All-school event “Afghanistan and Chechnya live in my soul…. Afghan and Chechen wars Which war is worse Afghan or Chechen


compatriots - participants

Afghan and Chechen wars.

MBOU teacher

"Peter and Paul

high school»

Shelegina Yu.V.

2015 g

Hello dear guys, dear guests. Our meeting today is dedicated to the memory of the soldiers who died a heroic death on the battlefields of the Afghan and Chechen wars. And also to remember the exploits of the living participants in these wars.

Today our meeting is attended by fellow countrymen - participants in the Afghan and Chechen wars.

1. Goldback S.

What do we care about life, since honor serves as a retribution

The one that is chopped will make dead hands

What are we to death and torment. If there

For whom to accept even mortal torment

Those. Who in a fierce battle did not guess, What is how much

The gods sometimes keep and protect with their sword

2. Loginova A.

the fight will end, and then only you will find time

Quietly cradling the rain tree

Sings loudly, calling out to a friend, a titmouse

Spring sun drops awakened by a beam

Remember fallen friends. And live. And don't cry about anything.

3. Gredasov D.

These wars have no history yet. She is not written. We only know so much about them. No matter how dangerous it is for us to know, so as not to see ourselves as we are. Thousands of witnesses. They want to be heard before they are thought of as such, so they will be convenient and again someone needs them for something. They want to be needed by truth and memory.

4. Yastrebov S.

We called our meeting "Living Memory". It is “Alive”, because those who fought in Afghanistan and Chechnya are alive. Alive, because the memory of the dead is sacredly kept by their comrades in arms, their families, their loved ones. And the memory will be alive as long as we remember it, while we speak and sing

Lyube's song "Soldier" sounds

5. Mikhailov V.

February 15 is a special day for many, many people in our country.

For warriors, for mothers, sisters and brothers, wives. This is the day of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. Many years have passed since the end of that war, but even now the fires of wars are flaring up, where the presence of a Russian soldier is necessary.

And for the participants in the armed conflicts in Chechnya, this day has become a day of remembrance.

6. Novosad V.

I don't know ayu, why and who needs it,

Who sent them to death with a non-trembling hand

Only so mercilessly, so evil and unnecessary

Let them go to eternal rest

In memory of the fallen

Lighting extinguished candles

Let them straighten their dim light

All participants tired shoulders

A generation that did not know the war.

We accept your pain as our own

So that there is no more trouble

We light a candle today.

Cool hand.

Let's observe a minute of silence for the soldiers who died in these wars.

The song "For that guy." M. Fradkin, R. Rozhdestvensky.

I. Kobzon "Memory"

7. Grebenshchikova N.

War is a terrible, cruel phenomenon. But as long as malice and hatred live on earth, there will be wars that inflict wounds on people and take away sons from life.

Russian people are characterized by love for their land, the need to protect their Fatherland without sparing their lives is characteristic.

8. Grebneva K.

The Russian people are convinced that true man and the son of the Fatherland are one and the same. Patriotism, love for the Motherland, devotion to her, the desire to protect her from enemies, with her own deeds, to serve her interests - a great and necessary feeling, a sense of duty.

Star from unpainted tin

Rising above us again

And what do we have to lose besides honor

We have nothing more to lose

From fight to fight - not long

Not short, just not back

And what do we have to lose besides debt

We have nothing more to lose

Don't believe in a short song

We have an eternal song to match

What do we have to lose

Except death

We have nothing more to lose.

9. Yashkina A.

I'm like an abyss, in the morning mist

I dive without staying long

Chechnya is on fire, Afghanistan is on fire

How the Volga burned at 43

And the seconds fly away

They have no turning back

What if we lived a little

What if we are 20 years old

10. Zelenin A.

Day of Remembrance dead soldiers, Commemoration Day - living

And of course, the day when our future warriors, equaling their elders, are preparing to become Defenders of the Fatherland.

11. Kozlov N.

Time is moving forward,

It blows over fields and forests.

Here comes our turn

Prove what we stand for ourselves.

And they walk into formidable fights,

Straight into battle from the school doorstep

My dear peers,

Knights without fear and reproach.

How much heart and soul do you need

How much strength and courage is needed,

To walk in the unknown wilderness

Through the forest, swamps and ravines!

12. Nazarov M.

Light new fires

Far from habitual habitation,

And they don't know what they are

Knights without fear and reproach.

You would have disappeared many times already

If not for the fierce faith,

If not for their hearts sunk,

Their impulse and the strength of their example.

Everything was clearer at dawn,

And the hard road is easy

Because they are alive today on earth

Knights without fear and reproach.

13. Matveenko A.

Dear peer boys,

Knights without fear and reproach,

Do you like computers and books?

Sometimes you run away from class.

The sea beckons you with a magical dream.

You are always persistent, stubborn

And are you ready to sacrifice yourself

For the sake of a girl - a beautiful sweet lady.

14. Shvetsova BUT.

And your swords are always in place,

Just right for you knightly armor.

With you your loyalty and courage

And your victories and successes.

We wish you adventures not from a book,

So that you are always together on the way,

Dear peer boys,

Knights of courage, friendship, honor!

(students hand out greeting cards to the guests present)

WE continue our meeting with a quiz in which 2 teams of boys participate, which we ask our guests to join. And our girls will be the jury today.

1. Warm up.

Questions are asked to teams in turn, for each correct answer - 1 point.

1. What do trees and a rifle have in common? (trunk)

2. Why are the spear and shield inseparable friends and enemies? (they are always together, the shield protects, the spear strikes)

3. Whose words are these, “It is hard to learn, it is easy to fight”? (Suvorov)

4. Whose words are these, “Whoever comes to us with a sword will perish by the sword”? (Nevsky)

5. What is the name of a teenager who studies maritime affairs? (cabin boy)

6. What are shoulder badges called in the Russian army and navy? (shoulder straps, epaulettes)

2. Encryption Competition.

Teams are given word cards. Teams are invited to explain the meaning of these words. (For each correct explanation 1 point)

Card 1: "Katyusha", infantry

Card 2: reconnaissance, "son of the regiment."

3. competition - combat vehicles

Name the fighting vehicles of the period of the Great Patriotic War.

Name modern combat vehicles

4. Governor competition.

Teams receive cards with a mathematical task. It is necessary to solve the proposed problem. The time to solve is 1 minute. For the correct answer 5 points.

Card for 1 team:

Vasily Tsarevich grabbed a bush and pulled it out by the roots. Under that bush lies the entire harness for the heroic horse: a bridle of 30 kg, a saddle of 25 kg and a battle club weighing one and a half pounds. How many kilograms did the whole heroic harness weigh? (30+25+16x1.5=79 kg)

Card for 2 teams:

Vasily Tsarevich grabbed a bush and pulled it out by the roots. Under that bush lies the entire harness for the heroic horse: a bridle of 25 kg, a saddle of 40 kg and a fighting club weighing one and a half pounds. How many kilograms did the whole heroic harness weigh? (25+40+16x1.5=89 kg)

5. continue the proverb(the teams are given a part of the proverb in turn, the task of the team is to continue it immediately. For the correct answer 1 point)

Difficult to studyeasy in combat.
- Discipline - mother of order..
- Bullet is stupid bayonet - well done.
- Fight not by numbers, butskill..
- Skillful fighter - everywhere
well done..
- Shchi and porridge - our food
- Bad is the soldier who
does not dream of becoming a general.
- One in the field - not a warrior.

6. historical tour.(a question is asked, the first team to raise their hand answers, in case of an incorrect answer, the right to answer passes to another team)

Question Options
1. What was the name of the old protective device of the Russian warrior, consisting of iron rings?
2. Homeland of gunpowder. (China.)

3. Everyone knows the words of this great Russian commander: "With the loss of Moscow, Russia is not lost." Say his name.
(Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov.)
4. A monument to this literary hero - a soldier of the Great Patriotic War - was erected in the homeland of its author - in Smolensk. Name this character and its author.
(Vasily Terkin and Alexander Tvardovsky.)
5. What types of troops make up the modern ground forces?
(Air defense, tank, rocket and artillery, fire, chemical, automobile, motorized rifle, military construction, signal troops.)
6. Higher military rank. They were awarded A.A.V. Suvorov, I.V. Stalin.

7. What is the name of the largest cannon from which not a single shot was fired?
(Tsar Cannon.)
8. Which of the Soviet designers of small arms created a new type of machine gun and automatic machine guns?
(Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov.)
9. Which of the prominent Russian commanders said:
"Whoever enters us with a sword will die by the sword. The Russian land has stood and will stand on that
(Alexander Nevskiy.)
10. Pilot, Major, Hero of the Soviet Union. Her plane was shot down on enemy territory, and for 18 days he crawled his way to the front line. After the amputation of the lower legs of both legs, at his personal request, he was sent to a fighter regiment, where he shot down seven more enemy aircraft in air battles. State the name of this person.
(Alexey Petrovich Maresyev.)

11. Name a famous Soviet commander who made an outstanding contribution to the victory over fascist invaders. -
(Marshal Zhukov.)
12. Founder of the Russian fleet. On his seal, this commander and statesman carved the words: "I am a student and I need students." Name this student.
(Peter I.)

The jury calculates the results and announces the winning team.

Classroom teacher: We thank our guests for participating in our holiday and once again congratulate you on the upcoming holiday, Defender of the Fatherland Day.

1 team

2 team

1 competition: warm-up

2 contest: encryption

3 competition: combat vehicles

4 competition: governors

Competition 5: continue the proverb

6 competition: historical tour

Ruslan Sultanovich, many years have passed since the end of the "Soviet-Afghan" war. Are there any "blank spots" in its ten-year history?

The biggest "blank spot" is 273 prisoners of war who have not returned home and are missing, and our committee is currently very actively engaged in the search for and return to their homeland.

- How do you search for them and what are the results?

We work both in Afghanistan and in the countries adjacent to it, in particular in Pakistan. At the same time, we resort to the help of domestic and foreign special services. Over the past year, we have been able to learn in detail about the uprising of 15 Soviet prisoners of war in Badaber (Pakistan) in April 1985, to reconstruct the course of events, to find out the names of almost all the participants.

- How many prisoners of war and missing people have you found over the years?

With the help of our committee, we found and returned 12 people to their homeland. Mostly from Afghanistan. But former Soviet soldiers also live in the USA, Canada, Germany... One, who lived in Afghanistan and was found by us, returned to his family and friends, having spent a little time in Russia, again returned "beyond the river", as they said then: there he already had long family, children, he converted to Islam ...

So this problem is very complex. Let me remind you that in total 417 people went missing and were captured, 119 of them were released, 97 returned home. Recently we have brought the next remains of soldiers. We currently have a group working in Afghanistan, where two more graves have been discovered. We are very grateful to the Afghan and Pakistani authorities who are coming forward in our search. But a good examination is needed from the Russian side in order to find out exactly who the remains belong to. The 124th laboratory alone is not enough for this, and it has a large workload in Chechnya too. This requires about 100 thousand dollars.

- What is the main lesson of the Soviet-Afghan war for you personally?

There is no need to impose your model of socio-economic and other structure on a foreign country, to introduce "your" system of power. At that time, we transferred everything that we had negative things in the USSR to Afghan soil, tried to force people with a completely different mentality to live in the Soviet way. They began to cancel his religion, culture, ideology. So we couldn't help but lose.

- Now in Afghanistan there are American troops. How much do they take into account the experience of fighting Soviet troops?

In any case, they do not conduct such hostilities as we do. They are huddled there in their camps, bases, they carry out pinpoint special operations, nothing more.

- But to some extent they are trying to build democracy there in their own image and likeness...

You need to know Afghanistan. As long as Washington gives money to Kabul, the Afghan government will tolerate the presence of Americans in the country. You know what our employees say when they come from business trips to Afghanistan after talking with former Mujahideen there. The latter say: we are fools that we fought with you! After all, the Americans deceived us, promised a bright future, and for several years now they have been solving only their "narrow" tasks, while profiting from the fight against international terrorism. And the Soviet Union at one time built roads, schools, hospitals, all social infrastructure in this impoverished country. Visibly built, large.

And how has the attitude towards "warriors-internationalists", or, as they are also called, "Afghans" in Russia and other CIS countries changed over the years?

Yes, in general, no way. "Afghans" in honor, they are appreciated. AT last years we have also established close cooperation with public "Afghan" organizations of the Baltic countries. By the way, contrary to a certain opinion, the authorities there do not place any obstacles both for the activities of these organizations within the country and in terms of communication with us. Except Turkmenistan. The local "Afghans", and there are more than 12 thousand of them, closed in on themselves. We correspond with them, provide them with some assistance, I personally invite them to our events, but alas...

- What is the help you provide?

Once a year, we approve a program of medical and social rehabilitation. At present, our committee has registered 2,000 internationalist soldiers with no upper and lower limbs, 1,600 of them have no both legs, 15 have both arms, 30 have no legs and one arm, 430 live with one arm. The number of disabled people is growing. If in 1991 there were 15 thousand of them, then in 2003 their number exceeded 20 thousand people. Every year, up to 12% of the children - participants in hostilities are recognized as disabled for the first time. War catches up with them sometimes in the worst manifestations.

Also, through the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly, we are trying to synchronize some things. For example, there used to be benefits for "Afghans", but now they have been canceled in many countries. Let it be. But in other countries, for example, in Russia, free transport for "Afghans" remained. And we want an "Afghan", for example, from Ukraine, to be able to travel around Russia for free. Therefore, we are seeking the introduction of some kind of unified certificates.

- How many internationalist soldiers are now fighting in Afghanistan?

According to the official data given to us by the republics, there are 673,846 people. These are those that were called up from the territories of the CIS countries. Most of them are in Russia (306,600), Ukraine (160,375) and Uzbekistan (72,102), least of all - in Moldova (7412), Armenia (5371) and Azerbaijan and Georgia equally - 3369 people each. In addition, 5,400 "Afghans" live in Lithuania, 2,350 in Latvia and 1,652 "Afghans" in Estonia.

Your committee, unlike, say, the organization headed by Boris Gromov, deals not only with "Afghans" ...

Yes, the internationalist soldiers are not only those who fulfilled their internationalist duty in Afghanistan. These are those who once fought in Korea, Vietnam, Egypt, Algeria, Syria, Cuba ... We also have data on these military personnel, along with Afghanistan in 17 countries. I think that there are no more than 300-400 thousand of them. We don't have an exact number. The fact is that many of them are still "closed" now, for many years it was believed that those wars were not wars, not military conflicts as well as foreign business trips. Afghanistan in this sense sounded for the first time.

They say that you have some kind of competition with the governor of the Moscow region Boris Gromov in terms of influence on the "Afghans"?

It's more leisurely. We cooperate normally, like comrades-in-arms. They participate in the events of our committee, we - in those organized and carried out by them.

The problem must be seen elsewhere. At the moment, in a country like Russia, which does not get out of wars, or from conflicts, or from counter-terrorism operations, there is still no state body that would deal with "Afghans", "Algerians", "Spaniards", "Chechens" "and other internationalist warriors. And let's say, in the same USA there is a Department of Veterans Affairs. This ministry is allocated $36 billion annually, which is almost a third of the budget. Russian Federation. And we have a law on veterans, a good law, which was adopted long ago and in the development of which we participated, practically does not work in its financial part. Its articles, when the budget is adopted, are suspended.

- Afghan and Chechen war Are they similar in your opinion?

Both wars are similar in that in both we are fighting partisans of the same kind. Therefore, in combat and in moral and psychological terms, the Afghan and Chechen wars are one and the same. But in the political and legal sense, these are, of course, completely different things.

But there is another aspect. Our state does not realize that when soldiers return from a war, be it "Afghan" or "Chechen", they need to be dealt with - in many areas. Our first return from Afghanistan was in 1980, in 1981, and the "Afghans" of the 80s still managed to somehow grab onto a peaceful life. Benefits were introduced, we were given jobs, we were given apartments, we were treated, our youth was brought up by our examples... Later, when perestroika broke out, and then democracy, the market, all this was much more difficult to do. What to say today about "Chechens"?! They don't do anything for them right now. Take the same "combat". Increased salaries will be introduced and for months, or even years, they do not pay the money due.

I understand this matter as follows: an appropriate program is created, and funds are allocated for it, a responsible official is appointed for its implementation, and so on. And we are told: why create a program or - all the more - some special body, when we have the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Social Protection, the Pension Fund? So they each pull their own, but a little problem: it’s not mine, it’s not mine ... And then, do not confuse the problems common man and the problems of those who passed fighting, are very different things.

This is one. But we are in the process Chechen campaigns made a mistake - they began to send police units to Chechnya, designed to protect public order. There he, a policeman, shot at people, killed, shot at him, and now he has returned with his psyche turned upside down and must continue to protect public order! The "Chechen Syndrome" in the police environment is already working today, from "Chechen" police officers to those who did not participate in this counter-terrorist operation, an example of this is the numerous cases of bullying of citizens by people in police uniforms.

- Do you consider the participation of the army in this war normal?

Of course not! The army has its own specific and well-known purpose - the defense of the state, the defense of the country. And what did the army do in Chechnya? Passed by tanks from Stavropol to Georgia, acquired the image of "occupier", "punisher". What next? In Chechnya, issues were initially supposed to be resolved internal troops, special forces such as "Alpha", "Vympel".

- What is your forecast of the situation in Chechnya?

As it goes, so everything will go. No war, no peace. Both in the near future and in the longer term. In addition, it is clear that the situation there is being fueled by external forces. The same Americans openly declared the Caucasus a zone of their interests.

They say that the problem is that if the leaders of the separatists - Basayev and Maskhadov - are caught, the situation will change in better side and even break.

Stupidity! They killed Dudayev - and what has changed? Money went from one to another or to others. The problem is that during the years of the war there appeared fighters even worse than Basayev, or Gelayev, or any of their ilk. There, since 1992, when the events began, young people have grown up who neither studied at school nor were in the Komsomol (by the way, unlike Basayev), who are generally illiterate, learned only to play with military weapons and see the enemy in everyone Russian soldier. Those who in 1994, when the war began, were 7-10 years old, today 17-20, these are real wolves. For ten years, they only saw that they wanted to beautifully destroy them ("two regiments"), and they were brought up in the spirit of the fact that their enemy is Russia.

- Did you finally leave politics? Do you have any plans for the future?

I don't have any plans yet. I do committee business and I love it. At one time, I came into politics by force. And if I wanted to become, say, a deputy, I would have no problems. But I dont want. I can’t imagine what I would do in the current State Duma... Is this the State Duma?!

Chechen fighters unexpectedly became famous in the field of struggle against the West. It happened on the Afghan front. In terms of their fighting qualities, they outdid the local dushmans and Arab mercenaries. This was openly recognized by the military experts of the NATO countries. In particular, the Canadian newspaper "The National Post" writes: "The most persistent enemies of the Canadian military in Afghanistan are people from Chechnya. Soldiers of the 22nd Van Doos Canadian Regiment confirm her words. According to them, the toughest resistance in Afghanistan to them are provided not by the Taliban, but Chechen fighters: "In terms of their fighting qualities, these are the best opponents of those who had to face before."

It is worth noting that this regiment is fighting in the Panjwai and Zahri regions. However, it would be a mistake to think that the natives of Chechnya were noted only in these areas. It is very simple to determine the "geography" of the Chechen stay on Afghan soil: where the most fierce battles take place, the natives of Grozny and Vedeno have made their mark. Traditionally since the Soviet era, the provinces of Kandahar and Helmand have been among the most problematic. Western forces are still unable to take full control of these areas. Rather, they control only large settlements where NATO troops are stationed, and even then only during the day. At night, in the same recalcitrant Kandahar, the Islamists reign.

NATO experts see the reason for the deterioration of the situation in Afghanistan, which some people almost wrote down as "Western colonies", in increased attention to this country from Al-Qaeda. According to Brigadier General Mark Haynes, commander of the Canadian military contingent in Afghanistan and who is also deputy commander of NATO forces in the southern sector, foreign fighters are increasingly complicating the situation.

And although Europe and the United States in words act as a kind of champions of democracy, in reality the situation is different. And a clear confirmation of this is, in fact, the information vacuum created in Afghanistan by their hands. However, sometimes the veil of secrecy is nevertheless pierced by the news of massive NATO air strikes on a particular area, that major military clashes have taken place in a particular area. In addition, the increased activity of local resistance is also evidenced by the fact that recent times cases of helicopter crashes of coalition countries have become more frequent there.

Warriors from the North Atlantic Alliance mistakenly see one of the reasons for such an aggravation, unexpected for the West, in the decline in the authority of the Taliban among the Afghan population. In their opinion, the Afghans are already tired of the war and want peace first of all. And allegedly for this reason they began to recruit foreigners into their ranks, including Chechens, who give them heat. However, this explanation does not withstand scrutiny. It is worth saying that the Taliban were and remain popular in the places where they come from. Mostly, these are the areas of traditional Pashtun residence near the border with Pakistan. At the same time, in the northern regions, where Uzbeks and Tajiks live, the Taliban never had special influence. And this situation is last decade changed little.

Be that as it may, the reason for the ever-increasing proportion of foreigners among Afghans is different. In his comment "NewsInfo" Chief Editor Colonel Mikhail Boltunov, an expert in the field of anti-terror, noted in the Orientir magazine of the Ministry of Defense: “You shouldn’t be surprised that there are many foreign volunteers among the Taliban. You won’t surprise anyone in Afghanistan. faced with these foreign Mujahideen. Whoever was there! Arabs from almost all countries of the world, Pakistanis, Persians. In general, you can’t count everyone. When the Americans came to Afghanistan, they faced the same thing, if you remember who still sits in Guantanamo."

Thus, foreign mujahideen have already developed the tradition of "jihad tour to Kabul" and go there along the knurled track. The thing is that after the fall of the Najibullah regime in the internecine struggle, the Afghans lost many veterans of the war against the Soviet army and by the time the Western forces invaded, they did not have time to properly prepare new fighters. And therefore, according to NATO experts, the level of training of the Mujahideen, whom the Taliban manage to recruit among the local population, is very low. Therefore, they strive to get more "educated personnel" at any cost. Chechens, veterans of the last two Caucasian wars, are the most attractive element in this situation. These are a kind of "universal soldiers" that are suitable not only for "direct" use in combat, but also as instructors.

However, the data on the "Chechen trace" are not so sensational. When NATO troops were just entering Afghanistan, information immediately appeared that it was the natives of Chechnya who were providing the most violent resistance to them.

It is worth noting that recently the number of terrorist activity on Chechen soil has dropped sharply. How can this situation be explained? Firstly, the growing authority in Chechnya itself of Ramzan Kadyrov, on the other hand, the behavior of Moscow, which is pursuing a policy in the republic aimed at showing the Chechens that it is much more profitable for them in all respects to live with the federal center in the world. In other words, according to the reviews of the Arabic-language media, which previously occupied a Russophobic policy, Russia, in a certain sense, was able to reverse the previous situation, when many in the Islamic world perceived it as an aggressor.

In recent years, our country, supporting Iran and a number of Arab countries and movements against Israel and the United States, has established itself as a defender of the Islamic world. And not only abroad, but also among many Caucasians. To a large extent, this was facilitated by the recent deployment of Chechen battalions and units of Russian engineering troops to Lebanon, where they were engaged in the restoration of bridges destroyed by Israeli aviation. This became a real and high-profile PR campaign of Russia in Arab and Muslim countries.

Is that why Chechen fighters shifted their activity to Afghanistan and Iraq? In other words, they attacked the West, which had recently defended them. Russia is simply obliged to use this situation to its advantage. Of course, bellicose moods among part of the population of the Caucasus were observed very often. For example, after the victorious end of the Caucasian War of 1817–64. one of the forms of their expression was abrechestvo. However royal Russia took advantage of such militant moods during the First World War, creating in 1915 the famous Wild (Native) division from representatives of all Caucasian peoples, in varying proportions included in the Dagestan, Ingush, Kabardian, Tatar, Circassian and Chechen regiments.

Thus, the king gave the Caucasian peoples great confidence. Some of the advisers dissuaded him from this step, assuring that such a part would immediately go over to the side of the enemy. However, the ideas of the pessimists were not heard. The tsar was forced to take this measure by the difficult situation at the front. However, the Caucasian volunteers exceeded all expectations with their valor, heroism and patriotism. The experiment was so successful that in 1917 the division was deployed into a corps. And while in simple parts there was a general desertion under the influence of the defeatist agitation of the Bolsheviks, the "Natives" fully retained their combat capability, as evidenced by their use by Kornilov during the August speech of 1917.

Why not try to use a similar historical experience against the same West in such a situation? It is worth noting that among a significant part of Muslims living in Russia, the actions of the United States in Afghanistan and Iraq are perceived as personal grief and the murder of brothers in the Faith. So maybe we should not interfere, but should encourage the just desire on the part of many of them to protect their fellow believers? After all, implicitly such fighters help Russia too. After all, the more NATO gets bogged down in the same Afghanistan and Iraq, the less Brussels and Washington will put pressure on Moscow.

The last war of the Soviet Army was started and ended in the very center of Asia - on the land of ancient Afghanistan. Herat, Bagram, Khost, Jalalabad, Kabul, Kandahar…
Until relatively recently, these names were for us, who lived in the then Soviet Union, very distant and at the same time close geographical points.
Far away because these cities were in Afghanistan, close because our peers, friends and relatives were there. Every time we heard these names, we worried about the fate of our guys who were there, beyond the “river” (Amu-Darya is a river on the border between the USSR and Afghanistan).
They are remembered on February 15, when on that cold windy day in 1989 the last Soviet soldier of a limited contingent of Soviet troops left the Afghan land.
It was a strange and lingering war, about the victories and defeats of which Soviet people knew little. This war had its own characteristics.

I would like to recall the guys called up from the Chechen Republic to fulfill their international duty in Afghanistan. The events in Chechnya and the subsequent two wars made the topic of the participation of the natives of the Chechen Republic in the Afghan war closed and almost forgotten for a long time.

According to available information from the chairman of the Chechen regional branch of the All-Russian public organization"Russian Union of Veterans of Afghanistan" Salam Asuev, during the period of the presence of Soviet troops in Afghanistan, 2441 natives of the then Chechen-Ingushetia underwent military service. Of this number, having fulfilled their military duty to the end, 69 people died. Of these, 44 Chechens, 24 Russians and one Ukrainian. three more dead Chechens called up outside the republic.

At present, there are 670 members of the organization in the database of the Chechen branch of the Union of Afghan Veterans. It should be noted that during the entire ten-year Afghan war, not a single one of our countrymen was taken prisoner, did not become a deserter or went missing.

The military events in Chechnya made their sad adjustments. After Afghanistan, 170 people were killed and died. Ten people are still missing, not in that distant country, but in their homeland, at home, during the period of hostilities.

Heroes of the Soviet Union from Chechnya

Until now, the only Hero of the Soviet Union from among the natives of the Chechen Republic was Georgy Demchenko, who was awarded this the highest award posthumously. I didn't know him, although we were both the same age and lived in Grozny just a few blocks from each other.

Fulfilling his international duty in Afghanistan, Senior Lieutenant Demchenko died in 1983. When performing a combat mission, he was surrounded by superior enemy forces and, covering the retreat of his comrades, so as not to be captured, Demchenko blew himself up with a grenade. Then he was 23 years old. He was buried in the central city cemetery of Grozny.

24 years after his death, in April 2007, I was present at the exhumation of his remains. During the hostilities in Grozny, one of the artillery shells hit directly on Demchenko's grave, splitting the marble monument in two. City Administration brought the grave into proper shape, glued the monument.

The exhumation took place at the request of the Hero's parents, who moved to Volgograd with the start of the Chechen war. The parents were of advanced age and, for health reasons, could not visit their son's grave in Grozny.

They appealed to the President of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov, who went to meet the wishes of Demchenko's parents. On his instructions, all necessary measures were taken to exhume and transport the remains to the new burial site.

I especially remember that after so many years, on top of the zinc coffin, the cockade and flag from the paratrooper's beret were completely untouched by corrosion.

Salamu Asuev, who was present at the funeral ceremony, said then that "the youth of the Chechen Republic was brought up by such a countryman as Georgy Demchenko."

Chechen veterans of Afghanistan expressed their regret that one of their combat comrades, many years after his death, leaves his homeland. However, according to them, "the desire of his parents for his former brothers in arms is sacred." Hero of the Soviet Union Georgy Demchenko was given military honors. After that, the funeral escort went to Volgograd.

Friends and fellow soldiers say that Suleiman Khachukaev was to become another Hero. He also saved an entire reconnaissance company at the cost of his life. Not allowed. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Lenin, which was usually awarded along with the Golden Star.

A year after the Hero of the Soviet Union Demchenko found his last resting place in Volgograd, it suddenly became known that among the natives of our republic there is another Hero of the Soviet Union. It turned out to be the now living Ruslan Zaipulaev.

Zaipulaev was awarded the highest award of military glory back in 1990 for the courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty during the military operations in Afghanistan. As you know, a year later the USSR ceased to exist as a great country, and the award was lost. Perhaps it was deliberately lost due to the well-known political events that began in 1991 in Chechen Republic. After only 18 years, the award found a hero. In 2008, Ruslan was awarded the "Golden Star" of the Hero of the Soviet Union - one of the last Soviet military awards.

The Brotherhood of War

Afghanistan has become a place where the concept of nationality was completely absent. When a fighter donated his blood to a seriously wounded man, he did not ask what nationality and religion he was.

There were other values: brotherhood, friendship, mutual assistance, assistance, it would seem, from hopeless situation.
I clearly remember the story of my relative Hussein Tsamaraev, who went through Afghanistan. He was a tanker, and his countryman named Imran served in the air assault brigade. In one of the few meetings he told Hussein a story that I cannot forget.

By order of the command, Imran with a group of paratroopers went deep into the rear of the territory controlled by the Afghan Mujahideen. The purpose of the dangerous mission was to destroy a large transshipment base of the enemy from huge amount ammunition.

At first, everything went well. Without any special incidents, they reached the location of the base, staged a grandiose "fireworks" and began to retreat without loss. Having woken up from such a daring sortie "shuravi" (as the soldiers of the Soviet Army were called), the Mujahideen organized a persecution, regularly coming into combat contact with the paratroopers.

Despite their losses, the dushmans continued to press stubbornly. For an independent retreat to their own and scattering the pursuers, the paratroopers decided to disperse in five people. Imran was appointed as the squad leader. His group made their way along the most difficult mountain route. Soon the first wounded appeared. Leaving became even more difficult. In a moment of desperation, Imran decided to stay and cover the retreat of his comrades.

In a moment of respite, he spoke of his decision. In the ensuing silence, which seemed to last an eternity, but in fact some seconds, the voice of one of the fighters was heard. Everyone called him Sanka, probably because he looked too boyish. This was his first baptism of fire.

“Commander,” he said, “let me stay,” said Sanka. Imran was taken aback by such a request, as if it was about something ordinary. “Salaga, didn’t you hear the order? - It’s said that everyone should leave!” - "Guys! You all have parents. And I have no one, I'm an orphanage. So, there is no one to cry for me, ”he said with a sad, somewhat apologetic smile. Despite the order, and then persuasion, Sanka remained there. Forever... Thanks to him, the remaining fighters safely reached the location of their troops. I didn't know this guy, but I remember him, nineteen years old, forever.

A resident of Gekhi Ruslan Saraliyev, at the age of eighteen, immediately went to Afghanistan, having served as an anti-aircraft gunner for exactly two years of military service. He recalls how, after typhus, he ended up in the hospital, he was offered a commission. When meeting with his countrymen, he told them about this proposal. Together with him, six Chechens and four Ingush were in his unit. His final decision was: “I came here with you and will leave, Allah willing, home with you.”

There, in the hospital, he met another fellow countryman, a resident of the village of Chishki, Said-Selim Eskiev. It was their first and last meeting. Eskiev served at a remote post near locality Surabi near the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. When he had two months left before the end of his service life, his detachment went on a combat mission. When one of those walking in front heard a click under his feet, Eskiev, without hesitation, pushed him away and himself lay down on a mine, saving his comrades with his life.

Bilal Tatashov recalls how, after his service in Afghanistan, his younger brother Khalil. Once, while escorting a column, he ended up in the unit in which Bilal served and met his colleague Yusup-Khadzhi from the Gudermes region.

“We had a rule that when a Chechen retired, then, signing his name, he handed over his belt to the Chechen who remained to serve. When I handed over my belt to Yusup-Khadzhi, there were already five names on it. After talking with my brother, Yusup-Khadzhi gave him the very belt that I had given him at one time, ”recalls Bilal Tatashov.

It should be noted that just five years later, already during the hostilities in the Chechen Republic, the military fraternity turned out to be stronger than political prejudices. It is known that part of the Chechen "Afghans" during the period of hostilities in the territory of the Chechen Republic were part of illegal armed formations. However, this did not prevent them from maintaining contacts with the "Afghans" from the regions of Russia, who asked to search for missing soldiers, as well as military personnel who were in captivity.

The military brotherhood proved to be stronger than political prejudices. It is known that part of the Chechen "Afghans" during the period of hostilities in the territory of the Chechen Republic were part of illegal armed formations. However, this did not prevent them from getting in touch with the "Afghans" from the regions of Russia, who asked to search for missing soldiers, as well as military personnel who were in captivity.

So, for example, veterans of the war in Afghanistan, with the help of their fighting Chechen friends, assisted in the release of Major Morozov and his group of 50 people from captivity.

And here is how Major Morozov, commander of the detachment of the 22nd arr. interrogated the head of intelligence and the head of counterintelligence of the Shali region. Both are former military men who served in Afghanistan.

It's getting dark. We sit in the chamber. They come in: "Morozov, let's go." Well, I think it's starting. We leave the building of the department of state security of the Shali region, before the police were there. They are so quiet to me: "Just be calm, don't twitch." And we look almost the same. All in camouflage and black knitted hats. I have grown in a few days.

We leave, cross the square and go to the cafe. We sit down at the table. They said something, and soon a bottle of vodka, pickles and some other snack appeared on the table. They pour and say: "Well, bro, let's meet." Like, “Afghan” brothers, etc. Then they say: “You know, we have not yet decided what to do with your detachment. But if it comes to wet you, then you know, a hand will not rise against you. There is a Zhiguli, let's take you to Khasavyurt now, and everything will be fine with you. And then we will decide with the detachment. I refused this offer." As you know, the entire detachment returned home safely. Such is the story of former brothers-in-arms who, by the will of fate, found themselves in different sides"barricade".

With the help of Chechen "Afghans" in the summer of 1998, two more conscripts of the year were released.
We must pay tribute to the then young people - our countrymen, who with honor passed the roads and gorges of Afghanistan.

In total, 293 Chechens were awarded state awards. Combat awards of our fellow countrymen, of which 1 person was awarded the Order of Lenin (posthumously), 2 people of the Battle Red Banner (1 posthumously), two Orders of the Red Star - 2 people, the Order of the Red Star - 77 people (38 posthumously), the medal "For Courage "- 109 and the medal "For Military Merit" - 84 people.

Document-reference about losses in Afghanistan

In total, 13833 people were killed, died from wounds and diseases, including 1979 officers.
In total, 49985 people were wounded, including 7132 officers.
Became disabled - 6669 people.
Are on the wanted list - 330 people.
200 thousand people were awarded orders and medals of the USSR, 76 of them became Heroes of the Soviet Union. A total of 5,462,555 people passed through Afghanistan.
(Data of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces, 1989)
Publicity. - 1991. - N 29.
* * *
According to updated data, the following died in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989:
Russians - 6888
Ukrainians - 2378
Belarusians - 613
Uzbeks - 1086
Tatars - 442
Kazakhs - 362
Turkmens - 263
Tajiks - 236
Azerbaijanis - 195
Moldovans - 194
Kyrgyz - 102
Bashkirs - 98
Armenians - 95
Georgians - 81
mordva - 66
Lithuanians - 57
Mari - 49
Chechens - 47
Ossetians - 30
Kabardians - 25
Latvians - 23
Kalmyks - 22
Udmurts - 22
Komi - 16
Estonians - 15
Ingush - 12
Balkars - 9
Jews - 7
Abkhazians - 6
Karelians - 6
Karakalpak - 5
Tuvans - 4
Buryats - 4
Yakuts - 1
other peoples and nationalities - 168
nationalities of Dagestan - 101

Chechens take 18th place in the martyrology among the representatives of 67 nationalities of the Soviet Union who took part in the Afghan war. Most of them were not even twenty years old. War is the business of the young, the cure for wrinkles.


The Americans and their allies have been in Afghanistan longer than the Soviet troops.
November 26, 2010 marks 9 years and 50 days since the soldiers
NATO coalitions invaded the mountain ranges of Afghanistan. Exactly so much
the military operation that the USSR carried out in Afghanistan lasted. Rubicon,
as they say, we have moved on and it is already possible to draw some conclusions, to
comparisons and parallels, make predictions.

When Washington in 2001 introduced its troops into the "nest of the world
terrorism" in Afghanistan, in the post-Soviet space only a lazy
did not exercise wit on this occasion, skeptically assessing the chances
NATO. The Western world, on the contrary, arrived in enviable confidence that
they definitely will not repeat the mistakes of the totalitarian Land of Soviets and in
the foreseeable future will achieve the desired goal. In Europe and America, they believed
that all sorts of comparisons of the Afghan wars of the USA and the USSR in this case
out of place. However, it has now become clear that comparing the situation of the 1980s and
2000s is not only possible, but also necessary: ​​9-year history of the Afghan
war gave a huge layer of material in need of analysis, comparison and
forecasting the situation.

What do the aggressor countries of the USSR and the USA have in common with respect to Afghanistan?

Experts from the academy and exchange trading identified a number of patterns:
1. and the USSR and the USA at the time of the introduction of their troops
Afghanistan were superpowers. Their military potential was enormous,
which, in turn, made it possible to count on a quick and unambiguous
2. both states were some kind of empires,
that is, carriers of a supranational ideology. The USSR fought for the triumph
communism throughout the world, the United States - for the victory of democracy. The armies of these countries
were international, that is, theoretically they could not
be guided in their actions by nationalist motives;
3. and in 1979-80 and in 2001 the invasion was carried out with lightning speed and almost without bloodshed;
4. military personnel of the USA and the USSR distinguished by high fighting spirit;
5. command of both armies declared control over the entire territory of Afghanistan;
6. number of OKSVA in different years
ranged from 80 to 104 thousand military personnel (this is not counting the employees
intelligence agencies, instructors and civilian specialists). As part of the troops
ISAF now operates about 130 thousand soldiers and officers (this is not counting
allegedly civilian employees of various security structures);
7. both the US and the USSR installed a puppet government in Afghanistan, which was financially supported, unsuccessfully trying to put on his shoulders many hardships of the war.
As you can see, the initial data of the two states participating in the war in
Afghanistan are roughly comparable. During the same
activities, there were both certain similarities and significant

What is the difference between the Afghan wars of the USSR and the USA?

The analytical service of the Masterforex-V Academy explained that:
against the Soviet troops many fought
disparate detachments of the Mujahideen of various political views,
religious predilections (Tajiks and Uzbeks are moderate Sunnis, Pashtuns are
orthodox Sunnis, residents of the province of Herat - Shiites, among the population
Ismailism is widespread in Badakhshan), ethnicity. General
the number of armed opposition during the Soviet occupation is estimated
from 300 to 500 thousand people;
against NATO in Afghanistan is now at war
only one Taliban movement plus a small organization
Al Qaeda. The Taliban are predominantly Pashtuns who profess to
radical forms of Sunni Islam. The number of Taliban is unlikely
exceeds 100 thousand fighters;
in the 1980s, the Afghan Mujahideen were supported by the United States, Pakistan, China, Iran, all Arab countries;
Now to the Taliban have a hidden
patronage only Pakistani intelligence services, a little Iran and some
Arab organizations. In fact, the Taliban are forced to rely only on
the people of Afghanistan and then only on certain tribes and ethnic groups.
This is clearly not enough to conduct large-scale hostilities;
USSR, which was the leader of the Warsaw bloc,
still did not draw allies into Afghanistan: Poles, Czechs,
Gedeerites, Bulgarians. This made it possible to rely solely on their own
strength, to ensure unity of command and not to share responsibility. Even with
from a human point of view, such a step looks more noble
(Eastern European allies, however, did not appreciate this, but now
got the opportunity to taste all the "charms" of the Afghan war);
US initiates deployment of NATO troops to Afghanistan,
Fortunately, all member countries of the Alliance fully supported such a decision.
Now Afghan warriors will appear in more than 20 countries, including not even
NATO Australia and New Zealand.

The results of the operation can be called twofold:
One side, neither the USSR nor the USA
were able to achieve their goals in Afghanistan. Socialism is not
built, Bin Laden was not caught, Al-Qaeda was not destroyed, democracy was not
distributed, it turns out, only people were lost in vain.
On the other side, loss figures are largely
are not comparable, which gives grounds for many experts to talk about explicit
successes and advantages of NATO. During the 1980s, the death toll in Afghanistan
or more than 15 thousand Soviet servicemen died, more than 53 thousand were
wounded and 417 missing. At the same time, the troops of the international
coalitions have lost 6,900 troops to date and over 12,500 have been
In this case, NATO functionaries and analysts, in the absence of real
successes have to be content with little: they are not proud of what
brought peace to Afghanistan, and by the fact that they lost soldiers less than the USSR.
Allegedly, this clearly proves the effectiveness of the North Atlantic
Alliance. But the difference in losses, of course, has an explanation.

How can one explain the difference in the losses of troops in the "Afghan wars" of the USSR and the USA?

As Rasul Zhalalov, representative of the community of traders and investors from the USA and Canada of the Masterforex-V Academy, explained:
Soviet troops regularly or alone
conducted major military operations, or entrusted them to local allies,
tight control over execution. In any case, combat activity in
in the 1980s was much higher than in the 2000s. Limited contingent up to
last days tried to carry out important strategic tasks, for example,
close the border with Pakistan, clear of Afghan insurgents
Pansher Gorge.
NATO soldiers for the most part
profess defense tactics, they control only the capital of the country,
conditionally some big cities and communication routes (only about 10-11%
territory of Afghanistan, while Soviet army really kept in
their hands 30-35%).
Soviet soldiers often performed
tasks unusual for them: built, helped in economic activity
etc. There were a lot of restrictions on the use of weapons.
Twenty years later, the Americans and their allies,
professing the priority of the life of their own military personnel, massively
shoot to kill at the slightest danger, almost never go beyond
limits of their well-fortified bases and try to avoid combat
clashes before the arrival of significant reinforcements. In fact, now in
Afghanistan is fighting only aviation and intelligence, under such conditions, losses
coalitions could be reduced altogether to a minimum.
Soviet soldiers used local water,
in connection with which the number of gastrointestinal diseases has steadily increased.
A significant part of the losses is due to this reason.
Americans and their allies consume only products delivered by planes from their native countries. Even water is brought to them in plastic bottles.

Thus, it is rather difficult to judge whose actions in Afghanistan are more effective.. Of course, you can make forecasts, but they are also rather illusory. It is now quite obvious that
* the loss of the coalition in Afghanistan will only grow (already today the average annual figure is comparable to the Soviet one);
* discontent in NATO countries will also increase significantly, then the troops
will be withdrawn, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan will again be engulfed by civil
war, and it will finally plunge into the Middle Ages.

Question: Will the United States fall apart “after Afghanistan” like Soviet Union . Of course not.
* The USSR collapsed not at all because of Afghan war;
* Americans will think they won in Afghanistan. US residents
never forget the main thing: to look at the world exclusively in
in a positive way.

The editors of the "Market Leader" magazine and experts from the Academy of Forex and Stock Trading Masterforex-V : Why is the US still in Afghanistan? Answer options:
* fight against terrorism
* drug traffic control
* spreading its influence in Central Asia, limiting the access of China and Russia there.

Source "Market Leader"

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