The main races of people characteristics features and types. Races of people (photo). Modern races of people on the planet and their origin The origin of human races

The main features by which the races differ from each other are: the shape of the hair on the head; the nature and degree of development of hair on the face (beard, mustache) and on the body (tertiary hair in men is much more pronounced than in women); hair, skin and eye color; the shape of the upper eyelid, nose and lips; body length, or height. The most important racial trait is also pigmentation. In the skin, the pigment (melanin) lies in the surface layer, the epidermis. In the deeper layer of the skin, the dermis, pigment is usually absent in adults. If it is still present, then the skin acquires a bluish tint, since melanin shines through a thin layer of the epidermis. This phenomenon is more often observed in children in the region of the sacrum. It was first observed among the Mongols, so it was called "Mongolian spots". For skin color, translucence of blood through the walls of the smallest vessels (capillaries) is essential. Such translucence gives the skin a pink color and is characteristic of fair-skinned people.

Main morphological features of races

Representatives Negroid races have dark skin color, dark eye color, dark curly hair.

At Mongoloid races yellow skin color, hard straight dark hair, dark eyes, narrow slit eyes, the so-called Mongoloid eyelid.

Representatives Caucasian races have light skin of various shades, soft hair, various shades of light blond or dark blond, eye color from hazel to blue.

Despite the difference, the representatives of these races have a lot of common features: the same number of chromosomes - 46, the same level of brain development, brain volume. The most important sign is that in marriages between representatives of different races, the children born from these marriages are healthy and full. This suggests that humans are a single species, regardless of race (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Man as a single species ()

Geneticists have calculated that the genetic difference between representatives of different races is only about 8%, while the genetic differences between the nearest neighbors in cities and villages range from 20 to 40%. Therefore, a stranger can be genetically closer than a neighbor living nearby.

The data of physiologists suggest that Caucasoids are closer to Negroids in terms of blood groups, and closer to Mongoloids in terms of the composition of immunoglobulin in the blood. This tells us that the biochemical composition of human blood, its genetic characteristics developed much earlier than the division of a single species into different races. The influence of natural conditions on the development of human races is undeniable. Initially, in ancient mankind, it was probably stronger, but in the process of the formation of modern stories it was weaker, although it is still quite clear in some signs, for example, in the pigmentation of the skin. The influence of the entire complex set of conditions of life, obviously, was of the utmost importance for the emergence, formation, weakening and even disappearance of racial characteristics.

An example would be skin color; the ancestor of man, most likely, had a dark skin color, this is due to the place of its origin - Africa. Due to the fact that in Africa there is very strong solar radiation, dark skin served as protection for a person. When it settled in the northern regions, where solar activity is much less, another problem arose - without sunlight, vitamin D is not formed in the inner layers of the skin. Without it, rickets develops and infant mortality increases, therefore, in the evolutionary process, people with light skin color gained an advantage .

All differences between races are associated with the habitats of ancient man, so the short stature of the Eskimos, their thickened subcutaneous fatty tissue speaks of the cold climate in which they live, and the widely developed chest of the representatives of the Negroid race living in the mountains is adapted to rarefied air .

In all races, most of the genes are represented by the same alleles; the only difference is the relationship in which these alleles participate in the gene pool. The number of genes that distinguish one race from another is small, and they determine only external features: skin color, eye color, nose shape, and so on, that is, they have the same hereditary potential, which means single origin.


  1. Mamontov S.G., Zakharov V.B., Agafonova I.B., Sonin N.I. Biology. General patterns. - Bustard, 2009.
  2. Ponomareva I.N., Kornilova O.A., Chernova N.M. Fundamentals of General Biology. Grade 9: A textbook for students in grade 9 educational institutions / Ed. prof. I.N. Ponomareva. - 2nd ed., revised. - M.: Ventana-Graf, 2005.
  3. Pasechnik V.V., Kamensky A.A., Kriksunov E.A. Biology. An Introduction to General Biology and Ecology: A 9th Grade Textbook, 3rd ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2002.
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  1. What are the main races distinguished by science?
  2. Name the main morphological features of the races.
  3. How did living conditions influence the formation of racial characteristics?

The current appearance of humanity is the result of a complex historical development of human groups and can be described by highlighting special biological types - human races. It is assumed that their formation began to occur 30-40 thousand years ago, as a result of the settlement of people in new geographical zones. According to the researchers, their first groups moved from the region of modern Madagascar to South Asia, then Australia, a little later to the Far East, Europe and America. This process gave rise to the original races from which all subsequent diversity of peoples arose. Within the framework of the article, it will be considered which main races are distinguished within the species Homo sapiens (reasonable man), their characteristics and features.

Race Meaning

To summarize the definitions of anthropologists, a race is a historically established set of people who have a common physical type (skin color, structure and hair color, skull shape, etc.), the origin of which is associated with a certain geographical area. At the present time the relation of race to area is not always sufficiently clear, but it definitely took place in the distant past.

The origin of the term "race" is not reliably defined, but there has been much debate in scientific circles over its use. In this regard, initially the term was ambiguous and conditional. There is an opinion that the word represents a modification of the Arabic lexeme ras - head or beginning. There is also every reason to believe that this term may be related to the Italian razza, which means "tribe". Interestingly, in the modern sense, this word is first found in the writings of the French traveler and philosopher Francois Bernier. In 1684 he gives one of the first classifications of the major human races.


Attempts to put together a picture classifying the human races were made by the ancient Egyptians. They identified four types of people according to their skin color: black, yellow, white, and red. And for a long time this division of mankind persisted. The Frenchman Francois Bernier tried to give a scientific classification of the main types of races in the 17th century. But more complete and constructed systems appeared only in the twentieth century.

It is known that there is no generally accepted classification, and all of them are rather conditional. But in the anthropological literature most often refer to Ya. Roginsky and M. Levin. They identified three large races, which in turn are divided into small ones: Caucasoid (Eurasian), Mongoloid and Negro-Australoid (Equatorial). When constructing this classification, scientists took into account morphological similarities, the geographical distribution of races and the time of their formation.

Race characteristics

The classical racial characteristic is determined by a complex of physical features related to the appearance of a person and his anatomy. The color and shape of the eyes, the shape of the nose and lips, the pigmentation of the skin and hair, the shape of the skull are the primary racial features. There are also minor features such as physique, height and proportions of the human body. But in view of the fact that they are very variable and depend on environmental conditions, they are not used in racial science. Racial traits are not interconnected by one or another biological dependence, therefore they form numerous combinations. But it is stable traits that make it possible to single out races of a large order (basic), while small races are distinguished on the basis of more variable indicators.

Thus, the main characteristic of a race includes morphological, anatomical and other features that are of a stable hereditary nature and are minimally subject to the influence of the environment.

Caucasian race

Almost 45% of the world's population are Caucasians. The geographical discoveries of America and Australia allowed her to settle around the world. However, its main core is concentrated within Europe, the African Mediterranean and southwestern Asia.

In the Caucasoid group, the following combination of signs is distinguished:

  • clearly profiled face;
  • pigmentation of hair, skin and eyes from the lightest to darkest shades;
  • straight or wavy soft hair;
  • medium or thin lips;
  • narrow nose, strongly or moderately protruding from the plane of the face;
  • poorly formed fold of the upper eyelid;
  • developed hairline on the body;
  • large hands and feet.

The composition of the Caucasoid race is distinguished by two large branches - northern and southern. The northern branch is represented by Scandinavians, Icelanders, Irish, British, Finns and others. South - Spaniards, Italians, southern French, Portuguese, Iranians, Azerbaijanis and others. All the differences between them are in the pigmentation of the eyes, skin and hair.

Mongoloid race

The formation of the Mongoloid group has not been fully explored. According to some assumptions, the nationality was formed in the central part of Asia, in the Gobi desert, which was distinguished by its harsh sharply continental climate. As a result, representatives of this race of people generally have strong immunity and good adaptation to cardinal changes in climatic conditions.

Signs of the Mongoloid race:

  • brown or black eyes with a slanted and narrow slit;
  • overhanging upper eyelids;
  • moderately extended nose and lips of medium size;
  • skin color from yellow to brown;
  • straight coarse dark hair;
  • strongly protruding cheekbones;
  • poorly developed body hair.

The Mongoloid race is divided into two branches: northern Mongoloids (Kalmykia, Buryatia, Yakutia, Tuva) and southern peoples (Japan, residents of the Korean Peninsula, South China). Ethnic Mongols can act as prominent representatives of the Mongoloid group.

The equatorial (or Negro-Australoid) race is a large group of people that makes up 10% of humanity. It includes Negroid and Australoid groups, which mostly live in Oceania, Australia, the tropical zone of Africa and in the regions of South and Southeast Asia.

Most researchers consider the specific characteristics of a race as a result of the development of a population in a hot and humid climate:

  • dark pigmentation of the skin, hair and eyes;
  • coarse curly or wavy hair;
  • the nose is wide, slightly protruding;
  • thick lips with a significant mucous part;
  • protruding lower face.

The race is distinctly divided into two trunks - eastern (Pacific, Australian and Asian groups) and western (African groups).

Minor races

The main races in which humanity has been successfully imprinted on all the continents of the earth, branching out into a complex mosaic of people - small races (or races of the second order). Anthropologists distinguish from 30 to 50 such groups. The Caucasoid race consists of the following types: White Sea-Baltic, Atlanto-Baltic, Middle Caucasoid, Balkan-Caucasian (Ponto-Zagros) and Indo-Mediterranean.

The Mongoloid group distinguishes: Far Eastern, South Asian, North Asian, Arctic and American types. It is worth noting that the last of them in some classifications tends to be considered as an independent large race. In today's Asia, the Far Eastern (Koreans, Japanese, Chinese) and South Asian (Javanese, Probes, Malays) types are most prevalent.

The equatorial population is divided into six small groups: the African Negroids are represented by the Negro, Central African and Bushman races, the Oceanian Australoids are the Veddoid, Melanesian and Australian (in some classifications it is put forward as the main race).

mixed race

In addition to races of the second order, there are also mixed and transitional races. Presumably, they were formed from ancient populations within the boundaries of climatic zones, through contact between representatives of different races, or appeared during long-distance migrations, when it was necessary to adapt to new conditions.

Thus, there are Euro-Mongoloid, Euro-Negroid and Euro-Mongol-Negroid sub-races. For example, the Laponoid group has signs of three main races: prognathism, prominent cheekbones, soft hair, and others. The carriers of such characteristics are the Finno-Permian peoples. Or Ural which is represented by Caucasoid and Mongoloid populations. She is characterized by the following dark straight hair, moderate skin pigmentation, brown eyes, and medium hairline. Distributed mostly in Western Siberia.

  • Until the 20th century, there were no representatives of the Negroid race in Russia. In the USSR, during the cooperation with developing countries, about 70 thousand blacks remained to live.
  • Only one Caucasian race is capable of producing lactase throughout its life, which is involved in the absorption of milk. In the other major races, this ability is observed only in infancy.
  • Genetic studies have determined that the fair-skinned inhabitants of the northern territories of Europe and Russia have about 47.5% of Mongolian genes and only 52.5% of European ones.
  • A large number of people who self-identify as pure African Americans have European ancestry. In turn, Europeans can find Native Americans or Africans in their ancestors.
  • The DNA of all the inhabitants of the planet, regardless of external differences (skin color, hair texture), is 99.9% the same, therefore, from the standpoint of genetic research, the existing concept of "race" loses its meaning.

Our Atlantic Ancestors


The floor of the present-day Atlantic Ocean was once a continent, which for about a million years was the scene of a culture quite different from ours. Plato talked about the last remnant of this country, about the island of Posidonia, which lay west of Europe and Africa, which perished about ten thousand years BC.

Our Atlantean ancestors differed from modern man much more than anyone who, in his knowledge, is completely limited to the sensible world, can imagine. This difference concerns not only appearance, but also spiritual abilities. Their knowledge and their technical arts, their whole culture was not like what can be observed in our time. The logical reason on which everything that we now produce is based was completely absent among the first Atlanteans. But they had a very developed memory. This memory was one of those most distinctive spiritual abilities...

It must be remembered that every time a new ability develops in any being, the former begins to lose strength and sharpness. Modern man has the advantage over the Atlantean that he has a logical mind and the ability to reason. But he lost his memory. Now people think in terms; Atlantean thought in images. And when any image arose in his soul, he recalled many other similar images that he had experienced before. This guided him in his judgment. Therefore, teaching was then different than in later times. It did not seek to arm the child with rules or refine his mind. The child was taught life by means of visual images, so that when he subsequently had to act under certain conditions, he could already use a large store of memories.

Such a system of education gave the whole life an imprint of homogeneity. For a very long time everything went on in the same monotonous order. Faithful memory did not allow anything even remotely resembling the speed of our modern progress. The Atlanteans did what they had "seen" before. They did not invent anything, they only remembered. The authority was not the one who studied a lot, but who experienced a lot and could therefore remember a lot. In the Atlantean era it was impossible that the decision of any important question should be left to a person who had not yet reached a certain age. They only trusted someone who could look back on years of experience.

What is said here does not apply to initiates and their schools. For they are always ahead of the level of development of their era. And admission to such schools does not depend on age, but on whether a given person in his previous incarnations acquired the ability to perceive higher wisdom.

The confidence given in the Atlantean age to initiates and their representatives was not based on the richness of their personal experience, but on the antiquity of their wisdom.

While the logical power of thinking was absent among the Atlanteans (especially of the earlier period), a highly developed memory gave all their activities a special character. Memory stands closer to the deep natural basis of man than the power of reason, and in connection with it some other powers were developed, which had a greater resemblance to the forces of inferior natural beings than the human powers that are currently active. So the Atlanteans had power over what is called the life force.

The Atlantic village of the early period had a character that in no way resembled a modern city. In such a village, everything was still in union with nature. We will get only a very faint resemblance by saying that in the early Atlantean times - until about the middle of the third sub-race - the village was like a garden in which houses were built of trees with branches artfully intertwined. What the human hand created then, as it were, grew out of nature. And the man himself felt entirely in kinship with her. Therefore, his sense of community was still completely different than now.

In the Atlantean era, plants were grown not only for food, but also to use the forces dormant in them for technical purposes and means of communication. This is how the Atlantean set in motion his aircraft, which hovered above the earth. At that time, the air shell that enveloped the earth was much denser than now, and the water was much more liquid and its properties differed from modern ones. When an Atlantean needed his physical powers, he had, so to speak, the means to increase them in himself. We will only form a correct idea of ​​the Atlanteans if we take into account that they also had completely different ideas about fatigue and waste of strength than today's people.

The forerunners of the Atlanteans lived on the mainland that has now disappeared, the main part of which lay south of present-day Asia. In Theosophical writings they are called Lemurians. After passing through various stages of development, most of them fell into decay. They have degenerated, and their descendants still continue to inhabit certain areas of our earth as so-called wild peoples. Only a small part of the Lemurian humanity was capable of further development. From it came the Atlanteans.

It should not be imagined that the development of a new sub-race is accompanied by the immediate disappearance of the old one. Each sub-race continues to exist long after the others have developed along with it. Thus, the earth is always inhabited together by inhabitants, showing different stages of development ...

Atlantean subraces

Location of the Atlantean subraces at the end of the Atlantean era (15-20 thousand years ago)
Atlantean subraces:
1 Rmoagaly. 2 Tlavatli. 3 Toltecs. 4 Proto-Turanians. 5 Proto-Semites. 6 Akkadians. 7 Mongols.

The first sub-race of the Atlanteans originated from a part of the Lemurians, who were very ahead of their contemporaries and capable of further development. With the latter, the gift of memory was only in its infancy and appeared only in the last period of their development. One must imagine that the Lemurian, although he could form ideas about his experiences, did not know how to preserve them. He immediately forgot what he imagined. And that he nevertheless lived among a certain culture, had, for example, tools, erected buildings, etc., he owed this not to his own ability to imagine, but to some instinctive spiritual force that lived in him, so to speak. Only by this word one must understand not the present instinct of animals, but an instinct of a different kind ...

The first sub-race of the Atlanteans is called Rmoagals in Theosophical writings. The memory of this race was chiefly directed to vivid impressions of the sense organs. The colors that the eye saw, the sounds that the ear heard, continued to live in the soul for a long time. This resulted in the Rmoagals developing senses that their Lemurian ancestors did not know. Such feelings include, for example, attachment to what was experienced in the past.

The development of speech was also associated with the development of memory. As long as a person did not keep the past in his memory, he could not communicate what he experienced with the help of speech. And since the first rudiments of memory appeared at the end of the Lemurian period, the ability to name what was seen and heard could begin to develop at the same time. Names of things are needed only for those who have the ability to remember. Therefore, the development of speech belongs to the Atlantean period. And along with speech, a connection was established between the human soul and external objects.

Man has generated within himself a sound word; and this sound word belonged to the objects of the external world. Communication through speech also creates a new connection between people. The Rmoagals had all this, though still in their youthful form; but this already radically distinguished them from their Lemurian ancestors. The forces that lived in the souls of these first Atlanteans had something else in common with natural power. These people were still to some extent more related to the natural beings around them than their descendants. Their mental strengths were even more natural forces than the spiritual strengths of modern people. Therefore, the sound word generated by them possessed natural power. They not only gave names to things, but their words contained power over things, as well as over their fellows - people.

The word among the Rmoagals had not only meaning, but also power. When one speaks of the magical power of words, they mean by this something much more real for these people than for our modern times. When the rmoagal uttered a word, it developed the same strength as the object itself, designated by this word. This explains that in that era words had a healing power, that they could promote the growth of plants, tame the fury of animals and produce all sorts of other, similar actions. All these faculties diminished more and more in the later Atlantean sub-races. We can say that the fullness of natural power was gradually lost.

The Rmoagals felt the fullness of natural power entirely, and such an attitude towards nature had a religious character with them. Speech in particular was sacred to them. And the abuse of the pronunciation of certain sounds, which had considerable power, was something impossible. Every man felt that such an abuse would do him great harm. The magic power of such words would be reversed; rightly applied, they could bring good, but they would also turn to the destruction of the one who applied them lawlessly. In a certain innocence of feeling, the Rmoagals attributed their power not so much to themselves, but to the divine nature acting in them.

All this changed in the era of the second sub-race - the so-called tlavatl. People of this race began to feel their personal value. Ambition arises in them, a property still completely unfamiliar to the Rmoagals. The recollection begins, in a certain sense, to influence their perception of life together. Whoever could look back at some exploits demanded recognition from his fellows for this, demanded that his deeds be kept in memory. On this memory of exploits, the election of a leader by some close-knit group of people was also based.

A kind of royal dignity developed. This recognition continued even after the death of the leader. There was a remembrance of the ancestors and veneration of their memory, as well as all those who marked themselves in life with some kind of merit. Hence, in some individual tribes, a special kind of religious veneration of the dead, the cult of ancestors, subsequently developed.

The development of memory influenced life together in yet another way: groups of people began to form, connected with each other by the memory of common deeds. Previously, such formation of groups depended entirely on natural forces, on a common origin. Man, by his own spirit, has not yet added anything to what nature has made of him. Now, however, some powerful person gathered around him a group of people for a common enterprise, and the memory of such a common cause made up the social group.

This form of social life was fully revealed only among the third sub-race - among the Toltecs. Therefore, the people of this race first laid the foundation for what can already be called a public and a kind of formation of the state. And the management, leadership of these communities passed from ancestors to descendants. What used to live in the memory of people, the father now began to transfer to his son. The deeds of the ancestors should be remembered to the whole family. The descendants still continued to appreciate the perfect ancestor.

It is only necessary to keep in mind that in those days people really had the power to transfer their talents to their descendants. All education was aimed at presenting life in visual images. And the effect of such education was based on personal power emanating from the educator. He refined not the power of reason, but other talents, of a more instinctive nature. With such a system of education, the abilities of the father did, in most cases, pass to the son.

In the third sub-race, personal experience began to take on more and more importance. When one group of people separated from another, then, in founding a new community, it brought with it a vivid memory of what had been experienced in the previous conditions. But at the same time, there was something in this memory that did not satisfy this community, which caused its discontent. And in this respect, she was then trying to found something new. It is only natural that the new and the better should be imitated, and so the communities flourish in the epoch of the third sub-race.

The development of the power of memory has led to the tremendous power of the individual. Man wanted to mean something with this power. And the more the power of the people's leaders increased, the more he strove to use it for his own personal purposes. The developed ambition turned into a pronounced self-pleasing. And with that came the abuse of power. If we remember what the Atlanteans could achieve by virtue of their domination of the vital force, it will be easy to understand that this abuse must have had enormous consequences. The vast power over nature could be used for personal selfish ends.

This was carried out in full measure by the fourth sub-race, the proto-Turanians. People of this race, taught to dominate the aforesaid forces, used them in every possible way to satisfy their selfish desires and aspirations. But used in this way, these forces in their action destroyed each other. It is the same as if a man's legs were stubbornly dragging him forward, while the upper part of the body was striving back. Such a destructive action could be delayed only by the fact that a higher power began to develop in a person. It was the ability to think. Logical thinking has a retarding effect on personal selfish desires.

We must look for the source of this logical thinking in the fifth sub-race of the Atlanteans - among the Proto-Semites. People began to go beyond mere recollection of the past and began to compare different experiences. The faculty of judgment developed, and desires and aspirations began to be regulated by it. The man began to count and count. He learned to work with thought. If he had previously surrendered to his every desire, now he already began to ask himself whether thought could also approve this desire. If the people of the fourth sub-race violently rushed to satisfy their desires, then the people of the fifth begin to listen to their inner voice. This inner voice brings desires into the shores, although it cannot destroy the demands of the self-seeking personality.

Thus, the fifth sub-race transferred the impulses to action into the inner depths of man. A person wants to decide for himself in this depth of his own what to do and what not to do. But, gaining in his depth in the power of thinking, he begins to lose power over the external forces of nature to the same extent. With this reflective thinking, only the forces of the mineral world can be subjugated to oneself, but not the life force. Thus, the fifth sub-race developed thinking by dominating the life force. But it was precisely this that gave rise to the germ of the further development of mankind.

No matter how strongly the sense of personality, self-love and even egoism developed now, thinking, working inside a person and not being able to directly transmit commands to nature, could no longer exert such a destructive effect as the former, abused forces. From this fifth sub-race, a group of the most gifted was chosen by the initiates, who survived the death of the fourth root race; it formed the germ of the fifth, the Aryan race, whose task is to fully reveal the mental power and everything related to it.

The people of the sixth sub-race, the Akkadians, developed the power of thought even further than the fifth. They differed from the so-called Proto-Semites in that they began to apply this ability in an even broader sense. If the previous races were inclined to recognize as their leader the one whose exploits were engraved in their memory, or who could look back on a life rich in memories, now this role has passed to the smart one. If before they were guided by what was associated with a good memory, now they valued most of all what was most convincing for thought. Previously, under the influence of memory, a certain custom was adhered to until it turned out to be insufficient, and it goes without saying that in this case it was possible to carry out an innovation who could help the need.

Under the influence of the ability of thinking, a thirst for innovation and change has developed. Everyone wanted to carry out what his mind prompted him to do. Therefore, in the era of the fifth sub-race, unrest and anxiety begin, and in the sixth sub-race they lead to a feeling of the need to bring the wayward thinking of individuals under general laws. The flourishing of the states of the third sub-race was based on a common memory that brought order and harmony. In the era of the sixth sub-race, this system had to be carried out with the help of invented laws. Thus the source of the legal and legal order is to be sought in this sixth sub-race.

In the epoch of the third sub-race, the separation of some group of people occurred only when this group was, as it were, ousted from its community due to the fact that memories created unfavorable conditions for it. All this changed substantially in the sixth sub-race. Thinking thinking was looking for the new, as such, and prompted enterprises and new settlements. Therefore, the Akkadians were a very enterprising and colonizing people. In particular, trade was to feed the nascent faculty of thought and judgment.

In the seventh sub-race, the Mongols, the ability to think also developed. But some qualities of the former sub-races, especially of the fourth, have been preserved in them to a much greater extent than in the fifth and sixth. They remained true to the inclination to remember. And thus they came to the conclusion that the most ancient is at the same time the most intelligent, that is, it can best defend itself against the power of thinking.

It is true that they also lost power over the vital forces, but the power of thought that had developed in them itself possessed, to some extent, the natural power of this vital force. They have lost power over life, but they have never lost their immediate naive faith in it. This power was for them God, by whose authority they acted, creating everything that they considered right. Therefore, to neighboring peoples, they seemed to be possessed by this secret power; and they gave themselves to her with blind trust. Their descendants in Asia and in some European countries showed and still show this feature to a large extent ...

The transition of the fourth root race to the fifth

Everything around us is in development. And the peculiarity of the man of our fifth root race, which consists in the use of thought, also developed at first. It is in the fifth root race that the faculty of thinking slowly and gradually matures. Among the Atlanteans, this ability was still being prepared. Their will was directed to some extent from outside...

The Atlanteans were under the leadership of leaders who, in their abilities, far surpassed them. No earthly upbringing could develop in oneself this wisdom and the forces that these leaders possessed. They were communicated to them by higher beings not directly belonging to the Earth. Therefore, it is quite natural that these leaders seemed to the general mass of people beings of a higher order, "messengers of the gods." They were revered and accepted their decrees, commandments, instructions. Such beings taught mankind the sciences, the arts, and the making of tools.

These "messengers of the gods" either managed the communities themselves, or taught the art of government to those people who were sufficiently developed for this. It was said of these leaders that they "communicate with God" and that the gods themselves initiate them into the laws according to which mankind must develop. And this was true. This initiation, this communion with the gods, took place in places called temples of the mysteries. From them proceeded, therefore, the management of the human race.

The language in which the gods spoke with their messengers in the mysteries was not an earthly language, and just as little earthly were the images in which these gods revealed themselves to them. Messengers were able to receive such revelations because they had already gone through what most people have yet to go through at the previous stages of development. They only in some respect belonged to this humanity and could still take on a human form. But their mental and spiritual qualities were superhuman. Therefore, they could also be called higher spirits, incarnated in human bodies in order to move humanity further on its earthly path.

These beings led people, however, not being able to tell them the laws by which they led them. Since before the fifth Atlantean sub-race, before the Proto-Semites, people still completely lacked the ability to understand these laws. Only the power of thought developed in this sub-race was such a capacity. But it developed slowly and gradually. And even the last sub-races of the Atlanteans still had very little understanding of the laws of their divine leaders.

The leaders of the fifth Atlantean sub-race gradually prepared it so that later, after the disappearance of the Atlantean way of life, it could give rise to a new generation of people, which would be controlled entirely by the power of thinking. One of the main leaders of the Atlanteans, who bore the name of Manu, chose the most gifted and secluded them in a special place - in Central Asia, thereby freeing those who lagged behind or deviated from the path from any influence.

The leader set himself the task of developing this group to such an extent that those who belonged to it could, in their own souls, by the power of their own thinking, comprehend the laws by which they were still governed, to know those divine forces that they unconsciously followed. Hitherto the gods have led men by means of their messengers; now people should have known about these divine beings. They had to learn to look upon themselves as the executive instruments of divine Providence.

These people have heard about the superearthly-divine, and that the invisible spiritual is the creator and guardian of the visible corporeal. Hitherto they have looked up to their visible messengers of the gods, to their superhuman initiates, and from them have received instructions on what to do and what not to do. But now they were honored that the messenger of the gods spoke to them about the gods themselves. Now they needed to build their lives in the spirit of a new understanding of the divine world management, i.e. finding the relationship of visible phenomena with invisible forces. The Fifth Root Race had to learn to control itself with its own thoughts. But such self-determination can lead to good only if the person himself puts himself in the service of higher powers.

The most gifted personalities around Manu were destined to gradually receive direct initiation into his divine wisdom, so that they could become teachers of other people. It so happened that a new kind of initiates joined the former messengers of the gods, who developed their power of thinking in the same way as all other people - in an earthly way. This was not the case with the previous messengers of the gods, their development belongs to the higher worlds (what they gave to humanity was a "gift from above").

The isolated group lived and developed until it became strong enough to act in a new spirit, and until its members could carry this new spirit to that part of humanity that remained after the previous races. Naturally, this new spirit took on a different character among different peoples, according to their own development in different fields. The character traits that had been preserved were mixed with those brought to various parts of the world by the messengers of Manu. Thus a variety of new cultures and civilizations were born.

The human initiates, the holy teachers, became at the beginning of the fifth race the leaders of the rest of humanity. To the host of these initiates belong the great priest-kings of ancient times, to whom not history but the world of legend testifies. The higher messengers of the gods were more and more removed from the earth, giving control to these human initiates, whom they, however, help with advice and deed.

Were it not so, man would never achieve the free use of his power of thought. The world is under divine guidance; but man must not be compelled to this confession, he must perceive and comprehend it by free reflection. Only when he has achieved this do the initiates gradually reveal their secrets to him. But this cannot happen all of a sudden. The entire development of the fifth root race is a slow path leading to this goal...

04.01.39 Now your questions. “Is the real fifth race a root race or a sub-race, and are not only the Hindus belonging to the fifth race?”

According to esoteric data, it is the northern Ariavarta Indians, or Aryans, who belong to the fifth sub-race of the fifth root race.

And each successive root-race crystallizes out of its corresponding sub-race. Thus, the fifth root race originated in the fifth sub-race of the fourth race, therefore the coming sixth race takes shape from the sixth sub-race of the fifth root race. Representatives of the sixth sub-race of the fifth race are scattered over a large area, and therefore it can be said that the sixth race is now emerging in many places. But, of course, the main core of the future root race gathers in a certain place, and by the time the displacement occurs, its carriers will gather at this protected place. Of course, there are still many representatives of different branches of the fourth race and even the third on earth. If the majority of Europeans belong to the fifth sub-race of the fifth root-race, yet among them the sixth sub-race can be found. Even in the conglomeration of England, rare tribes can be found belonging to the sixth sub-race.

The Greeks and Romans belonged to the fifth sub-race of the fifth root race, the Egyptians to the fourth sub-race of the fifth race.

Individual human evolution

23.09.37 Each isolated or taken separately human ability has a relative, not an absolute value. As the mind, not enlightened by the fires of the heart, so the heart, not supported by the mind, are ugly phenomena. Everything needs balance. The goal of evolution is the achievement of balance or harmony of all human abilities and feelings. The calamity of our time lies precisely in the established terrible inconsistency between the mind and the heart. If we have Infinity before us, then, of course, all abilities can develop indefinitely. But, again, their correct development will be determined by the balance or harmonious disclosure of all the forces inherent in a person. Synthesis is the highest harmony...

Each planetary cycle, or Circle, has its limit for the development of the human organism, and with each new cycle the level of achievement rises. So Manas, or the Higher Mind, on our Earth will receive its full development in the fifth Round and in its fifth race, while we are still only in the fourth Round and in the fifth race at its completion, therefore for our Circle Manas has already reached the apogee of its development, and with the birth of the sixth race, or rather, with its establishment, for there are already quite a few people belonging to the sixth race, we will enter the era of the development of spiritual consciousness, which has its foundation in the heart.

Part II

Metahistory of the Earth

Chapter 1

Space Builders

The White Brotherhood as a representation of the cosmic mind on Earth

Great Teachers

1937 Recently, science has come so close to the most occult discoveries in the field of the subtlest energies. Therefore, you can firmly and calmly insist before everyone on your knowledge of the effects of psychic energy, which is so clearly manifested in the transmission of thoughts at a distance and in the increase of vibrations that are captured by the finest apparatus during intense mental work. We study psychic and parapsychic phenomena, in which all the leading, best scientists are now interested. We can also affirm our knowledge of the existence of the Stronghold of Knowledge, or the Brotherhood of Mahatmas, these elder Brothers of humanity, who have dedicated themselves to great knowledge for the common good and who follow the evolution of the world. All great discoveries, all great ideas have invariably come and come from this Source of Knowledge and Light. As Professor Harlay says: “There must be high Beings in the cosmos, whose intelligence is as much higher than ours, as the latter exalts the mind of a simple beetle, and these beings take an active part in managing the evolutionary processes of Nature.”

So, if anyone does not know about the existence of this Lighthouse of Humanity, then it remains to pity him and advise him to quickly get acquainted with the huge literary material covering millennia, in which many facts and evidence are recorded about the presence of such a Stronghold of Knowledge not in transcendental spheres, but on our Earth. .

Jacob's ladder

06.12.34 The Cosmic Mind is the Hierarchy of Light, or Jacob's Ladder. Moreover, the Crown of this Hierarchy consists of Spirits or Intelligences that have completed their human evolution on one or another planet, in one or another Solar system, the so-called Planetary Spirits, the Creators of the worlds. These Creators of worlds or planets are the Architects of our present and future Universe. During the days of pralaya, They keep the Watch of Brahma and outline the next evolution of the Cosmos. Therefore, the Crown of the Cosmic Mind does not depend on manvantaras, verily, They abide throughout Infinity. Thus, the highest Hierarch of our planet is one of the most beautiful Diamonds in the Crown of Cosmic Reason.

The Cosmic Magnet is the Cosmic Heart or the Consciousness of the Crown of the Cosmic Mind, the Hierarchy of Light. Precisely, the Cosmic Magnet is the connection with the higher worlds at the behest of Being. Our heart connection with the Heart and Consciousness of the Highest Hierarch of our planet introduces us into the powerful current of the Cosmic Magnet.

I am quoting a paragraph from the third part of The Fiery World, which may be appropriate here: “If the human consciousness could compare the eternal with the transient, then there would be glimpses of understanding of the Cosmos, for all the values ​​of mankind are based on eternal basis. But humanity has become so imbued with respect for the transient that it has forgotten about the eternal. Meanwhile, it is significant that the form changes, disappears and is replaced by a new one. Transience is so obvious, and each such transience points to eternal life. Spirit is the creator of every form, but is rejected by mankind. When they understand that the spirit is eternal, then both Infinity and immortality will enter into life. Thus it is necessary to direct the spirit of peoples to the understanding of the Higher Beginnings. Mankind is absorbed in effects, but the root and beginning of everything is creation, but it forgotten. When the spirit is revered as the sacred Fire, then the great ascent will be confirmed.

You correctly note how close all Greek philosophers are to the Teaching. After all, all philosophies, all religions came from the One Source, and the same Great minds that brought Light and gave impetus to the birth of thought at the dawn of our humanity, continued to bring it throughout the slow process of evolution of human consciousness. Let us remember those seven Great Spirits, or Kumaras, which are spoken of in The Secret Doctrine. It was these Seven, and among them the Highest, Who accepted the Watch of the World, who appeared at all the turning points of our planet. It was Their consciousness that nourished the consciousness of humanity with the One Truth, brought by Them in the attire of various philosophies and religions that corresponded to the time. How beautifully you say that "The true meaning of the Divine is revealed depending on the opening of consciousness." Yes, great secrets and beauties are revealed to us when our consciousness comes into contact with the light of the Consciousnesses of the Leading Ones. How many wonderful accumulations, namely “sounds and sparkles of the spirit”, flare up in our being when we touch these powerful Sunbearers.

07.12.35 There is a single chain of the Hierarchy of Light, continuing into Infinity, and all the true Carriers of Light, appearing and staying even now on our Earth, are Its Links. Of course, the Sons of Light, who came from the higher worlds (Venus and Jupiter) to our planet, at the end of the third race of our Circle to accelerate the evolution of its humanity, are the greatest Spirits standing at the head of the Hierarchy of Light accessible and closest to us in terms of karma. They are the Ancestors of our consciousness, We owe them our mental development. And, of course, They belong to the chain of the Builders of the Cosmos. Each such Builder must go through human evolution in order to then stand at the head of this or that planet. But since evolution is boundless, then all these Builders, completing one cycle of evolution, begin another, and are born again, but on the Higher Worlds. Ponder deeper into the concept of Infinity.

As for the assertion of the person you mentioned that the Himalayan Mahatmas were born from the Earth, then first of all it would be necessary to find out what he wants to say by this? For, strictly speaking, we can consider only the Prince of this world and all earthlings who respond to his ray as the Spirit and spirits born from the Earth, for each grain of the spirit is born under a certain luminary, which remains its leading star throughout Manvantara. Thus, the Prince of this world belongs to the Earth, and by virtue of his previous achievements on another planet and by cosmic law he is its Master, and it is clear that those spirits who also originated under the corresponding ray will be closest to him. But there are many spirits on our Earth that belong, in their essence, or have in themselves the potential of the energies of other worlds that are part of our solar system, and even such distant ones as Uranus and Neptune, already subject to higher attractions. In addition, let's not forget that the life of all the kingdoms was transferred to our planet from the Moon, which is why the "Secret Doctrine" indicates the double ancestors of mankind - Lunar and Solar. The Lunar Ancestors in reality are now humanity itself, or rather, the majority of it, but the Solar Ancestors are those Sons of Light who took upon themselves selfless creativity for the benefit of the entire Cosmos and came to our planet from the higher worlds, as already mentioned, at the end of the Third Races of our Circle. Since that time, They have tirelessly incarnated on the threshold of all races, all great events, in order to each time give a new shift to the consciousness of mankind. Verily, Their lives are strewn with sacrificial deeds. Verily, They have drunk many cups of poison. Thus, they are the Founders of the Great Brotherhood on the Sacred Isle in the time of Atlantis, They are also the Guardians of the Trans-Himalayan Citadel in our Race.

Essence of an Arhat

02.09.37 In the eternal cycle of life, as evolution progresses, the great purpose of man as a collaborator of the Cosmos - in maintaining the balance of cosmic life - will become more and more obvious. Worlds are born and die, while a person who has transmuted all his feelings on the fire of the spirit is transformed into a superman and takes a place among the Higher Spirits and lives in eternity. The highest spirits are the Collaborators of the Great Architect and Mother Nature, the Builders of the worlds and the Leaders of the nations.

<...>his (man. - Ed.) the centers of perceptions and forces correspond to the centers of the energies of the Cosmos.

13.10.29 The understanding of the Arhat lives dimly in the human consciousness, but without this understanding advancement is impossible. In the book “Hierarchy” it is said: “It is customary to see an Arhat in the cloudy region. Records of thinking are terrible and ridiculous. Verily, We, the Brothers of Humanity, do not recognize ourselves in human notions. Our Images are so fantastic that We think that if people would apply fantasy to the opposite, then Our image would take the right form. Everything is on a different scale, everything is incredible, everything does not correspond to reality. Let's say, going to the higher worlds, the Arhat is boundless in all manifestations. The Arhat is walking, carrying the power of the Cosmic Magnet in his heart.

But let's see how this Image lives in the higher consciousness: “The heart of the Cosmos is equal to the heart of the Arhat. The fire of the Sun is equal to the heart of an Arhat. Eternity and the movement of the Cosmos fill the heart of an Arhat. Maitreya comes and burns with all fires, His heart burns with compassion for all impoverished mankind; His heart burns with the affirmation of new beginnings. People have a concept of dead Arhats, and the poor "yogis" feed their imaginations with their images. When humanity understands that the Arhat is the highest manifestation of Matter Lucida, it will understand that there is no distinction between Matter Lucida, which gives light, and the matter of love, which covers everything with light. Humanity clothes the Arhat in a harsh shell, but Materia Lucida shines with love. When will it be possible to illumine a person with Our Image?! It is difficult for thinking to realize the purity of the higher sphere. Let us say to the one who knows the way to Us – “go the way of love, go the way of work, go the way of the shield of faith”. To those who have found Our Image in their hearts, We will say: “Go with your heart, and the Chalice will confirm the path.” To the one who thinks that he has comprehended the path through self-conceit, we will say to him - “go learn from the spirit who knows the end, for self-conceit stops progress.” The call of the heart contains all creativity, the entire cosmic expanse is filled with the call, and the heart of the Cosmos and the heart of the Arhat are full of the call. Call and response are a combination of Cosmic fires. The heart of Our Brotherhood guards the path to the Common Good for humanity.

The evolution of man on the planet. Races, subraces.

On each sphere, in each circle, all the kingdoms must make seven small circles, after which they will move on to another sphere. Small circles are otherwise called root races or simply races. We are now on Sphere D in the fourth round and are overwhelmingly of the fifth race.

In turn, each race consists of seven sub-races (sub-races), each sub-race consists of seven branches, which in turn have their own seven divisions, etc.

Failed creation.

Before the human kingdom passed to sphere D, spontaneous generation of life took place on it, without the participation of higher intelligent forces. The generated life forms could not evolve and therefore were useless for the purposes of Nature. Here is what is said about this in the book of Dzyan:

“... she (the earth) did not call the sons of heaven, she did not want to call the sons of wisdom. She created from her womb. She developed the aquatic people, terrible and vicious. Water-people, terrible and vicious, she created herself from the remains of others. From the garbage, from the silt of her first, second and third, she formed them. Dhyani (sons of wisdom) came and surveyed - dhyani from a bright father-mother; from the white regions they came, from the abodes of the immortal mortals. They were dissatisfied. They destroyed forms, two-faced and four-faced. they slew the goat people and the dog-headed people and the fish-bodied people."

From The Secret Doctrine, vol. 2

“Thus it is shown that Physical Nature, left to itself in the creation of the animal and man, has proved unsuccessful. It can produce the first two kingdoms, as well as the kingdom of the lower animals, but when the turn of man comes, then to create it, in addition to the “skin shells” and the “breath of animal life”, spiritual, independent and rational forces are required.

First race- Chhaya (shadows).

Thus nature, left to itself, failed. When the turn of the incarnation of the human kingdom on sphere D came, those monads that remained on it during its obscuration, as the guardians of the "seed of humanity", after the life wave of the third round, were the source of the emergence of the primary human ethereal form. These guardians, in the esoteric doctrine, are known as Pitris - barhishads.

From The Secret Doctrine, vol. 2

"The First Race of Men, therefore, were merely likenesses, the Astral Doubles of their Fathers, who were the pioneers or the most advanced Beings from the previous, though lower, Sphere, of which our Moon is now sheathed."

In general, the word "Pitris" means progenitors, and they are divided into two types: Barhishads - who do not have a higher mind, and Agnishvatts - who have it. Primary forms are created only by Barhishads, but these forms are still very imperfect and not ready to be carriers of the mind, so time is needed for their development. The activities of the Agnishvattas will come later, they will perfect human forms. Otherwise Agnishvatts are called solar gods, and Barkhishads are called lunar.

From The Secret Doctrine, vol. 2

The Agnishvatta Pitris are devoid of "Fire", that is, creative passion, for they are too divine and pure, while the Barhisads, being Moon Gods, are more closely connected with the Earth Thus it becomes clear why the Agnishvattas, lacking the grosser "creative fire" and therefore unable to create a physical man, also having no Double or Astral Body to bring it out, for they were without any "form", are shown in the exoteric allegories as Yogis, Kumaras [immaculate Youths]<…>Nevertheless, only they could complete a person, that is, make him a self-conscious, almost divine Being - God on Earth. The Barkhishads, although possessing "creative fire", were deprived of the highest element of Mahat. Being on a level with the lower "Principles" - those that precede gross objective matter - they could give birth only to the external man, or rather, the prototype of the physical, astral man.

Now back to the first race. She did not have a physical body. Being in her very subtle ethereal body, she did not know either birth or death. The "people" of the first race could equally live both in water and underground, material objects were not an obstacle, and the external climatic conditions of that period did not have any effect on them.

From The Secret Doctrine, vol. 2

“The First Race, the “Shadows” of the Ancestors, could not be damaged or destroyed by death. Being so ethereal and so little human in their structure, they could not be damaged by any element - neither water nor fire.

“The First Race was simply composed of the Astral Shadows of the Ancestors-Creators and, of course, had neither its own astral nor its physical bodies - then this Race did not die. Her "People" gradually dissolved and absorbed into the bodies of their own "Sweat-born" Offspring, denser than their own. The old form evaporated, it was absorbed and disappeared into the New Form, more human and physical. Death did not exist in that age, more blessed than the Golden Age; but the primary or parental matter was used to create a new being, to build the Body and even the internal or lower Principles or Bodies of offspring.

Second race- Then born.

The second race arose from the first by "budding".

From The Secret Doctrine, vol. 2

“How else could these Chhaya reproduce themselves; that is, to give rise to the Second Race, if they were ethereal, a-sexual and even devoid of desire carriers or Kama Rupa, which developed only in the Third Race? They developed the Second Race unconsciously, as some plants do. Or perhaps, like the amoeba, only on a more ethereal, significant and larger scale.

So the second race arose out of the first race. Its structure was improved and despite the fact that it was still ethereal, the concept of death and birth appeared. The forms of the second race condensed and became subject to environmental conditions. The birth took place in the manner described below.

From The Secret Doctrine, vol. 2

“The Astral Form that clothed the Monad was surrounded, as now, by the egg-shaped sphere of the Aura, which here corresponds to the substance of the germ cell or Ovum. The Astral Form itself is now, as then, a nucleus endowed with the Life Principle.

When the time comes for reproduction, the Sub-astral “pushes out” its miniature likeness from the egg of the surrounding Aura. This germ grows and feeds on the Aura until its development is complete, then it gradually separates from its parent, taking with it its own sphere of Aura; just as we see it in living cells, reproducing their own kind by increasing and successively dividing into two.

This process is similar to the release of sweat on the skin. The drop enlarges, and when it becomes large enough, it separates. Therefore, the "people" of the second race are called "sweat-born." Since their bodies were mortal and subject to environmental conditions, they died as a result of the catastrophe.

From The Secret Doctrine, vol. 2

Then-born... “became the Second Humanity - composed of the most diverse, gigantic half-human monsters - the first attempts of material nature in the construction of human bodies. The ever-blooming countries (Greenland among others) of the Second Continent were successively transformed from the Edens, with their eternal spring, into the Hyperborean Hades. This transformation occurred as a result of the displacement of the great waters of the Planet, the oceans that changed their channels; the majority of the Second Race perished in this first convulsion of the evolution and solidification of the Planet during the human period."

third race- born from eggs (Lemurians).

The method of reproduction of the "people" of the third race was similar to the method of reproduction of the second, but if in the second race the embryo pushed out of the parent's aura could already lead an independent life, then in the third race it was somewhat different. The embryo had to stay in its shell for some time, which became denser over time. This shell was shaped like an egg, in which the process of ripening of the fetus took place, like chicks in birds in our time. Therefore, the "people" of the third race are called "born from an egg."
The original two races had no sex, the separation of the sexes, initially asexual (androgynous), and then a bisexual person (hermaphrodite), occurred only in the third race. In the same race, humanity acquired a physical body, and was endowed with reason.

From The Secret Doctrine, vol. 2

“The First Race created the Second by means of “budding”, as indicated above, the Second Race gave birth to the Third - which itself divided into three definite divisions, consisting of people differently generated. The first two divisions reproduced by an egg-like method, probably unknown to modern natural history. Whereas the early sub-races of the Third Mankind propagated by means of a kind of excretion of moisture or vital fluid, the drops of which, when collected, formed an ovoid ball - or let's say an egg, which served as an external receptacle for the birth of a fetus and a child in it; the way of reproduction of the following sub-races has changed, at least in their results. The offspring of the early sub-races were completely asexual - even formless, as far as we can know, but the offspring of subsequent sub-races were born androgynous. Precisely, in the Third Race there was a division of the sexes. Humanity has gone from asexual to certain hermaphrodites or bisexuals; and finally, the Human Egg began to give birth, gradually and almost imperceptibly in its evolutionary development, first beings in which one sex predominated over the other, and finally certain men and women.

“Now the point on which we first of all insist is that whatever origin is attributed to man, his evolution took place in the following order: 1) asexual, like all primitive (early) forms [the first two races]; 2) then, by virtue of a natural transition, he became a "lonely hermaphrodite", a bisexual being [the first sub-races of the third race]; and 3) finally, he separated and became what he is now [the subsequent sub-races of the third race]."

“But let us return once again to the history of the Third Race, the “Sweat-born”, “Eggborn” and “Androgynes”. Almost asexual at her first appearance, she became bisexual or androgynous, of course, very gradually. The transition from the first transformation to the last required countless generations, during which the simple cell, which came from the earliest ancestor of the parent (two in one), first developed into a bisexual being; then this cell, having developed into a real egg, revealed a same-sex creature. The Third Race of humanity is the most mysterious of all the five Races so far developed. The mystery of "how exactly" the birth of one or another sex occurred cannot be fully explained here, for this is the business of the embryologist and specialist; the present work gives only a faint outline of this process. But it is clear that individual units of the Third Race began to separate in their shells or eggs even before birth, and came out of them as infants of a certain male or female, centuries after the appearance of their first progenitors. And as the geological periods changed, the newly born sub-races began to lose their innate abilities. By the end of the fourth sub-race of the Third Race, infants had lost the ability to walk as soon as they were released from their shell, and by the end of the fifth, humanity was already being born under the same conditions and by the same process as our historical generations. It took, of course, millions of years.”

In the middle of the third race, nature built a physical form around the ethereal form of man, this happened 18 million years ago. From this moment begins the physical existence of man on our planet.

From The Secret Doctrine, vol. 2

“The Secret Doctrine states that physical humanity has existed on the globe for the last 18,000,000 years, despite the general cataclysms and shifts in the Fourth Round of our planet, which - due to the fact that this period is the time of the greatest physical development, for the Fourth Round is the middle point The Life-Cycle destined for him were much more terrible and intense than during any of the previous three Rounds - the Cycles of his early psychic and spiritual life and his semi-etheric conditions.

The growth of a man of the third race, having a physical body, was approximately equal to 18 meters. For us, this is a giant, but it must be taken into account that the growth of humanity of the first and second races was even greater.
When humanity of the third race divided into two sexes, reproduction began to be carried out sexually, similarly to the present method, from that moment the race fell into generation. It ceased to create its offspring, it began to engender it.
When the race fell into inception, then the turn of the Agnishvats came. They incarnated among people and were the first Sages, Mentors and Arhats. They endowed mankind with reason, taught him the sciences and arts, laid the foundation for civilized life on our planet. These were the kings, rishis and heroes of the third race.
But not all people have become equally intelligent. In those people whose monads relatively recently passed from the animal kingdom to the human one, the spark of reason burned weakly, while some remained completely devoid of reason, since their Monads were not yet ready to acquire it. Deprived of reason, they combined with female animals, thereby giving rise to a species of anthropoids or monkeys.

From The Secret Doctrine, vol. 2

“... the “ancestor” of a real anthropoid animal, a monkey, is a direct offspring of a man who did not yet have a mind, who defiled his human dignity by descending physically to the level of an animal.”

The mainland on which the third race lived is called Lemuria.

From The Secret Doctrine, vol. 2

“Lemuria, as we called the Continent of the Third Race, was then a gigantic country. It covered the whole region from the foothills of the Himalayas, which separated it from the inland sea, which rolled its waves through what we know as present-day Tibet, Mongolia and the great desert of Shamo (Gobi); from Chittagong west to Hardwar and east to Assam. From there it spread south through what we now know as South India, Ceylon and Sumatra; then, enveloping on its way, as it moved south, Madagascar on the right side and Tasmania on the left, it descended, not reaching the Antarctic Circle a few degrees; and from Australia, which at that time was an inland region on the Main Continent, it extended far into the Pacific Ocean beyond Rapa Nui (Teapi or Easter Island), now lying at 26 ° south latitude and 110 ° west longitude.

The Lemurians built cities and were able to speak, but their speech was very primitive.

From The Secret Doctrine, vol. 2

“The original civilization of the Lemurians did not follow, as might be expected, immediately after their physiological transformation. Many hundreds of thousands of years elapsed between the final physiological evolution and the first built city. However, we see the Lemurians, in their sixth sub-race, building their first rock cities out of stone and lava. One of these vast cities of primitive appearance was built entirely of lava, about thirty miles west of where Easter Island now stretches in a narrow strip of barren soil; subsequently this city was completely destroyed by a series of volcanic eruptions. The oldest remains of the ruins of the Cyclopean structures were all the work of the last sub-races of the Lemurians; and therefore the occultist does not express surprise when he learns that the stone remains found by Captain Cook on a small piece of Earth called Easter Island were "very similar to the walls of the Temple of Pachacamac or the ruins of Tia Huanaco in Peru", also that they were Cyclopean character. However, the first large cities were built in that part of the mainland, which is now known as the island of Madagascar.

“The Second Race already had a “language of sounds”, for example, melodious sounds composed only of vowels. The Third Race developed at first a kind of language, which was but a slight improvement on the various sounds in Nature, the cries of gigantic insects and the first animals, which had scarcely begun to be born in the days of the "Sweat-born" or the early Third Race. In its second half, when the "Sweat-born" gave birth to the "Egg-born", the middle Third Race; and when these, instead of hatching, they, like androgynous beings, began to develop into separate individuals of the male and female principles; and when the same law of evolution led them to reproduce their own kind through sexual intercourse - an act that caused the Creative Gods, compelled by the Karmic Law, to incarnate among people who did not possess intelligence, then only the language developed. But even then it was only an attempt. All mankind at that time had "one and only language". This did not prevent the last two sub-races of the Third Race from building cities and spreading far and wide the first seeds of civilization under the guidance of their Divine Instructors and their own already awakened minds.

What at the present time might be called supernatural was quite common for the Lemurians. They naturally had different abilities and could produce various phenomena, they were surrounded by "miracles", but over time, more and more developing their mental principle (Manas) and becoming more intelligent, they gradually lost these abilities.

From The Secret Doctrine, vol. 2

“With the advent of the divine Dynasties, the beginning of the first civilizations was laid. And while in some areas of the Earth part of humanity preferred to lead a nomadic and patriarchal life, in others, the savage was barely beginning to learn how to build a hearth for fire and protect himself from the elements - his brothers built cities and were engaged in arts and sciences. However, while their shepherd brethren enjoyed by birth miraculous powers, the "builders", in spite of civilization, could now master their powers only gradually; even those that they mastered were usually used by them to subjugate the physical forces of nature and for selfish and impure purposes. Civilization has always developed the physical and intellectual side at the expense of the psychic and spiritual. The mastery and control of one's own psychic nature, which madmen now associate with the supernatural, were innate among early mankind and as natural as walking and thinking.

“As soon as the mental eye of man opened for cognition, the Third Race felt its unity with the ever-existing, but also with the ever-incomprehensible and invisible All, the One Universal Deity. Each, being endowed with divine powers and feeling in himself his inner God, realized that by nature he was a God-man, although an animal in his physical self. The struggle between these two natures began from the very day they ate the fruit of the Tree of Wisdom; the struggle for life between the spiritual and the psychic, the psychic and the physical. Those who conquered the lower "principles" by subduing their flesh joined the "Sons of Light"; those who fell victim to their lower natures became the slaves of Matter. From the "Sons of Light and Reason" they ended up becoming the "Sons of Darkness". They fell in the struggle of mortal life with the Immortal Life, and all who fell in this way became the seed of the coming generations of Atlanteans.

In the dawn of his consciousness, the man of the Third Root Race thus had no beliefs that could be called religion. That is to say, not only did he not know anything "about the pompous religions, full of brilliance and gold", but even about any system of belief or outward worship at all. But if we take this term in its meaning, as something like the feeling expressed by a child in relation to his beloved father, then even the earliest Lemurians, from the very beginning of their intelligent life, had a religion and a very beautiful one. Didn't they have their bright Gods of the Elements around them and even among themselves? Did not their childhood pass around those who gave them birth and who surrounded them with their cares and called them to a conscious intelligent life? We are told that it was so, and we believe it. For the evolution of Spirit in Matter could never have been achieved, just as it would not have received its first impulse, if these light spirits had not sacrificed their own super-etheric natures in order to revive man from dust, endowing each of his internal "principles" with a part or, rather, a reflection of this nature.

This was the "Golden Age" of those ancient times, the Age when "Gods walked the earth and conversed freely with mortals." When this Age ended, the Gods withdrew - that is, they became invisible.

After a long period of prosperity, the civilization of Lemuria began to decline. The ever-increasing intellect eclipsed spirituality and this race, originally very spiritual, began to strive for evil, which was the reason for its decline and destruction.
The completion of one race and the beginning of the next is always accompanied by cataclysms that destroy some continents and raise others from the bottom of the ocean, on which a new race is born. Lemuria died about 700 thousand years before the beginning of what is now called the Tertiary period (Eocene).

From The Secret Doctrine, vol. 2

“Occult teaching says that what are now the polar regions were originally the earliest cradles of the seven cradles of Humanity and the tomb of the majority of Humanity in this region during the Third Race, when the gigantic Continent of Lemuria began to dissect into smaller continents. According to the explanation in the Commentaries, this was due to a decrease in the speed of the earth's rotation.

fourth race- Atlanta.

From The Secret Doctrine, vol. 2

“... the Atlanteans of the Fourth Race descended from a small number of people of the Third Race, northern Lemurians, gathered, roughly speaking, on a piece of land that was approximately where the middle of the Atlantic Ocean is now. Their Continent was made up of a cluster of many islands and peninsulas, which rose in the course of time and eventually became the real abode of the great Race known as the Atlantean race. After this education is completed, it is quite obvious and, as it is stated on the basis of the highest occult Authority:

"Lemuria should not be confused with the Atlantic Continent any more than Europe is with America".

The mainland on which the Atlanteans lived was called Atlantis. But at the time of the birth of the Atlantean race, this continent was still at the bottom of the ocean, it still had to rise to the surface. Only after the sinking of Lemuria, the mainland of Atlantis rose completely above the waters. This process of sinking one continent and raising another took place very slowly, and during all this time there were two races on our planet: the Lemurian race and the Atlantean race. Therefore, very often this period is referred to as the period of the existence of the Lemuro-Atlanteans. Only with the sinking of Lemuria, most of the Lemurians died, leaving the Atlantean race to develop on their mainland.

The map of the world during this period was completely different than at present, there was no America, no Africa, no Europe, these continents appeared much later. Only a small part of Asia, some islands in the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, as well as Australia, are witnesses of those ancient events.

The Atlanteans were taller than we are. However, their growth with each subsequent sub-race decreased and in their last sub-races was about 3 meters.

Like any civilization, Atlanta also had its heyday. Their development reached its apogee in the middle of the fourth sub-race. They, like the third race, had their own divine mentors, who instructed in the sciences and arts, and passed on divine knowledge to them. Atlanteans from birth had spiritual vision or clairvoyance, thanks to the development of the so-called "third eye".

From The Secret Doctrine, vol. 2

Atlanta “... were born with the ability of clairvoyance, covering all hidden things and for which there was neither distance nor material obstacles. In short, they were people of the Fourth Race mentioned in the Popol Vuh; their vision was unlimited, and they knew things instantly.


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