After a couple of hours when it was. Insidious comma. How to avoid mistakes when arranging commas in simple and complex sentences. Basic Rules. In a non-union complex sentence

How to avoid mistakes when placing
commas in simple and complex sentences.
Basic Rules.

What determines whether you need to put a comma?

The placement of a comma depends primarily on
sentence structures. So, in order to
deal with punctuation, you need to be good
understand the syntax. For correct setting
comma in a sentence you need to know what is
grammatical basis and minor members
sentences, appeals, introductory words and introductory
constructions, homogeneous members of the sentence, and
also types of compound sentences.

A comma can most often:

in simple sentences
separate homogeneous
sentence members
highlight key words and
highlight appeals
single out separate
minor members
in complex sentences
separate parts
separate parts
complex subordinate
separate parts

Homogeneous members of the proposal can be combined:

only intonation,
without alliances
they are separated by commas
non-repeating adversatives (a, but) - comma
always placed;
connecting or separating
(and, or) - no comma
repeated conjunctions are preceded
comma, except for the conjunction before
the first of the homogeneous members
unions in pairs
"and", "or"
pairs are separated from each other by commas, and
no comma inside pairs
double alliances
before the second part of the double union
put a comma

Introductory words and introductory constructions

usually separated by commas.
If introductory word stands at the beginning or end of a separate
common member of the sentence, then it is from it with a comma
is not separated, and if in the middle, then it is separated by commas.
If the introductory word can be omitted or rearranged, then it
separated by a comma from the preceding coordinating conjunction;
if this is not possible, then a comma is placed only after
introductory word, and on the border between the union and the introductory word
is put on.
It is necessary to distinguish between words that in some cases can be
introductory, and in others - to be members of the proposal.


separated by commas.
The particle "o" before the call is not separated from
him with a comma.
If two calls are connected by a non-repeating
connecting union, then a comma is not placed between them,
multiple invocations without conjunctions are separated by commas.
If the appeal is common, then it is highlighted
commas along with dependent words.

In what cases are the secondary members of the sentence separated?



Separated if
expressed participle turnovers or
adjectives with dependent words
and come after the word being defined
is two or more single
definitions after
defined word
the word being defined is personal
they are divorced from the word being defined
other members of the proposal
they have additional
adverbial value (most often
reasons or concessions)
need to underline the value being passed
inconsistent definition
Do not separate if
expressed by the involved
turns or adjectives
with dependent words and stand
before the defined word
depend on the undefined
pronouns and stand behind it


Separated if
expressed by a noun with dependent words and
stand after the word being defined (less often - before)
dependent on proper names if they come after
defined word
Not segregated
the word being defined is a personal pronoun
expressed by a proper name and before them without
change of meaning can be put "namely", "that is"
refer to a common noun with
explanatory words
are joined by the words "by name", "by surname" and
etc. or the union "how", while they have
additional adverbial value
Depend on the name
own and
are in front of

10. Circumstances

Separated if
expressed by gerunds
or participles
expressed in adverbs or
which explain or
clarify others
nouns with
prepositions I mean,
Do not separate if
gerunds in
the role of the adverb
which are
phraseological units

11. Additions

Isolate themselves
if expressed
nouns with
prepositions EXCEPT FOR
etc. and have
restrictive or
Not isolated
in all
the rest

12. In a compound sentence

A comma is placed
between simple
No comma is placed
between nominative, incentive,
exclamatory or
interrogative sentences,
connected connecting
unions AND, YES (in the meaning of and) or
dividing unions OR,
if parts of a compound
sentences have a common member
suggestions, or general
adverbial clause, or
common introductory word and connected
connecting unions AND, YES (in
meaning i) or separating
unions OR, OR.

13. In a complex sentence

the subordinate clause is separated from the main clause.
As a rule, a comma is placed before the union or allied word.
A comma is not put if there is a negation before the union or
the subordinate clause consists only of the allied word.
If subordinate clauses depend on the same member
main sentence, then the rules for punctuation between
them are the same as with homogeneous members suggestions.
At the junction of two unions, a comma is placed between them if the omission
subordinate clause will not require a complete restructuring
suggestions; if the second part of the subordinate clause
begins with the words TO, HOW, BUT, then the comma is not put.

14. In a non-union complex sentence

simple sentences are always separated
from each other by any punctuation marks.
A comma is placed if the parts are independent of each other.
friend, but united in meaning.
If inside one or both parts there is
commas or if the sentences are separated from each other
friend in meaning, put a semicolon.
In addition, under certain conditions between
in parts, a dash or a colon can be placed.

15. When answering the test questions, click on the numbers. If the answer is correct, an asterisk will appear, if the answer is incorrect, a cross will appear.

own knowledge.
When answering the test questions, press
to numbers. If the answer is correct, it will appear
an asterisk, if incorrect - a cross.

16. 1. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma.

A good book enriches experience and helps responsibly
relate to life and look far into the future.
The degrees of comparison of adjectives are formed either with the help of
suffixes or with the help of auxiliary words.
A shallow and narrow rivulet as a result of flooding widely
spilled over a huge field and road.
And we will get a cat and a dog and fish.

17. 2. Indicate the sentence in which you want to separate the introductory word with a comma.

Sometimes the sky seems so endless to us.
Today it seems to me that the moon glows in a special way.
The sun didn't seem to be going down at all.
The constellation Orion in our latitudes is visible only in winter.

18. 3. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put commas in place of the numbers 1 and 4.

Some species of tropical and subtropical fish have
there is a suction cup (1) with the help of (2) which (3) makes sounds (4)
falling raindrops.
The coach divided the participants into teams (1)
each (2) of which (3) included five people (4) and again
recalled the rules of the game.
For the treatment of various diseases in medicine, widely
used (1) bee venom (2) need (3) which (4)
is constantly growing.
Detail gradually becomes (1) symbol (2) emergence (3)
which in the text of the novel (4) notes essential for understanding
the author's intention episodes.

19. 4. Indicate the sentence in which you want to isolate the definition and circumstance.

Power plants generating great amount energy
emit pollutants into the atmosphere environment gases.
Happy and smiling birthday boy joyfully greeted
guests finding kind words for everyone.
The guys who did not notice anyone in their path rushed like crazy
Finally upset, she went to the window sobbing.

20. 5. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma.

What a warm evening and how beautiful this night nature is!
The wind died down and a fresh coolness began to spread in
The rowers dropped their oars and set sail and sat down on the bottom of the boat.
It rained all night and when we looked out the window in the morning it turned out
that the water came up to the garden.

21. 6. In place of which numbers should commas be put in the sentence: After a couple of hours (1) when it was already quite hot (2) and the crowd in the port froze (3) m

6. In place of which numbers you need to put
commas in a sentence:
After a couple of hours (1) when it was already quite hot (2) and the crowd in the port froze (3) the boys
got out of the city limits (4) and climbed a hill (5) from which the harbor is visible.
1, 2, 3, 5
1, 3, 4, 5
1, 3, 5
1, 2, 3, 4, 5

22. 7. In place of which numbers should commas be put in the sentence: Alexey Pavlovich got up with an early dawn (1) and (2) when he inhaled (3) drunk wet

7. In place of which numbers you need to put
commas in a sentence:
Alexey Pavlovich got up with an early dawn (1) and (2) when he inhaled (3) drunk with moist
the smell of dew (4) cool air (5) in his soul it became easy and simple.
1, 2, 5
1, 5
1, 3, 4, 5
1, 3, 5

23. 8. In place of which numbers should commas be put in the sentence: Snow covered the tracks of travelers (1) and it became clear (2) that (3) if the snowfall does not stop

8. In place of which numbers you need to put
commas in a sentence:
Snow covered the tracks of travelers (1) and it became clear (2) that (3) if the snowfall does not stop
by night (4) then the way back will have to be found with difficulty.
2, 3, 4
2, 4
1, 2, 3, 4
1, 2, 4


test items

25. Task 1

1. Union And connects two different pairs of homogeneous members.
The book (what does it do?) enriches and helps, helps (what
do?) treat and watch. Therefore, commas are not needed.
2. With homogeneous members, the union OR is repeated, before
the second of them is one comma.
3. Two unions And connect two pairs of homogeneous members,
related to different words.
4. Three homogeneous additions with unions AND are separated
two commas.

26. Task 2

1. "It seems endless" is a predicate.
2. "It seems" - the grammatical basis of the main part
complex sentence.
3. "It seems" is an introductory word.
4. “It is visible” is a predicate.

27. Task 3

1. A comma (1) separates the subordinate part from the main part. Commas (2) and
(3) are not needed, because no need to separate the allied word
"which". The comma (4) is not needed, because are not isolated here
addition, nor definition.
2. Commas (1) and (4) separate the subordinate part from the main part.
The union word "which" is not required to be highlighted.
3. A comma in place of the number (1) will separate the predicate from the subject,
this cannot be done. A comma (2) separates the subordinate part.
Commas (3) and (4) do not need to separate the allied word.
4. Comma (1) is not needed, because this supplement is not isolated. Comma
(2) separates the adnexa. Commas (3) and (4) are not needed.

28. Task 4

1. The circumstance is isolated. The definition is not
is isolated, because comes before the defined word.
2. Definitions are expressed by adjectives and are
before the word being defined, so they are not isolated.
The circumstance is isolated.
3. The definition is isolated, because comes after the defined
the words. The circumstance is not isolated, because is an
phraseological unit.
4. The definition is isolated regardless of the position,
because refers to a personal pronoun. Circumstance,
expressed by the participle is also isolated.

29. Task 5

1. Union And connects two exclamatory sentences,
so the comma is not included.
2. Union And connects two simple sentences without
additional conditions, preceded by a comma.
3. Two commas need to separate the adverbial turnover
"laying the sail".
4. Union And connects two simple sentences before it
a comma is needed. Also, commas need to separate the subordinate clauses
parts "when we looked out the window in the morning" and "that the water
to the garden." A total of three commas.

30. Task 6

After a couple of hours (1) when it was already quite hot (2) and crowded in
the port froze (3) the boys got out of the city limits (4) and
climbed a hill (5) from which the harbor is visible.
Commas (1) and (3) separate two subordinate clauses from the main one.
A comma (2) is not placed between them, because it's homogeneous
subordination and there is a union I. The comma (4) is not put, because
union And connects homogeneous predicates. Comma (5) separates
accessory part.

31. Task 7

Alexey Pavlovich got up at early dawn (1) and (2) when he
inhaled (3) filled with the damp smell of dew (4)
cool air (5) in his soul it became easy and

complex sentences. Commas (2) and (5)
separate the appendage. Commas (3) and (4) are not needed,
because common definition before defined
word is not isolated.

32. Task 8

Snow covered the tracks of travelers (1) and it became clear (2) that (3)
if the snowfall does not stop by night (4) then the reverse
the road will be hard to find.
Comma (1) before conjunction AND separates simple
complex sentences. Commas (2) and (4)
separate the appendage. Comma (3) at the junction
unions are not put, because then there is the conjunction TO as
continuation of the union IF.


Now you have learned
much better
deal with
Success in your studies!

1 . In the USE texts there are several tasks related to the ability to punctuate, based on knowledge of the syntactic structure of the sentence. Rewrite the sentences, placing signs and explaining their placement.

  1. After a couple of hours (1) when it was already quite hot (2) and the crowd in the port froze (3) the boys got out of the city limits (4) and climbed the hill (5) from which the harbor is visible.
  2. I was finally convinced that (1) that I was completely lost (2) and went at random to (3) where the fields (4) striking the traveler's eye (5) stretched endlessly.
  3. Figured (1) color images adorn texts (2) and margins of manuscripts (3) and, together with the text, make up a colorful (4) and fine decorative (5) whole.
  4. Soon (1) however (2) Nikolai was promoted to captain (3) and (4) when the regiment was put on martial law (5) and new combat missions appeared (6) again received his former squadron (7) in which (8 ) of course (9) he was remembered and loved.
  5. Lucy was persistent (1) and (2) although it was difficult to remember everything (3) the old woman gradually told (4) how it was.
  6. In the evening it began to rain (1) and (2) while we were driving along the country road (3) the horses barely crossed (4) as if they had lost their last strength.
  7. How nice it is to look at a ship with white sails from afar (1) and (2) when you get into this web of gear (3) from which (4) there is no passage (5) and you see everything from the inside (6) you immediately recognize the superiority of the steamer over the sailboat.
  8. The forest (1) that surrounded the chess estate on all sides (2) and (3) which was held back by human activity (4) moved from all sides (5) and swallowed the clearing (6) as if green waves closed over it.
  9. In the mailbox (1) there were (2) several letters at once (3) and (4) if it were not for the commander’s strict prohibition (5) hardly anyone from the detachment would have resisted the temptation to immediately check (6) if there was any news from home .
  10. When in the suburbs (1) driven by a cold wind (2) tufts of gray clouds (3) ran across the hopeless sky (4) and (5) swaying (6) birch and pine trees moaned (7) I took advantage of my vacation (8) and went to the Crimea .
  11. And an hour later both were sitting at a shaky table (1) and (2) resting their heads against each other (3) reading long list jewelry (4) that once belonged (5) to the mother-in-law of Ippolit Matveyevich.
  12. The sister did not answer anything (1) and (2) to distract herself from an unpleasant conversation (3) she went to the bird cage (4) and began to absently pour grain into the feeders (5) although they were full.

2. Arrange punctuation marks (in accordance with the rules of punctuation, and not in accordance with the way the author writes it). Highlight grammar basics. Give syntactic characteristic each sentence in terms of structure: simple, compound, complex, non-union complex or compound with different types connections.

From the works of Agnia Lvovna Barto

1) The hostess left the bunny in the rain, the bunny remained.

2) Our Tanya is crying loudly and dropped a ball into the river. Hush, Tanechka, don't cry, the ball won't sink in the river.

3) No, in vain we decided to ride the cat in the car, the cat was not used to riding, overturned the truck.

4) I love my horse, comb her hair smoothly with a comb, smooth the tail and ride on horseback to visit.

5) They dropped the bear on the floor, tore off the bear’s paw, anyway, I won’t leave him because he is good.

From the works of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak

6) Once I was at dinner with a furry bear and a toothy crocodile almost swallowed me.

7) Taking his daughter and a monkey under his arm, Mr. Twister, a former minister, Mr. Twister, a millionaire, rushes skipping along the Angleterre.

8) You can’t see any duvets or sheets or pillows, but the mustachioed-striped one moved under the bed.

9) When visiting a bear, you must not roar, you must not be rude and swagger to your acquaintances, you must bow.

10) They are looking for firefighters looking for police looking for photographers in our capital looking for a long time but they cannot find a guy of some twenty years.

11) The waves are foaming and the multi-storey palace-steamboat is rushing forward.

12) In the white cabins of the palace-steamer you will not find the colored people of the Negro Malays and other people in the sea are pumping another steamer.

From the works of Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

13) If a wretched fighter beats a weak boy, I don’t even want to insert this into a book.

14) I love our plans for the huge scope of the steps of the sazhen, I rejoice in the march with which we go to work and battle.

15) My verse with labor will break through the vastness of years and appear weighty, rudely visible, as in our days the water pipe worked by the slaves of Rome has entered.

3 . Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence. Write the correct variant by punctuating and inserting missing letters.

  • Seated on an earthen mound

a) the audience had a good view of ..n the whole st..dion;

b) the games were held under the enthusiastic cries of the b..fellows;

c) the spectators opened a pr..krasnyy overview of the entire field;

d) the audience could watch the course of the second week of competitions;

e) the fans have a wonderful opportunity to follow the progress of the game.

  • Translating text

a) I needed a dictionary containing technical vocabulary;

b) should take into account both the type and style of speech;

c) I was hurt .. zil (not) similarity emotional coloring words close in meaning;

d) ponders .. its structure and stylistic features .. awns;

e) take into account (not) only the lexical but also the grammatical meaning of words.

  • Climbing up to the observation deck

a) covers the view from the opening views;

b) the city view .. at a glance;

c) you will be able to see all the sights of the city;

d) opens ..sya led ..a splendid view of the city;

e) dizzy .. from (un) ordinary .. oh beauty.


1. Simple sentences in complex sentence separated or separated by commas:

[The sun, (when I came), was setting].

[The sun was setting] and [the day was ending].

2. With homogeneous subordinate clauses, commas are placed in the same way as with homogeneous members of the sentence:

[He did not hear], (HOW the key turned in the lock) or (HOW the bolt clanged).

[He gets angry] And (when he is forgotten) AND (when he is remembered too well).

3. If the union is complex (BECAUSE, IN ORDER TO, SINCE, etc.), the comma is placed depending on the meaning and intonation once: either in front of the entire union, or in front of its part WHAT, TO, HOW:

He wasn't in class BECAUSE he was ill.

He wasn't in class BECAUSE he was ill.

4. Unions do not break with a comma SO AS, THEN AS, ONLY WHEN, EVEN IF:

He didn't show up because he was sick.

5. Commas at the confluence of unions AND IF, AND ALTHOUGH, AND WHEN, WHAT YET, WHAT IF, etc.

When two unions converge, a comma is placed if there is no second part of the double union THEN, SO, BUT, HOWEVER.

January turned out to be icy, And, (THE ALTHOUGH they heated the stove hot), the windows were frozen. (There is no second part of the union.)

January turned out to be icy, AND (THE ALTHOUGH the stove was heated hot), BUT the windows were frozen. (Have but.)

The student was told, (WHAT, (IF he skips again), parents will be called. (There is no second part of the union.)

The student was told (WHAT (IF he skips again), THEN parents will be called). (There is TO.)


1. There are always people next to you (1) and (2) even if you are very lonely (3) you do not doubt (4) that someone will be able to listen and understand you.

(1) - union And connects parts of a complex sentence - a comma is placed.

(2) there is a comma between AND and EVEN IF because there is no second part of the union.

(3,4) - the boundaries of subordinate clauses in a complex sentence - commas are placed.

ANSWER: 1,2,3,4

2. A few hours later (1) Ivan became exhausted (2) and (3) when he realized (4) that he could not cope with the papers (5) wept quietly and bitterly.

(1) - no comma, since the circumstance is not highlighted here.

(2) - there is no comma, because the union AND connects the homogeneous predicates EXHAUSTED AND CRYING.

(3) - there is a comma, because there is no second part of the union.

(4,5) - these commas highlight the subordinate clause.

ANSWER: 3,4,5

3. After a couple of hours, (1) when it was already quite hot (2) and the crowd in the port froze, (3) the boys got out of the city limits (4) and climbed the hill (5) from which the harbor is visible.

(2) - not put, because the union And connects homogeneous clauses.

(4) - not put, because the union And connects homogeneous predicates.

1 They say (1) that Brazilian carnivals delight and fascinate (2) and (3) when we first saw its unique bright beauty (4) we saw for ourselves (5) how right the eyewitnesses were.

2 There are always people next to you (1) and (2) even if you are very lonely (3) you do not doubt (4) that someone will be able to listen and understand you.

3 You need to think about others more often (1) and (2) even if it’s not easy for you now (3) don’t forget about (4) that someone may need your participation.

4 There was an impression (1) that we magically visited a wonderful country (2) where scarlet lilies and red rowan (3) where everything is clearer and more beautiful (4) than it has always been around.

5 Material sources (1) and (2) are important for archeology, even if they are hidden in the ground (3), they still constitute the main category of monuments (4) that this science is studying.

His hand was trembling (1) and (2) when Nikolai handed the horse to the groom (3) he felt (4) blood rushing to his heart with a thud.

6She saw (1) that courage and proud pride belong not only to one class (2) and since then (3) she began to show respect to the young teacher (4) which hour by hour became more noticeable to others.

7 It is never boring in the forest (1) and (2) if you feel sad (3) take a closer look at the most ordinary birch (4) that you will meet on your way.

8It turned out (1) that the manuscript has not yet been finalized (2) and that (3) there will be no extra work(4) it is impossible to take it to the printing house.

9 It was time to leave (1) and (2) when buses came for us from the city (3) we realized (4) how sorry it is to leave the lake.

10 A few hours later (1) Ivan became exhausted (2) and (3) when he realized (4) that he could not cope with the papers (5) wept quietly and bitterly.

11 In the spring of that year, I graduated from the Lyceum (1) and (2) when I arrived from Moscow (3) I was simply amazed (4) how our gloomy house had changed.

12 In the imagination, a variety of ideas crowded (1) and (2) if the writer, by an effort of will, forced himself to stop at one thing (3), then he again forgot (4) what the beginning should be.

13. Mitya often simply admired his sister (1) and (2) even when he had to listen to her complaints that (3) that she did not look good after night shifts in the hospital (4) Lyubasha seemed to him the most beautiful.

14. In the evening it began to rain (1) and (2) while we were driving along the country road (3) the horses barely crossed (4) as if they had lost their last strength

15. Everyone loved me (1) and (2) although I was immensely naughty (3) I was forgiven everything (4) no matter what I did.

16. I really love spring (1) and (2) when young greenery comes through (3) I rush to the forest (4) to enjoy the first minutes of the revival of nature.

17. A belated lightning flashed directly overhead (1) and (2) while it shone (3) I saw (4) some kind of white dot flickering on the shore.

18. When the artist lived in the Crimea (1) he devoted all his time to contemplating pictures of nature (2) and (3) if the weather was favorable for walks (4) for hours he studied on the seashore the pattern of waves endlessly running one after another.

19 Rain is pouring into the windows (1) and (2) when the glass dusk of the street is illuminated by flashes of lightning (3) the flowers on the windowsills become like fantastic trees (4) that grow in a fairyland.

20. On that day, the three of us had breakfast (1) and (2) when cherry jelly was served (3), my sister capriciously said (4) that the dessert today was tasteless.

21 The French ambassador who found himself in the home theater of the Sheremetevs wrote (1) that (2) when he saw the ballet (3) he was shocked by the talent (4) of the serfs.

22Some of Pushkin's contemporaries said (1) that (2) when they look at his portrait by O. A. Kiprensky (3) they see the "sorrows of life" reflected on the poet's face (4).

23 Alexey Pavlovich got up at early dawn (1) and (2) when he inhaled the cool air filled with the damp smell of dew (3) his soul became (4) light and spacious.

24 The fog was melting (1) and (2) when the boat went to the shore (3) it was visible (4) how spots of water lilies and lilies swayed on the waves.

25 The boy grew up smart and healthy (1) and (2) when he got older (3) his father allowed him to share with the fishermen (4) the difficulties and dangers of sea fishing.

26 A person changes over time (1) and (2) in order to understand the logic of the actions of a literary hero or people of the past (3) one must imagine (4) how they lived, why they acted this way and not otherwise.

27But the river majestically carries its waters (1) and what does it care about these flowers (2) that float (3) on the water (4) as ice floes recently floated.

28They say (1) that kindness cures loneliness (2) and (3) when I settled in the village (4) I had the opportunity to verify this.

29After a couple of hours (1) when it was already quite hot (2) and the crowd in the port froze (3) the boys got out of the city limits (4) and climbed the hill (5) from which the harbor is visible.

30On the stone terrace of one of the most beautiful buildings in the city (1) there were two (2) and (3) while the shadows were steadily lengthening (4) they watched (5) how the dazzling sun lit up in the windows of the upper floors.

The entrance door suddenly flung open (1) and an untidy-looking, strong young man (2) jumped out into the street who (3) if Alexei had not had time to step aside at the last moment (4) would probably have run straight into him.

32 At sunset it began to rain (1) which immediately dispelled the stuffiness accumulated in the air (2) and (3) while it loudly and monotonously rustled around the garden around the house (4) the sweet freshness of wet greenery was drawn into the open windows in the hall.

33I was thinking about people (1) whose life (2) was connected with this story (3) and I wanted to know (4) what became of them.

34 The bright green of the reeds mingled in a picturesque forest swamp with white clouds of blooming angelica and curly willow (1) and (2) when you walk along the edge of the forest (3) you involuntarily grab onto the long branches of marsh bushes (4) that stretched to the path.

Soon Nicholas was promoted to captain (1) and (2) when the regiment was put on martial law (3) he again received his former squadron (4) in which he was remembered and loved.

36At a meeting of the gardening association, they talked about (1) that (2) if the electric poles are not replaced (3) then in winter the village may be left without electricity (4) and the old supports may collapse under the weight of snow.

37 While Marusya was looking for the treasured mushroom clearing (1), clouds thickened in the sky (2) and (3) although the girl was not afraid to get caught in a downpour (4), she did not want to disturb her grandmother once again and therefore turned towards the house.

38 The boy knew (1) that a stern doorman was serving in this entrance (2) and (3) that (4) if you start pestering passers-by right at the door (5), then you can taste strong cuffs.

39The war was at an end (1) and (2) although almost a year remained until its end (3) but we firmly knew (4) that victory would be ours.

40Many mistakenly think (1) that (2) if a person knows how to swim at least a little (3) then he has nothing to fear (4) and he does not care about any depths.

41 And although the tone and character of the journal attacks were permeated with sincere indignation (1) it always seemed to me (2) that the authors of these articles were not saying (3) what they wanted to say (4) and that this was precisely what caused their rage.

42 The pungent smell of nettles is mixed with the stuffy smell of lungwort (1) and (2) when you stroke the growing herbs with your hands (3) to feel their delicate velvety (4) then your hands will smell of the cooling smell of mint

43 It was hot (1) and (2) if suddenly a breeze came up (3) and brought coolness with it (4) the trees nodded their branches gratefully.

Ilya Andreevich understood (1) that (2) if you do not pick apples before the onset of cold weather (3) then the entire crop will perish (4) but circumstances did not allow him to leave work and leave for the village even for a few days.

45 A lone traveler (1) whose approach (2) (3) I heard earlier in the sensitive silence of a frosty night (4) was seduced by my cheerful fire.

46 In the morning the mountains (1) lay in the fog (2) through (3) which (4) their outlines were barely visible.

47 The city (1) in the distance sparkling in the sun (2) blue forests (3) bordering the shores of the bay (4) seemed to me especially solemn.

48Large (1) bright buildings (2) whose windows (3) reflected the first rays of the sun (4) ran on both sides of the road

49Combination of lexical and grammatical meanings(1) can form complex semantic images (2) the analysis of which (3) allows you to penetrate deeper into the content of the poem.

50 Courage (1) is like virtue (2) obeying (3) which people (4) do wonderful things.

51 In Greece of the classical era (1) for the social system (2) of which (3) the form of a city-state is typical (4), especially favorable conditions arose for the flourishing of oratory.

52 The sensitive heroine (1) the role (2) of which (3) is played by Famusov's daughter (4) needs a dreamy and timid interlocutor.

53In Russian literature (1) the beginning (2) of which is calculated (3) from the second half of the 10th century (4), an idea was formed about the unity of the world and its history.

54 When (1) at last (2) the sun appeared and warmed the earth, the trees and grasses were covered with such strong dew, fir branches looked out from the dark forest with such luminous patterns that (3) it seemed (4) there would not be enough diamonds for this decoration of our entire earth.

55However, (1) the unhealthy nature today makes us speak of the catastrophic state of flora, fauna, soil, and water. Apparently (2) only the global nature of the problems, the unresolved nature of which threatens the very existence of mankind, made us realize the danger (3) of a possible (4) environmental catastrophe in the future.

56From my (1) bewildered look, it was easy to guess what had happened. Winter (2) in my opinion (3) best time of the year.

57 The book was (1) according to him (2) the only decoration of lonely evenings ... Everyone understood about the approaching arrival of guests (3) from the words (4) and actions of the owner.

58 Daniil Cherny (1), according to art historians (2), was a painter of the first magnitude. His greatest merit (3) however (4) is that he saw the talent of Andrei Rublev and influenced the development of the individual style of this greatest artist

59Everything became (1) obvious (2) at a glance. The guests (3) are obviously (4) and did not imagine what awaits them in the evening.

60Sometimes a thought will come that (1) seems (2) true, but you are afraid to believe it. But then you see that that thought, which (3) may be (4) strange, is actually the simplest truth: once you know it, you can’t stop believing in it

61 Undoubtedly (1) there are great people, next to whom everyone seems small (2) however (3) truly (4) great is the one with whom everyone feels great.

For the writers of the 18th century (1) of course (2) the essential difference between the then colloquial "living use" and the old literary language was obvious. This literary language correlated with Russian spoken language(3) according to linguists (4) the same as the language of the past with the language of the present.

63My companion felt great, but I (1) on the contrary (2) was very tired. In the compartment I sat (3) opposite (4) an elderly passenger.

64Language (1) according to linguists (2) a complex system, which includes simpler systems: phonetic, morphological, lexical. It would be wrong (3) however (4) to assume that each of these systems is independent of the others: they are interconnected and interdependent.

65Here (1) according to eyewitnesses (2) once stood a rich village. The investigator was able to reconstruct exactly (3) from eyewitness accounts (4) the sequence of events.

66 A cheerful, carefree childhood (1) will still (2) someday end, but adulthood(3) of course (4) will require serious decisions and responsible actions.

67 Petersburg guardsmen (1) it would seem (2) were engaged exclusively in organizing and conducting " palace coups” (3) however (4) they were not the blind tool of one group or another: the choice that the guards made almost always led the country forward.

68 The leaves on the trees do not move, on a hot summer day they (1) seem to (2) shine through with emeralds, so that you can see the lace of the veins. Only individual leaves suddenly sway (3) apparently (4) from the movement of a bird suddenly fluttering from a branch.

69 I (1) confess (2) don't much like aspen with its lavender trunk and grey-green metallic foliage. Aspen is good only on a windy summer day, when each leaf of it (3) as if (4) wants to break loose and rush off into the distance.

70 The Tretyakov Gallery (1), as you know (2), is named after Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov, a merchant who used his wealth for the benefit of society. Passionate about painting, he started a (3) truly (4) remarkable collection of paintings.

71 The heroine of this novel (1) of course (2) was Masha. The news from mom (3) should be (4) already by Thursday.

72The July evening was wonderful, he (1) as if (2) threw a thin translucent fabric over everything. And the colors of the day (3) seemed (4) to fade slightly: the clouds slowly lost their reflections, the river surface turned pale

73 We (1) of course (2) first of all remember Krylov with the word "fable" (3) however (4) this was not the only genre in which he worked.

74Now (1) it is possible (2) the introduction of new developments in the technological process will not bring benefits. But (3) it is obvious (4) that tomorrow these technologies will still come and those leaders who managed to rebuild production in time will be “on horseback”.

75Margarita (1) unfortunately (2) could not come to the reunion evening (3) however (4) promised to visit her teachers immediately after the summer session.

76 The difference in the development of the Polotsk and Smolensk lands was due to (1) probably (2) economic reasons, and (3) one can think (4) that among them geographical position these lands and their associated population.

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