we cannot judge today how much these words really belonged to the pen of this genius of evil. But at least that's how the historian Ronald Paul tells it.

« I had such a feeling, - R. Paul continues his story with the words of Adolf Hitler, - as if I had already held this spear in my hands once upon a time, in past life, many centuries ago. It was as if I had long ago recognized him as my power-giving talisman and held the fate of the world in my hands.”

As a result of this accidental meeting with a historical symbol-artifact, Hitler plunged even deeper into the topic of mysticism, the occult and studied all the materials available in the Vienna Library related to the Spear of Destiny, which, from that moment, no longer gave rest to his imagination.

There is evidence that Hitler managed to get this mystical spear. And indeed, subsequently it protected him for many years, allowing him to survive even when, it would seem, there was no longer any hope for this.

Hitler's occult

Hitler's occult initiation was carried out by Dietrich Eckhart, a member of the Thule Order. Among those who studied the activities of the Order of Thule, there is an opinion that Hitler was chosen for his unsightly role as a kind of tool of the dark forces, as a kind of bridge-bundle in the face of a person who allowed occult structures to influence state policy.

The same community also took measures to train the new "Antichrist" in the methods of control and influence on the masses. The German Workers' Party is Adolf's first refuge as a politician. It was from her that he began to win the trust of the population.

Interest in Hitler on the part of the Thule Society manifested itself quickly enough. After his unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the government of Bavaria, young Adolf was sent to prison. But this was not the most entertaining at that moment: it is interesting that the political criminal Rudolf Gez was planted in his cell, who, according to researchers, was ordered to specifically surrender to the authorities in order to continue the occult-Nazi training of the Fuhrer. And Gez is quite successful in this. One of the results of their communication was the notorious book "Mein Kampf" by Hitler, which was a kind of Nazi manifesto.

After leaving prison, Hitler, with the support of Thule, begins to persuade citizens to hold elections. But he failed to win them in 1932. However, a year later, having received the support of the country's aristocracy and business class, Hitler became Chancellor of Germany. Thus begins the history of the occult Third Reich.

The occult roots of Nazism

In 1934, Hitler implanted in Germany the occult ideology of a new religion, where he denied that Jesus the Savior belonged to the Jewish nation, and also proclaimed himself the new messiah.

After promoting his own supernatural destiny, starting in 1934, the Fuhrer creates his own black sect - the SS organization. This unit appeared with the sole purpose of protecting the leader Adolf Hitler. Those who wanted to join this community went through a tough selection process. They were trained in special schools, eradicated attempts to act contrary to the order, in other words, they brought up ideal followers who are ready without a doubt to do everything that they will be entrusted with.

The oath of SS recruits was not easy. One of its strange conditions was that this action was carried out at midnight, by the light of torches. Such a ceremony of fire personified the symbol of life among the ancient Aryans, with the help of which they fought the forces of evil. For the SS, everything was exactly the opposite: they themselves became the force that brought only evil, destruction and suffering into the world.

The martial magic of the SS was displayed in the meetings of the thirteen members of the top leadership of the organization. Their gatherings were accompanied by occult rituals, as evidenced by their attributes (for example, each of the participants in the gatherings had their own occult dagger). This cult was created personally by Hitler, who thus apparently wanted to get rid of the influence of the Thule Order. But for complete world domination, he (as the leader of fascism and Nazism believed) needed nothing else, namely, the spear of Destiny.

But it was still in Austria, and in order to finally get it, Hitler in 1938 decided to invade this country. The Austrian soldiers were ordered not to resist, which made it easier for the Germans to capture Austria and marked the beginning of the reunification of the two states. Here, in the Hofburg Palace, Hitler, for the first time since his youth, was left alone with the coveted Spear: with the only difference that now it completely belonged only to him.

The mysticism of the Spear of Destiny suggested that there was a choice between light and dark side for whoever claims to be its owner. All night Adolf sat in the room where the spear was kept, forbidding anyone to enter him. Most likely, according to scientists, that very night in his sick imagination a sinister plan arose to take over the world: it was then, as it is believed, that he decided to unleash the Second World War.

Roots of Evil

The occultism of the Third Reich will end its existence in the face of this organization exactly 12 years after its creation. Oddly enough, just such a period - 12 years - is considered the completed cycle of the Tibetan calendar. It is known that the Nazis from the Order of Thule tried to make contact with magicians living in Tibet. It was here, according to legend, that the mysterious Shambhala was located, where the contact between the worlds takes place.

The scientific expeditions of the Germans to the Tibetan Mountains are authentically known from various archives and documents. And here, in the Order of Lucifer - the refuge of devil worshipers, there were supporters of Hitler's ideology.

During the next German expedition to Tibet in search of Shambhala, they were greeted with honor by members of a certain conspiracy order of the Green Dragon. During the same expedition, measures were taken to establish closer ties between Tibet and Berlin.

Personally, an important document was sent to Hitler from Tibet - Tantra, which, as he himself believed, would inform and provide him from now on with a strong connection with Shambhala, from where he intended to draw strength and power for his future world domination. Now occult Nazism with its banal symbols, as well as its leaders, Hitler was no longer interested. From now on, he was completely sure that the very long-awaited mystical, his time to implement his plan.

Ahnenerbe project

However, before proceeding to the next stage of this brief historical digest, it is worth mentioning one more unambiguous organization of the occult Reich, namely, the Ahnenerbe, shrouded in mysterious conjectures, (“ heritage of the ancestors, - German.). Its essence and task was to apply the secret knowledge of European and Eastern mystical schools in order to glorify the Third Reich.

The roots of this phenomenon originate in the occult-mystical societies of Germanenorden, Thule and Vril: they were the basis of National Socialism, which professed the theory that once in antiquity there was the most enlightened state that died as a result of some huge catastrophe. But - it did not die completely: like humanity, saved by Noah's ark, some people from this disappeared state, nevertheless, remained. Later, mingling with representatives of the ancient Aryans, it was they who gave birth to the "supermen" - the Germanic ancestors ...

... And so, on the day of the summer solstice (which is symbolic in itself), these same "supermen", or rather, non-humans, led by Hitler, attacked the USSR, thereby signing the beginning of the end for both their leader and his fascist empire. Sacredly believing in the support of the forces allegedly granted to him by Shambhala and the Spear of Destiny, Hitler did not even bother to provide his own army with winter uniforms, hoping for a "concluded agreement with the cold."

Satanic sacrifice

The opening of the Second Front by America pushed Hitler to desperate measures. Fighting now on both fronts, the dictator eventually fell into despair. To appease Lucifer, the prince of darkness, he decided to sacrifice many people. It was planned to kill 11 million people at once in all countries occupied Nazi Germany. For sprinkling the occult banner with a swastika, on the eve of the Battle of Stalingrad, SS forces killed 12 thousand people. Thus, before the decisive battle, the Nazis tried to enlist the help of the devil himself. But nothing came of this, and after the defeat at Stalingrad, the German army again and again began to pursue failures.

The Fuhrer is a prophet?

Hitler's amazing feature of avoiding death, which has already been mentioned above, cannot but attract attention. So, in 1944, when discontent was ripening in the highest circles of the German leadership and, as a result, everything seemed to have been planned to the smallest detail: the briefcase with explosives was literally at the feet of the Fuhrer ... - pure chance (? ..) suddenly saved him from certain death.

The subsequent assassination attempts on him were also unsuccessful. Someone talked about his exceptional superpowers to avoid dangers, while others claimed that Satan himself was protecting him.

In Berlin, an agreement was found between Adolf Hitler and Satan.
The contract is dated April 30, 1932 and signed in blood on both sides. According to which, the devil gives Hitler almost unlimited power, provided that he uses it for evil. In exchange, Hitler promised to give his soul in exactly 13 years...
Four independent experts studied the document and agreed that the Fuhrer's signature is indeed genuine, typical of documents signed by him in the 30s and 40s.
According to Portal Credo, the diabolical signature also coincides with the one that stands on other similar agreements with the lord of hell. A lot of such documents are known to historians.

I'm sure the document is genuine, said Dr. Greta Leiber, who studies various kinds of agreements with evil spirit. - It provides an opportunity to solve the mystery of how Hitler managed to become the ruler of Germany. Judge for yourself: before 1932, he was a simple loser. He was kicked out of high school, he failed twice in the exams at the Academy of Arts, even went to prison. Everyone who knew him at that time considered him incapable of anything. But since 1932, his fate has changed dramatically - he literally "catapulted" into the chair of power and in January 1933 he already ruled Germany. In my opinion, this can only be explained by an alliance with Satan. And on April 30, 1945 - exactly 13 years later - Adolf Hitler committed suicide, hated by all mankind.

Hitler's contract with Satan was found in an old chest in the ruins of a burnt house on the outskirts of Berlin. How he got there is unclear. Now the document is in the city historical institute. The text is badly damaged, but still readable.
"That's exactly how Satan works," adds Dr. Leiber. - Chooses a loser, tormented by ambition and a thirst for worldly pleasures, and promises to fulfill his desires. As a result - a lot of trouble for others and a complete disaster for someone who "bought" his promises. And the Fuhrer fully fits into this scheme ...

Sacrifice of the Third Reich

Sacrifice. The one who makes a deal must always be ready for it, because the infernal legions traditionally demand just such a price. And of course, than more people wants, the more significant sacrifice is required for him. Since we are dealing directly with the "Forces of Chaos", it implies destruction, ruin and, if possible, human lives. “Losses are never too high! - the Fuhrer once yelled to Field Marshal Walter Reichenau - They are the key to future greatness! These were the words of a true magician, convinced that sacrificing to Satan would eventually restore balance! If only not one but, Satan himself supported Hitler until 1941 ... When the devil met his equal in his mystical power - the Mother of God!

She was the one who stopped Satan. Many say that even if these deals were real, the devil ultimately deceived the main victim who subscribed to his promises, nothing like that! Satan would have fulfilled his mission if he had not met his equal “Higher Powers”. Look for deals with the devil, and there you will read many stories of how Satan fulfilled their request to the end, because the request of the other person was not as high as Hitler dreamed of! Hitler wanted a lot, but even the devil went too far! That the Divine forces of good intervened, stopping him, during the Great patriotic war. Of course, this may still not be clear to many, but the fact remains, this is the truth, maybe not as detailed as I write, but the essence remains the same. Hitler attacked the Soviet Union on the day of the summer solstice. In truth, the Holy War against the Antichrist began, this was the beginning of his end.

Hitler did not believe in this, despite the failure of the Blitzkrieg, he was convinced that Shambhala would provide the so-called agreement with the Cold, that is, power over the climate. Because the army was not provided with winter uniforms, but nature took the side Soviet army. In December 1941, the Germans froze in overcoats with fish fur, frostbitten their feet in light boots. General Guderian, at the risk of being demoted, arrived in Berlin to the Fuhrer with a report. Hitler flared up "attack!" he shouted, "and the cold is my business." But instead of eternal ice, the abode of Satan, the Nazis received Russian frosts. And on December 7, Hitler's former mentor Karl Haushofer made a new attempt to stop the superman. Many believe that it was he who inspired the Japanese to eliminate the American base at Pearl Harbor. Germany was at war with the United States, now she had to fight on two fronts.

The Fuhrer was furious to appease the devil, he organized monstrous human sacrifices. In 1942, the Wannsee Conference was convened, the leadership of the Reich discussed the so-called “Final Solution of the Jewish Question”, the easiest way to kill 11 million people, it was precisely this number of peaceful Jews that the Nazis intended to destroy in the occupied countries. From the point of view of military logic, this plan for the destruction of people did not make any sense, thousands of soldiers, equipment, hundreds of trains had to be diverted to it, but the Fuhrer's "Final Solution" defied logic. Blinded by the diabolical idea, he no longer saw living people behind it. In anticipation Stalingrad battle a new bloody ritual was performed. There is evidence that SS units killed about 12,000 people in mineral waters in order to sprinkle the blood of the killed swastika banners. Three German climbers hoisted a banner on the peak of the sacred mountain of the Aryans, Elbrus. The peak was called eloquently - friends of Lucifer.

Assassination attempt on the Fuhrer

1944, July 20 - Soviet troops crossed the border of Poland. On the same day, another event occurred at the Wolfschanze headquarters, an assassination attempt was made on Hitler. The conspiracy matured among the senior officers, the head of the conspirators, Colonel von Stauffenberg, put the briefcase with the bomb under Hitler's table, but one of the officers of the General Staff decided that the briefcase was not in place and moved it to the far corner of the room. The Fuhrer was shell-shocked by the explosion, for some time he lost his hearing, his arm was paralyzed. One of the conspirators was Karl Haushofer's son Albrecht. It was another desperate attempt by Haushofer to stop a former student by physically eliminating him. The conspirators were dealt with to the fullest extent of wartime - interrogations, torture, show trials.

Albrecht Haushofer was thrown into prison on Larter Strasse, and then shot. After the execution, a piece of paper was found in the pocket of Albrecht’s tunic with the following lines: “Once again the devil must be expelled, and again thrown into prison, but my father broke the seal, he did not feel the breath of the evil one and released the devil into the world“ Let the attempt on the Antichrist seem useless, but his empire was already in agony. The Fuhrer suffered not only military, but also mystical defeats. March 30, 1945 - the operation to remove the Spear of Fate from the Nyurba Church of St. Catherine failed.

It was encoded in the registry as the spear of Saint Mauritius. Among the relics was also the sword of St. Mauritius, probably Divine guidance intervened and the employees packed the sword into containers for withdrawal, the spear remained in the Church, but Hitler did not know anything about it. The Americans began the Battle of Nuremberg on 16 April. The Führer ordered “Defend Nuremberg to the last drop of blood”, and the Germans fought fiercely, but still the city fell. It happened on April 20, the day of Hitler's 56th birthday. The First US Army - a special unit was formed to search for relics of the German Empire.

The Allies got closer and closer to the Spear of Destiny, not realizing what paramount value it represents for Hitler. Apparently the Fuhrer felt something was wrong, he retired to talk with Himmler, and he again began to convince that the Spear was safely taken out of the Church of St. Catherine. Usually Hitler's birthday was celebrated magnificently, but in 1945 everything was different. Soviet troops moved to Berlin, the Americans entered Leipzig, and the birthday boy was hiding underground, like a wounded animal in a hole. The Reich Chancellery where Hitler's headquarters was located was already torn apart by bombs, but at the very bottom, at a depth of about 15 meters, there was a bunker, a fortified command center.

There were two tiers in the bunker: the first, consisting of 12 rooms, was intended for servants, the second lower tier of 18 rooms, was the Fuhrer's personal dwelling. There were also military conferences. The Fuhrer made his last foray out of the dungeon into the world to meet with teenagers from the Hitler Youth. He thanked for the military prowess of the children whom he himself deprived of childhood. Hitler looked bad, his face was rumpled, his eyes absent-minded, like a dead man rising from the grave, his hand trembled more than usual as a result of Parkinson's disease. Hitler's associates suggested that he move the headquarters from Berlin to a safer place, but he hesitated. The Fuhrer still hoped for good news from Nuremberg, the city where the . There was one more magical relic that Hitler could hope to help.


The Tibetan tantra Kalachakra was stored in a safe in the bunker. If you believe her texts, the rituals of Buddhist tantra allowed a great person to be reborn after death, but the believer honors the enlightened, and the Fuhrer was the embodiment of darkness. Hitler no longer spared even his fellow citizens. He gave the order to flood the Berlin underground. The death of almost 200,000 Berliners is difficult to justify by military arguments. It's more like a sacrifice. Chronicle last days Fuhrer gives a clinical picture.
On April 22, Hitler constantly called the front with the same question: “When will the decisive offensive of all the forces of the Berlin group begin?” What kind of decisive offensive could there be when the Soviet troops captured another underground citadel, the command post of the German ground forces in Zossen.

Hitler became hysterical, he could no longer control himself. He shouted that around him was treason and betrayal. And he threatened to hang or shoot everyone. Perhaps in this way he tried to achieve intoxication of the blood with adrenaline and cheer himself up, but it was all to no avail. Tantrums were replaced by apathy. The Fuehrer then revived again trying to use the magical visualization technique. He was interested in the movement of troops, trying to see them with an inner eye and thereby intervene in the course of hostilities, but Satan stopped helping him ....
The former superhuman behaved like a simple alarmist. Hitler could no longer influence even Himmler, his high priest and closest assistant, with whom he had previously had an almost mediumistic connection ...

April 26, 1945 - Himmler entered into separate peace negotiations. The owner was shocked by the betrayal of the servant, he apparently forgot that black service rests only on fear of the strong and those in power, but he lost his former strength and power ... On April 29, Hitler commits an act that is not logical for the faith of an apostate. Marries Eva Braun, most likely participation in the Christian sacrament of the wedding was a momentary weakness, because after Hitler killed himself and his wife.

“My wife and I choose death to avoid the shame of defeat or surrender. We wish that our bodies would immediately be put on fire in the place where I did most of my daily work during the 12 years of service to my people. It can be seen that there is still a decent amount of vanity in Hitler's will. At night, the Fuhrer went out to say goodbye to the ladies who were in the bunker. When he retired, everyone felt that Hitler no longer had power over them. It was April 30th, Walpurgis Night, the most important date in the Satanist calendar. And the date when Hitler, having passed away, went straight into the arms of the devil ...

In the war against Nazism, not only the Soviet Union and the Coalition of Allies won, but also divine intervention from the Russian Icon of the Mother of God, which was able to calm the devil, and the devil lost the power of good and evil in the mystical world against God ...
In Moscow, a fragment of the frontal lobe with a bullet hole is still kept in the Historical Museum in Moscow, this is all that remains of the superman. Unfortunately, to this day there are madmen eager to revive the diabolical idea of ​​Nazism. But it is said in the book of the Prophet Isaiah: “The populist who trampled on the ground was crushed, and he said in his heart, I will go to heaven above the stars of God, I will exalt my throne and sit on the mountain in the Soma of the Gods. I will be like the Almighty, but you are not thrown into hell, into the depths of hell.”
And let those who are now again trying to use esotericism and the occult to subjugate the masses do not forget about this.

Ahnenerbe is a secret institute of occult sciences, which brought together many scientists of Nazi Germany, who, along with the ruling elite of the country, were remembered in history as big villains.

Blood-twisted philosophy of the Second World War, ruthlessness, numerous secret projects organizations with a sinister look at the same time bear the stamp of incomprehensible mystery and inexhaustible mystery.

Developing secret superweapons, occult powers, secret underground lairs, and bringing in powerful ancient artifacts is the perfect recipe for organizing worldwide villainy. Rumor has it, since then, the technique has been declassified, and you will find everything about the sale of the soul on our website.

Perhaps there are more rumors than truth in this matter, however, the ideas of the Nazis that matured in the laboratories of the Ahnenerbe covered a vast area of ​​​​activity from the material to the mystical and otherworldly. The Nazis really went deep in research expeditions and collected a huge amount of ancient relics.

The fantastic and often downright absurd experiments were so deeply rooted in the dark world of mysticism and the occult that many of them did not become widely known as too ridiculous and incredible.

Hitler, Ahnenerbe, heritage of ancestors.

Hitler, and many of the Nazi leaders, had a huge interest in the field of the occult that is fairly well documented. In fact, the Nazi Party was originally organized as a cabinet of occult brethren, up to the point of their rise to destructive political power.

An extremely heightened interest in the occult caused the formation of a secret intrigue - the Ahnenerbe Institute. A real and complete clan of mystics, originally founded on July 1, 1935 by Heinrich Himmler (the infamous leader of the SS), Hermann Wirth and Darre.

The Ahnenerbe, literally meaning "inherited / heritage from the ancestors", originates as an institute dedicated to the study of archeology, anthropology, and the cultural history of the Germanic heritage. In fact, it was much more - the search for evidence of the Nazi theory, according to which the Aryan race is the best creation of God, and they are destined to rule the life of the planet!

It was imperative for the Nazi Major League to find the fundamental evidence to support the twisted ideology. To this end, this ghostly organization finances numerous expeditions and archaeological excavations all over the world: Germany, Greece, Poland, Iceland, Romania, Croatia, Africa, Russia, Tibet and many other places in search of the lost secret runes of antiquity.

Artifacts, relics were searched, the ruins of crypts were searched, everything was conducted in search of ancient scrolls - evidence that could strengthen the claim that the Aryans were the dominant race over all.

Tibet was of particular importance for scientists Ahnenerbe, because it was believed that it was here that great civilization antiquities. It is in these places that the pure, ideally built Aryan race originates. They were convinced of the idea that their greatest ancestors still live in these places, hiding in huge underground cities.

Ahnenerbe is an organization branched from science to the occult, which, given the lineage of its fathers-organizers, is not surprising. Hermann Wirth was a Dutch historian obsessed with an idea. The future leader of the SS, Himmler, is well known for his ardent fascination with all things occult in nature to a maniacally disturbing degree.

In fact, Himmler was a kind of deranged man, possessed by a grandiose desire to one day replace the Christian religion with one of his own solutions. He was one of the driving forces behind the steady divergence in the Ahnenerbe from its original purpose and increasing role towards the occult. In such an impulsive mode, this sinister organization lived and grew, spreading across the world with the tasks of fantastic quests.

Ahnenerbe agents in search of lost lands and ancient relics visited remote areas of the world, climbed all the crypts available to them; they were not afraid to disturb the bones of the dead; they were looking for mystical texts, magical items, ancient rarities, bizarre places paranormal activity by collecting supernatural artifacts of all kinds.

With official Nazi approval, the Ahnenerbe Institute expands to 50 branches dealing with everything from long-term weather forecasting, archeology and spaceflight to supernatural research. Significantly, the Nazis stepped up their operations in search of such legendary miracles as the Holy Grail, the location of Atlantis, the spear of Destiny, with which the Roman warrior Longinus ended the suffering of Christ on the cross.

The groups have also searched for various portals to ancient lost lands, including Atlantis, under the influence of an equally secret organization known as the Thule Society. mysterious land under the name "Thule", was also considered the true birthplace of the Aryan race. The discovery of a fantasy land as desired by the Nazis would endow them with vast superhuman powers: telekinesis, telepathy and levitation, abilities that they have lost over the centuries of mixing with the "inferior races".

The obsessively strong desire of the Nazis was to create a powerful weapon based on the technology of their ancestors. The idea is boldly spreading in the "scientific" divisions of the organization, which actively sought to develop new technologies based on ancient lost or forbidden knowledge, mystical texts, alien technologies, as well as their own secret research.

Members of the Ahnenerbe were deeply interested in the possibilities of the occult, magic and psychic powers to use as weapons against their enemies. To this end, various research projects in this area have been launched. They even tried to create assassins who could kill using astral projection.

Among many other strange projects, they wanted to develop the use of magic spells as weapons, and even penetrate through the astral into the future - and this was not considered something impossible and beyond.

There are many speculations that the organization was very interested in finding and using alien technology to create weapons, allegedly in one of the searches they managed to find a crashed ancient UFO! All this may seem absurd, but in the case of the Nazis, this is not a joke, some of their projects were too revolutionary. Many Nazi characters in power believed fervently in these many programs and projects, investing a lot of money and manpower.

In the case of the Ahnenerbe and the Nazis in science, we see malevolent and sinister experiments on man, arranged in secret lairs and secret laboratories. This is especially noticeable when the Ahnenerbe was incorporated into the Institut für Wehrwissenschaftliche Zweckforschung (Institute for Military Research) during World War II, where all the unthinkable research and development was discovered that began a dark era of terrible experiments on concentration camp prisoners.

Most of these projects were of dubious aims and results, but all of them were extremely ruthless in content, demonstrating a lack of respect for the non-Aryan human life. In fact, the Nazis did not perceive the captives as a person at all.

Reality Ahnenerbe, Dr. Rascher and his experiments.

One of the most famous examples of the use of the Ahnenerbe is a project to determine the physical limits of the pilots who fly the increasingly modern aircraft of the Luftwaffe. A series of experiments were overseen by Ahnenerbe director Wolfram Sievers and the notorious SS doctor Rascher. The concentration camp prisoners, requested for this purpose from Himmler himself, were used in the experiment - since none of the "true Aryans" were crazy enough to be willing to volunteer for such a dangerous experience.

Rusher had unlimited access to helpless people to use in his crazy experiments. He laid prisoners in portable vacuum chambers, reminiscent of medieval torture devices, to simulate varying altitudes in flight. The capsules simulated pressure at various altitudes during rapid ascents of the aircraft, as well as the state of free fall without oxygen in order to analyze the consequences and effects on the human body of such situations.

Most of the subjects could not stand the inhuman experiments that pushed people far beyond the physiological limits of the body. I note that Rusher was surprisingly cruel even to those who survived the experiments. When Himmler offered to pay for "services" to the survivors, Rascher refused, saying that all prisoners were Poles and Russians and therefore did not deserve amnesty or pardon.

Rusher's thirst for human suffering is insatiable, and heinous experiments come one after another. In one such experiment, more than 300 prisoners became test subjects to find out how long German pilots could survive if they were shot down over frigid waters.

Subjects were frozen naked for 14 hours, or completely immersed in ice water for 3 hours. All this time, their condition was carefully monitored. Numerous different methods followed to revive them: scalding baths with hot water, or other unconventional methods - they were laid between naked women, who were also taken from concentration camps.

Another experiment was to test a substance called "Polygal" derived from beets and apple pectin. The drug, in capsule form, was expected to quickly stop bleeding, and Rascher saw it as a revolutionary solution for the treatment of gunshot wounds and for use in surgery.

In some cases, subjects have been amputated without anesthesia to test Polygal. Rascher was so confident that the drug was ready for production that he even created a company to release it. And while Polygal never saw mass production, the design of the capsule led to the invention of the infamous cyanide capsule.

Multiple human experiments have explored possible treatments for deadly diseases caused by biological weapons. At the same time, they searched for antidotes for a wide range of chemical weapons and poisons: injections exposed unwitting test subjects from concentration camps to various pathogens from poisons and deadly chemical substances- so they were looking for an antidote.

But even in death there was no rest for the emaciated martyrs. Many of the dead mortified by these cruel experiments became part of a macabre collection of Jewish skeletons that were preserved to be used for further research. The Nazis from the organization "legacy of the ancestors" did not give rest even to lifeless bodies.

The possibility of somehow manipulating the human body was also considered by Josef Mengele, a sadistic doctor in the Auschwitz concentration camp. Mengele was especially interested in identical twins, experimenting on hundreds of pairs of young children.

The monstrous experiments on children pursued the following goals: to change the color of the eyes, to study the possibilities of the mental connection of the twins, for example, one of the twins was intentionally hurt and suffering, while they coolly watched how the other child felt at that moment.

In laboratories overflowing with suffering and pain, they arranged for one twin to be infected with typhoid or malaria, and then a blood transfusion was performed from the brother / sister, finding out if she would treat the infected.
Numerous experiences with transplanting a body part from one twin to another, and even tried to surgically connect the twins into Siamese twins.

The ultimate goal of the twin experiments was also comparative analysis: When one of the twins eventually died, the other was euthanized by an injection of chloroform. Both bodies will then be dissected with laudatory German pedantry for careful comparative analysis.

Ahnenerbe: Aryan blood zombies and super-soldiers.

The use of experimentation in the Ahnenerbe on people did not stop at the search for the limits and limitations of man. Wandering among living and dead bodies, they were looking for a mental connection between the twins, but the Nazis were also consumed by a great desire to improve the human form - to create super-soldiers of a great nation.

Among the ways to achieve the goal, a selective breeding process designed to produce people of "pure Aryan blood" gained popularity, a project called "Lebensborn". The project needed ideal samples capable of having children without "impurities" in the race, which "polluted" the human potential of the "master race".

The Ahnenerbe seriously believed that work in the field of genetics would help unlock the vast potential of the mysterious psychic power allegedly lost due to the "erosion" of their true heritage, which would then give them the opportunity to once again rule the world from the "lower races".

In many cases, those who were recognized as the perfect exemplar - according to Nazi criteria - of blue eyes, blond hair and Scandinavian features, were far from willingly entering the program. They were abducted or otherwise forced to participate in the project.

However, in order to achieve the required results, the ambitious project of high goals required many generations of careful selection, so the organization moved towards the goal by a shorter path.
The program, designed to create super soldiers with enhanced physical capabilities for use on the battlefield without restrictions, included an experimental drug called "D-IX". A wild cocktail of cocaine and a powerful stimulant (pervitin) was mixed with the powerful painkiller eucodal.

It was believed that D-IX stimulates an increase in attention, concentration, fearlessness, heroism and self-confidence, increases endurance, strength, reduces sensitivity to pain to almost zero, reduces hunger and thirst, and reduces the need for sleep.

For the first time, the drug was tested on prisoners in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, and showed such encouraging results that the developers soon recruited participants from the military environment. Soldiers received capsules and went on long marches in harsh terrain in full gear.
And in fact, D-IX showed a dramatic increase in stamina and concentration in the subjects. The soldiers, having taken the drug, freely overcame more than 100 km without stopping.

True, the wrong side of the “strength” capsule turned out to be that long-term use caused addiction to the drug. Nevertheless, the D-IX was a resounding success and was officially used in the field from March 1944, albeit in limited dosage.

Ahnenerbe: resurrect Hitler?

While the D-IX, like its more advanced combat stimulants, does actually exist, there are actually more mysterious things out there. Some conspiracy theories believe that the Nazis worked in the field of resurrection of the dead with the help of unknown means brought from Tibet and Africa.

An interesting incident related to this case was made in April 1945, when the Allied forces seized the Bernterode military plant, located in the German region of Thuringia. When American intelligence officers explored a tunnel inside the plant, they discovered suspicious brickwork disguised as part of a natural rock.

The destruction of the masonry opened the entrance to an underground cavern, which contained huge deposits of stolen art and ancient relics. Many new Nazi uniforms were also stored here. But a more mysterious find was waiting in the next chamber - four extremely large coffins were found here!

One of the coffins (real sarcophagi) kept the remains of the 17th century Prussian king, Frederick the Great, others Field Marshal von Hindenburg and his wife. The fourth coffin did not have the owner's body, but had a plaque engraved with Adolf Hitler's name.

Although the reasons why these remains were so carefully preserved are unknown, some have suggested that the Nazis had plans to resurrect or clone the deceased at a later time. - At this point, I do not want to say that the Ahnenerbe literally expected to bring the dead leaders back to life, however, serious work was carried out in the field of cryogenics, which was probably planned to be done with Hitler's body.

Much closer to the truth, that persistent rumor among a number of fans of secrets and conspiracy theories is that the Ahnenerbe actively led projects seeking to create mindless zombies in order to send hordes of troops not afraid of injury to the enemy. And it would not be zombies at all, whose bodies would be raised from the dead.

Everything is much simpler and at the same time more terrible - a special medical procedure designed to destroy the intellect and destroy everything human to the very foundation. That was the recipe for creating indefatigable super-soldiers in the army of the Reich.

Yes, the Ahnenerbe did lead many strange research directions, which are extremely important for the "dark" organization. Here, all employees were deeply involved in various projects, research, studies of the occult and the supernatural, medical experiments and the development of secret weapons from great ancestors. And no one knows for sure what they managed to uncover from the ancient secrets and comprehend from the sphere of the astral world.

With the end of the Second World War, the mysterious Ahnenerbe "dissolved", disappeared. It is believed that most of the data, documents, ancient texts and artifacts that the organization has collected over the years have been destroyed or stolen by intelligence agencies.
With absence real evidence, it is impossible to fully highlight the extent of their success in extracting ancient relics and artifacts, so we are left with a lot of speculation and rumors regarding the dark legend of the Ahnenerbe.

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