The most ancient cultures in the world. The most ancient civilization. The most famous Mayan cities

At a time when primitive people moved from gathering and hunting to agriculture, which implies a settled way of life, the first settlements began to appear. As they developed, there was a need for the invention of writing, allowing the transfer of accumulated knowledge to new generations, the emergence of crafts and the division of labor. In the process of natural development of communities, ancient civilizations were formed, the cultural heritage of which is of particular value even today.

Ancient Rome (27 BC - 476 AD)

The ancient civilization of the classical era had a great influence on the development of the modern world. The Romans borrowed a lot from Greek culture, preserving and multiplying its achievements. There are many estimates of the population of the Roman Empire in different periods, ranging from 45 to 120 million people.

They were the first to widely use concrete in construction: from heavy-duty roads to monuments and temple complexes. A developed network of aqueducts provided water to cities and agricultural lands, and a sewer network was built to drain sewage. The semblance of modern newspapers also arose in ancient Rome - tablets made of stone or metal with important public news were placed in crowded places.


The state was democratic and provided social support to the poor. It was in Rome that the concept of citizenship and patronage was first introduced.

Chavin civilization (898 BC - 200 AD)

The ancient culture of South America of the pre-Columbian era existed on the territory of the modern state of Peru - in the north of the Andes mountain range, in the fertile valley of the Mosna River. Now the descendants of some Indian tribes live here.

The capital of all settlements and the religious center was the city of Chavin de Huantar, which gave the name to the civilization. The ruins left from it are today an archaeological monument of culture and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Chavin civilization was highly developed: its representatives knew how to melt metals and make jewelry from gold, which was also used as solder, had knowledge of acoustics and built a network of drainage channels to protect against floods during the rainy season.

In addition, the Chavinians domesticated llamas, whose meat was harvested and sold, and also built an irrigation system for lands where potatoes, quinoa and corn were grown.

Maya civilization (1200 BC - 900 BC)

The most famous and highly developed culture of Mesoamerica existed on the territory of such modern states as Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Belize and Honduras (western part).

In the early 1980s, more than 1,000 ancient Mayan cities and about 3,000 small settlements were discovered. The heyday of civilization fell on 1000-250 years. BC e. At that time, the population of cities was about 10,000 inhabitants - much more than in the average city of ancient Europe.

The Maya are known primarily as excellent astronomers, astrologers and mathematicians. They determined the length of the year, created complex and accurate calendars, a vigesimal counting system, and also introduced the concept of zero. The ancient people left behind a rich cultural heritage - hieroglyphic writing, unique stone sculptures and pyramids.

Phoenicia (1200 BC - 332 BC)

Translated from Greek means "land of purple". The name is associated with the main craft of the Phoenicians - the manufacture of purple dye from mollusks that live off the coast. The territory of the state extended along the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The capital of Phoenicia - Tire was located in modern Lebanon.

The development of civilization was facilitated by its access to the sea. The first Phoenicians were engaged in fishing and trade, then they mastered the technology of building deck ships. Thanks to a strong fleet, they managed to expand the boundaries of their territory, conquering dozens of colonies on the Mediterranean coast. So Hades was second in population only to Rome.


The Phoenicians invented the alphabetic letter - the prototype of the Latin alphabet, glass manufacturing technology, and were the first to circle Africa from east to west.

Olmec civilization (1500 BC - 401 AD)

The most ancient people of Central America lived on the territory of modern Mexico (the states of Veracruz, Tabasco and Guerrero). The Olmec civilization had a significant impact on all subsequent cultures of Mesoamerica, especially on the Aztec and Mayan tribes. The total number of each of the settlements did not exceed several thousand people.

The Olmecs are the most ancient and highly developed civilization of Mesoamerica. Its name is given conditionally, according to one of the tribes, and literally means "inhabitant of the rubber country." In addition to agriculture, livestock breeding and beekeeping, they were engaged in stone carving and the manufacture of ceramic products.

The monuments of Olmec art include huge stone heads from 1.5 to 3 meters high and basalt steles depicting noble Olmecs. The priests of the ancient people had deep knowledge in the field of mathematics and astronomy, and some elements of their writing were borrowed later by the Maya.

Hittite civilization (1600 BC - 1178 BC)

The first settlements arose on the territory of modern Turkey (Antalya), later the possessions of the empire expanded to the lands of present-day Syria and Lebanon.

The Hittites were engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding, achieved significant success in applied arts (they made products from ceramics and stone). However, due to the lack of fertile land and the frequent raids of conquerors, the development of civilization was slow.

Rapid progress occurred in the 2nd century BC. when the Hittites discovered deposits of iron ore. Having mastered the secret of its melting, they learned how to forge weapons and armor, and also invented a three-man chariot. Being monopolists in metalworking, the Hittites quickly became rich in the arms trade and created a powerful army, with the help of which they expanded the boundaries of their possessions.

However, the invasion of the "peoples of the sea" - the Black Sea tribes that cut off the Hittites from the main trade routes, became the main reason for the decline of the great civilization. After themselves, they left multi-level underground cities in Cappadocia, the ruins of the ancient capital of Hattusa, which have survived to this day, as well as the foundations of diplomacy and democracy.

Nubian civilization (2000 BC - 1000 BC)

The African state was located in the fertile Nile Valley (the territory of Egypt and Sudan). Nubia is a historical region between the first and sixth rapids of the great river, where the kingdoms of Kush, Kerma and Meroitic existed at different times.

The name of the civilization comes from the ancient Egyptian word "nub", which means "gold". The fertile lands of Nubia and deposits of precious and non-ferrous metals were the cause of frequent wars with Egypt, which the state won with varying degrees of success.


Women in society had equal rights with men: they actively participated in politics, trade and even war. There are periods when the state was headed by queens.

Ancient Chinese civilization (2070 BC - 500 AD)

One of the most ancient cultures on the planet Earth, which had a significant impact on the development of all mankind. The Yellow River Valley (Huang He) is considered to be the cradle of Chinese civilization.

During the reign of the first Shang Dynasty (1712–1066 BC), writing was formed, agriculture and law were actively developed. Her reign ended the uprising of the Zhou clan, who created their own empire that lasted about eight centuries. This time was marked by the growth of trade and the urban population. Crafts and culture developed.

Dynasties of rulers succeeded each other until 1912, until the last of them, the Han, ceased to exist. Chinese civilization gave the world several valuable inventions: paper, gunpowder, compass, silk and printing technology.

Crete-Minoan civilization (2600 BC - 1400 BC)

The Bronze Age Aegean culture originated on the Greek island of Crete. The remains of an ancient civilization were discovered by the British archaeologist Arthur Evans at the end of the 19th century. He named it after Minos, the mythical king of Crete.

The main cultural and political centers of the state were concentrated in such cities as Knossos (the capital), Festus, Malia and Zakros. The Minoans were active in maritime trade, exchanging olive oil, copper, bronzes and ceramics for gold and silver, were engaged in fishing, but also often traded in piracy.


Cretan writing consisted of hieroglyphic and pictorial characters, and has not been deciphered to this day.

Ancient Greece (3000 BC - 30 BC)

The territory of Ancient Greece stretched along the Balkan Peninsula, including the islands in the Aegean Sea.

The contribution of a great civilization to the development of all spheres of human life is difficult to overestimate. Modern science uses many fundamental knowledge in the field of mathematics, psychology, anatomy and physics discovered by ancient Greek scientists.

Here the first ideas about the atomic structure of matter, philosophy, law and democracy were formulated. The cultural heritage of Ancient Greece is unique ancient architecture, the art of vase painting, painting, monumental human sculptures, as well as elegiac poetry and mythology.

Data on the population of Ancient Greece in various sources is ambiguous and ranges from several thousand to several million people.

Civilization of Ancient Egypt (3100 BC - 332 BC)

It was located in northeast Africa along the Nile. The Egyptian civilization lasted 40 centuries, and during this time it became one of the most highly developed cultures of the ancient world.

The prosperity of the state largely depended on the annual flood of the river. The Egyptians built irrigation systems to retain water in order to reap a rich crop of grain. They were excellent architects who built the great pyramids, the secrets of which have not been solved to this day.

The most famous achievements of Egyptian civilization include the invention of the decimal system of calculation, the calendar and the zodiac circle. The priests of the Nile Valley knew human anatomy and were able to perform complex operations.


The Egyptians created a cure for infectious diseases and invented a method of preserving the bodies of the dead, like mummification.

People recorded their knowledge and history on papyrus scrolls. Some of them have survived to this day thanks to the perfect technology for manufacturing the material.

Indus civilization (3300 BC - 1300 BC)

In some sources it is also referred to as the Harappan culture. It originated in the Indus Valley about three thousand years ago. The largest cities are Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro. This is the third oldest civilization after the Egyptian and Mesopotamian. Its territory was more than twice their total area.

Researchers believe that during its heyday, about 5 million people lived in it. Indian culture developed its own system of measures and weights, as well as an accurate scale for measuring length. Metallurgy (manufacturing of bronze, lead, copper), sculpture and jewelry were also developed.


Already at that time, the inhabitants of the Indus Valley used the services of a dentist and public baths, and every house had a toilet with sewerage and running water.

Civilization of Ancient Mesopotamia (3500 BC - 500 BC)

In some sources it is referred to as the "culture of Mesopotamia". Mesopotamia was located in the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (the territory of modern Iraq and Syria). The ancient culture is considered the cradle of civilization - at different times such states as Akkad, Assyria and Babylonia existed here.

Historians believe that before the fall of the last empire, about 10% of the world's population lived here. The oldest kingdom in Mesopotamia is Sumer. The largest cities of that time were Nippur, Kish, Sippar, Uruk. More than 55 thousand people lived in each of them.

People use many achievements of this great civilization to this day: the priests of Mesopotamia developed the zodiac system, introduced the practice of measuring angles in degrees, and defined the second as the sixtieth part of a minute. The Sumerians were the first to master shipbuilding in order to trade with other states. They are also credited with inventing the wheel.

Atlantis (15000 BC - 9500 BC)

The Aryan civilization was highly developed. One of its main legacies, which has come down to our days, is Ayurveda. This is the first treatise on the cause of diseases and methods of their treatment, which now forms the basis of Indian traditional medicine. The Aryans also gave the world the Vedas - a sacred collection of knowledge about the structure of the Universe.

Lemuria (18 million years BC - 700 thousand years BC)

A mythical civilization located on the mainland sunken in the Indian Ocean. According to esoteric theory, Australia, Easter Island, Ceylon and Tibet are parts of it that have not gone under water.

The Ethiopians are considered descendants of the Lemurians. As an argument proving the existence of an ancient civilization, the followers of the theory cite huge stone statues found on Easter Island, as well as Nan Madol, an archipelago of 92 artificially created islands in the Pacific Ocean, whose age is incalculable.

The Lemurians had a deep knowledge of mathematics, physics, medicine and cosmology. After the death of civilization, some of them passed to the Atlanteans. There is a hypothesis according to which grains of invaluable knowledge of the latter were inherited by the civilizations of the East (Sumerians, Egyptians, Akkadians and others).

Hyperborea (55 million years BC - 12,000 years BC)

A mythical civilization supposedly existed on the Kola Peninsula in the pre-glacial period. It is mentioned in ancient Greek mythology. In ancient works, the Hyperboreans are described as one of the peoples close to God. They worshiped Apollo, were fluent in the art of writing music and poems, and knew philosophy.

Hyperboreans are natives of the single Ancestral Motherland of Mankind, who survived after the global cataclysm. They created their own state, which the Hellenes called "Paradise Land". Hyperborea is described as a beautiful sunny country with a warm climate, whose population lives in harmony with nature, not knowing sorrows and illnesses. However, historians call the myth of an ancient civilization a utopia, devoid of reliable foundations.

Asura civilization (300 million years ago - 30 thousand years ago)

The legends of many ancient peoples say that long before man lived on the planet demigods - asuras. It is believed that they were the forerunners of another powerful race - the Atlanteans.

Asuras were distinguished by their enormous growth (up to 50 meters), and their life expectancy was 80,000-100,000 years. Their civilization lasted for about ten million years. It is believed that the heavenly abode of the asuras were three cities: gold, silver and iron. The rest were underground, and on its surface there were only temples and stations for communication with space.

The most ancient civilization was supposedly destroyed as a result of the war with the "gods" - aliens from the sky.

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What secrets do lost civilizations keep? Do we need to unravel these mysteries? The Eternal Stones are reluctant to reveal their secrets. Will they help to figure out who we are now and who we will be tomorrow?
By presenting information about ten disappeared ancient civilizations, we hope that they will help.

1 Hyperborea (Country behind the north wind - Borea)

Mentions of a mysterious country beyond the North Pole go back centuries, to the seventh century BC. The purity of the thoughts of the Aryans, their peacefulness and diligence were approved by higher powers, which taught the Hyperboreans to be able to do almost everything. Aircraft, beautiful buildings, decorated with golden pyramids, communication with the gods made life long and happy.
They are looking for Hyperborea, trying to find the secrets of immortality and acquire supernatural abilities and knowledge. Whoever honors the book of knowledge of the Hyperboreans, then he will control the Universe. According to rumors, in 1920, a Russian expedition found evidence of the existence of the most ancient civilization of the Hyperboreans on the Kola Peninsula. However, humanity never learned about the results of the research: all members of the expedition were destroyed by the NKVD. The materials of another, but already German, expedition to the North Pole were classified, then disappeared.
Where did Hyperborea go? Researchers are talking about a planetary catastrophe - a blow from space destroyed it. The survivors had to leave their native land. They moved south, bringing their knowledge to the world.

2 Atlantis (an island that has sunk into eternity, 9 thousand 500 years BC)

lives in history for about two thousand years. "Atlantis is not fiction - a real-life state of demigods," Plato argued. Since then, 50 points of the alleged flooding of the island have been plotted on the world map. According to Plato's dialogues, the six-meter-high Atlanteans created a civilization that was too modern for its time. They were able to melt metal, process any materials, rise beyond the atmosphere on aircraft.
Why did Atlantis disappear? Gradually, the greed and pride of the Atlanteans reached a peak - a point of no return. The demigods began to degenerate. The enraged Zeus decided to "nullify" the program of the existence of these demigods - the abyss of the sea became a way to solve the problem.
There are several versions that not all Atlanteans died. Some researchers are convinced that some of the inexplicable discoveries on Earth belong to the surviving Atlanteans, others are sure that the Atlanteans turned into dolphins, which today have received personality status. The search continues.

3 Shambhala

Researchers are looking for another mythical country described in the legends of many peoples - Shambhala.
Some orientalists are sure of the existence of such a state as early as the 3rd-2nd century BC. BC. People have lost their spirituality, Shambhala has ceased to be visible to them, but has not disappeared. The inhabitants of a country of high civilization have vast knowledge. They secretly help the best representatives of humanity to move the development of the planet in the right direction. Expeditions from different countries are looking for a mysterious country in the Himalayas. Finding the entrance to it means gaining the knowledge of the ancients, touching the creator's wisdom, moving to a new stage of development. If the "City of the Gods" is found, the door to Shambhala will also be found. Researcher Ernst Muldashev claims the discovery of the "City of the Gods" in Tibet. The “door” to it looks very much like a human DNA molecule. Scientists called the find "the matrix of life." The door to Shambhala, according to legend, will be opened when humanity is cleansed of material dependence, becomes disinterested and spiritually enlightened - that is, it is ready to meet with a higher civilization.


An unknown people appeared in 4 thousand BC in the Southern Mesopotamia on the lands of ancient Mesopotamia. No one knew where this people came from and where their historical roots were. They brought with them extraordinary knowledge in the field of arithmetic and geometry, possessed writing using cuneiform. The Sumerians had a deep understanding of the structure of the solar system, artificial insemination. Legends and myths of other peoples are based on the mythology of the Sumerians. They possessed knowledge and technologies that came much later with the advent of computers. The Sumerians knew about the existence of the planet Nubiru, a hidden planet in the solar system. Linguists cannot define a language that would have common roots with Sumerian. Researcher Zecharia Sitchin, who deciphered the Sumerian language, is convinced that the Sumerians came to Earth from the planet Nubiru in search of gold. The best part of those who arrived returned to Nubiru, the rest stood at the origins of the birth of civilization.
What happened to the Sumerians? This is a big mystery. About 2 million people disappeared overnight without leaving any trace behind. Where did the ancient Sumerians go? Most likely, they mixed with other ethnic groups and formed a new people, the Babylonians, the Sumerians disappeared, leaving knowledge to people.


One of the first civilizations in Europe. Appeared several centuries earlier than the first settlements of Egypt and Mesopotamia. It existed in 6-3 thousand BC. on the territory of the Danube-Dnieper interfluve on the site of modern Ukraine, Romania and Moldova.
A well-oiled economic mechanism, the manufacture of unique painted pottery were combined with high spirituality, following traditions, and a passion for magic.
This ancient civilization is interesting for the strange custom of burning their own villages every 60-80 years. Excavations of ancient settlements have shown that each family had a set of magical symbols: swastikas, crosses, spirals. Yin-yang symbols were also found. Scientists cannot yet explain how these symbols could be used, if the existence of China in Europe was known only after several millennia. Civilization ceased to exist in 3 thousand BC. All versions of a possible disappearance are not supported by evidence.


Central America - from here in the 2nd century. BC. Mayan peoples began to descend to the plains and created the Great Empire. Temples, pyramids, writing, a perfect calendar, knowledge of astronomy, developed agriculture are the main achievements of the Mayan people known to us. This civilization is one of the most mysterious on the planet. Perfect scientific discoveries have come down to our days as predictions, which, however, have a real basis. The highest flowering of civilization is its golden age of the 7th-10th centuries. However, the Maya mysteriously left the cities forever, where the Maya disappeared is not known. The next stage for the rest of the Maya civilization was the arrival of Europeans, how it ended is known to everyone.


The powerful Hittite state existed in the 7th-8th century BC. in Asia Minor. Historical sources contain information that the Hittites came from the Balkan Peninsula, founding several city-states. They began to develop crafts, build roads, etc. According to another version, people from the Balkans were warlike conquerors who conquered the already existing state of the Hatti peoples on that territory and took his name. At the height of its power, the Hittite state leaves the political arena. The unexpected disappearance of a strong state still causes a lot of assumptions and hypotheses among specialists. Another riddle was added in 1963. In Turkey, in one of the villages, the largest underground city to date was accidentally discovered. Its construction began with the Hittites. This metropolis amazes with thoughtfulness and scale. 12 floors of the city can simultaneously accommodate 50 thousand people. human.
How could the underground civilization of the Hittites exist unnoticed? What other mysteries will this unsolved mystery present to scientists?


Only a satellite can see 700 geometric figures, 30 images of animals and birds, thirteen thousand stripes and lines left to us by an ancient civilization that has disappeared. The time of its existence is the period from 300 AD. to 800 AD
On google maps it looks like this
How are drawings made on the ground of such impressive dimensions, which do not disappear in time? For what purpose, by whom and to whom was the information transmitted in such an amazing way? These scientific questions remain unanswered to this day. The Nazca civilization disappeared in the eighth century. The reason for the disappearance is unknown. The alien version of the existence and disappearance of civilization is indirectly confirmed by a strange phenomenon - scientists have recorded the release of an unknown nature of energies in the form of a cosmic ray descending up to five times a year on a spiral pattern twisted in different directions. Another mystery was added to this: pyramids were found in the soil of the Nazca desert, which cannot be studied, because. excavations are temporarily prohibited here.


Appeared in the Gulf of Mexico 3000 years ago. No traces of the origin of this civilization have been found. The Olmecs did not leave information about their language, race, religion. Only the ruins of the pyramids, majestic sculptures, children's toys and huge stone heads of representatives of the Negroid race on the plateau were found. They are the main mystery of the Olmec civilization.


A sensational discovery in South Africa could redefine the history of mankind. The remains of a metropolis have been discovered, which testify to the existence of a civilization, perhaps the oldest on earth. Until now, it was believed that there were no developed civilizations of antiquity in Africa - only savages and cannibals lived there. Studies of stones by radiocarbon method indicated that the age of buildings is from 160 thousand to 200 thousand years BC. In these places, ancient gold mines were previously found in large numbers, which in itself indicated the possibility of the existence of an ancient civilization here. But the found metropolis removed all doubts - the most ancient civilization of Africa and, apparently, the world was found.

Traces of lost civilizations appear in different places on the planet. Any messages about new discoveries of ancient civilizations give humanity a chance to change the future by studying and understanding its past.

A well-known Russian specialist claims that before the appearance of people on earth, there were four more civilizations.

The well-known Russian specialist Ernst Muldashev, an ophthalmologist by profession and a researcher by vocation, is looking for traces of the disappearance of civilizations. According to Muldashev, there were four civilizations on earth that disappeared by the time of the appearance of mankind, but left their traces.


Asuras, or self-born, were the first race on earth, appearing 10 million years ago. They were incredibly tall, almost 50 meters, had an ethereal body, lived for ten thousand years, and used telepathy to communicate with each other. They had to move to Earth as a result of the death of the planet Phaeton.


Gradually, the asuras changed, their bodies became more dense. Thus, a new race of Atlanteans gradually formed, "born after. They were slightly smaller in size, they still had no bones, but there was a third eye located between the eyebrows.


After the Atlanteans, the Lemurians appeared on earth. They were much more like modern people, they had a bone skeleton, there was a division by gender, the third eye was still there, but no longer as well developed as that of the Atlanteans. The growth of the Lemurians was about 7-8 meters, and they lived for about a thousand years. According to Muldashev, they built the Sphinx, Stonehenge and other amazing monuments.


This race was formed later, its representatives were much lower, no more than 3-4 meters, the third eye was well hidden, and the rest of the organs were very similar to human ones.

According to Muldashev, about 25-30 thousand years ago, a nuclear catastrophe occurred on our planet as a result of a conflict between the Lemurians and the Boreas. Part of the Lemurians hid in the caves, where they fell into a state similar to hibernation "samadhi", and the other part flew away on spaceships.

The Boreas, or late Atlanteans, reached unprecedented heights of development, but also failed to maintain their civilization and died about 12 thousand years ago.


Our race, the fifth in a row, Muldashev calls Aryan. The birth of the fifth civilization took place about 12 thousand years ago, shortly before the death of Atlantis. The ancestors of modern people already lacked a third eye, which is why our civilization is developing so slowly.

The existence of more ancient civilizations is confirmed by archaeological finds, rock paintings, and references to aircraft in legends and traditions.

According to the philosopher and sociologist Adam Ferguson, civilization can be called a stage of social development characterized by the presence of social classes, writing, cities, the development of crafts and agriculture, and, most importantly, the rationalization of thinking.

Based on this definition, let's try to find out which of the most ancient civilizations of our planet are known to historians, as well as find out how they were formed, what they achieved and how they became part of the history of the Ancient World. The site also contains an article about the most mysterious civilizations in history.

The oldest civilization


Origin period: between IV and III millennium BC

The data available to historians indicate that it was the Sumerian civilization that preceded the others. The Sumerians came to the fertile lands between the Tigris and Euphrates, also known as Mesopotamia, at the end of the 4th millennium BC, driving the Proto-Sumerian tribes from their homes. The Sumerian civilization had a pronounced agricultural character, supported by an extensive irrigation system, on which the life of the first city-states of Mesopotamia (Kish, Uruk, Sippar, etc.) depended. Irrigation channels contributed to the timely transportation of water to the sown fields, drainage channels, dams and dams helped to avoid flooding crops during the rapid flood of the Euphrates.

The Sumerians are considered the founders of cuneiform writing, the earliest form of writing known to science. The oldest monument of Sumerian writing is a tablet from the city of Kish, dating approximately to 3500 BC. The system of symbols depicted on it is a transitional link from pictographic proto-writing to cuneiform.

With the development of writing, the formation of the foundations of civilization began: an urban revolution took place, the Sumerians sent settlers to create colonies in the remote lands of Mesopotamia, architecture improved, monumental temples were erected with adjacent farms, and social inequality aggravated. According to the results of archaeological research, the Sumerians had knowledge of the mining and smelting of copper, and were also familiar with the wheel.

Each Sumerian city was an independent state - "nome" - with a leader and patron god. In such a city, the prototype of the ancient Greek policies, up to 50-60 thousand people could live. However, there was still a peculiar center - this is the nome of Nippur, in which the sanctuary of Enlil, the main deity of the Sumerian pantheon, one of the most ancient religions of the world, was located.

As for the social structure of the Sumerians, the inhabitants of each nome could belong to one of four strata: nobility (temple priests, elders), artisans-merchants, communal farmers and warriors. There were also slaves - debtors who put themselves at the complete disposal of the creditor, and prisoners of war, who were at the very bottom of the hierarchy.

To date, the history of the mysterious civilization of the Sumerians has acquired a huge amount of speculation, but it is known for certain that this people had knowledge of the heliocentric system of the world, knew about the circle of the zodiac, owned a sexagesimal number system (its echoes have come down to us in the watch dial and the division of the year into seasons and months) and kept a historical chronicle.

Secrets of the first civilizations - the Sumerians

In the XXIV century BC. Sumerian civilization was conquered and absorbed by the Babylonian kingdom.

Ancient civilizations: secrets and hypotheses


About Atlantis, the civilization mentioned in Plato's "dialogues", we only know that it existed about 9 thousand years ago, was located on the islands near the Strait of Gibraltar and went to the bottom of the ocean due to a powerful earthquake. Most modern scientists agree that Atlantis is nothing more than an invention of the ancient Greek philosopher, but many researchers still do not give up hope of finding confirmation of its existence.

Lemuria (Mu)

In the epic of the inhabitants of Tibet, India and Polynesia, one can find references to an ancient civilization called Lemuria. According to legend, about 80 thousand years ago, the waters of the Indian Ocean washed the mainland, inhabited by snake-headed proto-humans.

In the middle of the 19th century, scientists suggested that the island of Madagascar could be part of a sunken continent. More recent studies have shown that about 60 million years ago Madagascar was part of the Hindustan Peninsula - perhaps there is no mystery, and the notorious Lemuria is part of the Hindustan plate, previously separated from the Asian continent.


Another mysterious northern continent, the inhabitants of which are credited with the creation of the most ancient Slavic civilization. An indication of Hyperborea is very common in ancient Greek mythology, but still, the vast majority of researchers are inclined to the pseudo-historical nature of this location.
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What secrets and mysteries do lost civilizations keep? Do we need to unravel these mysteries? The Eternal Stones are reluctant to reveal their secrets. Will they help to figure out who we are now and who we will be tomorrow?

In this article, we have compiled a list of the most famous, mysterious ancient civilizations in the world.

Historians consider the period of the birth of civilization to be 4-3 millennia BC. Moreover, it is believed that it was the Sumerian civilization that became the basis for all subsequent ones. The Sumerians lived in the area between the Tigris and Euphrates. Their main activity was agriculture. However, the main distinguishing feature of the Sumerians was cuneiform writing. Given the historical data, we can confidently assume that the Sumerians already in those distant times had full knowledge and mining skills, smelted copper and were well aware of what a wheel was.

Each city, and was called "nome", inhabited by the Sumerians had its own leader and patron. According to historical data, about 50-60 thousand people lived in such towns, and Nippur was the center of the entire civilization. The most interesting thing is that the Sumerians, long before our era, already had class inequalities. So the inhabitants were divided into temple priests, artisans, merchants, farmers, warriors and do not believe the slaves. However, in the 24th century BC, the Sumerian community was absorbed into the Babylonian kingdom and ceased to exist as an independent unit.

The oldest civilization that existed from the 14th to the 16th centuries. According to the legends, the Aztecs themselves came from giant caves, which got their name in honor of the mysterious place Aztlan. The Aztec culture has survived to this day in jewelry, statues of various gods, pottery and architecture. In addition, the Aztecs were considered excellent writers. But the most interesting legacy of the Aztecs is considered to be two calendars, which are combined into a 52-year cycle. One of the calendars was solar. It had 18 months, each of which had 20 days. The second - the ritual calendar, consisted of 260 days. It is believed that it was thanks to this calendar that the Aztecs predicted fate.

Maya civilization begins its history from 2 thousand BC on the Yucatan Peninsula and the nearby territory of Mexico. Many scholars argue that the Mayan settlements appeared long before the indicated historical dates, and this is confirmed by the calendars of calculation, which begin from an earlier period. The decline of this ancient civilization is considered to be 850-900 AD. However, scientists are still trying to unravel the mystery of these settlements today. In the middle of the last century, scientists, trying to decipher the Mayan script, completely refuted the theory that the inhabitants of this civilization were peaceful and calm. Their records indicate that the tribes constantly came into conflict with each other and never created a “single state”, the only common place where the tribes met was the pyramids, in which rituals and sacrifices were performed. The cause of the collapse of civilization is still an unsolved mystery.

Civilization, sunk as a result of the strongest earthquake. To this day, scientists are trying to uncover the mystery of the sunken island, but all in vain, so far no evidence has been found, no confirmation or refutation of its existence. The only thing that is known, and then notice in Plato's notes, that it existed 9 thousand years ago and was located on islands near the Strait of Gibraltar.

Another civilization that does not have reliable evidence of its existence. Historians have found little information about Lemuria in the records of the inhabitants of India and Tibet. However, their legend says that this is an island inhabited by snake-headed inhabitants. Whether this is true or not is still not known for certain, there are only assumptions by scientists who believe that the territory of Lemuria could be located on the sunken part of Madagascar. Later studies say that Madagascar was part of Hindustan more than 60 million years ago, and Lemuria is probably just a part of the Hindustan plate that separated from the Asian continent.

In the 7th century BC. the ancient Greek poet Gesod mentions the country of Hyperborea in his works, and a little later Herodotus also speaks about it in his historical records. Both of them claim that exceptionally hardworking and very smart people inhabited Hyperborea. There are references that even Apollo himself fell in love with this country and patronized it in every possible way. According to ancient sources, a subtropical climate reigned in this area, and it was these conditions that made it the favorite of all artists and architects of those times. To this day, the mystery of the disappearance of this country remains not completely solved, however, there are suggestions that the inhabitants of Hyperborea were forced to leave their lands due to the dramatically changed climate.

Until recently, it was believed that the development of civilizations in India happened quite late, what was the surprise of scientists who discovered the remains of the ancient Harappan civilization in the Indus Valley. Many scholars believed that the inhabitants of the valley were Sumerians, others believed that they were Indo-Aryans. But unfortunately, no facts have been found that reliably determine the origin of the inhabitants of this area. The only thing we can say for sure is that the inhabitants of the valley were originally engaged in gathering and only over time began to engage in agriculture and cattle breeding. The culture of the Harappan civilization developed quite quickly, and soon the local population began to build trade relations with nearby neighbors. there is no exact information about the death of the Harappan civilization. There are two assumptions that say that the inhabitants of the valley left their native area due to unfavorable natural conditions or were captured by hostile tribes. One thing can be said, its collapse is as swift as its unexpected development.

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