Janibekov effect explanation. Dzhanibekov effect - Are apocalyptic somersaults threatening the Earth? The main directions of scientific work in space flights

During the winter, people experience hypersomnia, depressed mood, and a general sense of hopelessness. Even the risk of premature death in winter is much higher. Our biological clock is out of sync with our wake and work clocks. Shouldn't we adjust our office hours to help improve our mood?

As a rule, people tend to see the world in gloomy colors, when the daylight hours become shorter and the cold sets in. But changing work hours to suit the seasons can help lift our spirits.

For many of us, winter, with its cold days and long nights, creates a general feeling of malaise. It becomes increasingly difficult to get out of bed in the semi-darkness, and hunched over our desks at work, we feel our productivity dwindle along with the remnants of the midday sun.

For the small subset of the population who experience severe seasonal affective disorder (SAD), it's even worse - winter melancholy mutates into something much more debilitating. Patients experience hypersomnia, depressed mood, and a general feeling of hopelessness during the darkest months. Regardless of SAD, depression is more commonly reported in winter, suicide rates increase, and work productivity drops in January and February.

While all this can easily be explained by some vague idea of ​​winter gloom, this depression can have scientific rationale. If our biological clock is out of sync with our wake and work hours, shouldn't we adjust our office hours to help improve our mood?

“If our biological clock says it wants us to wake up at 9:00 because it’s dark outside winter morning but we get up at 7:00 - we miss a whole phase of sleep," says Greg Murray, professor of psychology at Swinburne University, Australia. Research in chronobiology - the science of how our body regulates sleep and wakefulness - supports the idea that sleep needs and preferences change during the winter, and restrictions modern life may be especially inappropriate during these months.

What do we mean when we talk about biological time? Circadian rhythms are a concept that scientists use to measure our internal sense of time. It's a 24-hour timer that determines how we want to place the various events of the day - and most importantly, when we want to get up and when we want to sleep. “The body likes to do this in sync with the biological clock, which is the master regulator of how our body and behavior relate to the sun,” Murray explains.

Exist great amount hormones and others chemical substances involved in the regulation of our biological clock, as well as many external factors. Especially important is the sun and its location in the sky. Photoreceptors located in the retina, known as ipRGC, are particularly sensitive to blue light and are therefore ideal for adjusting the circadian rhythm. There is evidence that these cells play an important role in regulating sleep.

The evolutionary value of this biological mechanism has been to contribute to changes in our physiology, biochemistry and behavior depending on the time of day. “This is precisely the predictive function of the circadian clock,” says Anna Wirtz-Justice, professor of chronobiology at the University of Basel in Switzerland. "And all living beings have it." Given the change in daylight throughout the year, it also prepares organisms for seasonal behavioral changes such as breeding or hibernation.

While there hasn't been enough research on whether we would respond well to more sleep and different wake times in the winter, there is evidence that this may be the case. “From a theoretical standpoint, the decrease in natural light in the winter morning should contribute to what we call phase lag,” says Murray. “And from a biological standpoint, there is good reason to believe that this probably does happen to some extent. Delayed sleep phase means our circadian clock wakes us up later in the winter, which explains why it's getting harder to fight the urge to reset the alarm."

At first glance, it may seem that the phase delay of sleep suggests that we will want to go to bed later in winter, but Murray suggests that this tendency is likely to be neutralized by the overall growing desire to sleep. Research shows that people need (or at least want) more sleep in the winter. A study conducted in three pre-industrial societies - where there are no alarm clocks, smartphones and a workday from 09:00 to 17:00 - in South America and Africa showed that these communities collectively napped for an hour longer during the winter. Given that these communities are located in equatorial regions, this effect may be even more pronounced in the northern hemisphere, where winters are colder and darker.

This sleepy winter regimen is mediated at least in part by one of the major players in our chronobiology, melatonin. This endogenous hormone is controlled by the circadian cycles and also influences them in turn. It's a sleeping pill, which means it's going to keep ramping up until we fall into bed. “In humans, the melatonin profile is much broader in winter than in summer,” says chronobiologist Til Rönneberg. "These are biochemical reasons why circadian cycles can respond to two different seasons."

But what does it mean if our internal clocks don't match the times our schools and work schedules require? “The discrepancy between what your biological clock wants and what your social clock wants is what we call social jet lag,” Rönneberg says. "Social jet lag is stronger in winter than in summer." The social jet lag is similar to the one we are already familiar with, but instead of flying around the world, we are unsettled by the time of our social demands - getting up to work or school.

Social jet lag is a well-documented phenomenon and can have serious implications for health, well-being and how well we can function in Everyday life. If it is true that winter produces a form of social jet lag, in order to understand what its consequences may be, we can turn our attention to the people who are most affected by this phenomenon.

The first group of people for potential analysis includes people living on the western edges of time zones. Since time zones can cover vast areas, people living on the eastern fringes of time zones experience sunrise about an hour and a half earlier than those living on the western fringes. Despite this, the entire population must adhere to the same working hours, which means that many will be forced to get up before sunrise. Essentially, this means that one part of the time zone is constantly out of sync with circadian rhythms. And although this may not seem like such a big deal, it is associated with a number of devastating consequences. People living in the western fringes are more prone to breast cancer, obesity, diabetes and heart disease - as the researchers determined, the cause of these diseases was primarily a chronic disruption of circadian rhythms, which arises from the need to wake up in the dark.

Another striking example of social jet lag is in Spain, which lives on Central European Time, despite being geographically aligned with the UK. This means that the country's time is set one hour ahead, and that the population must follow a social timetable that does not match their biological clock. As a result, the entire country suffers from a lack of sleep - getting on average an hour less than the rest of Europe. This degree of sleep loss has been associated with an increase in absenteeism, work-related injuries, and an increase in stress and school failure in the country.

Another group that may show symptoms similar to those of people suffering during the winter is the group that has a natural tendency to stay awake at night throughout the year. The average teenager's circadian rhythm is naturally shifted four hours ahead of that of adults, which means that adolescent biology causes them to go to bed and wake up later. Despite this, for years they struggled to get up at 7 am and get to school on time.

And while these are exaggerated examples, could the winter-wearing consequences of an inappropriate work schedule contribute to a similar but less significant impact? This idea is partly supported by the theory of what causes SAD. Although there are still a number of hypotheses about the exact biochemical basis of this condition, a significant number of researchers believe that it may be caused by a particularly severe response to the body clock being out of sync with natural daylight and the sleep-wake cycle - known as delayed sleep phase syndrome.

Currently, scientists tend to perceive SAD as a spectrum of characteristics, and not a condition that either exists or does not, and in Sweden and other countries northern hemisphere up to 20 percent of the population is estimated to suffer from milder winter melancholy. Theoretically, mild SAD can be experienced by the entire population to some extent, and only for some it will be debilitating. “Some people don't get too emotional about being out of sync,” Murray notes.

At present, the idea of ​​reducing working hours or postponing the start of the working day to a later time in winter has not been tested. Even countries located in the darkest parts of the northern hemisphere - Sweden, Finland and Iceland - work all winter in almost night conditions. But there is a possibility that if work time will more closely match our chronobiology, we will work and feel better.

After all, US schools that moved the start of the day later to match the circadian rhythms of teenagers have successfully shown an increase in the amount of sleep students get and a corresponding increase in energy. A school in England that shifted the start of the school day from 8:50 to 10:00 found that there was a sharp drop in sick leave and improved student performance.

There is evidence that winter is associated with a large number being late for work and school, with an increase in absenteeism. It is interesting to note that a study published in the Journal biological rhythms(Journal of Biological Rhythms) found that absenteeism was more closely related to photoperiods - the number of hours of daylight - than other factors like the weather. Simply allowing people to come in later can help counter this influence.

A better understanding of how our circadian cycles affect our seasonal cycles is something we could all benefit from. "Bosses should say, 'I don't care when you come to work, come when your biological clock decides you've had enough sleep, because in this situation we both win,'" Rönneberg says. “Your results will be better. You will be more productive at work because you will feel how efficient you are. And the number of sick days will decrease.” Since January and February are already our least productive months of the year, do we really have anything to lose?

The Dzhanibekov effect consists in the strange behavior of a flying rotating body in weightlessness. After its discovery, as usual, dozens of different explanations for the Dzhanibekov effect appeared.

Dzhanibekov effect - interesting discovery our time. Double hero Soviet Union, Major General of Aviation Vladimir Alexandrovich Dzhanibekov is deservedly considered the most experienced cosmonaut of the USSR. He committed the largest number flights - five, and all as a commander of the ship. Vladimir Alexandrovich owns the discovery of one curious effect, named after him - the so-called. Dzhanibekov effect, which was discovered by him in 1985, during his fifth flight on the Soyuz T-13 spacecraft and orbital station"Salyut-7" (June 6 - September 26, 1985).

When the astronauts unpacked the cargo delivered into orbit, they had to unscrew the so-called "lambs" - nuts with ears. It is worth hitting the ear of the “lamb”, and it spins itself. Then, having untwisted to the end and having jumped off the threaded rod, the nut continues, rotating, to fly by inertia in zero gravity (approximately like a flying rotating propeller).

So, Vladimir Alexandrovich noticed that, having flown about 40 centimeters with the ears forward, the nut suddenly makes a sudden flip of 180 degrees and continues to fly in the same direction, but already with the ears back and rotating in the other direction. Then, having again flown 40 centimeters, the nut again makes a somersault 180 degrees and continues to fly again with its ears forward, as for the first time, and so on.

Dzhanibekov repeatedly repeated the experiment, and the result was invariably repeated. In general, a spinning nut flying in zero gravity makes sharp 180-degree periodic flips every 43 centimeters. He also tried to use other objects instead of a nut, for example, a plasticine ball with an ordinary nut stuck to it, which, in the same way, after flying a certain distance, made the same sudden flips.

The effect is really interesting. After its discovery, as usual, dozens of different explanations for the Dzhanibekov effect appeared. Not without frightening apocalyptic forecasts. Many began to say that our planet is essentially the same rotating plasticine ball or "lamb" flying in weightlessness. And that the Earth periodically performs such somersaults. Someone even named a period of time: coup earth's axis occurs once every 12 thousand years. And what, they say, last time the planet made a somersault in the era of mammoths and soon another such coup is planned - maybe tomorrow, or maybe in a few years - as a result of which on Earth there will be a change poles and cataclysms will begin.

The correct explanation of the Dzhanibekov effect is as follows. The fact is that the speed of rotation of the “lamb” is relatively low, so it is in an unstable state (unlike a gyroscope, which rotates faster and therefore has a stable orientation in space and somersaults do not threaten it). The nut, in addition to the main axis of rotation, also rotates around two other spatial axes with speeds an order of magnitude lower (secondary movements). As a result of the influence of these secondary movements, over time, the inclination of the main axis of rotation gradually changes (precession increases), and when it (i.e., the angle of inclination) reaches a critical value, the system makes a somersault (like a pendulum that has changed the direction of oscillation).

Are such apocalyptic somersaults threatening the Earth? Most probably not. Firstly, the center of gravity of the “lamb”, like a plasticine ball with a nut, is significantly shifted along the axis of rotation, which cannot be said about our planet, which, although not an ideal ball, is more or less balanced. And, secondly, the value of the values ​​of the moments of inertia of the Earth and the magnitude of the precession of the Earth (oscillations of the axis of rotation) allow it to be stable like a gyroscope, and not tumble like a Dzhanibekov nut.

(The precession of the earth's axis is approximately 50 seconds (1 arc second = 1/3600 of a degree) - this is extremely insufficient to tumble in space).

Why is such an important discovery hushed up? The fact is that the discovered effect made it possible to throw aside all the previously put forward hypotheses and approach the problem from completely different positions. The situation is unique - experimental evidence appeared before the hypothesis itself was put forward. In order to create a reliable theoretical base, Russian scientists were forced to revise a number of laws of classical and quantum mechanics.

A large team of specialists from the Institute for Problems in Mechanics, the Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety, and the International Scientific and Technical Center for Space Object Payloads worked on the proofs. It took more than ten years. And for ten years, scientists have been monitoring whether foreign astronauts would notice a similar effect. But foreigners, probably, do not tighten the screws in space, thanks to which we not only have priorities in the discovery of this scientific problem, but are almost two decades ahead of the whole world in its study.

For a while, it was believed that the phenomenon was only of scientific interest. And only from the moment when it was possible to theoretically prove its regularity, the discovery gained its practical value. It has been proven that changes in the Earth's axis of rotation are not mysterious hypotheses of archeology and geology, but natural events in the history of the planet. The study of the problem helps to calculate the optimal time frames for launches and flights of spacecraft. The nature of such cataclysms as typhoons, hurricanes, floods and floods associated with global displacements of the atmosphere and hydrosphere of the planet has become more understandable.

The discovery of the Dzhanibekov effect served as an impetus for the development of a completely new field of science that deals with pseudo-quantum processes, that is, quantum processes that occur in the macrocosm. Scientists always talk about some incomprehensible jumps when it comes to quantum processes. In the ordinary macrocosm, everything seems to be going smoothly, even if sometimes very quickly, but consistently. And in a laser or in various chain reactions, processes occur abruptly. That is, before they begin, everything is described by some formulas, after - already completely different, and there is zero information about the process itself. It was believed that all this is inherent only in the microcosm.

Head of the Natural Risk Forecasting Department of the National Committee environmental safety, Victor Frolov and Deputy Director of the NIIEM MGSH, a member of the Board of Directors of the very center of payloads of space, which was engaged in the theoretical basis of the discovery, Mikhail Khlystunov, published a joint report.

In this report, the Dzhanibekov effect was reported to the entire world community. Reported for moral and ethical reasons. It would be a crime to hide the possibility of a catastrophe from mankind. But theoretical part our scientists keep behind "seven locks". And the point is not only the ability to trade the know-how itself, but also the fact that it is directly related to the amazing possibilities of predicting natural processes.

Why is such an important discovery hushed up? The fact is that the discovered effect made it possible to throw aside all the previously put forward hypotheses and approach the problem from completely different positions. The situation is unique - experimental evidence appeared before the hypothesis itself was put forward. To create a reliable theoretical base, Russian scientists were forced to revise a number of laws of classical and quantum mechanics. A large team of specialists from the Institute for Problems in Mechanics, the Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety, and the International Scientific and Technical Center for Space Object Payloads worked on the proofs. It took more than ten years. And for ten years, scientists have been monitoring whether foreign astronauts would notice a similar effect. But foreigners, probably, do not tighten the screws in space, thanks to which we not only have priorities in the discovery of this scientific problem, but are almost two decades ahead of the whole world in its study.
For a while, it was believed that the phenomenon was only of scientific interest. And only from the moment when it was possible to theoretically prove its regularity, the discovery acquired its practical significance. It has been proven that changes in the Earth's axis of rotation are not mysterious hypotheses of archeology and geology, but natural events in the history of the planet. The study of the problem helps to calculate the optimal time frames for launches and flights of spacecraft. The nature of such cataclysms as typhoons, hurricanes, floods and floods associated with global displacements of the atmosphere and hydrosphere of the planet has become more understandable. The discovery of the Dzhanibekov effect served as an impetus for the development of a completely new field of science that deals with pseudo-quantum processes, that is, quantum processes that occur in the macrocosm. Scientists always talk about some incomprehensible jumps when it comes to quantum processes. In the ordinary macrocosm, everything seems to be going smoothly, even if sometimes very quickly, but consistently. And in a laser or in various chain reactions, processes occur abruptly. That is, before they begin, everything is described by some formulas, after - already completely different, and there is zero information about the process itself. It was believed that all this is inherent only in the microcosm.
The head of the Natural Risk Forecasting Department of the National Committee for Environmental Safety, Viktor Frolov, and the deputy director of NIIEM MGSH, a member of the board of directors of the very space payload center that was involved in the theoretical basis of the discovery, Mikhail Khlystunov, published a joint report. In this report, the Dzhanibekov effect was reported to the entire world community. Reported for moral and ethical reasons. It would be a crime to hide the possibility of a catastrophe from mankind. But our scientists keep the theoretical part behind "seven locks". And the point is not only the ability to trade the know-how itself, but also the fact that it is directly related to the amazing possibilities of predicting natural processes.

The effect, discovered by Russian cosmonaut Vladimir Dzhanibekov, was kept secret by Russian scientists for more than a decade. It not only violated all the harmony of previously recognized theories and ideas, but also turned out to be a scientific illustration of future global catastrophes.

There are a great many scientific hypotheses about the so-called end of the world. The statements of various scientists about the change of the earth's poles have been around for more than a decade. But, despite the fact that many of them have coherent theoretical evidence, it seemed that none of these hypotheses could be tested experimentally.

From history, and especially recent history science, known bright examples when, in the process of testing and experimenting, scientists encountered phenomena that run counter to all previously recognized scientific theories. It is to such surprises that the discovery made Soviet cosmonaut during his fifth flight on the Soyuz T-13 spacecraft and the Salyut-7 orbital station (June 6 - September 26, 1985) by Vladimir Dzhanibekov.

He drew attention to the effect, inexplicable from the point of view of modern mechanics and aerodynamics. The culprit of the discovery was an ordinary nut. Watching her flight in the cabin space, the astronaut noticed strange features of her behavior. It turned out that when moving in zero gravity, a rotating body changes its axis of rotation at strictly defined intervals, making a 180-degree flip. At the same time, the center of mass of the body continues uniform and rectilinear motion. Even then, the astronaut suggested that such "oddities of behavior" are real for our entire planet, and for each of its spheres separately. This means that one can not only talk about the reality of the notorious ends of the world, but also reimagine the tragedies of past and future global catastrophes on Earth, which, like any physical body, is subject to general natural laws.

Why is such an important discovery hushed up? The fact is that the discovered effect made it possible to throw aside all the previously put forward hypotheses and approach the problem from completely different positions. The situation is unique - experimental evidence appeared before the hypothesis itself was put forward. To create a reliable theoretical base, Russian scientists were forced to revise a number of laws of classical and quantum mechanics. A large team of specialists from the Institute for Problems in Mechanics, the Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety, and the International Scientific and Technical Center for Space Object Payloads worked on the proofs. It took more than ten years. And for ten years, scientists have been monitoring whether foreign astronauts would notice a similar effect. But foreigners, probably, do not tighten the screws in space, thanks to which we not only have priorities in the discovery of this scientific problem, but are almost two decades ahead of the whole world in its study.

For a while, it was believed that the phenomenon was only of scientific interest. And only from the moment when it was possible to theoretically prove its regularity, the discovery acquired its practical significance. It has been proven that changes in the Earth's axis of rotation are not mysterious hypotheses of archeology and geology, but natural events in the history of the planet. The study of the problem helps to calculate the optimal time frames for launches and flights of spacecraft. The nature of such cataclysms as typhoons, hurricanes, floods and floods associated with global displacements of the atmosphere and hydrosphere of the planet has become more understandable. The discovery of the Dzhanibekov effect served as an impetus for the development of a completely new field of science that deals with pseudo-quantum processes, that is, quantum processes that occur in the macrocosm. Scientists always talk about some incomprehensible jumps when it comes to quantum processes. In the ordinary macrocosm, everything seems to be going smoothly, even if sometimes very quickly, but consistently. And in a laser or in various chain reactions, processes occur abruptly. That is, before they begin, everything is described by some formulas, after - already completely different, and there is zero information about the process itself. It was believed that all this is inherent only in the microcosm.

The head of the Natural Risk Forecasting Department of the National Committee for Environmental Safety, Viktor Frolov, and the deputy director of NIIEM MGSH, a member of the board of directors of the very space payload center that was involved in the theoretical basis of the discovery, Mikhail Khlystunov, published a joint report. In this report, the Dzhanibekov effect was reported to the entire world community. Reported for moral and ethical reasons. It would be a crime to hide the possibility of a catastrophe from mankind. But our scientists keep the theoretical part behind the "seven locks". And the point is not only the ability to trade the know-how itself, but also the fact that it is directly related to the amazing possibilities of predicting natural processes.

Possible reasons for this behavior of a rotating body:

1. The rotation of an absolutely rigid body is stable relative to the axes of both the largest and the smallest principal moment of inertia. An example of stable rotation around the axis of least moment of inertia used in practice is the stabilization of a flying bullet. The bullet can be considered absolutely solid to obtain sufficiently stable stabilization during its flight time.
2. Rotation around the axis of the greatest moment of inertia is stable for any body for an unlimited time. Including not absolutely rigid. Therefore, such and only such a spin is used for completely passive (with the attitude control system turned off) stabilization of satellites with significant non-rigidity of the design (developed SB panels, antennas, fuel in tanks, etc.).
3. Rotation around an axis with an average moment of inertia is always unstable. And the rotation will indeed tend to move to a decrease in the energy of rotation. In this case, various points of the body will begin to experience variable accelerations. If these accelerations lead to variable deformations (not an absolute rigid body) with energy dissipation, then, as a result, the axis of rotation will coincide with the axis of maximum moment of inertia. If deformation does not occur and/or energy dissipation does not occur (ideal elasticity), then an energetically conservative system is obtained. Figuratively speaking, the body will tumble, always trying to find a “comfortable” position, but every time it will slip and look for it again. The simplest example is the perfect pendulum. The lower position is energetically optimal. But he never stops there. Thus, the axis of rotation of an absolutely rigid and/or ideally elastic body will never coincide with the axis of max. moment of inertia, if initially it did not coincide with it. The body will forever perform complex technical vibrations, depending on the parameters and initials. conditions. It is necessary to install a 'viscous' damper or actively dampen oscillations by the control system, if we are talking about KA.
4. If all principal moments of inertia are equal, the vector angular velocity rotation of the body will not change in magnitude or direction. Roughly speaking, in the circle of which direction it twisted, in the circle of that direction it will rotate.

Thus, judging by the description, the “Dzhanibekov nut” is a classic example of the rotation of an absolutely rigid body twisted around an axis that does not coincide with the axis of the smallest or largest moment of inertia.

After all, the gyroscope rotates evenly (and in weightlessness).

Television stuffs us with all sorts of horrors. And we are also being hammered into our heads with the thought of the imminent end of the world - no later than December 2012. It turns out that the Mayan calendar, Nostradamus, Vanga and Globa speak about this.

For the "propaganda" of the end of the world, they even attracted an experiment in weightlessness, which our cosmonaut accidentally carried out.

BUT from history, and especially from the recent history of science, there are vivid examples when, in the process of tests and experiments, scientists encountered phenomena that run counter to all previously recognized scientific theories. It is to such surprises that the discovery made by the Soviet cosmonaut Vladimir Dzhanibekov during his fifth flight into space belongs. He stayed on the Soyuz T-13 spacecraft and the Salyut-7 orbital station from June 6 to September 26, 1985.

Dzhanibekov drew attention to an effect that is inexplicable from the point of view of modern mechanics and aerodynamics. The culprit of the discovery was an ordinary nut.
Watching her flight in the cabin space, the astronaut noticed strange features of her behavior. It turned out that when moving in weightlessness, a rotating body changes the axis of rotation at strictly defined intervals, making a 180-degree flip. In this case, the center of mass of the body continues uniform and rectilinear movement. Even then, the astronaut suggested that such "oddities of behavior" are real for our entire planet, and for each of its spheres separately. This means that one can not only talk about the possibility of the notorious ends of the world, but also reimagine the tragedies of past and future global catastrophes on Earth, which, like any physical body, is subject to general natural laws.

Why is such an important discovery hushed up? The fact is that the discovered effect threw aside all the previously put forward hypotheses and allowed us to approach the problem from a completely different perspective. The situation is unique: experimental evidence appeared before the hypothesis itself was put forward. To create a reliable theoretical base, Russian scientists were forced to revise a number of laws of classical and quantum mechanics.

A large team of specialists from the Institute for Problems in Mechanics, the Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety, and the International Scientific and Technical Center for Space Object Payloads worked on the proofs. It took more than ten years. And all these years, scientists have been monitoring whether foreign astronauts would notice a similar effect. But foreigners, probably, do not tighten the screws in space, thanks to which we not only have priorities in the discovery of this scientific problem, but we are almost two decades ahead of the whole world in its study.

For a while, it was believed that the phenomenon was only of scientific interest. And only from the moment when it was possible to theoretically prove its regularity, the discovery acquired its practical significance. It has been proven that changes in the Earth's axis of rotation are not mysterious hypotheses of archeology and geology, but natural events in the history of the planet. The study of the problem helps to calculate the optimal time frames for launches and flights of spacecraft. The nature of such cataclysms as typhoons, hurricanes, floods and floods associated with global displacements of the atmosphere and hydrosphere of the planet has become more understandable.

The discovery of the Dzhanibekov effect served as an impetus for the development of a completely new field of science that deals with pseudo-quantum processes, that is, quantum processes in the macrocosm. Scientists always talk about some incomprehensible jumps when it comes to quantum processes. In the ordinary macrocosm, everything seems to be going smoothly, even if sometimes very quickly, but consistently. And in a laser or in various chain reactions, processes occur abruptly. That is, before they begin, everything is described by the same formulas, after - by completely different ones, and there is zero information about the process itself. It was believed that all this is inherent only in the microcosm.

Viktor Frolov, Head of the Natural Risk Forecasting Department of the National Committee for Environmental Safety, and Mikhail Khlystunov, Deputy Director of the Research Institute of Electromechanics, a member of the Board of Directors of the same Center for Space Payloads, published a joint report. In it, the entire world community was informed about the Dzhanibekov effect. This was done for moral and ethical reasons. It would be a crime to hide the possibility of a catastrophe from mankind. But our scientists keep the theoretical part behind the "seven locks". And the point is not only the ability to trade the know-how itself, but also the fact that it is directly related to the amazing possibilities of predicting natural processes.

Approximately such information about the Dzhanibekov nut is filled with World Wide Web sites, similar information has also penetrated television screens.

V. Atsyukovsky, author “Ether Dynamics”, writes: “In our Galaxy, which is a typical galaxy spiral structure, the ether circulation is carried out: from the core of the Galaxy to the periphery - in the composition of stars and interstellar gas, from the periphery to the core - in the form of a flow of free ether, that very “ether drift” (“ether drift”), about which there were so many battles.

The ether flow, moving along the spiral arm of the Galaxy and rotating around the axis of the spiral, forms a structure like a pipe. When approaching the core of the Galaxy, the ether flow narrows, increases speed and changes direction from tangential to axial. In outer area pipe, a boundary layer is formed that does not allow the ether to leave its body of the pipe, and the centrifugal force drives the ether to the walls of the pipe. Therefore, in the walls of the spiral arms, the ether density is higher than outside the spiral arms or inside them. It is in the walls that the ether velocity gradient is located, so a star that touches even the edge of the wall will then be sucked into the pipe wall. This explains the fact that the stars in spiral arms are located precisely in their walls. To an external observer, the swirling flow of ether in spiral arms should be presented as a magnetic field.

“In conclusion, it should be noted that within a stable spiral galaxy there is an aether circulation: the aether moves from the periphery of the galaxy to its center (core) along two spiral arms, which manifests itself in the form of a weak magnetic field(8 - 10 µG). In the core, the jets collide and form helical toroidal rings - protons, then the protons themselves form attached vortices around themselves - electron shells, and from the resulting proton-hydrogen gas, stars are formed, which go to the periphery along the same arms. There they dissolve in the ether, because the protons will lose their energy and stability by this time due to viscosity. The released ether returns to the core, and this process has been going on in our Galaxy for many hundreds of billions of years and will go on until the new center of vortex formation begins to suck the ether onto itself. Then a new galaxy will form, and ours will disappear. But this will not happen soon, and we will have enough time to understand that it is time to return to the concept of ether.” (Report "The state of modern theoretical physics and the ways of its development)".

In my article “Inertia is the mother of order”, published in Kaliningradskaya Pravda, I, independently of V. Atsyukovsky, suggested that inertia is the result of the interaction of the ether and torus-shaped spherical vortices (torospheres) of matter. By the way, in a personal conversation with the author of Etherdynamics, I asked a direct question: did he consider the mechanism of inertia in his works? A negative response was received. After that, I had the opinion that the scientist who revealed the secret of the mechanism of inertia (what happens inside the particles of matter) should be awarded Nobel Prize in physics.

According to "Ether Dynamics", the movement of the ether is turbulent, like the movement of an ocean wave, where in the crests zones of tension and compression, movement and counter movement can alternate.

The behavior of Dzhanibekov's nut in weightlessness under the conditions of a space station, perhaps, signals us about these waves of ether. Perhaps the mass of the Earth smooths out the turbulence, and the masses spaceship not enough to turn turbulence into laminar aether flow. Therefore, in earthly conditions Dzhanibekov's experience cannot be repeated. It is surprising that until now the Dzhanibekov effect has not been confirmed by experiments on the ISS with a scale model of the Earth by international crews of cosmonauts and astronauts.

Returning to television and network horror stories, I must say: fears that the Earth will do a somersault, like Dzhanibekov's nut, are not grounded. The reasons for the death of mammoths, dinosaurs and other giants in the past of the Earth must be sought elsewhere.

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