Climatic and space resources are their characteristics. Climate and space resources are the resources of the future. Obtaining and Benefits of Solar Energy

This video lesson is devoted to the topic "Resources of the World Ocean, space and recreational resources." You will get acquainted with the main resources of the ocean, their potential for use in economic activity person. The lesson discusses the features resource potential shelf of the World Ocean and its use today, as well as forecasts for the development of ocean resources in subsequent years. In addition, the lesson provides detailed information about space (wind and solar energy) and recreational resources, examples of their use in various regions of our planet. The lesson will introduce you to the classification of recreational resources and countries with the greatest diversity of recreational resources.

Topic: Geography of natural resources of the world

Lesson:Resources of the World Ocean, space and recreational resources

World ocean - the main part of the hydrosphere, which forms a water shell, consisting of the waters of individual oceans and their parts. The oceans are a pantry of natural resources.

Resources of the oceans:

1. Sea water. Sea water is the main resource of the ocean. Water reserves are approximately 1370 million cubic meters. km, or 96.5% of the entire hydrosphere. Sea water contains great amount dissolved substances, primarily salts, sulfur, manganese, magnesium, iodine, bromine and other substances. 1 cu. km sea ​​water contains 37 million tons of dissolved substances.

2. Mineral resources of the ocean floor. On the ocean shelf is 1/3 of all world oil and gas reserves. The most active oil and gas production is carried out in the Mexican, Guinean, Persian Gulfs, and the North Sea. In addition, the mining of solid minerals (for example, titanium, zirconium, tin, gold, platinum, etc.) takes place on the ocean shelf. There are also huge reserves of building material on the shelf: sand, gravel, limestone, shell rock, etc. The deep-water flat parts of the ocean (bed) are rich in ferromanganese nodules. The following countries are actively developing offshore fields: China, USA, Norway, Japan, Russia.

3. biological resources. According to the way of life and habitat, all living organisms of the ocean are divided into three groups: plankton (small organisms that freely drift in the water column), nekton (actively swimming organisms) and benthos (organisms that live in the soil and at the bottom). The biomass of the ocean contains more than 140,000 species of living organisms.

Based on the uneven distribution of biomass in the ocean, the following fishing belts are distinguished:



Northern temperate.

South temperate.

Tropical equatorial.

The most productive areas of the World Ocean are the northern latitudes. Norway, Denmark, the USA, Russia, Japan, Iceland, and Canada conduct their economic activities within the northern temperate and arctic zones.

4. Energetic resources. The oceans have huge reserves of energy. At present, humanity uses the energy of ebbs and flows (Canada, USA, Australia, Great Britain) and energy sea ​​currents.

Climate and space resources- inexhaustible resources of solar energy, wind energy and moisture.

Solar energy is the largest source of energy on earth. Solar energy is best used (efficiently, profitably) in countries with an arid climate: in Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Morocco, UAE, Australia, as well as in Japan, USA, Brazil.

Wind energy is best used on the coast of the North, Baltic, Mediterranean seas, as well as on the coast of the Arctic Ocean. Some countries are especially intensively developing wind energy, in particular, in 2011 in Denmark, 28% of all electricity is produced with the help of wind turbines, in Portugal - 19%, in Ireland - 14%, in Spain - 16% and in Germany - 8%. In May 2009, 80 countries around the world were using wind power on a commercial basis.

Rice. 1. Wind turbines

Agro-climatic resources- climate resources, estimated from the standpoint of the vital activity of agricultural crops.

Agro-climatic factors:

1. Air.

5. Nutrients.

Rice. 2. Agro-climatic map of the world

recreation- a system of recreational activities carried out in order to restore the normal state of health and performance of a tired person.

Recreational resources- these are resources of all kinds that can be used to meet the needs of the population in recreation and tourism.

Recreational Resource Types:

1. Natural (parks, beaches, reservoirs, mountain landscapes, PTK).

2. Anthropogenic (museums, cultural monuments, rest houses).

Natural Recreational Groups:

1. Medico-biological.

2. Psychological and aesthetic.

3. Technological.

Anthropogenic groups:

1. Architectural.

2. Historical.

3. Archaeological.

Most tourists are attracted by those regions and countries in which Natural resources combined with historical: France, China, Spain, Italy, Morocco, India.

Rice. 3. The Eiffel Tower is one of the most visited tourist sites


Topic 2, Item 2

1. Give examples of agro-climatic resources.

2. What do you think, what can affect the attendance of a country, region by tourists?



1. Geography. A basic level of. 10-11 cells: Textbook for educational institutions/ A.P. Kuznetsov, E.V. Kim. - 3rd ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2012. - 367 p.

2. Economic and social geography of the world: Proc. for 10 cells. educational institutions / V.P. Maksakovskiy. - 13th ed. - M .: Education, JSC "Moscow textbooks", 2005. - 400 p.

3. Atlas with kit contour maps for grade 10. Economic and social geography of the world. - Omsk: Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Omsk Cartographic Factory", 2012 - 76 p.


1. Economic and social geography of Russia: Textbook for universities / Ed. prof. A.T. Khrushchev. - M.: Bustard, 2001. - 672 p.: ill., cart.: tsv. incl.

Encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books and statistical collections

1. Geography: a guide for high school students and university applicants. - 2nd ed., corrected. and dorab. - M.: AST-PRESS SCHOOL, 2008. - 656 p.

Literature for preparing for the GIA and the Unified State Examination

1. Geography. Tests. Grade 10 / G.N. Elkin. - St. Petersburg: Parity, 2005. - 112 p.

2. Thematic control in geography. Economic and social geography of the world. Grade 10 / E.M. Ambartsumova. - M.: Intellect-Centre, 2009. - 80 p.

3. The most complete edition standard options real tasks of the Unified State Examination: 2010. Geography / Comp. Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: Astrel, 2010. - 221 p.

4. Thematic control. Geography. Nature of Russia. Grade 8 / N.E. Burgasova, S.V. Bannikov: Tutorial. - M.: Intellect-Centre, 2010. - 144 p.

5. Tests in geography: grades 8-9: to the textbook, ed. V.P. Dronova Geography of Russia. Grades 8-9: a textbook for educational institutions ” / V.I. Evdokimov. - M.: Exam, 2009. - 109 p.

6. The optimal bank of tasks for preparing students. Single State exam 2012. Geography. Tutorial / Comp. EM. Ambartsumova, S.E. Dyukov. - M.: Intellect-Centre, 2012. - 256 p.

7. The most complete edition of typical variants of real USE assignments: 2010. Geography / Comp. Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2010. - 223 p.

8. State final certification of graduates of 9 classes in new form. Geography. 2013. Textbook / V.V. Drums. - M.: Intellect-Centre, 2013. - 80 p.

9. Geography. Diagnostic work in USE format 2011. - M.: MTSNMO, 2011. - 72 p.

10. Tests. Geography. Grades 6-10: Teaching aid / A.A. Letyagin. - M .: LLC "Agency" KRPA "Olimp": Astrel, AST, 2001. - 284 p.

11. USE 2010. Geography. Collection of tasks / Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 272 p.

12. Tests in geography: Grade 10: to the textbook by V.P. Maksakovskiy “Economic and social geography of the world. Grade 10 / E.V. Baranchikov. - 2nd ed., stereotype. - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2009. - 94 p.

13. The most complete edition of typical options for real USE assignments: 2009. Geography / Comp. Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2009. - 250 p.

14. Unified state exam 2009. Geography. Universal materials for the preparation of students / FIPI - M .: Intellect-Center, 2009. - 240 p.

15. Geography. Answers on questions. Oral exam, theory and practice / V.P. Bondarev. - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2003. - 160 p.

Materials on the Internet

1. Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements ().

2. federal portal Russian Education ().

4. The official information portal of the exam ().

Ticket number 22

Describe the sectoral composition and features of the distribution of light industry, the problems and prospects for its development.

Analyze demographic problem as one of global problems humanity.

Ticket number 21

3. Geographic task

Enough for now great attention is given to the use of alternative sources of various resources. For example, humanity has long been engaged in the development of obtaining energy from renewable substances and materials, such as the heat of the planet's core, tides, sunlight, and so on. In the article below, the climate and space resources of the world will be considered. Their main advantage is that they are renewable. Therefore, their repeated use is quite efficient, and the reserves can be considered unlimited.

Climate resources are traditionally understood as the energy of the sun, wind, and so on. This term defines various inexhaustible natural sources. And this category got its name as a result of the fact that the resources included in its composition are characterized by certain features of the climate of the region. In addition, a subcategory is also distinguished in this group. It is called agro-climatic resources. The main determining factors influencing the possibility of developing such sources are air, heat, moisture, light and other nutrients.

Space resources In turn, the second of the previously presented categories combines inexhaustible sources that are outside our planet. The well-known energy of the Sun can be attributed to the number of such. We will consider it in more detail. Methods of use To begin with, we will characterize the main directions in the development of solar energy as a component of the "Space Resources of the World" group. Currently, there are two fundamental ideas. The first is to launch a special satellite equipped with a significant number of solar panels into low Earth orbit. By means of photocells, the light falling on their surface will be converted into electrical energy, and then transmitted to special receiver stations on Earth. The second idea is based on a similar principle. The difference lies in the fact that space resources will be collected through solar panels that will be installed at the equator. natural satellite Earth. In this case, the system will form the so-called "lunar belt".

2. Expand the sectoral composition of the woodworking industry and the geography of its location.

The timber industry is characterized by the presence of two forest belts.
Within the northern forest belt, coniferous wood is harvested, which is then processed into wood-based panels, cellulose, paper, and cardboard. For Russia, Canada, Sweden, Finland, the timber and woodworking industries are important branches of international specialization. Canada occupies the first place in the world in the export of forest products. The main importers of wood are the countries of Western Europe and Japan.
Hardwood is harvested within the southern forest belt. Three main areas of the timber industry have developed here: Brazil, Tropical Africa, and Southeast Asia. The wood harvested in them is exported by sea to Japan, Western Europe, and the rest is mainly used for firewood.
For the manufacture of paper in the countries of the southern belt, non-wood raw materials are often used: bamboo in India, sisal in Brazil, Tanzania, jute in Bangladesh. Nevertheless, in terms of its production, on a per capita basis, these countries lag especially far behind.

3. Practical task knowledge of the geographic map.

Dreams of space colonization and the extraction of natural resources there appeared long ago, but today they are becoming a reality. At the beginning of the year, companies and Deep Space Industries announced their intention to begin industrial space exploration. T&P are figuring out what minerals they are going to extract, how feasible these projects are and whether space can become the new Alaska for gold miners of the 21st century.

If the industrial development of planets is still only a dream, then with asteroids things are much more optimistic. First of all, we are talking only about the objects closest to the Earth, and even then those whose speed does not exceed the threshold of the first cosmic one. As for the asteroids themselves, the most promising for mining are the so-called M-class asteroids, most of which are almost entirely composed of nickel and iron, as well as S-class asteroids, which have iron and magnesium silicates in their rock. The researchers also suggest that deposits of gold and platinum group metals can be found on these asteroids, while the latter, due to their rarity on Earth, is of particular interest. In order to imagine what numbers in question: a medium-sized asteroid (about 1.5 kilometers in diameter) contains metals worth 20 trillion dollars.

Finally, one more the most important goal space gold diggers - C-class asteroids (approximately 75 percent of all asteroids solar system) where water is to be produced. It is estimated that even the smallest asteroids of this group, with a diameter of 7 meters, can contain up to 100 tons of water. Water should not be underestimated, do not forget that hydrogen can be obtained from it, which can then be used as fuel. In addition, the extraction of water directly on asteroids will save money on its delivery from Earth.

What to mine in space

Platinum is a tasty morsel for all investors. It is through platinum that enthusiasts of space resource extraction will be able to recoup their costs.

The operation of the entire production station will depend on the water reserves. In addition, "water" asteroids near the Earth are the most: about 75 percent.

Iron is the most important metal of modern industry, so it is quite obvious that the efforts of miners will be concentrated on it in the first place.

How to mine

Mined on an asteroid, and then delivered to Earth for processing.

A mining factory is built directly on the surface of an asteroid. To do this, it is necessary to develop a technology for holding equipment on the surface of an asteroid, since due to the low gravity, even a weak physical impact can easily tear off the structure and carry it into space. Another problem with this method is the delivery of raw materials for further processing, which can be very expensive.

System of self-reproducing machines. In order to ensure the operation of production without human intervention, it is proposed to create a system of self-reproducing machines, each of which assembles its exact copy for a certain period of time. In the 80s, such a project was even developed by NASA, though it was then about the surface of the moon. If in a month such a machine is capable of assembling a similar one, in less than a year there will be more than a thousand such machines, and in three more than a billion. It is proposed to use the energy of solar panels as a power source for the machines.

Mining and processing right on the asteroid. Build stations that process raw materials on the surface of the asteroid. The advantage of this method is that it will significantly save money on the delivery of minerals to the place of extraction. Cons - additional equipment, and, accordingly, more high degree automation.

Move the asteroid to Earth for subsequent mining. It is possible to attract an asteroid to the Earth with the help of a space tug, according to the principle of operation, similar to those that satellites are now delivering to the Earth's orbit. The second option is the creation of a gravitational tug, the technology with which it is planned to protect the Earth from potentially dangerous asteroids. The tug is a small body that comes close to the asteroid (at a distance of up to 50 meters) and creates a gravitational disturbance that changes its trajectory. The third option, the most daring and extraordinary, is a change in the albedo (reflectivity) of the asteroid. A part of the asteroid is covered with a film or covered with paint, after which, according to theoretical calculations, due to the uneven heating of the surface by the Sun, the rotation speed of the asteroid should change.

Who will mine

The American businessman Peter Diamantis, creator of the X-Prize fund, is responsible for the creation. The scientific team is led by former NASA employees, and the project is financially supported by Larry Page and James Cameron. The company's primary goal is to build the Arkyd-100 telescope, for which it pays for its own production, and all donations will go to the maintenance of the telescope and the launch itself, scheduled for 2014. Plans for Arkyd-100 are quite modest - the company expects to test the telescope, and at the same time take high-quality images of galaxies, the Moon, nebulae and others space beauties. But the next Arkyd-200 and Arkyd-300 will be engaged in the specific search for asteroids and preparation for the extraction of raw materials.

at the helm Deep Space Industries stands Rick Tamlinson, who had a hand in the same X-Prize fund, former employee NASA John Mankins and Australian scientist Mark Sonter. The company already has two spacecraft. The first of these, FireFly, is scheduled to launch into space in 2015. The device weighs only 25 kilograms and will be aimed at searching for asteroids suitable for future exploration, studying their structure, rotation speed and other parameters. The second, DragonFly, will have to deliver pieces of asteroids weighing 25-75 kilograms to Earth. Its launch, according to the program, will be carried out in 2016. The main secret weapon of Deep Space Industries is the MicroGravity Foundry technology, a microgravity 3D printer capable of creating high-precision high-density parts in low gravity. By 2023, the company expects active mining of platinum, iron, water and gases on asteroids.

NASA also does not stand aside. By September 2016, the agency plans to launch the OSIRIS-REX spacecraft, which should start exploring the asteroid Bennu. Approximately by the end of 2018, the device will reach the goal, take a soil sample and return to Earth in another two or three years. The researchers plan to test the guesswork about the origin of the solar system, track the deviation of the asteroid's trajectory (there is, albeit an extremely small, probability that Bennu could ever collide with the Earth), and, finally, the most interesting thing: to study the soil of the asteroid for useful fossils.

For soil analysis, OSIRIS-REX will operate 3 spectrometers: infrared, thermal and X-ray. The first will measure infrared radiation and look for carbonaceous materials, the second will measure the temperature in search of water and clay. The third is to capture X-ray sources to detect metals: primarily iron, magnesium and silicon.

Who owns space resources

If the global plans of the companies become a reality, another pressing question arises: how will mining rights in space be divided? This problem was first touched upon back in 1967, when the UN passed a law prohibiting the extraction of resources in space until the mining company presents a de facto seizure of the territory. Nothing was said about the rights to the resources themselves. A 1984 UN document on the Moon clarified the situation a bit. It states that "The moon and its natural resources are the common heritage of mankind" and the use of its resources "should be for the benefit and in the interests of all countries." At the same time, the main space powers, the USSR and the USA, ignored this document and the issue remained open to this day.

To resolve the issue, some experts propose to take as an analogue the system currently used in the Convention on the International Law of the Sea, which regulates the extraction of minerals from the seabed. Its principles are more than idealistic - according to the convention, no state, just like an individual, can claim the right to appropriate the territory and its resources, these rights belong to all mankind, and the resources themselves should be used only for peaceful purposes. But this is unlikely to stop the aggressive expansion of private companies. The nature of the future industry was best expressed by the chairman of the board of Deep Space Industries, Rick Tamlinson: “There is a myth that nothing good awaits us ahead and we have nothing to hope for. This myth exists only in the minds of people who believe in it. We are convinced that this is only the beginning.”

A UNSW study has shown that for a single iron-rich asteroid, given the existence of a market and other assumptions, the investment will be repaid in 85 years if the ore is sent to Earth, and only 5 years if it is used in space.

Not so expensive

Despite all this activity, skeptics doubt the prospects of space mining in terms of money and time. Obviously, extracting resources from space will be costly. The total budget of the project, under which "" was sent to Mars and kept for 14 years, amounted to $ 2.5 billion.

But extracting resources on Earth is also not cheap. Development and production costs run into the hundreds of millions of dollars. Companies spend this money trying to find new terrestrial deposits. The extraction of fossil resources stretches over decades. The time and cost frames will be comparable to space ones. Why not just start going into space and extracting resources there? This to be. Where to start? Let's start with a study that suggests that using iron ore in space is much easier than returning it to Earth (assuming there is a market in space).

For high-value commodities like rare earth minerals or platinum group metals, shipping to Earth might be considered, but “ordinary” resources that can be mined in space are best used there.

The common argument is that it costs $20,000 per kilogram to launch cargo from Earth into space, so if you can produce that kilogram in space for less than $20,000, you can save a lot and turn out to be profitable.

SpaceX, for example, publishes its launch costs on the website. The current figure for the Falcon 9 is $12,600. But so far there is no market as such, and it may be necessary to artificially push it (for example, NASA can conclude a contract for the delivery of water in orbit). Without such a push, the initial demand for water may come from space tourism, but it is more likely that satellite refueling will take off. Water can be split into oxygen and hydrogen, which can then be used as fuel for satellites.

World peace or "wild west"?

In terms of world peace, there are a number of problems with the US Space Act, as it is inconsistent with existing treaties and is likely to be ignored in other countries and therefore unenforceable. But over time, slow processes will finally put everything in a legal framework. And yet, before there is peace in space, it is possible that space piracy, for example, will develop.

In November, Sydney will host a meeting of world leaders and representatives of space mining companies to discuss the challenges of future off-Earth resource extraction. In order to achieve maximum interaction between space experts and experts in the mining industry, it was decided to combine this event with the third Future Mining Conference. Perhaps, after its passage, we will learn a lot of new and promising things about this, of course, an interesting milestone in our future.

The energy potential on a global scale makes it possible to ensure the livelihoods of millions of people, as well as the operation of the infrastructure and industrial complex. Despite the separation of sources used for the operation of thermal, nuclear and other types of stations, they are all based on resources and phenomena of natural origin. Another thing is that not all sources are fully mastered today. On this basis, one can distinguish between climatic and which have similar prospects for future use, but suggest different approaches to the means of extracting energy. The direct use of natural resources in production and economic activities does not pass without a trace. This aspect forces specialists to turn to fundamentally new energy generation technologies.

What are climate and space resources?

Almost all modern developments aimed at accumulation are based on climatic resources. As a rule, four groups of such sources are distinguished: sunlight, wind, moisture and heat. This is the main set that forms the agro-climatic base for the work of agricultural enterprises. It is important to understand that not all climate systems are used in full. So, for all the value of sunlight, there is still no clear evidence that storage facilities of this type can replace traditional types of energy processing. Nevertheless, the inexhaustibility of this resource is a strong motivation for work in this area.

As for resources of cosmic origin, in some areas they have something in common with climatic ones. For example, this industry also assumes the use of solar energy. In general, space resources are fundamentally the new kind energy, a feature of which is the use of extra-atmospheric satellites and stations.

Application of climate resources

The main consumer of such resources is the agricultural sector. Compared to traditional natural energy processing plants, light, moisture and heat form a kind of passive effect that contributes to the development of crops. Consequently, a person can use climatic resources only in their original form of natural supply.

But this does not mean at all that he cannot control their interaction with energy recipients. Construction of greenhouses, sun protection and installation of wind barriers - all this can be attributed to the measures of regulation of influence natural phenomena for agricultural activities. On the other hand, wind and solar energy may well be used as resources for generating electricity. For these purposes, photopanels, stations with the accumulation of air flows, etc. are being developed.

Climatic resources of Russia

The territory of the country covers several zones that differ in different climatic characteristics. This aspect also determines the variety of ways to use the energy received. Among the most important characteristics of the impact of resources of this type, one can single out the optimal moisture coefficient, the average duration and thickness of the snow cover, as well as a favorable temperature regime (the value in the average daily measurement is 10 °C).

The unevenness with which Russia's climatic resources are distributed across different regions also imposes restrictions on the development of agriculture. For example, the northern regions are characterized by excessive moisture and lack of heat, which makes it possible to engage in only focal agriculture, and in the southern part, on the contrary, conditions are favorable for the cultivation of many crops, including wheat, rye, oats, etc. Sufficient heat and light indicators also contribute to the development livestock in this region

Application of space resources

Space as a means practical application on Earth were considered as early as the 1970s. Since that time, the development of a technological basis has begun, which would make alternative energy supply a reality. In this case, the Sun and the Moon are considered as the main sources. But, regardless of the nature of the application, both climate and space resources require the creation of an appropriate infrastructure for the transmission and accumulation of energy.

The most promising directions for the implementation of this idea is the creation of a lunar power station. New radiating antennas and solar arrays are also being developed, which should be controlled by terrestrial service points.

Space Energy Conversion Technologies

Even with the successful transmission of solar energy, means of converting it will be required. The most effective tool at the moment for this task is the photocell. This is a device that converts the energy potential of photons into familiar electricity.

It should be noted that climate and space resources in some areas are combined just by using such equipment. Photopanels are used in agriculture, although the end-use principle is somewhat different. So, if the classical use formula assumes their natural consumption by objects of economic activity, then solar batteries first generate electricity, which can later be used for a variety of agricultural needs.

Importance of climate and space resources

On the present stage technological progress people are actively engaged in alternative energy sources. Despite this, the basis of energy raw materials is still climate and climate resources, which can be represented in different forms. Along with hydro resources, the agro-complex acts as a platform that has essential for the life of people.

So far, the benefits of space energy are less obvious, but in the future it is possible that this industry will become dominant. Although it is difficult to imagine that alternative sources on such a scale can ever surpass the importance of the earth's energy potential. One way or another, climatic resources can provide enormous opportunities in terms of meeting the needs of industry and the household sector for electricity.

Resource Development Issues

If it is still at the stage of theoretical development, then with the agro-climatic base everything is more definite. The direct use of these resources in the same agriculture is successfully organized at different levels, and a person is only required to regulate the exploitation from the point of view of rational use. But climate and climatic resources are not yet sufficiently developed as sources for energy processing. Although such projects have been technically implemented for a long time in different types, their practical value is questionable due to the financial inexpediency of the application.


Approaches to energy generation and distribution still depend on the needs of the end user. The choice of sources is based on the parameters of the required supply, which allow to provide life support in different areas. Many sources are responsible for integrated provision, including climatic ones. Space resources practically do not participate in this process. Perhaps, in the coming years, against the backdrop of technological development, specialists will be able to receive this kind of energy on a massive scale, but it is too early to talk about this. In part, the successful accumulation of space resources is hindered by an insufficient level of technological support, but there is no unambiguous opinion about the financial benefits of such projects.

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